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TOAD 里面怎样让Data Grid窗口保持在窗口下面




英语翻译中国中国农业产量全球第一,翻译给的答案是china agricultural


Green day主唱的吉他是什么拍牌子?详细

目前总用gibson,billy joe特定款





k8s 如何利用terminationGracePeriodSeconds 优雅地关闭你的服务?

什么是 terminationGracePeriodSeconds? 解释这个参数之前,先来回忆一下K8S滚动升级的步骤: 1.K8S首先启动新的POD 2.S等待新的POD进入Ready状态 3.K8S创建Endpoint,将新的POD纳入负载均衡 4.K8S移除与老POD相关的Endpoint,并且将老POD状态设置为Terminating,此时将不会有新的请求到达老POD 5.同时 K8S 会给老POD发送SIGTERM信号,并且等待 terminationGracePeriodSeconds 这么长的时间。(默认为30秒) 6.超过terminationGracePeriodSeconds等待时间后, K8S 会强制结束老POD 看到这里,我想大家应该明白了,terminationGracePeriodSeconds 就是K8S给你程序留的最后的缓冲时间,来处理关闭之前的操作。 或许你会问,如果不配置或者不处理这个,有什么问题? 假象一下下面的场景: 既然知道可能带来的问题了,那么怎么解决呢? 明白这个参数的意义,那就很好解决了。



这句英语为什么连着用of about ,怎么理解? (...a grace period of about... )

a period of 一段u22ef时间,a period of 3 - 25 days ,3一25天这么一段时间,about 是"大约"的意思,about 3 - 25?days (大约3-25天时间)。所以 a grace period of about 3 - 25 days ( 大约3-25天的宽限时间)

h1b grace period 能入境吗





graceperiod删除权限获取具体步骤如下1、打开运行,在运行中输入注册表命令“regedit”,然后回车通过命令打开注册表对话框。image.png2、在注册表对话框中依次打开“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTerminal ServerRCMGracePeriod”。image.png3、右键点击“GracePeriod”,在菜单中点击“权限”。image.png4、修改“GracePeriod”的管理员权限,勾选完全控制为允许,勾选读取为允许。image.png5、获取管理员权限后,再右键点击“GracePeriod”,在菜单中点击“删除”。image.png6、在“确认项删除”弹出窗口中点击“是”。image.png7、 删除“GracePeriod”这一项后,为了使注册表及时生效,此时要重启系统。重启完成后,问题解决,graceperiod删除权限获取。


韦氏大学生词典11版Merriam-Webster"s 11th Collegiate DictionaryBook DescriptionMerriam Webster is proud to announce the arrival of its most famous dictionary, now completely revised and updated. The features of the dictionary now include: 225,000 clear and precise definitions More than 40,000 word-use examples More than 7500 phrases and idions The Merriam Webster Collegiate is a great learning too: It features a comprehensive coverage of all fields of knowledge 165,000 entries with correct spellings and pronunciations More than 700 illustrations, tables and diagrams for at-a-glance information


Merriam-Webster"s Collegiate Dictionary 《梅里厄姆·韦伯斯特大学辞典》简称《韦氏大学词典》,是Merriam-Webster"s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language: unbridged《韦氏(第3版)新国际英语足本词典》的节略本。 (梅里厄姆·韦伯斯特辞典系列)深得美国人青睐,主要因为它具有150年历史,数代美国人在它的哺育下长大,。曾经有人这么评论过:"韦氏词典是划时代的,它的出现标志着美语体系的独立"。 GRE考试的词汇主要依据是《韦氏大学(学院)辞典》;根据统计比较,GRE反义词所考短语用词大多是M-W.C.D词典中的原话。 《韦氏大学词典》目前已发展到第十一版,名称为Merriam-Webster"s Collegiate Dictionary [11th]《韦氏大学词典(11版)》,是美国大学中通用的词典之一,受到大学生的普遍欢迎。第十一版收词22.5万条,词义20余万条,提供词的产生年代,具有实用性和可读性,多义词按年代顺序排列,并增加用法说明,是韦氏词典各版中使用面最广泛的词典。

groove coverage的那首I need you vs i need you 的歌词是什么?




营养学中 μgRE/d mgα-TE/d 这两个单位中的是什么意思?请具体解释。


The setup files are corrupted please ob tain a new copy of the program


we are genetically programmed to disintegrate and perish.

因为这两个动词的意思有所不同,作者想要表达的意思不仅是 disintegrate 或 perish 而是两个概念在一起。


disintegrate近义词是break down。disintegrate例句如下:1、It has become a relatively easy matter to disintegrate almost any atom.让几乎任何原子蜕变都变得相对容易了。2、I thought that when I finished working on the book atom I"d disintegrate.我想等我完成原子这本书的工作时,我也该精神崩溃了。3、A atom can spontaneously disintegrate.原子可以自然蜕变。break down例句:1、The team is now trying to make the enzyme break down PET in large quantities .该小组现在正试图让这种酶大量分解PET。2、It takes centuries to break down.So is Venice.它需要几个世纪才能分解。威尼斯也是。3、One day we"ll see Venice break down.总有一天我们会看到威尼斯崩溃。4、The enzyme is able to break down PET, a form of plastic produced in Venice .这种酶可以降解PET——一种产自威尼斯的塑料。

