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worm gear是什么意思

  worm gear英 [wu0259:m ɡiu0259] 美 [wu025am ɡu026ar]  n.蜗轮;  [网络]涡轮; 蜗轮传动装置; 蜗轮加工;  [例句]Machine tool Worm gear High-precision Error analysis Error correction;  机床;蜗轮;高精度;误差分析;误差修正;

worm gear是什么意思

  worm gear英 [wu0259:m ɡiu0259] 美 [wu025am ɡu026ar]  n.蜗轮;  [网络]蜗轮传动装置; 蜗齿; 螺旋齿轮;  [例句]Reconstruct of the plane-generated double enveloping hourglass worm gear pair  平面二次包络环面蜗轮副的实体重构

13cr/buna-n,worm gear,api 609在蝶阀中是什么意思

13cr:阀板材料buna-n:丁二烯橡胶(丁腈橡胶),这是密封材料。worm gear 蜗轮传动。api 609是蝶阀的制造标准。


TRUB: Trunnion Ball固定球SE(或SEY): Side Entry侧装FIRE-SAFE: 防火ASTM A216 WCB: 碳钢铸件(阀体材质)TRIM(阀芯)304-RTFE:304不锈钢+RTFE(加强的特氟龙)

worm gear是什么意思

  worm gear英 [wu0259:m ɡiu0259] 美 [wu025am ɡu026ar]  n.蜗轮;  [网络]蜗轮传动装置; 蜗齿; 螺旋齿轮;  [例句]Reconstruct of the plane-generated double enveloping hourglass worm gear pair  平面二次包络环面蜗轮副的实体重构


plt.legend()参数:1. loc:设置图例的位置,可以为字符串如“upper right”也可以是整数值,代表的是四个方向的值;2. ncol:设置图例中有几列;3. fontsize:设置字体大小;4. frameon:设置是否有边框;5. fancybox:设置是否有阴影;6. shadow:设置是否有阴影;7. title:设置图例的标题。拓展:另外,plt.legend()还有其他参数,如markerscale、borderpad等,可以设置图例框中图例与文字的间距,以及图例标记之间的大小关系等。




"best": 0, # only implemented for axes legends"upper right": 1,"upper left": 2,"lower left": 3,"lower right": 4,"right": 5,"center left": 6,"center right": 7,"lower center": 8,"upper center": 9,"center": 10,



购买的衣服上魔术贴印有 ,是什么意思?







TAD GEAR是一家位于加州旧金山的军用户外服装设计生产企业,创始人为曾在美国陆军服役的Patrick。身为士兵的他,在服役期间就为士兵简陋的服装所困扰。在退役后他研修设计,并结合其在作训任务中的实际感受,开创了TAD GEAR品牌。其设计生产的服装以优异的性能,贴身的剪裁,丰富的扩展性,获得了执法部门、特勤、以及特种部队的青睐。其产品线涵盖了中间层,抓绒,软壳,冲锋衣等。TAD GEAR充分利用一流的材质,为士兵带来了一流的户外战斗服装,并且由于其立体的剪裁,不光使得服装舒适轻便,更带来良好视觉感受.

I see 20 oranges,对20提问?

How many oranges do you see?


plugged英 ["plu028cgu026ad]     美 ["plu028cgu026ad]    adj. 塞紧的;堵住的动词plug的过去式和过去分词.




blockedadj.封锁的,闭塞的,联锁的; v.堵塞( block的过去式和过去分词 ); 阻碍;设计(电视录像的摄像镜头布局); [球类](合法)阻挡(对手)Cellphone reception was blocked in much of central cairo. 在开罗中部大部分地区,移动电话接受受到阻碍。pluggedadj.塞紧的;v.插上插头( plug的过去式和过去分词 ); 以(塞子)塞住;;



英译汉I hope you slept well, it is strange to think of you as half a world away. But I do think。

2."do think of you"中的"do"是表强调,翻译成很、真的我希望你夜晚安眠,虽然想起你远在万里之外感觉很陌生,但是我真的每天想念你,当读到你写来的信我会高兴。

Neither of your suggestions makes还是make sense.

