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姓名: P.N 峰仓和也(MINEKURA KAZUYA) 从公墓和石头工地方的招牌取得的名字生日: 3月23日(与黑泽明导演相同)出生地: 神奈川县血型: A(典型的日本人)性别: 女(强调)属性: 章鱼烧(关东风味的)视力: 两眼2.0以上(好得不得了)移动速度: 慢(跟骨折的乌龟差不多)兴趣:……出乎意外没有风趣…如果强迫说,喜欢的曲子以大音量一边听一边精神恍惚的抽烟熬夜的时候非常幸福喜欢的饮料:生啤酒,咖啡,糙米茶(工作中是捧持茶)喜欢的食物:酒和八字儿的合适的食物全部(尤其动物内脏.美味)山葵,芥末,姜等调味料 野菜 鱼贝类,甲壳类,焼肉,鲜肉……全部啊讨厌的食物:棉花糖/マシュマロ 牛奶蛋糊 糖…也就是说甜食以外的东西什么都行座右铭: 想吃那样东西的时候,就是那样东西最好吃的时候!喜欢的东西:香烟(CABIN Super Mild) 啤酒(麒麟 一番绞) 〔CABIN 超级的 myrudo〕1日2 ̄3盒)作品:漫画:《最游记》、《私立荒矶高等学校生徒会执行部》、《STIGMA兽之烙印》 、《WILD ADAPTER》 、《BUS GAMER-AAA》 、《最游记外传》 等小说:《最游记 华焰残梦》,《最游记 镜花水月》,《最游记 螺旋历》(作者:圣)


美柴鸨(Mishiba Toki),生于1979年2月14日,静冈县。B型血。身高:168cm,体重:54kg。独自一人在东京居住,就读设计学院。在新宿二丁目某酒吧(似乎有GAY吧的性质)内打工。合气道道场长大、格斗很强,剑道初段、空手道2段、合气道4段,其他多项的格斗技能都有段数。喜爱鲑鱼。通常面无表情。有一和自己性格相反的弟弟,名字是美柴鴫。鸨曾这样评价自己和鴫:我是背影而生的话,鴫是向阳而生。鴫开朗喜欢交际,人见人爱。但是我则偏向于忧郁,不热衷于交际。正因如此,鴫的孤独和寂寞只有我能了解。鴫是这世上我独一无二的另一半。除了鴫,鸨不曾相信任何人。三年前他的家人全部失踪。(包括经营一家道场的父母和孪生弟弟鴫。)从那天起他用所有的时间去打工挣钱。 具体原因不明。只不过,希望能大捞一笔这事似乎的确属实。 中条伸人(Nakajyo Nobuto),生于1977年3月23日千叶县。A型血。身高:183cm,体重:72kg。22岁(被齐藤说成看上去有28、29),在AAA中年纪最大,是AAA的军师。居住于东京都内。小学读的是直升式小学。独自一人生活。就读青山大学医学部大学生。身材高,并且健硕,有自信也很酷,是好男人。一个人生活在公寓,身边时常有女人的身影,但却并无固定的对象。现实主义者。强大,适应打架,与其说在格斗不如说是使用暴力。也因此被人说“这种人怎么能继承中条家”云云。最爱酒和烟,抽的烟是红盒CABIN。现在的工作:将棋教室的讲师、警卫、体力劳动派。 齐藤一雄(Saito Kazuo),出生于1982年7月18 日O型血,东京。身高:181cm,体重:72kg。17岁,高中生,三人中最为年少之人。兴趣是航模和TV GAME。爱吃汉堡牛肉饼和意大利面。在当地·狛江的便利店里打工。是普通少年,一岁时因车祸失去亲生父母,童年在孤儿院度过,六岁时成为齐藤家养子。家中经营电器店。对于打架不在行,但是记忆力和阅读能力不错,擅长机械相关。有一位目前还不明身份的老师,齐藤对他(她?)十分看重。连手机屏幕都是自己与老师的合照。身材高大,但是如果直接说,是健康的笨蛋。对拘谨感到不自然,容易对身边的人产生感情,令人感觉微妙。想要和中条及美柴强行成为朋友,不畏惧什么麻烦。是很会叫的大型犬。现在的工作:学生,秘密当便利店店员。希望能够得到上亿的钱。


起初在季刊志“ステンシルStencil”上连载(1999年春号-2000年春号),后来因为休刊而转到“月刊ステンシル”上。隔月连载をするが2002年1月号最后连载。2003年<BUS GAMER THE PILOT EDITION>出版于一赛社(一迅社)2004年DRAMA CD在《Comic ZERO-SUM》上宣传。CD中,主要人物的出生年有所改变。2004年由长鸿出版中译本<BUS GAMER THE PILOT EDITION>,名为“玩命游戏”。至2006年在一迅社的Comic REX重新连载。2008年4月改编成电视动画。出版社:Square Enix(1~8话,绝版)一迅社(9~11话)册数:1漫画话数:11

选出每题中划线部分读音不同的一项。 A hit B kite C like A game B cl

A hitB class

The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries

where引导定语从句修饰先行词 village。picking blackberries也是做定语,修饰woman。主句是The hunt for the puma began in a small village,where引导定语从句的主语是a woman picking blackberries,谓语saw,后面是宾语a large cat"only five yards away from her希望我的回答对你有帮助




BOHEMCIGARmojito,是韩国树叶牌BOHEMCIGARmojito香烟,6mg的,味道是柠檬薄荷味。产地韩国,中文名有人叫绿叶也有人叫宝恒雪茄,属于爆珠烟的一种。宝恒树叶爆这几款不用做多介绍焦油适中,每款都隐藏着各种清新口味的爆珠。包装金属质感很强,焦油量恰到好处爆珠的薄荷味深深进入肺中,甚是浓郁,回喉咙的话,鼻腔整个都是冰凉的相当震撼!盘后劲足足!焦油6毫克, 隐藏着柠檬清新,捏破爆珠就如加入冰块的莫吉托鸡尾酒,冰爽直达喉咙激活你的每一个细胞独特的鸡尾酒加薄荷畅爽不一样的香气。


答案B. come over过来,顺便来访;get around四处走走,旅行;come around苏醒;get over克服.根据常识可知:地铁是出行、旅行的一种交通方式,故答案选B.

有首歌中有句One city,one nature,one singapore是什么歌?应该是群唱,是外国人的声音。急求!!

孙燕姿新加坡国庆歌曲歌词英文版《one united people》one singapore one people strong free with one heart,one voice we make our history,we are a rainbow of a thousand colors lighting up the sky we share the singapore heartbeat together you i , we are one singapore one nation strong free a thousand voices sing in harmony we will stand together together hand in hand as one united people for singapore my homeland my singapore our island in the sun this is my homeland its where my strength is from a rainbow of thousand colors lighting up the sky we build a brighter future together you i we are one singapore one nation strong free a thousand different voices sing in harmony we will stand together together hand in hand as one united people for singapore my homeland one singapore one nation strong free a thousand different voices sing in harmony we will stand together together hand in hand as one united people for singapore my homeland

我的世界这个指令/gamerule aommandBlockOutput false是什么意思?

纠正一下,根据我的经验这个指令为:/gamerule commandblockoutput false这个指令为游戏规则(gamerule)而整个指令的意思就是关闭命令的提示,比如说给予玩家物品,就会提示“给予***物品名 数量”,关闭之后就不会再显示,如果想再次显示的话可以输入/gamerule commandblockoutput true望采纳,谢谢

January - 2014 K-POP MEGA MASH-UP有哪些歌曲

1. 15& - Sugar2. 2000 Won - I hate Seoul3. 2NE1 - Come Back Home4. 2NE1 - Gotta Be You5. 4minute - Whatcha Doin" Today?6. A Pink - Mr. Chu7. Ailee - I Can Sing Better8. Akdong Musician - 200%9. Alphabat - Tantara10. AOA - Miniskirt11. AOA - Short Hair12. B1A4 - Lonely13. Bangtan Boys - Boy In Luv14. BAP - 100415. BEAST - Good Luck16. BESTie - Thank You Very Much17. Block B - Jackpot18. Bob Girls - No Way19. Boyfriend u2013 Obsession20. BTOB u2013 Beep Beep21. CNBLUE - Can"t Stop22. Crayon Pop - Uh-ee23. Cross Gene - Amazing -Bad Lady-24. Dal shabet - BBB25. EXO u2013 Overdose26. G.NA u2013 Pretty Lingerie27. Ga-in - Fxxk U28. Girl"s Day - Something29. Girls" Generation - Mr. Mr.30. GOT7 - A31. GOT7 - Girls Girls Girls32. GP BASIC - Pika Burnjuck33. HIGH4, IU - Not Spring, Love, or Cherry Blossoms34. HISTORY - Psycho35. Hyomin (T-ARA) - Nice Body36. Infinite - Last Romeo37. Jiyeon (T-ARA) - Never Ever38. JJCC - At First39. Jun Hyosung (SECRET) - Good Night Kiss40. Junggigo - Want You41. K-Much - Good to Go42. Kiss&Cry - Domino Game43. Ladies" Code - So Wonderful44. MBLAQ - Be a Man45. MR. MR. - Big Man46. NS Yoon-G - Yasisi47. Orange Caramel - Catallena48. Rain - 30SEXY49. Rainbow Blaxx - Cha Cha50. Soyu x Junggigo - Some51. SPICA - You Don"t Love Me52. Stellar - Marionette53. Sunmi - Full Moon54. Taeyang - Eyes, Nose, Lips55. TAHITI - Oppa You"re Mine56. TINT - Wolf is Stupid57. TOHEART - Delicious58. TROY - Green Light59. TVXQ - Something60. U-KISS - Don"t Flirt61. VIXX - Eternity62. ZE:A - Breath

