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感恩父母的英语作文 带翻译 谢谢

2023-07-20 10:34:16


Be Grateful to Our Parents

I consider my parents as the most important people in my life. This is not because they re wealthy or famous. Rather, what I value about most is the care and love they show to me.


My parents might work hard, but they re always there for me. Whenever I get into trouble and desperately need a hand, they come over first to support me and encourage me. I grew up with their constant care and love. While they re getting older with grey hair and wrinkles, they never lose dignity in both life and jobs.


From my parents, I have learned that one person can really make a difference. I ll never forget their care and love. Gratefulness brings a great fullness to life. I wish they could always be happy and healthy. It is high time we expressed our gratitude to people we cherish!



Thanksgiving parents, filial piety parents is the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. The ancients cloud: "who play inch grass heart, reported to the three inches across?" Parents give us life, gave us a good living environment.

孝顺父母感恩父母,是中华民族的传统美德 。古人云:“谁演寸草心,报的三寸晖?”父母赐给了我们生命,赐给了我们良好的生活环境

My parents are very painful, I remember a stormy night, bean big rain to smash the window cracked. At that night, I suddenly shook to whole body after wake up the sleeping mother, a mother took out a thermometer, 39 degrees. At this point it out, hurriedly wake up dad, dad went to the kitchen for fever and water, and after I take, then lying in bed, absently fell asleep. When I woke up, opened his eyes and found parents still beside me watching, there is a kind of say a feeling in my heart. I really thank my parents very much.


Drips of tu, when yongquan, the world"s largest kindness, is the parents" support. Is worth we use to cherish life, with a sincere heart to appreciate, with practical action to gratitude.



we all know ,our health and skin is from parents.since us get to the word ,we had began receive care about and attend ,which from,we should owe our parents.To thanksgive their care and concern for our.Parents devoted their all life to care childrens , Hard every day to earn money on the outside is to be able to give their children a better life so that early white head.As the saying goes, Nothing is as touching as parents" love; parents" love is universal and selfless.Therfore,we re should more thanksgiving our parentsfor ttheir devote.我们都知道,我们的身体发肤受之于父母。自我们来到这个世界,我们就不断接受来自父母的甘心和照顾。所以我们要感恩父母,感恩他们对我们的照顾与关心。父母一生都在为子女操劳,每天在外面辛苦挣钱都是为了能够给自己的孩子更好的生活以至于早早白了头。常言道;可怜天下父母心。所以,我们更应该感恩父母。感恩他们为我们发出的所有。


Parents like the son in my life.They raised me up and taught me how to eat,run and smile.I will never forget my father took me to hospital when i was ill and will never forget that night my mother asked me faced the difficulty in the life by smile.All in all,my parent give me all that i have.

So i will take my duty as a son.I will work hard to be successful.





Last week our music teacher taught us a song, named Indebted Heart. Through it I know that we should live with a thankful heart. At that time, I think of my parents. I think they are the first people I should thank. It"s them who give me life. It"s them who give me home. It"s them who bring me up. It"s them who look after me. It"s them who teach me knowledge and live happily. I should thank my parents giving me so much. Maybe I should think how to pay back the love my parents give me. But now I think the best way to be appreciated of my parents is to study well and then being a useful person to the society when I grow up.





earn money是什么意思

2023-07-20 05:39:053


work hard and make money hard
2023-07-20 05:39:154


赢得,取得,赚得earn money 赚钱 earn a living 谋生;活命 earn interest 赚取利息
2023-07-20 05:39:456


She earns 5 times as much money as mine.
2023-07-20 05:40:092


make money
2023-07-20 05:40:199

求英语作文,怎么赚钱how do you earn money

2023-07-20 05:40:383

his plan was to earn money为什么用to?