以 volunteering is great 为题写一篇80词的英语短文

When you volunteer, you give part of yourself–your time, energy, skills and feelings. You give to your family and friends, to your neighbours, to your community. Sometimes, you are giving to people you don"t know, to people thousands of kilometers away.Giving is one of the reasons why people volunteer. Their contributions to others and to their communities bring them feelings of self-fulfillment and the knowledge that they have made a difference. Volunteering is also a way of saying thank you. It"s a way of recognizing the countless others who, in big ways and small, have made life richer and better through donations of time and effort. But there is more to volunteering than giving. As a volunteer, you also reap personal benefits and enhance your personal growth. You can increase social awareness, learn through service, enjoy better health, gain self-confidence, discover your strengths and talents , build a sense of independence , and expand your social circle. Volunteering gets you ready for the workforce. By volunteering you an develop skills, gain work experience, explore career options, and develop a job-finding network.With a strong résumé and new skills, you"ll find it easier to strut your stuff to prospective employers, fill out university or college application forms, talk to scholarship or bursary officers, or take on more challenging volunteer positions in the community. That"s the thing about volunteering. You get as much out of it as you put into it! And often, you get a whole lot more. So, roll up your sleeves and get involved. Start by reading this booklet. It will answer some of your questions and give you other ideas to think about. It will also show you ways of getting the most out of volunteering.As a youth, you will find volunteering a great experience. But it doesn"t stop now. By catching the volunteer bug, you will be giving yourself a lifetime of rewarding experiences.当你做志愿者的时候,你给自己的一部分,你的时间,精力,技能和感觉。你给你的家人和朋友,你的邻居,你的社区。有时候,你会给你不认识的人,到千里之外的人。给予是人们自愿的原因之一。他们对他人的贡献和对他们的社区带来了他们对自我实现的感觉,以及他们对他们的知识的不同。志愿服务也是一种说谢谢的方式。这是一种认识到无数的人,在大的方式和小,使生活更丰富,更好地通过时间和精力的捐款。但也有更多的志愿服务比给予。作为一名志愿者,你也收获个人利益,增强个人成长。你可以提高社会意识,通过服务学习,享受健康,增强自信,发掘你的优势和才能,建立独立的意识,拓展你的社交圈。志愿服务让你准备好工作。通过志愿服务,你有一个发展的技能,获得工作经验,探索职业选择,并制定工作发现网络。一个强大的é和é和新的技能,你会发现很容易支撑你的东西给未来的雇主,填写大学申请表格,跟奖学金或助学金的人员,或采取更具挑战性的志愿者在社区。这是关于志愿服务的事情。你把它从中得到的,正如你投入进去的一样!通常,你会得到更多的更多。因此,卷起你的袖子,并参与。开始读这本小册子。它会回答你的一些问题,给你其他的想法去思考。它也将显示你的方式获得最不志愿服务。作为一个年轻人,你会发现志愿服务是一个伟大的经验。但它不会停止现在。通过捕捉志愿者的错误,你会给自己一个有价值的经验的一生。


green英 [gri:n] 美 [ɡrin] adj. 绿色的;未熟的,青春的;未成熟的;主张保护环境的n. 绿色蔬菜;绿色的衣服;植物vi. 绿化,使重视环境保护问题复数: greens 比较级: greener 最高级: greenest reed英 [ri:d] 美 [ri:d] n. 芦苇;芦苇杆;[乐]舌簧复数: reeds

grey ant英语怎么读

灰色英语[ɡ re]美丽[ɡ再]灰色;烟灰色;灰白色;灰马;白马;灰色的;烟灰色;灰白色;灰白的头发;苍白;暗淡;沉闷;没意思;老年人的;变成灰色;变白;在城市里,干净的白雪已经变成了灰色的雪泥。在城市里,白雪已经变成了灰色的雪泥。【其他】比较级:grey最高级:grey第三人称单数:greys复数:greys现在分词:grey过去式:grey过去分词:grey一站式出国留学攻略


