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我未来的打算(My future plan) 有简单点的么?100字左右的!!

2023-07-08 11:04:08

Life plan is a prior plan or design about the future development of you, which depends on the need of the society and your aspiration.

To succeed in any enterprise in your life, you must design your life plan firstly. Once identifying the targets you want, you will own infinite energy to achieve your goal. No one fate to be lazy in the world. Only being short of defined objective, you will be lazy.

As the famous saying goes,“The past belongs to death, and that the future belongs to yourself.” How can you make your future belonging to yourself ?It is the most important to find out what you should do. This requires a strong understanding of you and your personality and talent. Certainly, your faculties play an important role in achieving your targets. At present, it is not easy for me to make sure that I have owned enough ability to achieve my goals. But I will try my best to improve my ability. I will divide my goal into small bites and start doing it now. And it is mainly classified into three steps. First of all, I will do my best to do everything what I should do and never leave today"s work for tomorrow. For another, I will develop my skills and improve my quality through studying hard and doing some voluntary activities. In the last place, I will make my goals come true.

How do make my plan life come true? The most important is to plan self-actualized life style. Firstly, I will consolidate my goals again and again. It will help me to calm down at any time and let me know that I should do. Secondly, I will keep a good attitude—last but not least, keep a positive, open and relaxed attitude. While reaching the goals, I know I will experience some failures and disappointments. But as for me there are some defeats more triumphant than victories. Lastly, I will put into action to reach my goals. Talk is just a layer of good-looking wrapper. Only through hard working and practicing can I make my goals come true.



1、统筹兼顾 在[简明汉英词典]的翻译是:making overall plans and take all factors intoconsideration2、统筹兼顾 在[现代商务汉英大词典]的翻译是:give overall consideration3、Overall planning and all-round consideration4、To plan jointly so as to take into consideration every aspect of a matter
2023-07-08 04:34:581

plan后面加动词什么形?(They plan___(read)that book tonight)

to plan
2023-07-08 04:35:365


我们不能推迟制定计划翻译成英语是:We can"t put off making a plan。双语例句:1、Theplan is entirely without merit.这个计划毫无价值。2、Theplan was generally welcomed.这个计划受到普遍的欢迎。3、Let"s try toplan further ahead.咱们尽量计划得更长远些。4、There was outright opposition to theplan.该计划遭到公开直接反对。5、Everything went according toplan.一切均按照计划进行。6、Violent opposition to theplan continues.对该计划的强烈反对在持续。7、Things haven"t gone entirely toplan.事态没有完全按照计划发展。8、She was lukewarm about theplan.她对这个计划不大感兴趣。9、Shall we go forplan A orplan B?我们采用第一方案还是第二方案?10、The peaceplan wasn"t rejected outright.该和平计划没有被全盘否定。英语简介:英语是西日尔曼语的一个分支,最早由中世纪的英国使用,由于其广阔的殖民地,英语已成为世界上使用最广泛的语言。盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛的日尔曼部落之一,被称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的安格利亚。该语言与弗里斯语和下撒克逊语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语)。英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是五世纪盎格鲁-撒克逊移民带到英国的一组英格瓦方言,统称为古英语。中世纪英语始于11世纪末,当时诺曼人征服了英国;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机引进英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍,扩大了英语的影响。17世纪以来,在英美两国的广泛影响下,现代英语在全世界传播开来。
2023-07-08 04:35:501


1、运气是计划之外的东西。 Luck is what plans. 2、变化,不过是计划的外遇。 Change, however is an affair of the plan. 3、闲时无计划,忙时多费力。 Unplanned when idle, busy hour more arduous. 4、计划你的交易,交易你的计划。 Plan your trades and trade your plans. 5、无论干什么,计划永远只是计划。 No matter what, always just plan. 6、如果你没有计划,就是计划着失败。 If you don"t have a plan, is planning to fail. 7、我们的未来,你来计划,我来实现。 To plan our future, you, me. 8、今天的好计划胜过明天的完美计划。 Good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. 9、人类要控制自己,做到有计划地增长。 Humans to control yourself, do it in a planned way. 10、我们不是计划着去失败,而是失败地计划。 We don"t plan to fail, but fail to plan. 11、计划的准备就是为了应对各种可能出现的变化。 Ready to plan is to deal with all kinds of possible changes. 12、计划如何报复一个人,可以让我活得很有规律。 Plan how to revenge a person, can let me live very regularly. 13、计划赶不上变化,可没有计划,理想就是个笑话。 Plan couldn"t catch up with change, but has no plans, the ideal is a joke. 14、我们总是把明天计划,但计划赶不上我们的变化。 We always put the plan tomorrow, but the plan can"t keep up with our changes. 15、计划比目标更重要计划不完善,就等于目标失败。 Plan is more important than the goal plan is not perfect, it is equal to the target. 16、没有计划和计算的生活,那注定是一败涂地的了。 Life without plan and calculation, it is doomed to be failure. 17、我为我们计划好了一切,而你却不在我的计划里。 I all planned out for us, but you wasn"t in my plans. 18、凡事都在计划之中,孩子我就爱计划圆满那一刻。 A child everything in the plan, I love to plan a complete at that moment. 19、你总说自己有计划,但你的计划里永远都不包括我。 You always said you planned, but never in your plans including me. 20、我有我的梦想和计划,我不充许任何人打乱我的计划。 I have my dream and my plan, I don"t allow anyone to disturb my plan. 21、无论罪犯计划得多么周全,笑到最后的也不会是罪犯。 No matter how thorough criminal plan to have the last laugh won"t be criminal. 22、领先一步,这不叫计划,领先两到三步,这才是计划! One step ahead, that"s not plan, two or three steps ahead, this is the plan! 23、总是喜欢把一切计划的很好,然后根本不按计划来做。 Always like to plan everything very well, and don"t plan to do it. 24、当我们计划,生命不能运作了。我们的计划挡住了路。 When we plan, life doesn"t work. Our plans blocked the road. 25、永远不要把任何事情计划好,因为计划永远赶不上变化。 Never put anything planned, because the plan will never catch up with change. 26、计划总是能让人身心俱疲,然而又是越是疲惫越要计划。 Plan always can let a person exhausted, yet the more tired more want to plan. 27、计划永远赶不上变化,所以,在变化到来前最好了结计划。 Plans will never catch up with change, so, before the change coming best settlement plan. 28、曾为自己的计划感到完美,如今却为自己的计划而感到幼稚。 Once feel perfect for their own plans, but now he felt for her plan. 29、许多不成功不是因为没有行动前的计划而是缺少计划前的行动。 Many successful not because there is no action plan before but lack of action plan before. 30、我把一切都计划好了,可就是没想到,你根本就不在我的计划里。 I took it all planned out, but it was thought, you are not in my plan. 31、计划赶不上变化,但是我们依然需要计划,并且根据变化而变化。 Plan couldn"t catch up with change, but we still need to plan, and according to the change and change. 32、书读得好,不代表事情处理的好,能列出计划,不一定能执行计划。 Good books to read, does not rePsent the good things, can list plan, can not execute the plan. 33、不需要计划,在我们的战场上是没有计划的。用绝对的力量,抹掉它。 Don"t need a plan, there is no plan in our battlefield. With absolute power, erase it. 34、要成就一番事业,不仅要有行动,还要有梦想;不仅要有计划,还要有信念。 Want to achieve, not only have the action, but also have a dream; Should not only plan, also have a belief. 35、我不是经常说吗,在不被对手察觉到的情况下看清未来的走势而设下的计划才叫布局。 I"m not often say it, in the case of a rival unseen to see the shape of the future and set a plan"s layout. 36、抢先一步并不是计划小子,而是要抢先两三步抢,在敌人出招前就将其拿下这才是计划。 Boy stepped forward and not plan, but to beat two or three steps to take, take it before the enemy attacks. This is the plan. 37、人生是计划的过程,计划的主人是自己,计划做得具体,执行做得确实,胜算必然属于自己! Life is a process of planning, the owner of the plan is yourself, plan to do specific, perform did, indeed, the odds are necessarily belong to yourself! 38、手中没有权利的结果,就是你制定了计划,却控制不了计划的发展方向,只能听从偶然的摆布。 Do not have the right to the result of, be you make a plan, but could not control the development direction of the plan, only under the sway of the accident. 39、如果你爱的女人有事业心,你要尊重她,让她回到办公室,她一定有她事业上的计划和人生的计划。 If you love a woman has the dedication to work, you have to respect her, let her back in the office, she must have a plan on her career and life plans.
2023-07-08 04:36:311


