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感恩是一种处世哲学,也是生活中的大智慧。一个智慧的人,不应该为自己没有的东西斤斤计较,也不应该一味索取和使自己的私欲膨胀。学会感恩,为自己已有的而感恩,感谢生活给予你的一切。这样你才会有一个积极的人生观,才会有一种健康的心态。这里我们分享了世界名人对于感恩的各种解释。 与感恩有关的双语名言 1.“Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has many – not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”— Charles Dickens, Writer 「想想你目前拥有的幸福,这每人都有很多 – 别回想以前的不幸,这每人或多或少都有一点。」– 查尔斯·狄更斯 (作家) 2.“The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions – the little soon forgotten charities of a kiss, a smile, a kind look, a heartfelt compliment.”— Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Writer 「生活中的快乐是由零碎的片断组成 – 我们很快忘记的短暂亲吻、微笑、关爱的眼神、由衷的赞美等善举。」– 塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治 (文学家) 3.“Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another.”– Marquis de Condorcet, Philosopher 「享受自己的生活,不要和别人比较。」– 马奎斯·孔多塞 (哲学家) 4.“People who live the most fulfilling lives are the ones who are always rejoicing at what they have.”— Richard Carlson, Motivational Speaker 「永远对所拥有感到欣喜的人,是生活最富足的人。」– 理察.卡尔森 (励志演说家) 5.“The more you recognize and express gratitude for the things you have, the more things you will have to express gratitude for.”— Zig Ziglar, Motivational Speaker 「你愈认可并对拥有的东西表达感恩,你愈会有更多东西表达你的感恩。」– 吉格u2027金克拉 (励志演说家) 6.“A hundred times a day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the measure as I have received and am still receiving.”— Albert Einstein, Physicist 「我每天提醒自己一百次,我的内在及外在生活,靠的是他人的劳力,无论他们在世或往生,而我必须非常努力,所付出的才会等同我已经得到及正在得到的。」– 爱因斯坦 (物理学家) 7.“Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life.”— Christiane Northrup, Doctor 「感恩与欣赏生活中的某人或某事,其实会吸引更多你欣赏或看重的事物到你生命里。」– 克莉斯汀.诺斯鲁普 (医生) 8.“True contentment is a thing as active as agriculture. It is the power of getting out of any situation all that there is in it. It is arduous and it is rare.”— Gilbert K. Chesterton, Writer 「真正的满足如同务农,它是在任何一个情况下找出所有的正面因素,那是费力且不好找的。」– 吉尔伯特u2027基思u2027却斯特顿 (作家) 9.“Write your injuries in dust, your benefits in marble.”— Benjamin Franklin, Statesman 「把你受的伤害写在沙子上,把你受的恩惠刻在大理石上。」– 班杰明u2027富兰克林 (政治家) 10.“Man only likes to count his troubles, but he does not count his joys.”— Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Writer 「人们只喜欢计算他们的麻烦,不喜欢计算他们的喜悦。」– 费奥多尔u2027陀思妥耶夫斯基 (作家) 11.“People who pray for miracles usually don"t get miracles. But people who pray for courage, for strength to bear the unbearable, for the grace to remember what they have left instead of what they have lost, very often find their prayers answered. Their prayers help them tap hidden reserves of faith and courage that were not available to them before.”— Harold S. Kushner, Rabbi 「祈求奇迹的人,通常不会看到奇迹,但祈求勇气、祈求力量来忍受不能忍受的、祈求气度来记得拥有什么而不是失去什么,常会发现他们的祷言得到回应,他们的祷言帮助他们找到潜藏的信心及勇气。」– 哈洛德.库希纳 (*教士) 12.“It is impossible to be both grateful and depressed. Those with a grateful mindset tend to see the message in the mess. And even though life may knock them down, the grateful find reasons, if even small ones, to get up.”— Steve Maraboli, Motivational Speaker 「一个人不可能同时感恩又感到沮丧,心存感恩的人比较可能在混乱中看到讯息。虽然有时会被生活击倒,但感恩的人总会找到理由再站起来,即便是微小的理由。」– 史蒂夫u2027马拉博利 (励志演说家) 13.“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”— Eckhart Tolle, Writer 「承认你人生中已经拥有的,是所有富足的基础。」– 艾克哈特u2027托勒 (励志作家) 14.“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”— Melody Beattie, Author 「感恩开启丰富的人生,我们拥有的因此变得足够或更多。它把拒绝转化为接受、把混乱转化为规则、把困惑转化为清晰。它可以把一顿饭变为大餐、把房子变为家、把陌生人变为朋友。感恩让我们的过去有意义、为今天带来和平、为明天创造一个愿景。」– 梅乐蒂.碧缇 (作家) 15.“So often we dwell on the things that seem impossible rather than on the things that are possible. So often we are depressed by what remains to be done and forget to be thankful for all that has been done.”— Marian Wright Edelman, Activist 「我们时常把注意力放在不可能的事,而不是可能的事。我们时常因还没做好的事感到沮丧,而忘记对已完成的事心存感恩。」– 马莉安.莱特.艾德曼 (*领袖) 16.“I challenge anybody in their darkest moment to write what they"re grateful for, even stupid little things like green grass or a friendly conversation with somebody on the elevator. You start to realize how rich you are.”— Jim Carrey, Actor 「我邀请人们在最无望的时刻,写下让他们感恩的事,即便是可笑的事物,像是绿草或在电梯中与人亲切的交谈。你将发现你是多么的富有。」– 金u2027凯瑞 (演员) 17.“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”— John Kennedy, 35th U.S. President 「当我们表达感谢时,我们绝不能忘记感恩的形式不是说出的话,而是实际的做为。」– 约翰u2027甘乃迪 (美国第 35 任总统) 18.“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”— Ralph Waldo Emerson, Poet 「对于来到你身边的每件好事培养感恩的习惯,并持续的感谢。因为所有的事皆促成你的进展,你的感恩应包含所有的事。」– 拉尔夫u2027爱默生 (诗人) 19.“Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn"t stop to enjoy it.”— William Feather, Publisher 「许多人错失属于他们的快乐,不是因为他们从没找到,而是因为他们没有停下来享受它。」– 威廉u2027斐勒 (杂志发行人) 20.“No matter how bad someone has it, there are others who have it worse. Remembering that makes life a lot easier and allows you to take pleasure in the blessings you have been given.”— Lou Holtz, Football coach 「不管一个人的遭遇有多差,还有其它人的遭遇更差。记住那个会让生活好过许多并让你能够享受所给予你的恩泽。」– 卢u2027霍兹 (美式足球教练) 21.“Do a little more than you"re paid to. Give a little more than you have to. Try a little harder than you want to. Aim a little higher than you think possible, and give a lot of thanks to God for health, family, and friends.”— Art Linkletter, Radio/TV host 「比别人付你的多做一点,比你需要给予的多给一点,比你想要的多努力一点,把目标设订比你认为有可能的再高一点,并因拥有健康、家人及朋友而万分感谢上帝。」– 亚特u2027林克特 (节目主持人) 22. “Instead of comparing our lot with that of those who are more fortunate than we are, we should compare it with the lot of the great majority of our fellow men. It then appears that we are among the privileged.”— Helen Keller, Lecturer 「与其和那些比我们幸运的人比较命运,我们应该与大多数的人们来比较,这时我们反而显得是幸运者之一。」– 海伦u2027凯勒 (演说家)


Thanksgiving is here, so our minds have turnedTo what time has taught us, to what we"ve learned:We often focus all our thoughtOn shiny things we"ve shopped and bought;We take our pleasure in material thingsForgetting the pleasure that friendship brings.If a lot of our stuff just vanished today,We"d see the foundation of each happy dayIs special relationships, constant and true,And that"s when our thoughts go directly to you.We wish you a Thanksgiving you"ll never forget,Full of love and joy—your best one yet!

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主题曲《风になる》 作词?作曲/つじあやの 编曲/根岸孝旨 弦&管编曲/山本拓夫 歌/つじあやの 日文歌词:忘れていた目を闭じて 取り戻せ恋のうた 青空に隠れている 手を伸ばしてもう一度 忘れないですぐそばに 仆がいるいつの日も 星空を眺めている 一人きりの夜明けも たった一つの心 悲しみに暮れないで 君のためいきなんて 春风に変えてやる 阳のあたる坂道を 自転车で駆けのぼる 君と失くした想い出乗せて行くよ ララララ 口ずさむ くちびるを染めて行く 君と见つけたしあわせ花のように 忘れていた窓开けて 走り出せ恋のうた 青空に托している 手をかざしてもう一度 忘れないよすぐそばに 君がいるいつの日も 星空に辉いてる 涙揺れる明日も たった一つの言叶 この胸に抱きしめて 君のため仆は今 春风に吹かれてる 阳のあたる坂道を 自転车で駆けのぼる 君と誓った约束乗せて行くよ ララララ 口ずさむ くちびるを染めて行く 君と出会えたしあわせ祈るように 君と出会えたしあわせ祈るように 罗马拼音:wasureteitameotojitetorimodosekoinouta aozoranikakureteiruteonobashitemouichido wasurenaidesugusobanibokugairuitsunohimo hoshizoraonagameteiruhitorikirinoyoakemo tattehitotsunokokorokanashiminikurenaide kiminotameikinanteharukazenikaeteyaru hinoatarusakamichiojitenshadekakenoboru kimitonakushitaomoidenoseteyukuyo LALALALAkuchizusamukuchibiruosometeyuku kimitomitsuketashiawasehananoyouni wasureteitamadoaketehashiridasekoinouta aozoranitakushiteiruteogazashitemouichido wasurenaiyosugusobanikimigairuitsunohimo hoshizoranikagayaiteirunamidayureruashitamo tattahitotsunokotobakonomunenidakishimete kiminotamebokuwaimaharukazenifukareteru hinoatarusakamichiojitenshadekakenoboru kimitochikattayakusokunoseteyukuyo LALALALAkuchizusamukuchibiruosometeyuku kimitodeaetashiawaseinoruyouni hinoatarusakamichiojitenshadekakenoboru kimitochikattayakusokunoseteyukuyo LALALALAkuchizusamukuchibiruosometeyuku kimitodeaetashiawaseinoruyouni kimiyodeaetashiawaseinoruyouni 中文翻译:闭上遗忘的眼睛 伸出双手 仿佛就能再次找回 隐藏在青空恋曲 请不要忘记 我陪在你身边的那些日子 还有仰望星空 独自一人的黎明 心只有一颗 别让它沉浸悲伤 就连你的叹息 我也要将它变成春风 骑着自行车 载着和你一同失落的回忆 奔驰在洒满阳光的坡道上 啦啦啦啦啦 低声哼唱 吹着口哨 就像我们一起发现的幸福之花一样 打开遗忘的窗 伸手眺望 或许就会再次涌现 托付给青空的恋爱之歌 不要忘记喔 你陪在我身边的那些日子 还有灿烂的星空下 流着泪的明天 有一句话 我依然藏在心里 为了你 我正迎着春风而行 骑着自行车 想起和你的约定 奔驰在洒满阳光的坡道上 啦啦啦啦啦 低声哼唱 吹着口哨 就像祈祷着能和你相遇 获得幸福 骑着自行车 想起和你的约定 奔驰在洒满阳光的坡道上 啦啦啦啦啦 低声哼唱 吹着口哨 就像祈祷着能和你相遇 获得幸福 就像祈祷着能和你相遇 获得幸福


Pumpkin pie 南卡派Indian pudding 印第安布丁




【 #感恩节# 导语 】感恩是人类自古以来具有的美德,懂得感恩的人是快乐的,对帮助过你的人心存感恩,就能充分体会人间的真情与生命的价值。本篇文章是 为您整理的《感恩节英语作文100字范文(10篇)》,供大家阅读。 1.感恩节英语作文100字范文   Do you know thanksgiving day? Do you know why human thank god? Thanksgiving falls on the fourth thursday of november, a different date every year. The president must proclaim that date as the official celebration.   Thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. Even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. All give thanks together for the good things that they have.   In this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offer a traditional meal to those in need, particularly the homeless. On most tables throughout the united states, foods eaten at the first thanksgiving have become traditional. 2.感恩节英语作文100字范文   Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is a holiday celebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday in November.   It has officially been an annual tradition since 1863, when, during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of thanksgiving to be celebrated on Thursday, November 24.[1] As a federal and popular holiday in the U.S., Thanksgiving is one of the major holidays of the year.   Together with Christmas and the New Year, Thanksgiving is a part of the broader holiday season. 3.感恩节英语作文100字范文   Thanksgiving Day is coming soon, it is on the fourth Thursday in December.   Thanks giving Day is very popular in western country, on that day, people willmake a big turkey to eat. The day is to in honor of Indian people"s greatkindness. A long time ago, some puritans took the boat May Flower to Americaforfreedom, but they suffered from starvation and illness, the Indian people helpedthem, gave them food and treat them. 4.感恩节英语作文100字范文   In the United States, the fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day.   On that day, Americans give thanks for the blessings they have enjoyed during the year.Thanksgiving Day is usually a family day. People always celebrate with big dinners and happy reunions. Pumpkin pie and Indian pudding are traditional Thanksgiving desserts.   Relatives from other cities, students who have been away at school, and many other Americans travel a long distance to spend the holiday at home. 5.感恩节英语作文100字范文   There are many kinds of thanksgiving days in the world. american thanksgiving day is another important holiday related to christianity. it is on the fourth thursday of each november.   Thanksgiving day in america is considered as a time to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holiday meals, such as turkeys, pumpkin pie, indian corn and so on. there are always holiday parades and hot balloons on that day. 6.感恩节英语作文100字范文   When I was in the United States of America,I had attended a private thanksgiving party at friend‘s home.   There were all Americans besides me,one pastor who was 72 years old,he was a very nice and kind man.There was one thing and some words that I would never forgot it,the words was that "dont forget people who had helped you." The one thing was that "you have to help people who really needs help. 7.感恩节英语作文100字范文   Since we were born, many people help us a lot. We should be grateful to their kindness. But the ones we should show our greatest appreciation are our parents. From the first day we appear in their lives, they give us all their love and care, but never expect anything in return.   As long as they are there, we do not feel any difficulties, because they are always in front of our shelter, preventing us from difficulties and danger. In order to make our lives better, learn better, they do everything they can to create the best conditions for us, but ignore their own needs. Therefore, we need to cherish parents" love and repay their upbringing. We should treat them as they treat us. 8.感恩节英语作文100字范文   we are supposed to express our gratitude to others on thanksgiving day. however, we should feel gratitude every day.god has two dwellings, one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart. be grateful to others is a way to show your love. in our daily life, we often receive help from our parents, friends, colleagues and strangers.   Perhaps it is a little thing, pick up the pen you drop, lift a heavy box for you or offer you a seat in the bus. we should be thankful to them for whatever they have done. The more love you give, the more love you receive. 9.感恩节英语作文100字范文   Thanksgiving day is the united states and canada,the originated in more than 300 years ago a shipment of 100 many immigrants from europe to america,hunger and cold it is difficult to live,and most people in the first year was dying of hunger in winter,more than 50 people at the local residents,the indian help to go fishing,hunting,and to plant corn and second year of harvests,a thank god,and invited to attend.   The indians is the origin of thanksgiving r,president lincoln proclaimed the united states each year on the fourth thursday in november for thanksgiving. 10.感恩节英语作文100字范文   Some say, knowledge is the source of wisdom. You know, who is this gives you knowledge? Right! He is our teacher selfless dedication. With a boat in the sea, people call it the boat "knowledge". Only wise, the learned man to drive it to the shore of success. So, this teach us knowledge is our people"s teacher. Behind a successful man, there is a man who taught him knowledge workers, that is the teacher. The teacher is human engineer, the construction of the motherland beautiful tomorrow; The teacher like the gardener, hard to cultivate our these flowers of the motherland; , teacher like a candle, burn yourself out to give light to others. The teacher is like a silkworm, sacrifice themselves, the benefit of others.   I have a grateful heart, I am grateful parents, thank a teacher. Friend, do you? Hope you have a grateful heart, in that way, our motherland"s tomorrow will be better!


  关于英语的感恩小故事(1)   There was an earthquake in one city。 Rescue work is intense。 Three days later, rescue workers vaguely heard a "help! Come and save my child ah!" Along the voice search, found to be coming from a ruin。 Unplug the ruins and found a young mother with all her arms and legs propped up on her back and arched her shoulders against the broken beam, while under the block of space she had a baby, hiding under him, asleep。 The mother kept saying: "Save my child! Save my child!" After rescue workers rescued them, she first asked: "How is my child? My child How about? "Medical staff told her:" Your child is good, no danger。 "When she heard her children safe, no danger, a loose, fainted。 Medical staff hurriedly sent her to the hospital for treatment。   The reason why she was able to support her now is that she strongly supported her with her strong idea of going out to save her children。 Without her belief, she could not persevere in her own way。   有一个城市发生了地震。救援工作在紧张地进行。三天后,救援工作人员依稀听得一处有”救命啊!快来救我的孩子啊!“顺着声音搜索,发现是从一片废墟中传出来的。拔开废墟,发现一位年轻母亲四肢撑地,腰背拱起,顶着残砖碎瓦废梁,而在挡住的空间下,有一个婴儿,躲在他身下,熟睡着。这位母亲不住地叨念着:”快救我的孩子!快救我的孩子!“当救援工作人员把她们救上来后,她第一句话就问:”我的孩子怎么样?我的孩子怎么样?“医护人员告诉她:”你的孩子很好,没有危险。“当她一听自己的孩子安全了,没有危险了,心情一松,晕倒了。医护人员赶快把她送往医院抢救。   这位母亲之所以能撑到现在,是她要救孩子出去这个强烈的念头支撑着她,如果没有这个信念,她自己也不能坚持下来。   关于英语的感恩小故事(2)   Baogong Bao Zheng (AD 999—1062), the word Hsien, Luzhou Hefei (now Hefei, Anhui Province), father Bao Yi, former Chief Chak, after the death of the Minister of Punishments。 When young people are known for filial piety, they are straightforward。 In Song Renzong day Saint five years, that AD 1027 in the Jinshi, was 28 years old。 The first Dali Temple appraisal, and later served as Jianchang (now Jiangxi Yongxiu) magistrate, because parents are reluctant to go with him to his hometown, the package of public will immediately resign from office, go home and take care of their parents。 His filial piety was blessed by the officials。   A few years later, parents have passed away, Baogong this re—enter the career path。 This is also the villagers persuaded to go under。 In feudal society, if the parents had only one son, then the son could not leave his parents no matter what。 He only went abroad to work as an official。 This is contrary to the feudal law。 Under normal circumstances, parents will follow their son"s future。 Or son and other people in this family to persuade。 Parents are reluctant to go where they live as their official。 This was rare in the feudal era because it meant that the son was bound by the feudal ethical code of conduct — and resigned from office to take care of himself。 History books did not explain the specific reasons may be sick parents can not afford the bumps along the way, Bao Gong resigned this post。   Regardless of the circumstances, Bao Gong can take the initiative to resign from office, or that he is not the kind of people obsessed with the officialdom。 Filial piety to parents can also be regarded as the example of people under the current quality。 The story of the past is the most talked about the infamy of Bao Gong, patriarchal parents patriarch to ignoring the matter。   包公即包拯(公元999—1062年),字希仁,庐州合肥(今安徽合肥市)人,父亲包仪,曾任朝散大夫,死后追赠刑部侍郎。包公少年时便以孝而闻名,性直敦厚。在宋仁宗天圣五年,即公元1027年中了进士,当时28岁。先任大理寺评事,后来出任建昌(今江西永修)知县,因为父母年老不愿随他到他乡去,包公便马上辞去了官职,回家照顾父母。他的孝心受到了官吏们的叫口称颂。   几年后,父母相继辞世,包公这才重新踏入仕途。这也是在乡亲们的苦苦劝说下才去的。在封建社会,如果父母只有一个儿子,那么这个儿子不能扔下父母不管,只顾自己去外地做官。这是违背封建法律规定的。一般情况下,父母为了儿子的前程,都会跟随去的。或者儿子和本家族的其他人规劝。父母不愿意随儿子去做官的地方养老,这在封建时代是很少见的,因为这意味着儿子要遵守封建礼教的约束——辞去官职照料自己。历史书上并没有说明具体原因,可能是父母有病,无法承受路上的颠簸,包公这才辞去了官职。   不管情况如何,包公能主动地辞去官职,还是说明他并不是那种迷恋官场的人。对父母的孝敬也堪为当今一些素质底下的人的表率。以前的故事讲的最多的是包公的铁面无私,把包公孝敬父母的事情给忽视了。   关于英语的感恩小故事(3)子路借米孝敬父母   There is an old saying in China: "Hundred good filial piety first。" Means that honor their parents is the first of various virtues。 If one does not know how to honor his parents, it is hard to imagine that he would love the motherland and the people。   The ancients said: "Old Wu old, and the people of the old; young Wu young, and young people。" We should not only honor our parents, but also respect other elders, cherish young children and create a simple and honest people who respect the elders and young children。 This is the responsibility of our students in the new era。   Sub—Road, Spring and Autumn Period Lugu people。 Among Confucius" disciples, they are known for their political work。 Especially brave。 However, when the road is very poor child, for many years by eating coarse grains such as wild days。   Once, the elderly parents want to eat rice, but at home there is not a bit of rice, what should I do? Sub—road if you turn a few mountains to borrow a few meters to relatives, not to meet the requirements of their parents do?   As a result, the small sub—road over the mountains to go more than a dozen miles back from the relatives back a small bag of rice, saw their parents eat fragrant rice, Zi Lu forgot fatigue。 Neighbors are boasting the road is a brave and filial good boy。   中国有句古语:”百善孝为先“。意思是说,孝敬父母是各种美德中占第一位的。一个人如果都不知道孝敬父母,就很难想象他会热爱祖国和人民。   古人说:”老吾老,以及人之老;幼吾幼,以及人之幼“。我们不仅要孝敬自己的父母,还应该尊敬别的老人,爱护年幼的孩子,在全社会造成尊老爱幼的淳厚民风,这是我们新时代学生的责任。   子路,春秋末鲁国人。在孔子的弟子中以政事着称。尤其以勇敢闻名。但子路小的时候家里很穷,长年靠吃粗粮野菜等度日。   有一次,年老的父母想吃米饭,可是家里一点米也没有,怎么办?子路想到要是翻过几道山到亲戚家借点米,不就可以满足父母的这点要求了吗?   于是,小小的子路翻山越岭走了十几里路,从亲戚家背回了一小袋米,看到父母吃上了香喷喷的米饭,子路忘记了疲劳。邻居们都夸子路是一个勇敢孝顺的好孩子。   关于英语的感恩小故事(4)   President Roosevelt in the United States always has a heart of gratitude。 It is said that once a family was stolen and many things were stolen, a friend wrote a letter comforting him after hearing the news。 Roosevelt wrote in his reply: "My dear friend, thank you for your letter in comforting me。 I am fine now and thank God。 First, the thief stole my things without harming my life。 Second, the thief Only to steal some, not all of me; third, the most fortunate is that he is the thief, not me。 "For any one person, theft is absolutely unfortunate, but Roosevelt has found Thanksgiving three reasons。   美国的罗斯福总统就常怀感恩之心。据说有一次家里失盗,被偷去了许多东西,一位朋友闻讯后,忙写信安慰他。罗斯福在回信中写道:”亲爱的朋友,谢谢你来信安慰我,我现在很好,感谢上帝:因为第一,贼偷去的是我的东西,而没有伤害我的生命;第二,贼只偷去我部分东西,而不是全部;第三,最值得庆幸的是,做贼的是他,而不是我。“对任何一个人来说,失盗绝对是不幸的事,而罗斯福却找出了感恩的三条理由。   关于英语的感恩小故事(5)   In a remote town in France, it is rumored that there is a fountain of special experience, and miracles often occur to cure various diseases。 One day a veteran with a crutch and one less leg crossed the town lamely and lamely beside the town with a sympathetic kiss and said: "Poor guy, is he going to God? Pray for another leg? "The sentence was heard by veterans who turned away and said to them," I am not asking for a new leg to God, but to pray for him to help me to call me no After one leg, I also know how to live。 "   Imagine: Learning to lose thanksgiving, but also to accept the fact that lost, no matter gains and losses, always make their own life full of bright and luster, no longer for the past tears, and strive to live their lives。   法国一个偏僻的小镇,据传有一个特别灵验的水泉,常会出现神迹,可以医治各种疾病。有一天,一个拄着拐杖,少了一条腿的退伍军人,一跛一跛的走过镇上的马路,旁边的镇民带着同情的回吻说:“可怜的家伙,难道他要向上帝祈求再有一条腿吗?”这一句话被退伍的军人听到了,他转过身对他们说:“我不是要向上帝祈求有一条新的腿,而是要祈求他帮助我,叫我没有一条腿后,也知道如何过日子。”   试想:学习为所失去的感恩,也接纳失去的事实,不管人生的得与失,总是要让自已的生命充满了亮丽与光彩,不再为过去掉泪,努力的活出自己的生命。   


文明杯“感恩的心”征文启事人与人和谐相处需要感恩,感恩是构建和谐社会的必要因素。工作和生活中,发生过许许多多值得我们感恩的人和事,真诚关心和帮助过我们的父母、朋友、同志、同学都是我们感恩的对象。为了深入开展社会主义荣辱观教育,促进精神文明建设,提高市民文明素质,弘扬中华美德,打造优秀的文学精品,市文明办与市文联联合开展文明杯“感恩的心”征文活动,具体事宜如下:1、 题材积极健康向上,贴近征文主题。2、 体裁不限,但以小说、散文、诗歌为主。3、 小说在5000字以内,散文在2000字以内,新诗在80行以内,旧体诗词在3首以内。4、 征文设一等奖3名,二等奖6名,三等奖10名,优秀奖若干;少儿奖15名;组织奖若干。发给证书和奖品。5、 来稿注明“征文”字样,可直接发送到市文明办电子邮箱(邮箱:[email]0452wmb@163.com[/email])或市文联电子邮箱(邮箱:[email]qifa0701@163.com[/email]),也可将打印稿投寄讷河市文明办或讷河市文联收,邮编:161300,电话3322671(文明办)或3333270(文联),联系人:张筱敏、白帆。6、 截稿时间为10月底,过期不候。届时将选择部分优秀作品发表在《星光》感恩的心专栏。(名字不要抄)

感恩父母的英语作文 带翻译 谢谢



Meister Eckhart once said: if the only prayer you say in your life is ‘thank you," that would suffice. This is my favourite quote. Gratitude means thankfulness, counting your blessings, noticing simple pleasures, and acknowledging everything that you receive. It means learning to live your life as if everything were a miracle, and being aware on a continuous basis of how much you"ve been given. Gratitude shifts your focus from what your life lacks to the abundance that is already present. In addition, behavioral and psychological research has also shown the surprising life improvements that can stem from the practice of gratitude. Giving thanks makes people happier and more resilient, it strengthens relationships, it improves health, and it reduces stress. Today, start bringing gratitude to your experiences, instead of waiting for a positive experience in order to feel grateful; in this way, you"ll be on your way toward becoming a master of gratitude. (153字,演讲的话这个长度才适中,120字略短了)


Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.In 1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, they sailed to America on the May flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of[1] starvation or epidemics. Those who survived began sowing in the first spring.All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the coming harvest. Finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations. And therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed[2]. Years later, President of the United States proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year. The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been observed on that date until today.The pattern of the Thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years. The big family dinner is planned months ahead. On the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash. The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. They have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years.Everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed with a bread dressing[3] to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts. But as cooking varies with families and with the regions where one lives, it is not easy to get a consensus on[4] the precise kind of stuffing for the royal bird.Thanksgiving today is, in every sense, a national annual holiday on which Americans of all faiths and backgrounds join in to express their thanks for the year" s bounty and reverently ask for continued[5] blessings.


感恩节的由来英文简短介绍   时间飞逝,感恩节又将到来,大家知道感恩节吗?不知道的朋友可以跟着我一起来了解一下感恩节的一些由来哦!   感恩节英文介绍一   Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is coming. It"s a traditional North American holiday,and is a form of harvest festival.   In the United States, the fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day.   Thanksgiving was about the Pilgrims, the first settlers in America. They shared the first harvest with the Indians and gave thanks.   Thanksgiving Day is usually a family day. People always celebrate with big dinners and happy reunions. Pumpkin pie and Indian pudding are traditional Thanksgiving desserts.   Relatives from other cities, students who have been away at school, and many other Americans travel a long distance to spend the holiday at home.   On that day, Americans give thanks for the blessings they have enjoyed during the year. And I am sure that we all must have a lot to be thankful for.   Maybe you would like to give thanks for being here with your family and for being well,or give thanks for a healthy year, a good job,or thank your friends for encouraging you when you are in dismay,etc.   感恩节英文介绍二   Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in much of North America, generally observed as an expression of gratitude, usually to God. The most common view of its origin is that it was to give thanks to God for the bounty of the autumn harvest.   In the United States, the holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November.   In Canada, where the harvest generally ends earlier in the year, the holiday is celebrated on the second Monday in October, which is observed as Columbus Day or protested as Indigenous Peoples Day in the United States.   Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with a feast shared among friends and family.   In the United States, it is an important family holiday, and people often travel across the country to be with family members for the holiday.   The Thanksgiving holiday is generally a "four-day" weekend in the United States, in which Americans are given the relevant Thursday and Friday off.   Thanksgiving is almost entirely celebrated at home, unlike the Fourth of July or Christmas, which are associated with a variety of shared public experiences (fireworks, caroling, etc.)   感恩节英文介绍三   Thanksgiving began with the first European settlers in America. They gathered their crops, celebrated and gave thanks for the food.   Tradition says Pilgrim settlers from England celebrated the first thanksgiving in sixteen twenty-one. There is evidence that settlers in other parts of America held earlier thanksgiving celebrations. But the Pilgrims" thanksgiving story is the most popular.   The Pilgrims were religious dissidents who fled oppression in England. They went first to the Netherlands. Then they left that country to establish a colony in North America. The Pilgrims landed in sixteen twenty in what later became known as Plymouth, Massachusetts.   Their voyage across the Atlantic Ocean was difficult. Their first months in America were difficult, too. About one hundred Pilgrims landed just as autumn was turning to winter. During the cold months that followed, about half of them died.   【加拿大感恩节】   加拿大感恩节的庆祝活动是在十月的第二个星期一。与美国人缅怀清教徒先辈定居新大陆的传统不同,加拿大人主要感谢上天给予的成功的收获。加拿大的感恩节早于美国的感恩节,一个简单的事实是,加拿大的收获季节相对于美国早一些,因为加拿大更靠近北部。加拿大的感恩节通常被认为受三个传统习惯的影响。   其一是来自欧洲传统的影响。从大约2000年以前最早的一次收获开始,人们就已经庆祝丰收,感谢富饶的大自然给予他们的恩施和好运。当欧洲人来到加拿大后,也将这一传统带入加拿大,并对后来加拿大感恩节的传统产生影响。   其二是英国探险家庆祝生存的影响。在清教徒登陆美国马萨诸塞的40年之前,加拿大就举行了第一个正式的感恩节。在1578年,一位英国探险家命名马钉法贝瑟(Martin Frobisher)试图发现一个连接东方的通道,不过他没有成功。   但是他在现今的加拿大纽芬兰省建立了定居点,并举行了一个庆祝生存和收获的宴餐。其它后来的移居者继续这些“感恩”仪式。这一次被认为是加拿大的第一个感恩节。   其三的影响来自于后来的美国。1621年的秋天,远涉重洋来到美洲新大陆的英国移民,为了感谢上帝赐予的丰收,举行了3天的.狂欢活动。从此,这一习俗就沿续下来,并逐渐风行各地。在美国革命其间,美国一批忠于英皇室的保皇党迁移到加拿大,也将美国感恩节的习惯和方式带到了加拿大。   1750年庆祝丰收的活动被来自美国南部的移居者带到了新四科舍(Nova Scotia),同时,法国移居者到达,并且举行“感恩”宴餐。这些均对加拿大的感恩节产生了深远的影响。   1879 年加拿大议会宣称11月6日是感恩节和全国性的假日。在随后的年代,感恩节的日期改变了多次,直到在1957 年1月31日,加拿大议会宣布每年十月的第二个星期一为感恩节,在这一天感谢万能的上帝保佑加拿大并给予丰富的收获。 ;


我来自偶然像一颗尘土 有谁看出我的脆弱 我来自何方我情归何处 谁在下一刻呼唤我 天地虽宽这条路却难走 我看遍这人间坎坷辛苦 我还有多少爱我还有多少泪 要苍天知道我不认输 感恩的心感谢有你 伴我一生让我有勇气作我自己 感恩的心感谢命运 花开花落我一样会珍惜 我来自偶然像一颗尘土 有谁看出我的脆弱 我来自何方我情归何处 谁在下一刻呼唤我 天地虽宽这条路却难走 我看遍这人间坎坷辛苦 我还有多少爱我还有多少泪 要苍天知道我不认输 感恩的心感谢有你 伴我一生让我有勇气作我自己 感恩的心感谢命运 花开花落我一样会珍惜 感恩的心感谢有你 伴我一生让我有勇气作我自己 感恩的心感谢命运 花开花落我一样会珍惜 希望能帮到你