Apple, ant, angry, name 4个单词中,以 name的发音不相同。

photographic 这个英语单词 怎么读

photo 认识吧Graph 认识吧photo+Graph+课连起来佛头格儿ra非颗

easyui datagrid 如何默认收缩


It Happens中文歌词Sungrland

It Just Happens - Roxette It just happens 不期而至 It just happens 不期而至 It"s a cabaret 像是卡巴莱歌舞表演 Taking over 占据了 On a quiet lazy 这个安静惬意的 Backseat day 休闲假日 And it"s so beautiful 它如此美妙 Like the sunshine 如阳光般 On your balcony 倾泻你的露台 Just yesterday 仿如昨日 Don"t underestimate 请不要低估自己 Your heart is never late 你的真心永远不会太迟 And love will always find a way 爱总是能在某个时间 It just happens 不期而至 You don"t know what"s going on 你不知发生了什么 If it"s new 无论爱刚刚萌芽 Or if it"s been there since long 亦或是爱历经岁月更迭 If it"s right or wrong 无论是对还是错 You fall in love 你都会不禁沦陷 You fall in love 你都会不禁沦陷 You don"t have a say 你不必多说一句 Just let it slide 就让真情流露 And close your eyes 闭上你的双眼 And watch the passion play 看着激情肆意宣泄 Don"t underestimate 请不要低估自己 Your heart can never wait 你的心不愿再等待 Love will always find a way 爱总是能在某个地点 You fall in love 你都会不禁沦陷 It just happens 不期而至 You fall in love 你都会不禁沦陷 It just happens 不期而至 You fall in love 你都会不禁沦陷 It just happens happens 爱就是这样不期而至 You fall in love 你都会不禁沦陷 Don"t underestimate 请不要低估自己 Your heart can never wait 你的心不愿再等待 And love will always find a way 爱总是能在某个时间 It just happens 不期而至 And you don"t know what"s going on 你不知发生了什么 If it"s new 无论爱刚刚萌芽 Or if it"s been there since long 亦或是爱历经岁月更迭 If it"s right or wrong 无论是对还是错 You fall in love 你都会不禁沦陷 It just happens 不期而至 You fall in love 你都会不禁沦陷 It just happens 不期而至 You fall in love 你都会不禁沦陷 It just happens happens 爱就是这样不期而至 You fall in love 你都会不禁沦陷 You fall in love 你都会不禁沦陷 You fall in love 你都会不禁沦陷 You fall in love 你都会不禁沦陷 It just happens happens 爱就是这样不期而至 You fall in love 你都会不禁沦陷

novation agreement什么意思

novation agreement 翻译为:更新协议


team:名词 n.1.队, 组 A team which is full of enthusiasm is more likely to win.情绪高涨的球队更可能获胜。Our team were wearing blue shorts.我们队员穿着蓝色短裤。不及物动词 vi.1.(与某人)一起工作, 合作 He teamed up with a friend and set up a trade business.他与一个朋友联合, 做起了买卖。2.合作;(与某人)结成一队 group:名词 n.1.组, 群, 团体, 类, 批, 簇 The research group is ready to start its work.这个研究小组已准备好随时开始工作。Swallows come by groups at the advent of spring.春天来临时燕子成群飞来。A large group of chimpanzees was feeding.一大群黑猩猩在吃东西。A group of us are going up to London for the day.我们有些人要去伦敦一天。2.小型流行音乐演奏组, (尤指流行音乐的)演奏组, 乐团, 乐队 She is a lead singer in a pop group.她是流行歌曲演唱团体的最重要的歌手。3.集团及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.使成群; 集合 Group together in three.每三人一组!Please group all those tall flowers here.请把所有高的花放在一起。Theatres and cinemas were grouped mainly on the two streets.剧院和电影院主要集中在那两条街上。及物动词 vt.1.分类; 归类; 将...分组 He grouped students according to ability.他按能力把学生们分类。

Liunx 中sed、grep、cut、sort、tee、diff 、paste命令

把最近学习的liunx命令做一个总结,方便复习使用。 grep是 行 过滤工具,用于根据关键字进行 行过滤 1、语法: 2、常见选项: 3、常见的案例使用 cut是 列 截取工具,用于列的截取 1、语法 2、常见选项 3、常见的案例使用 关于sed命令的使用,大家可以搜索网上相关文章,这里只列举了部分我工作中常用的用法。 1、常见的案例使用 sort工具用于 排序 ,它将文件的每一行作为一个单位,从首字符向后,依次按ASCII码值进行比较,最后将他们按升序输出。 1、语法和选项 2、常见的案例使用 tee工具是从标准输入读取并写入到标准输出和文件,即:双向覆盖重定向(屏幕输出|文本输入) 1、常见的案例使用 diff工具用于逐行 比较文件的不同 注意:diff描述两个文件不同的方式是告诉我们怎样改变第一个文件之后与第二个文件匹配 1、语法 2、常用选项 paste工具用于 合并文件行 1、常用选项 2、常见的案例使用 tr用于字符转换,替换和删除;主要用于删除文件中控制字符或进行字符转换。 tr工具是一对一替换 ,是将匹配中的字符替换为另外一个字符。 1、常用选项 2、常见的案例使用 自己现在写文章越来越不用心了,总觉得太忙,要把所有时间用在学习上,多总结多写文章。

bag和grape 中a 的音标


meredith grey是什么意思

实习医生格蕾 Meredith Grey 这是电影名称不明白可以追问我,满意的话请点击【采纳】

Moby Grape的《Big》 歌词

歌曲名:Big歌手:Moby Grape专辑:The Place And The TimeSneaky Sound System - Big {Lyrics By - Roy}I won"t forget the time,when you told me,we could be something,The memory is mine.We talked so many times,You were always... my medicine.You mean everything to me.And every time i fall you"d take my hand,You would volunteer to understand... me.This is the moment we"ve been waiting for.This could be big for me and you.This could be more than we both care to know.This could be big for me and you,We could do anything.Of all the things you said,but theres one thing, we can"t escape.Like a bird who"s wings, are no more.You said every time i fall you"d take my hand,And you would volunteer to understand... me.This is the moment we"ve been waiting for.This could be big for me and you.This could be more than we both care to know.This could be big for me and you,We could do anything.We could do anything.We could do anything.Always by your side, up until it ends.Always by your side, up until it ends.Always by your side, up until it ends.Always by your side, up until it ends.This is the moment we"ve been waiting for.This could be big for me and you.We could do anything.This could be more than we both care to know.This could be big for me and you,We could do anything.

