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Funk音乐通常使用低音节奏、强烈的鼓点和旋律较为简单的流行乐曲调。对于Funk音乐的吉他演奏,常常需要通过频繁的、短暂的音符来创造明亮、强烈且有力的感觉,同时也需要具有一定的弹奏速度和流畅性。对于吉他类型的选择,这主要取决于您个人的实际需求和喜好。在使用Funk吉他演奏时,一些Funk吉他手喜欢使用Fender Telecaster或Stratocaster等电吉他,因为它们具有较为清晰明亮的音色和较快的演奏速度,也可以适应一系列特定的音乐风格和节奏。不过,请注意,哪种吉他更适合Funk音乐取决于个人喜好和实际使用的情况,因为每个音乐家的技巧、习惯和演奏风格都不同。建议您可以先尝试不同类型的吉他,找到适合自己的那一种,最终达到满意的演奏效果。

Infrastructure Fund是什么


Holy shit,Holy hell,Holy fuck,都是什么意思??有区别么??



Stable Dlf fusion原理让每个人都看懂AI绘画基本原理在我们去逛C站的过程中我们知道, Stable Diffusion可用模型有两类:(1) safe tensors:safe tensors文件是用numpy保存的, 这意味着它们只包含张量数据, 没有任何代码, 加载.safe tensors文件更安全和快速。供调用的AI绘图大模型。(2) ck pt:ck pt文件是用pickle序列化的, 这意味着它们可能包含恶意代码, 如果你不信任模型来源, 加载.ck pt文件可能会危及你的安全。这里大家简单了解,在C站下载模型的时候,优先下载.safe tensors即可03大模型微调技术Dream booth是google在2022年8月提出的一种新的图像算法,其方法可以完整的获得你想要的模型的视觉特征,它的提出既不是为了训练人物也不是为了训练画风,而是为了能在少量训练图像的基础上完美的还原细节特征。大家来看下图,是在当时微软研发大会上(如果我没记错的话)发布这个模型的时候对细节特征的描绘:03大模型微调技术1.为什么要进行大模型微调?刚刚上文我们介绍的Unet模型是SD中最重要的模型网络, 内部包含上亿个参数,要训练这样一个超大的模型,大概需要15亿个图像文本, 使用256张A 100显卡跑15万个GPU小时, 大概成本是60万美元,我们设计师不能像程序员那样动不动就调函数参数训练模型(主要是不会)。那咋整?上面我们讲到UNET泛用性极强, 泛用性极强就会带来风格化不足,可能无法满足特定风格的需要。所以我们往往会对UNET大模型进行微调, 让他更符合我们的使用场景。接下来我将要给大家介绍模型微调技术。也就是大家之后在Stable Diffusion里常用的训练方法, 今天不会讲具体怎么训练,我只会给大家讲原理,讲明白了原理,大家在自学训练方法的时候则更容易理解。2.大模型微调需要解决的两个问题所有的大模型微调技术,都是基于要解决以下两个问题:(1)如何减少训练参数,提高训练效率和生成图像的质量;(2)如何解决模型泛化性差的问题;a.过拟合(Overfitting) 是指微调模型对原始模型的语义理解程度发生了变化,整体训练出现语义漂移的现象:比如有一只猫, 名字叫jojo, 我拍了他的几十张照片, 一直用a jojo cat这个名字来强化模型对这只猫的认知, 等以后我输入a jojo cat的时候确实能出现想要的这只猫, 但是我输入a cat的时候则出现的画面会很怪异, 这就说明cat这个词被污染了, 出现了过度拟合的现象。b.欠拟合(Under fitting) 是无法识别这一特征, 比如它就完全识别不出jojo和cat的关系, 这往往是训练样本量不足或者训练样本质量等因素导致,属于训练无效。好,那么我们来看下常见的大模型微调技术都有哪些,以及他们是如何解决上面两个问题的。我们常见的大模型微调技术就是以下这四个:Dream booth/LoRA/Embedding/Hyper network, 这在我们后续学习Stable Diffusion过程中会经常用到, 相信大家都已经或多或少了解一点了,接下来就带大家揭开他们神秘的面纱。3.Dream booth:我们先来看Dream booth是怎么解决过拟合这个问题的:Dream booth要求我们在训练过程中,“特征词+类别”和“类别”成对出现,解决过拟合的问题;比如之前提到的我如果想训练这只叫JOJO的猫的模型, 又不能让它跟“猫”这个词过度拟合,我们可以采用的这样的输入方法。这样的话AI就能识别到:JOJO cat is a cat named jojo。我们说过CLIP模型是Text Encoder算法的一种,Text Encoder主要是把自然语义prompt转变为词特性向量Embedding, 所以我们可以针对我们的Prompt到向量的这个映射过程进行训练,去修改他们之间的映射记录关系,从而达到训练特定的人或物的效果,由于他生成的是一套纯文字映射记录,所以体积非常小,一般只有几百k。举个实际应用的例子,比如下面这个人物大家都很熟悉,是守_望先锋里的Dva:Dream booth优点是:可以将视觉特征完美融入;Dream booth缺点是:需要调整UNet所有内部参数, 训练时间长,模型体积大。4.LoRA(大模型的低秩适配器) :讲完了Dream booth之后我们来讲一下LoRA, 相信大家都听过这个词了,一定对它非常感兴趣对不对?正因为LoRA他的插入层较少, 他相较于Dream booth, 可以把训练参数降低1000倍, 对CPU的要求也会下降三倍, 所以训练出来的LoRA模型就会非常小, 一般大家在C站下载过就知道,往往他们只有几十m,而一个大模型往往有几个g,所以他在我们日常工作中变得非常常用。大家作为新手学习的时候, 可以理解Lora是在原有模型上添加一个“滤镜”,让这个底模往我们期望的效果走。如下图所示,我用了一个rev Animated(一个偏动漫的底模型) , 当我们Prompt不变的情况下, 加了一个盲盒效果的LoRA之后, 相当于是给这个底模型上了一个滤镜,让整体底模型出来的效果往盲盒方向偏重:5.Embedding(Text In version) :接下来我们来讲一下Embedding, Embedding也叫Text in version(大家在C站下载的时候注意, 他主要是用于训练特定的人或物) , 它反映的是一个Prompt与对应向量的映射记录关系的算法,可以用于训练特定的人或物。还记得上面讲我们的咒语是如何起作用的时候的这张图么?举个实际应用的例子,比如下面这个人物大家都很熟悉,是守望先锋里的Dva:如果我们要通过描述她的特征去把她描述出来, 可能要几千个prompt tag才行, 那我如果每次想生成Dva 都要再打一次这么多prompt肯定不科学, 这时候我们可以把这一串tag打包映射成一个新的词汇叫OW_Dva。由于这个词是我们自创的, 在CLIP映射集合里找不到对应的映射关系, 所以CLIP会默认给他创建一个新的映射空间, 经过一系列训练之后,我们后续就可以通过输入一个简单的词汇来完成一系列tag的打包效果。6.Hyper network:最后我们来看一下Hyper network, 他作为一种即将要被Lora 淘汰了的技术,我们大概略讲一下他的原理就好了。大家先看下图, 我们来总结一下三种技术的原理和在UNET中的使用范围:Dream booth调整了整个UNET的函数和参数, 所以他体积最大,适用范围最全,但是训练难度和训练耗时和成本最大。LoRA只将训练参数注入到了部分Transform ar函数中, 所以他不改变原模型,即插即用,模型大小也可控,是我们后续学习的重点。而Hyper network, 大家看图, 他是新建了一个单独的神经网络模型, 插入到原UNet模型的中间层。在训练过程中, 冻结所有参数,只训练插入部分,从而使输出图像与输入指令之间产生关联关系,同时只改变原模型的一小块内容。从这个原理的描述上, 大家就能发现, Hyper network这种方法更适合用于训练某种画风,比如像素画之类的,大家在C站能找到的Hyper network模型也几乎都是画风训练的, 但是不是说他不能训练别的, 它也是可以训练人物的, 就是比LoRA 麻烦一点。总之, 他几乎是一个在国内几乎要被LoRA淘汰的技术(注意是国内,注意是几乎,杠精别杠),大家去知乎什么的看paper, 关于Hyper Networks的相关paper都在2022年前,所以大家就也把他当成一个”滤镜“来理解即可。最后说一下声明:在本文中为了方便大家通俗理解,作者对算法原理进行了某种程度的简化,并不能代表模型函数运行的100%实质(防杠)。