2023-07-08 04:37:058


有些老师会要求学生们在寒假之前,写一下计划,这样可以让寒假生活更加丰富,我整理了关于寒假的英语作文范文,来看一下! 寒假计划英语作文 The winter holiday is coming. I am very excited. 寒假就要来了,我很兴奋。 I want to better my holiday plan. Now let me tell you my plan. 我想要完善我的寒假计划,现在给你们讲讲我的计划。 I"m going to read some books and listen to music and relax for a few days first. 假期刚开始的几天我打算先看些书,听听音乐放松一下。 On the fifth day, I"m going to do my homework. Of course, I"m also going to do some housework. 在十五天的时候,我会开始做寒假作业。当然,我还打算帮着做些家务活。 Lunar New Year"s Day, I"m going to take a trip with my parents. 农历新年的那天,我将会和爸爸妈妈出来旅游。 I think it must be very happy. I can hardly wait! 我想寒假一定会过得很开心,我已经等不及了。 In the first six days of February, I"m going to visit my relatives.It"s going to be fun! 在二月的头六天里,我还打算去拜访我们的亲友。这一定会很好玩! After a few days, I"m going to finish my homework, because I am going back to my school on February 16th. 在之后的几天里我会完成我的寒假作业,因为二月十六日我就得回校读书了。 我的寒假计划英语作文 My winter holidays plans me studying for my English I will make great efforts to learn English. Persist in listening to half hours of English every day. I will accomplish the school assignment that the teacher arranges best with the quickest speed. I can not forget to take the body exercise certainly also I may take the body exercise coming drawing out 30- - 1 hours in time in every day. I play with the once computer coming certainly may draw out one small Duan time watch one meeting TV or. Certainly need only 1 hour. This it is my winter holidays to plan! 我为了我的英语学习,我将努力学英语。坚持每天听半个小时的英语。我将以最快速度最好的完成老师布置的作业。我当然也不会忘记锻炼身体,我会在每天的时间中抽出30——1小时来锻炼身体。 我当然会抽出一小段时间来玩一下电脑,或者看一会电视。当然只要1小时。这就是我的寒假计划!
2023-07-08 04:37:221


2023-07-08 04:37:448


A year"s plan starts with spring.
2023-07-08 04:38:433


问题一:计划和打算用英文怎么写? 计划和打算 1.plan v.打算 plan to do 2.intend v. 打算,想要,计划 intend to do 问题二:打算、计划用英文怎么写? plan 学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*) 穿及时采纳,多谢! 问题三:计划一的英文怎么讲? plan vt. 计划;设计;打算 vi. 计划;打算 I plan 龚o translate the novel. 我计划要翻译这篇小说。 问题四:计划的英语怎么说。 plan 英[pl?n] 美[pl?n] 过去式:planned 过去分词:planned 现在分词:planning 复数:plans n. 1.计划, 打算, 方案 2.平面图, 示意图 vt. & vi. 1.计划, 打算, 设计 名词 n. 1.计划, 打算, 方案 Your plan sounds fine in theory, but will it work? 你的计划在理论上听起来不错, 但行得通吗? They devised a plan to rob a bank. 他们策划抢劫银行。 2.平面图, 示意图 The plans of the new development are on show at the town hall. 镇公所大厅展示了新开发的平面图。 及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi. 1.计划, 打算, 设计 It"s better to plan if you want arrangements to be really efficient. 如果你希望有个紧凑的安排, 最好事先做个计划。 I have planned the whole thing to the *** allest detail. 我已经把整个事情连最小的细节都计划好了。 What do you plan to do during the holidays? 你打算在假期里做什么? I planned going myself. 我打算亲自去。 He began to plan what he would do with his Sundays. 他开始计划星期天的活动。 问题五:"打算制订计划"用英语怎么说?急! (1) thinking about making a plan (2) be going to work out a plan 用别的换啊,实际上是没区别的,plan两个意思都有,钉相当于中文不会说, 。。。‘计划制定一个计划", 是OK的,但是还是换了号
2023-07-08 04:39:081

打算 是Plan going to

planning策划plan to 也可以是打算intend也有打算的意思。
2023-07-08 04:39:174

be plan to 还是plan to 为 “打算做某事”的意思?

plan是动词,前面如果有be的话就只能放在现在进行时态里面了,因此 打算做某事:plan to
2023-07-08 04:39:361

急!!课文Time to plan your life~有追加~~

2023-07-08 04:39:444

My Winter holiday plans 为题目写一篇小短文?

My Winter Holiday plans well. Winter holiday is coming. So what I am going to do? I am going to read English books,surf the Internet,play badmintoon every day。And first I am going to finish my homework 。In addition, I am going to leave Shantou for Xiamen with my family and we are going to stay there for ten days。And after we are getting there, we are going to eat delicious food,climb the mountains in the Jin Bang Park。That must be a lot more fun and we will very excited。How about you?What are you going to do when the Winter Holiday is coming?
2023-07-08 04:39:5214

take a plan同义词是什么?有2个单词

take a plan 做计划 同义词组 plan to...计划做某事
2023-07-08 04:40:151


2023-07-08 04:40:335

plan to do与plan on doing有什么不一样的地方

"Plan to do"和"plan on doing"的意思非常接近,都表示打算做某事,但它们在用法上略有不同。"Plan to do"通常用于表达计划或安排,特别是指将来要做的具体事情。例如:- I plan to visit my parents this weekend. (我打算这个周末去拜访我的父母。)- She plans to start her own business next year. (她计划明年开始创业。)"Plan on doing"通常用于表达一种预期或打算,强调计划或安排是为了实现某个目标或达成某个结果。例如:- I plan on studying harder to get a good grade on the exam. (我打算努力学习,争取在考试中取得好成绩。)- They plan on investing in real estate to secure their financial future. (他们计划投资房地产,以确保他们的财务未来。)总之,"plan to do"和"plan on doing"都表示打算做某事,但"plan to do"更强调具体的行动计划,而"plan on doing"更强调实现某个目标或达成某个结果的预期和打算。
2023-07-08 04:40:482

my holiday plan初二英语作文。急急急急!!!快快快快!!!