是make sense

avril lavigne 的together 歌词翻译

TogetherSomething just isn"t rightI can feel it insideThe truth isn"t far behind meYou can"t denyWhen I turn the lights outWhen I close my eyesReality overcomes meI"m living a lie(Pre-chorus)When I"m aloneI feel so much betterAnd when I"m around youI don"t feel (Chorus)Together It doesn"t feel right at allTogetherTogether we"ve built a wallTogether holding hands we"ll fallHands we"ll fallThis has gone on so longI realize that I needSomething good to rely onSomething for me(Pre-chorus)When I"m alone I feel so much betterAnd when I"m around youI don"t feel (Chorus)TogetherIt doesn"t feel right at allTogetherTogether we"ve built a wallTogether holding hands we"ll fallHands we"ll fallMy heart is brokenI"m lying hereMy thoughts are chokingOn you, my dearOn you, my dearOn you, my dear(Pre Chorus)When I"m aloneI feel so much betterAnd when I"m around youI don"t feel (Chorus x2)When I"m around youWhen I"m around youI don"t feel togetherI don"t feel togetherWhen I"m around youWhen I"m around youI don"t feel togetherI don"t feel together对我有帮助6


期刊全名:journal of general and applied microbiology简介:J GEN APPL MICROBIOL杂志属于生物行业,“生物工程与应用微生物”子行业的偏低级别杂志。 投稿难度评价:影响因子偏低,但是接稿量不是很大,审稿周期偏长,但容易发表 审稿速度:12周以上或约

有weather has a strong effect on influences health,intellinggence and feelings.的原文


microsoft edge怎么设置ie10

首先可以在win10系统的桌面打开“开始”菜单,在开始菜单下面搜索框搜索“ie”或“Internet Explorer”。在搜索结果中可以看到“Microsoft Edge”,点击进入“Microsoft Edge”。   再在打开的Microsoft Edge浏览器里点击右上角的更多“...”图标。   在弹出的对话框选择"使用Internet Explorer打开"。

如何停用AIX中System Director Agents进程

在AIX 5.3高版本、AIX 6.1和AIX7中,安装完操作系统后,细心的都会发现,有两个java进程会自动启动,如下所示。root@aix6test:/># ps -ef|grep javaroot 5570766 1310964 0 Apr 19 - 3:39 /var/opt/tivoli/ep/_jvm/jre/bin/java -Xmx384m -Xminf0.01 -Xmaxf0.4 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Xbootclasspath/a:/var/opt/tivoli/ep/runtime/core/eclipse/plugins/ -Xverify:none -cp eclipse/launch.jar:eclipse/startup.jar:/var/opt/tivoli/ep/runtime/core/eclipse/plugins/ 6160612 2359458 0 Apr 19 - 1:29 /usr/java5/bin/java -Xmx512m -Xms20m -Xscmx10m -Xshareclasses -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xbootclasspath/a:/pconsole/lwi/runtime/core/eclipse/plugins/ -Xverify:none -cp eclipse/launch.jar:eclipse/startup.jar:/pconsole/lwi/runtime/core/eclipse/plugins/先来看看进程pconsole,有这个进程主要是因为安装了sysmgt.pconsole.rte这个包,与之相关是下面这个服务:点击(此处)折叠或打开root@aix6test:/># lssrc -s pconsoleSubsystem Group PID Statuspconsole pconsole 5767378 active这个pconsole其实是提供了一个Web的系统管理界面,可以通过下面的URL对系统进行管理:http://<hostname>:5335/ibm/consolehttps://<hostname>:5336/ibm.console这两个java进程,其实都是system directer 提供接口的进程,如果您没有system directer的话可以关闭它,关闭的方法很简单:# stopsrc -s pconsole如果重启后不想自动启动它,可以将/etc/inittab中pconsole:2:once:/usr/bin/startsrc -s pconsole > /dev/null 2>&1去掉另一个进程是IBM Systems Director agents,可以采用下面的方法永久停止:/opt/ibm/director/agent/runtime/agent/bin/ stop/opt/ibm/director/agent/runtime/nonstop/bin/ -uninstallservice停止platform agent:stopsrc -s platform_agent编辑/etc/inittab文件将下面的启动项去掉:platform_agent:2:once:/usr/bin/startsrc -s platform_agent >/dev/null 2>&1如果没有其他应用依赖于cimserver,那可以把cimserver也停了:stopsrc -s cimsys编辑/etc/inittab文件将下面的启动项去掉::cimservices:2:once:/usr/bin/startsrc -s cimsys >/dev/null 2>&1





Every time I think of you ,I get a shot right through 什么意思?