Lying in the sun on a rock, the cougar(美洲豹)saw Jeb and his son, Tom, before they saw it. Jeb

小题1:B小题2:D小题3:D 试题分析:文章讲述了勇敢的父亲Jeb为保护儿子Tom和美洲豹斗志斗勇的故事。为了显得比美洲豹大,Jeb先是展开自己的外衣,然后又把儿子横放在身上,正当美洲豹要跑开时,儿子害怕挣脱了父亲跑开了,结果差一点成为美洲豹的口中餐。为了吸引美洲豹的注意力,父亲只好挺身而出,和美洲豹厮打起来。儿子跑回来从包里拿出一把刀,两人合力打跑了美洲豹。小题1:细节理解题。 第一段的第二句话和第三句话的意思是:Jeb 很快放下他的包,用双手展开他的夹克衫,使自己看上去比这只美洲豹个大。这的确管用了。所以他想把美洲豹吓跑。故选B。小题2:推理判断题。根据第四段Jeb 的反应和美洲豹的动作。Jeb的儿子Tom 挣脱父亲跑开了,在这一瞬间,Jeb扑向从岩石上跳起来的美洲豹,他们在半空中厮打起来,都摔倒了。美洲豹瞬间骑在Jeb身上,忘掉了Tom,这正是Jeb想要的结果。由此判断美洲豹喜欢攻击跑着的人。故选D。小题3:细节理解题。根据全文理解。事情发生的顺序是D—B—A—C。故选D。


Siddharthnagar区(北印度语: u0938u093fu0926u094du0927u093eu0930u094du0925u0928u0917u0930u091cu093cu093fu0932u093e)是75区的北方邦北部的国家印度.Naugarh城镇地区总部。哈斯纳加尔地区的一部分Basti部门。该地区的废墟而闻名释迦Janapada,Piprahwa。Naugarh 22公里的地区总部。根据印度政府,Siddharthnagar地区是印度的穆斯林集中地区之一的基础上,2001年的人口普查数据人口、社会经济指标和基本设施指标

印尼语pada tanggal是什么意思




求Kiddo&GASHI-Coming Down的无损百度云下载,非常感谢!!!!!!!!!


求Lady gaga歌词

很高兴回答LZ的问题JudasWoah woah woah woah woah   I"m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as 我爱上了犹大   Woah woah woah woah woah  I"m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as 我爱上了犹大   Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas GaGa   Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas GaGa   [Lady Gaga - Verse 1]   When he calls to me, I am ready 当他向我呼唤,我已经准备好  I"ll wash his feet with my hair if he needs 如果他需要,我愿用我的头发为他洗脚   Forgive him when his tongue lies through his brain 即使当他说了早就编好的谎言也原谅他   Even after three times, he betrays me 甚至是他再三地背叛我   Ah-ah-ahhh-ow uh uh o   Ah-ah-ahhh-ow uh uh o   I"ll bring him down, bring him down, down 我会征服他,征服他   Ah-ah-ahhh-ow uh uh o   Ah-ah-ahhh-ow uh uh o   A king with no crown, king with no crown 无冕之王,无冕之王   [Chorus]   I"m just a Holy fool, oh baby it"s so cruel 我真的是太傻了,哦 宝贝 它是如此使人痛苦   But I"m still in love with Judas, baby 但我仍爱着犹大,宝贝   I"m just a Holy fool, oh baby it"s so cruel 我真的是太傻了,哦 宝贝 它是如此使人痛苦   But I"m still in love with Judas, baby 但我仍爱着犹大,宝贝   Woah woah woah woah woah   I"m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as 我爱上了犹大   Woah woah woah woah woah   I"m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as 我爱上了犹大   Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas GaGa   [Lady Gaga - Verse 2]   I couldn"t love a man so purely 我不能如此纯粹地爱上一个人   Even prophets forgave his goofy way 即使先知原谅他愚蠢的方法   I"ve learned love is like a brick, you can 我知道爱就像块砖头,你可以   Build a house or sink a dead body 和我同生共死   Ah-ah-ahhh-ow uh uh o   Ah-ah-ahhh-ow uh uh o   I"ll bring him down, bring him down, down 我要打倒他,打倒他   Ah-ah-ahhh-ow uh uh o   Ah-ah-ahhh-ow uh uh o   A king with no crown, king with no crown 无冕之王,无冕之王   [Chorus]   I"m just a Holy fool, oh baby it"s so cruel 我真的是太傻了,哦 宝贝 它是如此使人痛苦   But I"m still in love with Judas, baby 但我仍爱着犹大,宝贝   I"m just a Holy fool, oh baby it"s so cruel 我真的是太傻了,哦 宝贝 它是如此使人痛苦   But I"m still in love with Judas, baby 但我仍爱着犹大,宝贝   Woah woah woah woah woah   I"m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as 我爱上了犹大   Woah woah woah woah woah   I"m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as 我爱上了犹大   Ew!   [Bridge]   In the most Biblical sense 在最神圣的圣经意义上   I am beyond repentance 我已经无可救赎   Fame hooker, prostitute wench vomits her mind 不论是名妓还是荡妇 让她失去理智吧   But in the cultural sense 但在文明的意义上   I just speak in future tense 我只是说未来时   Judas kiss me if offensed 若犹大吻我是罪   Or wear ear condom next time 那下次就在耳朵上带安全套吧   I wanna love you 我想要爱你   But something"s pulling me away from you 但一些事正让我远离你   Jesus is my virtue 耶稣是我的信仰   And Judas is the demon I cling to 而犹大是我痴痴迷恋的恶魔   I cling to 我痴痴迷恋的   [Chorus]   I"m just a Holy fool, oh baby it"s so cruel 我真的是太傻了,哦 宝贝 它是如此使人痛苦   But I"m still in love with Judas, baby 但我仍爱着犹大,宝贝   I"m just a Holy fool, oh baby it"s so cruel 我真的是太傻了,哦 宝贝 它是如此使人痛苦   But I"m still in love with Judas, baby 但我仍爱着犹大,宝贝   Woah woah woah woah woah   I"m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as 我爱上了犹大   Woah woah woah woah woah   I"m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as 我爱上了犹大   Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas GaGa Animal You have got a wild side   You"re an animal tonight   I see that you are my type   Wild like a tiger hunting the prey   We"ll keep the neighbours up all night   Hot in the jungle exotic apparel   I can see the way that you"re looking at me   Like you"re hungry and I am the only thing that you see   Won"t tame you love the way you"re watching me   Baby i"ll keep you up all night   Gotta tie you up incase you bite   Animal animal   Animal anima l Baby i"am lock you in my cage   And I won"t stop until you behave   Animal animal   Animal animal   Baby i"m gonna keep you up all night   Like an animal animal   An animal animal   I"m gonna tie you up incase you bite   I"m an animal animal   An animal animal   I don"t mean to blame you i"m just trying to tame you   You"re an animal animal   An animal animal   I don"t mean to blame you i"m just trying to tame you   You"re an animal animal   An animal animal   You"re a hunter feel your way   I"ll do whatever you say   Hold me down and take control (mess up my hair all crazy sexual)   Do it like an animal (hot in the jungle exotic apparel)   I can see the way that you"re looking at me   Like you"re hungry and I am the only thing that you see   Won"t tame you love the way you"re watching me   Baby i"ll keep you up all night   Gotta tie you up incase you bite   Animal animal   Animal animal   Baby i"am lock you in my cage   And I won"t stop until you behave   Animal animal   Animal animal   Baby i"m gonna keep you up all night   Like an animal animal   An animal animal   I"m gonna tie you up incase you bite   I"m an animal animal   An animal animal   I don"t mean to blame you i"m just trying to tame you   You"re an animal animal   An animal animal   I don"t mean to blame you i"m just trying to tame you   You"re an animal animal   An animal animal   I can see the way that you"re looking at me   Like you"re hungry and I am the only thing that you see   Won"t tame you love the way you"re watching me   Baby i"ll keep you up all night   Gotta tie you up incase you bite   Animal animal   Animal animal   Baby i"am lock you in my cage   And I won"t stop until you behave   Animal animal   Animal animal   Baby i"m gonna keep you up all night   Like an animal animal   An animal animal   I"m gonna tie you up incase you bite   I"m an animal animal   An animal animal 你有一个狂野的一面你是一个动物今晚我知道你是我喜欢的类型野生像老虎一样狩猎猎物我们将把邻居整晚没睡热在丛林中异国情调的服饰我能看见的方式把那你正在看我就像你饿了,我只有一件事,你看不会驯养你的爱的方式,你看我宝贝,我不会让你整晚没睡要捆绑你因为你咬人动物动物动物动物婴儿我会锁定你在我的笼子里我不会停止,直到你的表现动物动物动物动物宝贝我要使你一夜像动物动物一种动物动物我要捆绑你因为你咬人我是一个动物动物一种动物动物我不想怪你我只是想驯服你你是一个动物动物一种动物动物我不想怪你我只是想驯服你你是一个动物动物一种动物动物你是一个猎人感觉到你的方式你说我做什么我就做什么打压我来控制(把我的头发搞砸都疯了性)做像动物(热在丛林中异国情调的服饰)我能看见的方式把那你正在看我就像你饿了,我只有一件事,你看 不会驯养你的爱的方式,你看我宝贝,我不会让你整晚没睡要捆绑你因为你咬人动物动物动物动物婴儿我会锁定你在我的笼子里我不会停止,直到你的表现动物动物动物动物宝贝我要使你一夜像动物动物一种动物动物我要捆绑你因为你咬人我是一个动物动物一种动物动物我不想怪你我只是想驯服你你是一个动物动物一种动物动物我不想怪你我只是想驯服你你是一个动物动物一种动物动物我能看见的方式把那你正在看我就像你饿了,我只有一件事,你看不会驯养你的爱的方式,你看我宝贝,我不会让你整晚没睡要捆绑你因为你咬人动物动物动物动物婴儿我会锁定你在我的笼子里我不会停止,直到你的表现动物动物动物动物宝贝我要使你一夜像动物动物一种动物动物我要捆绑你因为你咬人我是一个动物动物一种动物动物END

each time you fail , start all over again 什么意思?