temple grandin发明了什么

坦普·葛兰汀(Temple Grandin)生于波士顿,动物学家,动物保护主义者。时代周刊2010年100位“全球最具影响力人物”评选,英雄榜第5位。 坦普·葛兰汀是一个传奇。她出生不久,母亲发现她的行为跟别的小孩不一样。后来得知她患有自闭症。坦普称,自己是一个视觉思考者(visual thinker),她通过图像来思考。与此相比,她认为代数是很难的一个科目。十几岁的时候,她被带到了外婆家的农场,没想到她在那里找到了自己的乐园。不妨看看她在TED演讲里是怎么描述这样的神奇际遇的:   她说演讲的一开头就说,在TED感觉就像在家一样,因为“这儿有很多同道中人”(是不是说很多TEDster都带有geek的基因?)。 作为她的兴趣之一,坦普很享受设计牲畜管理设备。有一次,一家养牛场的牛烦躁不安,不断冲撞牛栏,想要把它弄倒。坦普到那儿时看见旗杆上的美国国旗,就让他们摘了下来。“奶牛不喜欢飘扬的旗子”。激烈的抖动和强烈的颜色对比会激怒它们。她从奶牛的角度出发,像奶牛一样思考,寻找一切会激怒奶牛的事物。   “我以想象的方式看电影”。当你向“普通人”提起教堂尖顶的时候,他们想到的都是些泛泛的一般的典型的尖顶。而坦普看到的却是“谷歌图片”/一个图片库。她见过的所有教堂尖顶,像过电影似的浮现在脑海中。她可以在任一张图片上停下,并将它变为一段影像。“在设计牛畜管理设备时,这一切都变成了巨大的财富。我能在心里画草图”。   坦普超强的视觉能力是有证可循的。她展示了一张她的脑部扫描图,来和“普通人的大脑”(她的原话)进行对比。她大脑中掌管视觉的区域要明显大于常人!“我在图形处理方面的脑神经很发达”(作为交换,坦普说,我的社交神经发育迟缓)。坦普发达的视觉思维能力,使她能够洞察动物的心理。动物用图像,声音,气味思考,而非语言。“世界需要各种各样的头脑共同合作”。而她看到的却是,一个个不好交际的电脑小怪杰,没有人引领他们到科学的世界中。“我们要激励这帮怪怪的不受欢迎的孩子”。她在美国中部如是说,在硅谷外如是说,在其他电脑鬼才的圣地也如是说。老师们不知道该拿这帮孩子怎么办好。对于学校而言,取消车模课、美术课和制图课是天大的错误。   有三种自闭症患者,每一种在特定的领域都有优于常人的表现/不俗的表现:   视觉思考者(visual thinker):艺术,设计,工业设计,摄影   模式思考者(pattern thinker):数学家,程序员   语言思考者(verbal thinker):新闻工作者,演员   坦普说,这个世界需要各种各样的思维模式/心智。也许,假如环境有利的话,自闭症患者往往可以成为社会的积极贡献者。而假如我们周遭的人对他们缺乏理解的话,即使是爱因斯坦(假如他生活在今天,肯定会被认为得了自闭症)也会被埋没。

mountain grown

1.planning 2.spread 3.mountainous 4.grown 5.the scenicest 6.scenery 7.the most popular 8.traveller/visitor I am sure of my answer!I am a teacher!

nissan grand livina是什么车

日产 骊威

metro,underground,subway,这三个词有什么区别吗? 团友勿入~~~ 也不要直接复制

区别:subway:在美国是地下铁道的意思,但是在英国 subway 是地下人行通道的意思。 metro( tube 或 underground railway):指英国的地铁。 metro是"metropolitan"的缩写,本来的意思是"大都市",很多城市的地铁用"metro",主要因为地铁公司的名字叫"metro" 。subway:本意是"地下的路"。现指地铁,美国通用。比如美国纽约的地铁,就是subway。underground:英美通用。本意是地下的,是形容词,是形容地铁是在地下的,车在地下的等等,或者"地下工作者"都可以用这个词。如美国费城的市内有一个地铁,但是人们不叫它地铁,叫它"underground bus"。 但是很多人因为偷懒,就只用underground来做名词,久而久之,大家都这么叫了,就变成一个大家都知道的名词了。 用法: 在英文环境中,根据各城市类似系统的发展起源与使用习惯之不同,常称为:metro(巴黎、中国大陆地区)、MRT(新加坡、台北、高雄等)、MTR(特指香港)、overground(特指地上轨道)、subway(美国及周边地区、北京)、tube(特指伦敦)或underground(特指伦敦)。渊源: 三个词汇与地铁历史息息相关。世界上首条地下铁路系统是在1863年开通的“伦敦大都会铁路”(Metropolitan Railway)。法国巴黎的巴黎地铁在1900年开通,最初的法文名字“Chemin de Fer Métropolitain”(法文直译意指“大都会铁路”)是从“Metropolitan Railway”直接译过去的,后来缩短成“métro”,所以现在很多城市轨道系统都称metro。

MongoDB Aggregate $project中,如果想新加一列常数,如何写?