2023-07-20 05:40:577

earn money for sb,和 earn sb money,是一样的意思?

earn money for sb为某人赚钱A man has a duty to earn money for his family. 男人有挣钱养家的责任earn sb money,没有见过这种用法
2023-07-20 05:41:113

英语 how hard it is to earn money 的句子成分是怎样的

2023-07-20 05:41:222


2023-07-20 05:41:373

短文改错 最好翻译一下
2023-07-20 05:41:487

efforts to earn money, serious life!翻译成汉语是什么意思?!

efforts to earn money, serious life!努力赚钱,认真生活!
2023-07-20 05:42:043


  零花钱:家长每月给孩子自己支配的钱,或多或少,有的根据孩子表现而定。有的则是定期发给孩子(每周、每月或者每隔几天)。那么,你知道零花钱的英文怎么写吗?   零花钱的英文释义:   pin money   零花钱的英文例句:   我想我可以说服父亲增加我的零花钱。   I think I can coax Father into increasing my pocket money.   他们会准备一些糖果和零花钱。   They would offer sweets or money.   给他们些零花钱,让他带着他的弟妹们去买些冷饮。   Give them some money to take their younger siblings out for ice cream. 零花钱用英语怎么写   她靠在家打字赚点零花钱。   She earns pin money by typing at home.   她靠在家打字赚点零花钱。   She earns her porket money by means of typewriting at home.   让你的孩子将每周零花钱的一部分给那些贫困的孩子。   Require your kids to give part of a weekly allowance to needy children.   你存够零花钱去电影院看电影了吗?   Have you saved enough pocket money to go to the cinema?   这样他们能赚上几个零花钱。   In this way they can earn some pocket money.   你们怎样花零花钱的?   How do you spend your pocket money?   过去我将零花钱花在衣服和零食上。   I used to spend money on clothes and snacks.   现在她计划把这些钱作为买糖果的长期预算,同时用节省下来的零花钱购买生日礼物,展示给她的资助人。   She now plans to keep this money as an ongoing sweeties budget while buyingbirthday presents from her saved pocket money to show her benefactors.   从那时起每三个月,我会在他们的帐户里存入他们的零花钱。在他们长大后,这笔存款里也包括了他们的服装津贴。   Every three months since then, I have deposited pocket money for them in theirsavings accounts and, as they have grown older, their clothing allowance as   让你的孩子将每周零花钱的一部分给那些贫困的孩子。   Require your kids to give part of a weekly allowance to needy children.   我认识的一对夫妻给他们的孩子一个星期九美元的零花钱。 数字跟孩子的年龄一样,一岁一美元。   One couple I know gives their child a weekly allowance of nine dollars, one dollarfor each year of his age.   要求孩子将部分零花钱存起来还可以开启孩子们未来储蓄和投资的大门。   Requiring children to save part of their allowance can also open the door to futuresaving and investing.   零花钱给孩子提供一个机会来体验用钱可以做什么事情。   Allowances give children a chance to experience the things they can do with money.   我想为奥运会做点什么,于是我开始将自己的所有零花钱攒起来。   I want to do something for the Games. So I begin to save all my pocket money.   他说到他的四年级老师留下他用糖果和零花钱激励他学习。   He says his fourthgrade teacher saved him as a student by bribing him withmoney and candy.   不要忘了给你自己一些零花钱去好好享受。   Do not forget to give yourself an allowance for things you enjoy.   我们把所有的零花钱都花在电脑游戏和CD上了。   We spend all our pocket money on computer games and CDs.   我们看到美国的孩子们愿意与非洲那些未见过面而且永远也不会相识的孩子分享自己的零花钱。   We see children in America willing to share their allowance money with theirunseen neighbours in Africa, neighbours they will never know.   通常建议父母直到下次给(孩子)零花钱前,不要给再给孩子钱。   Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until the next allowance.   “ 儿童 储蓄网”创办人斯彭金博士也认为:“当父母双方都在上班,孩子完全应该做家务来赚零花钱。”   "When both parents are working there is no reason why children should not earnmoney by doing work around the house, " she said.   在给孩子们零花钱的时候,以一种可以鼓励攒钱的方式给予。   When giving children an allowance, give them the money in denominations thatencourage saving.   也许你的老板,假如你有一份工作的话,会跟你解释为什么你的工资低一点,毕竟,你可能只是出来赚点零花钱而已。   That your boss, if you had a job, could explain that he was paying you lessbecause, after all, you were probably working just for pocket money.   英国西北部地区孩子每周的零花钱较去年下降得最多,降幅35%,跌至7.25英镑。   Children from the North-West have lost out most, with their weekly money down 35 per cent to ?7.25.   这种精神体现在路易斯安那州一个8岁男孩的身上,他刚把他的零花钱寄给我,问我能否把这些钱转交给海地人民。   We are American." It lives on in the 8-year-old boy in Louisiana, who just sent mehis allowance and asked if I would give it to the people of Haiti.   伦敦本地孩子每周的零花钱最多,平均为11.71英镑,而在2005年为10.22英镑。   Children in London received the most money, at ?11.71 a week - up from ?10.22in 2005.   父子俩将儿子熟悉的花销都列在统计图上,包括他每周的零花钱(1.25美元),乐高玩具组合(20美元)还有全家人一起去吃寿司(60美元)。   The two sat down and sketched out some things the boy was familiar with,including one weeku2019s allowance ($1.25), a Lego set ($20) and sushi for the family($60).   护士出身的她把大部分的业余时间及零花钱都花在了登山探险中。   While working as a nurse for years, she spent all of her spare time and money onclimbing expeditions.
2023-07-20 05:42:221


