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Grasshopper应当主要是面向设计人员的,特点是直观(包括模块调用简单直观、数据关系直观和DEBUG直观)和模块(module)化,降低了设计人员使用的编程工具的难度。模块化以“Galapagos“为例,调用这个运算器,就可以应用进化算法或者退火算法解决需要利用收敛性来计算出的最值问题,而不需要真正编写这段程序,也不需要真正理解这种算法,只需要知道能解决哪些问题就好了(当然,主流编程语言也都有自己庞大的module库供直接调用)。GH最大的优势在于直观。用一种非常直观的方式将模块库呈现出来,易于调用,也便于建筑及相关行业的设计师的理解,有些图形界面的感觉,降低了学习成本。而在GH 中,数据之间的关系也通过连线的方式,能够”顺藤摸瓜“找到数据继承和变化的过程,而不像用语句编程时需要通过界面的高亮显示来找出变量出现的多个位置(这也是我喜欢用GH做学习笔记的原因,建立知识脑图,且可以插入图片)。GH应当也算是一种编程语言,也有相应的DEBUG过程,只不过不为我们清晰认识。有两种方式可以获得DEBUG后的反馈信息,一种是运算自身的报错,还有一种是发现结果与预期偏差后,通过找到相关的运算器来进行BUG的定位。基本上是时时刻刻都在自动DEBUG,而且你每增加的一个”小电池“大多数都会在RHINO窗口中有一个直观的预览,很符合工程设计人员的习惯。

浅谈Rhino script和Grasshopper的区别

要理解Grasshopper 和Rhino script的区别要从VNSCRIPT的术语类(CLASS)、对象(OBJECT)、组件(COMPONENT)说起。严格意义上说对象是复杂数据和程序结构在内存中的表现,对象不必如数组那样单纯放些数据(以属性的方式),对象的“行为”可以表现为方法。属性可以存放一些数据,而方法可以是过程或函数。类是对象的模板。组件是类的打包机制,程序员可以用其他方式编写相互关联的类时,如果想让其他人也能在运行适用这些类创建对象就应该将其打包,并将这些类以组件的形式发布。方法实际上就是函数和过程的另一个名称,当函数或过程成为类的一部分时,就可以将其称为方法。Grasshopper属于RHINO中的一个组件,只有程序员编译过的类才能在GRASSHOPPER中适用,所以GRASSHOPPER不断有新的组件产生,会不断升级。而RHINO script有一个比较完善的方法集合(METHODS),大家可以打开RHINO SCRIPT中的帮助文件,看到其中有很多METHODS的分类,所以RHINO SCRIPT有相对更完善的方法库可以调用,方便程序的设计,而GRASSHOPPE组件上手容易,虽然功能不足,但可以用VB,VC的组件来弥补数据处理中的一部分不足.




grasshopper n. 蚱蜢例句:said the Grasshopper; we have got plenty of food at present.草蜢说,我们目前已经得到充足的食物。"Oh, it was only a grasshopper. " said the girl.“唉,那不过是只蚱蜢,”女孩说道。Who"s playing music? The grasshopper is playing music.谁在演奏音乐?蚱蜢在演奏音乐。





grass 和 lawn 表示草坪有什么区别啊


grassland meadow区别?


花园有许多草Tere____ ____ ____ grass in the garden.

There_are___ _lots___ _of___ grass in the garden.

dining hall grass gym ago 造句?