是frente 的《bizarre love triangle 》Every time i think of you每次我一想到你I feel shot right through with a bolt of blue就仿如一个晴天霹雳击中我心房It"s no problem of mine but it"s a problem I find这原本并不是大问题,但关键是这个问题已被发现……..Living a life that I can"t leave behind这种生活我抛弃不了There"s no sense in telling meThe wisdom of a fool won"t set you free那个傻瓜唯一的聪明就是不肯让你自由,这种说法对我来说一点意义也没有 But that"s the way that it goes但也许那就是事实 And it"s what nobody knows一个没有人知道的事实While every day my confusion grows唉…..我的迷惘每日剧增Every time I see you falling每次你一崩溃I get down on my knees and pray我都忍不住悄悄跪下祈祷I"m waiting for that final moment因为我一直在等待的就是这时刻You"ll say the words that I can"t say因为你将说出我说不出口的话I feel fine and I feel good我依然好好地生活着,I"m feeling like I never should我知道我不应该这样做Whenever I get this way, I just don"t know what to say但到了这种地步,我也不知道该说什么Why can"t we be ourselves like we were yesterday为什么我们不能做回昨天的自己I"m not sure what this could mean我不确定这代表着什么I don"t think you"re what you seem我也不人为现在的你就是你I do admit to myself但唯一确定的是That if I hurt someone else如果我伤害到了别人Then I"ll never see just what we"re meant to be那么事情的结果一定不会是我们原来所希望的Every time I see you fallingI get down on my knees and prayI"m waiting for that final momentYou"ll say the words that I can"t say 希望对你有帮助,即时采纳最佳答案



急!!求关于“红绿灯知识”的英语作文--Knowledge of Traffic Lights!!!

The traffic lights are the same in every country . There are always three lights : red, yellow and green.Red means “Stop”. Yellow means “Wait”,and green means“Go”. In China, drivers driveon the right side of the road. In the US, drivers drive on the right side, too. In Englandand Australia, however ,drivers drive on the left side of the road. If you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the traffic rules.

KnowIedge of traffic lights 作文 请指教80词的,关于红绿灯知识的英语作文

The traffic lights are the same in every country . There are always three lights : red, yellow and green.Red means “Stop”. Yellow means “Wait”,and green means“Go”. In China, drivers driveon the right side of the road. In the US, drivers drive on the right side, too. In Englandand Australia, however ,drivers drive on the left side of the road. If you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the traffic rules.

Sarah Kroger - in the silence 的歌词

Something set methinkingWhen I opened up myeyesThat there was nothingthere to tell meI"d been listening toliesButinsilence there istruthThere is beauty, thereis loveThere isnothinginthesilenceTo be frightened ofHer retreatin so fewwordsIsthe last thing you"dexpectBut there"s dangerinassumingThat she"s beingdirectTake a look behind hereyesAnd you will seeThat she knowsnothing ofsilenceSilence can only comefrom meAllow me then a littletimeTo listen to their voicesIt"sthe glamour andconfusionIt"sthe rattling andthe noisesThat obscurethe truth,the beautyAndthe loveAndtheclarity thatsilenceIsthe guardian ofShe talks of clarityandsilenceOf beauty and of truthBut search her heartfor evidence,Search her soul forproofTake a look behind hereyesAnd you will seeThat she knowsnothing ofsilenceSilence can only comefrom me

Nike Tiempo Legend系列与Nike superfly系列有什么优劣势?