"earn" 读音为 /u025cu02d0rn/,是一个常用的英语动词,意思是“赚取、挣得”,通常指通过工作、努力或投资等方式获得报酬或利润。以下是一些使用 "earn" 的例句:He earns a good salary at his new job.(他在新工作中挣得很好的薪水。)She has worked hard to earn her degree.(她为了获得学位而努力学习。)They hope to earn a profit from their investment.(他们希望从投资中获得利润。)You can earn extra money by doing freelance work on the weekends.(你可以在周末做自由职业者赚取额外的收入。)在使用时,"earn" 可以和不同的名词或介词搭配使用,如 "earn money"(赚钱)、"earn a living"(谋生)、"earn respect"(赢得尊重)等。总之,"earn" 是一个表示“赚取、挣得”的英语动词,可以用于不同的场合和语境中,常用于描述获得经济利益、荣誉和成就等情况。
2023-07-20 05:42:291


earn money creat a new produce how much is this car ___two hundred thousands provid some food be on a business tripthere is a notice on the wall
2023-07-20 05:42:535

The higher income tax is harmful ____ it may discourage people from trying to earn money.

选B更高的收入税是有害的,因为它会阻碍人们去挣钱。in that 表示因为
2023-07-20 05:43:093

she does not work hard because she wants to earn money.怎么翻译?

你好。在英语中有这个结构 not - - - - - because- - - - - 不是 --- - 才 -- - - 例句:He doesn"t work in Shanghai because he likes this city. He works here because his girl-friend lives here.-------他不是因为喜欢上海才在这个城市工作。他在这里工作是因为他的女友在这里生活。
2023-07-20 05:43:186

we work and earn money for food.谚语意思

2023-07-20 05:43:352

The higher income tax is harmful ____ it may discourage people from trying to earn money.

in that行为,由于=becauseso that表示目的,你可以这样翻译,便于理解:过高的收税对人们有害目的是/以便挫败人们想赚钱的积极性。所以选A不对。in that因为
2023-07-20 05:43:443

to earn money for college 翻译中文

be going to do sth,表示有打算,有安排地要去做某事, will do sth .表示临时起意要去做某事, 从后文意思来看,挣钱读书是有打算的,选择第一个要好些.
2023-07-20 05:43:511


2023-07-20 05:44:004


2023-07-20 05:45:161


2023-07-20 05:45:241

earn money 与collect money 与gain money的区别

2023-07-20 05:45:323

跪求英语作文 how do you earn money (怎么赚钱)

With the development of the society,there are more and more oppotulity for us to find a job.However,before so many chances,which one will you choose to earn money? For the majority of people especialy the farmers from the countryside,what they usully do is to find a factory in the south area, sign an agreement and work for their employee with money paid every month.But for us students,I think the best way to earn money is work as a tutor which is the easiest way.During the teaching,we can not only make monery,but also go over what we have learned.By doing this,we can accumulate experience which can be used in our study..... 译文:随着社会的发展,我们找到工作的几率越来越大,在如此多的机遇面前,你会选择哪一种方式来赚钱呢? 对于大多数人来说,尤其是那些来自农村的农民,他们通常是在南边地区找到一个工厂,然后签订合同在那里工作,每月领取工资。当时对于我们学生,我认为最好的方法就是做家教,在教学生的过程中,我们不仅能有一笔收入,而且更能复习我们学过的知识。通过做家教,我们能积累下今后能在学习上用到的经验....
2023-07-20 05:45:391