如果要把这些单词连成一个句子造句,可以这么写:There was a dining hall on the grass near the gym one year ago.



grassroots level是什么意思

grassroots level 基层Extending democracy at the grassroots level is the groundwork for developing socialist democracy. 扩大基层民主,是发展社会主义民主的基础性工作。



GrassRoots G系列的电吉他性价比怎么样




【帮俺看看这把bass】GrassRoots G-AK-65


grassland dwellers

这个问题真好. 虽然typical是个形容词,但是在词组typical of里面的typical已经名词化了.也就是说这里的typical=typical +对应名词,typical of=typical + 对应名词 of 比如 typical of=typical characteristic of表示”是.的典型特征“. 原句中Typical of the grassland dwellers=Typical dweller of the grassland dwellers Typical grassland dwellers 也是说得通的,这里typical就是一形容词.不过这个时候后面的谓语该用复数are,后面的表语似乎也要用复数. 以下为词典原句.其中的typical实际上都已经名词化了. Snow is typical of winter in the north. 雪是北方冬天的特征. It is typical of him to take hard jobs . 这幅画是他早期作品相当典型的代表作. 欢迎探讨词法语法问题.

keep out the grass

We can often see the notice"___C____ the grass" in the park. A.Keep away from 远离 B.Keep out 使在外 C.Keep off 让开,不接近 D.Keep up 不低落,维持,继续

Supergrass的《Fin》 歌词

歌曲名:Fin歌手:Supergrass专辑:Road To RouenSupergrass -- FinI hold it all to the love in her eyesLord knows I can feel her, see her, in my mindAnd her spoken words ring through my headThough I"m lost, I can hear them calling me thereHey, the song, do you feel (feel)Leave your light on through the nightLove (love) and loss so dearYou know it"s a long way homeWell a lonely road to the promised landMay be long but I see the end some dayTo broken lives on the mountain sideOut in the cold, kinda hurried shifting sandsThey"re in the other world to where you liePulling your heart then the ravens say goodbyeHey, the song, do you feel?And leave your light on through the nightLoss, from .... so dearYou know it"s a long way homeVery soft,very comfortable song...


fields 田地grass 草,野草

there are a flock of sheep to eat grass on the h

There is a flock of sheep eating grass on the hill.

The girl is lying on the grass,with her eyes ____(open).(用动词的适当形式填空)


Dry Grass & Shadows 歌词

歌曲名:Dry Grass & Shadows歌手:Alela Diane专辑:To Be StillAlela Diane - Dry Grass & ShadowsThere are things that I"ve seen in my headWhile I"m sleeping in bedDo not wither in the morning lightI"m taken backO I"m taken backTo the dry grass and the shadowsThinking I"d like to look at your teethLined up in perfect rowsA maze of children feeding orchard treesWhere the flat lands stretch inside your mouthAnd when you laugh all the star thistles stumble outThe flat lands stretch inside your mouthAnd when you laugh all the star-thistles stumble outStrong spines of valley hillsAll overgrown in goldLook softer than a spool of old silk threadBut if we walked down with our feetI"d be pullin" spines and barbs and fox-tails from your skinO if we walked down with our feetI"d be pullin" spines and barbs and fox-tails from your skinThere are things that I"ve seen in my headWhile I"m sleeping in bedDo not wither in the morning lightI"m taken backO I"m taken backTo the dry grass and the shadowsI"m taken backO I"m taken backTo the dry grass and the shadows

Green Green Grass Of Home 歌词

歌曲名:Green Green Grass Of Home歌手:Fron Male Voice Choir专辑:Voices Of The Valley: HomeThe old home town looks the same,As I step down from the trainAnd there to meet me is my mamma and my poppaDown the road I look, and there runs Mary,Hair of gold and lips like cherries,It"s good to touch the green, green grass of homeYes, they"ll all come to meet me, Arms areaching, smiling sweetly,It"s good to touch the green, green grass of homeThe old house is still standing,Though the paint is cracked and dryAnd there"s that old oak tree, That I used to play on.Down the lane I"ll walk with my sweet Mary,Hair of gold and lips like cherriesIt"s good to touch the green, green grass of home.Then I awake and look around me,At the four gray walls that surround me,And I realize .Yes I was only dreaming,For there"s a guard and a sad old padre,Arm in arm we"ll walk at daybreak,Again I"ll touch the green green grass of homeYes they"ll all come to see me in the shade of that old oak treeAs they lay me neath the green green grass of home