朋友送我一瓶香水 盒子上只写着Heavenly Bliss Perfumes Inc 26,La Rochelle不知道是什么意思


virginia woolf的作品 on a faithful friend 的中文翻译

人类是多么得自以为是,以为花重金将动物买下来便可以随心所欲地宣称它们为我们所有。我总是禁不住想知道那个趴在壁炉前地毯上的一言不发的批评者——那个当我们——它的主人们——的先人还在山洞里爬来爬去、把身体涂成蓝色的时候而它的祖先却已经被当作神明来崇拜的波斯猫——会怎样看待我们奇怪的习俗。它的眼中蕴藏着继承来的智慧,庄严、微妙以至于无法用言语表达的智慧:我常想也许它在笑我们晚生的文明、我们朝代的兴衰与更迭。我们傲慢地用狎昵而亵渎的态度来对待动物,刻意地把一些简单而充满野性的生命移植到自己既不简单也毫无原始可言的生活中,让它们在我们的身边成长和改变。你经常可以注意到狗的眼中会忽然闪过一丝原始的兽性,仿佛它又成了一只在曾经生活过的荒原上猎食的野狗。我们凭什么粗暴地让这些野性的生灵放弃它们本来的天性来屈就我们,而对于我们它们却至多不过能模仿罢了?驯养动物是所谓开化的文明精心制造的许多罪孽之一,因为我们永远无法得知自己究竟把什么样的原始精神带离了它们本属于的更纯净的氛围,也不知道到底是把谁——是潘①、宁夫②还是卓雅③——训练成了不过能在我们喝茶是跑来讨块儿糖而已的宠物。 可我不认为我们驯养已经失去的朋友谢格是犯了上述的罪过;它本来就是一只善与人相处的狗,你甚至可以在人类社会中找到它的副本。我可以想象它坐在俱乐部的凸窗内,懒懒地伸展着四肢,边吸雪茄边比较讨论着最新的股市行情。它的主人们在它身上找不到一丝野生动物所具有的浪漫而神秘的色彩,但当然,对于仅仅作为人类的伴侣来说这再好不过了。不过,它来到我们家的时候可是带着一个不缺少任何浪漫元素的“门第”;当我们——它的潜在买家——惊异于它的价格并指出它虽然有着柯利牧羊犬的头和身子却长着苏格兰猎犬的腿时④ ,卖主却信誓旦旦保证说它是一只地地道道的苏格兰猎犬,犬中的酋长,那地位,就相当于奥布赖恩⑤和奥康纳?丹⑥在人类贵族的地位。整个苏格兰猎犬族裔不知出于什么原因从地球上整个儿地消失了,而谢格,这只拥有着纯正苏格兰猎犬贵族血统的唯一后裔,却深藏于偏僻的诺福克乡村,俯就一个出身卑微的铁匠。然而,这卑微的铁匠却成功地强调了它无比忠诚的性情和高贵的出身,而我们,只好荣幸地为买下它而付出了一个相当可观的数字。它太绅士气派了,自然不屑于做那种平民狗才做的诸如捉老鼠之类的工作,虽则这其实是我们买它的初衷,但是当然——我们感到——它增加了整个家庭的体面。它几乎没有几次在散步的时候不教训一下那些中产阶级狗们——它们竟然没有根据等级给予它应有的尊重——的简慢无礼,于是我们只好在它贵族的口鼻处戴上了口套,且在法律已不再对此进行约束后的很长一段时间内仍不得不如此。步入中年后,谢格变得相当专横,不仅仅对狗类,对身为主人的我们(尽管在提到它的时候,我们可笑地将自己称作是它的伯伯和婶婶)亦是如此。有一次它觉得很有必要在人肉上施加迫害以表示它的不满,那是由于一位客人轻率地试图以对待普通宠物狗的方式对待它,拿糖诱惑它并用微不足道的哈巴狗名字“菲多”来叫它,于是,谢格以它特有的独立精神拒绝了糖并代之以在客人的小腿上满意地咬了一大口。但是,当感到受到了应有的尊重时它便是一个最忠实的朋友。尽管喜怒不行于色,日渐衰退的视力和听觉却并没有妨碍它认出主人的面孔,辨识出主人的声音。 随着一只可爱的小牧羊犬来到这个家庭,也带来了谢格生命中的邪恶之灵。虽说这只小狗有着有根有据的谱系却不幸没有尾巴,这可是个谢格不能不满意地察觉到的事实。我们自欺欺人地认为小狗会填补谢格年老时膝下无子的空白,它们也确实在很长的一段时间内快乐地生活在了一起。但是谢格从来就蔑视社交礼仪而依靠其特有的忠诚与独立精神以确立在我们心中的位置;然而,这只小狗却是一个举止讨人喜欢的年轻绅士。因此,尽管我们努力做到公平,谢格还是不自觉地感到小狗得到了我们大部分的关心。现在,当看到它羞愧又仿佛不经意地抬起一只又老又僵的爪子递给我来握时(这是那只小狗最成功的伎俩之一),我几乎落泪。尽管在笑着,我却不能不悲哀地想起李尔王。谢格已老到难以再去培养出新的风度了,但又不甘于屈居第二,因此,它决定这件事情应该通过武力来解决。所以在几个星期的剑拔弩张之后,战争终于爆发了,而谢格是挑衅者;它们犬牙相向,紧紧地绞缠在一块儿在草地上滚来滚去。当我们好不容易将它俩分开的时候,双方都已伤痕累累、狗毛飞扬。至此,和平已是不可能的了;它们一见面便互相咆哮、僵直身体示威;问题是——谁是征服者,谁去谁留?我们的决定不那么公正、高尚但却情有可原。老狗已经有过了它的黄金时代,是时候让位给年轻的一代了,于是老狗便被废黜并送到了帕森绿地的一个狗收容所,小狗代替它开始了统治。一年年过去了,我们再也没有见到这个曾见证了我们的青春岁月的老朋友,但暑假我们不在的时候管理员曾领着它回过这儿。时光飞逝,直到去年冬天我们才又见到它,这也是它生命的最后一年,尽管当时我们并没有意识到这一点。那是一个让人烦躁不安的冬夜,我们听到一只狗在厨房门外不停地叫着,仿佛急着要进来。这叫声我们已有许多年没有听到过了,厨房里只有一个人认出了这声音。她开了门,谢格走了进来,就像它过去无数次地走进来那样,径直来到它在壁炉边上的老地方,蜷缩起来便无声无息地睡去,只不过现如今的它已经耳聋眼花了。如果曾经的篡位者看到它,它便好似有罪般的悄悄溜开。谢格已经过了那个为尊严而战的年纪了。我们永远不会知道——这是许多我们永远不会知道的事情之一——是什么样充满感情的回忆和本能让谢格离开了寄居多年的地方而重新踏上主人家熟悉的台阶。谢格是这个家里最后一个住在那栋老房子里的,当它穿过那条通向花园的街道——那条在它还是小狗的时候被第一次带去散步并一个不落地咬了周围所有的狗、吓唬了所有婴儿车里婴儿的路——的时候,死亡降临到它身上。这只耳聋眼花的狗既没有看到双轮马车也没有听到声音,轮子压过了它,迅速地结束了一个本也难以继续幸福得活着的生命。死于车轮马蹄之下对它来说比在毒气室或马厩里被毒死是更好的归宿。 就这样,我们便对亲爱的忠诚的朋友说再见了,我们记着它的优点——而狗是没有多少缺点的。


more worsewettermore naughty


《The Future of Human Nature》(Habermas, Jurgen)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jwzM9ifHKJVLUAK6zN5Wtw 提取码: rwcm书名:The Future of Human Nature作者:Habermas, Jurgen译者:Wiliam Rehg出版社:Polity出版年份:2003页数:127内容简介:Recent developments in biotechnology and genetic research are raising complex ethical questions concerning the legitimate scope and limits of genetic intervention. As we begin to contemplate the possibility of intervening in the human genome to prevent diseases, we cannot help but feel that the human species might soon be able to take its biological evolution in its own hands. "Playing God" is the metaphor commonly used for this self-transformation of the species, which, it seems, might soon be within our grasp.In this important new book, Jurgen Habermas - the most influential philosopher and social thinker in Germany today - takes up the question of genetic engineering and its ethical implications and subjects it to careful philosophical scrutiny. His analysis is guided by the view that genetic manipulation is bound up with the identity and self-understanding of the species. We cannot rule out the possibility that knowledge of one"s own hereditary factors may prove to be restrictive for the choice of an individual"s way of life and may undermine the symmetrical relations between free and equal human beings.In the concluding chapter - which was delivered as a lecture on receiving the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade for 2001 - Habermas broadens the discussion to examine the tension between science and religion in the modern world, a tension which exploded, with such tragic violence, on September 11th.

《The Futureof Human Nature》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Future of Human Nature》(Habermas, Jurgen)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1zjPX3EYM38QiUHwaiAtSaA 提取码:4zum书名:The Future of Human Nature作者:Habermas, Jurgen译者:Wiliam Rehg出版社:Polity出版年份:2003页数:127内容简介:Recent developments in biotechnology and genetic research are raising complex ethical questions concerning the legitimate scope and limits of genetic intervention. As we begin to contemplate the possibility of intervening in the human genome to prevent diseases, we cannot help but feel that the human species might soon be able to take its biological evolution in its own hands. "Playing God" is the metaphor commonly used for this self-transformation of the species, which, it seems, might soon be within our grasp.