how to earn money,geys

请参考:With the development of the society,there are more and more oppotulity for us to find a job.However,before so many chances,which one will you choose to earn money? For the majority of people especialy the farmers from the countryside,what they usully do is to find a factory in the south area, sign an agreement and work for their employee with money paid every month.But for us students,I think the best way to earn money is work as a tutor which is the easiest way.During the teaching,we can not only make monery,but also go over what we have learned.By doing this,we can accumulate experience which can be used in our study..... 译文:随着社会的发展,我们找到工作的几率越来越大,在如此多的机遇面前,你会选择哪一种方式来赚钱呢? 对于大多数人来说,尤其是那些来自农村的农民,他们通常是在南边地区找到一个工厂,然后签订合同在那里工作,每月领取工资。当时对于我们学生,我认为最好的方法就是做家教,在教学生的过程中,我们不仅能有一笔收入,而且更能复习我们学过的知识。通过做家教,我们能积累下今后能在学习上用到的经验....纠正下:geys不对,应该是guys
2023-07-20 05:45:471


I need to earn money
2023-07-20 05:45:555


2023-07-20 05:46:314

how to earn money?

It all depends on you.By working hard. 很高兴为你解答! 多谢你的问题!
2023-07-20 05:46:381


Gxsdcgtdc ffugv for hddxh school unnecessarily excited
2023-07-20 05:46:475


google了一个,For me the two most important things in life are health and happiness. These are two things which money can not buy. A few years ago, my dad was taken ill. He was in a real bad way and had to spend around five months in hospital. Him being ill was a huge shock to me as he was only fifty-seven. I feared the worst, even though I was trying my hardest to think and stay positive. I remember thinking, if I gave those doctors everything I own in the world, it still would not help him. I felt powerless and at that moment realised that money is only paper.Happiness is the same, I remember at the age of twenty-one having lots of money and had been surprised that I was depressed at the same time. At other times I have had next to no money and have been extremely happy.
2023-07-20 05:47:032

He _____ another career but, at the time, he just wanted to earn money to study abroad.

【答案】:A句意:他本可以选择另一种职业,但那时候他只想为出国学习而赚钱。might/would/could + have done的意思是“本来可以做而没有做,或本来应该做而没有做。”
2023-07-20 05:47:101

He _____ another career but, at the time, he just wanted to earn money to study abroad.

【答案】:A句意:他本可以选择另一种职业,但那时候他只想为出国学习而赚钱。might/would/could + have done的意思是“本来可以做而没有做,或本来应该做而没有做。”
2023-07-20 05:47:171


1.Let us have a party in the garden.2.Finally she felt much better.3.Due to the bad weather, the train was late again.4.I won"t be a doctor without your help.5.He laughed when he heard this news.6.He works hard to earn money to support the family.7.How could we finish the task within three days?8.We need that dictionary to translate this book.9.She has been my friend for five years.10.He went to that country to learn the language and culture there.
2023-07-20 05:47:276

a way to earn money中不定式表什么样

2023-07-20 05:47:421

英语辩论 money is everything反方一辩陈词

money may be so important but it is not everything. Something like true love, pure friendship and happiness could not be purchased by money.
2023-07-20 05:47:523

英语作文 零花钱的好处与坏处

Ought Parents to Give Children Pocket Money ?We live in a commercial society. Everything that we use is merchandise. In the commercial world the media is money.Therefore, money is very important to us. Earning money and spending money are big problems not only to the adults but also to the kids.Kids have a long way to go in their lives. What they will be depend on the influence that they get before the age of 20.We must give them positive influence during their childhood.We should give a kid a little money when he is 9 years old. For instance, we can give a kid 10 yuan every month, and ask him to write us a report on how he uses the money. This can give him a right idea of how he should use the money.We also should give the kids some chances to earn money,by which means we can show them that earning money is not easy, and they should spend the money carefully.The most important point is that we must tell the kids that money is not everything in our lives. There are lots of things that we can not buy with money, such as health and love.Consequently, the best we could do to provide the kids with a correct understanding of money is let them approach money closely. We should give a little money to the kids and tell them what money is at all.
2023-07-20 05:48:111


