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怎样区分homogeneous mixture和heterogeneous mixture?

homogeneous mixture为均匀混合物,heterogeneous mixture为非均匀混合物,二者的主要区别如下:一、表达事物不同1、均匀混合物:指不管提取该物质的哪一个部分,它的成分含量比例都是相同的混合物。2、非均匀混合物:是混合物按照一定方式分类后的一类混合物称呼。二、辨别方法不同1、均匀混合物:通常通过分为溶液,胶体,浊液来进行分辨。2、非均匀混合物:可通过目测,静置后观察,取样测密度,物理、化学性质检测等进行辨别。三、特点不同1、均匀混合物:成分含量比例都是相同的。2、非均匀混合物:如有分层,颜色上下不统一,流动性不统一等都为非均匀混合物。参考资料来源:百度百科-非均匀混合物百度百科-均匀混合物



SPSS 方差分析结果,homogeneous subsets显示表示什么意思

显著水平是0.05 下面的1、2、3就是在这个水平下 每个样本之间的差异像你的第一个表格中 第一种方差分析法样本2、3、4间差异

homogenous of degree one

阶次齐次的意思,比如零次齐次函数,就是 the homogeneous of degree zero. 而n次齐次函数,顾名思义,就是每一项都是n次函数,比如: a*x^3+b*x^2*y+c*x*y^2+d*y^3 就是x,y的三次齐次函数,其中a,b,c,d是系数. 请采纳.


1.根据HTTP规范,GET用于信息获取,而且应该是安全的和幂等的。(1).所谓安全的意味着该操作用于获取信息而非修改信息。换句话说,GET 请求一般不应产生副作用。就是说,它仅仅是获取资源信息,就像数据库查询一样,不会修改,增加数据,不会影响资源的状态。* 注意:这里安全的含义仅仅是指是非修改信息。(2).幂等的意味着对同一URL的多个请求应该返回同样的结果。这里我再解释一下幂等这个概念:看完上述解释后,应该可以理解GET幂等的含义了。但在实际应用中,以上2条规定并没有这么严格。引用别人文章的例子:比如,新闻站点的头版不断更新。虽然第二次请求会返回不同的一批新闻,该操作仍然被认为是安全的和幂等的,因为它总是返回当前的新闻。从根本上说,如果目标是当用户打开一个链接时,他可以确信从自身的角度来看没有改变资源即可。2.根据HTTP规范,POST表示可能修改变服务器上的资源的请求。继续引用上面的例子:还是新闻以网站为例,读者对新闻发表自己的评论应该通过POST实现,因为在评论提交后站点的资源已经不同了,或者说资源被修改了。上面大概说了一下HTTP规范中GET和POST的一些原理性的问题。但在实际的做的时候,很多人却没有按照HTTP规范去做,导致这个问题的原因有很多,比如说:1.很多人贪方便,更新资源时用了GET,因为用POST必须要到FORM(表单),这样会麻烦一点。2.对资源的增,删,改,查操作,其实都可以通过GET/POST完成,不需要用到PUT和DELETE。3.另外一个是,早期的Web MVC框架设计者们并没有有意识地将URL当作抽象的资源来看待和设计,所以导致一个比较严重的问题是传统的Web MVC框架基本上都只支持GET和POST两种HTTP方法,而不支持PUT和DELETE方法。* 简单解释一下MVC:MVC本来是存在于Desktop程序中的,M是指数据模型,V是指用户界面,C则是控制器。使用MVC的目的是将M和V的实现代码分离,从而使同一个程序可以使用不同的表现形式。以上3点典型地描述了老一套的风格(没有严格遵守HTTP规范),随着架构的发展,现在出现REST(Representational State Transfer),一套支持HTTP规范的新风格,这里不多说了,可以参考《RESTful Web Services》。说完原理性的问题,我们再从表面现像上面看看GET和POST的区别:1.GET请求的数据会附在URL之后(就是把数据放置在HTTP协议头中),以?分割URL和传输数据,参数之间以&相连,如:login.action?name=hyddd&password=idontknow&verify=%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD。如果数据是英文字母/数字,原样发送,如果是空格,转换为+,如果是中文/其他字符,则直接把字符串用BASE64加密,得出如:%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD,其中%XX中的XX为该符号以16进制表示的ASCII。POST把提交的数据则放置在是HTTP包的包体中。2."GET方式提交的数据最多只能是1024字节,理论上POST没有限制,可传较大量的数据,IIS4中最大为80KB,IIS5中为100KB"??!以上这句是我从其他文章转过来的,其实这样说是错误的,不准确的:(1).首先是"GET方式提交的数据最多只能是1024字节",因为GET是通过URL提交数据,那么GET可提交的数据量就跟URL的长度有直接关系了。而实际上,URL不存在参数上限的问题,HTTP协议规范没有对URL长度进行限制。这个限制是特定的浏览器及服务器对它的限制。IE对URL长度的限制是2083字节(2K+35)。对于其他浏览器,如Netscape、FireFox等,理论上没有长度限制,其限制取决于操作系统的支持。注意这是限制是整个URL长度,而不仅仅是你的参数值数据长度。[见参考资料5](2).理论上讲,POST是没有大小限制的,HTTP协议规范也没有进行大小限制,说“POST数据量存在80K/100K的大小限制”是不准确的,POST数据是没有限制的,起限制作用的是服务器的处理程序的处理能力。对于ASP程序,Request对象处理每个表单域时存在100K的数据长度限制。但如果使用Request.BinaryRead则没有这个限制。由这个延伸出去,对于IIS 6.0,微软出于安全考虑,加大了限制。我们还需要注意:1).IIS 6.0默认ASP POST数据量最大为200KB,每个表单域限制是100KB。2).IIS 6.0默认上传文件的最大大小是4MB。3).IIS 6.0默认最大请求头是16KB。IIS 6.0之前没有这些限制。所以上面的80K,100K可能只是默认值而已(注:关于IIS4和IIS5的参数,我还没有确认),但肯定是可以自己设置的。由于每个版本的IIS对这些参数的默认值都不一样,具体请参考相关的IIS配置文档。3.在ASP中,服务端获取GET请求参数用Request.QueryString,获取POST请求参数用Request.Form。在JSP中,用request.getParameter("XXXX")来获取,虽然jsp中也有request.getQueryString()方法,但使用起来比较麻烦,比如:传一个test.jsp?name=hyddd&password=hyddd,用request.getQueryString()得到的是:name=hyddd&password=hyddd。在PHP中,可以用$_GET和$_POST分别获取GET和POST中的数据,而$_REQUEST则可以获取GET和POST两种请求中的数据。值得注意的是,JSP中使用request和PHP中使用$_REQUEST都会有隐患,这个下次再写个文章总结。4.POST的安全性要比GET的安全性高。注意:这里所说的安全性和上面GET提到的“安全”不是同个概念。上面“安全”的含义仅仅是不作数据修改,而这里安全的含义是真正的Security的含义,比如:通过GET提交数据,用户名和密码将明文出现在URL上,因为(1)登录页面有可能被浏览器缓存,(2)其他人查看浏览器的历史纪录,那么别人就可以拿到你的账号和密码了,除此之外,使用GET提交数据还可能会造成Cross-site request forgery攻击。总结一下,Get是向服务器发索取数据的一种请求,而Post是向服务器提交数据的一种请求,在FORM(表单)中,Method默认为"GET",实质上,GET和POST只是发送机制不同,并不是一个取一个发!