求克莉丝朵梅儿 - Beautiful To night歌曲翻译

我的眼睛有一个rosey釉 作为黑暗的瀑布 我跳舞就一刀片 它的杀我 这种危险的吸引力 我调情与消防 这些都是原因,我不能采取 我很遗憾,这在哪里 它的阴影里面我心目中 我在拒绝 我成为不少骗子 这使我 今晚的美丽 在我的病您能否为我找 今晚的美丽 月光扮演反对我的皮肤 你发现我的 午夜十二时,有时是我唯一的朋友 不要离开我现在 饥饿它吃掉我活着 我下降,解散 它的检索到我的静脉 我很遗憾,这在哪里 它的阴影里面我心目中 我在拒绝 我成为不少骗子 这使我 今晚的美丽 在我的病您能否为我找 今晚的美丽 今晚的美丽

好像是碧昂斯唱的一首歌,就听到一句,好像是...be seen free,boy beautiful night pay...求歌名

是不是sweet dreams?碧昂丝的,好久的了...我怎么也想不起来,歌词好像不是这样吧??

were beautiful night na na na是那首歌歌词

Ohh na na, what"s my name Ohh na na, what"s my name Ohh na na, what"s my name Ohh na na, what"s my name Ohh na na, what"s my name What"s my name, what"s my name Uh, ya I heard you good with them soft lips Yeah you know word of mouth, The square root of 69 is 8 somethin" right Cuz I"ve been tryna work it out, ooww Good weed white wine Uh I come alive in the night time Okay, away we go Only thing we have on is the radio Ohh Let it play Say you gotta leave But I know you wanna stay You just waiting on the traffic jam to finish girl The things that we could do in twenty minutes girl Say my name, say my name wear it out, it"s getting hot crack a window, air it out I can get you through a mighty long day Soon as you go the text that I write is gon" say Ohh na na, what"s my name Ohh na na, what"s my name Ohh na na, what"s my name What"s my name, what"s my name Not everybody knows how to work my body Knows how to make me want it Boy you stay up on it You got that something That keeps me so off balance Baby you"re a challenge Let"s explore your talent Hey boy I really wanna see If you can go downtown with a girl like me Hey boy, I really wanna be with you Cause you just my type Ooh na na na na I need a boy to take it over Looking for a guy to put in work, uh Oh woah o-oh, Oh woah o-oh Hey boy I really wanna see If you can go downtown with a girl like me Hey boy, I really wanna be with you Cause you just my type Ooh na na na na I need a boy to take it over Looking for a guy to put in work, uh Oh woah o-oh, Oh woah o-oh Ooh na na, what"s my name Ooh na na, what"s my name Ooh na na, what"s my name What"s my name, what"s my name Baby you got me Ain"t nowhere that I"d be Then with your arms around me Back and forth you rock me So I surrender to every word you whisper Every door you enter, I will let you in Hey boy I really wanna see If you can go downtown with a girl like me Hey boy, I really wanna be with you Cause you just my type Ooh na na na na I need a boy to take it over Looking for a guy to put in work, uh Oh woah o-oh, Oh woah o-oh You"re so amazing, you"re take the time to finger me out That"s why you take me Way past the point of turning me on You "bout to break me I swear you got me losing my mind Ooh na na, what"s my name Ooh na na, what"s my name Ooh na na, what"s my name Ooh na na, what"s my name Ooh na na, what"s my name What"s my name, what"s my name Hey boy I really wanna see If you can go downtown with a girl like me Hey boy, I really wanna be with you Cause you just my type Ooh na na na na I need a boy to take it over Looking for a guy to put in work, uh Oh woah o-oh, Oh woah o-oh Hey boy I really wanna see If you can go downtown with a girl like me Hey boy, I really wanna be with you Cause you just my type Ooh na na na na I need a boy to take it over Looking for a guy to put in work, uh Oh woah o-oh, Oh woah o-oh

一首韩国歌 男的唱的 高潮部分有 It’s beautiful night 什么的

Marry you

男生唱的英文歌高潮是is beautiful night take 什么什么

Surrender - Cash CashI was running on an empty heartNot a trace of gasolineTrying to dim every single sparkThat could hurt,that could burn all of meLike a soldier on a battle groundLying wounded on the fieldI was fighting alongwith the broken swordNow I"m caught in a warwith no shieldIf you hold me nowAnd leave me neverSay you"ll stay,we"ll be foreverThen I surrender, surrenderIf you hold me nowAnd leave me neverSay you"ll stay,we"ll be foreverThen I surrender,surrender(surrender, surrender)I push and pull all the onesthat tryThen I"ll wash and fade awayAs I look around the vacate roomI see nobody left here to playCause I made myself a prisonerShackle up all my fearsBut I feel you"re breaking awayout the wallsMake them fall,make them all disappearIf you hold me nowAnd leave me neverSay you"ll stay, we"ll be foreverThen I surrender, surrenderIf you hold me nowAnd leave me neverSay you"ll stay, we"ll be foreverThen I surrender, surrender(surrender, surrender)Hold me nowAnd leave me neverSay you"ll stay, we"ll be foreverThen I surrender, surrenderThen I surrender, surrendersurrender

有一首韩文歌里有哎唉唉哎唉唉哎 beautifulnight

beast 的 beautiful night

有个歌里有so beautiful night ho j。。。con to do后面不记得了

歌曲: You"re Beautiful 演唱:James Blunt 所属专辑:《Back To Bedlam》

歌词有句是you are so beautiful night的那首歌叫什么

james blunt you are beautiful my life is brilliant. my life is brilliant. my love is pure. i saw an angel. of that i"m sure. she smiled at me on the subway. she was with another man. but i won"t lose no sleep on that, "cause i"ve got a plan. you"re beautiful. you"re beautiful. you"re beautiful, it"s true. i saw your face in a crowded place, and i don"t know what to do, "cause i"ll never be with you. yeah, she caught my eye, as we walked on by. she could see from my face that i was, fucking high, and i don"t think that i"ll see her again, but we shared a moment that will last till the end. you"re beautiful. you"re beautiful. you"re beautiful, it"s true. i saw your face in a crowded place, and i don"t know what to do, "cause i"ll never be with you. you"re beautiful. you"re beautiful. you"re beautiful, it"s true. there must be an angel with a smile on her face, when she thought up that i should be with you. but it"s time to face the truth,

on a beautiful night和in a beautiful night有什么区别

on a beautiful night意思是:在一个美丽的夜晚而in a beautiful night意思是:一个美丽的夜晚:)

第一句歌词是it,s beautiful night的英文歌

题目叫《marry you》演唱者 Bruno Mars 这是歌词:It"s a beautiful nightWe"re looking for something dumb to doHey baby i think i wanna marry youIs it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juiceWho cares baby, i think i wanna marry youWell I know this little chapel on the boulevardwe can gono one will knowOh,come on girlWho cares if we"re trashedgot a pocket full of cash we can blowshots of patronand it"s on girlDon"t say no no no no nojust say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahand we"ll go go go go goIf you"re ready,like i"m ready"Cause it"s a beautiful nightWe"re looking for something dumb to doHey baby i think i wanna marry youIs it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juiceWho cares baby,i think i wanna marry youI"ll go get a ring let the choir bells sing like ooohSo whatcha wanna do?Let"s just run girl.If we wake up and you wanna break up that"s cool.No, I won"t blame you;It was fun girl.Don"t say no no no no noJust say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahAnd we"ll go go go go goIf you"re ready,like i"m readycause It"s a beautiful nightwe"re looking for something dumb to doHey baby i think i wanna marry youIs it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juiceWho cares baby, i think i wanna marry youohJust say i dotell me right now babytell me right now baby,babyJust say i dotell me right now babytell me right now baby,babyohIt"s a beautiful nightwe"re looking for something dumb to doHey baby i think i wanna marry youIs it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juiceWho cares baby, i think i wanna marry you