1. Test DataData in JSON format, shows the hosting provider for{ "_id" : 1, "domainName" : "", "hosting" : "" }{ "_id" : 2, "domainName" : "", "hosting" : ""}{ "_id" : 3, "domainName" : "", "hosting" : "" }{ "_id" : 4, "domainName" : "", "hosting" : "" }{ "_id" : 5, "domainName" : "", "hosting" : "" }{ "_id" : 6, "domainName" : "", "hosting" : "" }{ "_id" : 7, "domainName" : "", "hosting" : "" }{ "_id" : 8, "domainName" : "", "hosting" : "" }{ "_id" : 9, "domainName" : "", "hosting" : "" }{ "_id" : 10, "domainName" : "", "hosting" : "" }Imports into a “website” collection.> mongoimport -d testdb -c website --file website.jsonconnected to: Jan 13 14:30:22.662 imported 10 objectsNote If the collection is existed, add --upsert option to override the data.> mongoimport -d testdb -c website --file website.json --upsert2. Grouping ExampleUses db.collection.aggregate and $group to perform the data grouping.2.1 The following example groups by the “hosting” field, and display the total sum of each hosting.> { $group : {_id : "$hosting", total : { $sum : 1 }} } );Output{ "result" : [ { "_id" : "", "total" : 1 }, { "_id" : "", "total" : 2 }, { "_id" : "", "total" : 4 }, { "_id" : "", "total" : 3 } ], "ok" : 1}The equivalent SQL.SELECT hosting, SUM(hosting) AS total FROM website GROUP BY hosting2.2 Add sorting with $sort.> { $group : {_id : "$hosting", total : { $sum : 1 }} }, { $sort : {total : -1} } );Output – Display “total” in descending order. For ascending order, uses $sort : {total : 1}.{ "result" : [ { "_id" : "", "total" : 4 }, { "_id" : "", "total" : 3 }, { "_id" : "", "total" : 2 }, { "_id" : "", "total" : 1 } ], "ok" : 1}2.3 Add $match condition, groups by “hosting” for “” only.> { $match : {hosting : ""} }, { $group : { _id : "$hosting", total : { $sum : 1 } } } );Output{ "result" : [ { "_id" : "", "total" : 4 } ], "ok" : 1}More Examples Refer to this official MongoDB Aggregation guide for more advance aggregation and group examples.3. Exports Grouping Result to CSV or JSONOften times, we need to export the grouping results in csv or JSON format. To solve it, inserts the group results in a new collection, and exports the new collection via mongoexport.3.1 Set the group results in a variable. In this case, the variable name is “groupdata”.> var groupdata = { $group : {_id : "$hosting", total : { $sum : 1 }} }, { $sort : {total : -1} } );3.2Inserts groupdata.toArray() into a new collection.> db.websitegroup.insert(groupdata.toArray());> db.websitegroup.find().pretty(){ "_id" : "", "total" : 4 }{ "_id" : "", "total" : 3 }{ "_id" : "", "total" : 2 }{ "_id" : "", "total" : 1 }>3.3 Exports the collection “websitegroup” to a csv file.c:> mongoexport -d testdb -c websitegroup -f _id,total -o group.csv --csvconnected to: 4 recordsgroup.csv_id,total"",4.0"",2.0"",1.0"",3.03.4 Exports the collection “websitegroup” to a JSON file.c:> mongoexport -d testdb -c websitegroup -o group.jsonconnected to: 4 recordsgroup.json{ "_id" : "", "total" : 4 }{ "_id" : "", "total" : 2 }{ "_id" : "", "total" : 1 }{ "_id" : "", "total" : 3 }4. Large Sort OperationChanged in version 2.6 – Read this Memory Restrictions In MongoDB, the in-memory sorting have a limit of 100M, to perform a large sort, you need enable allowDiskUse option to write data to a temporary file for sorting.To avoid the sort exceeded memory limit error, enable the allowDiskUse[ {$group : {_id : "$hosting", total : { $sum : 1 }}}, {$sort : {total : -1}}], {allowDiskUse: true});ReferencesMongoDB AggregationMongoDB db.collection.aggregate()Aggregation Pipeline LimitsMongoDB Hello World ExampleTags : group mongodb sortShare this article onTwitterFacebookGoogle+Reader also read :MongoDB : Sort exceeded memory limit of 104857600 bytesSpring Data MongoDB – Aggregation Grouping ExampleSpring Data MongoDB – Select fields to returnMongoDB – Allow remote access