从哪里跌倒 ,就从哪里爬起来。

Each time you fail,start all over again.


选择题Each time you ____ ,start all over again .


next to see you again怎么回答?

你就直接说bye 或者 yeah, me too

never meet again什么意思?


求首英文歌名,歌词有一句never say never.never say again妹子唱的


never meet again 是什么意思?


Never love again翻译中文


Neverseeyouagain 什么意思

Never see you again——再也见不到你了

有一首英文歌是女生唱的,有一句歌词是never never never say a game 还是again的是什么歌

Melanie C - Never Be The Same Again试听:

never do that again

I will not do that again也是对的. 但是这个的表示更强烈,意思是 我再也不那么做了.相比 I will not do it again.则是 我不会那么做了.

goodbay shall never see again什么意思


never do it again是什么意思

never do it again不要再这样做了双语对照例句:1.I could never do it again, it was incredibly insane. 这种事情我再也做不来了,真的是太疯狂了。2.Just let me go this time. I will never do it again. 求求你,这次就饶了我吧。下次再也不敢了。


Say You Again《速度与激情7》曲目it"s been a long day without you my friend.and i"ll tell you all about it when i see you again.we"ve come a long way from where we began.oh i"ll tell you all about it when i see you again.when i see you again~(rap)damnwho knewall the planes we flewgood things we been throughthat i"d be standing right here talking to you aboutanother path i know we loved to hit the road and laughbut something told me that it wouldn"t lasthad to switch uplook at things different see the bigger picturethose were the days hard work forever paysnow i see you in a better could we not talk about family when family"s all that we got?everything i went through you were standing there by my sideand now you be with gonna me for the last"s been a long day without you my friend.and i"ll tell you all about it when i see you again.we"ve come a long way from where we began.oh i"ll tell you all about it when i see you again.when i see you again~(rap)first you both go out your wayand the vibe is feeling strongand what"s small turn to a friendshipturned into a bond and that bond willnever be broke and the love willnever get lost.and when brotherhood comefirst then the line will never be crossedestablished it on our ownwhen that line had to be drawnand that line iswhat we reached so remember me when i"m could we not talk about family when family"s all that we got?everything i went throughyou were standing there by my sideand now you be with gonna me for the last ride.light guide your way.hold every memory as you goand every road you takeo will always lead you"s been a long day without you my friend.and i"ll tell you all about it when i see you again.we"ve come a long way from where we began.oh i"ll tell you all about it when i see you again.when i see you again~

never ever again?

永远不会了吗?例:never ever be lazy again1. 不要再这么懒惰了2. 现在我该做些什么呵never ever let charms into this vehicle again1. 永远不要把魔力糖带进车里来不会的话再问我

Zero-Sum Game 是什么意思

零和博弈又称零和游戏(Zero-sum game),与非零和博弈相对,是博弈论的一个概念,属非合作博弈,指参与博弈的各方,在严格竞争下,一方的收益必然意味着另一方的损失,博弈各方的收益和损失相加总和永远为“零”。双方不存在合作的可能。也可以说:自己的幸福是建立在他人的痛苦之上的,二者的大小完全相等,因而双方都想尽一切办法以实现“损人利己”。n.一方得益一方受损的局面;得失相抵的情形1.We do not approach United States-China relations as a zero-sum game.我们不以零和游戏方式对待美中关系。2.Life is not a zero-sum game.人生并不是一场零和游戏—3.It isn"t a zero-sum game.这不是零和游戏。4.Globalisation need not be a zero-sum game.全球化不必是一场零和游戏。5."This is a zero-sum game between wages and profits, " he points out.“工资与利润是一对零和博弈”,他指出。6.Blogging, for example, is not a zero-sum game.比如,写博客不是一个零博弈游戏。7.power is no longer a zero sum game.权力不再是一种零和游戏。

zero-sum game什么意思

zero-sum game[英][u02c8ziu0259ru0259uu02c8su028cm ɡeim][美][u02c8zu026arou02c8su028cm ɡem]零和游戏,零和竞赛,零和对策; 零和比赛; 零和博奕;

zero-sum game 是什么游戏啊?

零和博弈又称零和游戏(Zero-sum game),与非零和博弈相对,是博弈论的一个概念,属非合作博弈,指参与博弈的各方,在严格竞争下,一方的收益必然意味着另一方的损失,博弈各方的收益和损失相加总和永远为“零”。双方不存在合作的可能。也可以说:自己的幸福是建立在他人的痛苦之上的,二者的大小完全相等,因而双方都想尽一切办法以实现“损人利己”。[编辑] 零和赛局零和博弈的例子有:赌博、期货等。[编辑] 引申在幽默范畴里,零和博弈被引申为“快乐守恒定律”(Conservation of Happiness),意思是“有人快乐,就必定有人失落”,也就是“快乐必须要建筑于别人的痛苦身上”。跟墨菲定律相似,快乐守恒定律的主要用途也就是逗乐