感恩的心我来自偶然像一颗尘土   有谁看出我的脆弱   我来自何方我情归何处   谁在下一刻\呼唤我   天地虽宽这条路却难走   我看遍这人间坎坷辛苦   我还有多少爱我还有多少泪   要苍天知道\我不认输   感恩的心感谢有你   伴我一生让我有勇气做我自己   感恩的心感谢命运   花开花落我一样会珍惜   我来自偶然像一颗尘土   有谁看出我的脆弱   我来自何方我情归何处   谁在下一刻\呼唤我   天地虽宽这条路却难走   我看遍这人间坎坷辛苦   我还有多少爱我还有多少泪   要苍天知道\我不认输   感恩的心感谢有你   伴我一生让我有勇气做我自己   感恩的心感谢命运   花开花落我一样会珍惜   感恩的心感谢有你   伴我一生让我有勇气做我自己   感恩的心感谢命运   花开花落我一样会珍惜英文歌词感恩的心(English Version)   I come from being like a dust by chance   Have who see my flimsiness of   I come from what square my feeling return where   Who at under a moment calls me   World although this road of breadth but difficult walk   I see the frustrated pain of this human life   How much I still have to love me to still have how much tears   Want the heaven knows my gameness   Heart of feel grateful the with gratitude has you   Companion I make me courageous to make myself from cradle to the grave   The heart of feel grateful thank destiny   The flower blooms to fall me similar will cherish   I come from being like a dust by chance   Have who see my flimsiness of   I come from what square my feeling return where   Who at under a moment calls me   World although this road of breadth but difficult walk   I see the frustrated pain of this human life   How much I still have to love me to still have how much tears   Want the heaven knows my gameness   Heart of feel grateful the with gratitude has you   Companion I make me courageous to make myself from cradle to the grave   The heart of feel grateful thank destiny   The flower blooms to fall me similar will cherish   Heart of feel grateful the with gratitude has you   Companion I make me courageous to make myself from cradle to the grave   The heart of feel grateful thank destiny   The flower blooms to fall me similar will cherish


1.感恩英语句子大全 关于感恩的英语名言10句 1.We should never remember the benefits we have offered nor forget the favor received. 自己的好事别去提,别人的恩惠要铭记。 2.Do as you would be done 己所不欲,勿施于人 3.If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.” — rabbi harold kushner如果在每一件事情上你能够集中注意力寻找好的,那麽你会突然发现你的生活充满欣慰感激——一种培养心灵的感觉。 4.Be thankful for what you have; you"ll end up having more. if you concentrate on what you don"t have, you will never, ever have enough. — oprah winfrey如你对自己所拥有的感恩,你将会得到更多。但如果你专注于自己所没有的东西,那你永远都不会满足。 5.It isn"t what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful, but what you have in your heart.令你感恩的,不是你口袋里的,而是在你心中的。 6.Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. thankfulness may consist merely of words. gratitude is shown in acts. — henri frederic amiel感恩始于感谢之心,谢意正好完成了感恩。感恩也许只是一堆言语文字,感谢却要以行动去表逹。” 7.The sheep have to kneel grace milk, a is nurturing the meaning of.羊有跪乳之恩,鸦有反哺之义。 8.Looks at the world to smoke, remember the kindness to blood.淡看世事去如烟,铭记恩情存如血。 9.The most beautiful scene occurs when we miss the mother when. -- Maupassant人世间最美丽的情景是出现在当我们怀念到母亲的时候。——莫泊桑 10.Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave the. The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers should thank him. -- Tagore蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营的道谢。浮夸的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向他道谢的。 2.关于感恩的英语句子有哪些 1. The remotest corners of the globe have to do, only Shien infinite period. Thank you, teacher!天涯海角有尽处,只有师恩无穷期。感谢您,老师! 2. Thanksgiving just won"t be the same without you.没有你,感恩节就不会一样了。 3. From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving.我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。 4. Rivers pushes us to the vast sea, the dawn brings us bright morning; my dear teacher, you lead us to a magnificent life.江河把我们推向浩瀚的大海,曙光给我们带来明媚的早晨;亲爱的老师,您把我们引向壮丽的人生。 5. Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途,对您我满怀感谢之情。 6、“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” – Marcel Proust, Novelist 对于使我们高兴的人,让我们心怀感恩,他们是有魅力的植栽者,让我们的灵魂绽放。– 马塞尔·普鲁斯特 (小说家) 7、Life is not a thankful,; The gratitude, all respect you. 感恩之心,人皆有之;感恩之人,世皆敬之。 8、Thankless people fall in trouble, can"t be saved. 忘恩的人落在困难之中,是不能得救的。 9、He gave you a favour, he gives you now, to express him!是他给了你恩惠,是他给了你现在,去感恩他吧! 10、Institute of Thanksgiving, do a beneficial to society.学会感恩,做一个有益于社会的人。 11、Help, just lift a finger, and thanks is endless.帮助,只是举手之劳,而感谢却是永无止境的。 12、Light to see the world to smoke, remember the kindness blood.淡看世事去如烟,铭记恩情存如血。 13、A person who keep gratitude heart forever。 Are not in trouble.一个永保感恩心的人。就比较不会陷入困境。 14、No one is born this to who well so we have to learn to be grateful.没有人天生该对谁好所以我们要学会感恩。 15、The stars can light up the night sky, thanks to weigh ourselves.星星能照亮夜空,感恩可掂量自我。 3.关于感恩的英语句子 1、父母和子女,是彼此赠与的最佳礼物。 ——维斯冠 Parents and children, is the best gift gift to each other。 2、世界上的一切光荣和骄傲,都来自母亲。 ——高尔基 All glory and pride of the world, all come from the mother。 3、感恩是精神上的一种宝藏。 ——洛克 Thanksgiving is a spiritual a treasure。 4、没有母亲,何谓家庭?——艾·霍桑 No mother, what is family? 5、母亲的心是儿女的天堂。 ——意大利 Mother"s heart is a paradise for children。 6、没有感恩就没有真正的美德。 ——卢梭 No gratitude, no true virtue。 7、凡为父母的,莫不爱其子。 ——陈宏谋 For parents, love his son。 8、要知父母恩,怀里抱儿孙。 ——日本谚语 Want to know their parents, children in his arms。 9、父恩比山高,母恩比海深。 ——日本谚语 Mother father is higher than the mountains, deep than the sea。 10、母亲的爱是永远不会枯竭的。 ——冈察尔 A mother"s love is never dried up。 11、母爱只有做母亲的才知道。 ——沃·蒙塔古 Only the mother know a mother"s love。 12、父母之恩,水不能溺,火不能灭。 ——苏联 Parents of the grace, water will not drown, fire can not destroy。 13、母亲是没有什么东西可以代替的。 ——巴金 Mother is not what we can substitute。 14、父母的美德是一笔巨大的财富。 ——贺拉斯 Virtue is a great wealth of parents。 15、母子之情是世界上最神圣的情感。 ——大仲马 Mother and son of love is the world"s most sacred emotion。 16、父母之恩,水不能溺,火不能灭。 ——苏联谚语 Parents of the grace, water will not drown, fire can not destroy。 17、慈善的行为比金钱更能解除别人的痛苦。 ——卢梭 The behavior of the charity can relieve the pain of others more than money。 18、养儿方知娘辛苦,养女方知谢娘恩。 ——日本谚语 Keep son square know niang hard, keep the woman know xie niang。 19、茄子花朵朵结果实,父母话句句是真话。 ——日本 Eggplant flowers were blossoming fruit, every parents talk is telling the truth。 20、在孩子的嘴上和心中,母亲就是上帝。 ——萨克雷 In the child"s mouth and mind, mother is god。 4.高分 At the outset, I want to thank you for your kindness to me and for your compliments. 首先,我要感谢您对我的友爱和问候。 It is a hopeless(definite)(positive)understatement to say that I am deeply (sincerely)(truly)grateful. 这就是说“我深深的(真挚的)(真诚的)感谢”远不足以(不能确切)(不能明确)表达我的谢意。 It"s generous of you to take so much interest in my work( to give me so much of your time) (to show me so much consideration). 承蒙对我的工作如此操心(为我花费这么多时间)(对我如此关怀)。 5.表达感谢英语句子 Thanks to you (we made it on time.) 都要多谢你(我们才能准时完成)。 I couldn"t have done it without you. 若是没有你,我不可能做到。 I"m truly grateful for your help. 我非常感激你的帮助。 Your help is greatly appreciated. 非常感激您的帮助。 (很正式!) I"d like to express my gratitude. 我要表达我诚挚的谢意。 (相当正式!) Thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip. 为了旅途中最值得留念的一天,谨向您表示感谢。 Thank you for one of the most enjoyable visits we have had in many months. 在您处的参观访问,是我们几个月中最愉快的一次。谨向您表示感谢。 Thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip. 为了旅途中最值得留念的一天,谨向您表示感谢。 Thank you for doing so much to make my trip to New York interesting (pleasant)(resultful). 为了使我去纽约的旅游有趣(愉快)(大有收获),您做了许多事,特此致谢。 Thank you for contributing so much to the pleasure of our stay in 。 感谢您为使我们在……的停留期间的愉快所作的许多努力。 Thank you so much for your generous hospitality. 非常感谢您慷慨的款待。 I hope something will bring you to New York soon so that I can reciprocate your kindness. 希望不久您能有机会到纽约来,使我能答谢您的盛情。 You must give me the chance to return your kindnewhen you visit here. 希望您光临我处,使我能答谢您的盛情。 Thank you very much (ever so much) (most sincerely) (indeed) (from the bottom of my heart). 很(非常)(最真诚地)(确实)(衷心)感谢您。 Many thanks for your kind and warm letter. 感谢您友好而热情的来信。 As soon as I opened your package, I felt that I must sit right down and tell you。 一打开您寄来的包裹,就觉得应该立即写信致谢。 I just wish you could have seen 。 我愿您知道…… You were kind to send a gift 。 承蒙好意,送来礼品…… Your lovely gift came this morning(was waiting for us when)。 厚礼于今早收到(当……,厚礼正等我们去拿) Expected gifts are a pleasure to receive, but unexpected remembrances are an even greater joy. 意中之礼物果然可喜,而意外中之礼物更使人喜出望外。 You couldn"t have given me anything that I wanted (would enjoy) more. 再没有比您的礼物更为我所想要的了。(更能使我喜欢了) You must be a mindreader. 您一定很会摸透别人的心思。 6.感恩父母的英语句子,有哪些 1、It doesn"t matter who my father was, it matters who I remember he was。—— Anne Sexton 爸爸是什么样的人并不重要,重要的是在我心目中爸爸是什么样的人。 2、A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning un-necessary.——D.C, Fisher 母亲不是赖以依靠的人,而是使依靠成为不必要的人。 3、All I am, or can be, I owe to my angel mother. ——Abraham Lincoln 我之所有,我之所能,都归功于我天使般的母亲。 4、We never know the love of the parents until we become parents ourselves. ——Henry Ward Beecher 不养儿不知父母恩 5、The family you came from isn"t as important as the family you are going to have. ——D.Herbert Lawrence 你将拥有的家庭比你出身的那个家庭重要。 6、A good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters. ——George Herbert 一位好母亲抵得上一百个教师。 7、The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. —— English Proverb 一个父亲可以对孩子们所做的最重要的事情就是去爱孩子们的母亲。 8、A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son mother to shame. —— English Proverb 智慧之子使父亲快乐,愚昧之子使母亲蒙羞. 9、Youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall. A mother"s secret hope outlives them all.——Oliver Wendell Holmes青春会逝去;爱情会枯萎;友谊的绿叶也会凋零。而一个母亲内心的希望比它们都要长久 10、God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers. ——Jewish proverb 上帝不能无处不在,因此他创造了母亲。 7.英语中有哪些表示感激的句子 Thanks. 谢谢 Thank you. 谢谢你 Thank you so much. 很感谢你 I (really) appreciate it/this. 我真的很感激 I"m (so) grateful. 我真的很感激 I (really) am thankful. 我真的很感激 It"s (so) nice of you. 你真是太好了 You"re (so) nice to you. 你对我真是太好了 I can"t thank you enough. 言语都无法表达出我的感谢 8.有关感激的英文句子 Thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip. 为了旅途中最值得留念的一天,谨向您表示感谢。 Thank you for one of the most enjoyable visits we have had in many months. 在您处的参观访问,是我们几个月中最愉快的一次。谨向您表示感谢。 Thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip. 为了旅途中最值得留念的一天,谨向您表示感谢。 Thank you for doing so much to make my trip to New York interesting (pleasant)(resultful). 为了使我去纽约的旅游有趣(愉快)(大有收获),您做了许多事,特此致谢。 Thank you for contributing so much to the pleasure of our stay in 。 感谢您为使我们在……的停留期间的愉快所作的许多努力。 Thank you so much for your generous hospitality. 非常感谢您慷慨的款待。 I hope something will bring you to New York soon so that I can reciprocate your kindness. 希望不久您能有机会到纽约来,使我能答谢您的盛情。 you must give me the chance to return your kindness when you visit here. 希望您光临我处,使我能答谢您的盛情。 Thank you very much (ever so much) (most sincerely) (indeed) (from the bottom of my heart). 很(非常)(最真诚地)(确实)(衷心)感谢您。 Many thanks for your kind and warm letter. 感谢您友好而热情的来信。 Thanks a million (ever so much). 万分(非常)感谢。 Please accept ( I wish to express )my sincere (grateful) (profound) appreciation for 。 请接受(致以)真挚的(衷心的)(深切的)感谢。 I sincerely (deeply) (warmly) appreciate 。 我真挚的(深深的)(热情的)感谢。 I am very sincerely (most) (truly) grateful to you for 。 为了……,我非常真挚的(深深的)(真诚的)感谢您。 There is nothing more important (satisfying) (gratifying) to me than to receive one of your letters. 再也没有比收到您的来信更使我觉得重要(快慰)(感激)了。 Your letters are so much fun (comfort) (entertainment) (company). 您的来信充满了乐趣(给了很大安慰)(带来了欢乐)(使我不感寂寞)。 Your most courteous (considerate)(delightful)letter。 您那彬彬有礼(体贴入微)(令人欣慰)的来信…… I cannot tell you how much your letter delighted(relieved)(amused)(enchanted)me. 我无法告诉您,您的来信使我多么高兴(宽慰)(觉得有趣)(陶醉)。 I love the way you say (put) things in your letters. You make even the smallest incident seem so interesting(important)(charming)(mysterious). 我很欣赏您在信中描述各种事物的手法,您的妙笔使细小的事情都显得很有趣(重要)(动人)(神秘)。 It was good (fine)(charming)(thoughtful)of you。 承蒙好意(美意)(盛情)(关心)…… It was nice(characteristically thoughtful) (more than kind) of you。 承蒙好意(特别关心)(十二分好意)…… At the outset, I want to thank you for your kindness to me and for your compliments. 首先,我要感谢您对我的友爱和问候。 Believe me, I am truly grateful for。 我确实真诚地感谢你…… We were deeply touched by 。 ……使我们深受感动。 It is a hopeless(definite)(positive)understatement to say that I am deeply (sincerely)(truly)grateful. 这就是说“我深深的(真挚的)(真诚的)感谢”远不足以(不能确切)(不能明确)表达我的谢意。 It"s generous of you to take so much interest in my work( to give me so much of your time) (to show me so much consideration). 承蒙对我的工作如此操心(为我花费这么多时间)(对我如此关怀)。 We are indebted to you。 我们感谢你…… I regret very much that I did not have an opportunity to thank you personally for 。 未能面谢,深表遗憾。


关于感恩的英语名言范例    关于感恩的英语名言范例   1:do as you would be done by (己所不欲,勿施于人)   2:we should never remember the benefits we have offered nor forget the favor received. 自己的好事别去提,别人的恩惠要铭记。   3:gratitude is the sign of noble souls. (感恩是精神高尚的标志。)    感恩的故事:   1:落叶在空中盘旋,谱写着一曲感恩的乐章,那是大树对滋养它大地的感恩;白云在蔚蓝的天空中飘荡,绘画着那一幅幅感人的画面,那是白云对哺育它的蓝天的感恩。因为感恩才会有这个多彩的社会,因为感恩才会有真挚的友情。因为感恩才让我们懂得了生命的真谛。   in the deciduous circled in the air, composed of a movement of thanksgiving, it was a tree on the earth"s thanksgiving nourish it; white clouds in the blue sky around, painting paintings zhao na touching the screen, which is feeding on the white clouds blue sky thanksgiving. thanksgiving is because we have made this colorful community, because thanksgiving will be sincere friendship. thanksgiving because it let us know the true meaning of life.   2: when we put a small piece of alum into muddy water, we can see the alum can soon make the water clear. if each of us has an attitude of being grateful, we"ll be able to get rid of impulse, upset, dissatisfaction and misfortune. being grateful can bring us a better and more beautiful life.   把一小块明矾放入混沌的水中,我们发现,水很快就澄清了。如果人人都有一颗感恩的心,就能沉淀许多的浮躁和不安,消融许多的不满和不幸。感恩能让我们的生活变得更加美好。   3: once president roosevelt"s house was broken into and lots of things were stolen.hearing this, one of roosevelt"s friends wrote to him and advised him not to take it to his heart so much. president roosevelt wrote back immediately, saying,”dear friend, thank you for your letter to comfort me. i"m all right now. i think i should thank god. this is because of the following three reasons: firstly, the thief only stole things from me but did not hurt me at all; secondly, the thief has stolen some of my things instead of all my things; thirdly, most luckily for me, it was the man rather than me who became a thief…”   美国总统罗斯福的家曾经失窃,财物损失严重。朋友闻此消息,就写信来安慰他,劝他不必把这件事放在心上。罗斯福总统很快回信说:“亲爱的朋友,谢谢你来信安慰我,我一切都很好。我想我应该感谢上帝,因为:第一,我损失的只是财物,而人却毫发未损;第二,我只损失了部分财物,而非所有财产;第三,最幸运的`是,做小偷的是那个人,而不是我……”   it was quite unlucky for anyone to be stolen from.. however, president roosevelt had such three reasons to be so grateful. this story tells us how we can learn to be grateful in our life.   对任何人来说,家中失窃绝非幸事。但是,罗斯福总统却能找到三个感恩的理由。这个故事告诉我们,生活中,我们应该学会感恩。   4: i think we should even be grateful to life whenever we are unsuccessful or unlucky. only by doing this can we find our weakness and shortcomings when we fail. we can also get relief and warmth when we are unlucky. this can help us find our courage to overcome the difficulties we may face, and receive great impetus to move on. we should treat our frustration and misfortune in our life in the other way just as president roosevelt did. we should be grateful all the time and keep having a healthy attitude to our life forever, keep having perfect characters and enterprising spirit. being grateful is not only a kind of comfort, not an escape from life and nor thinking of winning in spirit like ah q. being grateful is a way to sing for our life which comes just from our love and hope.   我想,不论是遭遇失败还是不幸,我们都应该感谢生活。只有这样,失败后,我们才能发现自己的缺点和不足,不幸时,我们还能感受到安慰和温暖。这些就能帮我们找回勇气,战胜困难,并获取前进的强大推动力。我们应像罗斯福总统那样,换一个角度去看待生活中的失败和挫折,永远对生活充满感恩,才能时刻保持健康的心态,积极地生活,并能保持完美的人格和不断进取的精神。感恩不仅仅是一种精神慰藉,也不是对现实的规避,更不是阿q的精神胜利法。感恩源于我们对生活的热爱和希望,它是我们歌颂生活的一种方式。   how simple a thing it seems to me that to know ourselves as we are, we must know our mothers" names.   alice walker (1944 - ), o magazine, may XX   the world is full of women blindsided by the unceasing demands of motherhood, still flabbergasted by how a job can be terrific and torturous.   anna quindlen (1953 - ), o magazine, may XX   sometimes the laughter in mothering is the recognition of the ironies and absurdities. sometime, though, it"s just pure, unthinking delight.   barbara schapiro, o magazine, may XX   sooner or later we all quote our mothers.   bern williams   the place of the father in the modern suburban family is a very small one, particularly if he plays golf.   bertrand russell (1872 - 1970)   the most remarkable thing about my mother is that for thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers. the original meal has never been found.   calvin trillin (1935 - )   my parents only had one argument in forty-five years. it lasted forty-three years.   cathy ladman   by the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he"s wrong.   charles wadsworth   the first half of our lives is ruined by our parents, and the second half by our children.   clarence darrow (1857 - 1938)   if your parents never had children, chances are you won"t, either.   dick cavett (1936 - )   a mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary.   dorothy c. fisher (1879 - 1958), quoted in o magazine, may XX   the art of mothering is to teach the art of living to children.   elain heffner, o magazine, may XX   the central struggle of parenthood is to let our hopes for our children outweigh our fears.   ellen goodman (1941 - )   the gods visit the sins of the fathers upon the children.   euripides (484 bc - 406 bc), phrixus   there is…nothing to suggest that mothering cannot be shared by several people.   h. r. schaffer, o magazine, may XX   this is part of the essence of motherhood, watching your kid grow into her own person and not being able to do anything about it. otherwise children would be nothing more than pets.   heather armstrong, dooce, 11-15-05   for rarely are sons similar to their fathers: most are worse, and a few are better than their fathers.   homer (800 bc - 700 bc), the odyssey   the most important thing she"d learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.   jill churchill, o magazine, may XX   the thing that impresses me the most about america is the way parents obey their children.   king edward viii (1894 - 1972)   some men just aren"t cut out for paternity. better they should realize it before and not after they become responsible for a son.   lois mcmaster bujold, ethan of athos, 1986   my mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but i think she enjoyed it.   mark twain (1835 - 1910)   parents were invented to make children happy by giving them something to ignore.   ogden nash (1902 - 1971)   some are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same.   pearl buck (1892 - 1973), quoted in o magazine, may XX   my father hated radio and could not wait for television to be invented so he could hate that too.   peter de vries   most turkeys taste better the day after; my mother"s tasted better the day before.   rita rudner   neurotics build castles in the air, psychotics live in them. my mother cleans them.   rita rudner   the reason grandparents and grandchildren get along so well is that they have a common enemy.   sam levenson (1911 - 1980)   what children take from us, they give…we become people who feel more deeply, question more deeply, hurt more deeply, and love more deeply.   sonia taitz, o magazine, may XX   it is a wise father that knows his own child.   william shakespeare (1564 - 1616), "the merchant of venice", act 2 scene 2 ;




感恩节的由来 要一直追溯到美国历史的发端。1620年,著名的“五月花”号船满载不堪忍受英国国内宗教迫害的清教徒102人到达美洲。1620年和1621年之交的冬天,他们遇到了难以想象的困难,处在饥寒交迫之中,冬天过去时,活下来的移民只有50来人。这时,心地善良的印第安人给移民送来了生活必需品,还特地派人教他们怎样狩猎、捕鱼和种植玉米、南瓜。在印第安人的帮助下,移民们终于获得了丰收,在欢庆丰收的日子,按照宗教传统习俗,移民规定了感谢上帝的日子,并决定为感谢印第安人的真诚帮助,邀请他们一同庆祝节日。  在第一个感恩节的这一天,印第安人和移民欢聚一堂,他们在黎明时鸣放礼炮,列队走进一间用作教堂的屋子,虔诚地向上帝表达谢意,然后点起篝火举行盛大宴会。第二天和第三天又举行了摔跤、赛跑、唱歌、跳舞等活动。第一个感恩节非常成功。其中许多庆祝方式流传了300多年,一直保留到今天。  最初感恩节没有固定日期,由各州临时决定,直到美国独立后,感恩节才成为全国性的节日。 1863年,林肯总统把感恩节定为法定假日。到1941年, 美国国会通过一项法令,把感恩节定在每年十一月的第四个星期四。 每逢感恩节这一天,美国举国上下热闹非凡,人们按照习俗前往教堂做感恩祈祷,城乡市镇到处都有化装游行、戏剧表演或体育比赛等。分开了一年的亲人们也会从天南海北归来,一家人团团圆圆,品尝美味的感恩节火鸡。  加拿大感恩节的由来  加拿大和美国的感恩节不在同一天,加拿大议会将感恩节列为法定假日稍晚于美国。但加拿大的第一个感恩节要比美国早40年,加拿大感恩节的庆祝活动是在十月的第二个星期一。与美国人缅怀清教徒先辈定居新大陆的传统不同,加拿大人主要感谢上天给予的成功的收获。加拿大的感恩节早于美国的感恩节,一个简单的事实是,加拿大的收获季节相对于美国早一些,因为加拿大更靠近北部。加拿大的感恩节通常被认为受三个传统习惯的影响。  其一是来自欧洲传统的影响。从大约2000年以前最早的一次收获开始,人们就已经庆祝丰收,感谢富饶的大自然给予他们的恩施和好运。当欧洲人来到加拿大后,也将这一传统带入加拿大,并对后来加拿大感恩节的传统产生影响。  其二是英国探险家庆祝生存的影响。在清教徒登陆美国马萨诸塞的40年之前,加拿大就举行了第一个正式的感恩节。在1578年,一位英国探险家命名马丁·法贝瑟(Martin Frobisher)试图发现一个连接东方的通道,不过他没有成功。但是他在现今的加拿大纽芬兰省建立了定居点,并举行了一个庆祝生存和收获的宴餐。其它后来的移居者继续这些“感恩”仪式。这一次被认为是加拿大的第一个感恩节。  其三的影响来自于后来的美国。1621年的秋天,远涉重洋来到美洲新大陆的英国移民,为了感谢上帝赐予的丰收,举行了3天的狂欢活动。从此,这一习俗就沿续下来,并逐渐风行各地。在美国革命其间,美国一批忠于英皇室的保皇党迁移到加拿大,也将美国感恩节的习惯和方式带到了加拿大。1750年庆祝丰收的活动被来自美国南部的移居者带到了新四科舍(Nova Scotia),同时,法国移居者到达,并且举行“感恩”宴餐。这些均对加拿大的感恩节产生了深远的影响。  1879 年加拿大议会宣称11月6日是感恩节和全国性的假日。在随后的年代,感恩节的日期改变了多次,直到在1957 年1月31日,加拿大议会宣布每年十月的第二个星期一为感恩节,在这一天感谢万能的上帝保佑加拿大并给予丰富的收获。  美国是在1863年,由总统林肯正式宣布感恩节为国定假日。通常美国感恩节的典故总是离不开清教徒和著名领袖布雷德福、102名同伴、重180吨长90英尺的木制帆船五月花号、科德角湾、普利茅斯港、印第安人和酋长马萨索德。这些是美洲新英格兰第一个永久性殖民地的历史见证。  两国的感恩节之间有许多相似性,譬如装满花果谷物象征丰饶的山羊角(cornucopia)和南瓜饼(pumpkin pie)。加拿大感恩大餐的餐桌上的食物通常也与地域和时间的变化而不同,有些是鹿肉和水鸟,有些是野鸭野鹅,但目前主要是火鸡和火腿。  埃及人的“感恩节”  古埃及的收获节是为了纪念他们的庄稼神Min而举行的。他们的收获季节是春天,所以这个节日在每年春天举行。节日中,古埃及人首先举行游行,过后便是节日宴会。同时,音乐、舞会、体育竞技等也是他们的庆祝项目。   古埃及人在庆祝玉米收获时,常常假装哭泣而且悲痛欲绝,这是为了欺骗他们认为存在于玉米中的“精神”。他们害怕收割仍在生长的玉米会使这种精神发怒.  希伯来人的“感恩节”   犹太人也要庆祝收获,他们的节日叫Sukkoth,每年秋天举行的Sukkoth已经有3000多年的历史。Sukkoth开始于希伯来月历中Tishri(犹太人的某个月份)的第15天,Yom Kippur(犹太人一年中最神圣的一天)后的第五天。   在维持8天的Sukkoth节日中,犹太人用树枝架起小屋,以此来回忆他们祖先礼拜的圣坛。这些小屋都是暂时的,树枝没有插入地下,屋顶用茅草覆盖着,便于光线进入。屋里悬挂着水果和蔬菜,包括苹果、葡萄、玉米还有石榴。节日的第二天,犹太人便在星光下的小屋中举行他们的节日宴会。  希腊人的“感恩节”   古希腊人信奉很多神,他们的玉米女神(实际上是所有谷类的神)叫Demeter ,他们每年秋天举行的Thesmosphoria节就是为了纪念这位女神的。  节日的第一天,已婚妇女们(可能是把怀孕和庄稼的生长联系起来)搭起一座座盖满树叶的小屋,里面放上用植物做的长椅。第二天是他们的斋戒日。第三天便举行宴会,并以玉米种子、蛋糕、水果和猪为礼物供奉女神。

感恩节的食物 英文



1941年,美国国会正式将每年11月第四个星期四定为“感恩节”。感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)是美国人民独创的一个古老节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日。 初时感恩节没有固定日期,由美国各州临时决定。直到美国独立后的1863年,林肯总统宣布感恩节为全国性节日 。感恩节假期一般会从星期四持续到星期天。1879 年加拿大议会宣称11月6日是感恩节和全国性的假日。在随后的年代,感恩节的日期改变了多次,直到在1957 年1月31日,加拿大议会宣布每年十月的第二个星期一为感恩节。除了美国、加拿大,世界上还有埃及、希腊等国家有自己独特的感恩节,但英国、法国等欧洲国家却与感恩节绝缘 ,也有学者倡议设立“中华感恩节”,以弘扬传统文化。


  你被谁感动过呢?那么有没有那一颗感动的心呢?接下来,我给大家准备了,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。   It was the day before Thanksgiving -- the first one my three children and I would be spending without their father, who had left several months before. Now the two older children were very sick with the flu, and the eldest had just been prescribed bed rest for a week.   It was a cool, gray day outside, and a light rain was falling. I grew wearier as I scurried around, trying to care for each child: thermometers, juice, diapers. And I was fast running out of liquids for the children. But when I checked my purse, all I found was about $2.50 -- and this was supposed to last me until the end of the month. That"s when I heard the phone ring.   It was the secretary from our former church, and she told me that they had been thinking about us and had something to give us from the congregation. I told her that I was going out to pick up some more juice and soup for the children, and I would drop by the church on my way to the market.   I arrived at the church just before lunch. The church secretary met me at the door and handed me a special gift envelope. "We think of you and the kids often," she said, "and you are in our hearts and prayers. We love you." When I opened the envelope, I found two grocery certificates inside. Each was worth $20. I was so touched and moved, I broke down and cried.   "Thank you very much,"I said, as we hugged each other. "Please give our love and thanks to the church."Then I drove to a store near our home and purchased some much-needed items for the children.   At the check-out counter I had a little over $14.00 worth of groceries, and I handed the cashier one of the gift certificates. She took it, then turned her back for what seemed like a very long time. I thought something might be wrong. Finally I said, "This gift certificate is a real blessing. Our former church gave it to my family, knowing I"m a single parent trying to make ends meet."   The cashier then turned around, with tears in her loving eyes, and replied, "Honey, that"s wonderful! Do you have a turkey?""No. It"s okay because my children are sick anyway." She then asked, "Do you have anything else for Thanksgiving dinner?"   Again I replied, "No." After handing me the change from the certificate, she looked at my face and said, "Honey, I can"t tell you exactly why right now, but I want you to go back into the store and buy a turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie or anything else you need for a Thanksgiving dinner."   I was shocked, and humbled to tears. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes! Get whatever you want. And get some Gatorade for the kids."   I felt awkward as I went back to do some more shopping, but I selected a fresh turkey, a few yams and potatoes, and some juices for the children. Then I wheeled the shopping cart up to the same cashier as before. As I placed my groceries on the counter, she looked at me once more with giant tears in her kind eyes and began to speak.   "Now I can tell you. This morning I prayed that I could help someone today, and you walked through my line."She reached under the counter for her purse and took out a $20 bill. She paid for my groceries and then handed me the change. Once more I was moved to tears.   The sweet cashier then said, "I am a Christian. Here is my phone number if you ever need anything."She then took my head in her hands, kissed my cheek and said, "God bless you, Honey."   As I walked to my car, I was overwhelmed by this stranger"s love and by the realization that God loves my family too, and shows us his love through this stranger"s and my church"s kind deeds.   The children were supposed to have spent Thanksgiving with their father that year, but because of the flu they were home with me, for a very special Thanksgiving Day. They were feeling better, and we all partook the goodness of the Lord"s bounty -- and our munity"s love. Our hearts were truly filled with thanks.

有没有关于感恩节的介绍 (英文) 急!!!

