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英语里为什么叫功夫是 KUNG FU




kongfu和kung fu有什么区别?

kongfu可以作拼音读,而kung fu在汉语拼音里是不存在的,后者是没有实际读音的!






是。《功夫熊猫》里面的MasterShifu,Kungfu, Shifu就是“师傅”的汉语拼音,是舶来词,可以在浏览器观看作品。《功夫熊猫》是一部以中国功夫为主题的美国动作喜剧电影,由约翰·斯蒂芬森和马克·奥斯本执导。

city life in the future


kung fu能连起来吗


kung fu是动词还是名词?

kung fu是名词,“功夫”。do kung fu意思是“练武功”。(希望对你有帮助哦!)

kung fu的音标

gong fu功夫

kung fu什么意思




为什么老外把功夫拼作 “Kung” Fu?

相信大家对许多英语中的汉语借词并不陌生,例如Taoism(道教)、KungFu(功夫)、Kung Pao Chicken(宫保鸡丁)、Taichi(太极)等等。看到这些词的拼写,很多人最奇怪的感受就是它们把“浊音”都拼成了“清音”。比如dt,bp,gk。明明是 Gong Fu却非要拼成KungFu。虽然这些拼法有几分独特,但是见得多了,大家也慢慢习惯了。任何一位留学生,都能在海外中餐馆自信地点上一道“空抛Chicken”。许多语言学午餐的读者更能直接解释道:“这是威妥玛拼音,就应该是这么拼的”。的确,这些拼法来自于威妥玛拼音(Wade-Giles romanization)。威妥玛拼音也叫威翟式拼音。它在19世纪末由英国外交官威妥玛(Thomas Francis Wade)所创制,并被用于其所著之汉语课本《语言自迩集》内。后又被时任英国驻宁波领事的翟理斯(Herbert Allen Giles)进一步优化并系统性地应用在他编撰的《华英字典》里。上:威妥玛与《语言自迩集》下:翟理斯与《华英字典》不过,为什么英国人设计的威妥玛拼音会“清浊不分”呢?这是因为,我们平时所说的所谓汉语拼音中的“清音”“浊音”都是非常不准确的说法。其实,汉语拼音中的b、d、g都是清音,只不过它们是不送气的清音,在国际音标中它们分别写作[p],[t],[k]。进一步解释之前,我们首先厘清两个概念:清音(voiceless)和浊音(voiced)。把手放在喉咙上,跟着午餐君发几个音,感受它的振动:这其实是一张喉咙痛的图片,但你知道怎么把手放在喉咙上吧?发清音时,声带不振动;发浊音时,声带振动。(Interactive Sagittal Section by Daniel Currie Hall)尝试说“啊——”,你的手很明显能感受到振动,因为所有元音都是浊音。连续说“妈妈妈”,你也能感受到持续的振动,因为鼻音[m]和元音[a]都是浊音;但是如果你连续说“爸爸爸”,你会发现振动不是连续的,字与字之间明显有停顿,而且停顿恰恰发生在你说b的时候。这说明了普通话的b是清音,对应国际音标[p]。既然汉语拼音的b、d、g对应国际音标[p]、[t]、[k],那汉语拼音的p、t、k又对应什么?我们再区分一下送气(aspirated)和不送气(unaspirated)的概念。再跟着午餐君一起,把手掌放到嘴前:我想你也知道怎么把手放在嘴前,但你猜这本来是一张什么图片试着说“他他他”,手能明显感受到气流,说明拼音t是送气音;再试着说“打打打”,手并不能感受到明显气流,说明拼音d是不送气音。送气在国际音标中用角标[]表示。汉语拼音p、t、k对应国际音标[p]、[t]、[k]。威妥玛拼音的字母选择依照了反应实际音位的思路:既然是清音,就用清音字母拼写。汉语拼音的b、d、g对应威妥玛的p、t、k;汉语拼音的p、t、k对应威妥玛的p"、t"、k"。威妥玛系统用撇号表示送气。浊音怎么才算浊?我们认识到普通话中的b、d、g和英语中的/b/、/d/、/g/发音并不相同。普通话的b、d、g是清音,而英语中的/b/、/d/、/g/是真正的浊音。不过,尽管如此,英语中的浊爆破音也并不总是那么“浊”。我们再来认识两个概念:爆破音(plosives)和除阻(release)。首先爆破音的概念大家很容易理解,大概就是说话的时候容易喷口水的那几个音。汉语拼音中有三个清不送气爆破音b、d、g和三个清送气爆破音p、t、k;英语中有三个浊爆破音音位/b/、/d/、/g/和三个清爆破音音位/p/、/t/、/k/。人在发爆破音时会先在口腔内构成一个阻碍,比如:发p时我们紧闭双唇发t时我们舌尖会向上抵住牙龈或齿背这时,发音的气流会因为这些阻碍而无法通过。接着我们移除这些阻碍,也就是除阻(release),比如:把紧闭的双唇张开把抵着齿龈的舌头松开让气流通过,发出声音:(learnlanguagesonyourown.com)英语中虽然有浊音/b/、/d/、/g/,但是它们在单词开头时只能说是有一点儿“浊”,声带振动远不及它们出现两个元音之间的时候显著。而法语、西班牙语中的词首的浊音/b/、/d/、/g/为了显得特别“浊”,讲法语或西语的人会在“爆破”之前就提前开始振动声带(pre-voiced)。语音学上用 Voice Onset Time(VOT)来描述从除阻(比如张开双唇)到开始振动声带的时间:负的VOT值表示声带振动开始时间早于除阻时间VOT为0表示除阻和声带振动同时开始正的VOT值表示声带振动在除阻一段时间之后才开始我们以双唇音(如b、p等)为例,看一下上述三种情况下除阻和声带振动之间的关系是怎样的:法语和西班牙语词首的浊爆破音具有负的VOT值,所以听起来比VOT为0的英语浊音更“浊”一些。形象地说,在张开双唇之前。讲法语的人就要开始“哼哼”了,这样双唇张开时,可以保证声带仍处于振动状态,浊音听上去也就尤其明显了。而之所以法语和西语的浊音要这么“浊”,是因为法语和西语的清爆破音是不送气的,所以Paris翻译作“巴黎”而不是“啪黎”。如果浊爆破音不显得尤其浊一些,就不能和清音区别开了。而英语中的浊爆破音/b/、/d/、/g/在单词开头时的VOT在0左右,声带振动与除阻(比如张开双唇)几乎同时开始。这令英语单词开头的浊爆破音只是部分浊化,或几乎等于清不送气爆破音[p]、[t]、[k]——这两者其实只有十几毫秒的VOT的区别,而具体是哪一种取决于个人的发音习惯。因此,当一个讲汉语的人发出汉语拼音b,也就是一个清不送气[p]时,讲英语的人会以为他听到了[b],因为汉语清不送气[p]和英语[b]的VOT基本上都是0。但讲法语的人不会认为这是[b],因为法语中的浊音必须提前振动声带。清不送气音始终要比一个真正的浊音要更为容易发音,这也可能是为什么今天的普通话没有了浊爆破音。汉语拼音比威妥玛拼音好在哪儿?既然普通话只有清爆破音,为什么汉语拼音要引入浊音字母呢?首先,像威妥玛拼音这种只用清音字母拼写清音,用附加符号区分送气的拉丁化思路不仅被应用于官话的拼音,许多其它早期的汉语方言拉丁化方案也是这么处理的。例如沿用至今的港英政府的广东话拼音系统。地名古洞(发音类似g dong)拼作 Kwu Tung(construction-post.com)但是在实际应用中我们便会发现这种设计带来的问题:比如,香港地名湾仔(发音类似wn zi)拼作Wan Chai,而地名柴湾(发音类似ci wn)拼作Chai Wan。(右:by Qwer132477/Wikipediaused under CC BY-SA 3.0/ cropped from original)柴湾 Ch"ai Wan中表示送气的撇号被省略,造成了两个声母不一样的字使用了同样的拼法。这也是类似于威妥玛的拼音系统受到诟病的原因之一:撇号在应用中经常被省略,造成清送气音与清不送气音不能够被区分。即使撇号得到了正确的使用,由于绝大多数讲英语的人并不了解撇号在此处所代表的涵义,所以他们发音时会默认把所有清音都送气,这就是为什么我们会听到老外说“空抛Chicken”而不是“宫保Chicken”。既然普通话中没有浊爆破音,用浊音字母来表示清不送气音就不会造成任何歧义,反而好过更忠实于实际音位的方案,而且这样也能实现一字对一音的效果。许多较新的汉语方言拼音方案也采用了类似的处理思路。韩国现行的韩语拉丁化方案,也使用浊音字母来拼写清不送气爆破音。总之,威妥玛拼音在清不送气爆破音的字母选择上有它的道理,但这种设计在实际应用中并不能很好地体现汉语官话的发音。不过,我们不可否认威妥玛拼音对于汉语言文化的贡献。作为最早的汉语拉丁化方案之一,它帮助我们更好地认识了汉语,也将中国的文化概念带向了世界。参考资料Mannell, Robert.“Voice Onset Time (VOT).”Phonetics and Phonology, Department of Linguistics, Macquarie University,1 Aug.2009. Web.23 Jan 2018. clas.mq.edu.au/speech/phonetics/phonetics/airstreamlaryngeal/vot.html."Wade-Giles."Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.,29 Dec 2017. Web.23 Jan 2018. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WadeGiles