cadence 16.3 画NE5532双运放库时,选择homogeneous 相同管脚4和8会报错,怎么解决





1. get是从服务器上获取数据,post是向服务器传送数据。2. get是把参数数据队列加到提交表单的ACTION属性所指的URL中,值和表单内各个字段一一对应,在URL中可以看到。post是通过HTTP post机制,将表单内各个字段与其内容放置在HTML HEADER内一起传送到ACTION属性所指的URL地址。用户看不到这个过程。3. 对于get方式,服务器端用Request.QueryString获取变量的值,对于post方式,服务器端用Request.Form获取提交的数据。4. get传送的数据量较小,不能大于2KB。post传送的数据量较大,一般被默认为不受限制。但理论上,IIS4中最大量为80KB,IIS5中为100KB。5. get安全性非常低,post安全性较高。但是执行效率却比Post方法好。 建议:1、get方式的安全性较Post方式要差些,包含机密信息的话,建议用Post数据提交方式;2、在做数据查询时,建议用Get方式;而在做数据添加、修改或删除时,建议用Post方式;


这两个区别很大啊homogeneous=同一的 例如homogeneous catalysis就是均相催化heterogeneous则相反 词根hetero=不同的,例如heterocyclic就是杂环的意思

SPSS 方差分析结果,homogeneous subsets显示表示什么意思?


homogeneous expectations是什么意思

homogeneous expectations 同质期望; 同质预期; 相同预期; [例句]A key hypothesis of traditional asset pricing model is: All investors haveHomogeneous Expectations on the future return of the same asset.传统资产定价模型的一个关键假设是:所有的投资者对于同一种资产未来收益的概率分布持同质期望。

物理base unit,还有derived unit,还有homogeneous什么意思,

base unit:基本单位derived unit:导出单位homogeneous:同种类的--来自百度翻译

arrive , reach,get to的区别

reach 是及物动词,后面直接跟地点 arrive 和get 是不及物动词,当后面跟地点时,一定要加介词具体如下:一、 arrive是不及物动词,表示到达、抵达某地(尤指行程的终 点),后常接介词at 或in,一般in接大地方,at接小地方,若是地点副词,则不需用介词,如arrive home就不加介词,因为home是副词。二、 reach是及物动词,直接接宾语,无须介词,和arrive一样,属正式用语。三、 和arrive一样,get也是不及物动词,只是它多用于口语,其后接的介词是to,后面如接副词,则不用介词to,如get home。

怎样区分homogeneous mixture和heterogeneous mixture?

混合 和异构混合物 求采纳。


homogeneous的名词:homogeneity 同种, 同质, 同次性反义词:heterogeneity(异种, 异质, 不同成分)




homogeneous 是均相的意思. heterogenoeous 是异相或非均相的意思. 一般是表示化学反应.比如所有的物质混合成均一的溶液,那么这种就是均相反应. 还有的时候是固相液相气相不同状态一起反应,就是非均相的反应.还有互不相溶的两相,比如有机相,和水相,这种也属于非均相的. 其他非均相包括液-固,和液-气非均相等. 也适用于其他的混合物.