GAN(1) GAN介绍: 基本概念及逻辑

GAN由Ian Goodfellow于2014年提出,并迅速成为了非常火热的研究话题,GAN的变种更是有上千种,深度学习先驱之一的Yann LeCun就曾说, "GAN及其变种是数十年来机器学习领域最有趣的 idea" 。 听起来很厉害的样子,那么什么是GAN呢? 生成式对抗网络(GAN, Generative Adversarial Networks )是一种 深度学习 模型,是近年来复杂分布上 无监督学习 最具前景的方法之一。模型通过(至少)两个模块:生成模型(Generative Model)和判别模型(Discriminative Model)的零和博弈进行学习,即通过两个网络的互相对抗来达到最好的生成效果。 这一段看完了,所以,什么是GAN?看懂了吗?感觉充满了问号。。。接下来跟着李宏毅老师的节奏好好梳理一下。 概念里说,模型通过框架中(至少)两个模块:生成模型G(Generative Model)和判别模型D(Discriminative Model),那么什么是生成模型?什么是判别模型? 生成模型G 是指能够随机生成观测数据的模型,尤其是在给定某些隐含参数的条件下。在GAN中,可以理解为输入一个vector,生成一个图片、语音、文本等有结构的输出。 判别模型D 是一种对未知数据与已知数据之间关系进行建模的方法,在GAN中,可以理解为判别器建立了训练数据与生成器输出的数据的关系,按训练数据的标准为生成的数据打分。 以图像的生成为例: 知道了生成器和判别器是什么,那么他们是怎么配合工作来推动GAN的学习的呢? 以学习画二次元人物头像为例: 就这样一步一步,老师觉得我们画的头像和真正的二次元美图一样美的时候,就不再抽我们大嘴巴子,我们终于出师了,是一个合格的生成器了!(这里的老师就是判别器,判别器也是需要学习的,虽然老师水平高,但他不学习也不一定知道什么是美丽的二次元头像) 生成器和判别器通过零和博弈来学习,什么是零和博弈呢? 零和博弈(zero-sum game) ,又称零和游戏,是博弈论的一个概念,属非合作博弈。 它是指参与博弈的各方,在严格竞争下,一方的收益必然意味着另一方的损失,博弈各方的收益和损失相加总和永远为“零”,可以说自己的幸福是建立在他人的痛苦之上的,二者的大小完全相等,因而双方都想尽一切办法以实现“损人利己”。 在上面的例子中,老师(判别器)抽我们(生成器)大嘴巴子,抽的越多他的快乐越多,我们的快乐越少,我们通过和老师博弈改变双方的快乐,但快乐数值的总和一直都是零,这就是判别器和生成器的零和博弈,这种博弈的关系也是GAN中“Adversarial”的由来。 了解了GAN中的几个关键词的含义后,我们来看看GAN是怎样运行的: 过程听起来不是很复杂,不过问题是生成器和判别器两个NN网络是用什么结构组合在一起的呢? 其实, generator和discriminator是同一个大的网络 ,像上图,整个大的网络的 前半部分是generator,后半部分是discriminator ,所以其输入是vector,输出就是得分,而图片就在中间hidden层,即两个网络的衔接处。所谓的生成是指:网络中间的一层hidden-layer的输出是一个图片,判别是指:对这个生成的图片,网络的后半部分会训练出一个得分(或者说概率)。 用稍微数学化一些的语言来表示上述过程: 什么是结构化学习? 在机器学习过程中,对数据的拟合其实就是在找一个拟合函数: 对于回归问题(Regression)来说,这个函数输出一个标量(scalar) 对于分类问题(Classification)来说,这个函数输出一个类别(one-hot 向量) 如果输出的是一个序列,一个矩阵,一个图,一颗树... 其输出由具有依赖关系的组件组成的,这就叫做结构化学习。 首先,对于一般的分类问题,每个类别会对应多个样本,而结构化学习如果把每一个output当做一个类别来看的话,输出空间就非常大,因为其输出是多种多样的,很可能是One-shot learning甚至Zero-shot learning。 One-shot learning: 对某一/某些类别只提供一个或者少量的训练样本; Zero-shot learning: 对某一/某些类别完全不提供训练样本。 以文本为例,输入“吃了吗?”,输出“吃过了”、“吃了”、“吃啦”等等都可以看做不同的类,所以用普通的分类是难以解决的。 再者,结构化学习的输出是由具有依赖关系的组件组成的,需要考虑整体。 GAN的生成器可以生成各种输出,判别器可以判断输出的好坏,似乎这两个模块都有很强的学习能力,那么他们能独立工作吗?为什么一定要进行博弈呢? 首先来看看生成器能不能自己学习。 生成器当然可以自己学习,在GAN之前就有自编码器AE、变分自编码器VAE。 自编码器是一个如下图所示结构的神经网络,其输入和输出的维度相同,中间的隐含层维度最小,作为编码的结果,其前半部分encoder会尽可能的保留原始输入的信息,以便在后半部分decoder还原输入。 其实自编码器AE得到的decoder就是一个生成器,不过AE的缺点是无法处理没有训练过的数据,当给code加上噪声后,就不知道会输出什么了,可能是一个完全的乱码或者是噪声,我们希望的是“生成模型”能够对任意的输入编码产生有相关意义的数据,这就是我们后面的“变分自编码器VAE”所要做的事情。 变分自编码器直接编码成高斯分布,可以对各种随机输入产生有意义的输出。 编码器的目标是让输出与输入尽可能的相似,怎么评价相似呢?实际上是计算输入向量与输出向量的距离,拿图片来说,向量距离表示两个图片有多少像素不同,但没法表达更多的东西,比如位置等。 如下图所示,编码器会认为上面只差1个像素的图更好,但实际上上面两个在奇怪的地方多/少一个像素点,更容易看出不是人的手写数字,而下面两个虽然像素差的多,但其实只是笔画长一点而已,更像是手写的数字。 组间之间的关系非常重要,在编码器中,尽管两个组间高度相关,但却无法相互影响,我们需要structure 来约束这个事情。就是在后面在加几个隐藏层,就可以调整第L层的神经元输出。也就是说理论上,VAE要想获得GAN的效果,它的网络要比GAN要深才行。 而且由于VAE算法采用的分布采样,因此做一些离得比较散的目标效果不好: 下图中绿色是目标,蓝色是VAE学习的结果 总结一下,不依靠判别器,生成器独立去学习是可以的,不过生成器是一个一个component来生成,每个component之间的关系不好控制,存在一定的缺点,不能从全局把握结果的好坏。 那么,判别器能不能独立学习来生成好的结果呢? 判别器也是可以独立学习的。 判别器也就是Evaluation function, Potential Function, Energy Function …其特点是top-down evaluation,所以很容易控制component之间的关系,能更好的判断一个结果的好坏,以手写数字为例,判别器能轻松的捕捉到元素之间的相关性,这可是生成器很难解决的问题啊。 例如上面提到的问题,图中所示的CNN Filter就可以轻松识别是不是有孤立的的像素点。 那么应该怎么做才能让判别器得到好的输出呢? 只需要穷举所有可能的x,再挑一个使得判别器得分最好的那个即可: 判别器训练的一个难点是缺失负向样本,比如我们想要生成手写字体或者二次元头像,那么我们的训练数据其实只有正向样本,或许我们可以通过给正向样本增加噪声来得到负向样本,但我们制作的负向样本的质量及分布是很难把握的,怎么解决这个问题呢? 可以采用让判别器自己来生成负向样本的方法,算法流程如下: 看起来似乎和GAN训练差不多,但其实还存在着问题。如下图可以帮助我们理解判别器训练的过程,可以理解为判别器在为真实样本打高分,同时压制其他样本的得分,并在每次迭代中修复自己的漏洞,最终希望训练到除了真实样本其他全是低分: 其缺点是什么呢? 在高维空间中,负样本采样过程其实是很难进行的,再者判别器生成样本的过程,即argmax过程,要枚举大量样本,效率很低。 判别器的生成既然这么麻烦的话,真的有用判别器来做生成任务的吗?实际上,概率图模型就是一类典型的判别器做生成的例子。 思考一下,概率图模型我们会有一个图,根据图还会有一个Potential Function(势函数,详细马尔科夫随机场、CRF),这不就形成了一个可以打分的判别器吗!计算出来的概率不就是打的分吗?想一下CRF的训练,就是通过给正向样本和负样本打分,不过迭代过程是不是有我不确定,HMM应该就没有吧?总之这个角度的思路是非常棒的! 总结一下,判别器和生成器的区别:生成器 VS 判别器 综合以上所述的生成器和判别器的优缺点,我们发现两者是互补的,因此将其组合起来使用,充分利用两者的优势: Benefit of GAN (1) From Discriminator"s point of view u2022 Using generator to generate negative samples (2)From Generator"s point of view u2022 Still generate the object component-bycomponent u2022 But it is learned from the discriminator with global view. (跟discriminator 学习大局观) GAN 的数学理论及推导在下一篇详述,李宏毅老师在第一节介绍课程中也没有讲这部分。 主要参考 对抗生成网络(GAN)教程(2018) 李宏毅