the grass is always greener是什么意思

the grass is always greener喜新厌旧望采纳,谢谢


grass valley[地名] [美国] 格拉斯瓦利




grass的复数形式为grasses,grass的基本意思是“草”,指各种草的总称,通常长有绿色的叶子,可以被牛、羊等动物食用的草,也可指铺设草坪用的草,还可指一片长满草的区域,即“草地,草坪,牧场”。 grass的复数例句 1.The flower beds were overrun with grasses. 花坛里杂草横生。 2.A sweet fragrance rose from the wild grasses. 野草散发出芳香. 3.Grasses were moist with dew. 草被露水沾湿了. 4.The lawn contained a mixture of grasses. 草坪上生长着各种青草。 5.Beaded dewdrops stood upon the leaves and grasses. 露珠儿还逗留在树叶和草叶上. 6.On grasses, injury is usually confined to areas between the veins. 杂草中危害通常仅限于叶脉间的条状区域. 7.Together they batter the trees and level the grasses. 狂风夹着暴雨横扫树林,刮平草原. 8.The sun came out and the grasses dried. 日出草干. 9." But antiquity now is a yellow dust, Confusing in the grasses its ruins and white Bones . " 黄尘足今古,白骨乱蓬蒿. 10. " And now , in the Eighth - month , yellowing Butterflies Hover , two by two, in our west - garden grasses " 八月蝴蝶来,双飞西园草.






grass:grass发音; /ɡrɑːs/ 释义:N-MASS Grass is a very common plant consisting of large numbers of thin, spiky, green leaves that cover the surface of the ground. 青草。


grass 英[ɡrɑ:s] 美[ɡrɑs] n. 草,青草;草地,草坪;告密者;〈俚〉龙须菜 vt. 用草覆盖;使…长满草;使…吃草 vi. 渐渐被草覆盖;放牧 [例句]Do we believe the grass is always greener?例如我们是否认为山那边的草更绿?

grass什么意思啊如题 谢谢了

grass草地;草坪 They are sitting on the grass. 他们坐在草地上。

grass英语如何读 grass英语怎么读

1、读音:英[ɡrɑ_s]、美[ɡr_s]2、n.草; 青草; 牧草; 禾本科植物; 草地; 草坪; 草场; 牧场; 大麻; 向警方告密的人(通常指罪犯);3、vi.(向警方)告密,告发;4、[例句]Flatten the surface of the grass with a roller.用碾轧机把草轧平。5、[其他]第三人称单数:grasses 复数:grasses 现在分词:grassing 过去式:grassed 过去分词:grassed




grass的复数是grasses; grass n.草;青草;牧草;禾本科植物;草地;草坪;草场;牧场; v.(向警方)告密,告发; 第三人称单数: grasses; 复数: grasses; 现在分词: grassing; 过去式: grassed; 过去分词: grassed 扩展资料   Flatten the surface of the grass with a roller.   用碾轧机把草轧平。   The plant resembles grass in appearance.   这种植物的外形像草。   You"re not supposed to walk on the grass.   不准践踏草地。