People gather around a table with family and friends to share a holiday feast. They give thanks for the blessings of the past year. For Americans and Canadians alike, these activities are an important part of Thanksgiving Day celebrations. As we celebrate Thanksgiving, we also pay tribute to the Pilgrims and Native Americans who shared the first Thanksgiving feast nearly 400 years ago. WHEN IS THANKSGIVING? People in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday in November. In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday in October. WHERE DOES THANKSGIVING COME FROM? Since ancient times, people have celebrated the autumn harvest. They marked the plentiful harvest with feasts, dances, and prayers of thanks. If the harvest was disappointing, the celebrations might be cancelled. The English Puritans, who settled in America in the early 1600s, also shaped Thanksgiving celebrations. Puritan communities were very religious. From time to time, they devoted special days to give thanks in prayer. THE FIRST THANKSGIVING IN AMERICA In 1620, the Pilgrims founded the Plymouth Colony (in Massachusetts). The Pilgrims, a group of English Puritans, faced a difficult first winter. Many died of starvation. The following spring, Native Americans taught the Pilgrims how to raise corn and harvest local seafood. In the fall of 1621, the Pilgrims harvested their first crops. The Pilgrims decided to celebrate the harvest and give thanks to God with a feast. They invited Wampanoag chief Massasoit and about 90 of his men to attend. The Native Americans brought five deer to the feast. The feasting lasted three days. Pilgrims and Native Americans dined on roasted venison (deer meat), wild turkeys, geese, ducks, lobsters, clams, and eels. They ate boiled pumpkin, cornbread, wild plums, carrots, and turnips. TRADITIONAL THANKSGIVING FOODS Traditional Thanksgiving foods include turkey with bread stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and cranberry sauce. Pumpkin pie is a classic dessert. Most of these basic foods are native to North America. They help Americans recall the simple way of life of the Pilgrims. But these traditional dishes are not the only foods of modern Thanksgiving celebrations. As people have immigrated to America from other lands, they have added their own traditions. For example, many Italian American Thanksgiving meals include Italian dishes, such as pasta.Halloween October 31st (western countries) Halloween is one of the oldest holidays with origins going back thousands of years. The holiday has had many influences from many cultures over the centuries. From the Roman"s Pomona Day, to the Celtic festival of Samhain, to the Christian holidays of All Saints and All Souls Days. Hundreds of years ago in what is now Great Britain and Northern France, lived the Celts (凯尔特人), who worshipped (崇拜) nature and had many gods, with the sun god as their favorite. They celebrated their New Year on November 1st which was made every year with a festival and marked the end of the "season of the sun" and the beginning of "the season of darkness and cold." On October 31st after the crops were all harvested and stored for the long winter the cooking fires in the homes would be extinguished (消失). The Druids, the Celtic priests, would meet in the hilltop in the dark oak forest (oak trees were considered sacred). They would light new fires and offer sacrifices of crops and animals. As they danced around the fires, the season of the sun passed and the season of darkness would begin. When the morning arrived the Druids would give an ember from their fires to each family who would then take them home to start new cooking fires. These fires would keep the homes warm and free from evil spirits. The November 1st festival was called Samhain (pronounced "sow-en"). The festival would last for 3 days. Many people would parade in costumes made from the skins and heads of their animals. This festival would become the first Halloween. The Celtics would carry a lantern (灯笼) when they walked on the eve of October 31. These lanterns were carved out of big turnips (大头菜) and the lights were believed to keep the evil spirits away. Children would carve faces in the turnips. These carved turnips were called "jack-o-lanterns. It is said that the "jack-o-lantern" got its name from a stingy (吝啬的) and mean old man, named Jack, who when he died was too mean to get into heaven. When Jack went to hell he was meet by the Devil who gave him a piece of burning coal and sent him away. Jack placed the burning coal in a turnip to use as a lantern to light his way. The legends claim that Jack is still walking with the lantern looking for a place to stay. When the early settlers came to America they found the big round orange pumpkin. Being larger and much more colorful than turnips, the pumpkin made great "jack-o-lanterns". Eventually the pumpkin would replace the turnip. Eventually the Pumpkin would become the most widely recognized symbol(象征)of the Halloween holiday. The history of "Trick"O"Treating" can be traced back (追溯) to the early celebrations of All Soul"s Day in Britain. The poor would go begging and the housewives would give them special treats called "soulcakes". This was called "going a-souling", and the "soulers" would promise to say a prayer for the dead. Over time the custom changed and the town"s children became the beggars. As they went from house to house they would be given apples, buns (圆形的小甜面包), and money. During the Pioneer days of the American West, the housewives would give the children candy to keep from being tricked. The children would shout "Trick or Treat!".


Thankgiving: 盘点感恩节传统食物的英语表达first Thanksgiving Day 第一次感恩节Cornbread 玉米面包English Cheese Pie 英国奶酪派Version 鹿肉Garlic 大蒜Onion 洋葱Pumpkin 南瓜pumpkin pie 南瓜派pudding 布丁turkey 火鸡sweet potato 红薯 mashed a.泥状的gravy n.肉汁sauce n.果酱toast v.烘烤recipe n.食谱,烹饪法filling n.填料stufing n.填料rub v.涂抹cream v.把……打成乳状season v.加料于oven n.微波炉

感恩节的食物 英文

感恩节食物英语(论坛)词汇:first Thanksgiving Day 第一次感恩节Cornbread 玉米面包English Cheese Pie 英国奶酪派Version 鹿肉Garlic 大蒜Onion 洋葱Pumpkin 南瓜pumpkin pie 南瓜派pudding 布丁turkey 火鸡sweet potato 红薯 mashed a.泥状的gravy n.肉汁sauce n.果酱toast v.烘烤recipe n.食谱,烹饪法filling n.填料stufing n.填料rub v.涂抹cream v.把……打成乳状season v.加料于oven n.微波炉


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Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival celebrated primarily in the U.S.A., Canada and increasingly so in Australia. Traditionally, it is a time to give thanks for the harvest and express gratitude




【 #英语资源# 导语】母亲的爱是无私,是伟大的。在感恩节到来之际你最感恩的人是妈妈吗?以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.感恩节英语作文:感恩妈妈   "Grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life, giving me the courage to be myself..." whenever I hear this song, I think of my mother.   "I come from chance like a dust", in fact, everyone comes from chance. When hundreds of millions of sperm snatch an egg, man"s birth shows unparalleled luck. However, if there is no mother, there will be no us. It is the mother who gave us life. Thinking of this, I want to deeply thank you, my mother.   "Who can see my vulnerability". Yeah, who can? If you are a stranger, you may not look at you at all. However, as a mother, your words and deeds, smiles and smiles have been deeply engraved in her mind. Who knows us better than mother? Thinking of this, I want to deeply thank you, my mother.   "Although the world is wide, this road is difficult to go.". The road of heaven and earth is actually the road of life. When we were young, our mother helped us toddler; When we were young, our mother gave us confidence and encouragement; When we grow up, mother will help us in her unique way. The road of life is too long, but mother always walks with us. Thinking of this, I want to deeply thank you, my mother.   "I"ve seen all the ups and downs in this world.". When we are discouraged, it is our mother who encourages us with kind words; When we are sad, it is our mother who comforts us with warm words. Mother has paid too much for us. Thinking of this, I want to deeply thank you, my mother.   Grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life, so that I have the courage to be myself; Grateful heart, thank you, mother! 2.感恩节英语作文:感恩妈妈   Dear mom:   Hello! Thank you for taking care of me over the years. I"m here to say, "thank you!" your maternal love is like Du Fu"s poem "sneaking into the night with the wind, moistening things silently." it"s subtle, but it"s always timely and priceless!   When I was ill, it was you who took good care of me; When it rained and thundered, it was you who came to pick me up from school regardless of everything; When I encounter difficulties and setbacks, you encourage me; When I failed, you comforted me calmly; In my   Whenever I come home from school, I can always see the sun shining in. You are painting lead by the window. The painting is so realistic and detailed. I can"t help trying. I drew according to you, but due to careless observation, the shadow disappeared, the highlight disappeared, and even the gradient did not know where to go. You looked at my ugly painting and said, "well, it"s good for you to paint like this for the first time. But you have to cheer up and work hard to paint me like this. Mom was much worse than you when she was a child. She painted so well and practiced it day by day." then you gave me careful advice and taught me bit by bit... My painting skills improved a lot in a few days, That"s all your work! Even the art teacher praised me for my good painting.   Remember once, in winter, you were washing clothes, but the water was ice and cold, which made your hands red, but you didn"t care, because you know that if you don"t wash clothes, there will be no clean clothes at home. I wanted to help, but you refused. You said, "don"t wash. The water is cold. You"ll catch a cold." "what about you?" I asked. You said, "I"m in good health and won"t catch a cold." I didn"t argue when I saw your persistence. 3.感恩节英语作文:感恩妈妈   The most ordinary in the world is the mother, and the greatest is also the mother.   Mother is our mountain and our water. Mother loves us everywhere and takes care of us. In order to let us grow up happily, mother can save everything. For us, mother can cook and wash clothes for us no matter how tired and lucky she is. No matter how tired she is, her mother won"t say it. She just sticks to it... How can her weak body shoulder such a hard work!   Maternal love is like air, sunshine and water. If you have it, you will have the treasures in the world. You can"t exchange anything. It makes ordinary life full of color, but without it, even if there are treasures in the world, it is just a pile of goods. In my life, which is not a storm, someone always loves to take care of me, listen to me silently, and share the sadness and pain with me. Even if I have a little success in my study, I will cheered for me. She is my beloved mother - an ordinary woman. I can"t remember how many times my mother told me. She always told me all aspects of life and didn"t get tired of it, paving the cornerstone for me on the road of growth. I was once moved by her infatuation. Looking at the world, how many people can care about me and take care of me as much as my mother. With the crisp sound of dew dripping in the morning, the moment my mother kissed my face, maternal love came to me. Looking at my mother"s busy figure, I want to say: Mom, you"ve worked hard. But I still can"t call it out. Maybe what you expect is not just that word. What you hope is the success I strive to achieve!   It was a few years ago that I found white hair on my mother"s head. When I called out in surprise, "Mom, you have white hair on your head." mother, you just smiled and didn"t even complain about fatigue. Mother, you have been doing the same but different things every day for decades. isn"t it? My child, I grow up day by day and understand how considerate you are, but you still take care of me as always.   Lao Tzu once said, "if the water is good, the water is good for all things without dispute." if a moral person is like water, then the mother is water, the mother"s heart is as clear as water, her nature is as soft as water, and her open mind is as silent as water.   Mother"s love is a simple love without carving. It is all over every corner of your study and life. Think about it, it"s meaningful; One taste, endless aftertaste




The Thanksgiving Day origin, concerns with the English Christianity"s religious dispute.Probably in the A.D. 16 century"s ends to the 17th century, the English Puritan initiated an oncoming force violent reformation, announced is separated from the national religion, sets up the church in addition, advocated eliminates the Christianity saint trade union interior the remaining influence.But, when 17th century middles, the monarchial parliament passed "Has believed in National religion Law", the Puritan started to encounter the government and the church influence brutal persecution, the arrest, the torture, the religious trial, all was threatening the Puritan every time.Is compelled the helpless, they have to move to Holland to seek asylum.But, lives under subjugation the day does not feel better.Not only in Holland, the Puritan has not been able to escape the religious persecution, moreover fully suffered the pain which the war brings and suffers.Makes them unendurable is, in the foreign land another region, the children “England"s -like education, day-by-day light gets down far to the native land sentiment.In order to escape thoroughly the religious persecution evil clutches, retains the motherland for the next generation the language and the tradition, they again think of the big migration. Although world big, where is this crowd of horizon reduces human"s home to return to? Thinks it over, they went to the Americas the vision.Columbus this block which discovered in more than 100 years ago “new continent”, the vast in territory, the product is bountiful, moreover has very many places not to have king.Does not have the parliament, not to have the executioner, the development virgin land.“The sea depends on the fish leap extravagantly, day Gao Renniao flies.” Only then in such place, they can with ease live, freely believes in the religion which, disseminates oneself likes, develops belongs to Puritan"s earthly paradise together. Therefore, Puritan"s renowned leader Bradford called 101 companions, in September, 1620, has mounted weight 180 tons, the length 90 foot wooden sailing ship - - in May nickname, started the Columbus expedition -like risk navigation.Regarding the navigation, this has the romantic name ships too to be rather small.Because the situation compels, they “choice”, also is in a year worst crosses the ocean season.Will harbor to the future happy expectation, in order to retrieve the right and the freedom which will lose, this group had experienced much suffering the human already was reckless. The sea winning side anxious wave is high, in May the nickname on likely a violent storm in piece of leaf, difficultly forward is drifting, all has the ship to destroy the danger nearly as necessary which the human perishes.But under everybody joint effort, the ships has not met any harm, and after navigated 66 day, safely arrives the North America mainland Codd angle on November 21, namely today US Massachusetts state Provinse sincere port.The matter recuperation, in May the nickname continues after slightly along the coastline advance.As a result of with the time difference, it has not been able to arrive predetermined destination - - Virginia"s James against the wind sincere, instead after the Christmas day first day, has delivered them New England"s land. Interesting is, in this fill danger expedition, all explorers only then dead.But because in the journey was born a baby, enable to arrive Americas" person not many, still was 102.The immigration all is the reverent believer, all hand delimits the cross, thanks God"s caring for heartfeltly. Now, presents in front of them, is completely together the strange land, winds the winding coastline, appears is quiet, is bleak.Therefore, probably in a month, the immigrants does not dare to approach shore rashly, still take the ship as the family.They have sent out the reconnaissance team, rides the boat to seek along the route in the Codd angle bay settles down.One day, everybody was waiting for anxiously, the reconnaissance team returns to the incoming telegram to consider said, they had discovered suits the immigrants to live truely, “the heaven”.“The heaven” is today plymouth port, this is a natural good port, suits in May nickname to anchor extremely.Nearby the harbor has a fine fishery, may provide the massive marine products.A not far away piece of rolling hill, likely together the natural blockade, surrounds this land.Under the bright sunlight, the rill which iced up is reflecting the crystal clear gloss, may provide the sufficient fresh water for the immigrants.Has opened up wasteland the fertile farmland, together neatly is arranging together.In addition, although they also watched one piece broken, sufficiently obstructed the wind to take shelter from the rain actually, helps them to pass the severe winter the house ......Looks like, all are good, moreover could not be again good.Only makes them feel is at a loss, this piece everywhere all has the humanity to live the vestige land, the unexpectedly blind person"s shadow, wisp smoke from kitchen chimneys, appears is such bleak, pours seems beforehand the dissimilarity which prepares for them.Afterwards only then knew that, here is originally a quite prosperous India peaceful village.Several years ago smallpox is popular, as soon as the entire village person does not have escapes by luck, caused it to become this crowd of foreign land waffie"s best refuge shelter now at last. After several days, in May the nickname crossed the Codd angle bay, has dropped out the anchor chain in the plymouth port.The immigrants are delimiting when the skiff lands, according to the ancient navigation tradition, first mounts one to stand tall and erect in the sea level big reef.In May on the nickname the salute thunders, the sounds of people are bubbling like a caldron, celebrates the new life start together.Afterwards, this reef on is called “the plymouth stone”, becomes the Americas New England first permanent colony the historical testimony. To these hope happy immigration, the first winter is unhappy.Bone-chilling cold cold wind blows which from Atlantic, looks like the devil in airborne to neigh equally, everywhere snow and ice, are whipping the crude housing heartlessly.In this world of ice and snow, the immigrants lack the essential equipment, also lacks the experience which lives on this land.In under the busy work heavy pressure, many people fell down from weariness, the tired sickness, the bad diet, the unendurable severe coldness, has caused more people not to be able to fall to the ground.Follows on somebody"s heels the infectious disease, takes away many human of lives.A winter past, experienced the hardships and dangers to arrive Americas" 102 immigrant, has only been left over 50.Some people died nearly every day, all has or several nearly daily is making the funeral.Just stepped time this land happy not.Each person, the heart, all the atmosphere which despairs unprecedentedly by one kind covers.A dream, just started is the fond dream, like this broken? Each people all are thinking deeply about. On is at a loss when the immigrants, sits waiting for death, a second year spring morning, an Indian entered the plymouth village.He introduces oneself that, he is the India peaceful chiefs who approaches the village sends to observe the situation.After this is the immigrants arrives the first visitor who the Americas receives.They poured out all sorts of in the extreme misery to the visitor which own origin as well as undergo.The Indian is listening silently, on the face reveals infinite pitying with the sympathy.The matter had the favorable turn in light of this, after several days, this India pacified the people his chief Ma Sa Thode has taken into the immigrant house.The chief is a generous warm person, he expressed to the immigration warm welcome, sent many daily necessities to them to make the gift.Sent most to have the experience, the most competent Indian, how taught the immigrants to live on this land, teaches them to catch fish, skills and so on hunting, cultivation as well as raising turkey. This year, the God cooperates, the good crop weather, in addition Indian"s instruction and the help, the immigrants have obtained the bumper crop, finally has rushed the life difficulty, on the stability, the wealthy day, in this year autumn, has become plymouth Governor Bradford to promulgate the hold magnificent ceremony, thanks decision which God cares for, this is in the historical first Thanksgiving Day.Certainly, he had not forgotten helps people overcome their difficulties the falsehood “God” - - warmly for the immigrants, hospitable, the wisdom Indian, invites Ma Sa Thode and his under Indian especially comes to attend the holiday celebration. The Indian has accepted with pleasure the invitation, sent 5 deer to take the gift ahead of time.At the end of November one day, the immigrants chatted the banquet, on the table have chocked up manufacture and so on game and with from corn, fu melon, bamboo shoots melon, turkey which hit from the wooded mountain in which produced delicacies.Celebration altogether has carried on 3 day, daytime, the guest and host common joyful banquet, talks to heart"s content the friendship.Evening, on the lawn has ignited the flaming reed fire, in the cool autumn wind, the India peaceful young fellows dances together with the plymouth colony young people, sings, the wrestling, the archery, the atmosphere is extremely warm. Today, in the American mind, Thanksgiving Day is also wants compared to the Christmas day the important holiday.First, it is one for 4 day-long holidays, causes the people heartily revelry, the celebration sufficiently.Next, it also is the traditional family reunion day.Thanksgiving Day period, lives scatteredly in the another region outside areas family member, all wants the rush home to celebrate a holiday, this has already become the nationwide custom.In addition, in an American year most takes one meal, is the Thanksgiving Day evening banquet.Is very quick in the US this rhythm of life, competes in intense state, the ordinary day diet is extremely simple.US"s fast-food popular world, is a very good showing.But in the Thanksgiving Day night, each and every family all does in a big way the banquet, sumptuousness goods, makes one be flabbergasted.On the holiday dinner table, on to president, gets down to the common people, the turkey and the pumpkin cake all is necessary.These two tastes “the valuable thing” manifested the American people to recall and the ancients development difficult, recalled the first Thanksgiving Day the bosom; Date mood.Therefore, Thanksgiving Day also is called “the turkey festival”. Although the Thanksgiving Day is entire family reunion day, every year holiday period, still had the tens of thousands of people to extract the leisure, went to the plymouth port visit, the tour, reviewed US"s history.Today, not only the American crosses the Thanksgiving Day, the Canadian also regards as it the routine holiday.Because this perhaps, on Canadian this broad land, also is living many English immigrant"s descendant!




这些是几个美国 1. 元旦节(New Year"s Day), 每年1月1日庆祝新的一年开始。人们举办各种各样的新年晚会,到处可以听到"辞旧迎新"的钟声, 为美国的联邦假日。 2. 情人节(Valentine"s Day ),每年2月14日, 是3世纪殉教的圣徒圣瓦伦丁逝世纪念日。情人们在这一天互赠礼物,故又称"情人节"(the lovers" day)。 3.复活节(Easter Day, Easter Sunday),一般在每年春分后月圆第一个星期天, 约在3月7日左右。 该节是庆祝基督 ( Jesus Christ)的复活,过节人们吃复活节彩蛋( Easter Eggs),为美国的联邦假日。 4.愚人节(April Fool"s Day), 每年4月1日, 该节出自于庆祝 "春分点" (Venal equinox)的来临, 在 4月1日受到恶作剧愚弄的人称为"四月愚人" (April Fools)。 5.母亲节(Mother"s Day), 每年5月份的第2个星期日,政府部门和各家门口悬挂国旗, 表示对母亲的尊敬。在家里,儿女们和父亲给母亲买些礼物或做些家务。 6.国旗日(National Flag Day),每年6月14日, 庆祝国旗的升起。 7.父亲节(Father"s Day), 每年6月份的第3个星期天,表示对父亲的尊敬。 在家里,儿女们和母亲给父亲买些礼物。 8.国庆节(Independence Day), 每年7月4日,庆祝美国建国,为美国的联邦假日。 9. 劳动节(Labor Day), 每年9月份的第一个星期一, 表示对劳工的敬意,为美国的联邦假日。 10.万圣节(Halloween;Eve of All Saint"s Day), 每年10月31日,孩子们多化装成鬼, 打着灯笼或点燃篝火尽情地玩耍。 11.万灵节(All Soul"s Day), 每年11月2日,祭奠所有死者灵魂之日。 12. 感恩节 (Thanksgiving Day),每年11月最后一个星期四,干且上帝所赐予的秋收,为美国的联邦假日。 13.圣诞节.(Christmas Day),每年12月25日,基督徒庆祝基督诞生的日子,是美国最隆重的节日。


父亲节在什么时候?母亲节在什么时候?地球节的什么时候?感恩节在什么时候?用英语回答各项提问及翻译具体步骤如下:1.列句:When is Father"s Day?翻译:父亲节在什么时候?列句:Father"s Day is on June 16.翻译:父亲节是在6月16日。2.列句:When is Mother"s Day?翻译:母亲节在什么时候?列句:Mother"s Day is on May 12.翻译:母亲节是在5月12日。3.列句:When is World Earth Day?翻译:地球节的什么时候?列句:World Earth Day is on April 22.翻译:世界地球日是在4月22。4.列句:When is Thanksgiving Day?翻译:感恩节在什么时候?列句:Thanksgiving Day is on November 28.翻译:感恩节是在11月28日。


When is the father"s dayWhen is the mother"s dayWhen is the earth dayWhen is the Thanksgiving这是按你说的顺序翻译的


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西方传统节日:复活节,万圣节,感恩节,圣诞节各自最著名的歌曲,音乐是什么? 希望带上中英文简介

历数圣诞节歌曲 Jingle Bells When A Child Is Born Santa Claus Is Coming To Town  Silent Night ... The First Noel 第一支圣诞歌 第一个圣诞,那会是怎么样的一个夜晚?耶稣降生,东方升起一颗新星,三位智者决心按着星星指引的方向寻觅基督,哪怕路迢迢。低沉的男声,虔敬有力,第一支圣诞颂歌即来自这千山万水的追寻。 Hark! Herald Angles Sing 天使在歌唱 与圣诞的寂静不同,天使的报信让人世沸腾:这是和平之子,这是正义之光,基督的降生是为了拯救世俗的臣民,是为了给他们第二次生命。来自超级天后Mariah Carey(玛丽亚-凯莉)的经典翻唱! White Christmas 白色圣诞节 “白色圣诞”根本已经和 圣诞节 画上等号的金曲,史上最为畅销的圣诞流行歌曲!”——白色的雪花,白色的原野,圣诞老人的白胡子;圣诞卡片,圣诞祝福——都在白色的圣诞节! We wish you a Merry Christmas 圣诞节该是什么样的?——该是欢快的。所以,我们祝你有个快乐的圣诞节、快乐的新年!带点布丁,带点糖果,要是你不给点什么,我们可不走哦,祝福可不是白给的!来自Enya(恩雅)的天籁之音! God Rest Ye Merry 不要沮丧,不要忧伤,耶稣于这天降临人间。带着喜悦,带着慰藉,上帝之子、我们的牧羊人诞生在马槽。赞美主吧,他会领我们走出迷途...曲调很熟悉,张韶涵的《寓言》即来于此! Winter Wonderland 著名圣诞歌曲《冬季仙境》首发于1934年,从那以后又被反复翻唱。歌词描写的是圣诞节前后的情景:堆着雪人,想象他就是某某人的模样,不自觉地踏入了一个只有冬天才有的奇异景象…一片银色世界才有圣诞节的气氛! Angels We Have Heard On High 圣诞节时唱的赞美诗称为“圣诞颂歌”。圣诞颂歌很多,词曲多取自名家名作,这首《天使歌唱在高天》即是其中的一首! Joy To The World 普世欢腾,救主下降,沃野、洪涛、山石、平原无不歌声嘹亮——主治万方的气度,仅仅有海豚音的音色怎么够呢,你觉得呢? O Holy Night 《神圣夜晚》是法国一个酒场主1847年写下的赞美诗,后流传到美国,由波士顿一个牧师 翻译 而成。现在听到的这个版本是由Mariah Carey重新诠释的,荡气回肠,一首圣诞经典圣诗! 圣诞节现代流行歌曲推荐 When Christmas Comes To Town 真的有圣诞老人在吗?——这就是电影《极地快车》的插曲,干干净净的一首歌,两个小姑娘纯洁甜美的童声,就像一尘不染的北极光...! Last Christmas 圣诞佳节,是热恋的人表达爱意的特殊日子,也是失恋的人怀念惆怅的特殊日子。这首《去年圣诞节》有许多版本,还是“甲壳虫”乐队(The Beatles)唱得好听。 Mary, Did You Know “圣母,你可知晓你的圣子有一天会平步水上?圣母,你可知晓你的圣子有一天会拯救我们的儿女...”这首深情款款的《圣母,你可知晓》唱出了对诞下耶稣的圣母玛丽的感激,是一首难得的圣诞抒情佳作! Christmas In My Heart 德国天后莎拉-康娜(Sarah Connor)2005年发行的同名专辑主打歌曲,《我心中的圣诞节》本是首赶在圣诞节送出的情歌。——无论我们在哪里,无论我们在做什么,只要和你在一起... God Is Girl “不管你身居何处,无论你说什么、无论你如何度日,上帝是一个女孩,她仅是一个女孩而已。你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受?”……简单的宣言干净而任意,德国乐队“舞动精灵”(Groove Coverage)带来的这首《上帝是女孩》是2004年欧洲舞曲排行榜的夺冠作品! This Gift “在寂静的圣诞夜里,没有什么比靠近你更让我觉得温暖。因为我爱你,女孩,我会永远爱著你...”唯美深情的唱腔相信已经让许多人如痴如醉。98度的《这份礼物》就是圣诞节里最好的音乐礼物!


  【感恩节英语介绍】   thanksgiving day fourth thursday in november almost every culture in the world has held celebrations of thanks for a plentiful harvest. the american thanksgiving holiday began as a feast of thanksgiving in the early days of the american colonies almost four hundred years ago.   in 1620, a boat filled with more than one hundred people sailed across the atlantic ocean to settle in the new world(新大陆).   this religious group had begun to question the beliefs of the church of england and they wanted to separate from it. the pilgrims settled in what is now the state of massachusetts. their first winter in the new world was difficult.   they had arrived too late to grow many crops, and without fresh food, half the colony died from disease. the following spring the iroquois indians(美国纽约州东北部易洛魁族印第安人)taught them how to grow corn, a new food for the colonists. they showed them other crops to grow in the unfamiliar soil and how to hunt and fish.   in the autumn of 1621, bountiful crops of corn, barley(大麦), beans and pumpkins were harvested. the colonists had much to be thankful for, so a feast was planned. they invited the local indian chief and 90 indians. the indians brought deer to roast with the turkeys and other wild game offered by the colonists. the colonists had learned how to cook cranberries and different kinds of corn and squash dishes from the indians. to this first thanksgiving, the indians had even brought popcorn.   in following years, many of the original colonists celebrated the autumn harvest with a feast of thanks.   after the united states became an independent country, congress recommended one yearly day of thanksgiving for the whole nation to celebrate. george washington suggested the date november 26 as thanksgiving day.   then in 1863, at the end of a long and bloody civil war, abraham lincoln asked all americans to set aside the last thursday in november as a day of thanksgiving.   thanksgiving falls on the fourth thursday of november, a different date every year. the president must proclaim that date as the official celebration.   thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. all give thanks together for the good things that they have.   in this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offer a traditional meal to those in need, particularly the homeless. on most tables throughout the united states, foods eaten at the first thanksgiving have become traditional.   【symbols of thanksgiving】   turkey, corn, pumpkins and cranberry sauce(酸果曼沙司)are symbols which represent the first thanksgiving. now all of these symbols are drawn on holiday decorations and greeting cards. the use of corn meant the survival of the colonies. "indian corn" as a table or door decoration represents the harvest and the fall season.   sweet-sour cranberry sauce, or cranberry jelly, was on the first thanksgiving table and is still served today. the cranberry is a small, sour berry. it grows in bogs(沼泽), or muddy areas, in massachusetts and other new england states. the indians used the fruit to treat infections. they used the juice to dye their rugs and blankets. they taught the colonists how to cook the berries with sweetener(甜味佐料)and water to make a sauce.   the indians called it "ibimi" which means "bitter berry." when the colonists saw it, they named it "crane-berry" because the flowers of the berry bent the stalk over, and it resembled the long-necked bird called a crane. the berries are still grown in new england.   in 1988, a thanksgiving ceremony of a different kind took place at the cathedral of st. john the divine. more than four thousand people gathered on thanksgiving night. among them were native americans representing tribes from all over the country and descendants of people whose ancestors had migrated to the new world.   the ceremony was a public acknowledgment of the indians" role in the first thanksgiving 350 years ago. until recently most schoolchildren believed that the pilgrims cooked the entire thanksgiving feast, and offered it to the indians.   in fact, the feast was planned to thank the indians for teaching them how to cook those foods. without the indians, the first settlers would not have survived.