事情的起因:首先我要说的是上一篇博客中我写到的一句话: 如果使用new关键字调用,那么函数的 return 语句不再起作用,因为这时还回的是 this 对象。博客发表以后,有网友评论中提到,当使用工厂方法的时候,最后return的是一个对象,而且也确实能够使用这个返回的对象并访问它的属性。这就正好和上面说的有冲突了。当然我承认上面的那句话是我在搜集资料的时候看到的这么一句话。没有经过我的验证,当然我看到“咲臣 ”的评论之后我对这句话的正确性进行了详细的验证。首先大家看一下这个工厂模式创建js对象。[javascript] view plain copy print?function Person(name,age){ var o =new Object(); o.name=name; o.age=age; o.getName=function(){ alert(this.name); } return o; } var person1=new Person("hanyi",22); alert(person1.name); 运行结果:在浏览器运行时监控person1的结果:首先讨论一下第10行代码中new的必要性,这时候我们想要的结果应该是使person1为 Person (name,age)函数的返回结果,即对象O(Object)。当然为了保证正确性我们也做了验证把这行代码改为 : [javascript] view plain copy print?var person1=Person("hanyi1",22);//(为了区别把字符串稍微改动!) 运行结果:在浏览器运行时监控person1的结果:为了进一步验证:我们做以下修改:[javascript] view plain copy print?<span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>function Person(name,age){ this.a="123"; var o =new Object(); o.name=name; o.age=age; o.getName=function(){ alert(this.name); } return o; } var person1=new Person("hanyi",22); alert(person1.name +" "+ person1.a);</strong> </span> 即在函数Person(name,age)中添加this.name=name;然后运行看结果。运行结果:在浏览器运行时监控person1的结果:这个例子可以清楚的看到,这里即使使用了new关键字,但是Person(name,age)中的return还是起了作用。而且返回的明显不是this对象,因为其中不包括a属性的任何信息。 通过以上例子完全可以说明了上一篇博客对于new关键字调用函数与普通方法调用函数的区别的解释的错误性,到现在为止就证明了个错误的观点,那什么事正确的观点呢。是不是如果一个函数中存在return语句,调用这个函数的时候使用new和不使用new返回的结果是一样的呢?下面我们再来看看这个例子:[javascript] view plain copy print?function Test() {   this.name = "Test";   return function() { return true; } } var test = new Test(); // 这里的 test 是什么? 在浏览器运行时监控test的结果:最后一行代码变为:[javascript] view plain copy print?var test = Test(); // 这里的 test 是什么?(new去掉)。 在浏览器运行时监控test的结果:如果在上面的代码变为:[javascript] view plain copy print?function Test() {   this.name = "Test";   return function() { return true; } } alert(new Test() == Test() ); 运行结果:以上结果会让人很迷惑。两个最后的结果明显相同,但是为什么真正比较的时候返回的是false呢。因为 Javascript 对于 Object 和 Function 的比较是基于引用的。  为了更清晰的分辨在上述情形下两者间的区别,请继续看以下代码:[javascript] view plain copy print?function Test() {   this.name = "Test";   return "Test"; } var fnT = Test(); var newT = new Test(); 在浏览器运行时监控fnT和newT的结果:这次终于有了明显的区别。显然,fnT是字符串 Test,那 newT呢?呵呵,是不是被第一个样例迷惑了?其实,此时 newT是一个 Test对象——有一个名为 name的属性,其值为字符串 Test。 通过上面两段代码,我们可以得出一个猜测,如果函数返回值为常规意义上的值类型(Number、String、Boolean)时,new函数将会返回一个该函数的实例对象,而如果函数返回一个引用类型(Object、Array、Function),则new函数与直接调用函数产生的结果等同。通过在 Test函数中返回不同类型的值进行测试,可以证实这一点。   分清这一点,其实还是蛮重要的,至少在看一些面向对象的框架类库代码时,会少一些疑惑。


kungfu [k?"fu:] n. 功夫 汉语拼音kang fu 希望对您有用!