Nobody says "No" to money! It"s affirmative that everyone wants to earn money so as to maintain his/her livelihood. So to speak,one can not survive without money.For this reason,there"s a critical proverb,saying:"Money doesn"t mean anything but without which we can do nothing". In a word,it seems that money is more desirable than anything else. Generally,there are two perspectives upon money.One takes money as the source of happiness,while the other considers it is the root of all evil. However,personally speaking,what will money be depends on its owners.On one hand, one maybe satisfy himself/herself after donating his/her money to charity which makes money the source of happiness;On the other hand,if one"s enormous greediness on money never ends,or he/she takes money more serious than his life,in this case,money will be the undoubted root of all evil. Hereby,we youngsters should form positive habits of spending money to benifit from it and avoid its negative impacts!
2023-07-20 05:48:191


earn/ make money 赚钱 save money 省钱 borrow/ lend money 借钱 give money 给钱
2023-07-20 05:48:251


一、详细释义:adj.足够的,充足的例句:They had enough cash for a one-way ticket.他们有足够的钱买单程票。例句:I haven"t enough time for reading.我没有足够的时间读书。例句:You need enough rest.你需要充足的休息。够多的,受够了的例句:I"ve had enough problems with the police, I don"t need this.警察那边已经够我烦的了,我可不要惹这麻烦。例句:Would you shut up, please! I"m having enough trouble with these children!请你闭嘴!这些孩子已经够我烦的了。adv.很,十分例句:The rest of the evening passed pleasantly enough.晚上剩余的时间过得十分愉快。例句:This piece of grund is flat enough.这块地相当平。 足够地,充足地例句:I regret to say I am not prepared well enough for the new post.很遗憾地说,我还没有为新的职位作好充分的准备。例句:I was old enough to work and earn money.我到了可以工作、挣钱的年龄了。说来奇怪,说起来有趣例句:Strangely enough, the last thing he thought of was his beloved Tanya.说来也怪,他最后想到的才是他心爱的塔尼娅。例句:Her latest conquest is an Italian who, interestingly enough, doesn"t speak a word of his native language.她新搭上了个意大利人。有意思的是,那个意大利人一句意大利语都不会说。pron.足够,充分例句:I"m afraid I"ve eaten more than enough.我怕我是吃得过多了。例句:Although the UK says efforts are being made, they are not doing enough.虽然英国方面说正在努力,但是他们做得并不够。够了,受够了例句:I"ve had enough of that.我真受够了。例句:I met him only the once, and that was enough.我就见过他那一次,那就让我受够了。二、词义辨析:adequate,enough,sufficient这些形容词均含“足够的,充足的”之意。adequate指数量上足够,质量上适当。enough最普通用词,口语、书面语可用,较侧重分量或数量的足够,多指希望的满足。sufficient正式用词,侧重数目或数量或程度达到某一特定要求或需要。三、相关短语:sure enoughad.1.果然四、参考例句:Enough is enough!闹够了!You need enough rest.你需要充足的休息。Light enough to read.可以看书的亮度。Not embarrassing enough不够难为情吗?Do you have enough cash?你的现金够吗?They have attained enough skills.他们已经获得了足够的技能。Can they produce enough burgers?他们能生产出足够的肉饼吗?Having enough capital is essential.拥有足够的资金是必需的。Two minutes is enough time.两分钟就足够了。Do you have enough credit?你有足够的学分吗?
2023-07-20 05:48:321

earn time还是gain time

earn着重强调通过工作,劳动获取的收入或者报酬;gain则侧重于通过辛苦的付出而得到的回报,包括物质和精神。eg:As a good businessman, you should earn what you can get. No pain , no gain.
2023-07-20 05:48:401


2023-07-20 05:48:472


1."an eye finds more truth than two ears" means that by our eyes we can get nearer to the truth than by our ears.When we see something, we can know what right it is,but what we hear maybe rumors,which may be changed when it"s spread. 4.This sentence is about time arrangement.It suggest us to focus on what we should do at the right time and by this we can be efficient no matter at work or after work.Moreover,we will have a joyful and pleasant life. 6.This sentence is emphasizing the importance of confidence and belief.It is faith that we need to have as an foundation to overcome any difficulties. 8.This sentence tells us that doubt can lead to wisdom.That means that if we think more about everything around us and always ask why,we will be intelligent. 9.A good start is half of the success.So if we have a good beginning at any tasks we meet,we can finish them seccessfully. 10.Learning is never unnecessary.No matter how old you are,you should learn and you are able to learn. 11.This sentence criticize the people who is lazy.A lazy people won"t make big progress and all his life he should depend on others,such as a beggar. 12.This sentence states that health is more important than wealth.Because a health person can earn money,but a wealth person can not buy health. 14.This sentence tells us a person should be diligent.Once you worked hard,you will receive success. 15.This sentence tells us do not judge things by its appearance.Judging person is the same.We should judge a person by his characters rather than his face.
2023-07-20 05:49:073