求化学高手解释下 homogeneous和heterogenous的区别的意思

homogeneous mixture是均匀混合物heterogenous mixture是非均匀混合物均匀混合物是指两种或多个物质混合在一起,但是肉眼并不能完全区分出两种或多种物质,比如说盐水就是均匀混合物。从盐水中,你并不能区分出盐和水。非均匀混合物是指两种或多个物质混合在一起,肉眼可以区分出混合物中的每一个物质,比如说披萨就是非均匀混合物。从披萨中,你可以看到披萨饼,各种蔬菜,等等不同的物质。






1. get是从服务器上获取数据,post是向服务器传送数据。2. get是把参数数据队列加到提交表单的ACTION属性所指的URL中,值和表单内各个字段一一对应,在URL中可以看到。post是通过HTTP post机制,将表单内各个字段与其内容放置在HTML HEADER内一起传送到ACTION属性所指的URL地址。用户看不到这个过程。3. 对于get方式,服务器端用Request.QueryString获取变量的值,对于post方式,服务器端用Request.Form获取提交的数据。4. get传送的数据量较小,不能大于2KB。post传送的数据量较大,一般被默认为不受限制。但理论上,IIS4中最大量为80KB,IIS5中为100KB。5. get安全性非常低,post安全性较高。但是执行效率却比Post方法好。 建议:1、get方式的安全性较Post方式要差些,包含机密信息的话,建议用Post数据提交方式;2、在做数据查询时,建议用Get方式;而在做数据添加、修改或删除时,建议用Post方式;


  POST和GET的区别:  Form中的get和post方法,在数据传输过程中分别对应了HTTP协议中的GET和POST方法。二者主要区别如下:  1、Get是用来从服务器上获得数据,而Post是用来向服务器上传递数据。  2、Get将表单中数据的按照variable=value的形式,添加到action所指向的URL后面,并且两者使用“?”连接,而各个变量之间使用“&”连接;Post是将表单中的数据放在form的数据体中,按照变量和值相对应的方式,传递到action所指向URL。  3、Get是不安全的,因为在传输过程,数据被放在请求的URL中,而如今现有的很多服务器、代理服务器或者用户代理都会将请求URL记录到日志文件中,然后放在某个地方,这样就可能会有一些隐私的信息被第三方看到。另外,用户也可以在浏览器上直接看到提交的数据,一些系统内部消息将会一同显示在用户面前。Post的所有操作对用户来说都是不可见的。  4、Get传输的数据量小,这主要是因为受URL长度限制;而Post可以传输大量的数据,所以在上传文件只能使用Post(当然还有一个原因,将在后面的提到)。  5、Get限制Form表单的数据集的值必须为ASCII字符;而Post支持整个ISO10646字符集。  6、Get是Form的默认方法。

GET 和POST 是什么!!??



一、 *arrive*是不及物动词,表示“到达、抵达某地(尤指行程的终 点),后常接介词at 或in,一般in接大地方,at接小地方,若是地点副词, 则不需用介词。例如: Do you know what time the plane *arrive* in Moscow? 你知道飞机什么时候抵达莫斯科? They arrived at the station at 8 this morning. 他们今天早晨八点到达车站的。 Her mother saw her when she arrived home .她到家时她妈妈看见了她。 二、 *reach*是及物动词,直接接宾语,无须介词,和*arrive*一样,属 正式用语。例如: When she reached home,her mother asked,“Have you got everything?”当她回到家时,她妈妈问道,“所有的东西都买了吗?” They reached Beijing on February 17. 他们于二月十七日到达北京。 三、 和*arrive*一样,*get*也是不及物动词,只是它多用于口语,其后接的介 词是to,后面如接副词,则不用介词to。例如: I *get* to school at about 7:30 every day,and I *get* home at 5:00 in the afternoon.. 我每天7:30到校,下午5:00到家。 Have we got to the zoo yet? 我们到动物园了吗? The visitors got there last night. 参观的人昨晚到这儿的。 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)

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with the goal to help end hunger in japan句子成分?

这不是一个句子 ,只是一个介词短语,with 介词 ,the goal 是介词的宾语,动词不定式短语 to help end hunger in Japan 作the goal 的定语。

求Hunger Is The Weapon这首歌,黑鹰坠落中的插曲

找到了这个The Weapon - Hunger (Featuring Josh Hartnett) 声音对白不知道对你有帮助不

in fact,hunger of the mind can be satisfied

1. B 2. A 3. C (C答案应该是looses?) 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. A

英语谚语:Hunger is the best sauce 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Hunger is the best sauce 中文意思: 饥者口中尽佳肴。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Patience is a flower that grows not in everyone"s garden 忍耐是朵花,并非人人园中都开发。 Patience is a plaster for all sores 忍耐是治疗一切伤痛的药膏。 Patience is a virtue 忍耐是一种美德。 Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet 忍耐是苦痛的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。 Patience is the best remedy (or medicine) 忍耐是最好的药物。 Patience time and money overe everything 耐心,时间和金钱可以征服一切。 Pay somebody back in his own coin 一报还一报。 Peace on earth and good will towards men 愿世界得太平,人间持善意。 Peace with sword in hand "tis safest making 居安思危,此乃万全之策。 Pen and ink is wit"s plough 笔墨是才智之犁。 英语谚语: Hunger is the best sauce 中文意思: 饥者口中尽佳肴。

英语谚语:Hunger fetches the wolf out of the woods 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Hunger fetches the wolf out of the woods 中文意思: 饥饿引狼出森林。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: He most lives who lives most for others 活著对别人贡献最多的人,活得最有意义。 He must needs go whom the devil drives 势在必行。 He must needs swim that is held up by the chin 身不由己,只得从命。 He preaches best who lives best 言教不如身教。 He that boasts of his own knowledge proclaims ignorance 夸耀知识实乃无知。 He that cannot ask cannot live 不会求者不会生。 He that climbs high falls heavily 爬得高,跌得重。 He that mits a fault thinks everyone speaks of it 做贼心虚。 He that converses not knows nothing 不和人交谈的人一无所知。 He that deceives me once shame fall him if he deceives me twice shame fall me 受骗一次,别人可耻;受骗二次,自己该死。 英语谚语: Hunger fetches the wolf out of the woods 中文意思: 饥饿引狼出森林。