上集回顾: 上集快速领略了一下 BeautifulSoup 的大概功能,并学习了如何安装和构造一个 BeautifulSoup 对象。 本集学习 BeautifulSoup 的 Tag 及其属性。 由于HTML和XML是由大量tag组合和嵌套而成,所以检索目标信息就是检索目标tag的过程。 一、Tag对象 Tag 对象与XML或HTML原生文档中的tag相同: Tag有很多方法和属性,其中最重要的属性是: name和attributes。 二、name属性 每个tag都有自己的名字,通过 .name 来获取: 如果改变了tag的name,那将影响所有通过当前Beautiful Soup对象生成的HTML文档: 三、attributes属性 一个tag可能有很多个属性. tag <b class="boldest"> 有一个 “class” 的属性,值为 “boldest” . tag的属性的操作方法与字典相同: 也可以直接”点”取属性, 比如: .attrs : tag的属性可以被添加,删除或修改. 再说一次, tag的属性操作方法与字典一样 四、多值属性 HTML 定义了一系列可以包含多个值的属性。最常见的多值的属性是 class (一个tag可以有多个CSS的class). 还有一些属性 rel , rev , accept-charset , headers , accesskey 。在Beautiful Soup中多值属性的返回类型是list: 如果某个属性看起来好像有多个值,但在任何版本的HTML定义中都没有被定义为多值属性,那么Beautiful Soup会将这个属性作为字符串返回 将tag转换成字符串时,多值属性会合并为一个值 如果转换的文档是XML格式,那么tag中不包含多值属性 五、字符串 字符串常被包含在tag内。BeautifulSoup用 NavigableString 类来包装tag中的字符串: 一个 NavigableString 字符串与Python中的Unicode字符串相同,通过 unicode() 方法可以直接将 NavigableString 对象转换成Unicode字符串: 本集总结: 下集见

Kung Fu是什么意思



do kungfu

kung fu这个词语是从什么时候才有的

武术和功夫其实是一个概念,国外本来没有功夫一词,功夫就是由李小龙带到美国去的,英语叫"chinese Kungfu"中国功夫,李小龙练的就是中国武术,也就是功夫,武术是个广义词,太极,永春拳,一指婵等等都可以叫武术.




英语:由一代截拳道宗师李小龙写进英文词典,意为“功夫”空付:基本信息一种全新支付方式 KungFu(空付)是支付宝于2014年推出的一种全新支付方式。通过扫描授权、设置限额,可以赋予任何实物价值,用该实物来支付。它的核心功能是,通过对任一实物扫描授权赋予支付能力。在商家处出示该实物,经过独有的技术快速识别后,即可成功完成支付。这一产品采用了Alipay X Lab创新的APR与IRS技术,可以提升支付能力与安全性。今后出门不用说钱包,就是手机也不用带了,直接跳过需要硬件才能支付的阶段,进入到无硬件支付时代。有KungFu的生活是这样的:你走进一家便利店,身上没带钱包,也没带手机,但仍可以用已经授权了支付能力的随身物品,比如戒指、鞋子、宠物或是胳膊上的纹身,随时购买到想要的商品。在这背后是支付宝在过去一年中开发的两项关键技术——APR(Augmented Pay Reality,增强支付现实技术)和IRS(Information Recall Secure,信息回溯保障系统)的创新研发。APR 技术能够建立网络与现实世界的连结,通过对被拍摄对象的立体检测和特征分析,精确识别现实世界的人或物。它可以定位到像素级的极小特征,对特征进行3D组合定位和精准识别。IRS系统根据APR技术解析后的信息,去追溯匹配在云端加密储存的个人支付账户,从而使KungFu(空付)得以完成。每笔交易都有相应的保证金做赔付保障。基于以上两项新技术,我们可以脱离开手机,用任何实物进行支付。我们也可以多次对多个实物进行授权,赋予不同价值 。还可以将已授权的实物,作为礼品赠与他人。用户可以在最新版本的支付宝钱包里找到“空付”入口,然后对着自己想要授权的物体进行扫描录入,并设置可支付的额度。随后就可以使用这个物体出门,在任何商店进行支付。选择具有唯一特征的实物进行设置授权,还可以提高KungFu(空付)的安全系数。负责KungFu项目的Alipay X Lab负责人表示“KungFu”名字的由来:功夫里有种境界叫“手中无剑,心中有剑”,在高手眼中,万物都可以是兵器。而这一全新支付方式,可以将万物当成有价值的支付“兵器”,让我们每个人都成为行走江湖的高手。“新技术就这样化支付于无形,让我们空着手到处行走也不再担心。” Alipay X Lab工程师表示。我们不仅需要着眼现在,更应该为了未来去大胆设想和不懈努力。支付这件事也是一样。小贴士:测试中发现,进行KungFu设置时,人体肌肉或笔画线条的非正常扭曲(比如对着扫描镜头做鬼脸、摆出夸张动作),可以有效缩短特征识别所需的时间(从原来的1-2s缩短到0.3-0.5s)。即,做鬼脸来付,能更快付成功哦:






功夫英语怎么说:功夫英语可以说为Kung Fu。知识拓展:1、“Kung Fu”在英语中的定义“Kung Fu”是一种汉字转写的词语,最初被引入英语中是用来描述中国传统武术的。现在,“Kung Fu”这个词已经超越了只涵盖武术方面,更广泛地指代了中国文化中的许多方面。2、“Kung Fu”在中国文化中的含义在中国文化中,“Kung Fu”不仅仅是一种武术,它还代表了一种行动哲学。“Kung”表示的是艰苦卓绝的工作或者修行,“Fu”则表示的是时间和精力。因此,“Kung Fu”这个词可以翻译为“艰苦卓绝的努力”。3、“Wushu”和“Kung Fu”的区别尽管“Wushu”和“Kung Fu”都可以用来描述中国武术,但它们有一些不同之处。“Wushu”是中国政府所推广的术语,总体上比“Kung Fu”更加正式和规范。“Kung Fu”则更贴近传统武术的非正式用语,由于流派众多,因此各个流派的教授方法、训练方式和技能重点都有所不同。4、“Kung Fu”在电影和媒体中的使用由于其广泛的文化含义,“Kung Fu”已经成为了许多中国文化相关电影、电视节目和媒体报道中的一个重要元素。此外,“功夫熊猫”系列电影也很好地诠释了“Kung Fu”这个概念,向全世界展现了中国武术的魅力和价值。总之,“Kung Fu”是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,在世界范围内受到了高度赞誉。无论是在武术方面还是作为一种行动哲学,它都代表了艰苦卓绝的工作和努力,以及中国文化的深厚底蕴。

kungfu怎么读 kungfu的意思

1、kungfu的英式发音:[kfu],美式发音:[kfu]。 2、Kungfu释义:KungFu是中国武术在西方国家的英文发音译法,就是功夫的意思。 3、语法:前面加动词do,do kungfu 练武术。

kung fu怎么读

kung fu 康fao


英文原文:Kungfu英式音标:[ku028cu014bu02c8fuu02d0] 美式音标:[ku028cu014bu02c8fuu02d0]