my holiday plan on the first day of may, i will go to xihu park with my family. and in the afternoom of may 1, i will go shopping with my friends, and have meal with them. on may 2, i just want to stay at home, and help my mother do some housework and watch tv. oh, i will also go to eat some delicious food with my friends, because i think holiday sholud be a good time to relax myself.
2023-07-08 04:41:204


1、有着设计的心,却没有实践的行动。 Have the heart of the design, there is no practical action. 2、理论没那么高尚,实践没那么庸俗。 Not so noble, theory and practice is not so vulgar. 3、一切没有付出实践的事,都是空想。 All the things which are not pay practices, are the tower of Babel. 4、我们每一天都在总结,却从不实践。 We every day in the summary, but never practice. 5、知识是珍宝,但实践是得到它的钥匙。 Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to get it. 6、心意往往不真实,只有实践才能证明。 Thoughts are often not true, only practice can prove. 7、只有希望而没有实践,只能在梦里收获。 Only hope without practice, only in the dream. 8、明白人生道理很容易,但要实践却很难。 It is easy to understand life truth, but to practice is very difficult. 9、不去实践的科学家,就象不酿蜜的蜜蜂。 Scientists don"t go to practice, like bees yield no honey. 10、证实鸡蛋是否变味了,大可不必把它吃完。 Confirmed that the eggs are gone bad, don"t need to finish it. 11、有知识的人不实践,等于一只蜜蜂不酿蜜。 Not a man of knowledge practice, was equal to that the bees yield no honey. 12、我曾经无数次想到过死,却一次也没实践。 I had countless times thought of death, but she didn"t practice at a time. 13、友谊只能在实践中产生并在实践中得到保持。 Friendship can only be created in the practice and keep in practice. 14、正是问题激发我们去学习,去实践,去观察。 Problem inspires us to learn, to practice, to observe. 15、管理的控制工作是务使实践活动符合于计划。 Management control work is making practice is in line with to plan. 16、凡是在理论上正确的,在实践上也必定有效。 All right in theory, in practice, must be effective. 17、知识是宝库,但开启这个宝库的钥匙是实践。 Knowledge is a treasure, but the key to this treasure is practice. 18、用理论来推动实践,用实践来修正或补充理论。 To promote the practice with theory, to revise or supplement theory with practice. 19、理论是思考的根本,也就是说,是实践的精髓。 Theory is the basis of thinking, that is to say, is the essence of practice. 20、理论所不能解决的疑难问题,实践将为你解决。 Theory can"t solve problems, practice will solve for you. 21、真理是存在的顶峰,正义就是在实践中运用真理。 Truth is the peak, justice is truth in practice application. 22、青年是学习智慧的时期,中年是付诸实践的时期。 Youth is time to learn wisdom, middle-aged period is put into practice. 23、实践决定理论,真正的理论也有着领导行动的功用。 Decision theory, a real theory also have the function of leading action. 24、实践,是个伟大的揭发者,它暴露一切欺人和自欺。 Practice, is a great whistleblowers, it exposes all deceit and self-deception. 25、不要担心犯错误,最大的错误是自己没有实践的经验。 Don"t worry about making mistakes, the biggest mistake is you don"t have the experience of practice. 26、实践是检验真理的唯一方法,尝试是实践的唯一基础。 Practice is the only way of testing truth, try is the only basis for practice. 27、经不起实践检验的理论,是毫无用处的,甚至是有害的。 Can not stand the test of practice theory, it is useless, or even harmful. 28、自古圣贤之言学也,咸以躬行实践为先,识见言论次之。 The ancient sages of learning, also salty to practise practice first, his speech. 29、对于道德的实践来说,最好的观众就是人们自己的良心。 The best audience for moral practice, is people"s own conscience. 30、一个人,只有在实践中运用能力,才能知道自己的能力。 A person, only in practice using ability, to know their own ability. 31、通过实践而发现真理,又通过实践而证实真理和发展真理。 And discover the truth through practice, and confirmed the truth and develop the truth through practice. 32、一个人怎样才能认识自己呢?决不是通过思考,而是通过实践。 How can one know yourself? Is never by thinking, but through practice. 33、理论有误差,实践有误差,理论与实践相结合,误差就会减小。 Have error, theory and practice have error, combined theory with practice, error will decrease. 34、理论在变为实践,理论由实践赋予活力,由实践来修正,由实践来检验。 Theory on practice, theory from practice gives vitality, modified by practice, the practice to test. 35、实验的目的是实践,实践是检验真理的唯一标准。额那句话是这么说的吧。 The purpose of the experiment is practice, practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. The forehead that sentence is so said.
2023-07-08 04:41:391

初二英语作文:my vacation plans(我的假期计划)80字带翻译

The holiday is coming, I want to take advantage of this holiday that I have long wanted to visit Shanghai. I plan my mom and dad go to pay a visit to my Shanghai friends, we plan to take the train to. And then we"ll go to the aquarium and zoo and buy some souvenirs and gifts, we plan to visit my classmates, we plan to go to the beach. I hope we can have fun.假期到来了,我想趁这个假期到我向往已久的上海去玩。我计划和我的爸爸妈妈一起去顺便拜访我的上海同学,首先我们计划坐火车去。然后我们会去水族馆和动物园顺便买些纪念品和礼物,接下来我们计划去拜访我的同学,最后我们计划去海滩玩。我希望我们能玩得开心。
2023-07-08 04:41:494

英语作文a plan of my winter holiday 大概内容是按时完成寒假作业,多做一

a pian of my winter
2023-07-08 04:42:063


College students" career planning In recent years,more and more colleges lay stress on the education of college students" career planning. As we all know,nowadays,there are cut-throat competitions in the society everywhere. In reality,the competition for job-seeking is also very intense. Every year,there are a lot of students graduating from different universities to be chosen by companies,which prefer employees having better ability and skills. So graduates are forced to plan their job career in advance. If they want to have a satisfying job,they have to make enough preparations. Only in this way,can they get to set a clear goal and make efforts for it. And students" career planning surely can promote us to some extent. College students are supposed to plan their career better. In my opinion,we should study majority well first. Then,we have to learn to use computer skillful,which will play an important role in the future. Last but not least,we should try our best to expand our horizons. For example,we can do more reading,lear more social skills and take into practice more often,etc.
2023-07-08 04:42:151

My winter Holiday Plan(英语作文啊!!!不少于60字)

