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删除设置里保存的ut文件。1、FIFA主菜单-自定义-档案-删除2、点 删除 后会出现一个下载的各类文件的列表3、找到FUT阵容相关的,删掉(我删了一个,不知道是不是只有这一个)4、重启主机,进入UT提示开始前需要下载阵容,下载,然后成功进入。退出进入重试了多次,均正常进入。






/fut/,foot 脚 /put/,put 放 /tu0254:k/,talk 谈论 /trip/,trip旅行 /laik/ like 喜欢 如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助, 请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,












EA今日放出了FIFA21中FUT模式的最新内容介绍,下面就为大家带来了由“bigdickfuker”汇总的FUT模式新增要素内容,供各位玩家们参考。FUT模式新增要素一览fut co-op:和好友两两组队一起玩dr或者sqb,可以赢得双份奖励,有组队任务可以做fut event:站队选边,打赢有奖励(鸡肋)meaningful moments:如果球员在现实中拿出了非常强悍的表现,那么他在ut中的卡片也会相对应变强例:阿诺德进了一个很nb的任意球,他的ut卡牌任意球数据就会增加core mode improvements:排位机制改进,dr每晋一段能得到丰厚奖励,同时友谊赛里有限时的趣味模式,比如用银卡阵踢神秘球。。。。。。fut stadium:更加客制化的ut主场,可以自由定制看台颜色,tifo,以及场边的摆件,展示你的ut成就,根据预告来看你甚至可以把草坪上的白线换成紫色(鸡肋)icons 100:算上新加入的11位传奇,fifa21的传奇队伍一共扩军到了100人











fut 什么意思

fut [fu028ct] adv. 砰n. 砰的一声




现在全世界范围内实施的毛发移植技术分两种,即FUT(毛囊单位移植)和FUE(毛囊单位提取)。这两种技术各有优缺点。对于一个具体的患者来说,不能简单地说哪种技术是最好的,这要看患者的具体情况。最好是由医生结合自己的经验和患者的意愿制定最合理的手术方案。 FUT和FUE技术是指获取毛囊的方法,下面是两种技术的区别和利弊。FUT技术手术方法:从枕部切取一条头皮,切口精细缝合。由毛囊分离师将头皮瓣加工成含有1-4根头发的毛囊单位。特点: 1. 保证在枕部毛发优势供区内获取大量的头发,最多可以一次性获得3500-4000个毛囊单位。 2. 每个毛囊单位所含的头发可以根据手术需要由分离师控制。比如:发际线用含有1根头发的毛囊单位,使发际线更加自然,而在头顶部应用含2-3根头发的毛囊单位,使头发更加浓密。 3. 有经验的毛发分离师可以在直视下分离毛囊,最大程度减少毛囊损伤。可以有多个毛囊分离师同时工作,以缩短手术时间。 4.手术只需要剃除切取头皮瓣上的头发,保留周围头发,伤口缝合后不影响外观,前面脱发区的头发也可以不必剃掉。 5. 会在枕部留下线状的瘢痕,正常情况下瘢痕宽1-4mm,在头发里瘢痕很不明显。适用范围:这种方法适合所有人。但有极少数人的头皮非常紧张,只适合做很窄的头皮切取,否则术后瘢痕会很宽,这种患者更适合做FUE技术。FUE技术手术方法:应用电动毛囊提取机,从枕部提取毛囊单位。优点: 1. 提取毛囊是每隔1-2个毛囊提取一个,因此提取的范围会很大,尤其在大量提取(超过1500单位),有时会超过枕部毛发优势供区,提取的头发质量会降低。但有一部分人枕部宽大,可供提取的优势供区范围很大,最多也可以提取3000个毛囊单位。 2. FUE技术是在盲视下提取毛囊,因为每个人的头皮质地不同,提取的难易程度不同。所提取的毛囊单位多数含有1-2根头发,少数含有3根头发。 3. FUE技术提取的毛囊单位经过毛囊分离师简单的修整即可应用。提取毛囊的工作由一位医生完成,提取过程长,手术时间因此加长。 4. 提取头发的区域需要剃成光头(仅留1-2mm的头发),很适合男性植发。超过1000单位的提取不适合女性,因为基本没有女性愿意剃掉大范围的头发。 5. 手术无需开刀缝合,无需拆线。术后在枕部留下细小的点状瘢痕,比较分散,即使是留很短的头发也看不出瘢痕。适用范围: 适用于希望术后留极短头发的患者和不愿接受FUT技术的患者。对于术中FOX实验证明不适合做FUE的患者应改为FUT。头发细软的患者也不适于做FUE。