1. 我想当一名医生的英文作文怎么写,要不少于150字 When I first read an article written by Chairman Mao, I knew a great doctor named Bethune. I"ve made up my mind to be a doctor ever since I realized how important a doctor"s job is. In the dictionary, doctor means a person who has been trained in medical science and who treats people that are ill. But I don"t think that is quite correct. In my opinion, a doctor is an angel who brings patients from illness to happiness and gives the hope to the patients to live on. Doctor himself is the most effective medicine to a patient. I used to get sick in my childhood, so I had to go to see the doctor frequently. Every time I saw a *** ile on the doctors face, I felt safe and warm. It seemed that the doctor was the only person that the pain should be afraid of. And at very beginning, I thought I should do something in return for the doctor"s unselfish help. Of course, the best way is to be a doctor. To be a doctor, I know, is not easy for everyone. It requires a kind heart and a difficult process of learning. But I have the faith to realize my dream and overe all the difficulties I have to face. For me, I"ll treat every barrier on my way as a step of a ladder through which I can achieve success. At last, there is one thing for sure that it"s my honor to join in the glorious team of doctors and devote my whole life to helping others. 当我第一次读过一篇文章,毛主席写的,我知道一个优秀的医生名叫白求恩。我已经下定决心成为一名医生,自从我意识到重要的是医生的工作。 词典中,医生意味着一个人受过训练的医疗科学和把人认为是病了。但我不认为那是相当正确。在我看来,医生是一位天使从疾病患者带来幸福,并给了病人生活希望。医生自己是病人最有效的药物。 我过去在童年时生病了,所以我不得不去看频繁医生。每当我看到医师微笑的脸,感到安全,温暖。似乎医生唯一担心痛苦的人。在一开始的时候,我想我应该做些什麽来回报医生的无私的帮助。当然,最好的方法就是成为一名医生。 成为一名医生,我知道并不是一件容易的事为每个人准备的。它需要一颗善良的心,一个艰难的学习的过程。但我有信心实现我的梦想和克服所有的困难我必须面对。对我来说,我会对待每一个障碍从我这里到的一个台阶从梯子上会获得成功。 最后,有一件事清楚地知道,我很荣幸能参加光荣的医生们组成的团队,把我的一生致力于帮助别人。 2. 成为一名医生应该怎么做英语作文 How to be a good doctor? A good doctor will seldom treat bad with patients.They did good job.They never misread the illness.They put resuce person from death above all things. To be a good doctor need a long way to go.Fisrt you should have the education background of MCAT.To finish this kind of study mostly need 5-8years.Then pass through the exam of license of doctor.Get the license you can work as a doctor.But to be a good doctor should to more than that.You need practices.More and more,with the experience acumulation maybe you can bee a good doctor. 3. 我想当一名医生的英文作文怎么写,要不少 Yesterday, we had a discussion. The topic is. What is my dream? Every one has his dream. Some want to be teachers,others want to be scientists. My dream is to bee a doctor. My friends asked me why. I told them my story. When I was a *** all boy I was very weak. Once I was terribly iii. I had a high fever. My parents sent me to the hospital but the doctors could do nothing for me. Then my parents heard there was a very good doctor in another town. They took me there. I was saved. A good doctor can save people" s lives. From then on I decided to bee a doctor. I know it is not easy to be a doctor.But I am determined to study hard. I am sure my dream will e true. 4. 写一篇英语作文《我想当一名医生》80词左右,初三英语水平,附上中 I want to be a doctor I had a dream that one day I could be a excellent doctor .I could solve the difficult problems .As far as I am concerned that a doctor is holy and sympathy .They make people far away from diseases and suffering . When I was a child ,I heard many news that doctors brought many people back to lives ,I totally admired and appreciated that .I told myself that one day I should be such a docter to cure people ,to save people "s lives . one the other hand ,I am really fond of medicine ,I like recognizing the difference of different medicines ,that is interesting .I also think that our body is amazing and magic . I will try my best to make my dream e true ! 我想成为一名医生 我有一个梦想,我希望有天我可以成为一名优秀的医生。我可以解决很多难题。我认为医生非常神圣,非常仁慈。他们游走在病人之间为他们解除疾病和痛苦。 当我还小时,我经常看到很多新闻,医生又挽救了人们的生命,我非常的欣赏和敬佩,我告诉自己,有天我也要成为一名这样的医生,拯救人们于危难! 另外,我也非常喜欢医学,我喜欢区分不同药物的不同之处,非常有趣。我也觉得人们的身体也e68a84e799bee5baa631333332613063是非常的奇妙的! 我一定会努力是我的梦想成为现实的! 5. 英语作文——mydreamisdoctor 我是一个平凡的人,我有一个平凡的梦想:做一名医生.因为医生可以让那些身受病痛折磨的人摆脱痛苦.可以让人变得健康.同时,我认为,帮助了别人,自己也将会得到快乐.所以,我希望未来我可以做一个医生.I am an ordinary person, I have an ordinary dream: Is a doctor. Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain. May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore, I hoped future I might be a doctor.这个可能简单了一些,希望可以符合你的标准.祝天天快乐。 6. 谁帮我写一下英文的作文.英文题目是 Nowadays many doctors bee very rich.i think it is not pletely wrong for doctors to focus on profitable medical practices.In my opinion,doctors are those who heal the patients,it"s their duty to cure people.So they shouldn"t treat the patients just for profits.They should do their jobs with their hearts.However,i have to admit that everyone lives for himself.We should earn money to live better in the world.So we have to regard a doctor as a job,and we have to agree to the point that doctors focus on the profits in a way.Even so,they shonldn"t pay too much attention to the profits.Money sometimes can worsen a person"s soul.If doctors" desire to earn money is too strong,they will ignore the importance of treating patients and the duty of a doctor.Some doctors such as plastic surgery maybe think a lot of the profits of their job.That is not so good ,because it will have a bad effect on their patients.Those people are suffering from lack of medical attention.This situation will also have a seriously bad effect on the society.People won"t trust in the doctors and the hospitals as before.Maybe it"s a society disaster.Credibility is very important for a doctor or a hospital.To conclude,doctors should pay more attention to medical care rather than profits.They should know that without people"s reputation,they can"t acquire any profits.。 7. 我愿意做医生的英语作文 I hope I can bee a doctor in the future.I was born in a doctor"s family.My parents are both doctors.They are always busy working for patients" health and have no time to look after me.They saved many people"s lives during their work.The doctor is called "Angles in White".Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain. May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore,i wish to be a doctor like my parents.I hoped future I might be a doctor. 我希望未来的我能够成为一名医生.我出生在一个医生世家.我的父母都是医生.他们经常忙于照顾自己的病人,没有时间来照顾我.在他们工作期间,他们挽救了许多人的生命.医生被人们称为"白衣天使".因为医生可以让那些身受病痛折磨的人摆脱痛苦.可以让人变得健康.同时,我认为,帮助了别人,自己也将会得到快乐.所以,我希望自己成为像父母一样的医生,我希望未来我可以做一个医生. 8. 回到古代想做医生 英语作文 If I can get to the ancient times I want to be a doctor.Beacuse so many people died as a result medical science fall behind.I would use my knowledge to help people who get ill.I think doctor is one of the greatest jobs.And it also is a sacred job.The doctor keep the people from illness,but only get a little money from people who is helped.Everyone should have a happy life ,so I cann"t stand the disease break out.I would help people by set down a hospital.The poor also can be cured in my hospital so that everybody can live happyly in the world. 不好意思,我只能写这么多了。 9. 英语作文《我想成为一名 医生 》 When I first read an article written by Chairman Mao, I knew a great doctor named Bethune. I"ve made up my mind to be a doctor ever since I realized how important a doctor"s job is.In the dictionary, doctor means a person who has been trained in medical science and who treats people that are ill. But I don"t think that is quite correct. In my opinion, a doctor is an angel who brings patients from illness to happiness and gives the hope to the patients to live on. Doctor himself is the most effective medicine to a patient.I used to get sick in my childhood, so I had to go to see the doctor frequently. Every time I saw a *** ile on the doctors face, I felt safe and warm. It seemed that the doctor was the only person that the pain should be afraid of. And at very beginning, I thought I should do something in return for the doctor"s unselfish help. Of course, the best way is to be a doctor.To be a doctor, I know, is not easy for everyone. It requires a kind heart and a difficult process of learning. But I have the faith to realize my dream and overe all the difficulties I have to face. For me, I"ll treat every barrier on my way as a step of a ladder through which I can achieve success.At last, there is one thing for sure that it"s my honor to join in the glorious team of doctors and devote my whole life to helping others.。
2023-07-20 05:49:161