Billy Fury的《Push Push》 歌词

歌曲名:Push Push歌手:Billy Fury专辑:Classics And CollectiblesKat Deluna Ft. Akon - Push PushOh oh oh ohOh oh oh ohKat Deluna & AkonKonvictI see you dancin" with every girlLookin" for someone to rock your worldI"m checkin" your body, it"s lookin" rightBoy I can tell that you go all nightSweet boy, I just wanna be your fantasy boyIf you want it boy you gotta push push babyDon"t stop for a minuteOh oh , oh oh , ooh oh oh , oh oh ohI said push push babyTake it to the limitOh oh , oh oh , ooh oh oh , oh oh ohOh oh oh oh , oh oh oh oh (4x)Push it baby just the way I like (you know i want it)Pick me up and take me for a ride (you know i want it)Sexy body don"t you wanna turn me out (you know i want it)When I hop into it, take me to the crowdOh oh oh ohhSweet boy, I just wanna be your fantasy boyIf you want it boy you gotta push push babyDon"t stop for a minuteOh oh , oh oh , ooh oh oh , oh oh ohI said push push babyTake it to the limitOh oh , oh oh , ooh oh oh , oh ohOh oh oh oh , oh oh oh oh (4x)(Akon)I like the one lottery which I"m "bout to go get my claim onDam, you look like a perfect picture "bout to go get my frame onLookin" like the type I"ve been searchin" for to put my last name onCome on closer with yo umbrella cause you"re "bout to get rained onClap it up baby keep on clappingBack it up by the way you"re stackingKat Deluna is now the captain and Akon wanna know what"s crackingPush push babyDon"t stop for a minuteOh oh , oh oh , ooh oh oh , oh ohI said push push babyTake it to the limitOoh oh , oh oh , ooh oh oh , oh ohPush push babyDon"t stop for a minuteOh oh , oh oh , ooh oh oh , oh ohI said push push babyTake it to the limitOoh oh , oh oh , ooh oh oh , oh ohOh oh oh oh , oh oh oh oh (4x)AkonKat Delunahttp://music.baidu.com/song/8307602

fuck authority 的汉语歌词

终有一天你干找到另一种方式你干你的正确心态和生活所你说今日只是另一天让你订得设法找出我们的方式我说他妈的管理局沉默的大多数所提系统现在的时间崛起对他们我们有病,你的叛逆有病你所在他妈的没有,我们不会听我们再拖打开你的眼睛沮丧统治感到愤怒新一代我们生活我们正在垂死我们永远不要再拖停止你知道你有权采取控制你干采取攻击地位quoue 没有办法我们再拖站在今天争取你的权利它的时候我们也曾经说! 我说他妈的管理局沉默的大多数所提系统现在它的时候愤怒反对我们有病,你的叛逆有病你所在他妈的没有,我们不会听我们再拖打开你的眼睛! 沮丧统治感到愤怒新一代我们生活我们正在垂死我们厌倦无休止的,你说谎摧毁享受你他妈的世界是我们的全新玩具主宰消除你再拖感到愤怒愤怒仇恨他妈的管理局沉默的大多数所提系统现在的时间崛起对他们我们有病,你的叛逆有病你所在他妈的没有,我们不会听我们再拖打开你的眼睛沮丧统治感到愤怒新一代我们生活我们正在垂死我们永远不要再拖停止

求Beautiful pain --Damian Pars 的歌词!!

[ti:Beautiful Pain][ar:Damian Pars][al:][by:lμCifêΓ&havana@MaxRNB] [00:00.00]Damian Pars - Beautiful Pain[00:03.49]( Lyrics by lμCifêΓ & havana@MaxRNB )[00:05.65]Maximal R&B - Your First R&B Source![00:09.46][00:10.28]Two empty streets and hurricanes[00:13.73]I tried to find the way, [00:16.27]I close my eyes and see u smile[00:19.98][00:20.97]Like perfect sunshine through the rain , [00:24.84]you give happiness to faith, [00:27.94]Beautiful Pain[00:30.64][00:31.47]Even though it is over [00:34.61]I still feel you closer[00:37.35]My heart is beating faster than before[00:41.72]I don"t know what I"m supposed to, do to make you love me [00:48.32]I just can"t let u go [00:51.71][00:52.03]Beautiful Pain,save me again[00:57.23]You know that i"m sorry,don"t say it"s too late [01:02.58]Beautiful Pain, save me again[01:08.15]How much it mercy. what else can yo say [01:13.36]Beautiful Pain[01:15.53][01:25.12]No matter what I tried to do [01:28.31]All I can see u stood[01:30.93]You"re every person in the boom[01:35.12]I hear u"re voice everywhere I dail[01:39.01]Oh it"s so hard to explain[01:42.62]Beautiful Pain[01:45.40][01:45.87]And even if it"s over [01:49.50]I still feel you closer[01:51.92]My heart is beating faster than before[01:56.32]How to know what I"m supposed to,do you make you love me[02:03.03]I just can"t let u go [02:06.53][02:06.72]Beautiful Pain,save me again[02:11.73]You know that i"m sorry,don"t say it"s too late [02:17.17]Beautiful Pain, save me again[02:22.38]How much it mercy. what else can you say [02:27.99]Beautiful Pain[02:30.50][02:39.95]Empty streets ,hurricanes[02:44.99]In the depth of my heart ohh[02:50.82]Like perfect sunshine through the rain ,the very thought of you [02:57.64]Makes me feel (you)[03:00.17][03:00.35]Beautiful Pain,save me again[03:05.18]You know that i"m sorry,don"t say it"s too late [03:10.63]Beautiful Pain, save me again[03:15.69]How much it mercy. what else can you say [03:21.09][03:21.38]Beautiful Pain[03:23.67]No don"t know no [03:31.99]Beautiful Pain[03:34.51]No don"t know no[03:42.69]Beautiful Pain[03:45.09][03:46.61]( Lyrics by lμCifêΓ & havana@MaxRNB )[03:52.76]Maximal R&B - Your First R&B Source![03:46.30]

我未来的打算(My future plan) 有简单点的么?100字左右的!!

Life plan is a prior plan or design about the future development of you, which depends on the need of the society and your aspiration.To succeed in any enterprise in your life, you must design your life plan firstly. Once identifying the targets you want, you will own infinite energy to achieve your goal. No one fate to be lazy in the world. Only being short of defined objective, you will be lazy.As the famous saying goes,“The past belongs to death, and that the future belongs to yourself.” How can you make your future belonging to yourself ?It is the most important to find out what you should do. This requires a strong understanding of you and your personality and talent. Certainly, your faculties play an important role in achieving your targets. At present, it is not easy for me to make sure that I have owned enough ability to achieve my goals. But I will try my best to improve my ability. I will divide my goal into small bites and start doing it now. And it is mainly classified into three steps. First of all, I will do my best to do everything what I should do and never leave today"s work for tomorrow. For another, I will develop my skills and improve my quality through studying hard and doing some voluntary activities. In the last place, I will make my goals come true. How do make my plan life come true? The most important is to plan self-actualized life style. Firstly, I will consolidate my goals again and again. It will help me to calm down at any time and let me know that I should do. Secondly, I will keep a good attitude—last but not least, keep a positive, open and relaxed attitude. While reaching the goals, I know I will experience some failures and disappointments. But as for me there are some defeats more triumphant than victories. Lastly, I will put into action to reach my goals. Talk is just a layer of good-looking wrapper. Only through hard working and practicing can I make my goals come true.