Beautiful Night 歌词

歌曲名:Beautiful Night歌手:Lighthouse Family专辑:Ocean DriveThere"s a breeze in the air.There are stars in the sky.And I"m sure that there"s bound to be a reasonWhy we are here.But for now we will wonder at the evening sky.So come on, baby.So come on, baby.Give in to your heart"s desire.So come on, baby,So come on, baby.Dig a little deeper now. Now.It"s a beautiful night, yeah.Way up beyond the stars, we are.You can stay all night, yeah.It"s a beautiful night.There"s a song that I"m sure I"ve heard you singing.That I try hard to hear.It"s a language of love, I hardly know it.That I don"t know.It ain"t loud, but it"s coming over crystal clear.So come on, baby.So come on, baby.Give into your heart"s desire.So come on, baby.So come on, baby.Dig a little deeper now. Now.It"s a beautiful night, yeah.Way up beyond the stars, we are.You can stay all night, yeah.It"s a beautiful night.So come on, baby.So come on, baby.Give into your heart"s desire.So come on, baby.So come on, baby.Dig a little deeper now. Now.It"s a beautiful night, yeah.(Dig a little deeper.)Way up beyond the stars, we are.(Dig a little deeper, baby.)You can stay all night, yeah.(Dig a little deeper.)It"s a beautiful night.(Dig a little deeper, baby.)Beautiful night, yeah.(Dig a little deeper.)Way up beyond the stars, we are.(Dig a little deeper, baby.)You can stay all night, yeah.(Dig a little deeper.)It"s a beautiful . . . (fade)http://music.baidu.com/song/8036093

Beautiful Night的歌词

Beverley Knight - Beautiful NightWell I think I found the sense in all of thisAll that"s left for us is just that final kissThough we never knew it whenOur beginning soon would endIgnorance was blissWe talked about how you would own the worldKing of crazy boys and pretty girlsLooking at those fantasiesWhat really counts is you and meLeave the rest behind.Hold on to the beautiful nightThere"s no need to worry cuz I won"t turn on the lightHold on to all that I knowTonight I can touch you, but tomorrow I let you goOh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh,Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Beautiful.Seems that I"ve been searching my whole lifeYou made me see the world with different eyesThe strength that I was looking forIt doesn"t matter anymoreI found it deep inside.Hold on to the beautiful nightThere"s no need to worry cuz I won"t turn on the lightHold on to all that I knowTonight I can touch you, but tomorrow I let you goOh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh,Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Beautiful.It"s hard to say hello, harder to say goodbyeI had to let you go, wo-ah, wo-ah, wo-ahIt"s hard to say hello, harder to say goodbyeI had to let you go, wo-ah, wo-ah, wooo.Hold on to the beautiful nightThere"s no need to worry cuz I won"t turn on the lightHold on to all that I knowTonight I can touch you, but tomorrow I let you goOh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh,Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Beautiful.

Beautiful Night 歌词

歌曲:Beautiful Night歌手: Aaron Neville所属专辑:《Love Songs》发行时间:2003-01-13所属公司:环球唱片具体歌词:Beverley Knight - Beautiful NightWell I think I found the sense in all of thisAll that"s left for us is just that final kissThough we never knew it whenOur beginning soon would endIgnorance was blissWe talked about how you would own the worldKing of crazy boys and pretty girlsLooking at those fantasiesWhat really counts is you and meLeave the rest behind.Hold on to the beautiful nightThere"s no need to worry cuz I won"t turn on the lightHold on to all that I knowTonight I can touch you, but tomorrow I let you goOh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh,Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Beautiful.Seems that I"ve been searching my whole lifeYou made me see the world with different eyesThe strength that I was looking forIt doesn"t matter anymoreI found it deep inside.Hold on to the beautiful nightThere"s no need to worry cuz I won"t turn on the lightHold on to all that I knowTonight I can touch you, but tomorrow I let you goOh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh,Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Beautiful.It"s hard to say hello, harder to say goodbyeI had to let you go, wo-ah, wo-ah, wo-ahIt"s hard to say hello, harder to say goodbyeI had to let you go, wo-ah, wo-ah, wooo.Hold on to the beautiful nightThere"s no need to worry cuz I won"t turn on the lightHold on to all that I knowTonight I can touch you, but tomorrow I let you goOh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh,Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Beautiful.

Beautiful Night 歌词

歌曲名:Beautiful Night歌手:Elisa专辑:LotusBeverley Knight - Beautiful NightWell I think I found the sense in all of thisAll that"s left for us is just that final kissThough we never knew it whenOur beginning soon would endIgnorance was blissWe talked about how you would own the worldKing of crazy boys and pretty girlsLooking at those fantasiesWhat really counts is you and meLeave the rest behind.Hold on to the beautiful nightThere"s no need to worry cuz I won"t turn on the lightHold on to all that I knowTonight I can touch you, but tomorrow I let you goOh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh,Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Beautiful.Seems that I"ve been searching my whole lifeYou made me see the world with different eyesThe strength that I was looking forIt doesn"t matter anymoreI found it deep inside.Hold on to the beautiful nightThere"s no need to worry cuz I won"t turn on the lightHold on to all that I knowTonight I can touch you, but tomorrow I let you goOh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh,Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Beautiful.It"s hard to say hello, harder to say goodbyeI had to let you go, wo-ah, wo-ah, wo-ahIt"s hard to say hello, harder to say goodbyeI had to let you go, wo-ah, wo-ah, wooo.Hold on to the beautiful nightThere"s no need to worry cuz I won"t turn on the lightHold on to all that I knowTonight I can touch you, but tomorrow I let you goOh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh,Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Beautiful.http://music.baidu.com/song/8512181

Beautiful Night 歌词

歌曲名:Beautiful Night歌手:Amy Allison专辑:No Frills FriendThere"s a breeze in the air.There are stars in the sky.And I"m sure that there"s bound to be a reasonWhy we are here.But for now we will wonder at the evening sky.So come on, baby.So come on, baby.Give in to your heart"s desire.So come on, baby,So come on, baby.Dig a little deeper now. Now.It"s a beautiful night, yeah.Way up beyond the stars, we are.You can stay all night, yeah.It"s a beautiful night.There"s a song that I"m sure I"ve heard you singing.That I try hard to hear.It"s a language of love, I hardly know it.That I don"t know.It ain"t loud, but it"s coming over crystal clear.So come on, baby.So come on, baby.Give into your heart"s desire.So come on, baby.So come on, baby.Dig a little deeper now. Now.It"s a beautiful night, yeah.Way up beyond the stars, we are.You can stay all night, yeah.It"s a beautiful night.So come on, baby.So come on, baby.Give into your heart"s desire.So come on, baby.So come on, baby.Dig a little deeper now. Now.It"s a beautiful night, yeah.(Dig a little deeper.)Way up beyond the stars, we are.(Dig a little deeper, baby.)You can stay all night, yeah.(Dig a little deeper.)It"s a beautiful night.(Dig a little deeper, baby.)Beautiful night, yeah.(Dig a little deeper.)Way up beyond the stars, we are.(Dig a little deeper, baby.)You can stay all night, yeah.(Dig a little deeper.)It"s a beautiful . . . (fade)http://music.baidu.com/song/15294608

一首英文歌,歌词中有the beautiful night.......oh baby ,求歌名,急!!!!

one more night?

有一首男生唱的抒情韩文歌 有一句什么beautiful night的是什么

Crush - Beautiful 鬼怪ost 那句歌词应该是It"s a beautiful life

快乐大本营开场音乐歌词为have a beautiful night是什么歌

是这首英文歌:歌曲:Marry YouBruno Mars

有一首英文歌。the beautiful night nanananananannanananan

long ranger

有一首歌男声高潮是but baby tonight,oh beautiful night,是什么歌?

我不知道你给的歌词对不对,但我猜测应该是marry you 我很喜欢这首英文歌呢,,你试听下一吧,希望能帮到你

求一首英文歌里面有you are beautiful night 这句歌词一般在结婚的时候放

Bruno Mars <Marry you>

so beautiful night~ 什么意思?

so beautiful night如此美丽的夜晚

抖音女英文歌高潮部分beautiful night求歌名

the end of the nightuff1f

求一首和young and beautiful调很像的歌,特别是hot summer night

Fight Night ??:Migos How Beautiful Is Night ??:Tony Bennett Beautiful, Scandalous Night ??:Smalltown Poets Big Beautiful Friday Night ??:Rick Springfield Hello beautiful day ??:?? beautiful girl ??:??? Beautiful Night ??:??? Beautiful Thing ??:???? Xiah Break ??:Heart Break Free ??:Like A Storm sea of heart break ??:Poco BREAK ANOTHER HEART ??:Gyllene Tider You Gonna Break My Heart ??:DORO heart break hotel ??:Unknown ??? (Heart Break Julian) ??:@ How could an angel break my heart ??:Toni Braxton don`t break my heart ??:kate break my heart ??:Hilary Duff Break My Heart Again ??:Montgomery Gentry Only Love Can Break Your Heart ??:Neil Young Please Don"t Break My Heart ??:No Authority Break Your Heart ??:Barenaked Ladies You"re Gonna Break My Heart Again ??:Whitesnake Don"t Break My Heart Again ??:Whitesnake I Am Trying To Break Your Heart ??:Wilco You Gonna Break My Heart ??:Doro Pesch Only Love Can Break My Heart ??:Modern Talking Gonna Break My Heart Again ??:Gary Moore Born To Break My Heart ??:Carly Simon Break Apart Her Heart ??:Good Charlotte (? ??) He Will Break Your Heart ??:Jerry Butler Don"t Break My Heart ??:UB40 Break Your Heart ??:Natalie Merchant I"ll Never Break Your Heart ??:Backstreet Boys If He Should Break Your Heart ??:Journey Love Can Break Your Heart ??:Michael McDonald Never Gonna Break My Heart Again ??:Deborah Cox ???(Heart break Julian) ??:??? 你的歌词就这么两句 我能找到的所有类似的歌词就这些 但愿有你需要的