2023-07-20 05:49:362


It is the day that the families get together. The spring festival is usually in the February ,sometimes in January.In the spring festival,every family all paste the lucky inscriptions,they fire the cracker,they eat the dumplings.The day before the new year"s first day is the new year"s eve,same as the christmas eve,all the families get together to have the new year"s dinner,wish each other,talk about the wishes about the new year.Small children will receive the money given to them as a lunar new year gift.
2023-07-20 05:49:463


1.我已经很长时间没有见过安了,我几乎忘了她长什么模样了。 2.你必须做出一个选择,你是打算离职还是继续留下工作? 3.在事故中尽管司机受伤很厉害,但他还能打出电话。 4.世界上的很多城市,已经没有更多的空间向外延展,纽约就是个例子。 5.我们去花园走走吧。 好主意,但我要洗涤餐具。 6.每个人都坐下后,还多出了一些椅子 7.电话铃响了,可是当我刚跑进房子,它就停了。 8. 在美国,总有一群人蜂拥到一些能找到更多工作的地方。 9. 虽然这样相处是看似简单的任务,但还是需要关注。 10. 虽然这任务可能看似简单,但还是需要特别的关注 11.官员相信物价不会再上涨另一个百分之四. 12.在有的地方妇女出去赚钱,而男人呆在家里并且照顾孩子。 13.你可以带我去杰佛先生的办公室吗? 当然,但我不知道此刻他在不在。 14.在等待实验结果的过程中,我们度过焦虑不安的几周。 15.咳嗽通常用不着担心,除非咳嗽持续十天或更长时间。
2023-07-20 05:49:565

second sale 什么意思!具体解释一下,别瞎说,懂得进,不是二手。

2023-07-20 05:50:144

求两篇英语作文!!!急 !!!有加分哦 !

1.To Leave or Stay—— Choice after GraduationWhat do you want to do after graduation from university, looking for job or further study? Everyone has its opinion and I think their decision for some reasons below:Some students would rather step into society for work than stay for further study. Some of them are tiring of study, in addition to gaining more experience, they have oblige to earning money to support their family, they are independent. Some of them for the reason that their family fail to afford to the tuition for further study, and perhaps they have to earn money for the sake of pay back the money borrowed from the bank.Some want to stay for further study instead of looking for jobs. First, they are capable to pay the tuition, they do have energy and time to learn more knowledge; Second, they plan to get higher degree for better competition and better jobs, as it is known to all that nowadays higher degree means more opportunity to get a better job. Third, fierce competition cause employee section are prone to the job seekers with higher degree, so it is!To sum up, that so many college students continue to go for further study after graduation is not a simple phenomenon, it proves that the oriented function of society has a profound effect to our students, so we should have the ability of judgement.2.In modern societies, it is increasingly popular that young people volunteer on weekends in the local community service center to help the people in need. If all the youngsters do it in a regular way, the benefits are obvious to both the community and these young adults.It can be argued that the advantages of doing unpaid community service are enormous. Indeed, when an old person feels sick, the volunteers could offer first aid before the doctor or the ambulance arrives. Moreover, as far as the young people are concerned, they could develop the sense of responsibility, independence as well as interpersonal skills in the process of helping others in the neighborhood. In this way, people may live in harmony in the community.College students" participating in teaching children in rural areas, in helping the old in geracomium and in other activities will not only take care of those people in need of help, but also bring hope and warmth to them. Besides, large-scale volunteer activities, such as the Olympic Games, can exercise the volunteers themselves, and what"s more, can show present university student"s elegant demeanor.Be a university student, I will keep it in my heart that I"m a volunteer and fill myself with a strong will of devotion.
2023-07-20 05:50:321

what is the general attitude toward wealth in our society

你说什么是一般态度往在我们的社会的财富 是什么意思 你的语法没问题吧
2023-07-20 05:50:413