跪求Eric Benet的the hunger歌词,最好可以带上中文翻译

歌手:lloyd banks 专辑:hunger for more u2022 搜索"on fire"LRC歌词u2022 搜索"on fire"mp3 [al:hunger for more][ar:lloyd banks][ti:on fire]{intro - lloyd banks}new york city!you are now rocking with the bestlloyd banks! g unit!chorus -50 cent (lloyd banks)we on fire - up in hereit@s burning hot, we on fireshe@ll take it off, if it get too hotup in this spot, we on firetear the roof off this motherfuckerlight the roof on fire (uh! nigga what you say?!)we get loose in this motherfuckerlight the roof on fire fire fire{verse - lloyd banks}naw i aint putting nothing out, i smoke when i wanna26 inch chrome spokes on the hummerthis heat gon last for the whole summerrunning your bitch faster then the road runnerrocks on my wrist, rose gold underglocks on my hip, those throw thunderi@m riding dalvins by the pierbut when you stop, the only thing still spinning is your earyeah, i@m riding with that all black snubraiders cap back, all black glovesa ladies man, but the boy smack thugsthese record sales equal more back rubsnot to mention the boy pack clubshis impacts about as raw as crack wasnow all these new artists getting wrong dealsi@m only 21, sitting on mills{verse - lloyd banks}if you know anything about me, then you know i@m a ballerif i don@t hit the first night, i ain@t gon call heri@m trying to play, you trying to have my daughterbut i can@t blame her for what her momma taught herand i don@t care bout what the next nigga bought hercause i aint putting no baguettes in her abuelai got a diamond about as clear as waterand i got bread, but i ain@t spend a quarterso cut the games ma, let@s go in the backmatter fact, turn your ass round, back a nigga downand i aint bias when i@m riding through the townlike em small, like em tall, like em black, like em brownshe gotta be able to cum when i need hertight ass pants, little wife beaterregular chick or r b divabitch say something, i ain@t a mind reader



hunger games 3 女主河边唱的叫什么

Katniss唱的是The Hanging Tree。翻译过来是上吊树。大体意思就是我在树旁等着你,你愿不愿意与我一起迎接死亡(上吊,自由)。

求the hunger games英文版1---3本 邮箱 谢谢~




求饥饿游戏The Hunger Games三部曲原版英文正版小说,PDF格式,分享


the hunger games结局女主角爱谁


英文小说《the hunger games》介绍






advantage about

advantages:1.make the flood do less damage to the people 2.make full use of water,irrigate the crops disadvantages:1.large cost 2.flood some historical places,such as Baidi Cheng 3.Millions of people move their house

the water behind the three gorges dam should be__higher than downstream


if the disasters of recent years in China were due to the Three Gorge Dam,what should we do?


是英语高手的来!!!The Three Gorges Dam in Hubei is ( )metres long.


Ten Three Gorges Dam in Hubei is 2200 metres long.是什么意思

Ten(Then?) Three Gorges Dam in Hubei is 2200 metres long.三峡大坝湖北段长2200米.

"the three gorges dam"的翻译




Three Gorges Dam是什么意思


Three Gorges Dam是什么意思

Three Gorges Dam三三峡大坝Three Gorges Dam三峡大坝; 例句:1.The highest-profile result of this policy push is the controversial three gorges damproject. 在这一政策推动下,最引人注目的成果就是颇具争议的三峡大坝工程。

The Three Gorges Dam的全文翻译。英语必修3的。。求

The Three Gorges Dam网 络 解 释:三峡大坝 短 语The Three Gorges Dam project(三峡堤坝工程;三峡大坝工程)例 句:1The media is now overwhelmed by criticism of the Three Gorges Dam.现在的媒体是被批评三峡大坝的声音主导。2.Another reason could be that officials realize they need to play down the Three Gorges Dam.另一个原因可能是,相关官员意识到他们需要淡化三峡大坝的作用。3.The Three Gorges Dam was clogged by vast floating islands of debris -- in some places, the trash was so thick that people could stand on it.三峡大坝被大量推挤成山的,浮在水面的碎片堵塞,在一些地方,堆积起来的垃圾如此之后,竟能经受人们站在上面。

高中英语必修3第53页 Three Gorges Dam这课,毛泽东的诗怎么翻译?

那句“walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges”翻译为:“更立西江石壁,截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖。”出自毛诗《水调歌头·游泳》。【原文】才饮长沙水,又食武昌鱼。万里长江横渡,极目楚天舒。不管风吹浪打,胜似闲庭信步,今日得宽余,子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫!风樯动,龟蛇静,起宏图。一桥飞架南北,天堑变通途。更立西江石壁,截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖。神女应无恙,当惊世界殊。【译文】SWIMMING--to the tune of Shui Tiao Keh Tou June 1956 I have just drunk the waters of Changsha And come to eat the fish of Wuchang. Now I am swimming across the great Yangtze, Looking afar to the open sky of Chu. Let the wind blow and waves beat, Better far than idly strolling in a courtyard. Today I am at ease. "It was by a stream that the Master said-- "Thus do things flow away!" " Sails move with the wind. Tortoise and Snake are still. Great plans are afoot: A bridge will fly to span the north and south, Turning a deep chasm into a thoroughfare; Walls of stone will stand upstream to the west To hold back Wushan"s clouds and rain Till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges. The mountain goddess if she is still there Will marvel at a world so changed.