My winter holidays plansMy winter holidays plans me studying for my English , I will make great efforts to learn English. Persist in listening to half hours of English every day. I will accomplish the school assignment that the teacher arranges best with the quickest speed. I can not forget to take the body exercise certainly also , I may take the body exercise coming drawing out 30- - 1 hours in time in every day. I play with the once computer coming certainly may draw out one small Duan time , watch one meeting TV or. Certainly need only 1 hour. This it is my winter holidays to plan!
2023-07-08 04:42:301

2010英语三级答案 六月份的 应用能力英语三级

2023-07-08 04:42:3910


I was wondering how I could manage my time more wiselyu3002
2023-07-08 04:43:0315

帮忙写个60个次左右的英语作文my holiday plan

My Plan for the National Day HolidayNational Holiday is coming. There are altogether 7 days, so I need to plan it in advance. Firstly, I plan to have a good rest for the first 2 days when I can have a good sleep and don"t worry to get up late, and then do a good cleaning of the home. Secondly, I would go to Zhouzhuang, a traditional southern town with my husband for a 2 days" trip. I hope I like it. Thirdly, I would fly to Beijing to attend my classmate"s wedding. These above are my plans for the National Holiday.
2023-07-08 04:43:281


1. In order to adapt to the development of modern business management, the company established an automated office operational software unit, I am the project leader of this team/unit. Firstly, through survery and research, we were familiarised with the behaviours and needs of different staff in the company, which we used to create a project demand report; then according to the needs of the project, we decided on the project development timeframe, outline, implementation plan, monitoring, after implementation service and final product delivery. In the end we will finish our target within the predicted timeframe, hand over the products according to plan and make the project function properly.
2023-07-08 04:43:361


计划: 1. program2. plan3. project4. to plan5. to map outRelative explainations:<hatch up> <propose> <planning> <schedule> <calculate> <cast round for> <mapped> <design> <scheme> <the big idea> <blueprint> <intend> <chalk out> <schema> <lash-up> <excogitate> Examples:1. 新政府上台后,我们有几个计划被砍掉了。 Several of our plans got the axe when the new government came in.2. 他们计划劫持一架飞机。 They planned to hijack a plane.3. 就我而言,我并不反对你的计划。 As far as I am concerned, I"m not against your plan.4. 你同意我的计划吗? Do you agree to my plan?5. 你的计划是什么? What is your plan?6. 他请求我们帮他完成他的计划。 He asked us to assist him in carrying through his plan.7. 你周末计划做什么? What are your plans for the weekend?8. 我开始执行计划。 I set a project afoot.To plan, intend, or count on.计划、打算或计数The scheme is still on the anvil.这计划尚在筹划中。Be go to do sth计划,打算,准备干某事Be starting to do sth计划,打算,准备干某事How are you going to put the plan into practice?这个计划你们打算怎样实现?Be begin to do sth.计划,打算,准备干某事。Be plan to do sth计划,打算,准备干某事。Be leave表示计划,打算,准备干某事。The plans for improving the financial system have only reached the blueprint stage so far.改善金融体系的计划目前尚处于筹划阶段。What"s the plan or procedure?打算怎么办,有什么计划?究竟怎么办?
2023-07-08 04:43:561

plan to的用法总结

plan to的意思是计划做...,后面加动词原形。 例句: I plan to get a few lessons in. 我计划挤出时间上几节课。 The couple plan to wed next summer. 这俩人计划在夏天结婚。 扩展资料   We plan to use an outside firm of consultants.   我们计划利用外面的"咨询公司。   They plan to plant the area with grass and trees.   他们计划在这个地区植树种草。   They plan to relaunch it as a stand-alone company.   他们计划把它重新创办成一家独立的公司。   I dreamed up a plan to solve both problems at once.   我想出了一个可以立刻解决这两个问题的计划。   They plan to operate from a new office in Edinburgh.   他们计划由爱丁堡的新办事处经营。
2023-07-08 04:44:041


Let"s plan all the things we can do. 让我们计划一下我们能做些什么we plan to go shopping next Friday night.我们计划下周五晚上去购物。满意请及时采纳,谢谢
2023-07-08 04:45:061

My winter Holiday Plan(英语作文啊!不少于60字)

My winter holidays plans My winter holidays plans me studying for my English ,I will make great efforts to learn English.Persist in listening to half hours of English every day.I will acplish the school assignment that the teacher arranges best with the quickest speed.I can not forget to take the body exercise certainly also ,I may take the body exercise ing drawing out 30- - 1 hours in time in every day.I play with the once puter ing certainly may draw out one *** all Duan time ,watch one meeting TV or.Certainly need only 1 hour.This it is my winter holidays to plan!
2023-07-08 04:45:201


回答如下:动词plan可以后跟不定式,但不能后跟动名词。例如:We plan to take a trip to Beijing and stay there for three days.
2023-07-08 04:45:281

plan to do与plan on doing有什么区别吗?

plan to do 和plan on doing 的区别:1、意思plan to do 和plan on doing 的意思都为“打算,计划做某事”,但是plan on doing 比plan to do多了一层“希望做某事”的意思。3、时态plan to do 和plan on doing 可以用于所有时态的句子,只需要翻译过来看句子是否含有“希望做某事”的意思。双语例句:1、例句:What do you plan to do when school breaks up? 翻译:学校放假后你们打算做什么?2、例句:That"s exactly what I plan on doing,ma. 翻译:那正是我打算做的,妈。“hope to do sth”的介绍:1、意思为:希望做某事(同plan on doing意思一样 )。比plan on doing的“希望”意味更加的浓厚,在句子中也常用的是hope to do sth,而plan on doing不常用。2、例句:Doing sth that one does not expect to be allowed to do,while hoping sb will not object Don"t do things because it"s our birthday. Do it because we"re ready to take on the responsibility that comes with each milestone. 翻译:做明知不准做的事(希望某人无异议)不要因为是自己的生日而做某事,而要准备为每个里程碑的到来承担责任而做事。
2023-07-08 04:45:411

plan to 和plan for什么时候用plan to /plan for

plan to 后面接动词plan for后面接名词
2023-07-08 04:46:042

求一篇英语作文“My Winter Holiday Plan”(用一般将来时写) 急求,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

求一篇英语作文“My Winter Holiday Plan”(用一般将来时写) 急求,O(∩_∩)O谢谢 悬赏分:10 我相信你会,加油
2023-07-08 04:46:153

intend to, mean to, want to, plan to区别

intend to 和 want to 差不多..都是想要的意思.mean to 是打算..意谓着..plan to 是计划..
2023-07-08 04:46:592


Winter holidays plan. Winter vacation is coming.Everyone in my class is making a plan. Wang Qiang is going to the nature park.He is going there by bike.He wants to see the wild animals there.Cindy is going to Harbin with her family.They are going to skate and ski there.They"re going by train. Julia is going back to Australia.She is going to see her grandparents.She is going by plane.
2023-07-08 04:47:107

intend to, mean to, want to, plan to区别

2023-07-08 04:47:261

英语翻译例:宣传总监 Chief Inspector of PropagandaIs awarded to XXX in

主席----chairman 秘书长----secretary-general 主席助理----President assistant 秘书长助理----Assistant secretary-general 宣传总监----Publicity director 宣传督导----Propaganda supervision 常务署长----Standing director 志愿者统筹----Volunteers to plan as a whole 财务统筹----Financial plan as a whole 学术总监----Academic director 学术督导----Academic supervision 学术成员----Academic member 常务成员----Standing members 宣传成员----Propaganda members 赞美的自己说点就行啊
2023-07-08 04:47:321