FUT即follicle unit transplant,通俗的讲就是有痕植发技术。1998年,美国医学博士,植发专家Rassman WR和Bernstein RM医生在多年的毛发移植手术临床研究中,率先应用FU的概念( Intl J Aesthetic Restorative Surgery 1995; 3: 119-32),发明了FUT(follicle unit transplant ),开启植发新时代。


你好!fut 英[fu028ct] 美[fu028ct] adv. 砰; [例句]In each time the FUT heating system carries on the statistics to each different district buildings"heat load.在每个时间段对各个不同分区内的建筑物进行统计,计算出各个供暖分区在每个时间段的供暖负荷。

You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile


Futile Immigration Matter

Ms X is a 23-year-old girl from China and she currently holds a student visa. She wants to apply for a Partner of a New Zealander Work Visa. Her school recently informed her that she will be dismissed from her program because of her low attendance rate and poor academic performance, which will invalidate her current New Zealand student visa. She has lived with her New Zealander partner for three months and is pregnant with his child; however, their partnership evidence is not very sufficient to apply for a partnership-based work visa. They only have three letters sent to their joint living address, and their joint bank account has only been open for one month. Due to the bank staff"s negligence, their joint account only displays one person"s name; the bank noticed the mistake, but it was only corrected a few days ago. We informed them that their partnership evidence is weak, and the most critical evidence of their partnership is Ms X"s pregnancy. Therefore, we suggested she apply for a three-month visitor visa before applying for a partnership-based work visa so that she can accumulate more partnership evidence. However, the client insisted on applying for a work visa rather than a visitor visa. In order to avoid future disputes, we asked her to sign a risk-informed letter before we lodged her visa application. After the work visa was lodged, the applicant told us that she was considering terminating her pregnancy and asked us for our advice. We told her that it would affect the outcome of her application and sent her the following email after this meeting: ‘Dear Ms X, As per our conversation, we find that the evidence of your partnership is weak, and the most important proof of your partnership is your pregnancy. We would like to kindly notify you that if Immigration New Zealand finds out that you plan to terminate your pregnancy, your partnership-based application will be at risk. Hence, we suggest that you fully consider your decision regarding your pregnancy before acting, as it will affect the outcome of your application. Please try to prepare other partnership evidence as much as you can. The evidence and documents you can prepare include (but are not limited to) the following: □ Joint mortgage/loan documents □ Joint insurance policies □ Joint assets/liabilities □ Bank statements, utility bills or other mail received at your home address. The document must state you or your partner"s name, your home address and a date. If it is addressed to you and your partner separately, you and your partner need to provide at least one document each that you received at the same address with similar dates. □ Travel itineraries or tickets for trips you have taken together After preparing this additional evidence, please send the original copies of these documents to our company as soon as possible. Kind regards, Mutual Benefit Limited" One month later, we received a letter from her case officer and informed our client that the content of this letter was similar to the one we had sent in our risk-informed letter. Partnership concerns Living together You claim that you moved in together as of 02 March 2018; you have provided limited evidence to support this claim. Your tenancy agreement is insufficient to support the duration of living together that you have claimed. The tenancy agreements you provided seem to be written by the same hand and using the same pen. The signature on the tenancy agreement and the support letter from the landlord do not match up. Genuine partnership Your original purpose in coming to New Zealand was to study. You have not provided any information to show that you have other pathways to remain in New Zealand. You have not provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate that you have genuine intentions to enter into this relationship on a long term basis. You appear have met your partner only weeks before moving in together. Given the limited timeframe and opportunities to spend time with your partner; we are not satisfied your claimed relationship is credible. You have provided insufficient evidence to show that you and your partner have a ‘Shared Life" together as a couple or evidence to show that the degree of commitment of each other to a shared life on a long term basis. You have not provided evidence of you both being committed to each other both emotionally and exclusively. You and your partner have a joint bank account. You state that the bank made an error and forgot to add your name to the joint account. You have provided no evidence of this from the bank. We note that this account has not been used to pay utilities, rent or so forth which adds a concern regarding the credibility of this account. You provided evidence of a joint insurance policy update at your joint address. This is insufficient to cover the duration of living together as claimed. Stable partnership You have not provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate that your partnership is likely to endure. The evidence of living together you have provided only covers the duration from March 2018 to June 2018. We do not consider your period of living together is long enough to demonstrate that your claimed relationship is stable. As the issues detailed above may affect the outcome of your application, we are bringing them to your attention out of fairness to you. We have not made a decision on your application at this stage. This letter gives you the opportunity to make any comments and submit any additional evidence or information in relation to these issues. The client"s response and emotions were relatively stable after hearing the news; however, she decided to find a new lawyer to respond to this PPI letter from INZ and asked us to issue her a refund because she claimed that we did not mention the refund policy in the risk-informed letter. We explained the clause about ‘termination of service" to the client before she signed the written agreement with us, but in order to avoid future disputes, we refunded the client and terminated her contract with us. One month later, she posted on Moments (similar to Twitter) that her visa application had been declined. Upon reflection, we have learned that if there is any risk when applying for a visa, or if the application is futile, we must ensure that we have obtained the client"s written permission to lodge the application and make sure that he or she knows the associated risks and consequences. There should also be a clause regarding the refund policy of a futile case stating that if the client insists on applying for a visa, the first service fee is not refundable. We failed to explicitly mention the refund policy in this case, and we did not consider that she might seek new representation, which caused a lot of work on our part without a financial payoff. We usually charge the client at two stages: 1) after we submit the application, and 2) when a successful decision has been made, including an approved-in-principle decision. However, if the client chooses to seek new representation, we do not receive the service fee for the second stage. Therefore, we should add a clause in our agreement that if the client chooses to seek new representation, he or she will pay 50% of the second-stage service fee.