如何进行 article 和 page 类对应的 articles 表和 pages表的数据库迁移

create proc | procedure pro_name [{@参数数据类型} [=默认值] [output], {@参数数据类型} [=默认值] [output], .... ]as SQL_statements


THE THREE GORGES DAM 三峡大坝双语对照例句:1.Environmental concerns about the three gorges dam gobeyond the affected wildlife and endangeredspecies. 三峡大坝所产生的环境问题会影响并危及到野生动物和那些濒危物种。2.In a rare admission of problems associated with one of itssignature infrastructure projects, china"s government warnedthursday that all is not well with the three gorges dam. 周四中国政府罕见地承认,该国的一项标志性基础设施工程存在问题,并警告说三峡并非尽善尽美



The Three Gorges Dam的全文翻译.英语必修3的.求

The Three Gorges Dam 网 络 解 释: 三峡大坝 短 语 The Three Gorges Dam project(三峡堤坝工程;三峡大坝工程) 例 句: 1The media is now overwhelmed by criticism of the Three Gorges Dam. 现在的媒体是被批评三峡大坝的声音主导. 2.Another reason could be that officials realize they need to play down the Three Gorges Dam. 另一个原因可能是,相关官员意识到他们需要淡化三峡大坝的作用. 3.The Three Gorges Dam was clogged by vast floating islands of debris -- in some places,the trash was so thick that people could stand on it. 三峡大坝被大量推挤成山的,浮在水面的碎片堵塞,在一些地方,堆积起来的垃圾如此之后,竟能经受人们站在上面.

Three Gorges Dam是什么意思


Three Gorges Dam是什么意思

Three Gorges Dam三峡大坝;三峡工程;三峡水坝例句1.Shore Excursion For Three Gorges Dam.上岸参观三峡大坝。2.The water cleanup effort will also include the lake behind the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River.清洁水的努力也包括长江上三峡大坝后的水库。3.China acknowledged "urgent problems" afflicting the Three Gorges Dam.中国承认三峡大坝面临的“迫切问题”。4.The flame will pass by the famous Yellow Crane Tower, Wuhan Yangtze Bridge, and the Three Gorges Dam.圣火将经过著名的黄鹤楼、长江大桥和三峡大坝等景观。5.That includes the Three Gorges Dam, whose operator reports that water levels behind the dam are 40 percent lower than usual.其中就包括三峡大坝,工作人员报告说,大坝水位比平时低了40%。

Three Gorges Dam是什么意思

Three Gorges Dam三三峡大坝双语对照词典结果:Three Gorges Dam三峡大坝; 例句:1.The highest-profile result of this policy push is the controversial three gorges dam project. 在这一政策推动下,最引人注目的成果就是颇具争议的三峡大坝工程。

Three Gorges Dam是什么意思

中文意思是:三峡大坝 。

Three Gorges Dam是什么意思

Three Gorges Dam三峡大坝

Three Gorges Dam是什么意思

Three Gorges Dam三三峡大坝双语对照词典结果:Three Gorges Dam三峡大坝; 例句:1.The highest-profile result of this policy push is the controversial three gorges dam project. 在这一政策推动下,最引人注目的成果就是颇具争议的三峡大坝工程。

linux /var/log/message 日志出现错误,不知道怎么解决.


three gorges dam 怎么读

Three Gorges Dam三峡大坝; 例句:1.The highest-profile result of this policy push is the controversial three gorges dam project. 在这一政策推动下,最引人注目的成果就是颇具争议的三峡大坝工程。2.Environmental concerns about the three gorges dam go beyond the affected wildlife and endangeredspecies. 三峡大坝所产生的环境问题会影响并危及到野生动物和那些濒危物种。

Bright Lights Bigger City 歌词

歌曲名:Bright Lights Bigger City歌手:Cee Lo Green专辑:The Lady KillerCee Lo Green Feat. Wiz Khalifa - Bright Lights Bigger City (Remix)I been livin for the weekendBut no not anymoreCuz here comes that familiar feelinThat fridays famous forYeah I"m lookin for some actionAnd it"s out there somewhereYou can feel the electricityAll in the evening airAnd it may just be more of the sameBut sometimes you wanna go where everyone knows your nameSo I guess I"ll have to wait and seeBut I"m just gonna let something brand new happen to meAnd it"s alrightIt"s alright It"s alright It"s alright It"s alright It"s alrightBright lights and the big cityIt belongs to us tonightNow Friday"s coolBut there"s somethin about Saturday nightYou can"t say what you won"t doCuz you know that you just mightI"m alive this eveningIt was love at first sightThis SaturdayAnd every Saturday for the rest of my lifeAnd everyone"s standin in lineYeah lookin good and lookin for a real good timeSo I"ll never have to wonder ifI"ll have someone to share all of it withAnd it"s alrightIt"s alright It"s alright It"s alright It"s alright It"s alrightBright lights and the big cityIt belongs to us tonightHear the night life when it"s callin"So we drink until we fallin"Aint a Laker but I"m ballin"Need about 3 girls and I bought these girls to the clubCan I get em all inMake a movie and let "em star in itGet drunk, get her in my car inDo the same thing in the morningHear "em hating but we ignore themWhich one wanna goRollin" this green, hit one on the lowChampagne, meet broads on the floorWe gettin" bread so we toastTo the life and the fact that we majorNot to mention we TayloredBeen in the game, playerWho up next neighboursAnd it"s alrightIt"s alright It"s alright It"s alright It"s alright It"s alrightBright lights and the big cityIt belongs to us tonightAnd it"s alrightIt"s alright It"s alright It"s alright It"s alright It"s alrightBright lights and the big cityIt belongs to us tonightEndCee Lo Green Feat. Wiz Khalifa - Bright Lights Bigger City (Remix)