应该是Perfect World吧 《Still Not Getting Any》这盘专辑里的Simple Plan - Perfect WorldAlbum: Still Not Getting AnyI never could had seen this farI never could had seen this comingIt seems like my world is falling apartYeahWhy is everything so hardI dont think I can deal with the things you said, they just wont go awayIn a perfect worldThis could never happenYou"d still be hereAnd it makes no senseI could just pick up the piecesBut to youThis means nothing, nothing at allI use to think that I was strongUntil the day all went wrongI think I need a miracle to make it throughyeahI wish that I could bring you backI wish that I could turn back timeCuz I can"t let goI just can"t find my wayYeahWithout you, I just can"t find my wayI don"t know what I should do nowI don"t know where I should goI"m still here waiting for youI"m lost when you"re not aroundI need to hold on to youI just can;t let you goYeah, YeahYou"ll feel nothing, nothing at allNothing at all楼上的 你TMD真NB 你知道的真TMD多 CAO
2023-07-08 04:47:392


Can you help US plane a party
2023-07-08 04:47:476


After entering the University, I am surprised to find, high school and university life has many different. In high school, we always rely on parents and teachers tosolve all the problems, but in the University, in any case, we have to rely on their own. More importantly, we must also learn how to do deal with classmates and roommates relationship. Four years university time is very important, but it is also very short, so we always hope they can quickly integrate into one, but not everyone can do, here is a little of my advice.The first to be familiar with the main buildings within the campus, and studentsspend one to two hours in the campus walk, familiar with the local library, acanteen, post office, school and classroom and other important hospital. Next, try to self-reliance. Learn to make their own decisions, to arrange how to use ourtime, how to plan your expenses and so on, but also learn to wash their clothes.Furthermore, to develop good study habits, through the exchange of students andto learn from each other. Finally, to actively participate in various activities, let oneself become lively and outgoing, and friendly classmates.进入大学之后,我惊喜的发现,高中和大学生活有许多不同。在高中,我们总是依靠父母和老师来解决所有的难题,但是在大学,无论如何,我们都不得不靠自己。更重要的是,我们还必须学习如何同同学和室友么处理好关系。四年的大学时光很重要,但也是很短暂的,所以我们总是希望自己能快速融入其中,但不是每个人都能轻松做到,这里是我的一点建议。首先要熟悉校园内的主要建筑,和同学花一到两个小时在校园中走一走,熟悉一下图书馆、食堂、邮局、校医院和教室等比较重要的地方。接下来,要尽量自立。学会自己做决定,学会安排如何利用自己的时间,如何规划自己的花销等等,还要学会自己洗衣服。再者,要养成良好的学习习惯,通过和同学交流来相互学习。最后,要积极参加各类活动,让自己变得活泼外向,和同学们友好相处。
2023-07-08 04:48:011


  快放暑假了,每个人的脸上都洋溢着满意的笑容。你知道怎么写一篇暑假计划的英语作文吗?下面是我给大家整理的我的暑假假期计划英语作文,供你参考!   我的暑假假期计划英语作文篇1   The summer vacation is coming soon, I don"t mention how happy mood. I silently wondering in my mind, what are the things to hurry up to do this summer vacation, what fun to have a good time in the summer vacation. In this, I made a summer vacation.   Play games online   Nervous learning is over. Of course want to relax, hall and soaplands didn"t play QQ for a long time, this summer vacation, I must play with a ball, if you want to one-on-one hit with me, then let sgo.   Go on a picnic   I think, for the children in the city, picnic should be very fresh. Take to eat, pot, put on shoes in the wild to the air is fresh, eating cooked their own things, the feeling is all star hotel can than rice.   To save money   My New Year"s money is almost 5000 multivariate, but is not a "safe" structure to only. So while this opportunity in the summer, I have to deposit your money with the bank. And after such as Banks and interest, really kill two birds with one stone!   Watching TV   Have didn"t watch TV for a long time, turn on the TV, transferred to the children"s channel, produce many good-looking animation show in front of me, it is not the real world, but colorful animation world.   Published thesis   In the summer vacation is one of the published thesis"s most important to me. New composition online, turned on the computer to pupils looked at one I published essay, psychological to mention how happy. Tell you a good news, I will soon be upgraded to personality writer. Haha,, envy...   我的暑假假期计划英语作文篇2   Today is our holiday on the fourth day, my mother let me thoroughly play for four days, I feel great. After thorough played, starting today I should study hard. Today my mother and I sat on the sofa to discuss for my summer vacation plan, plan is as follows:   At nine o "clock every morning to start learning, learning contents are: read grade three of the thirty minutes of the day to recite, learn ten English words, write an hour.than play games practice copybook (a), study primary school grade three aoshu 15 minutes, watching English cartoon episode.   At four o "clock in the afternoon began to learn, learning content: in the Cambridge children"s English learning with my mother half an hour, half an hour reading classics, a diary, summer vacation homework Chinese, maths every two pages (after the summer vacation homework about on August 1, preview new lesson three grade).   Back to the square to play, in the evening, my mother read a story, I repeat the story.   Other free time to arrange, can draw, playing electronic organ, doing scientific experiments, play computer, watch TV, play with children, and so on.   I will consciously execution plan, such as not according to plan, all the free time of the summer vacation will be mother voluntary deprived.   我的暑假假期计划英语作文篇3   Summer vacation life started, but I cannot easily as before without the burden of summer, because summer vacation is over, I"m a is about to rise to the students of grade five, so I set a plan for my summer vacation life:   1, 6:30 in the morning get up early to read half an hour, preview the new text or back the analects of Confucius; Around 7:00 do 50 sit-ups; About wash finished breakfast at 7:30.   2, noon after breakfast go to practice table tennis hall; Go home and watch will reference books to have lunch at noon; After eating lunch 1:00 PM slept nap.   3, get up at 2:00 p.m., practice a copybook and mental arithmetic calculate a mouth; Then do five pages summer vacation life guidance or to write a diary; Finish the homework after playing for an hour or so of computers (in order to protect my eyesight, I strive to control within 1 hour). Then downstairs and partners sliding plate or play games. Eat dinner around 6:30.   4 at 7:00, go to the bookstore reading a book; Around 8:30 to go home to eat fruit, take a shower, sleep around 9:00 see will book.   5, the holidays I get your homework done fast and good, to increase the level of writing, I will try to read more books, we mark the good word and write a book, to enrich my knowledge of reading, to improve my writing level, strive for more than a few articles.   6, during the vacation I will take an active part in activities beneficial to their healthy, do a good job in the school organization"s "sunshine helpage" "four DE practice" citizen moral construction activities, to help the old man how do something good.   Ready to plan, now just according to the practice of the plan, hope every children want to like me a reasonable plan to their summer vacation, every day is not a waste of the time.
2023-07-08 04:48:101