  创意刚一结束,就是时候写一篇总结了,而进行活动总结,就是在自我评定,自我反思上发挥作用。撰写创意活动总结需要注意哪些方面呢?以下由我收集整理的《感恩主题活动总结幼儿园》,供大家参考,希望能帮助到有需要的朋友。 感恩主题活动总结幼儿园【篇1】   感恩你我他,快乐共成长。20xx年xx月xx日至xx日,xx幼儿园举办了以“心存感恩,快乐成长”为主题的感恩周系列活动。举办此次系列活动,共持续了五天时间,活动流程分为七个环节,环环相扣,节日气氛浓厚,为了幼儿提供了充分展示才艺、发挥想象、锻炼各项能力的机会。   感恩,从我做起。幼儿利用周末时间,帮助爸爸妈妈做一件力所能及的事情;下午离园时,将自己亲手做好的黄丝带戴到父母的手腕上,说上一句感恩的话:Thank you。稚嫩的动作和简短的表达,让父母们倍感欣慰。   感恩,从成人做起。人人都应心存感恩,不仅是孩子,大人更要给他们做榜样。在幼儿园做一次义工;下午放学之时,每个班级门口多了一个小小的身影,他们维持家长们接送的秩序,持卡排队,有序接送。这是请家长们对老师感恩,也是对幼儿的耳濡目染。   感恩,从关心劳动者做起。心存感恩,除了感恩身边的人,我们还要走出去。中大班级部,走出校园,感恩那些劳动者们:小区保安、清洁员、环卫工人等等。为他们献上自己的祝福,传递关爱。   感恩,从互助做起。大班的幼儿抽出一天时间,帮助小班的弟弟妹妹们进餐、午睡、穿脱衣服,幼小的弟弟妹妹,虽然不会表达,但是看看那笑的如此灿烂的脸庞就知道,感恩之情,已存心中。   感恩,从快乐做起。我们感恩,我们快乐,我们成长。伴随着欢快的音乐,幼儿们随着律动起舞,扭扭跳跳,可爱、认真的表演,惹得家长和老师们阵阵掌声。宝贝们,你们太棒了!   感恩,从沟通做起。我们感恩身边所有人,更要感恩给与我们信任的家长朋友们。借感恩节之际,刘XX园长召集家委会、伙委会的成员,与他们诚心沟通,热忱交流,将我园的理念文化一一讲与家长们,并颁发聘书,感恩你我,共同守护孩子的童年。   感恩,从爱的传递做起。感恩节不同于一般的节日,它不是一天过完就完了,而是贯穿于一整年甚至人的一生的节日,它连绵不绝,渗透在生活的点点滴滴中,所以,传递感恩,长存感恩,我们才能生活的更快乐更满足。   此次活动,重在让幼儿感受西方节日——感恩节的乐趣,通过感恩节气氛的营造和特色造型的体验,帮助幼儿更加全面、深入地了解感恩节的意义,进一步体会西方文化,更好的激发幼儿学习英语的乐趣,丰富园所文化,凸显我们的办园特色。同时,充分挖掘感恩节日的内涵,通过系列活动的开展,有目的有选择的把感恩教育融入到活动中去,从而激发幼儿对生活的美好情感和感激之情。 感恩主题活动总结幼儿园【篇2】   为了让孩子们在这样的节日里感受到幸福和快乐,感谢身边的每一个人,**幼儿园开展了“感恩节”系列教育活动。   一封满含**幼儿园人对家长朋友祝福的信件,孩子们帮爸爸妈妈做的一件件力所能及的小事(捶捶背,端杯水,甜甜的祝福……),让爸爸妈妈们觉得宝贝们在慢慢长大,慢慢懂事,幸福的泪水湿润了他们的双眼……   老师和孩子们一起营造的快乐浓浓的感恩节氛围,让孩子们兴奋不已,忍不住拉着爸爸妈妈得手说:快看啊,那就是摇篮部落,是我们和老师一起准备的!”   在一天天的期盼中,感恩节终于到来了!   早晨,杨园长在广播中,为亲爱的孩子、老师、家长送上了节日的衷心祝福,感谢所有的人相互鼓励相互给予,并且给每个班的老师和孩子送上了精心准备的礼物――开心果!真是细心又充满爱心的园长妈妈!   在轻松愉悦的thanksgiving day的音乐声中,孩子们在经过精心的装扮后(带着印第安头饰,爆米花项链),来到了操场。哇!可爱的英语老师们装扮成印第安人的模样,穿上漂亮的彩条群,手拿长矛,在舞台上跳起了《ten little indians》,从孩子们一阵阵的尖叫和掌声中,我们再一次看到了幸福和快乐。   当《感恩的心》再一次响起,我们请来了厨房的叔叔、门卫的爷爷、财务室的阿姨,保洁员阿姨,司机师傅等,这些在孩子们身边时刻都在我们付出的勤劳的人,为我们将要开业的美食小镇进行剪裁。是啊,这些人都是默默的辛苦付出的那些人,或许只有在这样的时刻我们和我们的孩子们才能有机会对他们说一声:谢谢您,您辛苦了!   可爱的美食部落镇长宣布美食小镇开业,部落酋长进行了揭牌仪式,所有的一切完全让孩子们沉浸在了一个关于印第安人传说的故事中,那种陶醉和快乐感染了在场的每一个人。   终于到了美食分享大餐的时刻了,但是要想进入美食小镇,必须先对上暗号哦:火鸡语“嘎包嘎包嘎包”,进入美食小镇,就可以享受一顿“饕餮盛宴”了,每个班级早已把分享的美食摆放在走廊的餐桌子上,非常丰富,孩子欢快的在美食街中游来游去,彼此间说着Happy Thanksgiving ! 的祝福,去挑选自己的喜欢的食品,有各色爆米花、各种饼干、各种水果、各种糖果。那可真是大开口福啊……   随着欢乐的感恩节乐曲,随着一声生的祝福,我们的感恩节教育过程体现了集团让爱更多一点的教育理念,切合了赵园长提出的素质教育五个教育途径,体现了以儿童为本,让孩子们在这样的情景中,自主的感受快乐,分享幸福,感恩别人。   尽管热闹的美食小镇已经变得寂静,但是仿佛孩子们那天真快乐的笑声还在飘荡,甜美的祝福永远的留在了每个人的心中。   感恩节快乐!快乐感恩节! 感恩主题活动总结幼儿园【篇3】   每年的11月的最后一个星期四是一个特殊的日子----感恩节。自古以来,中华民族就乐于助人、知恩图报,“受人滴水之恩,当以涌泉相报”一度传为名句。   现在的孩子基本上都是独生子女,家人的溺爱导致孩子觉得别人的关怀是理所当然,不少孩子不懂得感谢、感激,只知道索取;甚至对太过关心自己的家人产生逆反、厌烦情绪。   为了培养孩子懂得珍惜别人的爱,懂得感恩,做一个富有爱心的人。借这个节日,xx幼儿园开展了感恩节活动,一起来营造“爱”的氛围,开展“爱”的教育!每个班都以自己的特色开展活动:   小班让孩子了解感恩节的由来及其习俗,理解其意义,懂得感谢、尊重他人等,老师还带领孩子们给家长画了一幅画,感谢父母祖辈的辛勤付出。   中班请孩子回家对父母说一句感恩的话,动手给家长制作一幅花束等。   大班在幼儿园师生共同表演了“感恩的心”,并且每个小朋友都制作了一张心形卡片,回家请父母在卡片上写一句话。各班都组织小朋友进行了一系列的活动,请孩子回家做一件感恩的事情,如:为父母进门时拿一双拖鞋、为父母递上一杯温暖的茶等。让孩子了解父母养育孩子的艰辛,了解父母之爱的无私。   通过这次活动,让孩子们学会了珍惜朋友,理解父母,真诚地去体贴和关心别人。在我们文明的社会,知道感谢,怀有一颗感恩之心是很有必要的。期待着我们的孩子们带着一颗感恩的心,快乐成长吧! 感恩主题活动总结幼儿园【篇4】   在此活动中,园领导、各班级老师及全体小朋友,包括后勤厨房人员都足够的关注和重视,才使各班活动顺利开展。活动邀请了孩子们的家长,家长的积极参与可见对孩子成长和教育的重视,也表现出对幼儿园工作的支持,给我们很大的鼓舞。   经验总结:    一、充分的活动准备。   从活动开始前一天我们就开始了护蛋行动——让每个孩子把一只生鸡蛋带到幼儿园,从早上入园到下午离园都要随身带着鸡蛋,并想办法保护好鸡蛋,保护期为一天,要使它完好无损,蛋破即为护蛋失败。通过活动让幼儿在生活和学习中养成细心照料和关心周围的人,体会做事的艰难,养成认真负责的好习惯。同时通过护蛋活动体验责任感,感悟父母的养育之恩;让幼儿受到“爱”的教育,懂得真情之珍贵,懂得要如何用实际行动回报父母给予的关爱。    二、 从环境入手,增强感恩节氛围。   我们在班级门口主题强上绘画了感恩树,请家长在制作好的爱心卡片上写上对孩子的祝福贴在感恩树枝上。片片的爱心在家长句句祝福语中更显温馨。    三、 家长的参与保障活动顺利进行   大部分家长积极提供感恩大餐食物,还有个别家长主动付出,帮助老师给孩子化妆做假发,有几个家长说工作忙不想来参加活动,我们也再三劝说他来参加,老师和孩子都为这次活动,不管道具还是节   目都精心准备了很长时间,付出了很多精力,孩子们也期待已久,如果不参加,孩子会有失落感。所以最后几个家长也到齐准时来参加了活动。    四、感恩自助大餐,其乐融融。   在自助餐的活动中,老师为孩子精心布置教室,把桌子摆成一整排,气氛。每张桌子都摆了孩子们爱吃的餐点,孩子们开心极了。在老师们有序的组织下进行就餐。在此活动中,孩子们表现的非常出色,没有一个争抢的,都互相谦让,其乐融融。   当然也有不足之处:   一、 在游戏活动之前有必要提醒家长,在活动中看护好自己的孩子,不要乱跑,以免在游戏中撞倒。   二、 没有考虑到亲自室外活动时间和平行班一致,导致游戏一起开始,家长孩子全部聚集在走廊,造成了人群的一时拥堵。   三、 在感恩自助大餐开始前,没有对孩子提出的明确的要求,导致部分食物的浪费,和地面的脏乱。   总之,以“让爱住我家”为主题的活动,感恩节目,感恩大餐,感恩手工制作的礼物,充分营造出感恩节的氛围。但是活动中部分教师还是停留在形式上,对于如何感恩,为什么感恩孩子们还是不理解。因此,在今后的活动中,活动的意义还是要先让幼儿理解,使活动不仅在于形式上,而且要真正实现活动的意义。 感恩主题活动总结幼儿园【篇5】   感恩节起源于美国,每年的11月第四个星期四都是感恩节。今年我们又迎来这个古老的节日――“感恩节”。幼儿园举行了“感恩节茶话会”和感恩节当天下午的“感恩节半日活动”。可以说在主任的引导下,教师精心的策划活动的方案,让活动开展的有声有色,活动在家长的大力支持与配合下圆满的结束。   在“感恩节茶话会”活动中,请到了各班级的家长和老师谈感恩。听到家长们发自肺腑的言语,对幼儿园教育理念的认可和对老师们的细心教育而感谢,听到家长们津津乐道的讲着自己的感受,和一件件感恩老师的事件,时而会哽咽起来,在我的心中和家长们一样引起了一阵阵的涟漪,那么说起感恩,我首先想到了自己怎么能来到这个世界?怎么能长大成人?所以我应当感谢父母。我又想到了给我传授知识,教我生存技能的老师,所以我还应该感谢我的所有老师们。说到这,让我的思绪回想起童年到大学时的同窗好友,感谢她们的陪伴,带给我的快乐。   工作上,我要感谢幼儿园的领导,给我发挥自己专业的平台,感谢你们对我工作的支持与信任;感谢同事们在团队中的彼此促进,共同努力、共同成长;尤其感激班级中的三位老师,因为我们有一个好的小团队,充分发挥自己的能力,因而这种团队的凝聚力决定了我们班级和谐的氛围。在班级的管理工作中,我会善于发现和总结班员的优点,发现存在感恩的事情,只要用感恩的心去面对,一切将变得那么美好!学会感恩,让你对生活多了份欣赏,多了份爱,少了份挑剔,少了份抱怨。感恩让人更加友善,让人更加平和。我感谢这里的领导和同事,我会做好自己的工作,因为责任和忠诚的背后是感恩,感恩的背后是动力和信念,我觉得幼儿园每一个人都是心存感恩在工作,我想说:“认识你们真好”,让我们这些懂得感恩的人共同创造更美好的未来。




关于幼儿园感恩主题公共课教案5篇 感恩教育又称之为爱的教育,是一种情感教育,生命教育,我国是个有着浓厚传统美德的礼仪之邦,文化里记载着数不尽的感恩故事,对幼儿进行感恩教育目的是让孩子对周围给与自己关爱的人心存感激。下面是我给大家整理的幼儿园感恩主题公共课教案,希望大家喜欢! 幼儿园感恩主题公共课教案篇1 活动目标 (1)欣赏故事,感受故事中所表达的爱,并尝试用语言、行为等方法大胆表现。 (2)体验爱与被爱的快乐情感。 (3)通过活动,培养感恩的情感。 活动准备 经验准备:幼儿了解感恩节,知道自己应该感激的人。 材料准备:爸爸妈妈写给孩子的信、制作的相册、说给孩子的话(录音),课件,爱心卡,彩笔。 活动过程 1、欣赏故事,导入活动 (1)师:我们班这么多好朋友相亲相爱在一起,是一个幸福的大家庭,小獾的家也是一个快乐而温馨的家。小獾在说什么?怎么说的?它们的心情会怎样? (2)师:小獾说出了自己的爱,那你们有多爱爸爸妈妈呢?怎样爱你的爸爸妈妈? 总结:当我们爱一个人的时候,一定要大声的说出来。 2、倾听爸爸妈妈写给孩子的信,看相册 师:你们都很爱自己的爸爸妈妈,爸爸妈妈也更爱自己的孩子,你们听,他们在说什么? (1)教师读信,提问:你们听后有什么感受? 总结:用信可以传递我们的爱。 (2)看“相册”,提问:从这一张张相片上,可以看出爸爸妈妈爱我们,我们一起制作一本“爱的相册”吧! (3)请每个幼儿说一句最想对爸爸妈妈说的话。 总结:相册可以留下我们的爱。 3、听爸爸妈妈表达爱的录音 事:你们有什么感受? 总结:每个人都有爸爸妈妈,他们天天为我们忙碌着,的确很辛苦,我们也要好好地回报父母。 4、表达对爸爸妈妈的爱 (1)看录像。 师:你看到的小朋友是怎样爱爸爸妈妈的?在日常生活中,你是怎样爱爸爸妈妈的? (2)绘画爱心卡。 师:我们爱爸爸妈妈的方式很多很多,为了表达对他们爱,让我们把我们的心愿画在爱心卡上,送给爸爸妈妈。 活动延伸 把自己的爱心卡献给爸爸妈妈。在日常生活中,用各种方式表达对家人的爱。 幼儿园感恩主题公共课教案篇2 活动目标 1.知道我们的城市有很多人为我们大家服务。 2.通过故事和谈话,体会她人对你的帮助,并运用自己的方式回馈别人对你的爱。 3.初步培养感激之情、感恩之心。 教学重点、难点 重点:让幼儿通过制作感恩卡等活动表达父母、老师给予他们的爱。 难点:让幼儿学会感恩,激发幼儿对周围事物及人有感恩的心。 活动准备 1.音乐:感恩的心;多媒体课件。 2.彩色卡纸、黑笔、固体膏等。 活动过程 一、引发兴趣 1.教师出示小蚂蚁图片,引出故事《口渴的蚂蚁》。 ①小蚂蚁口渴了,谁帮助了它? ②小女孩遇到了什么困难? ③小蚂蚁又是怎么帮助她的? 2.师小结:小蚂蚁心中有一颗感恩的心,尽自己的所能去帮助别人。我们也要像小蚂蚁一样,去帮助别人。 二、迁移经验,说说自己生活中被关心、被帮助的情景。 1.说一说自己在家里、幼儿园里都得到了谁的帮助? 2.教师出示清洁工图片。 ①她们是谁?在干什么? ②如果没有她们,我们的城市会变成什么样子? 3.出示交通警察图片。 ①他们是谁?在干什么? ②如果没有他们,我们的城市又会变成什么样子? 4.师小结:清洁工阿姨,叔叔为了保持我们城市的清洁,非常辛苦。交通警察叔叔为了我们这个城市的安全畅通也非常辛苦,我们大家都要感谢他们,那小朋友们想一想,我们该送给他们什么礼物来表示我们对他们的感谢呢? 三、示范、讲解做贺卡的方法 1.师:有的小朋友说啊,可以做贺卡送给他们,那我们今天就来做贺卡,好不好啊?大家一起来看一看,老师已经做好了几张贺卡,你们看看,我是怎么做的 2.教师操作,把几张卡粘在一起,就可以把它做成一个更好看的像灯笼一样的贺卡了! 3.师:恩,小朋友们都非常聪明,待会你们做的时候可以和老师做一样的,也可以做不样的,我要来看看哪些小朋友比较能干,可以做出不一样的? 4.幼儿制作贺卡,教师巡视。 5.展示作品,你想送给谁?说一句感恩的话。 四、播放音乐《感恩的心》,一起做动作,结束本次活动。 幼儿园感恩主题公共课教案篇3 【活动目标】 1.引导幼儿欣赏各种感恩卡,知道送感恩卡是表达心意的一种方式。 2.请幼儿自主选择材料,尝试运用画、剪、粘贴等方法设计、制作平面或立体的感恩卡。 3.引导幼儿感受制作感恩卡的快乐和赠送感恩卡的幸福。 【活动准备】 1.搜集祝福卡、赠言卡、问候卡、贺卡等创设卡片展览会。 2.彩色卡纸若干,剪刀,胶水,带有卡通图案的报纸,彩绳、铃铛等若干。 3.幼儿提前熟悉歌曲《感恩的心》。 【活动建议】 1.播放歌曲《感恩的心》,引导幼儿表达对老师的感激之情。 提问:这是什么歌曲?在教师节来临之际,你最应该感谢谁?为什么?你想用什么方法表达对老师的感激之情? 2.带领幼儿参观卡片展览会,引导幼儿讨论制作卡片的方法。 (1)带领幼儿参观卡片展览会,引导幼儿说说自己喜欢哪张、为什么以及它是怎样制作的。 (2)边展示卡片边进行小结:卡片有很多种,赠送的时间、场合不同,其代表的意义也有所不同。卡片的制作方法多种多样,可以用镂空的方法将里面的图案透出来;可以是立体的、活动的;也可以是悬挂式的。卡片中的图案和贺词表达了制作者的心意,可以画、可以剪、可以粘贴。 (3)鼓励幼儿尝试选择多种材料,运用画、剪、粘贴等方法设计、制作平面或立体的感恩卡。 引导幼儿思考自己想制作什么样的卡片,鼓励幼儿自由选择制作材料。幼儿制作,教师巡回指导,可以根据幼儿的能力进行个别指导,鼓励幼儿大 创新,制作与别人不同的感思卡。 最后,提示幼儿在卡片上画上或写上祝福的话语,表达自己的感激之情。 (4)引导幼儿相互欣赏卡片,讲述自己的制作过程及表达的情感 3.引导幼儿将自己制作的感恩卡送给老师,体验表达爱的幸福 (1)提问:你想把感恩卡送给哪位老师?为什么?你想对老师说什么? (2)幼儿件随音乐给老师赠送贺卡。 幼儿园感恩主题公共课教案篇4 目标: 1、了解感恩节的由来,知道感恩节是表达谢意的日子。 2、了解感恩节的特殊食物和象征。 3、享受感恩节庆典。 4、通过为别人做事,发感谢卡,体验感恩之美。 准备工作: 1、感谢信:整个公园发出感谢信,告诉父母感恩节快到了,我们要做什么,感谢父母。 2、大厅:a、做一只大火鸡,标识:快乐感恩节;b、把每个班产生的反派(风格不同,孩子参与,站起来和孩子一样高)(每个班负责) 3、班级:a、每个班级制作感恩节海报,贴在醒目的地方;b、布置班级环境,如手印火鸡、爆米花挂件、羽毛等。;c、感恩相关教育,如感恩故事赏析、感恩象征性词汇学习;d、制作感恩卡; 4、感恩节周:a、每天早上,老师都打扮成印第安人。B、感恩节行动:宝宝周一捶你背;宝宝周二洗脚;周三宝宝给你带一杯水;周四宝贝给你一个吻;周五给宝宝看看。 当天活动前的准备:a、所有老师和孩子学习《感恩的心》手语表演; B、请家长帮忙准备水果零食和一串爆米花项链; C、准备好热身音乐和《感恩的心》《十个小印第安人》的音乐,并主持演讲。 D、制作“金摇篮美食部落”logo,准备大布面(为揭幕仪式);准备好剪彩的相关物品。 E、班里另外两个老师负责整理每个走廊里孩子带的水果和零食(每个班两张桌子,拆包切成合适大小),保证卫生,准备牙签、纸杯、纸巾等。教育孩子学会谦虚,适度品味。 F、告诉食堂为当天的餐饮活动准备一些小吃。 当天的活动流程: a、早上开始拥抱日,拥抱我们的孩子和同事;向父母表达:谢谢,感恩节快乐;孩子之间的拥抱。 B、九点,孩子们都戴着爆米花项链,聚集在操场上。放10分钟暖音乐。 c、9点10分,主持人宣布活动开始,并简单介绍了感恩节相关知识。 英语老师带领孩子们集体表演歌曲。大声喊出幸福——给予! e、集体表演《感恩的心》,拥抱身边的人。 f、美食镇镇长(主任)上台互动,邀请后勤人员,剪彩。"金摇篮美食部落酋长(总监)致辞并举行揭幕仪式。 g、每班另外两位老师带领孩子进楼,可以在美食部落的标志下通过,有秩序的在美食部落享用感恩节大餐。英语老师装扮成部落服务员。说“火鸡”。是的,代码。 活动结束: 1、感恩节活动新闻网站。 2、把每个班级的精彩照片发到班级博客上,与家长分享。 3、孩子做的感恩卡送给父母,表达感激之情(说话、接吻、拥抱等)。 4、孩子们写口头日记来讲述感恩节的过程和收获。 5、教育孩子虽然感恩节已经过去了,但我们要一直有一颗感恩的心,关注身边所有美好的事物和人,做一个懂得说谢谢、表达感激的人。让我们每天和孩子一起过感恩节吧! 幼儿园感恩主题公共课教案篇5 一、活动目标: 1、了解感恩节的来历,明白感恩节是表达谢意的日子。 2、明白感恩节的特色食物与象征物。 3、享受感恩节的庆祝活动。 4、经过为他人做事、送感恩卡等感恩行动体验感恩的完美。 二、前期工作: 1、感激信:全园发放感恩信,告诉家长感恩节来临、我们要做什么、以及对家长的感激。 2、大厅:A.制作大火鸡,标识语:happy thanks giving day感恩节欢乐;B.摆放每班制作的小人(风格各异,幼儿参与,和幼儿一样高,站立起来)(各班负责) 3、班级:A.各班级制作感恩节海报贴到醒目处;B.装饰班级环境,如手印火鸡、爆米花吊饰、羽毛等;C.感恩节的相关教育,如感恩节故事欣赏、感恩节标志性词汇学习;D.制作感恩贺卡; 4、感恩周:A.每一天的晨间接待教师化装成印第安人。B.感恩行动:周一宝贝为您捶捶背;周二宝贝为您洗洗脚;周三宝贝给您端杯水;周四宝贝送您一个吻;周五宝贝秀一下。 三、感恩节当天活动前的准备: 1、全体师幼学习《感恩的心》手语表演; 2、请家长帮忙准备水果小吃以及一串爆米花项链; 3、准备暖场音乐以及《感恩的心》《tenlittleIndians》音乐,主持词 4、制作“金摇篮美食部落”标志,并准备大布盖上(用于揭幕仪式);准备剪彩的相关物品。 5、班级的其他两位教师负责将孩子们带来的水果、小吃在各层楼道摆好(每班两个桌子,包装拆开、切成适宜大小),保证卫生并准备牙签,纸杯,纸巾等。教育幼儿学会谦让、适量品尝。 6、告知食堂做少许小点心用于当日品餐活动。 四、当日活动流程: 1、早上开始抱抱日,拥抱我们的孩子、同事;跟家长表达:多谢您,感恩节欢乐;孩子之间拥抱。 2、9:00全体幼儿戴爆米花项链在操场集合。播放暖场音乐10分钟。 3、9:10,主持人宣布活动开始,简单介绍感恩节相关知识。 4、英语教师带领幼儿团体表演歌曲Ten little Indians。大声喊出Happy Thanks-giving! 5、团体表演《感恩的心》,拥抱身边的人 6、美食小镇镇长(主任)上台互动,请出后勤人员并剪彩。“金摇篮美食部落”酋长(园长)发言并进行揭幕仪式。 7、各班级其他两位教师带领孩子们进入楼内,对暗号方可从美食部落牌子下穿过,逐层有秩序地在美食部落享受感恩大餐。英语教师装扮成部落服务员。讲“火鸡语”对暗号。 五、活动结束: 1、感恩节活动发网站 2、每班精彩照片发至班级群与家长共享 3、幼儿制作的感恩贺卡送给家长,并且把感激表达出来(说、亲、抱等形势) 4、幼儿写口述日记讲述感恩节的过程与收获。 5、教育幼儿感恩节虽然结束了,可是我们要一向拥有一颗感恩的心,去关注身边所有的完美、所有应当感激的事物和人们,做一个懂得说多谢、明白表达感恩的人。让我们和孩子们天天过感恩节吧!


【 #英语资源# 导语】在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.感恩节英语作文80词   Dad, you are sometimes blue, as deep as the boundless sea. No matter my academic performance is good or bad, you always look at me with deep and cold eyes, neither encouraging nor blaming. I can"t really appreciate your ideological connotation. Thanksgiving composition for junior middle school students 900 words: Thanksgiving and love parents.   Dad, you are black again. You are so deep that I am afraid. On the eve of the exam, you are too strict with me. You always "envy the infinity of the Yangtze River". You want to push me to the "volunteer army" of key high schools. I have guessed your psychology of "looking for women to become phoenix".   Dad, you are still golden. No matter how many difficult things you have, you can easily solve them. You always discuss policies and strategies for your relatives and relatives. Whether it"s the transfer of your aunt, the distribution of your second aunt, the job hopping of your uncle or the deployment of your aunt, you can always look ahead, size up the situation and make a decision. You are knowledgeable and wise. You can only retreat when you encounter wind, frost, snow and rain. The sun is always reflected on your face, which makes me deepen my admiration for you. 2.感恩节英语作文80词   Sunshine, air and water are the first elements of life. Perception advances with the day and moves with the water. Browse the world and absorb natural philosophy. The vast world is magical, with sunshine, rain and vitality. People oriented and fraternal. Think of the source after drinking water and be grateful.   Feeling synchronized with time, life is full of sunshine. The sky is unlimited for birds to fly at ease, as the ocean is boundless for fish to leap at will. The beauty of nature lies in pursuit and creativity. The green mountains are still there, and the sunset is red for several times. Beauty lies in concept and nature.   Perception, reverie in life, food, clothing, housing and transportation, bitter, hot, sour and sweet. Human accident, colorful. Sometimes depressed, instantly shocked the soul. There is only one earth. We are all human beings. Walking with water and paying attention to global warming? The natural ecological environment is closely related to the quality of life. Man and nature survive and develop in the changes of sunshine, air and water. Caring for the ecological environment means caring for yourself.   When mountains and rivers meet in moderation, grain harvest is new. The magic of nature endows mankind with gratitude. It is the cultivation of local breeze that makes my soul in my thoughts; Be aware of the source and be grateful. It is the charm of local breeze; Let me fly. The heaven contains the perception of all things, and the earth is full of love. Green pines and cypresses are connected with water, and rain and dew nourish all things. People walk with nature, think of the source after drinking water, and be grateful. 3.感恩节英语作文80词   There are many people around me who care about me, including parents, grandparents and so on. I thank them very much from my heart, but the person I thank most is my beloved teacher. Because she is so concerned about us, so concerned, so paid.   On a muggy summer night, when people are enjoying the cool in the air-conditioned room or taking a leisurely walk in the park with a PU fan in hand, she sweated under the light to help us correct our homework.   On a cold winter night, when people fall into a sweet dream in the warm quilt, she writes a teaching plan for us with her red frozen hands.   Whenever people rush home after work, she still stays in the office and prepares review materials for us.   When I asked her a question I didn"t understand, she explained it to me carefully and patiently in a gentle tone until I understood it.   When she took our full score test paper, her face showed a happy and proud smile.   Teacher"s love is selfless, great and valuable. I want to repay you with my efforts, my teacher! 4.感恩节英语作文80词   I have a kind grandmother who has loved me since I was a child. Anything good will be left for me to eat first. She sings sweetly and has a good temper. She often tells me some great principles of life.   An accident made my relationship with grandma more profound. When I was five years old, I was bitten by my grandmother"s dog, and dozens of stitches were sewn on the corners of my mouth. Now I still have scars. My grandmother has always blamed herself for her negligence and didn"t take good care of me. Therefore, she still can"t let go of her feelings and feels deeply guilty. Every time she talks about this matter, she will swallow hard and let me cry, Actually, I don"t blame him at all.   The dishes cooked by grandma are the most delicious. I like bitter gourd chicken soup and squid snail meat garlic soup cooked by her most. I can"t get tired of it. Grandma treats people kindly and rarely loses her temper. My parents are busy at work. Most of them come to pick me up after school every day. They never complain or regret, which makes my heart full of infinite gratitude.