hn4jt+k m+

get approval是什么意思

get approval得到批准

________ 查看材料A.EncouragedB.ApprovedSXB


God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Bing Crosby专辑:White ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Maranatha! Christmas专辑:World S Greatest ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Huddersfield Choral Society专辑:The Carols AlbumLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Stephen Cleobury&Peter Stevens&Choir Of King S College& Cambridge专辑:A Festival Of Nine Lessons And CarolsLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen歌手:Westminster Concert Bell Choir专辑:Christmas At WestministerLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Good Lovelies专辑:Under The MistletoeLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Kemper Crabb专辑:Downe In Yon Forrest (Christmas From The Middle Ages)Loreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Lou Rawls专辑:Merry Christmas BabyLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:David Lanz专辑:Christmas EveLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Joey Calderazzo专辑:Blue ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:Christmas SalsaLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Guy Lombardo专辑:Sing The Songs Of ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (Album Version)歌手:Boney James专辑:Boney"S Funky ChristmasGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Barry McGuire专辑:50 Songs Of ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:William Holly专辑:Guitar ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:John Mock专辑:An Early American ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Craig Chaquico专辑:HolidayLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Marion Williams专辑:Through Many DangersLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen歌手:Matt Herskowitz专辑:Gabriel"s Message - Christmas Suite For PianoGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen歌手:Mario Lanza&Paul Baron专辑:Carols For Christmas - Original Album ClassicsGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Jimmy Smith专辑:Christmas "64God Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Johnny Mathis专辑:Christmas With Johnny MathisGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Ben Tankard专辑:Christmas LoveGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Jimmy Smith专辑:Verve Unmixed ChristmasGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:T Bone Burnett专辑:Acoustic ChristmasGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:The Klezmonauts专辑:Oy To The World: A Klezmer ChristmasGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Marian Mcpartland专辑:The Weather Channel Presents: Winter WonderlandGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Wayne Newton专辑:Merry Christmas To YouLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Jimmy Smith专辑:True Christmas / 3Cd SetLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

God Rest Ye Merry , Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry , Gentlemen歌手:Leonard Bernstein&New York Philharmonic专辑:Carols For Christmas - Original Album ClassicsGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Tuck Andress专辑:Hymns,Carols And Songs About SnowGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Bethany Dillon专辑:Wow Christmas [Green]Loreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

god rest ye merry gentlemen/we three kings中文叫什么

god rest ye merry gentlemen/we three kings上帝赐予你快乐,先生们/我们的三个国王重点词汇rest休息; 剩余部分; 支持物; 宁静,安宁; 倚靠[支撑]; 静止; 停止; 安心; 使休息; 使轻松; 使长眠; 使依赖merry愉快的,快活的; 有趣的; 微醉的; 生动的; 甜樱桃; 梅里gentlemen先生; 绅士; 阁下; 有身份的人three kings【电影】夺金三王相关歌曲:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen/We Three Kings歌手:Orla Fallon所属专辑:Winter, Fire And SnowGod rest ye merry, gentlemen上帝赐予你快乐,先生们Let nothing you dismay让万事充满希望,无事令你惊慌Remember, Christ, our Saviour请记得基督,我们的救世主Was born on Christmas day诞生于圣诞节To save us all from Satan"s power从撒旦的权势中拯救我们When we were gone astray……希望对你有帮助