找1首歌很轻快一首英文歌里面有歌词BABY BEAUTIFUL男生声音很有磁性


歌词里有if you lonely right we fuck for life的英文歌

Let"s take a ride in the snowNo need to know where we goGet on a sleigh thru the nightThe feeling"s merry and brightLet"s take a ride in the snowAt Christmas time you and me we won"t stay homeWe"re telling Santa helloAnd take a ride in the snowWe don"t sleep today we make a getawayRight on the nightWhen the moon"s gonna turn on his lightNo need to say we"re gonna strayBut we don"t walk "cause we"re going for milesI sit behind your back you turn your headA kiss on my lips what is this OhOur horse just knows the way so on our sleighWe"re making love on Christmas dayGonna ride a sleigh on a holidayGotta hear them jingle bellsI love it do you love itGotta feel the snow everywhere I goIt is like a fairy taleSo what you say what you sayLet"s take a ride in the snowNo need to know where we goGet on a sleigh thru the nightThe feeling"s merry and brightLet"s take a ride in the snowAt Christmas time you and me we won"t stay homeWe"re telling Santa helloAnd take a ride in the snowThe ice is glittering the snow is shimmeringAs we begin just to sing bells continue to ringAnd up above for our loveA light in the night what a sight boyGotta star to lead the way so on our sleighStill making love on Christmas daySleigh bells go ring-a-ding-a-dingFull moon aboveTonight my heart is gonna sing"Cause I"m in loveLet"s take a ride in the snowGet on a sleigh thru the nightLet"s take a ride in the snowNo need to know where we goGet on a sleigh thru the nightThe feeling"s merry and brightLet"s take a ride in the snowAt Christmas time you and me we won"t stay homeWe"re telling Santa helloAnd take a ride in the snowLet"s take a ride in the snowNo need to know where we goGet on a sleigh thru the nightThe feeling"s merry and brightLet"s take a ride in the snowAt Christmas time you and me we won"t stay home

怎么把 PE_FUJACKS.EA-O 病毒杀掉

病毒名称:蠕虫病毒Win32.Emerleox.CO 其它名称:Worm.Win32.Fujack.aa (Kaspersky), W32/Fujack.Q (F-Secure), W32/Fujacks!ITW#29 (WildList), W32.Fujacks.E (Symantec), PE_FUJACKS.EA (Trend), W32/Fujacks.s (McAfee), W32/Fujacks-AL (Sophos) 病毒属性:蠕虫病毒 危害性:中等危害 流行程度:中 具体介绍: 病毒特性:Win32.Emerleox.CO是一类通过网络共享传播,感染文件的蠕虫。它还会下载并运行任意文件,终止被感染机器上的进程和服务,运行时,Emerleox复制"ncscv32.exe"到%System% 目录。随后蠕虫修改以下注册表,为了在每次系统启动时运行病毒:HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun vscv32 = "%System%drivers cscv32.exe" 这个键值会重复生成。注:%System%是一个可变路径。病毒通过查询操作系统来决定当前System文件夹的位置。Windows2000/NT中默认的安装路径是C:WinntSystem32,windows95/98/me中默认的安装路径是C:WindowsSystem,windowsXP中默认的安装路径是C:WindowsSystem32。这个变体还会连接www.lovebak.com 和 www.whboy.net域来下载并运行文件。清除: KILL安全胄甲最新版本可检测/清除此病毒。 试试吧 我没中过

The boy ___ funny glasses is running ___. A. has,in B. with,on C. with,in D. has,under BorC,why

这个句子本来就有复合谓语动词is running,因此并不强调佩戴眼镜这个动作。英语这里不用动词wear,而用的是介词with。

去年冬天只下一次雪哪个是对的 为什么 1. kin nian no fu you wa you ki ga 1ga yi xi ka fu li ma xi ta

表达第二句是对的, しか后面要接否定,表示 “只,仅仅”,但有罗马音不太正确。去年の冬は雪が一回しか降りませんでした。(kyo nen no hu yu wa yu ki ga i kka i shi ka hu ri ma sen de shi ta)

fukk that shii是什么意思



cast a wistful glance投出渴望的眼光


没有什么箱子一定适合初烧玩,或者只有老烧才能玩的。关键看自己的口味,有很多人烧了一大圈,最后就用胆机推Spendor听个人声、弦乐啥的,也不追求素质,就是图个舒服。上海以前有一位网名Ericzhu88的烧友玩了一大圈,丹拿C3都玩了,最后回到用几千块钱的Melody推挽机推1/2的组合上。我个人第一对音箱是Spendor SP2/3 SE,中间玩过超奥 CS 3.7,现在用一台国产FU50并联推挽机推JBL 4429。我肯定不会再回到Spendor,因为我主要听交响、钢琴,Spendor在表现这些类型的音乐方面很弱。所以音响没有优劣、高低之分,关键是找到适合自己的器材。

you are beautiful 这歌用汉语怎么唱


一首英语歌 歌词有“you are beautiful ” 这首歌叫啥呀

christina aguilera - Beautiful

Most Beautiful Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Most Beautiful Girl歌手:Tony Christie专辑:Definitive CollectionNu Flavor-Most Beautiful GirlOoo girl I"d walk a hundred milesTo see your pretty face each time you smileThere is no distance for me, long as I can believeI"ll see you tonightSimply no distance for me, girl you gotta believeI need you tonightI"ll never forget, the first time I setMy eyes on you I thought I would dieYou were my lovely day, took my breath awayNow I"m walking with my head to the skyYou are the most beautiful girl, I"ve ever seen in this worldYou came in my life just in timeYou are the most beautiful girl, I just gotta tell the worldShe"s all mineI just can"t find the words to sayThis kind of feeling don"t come every dayIt feels like heaven to me, love has given me wingsGirl you light up my lifeYou feel like heaven to me, every day"s like a dreamHaving you by my sideI"ll never forget, the first time I setMy eyes on you I thought I would cryIt was my lucky day, when you came my way"N I"m still walking with my head to the SkyOh girlThe sun and the moon, the starrs in the skiesThey don"t shine as bright as the light in your eyesAnd it brightens my day, when I realizeIn just a few hours I"ll be holding you tighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/1619809

we are in a society full of competition 有语法错误码

76.Are we living in a world full of competition? Yes,we are.Our parents compete(竞争)with others in their offices,our brothers and sisters compete with others in their colleges,and we compete with our classmates in school 77.How can you improve your serf-confidence according to the passage? Learn the fact that everyone is born equal and that everyone has his or her own advantages.Try to discover your own advantages,and believe that you can do better than others in those ways. 78.将①处划线部分单词连成一个完整的特殊疑问句. Why can"t we do better than others? 79.将②处划线部分译成中文..②Remember that self-confidence is the first step to success.Believe in yourselves,and you will be successful one day. 记住,自信是走向成功的第一步.相信自己,那么你总有一天会成功的. 80.What"s the main idea of this passage? Although we live in a world full of competition,we will succeed sooner or later with the help of self-confidence .

【┿████◤nelly,Furtado 《Say It Right》歌词意思?