月底没钱感谢老妈及时发红包的感恩句子【篇一】 1.清早起床的我,就收到了来自于他的礼物,即惊喜又感动。 2.你爱我的预付款已收到,余生请补全尾款。 3.77情人节快要来啦,想要不被坑的战友玩家兄弟注意了,可以提前发微信红包发20元保证我不坑你,一起超神就发14元,一起排位三连胜的发77,自认为是土豪的发88元,排位上钻一的发520元。 4.感谢有你,生活不在孤单;感谢有你,距离不在遥远;感谢有你。 5.人生道路上感激你为我遮风挡雨。 6.春节了,给个红包买糖呗,呆会双倍返还哦。 7.向帮助过我的朋友和我所珍爱的朋友说声感谢,感谢你走进我的生命,让我的生命丰富又美丽,我愿用我有生的时光带给你无限的快乐。 8.没有红包,谈什么新年高兴。 9.我生命中最重要的人,谢谢你,让我知道了爱情最好的模样。 10.各种意想不到感激遇到的你们这是今年收到最有意义的礼物。 11.感谢天,感谢地,更要感谢你!谢谢你! 12.无论将来如何,我都要感激你,感激你来到我的生命中,带来美丽和欢乐。 13.收到来自韩国的礼物虽然对韩国不太感冒可是收礼物还是开心哒哈哈哈。 14.收到儿女的红包或转帐你可以说,谢谢我家可爱的小蚊子,给妈送了个大红胞。 15.感谢一路上有你! 16.感激你们以往给予我的帮忙和鼓励,我记忆的画屏上得以增添了更多绚丽的色彩。 17.真有脸像个疯狗似的恶心谁呢 18.这个情人节,因为有的红包变得更加快乐。 19.感谢你这么多年还陪伴在我身边,你能来参加我的婚礼,我就很开心了,红包不重要! 20.老公,如果你在外面感到累了,一定记得回家,无论多晚,我和孩子都会等你。 月底没钱感谢老妈及时发红包的感恩句子【篇二】 21.我的世界每天都因为你,我的笑容因为你的红包更加灿烂。谢谢这个让我跳起来的红包。现在马上就要花了,感谢亲爱的家人在buy buy里给了我特别的购买。 22.所有的蛮不讲理,能有一个红包就变成一句我爱您。 23.谢谢老公,爱你哦。 24.我的老公最好了,谢谢啦!爱你,么么哒! 25.感激你悉心准备的礼物和红包,我很喜欢。 26.别提多高兴了,一早上就收到了一个红包。 27.老公,感谢你付出的一切,我看在眼里,记在心里。 28..我不知道如何向你展示我的感激之情,但我真的很赞成你对我做的事情 29.快乐的夜晚,快乐的夜晚,都是玩! 30.百年!快乐的新大理石,甜蜜!早期宝贝! 31.想了好多感谢的话,却都觉得不足以配上这份多年的革命友情,谢谢你的大红包。 32.有一个好看的人给了我一个红色的信封,我仍然犹豫了。 33.一个人,我们不必看到他通常的表现,只要他在过去几天发布了一个红色信封。金额远远超过收到的红色信封数量,我们可以确定他是一个崇高的人。 34.领了情人的红包怎么回复他 彼此都开心: 35.真心感谢你,困难时陪我身旁,沮丧时给我希望,奋斗时添我力量,为我把风雨遮挡。亲爱的朋友,愿将我的快乐和幸福,同你分享。 36.有你关心的岁月,永远不觉度漫长,多谢你记得我的生日,也多谢这个贴心的生日红包。 37.虽然您不轻易表露,但我知道您一向都在关心着我。多谢您,爸爸。 38.我真心的期望我们的友谊长在,在成长的道路上伴随着我直到永远。 39.不过按照当地的习俗,听完吉利话就要给红包。 40.平安夜没有收到苹果,快给我发个红包压压惊吧! 群主发红包句子 大家都会在群里求群主发红包的,求群主发红包我们可以说些什么话呢?本文是为大家整理的求发红包的句子,欢迎阅读! 群主发红包的幽默句子 1. 我们之间,除了除夕快乐,难道就没有一个大点的红包吗 2. 给我两元,给你买个东西等你兴致勃勃发了个红包后,他回复你一句买个教训,顿时心塞。 3. 夜深了,四周静悄悄的,对你的思念,似无形的索,剪不断,理还乱!唯一可以从两端拉啊拉,直到两双手握在一起,两颗心融在一起,不离不弃! 4. 虽然没有西方情人节时铺天盖地的玫瑰与巧克力糖果的洪流,但依然记得牛郎织女那动人爱情故事,朋友祝福你,在这特别的日子里,有情人终成眷属! 5. 给我两元,给你买个东西等你兴致勃勃发了个红包后,他回复你一句买个教训,顿时心塞。 6. 没有红包,谈什么新年快乐。 7. 一个人,我们不必看他平时的表现,只要在除夕这天他发出的红包数额是远远超过收到的红包数的,我们就可以认定他是一个高尚的人,是一个纯粹的人,是一个脱离了低级趣味的人。 8. 当你们拿着三星和苹果穿梭在城市里,可知道有的孩子用不起手机,即使有手机也交不起话费,处在提心吊胆停机的边缘所以!给87*********的孩子充点话费吧,让他和你们一样快乐!爱心传递,让爱传下去 9. 一个人,我们不必看他平时的表现,只要在过年这几天他发出的红包数额是远远超过收到的红包数的,我们就可以认定他是一个高尚的人,是一个纯粹的人,是一个脱离了低级趣味的人。 10. 我在试人气,话说情义无价,因为一个红包出卖不了我们的感情不是嘛。[呲牙][呲牙]金额随意[阴险]看看我能收多少,一分也是爱!看谁删我?看谁有我。不要装看不到[发怒]。我会记得你的,[害羞]等你哈![偷笑][偷笑] 11. 喜庆的时刻在倒数,幸福的指针在拨动;平安的钟声在敲响,绚烂的礼花在绽放;喜悦的心情在蔓延,吉祥的年份在开张;热闹的人群在喧哗,真挚的惊喜在启航:你,是不是该给我发红包了? 12. 锄禾日当午,不如抢钱苦。对着爱疯六,一抢一上午。抢完了上午,还要抢下午。问你抢多少,总共两块五!一查流量费,超过二百五! 13. 我们认识这么久了,我想严肃的问你一个问题,能发5块钱红包给我买个暖手宝吗?天冷了,晚上和你聊天手冷! 14. 春节节即将来临,讨点红包买年货吃。喜欢我的人可以提前发微信红包发20元,爱我的人就发4元,想要和我一起过春节的发5元,自认为是土豪的发88元,自认为最爱我的人就发520元,准备和我一辈子的发34,觉得我是好人的发5元,觉得我可爱的发0元,觉得我长得一般的发6元,觉得我丑的发20元。如果想割袍断义,友尽的就不用发红包了,哈哈。见证感情的时刻到了!!! 15. 能用红包表达感情的,就不要发些新年快乐什么的祝福了,祝福又不一定会如愿,但红包是一定可以提现的。 16. 一个人,我们不必看他平时的表现,只要在过年这几天他发出的红包数额是远远超过收到的红包数的,我们就可以认定他是一个高尚的人,是一个纯粹的人,是一个脱离了低级趣味的人。 17. 长得好看的人已经给我发红包了,长得丑的还在犹豫。 18. 边看春晚边吐槽,摇着微信抢红包,发的总比抢的少,各位土豪行行好。 19. 77情人节快要来啦,想要不被坑的战友玩家兄弟注意了,可以提前发微信红包发20元保证我不坑你,一起超神就发4元,一起排位三连胜的发77,自认为是土豪的发88元,排位上钻一的发520元。 20. 那些年我错我了你,但今天,我不想再错过你的红包! 节日高情商回应对方发红包的感谢句子 节日高情商回应对方发红包的感谢句子【篇一】 1.感激你走进我的生命,让我的生命丰富美丽。 2.我怎麼那麼喜欢你,我发誓第二天再也不要喜欢你,结果第二天,我好像比昨天更喜欢你了。 3.我一定会珍惜这份天赐之缘,将我的爱毫无保留地回馈于生命中的挚友!感谢你,我的朋友! 4.感激你悉心准备的礼物和红包,我很喜欢。 5.我只想做个俗人,贪你的财好你的色。 6.一朵花摘了许久枯萎了也舍不得丢,一把伞撑了许久雨停了也记不起收,一句话想了很久才说出口,有你真好! 7.当你们拿着三星和苹果穿梭在城市里,可知道有的孩子用不起手机,即使有手机也交不起话费,处在提心吊胆停机的边缘所以!给187*********的孩子充点话费吧,让他和你们一样高兴!爱心传递,让爱传下去…… 8.老公每次给我发很少的红包,究其原因还是因为工资卡在我手上。 9.又大了一岁,上了年纪就有些伤感,看着岁月的流逝,自己却无能无力。但你我共同度过的那些时光真好,谢谢老公给我的生日惊喜。 10.祝我26岁生日快乐,收到多份爱的礼物和红包,也给自己准备了礼物,亲爱的自己,我很爱你,谢谢各位有心的人。 11.收到父母的红包或转账你可以说,感谢伺养员今日投喂。 12.跟随你的事业,我一直在这里这么久,我想问你一个问题,很快在夜晚,向我发送一个红色的信封,你能吗 13.收到女儿红包一个,感到很幸福呢 14.朋友谢谢你一直以来对我的关心,红包和祝福我都收到并珍藏起来啦,谢谢你的用心。 15.愿我的感谢化作一杯杯清水,滋润你那孤寂的生活。 16.这一生,有你,暖热我内心最深处,我甚至不奢望来世和你结缘,只这一个轮回的知心我就已很感激,感谢这一生,懂你的我和懂我的你能够心心相印。 17.我的命为你珍惜,我的心为你跳动,我的神为你伤透,我的歌为你高唱,我的诗为你书写,我的乐为你欢笑,我的情为你燃烧,我的爱陪你到老! 18.钱乃身边之物,不过我希望我身外全部都是你发的红包。 19.感谢天,感谢地,更要感谢你!谢谢你! 20.无论将来如何,我都要感激你,感激你来到我的生命中,带来美丽和欢乐。 节日高情商回应对方发红包的感谢句子【篇二】 21.我就是小舔狗,舔到最后应有尽有。 22.真心感谢你,困难时陪我身旁,沮丧时给我希望,奋斗时添我力量,为我把风雨遮挡。 23.谢谢小棉袄的生日红包,这个冬天因你而温暖。 24.除夕送你四尾鱼:一尾娃娃鱼,添福又添喜;一尾比目鱼,爱情甜蜜蜜;一尾美人鱼,心情好美丽;一尾金龙鱼,生活更神气。 25.冇有红包的情人节,还能够算的上是情人节吗? 26.不过按照当地的习俗,听完吉利话就要给红包。 27.人这辈子,最幸福的时刻,就是在有个知冷知暖的人陪伴我的年年岁岁。感激亲爱的老公,你一向在。 28.你来的话,日子会甜一些,来不了用红包代替也行。 29.我不想从你的全世界路过,也不想在终点等你。如果可以,我希望能陪你一起走过全世界,然后再一起走向终点。 30.快乐的夜晚,快乐的夜晚,都是玩! 31.我就知道你喜欢我,现在被我找到证据了吧。 32.清早起床的我,就收到了来自于他的礼物,即惊喜又感动。 33.情人节即将到来,你喜欢的人可以提前派微信红包,爱我的人会赚一美元。我想和我约会。我认为这是Tuhao的出价,我认为我最喜欢的人会赚一美元,准备送很多人。我觉得我是一个好人的竞标,我觉得我很可爱,我觉得我有一个广义的元素,我觉得我很难。见证感情的时间。 34.早上起床,红包收到。 35.谢谢你的善意 4 36.感激朋友给我带来精神的欢愉,有他们我能够倾诉孤独,倒地时,他们也会来搀扶。 37.受人滴水之恩,当以涌泉相报。感恩,多么引人的字眼啊!感恩,就是得到好处之后的感激之情呈现出来回馈他人。 38.距离是海,有你相伴,绝对精彩! 39.无论将来如何,我都要感谢你,感谢你来到我的生命中,带来了美丽和快乐! 40.感谢您的转账,恭祝您增富增寿增富贵,添光添彩添吉祥,福如东海,寿比南山! 端午老板发红包福利感谢的句子(60条) 端午老板发红包福利感谢的句子篇一 1.去年的520冇有收到的红包,今天他都一并补上了,表现非常不错。 2.有些人总是把日子过的那么精致,顺带还捎上了我,收到红包,心情好到爆啊。 3.朋友谢谢你一直以来对我的关心,红包和祝福我都收到并珍藏起来啦,谢谢你的用心。 4.有一个好看的人给了我一个红色的信封,我仍然犹豫了。 5.无论将来如何,我都要感激你,感激你来到我的生命中,带来美丽和欢乐。 6.谁的童话书没有合好,让大方的王子又跑出来了。 7.这一生,有你,暖热我内心最深处,我甚至不奢望来世和你结缘,只这一个轮回的知心我就已很感激,感谢这一生,懂你的我和懂我的你能够心心相印。 8.愿我的感谢化作一杯杯清水,滋润你那孤寂的生活。 9.感谢天,感谢地,更要感谢你!谢谢你! 10.谢谢老公的红包,最主要一点,老婆永远是对的,因为老婆爱你! 11.真有脸像个疯狗似的恶心谁呢 12.谢谢你的善意 4 13.这次我收到红包,而且又这么多,不由得高兴得一蹦三尺高。 14.对于你给我的红包感激不尽,谢谢你,朋友。感谢你陪我闯过那些风那些雨,感谢在最无助的时候有你鼓励,感谢在孤独的时候至少还有你,亲爱的朋友,想说真得很谢谢你。 15.感谢你这么多年还陪伴在我身边,你能来参加我的婚礼,我就很开心了,红包不重要! 16.感谢生命中有你这个值得常常想起的好朋友! 17.边看春晚边吐槽,摇着微信抢红包,发的总比抢的少,各位土豪行行好。 18.谢谢你,让我宠爱你;谢谢你,让我陪伴你;谢谢你,让我说爱你。 19.发我多少,你就瘦多少! 20.今日你生日,我却收到了这么意外的礼物,实在受宠若惊。 端午老板发红包福利感谢的句子篇二 21.向帮助过我的朋友和我所珍爱的朋友说声感谢,感谢你走进我的生命,让我的生命丰富又美丽,我愿用我有生的时光带给你无限的快乐。 22.虽然今日真心被理发师坑晕,但收到红包的心境还是棒棒哒。 23.以前都不敢想,我的上司们和领导们,还要给我送红包,感谢你们! 24.千言万语表达不了我的心,我只能说我已铭记在心。再次感谢你悉心准备的礼物,我很喜欢。 25.你对我好,我对你好,我们彼此在意著彼此,彼此关心著彼此,像阳光给了我特殊的温暖。 26.你的专属情谊必须收,不然都对不起你对我爱。 27.感激你,在我无聊的时候,听我说废话。 28.欢迎领导下基层送温暖感激不尽 29.无论将来如何,我都要感谢你,感谢你来到我的生命中,带来了美丽和快乐! 30.我的命为你珍惜,我的心为你跳动,我的神为你伤透,我的歌为你高唱,我的诗为你书写,我的乐为你欢笑,我的情为你燃烧,我的爱陪你到老! 31.认识你,有点幸运,朋友的关怀无时无刻不在蔓延。 32.给您拜个早年!一叩首,二叩首,三叩首!恭喜发财,红包拿来! 33.人这辈子,最幸福的时刻,就是在有个知冷知暖的人陪伴我的年年岁岁。感谢亲爱的老公,你一直在。 34.你来的话,日子会甜一些,来不了用红包代替也行。 35.今年过节不收礼,收礼只收老公发的红包。 36.幸福的生活中少不了你的陪伴,高兴的快乐都是关于你的出现。感激有你,生活不在孤单;感激有你,距离不在遥远! 37.感谢有你,生活不在孤单;感谢有你,距离不在遥远;感谢有你。 38.生活是海,距离是舟,生活是舟。 39.老公真好!爱你,老公! 40.虽然今天真心被理发师坑晕,但收到红包的心情还是棒棒哒。 端午老板发红包福利感谢的句子篇三 41.老公!谢谢你的惊喜——红包,是你的承诺,使我感到幸福! 42..我不知道如何向你展示我的感激之情,但我真的很赞成你对我做的事情 43.知道吗你给的是甜蜜,期望它从心口甜到梦里。 44.我不在乎一时的温柔,我只想要你一世的相伴。无论未来有多少坎坷和磨难,你我生死不散。 45.谢谢老公爱我,也许你不是我生命中第一个爱我的人,但是你绝对是最後一个,也是最好的一个。 46.又大了一岁,上了年纪就有些伤感,看着岁月的流逝,自己却无能无力。但你我共同度过的那些时光真好,谢谢老公给我的生日惊喜。 47.给我包个红包吧,马上中秋了,买个月饼吃。 48.亲爱的老公,谢谢你这一年的付出,谢谢你的爱,你的陪伴。 49.感激一路上有你! 50.今日新年,我却收到了这么意外的红包,实在受宠若惊。 51.我看重是你的这份心意,你的用心我就已经很感激了。真的很多谢你! 52.我不想从你的全世界路过,也不想在终点等你。如果可以,我希望能陪你一起走过全世界,然后再一起走向终点。 53.我真心的期望我们的友谊长在,在成长的道路上伴随着我直到永远。 54.距离是海,有你相伴,绝对精彩! 55.家大业大的问前女友要红包 56.收到女儿红包一个,感到很幸福呢 57.今天,我被拉进了一群相对群体。突然发现了在长老的微信中发现了很多照片。唯一的是我的父母也很容易在课堂上找到抓住红色信封。 58.跟老婆发红包的老公,可以说是较可爱的老公了。 59.什么人会在生日的时候发红包,自然是最好的闺蜜,谢谢死党的大红包。 60.没有红包,谈什么新年高兴。


中文“感恩有你”要怎么翻译。Thanksgiving has you


  感恩,不一定非得惊天动地,轰轰烈烈,云淡风轻足以让人刻骨铭心就像一首唱不完的小情歌,轻轻的,淡淡的,暖暖的,沁人心脾……下面就是我给大家整理的,希望大家喜欢。   :The power of love   Love is the parents is the world"s largest love, is in their minds share of family support them, let them e in the heart of the disaster sons and daughters.   Kitagawa, May 14, 2008, the parents who struggle with death more than 40 hours after the three-year-old girl Song Xin Yi finally rescued, rescue workers to feed her milk. Her parents live in the time, desperate to protect the fragile body of her, until both passing away, also maintained that posture. Parents touched by the love of God, let the children saved, *** all Xinyi Zaitianzhiling parents can fort!   :感恩节   Edward Winslow"s account details that "they went out and killed five deer" and mentions that "our governor sent four men on fowling" and that "they four, in one day, killed as much fowl as, with a little help beside, served the pany almost a week." While it is possible that turkeys may have been killed, it is more likely that ducks or geese were the primary targets.   In addition, the crops grown by both settler and Native American would have graced that early thanksgiving dinner. Corn, squash, potatoes, yams, even wheat to make bread were, in all probability, shared and enjoyed.   Today there is such a large variety of food to choose from that a Thanksgiving Dinner can feature almost any main course. True, the traditional turkey is still the meat of choice, yet goose, duck, ham, even some of the sea"s harvests can be used. In place of sweet potatoes, peas, greens, and even more exotic vegetables all make their way to this celebration of Thanksgiving and harvest.   The key to a Thanksgiving menu is to choose foods that will represent the idea of giving thanks for a good year, a harvesting of good fortune, and the sharing of the bounty of your efforts with friends and family. In today"s world, the only limit on preparing a Thanksgiving Dinner is an individual"s imagination and creativity.   :感恩节   Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in much of North America, generally observed as an expression of gratitude, usually to God. The most mon view of its origin is that it was to give thanks to God for the bounty of the autumn harvest. In the United States, the holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. In Canada, where the harvest generally ends earlier in the year, the holiday is celebrated on the second Monday in October, which is observed as Columbus Day or protested as Indigenous Peoples Day in the United States.   Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with a feast shared among friends and family. In the United States, it is an important family holiday, and people often travel across the country to be with family members for the holiday. The Thanksgiving holiday is generally a "four-day" weekend in the United States, in which Americans are given the relevant Thursday and Friday off. Thanksgiving is almost entirely celebrated at home, unlike the Fourth of July or Christmas, which are associated with a variety of shared public experiences ***fireworks, caroling, etc.***   


Thanksgiving Day


写一张英文的给老师的感恩节贺卡 亲爱的老师,这一年来,您给我的关心和照顾。让我学习有了很大的提高。我对您的感激之情,犹如滔滔江水。希望您喜欢我的贺卡,因为在写这张贺卡的时候,我满怀感激之情 Dear teachers, This year, you give me care and concern. Let me learn has been greatly improved. My gratitude to you like a surging river. I hope you like my cards, because in writing this card, I was full of gratitude Best regards, Jim 写个英文感恩节贺卡送老师 感恩节贺卡:Thanksgiving Day greeting card. 祝你天天快乐!Wishes you to be joyful daily! Happy Thx-giving Day! 感恩节送给(语文)老师一张贺卡,写点什么好? 白云感谢浩瀚的蓝天,是你给了他飞翔的空间:鱼儿感谢碧水,是你给了他生命的源泉:雄鹰感谢高山,是你给了他栖息的空间:我真诚的感谢您,是您给了我真情的温暖。您可知道?是谁播下万古远点的梦幻?是谁耕耘遍野燃烧的心愿?是您啊!我敬爱的X(我不知道你的语文老师贵姓)老师!你是灵魂的塑造者,知识的传播者!在感恩节到来之际,我把真诚的祝福送与你:敬爱的X老师,我祝愿您,感恩节快乐! 这都是同行之间的话,你时一个很有心的学生,一般在感恩节学生是不会祝愿老师的,你的老师一定会很开心。如果你的贺卡也是自己做的,老师一定会更开心的,你说是不是? 帮我找几张英文的结婚贺卡 :bluemountain./display.pd?prodnum=3056729&path=44865 :bluemountain./category.pd?path=82928 帮忙用英文写一张教师节给老师的贺卡! 1.中英文对照: For all the great things you say and do… The best teacher"s award goes to you. 因为您的身教言教,颁给您最佳教师奖 As another school term approaches… wish your days turn our to be as great as you make ours. 新的学期又开始了,希望您过得愉快,就像您带给我们的欢乐一样 You are the best. 您是最棒的老师 Your guidance makes me go far and do things differently. 您的引导使我向前,并且有不同的作为 Sending flowers to my teacher. 送一束花给我的老师 Your lessons are still the one that helps me. Your words are still fresh and warm. You"ve swayed my life so deeply. You"re still my best teacher. Far across the miles, sending you wishes of love and peace on Teacher"s Day. 您的教诲我至今仍受益良多,言犹在耳,深深影响了我,您是我最敬爱的老师,在教师节的今天遥寄我的祝福,祝您平安快乐 A sweet and lovely gift to my favorite teacher. 献上一份甜蜜又可爱的礼物给我最敬爱的老师 You are a special person in our life. We all love you, Sir! 你是我们生命中很特别的一个人,老师,我们都敬爱您 To Sir, With Love 老师,我们敬爱您 It"s your day, Teacher. Have a great day! 老师,这是属于您的日子,祝您愉快 The best way to learn is to learn from the best. 名师出高徒 Five starts for my best teacher. 老师,颁给你五颗星的奖( 最佳老师) Thanks for being such a great teacher. Happy Teacher"s Day. 您真的是一个好老师,谢谢您,祝教师节愉快 Wishing you a happy Teacher"s Day. 祝您有个愉快的教师节 Thanks for being an inspiring teacher. 老师,谢谢您的启发 Hearty wishes on Teacher"s Day. 在教师节的这一天,衷心的祝福您 You taught me to aim for suess and to aept failure with courage. Happy Teacher"s Day. 您教导我们追求成功并有勇气接受失败.祝教师节快乐! Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers. 对敬爱的老师献上我们的爱与关怀 I want to be like you, when I grow up. 我长大也要像你一样 Your guidance makes us to achieve what we have dreamt for. Thank you for being my teacher. 你的引导使我们的梦想实现,谢谢你能成为我们的老师 Sending great love to the greatest teacher of the world. 向世界上最伟大的老师致敬. 写一张英文贺卡,求高手帮我翻译一下 Best wishes to you! I wish your everything goes well and you have a wonderful body.As distance tests a horse"s strength,I will prove myself by my actions.Please believe me! 帮我写一张英文的留言条 Dear Qin I sped by your house today,but you were not here. I just came over to tell you that I can"t go shopping with you on Sunday. I"m sorry, but I have to prepare for my French test. Hope you can understand. Sincerely Lan Li 拜托帮忙写一张英文的菜谱 Caramel Apple Cheesecake 1 (21-ounce) can apple pie filling 1 (9-inch) graham cracker crust 2 (8-ounce) packages cream cheese, at room temperature 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 eggs 1/4 cup caramel ping 12 pecan halves, plus 2 tablespoons chopped pecans Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Reserve 3/4 cup of the apple filling; set aside. Spoon the remaining filling into the crust. Beat together the cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla until *** ooth. Add the eggs and mix well. Pour this over the pie filling. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, or until the center of the cake is set. Cool to room temperature. Mix the reserved pie filling and caramel ping in a *** all saucepan and heat for about 1 minute, or until spreadable. Spoon the apple-caramel mixture over the of the cheesecake and spread evenly. Decorate the edge of the cake with pecan halves and sprinkle with chopped pecans. Refrigerate the cake until ready to serve. 给女生写一张生日贺卡,英文的 你是我最好的异性朋友,我们是好兄弟 在你生日到来之际,我真诚的送上我的祝福 祝你生日快乐 希望我们的友谊天长地久 You are my best friend, we are good brothers In your birthday is approaching, I sincerely send my best wishes Happy birthday to you Hope our friendship is enduring as the universe 可能文采不太好,也没有200,但我尽力了 感恩节幼儿送老师的贺卡怎么做 11月28日是西方感恩节,幼儿园里大班、中班、小班的小朋友们都可以在老师的指导下亲手制作一张幼儿园感恩节贺卡,送给他们想要感谢的亲人,看看下面这款心型的感恩节贺卡如何制作?让幼儿在制作感恩节贺卡中体会感恩节的意义! 另外,也可以在贺卡


英文:Mother"s Day is a special day to express our gratitude and appreciation for all the love and sacrifices that our mothers have made for us. My mother is my best friend, my role model, and my biggest supporter. She has always been there for me, through thick and thin, and I am grateful for her every day.My mother has taught me so much about life and helped me become the person I am today. She has shown me the value of hard work, perseverance, and kindness. She has always encouraged me to pursue my dreams and never give up on myself. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful mother in my life.On this Mother"s Day, I want to thank my mother for everything she has done for me. Thank you for your unconditional love, your guidance, and your unwavering support. You are my hero, my inspiration, and my best friend. I love you more than words can express.中文:母亲节是一个特殊的日子,用来表达我们对母亲的感激和赞美,感谢她们为我们付出的所有爱和牺牲。我的母亲是我最好的朋友、我的榜样和最大的支持者。她一直在我身边,无论何时何地,我都感到非常感激。我的母亲教会了我很多关于生活的道理,帮助我成为今天的这个人。她向我展示了努力工作、坚持不懈和善良的价值。她总是鼓励我追求自己的梦想,永远不要放弃自己。我真的很幸运能拥有这样一个出色的母亲。在这个母亲节,我想感谢我的母亲为我所做的一切。谢谢你无条件的爱、指导和坚定的支持。你是我的英雄、我的灵感和最好的朋友。我爱你胜过言语可以表达的。




感恩母校,愿母校因我们而自豪,本文是我为大家收集整理的关于感恩母校的英文,欢迎参考借鉴。 关于感恩母校的英文[one] The Raven feeds the big bird to bring up the child. Gratitude is the act of man who helps himself. Life is like an arrow. It changes into a shadow and permeates every fresh and vivid corner. For three years, we sweat and grow with our alma mater and grow with our teachers. The teacher has become our most familiar best friend. Remember the day when a group of children sat upright in a clean and tidy classroom. Naughty, wayward, disappeared without a trace. Staring at the door of the classroom, waiting for us to pass on the knowledge of the Angels - teachers. She has a pair of water circulation, charming and attractive eyes, have a head exudes a quiet atmosphere such as waterfall long hair, a mouth always hanging smile teacher. The book on her brow aloes, beautiful water chestnut, sketched out the beauty of her kindness. The sun, the wind, the beautiful long hair in the wind, on the shoulder of a transparent blooming flower, beautiful angel, lingering in her side. When the sun was light, we dragged our sleepy bodies and heavy schoolbags on our way to school, and the teacher had already come to school for the day"s work. How many spring and summer, autumn and winter, greet us at the school gate, is the teacher"s aesthetic radian. The smile was as bright and sunny as the sun. Dispel the fatigue in our hearts and bodies. The teacher accompanied us through countless spring, summer, autumn and winter. Remember that time, it was an intense sports exam. The teacher fought for us and shouted loudly and clapped his hands until his throat was hoarse and his hands were red. He never gave up until he passed the exam. That time, we did not let the teacher down, and achieved excellent results. But from that day on. The teacher"s voice was hoarse and his hands were shaking with chalk. We look in the eyes, the pain in mind. Once asked her, but she just hesitated, not with that. But the teacher is still a teacher, she did not ask for a day off, and there is no lack of a lesson. Still prepare lessons carefully, perfect every lesson. The teacher and wandering, sitting in the window, the breeze blowing, bursts of weariness struck. However, whenever I looked over the table thick homework, or sit in front of the desk, clutching a red pen, and wrote a large and a job on this, see this one big advantage, the teacher"s heart gratified. Or with this time we are lying on the bed, fantasizing about our future, the bright road. But at the thought of the teacher tired all day, still seriously correcting homework, preparing lessons, there is no rest, we also toss and turn, no sleep. A spring silkworm may not stop spinning silk until death, a candle"s tears dry only when it"s burned down to ashes. This is a compliment to the teacher, and also the essence of the teacher. Thanksgiving teacher, Thanksgiving Alma mater. Let us sprinkle sweat, release youth. 关于感恩母校的英文[two] This school year leaves my alma mater. When I just stepped into this beautiful and strange school, I won the praise of the first time, the success of the first time, the first time the joy of first met friends, started the first initiation ceremony of the young pioneers...... Slowly, I am from a unsuspectingly girl, a sense of responsibility of the young pioneers, has become a good helper of the teacher, became a captain, and finally became the primary school in the school "big sister". All this, however, is not only to thank my hard-working teacher, but also to thank my alma mater, which has always been with me. My alma mater gave me knowledge and gave me one chance after another. I remember when I was in grade six last year, I took part in the Language Proficiency Competition in Nansha District. During this period, I didn"t know what I was doing. Every day, I came to school early and read newspapers and books. I read it one by one, one by one, and no one bothered me. By noon, there was always a quiet place in the school where I could study and read books after school. I was excited for a while. By the time I finished school, I followed my tutor to study together until six in the evening, and all my friends wanted me to get good results in the competition. It was my alma mater that gave me a lot of harvest. Gave me a happy primary school life. In my eyes, everything in my alma mater is so lively. Alma mater, let me learn a lot of my life philosophy, let me make many unforgettable alumni, but also created thousands of social and national useful talents. I love my alma mater! It paved the ladder of life for me. It made my heart blaze with struggle. Now, I am going to enter a new life in junior high school. Although not give up, but what? I would like my alma mater to develop better and better 关于感恩母校的英文[three] The flight of time, suddenly, I have Time flies like a shuttle., the fourth grade students, these four years, his alma mater, that you have created for our campus clean and beautiful, is you give us a comfortable learning environment, is that you let us learn more knowledge, you let us success airlines. You have a boy to send in high and vigorous spirits on a new journey. You not only give us knowledge, but also teach us how to behave. Even if the road ahead is covered with thorns, we will be full of confidence and march forward courageously. Thank you, my alma mater. Facing this reality, I can"t believe time is so fast. For four years, teachers have thrived with us. The teacher is unselfish to us, like a white jade, not a little leisure wire. I remember once, we deducted points team road trip, Mr. Li told us 30 minutes late after school, to the school, leaving only 2 minutes for us. I know the teacher is for our safety, so we don"t want a random road team and don"t go out when we don"t get to the gate. Remember, once again, my homework did not finish, Li said angrily: "learning is for their own learning, not for the teacher to learn."". From teacher Li"s words, I realized the importance of learning. Ah! Thank you, teacher. Ah! Alma mater, I am proud of you. Spring is coming, and everything on campus is like a baby born. The tender grass from the earth drill, young Liu Ya broken branches, flowers TuRui just a smile...... Looking at their tender and vibrant looks, not only reminds me of the time when I just entered the school gate. At that time, I was full of curiosity and fantasy to the school. I like those students who are as lively and lovely as me. We play together, study together, encourage each other and help each other. For four years, so we have established a stay together morning and night, deep friendship. We like the campus among the grass, Liu ya, thrive. Come to the playground, here we poured countless sweat and blood. Every run, the high jump, the long jump is like preparing and laying the foundation for the match. Alma mater, ah, your love can not say, the road is endless, it can be a willow along the road, a leaf on the ground, but also can be the struggle of sweat and tears of happiness, but also a sense of belonging to the heart. Alma mater, the love you give me is a float in the sky of love poems, put your thoughts gently. The love you gave me is a lush tree full of fruitful efforts every night. Your love for me is a thick diary, recording laughter and tears, knowledge and ideals. The love you gave me is a clean sheet of paper, and may the latter paint a more beautiful blueprint. Alma mater, you are that piece of the sky, so that young birds can see hope. Alma mater, you are that piece of land, so that the weak flowers also know what is called strong. Alma mater, you give us too much hope. We will study hard and let our dreams soar! 关于感恩母校的"英文[four] Graduation, how reluctant to part with the primary school campus, here has aroused us how many waves, the alma mater of thousands and thousands of words translated into two words - thanksgiving. The beauty of the campus, the furnishings of the classroom, the debate among the students, the care of the teachers, the match and the friendship among the students. Memories of what happened in alma mater, oh, the alma mater has given me so much, really want to thank it. Thanks to his alma mater, he gave me friendship, like a clear spring. After running, the stumbling block play is strong but I don"t know the way, fell to sit on the ground with pain, but no mater is not friendship, a helping hand to pull me up, like saved me from the abyss. So the sound of comfort came from all quarters: "don"t be sad, it won"t be like this next time."." As if the spring water pours into my heart lake, and washes all my pain. The alma mater friendship is transparent gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind. Thanksgiving alma mater, he gave me care, like bitter sweet coffee. During the flu season, the cough continued on campus, and the alma mater"s caring voice continued. "Oh, you"re sick. Do you need to go home? Do you need to go to the clinic and have some water?"." In class, the teacher will be kind enough to say these things to me, from the teacher"s face, except for seriousness and seriousness. Sweet coffee can"t help flowing in my heart. Care and show, the classroom teacher mercilessly criticized me, the teacher and my face are hung discontent, this is a bitter coffee, slowly taste, feel very refreshing. Oh, the teacher"s warning is correct. Alma mater"s care, in the teacher"s body, bitter sweet, just like coffee. In fact, the alma mater gave me not love, but also music, sorrow, love and knowledge. Primary school knowledge, such as nine layers of soil under the platform, is the foundation, but also a critical pen. He is like a wandering red sail. After a beautiful day, he must look back at today, while his alma mater gives me everything. The day to leave his alma mater, I will stand in front of the school gate, at the campus, with the previous studies, gratitude to his alma mater, into reality. 关于感恩母校的英文[five] Six years have passed by, and we are about to leave him - beloved Alma mater. My alma mater made me acquainted with a lot of students, so that the teachers taught me so much knowledge and the truth of life, to give us such a comfortable classroom and a beautiful learning environment, as well as these six years to give my care. I appreciate all that my alma mater has given me. My alma mater provided me with a superior environment. Music lessons we sing heartily in the music class, occasionally there will be outside the birds remain in the branches, as if listening to the song; in the form class, we practiced the dance, dance and enjoy the happiness; in the science classroom, we do the experiment, carefully recorded...... My alma mater also taught me a lot. In the language class, the teacher kept telling the details of the text, let us understand the writing method; in math class, the teacher finished the class, always ask, understand? In the science class, the teacher asked us to do experiments with our own hands to prove that the truth was correct...... My alma mater made me know a lot of friends and impressed me with their help. When I was sick, some friends told me about my homework and told me to take good care of it. When I had problems, my friends would talk to me. When I was sad. My classmates comfort me...... Alma mater is you bring me too many memories, in the upcoming parting, I want to say to you: "thank you alma mater."."