求 apology to the future 的全文 by Scott Thomas Eastham 正确给加分!

Apology to the FutureBy Scott Thomas EasthamMy Dear Unborn Grandchild:By the time you read this, I shall be dead---- and probably not from old age. You have grown to maturity now, and by rights expect very little from your forebears. This is as it should be. Nevertheless, I feel I owe you at least two things---- an apology and an explanation.The apology takes precedence. I can guess that you are living on a devastated Earth, the ruin of a garden planet, an Earth rendered well-nigh uninhabitable by forces set in motion by my generation and those that preceded us. I apologize for all of us who may be responsible. I am esp0ecially sorry because all the portents foretelling the kind of world you will inhabit are already present today. I wish I could say we don"t know any better, but we do.We know that the chemical wastes we have been dumping heedlessly for decades have probably caused irreversible damage to the human gene pool. There is undoubtedly more congenital suffering in your time, more weakness of limb and of brain, more people born then than now who might prefer to be dead. We know further that there is no safe way to dispose of or isolate the mountains of nuclear waste we are accumulating; by your day, the damage will be done. We know also that our societal addition to fossil fuels is releasing far too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. We have even predicted the catastrophic results of the “greenhouse effect”: an inevitable warming and shift in the Earth"s climatic regions, melting of the polar ice caps, and thus floods, mass migrations, famines, etc. nevertheless, we scoff at alternatives to fossil fuels and nuclear energy. They are costly and unrealistic, we say, and so we gouge ever more deeply into the flesh of the Earth to find and burn up more of the same.In a single century, we have turned the Earth into a sick old lady. Species are going extinct at the incredible rate of one every other day. Some of that is natural selection, of course, but the lion"s share of the damage is man"s doing. The food chain is going to collapse out from under us one day, but that"s a problem for the future to solve, or so we say. Oh yes, we can see all around us the grim beginnings of your world.It"s not just what we"re doing to the environment that speaks of the world we are creating for you, but just as evidently what human beings are doing to one another.at the latest estimate, some 50,000 people die of starvation every day---- that"s one death every other second. Instead of offering real help to theses starving millions, the superpowers sell them weapons---- meanwhile spending about a billion dollars a day on their own suicidal arms race. Most people are afraid of World War III, but don"t realize that the “Third World War” is already well underway; more people have died in the approximately 160 wars since World War II than perished in that great conflagration. Even as I write you, there are about 40 shooting wars being fought in and between so-called Third World nations, most of them like quicksand pits---- the more you struggle, the deeper you sink.The human death toll is already enormous today, even if we never use the massive thermonuclear arsenals we"ve been building up for the Big Finale---- which could come at any moment. Every city in the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. with a population of 25,000 or more is presently targeted with at least one nuclear bomb, and the computer controls are not only on hair triggers, but in addition they are notoriously unreliable. Every time lightning strikes the municipal power grid in Colorado Springs, the North American Air Defense Command computers there register a Soviet missile strike and prepare to strike back. Perhaps this is all old news to you. For you and your contemporaries, it may well be too late. Perhaps you are already living in the radioactive rubble of our nightmares; perhaps you know firsthand about genetic mutations, radiation damage, infant leukemia, shortened life expectancy, and all the other horrors we"ve been saving up for you.I fear there is an inevitability here, too. Humankind has never yet developed a weapon it did not eventually get around to using on itself. When Alfred Nobel invented dynamite in 1866, he supposed that, with such a terrible weapon in the world"s arsenals, nobody could ever countenance waging war again. In the unclear age, that kind of innocence is lost forever. Even if you have by some incredible stroke of providence been spared an atomic Armageddon, you will see our handiwork in all the other gruesome legacies we have left you and with which you must try to live---- or should I say survive?Government is supposed to be the way we human beings handle our collective affairs, but we just can"t seem to get the hang of it. You"d be appalled at what passed for government in this, our “enlightened” modern age. In the U.S., for instance, you"d think we don"t really believe anybody knows how to run anything properly. We"ve gotten very cynical, and expect fraud, malfeasance, and liars in public places. Don"t mistake my meaning; it"s not one political party or the other that"s at fault---- it"s the system, the bureaucratic megamachine. Our entire society has been politicized, polarized, and factionalized to the extent that everybody is, in the final analysis, at odds with everybody else.In such a perverse state of affairs, affairs of state tend to undergo some rather bizarre reversals. We have a “Defense” Department that prepares for and covertly wages aggressive war. We have an “Interior” Department that sells off public lands for private profit, and uses wasteful “slash-and-burn” clearcut lumbering techniques