god rest ye merry gentlemen维也纳童声合唱团的歌词

God rest ye merry, gentlemen, 上帝赐予你快乐Let nothing you dismay, 让万事充满希望,无事令你惊慌Remember Christ our Savior 请记得基督,我们的救世主Was born on Christmas day, 诞生于圣诞节To save us all from Satan"s pow"r 为从撒旦的力量下挽救我们所有人When we were gone astray; 在我们误入歧途之时;O tidings of comfort and joy, 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦Comfort and joy, 舒适与喜悦O tidings of comfort and joy. 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦From God our heavenly Father 从上帝,我们的天父那儿A blessed angel came. 一位被祝福的天使来了.And unto certain shepherds 降临至牧羊人们之中Brought tidings of the same, 带来了同样(令人欣喜的)喜讯,How that in Bethlehem was born 告诉他们,在伯利恒诞生The Son of God by name: 神的儿子的名字:O tidings of comfort and joy, 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦Comfort and joy, 舒适与喜悦O tidings of comfort and joy. 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦."Fear not," then said the angel "别怕",天使说"Let nothing you affright" 我们将无所畏惧This day is born a saviour 今天将有一位救世主诞生Of a pure virgin bright 他笼罩在纯净圣洁的光芒之下To free all those who trust in him 他将解救信奉于他的世人From Satan"s pow"r and might" 从撒旦的力量之下O tidings of comfort and joy,噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦.Comfort and joy;舒适与喜悦O tidings of comfort and joy!噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦.The shepherds at those tidings 牧羊人听到这些喜讯Rejoiced much in mind, 内心高兴不已And left their flocks a-feeding, 丢下他们正在喂养的羊群In tempest, storm, and wind, 在暴风雨,风暴和风中And went to Bethlehem straightway 向伯利恒径直而去This blessed babe to find: 去寻找那个被赐福的婴儿O tidings of comfort and joy, 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦Comfort and joy, 舒适与喜悦O tidings of comfort and joy. 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦.But when to Bethlehem they came, 但当他们来到伯利恒Whereat this infant lay 这个婴儿出生的地方时They found him in a manger, 他们在一个饲槽里Where oxen feed on hay; 一个用干草喂养牛的地方发现他,His mother Mary kneeling, 他的母亲玛丽跪在地上,Unto the Lord did pray: 向上帝祈祷着O tidings of comfort and joy,噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦.Comfort and joy, 舒适与喜悦O tidings of comfort and joy.噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦.Now to the Lord sing praises, 此刻向主高唱颂歌,All you within this place, "所有在这个地方的人,"And with true love and brotherhood "因真诚的爱与手足之情"Each other now embrace; "彼此拥抱吧!"This holy tide of Christmas 这个神圣的圣诞之时All others doth deface: 远离灾难与毁灭O tidings of comfort and joy, 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦Comfort and joy, 舒适与喜悦O tidings of comfort and joy 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦

god rest ye merry gentlemen歌词出自哪里

歌曲名:God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen歌手:Reo Speedwagon专辑:Not So Silent Night...Christmas With Reo SpeedwagonGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy

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高分跪求童声版《God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen》MP3圣菲利浦童声合唱团(Vienna Boy"s Choir):,2006181437281.wma (2)北京天使合唱团(国内童声颂歌版,质量有点问题的): (3)Loreena Mckennitt: (4)Charlotte Church(又一女声版,rm版就凑合一下): (5)98 Degrees版本:这个是98度的在线试听: (6)Michael Angelo 吉他版(收录于专辑Holiday Strings): (7)Tairona(专辑Earthtone Collection): (8)Nana Mouskouri独唱: (9)Jan"s Vectorized Dub Mix Jan Morgenstern: (10)Jeffrey Michael钢琴版(专辑Winter Spirit): (11)54秒钢琴版: (12)2分钟钢琴轻柔版: (13)4分钟钢琴轻快版: (14)32秒混乐: (15)29秒笛子版: (16)虎头蛇尾版(Just the beginning): (17)1分钟Saxophone版: (18)Christmas吉他版: (19)Modern Mix: (20)Christmas 2(欢庆版): (21)趣味版: (22)爵士版本(这个只能在线试听了,实在找不到下载链接): (23)Mariah Carey版本(收录于2005年圣诞专辑Merry Christmas)童声的能不能下就是不知道了~~