Thanksgiving Day"s origin must trace the American history the start. in 1620, famous “in May flower” the ship full load was unbearable the Britain domestic religious persecution Puritan 102 people to arrive at the Americas. in 1620 and junction"s of 1621 winter, they have encountered the difficulty which imagines with difficulty, in occupies suffers hunger and cold, in the winter the past tense, lives the immigration has 50 people. By now, the good-hearted Indian had sent the daily necessity to the immigration, but also how sends for to teach them especially to hunt, to catch fish with the planter corn, the pumpkin. Under Indian"s help, the immigrants have obtained the abundant harvest finally, is joyfully celebrating abundant harvest the day, according to the religious tradition custom, the immigration had stipulated thanks God"s day, and decided to thank Indian"s sincere help, invites them to celebrate together the holiday.翻译成中文:感恩节的由来要一直追溯到美国历史的发端。1620年,著名的“五月花”号船满载不堪忍受英国国内宗教迫害的清教徒102人到达美洲。1620年和1621年之交的冬天,他们遇到了难以想象的困难,处在饥寒交迫之中,冬天过去时,活下来的移民只有50来人。这时,心地善良的印第安人给移民送来了生活必需品,还特地派人教他们怎样狩猎、捕鱼和种植玉米、南瓜。在印第安人的帮助下,移民们终于获得了丰收,在欢庆丰收的日子,按照宗教传统习俗,移民规定了感谢上帝的日子,并决定为感谢印第安人的真诚帮助,邀请他们一同庆祝节日。感恩节是美国加拿大独有的传统节日,在感恩节,许多人会满怀温情回顾移民历史。 Thanksgiving is a unique traditional festivals United States and Canada, at Thanksgiving, many people will recall with great warmth immigration history. 首批欧洲移民从英国普利茅斯出发,乘坐五月花号历经艰险,在1620年冬到达北美洲(後来他们把这个登陆点也命名为普利茅斯)。 The first European immigrants from the United Kingdom starting in Plymouth, take Mayflower overcame hardships in the winter of 1620 arrived in North America (later they named the landing point for Plymouth). 当时适逢大雪覆盖原野,寒冷饥饿令移民陷入绝境,一些人死去。 It so happened that the snow-covered wilderness, cold and hungry to make immigration into a desperate, some people die. 幸亏印第安人发现他们,并且给与慷慨援助,才绝处逢生。 Fortunately, the Indians found them, and will give generous assistance, it needed it. 第二年新移民得到丰收,大摆火鸡宴,和印第安人举杯同庆,欢宴持续三天三夜…… New immigrants to be a good harvest next year, put on a large turkey dinner, and the Indians, toast, feast lasting three days and three nights ... ... 但是人们不知道,那个纯朴好客的部落就是万帕诺亚( Wampanoag )部落,那个古道热肠的印第安人酋长就是菲力浦王的父亲——迈斯色以( Massasoit)。 But people do not know, that is the simple and hospitable tribal 10000 Pa Nuoya (Wampanoag) tribe, that is a warmhearted Indian chief King Philip"s father - Mais color to (Massasoit). 1618年北美洲东岸遭受到传染病“天花”的袭击,大批土著居民死亡,一些村落荒芜。 In 1618 the east coast of North America suffered infectious diseases "smallpox" attack, a large number of indigenous deaths in some villages deserted. 酋长乐意让这些远方的来客到这些遗弃的村落安身,并与他们结为友好联盟。 Chiefs willing to allow these visitors from afar to the shelter of these abandoned villages, and formed a friendship and alliance with them. 这种兄弟情谊持续了近50年。 This brotherhood lasted nearly 50 years. 欧洲移民每年以3%的增长向北美大陆扩张,1676年,新英格兰地区已有5,2000名移民。 European immigration to 3% annual growth to expansion of the North American continent, in 1676, the New England region has 5,2000 immigrants. 移民反宾为主。 Bin-based anti-immigrant. 并以自己的文化发达先进为傲,对印第安人存有歧视轻蔑心理。 And to their own culture in advanced proud contempt against discrimination in Indian psychology. 一些商人在与古朴的土著族交往中,常常采用哄骗的手段谋取利益,让印第安人对白人日渐失去信任。 Some businessmen with the ancient indigenous tribe exchanges, often used to deceive the means to pursue their interests to have the Indians losing the trust of whites. 最初时期,对於印第安人的慷慨,殖民者会说:“Thanks Giving”;到後来,演变成你不“Giving”,我就要设法“Taking”。 The initial period, for the generosity of the Indians, colonists would say: "Thanks Giving"; to later evolved into you do not "Giving", I"ll try to "Taking". 菲力浦王之战根源,在於开发利用土地资源的冲突,在没有土地所有权也就没有开发利用权的实际情况下,转变成一场争夺和维护土地所有权的战争。 King Philip war originated from a conflict, development and utilization of land resources, in the absence of land ownership there would be no development and utilization of the right to the actual circumstances, turn into a fight and maintain the ownership of land war. 北美洲的历史,似乎在揭示这样一个冷酷的规律:如果一块土地存在更有效的开发方式、能够创造更大的社会财富,那麼最终这块土地会依这种开发方式进行。 North America"s history, seems to reveal a grim pattern: If a piece of land there is the development of more effective ways to create more social wealth, then the final piece of land will be developed in accordance with this manner. 文化传统、土地所有权、宗教法律、人伦道德等等都不能制止这种潜规律的运行。 Cultural traditions, land ownership, religion, law, human ethics and morality, and so the law can not stop this potential operation.尽管印第安人是美洲大地最古老的居民,是这块土地最原始的主人,但是要试图维护低效的、传统的土地利用方式,总归要失败的。 Although American Indians are the oldest inhabitants of the earth, is the most original masters of the land, but to try to maintain inefficient, traditional land use patterns, would nonetheless be a failure. 这种失败不以文明的方式,就以野蛮的方式。 This failure is not in a civilized manner, with regard to the barbaric way. 遗憾的是它以非常野蛮的方式表现:印第安人不仅丢失了土地所有权,又葬送了不少族人的性命,失败的苦涩,不堪回味。 Unfortunately, it is the performance of a very brutal way: the Indians not only lost the title to land, but also ruined the lives of many Serbs, the failure of bitter aftertaste bear. 当然,有人把菲力浦王之战看成印第安文化和欧洲文化之战,倾向树立基督教文明;有人把它看成是白人和土著的种族战争,意在激发民族主义情绪;有人从中找到殖民主义扩张的罪恶证据,证明反对殖民主义的正义性;还有的以这场战争中发生的严重摧残人权的行为,来揭露今天美国高举人权旗帜的虚伪性;甚至白人至上主义者也可以从中找到有色人种愚昧落後的大量例子,以支援白人种族优越论……凡此等等,都是各取所爱,试图从万花园裏采一瓣颜色,代表春天。 Of course, it was King Philip"s War as the Indian culture and European culture war, the tendency to establish a Christian civilization; some people see it as white and indigenous ethnic wars, is intended to stimulate nationalist sentiment; others find Colonialism expansion of criminal evidence to prove that the justice against colonialism; Others in this war took place in the serious acts of trampling on human rights, to expose the United States today, the hypocrisy of holding high the banner of human rights; and even white supremacists can also find non-ferrous a large number of examples of racial ignorance and backwardness to support the theory of white racial superiority ... ... Unless stopped, all depicting the love, trying to adopt a color garden, 10000, on behalf of the spring. 现在回到属於人伦道德的困扰上。 Now back to one of those troubled by the ethics and morality. 感恩节宴会上应该悬挂老酋长“迈斯色以”( Massasoit)的画像,但是面对老酋长的儿子菲力浦王以及他的部落都被消灭的历史瘢痕,这感恩节怎麼个感法呢? Thanksgiving dinner should be hung old sheikh, "Mais color to" (Massasoit) the portrait, but the face of old sheikh"s son, King Philip and his tribe had been wiped out the history of scar, this Thanksgiving, how does a sense of law ?



英语作文;有些人不懂得感恩,年轻一代如何培养感恩的美德 谢谢了大家 帮帮忙 急需 马上就要

We are the young Generation.We live in the environment which is created by our country,our family,and even others of the whole world.We need to consecrate our thanksgiving.We should devote our thanksgiving because We are aways shouldering the task of restoring our homeland. Thanksgiving originates from the satisfaction in our heart,our lenient and comperhension to human and the matter and the good point of view of you that repays others and the society. Thanksgiving is the cardinal virtues criterion which each people should have in the society and is personhood"s minimum training. So let us do it. 不知道现在还有用没有.:-)


Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with a feast shared among friends and family. In the United States, it is an important family holiday, and people often travel across the country to be with family members for the holiday. The Thanksgiving holiday is generally a "four-day" weekend in the United States, in which Americans are given the relevant Thursday and Friday off. Thanksgiving is almost entirely celebrated at home, unlike the Fourth of July or Christmas, which are associated with a variety of shared public experiences (fireworks, caroling, etc.)


1、在这个世界上,我们永远需要报答最美好的人,这就是母亲。——(前苏联)奥斯特洛夫斯基 In this their mothers, from their hometoe from mothers. 20、开始吧,孩子,开始用微笑去认识你的母亲吧!——(古罗马)维吉尔 Start, child, and begin to know your mother with a smile. 21、母亲的安宁和幸福取决于她的孩子们。母亲的幸福要靠孩子、少年儿童去创造。——苏霍姆林斯基 Mother"s peace and happiness depend on her children. Mother"s happiness depends on children and children to create. 22、父母之恩,水不能溺,火不能灭。——前苏联谚语 The grace of parents, water can not drown, fire can not extinguish. 23、母亲,我祝福您,因为您知道怎样把您的儿子培养成一个真正的人。他将在人生的战斗中获得胜利。——阿斯杜里亚斯 Mother, I wish you well, because you know how to make your son a real person. He will win the battle of life. 24、慈母泪,有化学分析不了的高贵而深沉的爱存在其中。——英国 Mother"s tears, there is noble and deep love which can not be analyzed by chemistry. 25、母羊要是听不见她自己小羊的啼声,她决不会回答一头小牛的叫喊。——莎士比亚 If the ewe could not hear her own lamb, she would never answer the cry of a calf. 26、父亲!对上帝,我们无法找到一个比这更神圣的称呼了。——华兹华斯英文名言警句 英文名言警句 1、Give everyone his due. 2、Never judge by appearances. 3、A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 4、A common danger causes common action. 5、One e ises too much means nothing. 40、Desire has no rest. 41、Meet plot e is the best. 48、Never hit a man es makes all things easy. 60、No fire e thing is learned every time a book is opened. 68、Do not teach fish to s home is a priceless treasure. 72、Bread is the stall of life. 73、poverty is stranger to industry. 74、If you are not inside a house, you don not know about its leaking. 75、The heart is seen in wine. 76、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 77、Virtue never grows old. 78、s. 英文名言名句 1、如此不堪的不单是爱情,而是人生。 It"s not just love, it"s life. 2、甚至上帝也助诚实勇敢者一臂之力。 Even God helps the honest and brave. 3、一致是强有力的,而纷争易于被征服。 Consistency is strong, and disputes are easy to conquer. 4、我们能尽情享受的,只是施与的快乐。 All e from hard times, but young people don"t ask for easy things. 49、对他人的公正就是对自己的施舍。 Justice to others is giving to oneself. 50、责任就像水、空气、食物一样重要。 Responsibility is as important as pass. 56、与有肝胆人共事,从无字句处读书。 seldom go hand in hand. 70、天赋如同自然花木,要用学习来修剪。 Genius is like natural floermined person will find his way. 73、成功者永不放弃,放弃者永不成功。 Successful people will never give up, and those who give up will never succeed. 74、勇敢的人以生命冒险,不以良心冒险。 A brave man risks his life, not his conscience. 75、要相信高贵的品质,而不要相信誓言。 Believe in noble qualities, not oaths.英文名言简短 1、生命过分长久,明天抛却了明天不一定能取得。 Life is too long. Tomorromon thing, plicated thoughts spoil the spanion than to orrofort. 57、如果是棵小草,即使在最好的企业里,你也长不成大树。 If it"s a grass, you can"t grow a tree even in the best enterprise. 58、我乐意向成功者学习和从成败中总结经验。 I am willing to learn from successful people and learn from their successes and failures. 59、精神如能常满足,就是最愉悦的人生。 If the spirit can always be satisfied, it is the happiest life. 60、岁月老人终究会教会我们坚强。 Age and age will teach us how to be strong. 61、珍惜时间,就是珍惜生命。 To cherish time is to cherish life. 62、当一个人有远方的山峰要去攀登时,他就不会在意脚下的泥沼。 ter burn your life in running than waste your youth in waiting. 65、叶落时分,明白欢聚;花谢瞬间,明白青春。 When leaves fall, understand the joy of reunion; Flowers fade instantly, understand youth.名句作为警示自己的句子,希望以上《感恩父母的英文名言》内容对您有所帮助,如果还想获取更多名句内容可以点击 英文名句唯美简短 专题。


My dearest family and friends,It is difficult to express my gratitude and love to you all. I want to say so much, but I can hardly find the words. So I"ll just say that you are the greatest blessing in my life. This evening is the expression of your love to me, I realize this, but also it is the event when I see all of you gathered in the same place. Thank you! Thank you for being with me all that difficult time. Your support and understanding gave me the strength to continue fighting. Without you I would give up. But then you would come or call and I would remember why I am so in love with this wonderful life-because of you. You are my world, and I am sincerely grateful to God for giving me such loving family and caring friends. Your support was crucial for me this year, when I achieved much due to your help.Love and gratitude-this is what I feel standing now in front of you. Love and gratitude-these are the best emotions one can imagine. I am happy to love you and to be grateful to you. I know that you love me too. I would like to assure you that my goal in life is to become as wonderful as you think I am. As far as this goal attainment requires much effort, skills and time, I hope that you"ll help me in it, as always, I deeply appreciate your support. Thank you for being with me. Thank you very much!参考译文:我亲爱的家人和朋友们,要向你们表达我的感激之情溢于言表。我想说的有很多,但我真的一言难尽。所以,我想说的是,你是我生命中最美好的恩赐。今晚的感恩节就是你们对我的爱的表达,我确实能体会到这一点,更重要的是,今晚我见证了大家都团聚在一起。谢谢,谢谢你们与我共度时艰。你们的支持与理解给予我继续奋斗的力量。没有你们,我或许已经放弃了。(在那困难的时期)你会来到我的身边或给我打电话,这都能让我记起我是如此热爱生活——这都是因为你。你们是我的全部,我真诚地感激上帝赐予我可爱的家人和亲切的朋友。这一年你们对我的支持万分重要,我所取得的成就与你们的帮助是分不开的。爱与感恩——这就是此刻我站在这里所能感受到的。爱与感恩——这是每一个人都能够想象到的最美妙的情感。能够爱你们、表达对你们的感激,我感到很幸福。我知道你们也爱我。我向你们保证,我人生的目标就是变得像你们所期待的那样精彩。要达到这个目标需要付出许多的努力、能力和时间,我希望你们能帮助我达成这一目标,一如既往。我深深的感激你们的支持。感谢与我一同走过。非常感谢!


看完后,我的感慨很深,这四个人是假文盲,为了方便上车,不顾别人,假装不认识“母子上车处”这个牌子,把那母子给挤出去,连孩子都哭了,却连一丝同情心都没有,这些人真是自私自利,冷漠无情,不遵守社会公德、社会秩序。   我们不能让他们胡作非为,我们还要维护自己的权益。那妇女却只能看,为什么不给那四个假文盲指指错误:“这里是‘母子上车处"你们是男的,怎么到这里搭车,并且把我挤出来。”可是她连说都不说。就算不说,怎么不让车站管理员来说说,那四个人岂能不听?或请求法律来维护自己的权益,并且制服他们,可她没有这种勇气。如果那母子能请车站管理员或法律的帮助,再加上那四个人能自觉一点,也许这种事情就不会发生了。     还有一些像这样不遵守社会秩序、社会公德的事还在发生:一些人在公路上不走斑马线和人行道,却走车行道,差一点被车撞了,走了后,那个人还人住口骂“你开车不带眼,”这种人的公德也太差了;在游戏厅、歌舞厅、卡拉OK厅和网吧前面都摆着“未满18岁不得入内”的牌子,但有些未成年人却连牌子也不看,装作不识字,进去了;在西安草坪,上面明明写着“入内罚款”,但还是有些人跳了进去……如果不遵守公德,我们这个地球还能变美好吗?如果我们先为别人着想,遵守社会公德,我们这个社会就会变得美好起来。我有时也犯不遵守社会公德的错误,为了快点买鞭炮,我闯公路;为了赶快回家,我翻越栏杆;我还经常在超级市场里插队……我以后要改正这些错误。我建议:违着罚,遵者奖,共建和谐美好家园。


【 #英语资源# 导语】在学习、工作、生活中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.有关感恩节的英语作文   We should be grateful to our parents because they gave us life and raised us. Our lives today are inseparable from the selfless efforts of our parents“ Poor parents all over the world! " Indeed, in this world, what love can surpass the selfless love of parents for their children?   There is an ancient festival in the United States - "thanksgiving". Every Thanksgiving Day, the whole country in the United States is bustling; According to custom, people go to church to pray for Thanksgiving, hold costume parades, drama performances or sports competitions, and taste delicious "Thanksgiving turkey" to thank what they have and will get“ Thanksgiving is American, but Thanksgiving does not distinguish countries.   People who know how to be grateful are really mature people. People who know how to be grateful are those who are full of love. People who know how to be grateful are admirable and respected.   We should be grateful to our parents because they gave us life and raised us. Our lives today are inseparable from the selfless efforts of our parents“ Poor parents all over the world! " Indeed, in this world, what love can surpass the selfless love of parents for their children? Therefore, parental love is the greatest and selfless love in the world!   We should be grateful to our teachers. When we stepped into the school gate with our schoolbags on our backs, we began to get along with our teachers day and night. In the teacher"s earnest instruction, we grow day by day... Until we move towards the society and become useful people in the society. The acquisition of our knowledge and ability is inseparable from the painstaking efforts of our teachers. Therefore, we should be grateful to our teachers, who have watered the seedlings of generations and thrived with their lifelong efforts.   We should be grateful for life. Life has given us too much harvest. From life, we know what is bitter and what is sweet. It is life that teaches us to bear hardships and stand hard work and make unremitting efforts to succeed. It is life that hones our character and will to adhere to truth and perseverance. From life, we learn how to live in harmony with others and understand the meaning of tolerance and understanding. In life, we have learned how to be responsible to society and others. It is life that teaches us how to be a qualified person.   We should be grateful for life. It is life that lets us know what is tenacious and fragile. The tenacity of life is unimaginable. At the same time, life is fragile. Once broken, there is no possibility of repair. Therefore, whether rich or poor, we should live well, and live a kind of spirit and brilliance. We living people should cherish our life and live a wonderful day. Making yourself healthy and safe is the best comfort to your family, friends and all those who care about you.   We should be grateful to nature. It is nature that gives us the courage to experience life. Smell the sweet fragrance of flowers, pick up a helpless falling red, listen to a chirping bird, and taste the sweet fruit after autumn. Then, either look up to heaven and earth, or look far away, or embrace mountains, or fight the sea, or lingering silk rain, or play and dance snow. How do we feel when we get into it? Is it intoxication? Is it pity? Is it Qinpi? Honey? Is it Zhuang Huai? Is it moving? Is it lingering? Is it comfortable? Perhaps we have tasted all the feelings in the world, but we must leave one of the most important feelings at the end to fill the uneven gullies of feelings, that is, Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving nature gives us broad collections, thanksgiving nature gives us endless enjoyment, and thanksgiving nature asks for no return and selfless dedication.   Let"s turn "thanksgiving heart" into "Thanksgiving trip"——   Let us repay our parents; Take the initiative to undertake some housework and experience the hardships of parents. Reduce the burden on parents: strive to be a good child to reassure parents. Let"s repay our teachers: study hard, study hard, plug in the wings of innovation and roam in the ocean of knowledge. Let"s repay the society: do not throw peel and paper everywhere, but also provide a clean and tidy environment for the society; Turn down the TV in the dead of night to give the neighborhood a quiet night   Gratitude is not only a kind of etiquette, but also a healthy state of mind, which can reflect the process of social civilization. Let each of us have a grateful heart and always bloom the brightest smile! 2.有关感恩节的英语作文   Because of love, so moved; Because moved, I know how to be grateful   In our life, we complain every day about our parents" incomprehension, the severity of our teachers and the unfriendliness of our classmates. In fact, all this comes from not having a grateful heart   People who know how to be grateful are happy people. There are too many things to be grateful for in life. It is not far away. It is right beside us, in the soybean milk cooked by my mother. Before going to bed every day, my mother picks up the beans, soaks them, and gets up and grinds the next morning. The beans roll in the arms of the soybean milk machine, the soybean milk machine itches, and then giggles! When the soymilk is cooked, the heat escapes from the mouth of the cup. Take a sip. It"s sweet. Looking at the rippling smile on my mother"s face, a warm current flows in my heart   People who know how to be grateful have invisible power. I remember that on the way to Tianzi mountain in Zhangjiajie the year before last, I ran, I chased and went all out for more than 7000 ladders. When I reached the middle of the climb, I was weak all over, and my legs were like drinking a few kilograms of vinegar. Looking at the elusive peak, my previous heroic words had long been forgotten. At this time, I wish I had a soft Simmons in front of me, Let me have a good sleep. At this time, a fat, black uncle ran up from the foot of the mountain. He saw me, smiled and said to me, "children, it"s really good. There are a few hills coming“ My uncle"s encouragement ignited my hope and set up my sail. I smiled at my uncle and turned to climb up. Finally, I reached the top of the mountain. Standing on the top of the mountain, there was a whistling wind, beautiful scenery at the foot, and infinite emotion at the bottom of my heart   Life is a mirror, you laugh, it also smiles; If you cry, it will cry. If you are grateful for life, life will give you happiness and beauty   Thank the sun for spreading the sun for you; Thank the flowers for opening up for you; Appreciate the mountains and dance happily for you; Thank the birds for singing for you 3.有关感恩节的英语作文   Meditating, the pen in my hand doesn"t know what kind of stroke to start with, and the eyebrows are unhappy with a wisp. It"s not as good as in the past, that constant inspiration. Silence is disappearing on the edge of the desk. "Thanksgiving" is a good word. I can"t find words that can irrigate it. In a beautiful flower, if it doesn"t decorate its green leaves, it"s just a worthless flower   It was late at night and there was silence outside the window. If you were in the city center, it would be very lively at this time. I didn"t care much about opening the door, and then closed it. My thoughts had been blown away from my body by the wind outside the window. It was a little cold. It was early December and it had entered winter. I can"t blame that the wind had a little chill, Beside the table is my blue "Mug". I remember my mother bought it in Japan last year. She said it was a souvenir, and then it naturally became mine. She silently gave all her love for the family. Even if she was always the only one willing to pay and stick to marriage, it was just a shackle that locked two people together and bound all people"s emotions. Indeed, I don"t think anyone can see this more clearly than my mother. Yes, I have to thank my mother. Her kindness to me has to be returned all my life. The door opened and the light went out again   I got up early in the morning. There was nothing special to do. I just had to go to a science class I didn"t like. My mother got up early. She wanted to sell something. In fact, I knew she just wanted to see me arrive safely. It was still early. She went upstairs reluctantly, and omitted a boring wait. I met my friend, I think she should have just arrived. I"m glad to give her a big hug. Yes, my friends. They are the second person I want to thank. In them, I see the simplest and most different. And the pile of boys who stick together every day and cultivate feelings with their limbs is the third person I want to thank, On the surface, they feel like big idiots who think they are right and always want to attract the attention of many people. But sometimes I admire the "buddy spirit" between them, which is opposed by the teachers. If the girls have half the unity of the boys, I don"t think there will be those "middlemen". Later, with the company of ice cream, I spent a person"s noon~   In the evening, I turned myself into "Spider Man" and lay on the Internet. I spent nearly half an hour sorting out my blog. I argued with a man called "jackdaw" about the life, works and fate of many celebrities such as miraangelo, Van Gogh, Tolstoy and Roman Roland. Yes, he is the fourth person I want to thank. Although 99% of our opinions are positive and negative, two different views can always make the originally calm network smoke. But many languages and philosophies were transmitted to me in this special way.   The fifth and last person I want to thank. She gave me a ray of sunshine and made me bright. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, I am not a person with light and electricity. But she gave me a match, which made me light up a sky. Thank you, oh ~ by the way, I threw it out of the sky. Gratitude means thanking others for their kindness ~ the same ~ I don"t need to say more.


感恩老师英语演讲稿   演讲稿具有逻辑严密,态度明确,观点鲜明的特点。在现在的社会生活中,很多地方都会使用到演讲稿,写起演讲稿来就毫无头绪?以下是我整理的感恩老师英语演讲稿,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。   感恩老师英语演讲稿1   There is a song called "when they grow up, I became you": a child I thought you were very beautiful, led a group of birds flying. Grow up you have become my only know that classrooms are flying the hope that the Shou are their own nests; piece of the blackboard to write the truth, remove the utilitarian; Flanagan chalk to draw the rainbow, teardrop shed is ... .. every time to hear it, sing it, my heart will be subjected to a baptism of love.   Life on people from kindergarten to primary school, middle school, and even universities, there will be many teachers. Pouring of love, concern about the growth of students, one teacher per common pursuit. Which is one of, love of the female teachers in general are different teachers love, she is a kind of put all the soul and intellect dedicated to childrens sincere. Such love is selfless, it unreservedly dedicated to all students; this love is deep, its implication for all students at doing one thing in each.   At kindergarten, we have the first teachers in life. When we are crying, it was your mother like open arms into the warm embrace of our arms; when we slept at a small bedwhen you are gently approached the bedside, as we wereangle; when We are not feeling well when you are hurriedly put our mind to the clinic.   Gradually we grew up, into the school, to know more new teachers. For we grow up, your Teacher work day and night, but no regrets. How many quiet nights, in order to prepare each lesson, are you seriously study materials; the number of spare time, in order to transform backward students, but also you are braving the cold heat go home visits; the number of holidays, you give up leisure time with their families , devote themselves to learning, to use all available time to "self-charging."   Teacher are candles for a bright and burning; Teacher are gardeners, homeland for tomorrows flowers and hard work; Teacher dewdrop are constantly nourishing us this piece of green grass; Teacher trees are for our; Teacher are the sun, are matches, are chalk ... ... Teacher, what a noble and distinguished career ah!   Leaves circled in the air, write a song wonderful music, it is a large tree at its nourish the earth for Thanksgiving; clouds at blue sky in the drift, painting pictures on TV drama series and pleasant pictures, that are white clouds in the Thanksgiving feeding it the blue sky. Since there is a teacher, we recognize the colorful world; because there is a teacher, to understand the true meaning of life, so we must know how to Teacher Zhien, Thanksgiving.   Teachers are respected Thanksgiving. Since ancient times, people-wei of their teachers have a heart of Thanksgiving. Famous scientist Marie Curie, Nobel Prize-winning twice, but she saw my primary school teachers, the immediately presented a bouquet of flowers to express her gratitude; great man Mao Zedong at the festive season is also usually sent to a Teacher deeply grateful.   Thanksgiving is on the teachers heart. Grateful do not need earth-shattering, just say your call ray considerate enough. Class, the teacher sat exhausted on rostrum, students, and you can walk gently for Teacherback shoulder; after school, when you find a teacher for us to sit in the offices also meticulous whenstudents, you can quietly for a cup of warm water on Teacher inverted; recess, you discover that there is waste paper cuttings classroom, students, and you can easily pick it up, for teachers to create a clean teaching environment; holiday, the students , you can bring a flower for the teacher, a greeting card, it is the blessings of Teacher Forever......   Thanksgiving on the Teacher is to return the society. Teacher, you worked hard conscientious, quiet dedication of light and heat. Ordinary is not in this insipid post on, you not only taught us the knowledge and, more importantly, it educates us in how to behave. "decades, educating people for centuries," Does a society, the state and the nation a useful person, it is the best reward for teachers.   Students, let us together wish the world is all happy Teacher Happiness Forever!   感恩老师英语演讲稿2   good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. good afternoon, boys and girls. good afternoon, everybody. i "m glad to make a speech here.   we know that in the world, we are not living alone. from the day we were born, there have been many people around us. they take care of us. they help us. they teach us. they play with us and grow up together with us. they support us. they understand us. the most important is: they love us. who are they? can you give me your answer?   yes, they are our parents, grandparents or family members; they may be your idmates, your friends even your neighbors. they are all important to us. we can"t live without them. we should thank them.   we should thank the great world. because it gives us sunlight, air, water and everything we need to keep us alive healthily. we can"t live without them.   we should thank our parents. they are the people who gave us the life. they look after us carefully and give all their love to us. i believe if necessary, they are willing to give everything to us. they stay with us, all the time.   we should thank our teachers. it is they who teach us knowledge unselfishly. they let us know how to write, how to read, how to get on with others and so on. they are our guide in our life.   we should thank our friends, our idmates. they are our partners. they understand us. they encourage us. they play with us. they grow up together with us. they make our life more colorful.   my dear boys and girls, teachers" day is coming. it"s a celebrating time. it"s also a thankful time. let"s take actions together. show our thanks to the world, learn to protect it. show our thanks to our parents, learn to look after them. show our thanks to our teachers, learn how to respect them.   boys and girls, are you ready? live with thankfulness, from now on. let"s go!   so much for my talk .thanks very much!   女士们,先生们,下午好。下午好,男孩和女孩。各位下午好。我很高兴在这里发表演讲。   我们知道,在世界上,我们不是独自生活。从我们出生的那一天,我们周围有很多人。他们照顾我们。他们帮助我们。他们教我们。他们玩我们,与我们一起成长。他们支持我们。他们理解我们。最重要的是:他们爱我们。他们是谁?你能给我你的答案吗?   是的,他们是我们的父母、祖父母或家庭成员,他们可能是你的idmates,甚至你的朋友你的邻居。他们对我们都很重要。我们的生活不能没有他们。我们应该感谢他们。   我们应该感谢伟大的世界。因为它给了我们阳光,空气,水和我们需要保持我们的生命健康。我们的生活不能没有他们。   我们应该感谢我们的父母。他们给了我们生命的人。他们仔细照顾我们,给我们所有的爱。我相信如果有必要,他们愿意给我们的一切。他们和我们住在一起,所有的时间。   我们应该感谢我们的老师。是他们教我们知识无私。他们让我们知道如何写,如何读书,如何与他人相处等等。他们是我们的指导在我们的生活中。   我们应该谢谢我们的"朋友,我们的idmates。他们是我们的合作伙伴。他们理解我们。他们鼓励我们。他们玩我们。他们与我们一起成长。这使我们的生活更加丰富多彩。   亲爱的男孩和女孩,教师节即将来临。这是一个庆祝的时间。这也是一个感恩的时间。让我们一起采取行动。向世界展示我们的感谢,学会保护它。表达我们的感谢我们的父母,学会照顾他们。表达我们的感谢我们的老师,学会尊重他们。   男孩和女孩,你准备好了吗?生活与感激,从现在开始。咱们走吧!   如此对我说话。非常感谢!   感恩老师英语演讲稿3   Victor Hugo once said: The cause is noble flower, and fruit is sweet cause, let us do the cause of the leaves, because the cause of the industry is extraordinary and humble, teachers silently as the green leaves that, when the moment carved frame of the beautiful flowers。   Today I also had the honor of doing the cause of the leaf, but I was still young leaves, when I set foot on this land, I hesitate, I can do please? But when I saw a senior education, I can be very proud to tell you that I have no regrets today is Who leaves this determination to do so is she, an ordinary teacher, a bit ordinary private kindergarten teachers — teachers Twenty years ago since she labeled as "child king" crown, it is destined to accompany her with the ordinary, there is no substantial income, no enjoyment of luxury, there are only busy life and shoulder heavy responsibilities, in this extraordinary early childhood education position, has spent more than two dozen Spring and Autumn Annals, he no regrets, she "does not obliterate the heart of love," as a motto to inspire, and remind ourselves to constantly improve themselves。   20 years ago, a woman, in the absence of any conditions with the help of a man propped up this banner, what she has insisted this is love, love of children is a love of education, For many years, her rain or shine, as she said, so the teacher, I extraordinary, and so the teacher, I am rich, and so the teacher, I am happy, and so the teacher, I have no reason to regret this life。   She once said: every day to come into contact with a group of innocent children is a well—being。 Therefore, she and the children often work together to build a rectangular square has become a high—rise buildings, with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck into the tens of thousands of households crayon green with red chalk depicting the future world, using fine silk thread woven cloth beautiful fairy tale, it is so light in young children in the fading golden childhood, but her heart will not increase with age and the disappearance of the passage of time。   I asked her when a teacher what is most needed? She answered without hesitation: "love", teachers are the implication of a love and dedication, the hearts of teachers, teachers of the situation should be like a rain shower flower leaves, and only in the growth of love in their hearts to their children is pure and beautiful of。   Her children were very small age, poor self—care and will not wear , Xu things which are silently every day for her children were doing, I remember On one occasion, a child was accidentally nails poked feet, from a thick, she mouth to suction out the child, children trousers pulled the stool, she took the children to take home for the cautious good clothes。 Encounter these things, she always said no, and their children are。   20xx to December 19 of a mother is the most cruel day, this day, her son, only 24 years old, was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer, the teacher leaves the face of this news, the really faint passed you can not, ah, his children a few days ago it was good, how can God do that to a kind—hearted mother, ah, when all the others have insisted that the mother could not, she died of illness in children After less than a week has returned to the classroom, the children returned to the side, what is it? What is a mother will allow us to do this, is love, he said, these points are not her darling baby, are her most beloved child。 Everyone says: teachers is too ordinary, and yes, teachers are extraordinary, but the cause is great, because they are quietly engaged in the cause of the dedication and selfless sacrifice。   维克多·雨果曾经说过:原因是高贵的花,和水果是甜的,让我们做叶的原因,因为这个行业的原因是非凡的,谦虚,老师默默的绿叶,当那一刻雕刻的美丽的花朵。   今天我还有幸做叶的原因,但我还是年轻的叶子,当我踏上这片土地时,我犹豫了,我能做的吗?高级教育,但当我看到我可以很自豪地告诉你,我今天没有遗憾是谁离开这个决心这么做是她,一个普通的老师,有点普通私立幼儿园教师,教师二十年前因为她贴上“孩子”桂冠,这是与普通注定要陪她,没有可观的收入,没有奢侈的享受,只有忙碌的生活和承担沉重的责任,在这个非凡的儿童早期教育的地位,花了二十多个春秋,他不后悔,她“不毁灭爱的心,”作为座右铭激励,并提醒自己不断完善自己。   20年前,一个女人,没有任何条件的帮助下,一个人支撑这个旗帜,她坚称这是爱,对孩子的爱是一种爱的教育,多年来,她风雨无阻,她说,老师,我非凡的,老师,我是丰富的,老师,我很高兴,所以老师,我没有理由后悔这种生活。   她曾经说过:每天接触到一群无辜的孩子是一种幸福。因此,她经常和孩子们一起工作来建立一个矩形广场已成为高层建筑,与米老鼠和唐老鸭的成千上万家庭蜡笔绿色与红色粉笔描绘未来的世界,用细丝线编织布美丽的童话故事,它是如此轻的孩子衰落金色的童年,但她的心不会随着年龄的增长和时间的流逝的消失。   我问她当老师最需要的是什么?她毫不犹豫地回答:“爱”,教师的含义是爱和奉献,老师的心,教师的情况应该像一阵雨花叶子,并且只爱在他们心中成长的孩子是纯洁而美丽的。她的孩子是非常小的年龄,可怜的自我保健,也不会穿,徐的事情每天都在默默地为她的孩子们做的事情,我记得有一次,一个孩子不小心指甲戳脚,从厚,她的嘴吸出的孩子,孩子的裤子把凳子上,她把孩子带回家的谨慎的好衣服。遇到这些事情的时候,她总是说不,和他们的孩子们。   20xx年12月19日的母亲是最残酷的一天,这一天,她的儿子,只有24岁,被诊断出患有晚期肝癌,老师离开了这个消息,真的晕倒过去了你不能,啊,前几天他的孩子很好,上帝这样做一个善良的母亲,怎么能啊,当所有的人坚持认为,母亲不可能,她死于疾病的孩子不到一个星期后回到教室,孩子们回到身边,它是什么?什么是母亲将使我们能够做到这一点,是爱,他说,这些点不是她的亲爱的宝贝,是她最心爱的孩子。大家都说:老师太普通,是的,教师是平凡的,但原因是伟大的,因为他们正悄悄地从事事业的奉献和无私的牺牲。 ;