现在就表白 在今天 在今天 在今晚 说出来 全都表白 无论你是否已知 还是你悄然不觉 无论你是否依然坚强 还是你已经迷失自我 当意志的坚冰已碎 当它从你手中滑落 你没时间玩笑掩饰 你的表演已显破绽 对我来说你并不是陌生路人 对我来说你并不是不名一文 你是解药让我自由 你是我的一切所有 我不能说我已迷失犯错 我不能说我已迷失犯错 我不能说我不爱今晚 我已爱上这样的黑暗 我否认我还尚在 我的感受我都能为你 在今天晚上表达出来 从我手中表达出来 对我来说你并不是陌生路人 对我来说你并不是不名一文 你是解药让我自由 你是我的一切所有 我不能说我已迷失犯错 我不能说我已迷失犯错 从我手中你能看出 我的思绪在风中飘落 从我口中唱给你听 我所珍存的一些秘密 我的身体已展示出 一个地方,上帝可知 你应知道那个神圣空间 你是否真的想去

say it right(nelly furtado)中英文歌词?

Nelly Furtado - Say It Right In the day In the day In the night Say it right Say it all You either got it Or you don"t You either stand or you fall When your will is broken When it slips from your hand When there"s no time for joking There"s a hole in the plan Oh you don"t mean nothing at all to me Oh you don"t mean nothing at all to me No you don"t mean nothing at all to me Oh you got what it takes to set me free Oh you could mean everything to me I can"t say that I"m not lost and at fault I can"t say that I"m not lost and at fault I can"t say that I don"t love the light and the dark I can"t say that I don"t know that I am alive And all of what I feel I could show You tonite you tonite From my hands I could give you Oh you don"t mean nothing at all to me No you don"t mean nothing at all to me Oh you got what it takes to set me free Oh you could mean everything to me I can"t say that I"m not lost and at fault From my hands I could give you Something that I made From my mouth I could sing you another brick that I laid From my body I could show you a place God knows You should know the space is holy Do you really want to go? ENDEND 现在就表白 在今天 在今天 在今晚 说出来 全都表白 无论你是否已知 还是你悄然不觉 无论你是否依然坚强 还是你已经迷失自我 当意志的坚冰已碎 当它从你手中滑落 你没时间玩笑掩饰 你的表演已显破绽 对我来说你并不是陌生路人 对我来说你并不是不名一文 你是解药让我自由 你是我的一切所有 我不能说我已迷失犯错 我不能说我已迷失犯错 我不能说我不爱今晚 我已爱上这样的黑暗 我否认我还尚在 我的感受我都能为你 在今天晚上表达出来 从我手中表达出来 对我来说你并不是陌生路人 对我来说你并不是不名一文 你是解药让我自由 你是我的一切所有 我不能说我已迷失犯错 我不能说我已迷失犯错 从我手中你能看出 我的思绪在风中飘落 从我口中唱给你听 我所珍存的一些秘密 我的身体已展示出 一个地方,上帝可知 你应知道那个神圣空间 你是否真的想去

With its expensive furniture and carefully ____ color scheme , the room looked quite luxurious


The,mose,beautiful,love 。连起来翻译成汉语是什么意思?

The most beautiful love.最美丽的爱情。最美的爱。

Playful romance啥牌子


城市天际线the diskis full?

楼主您好,这种情况可以使用关于存档的“OVERWRITE”功能。在每次游戏之后存盘时可以覆盖之前的存档以节省空间。或者关注电脑产生的垃圾并定期删除,这样可以节省大量空间(Win7及以上还可以关注“设置”中的内存感知功能,并定期删除”下载“文件夹里的内容,同样可以节省大量内存)。扩充:城市 天际线u2122所配备的”OVERWRITE“(即覆盖)功能可以将之前的存档删除,将空出的空间用以存放新的存档。如果您的电脑内存不足,就建议您不要再在创意工坊中下载更多的模组和资产了。个人经验,如有不足请指出,望采纳!

matlab function的问题,请大家帮忙看看。 该程序的错误提示是Input argument "x1" is undefined.

程序中function 是与end 连在一起使用,if也是与end,还有for也要与end一起使用,你是不是少了end。

coal is( )useful energy选择题A.an B.a C./


you will_________.(success,successful,succeed),为什么?


coding for fun是什么意思

coding for fun编码的乐趣coding for fun编码的乐趣

英文歌歌词里有这些just fuoyou求大神告知,是女歌手,听起来很伤感

Love to be loved by you - Marc TerenziI can"t believe I"m standing here我不敢相信我一直在这里等了这么多年Been waiting for so many years and等了这么多年Today I found the Queen to reign my heart直至今日才找到支配我的心灵的皇后You changed my life so patiently你让我的生命变得坚韧And turned it into something good and real并且把很多事情变得美好而真实I feel just like I felt in all my dreams我觉得就像我在梦中的感受那样There are questions hard to answer有很多问题很难回答Can"t you see你不知道吗?Baby tell me how can I tell you宝贝,告诉我我该怎么告诉你That I love you more than life我爱你胜过我的生命Show me how can I show you告诉我我该怎么让你看到That I"m blinded by your light我被你的光芒刺伤了眼睛When you touch me I can touch you当你抚摩我时我能To find out the dream is true感觉到梦是真实的I love to be loved by you我愿意你爱我You"re looking kind of scared right now你看起来害怕现在You"re waiting for the wedding vows你在等待婚姻的誓言But I don"t know if my tongue"s able to talk但是我不知道我能不能开口说话Your beauty is just blinding me你的美丽让我失明Like sunbeams on a summer stream and就像夏日河流上的一缕阳光I gotta close my eyes to protect me我只能闭上眼睛保护自己Can you take my hand and lead me请你牵着我的手带我From here please离开这里。。。yeah yeahyeah yeahBaby tell me how can I tell you宝贝,告诉我我该怎么告诉你That I love you more than life我爱你胜过我的生命Show me how can I show you告诉我我该怎么让你That I"m blinded by your light看到我被你的光芒刺伤了的眼睛When you touch me I can touch you当你抚摩我时To find out the dream is true我能感觉到梦是真实的I love to be loved我愿意你爱我I need to be loved我需要你爱我I love to be loved by you我愿意你爱我I know they"re gonna say our love"s not我知道他们说我们的爱不足以strong enough to last forever坚定到永远And I know they"re gonna say that we"ll我也知道他们会说因为艰难的环境give up because of heavy weather我们放弃我们的爱But how can they understand但是他们怎么能够理解that our love is just heaven sent我们的爱正是上天给予我们的We keep on going on and on cause让我们一直拥有着它this is where we both belong因为它属于我们两个Baby tell me how can I tell you宝贝,告诉我 我该怎么告诉你That I love you more than life我爱你胜过我的生命Show me how can I show you告诉我我该怎么让你看到That I"m blinded by your light我被你的光芒刺伤了眼睛When you touch me I can touch you当你抚摩我时To find out the dream is true我能感觉到梦是真实的I love to be loved我愿意你爱我I need yes I need to be loved我需要你爱我I love to be loved by you我愿意你爱我Yes I love to be loved by you是的 我愿意你爱我

歌词里有so wonderful女声英文歌,节奏感很强

James brown - I feel goodWo! I feel goodI knew that I wouldn"t ofI feel goodI knew that I wouldn"t ofSo goodSo goodI got youWo! I feel nicelike sugar and spiceI feel nicelike sugar and spiceSo niceSo niceI got youWhen I hold you in my armsI know that I can do no wrongand when I hold you in my armsMy love won"t do you no harmand I feel nicelike sugar and spiceI feel nicelike sugar and spiceSo niceso niceI got youWhen I hold you in my armsI know that I can"t do no wrongand when I hold you in my armsMy love can"t do me no harmand I feel nicelike sugar and spiceI feel nicelike sugar and spiceSo niceso nicewell I got youWo! I feel goodI knew that I wouldn"t ofI feel goodI knew that I wouldSo good , so good, "cause I got youSo good , so good, "cause I got youSo good , so good, "cause I got youHey! Oh yeah-a...