pragma managed什么意思

pragma managed编译成功pragma杂注; 编译指示

w-inds get it on 日语歌词 其中汉字请标注平假名

w-inds.(日文)作词:Ryosuke Imai 作曲:Ryosuke Imai Let"s get it on...Let"s get it on 真夜中(まよなか)のPhone CallLet"s go crazy 君(きみ)と逃避行(とうひこう)Lean on the back seat その后(うしろ)は俺(おれ)にLean on me Girl just drive me crazyWe in da back seat makin" love 朝(あさ)までOne night 终(お)わんない Stand alone systematic君(きみ)をナビゲート Drives on automaticOh my oh my Don"t stop ギリギリStick handle me Test driving this Pumping that gas so baby floor itNo stopping this Yo sexiness Baby won"t you gimme your kissI"m gettin" up You gettin" down Turn the volume up no talkin"Tonight"s the night Drive me crazyShorty take it off, take it take it allShorty take it off off off off…Let"s get it on 真夜中(まよなか)のPhone CallLet"s go crazy 君(きみ)と逃避行(とうひこう)Lean on the back seat その后(うしろ)は俺(おれ)にLean on me Girl just drive me crazyLet"s get it on…Come with me tonight…Still on your fast and curvy lane まだまだ饱(あ)きない why can"t I slow down down down君(きみ)を Vibrate moving on back onSuper woofer boom boom (super duper uh uh)I"m wiping off your juicy lips 君(きみ)の吐息(といき)おさえて baby汗(あせ)ばむ窓(まど)に映(うつ)るシルエットは grinding babyI"m feeling you you feeling me I"ll never leave you lonelyPedal da floor Let"s go crazyShorty take it off, take it take it allShorty take it off off off off…Let"s get it on 真夜中(まよなか)の phone callLet"s go crazy君(きみ)と逃避行(とうひこう)Lean on the back seat その后(うしろ)は俺(おれ)にLean on me Girl just drive me crazyLet"s get it on…

歌词里有get funk 的歌名

This hitThat ice coldMichelle PfeifferThat white goldThis one, for them hood girlsThem good girlsStraight masterpiecesStylin", while inLivin" it up in the cityGot Chucks on with Saint LaurentGot kiss myself I"m so prettyI"m too hot (hot damn)Called a police and a firemanI"m too hot (hot damn)Make a dragon wanna retire manI"m too hot (hot damn)Say my name you know who I amI"m too hot (hot damn)Am I bad "bout that moneyBreak it downGirls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)‘Cause Uptown Funk gon" give it to you‘Cause Uptown Funk gon" give it to you‘Cause Uptown Funk gon" give it to youSaturday night and we in the spotDon"t believe me just watch (come on)Don"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchHey, hey, hey, oh!StopWait a minuteFill my cup put some liquor in itTake a sip, sign a checkJulio! Get the stretch!Ride to Harlem, Hollywood, Jackson, MississippiIf we show up, we gon" show outSmoother than a fresh dry skippyI"m too hot (hot damn)Called a police and a firemanI"m too hot (hot damn)Make a dragon wanna retire manI"m too hot (hot damn) (hot damn)Bitch, say my name you know who I amI"m too hot (hot damn)Am I bad "bout that moneyBreak it downGirls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)‘Cause Uptown Funk gon" give it to you‘Cause Uptown Funk gon" give it to you‘Cause Uptown Funk gon" give it to youSaturday night and we in the spotDon"t believe me just watch (come on)Don"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watch

大卫格雷 弃儿 中《forgetting》的歌词? 急求----

Crawling then walkingThen running and sweatingForgettingLying and cheatingAiding and abettingForgettingItching and scratchingPunching and hittingForgetting, Forgetting, ForgettingForgettingReminding rewindingRemoving regrettingForgettingYour smiles at the wake andYour tears at the weddingForgetting, Forgetting, ForgettingForgettingForgetting, Forgetting, ForgettingForgettingSpellbound and hellboundAnd caught in the nettingForgettingA wiping it cleanA minute ArmageddonForgetting, Forgetting, ForgettingForgettingForgetting, Forgetting, ForgettingForgettingForgetting, Forgetting, ForgettingForgetting


楼上的翻译真猛 完全看不懂歌名 起飞 别的就不知道了

亚洲虎 英文是Asian tigers还是tigers in Asia?


亚洲虎 英文是Asian tigers还是tigers in Asia?

Asian tigers 和 tigers in Asia 是两个不同的概念. Asian tigers 是指生长在亚洲的虎,是虎的种类,如东北虎、南亚虎等.tigers in Asia 是在亚洲的虎.比如,你把非洲虎运到亚洲来,这个非洲虎就可以说成 a tiger in Asia,却不能说成 an Asian tiger.