  我们知道一般 英语单词 中的名词,大多数都有可数名词的用法,grass也不例外。以下是我给大家带来grass可数名词用法,以供参阅。    grass可数用法   grass作“草”“草地,牧场”解时多用作不可数名词,而作“禾本科植物”解时多用作可数名词。   grass的基本意思是“草”,指各种草的总称,通常长有绿色的叶子,可以被牛、羊等动物食用的草,也可指铺设草坪用的草,还可指一片长满草的区域,即“草地,草坪,牧场”。grass还可用于指“禾本科植物”,此时多用来指不同种类的“草”。有时, grass还可指向警察告密的人(自己往往是罪犯),即“告密者”。引申可指“大麻”“基层群众”。   grass的用法辨析   herb, grass, weed这 组词 都有“草”的意思,其区别是:   herb 指可供药用或生产食物调料用的草。   grass 指一般的青草或牧草。   weed 指混在作物中的杂草或园中的野草。   grass 英语 短语 搭配   on the grass 在草地上   green grass 绿色草,青草   forage grass 饲草   grass carp 草鱼,鲩鱼   grass land 草地;草滩   keep off the grass 不践踏草地;小心   grass root 基层;草根   dry grass 干草   grass seed 牧草种子;草籽   grass green n. 草绿色   lemon grass (柠檬)香茅   tall grass 茂草;高茎草   artificial grass 人造草皮   leaves of grass 草叶集(惠特曼的诗集)   sea grass 海草   go to grass ◎(牲畜)被放牧在草场上,放牧,放草 , ◎(人)在乡间度假,休息 , ◎退隐,隐居乡村 , ◎( 拳击 手)被击倒;[ 俚语 ]被打倒,跌倒在地 , ◎[美国俚语]死去,入土;毁灭,完蛋 , ◎去你的,滚开! pasture grass 牧草   grass cloth 夏布   grass court 草地 网球 场   bahia grass [植]百喜草;巴哈雀稗    grass英语例句   1. I let the horse drop his head to crop the spring grass.   我让马低下头啃吃春天的青草。   2. The windows overlooked a lawn of tall waving grass.   窗户外边是一块草地,高高的草随风摇摆。   3. Mr Zuma had a solid reputation as a grass roots organiser.   作为一个民众的组织者,祖玛先生名声甚佳。   4. The most recent tenants hadn"t even cut the grass.   上一拨房客连草都没有修剪。   5. You have to join the party at grass-roots level.   你得参加基层党组织。   6. Their four children turn cartwheels in the grass as we talk.   我们说话的时候,他们家的4个孩子在草地上玩侧手翻。   7. Small things stirred in the grass around the tent.   一些小东西在帐篷四周的草丛里窸窸窣窣地动着。   8. Two men were attempting to scythe the long grass.   两个人正试图割掉疯长的草。   9. The soft wind breathed their names to the newborn grass.   轻风把他们的名字吹向刚刚长出的小草。   10. They should concentrate on rejuvenating the existing vegetation, like grassand shrubs.   他们应该侧重于修整现有的绿化植被,比如草和灌木。   11. There was a smell of trampled grass and earth.   有踩烂的青草与泥土的味道。   12. A gust of breeze moved down the hillside, ruffling the grass.   一阵微风吹下山坡,使青草如波浪起伏。   13. We landed on a grass airstrip, fifteen minutes after leaving Mahe.   离开马埃15分钟后,我们降落在一个临时草地机场上。   14. The old road had disappeared under grass and heather.   从前的那条路已经消失在杂草和欧石南丛中。   15. Grass shears are specially made to trim grass growing in awkward places.




不可数. 当然,在某些具体情景的表达中,可以用可数.比如有人送了你两根草,(具有特别意义),这种时候两棵草,就是可以作为可数名词. grass 做草,牧草;草地,草坪 牧场时不可数的,;grass还可以做 "禾本科植物(包括谷类,芦苇,竹)的意思 时可数.如:a study of different grasses.对各种草研究.




grass是:1.草,牧草2.禾本科植物3.草地,草坪;牧场4.告密者5.大麻。1. If we held the grass still, the big dragonfly saw the obvious trap and it wouldn`t dash to it regardless of its safety.如果,我们拿着一端插着小蜻蜓的草在手上,而不去摇晃它,那么,大蜻蜓就能看清楚,这其实是一个陷阱,它也就不会如此白白地送命了。2. He is crouching on the grass, staring blankly into the distance.他踞坐在草地上,望着远处发呆。3. A: No. Grass-covered ground within a bunker is not part of the bunker.答:不用。沙坑里有草覆盖的地方不是沙坑的一部分。4. Q: A players ball is lying on grass-covered ground within a bunker.问:一名球员的球停在了沙坑里有草覆盖的地方。