Libera God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 的中文名是什么


求 God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen 歌词的中文翻译

ye(你们 主格)God rest ye merry, gentlemen, 上帝赐予我们快乐Let nothing you dismay 让你们无所畏惧Remember Christ our Saviour 记得耶稣我们的圣主Was born on Christmas Day 诞生于圣诞节的那天To save us all from Satan"s power 解救我们于撒旦的淫威之下When we were gone astray. 当我们误入歧途O tidings of comfort and joy, 哦,天赐福音Comfort and joy; 天赐福音O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel 天上传来天使的声音“不要害怕”,"Let nothing you affright “没有什么是可怕的”This day is born a saviour 今天将会是圣人诞生的日子Of a pure virgin bright 闪耀着纯洁的光芒To free all those who trust in him 解救那些信仰他的人们From Satan"s pow"r and might" 从撒旦的淫威下O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidings 所有的牧羊人都感应到了这个福音Rejoiced much in mind, 暗自高兴And left their flocks a-feeding 都抛下正在喂食的羊羔In tempest, storm and wind 风雨兼程的And went to Bethlehem straightaway向着伯利恒(耶稣诞生地)赶去This blessed babe to find 去寻找那个受祝福的婴儿O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they came 但当他们来到圣婴诞生的地方Whereat this infant lay They found him in a manger 却发现他躺在Where oxen feed on hay 用来喂食的马(牛)槽里面His mother Mary kneeling 他的妈妈玛利亚跪着Unto the Lord did pray 直到当地的国王前来祈祷O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praises 直到皇亲贵族都歌唱颂歌All you within this place 你们这里的所有的人们And with true love and brotherhood 都要以真爱相对,Each other now embrace 彼此视为兄弟姐妹This holy tide of Christmas 在这神圣的圣诞节里All others doth deface 让丑恶远离 O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

求god rest you merry gentlemen简谱

god rest you merry gentlemen 简谱

god rest you merry gentlemen歌词翻译


God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:The Jigsaw Seen作词:无歌词:God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen上帝赐予你们快乐 先生们Let nothing you dismay让万事充满希望 无事令你惊慌Remember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas day记得耶稣我们的圣主 诞生于圣诞节之日To save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astray解救我们于撒旦的淫威 在我们误入歧途之时Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy噢 天赐福音 带来舒适与喜悦Oh tidings of comfort and joy带来舒适与喜悦(Interlude #1)(间奏1)God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen上帝赐予你们快乐 先生们Let nothing you dismay让万事充满希望 无事令你惊慌Remember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas day要记得耶稣我们的圣主 诞生于圣诞节之日To save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astray解救我们于撒旦的淫威 在我们误入歧途之时Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy噢 天赐福音 带来舒适与喜悦Oh tidings of comfort and joy带来舒适与喜悦(Interlude #1)(间奏2)(Mitch) In Bethlehem, In Israel, this blessed Babe was born在以色列 在伯利恒 受保佑的圣子诞生And laid within a manger, upon this blessed morn降临于马槽之中 在这受到庇佑的清晨The which His mother Mary, did nothing take in scorn他的母亲玛利亚 没有做出轻蔑之事Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy噢 天赐福音 带来舒适与喜悦Oh tidings of comfort and joy带来舒适与喜悦(Interlude #3)(间奏3)(Kirstin) "Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affright"“别怕”,天使说,“我们将无所畏惧”"This day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and bright"今天有一位救世主诞生 笼罩于圣洁光芒之中"To free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"他将解救信奉于他的世人 于撒旦的力量之下Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy噢 天赐福音 带来舒适与喜悦Oh tidings of comfort and joy带来舒适与喜悦(Interlude #4)(间奏4)God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen上帝赐予你们快乐 先生们Let nothing you dismay让万事充满希望 无事令你惊慌Remember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas day记得耶稣我们的圣主 诞生于圣诞节之日To save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astray解救我们于撒旦的淫威 在我们误入歧途之时Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy噢 天赐福音 带来舒适与喜悦Oh tidings of comfort and joy带来舒适与喜悦(Interlude #5)(尾声)扩展资料:歌曲《God rest ye merry gentlemen》被誉为最古老的圣诞颂歌之一。 据传,该颂歌最早可追溯到15世纪,是在圣诞季节由城镇的巡夜人为贵族们演唱的,以用来获取额外的收入。不知道原作者究竟是谁,但此歌一直在英格兰地区口耳相传。 此歌最早发表于1833年出版的一本名为《Christmas Carols Ancient and Modern》的节日宗教颂歌的合集。这一古老的颂歌直到今日仍然在英格兰各城镇传唱。

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