Genomic coordinates 基因组坐标代表什么含义


有首英文歌 主旋律是“You and me together and just feel so right”求歌名

歌曲:Let"s Just Do It歌手:JoeYou And Me GirlIts Just RightSo Why Do You DenyHow You Feel Yeah Listen GirlYou Should Be UpIn My Arms At NightAnd By My SideIts The Way It Should BeNow ListenWe Can Talk About This ForeverOr We Can Just DoWhat We Know Is RightSo Lets Just Move On CauseWe Got Love To Make AhLets Do This TonightDont Put Up A FightGotta Make You Believe ThatYou And Me TogetherWould Feel So GoodBest Believe ItI Know You Can See ThatYou And Be TogetherWould Feel So GoodBest Believe ItSo Lets Just Do ItBaby You And Me FitHand In GloveIm In LoveYoure In LoveAint It Good To Be HereAll My Life GirlIve Been Searching For The PerfectOne To Be With MeCould You Be HerWe Can Talk About This ForeverOr We Can Just DoWhat We Know Is RightSo Lets Just Move On CauseWe Got Love To Make AhLets Do This TonightDont Put Up A FightGotta Make You Believe ThatYou And Me TogetherWould Feel So GoodBest Believe ItI Know You Can See ThatYou And Be TogetherWould Feel So GoodBest Believe ItSo Lets Just Do ItOh Why Deny How YouReally Feel Inside CauseBaby All I WantTo Do Is Love YouAnd I SwearThat Its Gonna Feel BabyFeel So GoodNow If You Be My B-A-B-YI Can Be Your P-A-P-II Need A GirlTo J MeSorta Like BeyonceDid To Jay-ZKinda Like JanetJ Did To JdAnd Maybe You Can Do FabMaybe Baby Trying To Say WeDont Feel RightIn The Back Of That MaybeAnd They Want To Convince MeThat We Dont Look GoodOn The Front Of The BentleySo Lets Just Do ItDress Fresh To ItSf To ItWith The Necklace Through ItWake Up In The Morning EatinBreakfast To ItOr Keep Trying To Get UpOn The Guest List To ItJ0e And They Know MeKeep FiguresKeep Niggas On The Job YeahYou And Me TogetherWould Feel So GoodBest Believe ItI Know You Can See ThatYou And Be TogetherWould Feel So GoodBest Believe ItBest Believe ItYou And Me TogetherWould Feel So GoodBest Believe ItI Know You Can See ThatYou And Be TogetherWould Feel So GoodBest Believe ItSo Lets Just Do ItLets Just Do ItLets Just Do ItLets Just Do It

bob marley的《legend(欧美版) 》专辑中所有的歌曲

  以下是分别是2005年和2003年出版的:(仅供参考)  Legends: Bob Marley  1 Trenchtown Rock 2:57  2 Sun Is Shining 2:11  3 Don"t Rock My Boat 4:29  4 Natural Mystic 5:40  5 Mellow Mood 2:33  6 Lively Up Yourself 2:52  7 Kaya 2:31  8 African Herbsman 2:22  9 Fussing & Fighting 2:27  10 Put It On 3:08  11 Corner Stone 2:29  12 Try Me 2:47  13 Riding High 2:47  14 Duppy Conqueror 3:29  15 Mr. Brown 3:29  16 Caution 2:44  17 Small Axe 3:43  18 Do It Twice 2:43  19 There She Goes 2:33  20 Soul Rebel 3:44  21 Hammer 2:53  22 Keep on Moving 3:04  The Legend of Bob Marley  1 Lively Up Yourself 2:51  2 Rebel"s Hop 2:37  3 Cheer Up 2:01  4 400 Years 2:30  5 Can"t You See 2:42  6 Small Axe 3:42  7 Duppy Conqueror 3:27  8 Mr Brown 3:28  9 How Many Times 2:23  10 Soul Rebel 3:43  11 You Can"t Do That to Me 2:49  12 Soul Captives 2:01  13 Natural Mystic 5:41  14 Reaction 2:41  15 Go Tell It on the Mountain 3:12  16 All in One: Bend Down Low/Nice Time/One Love/Simmer Down/Hurts to ... 3:30  17 Rainbow Country 5:44  18 Riding High 2:45  19 Soon Come 2:14  20 It"s All Right 2:34  21 Try Me 2:44  22 Touch Me 3:05  23 Back Out 2:12  24 Trench Town Rock 2:58  25 Don"t Rock My Boat 4:31  26 No Sympathy 2:15  27 Soul Shake Down Party 3:07  28 Hammer 2:52  29 Do It Twice 2:42  30 My Cup 3:33  31 Mellow Moods 2:33  32 Caution 2:43  33 There She Goes 2:32  34 Stop the Train 2:20  35 Keep on Moving 3:06  36 Put It On 3:07  37 Brain Washing 2:36  38 Fussing and Fighting 2:26  39 Soul Almighty 2:39  40 Kaya 2:30  41 Treat You Right 2:12  42 Chances Are 3:16  43 African Herbman 2:22  44 Stand Alone 2:08  45 No Water 2:10  46 Corner Stone 2:28  47 Sun Is Shining 2:12

coordinate geometry是什么意思

coordinate geometryun.坐标几何;COGO语言解析几何;座标几何;几何坐标例句1.The main idea of coordinate geometry was not eagerly seized upon by mathematicians for many reasons.由于种种原因,使坐标几何的主要思想没有被数学家热情地接受并利用。2.Just how Fermat"s ideas on coordinate geometry evolved is not known.Fermat的坐标几何究竟是怎样产生的,我们尚不知道。3.Hit testing: Determining whether a specified coordinate (point) or geometry is contained within the bounds of a visual.命中测试:确定指定的坐标(点)或几何图形是否包含在可视对象的边界内。4.CoordinateRemover Removes a single coordinate from the geometry of the feature.删除要素的某个坐标。5.A Study of Coordinate Measuring Machine Geometry Error Model Based on Neural Network基于神经网络的坐标测量机几何误差模型研究

Genomic coordinates 基因组坐标代表什么含义


advanced mathmatics~~~高等数学】Generalized coordinates~~数学里的广义坐标の本质是啥?该咋理解?