A new start of my life The summer vacation has soon gone with the wind,there was nothing but the pleasant memory of the holiday was still living in my mind." How I wish I could enjoy the things angain"I said to myself, I kenw that couldn"t be ture,though. I gained a lot during this holiday, I got to know the importance of time bsides playing with my freinds,I also learned how to fish with the help of my father, did the housework instead of mum,went to the supermarket with my grandma,though I didn"t do very well,I had tried my best.Thinking about this I felt a little sad,but I knew a new start of my life would soon begin.Then I have to face the new problems in studing,and work hard as much as possible.I want to get good marks and praise by my teacher. I am a teenager now,I have to think over more. I guessed many student would be dissppoined like me when the shool began. But now we have to be strong, because we "ll learn more next term. 译文: 人生的新起点 这个暑假早已迅速的随风飘走了,我的脑海中除了这个假期愉快的回忆之外全都是一片空白.尽管那是不符合实际的,但我依然自言自语地说"我多么想在经历一次那些美好的回忆. 在这个假期中我也收获许多,除了和伙伴们一起玩之外我了解到了时间的重要性,同时我还在爸爸的帮助下学会了钓鱼;替妈妈做了很多家务活;和奶奶一起去了自由市场.尽管我做的并不是很好,但是我尽了自己最大的努力。想着想着我感觉有些淡淡地悲伤,然而我很快意识到我人生的新起点就要到来了。我要面对学习生活中新的问题,并且尽我的能力努力学习。我想要得到理想的分数和老师的夸赞。我现在是一名青少年了,我将要去思考更多的问题。我猜想一定有同学和我一样当假期过去新学期来临的时候感到失望。但我们要坚强,因为在新的学期我们将学到更多。
2023-07-08 04:48:215


纯手工翻译,请放心采纳!Tax planning is the plan and arrangement which are made by the enterprise operator to realize less tax payment or maximize the profit after tax. Tax planning is a highly practical subject. Tax plays an important role in our economical society in our country. Obeying the law to pay tax is not only connected to the long run development of enterprises, but also related to the stability of the country and society. Therefore, tax planning is very important. Tax planning is based on the current tax law and regulations, applying with the theory and method of accounting. It is a professional accounting subject to confirm, meature, record and report the tax affairs of enterprises. Regards to the cement industry, as a economic growth point of China in current and the next period, its status is becoming more and more important in the national economy. Good tax planning is a important and meaningful work to do to lower the cost of tax and increase the economic benefits for Fujian Longhai Hongshi Cement Co., Ltd. This article is devided into 5 parts. The first part will summerize the tax planning by telling about the definition, characteristics and significance of it. The second part will sketch the categories of taxes and the calculation process about the company business. The third part will integrade theory with practice, to plan the tax of the company and decrease the cost of tax payment. The fourth part will sketch the company tax plan for the future and increase the competitive power of the enterprise. The fifth part will take XX company as an example to observe the tax planning of the cement industry.
2023-07-08 04:48:522

an interesting day during the summer holiday 和 a pleasant trip 和 how to spenda healthy holiday