on the lands it does retain. We have an Environmental “Protection” Agency which stymies enforcement of the meager environmental legislation we do have on the books. We have a “State” Department whose unstatesmanlike business is to meddle in the internal affairs of other states, and a “Commerce” Department which does everything in its considerable power to put up barriers to free trade between free nations. We have an “Energy” Department whose major utility is to serve as a front for nuclear weapons procurement, we have an “Education” Department whose main function appears to be to dismantle public education from the top down. The list goes on and on.For all of this, our generation owes yours an apology----but not without explanation. The explanation, however, is going to be harder for you to comprehend. I can tell you what it is , by and large, but you will probably be unable to accept it. I"m alive now, witnessing the genesis of your terrible world, and I can scarcely believe it myself. It"s all the old human follies writ large. It"s greed and stupidity and self-interest and all the banal and routine evils that go unnoticed as we single-mindedly conduct our “business-as-usual”. The religions of humankind have been warning us for two or three thousand years that we ‘d better shape up, or else, but we generally don;ttake free advice. It is no hideous horned monster that has arisen in the latter half of the 20th century. It"s just the same old vices of the squabbling, petty, self-centered, bad-tempered cantankerous human species, but the efforts have been hugely magnified by our new technologies, magnified and projected directly to you. It is not a birthright we"ve left you, it"s a “birthwrong”. You have been grievously wronged long before the day of your birth, and I am ashamed to admit that you are going to have to judge our generation by its worst and most destructive elements.You won"t see the other side of it, of course, but there is another side. It must seem incomprehensible to you that we of the 1980"s could foresee all these things, yet collectively and individually squander our last best moment to turn the world around and leave a habitable planet for our progeny. So let me tell you a little of what we might have done, had we given ourselves----and you----half a chance.After Hiroshima, we knew very well that, if humankind was to survive, we would have to find alternatives to head-on conflict----creative, constructive, dialogical ways to deal with the irreducible diversity of the human family. Peace is not just an accident, a lull between wars; peace is a hard-won achievement, a creative act, a societal work of art. It is also an imperative. Nuclear weapons leave us no choice----either we human beings learn to live with people who disagree with us, or else we all go to hell in a handbasket. For human life in its entirety to endure, we are going to have to shed some of our deeply rooted cultural biases and pretensions. We are in the midst of discovering, for example, that Western technocracy is not the only way to live a human life, and that is is plain wrongheaded to try to solve global human dilemmas from within the structures and strictures of a single civilizational model----one, be it noted, which seems increasingly prone to flirt with its own total destruction.We are also well aware that we"ve taken the Earth fro granted far too long. Things have changed rapidly for the worse on our crowded planet; we"ve worn out our welcome in the old homestead. These are the signs of our times. If the air is to be fit to breathe, if the grass and the trees are to continue to grow, if human life is to flourish along with its companion species, then we are going to have to learn----and learn damned quickly----to collaborate with the Earth, to become responsible partners with all the rhythms and dynamism of the living Cosmos. This means that we are going to have to rely less on mechanisms of force and more on the vital connections we share with the entire Creation and with one another.Along the same lines, we know also that human civilization, however high its technical or aesthetic attainments, is peculiarly vulnerable to its own garbage. Athens, medieval Europe, and Elizabethan England all succumbed to plague spawned in streets that ran with raw sewage, and our new techniques of biochemical interference are likely to be far more devastating than the occasional rat-infested ship. We rightly fear that we shall be poisoned, buried and memorialized by our own garbage.I think we do know, above all and despite all, that life is a gift, a miracle, really, that it is fitting to celebrate and pass on enhanced to our descendants. Slow as we are to acknowledge it, we know that this gift is in our hands now----for better or for worse.So what can I tell you? That in my generation, homomaniacus, the crazy fellow, is busy writing the epitaph for homo sapiens, the supposedly wise fellow with 6000 years of accumulated human experience to draw from? That all the beauty and wisdom and dignity that human life has painfully but steadily acquired over millennia will be squandered by a single, mindless generation in a wild frenzy of destruction? I don"t know.I certainly hope not, but it often seems like a hope against hope. I hope our generation can see the alternatives and make the responsible choices----livingry instead of weaponry, creation instead of destruction, life instead of death. I wish i knew the outcome, but only you can know that for sure. Only you, my unknown and nameless grandchild, can properly judge your parents and grandparents and the world they"ve handed over to you, the life they"ve passed on to you. As for me, I only wish I knew whether we are even going to allow you to exist.