一首男唱英文歌开头是巴巴巴巴巴巴,歌词里面有you beautiful na,one by one

marry you

一首好嗨的英文歌男生唱的高潮一直唱beautiful night 是什么歌

Bruno Mars的《Marry You》吗

Enjoy your beautiful nightuff1f

????什么意思 看不懂你发问题啊

有一首什么gta5战歌,里面有一句好像是oh beautiful night ohbeautifu

歌曲名:It"s Gonna Be a Beautiful Night歌手:Prince专辑:Sign "O" the Times(Oh-we-oh-oooh)(groove!)(drop out them horns)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful nightU got your world togetherEverything"s lookin" alrightTonight there"s no tomorrowThis is gonna be the one (alright, Paris, we gonna see how)Tonight we"re gonna lose our sorrow (soulful you are, are you ready?)Tonight we"re gonna have some fun (come on, say it...)(Oh-we-oh-oooh)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night (keep singin, y"all)(Oh-we-oh-oooh)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night (verse, clap your hands)Little boy got the notion, get some love tonightGet yo rap in motion, 4 she out o" sightLittle girl at the party,maybe she"d like 2 danceRing around the rosie (Paris, are you ready?)Pocket full of chance (horns, do it)(Oh-we-oh-oooh) (sing it, y"all)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night(Oh-we-oh-oooh)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night (guitars and drums, groove)(dance, come on)They say that there"s nothing"s betterThan sleeping on a rainy dayWe could spend the night togetherCome on baby what U say?It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night, ohIt"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night, ohIt"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night, ohIt"s gonna be a beautiful, beautiful night (say it)No time 4 politics, no we don"t wanna fightEverybody get up, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightNo time 4 sorrow, this is gonna be the oneTonight there"s no tomorrowTonight we"re gonna have some fun (Are you ready Paris?)(Oh-we-oh-oooh) (say it, y"all)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night (c"mon)(Oh-we-oh-oooh)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night (two times)We are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful night(Paris, say it once more time, uh!)(Oh-we-oh-oooh) (say it)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night (night, y"all, yeah)(Oh-we-oh-oooh)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night (just the drums, just the drum -- Bobby)(Oh-we-oh-oooh)Everybody get way down,Tonight we"re gonna ballTonight we"re gonna get the bomb, y"allI"m talkin" "bout the Detroit crawlEverybody in the westEverybody in the eastEvery man I"ll injureWith my chicken greaseGet with it(one more)(are you ready Paris - Soul Clap)(ah yeah, ah yeah)(gimme the bass, gimme the bass, one time)Said the table 2 the chair"You can hardly be awareHow I suffer from the heatAnd from chillblains on my feet!If we took a little walkWe might have a little talk!Pray let us take the air!"Said the table to the chair (can"t nobody)Said the chair to the table"Now you know we are not able! (fuck with us)How foolishly you talkWhen you know we cannot walk!" (can"t nobody)Said the table with a sigh"It can do no harm to try (fuck with us)Why can"t we walk on two?" (say, can"t nobody)I"ve as many legs as youSo they both went showly down (fuck with us)And walked about the townWith a cheerful bumpy sound (can"t nobody)As they toddled round and roundAnd everybody criedAs they hastened to their side (fuck with us)"See the table and the chairHave come 2 take the air!" (y"all - say it y"all)But in going down an alleyTo a castle in the valleyThey completely lost their wayAnd wandered all the dayTill, to see them safely backThey paid a ducky-quackAnd a beetle and a mouseWho took them to their houseWhen they whispered to each other"O delightful little brother! (can"t nobody fuck with us)What a lovely walk we"ve taken!Let us dine on beans and bacon!"So the ducky and the little browny- (say it, y"all)mousey and the beetle dined,And danced upon the headsTill they toddled to their beds (can"t nobody fuck with us)Good GodRevolution, baby way down lowbeautiful night, y"all say itbeautiful night, y"all say itsay what a beautiful night, y"all say itbeautiful night, y"all say itcome on(oh-we-oh-ooh)say it(oh-we-oh-ooh)say it louder, y"allMiko, Miko, hit me in the back with funkbeautiful night, y"all say itbeautiful night, y"all say iteverybody feelin" alright, y"all say itgonna be a beautiful night, y"all say iteverybody, (oh-we-oh-ooh, oh-we-oh-ooh)say it (oh-we-oh-ooh, oh-we-oh-ooh)say it (oh-we-oh-ooh, oh-we-oh-ooh)(oh-we-oh-ooh, oh-we-oh-ooh)get the horns in herekeep singin" y"alleverybody clap your handseverybody clap your handseverbody, groove, come onConfusion!Yeah!

英文歌 歌词有一句是the beautiful night

Bruno Mars-Marry you 第一句是It"s a beautiful night 不知道是不是你说的这个。不是的话也可以去听一下哦,很好听的~

有一首英文歌歌词里有one by one ,beautiful night

Oh-we-oh-oohOh-we-oh-oohGroove!Drop out them hornsIt"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful nightYou got your world togetherEvery thing"s lookin" alrightTonight there"s no tomorrowThis is gonna be the one(Alright, Paris, we gonna see how)Tonight we"re gonna lose our sorrow(Soulful you are, are you ready?)Tonight we"re gonna have some fun(Come on, say it)(Oh-we-oh-ooh)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night(Keep singin, y"all)(Oh-we-oh-ooh)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night(Verse, clap your hands)Little boy got the notion, get some love tonightGet yo rap in motion, for she out o" sightLittle girl at the partyMaybe she"d like to danceRing around the rosie(Paris, are you ready?)Pocket full of chance(Horns, do it)(Oh-we-oh-ooh)(Sing it, y"all)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night(Oh-we-oh-ooh)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night(Guitars and drums, groove)(Dance, come on)They say that there"s nothing"s betterThan sleeping on a rainy dayWe could spend the night togetherCome on baby what you say?It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night, ohIt"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night, ohIt"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night, ohIt"s gonna be a beautiful, beautiful night(Say it)No time for politics, no we don"t wanna fightEverybody get up, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightNo time for sorrow, this is gonna be the oneTonight there"s no tomorrowTonight we"re gonna have some fun(Are you ready Paris?)(Oh-we-oh-ooh)(Say it, y"all)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night(C"mon)(Oh-we-oh-ooh)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night(Two times)We are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful night(Paris, say it once more time, uh!)(Oh-we-oh-ooh)(Say it)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night(Night, y"all, yeah)(Oh-we-oh-ooh)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night(Just the drums, just the drum Bobby)(Oh-we-oh-ooh)(Oh-we-oh-ooh)(Oh-we-oh-ooh)Everybody get way downTonight we"re gonna ballTonight we"re gonna get the bomb, y"allI"m talkin" "bout the Detroit crawlEverybody in the westEverybody in the eastEvery man I"ll injureWith my chicken greaseGet with itOne moreAre you ready Paris soul clapAh yeah, ah yeahGimme the bass, gimme the bass, one timeSaid the table to the chair"You can hardly be awareHow I suffer from the heatAnd from chilblains on my feet!If we took a little walkWe might have a little talk!Pray let us take the air!"Said the table to the chair(Can"t nobody)Said the chair to the table"Now you know we are not able!(Fuck with us)How foolishly you talkWhen you know we cannot walk!"(Can"t nobody)Said the table with a sigh"It can do no harm to try(Fuck with us)I"ve as many legs as youWhy can"t we walk on two?"(Say, can"t nobody)So they both went slowly down(Fuck with us)And walked about the townWith a cheerful bumpy sound(Can"t nobody)As they toddled round and roundAnd everybody criedAs they hastened to their side(Fuck with us)"See the table and the chairHave come to take the air!"(Y"all say it y"all)But in going down an alleyTo a castle in the valleyThey completely lost their wayAnd wandered all the dayTill, to see them safely backThey paid a ducky quackAnd a beetle and a mouseWho took them to their houseWhen they whispered to each other"O delightful little brother!(Can"t nobody fuck with us)What a lovely walk we"ve taken!Let us dine on beans and bacon!"So the ducky and the little Browny(Say it, y"all)Mousey and the Beetle Dined,And danced upon the headsTill they toddled to their beds(Can"t nobody fuck with us)Good GodGood GodGood GodRevolution, baby way down lowBeautiful night, y"all say itBeautiful night, y"all say itSay what a beautiful night, y"all say itBeautiful night, y"all say itCome on(Oh-we-oh-ooh)Say it(Oh-we-oh-ooh)Say it louder, y"all(Oh-we-oh-ooh)Say it louder, y"all(Oh-we-oh-ooh)Miko, Miko, hit me in the back with funkBeautiful night, y"all say itBeautiful night, y"all say itEverybody feelin" alright, y"all say itGonna be a beautiful night, y"all say itEverybodyOh-we-oh-ooh, oh-we-oh-oohSay itOh-we-oh-ooh, oh-we-oh-oohSay itOh-we-oh-ooh, oh-we-oh-oohOh-we-oh-ooh, oh-we-oh-oohGet the horns in hereKeep singin" y"allEverybody clap your handsEverybody clap your handsEverybody, groove, come onConfusion!Yeah!Read more: Prince - It"s Gonna Be A Beautiful Night Lyrics | MetroLyrics