1. 关于感恩的诗句英语 关于感恩的诗句英语 1.关于感恩的英语诗歌 Never Cry? In a fatal accident So much pain in the body, Really wanted to die, But never wanted to cry In the dealing with things in life So much agony to bear Sometimes wanted to suicide But never wanted to cry So why? On the lonely cold nite, Without my silly girl beside So much bitter happiness Just made me want to cry Facing mom"s concerning eyes Ashamed to tell a lie So only in the dreams Could I cry THANK YOU Tomorrow is an important day for me Hand in hand we walked along the sea A wonderful memory always recalls me No other things could replaced except it Kindness is your regular way for people Yes, I often get your favor in no preparation Of the friends around me U are really the one I should give most thanks. 感恩节诗歌 感恩节到了 让我们 马上开始 感恩吧 从大脑里掏出了名字 从眼睛里掏出了泪滴 把死去的人 从坟墓里 掏出来了 身旁的人推到远近得当的位置 噢,我们 气沉丹田 感恩的意念走遍全身 舌抵上腭、吐字如兰、字正腔圆地 说出了 怀念、悲戚和那时欢乐 谁也没有提及 那围成一圈的 沉默的人群 谁在感恩节次日的清晨醒来 又将那遗忘的名字一一掏出? 可爱的先知,他其实 并不知道 我们本来也已决定 在明年的感恩节 想念那些沉默的名字 飞鸟集 世界对着它的爱人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。 它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻。 The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal. 鸟儿愿为一朵云。 云儿愿为一只鸟。 The bird wishes it were a cloud. The cloud wishes it were a bird. 尘土受到损辱,却以她的花朵来报答。 The dust receives insult and in return offers her flowers. 蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营地道谢。 浮华的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向它道谢的。 Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave. The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers owe thanks to him. 关于感恩母亲 My Prayer i want to tell my mother how to love herself on earth. To face her illness struggle and her strife and improver her worth Not just the housework heavy on her back or how rivers flow But how to choose the proper path wherever she would have a real reflax. To understand the enternal healthy life and know the paid from the gain And gather all the beauty of a flower and a song For if i help my mother to grow in wisdom and in grace then, i shall feel that i have won an di have filled my place And so i ask my guidance, God, that i may do my part For character and love and happiest of my heart to my Kindest mother. Englishrose writted On Mother""s Day。 2.关于感恩的英文诗歌 Thanksgiving感恩 Wilcox, Ella Wheeler. Custer and Other Poems. Chicago: W.B. Conkey Company, 1896. (翻译:赵志博) We walk on starry fields of white我们相携涉足于漫布星野的纯洁 And do not see the daisies;眼神略过雏菊的盛开; For blessings common in our sight只为这目光里惯常的祝福, We rarely offer praises.我们甚少流露内心的敬爱。 We sigh for some supreme delight我们为至高的欢愉叹息, To crown our lives with splendor,用无边的壮丽为人生加载; And quite ignore our daily store而溯源于日常的,甜蜜温柔的欢沁 Of pleasures sweet and tender.总会悄然寂静地黯淡 Our cares are bold and push their way 险峻的忧虑将自己撕裂, Upon our thought and feeling. 灌注于我们思感触及的角落。 They hang about us all the day, 它们无声息窃去欢乐的时间, Our time from pleasure stealing.让生命在无止境徘徊中消磨。 So unobtrusive many a joy 因此掩于注目的许多欢乐, We pass by and forget it, 都在记忆里匆匆走开, But worry strives to own our lives 但是忧虑仍不满足, And conquers if we let it.它在我们的屈服里啮噬生活。 There"s not a day in all the year过去日子里的每一天, But holds some hidden pleasure,都隐藏着深深的快乐; And looking back, joys oft appear回首中无边呈现的幸福, To brim the past"s wide measure.如溢满水清的过往倾泻。 But blessings are like friends, I hold,但是祝福是最亲的朋友,我相信 Who love and labor near us. 她一直临近我们,用爱护翼。 We out to raise our notes of praise 我们试图镌刻我们给与的赞扬, While living hearts can hear us.生活的心亦在倾听赞歌。 Full many a blessing wears the guise满满的祝福打破 Of worry or of trouble. 伪装的担忧与繁琐 Farseeing is the soul and wise灵魂与智慧是有远见的上帝 Who knows the mask is double.明晓面具下的双重的枷锁 But he who has the faith and strength但他是怀有信念与力量的勇者 To thank his God for sorrow感谢他神运的悲伤 Has found a joy without alloy 他寻到没有斑驳的欢乐 To gladden every morrow.以此为每一个明日欢畅 We ought to make the moments notes我们应把每一个幸福的瞬间 Of happy, glad Thanksgiving;铭刻,感恩节快乐 The hours and days a silent phrase 所有时日都是安静的音符 Of music we are living.源自我们生活的音乐凝结 And so the theme should swell and grow因之这个主题孕育新生 As weeks and months pass o"er us,当一簇簇时间滑过天空 And rise sublime at this good time,在这美好的时光表达崇高, A grand Thanksgiving chorus.演绎一场盛大感恩的合唱曲乐。 3.关于感恩的英文诗歌 我来自偶然像一颗尘土有谁看出我的脆弱我来自何方我情归何处谁在下一刻呼唤我天地虽宽这条路却难走我看遍这人间坎坷辛苦我还有多少爱我还有多少泪要苍天知道我不认输感恩的心感谢有你伴我一生让我有勇气作我自己感恩的心感谢命运花开花落我一样会珍惜我来自偶然像一颗尘土有谁看出我的脆弱我来自何方我情归何处谁在下一刻呼唤我天地虽宽这条路却难走我看遍这人间坎坷辛苦我还有多少爱我还有多少泪要苍天知道我不认输感恩的心感谢有你伴我一生让我有勇气作我自己感恩的心感谢命运花开花落我一样会珍惜感恩的心感谢有你伴我一生让我有勇气作我自己感恩的心感谢命运花开花落我一样会珍惜这就是感恩的心>英文歌词了,你可以和中文歌词对照起来看:IcomefrombeinglikeadustbychanceHavewhoseemyflimsinessofIcomefromwhatsquaremyfeelingreturnwhereWhoatunderamomentcallsmeWorldalthoughthisroadofbreadthbutdifficultwalkIseethefrustratedpainofthishumanlifeHowmuchIstillhavetolovemetostillhavehowmuchtearsWanttheheavenknowsmygamenessHeartoffeelgratefulthewithgratitudehasyouCompanionImakemecourageoustomakemyselffromcradletothegraveTheheartoffeelgratefulthankdestinyTheflowerbloomstofallmesimilarwillcherishIcomefrombeinglikeadustbychanceHavewhoseemyflimsinessofIcomefromwhatsquaremyfeelingreturnwhereWhoatunderamomentcallsmeWorldalthoughthisroadofbreadthbutdifficultwalkIseethefrustratedpainofthishumanlifeHowmuchIstillhavetolovemetostillhavehowmuchtearsWanttheheavenknowsmygamenessHeartoffeelgratefulthewithgratitudehasyouCompanionImakemecourageoustomakemyselffromcradletothegraveTheheartoffeelgratefulthankdestinyTheflowerbloomstofallmesimilarwillcherishHeartoffeelgratefulthewithgratitudehasyouCompanionImakemecourageoustomakemyselffromcradletothegraveTheheartoffeelgratefulthankdestinyTheflowerbloomstofallmesimilarwillcherish祝你好运。 4.关于感恩的英文诗歌,带翻译的 我来自偶然像一颗尘土 有谁看出我的脆弱 我来自何方我情归何处 谁在下一刻呼唤我 天地虽宽这条路却难走 我看遍这人间坎坷辛苦 我还有多少爱我还有多少泪 要苍天知道我不认输 感恩的心感谢有你 伴我一生让我有勇气作我自己 感恩的心感谢命运 花开花落我一样会珍惜 感恩的心感谢有你 伴我一生让我有勇气作我自己 感恩的心感谢命运 花开花落我一样会珍惜这就是感恩的心>英文歌词了,你可以和中文歌词对照起来看:I come from being like a dust by chance Have who see my flimsiness of I come from what square my feeling return where Who at under a moment calls me World although this road of breadth but difficult walk I see the frustrated pain of this human life How much I still have to love me to still have how much tears Want the heaven knows my gameness Heart of feel grateful the with gratitude has you Companion I make me courageous to make myself from cradle to the grave The heart of feel grateful thank destiny The flower blooms to fall me similar will cherish I come from being like a dust by chance Have who see my flimsiness of I come from what square my feeling return where Who at under a moment calls me World although this road of breadth but difficult walk I see the frustrated pain of this human life How much I still have to love me to still have how much tears Want the heaven knows my gameness Heart of feel grateful the with gratitude has you Companion I make me courageous to make myself from cradle to the grave The heart of feel grateful thank destiny The flower blooms to fall me similar will cherish Heart of feel grateful the with gratitude has you Companion I make me courageous to make myself from cradle to the grave The heart of feel grateful thank destiny The flower blooms to fall me similar will cherish祝你好运。 5.关于感恩的英语句子有哪些 1. The remotest corners of the globe have to do, only Shien infinite period. Thank you, teacher!天涯海角有尽处,只有师恩无穷期。感谢您,老师! 2. Thanksgiving just won"t be the same without you.没有你,感恩节就不会一样了。 3. From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving.我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。 4. Rivers pushes us to the vast sea, the dawn brings us bright morning; my dear teacher, you lead us to a magnificent life.江河把我们推向浩瀚的大海,曙光给我们带来明媚的早晨;亲爱的老师,您把我们引向壮丽的人生。 5. Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途,对您我满怀感谢之情。 6、“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” – Marcel Proust, Novelist 对于使我们高兴的人,让我们心怀感恩,他们是有魅力的植栽者,让我们的灵魂绽放。– 马塞尔·普鲁斯特 (小说家) 7、Life is not a thankful,; The gratitude, all respect you. 感恩之心,人皆有之;感恩之人,世皆敬之。 8、Thankless people fall in trouble, can"t be saved. 忘恩的人落在困难之中,是不能得救的。 9、He gave you a favour, he gives you now, to express him!是他给了你恩惠,是他给了你现在,去感恩他吧! 10、Institute of Thanksgiving, do a beneficial to society.学会感恩,做一个有益于社会的人。 11、Help, just lift a finger, and thanks is endless.帮助,只是举手之劳,而感谢却是永无止境的。 12、Light to see the world to smoke, remember the kindness blood.淡看世事去如烟,铭记恩情存如血。 13、A person who keep gratitude heart forever。 Are not in trouble.一个永保感恩心的人。就比较不会陷入困境。 14、No one is born this to who well so we have to learn to be grateful.没有人天生该对谁好所以我们要学会感恩。 15、The stars can light up the night sky, thanks to weigh ourselves.星星能照亮夜空,感恩可掂量自我。 6.关于感恩父母的英文诗 You taught me everything 你教会我所有的东西, And everything you"ve given me 你给我的一切 I"ll always keep it inside 我都会珍藏在内心深处。 You"re the driving force in my life 你是我生命的动力。 There isn"t anything 如果没有你, Or anyone that I can be 就没有今天我的一切。 And it just wouldn"t feel right 如果你不在我的身边。 If I didn"t have you by my side 一切都不对劲。 You were there for me to love and care for me 你爱我,关心我, When skies were grey 当天空乌云密布时候。 Whenever I was down 当我失意的时候, You were always there 你总是在那里 To comfort me 给我安慰。 And no one else can be 在我生命中, What you have been to me 没人能取代你的地位。 You"ll always be 你永远是 You will always be the girl 我生命中 In my life for all times 最重要的女人。 Mama 妈妈 这是一首歌的歌词。你觉得可以吗?我挺喜欢的 7.关于感恩的英语句子大全 感恩节可以用到这些英语句子: 1.I really appreciate it. 我很感谢。 2.You"re one in a million. 你真是个大好人。 3.You"re the greatest. 你最棒了。 称赞对方功劳的"谢谢": 4.Thanks to you (we made it on time.) 都要多谢你(我们才能准时完成)。 5.I couldn"t have done it without you. 若是没有你,我不可能做到。 非常正式的"谢谢": 6.I"m truly grateful for your help. 我非常感激你的帮助。 7.Your help is greatly appreciated. 非常感激您的帮助。 8.I"d like to express my gratitude. 我要表达我诚挚的谢意。 此外,感恩节的时候人们也常常发短信表示感激之情,下面是一些常用的短信: 9.Warm wishes at Thanksgiving. 在感恩节,衷心地祝福你们。 10.From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving. 我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。 11.Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family. 给你们全家感恩节的祝福。 12I wish you could be here on Thanksgiving. 但愿你能来过感恩节。 13.Thanksgiving just won"t be the same without you. 没有你,感恩节就不会一样了。 14.It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together. 家人团聚的节日里,不能看到你,我会感到难过。 8.求关于感恩的英文诗歌 A Thanksgiving Prayer T hank you Father for the blessings you"ve given this day. H elp us to remember, Thou has shown us the way. A nd give us strength to help those in need. N ever letting us forget, Thy merciful deeds. K eep us in Thy tender loving care. S ave us, O Lord, when we are in despair! G ive us grace as we walk through life. I nspire us to seek our brothers amid the strife. V ictory in Thee will be our guiding star. I n courage we march not caring how far. N ow we ask for the most important thing. G rant us salvation to escape death"s sting. 9.有关感恩的英文诗歌 /歌/英语诗歌/God"s%20Power%20of%20Love/GIVE%20THANKS.mp3 /歌/英语诗歌/God%20with%20us(Don%20Moen)/Give%20Thanks.mp3 /歌/英语诗歌/Praise%2010-O%20LORD,%20MY%20LORD/GIVE%20THANKS.mp3 歌词: Give thanks with a grateful heart give thanks to the Holy One give thanks because He"s given Jesus Christ His Son And now let the weak say I am strong let the poor say I am rich because of what the Lord has done for us Give thanks Give thanks


二、完型填空(共 1 道试题,共 10 分.)V 1.The fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day (感恩节).1 this day,families and friends gather together,2 a meal,and give thanks for the blessings of good health,food,jobs,and families.In 1620,a group of Pilgrims(清教徒)left from England to search for 3freedom,part of whom were Protestants(新教徒).And they 4 to America on a small sailboat named the Mayflower finally.And they 5 at what is now Plymouth,Massachusetts (普利茅斯,马萨诸塞州),in icy November.The price in human lives and tragedy had been great.6 the other hand,they saw new hope for the future.The first 7 Thanksgiving in America took place in Plymouth colony (殖民地),Massachusetts in October 1621.Thanksgiving did not become a national holiday 8 1863 during the American Civil War.In the United States,thanksgiving dinner is practically the same all over the country.The table is always loaded with delicious food of many different kinds.Naturally,the main course is turkey (a bird 9 to the Americans),with an array of vegetables and desserts.Pumpkin pie is often served in remembrance 10 the first settlers1).A.For B.On C.From D.By 2).A.shape B.share C.shame D.shave 3).A.religion B.region C.religious D.regional 4).A.shipped B.boated C.swam D.sailed5).A.landed B.reached C.got D.settled 6).A.By B.At C.On D.In 7).A.official B.government C.office D.unofficial 8).A.in B.until C.till D.after 9).A.born B.live C.native D.natural 10).A.with B.for C.to D.of参考答案BBCDACABCD


11月的第四个星期四是感恩节。感恩节是美国人民独创的一个古老节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日,因此美国人提起感恩节总是备感亲切。 感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日( holiday ),它和早期美国历史最为密切相关。 1620年,一些朝拜者乘坐"五月花"号船去美国寻求宗教自由。他们在海上颠簸了两个月之后,终于在酷寒的十一月里,在现在的马莎塞州的普里茅斯登陆。 在第一个冬天,半数以上的移民都死于( die )饥饿和传染病,活下来的人们在第一个春季即1621年开始播种。整个夏天( summer )他们都热切地盼望着丰收的到来,他们深知自己的生存以及殖民地的存在都将取决于即将到来的收成。最后( finally ),庄稼获得了意外的丰收,为了感谢上帝赐予的丰收,举行了3天的狂欢活动。从此,这一习俗就沿续下来,并逐渐风行各地。1863年,美国总统林肯宣布每年十一月的第四个星期四为感恩节。感恩节庆祝活动便定在这一天,直到如今。届时,家家团聚,举国同庆,其盛大、热烈的情形,不亚于中国人过春节。 感恩节庆祝模式许多年来从未改变。丰盛的家宴早在几个月之前就开始着手准备。人们在餐桌上可以吃到苹果、桔子、栗子、胡桃和葡萄,还有葡萄干 布丁、碎肉馅饼、各种其他食物以及红莓苔汁和鲜果汁,其中最妙和最吸引人的大菜是烤火鸡( roast turkey )和南瓜馅饼( pumpkin pie ),这些菜一直是感恩节中最富于传统和最受人喜爱的食品( food )。 人人都赞成感恩节大餐必需以烤火鸡为主菜。火鸡在烘烤时要以面包作填料以吸收从中流出来的美味汁液,但烹饪技术常因家庭和地区的不同而各异,应用什么填料也就很难求得一致。 另外,加拿大的感恩节是在十月的第二个星期一。 编辑本段感恩节的由来 感恩节的起源,和英国基督教的宗教纷争有关。大约在公元16世纪末到17世纪,英国清教徒发起了一场来势猛烈的宗教改革运动,宣布脱离国教,另立教会,主张清除基督教圣公会内部的残余影响。但是,在17世纪中叶时,保皇议会通过了《信奉国教法》,清教徒开始遭到政府和教会势力的残酷迫害,逮捕、酷刑,宗教审判,每时每刻都在威胁着清教徒。被逼无奈,他们只得迁往荷兰避难。但是,寄人篱下的日子不好过。在荷兰,清教徒不仅没能逃脱宗教迫害,而且饱受战争带来的痛苦和折磨。更令他们难以忍受的是,远在异国他乡,孩子们受不到“英国式的教育,对故土的感情一天一天地淡薄下去。为了彻底逃脱宗教迫害的魔爪,为下一代保留住祖国的语言和传统,他们再一次想到大迁徙。 天下虽大,何处是这群天涯沦落人的归宿呢?想来想去,他们把目光投向了美洲。哥伦布在100多年前发现的这块“新大陆”,地域辽阔,物产富饶,而且有很多地方还是没有国王。没有议会、没有刽子手、未开发的处女地。“海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞。”只有在这样的地方,他们才能轻轻松松地生活,自由自在地信奉、传播自己所喜欢的宗教,开拓出一块属于清教徒的人间乐园。 于是,清教徒的著名领袖布雷德福召集了102名同伴,在1620年9月,登上了一艘重180吨,长90英尺的木制帆船——五月花号,开始了哥伦布远征式的冒险航行。对于航海来说,这艘有着浪漫名称的船只未免太小了。由于形势所迫,他们“选择”的,又是一年中最糟的渡洋季节。不过,怀着对未来的美好憧憬,为了找回失去的权利和自由,这群饱经忧患的人已经不顾一切了。 海上风急浪高,五月花号就像狂风暴雨中的一片树叶,艰难地向前漂泊着,几乎随时都有船毁人亡的危险。但在大家的共同努力下,船只没有遇到任何损害,并在航行了66天后,于11月21 日安抵北美大陆的科德角,即今天美国马萨诸塞州普罗文斯敦港。稍事休整后,五月花号继续沿海岸线前进。由于逆风和时差,它没有能到达预定的目的地——弗吉尼亚的詹姆斯敦,反而在圣诞节后的第一天,把他们送上了新英格兰的土地。 有意思的是,在这次充满危险的远征中,所有探险者只有一人死亡。但由于旅途中诞生了一名婴儿,使到达美洲的人不多不少,仍然是102名。移民都是虔诚的教徒,无不手划十字,衷心感谢上帝的眷顾。 现在,呈现在他们面前的,完全是一块陌生的土地,蜿蜒曲折的海岸线,显得沉寂、荒凉。因此,大约在一个月内,移民们不敢贸然靠岸,仍然以船为家。在此期间,他们派出了侦察队,乘坐小船在科德角湾沿线寻找定居地。一天,正在大家焦急等待的时候,侦察队返回来报告说,他们发现了一个适合移民们居住的、真正的“天堂”。“天堂”就是今天的普利茅斯港,这是一个天然的良港,非常适合五月花号停泊。港口附近有一个优良的渔场,可以提供大量的海产品。不远处一片连绵起伏的小山,就像一道天然屏障,把这块土地环绕起来。在明亮的阳光下,结了冰的小溪反射着晶莹的光泽,可以为移民们提供充足的淡水。开垦过的肥沃农田,一块一块整整齐齐地排列着。除此之外,他们还看到了一片虽然残破,却足以遮风避雨,帮助他们度过严冬的房屋……看起来,一切都不错,而且不能再好了。唯一令他们感到迷惘的是,这片到处都有人类生活遗迹的土地,竟然看不到一个人影,一缕炊烟,显得是那样荒凉,倒好似事先就为他们准备的一样。后来才知道,这里原来是一个相当繁荣的印第安村落。几年前天花流行,全村人无一幸免,这才使它成了这群异国漂泊者的最佳避难所。 几天后,五月花号渡过了科德角湾,在普利茅斯港抛下了锚链。移民们划着小艇登陆时,按照古老的航海传统,首先登上了一块高耸于海面上的大礁石。五月花号上礼炮轰鸣,人声鼎沸,共同庆祝新生活的开始。后来,这块礁石就被称为“普利茅斯石”,成为美洲新英格兰第一个永久性殖民地的历史见证。 不过,对这些渴望幸福的移民来说,第一个冬天并不美好。从大西洋上吹来的凛冽寒风,像魔鬼一样在空中嘶鸣,漫天的冰雪,无情地拍打着简陋的住房。在这一片冰天雪地里,移民们缺少必要的装备,也缺乏在这片土地上生活的经验。在繁忙劳动的重压下,不少人累倒了,累病了,恶劣的饮食,难以忍受的严寒,使更多的人倒地不起。接踵而来的传染病,夺去许多人的生命。一个冬天过去,历尽千难万险来到美洲的102名移民,只剩下了50个。几乎每天都有人死去,几乎天天都有一家或几家在做丧事。刚刚踏上这片土地时的欢乐没有了。每个人、的心头,都被一种空前绝望的气氛所笼罩。一个梦,一个刚刚开始的美梦,难道就这样被打破了吗?每个人都在思索着。 就在移民们束手无策,坐以待毙时,第二年春天的一个早晨,一名印第安人走进了普利茅斯村。他自我介绍说,他是临近村落的印第安酋长派来察看情况的。这是移民们来到美洲后接待的第一个客人。他们向客人倾诉了自己的来历以及所经受的种种无以复加的苦难。印第安人默默地听着,脸上流露出无限的怜悯和同情。事情就此有了转机,几天后,这名印度安人把他的酋长马萨索德带进了移民们的房屋。酋长是个慷慨热情的人,他向移民表示了热烈的欢迎,给他们送来了许多生活必需品作礼物。派来了最有经验、最能干的印第安人,教给移民们怎样在这块土地上生活,教他们捕鱼、狩猎、耕作以及饲养火鸡等技能。 这一年,天公作美,风调雨顺,再加上印第安人的指导和帮助,移民们获得了大丰收,终于闯过了生活的难关,过上了安定、富裕的日子,就在这一年秋天,已成为普利茅斯总督的布雷德福颁布了举行盛典,感谢上帝眷顾的决定,这就是历史上的第一个感恩节。当然,他没有忘记为移民们排忧解难的真正“上帝”——热情、好客、智慧的印第安人,特地邀请马萨索德和他手下的印第安人前来参加节日庆典。 印第安人欣然接受了邀请,提前送来了5只鹿作为礼物。11月底的一天,移民们大摆筵席,桌子上摆满了自山林中打来的野味和用自产的玉米、甫瓜、笋瓜、火鸡等制作的佳肴。庆祝活动一共进行了3天,白天,宾主共同欢宴,畅叙友情。晚上,草地上燃起了熊熊簧火,在凉爽的秋风中,印第安小伙子同普利茅斯殖民地的年轻人一起跳舞、唱歌、摔跤、射箭,气氛非常热烈。 今天,在美国人心目中,感恩节是比圣诞节还要重要的节日。首先,它是一个长达4天的假日,足以使人们尽情狂欢、庆祝。其次,它也是传统的家庭团聚的日子。感恩节期间,散居在他乡外地的家人,都要赶回家过节,这已经成了全国性的习俗。此外,美国人一年中最重视的一餐,就是感恩节的晚宴。在美国这个生活节奏很快,竞争激烈的国度里,平日的饮食极为简单。美国的快餐流行世界,就是一个很好的说明。但在感恩节的夜晚,家家户户都大办筵席,物品之丰盛,令人咋舌。在节日的餐桌上,上至总统,下至庶民,火鸡和南瓜饼都是必备的。这两味“珍品”体现了美国人民忆及先民开拓艰难、追思第一个感恩节的怀;日情绪。因此,感恩节也被称为“火鸡节”。 尽管感恩节是合家团圆的日子,每年节日期间,仍然有成千上万人抽出余暇,前往普利茅斯港参观、游览,重温美国的历史。今天,不仅美国人过感恩节,加拿大人也把它视为例行节日。这或许因为,在加拿大这片广阔的土地上,也生活着许多英国移民的后裔吧! 编辑本段感恩节美食 感恩节始于1621年秋天,远涉重洋乘坐五月花来到美洲的英国移民,为了感谢上帝赐予的丰收,举行了3天的狂欢活动。从此,这一习俗就沿续下来,并逐渐风行各地。1863年,美国总统林肯正式宣布感恩节为国定假日。届时,家家团聚,举国同庆,其盛大、热烈的情形,不亚于中国人过春节。每逢感恩节这一天,美国举国上下热闹非常。城乡市镇到处举行化装游行、戏剧表演和体育比赛等,学校和商店也都按规定放假体息。孩子们还模仿当年印第安人的模样穿上离奇古怪的服装,画上脸谱或戴上面具到街上唱歌、吹喇叭。当天教堂里的人也格外多,按习俗人们在这里都要做感恩祈祷。美国入从小就习惯独立生活,劳燕分飞。各奔东西。而在感恩节。他们总是力争从天南海北归来,一家人团团围坐在一起,大嚼美味火鸡,畅谈往事,这怎不使人感到分外亲切、温暖。远离家乡的人被作为客人受到邀请。人们也为那些不幸者送去食物。当地一些机关、学校和教堂先收集食物然后装入食品篮内分发给穷人。有些商店老板还将火鸡送给雇员和一些老顾客。 值得—提的是,感恩节的食品极富传统色彩。每逢感恩节,美国入必有肥嫩的火鸡可吃。火鸡是感思节的传统主菜。它原是栖息于北美洲的野禽,后经人们大批饲养,成为美味家禽,每只可重达四五十磅。现在仍有些地方设有猪场,专供人们在感恩节前射猎,有兴趣的人到猪场花些钱,就能亲自打上几只野火鸡回家。使节日更富有情趣。火鸡的吃法也有一定讲究。它需要整只烤出,鸡皮烤成深棕色,肚子里还要塞上许多拌好的食物,如碎面包等。端上桌后,由男主人用刀切成薄片分给大家。然后由各人自己浇上卤汁,洒上盐,味道十分鲜美。 感恩节的食物除火鸡外,还有红莓苔子果酱、甜山芋、玉蜀黍、南瓜饼、自己烘烤的面包及各种蔬菜和水果等。这些东西都是感恩节的传统食品。 还有一种玉米游戏也很古老。据说这是为了纪念当年在粮食匮乏的情况下发给每个移民五个玉米而流传下来的。游戏时。人们把五个玉米藏在屋里,由大家分头去找,找到玉米的五个人参加比赛,其他人在一旁观看。比赛开始,五个人就迅速把玉米粒剥在一个碗里,谁先剥完谁得奖,然后由没有参加比赛的人围在碗旁边猜里面有多少玉米粒,猜得数量最接近的奖给一大意爆玉米花。 在传统的感恩节餐桌上,烤火鸡是不可缺少的菜式。在一些大饭店花上三四百元就能购得一只正宗方法烤制的火鸡,还包括苦中带甜的小洋白菜、土豆泥、面团、腌苹果等传统配菜。如果不是多人的家庭大餐,可以购买半只,或按流行的做法选购加工好的火鸡片,中间还夹有用面包、牛奶、鸡蛋、栗子混合后烤制的食物片,美妙的味道难以形容,只有亲身体验才会有所感受。除了在饭店里品尝美味火鸡,我们也可以在家中来个美食DIY,亲自动手烹制美味可口的感恩节火鸡。 中式感恩节火鸡 用家里的烤箱就能烤出香美的火鸡。20磅以下的火鸡解冻后用酱油、盐、糖及一些自己喜欢的大料类在常温下腌制一天,如果放在冰箱则要两天;先将烤箱预热475华氏度,烤30分钟之后取出给火鸡翻个身,并将烤盘内的油倒出,再放入烤箱烤30分钟。这时,将已经炒得半熟的糯米饭加上凤梨、火腿、虾干等制成的填料放入火鸡肚子,将烤箱温度调到450华氏度,并给火鸡外表抹上一点蜜糖与腌料的汁,放回烤箱内约30分钟后再翻身抹汁,烤约30分钟即可。给火鸡翻身是不容易的,但是只有这样火鸡才会热得均匀,并且肉里有汁,还有隐约的凤梨的香甜。 传统感恩节火鸡 美国人吃火鸡时多数是焖烤。通常是把火鸡肚子里塞上各种调料和拌好的食品,然后用烧烤袋包好,整只烤出,按照食谱,一只20磅左右的火鸡要烤上4个小时,直到火鸡完全熟烂了。烧火鸡的汁,会被用来制成黏稠的肉酱,伴上甜甜的红莓果酱,作为火鸡的调料。 南瓜浓汤 材料:南瓜150克、高汤1杯、淀粉2汤匙、牛肉泥1汤匙、绿色花椰菜1朵、嫩玉米2只~3只。 做法:1.将南瓜洗净,去掉皮和籽,切成小块;2.花椰菜和嫩玉米煮熟,切碎备用;3.将高汤和南瓜倒入果汁机内,打拌均匀;4.将打好的南瓜汁倒入锅 内,以小火煮8分钟~10分钟,然后加入牛肉泥搅拌均匀;5.加入淀粉拌匀,熄火,撒上花椰菜和嫩玉米,好喝又营养的蔬菜南瓜浓汤就做好了。