Swimming is fun in warm weather,but skating is good(1)____ w?

1、be good at是擅长于的意思,good enough=so good,都是足够好,太好了的意思. 2、what修饰名词或名词短语,有以下两种形式: a.What+a(an)+(形容词)+单数可数名词+主语+谓语! b、2.What+(形容词)+可数名词复数或不可数名词+主语+谓语! 由How引导的感叹句 how用来修饰形容词、副词或动词.其结构是:How+形容词(副词)+主语+谓语! (主要看名词和主语出现了吗) 3、根据语境分析,BC排除,一句话中一般不重复出现And. 4、all the time:一直,all time:.全时工作的(空前的,全部时间的) ,all same :都一样的意思,all the same :尽管如此,仍然(一般用作 Thanks all the same) 若依然有疑问请追问,(纯手打,望采纳及追分),2,Swimming is fun in warm weather,but skating is good(1)____ winter.A.at B.on C.enough D.so (2)_____ fun it is to jump into a pool or a lake! A.What a B.What C.How a D.How But basketball and colleyball are very new.And new sports(3)_____ games e into the world almost (4)_______. (3)A.and B.but C.unless D.or (4)A.all time B.all the time C.all same D.all the same 第一题为什么选C? 第二题为什么选D? 第三题为什么选D? 第四题为什么选B? 请给出理由.



在《布拉格广场》中,配音是周杰伦和谁唱的?歌词中a a fu shou直到Fortissiom是什么意思?



unny是最常用的,形容人和事物都可以,一个滑稽可笑的回答就直接说a funny answer,这是中性的语境,如果是贬义的,就说a ridiculous answercomic和comical基本不用来表示滑稽的,而用来表示漫画或漫画人物的希望采纳哦!

同一杂志中short communication 和full paper的地位相同吗

只能说,各有侧重,不分好坏。1 一般情况,full paper对文章的工作量要求比较大,而short communication就相对单薄,都是research paper,均属于一般评职称、毕业认同的范围。2 Comm是简讯,很多期刊都说有一些时效性的发现,而不是完整的一个试验,可以以简讯来快速发表。衡量标准通常与新颖度和实验量有关。3 F ULL PAPER是针对一个假设或者问题全面地论证推理。4 它们的关系在于Comm是发现,而FULL PAPER是论证。所以FULL PAPER的研究深度要高于Comm,但Comm创新性高,而且重在追求首次报道。5 可能有人说Comm的认可度不如FULL PAPER,但这要看期刊,很多牛刊的Comm多是重要的首次发现,引用率超高,而且对于大牛实验室来说,一般在SCIENCE或NATURE首次以Comm形式报道某个发现后不久,就可以见到他们待PNAS上的深度研究了。

同一杂志中short communication 和full paper的地位相同吗

两者都是SCI期刊中的原创报告性论文。一般而言,full paper长度大于等于communication/letter。但是,有些2/3区SCI期刊的communication/letter已经达到5000字的规模,自谦为"communication/letter",其实比很多其他期刊的full paper还要长。某些研究成果没有选择full paper,而投communication/letter,主要可能是2个原因:a. 研究课题属于前沿,变动快,竞争强,为了抢占前沿课题的发表先机时。b. 某一研究课题,目前的成果较少,不足以构成full paper,但也有充分的学术价值时。a情况就是领域内的大牛。b情况也很常见。总而言之,一篇SCI的重要性,并不是靠长短,而是被引用次数,和所在的JCR分区。举一个例子吧,地球物理学领域,有很多重要的communication/letter。比如美国的《Geophysical Research Letters》,名字就是“letter”,是该领域顶级的1区SCI期刊,全部收录看似“短小”的communication/letter,但实际上每一篇都是5000字级别的重要paper。



the movie was__.there is something philosophy about it A.more than funny B.funny


Hangzhou is more beautiful thanuff08 uff09city in China


英语作文。my city in future

My city in futureI think my city will be very beautiful in the future。There will be fewer buses and cars。People will use Small Cars to go out。This kind of cars won"t make any pollution(污染) and it will be very safe。And I think there will be more trees in the streets。They can make the air(空气) cleaner。I hope my dream will come true(实现)。

city in the future的初二作文,80字,急急急

The life in the futuer(初二作文)英语优质解答in the future the technolgy will develop more quickly.every family will have a computer.so we can know more about the world.we can talk on the internet and look at each other.the scientists will make lots of robots.they can help us do some cooking and cleaning.they can wash lothes and go shopping instead of people.if we want to see a doctor we won"t go out of our house ,we can only phone the doctor.it"s very easy .we will have lots of time to travel and relax,so the future life wil be fine

A City in the Future 英语作文,急!!!

In ten years,I think I"ll be a repoter, I"ll live in shanghai last year and fell in love with it .I think it"s really a beautiful city.As a reporte, I think i will meet losts of interesting people, I think i will live in an apartment with my best firend ,Because i don"t like living alone,i will have any pet,I can"t have any pets now becouse my mather hates them,and our apartement is too small,So in ten yeaes, I will have many different pets.I might even keep a pet parrot! I will probably go skating and swimming every day.During the week i will look smart,and probably will wear a suit.On the weekend,I will be able to dress more casually.i think i will go to Hong Kong on vacation ,and i might even vist Australia

一篇题目为《The city in the future 》的英语作文

The city in the future Cities will become more beautiful. First of all, people"s living standards improve, people do not bear on the material demand will improve, the corresponding, our spiritual life has also greatly improved, it will place a lot of fitness, but also has many places for recreation. Cities in the future there is a big change is that traffic, traffic will become more and more developed, not only are roads, railways, aircraft travel is that there will be a great upgrade. Our cities will get better.城市的将来会变得更加漂亮。首先,人们的生活水平提高了,人们不紧对物质方面的需求会提高,相应的,我们的精神生活也会有很大的提高,到时候会有很多健身场所,也有很多休闲的地方。城市在将来还有一个大的变化就是交通,交通会越来越发达,不光是公路,铁路,就是飞机出行都会出现很大的提升。我们的城市将来会变得越来越好。

beautiful in the life歌词

Life is beautiful(又名)We love until we dieWhen you run into my arms,We steal a perfect moment.Let the monsters see you smile,Let them see you smiling.Do I hold you too tightly?When will the hurt kick in?Life is beautiful, but it"s complicated.We barely make it.We don"t need to understand,There are miracles, miracles.Yeah, life is beautiful.Our hearts, they beat and break.When you run away from harm,Will you run back into my arms,Like you did when you were young?Will you come back to me?I will hold you tightlyWhen the hurting kicks in.Life is beautiful, but it"s complicated,we barely make it.We don"t need to understand,There are miracles, miracles.Stand where you are.We let all these moments pass us by.It"s amazing where I"m standing,There"s a lot that we can give.This is ours just for a moment,There"s a lot that we can give.