作文题目都跟我一样== 18中的吧你 同求
2023-07-08 04:48:592


1.英文:In my mind, everyone shall have his own dream. I think that having a dream means that we have an idea, and then we will do all the things to achieve the target. As long as we have a goal to be realized, we won"t be blind at least. My dream is to become a successful stateman, helping those people who need help with their rights. Of course, to be a good stateman is very difficult, but I will do whatever I can do to keep everyone satisfied. That"s my dream. I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country. China is a developing country which needs good stateman,especially in the countryside and distant villages. Now I"m a junior student on Grade One, My dream is also that although at present I"m good at study, I"ll still try my best to be the study winner. Now everything I do is close to my dream. I feel life is fill with hope and is colorful, and I have enough confidence to realize my dream. 翻译: 在我心目中,每个人都应当有自己的梦想。我认为有一个梦想就是我们有一个想法,然后我们将尽一切事情以达到目标。只要我们有一个目标得以实现,我们不会盲目至少。 我的梦想是成为一个成功的志愿者,帮助那些需要帮助的人。当然,做一个好是非常困难的,但我会尽我所能做到让所有人满意。这是我的梦想。我要尽我所能来帮助我国贫困病人。中国是一个发展中国家,需要有良好的志愿者,特别是在农村和偏远的乡村。 现在我已经是上初中一年级学生,也是我的梦想是,虽然目前我很善于学习,我还是会尽我最大努力,来做这项工作的赢家。现在我所做的一切是接近我的梦想。我觉得生活是充满希望,是丰富多彩的,我有足够的信心去实现我的梦想。2.英文: My familyI love my family, because I have a happy family.My father is an English teacher. His name is Jacky. He is thirty-eight. He likes playing basketball. What"s my mother job? Is she a teacher? Yes, you"re right! My mother is very kind and nice, she is thirty-seven. My mother is always laborious work. I love my parents!On Saturday and Sunday, I often go to the library and play the piano, My father go to play basketball. Sometimes, we watch TV and listen to music at home.I love my family. Because I"m very happy to live with my parents together!翻译: 我的家庭我爱我的家庭,因为我有一个快乐的家庭.我的爸爸是一名英语教师,他的名字叫Jacky.他今年38岁.他非常喜欢打篮球.我的妈妈是赶什么呢?她是一名教师吗?是的.你说对了!我的妈妈是一个很亲切、友善的人,她今年37岁.我妈妈总是勤劳的干活.我爱我的父母.在星期六和星期天里,我经常去图书馆和弹钢琴.我爸爸去打篮球.有时侯,我们都在家看电视和听音乐.我爱我家.因为我和爸爸妈妈一起生活得很开心! 3.英文:A farmer has five sons.They are Ted,Bob,Tom,John and Bill. John has no elder brother. He was four years older when his first younger brother was born. The number of Tom‘s elder brothers is equal to his younger brothers. Bill will be twenty-one years old next year, and he is five years older than Bob. Bob is two years younger than Tom. Ted was sad because he has no younger brother. There are twelve years between him and John. 翻译:一个农民有5个儿子。他们是Ted,Bob,Tom,John 和 Bill。John没有比他大的哥哥,他比第一个出生的比他小的那个弟弟大4岁,Tom哥哥的数量和他的弟弟的数量是一样的(就是他是老三)Bill 明年就21岁了,他比Bob大5岁,比Tom小2岁,Ted因为没有弟弟而难过 Ted 和John之间差了12岁4.英文:2010 will be end ,and 2011will be come .In the new year ,we must be have much wishes ,because new year means that things end and another things start.So we need to make a new year"s resolution in order to the second year will be better.I want to share my new year"s resolution with you. Firstly,i decide to try my best to learn english .because my english so poor that it affects my other subject.I willface many differences ,such as broadening my vocabulary, training my listening ,improving my write and so on. I must work hard because i don"t want to behind the times. Secondly ,i will give up watching football games because every time it takes me two hours ,which makes me not finish my homework .As a student ,study is our duty ,so i wii focused more on study and less on playing . In order to my future ,i will work hard!翻译: 2010年将结束,2011即将到了。在新的一年,我们必须有很多的愿望,因为新的一年意味着事情结束和另一个东西开始.所以我们需要作出新的一年“的计划,以便在第二个今年将是更好的新年与你分享。首先,我决定尽我所能地学习英语。因为我的英语很差,它会影响我的其他的科目.都有不小的差距,如扩大我的词汇,我的听力训练,提高我的写作等。我必须努力工作,因为我不想落后于时代。其次,我会放弃,因为每看一次我花了两个小时,这使我无法完成我的作业足球比赛作为一个学生。,学习是我们的职责,所以我的将会更注重学习和玩少一点。为了我的将来,我会努力的!5.英文:My winter holidays plans me studying for my English , I will make great efforts to learn English. Persist in listening to half hours of English every day. I will accomplish the school assignment that the teacher arranges best with the quickest speed. I can not forget to take the body exercise certainly also , I may take the body exercise coming drawing out 30- - 1 hours in time in every day. I play with the once computer coming certainly may draw out one small Duan time , watch one meeting TV or. Certainly need only 1 hour. This it is my winter holidays to plan!翻译:我为了我的英语学习,我将努力学英语。坚持每天听半个小时的英语。我将以最快速度最好的完成老师布置的作业。我当然也不会忘记锻炼身体,我会在每天的时间中抽出30--1小时来锻炼身体。我当然会抽出一小段时间来玩一下电脑,或者看一会电视。当然只要1小时。这就是我的寒假计划! 6.英文:Welcome the World ExpoAs we all know that Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo.The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So it is a great honor for our city.It is a great honor for all the Asians,too.As a host city,Shanghai will have more chances to develop quickly.The government has promised that it will be the best one among all the Expo that was host in other cities.As a student in Shanghai,I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the World Expo.I want to help vistors that cone from all over the world.I will help them know more about Shanghai and China.I will do my best to welcome the World Expo. 翻译:迎世博会正如我们都知道,上海将主办2010年世界的博览会.这世博会有着悠久的历史,但从未在亚洲举行。因此,它是我们城市的巨大的荣誉。这也是所有的亚洲人非常荣幸。作为主办城市,上海将有更多的机会迅速发展。政府已作出承诺,这将是世博会中的所有其他城市这是最好的主机之一。作为一个在上海的学生,我要学好英语,这样我可以成为世博会志愿者。志愿者要帮助来自世界全国各地的的访问者认为谁将帮助他们了解更多关于上海和中国.我将尽我所能,迎接世博会。7.英文:There are many different kinds of food. My favorite food is fried rice.In China, most of the people in the south eat rice. And I like fried rice best. It"s really delicious. When I go home from school, I am always hungry. At that time I always make fried rice by myself. I often cook it carefully and it is so delicious. It makes me happy. After eating it, I am not hungry any more. Fried rice is my favorit翻译:有许多不同种类的食物。我最喜欢的食物是油炸rice.In中国,大多数人在南方吃米饭。而且我喜欢炒饭最好的。 这真是好吃。当我放学回家,我总是饿。当时我总是自己做炒饭。我经常做饭小心,它是如此美味。这让我高兴。吃完了,我不饿了。炒饭是我的最爱。 8.英文:In this world, everyone need energy to survive. where does the energy comes from? Everyday we eat a certain quantity of food, it would provide energy to our daily life. The food I love most is the vegetables. Without taking certain vegetables every day, you may cause health problems. Maybe it is not very delicious, but it"s very important to us.翻译: 每个人都需要能量来生存在这个世界上。能力是从哪里来的呢?每天我们都会吃一定量的食物,它给我们的日常生活提供能量。 我最爱的食物是蔬菜。每天,你不吃一定量蔬菜的话,你的健康会出问题。也许它不是那么可口,但是它对我们来说很重要。 9.英文:I eat many kinds of fruits. They are pears, watermelons, apples, bananas, grapes, strawberries and so on. But I like grapes best. There are green grapes, red grapes and purple grapes. They all look beautiful. Grapes taste very nice . They are sweet and a little sour, They are good for our health . So grapes are my favourite fruit. 翻译:我最喜欢的食物我吃多种水果。他们是梨,西瓜,苹果,香蕉,葡萄,草莓等。但我最喜欢葡萄。有绿葡萄,红葡萄和紫色的葡萄。她们看上去都很漂亮。葡萄味道非常好。他们有点甜酸味,他们是很好的为我们的健康。因此,葡萄是我最喜欢的水果。 10.英文: My favourite holiday is Mid—Autumn Festival. It"s in September or October. We usually eat moon cakes, play with lanterns and watch the moon. The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the two most important holidays in the Chinese calendar (the other being the Chinese Lunar New Year), and is a legal holiday in several countries. Farmers celebrate the end of the summer harvesting season on this date. Traditionally, on this day, Chinese family members and friends will gather to admire the bright mid-autumn harvest moon, and eat moon cakes and pomeloes together. It is also common to have barbecues outside under the moon, and to put pomelo rinds on one"s head. Brightly lit lanterns are often carried around by children. Together with the celebration, there appear some special customs in different parts of the country, such as burning incense, planting Mid-Autumn trees, lighting lanterns on towers, and fire dragon dances. Shops selling mooncakes, before the festival, often display pictures of Chang"e, floating to the moon.翻译: 我最喜欢的节假日是中秋节。它在9月或8月。在这个时候,我通常吃月饼,玩花灯而且赏月。中秋节是一个最重要的两个节日在农历(另一个是中国农历新年) ,而且这是一个法定假日在几个国家。农民庆祝夏末收获季节就这一日期。传统上,在这一天,中国的家庭成员和朋友将会聚一堂,欣赏明亮中秋圆月。11.Last week our music teacher taught us a song, named Indebted Heart. Through it I know that we should live with a thankful heart. At that time, I think of my parents. I think they are the first people I should thank. It"s them who give me life. It"s them who give me home. It"s them who bring me up. It"s them who look after me. It"s them who teach me knowledge and live happily. I should thank my parents giving me so much. Maybe I should think how to pay back the love my parents give me. But now I think the best way to be appreciated of my parents is to study well and then being a useful person to the society when I grow up.上周我们的音乐老师教了我们一首歌,叫感恩的心。通过这首歌我知道我们应该怀着一颗感恩的心去生活。在那时,我想起了我的父母。我认为他们是我最应该感谢的人。是他们给了我生命。是他们给我一个家。是他们抚养我长大。是他们在照顾我。是他们教给我知识,给了我幸福快乐的生活。我要感谢我的父母给了我这么多。也许我应该考虑如何回报父母给我的一切。但现在我觉得感谢我父母的最好的方法就是好好学习,长大后做一个对社会有用的人。