请问Grand Prairie, Texas是美国的哪个城市?最好能详细介绍一下状况






可以帮我check grammar吗﹖

更新1: . On the other side there are a crowd of people shouting and laughing in front of the arrival gate. You can hear people screaming and arguing as they cant get on the flights the shouts of the children the sound of the announcement as it gets busier This style of writing would be fine for a poem... or children's book written in the style of a poem; but for anything else I would advise to change the style a bit. The first is a slight structure error I would encourage you to change [[ dropping on the roof ]] to: [[ You can hear the rain droplets splash against the roof. ]] This is fragmented (not a plete sentence on its own): [[ The sounds of the wind ing from all directions blowing the windows ]] You can bine the sentences about rain and wind together if there are no poem restrictions. [[ You can hear the rain droplets splash against the roof the wind blowing in all directions and against the windows. ]] If you want the sentences separate you can change it to: [[ The sound of wind is blowing in all directions and against the windows ]] A few wrong use of words: [[ Touri *** guide instructions cry gate ]] (tour guides give mentary on places more so than instructions..) [[ A tour / tourist guide (both can be used) ]] [[ A tour guide is providing mentary to the tourists like a professor. ]] [[ People are weeping at the departure lounge; they look like four year old children crying on the first day of school. ]] There should be an [[ and ]] in the last sentence.. and if you want you can change the second [[ shout ]] to avoid the same word in the same sentence. [[ the whining of the children and the loud announcements as the terminal bees busier. ]] Hope this helps! 2007-10-03 10:39:45 补充: sorry should be: The wind is blowing in all directions and against the windows. 2007-10-03 10:44:37 补充: FINAL:Listen. It is raining outside. You can hear the rain droplets splash against the roof the wind blowing in all directions and against the windows. Listen. A tour guide is providing mentary to the tourists like a professor. 2007-10-03 10:46:02 补充: People are weeping at the departure lounge; they look like four year old children crying on the first day of school.On the other side there IS a crowd of people shouting and laughing in front of the arrival gate. 2007-10-03 10:49:20 补充: You can hear people screaming and arguing as they cant get on the flights the whining of the children and the loud announcements as the terminal bees busier. 参考: I have lived in Canada for 18 years~ OK 几好。不过要着意 verb 。 > drop = fall ,滴滴吓用 drip。dripping [on] the roof 就系滴落屋顶,dripping [from] the roof 就系由屋顶滴落。 > +ing 进行式前面要有 be,否则作名词看。ing from all directions 系修饰 wind 而 wind 系解释咩 sounds。成段都只系 subject (主词) 咁 blowing 应该作主要动词,指主词 (the sounds) 做甚么。但就算改咗 are blowing 情理都不合。 sounds 又点识吹? > 导游系 tour guide > 得一个游客 -- tourist ?之前无提及过又不是持有名词又不是复数名词又不是最高级形容词唔应该用 the 。 > 又系 verb 搅错。究竟 are 定 cry 呢?are 指主词「是」什么,cry 指主词「做」什么。想说做紧 be + -ing 啊。 > they 就唔好用 a > there are a crowd of people = A crowd of people are over there. there 之后嘅动词要协调跟着嘅名词 a crowd 所以应该用 is 。 a group of people = a crowd --> There is a group of people > flight 是航程,该是 plane 而且是 get onto > people screaming ... 同 the shouts of children (无须用 the) 同 the sound of ... 字序唔平行 --> You can hear people screaming and arguing to get onto the planes children shouting and playing and speakers announcing the flight information. 参考: *** 18 Listen. It is raining outside. You can hear the rain dropping on the roof. The sounds of the wind ing from all directions blowing the windows. Listen. A touri *** guide is explaining the instructions to the tourist like (a) professor. People (who) cry at the departure gate they look like a four year old child crying on the first day of school. On the other side there is a crowd of people shouting and laughing in front of the arrival gate. You can hear people screaming and arguing as they cant get on the flights (the loud screams) of the children the sound of the announcement as it gets busier. 应该没有错 参考: 自己

To Learn And To Progress

Learning should be systematic. First, people are good at forgetting things, but memorize things strongly associated. learning systematically can help people"s memory. Second, in a specific field, there are common knowledge, terminology, and many research patterns, without know these things, it is hard to understand others" works and might not be able to do research in the front field. Every time when I read a book, I tend to skip many parts of it, and try to read the core part only. But end up learning very little. Although some basic knowledge are already known, it is good to review them. Further more, the application of the knowledge to some fields is good for me to learn. And it won"t take me too long to read things that I am familiar with. So, be more patient! Don"t rush to another thing before summary is made. Summary can help me to review things, and highlight key points and concepts from materials. Therefore, summary matters a lot. Sometimes, I won"t have enough time for systematically learning, fragmented learning can help me. But I should focus on things that can be learnt well during fragmented time, such as shell script, cmake, some algorithms. these are sort of things independent from other knowledge, or relative independent under a systematical subject. Although learning can be fragmented, I should have a clear structure and roadmap in my mind, which means fragmented learning but systematically associating all the knowledge. The only way to make progress is to keep learning. My problem is, after keep my plan for a few days, I will be distracted by some thing else, and then I will forget my plan, learning process stops. I need to refresh myself every several days. Make sure that I remember my plan, and also keep on doing it. So every day morning, set up my plan for today first, and keep recording. Plans are made to follow, not to forget. Recording things matters in people"s learning process. It can both helps you master things better, and also reminds you of what you have learnt. I should find a place to record, and write down things I have learnt. The best to master things is applying them to a specific projects. For important knowledge, I really should find its application, and master them better.



电脑刚打打开机就出现:加载C:RAOGRA~3721helper.时出错找不到指定模块. 是系统出了什么错误?


重装完windows xp 开机会弹出C:progra 13721cnsm.dll出错,找不到指定的模块是什么原因?