跪求:Justin的FutureSex/LoveSound专辑的 歌词!!

歌曲名:FutureSex / LoveSounds 所属专辑:FutureSex / LoveSounds 演唱者:Justin Timberlake歌词:you know what you wantand that makes you just like mesee everybody says you"re hot, babybut can you make it hot for mesaid if you"re thinking "bout holding backdon"t worry, girl"cause i"m gonna make it so easyso slide a little bit closer to me, little girldaddy"s on a mission to pleasewait a secondshe"s hopped up for mei"ve got her in my zoneher body"s pressed up for mei think she"s ready to blowmust be my future sex love soundand when it goes downbaby all you gotta do isjust tell me which way you like thatall you gotta do istell me which way you like thatdo you like it like thisdo you like it like thattell me which way you like thattell me which way you like thatyou can"t stop, babyyou can"t stop once you"ve turned me onand your enemy are your thoughts, babyso just let em go"cause all i need is a moment aloneto give you my toneand put you out of controland after you let it inwe"ll be skin to skinit"s just so naturalwait a secondshe"s hopped up for mei"ve got her in my zoneher body"s pressed up for mei think she"s ready to blowmust be my future sex love soundand when it goes downbaby all you gotta do isjust tell me which way you like thatall you gotta do istell me which way you like thatdo you like it like thisdo you like it like thattell me which way you like that

求初二英语作文My future is to be a diplomat

I want to be a diplomat in the future because my English is exactly.I love English very muchuff0cand my mother always tells me that if I want to get a good job like this uff0ci must study harder and harderuff0cso i always try my best to my homeworku3002I hope my dream will come ture.