grass 草 有没有复数形式





grass是:1.草,牧草2.禾本科植物3.草地,草坪;牧场4.告密者5.大麻。1. If we held the grass still, the big dragonfly saw the obvious trap and it wouldn`t dash to it regardless of its safety.如果,我们拿着一端插着小蜻蜓的草在手上,而不去摇晃它,那么,大蜻蜓就能看清楚,这其实是一个陷阱,它也就不会如此白白地送命了。2. He is crouching on the grass, staring blankly into the distance.他踞坐在草地上,望着远处发呆。3. A: No. Grass-covered ground within a bunker is not part of the bunker.答:不用。沙坑里有草覆盖的地方不是沙坑的一部分。4. Q: A players ball is lying on grass-covered ground within a bunker.问:一名球员的球停在了沙坑里有草覆盖的地方。5. The prospect of application can be much more expansive in the grass roots of vet station and the breed aquatics fild and so on.适用于基层兽医站、养殖场等使用,在今后必定会有更广泛的应用前景。




grass生词本 中频词,你记住了吗?英 [ɡrɑ:s] 美 [ɡrɑs] n. 草,青草;草地,草坪;告密者;〈俚〉龙须菜 vt. 用草覆盖;使…长满草;使…吃草 vi. 渐渐被草覆盖;放牧 网 络 草; 草地; 草地上; 青草 复数:grasses 过去式:grassed 过去分词:grassed 现在分词:grassing 第三人称单数:grasses 词条标签:CET4 CET6 考研 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典 1. N-MASS 物质名词草;青草 Grass is a very common plant consisting of large numbers of thin, spiky, green leaves that cover the surface of the ground. Small things stirred in the grass around the tent... 一些小东西在帐篷四周的草丛里窸窸窣窣地动着。The lawn contained a mixture of grasses. 草坪上生长着各种青草。2. N-SING 单数名词草地;草坪;草场 If you talk about the grass, you are referring to an area of ground that is covered with grass, for example in your garden. 【搭配模式】:usu the NIn the old days, there were strict fines for walking on the grass or missing a study period... 过去,踩踏草坪或旷课都会被重金处罚。I"m going to cut the grass. 我要去修剪草坪了。3. N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词同marijuana Grass is the same as marijuana . 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式I started smoking grass when I was about sixteen. 我大约16岁的时候开始吸大麻。4. VERB 动词(向警方等)揭发,告发 If you say that one person grasses on another, the first person tells the police or other authorities about something criminal or wrong which the second person has done. 【语法信息】:V on n【语法信息】:V【语法信息】:V P n (not pron)【语法信息】:Also V n P【语用信息】:disapproval【语域标签】:BRIT 英【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式His wife wants him to grass on the members of his own gang... 妻子要他向警方告发他所在团伙的成员。He was repeatedly attacked by other inmates, who accused him of grassing.






是的。grassn. 草;青草;牧草;禾本科植物;草地;草坪;草场;牧场v. (向警方)告密,告发




grass[英][ɡrɑ:s] [美][ɡrɑs] 生词本简明释义n.草,青草;草地,草坪;告密者;〈俚〉龙须菜vt.用草覆盖;使…长满草;使…吃草vi.渐渐被草覆盖;放牧复数:grasses第三人称单数:grasses过去式:grassed过去分词:grassed现在分词:grassing易混淆的单词:GrassGRASS以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-MASS草;青草Grass is a very common plant consisting of large numbers of thin, spiky, green leaves that cover the surface of the ground.Small things stirred in the grass around the tent...一些小东西在帐篷四周的草丛里窸窸窣窣地动着。The lawn contained a mixture of grasses.草坪上生长着各种青草。