I LIKE ITこの写真の外侧で君 笑った夏の日砂浜で见た夕日の影ささ波 寄せて 消える 音のない夜はカラダが君を求めて眠れないWhen you touch me KISS meNext me I need you girl i like itWoo like it, like it baby言叶じゃ足りない 今はBeautiful time I like itこんな近くにWhen you touch me KISS meNext me I need you girl i like itI like it, like it baby言叶じゃ足りない 今はBeautiful time I like itAnd every time I kiss you babyEvery time I kiss you girl 二人で生まれたままで理想 叶う 未来 今探してMakes love completeGirl そのまま 君 キレイさWoo yeahBlue の翼で君の空を飞ぶ Love...Your love... My heart... Woo..Tu tu lu lululuTu tu lu lululuLu lu lu Lu lu luWow WowWhen you touch me Kiss meNext me I need you girl I like itKissing me, I"m missing you. Yeah言叶じゃ足りない 今はBeautiful time I like it星屑の夜だからWhen you touch me Kiss meNext me I need you girl I like itYou"re with me again言叶じゃ足りない 今はBeautiful time I like it止められないI like it I like itWhen you touch me Kiss meYou know I like it baby. You know I like it baby.言叶じゃ足りない 今はBeautiful time I like itYou know I like it baby. You know I like it babyFu fu fuYou know I like it baby. You know I like it babyNext me I need you girl I like itYou know I like it baby. You know I like it babyYou know I love you babyYou know I like it baby. You know I like it baby言叶じゃ足りない 今はBeautiful time I like itYou know I like it baby. You know I like it baby.Yeah- I like it. I like it.You know I like it baby如这张照片上的你 在那一个夏日微笑著的你两人在沙滩边看到的夕阳的影子娓娓细语的波浪 慢慢地靠近 消失 寂静的夜晚我的身体寻求著你 无法入睡When you touch me KISS meNext me I need you girl i like itWoo like it, like it baby语言无法表达 现在Beautiful time I like it我们如此的靠近Every time I kiss you girl就我们二人 为了彼此而生理想 实现的未来 现在 我们去寻求Makes love completeGirl 就这样 你美得令人眩目Woo yeah用Blue色的翅膀飞向你的天空 Love...Your love... My heart... Woo..NEVER AGAINListenWhat"s up girls?Feel up! Come on!Bringin" on babyMy girlsBounce. Come on! Never love again. Yeah.One more chance くれない? もう Chance.This situationFrastrate. On me.I never understand 若过ぎたのさ优しさだけじゃ 爱せないからEasy come easy go 本当のことはそう简単に 话せないよNever forget everything you said to meNever forget everything you"ve done to meためらいの迷路で 彷徨う二人明日からは想い出まで抱きしめて 二度とおまえ离さないどんなつらいことからも 爱を守るYou"re never gonna get my love againあきらめてた恋なのに… (肿れた目盖に口つける Baby)运命は? No fake!You"re my everythingやすい言叶が いまも二人に寄りあってるI couldn"t help myself嘘でかかれた 毎日も崩れ落ちそうNever forget everything you said to meNever forget everything you"ve done to me戸惑いのキスだって さかれる二人突然のさよならだけ言わないで このままでは终われない感じたまま濡れた瞳は 本当の気持ちYou"re never gonna get my love againあきらめてた恋なのに…运命は? No fake!Three, Two, One, Never again.Oh yeah baby, Comin" here.Bounce. Come on! Never love again. Come on!Everything もう一度すべてを许し合うのさI believe 今なら间に合う さびついた memoryI never understand 若过ぎたのさ优しさだけじゃ 爱せないからYou"re my everythingあきめてた恋なのに… (今なら言えるただ I love you)运命は? No fake想い出まで抱きしめて 二度とおまえ离さないどんなつらいことからも 爱を守るYou"re never gonna get my love againあきらめてた恋なのに…运命は?さよならだけ言わないで このままでは终われない感じたまま濡れた瞳は 本当の気持ちYou"re never gonna get my love againあきらめてた恋なのに… (君は俺の甘い Honey toste.)运命は? No fake!ListenWhat"s up girls?Feel up! Come on!Bringin" on babyMy girlsBounce. Come on! Never love again. Yeah再给我 One more chance? 再一个 Chance.This situationFrastrate. On me.I never understand 因为太过年轻只有温柔 就无法相爱Easy come easy go 真正的心情却无法清楚对你表明Never forget everything you said to meNever forget everything you"ve done to me在迷宫中徘徊的二人明日伊始即使是回忆我也不轻易放手 绝不再与你分离无论怎样艰难我也会守护著这份爱You"re never gonna get my love again却是已经放弃的恋爱… (吻上你哭肿的眼睑 Baby)命运是? No fake!You"re my everything廉价的甜言蜜语 在耳边响起I couldn"t help myself充满谎言的每一天接近崩溃Never forget everything you said to meNever forget everything you"ve done to me被已经没有感觉的吻包围的二人别突然的说出再见 我们的故事不会结束自然湿润的眼眶 是我真正的心情You"re never gonna get my love again却是已经放弃的恋爱…命运是? No fake!Three, Two, One, Never again.Oh yeah baby, Comin" here.Bounce. Come on! Never love again. Come on!Everything 再一次 原谅过去的种种I believe 现在一切还来得及 挽回已经冷却的 memoryI never understand 因为太过年轻只有温柔 就无法相爱You"re my everything却是已经放弃的恋爱… (现在我能说出口 I love you)命运是? No fake即使是回忆我也不轻易放手 绝不再与你分离无论怎样艰难我也会守护著这份爱You"re never gonna get my love again却是已经放弃的恋爱…命运是? No fake!别说再见 我们的故事不会结束自然湿润的眼眶 是我真正的心情You"re never gonna get my love again却是已经放弃的恋爱…命运是? No fake!MIRACLE度重なる偶然 ただよみがえる寸前微笑む君を つかむ高鸣るビートに 溢れ出てゆくノイズ夕日が 落ちる前に探してた天使 今はここに梦でも痛みでも くれ!Come into my life, Make it so, miracle miracleもてあます ゆるい身体さ届けよ 热い思いCome into my life, Make it so, miracle miracleはかなく もろい约束爱の言叶も まなざしも 壊すな奇迹つかの间 休日 つかまえるはずの终日手招きの向こう侧明日吹くと言った アスファルトから风が右のほほ 焦がしてく过ぎてく过去なら 今は闻かない羡望のささやき 去れ!Come into my life, Make it so, miracle miracle駆けてく 夕暗の街へ浮かない笑颜 舍ててCome into my life, Make it so, miracle miracle君の目の 向こう侧には何が写ってる 教えてくれ 届けよ奇迹探してた天使 今はここに梦でも痛みでも くれ!Come into my life, Make it so, miracle miracleもてあます ゆるい身体さ届けよ 热い想いCome into my life, Make it so, miracle miracleはかなく もろい约束爱の言叶も まなざしも 壊すな奇迹一再的偶然 就在几乎苏醒之前紧抓住 微笑的你喧腾的节拍 掩不住的噪音就在夕阳 西下之前一直寻觅的天使 此刻就在这裏无论是梦还是痛 都给我!Come into my life.Make it so,miracle miracle不知该如何是好 这松懈的身体快传达吧 炽热的情感Come into my life.Make it so,miracle miracle虚无飘渺 脆弱的诺言无论是爱的细语 是爱的眼神 请别破坏吧奇迹转眼瞬间 已是假日 理当能抓住的最后一天向我招手呼唤的那一头预报明日才吹的风 从柏油路吹来让右边的脸颊 乾燥灼热如果是已经过去的往事 现在我不要听羡慕的耳语 滚开!Come into my life.Make it so,miracle miracle疾驰 往暮色的城市抛开 闷闷不乐的笑容Come into my life.Make it so,miracle miracle在你眼睛的 那一头究竟看到了什麼 请告诉我 帮我传达吧奇迹一直在寻觅的天使 此刻就在这裏无论是梦还是痛 都给我!Come into my life.Make it so,miracle miracle不知该如何是好 这松懈的身体快传达吧 炽热的情感Come into my life.Make it so,miracle miracle虚无飘渺 脆弱的诺言无论是爱的细语 是爱的眼神 请别破坏吧奇迹tabi kasanaru guzen tada yomigaeru sunzenhohoemu kimiwo tsukamutakanaru BITO ni afure deteyukuyuuhiga ochiru maenisagashiteta tenshi ima wa koko niyume demo itami demo kure!come into my life, Make it so, Miracle miraclemoteamasu yurui karada satodokeyo atsui omoicome into my life, Make it so, Miracle miraclehakanaku moroi yakusokuai no kotobawo manazashimo kowasuna kisekitsukanoma kyuujitsu tsukamaeruhazu no shuujitsutemaneki no mukougawaashita fuku to itta ASUFARUTO kara kazegamigi no hoho kogashitekusugiteku kakonara ima wa kikanaisenbou no sasayaki sare!come into my life, Make it so, Miracle miraclekaketeku yuyami no machi eukanai egao sutetecome into my life, Make it so, Miracle miraclekimino meno mukougawa niwananiga utsutteru oshietekure todokeyo kisekisagashiteta tenshi ima wa kokoniyumedemo itamidemo kure!come into my life, Make it so, Miracle miracletodokeyo atsui omoicome into my life, Make it so, Miracle miraclehakanaku moroi yakusokuai no kotobawo manazashimo kowasuna kiseki


again的用法如下:again,英语单词,副词、名词,作名词时意为“(英、保)阿盖恩”。作副词时意为“又,此外;再一次;再说;增加”。Fool Again痴心愚弄 ; 再次被欺骗 ; 再次愚弄 ; 再次被诈骗Rise again觉醒 ; 死而复生 ; 苏醒 ; 再来一次Never Again从此不再 ; 不再 ; 钟丽缇主演 ; 永不回头Breathe Again再次呼吸 ; 小燕子之歌 ; 重生 ; 宽心Live again再次苏醒 ; 天堂鸟 ; 再次清醒 ; 重新生活wrong again又错了 ; 可我又错了 ; 我又错了 ; 但我又错了Password Again重复密码 ; 确认密码 ; 再次输入密码 ; 密码再输入一次Sunshine Again日出东方 ; 日出西方 ; 又见阳You shall not do that again.你不可以再做那样的事。Yeah, well, again.是的,嗯,再次。

again是什么意思译 again翻译成中文的意思

1、again,英语单词,副词、名词,作名词时意为“(英、保)阿盖恩”。作副词时意为“又,此外;再一次;再说;增加”。 2、短语搭配 Fool Again痴心愚弄;再次被欺骗;再次愚弄;再次被诈骗 Rise again觉醒;死而复生;苏醒;再来一次 Never Again从此不再;不再;钟丽缇主演;永不回头 Breathe Again再次呼吸;小燕子之歌;重生;宽心 Live again再次苏醒;天堂鸟;再次清醒;重新生活 wrong again又错了;可我又错了;我又错了;但我又错了 Password Again重复密码;确认密码;再次输入密码;密码再输入一次 Sunshine Again日出东方;日出西方;又见阳光

never again 歌词

Kelly Clarkson - Never AgainI hope the ring you gave to herTurns her finger greenI hope when you"re in bed with herYou think of meI would never wish bad thingsBut I don"t wish you wellCould you tellBy the flames that burned your wordsI never read your letterCause I knew what you"d sayGive me that Sunday school answerTry and make it all okayDoes it hurt to know I"ll never be there?Bet it sucks to see my face everywhereIt was you who chose to end it like you didI was the last to knowYou knew exactly what you would doDon"t say you simply lost your wayShe may believe youBut I never willNever againIf she really knows the truthShe deserves youA trophy wife, oh how cuteIgnorance is blissBut when your day comesAnd he"s through with youAnd he"ll be through with youYou"ll die together, but aloneYou wrote me in a letterYou couldn"t say it right to my faceGive me that Sunday school answerRepent yourself awayDoes it hurt to know I"ll never be there?Bet it sucks to see my face everywhereIt was you who chose to end it like you didI was the last to knowYou knew exactly what you would doDon"t say you simply lost your wayThey may believe youBut I never willNever againNever again will I hear youNever again will I miss youNever again will I fall to youNeverNever again will I kiss youNever again will I want toNever again will I love youNever!Does it hurt to know I"ll never be there?Bet it sucks to see my face everywhereIt was you who chose to end it like you didI was the last to knowYou knew exactly what you would doDon"t say you simply lost your wayThey may believe youBut I never willI never willI never willNever again

贾斯汀never again的中文歌词

会放弃我的生命为你 猜测它的真实是什么,他们说,关于爱情 它的盲目 女孩,你说谎,直到我的脸看在我的眼睛 我相信你"的原因我爱你多于生命 和所有你不得不这样做 是道歉 你没有说你很抱歉 我不明白 你不照顾你伤害了我 现在我的一半,该名男子 我用来当这是你和我 你不爱我不够 我的心可能永远无法弥合 和你将永远不会获得爱我,再次 不,不,不,不,不,不 我的悲伤已在去年底该行 无助的看着你打破这个心脏矿井 和孤独只是希望你回到这里与我 共同常识的人都知道您还不够好, 我和所有你不得不这样做 是道歉,并指它 但你没有说你很抱歉 我不明白 你不照顾你伤害了我 现在我的一半,该名男子 我用来当这是你和我 你不爱我不够 我的心可能永远无法弥合 和你将永远不会获得爱我 这就像地狱,我可以回去的时间 可能的话,我可以看到如何 宽恕说,我应该给你更多的尝试 但它的太迟了,它的超过现在 你没有说你很抱歉 我不明白 你不照顾你伤害了我 现在我的一半,该名男子 我用来当这是你和我 你不爱我不够 我的心可能永远无法弥合 和你将永远不会获得爱我 再次 再次,是啊,是啊 再次,再次,再次,是啊,是啊,是啊 永远爱我