系统没做好 文件丢失

翻译:Voyages and settlements such as those 【of】 the Vikings around the year 1000 to Greenland

those 为代词,代替 voyages and settlements,避免重复of 为后置定语的连接词,可翻译为的to 得看上下文,不好理解

it was one of a group of other larger settlements 怎么翻译,帮忙画出意群,谢谢


grand theater这个是什么意思

grand theater 大剧院;大剧场 例句筛选1.Grand Theater on the right side of a small theater.大剧院右侧是小剧院。2.I am wondering how I can get to Shanghai Grand Theater.我想知道这样才能到上海大剧院。

plant a row for the hungry

这是一个寒冷的夜晚,在华盛顿特区,和我回旅馆时,一名男子向我走来.他问我是否愿意给他一些钱,所以他能找点吃的.我想读的标志:“别把钱给panhandlers.”所以我摇了摇头,继续向前走. 我还没有准备好一个答复,但是以辞职,他说,“我真的很无家可归,我真的饿了!你可以和我一起去看我吃了!”但我继续往前走. 困扰我的事件,其余的星期.我有钱,在我的口袋里,它就不会杀死我交了一个男的还是两个即使他一直在说谎.在一个寒冷的、寒冷的夜晚,没有少,我认为最糟糕的一位人类. 飞回安克雷奇,我不禁想起了他.我想我无法帮助以合理的政府机构、教会和假设慈善机构并没有给他.除此之外,你不应该把钱给panhandlers. 在西雅图的地方,我开始写我的每周专栏的花园锚固每日新闻报说.出乎我意料之外,我想出了一个主意.豆的咖啡馆,汤厨安克雷奇、饲料数以百计的饥饿的阿拉斯加人天天都有好心情.为什么不试着把所有的读者对植物一排在他们的花园致力于豆的吗?献出了自己的生命,并把它划下豆的.清洁和简单. 我们没有保存记录,但这个想法开始起飞.人们会传真给我打电话时,他们把东西或者在.那些只长花赠送.食物的精神.因为我的良心、抢救. 1995年,美国作家协会的花园举行的一年一度的大会上,学习后锚碇锚固的程序,对植物一排一排豆的成为植物为饥饿的人.最初的想法是把每一成员的花园的美国作家协会写或谈论种植为饥饿的人有时会在四月. 随着越来越多的人开始与植物一排的概念,新的变化,如果你将会出现的.许多公司提供了免费的种子与客户的标志,这也显示出现在全国的园艺的出版物. 行标记与植物一排标志都分发给园丁设置他们的“排饿.” 花园的编辑,琼·杰克逊和加州圣何塞水星新闻几乎全年的生长季节,募集了超过3万磅的水果和蔬菜,她的头一年,并显示GWAA节目如何能真正的工作.德克萨斯农场捐赠食物给他们水果的本地食物银行的灵感来自植物一排.今天的节目继续蓬勃发展和成长. 我很震惊,数百万美国人面临饥饿.在美国,如果每一个园丁——而我们七千万强-植物一排饿,可以使我们相当的数量的邻居,没有足够的食物.也许我就停止负罪感放弃一个饥饿的人,我帮得上忙.

Secret Garden的《Greenwaves》 歌词

歌曲名:Greenwaves歌手:Secret Garden专辑:Once In A Red MoonGreenwavesEach one of us has a "meadow that cradles the heart".Sometimes that meadow carries with it the voice of ancient echoesand half-remembered tunes… and dances old as years.American songwriter and singer, Ann Hampton Callaway wrote the lyrics to Greenwaves.We had previously collaborated with her, co-writing Barbra Streisand"s wedding song - "I"ve dreamed of you".The natural vocal beauty of Scottish singer Karen Matheson can instantly capture the heart,as it did when she performed the lament in the film, "Rob Roy", causing actor, Sean Connery to declare; " Her voice is touched by God".I remember a meadow one morning in May,With a sky full of dreamsthat sailed in that day.I was dancing through green waves of grass like the seaFor a moment in time I could feel I was free.There are waves of forgiveness and waves of regret,And the first waves of true loveI"ll never forget.In the meadow that morning as I wandered aloneThere were green waves of yearning for life still unknown.Take me home to the meadow that cradles my heartWhere the waves reach as far as you can see.Take me home to the meadow - we"ve been too long apart,I can still hear you calling for me.What I"d give to remember that heavenly stateJust a moment in time - all mine to create.As I"m taking my last breath I know what I"ll seeThere"ll be green waves forever out there waiting for me.Take me home to the meadow that cradles my heartWhere the waves reach as far as you can see.Take me home to the meadow - we"ve been too long apart,I can still hear you calling for me.

Gross,It smells,dirty什么意思,怎么读

Gross[人名] 格罗斯;It smells 它闻起来dirty[英]["dɜ:tɪ][美][ˈdɚti]adj.恶劣的; 肮脏的; 卑劣的; 下流的; vt.弄脏,污染; 使名声受玷污; vi.变脏,污染;

grass 和 lawn 表示草坪有什么区别啊


grassland meadow区别?




两者都有M.S. degree,选哪个比较好?Thesis Option 还是Professional Option?