grass是一款基于GNU GPL协议的地理信息系统软件,该软件功能比较齐全,现在已经被多个政府机构使用。 不少的朋友在计算机软件论坛上,有时候会看到grass这款软件,究竟这款软件都有什么功能?主要应用在哪些领域呢?下面让我们一起去了解吧。 详细内容 01 GRASS具有空间数据管理与分析,图像处理,数字制图,空间建模和可视化等功能。GRASS现已被许多政府机构、大学和环境咨询公司所使用。 02 GRASS的开发工作可以追溯到1982年,当时美国联邦政府联合相关大学和几家私人公司参与了GRASS的最初开发。最后美国军方实验室在前几家的基础上开发了GRASS的核心部分,并在1985年发布了GRASS的第一个版本,即GRASS1.0。 03 GRASS是一个好的GIS研究环境,因为它的OpenSource政策,有许多的大学研究(特别是在欧洲)都在GRASS上面进行工具开发,研究人员都可以对已发布的代码进行利用或者对其进行修改完善,用以适合各自的不同需求。 04 在技术支持以及相关文献的提供上,相对于商业软件仍较为薄弱。然而GRASS的研发团队散布全球,通过Mail_List方式彼此联系。GRASS欢迎每一个有兴趣者加入,共同发展提高GRASS。 05 在发布了GRASS4.x的版本后,由于多种原因美国军方建筑实验室提出将不再对现有的GRASS版本进行维护和升级,交给ITC-irst和Baylor大学的GRASS开发小组继续进行开发和维护。因此从GRASS5.x开始,所有的GRASS版本都将由这两个机构进行开发。




grass 英[ɡrɑ:s] 美[ɡrɑs] n. 草,青草;草地,草坪;告密者;〈俚〉龙须菜 vt. 用草覆盖;使…长满草;使…吃草 vi. 渐渐被草覆盖;放牧 [例句]Do we believe the grass is always greener?例如我们是否认为山那边的草更绿?

the grass英语词中文什么意思



不可数.当然,在某些具体情景的表达中,可以用可数.比如有人送了你两根草,(具有特别意义),这种时候两棵草,就是可以作为可数名词.grass 做草,牧草;草地,草坪 牧场时不可数的,;grass还可以做 "禾本科植物(包括谷类,芦苇,竹)的意思 时可数.如:a study of different grasses.对各种草研究.


grass[英][ɡrɑ:s][美][ɡrɑs]n.草,青草; 草地,草坪; 告密者; 〈俚〉龙须菜; vt.用草覆盖; 使…长满草; 使…吃草; vi.渐渐被草覆盖; 放牧; 第三人称单数:grasses过去分词:grassed复数:grasses现在进行时:grass...


草,不可数名词,没有复数形式 草:禾本科植物为主的禾。这是另一种的单词,而不是复数形式的草。






grass 不可数,也可在特指(一根草)时可数. 所以一般是 it"s grass. 跟 water 用法一样. 也可能在特指时做可数使用如it"s a grass. 在指禾本植物时用作grasses. 比如说 I study different kinds of grasses


grass既是可数名词也是不可数名词,grass(不可数名词):草,草地;grasses表示多种类的草;grass(可数名词):告密者,揭发者。grass作草、草地、牧场解时多用作不可数名词,而作“禾本科植物”解时多用作可数名词。 扩展资料   grass用法:   n.草,青草,草地,草坪,告密者,〈俚〉龙须菜   vt.用草覆盖,使…长满草,使…吃草   vi.渐渐被草覆盖,放牧   变形:过去式:grassed;现在分词:grassing;过去分词:grassed   grass用作名词的"用法例句:   The grass was wet with dew.   草被露水打湿了。   Father was cutting the grass, and meanwhile mother was planting roses.   父亲在剪草,母亲在种玫瑰。   We play football on the grass.   我们在草地上踢足球。   I let the horse drop his head to crop the spring grass.   我让马低下头啃吃春天的青草。