谁能将贾斯汀的never again 这首歌翻译一下


Never Again 歌词

歌曲名:Never Again歌手:Trey Songz专辑:chapter vTrey Songz - Never AgainSplendidyangQ:199651031When the days are doneWhen you and I would take the world onYeah,to the place where no one knows ofNow I can"t stop thinking about youI"m a ghost looking for youIt hurts but it"s trueThat I will never ever see you againAnd I"ll never ever hold you againIn my arms ,never ever again,And I will never ever feel you againBut I will always love you the sameMy girl never ever againI wish we had a little more to look in loveNow you are long goneBut I still got your birthday cardYeah , put a stamp on her adressOh now I can"t stop dreaming "bout youI"m a lost star without youIt hurts but it"s trueThat I will never ever see you againAnd I"ll never ever hold you againIn my arms ,never ever again,And I will never ever feel you againBut I will always love you the sameMy girl never ever againI wish we had a little more to look in loveSuddenly it takes me all alongTo the point where it breaks my heartSuch a major love ,never gonna touch againI will never ever see you againAnd I"ll never ever hold you againIn my arms ,never ever again,I wish we had a little more to look in loveNever ever againNever ever againNever againI"ll never see you again tt

Never Again 歌词

歌曲:Never Again (永不言败/再也不/永远也不)所属专辑:My December歌曲时长:3:37发行时间:2007.4.23歌曲原唱:Kelly Clarkson歌词:I hope the ring you gave to herturns her finger greenI hope when you"re in bed with herYou think of meI would never wish bad thingsBut I don"t wish you wellCould you tell by the flames that burned your wordsI never read your letterCause I knew what you"d sayGive me that Sunday school answerTry and make it all okDoes it hurtTo know I"ll never be thereBet it sucksSee my face everywhereIt was youWho chose to end it like you didI was the last to knowYou knewExactly what you would doDon"t sayYou simply lost your wayShe may believe you but I never willNever againIf she really knows the truthShe deserves youA trophy wife oh~ how cuteIgnorance is blissBut when your day comesand he"s through with youAnd he"ll be through with youYou"ll die together but aloneYou wrote me in a letterYou couldn"t say it right to my faceWell,give me that Sunday school answerRepent yourself awayDoes it hurtTo know I"ll never be thereBet it sucksSee my face everywhereIt was youWho chose to end it like you didI was the last to knowYou knewExactly what you would doDon"t sayYou simply lost your wayThey may believe you but I never willNever again will I hear youNever again will I miss youNever again will I fall to youNeverNever again will I kiss youNever again will I want toNever again will I love youI never will

Never Again 歌词

I hope the ring you gave to her我希望你给她的那枚戒指turns her finger green把她的手指变绿I hope when you"re in bed with her我希望当你和她躺在床上You think of me你会想着我I would never wish bad things我不会咒怨But I don"t wish you well但也不会祝你一切都好Could you tell by the flames that burned your words你能通过被火焰吞噬的字句感觉到I never read your letter我从未读过你的信件吗?Cause I knew what you"d say因为我知道你会说什么Give me that Sunday school answer给我那种主日学校式的答复Try and make it all ok试图使一切看起来都没问题Does it hurt难道不伤心吗To know I"ll never be there知道我永远不会在那儿Bet it sucks打赌这一定很糟See my face everywhere你能在任何地方看见我It was you是你Who chose to end it like you did选择像这样结束这段关系I was the last to know我是最后一个知道的You knew你早就知道Exactly what you would do你会做什么Don"t say不要说You simply lost your way你只是迷失了方向She may believe you but I never will她也许会相信你,但我永远不会Never again再也不会If she really knows the truth如果她真的知道真相She deserves you那她跟你很配A trophy wife oh~ how cute一个花瓶老婆,哦,多可爱啊Ignorance is bliss无知便是幸福But when your day comes但当你的那天到来and he"s through with you他已经厌倦了你And he"ll be through with you他会抛弃你You"ll die together but alone你们会同时但却孤独地死去You wrote me in a letter你写封信告诉我You couldn"t say it right to my face甚至没法当面说出来Well,give me that Sunday school answer给我那种主日学校式的答复Repent yourself away赦免你自己的罪孽Does it hurt难道不伤心吗To know I"ll never be there知道我永远不会在那儿Bet it sucks打赌这一定很糟See my face everywhere你能在任何地方看见我It was you是你Who chose to end it like you did选择像这样结束这段关系I was the last to know我是最后一个知道的You knew你早就知道Exactly what you would do你会做什么Don"t say不要说You simply lost your way你只是迷失了方向They may believe you but I never will他们也许相信你,但我永远不会Never again will I hear you再也不会听你的Never again will I miss you再也不会想念你Never again will I fall to you再也不会爱上你Never永不Never again will I kiss you再也不会亲吻你Never again will I want to再也不会想要你Never again will I love you再也不会爱你I never will永远不会

Never Again 歌词

歌曲名:Never Again歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:From Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis, TennesseeKAT-TUN - NEVER AGAIN作词:SPIN/JOKER作曲:JOEY CARBONE/STEVEN LEEWhat"s up girls?Feel up! Come on!Bringin" on babyMy girls?Bounce. Come on! Never love again. Yeah.One more chance ku re na i? mo-Chance.This situation. Frastrate. On me.I never understand wa ka su gi ta no saya sa shi sa da ke ja a i se na i ka raEasy come easy go hon to- no ko to wa so- kan tan ni hana se na i yoNever forget everything you said to meNever forget everything you"ve done to meta me ra i no me i ro de sa ma yo u fu ta ria su ka ra wao mo i de ma de da ki shi me te ni do- to o ma e ha na san a idon na tsu ra i ko to ka ra mo a i o ma mo ruYou"re never gonna get my love againa ki ra me te ta ko i na no ni…(ha re ta ma bu ta ni ku chi tsu ke ruBaby)un me- wa ?No fakeYou are my everything ya su i ko to ba gai ma no fu ta ri ni yo ku ni a tte ruI couldn"t help my self u so de ka ta me tama i ni chi wa mo- ku zu re o chi so-Never forget everything you said to meNever forget everything you"ve done to meto ma do i no ki su da ke ka sa ne ru fu ta rito tsu zen nosa yon a ra da ke i wa na i deko no ma ma de wa o wa re na i感じたまま濡れた瞳(め)は 本当の気持ちYou"re never gonna get my love againa ki ra me te ta ko i na no ni…(kyo- mo a sa ma de fu ta ri Body Talk)un me- wa ?No fakeThree.Two.One. Never again.Oh yeah baby. Comin" here.Bounce. Come on! Never love again. Come on!Everything mo- i chi do-su be te o yu ru shi a u no saI believe i ma na ra ma ni a usa bi tsu i ta MemoryI never understand  wa ka su gi ta no saya sa shi sa da ke ja a i se na i ka raYou are my everything  a ki ra me te ta ko i na no ni…(i ma na ra i e rut a da I Love you)un me- wa ?No fakeo mo i de ma de da ki shi me te ni do- to o ma e ha na san a idon na tsu ra i ko to ka ra mo a i o ma mo ruYou"re never gonna get my love againa ki ra me te ta ko i na no ni…un me- wa ?sa yon a ra da ke i wa na i deko no ma ma de wa o wa re na ikan ji ta ma ma nu re ta me wa hon to- no ki mo chiYou"re never gonna get my love againa ki ra me te ta ko i na no ni…un me- wa ? No fake


Never Again到此为止; 双语例句 Never again hold on to of that way!从不再一次继续到那个方法!

never again什么意思


英文纹身never again vxx什么意思?


请帮我翻译一句话It’s a zero-sum game在此句的意思

我只知道大概的 好是给你说下把 N回答记者有关他对希恩Charlie多少钱是"不够". 迈克尔道格拉斯说:"这不是问题,不足一提". 这是只是个游戏. 有赢; 有人输. 钱少或钱多,它只是从一个人转移给另一个人. "

I love you .Never before and never again .这句话是什么意思?


never again和not anymore

不再,再也不就是not any more 用again就是not.again



这段歌词是什么意思 贾斯汀的never again


哪位知道李秀英Never Again这首歌的中文和音译?谢谢!