求 Emi Fujita -The Perfect Moment 的歌词。张国荣 英文版的追。 in my life there was a time 什么什么

这段歌词只是第一段 已经有人做过 还有一段Yesterday打头的

lili allen 的那首《Fuck you》什么含义。还有歌词,英语汉语都要。

《Fuck you》:叼你Look inside, look inside your tiny mind, then look a bit harder 往里看,透视你的小小脑袋,再接近点看 Cause were so uninspired, 原来你的脑袋空空 so s!ck and t!red, of all the hatred you har/bour 我感到恶心,厌倦了你的怨恨 So you say its not OK to be gay, 接着你说你不想做GAY well I think youre just evil 我只能认为你是个混蛋 Youre just some rac!st, who cant tie my laces 你只是个连帮我绑鞋带都不配的种族主义者 Your point of view is medieval 你的观点都已过时 F**k you (f**k you) 日你 F**k you very very much 狂日你 Cause we hate what you do and we hate your whole crew 因为我们讨厌你的所为,讨厌你的一切 So please dont stay in touch 所以请滚远点 F**k you (f**k you) 日你 F**k you very very much 狂日你 Cause your words dont translate and its getting quite late 因为你的话不知所谓且反应迟钝 So please dont stay in touch 所以请滚远点 Do you get, do you get a little kick out of being small-minded? 你能,你能不那么眼光狭小麽 You want to be like your father, 你想要像你爸 its approval youre after 很明显你还差很远 Well thats not how you find it 但你不这么认为 Do you, do you really enjoy living a life thats so hatefu1? 你,你真的享受活得那么令人讨厌麽 Cause theres a hole where your sou1 should be 你应该挖个洞钻进去 Youre losing control a bit 你有点失控了 And its really distastefu1 真的很讨厌 F**k you (f**k you) 日你 F**k you very very much 狂日你 Cause we hate what you do and we hate your whole crew 因为我们讨厌你的所为,讨厌你的一切 So please dont stay in touch 所以请滚远点 F**k you (f**k you) 日你 F**k you very very much 狂日你 Cause your words dont translate and its getting quite late 因为你的话不知所谓且反应迟钝 So please dont stay in touch 所以请滚远点 F**k you, f**k you, f**k you 日你 日你 日你 F**k you, f**k you, f**k you 日你 日你 日你 F**k you 日你 You say you think we need to go to war 你说你认为我们应该大干一场 Well youre already in one 实际你已经在干了 Cause its people like you 像你这种 That need to get s1ew 脑子不会转弯的人 No one wants your opinion 没人会鸟你的 F**k you (f**k you) 日你 F**k you very very much 狂日你 Cause we hate what you do and we hate your whole crew 因为我们讨厌你的所为,讨厌你的一切 So please dont stay in touch 所以请滚远点 F**k you (f**k you) 日你 F**k you very very much 狂日你 Cause your words dont translate and its getting quite late 因为你的话不知所谓且反应迟钝 So please dont stay in touch 所以请滚远点 F**k you 日* F**k you 操* F**k you 扑* F**k you .... F**k you F**k you

fuck you 翻译成中文是什么意思?


求一首歌的名字,开头是FUCK YOU

tight with you

"fuck you" 是什么意思啊?

fuckKK: []DJ: []vi.1. 【粗】性交vt.1. 【粗】与...性交2. (表示愤怒等)诅咒Fuck you!滚开!n.[S]1. 【粗】性交2. 一丁点儿I don"t care a fuck!我一点儿都不在乎!3. (用以加强语气)到底,究竟[the S]

Fuck You (Lab Rat Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Fuck You (Lab Rat Remix) 歌手:Eminem发行时间:2004-10-01所属专辑:《Off The Wall》流派:流行 发行公司:SONY MUSIC歌词:Look inside看看Look inside看看吧Your tiny mind看你那浅薄的思想Then look a bit harder放远大点吧Cos we"re so uninspired因为那里装不下灵魂So sick and tired如此恶心.让人厌倦Of all The hatred you harbour全都是罪恶So you say所以你说It"s not okay to be gay你不认同同性恋Well I think You"re just evil而我觉得你是个魔鬼You"re just some racist你就是一种种族歧视Who can"t tie my laces连鞋带都不配给我系You"re point of view is medevil你的观点已过时Fuck you, (fuck you)去你的Fuck you very very much真是去你*的Cos we hate what you do因为我们讨厌你所做的And we hate your whole crew讨厌你的同伙So please don"t stay in touch所以请别再联系了Fuck you, (fuck you)去你的Fuck you very very much真是去你*的Cos your words don"t translate因为我们言语不通And it"s getting quite late那只会耽误时间So please don"t stay in touch所以请别再联系了Do you get你能不能Do you get A little kick out Of being small minded你能不能从你那狭隘的思想里走出来You want to be like your father你想像你父亲那样His approval your after那就是你为了做的得到认同Well that"s not how You"ll find it那你就错了Do you你Do you really enjoy你就真的喜欢Living a life that"s so hateful这这种充满仇恨的人生嘛Cos there"s a hole where your soul因为应该有属于你灵魂的地方Should be you"re losing control of it你正渐渐失控And it"s really distasteful那可真的不妙Fuck you, (fuck you)去你的Fuck you very very much真是去你*的Cos we hate what you do因为我们讨厌你的言行And we hate your whole crew讨厌你的同伙So please don"t stay in touch所以请别再联系了Fuck you去你的Fuck you very very much这是去你*的Cos your words don"t translate因为我们语言不通And it"s getting quite late这只是浪费时间So please don"t stay in touch所以请别再联系了Fuck youFuck youFuck youYou say你说You think we need to go to war你觉得我们需要武力解决Well you"re already in one然而你已在纷争里了Cos it"s people like you因为想你这样的人That need to get slew都需要解放No one wants your opinion没人想听你的观点Fuck you, (fuck you)Fuck you very very muchCos we hate what you doAnd we hate your whole crewSo please don"t stay in touchFuck you, (fuck you)Fuck you very very muchCos your words don"t translateAnd it"s getting quite lateSo please don"t stay in touchFuck you


这是一句英文的脏话 fuck you 等于cao ni ma

fuck you 用其他语种怎么说


fuck you 到底是什么意思啊

cao ni , put a stick into your hole down there!

funk you 和fuck you各是什么意思


fuck you!

fuck Q 卧槽你度娘...妈的 我改了答案了的.可是两天后还是没变.怎么搞的害的我没了两百分...........................................................................................................
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