一首英文歌男生唱的歌节奏感很强歌词有很多beautiful night oh oh oh

beautiful now

有一首英文歌,第一句是it‘s a beautiful night 求歌名


一首英文歌 男的唱的 高潮部分有 It’s beautiful night oh oh oh oh

歌曲名:It"s Gonna Be a Beautiful Night歌手:Prince专辑:Sign "O" the TimesPrince - It"s Gonna Be A Beautiful Night最爱Prince的June(Oh-we-oh-oooh)(groove!)(drop out them horns)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful nightU got your world togetherEverything"s lookin" alrightTonight there"s no tomorrowThis is gonna be the one (alright, Paris, we gonna see how)Tonight we"re gonna lose our sorrow (soulful you are, are you ready?)Tonight we"re gonna have some fun (come on, say it...)(Oh-we-oh-oooh)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night (keep singin, y"all)(Oh-we-oh-oooh)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night (verse, clap your hands)Little boy got the notion, get some love tonightGet yo rap in motion, 4 she out o" sightLittle girl at the party,maybe she"d like 2 danceRing around the rosie (Paris, are you ready?)Pocket full of chance (horns, do it)(Oh-we-oh-oooh) (sing it, y"all)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night(Oh-we-oh-oooh)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night (guitars and drums, groove)(dance, come on)They say that there"s nothing"s betterThan sleeping on a rainy dayWe could spend the night togetherCome on baby what U say?It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night, ohIt"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night, ohIt"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night, ohIt"s gonna be a beautiful, beautiful night (say it)No time 4 politics, no we don"t wanna fightEverybody get up, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightNo time 4 sorrow, this is gonna be the oneTonight there"s no tomorrowTonight we"re gonna have some fun (Are you ready Paris?)(Oh-we-oh-oooh) (say it, y"all)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night (c"mon)(Oh-we-oh-oooh)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night (two times)We are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful nightWe are beautiful, it"s gonna be a beautiful night(Paris, say it once more time, uh!)(Oh-we-oh-oooh) (say it)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night (night, y"all, yeah)(Oh-we-oh-oooh)It"s gonna be a beautifulIt"s gonna be a beautiful night (just the drums, just the drum -- Bobby)(Oh-we-oh-oooh)Everybody get way down,Tonight we"re gonna ballTonight we"re gonna get the bomb, y"allI"m talkin" "bout the Detroit crawlEverybody in the westEverybody in the eastEvery man I"ll injureWith my chicken greaseGet with it(one more)(are you ready Paris - Soul Clap)(ah yeah, ah yeah)(gimme the bass, gimme the bass, one time)Said the table 2 the chair"You can hardly be awareHow I suffer from the heatAnd from chillblains on my feet!If we took a little walkWe might have a little talk!Pray let us take the air!"Said the table to the chair (can"t nobody)Said the chair to the table"Now you know we are not able! (fuck with us)How foolishly you talkWhen you know we cannot walk!" (can"t nobody)Said the table with a sigh"It can do no harm to try (fuck with us)Why can"t we walk on two?" (say, can"t nobody)I"ve as many legs as youSo they both went showly down (fuck with us)And walked about the townWith a cheerful bumpy sound (can"t nobody)As they toddled round and roundAnd everybody criedAs they hastened to their side (fuck with us)"See the table and the chairHave come 2 take the air!" (y"all - say it y"all)But in going down an alleyTo a castle in the valleyThey completely lost their wayAnd wandered all the dayTill, to see them safely backThey paid a ducky-quackAnd a beetle and a mouseWho took them to their houseWhen they whispered to each other"O delightful little brother! (can"t nobody fuck with us)What a lovely walk we"ve taken!Let us dine on beans and bacon!"So the ducky and the little browny- (say it, y"all)mousey and the beetle dined,And danced upon the headsTill they toddled to their beds (can"t nobody fuck with us)Good GodRevolution, baby way down lowbeautiful night, y"all say itbeautiful night, y"all say itsay what a beautiful night, y"all say itbeautiful night, y"all say itcome on(oh-we-oh-ooh)say it(oh-we-oh-ooh)say it louder, y"allMiko, Miko, hit me in the back with funkbeautiful night, y"all say itbeautiful night, y"all say iteverybody feelin" alright, y"all say itgonna be a beautiful night, y"all say iteverybody, (oh-we-oh-ooh, oh-we-oh-ooh)say it (oh-we-oh-ooh, oh-we-oh-ooh)say it (oh-we-oh-ooh, oh-we-oh-ooh)(oh-we-oh-ooh, oh-we-oh-ooh)get the horns in herekeep singin" y"alleverybody clap your handseverybody clap your handseverbody, groove, come onConfusion!Yeah!

有一首很甜的歌是韩文歌是一男一女唱的里面有句歌词是beautiful beautiful

这首歌就叫 beautiful beautiful歌手是 PUNCH 和 글라빙고是韩剧 最佳一击 的插曲QQ音乐可以搜到

function does not take 1 arguments 出现的原因是什么

可能是一个方法 不需要 参数, 但是你写了一个参数进去... 英文不好...自己的理解...应该是参数个数的问题..

a funk odyssey什么意思

意思是:疯克奥德赛本单曲为Jamiroquai乐队的一首单曲。或许是因为这是我第一张听到的Jamiroquai专辑,或许是因为它有份参加我黑色七月前夕奋斗的松弛活动,无论如何我对《A Funk Odyssey》的印象和熟悉的程度都远超Jamiroquai其它的专辑。这是我唯一对Jamiroquai感到有共鸣产生的专辑,专辑封面上和册页里Jamiroquai闪耀迷幻光芒的象是插满玻璃条的古怪帽子也是我对他众多帽子中印象最深的一顶。电影《2001太空漫游》总体来说,《A Funk Odyssey》比上一张刺耳的《Synkronized》要和谐得多,编曲也比原来要成熟了,为了保证这种Funk Disco-Rock能够获得更多听众的支持,显然花费了词曲作者Toby Smith不少力气去营造一种主流俱乐部音乐文化的氛围,并且充分利用了Latin音乐的风情,实足称赞。太空漫游主题曲

Bye Bye Beautiful 歌词

Bye Bye Beautiful中文名称:再见美丽外文名称:Bye Bye Beautiful所属专辑:《Dark Passion Play》发行时间:2007年09月28日歌曲原唱:NightwishFinally the hills are without eyesThey are tired of painting a dead man"s face redWith their own bloodWe used to love having so much to loseBlink your eyes just once and see everything in ruinsDid you ever hear what I told youDid you ever read what I wrote youDid you ever listen to what we playedDid you ever let in what the world saidDid we get this far just to feel your hateDid we play to become only pawns in the gameHow blind can you be, don"t you seeYou chose the long road but we"ll be waitingBye bye beautiful ×2Jacob"s ghost for the girl in whiteBlindfold for the blindDead siblings walking the dying earthNoose around a choking heartEternity torn apartSlow toll now the funeral bells"I need to die to feel alive"Did you ever hear what I told youDid you ever read what I wrote youDid you ever listen to what we playedDid you ever let in what the world saidDid we get this far just to feel your hateDid we play to become only pawns in the gameHow blind can you be, don"t you seeYou chose the long road but we"ll be waitingBye bye beautifulIt"s not the tree that forsakes the flowerBut the flower that forsakes the treeSomeday I"ll learn to love these scarsStill fresh from the red-hot blade of your words...How blind can you be, don"t you see......that the gambler lost all he does not have...Did you ever hear what I told youDid you ever read what I wrote youDid you ever listen to what we playedDid you ever let in what the world saidDid we get this far just to feel your hateDid we play to become only pawns in the gameHow blind can you be, don"t you seeYou chose the long road but we"ll be waitingBye bye beautiful

a confusion over

在这句话中over 不做介词,它是用来强调说明a sense of confusion的程度 by用做介词,表示 在...边

matlab 怎么输出confusion matrix

以Training confusion matrix为例。 M(1,1),对应内含[1000,17.1%]数字。表示,有1000个输出为1类中,被正确反应了是1类。M(1,2),表示:在253个输出为1类中,却实际上是属于第2类。M(1,3),对应内含[79.8%,20.2%]。表示,在输出的1中,有79.8%被正确反应了。M(3,1),对应内含[69.5%,30.5%]。表示,实际中属于第1类的个数中,有69.5%的个体被正确认别。M(3,2),表示,实际中属于第2类的个数中,有94.3%的个体被正确认别。

with confusion的词组in还是with


confusion over翻译

不管是职业学校还是其他学校,办学目的不明确无益于学校. vocational or not不管是职业学校还是其他学校(让步状语,等于(no matter) whether it is vacational or not)