My Future英语作文

In ten years, I think I will be a teacher. I"ll teach in Beijing because it"s our capital and it is also a beautiful city.The people there are very friendly, too. As a teacher, I think I"ll teach many students. I"ll teach them history. I"ll tell my students a lot of interesting history stories and some unforgetable history events. I hope my students will get on well with me and be good at this subject. In my spare time, I"ll play tennis with my students. I"ll read many books on weekends because books can bring me a lot of knowledge. To keep healthy I"ll eat more fruit and drink milk every day. I"ll try to keep fit. I"ll go to Shanghai for vacation. And one day, I might even visit America

一首电音的曲风,比如说DNB,future bass之类的,具体指的是Drop?Drop中的鼓点?还是一首电音整体?


请帮我找找FuturaBlack BT字体


帮我找关于My Home in the Future(我未来的家)的英语短文.满意追加积分.

oh,please help yourself.

《future bass》曲风特点是什么?

Future bass全名为Future Bass Music,是Bass Music的一种衍生型流派。2006年诞生于英国,美国,日本和澳大利亚的一个音乐流派,是一个广泛的音乐流派。Future Bass比起被作为纯音乐,更多时候是与Pop(流行乐),Vocal(人声)结合在一起出现。该流派自2016年以来迅速走红,其突出的感染力与和流行歌曲的相适性使其更容易为大众所接受,已经成为当下最具人气和影响力的EDM风格之一。来自日本的Kawaii Bass也是Future Bass其中的一类,在Future Bass的基础上加入了更多ACG的人声切片采样,旋律也更为明亮一些,与日本的流行音乐息息相关。值得注意的是,Future Bass并不具有大多数Bass Music的特征。至于其应归为Trap还是依旧归为Bass Music的子风格,仍没有确切的定论。因此在进行风格讨论时,一般将其论外处理。人们经常会将其与Melodic Dubstep混淆,Melodic Dubstep在保留Future Bass的Wobble Lead、Chords等元素时还会加入Growl Bass以及Dubstep的鼓组等。

inhale the future, exhale the past, 翻译成中文, 翻译工整一些



future ,原名Nayvadius D. Wilburn,出生在Nayvadius Cash,一个嘻哈家庭。2011年,他带着他的 street track 《Tony Montana 》震惊了亚特兰大。说唱歌手future在亚特兰大的第六街区长大。他的表弟是Dungeon Family的制作人Rico Wade。future是当地的船员给他起的名字,称他是“说唱的未来。”2010年时与1980年2月2日出生的gucci mane合作了一张mixtape《Free Bricks》。2011年他发布了专辑《streets callin》,并且客串了YC的mixtape hit Racks。在那一年秋天,《Tony Montana 》大火,并宣布未来将签署史诗唱片集团(the Epic Label Group)由制作人兼首席执行官的L.A. Reid签下。2012年,他的首张专辑,《冥王星(Pluto)》由史诗唱片发行。  注:Dungeon Family是一支由一群美国南方嘻哈音乐人组成的超级大团体,来自美国亚特兰大地区。组合名字中的“Dungeon”其实是团体成员早期录音的地方 - 制作人Rico Wade的一个地下录音室。Rico Wade、Ray Murray和Sleepy Brown组成了一个制作团体Organized Noize,Dungeon Family中最受欢迎的组合OutKast和Goodie Mob早期的作品几乎都由Organized Noize包办。  Dungeon Family在2001年集结到一起发行了一张合辑《Even in Darkness》。


法语future是指将来,未来,而 avenir 是指今后的前途。所以前者是个抽象性的表示将要来的时间概念形容词或名词,没有特指什么,只是个时间概念,而后者,是一个较为具体的名词,它牵涉到一个即将引伸出的前途,或一个生涯。avenir 也可以作为动词,表示什么什么东西比较合适,或某某人计较合适。当然本身就是一个即将进行的事情(是时态上的一种将来行为。)比如:- Cet habit vous avient bien. (这套服饰适合您。)61 Ce ruban avient à votre teint. (这条丝巾跟你肤色很协调。)61 Cela n"avient qu"à vous, c.-à-d., vous seul pouvez dire ou faire cela. (这个,也就您合适。也就是说,只有您能说这个或干这个。)61 Il vous avient bien de me faire des reproches. (也就您能批评我。)

future avenues是什么意思



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