李秀英 NEVER AGAIN作曲 : Mgr 作词 : Mgr 말론 다 못하겠죠 이 내 마음을 처음 그대 보았을 때 생각이 나요U2@9z.Cw어렵살이 키워온 나의 사랑은 이대로 묻어야 겠죠 없던 것 처럼그대만을 바라보는 그녀는 어떻해fS1J7{0Qj눈물 삼키며 Say Good bye 이럴 수 밖에 없는 나 원망스러워4~bdxz(S"Wo(W$Zx G내게 남은 시간 그대와 할 수 있다면 마지막 내곁을 그대가 지켜준다면 정말 기쁘게 떠날 수 있을텐데돌아가요 이미 늦었잖아요 지금도 그녀는 그대를 기다려요행복한 모습 지켜 볼 수 있게 해줘 please Let me go"l9x ? M/Ev8L!n그대만을 믿고 있는 그녀를 지켜요눈물 삼키며 say good bye 행복 하길 바래요 얼마 안돼는#es zo9S내게 남은 시간 기쁘게 살아 갈께요 그대라는 사람 만난건 하늘이 내게 주신 마지막 선물이란 걸 알아%n ] t7} } C t} 돌아가요 이미 늦었잖아요 지금도 그녀는 그대를 기다려요cvI;d"wub:_ON행복한 모습 지켜 볼 수있게 해줘 please Let me go You"ll have to forget me5V6puh-r&kj!k d~말로 못한 내 진심은 잊어요 붙잡고 싶지만 이내 슬퍼 할 그대를 볼 순 없어 나 그냥 혼자 갈께요B9c$_,te@3{ tId6Rcl-[ c我想起第一次看见自己的时候的心情,无法用语言表达,努力培养到现在的爱情,就这样被埋葬,就想从来就没有过一样。 zz"~}6eU;D}8]}^1R2ES!E那时侯看见的那个女孩怎么办?Say Good bye我没有别的办法,只能埋怨自己流下伤心的泪水。%v7s3zH b%l如果在我最后剩下的时间里,你能在我身边,我真的会高兴地离开。 0e7rC7d+Dkf_-]~G _请回去吧,已经晚了,可是那个女孩还在等待,让我能看到你幸福的面容。please Let me go )f Y)In*Bl Cy/g Va:SYF相信会有那一天,流着伤心的泪水,Say Good bye 希望你能幸福。 $Ta a1]#虽然不剩多少时间,但我会很高兴地活下去。我知道那时侯遇见的那个人,是上天给我的最后的礼物。 请回去吧,已经晚了,可是那个女孩还在等待,让我能看到你幸福的面容。please Let me go &h2Y U9~bqfYou"ll have to forget memallon da mot hagetjyo ee naemaeumeul choheum geudae boasseul ddae saeng gaki nayoohryupsari kiwohon naeh sarangeun eedaero moodohya getjyo opdon got chohromgeudaemaneul baboneun geunyohneun ohddohge nunmool samkimyohsay goodbye. eerol su bakeh obneun na wonmangseurohwoh.naege nameun shigan geudaewa halsu itdamyon majimak naegyocheulgeudaega jikyoh jundamyon jongmal gibbeuge ddohnal su isseultendedolagayo imi neujohtjanayo jigeumdo geunyohneun geudaereul gidalyohyohaengbokhan moseup jikyoh bol suitge haejwoh plz let me go.geudaemaneul midgo itneun geunyohreul jikyohyo nunmool samkimyohsay goodbye haengbok hagil baraeyoolma ahndwehneun naege nameun shigan gibbeuge sala galkeyogeudaeraneun saram man nangon haneuli naege jushin majimak sonmooliran gol aladolagayo imi neujohtjanayo jigeumdo geunyohneun geudaereul gidalyohyohaengbokhan moseup jikyoh bol suitge haejwoh plz let me"ll have to forget memallo mot han nae jinshimeun ijohyo bootjapgo shipjimaneenae seulpoh hal geudaereul bol sun obssohna geunyang honja galkeyo

never againz中文翻译


Never Again 歌词

Would have given up my life for you Guess it"s true what they say about love, it"s blind Girl, you lied straight to my face lookin" in my eyes And I believed you ‘cause I loved you more than life And all you had to do was apologize You didn"t say you"re sorry I don"t understand You don"t care that you hurt me And now I"m half a man That I used to be when it was you and me You didn"t love me enough My heart may never mend And you"ll never get to love me again No, no, no, no Sadness has me at the end of the line Helpless watched you break this heart of mine And loneliness only wants you back here with me Common sense knows you"re not good enough for me And all you had to do was apologize and mean it But you didn"t say you"re sorry I don"t understand You don"t care that you hurt me And now I"m half a man That I used to be when it was you and me You didn"t love me enough My heart may never mend And you"ll never get to love me It"s like hell, I can"t go back in time Maybe then I could see how Forgiveness says that I should give you one more try But it"s too late, it"s over now Hey...ooh.. You didn"t say you"re sorry I don"t understand You don"t care that you hurt me And now I"m half a man That I used to be when it was you and me You didn"t love me enough My heart may never mend And you"ll never get to love me again, yeah Never get to love me

跪求昼颜的主题曲《never again》钢琴谱不知道里面有没有希望对你有帮助

谁能将贾斯汀的never again 这首歌翻译一下?

Never Gone别走 Backstreet Boys I really miss you真心的思念你 There"s something that I gotta say有些事情我要提起 The things we did我们做过的事情 The things we said我们说过的话语 Keep coming back to me回到我身边 and make me smile again再次让我的笑容展现 You showed me how, to face the truth你让我明了如何面对真实 Everythings thats good in me I owe to you你是我一切美好的源泉 Though the distance thats between us now may seem to be too far我们之间的距离看来太过遥远 It will never seperate us deep inside I know you are但我知道我们的心就在咫尺之间 Never Gone, never far in my heart is where you are别走,不让你在我的心中远游 Always close, everyday, every step along the way只要靠近,每天,每一步沿着这条路走 Even though for now we"ve got to say goodbye即使现在我们会分手 I know you will be forever in my life (Yeah)我知道你我将会天长地久 Never gone (no no no no no)别走,no no no no no I walk alone, these empty streets虽然独行于空荡的街道 There is not a second you"re not here with me却能感觉你分分秒秒 The love you gave, the grace you"ve shown你给予的爱,你展现的美 Will always give me strength and be my corner stone总是给我力量让我攀登得更高 So how you found a way to see the best I have in me你总能发现我的优点,这究竟有什么奥妙? As long as time goes on, I swear to you that you will be我发誓只要时间运转我会对你好 Never Gone, never far in my heart is where you are Always close, everyday, every step along the way Even though for now we"ve got to say goodbye I know you will be forever in my life (Yeah) Never gone (no no no no no) If theres one thing I believe若我相信一件事 I believe我相信 I will see you somewhere down the road again我们还要相会在某处

谁能将贾斯汀的never again 这首歌翻译一下?


KAT-TUN的never again的歌词

What"s up girls? Feel up! Come on! Bringin" on baby My girls Bounce. Come on! Never love again,Yeah. One more chance くれない もうChance. This situation. Frastrate. On me. I never understand 若过ぎたのさ 优しさだけじゃ爱せないから Easy come easy go 本当のことは そう简単に话せないよ Never forget everything you said to me Never forget everything you"ve done to me ためらいの迷路で 彷徨う二人 明日からは 想い出まで抱きしめて 二度とおまえ离さない どんなつらいことからも 爱を守る You"re never gonna get my love again あきらめてた恋なのに… 肿れた目盖に口付けるBaby 运命は No fake Three. Two. One. Never again. Oh yeah baby. Comin" here. Bounce. Come on! Never love again. Come on! Everything もう一度 すべてを许し合うのさ I believe 今なら间に合う さびついた Memory I never understand 若过ぎたのさ 优しさだけじゃ 爱せないから You are my everything あきらめてた恋なのに… 今なら言えるただ I Love you 运命は No fake 想い出まで抱きしめて 二度とおまえ离さない どんなつらいことからも 爱を守る You"re never gonna get my love again あきらめてた恋なのに… 运命は さよならだけ言わないで このままでは终われない 感じたまま濡れた瞳(め)は 本当の気持ち You"re never gonna get my love again あきらめてた恋なのに…运命は No fake No fake. No pain. Joker in a houce show. And a tiger. Never again. Love again. 君は俺の甘い Honey toste.

never again 歌词

Would have given up my life for youGuess it"s true what they say about loveIt"s blindGirl, you lied straight to my faceLooking in my eyesAnd I believed you "cause I loved you more than lifeAnd all you had to doWas apologizeYou didn"t say you"re sorryI don"t understandYou don"t care that you hurt meAnd now I"m half the manThat I used to be when it was you and meYou didn"t love me enoughMy heart may never mendAnd you"ll never get to love me, againNo, no, no, no, no, noSadness has me at the end of the lineHelpless watched you break this heart of mineAnd loneliness only wants you back here with meCommon sense knows that you"re not good enough for meAnd all you had to doWas apologize, and mean itBut you didn"t say you"re sorryI don"t understandYou don"t care that you hurt meAnd now I"m half the manThat I used to be when it was you and meYou didn"t love me enoughMy heart may never mendAnd you"ll never get to love meIt"s like hell I could go back in timeMaybe then I could see howForgiveness says that I should give you one more tryBut it"s too late, it"s over nowYou didn"t say you"re sorryI don"t understandYou don"t care that you hurt meAnd now I"m half the manThat I used to be when it was you and meYou didn"t love me enoughMy heart may never mendAnd you"ll never get to love meAgainAgain, yeah, yeahAgain, again, again, yeah, yeah, yeahNever get to love me



岩代太郎的《never again》这首歌曲的中文意思以及日文歌词 谢谢了 会日语的朋友

是这个么?Never Again 永不重现Drownin" away from the start to the end(我)自始至终被淹没沉溺And you"re sailing away而你扬帆远离and nowhere else to strain毫无牵绊(留恋)Come and take my all away来吧 也将我的一切带走So far away from the start to the end自始至终 你我相隔遥远And everything seems so veiled and blue而一切如此隐晦且忧郁Run away, sail away逃离吧,远航吧You"re the one to have and love and shame你是我的所有,所爱,与所耻Will you be mine你会属于我吗Come and take来吧 带走这一切We will be far away(既然)我们将相隔日涯Never again I"ll find someone else永不重现 我将找到另一个人kiss me goodbye to the end(请)与我吻别直到最终Worst I"m alone to despair end up最差的结局不过我失望孤独至死in crazy for the love to insane从为爱痴狂到全面崩溃Never again I"ll love someone else永不重现 我将爱上另一个人Please be mine till the end请和我相伴直到最终This is our last night I"m fallin"in love这是我与你相爱的最后一个夜晚your lips,your soul,your eyes,你的双唇,你的灵魂,你的眼your arms,your hairs, your heart你的臂弯,你的头发,你的心our love, our mind我们的爱情,我们的理智