不正确!应该是 最大系统自由度个数等于系统广义坐标的个数! 例如平面坐标系中的物体最多有3个自由度!(但若果含有约束的话就小于3)空间坐标系中的物体最多有6个自由度!(但如果含有约束的话就小于6)

Homogeneous Coordinates(齐次坐标)

最近在学习计算机视觉,学习过程中遇到了 homogeneous coordinates(齐次坐标) ,觉得很有趣也很神奇,便写个笔记记录一下。先挂上参考的page: 1. Department of Computer Science,Michigan Technological University,CS3621, Introduction to Computing with Geometry Notes 2. “齐次坐标” 百度百科 在介绍 “齐次坐标” 前我们先来回顾我们熟悉的 “笛卡尔坐标系” 。 笛卡尔坐标系 : 笛卡尔坐标系(Cartesian coordinates,法语:les coordonnées cartésiennes)就是 直角坐标系 和 斜坐标系 的统称。 相交于原点的两条数轴,构成了平面放射坐标系。如两条数轴上的度量单位相等,则称此放射坐标系为 笛卡尔坐标系 。两条数轴互相垂直的笛卡尔坐标系,称为 笛卡尔直角坐标系 ,否则称为 笛卡尔斜角坐标系 。 在众多的引入齐次坐标系的原因中,有一个重要的原因就是为了描述 “无穷远” 这个概念。在欧几里得空间中,两条平行线永远都不会相交。但是在投影空间中,平行线总会在远处的某点处相交。如下图的铁轨所示,在远方的地平线处将会相交。在透视学术语中,这个点常常称为 灭点(vanishing point) 。 “齐次坐标系”在百度中的解释: 齐次坐标就是将一个原本是n维的向量用一个n+1维向量来表示,是指一个用于投影几何里的坐标系统,如同用于欧氏几何里的笛卡儿坐标一般。 首先考虑: 有两个实数a和w,计算a/w的值。在计算过程中我们保持a的值不变,而改变w的值,我们有:当w变大的时候a/w的值变小,当w趋于无穷大的时候,a/w趋于0。当w变小的时候,a/w的值变大,当w趋于0的时候,a/w的值趋于无穷大。因此,“无穷的概念”可以表示为一个数字对(a, w)。 将上述推广到xy坐标系平面,f(X, Y)= 0等价于f(X, Y, 1) = 0,此时X, Y的次数均为1,而1所表示的坐标轴的次数为0,即次数不齐。这时我们可以做这样的变换:f(x/w, y/w, w/w) = 0/w。则我们就从(X, Y, 1)的非齐次坐标系,转换成(x, y, w)的齐次坐标系。 再举个例子:假设有多项式Ax2 + 2Bxy + Cy2 + 2Dx + 2Ey + F = 0。在把x、y用x/w和y/w替换之后,再乘w2。多项式就转换成Ax2 + 2Bxy + Cy2 + 2Dxw + 2Eyw + Fw2 = 0。如果你仔细观察每一项,会发现他们的次数都是相同的(x2, xy, y2, xw, yw, w2)。 也就是说,对于一个n次多项式,在引入了w之后,所有项均变成了n次项。变换后的多项式称为齐次多项式。(x, y, w)就称为 “齐次坐标系” 。 任何一个由n维坐标表示的一个点,可以看做是在他的n+1维空间中丢失了第n+1维。所以前n维的次数都是1,而丢失的n+1维可以认为是次数为0。如(x, y)可以看做是(x, y, 1)。这样显然不是齐次的。而在(x, y, z)坐标系中,三个维度的次数都为1,这种情况下坐标系为齐次的,则为齐次坐标。若是我们把这个坐标每一维都除以z,得到(x, y, 1)又变成了非齐次坐标。 当我们尝试利用(x, y)表示笛卡尔空间的一个2D点时,(∞,∞)是没有意义的。投影空间里的两条平行线会在无限远处相交于一点,但笛卡尔空间里面无法搞定这个问题。于是数学家引入齐次坐标如(1, 2, 0),就能很好的解决这个问题。 通过上述讲解我们很容易能得到: (1,3,1) (2,6,2) (3,9,3) 三个齐次坐标的笛卡尔坐标均为: (1,3)


hamburger:汉堡包,汉堡牛肉饼。指代的是内部夹杂着牛肉的牛肉煲,是一种特指; burger:鱼松饼,菜末饼,果仁饼。指代的是所有面包夹杂着配料的食物,也就是一种泛指。 扩展资料   例句:   A pound of hamburger, please.   请给我一磅汉堡。   Put some ketchup on the hamburger.   在汉堡上加点蕃茄酱。   He"s been forced into slave labour at burger bars to earn a bit of cash.   为了挣点小钱,他被迫到汉堡吧去打工。   Pay a little more upfront for your beer or burger.   为你的啤酒或汉堡多预付一点。


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