《The Confusion》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Confusion : Volume Two of The Baroque Cycle (P.S.)》(Neal Stephenson)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/11RDJp1I_sy49Y9gr7bO39A 提取码: si59书名:The Confusion : Volume Two of The Baroque Cycle (P.S.)作者:Neal Stephenson出版社:Harper Perennial出版年份:14 June, 2005页数:810内容简介:In the year 1689, a cabal of Barbary galley slaves -- including one Jack Shaftoe, aka King of the Vagabonds, aka Half-Cocked Jack -- devises a daring plan to win freedom and fortune. A great adventure ensues -- a perilous race for an enormous prize of silver ... nay, gold ...

丁尼生短诗中的all else confusion 什么意思



sklearn输出的评价矩阵 输出结果 结果分析 输出结果 参考: 基于混淆矩阵的评价指标 识别任务中 混淆矩阵(Confusion Matrix) 用于评价 算法 好坏的指标。下图是一个二分类问题的混淆矩阵: 相关术语: AccuracyRate(准确率) : (TP+TN)/(TP+TN+FN+FP) ErrorRate(误分率) : (FN+FP)/(TP+TN+FN+FP) Recall(召回率,查全率,击中概率) : TP/(TP+FN), 在所有GroundTruth为正样本中有多少被识别为正样本了; Precision(查准率): TP/(TP+FP),在所有识别成正样本中有多少是真正的正样本; TPR(TruePositive Rate): TP/(TP+FN),实际就是Recall FAR(FalseAcceptance Rate)或FPR(False Positive Rate): FP/(FP+TN), 错误接收率,误报率,在所有GroundTruth为负样本中有多少被识别为正样本了; FRR(FalseRejection Rate): FN/(TP+FN),错误拒绝率,拒真率,在所有GroundTruth为正样本中有多少被识别为负样本了,它等于1-Recall ROC曲线(receiver operatingcharacteristic curve) : 每个阈值的识别结果对应一个点(FPR,TPR),当阈值最大时,所有样本都被识别成负样本,对应于右上角的点(0,0),当阈值最小时,所有样本都被识别成正样本,对应于右上角的点(1,1),随着阈值从最大变化到最小,TP和FP都逐渐增大; 一个好的分类模型应尽可能位于图像的左上角,而一个随机猜测模型应位于连接点(TPR=0,FPR=0)和(TPR=1,FPR=1)的主对角线上; 可以使用ROC曲线下方的面积AUC(AreaUnder roc Curve)值来度量算法好坏:如果模型是完美的,那么它的AUG = 1,如果模型是个简单的随机猜测模型,那么它的AUG = 0.5,如果一个模型好于另一个,则它的曲线下方面积相对较大; ERR(Equal Error Rate,相等错误率):FAR和FRR是同一个算法系统的两个参数,把它放在同一个坐标中。FAR是随阈值增大而减小的,FRR是随阈值增大而增大的。因此它们一定有交点。这个点是在某个阈值下的FAR与FRR等值的点。习惯上用这一点的值来衡量算法的综合性能。对于一个更优的指纹算法,希望在相同阈值情况下,FAR和FRR都越小越好。

如何用python画好confusion matrix

"""""compute confusion matrix labels.txt: contain label name. predict.txt: predict_label true_label """ from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np #load labels. labels = [] file = open("labels.txt", "r") lines = file.readlines() for line in lines:labels.append(line.strip()) file.close()y_true = [] y_pred = [] #load true and predict labels. file = open("predict.txt", "r") lines = file.readlines() for line in lines:y_true.append(int(line.split(" ")[1].strip()))y_pred.append(int(line.split(" ")[0].strip())) file.close() tick_marks = np.array(range(len(labels))) + 0.5 def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, title="Confusion Matrix", cmap = plt.cm.binary):plt.imshow(cm, interpolation="nearest", cmap=cmap)plt.title(title)plt.colorbar()xlocations = np.array(range(len(labels)))plt.xticks(xlocations, labels, rotation=90)plt.yticks(xlocations, labels)plt.ylabel("True label")plt.xlabel("Predicted label") cm = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred) print cm np.set_printoptions(precision=2) cm_normalized = cm.astype("float")/cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] print cm_normalized plt.figure(figsize=(12,8), dpi=120) #set the fontsize of label. #for label in plt.gca().xaxis.get_ticklabels(): # label.set_fontsize(8) #text portion ind_array = np.arange(len(labels)) x, y = np.meshgrid(ind_array, ind_array)for x_val, y_val in zip(x.flatten(), y.flatten()):c = cm_normalized[y_val][x_val]if (c > 0.01):plt.text(x_val, y_val, "%0.2f" %(c,), color="red", fontsize=7, va="center", ha="center") #offset the tick plt.gca().set_xticks(tick_marks, minor=True) plt.gca().set_yticks(tick_marks, minor=True) plt.gca().xaxis.set_ticks_position("none") plt.gca().yaxis.set_ticks_position("none") plt.grid(True, which="minor", linestyle="-") plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15)plot_confusion_matrix(cm_normalized, title="Normalized confusion matrix") #show confusion matrix plt.show()

Land Of Confusion 歌词

歌曲名:Land Of Confusion歌手:Genesis专辑:Turn It On Again - The Hits能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollI must"ve dreamed a thousand dreamsBeen haunted by a million screamsBut I can hear the marching feetMoving into the streetNow did you read the news today?They say the danger"s gone awayBut I can see the fire still alightBurning into the nightThere"s too many men, too many peopleMaking too many problemsAnd there"s not much love to go aroundCan"t you see this is a land of confusion?Now did you read the news today?This is the world we live inAnd these are the hands we"re givenUse them and let"s start tryingTo make it a place worth living inOur superman, where are you now?When everything"s gone wrong somehowThe men of steel, these men of powerAre losing control by the hourAnd this is the time, this is the placeSo we look for the futureBut there"s not much love to go aroundTell me why this is a land of confusionThis is the world we live inAnd these are the hands we"re givenUse them and let"s start tryingTo make it a place worth living inI remember long long agoWhen the sun was shiningAnd all the stars were brightAll through the nightIn the wake of this madnessAs I held you tightSo long agoI won"t be coming home tonightMy generation will put it rightWe"re not just making promisesThat we know we"ll never keepThere"s too many men, too many peopleMaking too many problemsAnd there"s not much love to go aroundCan"t you see this is a land of confusion?Now, this is the world we live inAnd these are the hands we"re givenUse them and let"s start tryingTo make it a place worth fighting forThis is the world we live inAnd these are the names we"re givenStand up and let"s start showingJust where our lives are going tohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2753491

Out of the confusion什么意思


New Order的《Confusion》 歌词

歌曲名:Confusion歌手:New Order专辑:SubstancePennywise - ConfusionI can"t believe what I have foundThe world has been turned upside downEverything you thought you knew was trueIs exactly the opposite point of viewTake this confusion all awayWe need the answers here todayUnanswered questions all aroundNo conclusions for us nowNo resistance can undoThe lies fed to youThrough and throughSo take your pabulum and be doneIt"s all the same for everyoneSometimes I wish I"d never met youSo many times tried to forget youTried hard but things won"t changeWon"t someone take this all awayTake this confusion all awayWe need the answers here todayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/12419793


选A in confusion是固定短语,意思是乱七八糟地,混乱地. 在这里是相当于副词短语,做状语,修饰主语. 翻译:他站在这里,整个人处于混乱状态.


a lot of 后不可数和可数名词都可以接.concentration不可数 confusion也是不可数名词



To avoid confusion是什么意思

To avoid confusion为了避免混淆双语对照例句:1.Substitutes have been suggested-"utility hole" and "air lock serving as a decompression chamber for workers." But thiessen said those references will be left alone to avoid confusion. 有人提议用“故障排查洞”和“给工人减压的气闸”来替换上述两个词,但狄森表示不会采纳这些参考意见以免引起人们的困惑。


To avoid confusion,you"d better explain the question clearly to her.