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输出是计算机操作的最后一个步骤。 它从二进位的机械语言到人们能了解的一种形式改变计算机的结果。有一些类型的输出装置。 假如一个鞋商店拥有者想要知道哪一个鞋的风格正在最卖。他使用一台打印机。它实际上印刷,或 typers 、在纸的长长条上被卖的鞋子的数量, 计算机印出表示他哪一个鞋子他 shoule 命令。 高速的打印机能在一次印刷一条整个的线,把多达 20000条行分钟关掉。 一个城市计划者,虽然,可能以不同的方式使用她的计算机。 她想要计划一条新的 nus 路径服侍最大人数。 以一个阴谋者作为 theoutput ,她拿一幅图画, 实际上一张地图, 表现被计算机选择的路径。 查 telephong 的电话操作员数使用一部计算机。 但是她配不需要印刷的副本,也不数字的一幅图画。 因此, 她用一个图像管有一个计算机终端机。 荧屏闪现数字一些一会儿,然后它消失,预先为下一个请求。 在许多学校的学生被一部计算机教。一些课程以外国语。为了要学习一种语言,你一定确地听到它口语的。这些计算机有声音的输出。 他们实际上生产语言的声音非常显着的。 现代的计算机真正是一部令人惊异的机器。 但是它不是它的 progra。 一部计算机也不会生产正确的答案除非它被喂正确的数据。 许多人稍微计算机害怕。 他们以他们自己的思想想到计算机作为机器。仅仅记得这 ,虽然。 一部计算机比一个人类的工具多无。 它伸展我们的能力。 正如当做你使用一支槌进入一面墙壁之内帮助你驾驶一个钉子,因此,你使用一部计算机帮助你解决一个问题。 计算机是我们的仆人而不是我们的主人。
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  在平时的学习、工作或生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。那要怎么写好作文呢?以下是我整理的初二英语作文8篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 初二英语作文 篇1   English is one of the most widely used languages in the world. It is spoken by nearly three hundred million people: in England, the United States, Australia, Canada and many other countries. It is one of the working languages at international meetings and is more used than the others. It is said that 60 percent of the world"s radio broadcasts and 70 percent of the world"s mail are in English. Millions of books and magazines are written in English, too. English is really a bridge to knowledge. With the help of English we can learn modern science and technology faster and better form the developed countries. In this way we can serve our country better.   译文   英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言。近三亿人以英语为母语:包括英国,美国,澳大利亚,加拿大和许多其他国家。比起其他语言,英语是国际会议的工作语言。据说全世界百分之六十的广播和百分之七十的邮件使用英语。数以百万计的书籍和杂志也是用英文写的。英语真的是通向知识的桥梁。借助英语我们可以更快、更好地学习现代科学技术。这样我们就能更好地为我们的国家服务。 初二英语作文 篇2   She is such an ideal singer!   She is a girl with a lot of talent. She is a girl but she has individuality like a boy. On the stage, she sings and dances so well. She is so happy and she makes us excited… Can you guess who she is? Yes, she is Li Yuchun, the winner of “Super Girl 20xx.”   She is a student of Sichuan Music College in Grade 3. She is twenty-one this year. She is 1.74 metres tall. Now she is very popular in China and even in the world. I know she worked hard in the past, and has succeeded today. I"ll learn from her and try my best to achieve my dream.   I like her because she is so cool and lovely. I love her because she makes me feel happy. I enjoy her because she is independent and she has the individuality of herself.   Li Yuchun, I"ll cheer for you forever! 初二英语作文 篇3   The new year is full of happiness and beauty. Everyone is looking forward to the new year. I don"t have to say, I like the Spring Festival anyway!   The Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China. We have children to pay New Year"s greetings to our adults. Every new year"s Eve, my mother puts on new clothes for me and buys things I like. Grandpa and grandma will give me lucky money as well.   On the thirty evening of the year, the whole family surrounded the dumplings together, watched the Spring Festival Gala, and ate the rice cake.   To the fifteen night of the first month, all families set off firecrackers. Butterfly, and the The heavenly maids scatter blossoms. red lanterns, a fountain, really beautiful ah!   We children like to pick lanterns, and there are many kinds of lanterns, such as glass lamps and horns. The home also has lights, lanterns, paper lanterns, lantern, lantern, shadeng.   Our little friends are around, and the lanterns flicker like a light stone.   I like the Spring Festival. 初二英语作文 篇4   Last Friday I fell off my bike. One of my legs was badly hurt and I had to stay in bed.   That evening, when I was alone, feeling sad, Mrs I.i, my English teacher, came to see me. I was too excited to say a word.   "I am very sorry to hear the bad news, "she began taking a seat by my side. "You mustn"t worry about your lessons. I can help you."   "Thank you, teacher. But you are so busy. What"s more,you are in poor health yourself."   "Never mind." With the words, she took out the textbook and began to explain the text.   With her help, I didn"t fall behind in study.What a good teacher she is! 初二英语作文 篇5   Maybe I"ll become a pilot. I will travel around the nold. I will also be able to give money to schools and charities,because a famous pilot will have much money.But I won"t be sate. So maybe I"ll be a boss.If I become a boss, I will work very hard and make the company bigger and bigger.But I won"t have some time to relax. And I will be under too much pressure.So I think I will be a pilot. 初二英语作文 篇6   Today is Friday. It is my thirteenth birthday. I got up very early in the morning and put on my new clothes happily. My parents bought me the new clothes as my birthday presents. I went to school earlier than before. I invited many of my classmates to come to my birthday party in the evening.   Evening came at last. Many of my classmate came to my home. They bought me lots of beautiful presents. They all said,"Happy birthday to you!" We sang birthday songs happily.Then my parents brought out a big birthday cake, saying, "We love you for ever. Happy birthday!"   At the end of the party, we ate the birthday cake and some other delicious food. How happy I was!   今天是星期五。这是我的十三岁生日。我早上很早就起床了,穿上我的新衣服。我的父母给我买了新衣服作为我的生日礼物。我比以前早去学校。我邀请了许多同学在晚上来参加我的生日聚会。   晚上终于来了。我的许多同学来到我的`家。他们给我买了很多漂亮的礼物。他们都说:“祝你生日快乐!“我们高兴地唱生日歌。然后我的父母拿出一个大的生日蛋糕,说,“我们永远爱你。生日快乐!”   在派对结束的时候,我们吃了生日蛋糕和其他一些美味的食物。我是多么高兴啊! 初二英语作文 篇7    Early Rising   Early rising benefits us in many ways.   First, it helps to keep us fit. We all need fresh air. But air is never so fresh as early in the morning. Besides, by taking morning exercises we can improve our health.   Second, it can help us in our studies. In the morning we can learn more quickly.   Third, it can enable us to plan our work for the day. We cannot work well without a proper plan. Early rising can also give us enough time to get ready for our work..   So we say that those who always get up late should make great effort to get up early. 初二英语作文 篇8   The Internet is playing an important part in our daily life. On the Internet, we can get a lot of news from all over the world. We can send the e-mail to our friends or call somebody up. It is very easy. And we can study on the Internet school. For example, I study on the 101 Internet school. We can read a lot of books on the Internet. Read books on the Internet needn"t pay for the books. And we can listen to the music on the Internet or see the ball games on the Internet. The well-known is playing the computer games on the Internet. We can shop on the Internet and chat on the Internet. It is very convenient! I like study on the Internet school. Because it is very interesting. And I like playing computer games on the Internet, too.
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