《Never Again》—Justin Timberlake 歌词的中文翻译


never again什么意思


Never Again 这字母是什么意思


It gave me a strange feeling of excitement to see my name in print一句中,in print作何解?

in print理解为印在上面/里面 我的名字印在上面上面/里面

找课文,A man who never gave up 。需要全文。


LadyGaga《big girl now》的歌词

I`m big boy, you`re a big girl nowI`m a big girl, you`re a big boy nowBack in the day, when you were young (It was fun)Little girl, didn`t think you were the one (Now, here I come)Your sexy walk, your sexy talk (That`s what`s up)Little girl, you`re clearly not the same kid from the blockI ain`t that little girl no more, not no more, that`s for sureBoy, get ass out on the floor, lets explore, lets exploreYou know I like the way you move it (move it)Girl, you`re all grown up and now you`re ready to let it goWanna be a big girl `bout to prove it (prove it)With a body like that, you got a grown man ready to blowI`m big boy, you`re a big girl nowI`m a big girl, you`re a big boy nowBack in the day, when I was young (Kinda dumb)But I always knew I`d be the one (Now, here you come)Gonna get you wet, gonna make you sweatGonna give you something you ain`t never gonna forgetWell, you ain`t a little girl, not no more, that`s for sureWanna work it like a big girl, lets exploreDrop it to the floor, baby, get moreYou know I like the way you move it (move it)Girl, you`re all grown up and now you`re ready to let it goWanna be a big girl `bout to prove it (prove it)With a body like that, you got a grown man ready to blowYou know I like the way you move it (move it)Girl, you`re all grown up and now you`re ready to let it goWanna be a big girl `bout to prove it (prove it)With a body like that, you got a grown man ready to blowI`m big boy, you`re a big girl nowI`m a big girl, you`re a big boy nowI`m big boy, you`re a big girl nowI`m a big girl, you`re a big boy nowI`ve been waiting too long for you to get naughtyEat this and daddy, come on touch my bodyI see that good things come to those who waitCome take me on before it`s too lateYou know I like the way you move it (move it)Girl, you`re all grown up and now you`re ready to let it goWanna be a big girl `bout to prove it (prove it)With a body like that, you got a grown man ready to blowYou know I like the way you move it (move it)Girl, you`re all grown up and now you`re ready to let it goWanna be a big girl `bout to prove it (prove it)With a body like that, you got a grown man ready to blow

有never gave up 这个说法吗?

I have a dream , I never gave up the dream我有一个梦想。这个梦想我从没放弃。never gave up (注意: gave 是过去式)是 从没放弃, 从未放弃不是 永不放弃

找一首英文歌曲...有人说是 Lady gaga的 里面歌词多次重复“.....Boom Boom..........Boom Boom”很多次

boom boom pow 黑眼豆豆的吧?

ELLEGARDEN的《Marry Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Marry Me歌手:ELLEGARDEN专辑:ELLEGARDEN BEST (1999-2008)Somewhere closer I can hear the wedding bellIt"s a fine day I am wearing a blue shirts like the skyI am standing in the line while holding confettiI see the girl of my dream is shining like the sun beside himWon"t you marry me if I could be a rich boyWon"t you marry me if I could be very handsomeWon"t you marry me if I could be a tall guyDon"t you marry him if I could be in the next lifeYou"re an idol in high school He was a quarter backHe has sold me a photocopy of your photgraphI am standing in the line while holding confettiI see the girl of my dream is smiling like the sun in her wedding dressWon"t you marry me if I could be a rich boyWon"t you marry me if I could be very handsomeWon"t you marry me if I could be a tall guyDon"t you marry him if I could be in the next lifeMaybe not... She don"t remember meMaybe not... She don"t know how I feelMaybe not... She don"t even know my last nameMarry meELLEGARDENWon"t you marry me if I could be a rich boyWon"t you marry me if I could be very handsomeWon"t you marry me if I could be a tall guyDon"t you marry himHe"s just another stupid in the next life

The Golden Boy And The Prodigal 歌词

歌曲名:The Golden Boy And The Prodigal歌手:Jason Gray专辑:Everything Sad Is Coming UntrueJason Gray - The Golden Boy & The ProdigalThere are two sides to every personLike the two sides of a dimeHeads or tails it depends uponWho"s watching at the timeThough I hate to say itMine is no exceptionOne part is the prodigalThe other part: deceptionLike the prince and the pauperLike Jacob and his brotherEach hide a different heartEach a shadow of the otherMe and my doppelgangerBoth share the same bloodOne I have hatedThe other have I lovedOne of them"s the Golden BoyThe man I"d like to beI show him off in the paradesFor all the world to seeThe other is much weakerHe stumbles all the timeThe source of my embarrassmentHe"s the one I try to hideThe Golden boy is made of strawHis finest suit will surely burnHis vice is the virtueThat he never had to earnThe prodigal"s been brokenAnd emptied at the wishing wellBut he"s stronger for the breakingWith a story to tellI"m not easy with confessionsIt"s hard to tell the truthBut I have favored the golden boyWhile the other I"ve abusedAnd he takes it like a manThough he"s longing like a childTo be loved and forgivenAnd share the burden for awhileSo take a good look in the mirrorTell me who you seeThe one who Jesus died forOr the one you"d rather beCan you find it in your heartTo show mercy to the oneThe Father loved so muchThat he gave his only son...

The Ivory Gate Of Dreams 歌词

歌曲名:The Ivory Gate Of Dreams歌手:Fates Warning专辑:Still LifeI. Innocence (instrumental)II. Cold DazeThe coldness of confusionHangs in the morning air asBrazen bells ring realityTo announce the conquerer dawnRemoved from nights fleeting trancePlunged headlong into cold daysWhere in a circle we wanderThe barren wastes of our pastsIII. Daylight DreamersDaylight dreamers awaken onDeserts of desperationLonely lives learn to live onislands of isolationSurrounded by violent oceansof hate and hopeless sorrowsDaylight dreamers envisiontranquil seas in save tomorrowsDreaming through the darkened dayAlong tempest torn strandsDesperately grasping the grainsof hope that flit through our handsAs they fall we tighten our holdWhile the waves claim the final fewtaken without ceremonyThey drift out of viewWashed away with the tides of timeSlipped through our fingers as dreams doIV. QuietusFrom sleeping visionsDaily were tornFates WarningIn waking hoursHopes are forlornIs all we do and all we dreamdoomed to drown in a hopeless stream?Wishing life were made of lasting visionsin eternal sleepAnd if that rest were filled with sorrowstill we"d sleepIn the madness of a silent eternityWe"d find solace inFalse visions that protect usfrom realityEnter ivory gates through midnite skiesDaylight dreamers in private paradesPerform before perpetual dawnAs dusk engulfs the gate of horn.Ivory towers appear beyond the gateInvisible fortressess of escapeTraversed by ramparts made of hopes and fearsImpervious to realityV. Ivory TowerBehind sullen doorsUntouched withinSafe from summer stormsand winter windsRelentless tempestsCan weaken wallsTowers falter whenreality callsUntouchable by all withoutLost in the silken web youth may weaveTangled threads seem a strongholdBut illusions can deceiveA cold daze plagues the airThe walls give way to the rushand let reality inVI. Whispers on the windMisty morning on a windswept plainEmbers of a fortress all that remainThe seeds of life that burned withinhave flown like whispers on the windFrom the sleepers worldI look towards darkening skysThrough the violet haze of summer stormsThe sun leaves tired eyesVII.AcquiescenceBetrayed by innocenceDeceived by delusionsPlagiarized promisesPale into empty hopesIvory towers bow downIn reference to daylightAs dreamers awakenIn sleepers somber shadeOcean waves shift leavingonly memoriesFinal traces of hopeare swallowed in the deepDespair sends a certain calmA vague sense of reliefReleased from all our longingsSilently we"ll sleepHope leads to quiet desperationWhen reality obscures the dreamMakes the mind a grave of memoriesThat wander like the lonely breezeWhose whispers echo through ruins rustof towers torn and dreams turned to dustVIII. Retrospect (instrumental).

给LADY GAGA 伴舞的有一个叫Michael Silas 有他的详细资料么?


BIOS里BOOT中boot mode 设置成UEFI和Legacy support有什么区别?各什么意思、作用?uefi开机时间短是么?

uefi和legacy是两种不同的引导方式,uefi是新式的BIOS,legacy是传统BIOS。你在UEFI模式下安装的系统,只能用UEFI模式引导;同理,如果你是在Legacy模式下安装的系统,也只能在legacy模式下进系统。uefi只支持64为系统且磁盘分区必须为gpt模式,传统BIOS使用Int 13中断读取磁盘,每次只能读64KB,非常低效,而UEFI每次可以读1MB,载入更快。此外,Win8,更是进一步优化了UEFI支持,号称可以实现瞬时开机。



test against siplec full test/selected testyiyi译成中文是什么意思

大意应该是:再测试一次企业信息 ,全面测试/选择测试。。云云吧==


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