当然有的 感恩节的由来要一直追溯到美国历史的发端。1620年,著名的“五月花”号船满载不堪忍受英国国内宗教迫害的清教徒102人到达美洲。1620年和1621年之交的冬天,他们遇到了难以想象的困难,处在饥寒交迫之中,冬天过去时,活下来的移民只有50来人。这时,心地善良的印第安人给移民送来了生活必需品,还特地派人教他们怎样狩猎、捕鱼和种植玉米、南瓜。在印第安人的帮助下,移民们终于获得了丰收,在欢庆丰收的日子,按照宗教传统习俗,移民规定了感谢上帝的日子,并决定为感谢印第安人的真诚帮助,邀请他们一同庆祝节日。  在第一个感恩节的这一天,印第安人和移民欢聚一堂,他们在黎明时鸣放礼炮,列队走进一间用作教堂的屋子,虔诚地向上帝表达谢意,然后点起篝火举行盛大宴会。第二天和第三天又举行了摔跤、赛跑、唱歌、跳舞等活动。第一个感恩节非常成功。其中许多庆祝方式流传了300多年,一直保留到今天。  最初感恩节没有固定日期,由各州临时决定,直到美国独立后,感恩节才成为全国性的节日。 1863年,林肯总统把感恩节定为法定假日。到1941年, 美国国会通过一项法令,把感恩节定在每年十一月的第四个星期四。 每逢感恩节这一天,美国举国上下热闹非凡,人们按照习俗前往教堂做感恩祈祷,城乡市镇到处都有化装游行、戏剧表演或体育比赛等。分开了一年的亲人们也会从天南海北归来,一家人团团圆圆,品尝美味的感恩节火鸡。  加拿大感恩节的由来  加拿大和美国的感恩节不在同一天,或许也知道加拿大议会将感恩节列为法定假日稍晚于美国。但加拿大的第一个感恩节要比美国早40年,加拿大感恩节的庆祝活动是在十月的第二个星期一。与美国人缅怀清教徒先辈定居新大陆的传统不同,加拿大人主要感谢上天给予的成功的收获。加拿大的感恩节早于美国的感恩节,一个简单的事实是,加拿大的收获季节相对于美国早一些,因为加拿大更靠近北部。加拿大的感恩节通常被认为受三个传统习惯的影响。  其一是来自欧洲传统的影响。从大约2000年以前最早的一次收获开始,人们就已经庆祝丰收,感谢富饶的大自然给予他们的恩施和好运。当欧洲人来到加拿大后,也将这一传统带入加拿大,并对后来加拿大感恩节的传统产生影响。  其二是英国探险家庆祝生存的影响。在清教徒登陆美国马萨诸塞的40年之前,加拿大就举行了第一个正式的感恩节。在1578年,一位英国探险家命名马钉法贝瑟(Martin Frobisher)试图发现一个连接东方的通道,不过他没有成功。但是他在现今的加拿大纽芬兰省建立了定居点,并举行了一个庆祝生存和收获的宴餐。其它后来的移居者继续这些“感恩”仪式。这一次被认为是加拿大的第一个感恩节。  其三的影响来自于后来的美国。1621年的秋天,远涉重洋来到美洲新大陆的英国移民,为了感谢上帝赐予的丰收,举行了3天的狂欢活动。从此,这一习俗就沿续下来,并逐渐风行各地。在美国革命其间,美国一批忠于英皇室的保皇党迁移到加拿大,也将美国感恩节的习惯和方式带到了加拿大。1750年庆祝丰收的活动被来自美国南部的移居者带到了新四科舍(Nova Scotia),同时,法国移居者到达,并且举行“感恩”宴餐。这些均对加拿大的感恩节产生了深远的影响。  1879 年加拿大议会宣称11月6日是感恩节和全国性的假日。在随后的年代,感恩节的日期改变了多次,直到在1957 年1月31日,加拿大议会宣布每年十月的第二个星期一为感恩节,在这一天感谢万能的上帝保佑加拿大并给予丰富的收获。  美国是在1863年,由总统林肯正式宣布感恩节为国定假日。通常美国感恩节的典故总是离不开清教徒和著名领袖布雷德福、102名同伴、重180吨长90英尺的木制帆船五月花号、科德角湾、普利茅斯港、印第安人和酋长马萨索德。这些是美洲新英格兰第一个永久性殖民地的历史见证。  两国的感恩节之间有许多相似性,譬如装满花果谷物象征丰饶的山羊角(cornucopia)和南瓜饼(pumpkin pie)。加拿大感恩大餐的餐桌上的食物通常也与地域和时间的变化而不同,有些是鹿肉和水鸟,有些是野鸭野鹅,但目前主要是火鸡和火腿。  埃及人的“感恩节”  古埃及的收获节是为了纪念他们的庄稼神Min而举行的。他们的收获季节是春天,所以这个节日在每年春天举行。节日中,古埃及人首先举行游行,过后便是节日宴会。同时,音乐、舞会、体育竞技等也是他们的庆祝项目。   古埃及人在庆祝玉米收获时,常常假装哭泣而且悲痛欲绝,这是为了欺骗他们认为存在于玉米中的“精神”。他们害怕收割仍在生长的玉米会使这种精神发怒.  希伯来人的“感恩节”   犹太人也要庆祝收获,他们的节日叫Sukkoth,每年秋天举行的Sukkoth已经有3000多年的历史。Sukkoth开始于希伯来月历中Tishri(犹太人的某个月份)的第15天,Yom Kippur(犹太人一年中最神圣的一天)后的第五天。   在维持8天的Sukkoth节日中,犹太人用树枝架起小屋,以此来回忆他们祖先礼拜的圣坛。这些小屋都是暂时的,树枝没有插入地下,屋顶用茅草覆盖着,便于光线进入。屋里悬挂着水果和蔬菜,包括苹果、葡萄、玉米还有石榴。节日的第二天,犹太人便在星光下的小屋中举行他们的节日宴会。  希腊人的“感恩节”   古希腊人信奉很多神,他们的玉米女神(实际上是所有谷类的神)叫Demeter ,他们每年秋天举行的Thesmosphoria节就是为了纪念这位女神的。  节日的第一天,已婚妇女们(可能是把怀孕和庄稼的生长联系起来)搭起一座座盖满树叶的小屋,里面放上用植物做的长椅。第二天是他们的斋戒日。第三天便举行宴会,并以玉米种子、蛋糕、水果和猪为礼物供奉女神。


感恩节的由来可以追溯到美国历史的发端,起源于马萨诸塞普利茅斯的早期移民。这些移民在英国本土时被称为清教徒,因为他们对英国教会的宗教改革不彻底感到不满,以及英王及英国教会对他们的政治镇压和宗教迫害,所以这些清教徒脱离英国教会,远走荷兰,后来决定迁居到大西洋彼岸那片荒无人烟的土地上,希望能按照自己的意愿信教自由地生活。1620年,著名的“五月花”号船满载不堪忍受英国国内宗教迫害的清教徒102人到达美洲。那年冬天,他们遇到了难以想象的困难,处在饥寒交迫之中。这时,印第安人给移民送来了生活必需品,还教他们狩猎、捕鱼和种植玉米等。在印第安人的帮助下,移民们终于获得了丰收,在欢庆丰收的日子,按照宗教传统习俗,移民规定了感谢上帝的日子,并决定为感谢印第安人的真诚帮助,邀请他们一同庆祝节日。习俗:在风俗习惯上,美国和加拿大基本一致,食俗有:吃烤火鸡、南瓜饼、红莓苔子果酱、甜山芋、玉蜀黍;活动有:玩蔓越桔竞赛、玉米游戏、南瓜赛跑;举行化装游行、戏剧表演或体育比赛等集体活动,并有相应的假期2天,在远方的人们都会回家与亲人团聚。现在还形成了豁免火鸡、黑色星期五购物等习惯。美国和加拿大的感恩节之间有许多相似性,譬如装满花果谷物象征丰饶的山羊角(cornucopia)和南瓜饼(pumpkin pie)。加拿大感恩大餐的餐桌上的食物通常也与地域和时间的变化而不同,有些是鹿肉和水鸟,有些是野鸭野鹅,但目前主要是火鸡和火腿。扩展资料在美国,像中国的春节一样,感恩节当天,成千上万的人们不管多忙,都要和自己的家人团聚,大家一起享受一顿丰盛的节日晚餐。感恩节假期也是美国航空公司最紧张的时候,飞机几乎班班客满,还常常会出现班机误点等情形。可为了和家人团聚共度节日,人们大概也是心甘情愿的。每逢感恩节,美国人家家户户都要吃火鸡。火鸡已成为感恩节的象征,他们通常还吃一些传统菜肴,例如西葫芦、奶油洋葱、土豆泥、番瓜派等等。




感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)是美国和加拿大共有的节日,原意是为了感谢上天赐予的好收成。在美国,自1941年起,感恩节是在每年11月的第四个星期四,并从这一天起将休假两天。在这一天,成千上万的人们不管多忙,都要和自己的家人团聚。感恩节是美国人民一个古老节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日,因此美国人提起感恩节总是倍感亲切。感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日( holiday ),它和早期美国历史最为密切相关。加拿大的感恩节则起始于1879年,是在每年10月第二个星期一,与美国的哥伦布日相同。感恩节的由来要一直追溯到美国历史的发端。1620年,著名的“五月花”号船满载不堪忍受英国国内宗教迫害的清教徒102人到达美洲。1620年和1621年之交的冬天,他们遇到了难以想象的困难,处在饥寒交迫之中,冬天过去时,活下来的移民只有50来人。这时,心地善良的印第安人给移民送来了生活必需品,还特地派人教他们怎样狩猎、捕鱼和种植玉米、南瓜。在印第安人的帮助下,移民们终于获得了丰收,在欢庆丰收的日子,按照宗教传统习俗,移民规定了感谢上帝的日子,并决定为感谢印第安人的真诚帮助,邀请他们一同庆祝节日。 在第一个感恩节的这一天,印第安人和移民欢聚一堂,他们在黎明时鸣放礼炮,列队走进一间用作教堂的屋子,虔诚地向上帝表达谢意,然后点起篝火举行盛大宴会。第二天和第三天又举行了摔跤、赛跑、唱歌、跳舞等活动。第一个感恩节非常成功。其中许多庆祝方式流传了300多年,一直保留到今天。




新加坡感恩节是在十月的第二个星期一。新加坡和美国的感恩节不在同一天,新加坡议会将感恩节列为法定假日稍晚于美国。但新加坡的第一个感恩节要比美国早很多年,新加坡感恩节的庆祝活动是在十月的第二个星期一。与美国人缅怀清教徒先辈定居新大陆的传统不同,新加坡人主要感谢上天给予的成功的收获。新加坡的感恩节早于美国的感恩节,一个简单的事实是,新加坡的收获季节相对于美国早一些。其实这两个国家的感恩节之间有许多相似性,譬如装满花果谷物象征丰饶的山羊角(cornucopia)和南瓜饼(pumpkin pie)。


感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)是美国和加拿大共有的节日,原意是为了感谢上天赐予的好收成。在美国,自1941年起,感恩节是在每年11月的第四个星期四,并从这一天起将休假两天。在这一天,成千上万的人们不管多忙,都要和自己的家人团聚。感恩节是美国人民一个古老节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日,因此美国人提起感恩节总是倍感亲切。加拿大的感恩节则起始於1879年,是在每年10月第二个星期一,与美国的哥伦布日相同。感恩节的由来 要一直追溯到美国历史的发端。1620年,著名的“五月花”号船满载不堪忍受英国国内宗教迫害的清教徒102人到达美洲。1620年和1621年之交的冬天,他们遇到了难以想象的困难,处在饥寒交迫之中,冬天过去时,活下来的移民只有50来人。这时,心地善良的印第安人给移民送来了生活必需品,还特地派人教他们怎样狩猎、捕鱼和种植玉米、南瓜。在印第安人的帮助下,移民们终于获得了丰收,在欢庆丰收的日子,按照宗教传统习俗,移民规定了感谢上帝的日子,并决定为感谢印第安人的真诚帮助,邀请他们一同庆祝节日。 在第一个感恩节的这一天,印第安人和移民欢聚一堂,他们在黎明时鸣放礼炮,列队走进一间用作教堂的屋子,虔诚地向上帝表达谢意,然后点起篝火举行盛大宴会。第二天和第三天又举行了摔跤、赛跑、唱歌、跳舞等活动。第一个感恩节非常成功。其中许多庆祝方式流传了300多年,一直保留到今天。 最初感恩节没有固定日期,由各州临时决定,直到美国独立后,感恩节才成为全国性的节日。 1863年,林肯总统把感恩节定为法定假日。到1941年, 美国国会通过一项法令,把感恩节定在每年十一月的第四个星期四。 每逢感恩节这一天,美国举国上下热闹非凡,人们按照习俗前往教堂做感恩祈祷,城乡市镇到处都有化装游行、戏剧表演或体育比赛等。分开了一年的亲人们也会从天南海北归来,一家人团团圆圆,品尝美味的感恩节火鸡。 加拿大感恩节的由来 加拿大和美国的感恩节不在同一天,或许也知道加拿大议会将感恩节列为法定假日稍晚于美国。但加拿大的第一个感恩节要比美国早40年,加拿大感恩节的庆祝活动是在十月的第二个星期一。与美国人缅怀清教徒先辈定居新大陆的传统不同,加拿大人主要感谢上天给予的成功的收获。加拿大的感恩节早于美国的感恩节,一个简单的事实是,加拿大的收获季节相对于美国早一些,因为加拿大更靠近北部。加拿大的感恩节通常被认为受三个传统习惯的影响。 其一是来自欧洲传统的影响。从大约2000年以前最早的一次收获开始,人们就已经庆祝丰收,感谢富饶的大自然给予他们的恩施和好运。当欧洲人来到加拿大后,也将这一传统带入加拿大,并对后来加拿大感恩节的传统产生影响。 其二是英国探险家庆祝生存的影响。在清教徒登陆美国马萨诸塞的40年之前,加拿大就举行了第一个正式的感恩节。在1578年,一位英国探险家命名马钉法贝瑟(Martin Frobisher)试图发现一个连接东方的通道,不过他没有成功。但是他在现今的加拿大纽芬兰省建立了定居点,并举行了一个庆祝生存和收获的宴餐。其它后来的移居者继续这些“感恩”仪式。这一次被认为是加拿大的第一个感恩节。 其三的影响来自于后来的美国。1621年的秋天,远涉重洋来到美洲新大陆的英国移民,为了感谢上帝赐予的丰收,举行了3天的狂欢活动。从此,这一习俗就沿续下来,并逐渐风行各地。在美国革命其间,美国一批忠于英皇室的保皇党迁移到加拿大,也将美国感恩节的习惯和方式带到了加拿大。1750年庆祝丰收的活动被来自美国南部的移居者带到了新四科舍(Nova Scotia),同时,法国移居者到达,并且举行“感恩”宴餐。这些均对加拿大的感恩节产生了深远的影响。 1879 年加拿大议会宣称11月6日是感恩节和全国性的假日。在随后的年代,感恩节的日期改变了多次,直到在1957 年1月31日,加拿大议会宣布每年十月的第二个星期一为感恩节,在这一天感谢万能的上帝保佑加拿大并给予丰富的收获。 美国是在1863年,由总统林肯正式宣布感恩节为国定假日。通常美国感恩节的典故总是离不开清教徒和著名领袖布雷德福、102名同伴、重180吨长90英尺的木制帆船五月花号、科德角湾、普利茅斯港、印度安人和酋长马萨索德。这些是美洲新英格兰第一个永久性殖民地的历史见证。 两国的感恩节之间有许多相似性,譬如装满花果谷物象征丰饶的山羊角(cornucopia)和南瓜饼(pumpkin pie)。加拿大感恩大餐的餐桌上的食物通常也与地域和时间的变化而不同,有些是鹿肉和水鸟,有些是野鸭野鹅,但目前主要是火鸡和火腿。 [编辑本段]感恩节习俗 每逢感恩节这一 天,美国举国上下热闹非常,人们按照习俗前往教堂做感恩祈祷,城乡市镇到处举行化装游行、戏剧表演和体育比赛等,学校和商店也都按规定放假休息。孩子们还模仿当年印第安人的模样穿上离奇古怪的服装,画上脸谱或戴上面具到街上唱歌、吹喇叭。散居在他乡外地的家人也会回家过节,一家人团团围坐在一起,大嚼美味火鸡。 同时,好客的美国人也忘不掉这一天邀请好友、单身汉或远离家乡的入共度佳节。从18世纪起,美国就开始出现一种给贫穷人家送一篮子食物的风俗。当时有一群年轻妇女想在一年中选一天专门做善事,认为选定感恩节是最恰当不过的。所以感恩节一到,她们就装上满满一篮食物亲自送到穷人家。这件事远近传闻,不久就有许多人学着她们的样子做起来。 总统放生火鸡仪式 每年一度的总统放生火鸡仪式始于1947年杜鲁门总统当政时期,但实际上这个传统仪式可以追溯到美国内战林肯总统当政的时期。1863年的一天,林肯的儿子泰德突然闯入内阁会议请求赦免一只名叫杰克的宠物火鸡,因为这只被送进白宫的火鸡,即将成为人们的圣诞节大餐。 [编辑本段]感恩节食物 第一次感恩节的菜谱包括: Cornbread - 玉米面包,英国人和印第安人都喜欢的食物。English Cheese Pie - 英国奶酪派,奶酪对英国人很重要。Venison - 鹿肉,印第安人带来了5头鹿。Ducks & Geese - 鸭和鹅,英国人捕的。Wild Turkey - 野生火鸡。 Garlic and Onions - 大蒜和洋葱。Pumpkin Pudding - 南瓜布丁。 Indian Pudding - 印地安布丁。 感恩节食物 感恩节的食品极富传统色彩。每逢感恩节,美国人必有肥嫩的火鸡可吃。火鸡是感思节的传统主菜。它原是栖息于北美洲的野禽,后经人们大批饲养,成为美味家禽,每只可重达四五十磅。现在仍有些地方设有猎场,专供人们在感恩节前射猎,有兴趣的人到猎场花些钱,就能亲自打上几只野火鸡回家。使节日更富有情趣。 火鸡的吃法也有一定讲究。它需要整只烤出,鸡皮烤成深棕色,肚子里还要塞上许多拌好的食物,如碎面包等。端上桌后,由男主人用刀切成薄片分给大家。然后由各人自己浇上卤汁,洒上盐,味道十分鲜美。感恩节的食物除火鸡外,还有红莓苔子果酱、甜山芋、玉蜀黍、 南瓜饼、自己烘烤的面包及各种蔬菜和水果等。这些东西都是感恩节的传统食品。 感恩节餐桌的布置也很有特色。主妇们不是照往常一样摆放鲜花,而是摆放水果和蔬菜。中间还常常放上一个大南瓜,周围堆放些苹果、玉米和干果。有时人们还把苹果或南瓜掏空,中间放满去壳的干果或者点燃蜡烛。平时,女主人可以在饭后把客人让到客厅里,但在感恩节却不这样做。感恩节的聚餐是甜美的,每个人都愿意在饭桌旁多呆一会儿,他们一边吃一边愉快地回亿往事,直到最后一根蜡烛燃尽。 [编辑本段]感恩节游戏 感恩节宴会后,有些家庭还常常做些传统游戏。第一次感恩节,人们进行了跳舞、比赛等许多娱乐活动,其中有些一直流传至今。有种游戏叫蔓越桔竞赛,是把一个装有蔓越桔的大碗放在地上,4-10名竞赛者围坐在周围,每人发给针线一份。比赛一开始,他们先穿针线,然后把蔓越桔一个个串起来,3分钟一到;谁串得最长,谁就得奖。至于穿得最慢的人,大家还开玩笑地发给他一个最差奖。 还有一种玉米游戏也很古老。据说这是为了纪念当年在粮食匮乏的情况下发给每个移民五个玉米而流传下来的。游戏时。人们把五个玉米藏在屋里,由大家分头去找,找到玉米的五个人参加比赛,其他人在一旁观看。比赛开始,五个人就迅速把玉米粒剥在一个碗里,谁先剥完谁得奖,然后由没有参加比赛的人围在碗旁边猜里面有多少玉米粒,猜得数量最接近的奖给一大包玉米花。 人们最喜爱的游戏要算南瓜赛跑了。比赛者用一把小勺推着南瓜跑,规则是绝对不能用手碰南瓜,先到终点者获奖。比赛用的勺子越小,游戏就越有意思。 除去这些活动外,有些家庭在节日里驱车到乡间去郊游,或是坐飞机出去旅行,特别是当年移民们安家落户的地方——普利茅斯港更是游客们向往的所在。在那里,可以看到按照“五月花”号仿制的船和普利茅斯石,还可以花几个小时在移民村里参观。移民村是仿照当年的样子建成的。参观时,还有专门人员扮成请教徒同游客们谈天,给人以身临其境的感觉。


22年感恩节是2022年11月24日。2022年感恩节时间为2022年11月24日,当天正好是星期四。感恩节是西方传统节日,是美国人民独创的一个节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日。初时感恩节没有固定日期,由美国各州临时决定。直到美国独立后的1863年,林肯总统宣布感恩节为全国性节日。除了美国、加拿大,世界上还有埃及、希腊等国家有自己独特的感恩节,但英国、法国等欧洲国家却与感恩节绝缘。也有学者倡议设立“中华感恩节”,以弘扬传统文化。感恩节的风俗习惯在风俗习惯上,美国和加拿大基本一致,食俗有:吃烤火鸡、南瓜饼、红莓苔子果酱、甜山芋、玉蜀黍;活动有:玩蔓越桔竞赛、玉米游戏、南瓜赛跑;举行化装游行、戏剧表演或体育比赛等集体活动,并有相应的假期2天,在远方的人们都会回家与亲人团聚。现在还形成了豁免火鸡、黑色星期五购物等习惯。美国和加拿大的感恩节之间有许多相似性,譬如装满花果谷物象征丰饶的山羊角(cornucopia)和南瓜饼(pumpkin pie)。加拿大感恩大餐的餐桌上的食物通常也与地域和时间的变化而不同,有些是鹿肉和水鸟,有些是野鸭野鹅,但目前主要是火鸡和火腿。




Teachers are our friends, who often talk with us; teachers are our elders, who care about our growth and change; teachers are our guides, who point out the direction for us when we are confused. I am grateful to my teachers, because they give us knowledge, make us grow healthily and happily.Among all the teachers, I am most grateful to my English teacher, Miss Li. She is a young and beautiful teacher, who always smiles and speaks gently. She loves English and teaches us with enthusiasm and patience. She not only teaches us the basic knowledge of English, but also helps us improve our listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. She often organizes various activities to make us interested in English, such as singing English songs, watching English movies, playing English games and so on.Miss Li is not only a good teacher, but also a good friend. She often communicates with us and cares about our study and life. She always encourages us to be confident and brave, to face difficulties and challenges, to pursue our dreams and goals. She also respects our opinions and suggestions, and listens to our feedback and complaints. She treats us as equals and friends, not as students and subordinates.Miss Li is not only a good friend, but also a good example. She works hard and diligently, always prepares lessons carefully and corrects homework timely. She keeps learning new things and improving herself. She is humble and modest, always willing to learn from others and admit her mistakes. She is kind and generous, always ready to help others and share her happiness. She is a person I admire and respect.I want to say thank you to Miss Li, my English teacher. I can never repay her kindness and dedication. She has taught me not only English, but also many valuable things in life. She has influenced me not only in study, but also in personality. She has given me not only knowledge, but also love. I will always remember her and cherish her.老师是我们的朋友,经常和我们谈心;老师是我们的长辈,关心我们的成长变化;老师是我们的引路人,在我们迷茫的时候,给我们指出前进的方向。我感谢我的老师们,因为他们给予了我们知识,让我们健康快乐地成长。在所有的老师中,我最感谢我的英语老师,李老师。她是一位年轻漂亮的老师,总是面带微笑,说话温柔。她热爱英语,用热情和耐心教导我们。她不仅教授我们英语的基础知识,还帮助我们提高听说读写的能力。她经常组织各种活动,让我们对英语产生兴趣,比如唱英文歌,看英文电影,玩英文游戏等等。李老师不仅是一位好老师,还是一位好朋友。她经常和我们沟通交流,关心我们的学习和生活。她总是鼓励我们要自信勇敢,要面对困难和挑战,要追求自己的梦想和目标。她也尊重我们的意见和建议,倾听我们的反馈和抱怨。她把我们当作平等和朋友,而不是学生和下属。李老师不仅是一位好朋友,还是一位好榜样。她工作努力勤奋,总是认真备课和及时批改作业。她不断学习新东西,提升自己。她谦虚谨慎,总是愿意向别人学习,承认自己的错误。她善良大方,总是乐于帮助别人,分享自己的快乐。她是我敬佩和尊敬的人。我想对李老师,我的英语老师说声谢谢。我永远无法报答她的恩情和奉献。她教会了我不仅是英语,还有生活中的许多宝贵的东西。她影响了我不仅是学习,还有性格。她给予了我不仅是知识,还有爱。我将永远记住她,珍惜她。


  2022年感恩节时间:11月24日,农历十一月初一,星期四。感恩节起源于马萨诸塞普利茅斯的早期移民,可以追溯到美国历史的发端。1620年,不堪忍受英国国内宗教迫害的清教徒到达美洲,在印第安人的帮助下,他们学会了怎样狩猎、捕鱼和种植玉米、南瓜。   感恩节前,美国大学很多社团会为外国学生专门组织感恩节晚餐,或者帮他们联系美国家庭一起度过感恩节。让这些身在异国他乡求学的学子们,感受浓烈的美国节日气氛,并更快融入到这一新环境里。同时,感恩节假期的开始就等同着“黑色星期五”购物狂欢的开始。如果不能选择回家,在这个时候选择去商场、超市“抢”购所需品,也是一个不错的假期体验。   感恩节的习俗有哪些    1.集体庆祝   初时感恩节没有固定日期,由各州临时决定,直到美国独立后,感恩节才成为全国性的节日。   每逢感恩节这一天,美国举国上下热闹非常,按照习俗前往教堂做感恩祈祷,城市乡镇到处都有化装游行、戏剧表演或体育比赛等。分别了一年的亲人们也会从天南海北归来,一家人团圆,品尝以“火鸡”为主的感恩节美食。    2.节日购物   感恩节购物已经成为了美国人的习俗。疯狂的购物月从感恩节的次日(星期五)开始,这一天即被称为BlackFriday(黑色星期五)。之所以叫这个名字,据说是因为周五这天一大早,所有人都要摸着黑冲到商场排队买便宜货,这种行为有个非常形象的说法,叫EarlyBird(早起的鸟儿)。    3.传统火鸡   美国人吃火鸡时多数是焖烤。通常是把火鸡肚子里塞上各种调料和拌好的食品,然后用烧烤袋包好,整只烤出。

为什么感恩节第二天叫做black Friday

提到Thanksgiving Day,美国人就会想到Black Friday(黑色星期五),也就是感恩节过后的星期五.这一天,不仅是感恩节后的血拼日,也是圣诞购物季的开始.美国人纷纷上街抢购圣诞礼物,即使平时赔钱的商家在这一天也会转亏为盈.据称,“黑色星期五”这种说法起源于上世纪60年代的美国费城.它用于描述感恩节过后的周五,购物者涌入城市的商业中心,导致交通拥堵,给交警和司机都带来不小麻烦的情形.之后,商家将这种说法引申至一年中的节日购物季,每年此时,他们的生意会进入盈利期.Black在这里代表的是财务状况进入佳境,记在帐本上的数字用黑色书写表示盈利,红色则表示亏损,所以才会有我们常用的“赤字”一说,而这里的business moves into the black自然就表示“生意好,有盈利”的意思了.不过用在别的地方,black的确有“黑暗不祥”的意思.美国历史上股市崩盘的灾难性的日子都是用black来形容的.比如1869年9月24日星期五,美国黄金市场大跌波及股市,人称Black Friday;还比如1929年10月29日的Black Tuesday,那一天,美国股价暴跌,国家从此陷入经济大萧条.




  2022年感恩节时间:11月24日,农历十一月初一,星期四。感恩节起源于马萨诸塞普利茅斯的早期移民,可以追溯到美国历史的发端。1620年,不堪忍受英国国内宗教迫害的清教徒到达美洲,在印第安人的帮助下,他们学会了怎样狩猎、捕鱼和种植玉米、南瓜。   感恩节前,美国大学很多社团会为外国学生专门组织感恩节晚餐,或者帮他们联系美国家庭一起度过感恩节。让这些身在异国他乡求学的学子们,感受浓烈的美国节日气氛,并更快融入到这一新环境里。同时,感恩节假期的开始就等同着“黑色星期五”购物狂欢的开始。如果不能选择回家,在这个时候选择去商场、超市“抢”购所需品,也是一个不错的假期体验。   感恩节的习俗有哪些    1.集体庆祝   初时感恩节没有固定日期,由各州临时决定,直到美国独立后,感恩节才成为全国性的节日。   每逢感恩节这一天,美国举国上下热闹非常,按照习俗前往教堂做感恩祈祷,城市乡镇到处都有化装游行、戏剧表演或体育比赛等。分别了一年的亲人们也会从天南海北归来,一家人团圆,品尝以“火鸡”为主的感恩节美食。    2.节日购物   感恩节购物已经成为了美国人的习俗。疯狂的购物月从感恩节的次日(星期五)开始,这一天即被称为BlackFriday(黑色星期五)。之所以叫这个名字,据说是因为周五这天一大早,所有人都要摸着黑冲到商场排队买便宜货,这种行为有个非常形象的说法,叫EarlyBird(早起的鸟儿)。    3.传统火鸡   美国人吃火鸡时多数是焖烤。通常是把火鸡肚子里塞上各种调料和拌好的食品,然后用烧烤袋包好,整只烤出。


提到ThanksgivingDay,美国人就会想到BlackFriday(黑色星期五),也就是感恩节过后的星期五。 这一天,不仅是感恩节后的血拼日,也是圣诞购物季的开始。 美国人纷纷上街抢购圣诞礼物,即使平时赔钱的商家在这一天也会转亏为盈。 据称,“黑色星期五”这种说法起源于上世纪60年代的美国费城。 它用于描述感恩节过后的周五,购物者涌入城市的商业中心,导致交通拥堵,给交警和司机都带来不小麻烦的情形。 之后,商家将这种说法引申至一年中的节日购物季,每年此时,他们的生意会进入盈利期。 Black在这里代表的是财务状况进入佳境,记在帐本上的数字用黑色书写表示盈利,红色则表示亏损,所以才会有我们常用的“赤字”一说,而这里的busines *** ovesintotheblack自然就表示“生意好,有盈利”的意思了。 不过用在别的地方,black的确有“黑暗不祥”的意思。 美国历史上股市崩盘的灾难性的日子都是用black来形容的。 比如1869年9月24日星期五,美国黄金市场大跌波及股市,人称BlackFriday;还比如1929年10月29日的BlackTuesday,那一天,美国股价暴跌,国家从此陷入经济大萧条。


   导语: 母校的生活绚丽多彩,她像雨后的天空,充满七色彩虹。那里有老师的热情关怀;那里有无忧无虑的生活;那里有同学温馨的.友爱;那里充满了成长的喜悦;那里有许多感恩往事。母校是我们生活的乐园,成长的摇篮。下面是我精心为大家整理的感恩母校英文手抄报,希望大家喜欢!   感恩母校英文手抄报    My Gratitude to My School   I graduated from school today, and recall these days spent here, gratitude overwhelms my heart.   From the first day I came into this school, a new and broad world is shown to me. I ever felt exciting, because it was the beginning of another kind of life style for me as a freshman. Excitation mixed with confusion, and the experience of going through this period gave me confidence to face up with stuff difficulties and stay optimistic at hard time, while keep my sanity when things go on well.   Now, I will step into a new field of life, It"s a little bit bitter to realize that I have left my school. I believe the real happy times will not dispear with time, At last, may my school more grant and excellent!My Gratitude to My School   I graduated from school today, and recall these days spent here, gratitude overwhelms my heart.   From the first day I came into this school, a new and broad world is shown to me. I ever felt exciting, because it was the beginning of another kind of life style for me as a freshman. Excitation mixed with confusion, and the experience of going through this period gave me confidence to face up with stuff difficulties and stay optimistic at hard time, while keep my sanity when things go on well.   Now, I will step into a new field of life, It"s a little bit bitter to realize that I have left my school. I believe the real happy times will not dispear with time, At last, may my school more grant and excellent!My Gratitude to My School   I graduated from school today, and recall these days spent here, gratitude overwhelms my heart.   From the first day I came into this school, a new and broad world is shown to me. I ever felt exciting, because it was the beginning of another kind of life style for me as a freshman. Excitation mixed with confusion, and the experience of going through this period gave me confidence to face up with stuff difficulties and stay optimistic at hard time, while keep my sanity when things go on well.   Now, I will step into a new field of life, It"s a little bit bitter to realize that I have left my school. I believe the real happy times will not dispear with time, At last, may my school more grant and excellent!    Thanksgiving alma mater   Three years ago, our childish innocence, full of hope into my school in, beg leave our own shining figure in this stage on; however, three years later, we have to cherish the heart and the alma mater of a perturbed farewell. If there are thousands and thousands of words I, it is difficult to give up v.. Ah, my alma mater, my dear alma mater, you teach me how to be a person, is you teach me knowledge, you are my life to ignite the flame, is you for me to point out the direction of advance. Today, I take pride in my alma mater, tomorrow, my alma mater is proud of me.   For three years, my alma mater for me to do a lot of. Now, the university entrance exam, went to the US for our alma mater. In this year"s college entrance examination, we will go all out, with the best results to return to his alma mater, Thanksgiving alma mater, for his alma mater to create brilliant.   Alma mater, you do not stop working, you are a steady stream of a large number of elite. Without you, without us today, without you, there would be no future for us. It is you that shaped us; we are you, and we are in the light of hope. Today, we have to say goodbye, but you will always be in our hearts, you will always be a light to illuminate our forward. No matter when and where, we will never forget, we are a people, we must for the prosperity of pay, for a vigorous efforts.   For three years, you have been watering us, let us the bud of the motherland. What will you do not, you can only hope we are happy, we hope to grow sturdily. Now, please allow us to use the remarkable college entrance exam results to be grateful, to return.   Hopefully, Thanksgiving Alma mater. Stroll in Huairen in a forest, what we see, we see the future, see......    Thanksgiving alma mater   Today is the one hundredth anniversary of our school. I do hope that our school grows stronger and strong . I will never forget the past happy days and the former teachers. Especially my maths teacher, Mr Li. He was very strict with us but very patient with us. Whenever we made mistakes ,he always tried his hard to explain to us and showed us how to correct them. He not only teached us maths but he also cared for us in many other aspects. So we think of him as one of our best friends. So today ,on such a special day , I would like to say :"Thank you,we will never forget you".
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