grass是:1.草,牧草2.禾本科植物3.草地,草坪;牧场4.告密者5.大麻。1. If we held the grass still, the big dragonfly saw the obvious trap and it wouldn`t dash to it regardless of its safety。如果,我们拿着一端插着小蜻蜓的草在手上,而不去摇晃它,那么,大蜻蜓就能看清楚,这其实是一个陷阱,它也就不会如此白白地送命了。2. He is crouching on the grass, staring blankly into the distance。他踞坐在草地上,望着远处发呆。3. A: No. Grass-covered ground within a bunker is not part of the bunker。答:不用。沙坑里有草覆盖的地方不是沙坑的一部分。4. Q: A players ball is lying on grass-covered ground within a bunker。问:一名球员的球停在了沙坑里有草覆盖的地方。5. The prospect of application can be much more expansive in the grass roots of vet station and the breed aquatics fild and so on。适用于基层兽医站、养殖场等使用,在今后必定会有更广泛的应用前景。

grass 什么意思







  grass的意思是:草;草地;牧草;青草  双语例句:  1.One of the agronomic crops that was used to determine the effects of soilheating was grass.  牧草是经常用来测定土壤加热影响的一种农作物。  2.The traveller spread his hands, palms downwards, on the grass, and looked atShelton with a smile.  那位旅客把两手张开,手心朝下,放在草地上,笑嘻嘻地盯着谢尔顿。  3.Isabel read the letter with such deep attention that she had not perceived anapproaching tread on the soft grass.  伊莎贝尔读着信,读得非常认真,以致没有发觉柔软的草地上越来越近的脚步声。  4.She went around to the front of the house, padding happily through the dewygrass with her bare feet.  她走到屋前,拖着两只赤脚在散着露水的草上愉快地走着。  5.In a little while he rose to the surface of the water with the ball in his mouth, andthrew it on the grass.  过了一会,他嘴里衔着球浮出水面,把球丢在草地上。


grass 英[ɡrɑ:s] 美[ɡrɑs] n. 草,青草;草地,草坪;告密者;〈俚〉龙须菜 vt. 用草覆盖;使…长满草;使…吃草 vi. 渐渐被草覆盖;放牧 [例句]Do we believe the grass is always greener?例如我们是否认为山那边的草更绿?




bluegrass是一个专有名词,指的是一种美国传统乡村音乐,它是源于美国南部的、一种快节奏的民间音乐,一般是用吉他和班卓琴演奏。该词的英语释义是:a type of country music played at a rapid tempo on banjos and guitars。拓展内容:“蓝草”作为音乐流派,出现于20世纪40年代中期的美国东部阿巴拉契亚山脉地区。阿巴拉契亚山脉地区居住着许多苏格兰裔美国人,因此蓝草音乐也有明显苏格兰民乐的影响。据说蓝草音乐的名字来源于Bill Monroe的乐队“The Blue Grass Boys”,而Bill Monroe也常被誉为“蓝草音乐之父”和“蓝草音乐创始人”。