1、学术型硕士学位(Academic Master"s):MA, MSc,30-60个学分,1-2年完成。可攻读博士。Usually awarded in the traditional arts, sciences, and humanities disciplines. The M.S. is also awarded in technical fields such as engineering and agriculture. 学术型硕士学位又可以分为2类:1) 论文(thesis option):论文答辩+综合考试2) 非论文(non-thesis option):修课+书面综合考试2、职业性硕士学位(Professional Master"s):职业导向,如商科、新闻、国际关系、建筑、城市规划等,36-48个学分。MBA, MSW(Social Work), M. Ed, MFA, MPA, MPP等。不要求thesis,也不要求有相关本科专业背景。属于Terminal Degree,do not lead to doctoral programs。职业性学位如果以后要攻读博士,一般修的硕士学分不会转到博士课程。若有其他疑问可加我QQ 2943272793

Eric,Grace 怎么读

ai rui k ,g rui si

显卡 Matrox Graphics MGA-G100 AGP代表什么意思

就是Matrox品牌的啊 G100芯片不是ATI也不是NVIDIAMatrox致力于平面设计专业显示芯片的开发在3D领域没那么大的名气 所以逐渐离开了DIY市场不过其芯片在色彩还原及DVD解码领域还是有一定成就的专业的2D设计室大多用他的显示芯片

alexa grace翻译成中文是什么



phigros粉键叫什么?中国的, 小虎本名李元浩 rng只有两个外国人,是他们的上单和辅助


胃蛋白酶原Ⅱ(Pepsinogen Ⅱ,PGⅡ) 胃蛋白酶原比值(PGR,PGⅠ/ PGⅡ) PGⅠ正常值范围(67 - 200ug/L) PGⅡ正常值范围(0 - 15ug/L) PGR正常值范围( > 7.5)


Tel(HP/Pgr) Telephone (handphone/pager)手机号码或是传呼机号码。。






要看您的PG1以及PG2的值分别是多少,按这个比值来算 ,如果PG2超过8以上,那PG1就大于240了,可能胃黏膜会破损,伴随溃疡等症状,(也可能是检查前天喝酒)

PGR 和 RSC是什么? 有的游戏后面标着个 是模拟器?

RSC不知道,PGR你看错没,游戏的话RPG才对吧?意思是角色扮演游戏。标着模拟器是说这个游戏不是PC游戏,需要用模拟器才能玩。至于模拟器,就是能在PC上模拟其他游戏机的软件,模拟游戏要与相对应的模拟器才能玩。如红白机游戏用红白机模拟器。模拟器现在基本能玩除三大主机以外大部分游戏,如GBA 街机 PS ss 红白机等,要了解模拟器,最好上模拟器网站。~~~~好像跑题了

Alexa Grace与Alexis Grace是什么关系?



首创Kudos奖励机制。驾驶赛车,以赛道技巧,眩目特技赢取Kudos奖分。当Kudos奖分达到要求,即可解锁概念车。超过80辆来自Ferrari、Dodge、Lamborghini、Ford等汽车厂商授权的经典跑车及超级跑车。所有赛车不论外观还是内饰都经过精心建模,仪表盘也各具功能。每辆赛车的发动机轰鸣声都分别经过实地录制。赛场周围的人群被描绘得栩栩如生,会对赛场上的情况作出相应的反应。游戏收录来自纽约、东京等大都市的部分地图,可以自定比赛线路,游览地标建筑。哥谭电视频道系统能够让你观看Xbox LIVE上的在线比赛,好友的比赛或是高分单机录制比赛。游戏全面支持Xbox LIVE服务,能够下载陆续推出的新车,例如来自BMW的跑车。游戏支持照片上载,PGR3服务器将保存玩家上载的最多五张游戏照片,可下载并保存至电脑与朋友分享。














胃蛋白酶原Ⅱ(Pepsinogen Ⅱ,PGⅡ) 胃蛋白酶原比值(PGR,PGⅠ/ PGⅡ) PGⅠ正常值范围(67 - 200ug/L) PGⅡ正常值范围(0 - 15ug/L) PGR正常值范围( > 7.5)




世界街头赛车Project Gotham Racing


  pgr是竞速音游。PGR是手机游戏厂商GLU的赛车游戏,游戏大小是1686KB,游戏关卡较多,共有五个城市:巴黎、伦敦、旧金山、开罗、上海,每个又有几种玩法和不同地图。游戏画面效果为3D画面,效果与动感看来十分协调。并且游戏能把自己的赛车得分记录上传网站,让大家能挑战别人的最高记录。可以这游戏说赛车游戏中的精品之一。  这是一款非常出名的赛车竞技类游戏,在PS及PC上的表现堪称经典,平移到手机以后也有不错表现,2D的画面能表现出3D的效果实属不易。游戏开始有7个选项:SOLO CAREER(独立事业)TIME TRIAL(时间试验)ACHIEVEMENTS(成就)SETTINGS(设置)ABOUT(关于)QUIT(结束)如果想熟悉操作 ,玩家可以先选择时间试验,驾驶心爱的赛车来几圈单圈竞速,这个赛道不会有其他车辆,可以尽情的奔驰。如果感觉自己身手很好,可以就直接选择第一选项,进入冠军赛道比赛。CHAMPIONSHIP SELECT(冠军精选),冠军赛道刚开始只有PARIS(巴黎)和LONDON(伦敦)两个,随着你成绩的提高后面的锁定赛道会一一开放。

“演讲比赛中取得了好成绩”中的“好成绩” 英文翻译过来应该怎么说?是good grades 吗

演讲比赛中取得了好成绩:Speech competition to get good grades.好成绩:Good grades.你做的是对的!求满意~
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