Pale Grass Blue歌词翻译

Artist: Enya (Eithne Padraigín Ní Bhraonáin)Album: Dark Sky Island [2015]Pale Grass Blue蓝灰蝶A silver hue on wings of blue蓝色双翼上一抹银白色调As all around me shadows dance in light那些小影子围绕着我在光下翩翩起舞Sun is high above太阳高高地照射下来And winds are still enough风吹得刚刚好And all I want to do is stay我只想静静地呆一会儿And everywhere the blues那抹蓝色Are moving in the air在空中到处盘旋I see them in their flight我看到她们在翩跹飞翔Sun is high above太阳高高地照射下来And winds are still enough风吹得刚刚好And all I want to do is stay我只想静静地呆一会儿For seven days只需要七天They make the sky她们便能破茧成蝶冲向天际Look down upon them把目光投在她们身上As they go their way看她们慢慢远去Sun is high above太阳高高地照射下来And winds are still enough风吹得刚刚好And all I want to do is stay我只想静静地呆一会儿For seven nights七个夜晚They wait the moment她们等待着那一刻For the morning light to come again等待着晨曦的微光再次投射下来Sun is high above太阳高高地照射下来And winds are still enough风吹得刚刚好And all I want to do is stay我只想静静地呆一会儿And one by one一个接一个They wander one by one她们一个接一个地漫步徘徊Meander never go astray漫游却不会迷路Sun is high above太阳高高地照射下来And winds are still enough风吹得刚刚好And all I want to do is stay我只想静静地呆一会儿And so I stand and gaze所以我停驻凝视And so I watch the maze of blues depart the day所以我注视着这些蓝色的谜在新一天伊始出发Sun is high above太阳高高地照射下来And winds are still enough风吹得刚刚好And one by one they fly away一只接一只她们飞走远去Sun is high above太阳高高地照射下来And winds are still enough风吹得刚刚好And one by one they fly away一只接一只她们飞走远去Sun is high above太阳高高地照射下来And winds are still enough风吹得刚刚好And one by one they fly away一只接一只她们飞走远去-----------为了翻译的准确我还专门去搜了《应用昆虫学报》= =Pale Grass Blues 蓝灰蝶,又名酢浆灰蝶。酢浆灰蝶在10月末以蛹在枯枝落叶或土壤表层浅洞中越冬,越冬代成虫次年5月始见、中旬为高峰期,5月中旬始见第1代卵及幼虫,6—10月间各月各虫态均同时发生,期间每月中下旬为成虫活动高峰期。在室内饲养条件下,卵期为3~4d,幼虫期为22~26d,蛹期为6~7d。reference:《应用昆虫学报》 2011年05期 酢浆灰蝶生物学特性研究 庄海玲等由此可见seven days they made the sky是指从蛹化为蝶要用7天。芊芊11/23/2015手打翻译,如满意望采纳望点赞哦o(∩_∩)o

Pale Grass Blue歌词翻译



grass既是可数名词也是不可数名词。1.作为名词时,既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。意为草;青草;牧草;禾本科植物;草地;草坪;草场;牧场。当grass翻译为“多种类的草”时,是可数名词,复数形式为grasses。2.作为不及物动词时,意为(向警方)告密,告发。grass造句:1、Thegrass was wet with early morning dew.(清晨的露水使得青草湿漉漉的。)2、George had to cutgrass all afternoon.(乔治不得不整个下午都割草。)3、Thegrass grew thick and velvety.(草长得又茂密又柔软光滑。)4、Thegrass in the garden was a foot high.(院子里的草有1英尺高。)5、Thegrass had grown waist-high.(草长得齐腰高了。)

He lay on the grass,________at the starry sky.


sit in the grass对吗?


keep off the grass的同义句(四种)不是同义词,是同义句 be quiet的同义句(四种)不是同义词,是同义句

Keep away from the grass!远离草坪!Please don"t step on the grass!不要践踏草坪!Protect the grass!保护草地!Don"t destroy the grass!不要破坏草坪!Keep quiet ! 安静!Don"t make noise! 别弄出噪音!Don"t speak loud! 别高声说话!Low down your voice!降低音量!【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为您解答!


grassn.草;青草;牧草;禾本科植物;草地;草坪;草场;牧场v.(向警方)告密,告发第三人称单数: grasses复数: grasses现在分词: grassing过去式: grassed过去分词: grassed扩展资料例句:They don"t want people trampling the grass, pitching tents or building fires他们不希望人们踩踏草坪、支帐篷或生火。The houses are well spaced out, each on its own plot of ground and mat of coarse grass房屋稀稀疏疏地坐落着,每栋都有自己的一片地和粗草坪。Keep off the grass, please!请勿践踏草坪!Keep off the grass.勿踩草坪。


grass n.草;青草;牧草;禾本科植物;草地;草坪;草场;牧场 v.(向警方)告密,告发 第三人称单数: grasses复数: grasses现在分词: grassing过去式: grassed过去分词: grassed 扩展资料   例句:   They don"t want people trampling the grass, pitching tents or building fires   他们不希望人们踩踏草坪、支帐篷或生火。   The houses are well spaced out, each on its own plot of ground and mat of coarse grass   房屋稀稀疏疏地坐落着,每栋都有自己的一片地和粗草坪。   Keep off the grass, please!   请勿践踏草坪!   Keep off the grass.   勿踩草坪。
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