阔别近3年后,陈冠希终于即将带着他的新专辑《CONFUSION》与我们再次见面。 在10月7日陈冠希生日当天,首波主打单曲《Mr.Sandman》率先登场,MV更是邀请了adidas Originals共同打造,在MV中,EDC亲身示范了某品牌在10年秋冬的重点单品,各位还不一睹为快更待何时!


confuse名词形式是confusion,读音是英[ku0259n"fjuu02d0u0292(u0259)n],美[ku0259n"fju028au0292u0259n];含义是混乱;混淆;困惑。 基本字义 confusion 英[ku0259nu02c8fjuu02d0u0292n]美[ku0259nu02c8fjuu02d0u0292n] n.不确定;困惑;混淆;混同;困窘;尴尬;局促不安 双语例句 1.Instead, the session has sowed confusion. 相反,会议引发了混乱。 2.In his confusion, he had jumbled the events of the day. 在他窘迫之际,他记混了那天发生的事件。 3.He was arrested in the confusion which followed. 他在之后的混乱中被捕。 4.Omissions in my recent article must have caused confusion. 我最近一篇文章里的几处省略肯定造成了困惑。 5.In all the confusion, there"s a serious risk that the main issues will be forgotten. 在一片混乱中,主要的问题很有可能会被遗忘。


confusing有两种读法:英[ku0259nu02c8fjuu02d0.zu026au014b];美[ku0259nu02c8fjuu02d0.zu026au014b]。confusing中文意思是令人费解的,令人迷惑的,使迷惑,使困惑;使混乱,使混淆;使更难于理解。也表达混乱的词语有:confusion指东西搅混在一起,凌乱得难以辨认;也可指思想混乱,以致无法进行正常的思维活动。disorder正式用词,含义广泛。指事物因失去原有的秩序而造成混乱;也可指社会中的动乱或骚乱。disturbance主要指社会中政治性的动乱、骚乱;也可指个人或少数人的闹事。mess语气强,口语中较常用的非正式用词。指既混乱又肮脏,尤指人思想混乱或外表不整洁。chaos着重指令人无能为力或感到绝望的混乱状态。突出没有很好的组织。参考例句1.The uncertainty created by this situation must be confusing for you.这种局面所造成的不确定性肯定让你感到困惑。2.She slept fitfully, her mind crowded with confusing dreams.她时睡时醒,脑子里做着各种怪梦。3.First off, huge apologies for last month"s confusing report.首先,要对上个月那篇交代不清的报道表示深深的歉意。4.The annoying thing about the scheme is that it"s confusing.这项计划可气的地方是它让人一头雾水。5.Its story-within-a-story method of narration is confusing.其故事套故事的叙事方法让人觉得很糊涂。6.Amidst this welter of confusing signals, it"s difficult to winnow out the truth.在一堆杂乱无章的信号之中,要辨别真相很困难。

with confusion的词组in还是with

in confusion 乱七八糟,处于混乱状态 补充:be a confusion of 是一片混乱的 covered with confusion 非常慌张 in confusion 乱七八糟,处于混乱状态 throw into confusion 使狼狈,使慌〔混〕乱 confusion worse confounded 非常混乱 confusion of tongues 语言的混乱(来自《圣经》)

There is always confusion consequent to an earchquake. 求划分英语成分?




Confusion (Pump Panel Reconstruction Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Confusion (Pump Panel Reconstruction Mix)歌手:New Order专辑:The Rest Of New OrderPennywise - ConfusionI can"t believe what I have foundThe world has been turned upside downEverything you thought you knew was trueIs exactly the opposite point of viewTake this confusion all awayWe need the answers here todayUnanswered questions all aroundNo conclusions for us nowNo resistance can undoThe lies fed to youThrough and throughSo take your pabulum and be doneIt"s all the same for everyoneSometimes I wish I"d never met youSo many times tried to forget youTried hard but things won"t changeWon"t someone take this all awayTake this confusion all awayWe need the answers here todayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7681540

Confusion [Instrumental] 歌词

歌曲名:Confusion [Instrumental]歌手:New Order专辑:Power, Corruption & Lies [Collector"S Edition]confushionsunterraI am lying on the floor surrounded by deep silence.What kind of show is this, what"s happened?The fire is still burning and melting,In my head confused thoughts are exploding.I am lying on the floor surrounded by silence,Shouldn"t I know better, that I need a distance?soloPromise myself that I never want you back again.I beg you, do not torture my feelings.Take this terrible pain off me, I need to spit it out,Too long you"ve sucked (?), once more I make a retreat.I am lying on the floor surrounded by silence,Shouldn"t I know better, that I need a distance?I am lying on the floor surrounded by silence,soloI am lying on the floor surrounded by silence,Shouldn"t I know better, that I need a distance?by:komasonhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8269029



puzzle ,confusion 有哪些不同?谢谢!

puzzle 做动词是(使)迷惑;(使)苦思的意思,做名词就是谜题;难题的意思 confusion是名词困惑,糊涂;混淆;混乱,骚乱的意思 它的动词形式是confuse 区别是: puzzle是让人动脑筋想,百思不得其解这种困惑 用法:puzzle over sth 对某事物苦苦思索(以便理解): She"s been puzzling over his strange letter for weeks. 她几个星期也琢磨不透他那封奇怪的来信. puzzle sth out 开动脑筋(试图)找出某事物的答案或解决方法: The teacher left the children to puzzle out the answer to the problem themselves. 老师让学生动脑筋自行寻找问题的答案. 而confuse是把人弄糊涂的意思,搞不懂了这种困惑 用法: confuse A and/with B 把此人或此物误当作彼人或彼物; 混淆: Don"t confuse Austria and/with Australia. 不要把奥地利跟澳大利亚弄混淆了. 简单来说一般困惑都用confuse 要动脑的智力题逻辑题就用puzzle了


confusion 英[ku0259nu02c8fju:u0292n] 美[ku0259nu02c8fjuu0292u0259n] n. 混乱; 混淆; 困惑; [网络] 意识模糊; 迷惑; [例句]There"s still confusion about the number of casualties.伤亡人数依然不明。[其他] 复数:confusions 形近词: nonfusion transfusion microfusion 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科confusedness 英[ku0259n"fju:zdnu026as] 美[ku0259n"fju:zdnu026as] n. 混乱,慌乱; [网络] 混乱; 慌乱; [例句]The thick falling powdered milk, flutters floats sprinkles this autumn most to let the person palpitation confusedness.纷纷扬扬的奶粉,飘飘洒洒成这个秋天最让人心悸的迷茫。[其他] 形近词: diffusedness 双语例句 英英释义 百度知道


confusion[英][ku0259nu02c8fju:u0292n][美][ku0259nu02c8fjuu0292u0259n]n.混乱; 混淆; 困惑; 复数:confusions形近词:nonfusiontransfusionmicrofusion双语例句 1There was confusion when a man fired shots.一个男子开了几枪,场面一片混乱。2But high hopes are giving way to real-world problems, especially in the wake of brand confusion and disparate opinions about the car "s target customer.但随着种种现实问题的出现,菲亚特的高期望也渐渐落空,尤其是这款小车面临着品牌混乱和目标顾客定位不明的问题。

Was it in the beautiful park( )was located by the sea( )we first met our new Chinese teather?

park后面的was located by the sea 是做park的定语从句修饰park的表示他的位置,而后面的则是it was that 强调句型。首先你得弄清楚句子的意思和主干部分在做判断。其它的可一一排除。

求一首英文歌女生唱得有一句,i saw you beautiful

Satisfied 播放歌手:Jewelif you love somebody 如果你爱上某人  you"d better let it out 最好亲口说出  don"t hold it back 不要犹豫不决  while you"re trying to figure it out 当你试图找到答案  don"t be timid 不要胆怯害羞  don"t be afraid to hurt 不要惧怕受伤  run toward the flame 赴汤蹈火  run toward the fire在所不惜  hold on for all your worth 为值得你做的一切坚持不懈  cause the only real pain a heart can ever know 因为刻骨铭心的痛  is the sorrow of regret 便是追悔莫及  when you don"t let you feelings show 你没有流露真情  so did you say it 因此,你是否表白  did you mean it 你是否真心实意  did you lay it on the line 你是否实话实说  did you make it count 你是否全心全意  did you look i"m in the eye 你是否含情脉脉  did they feel it?他们是否心领神会?  did you say it in time 你是否及时表白  did you say it out loud 你是否大声表白  cause if you did honey 亲爱的 如果你做到了  then you lived some that feeling inside 心中之喜 油然而生  that is called satisfied 真可谓心满意足  busy people walking by 忙碌之人 行色匆匆  can"t help but worry some 忧心匆匆 爱莫能助  with so many things to do 千头万绪 百端待举  so little love gets done 真心真意 寥寥无几  empty hearts everywhere 百无聊懒 无处不在  drowning but dying of thirst 萎靡不振 望眼欲穿  if we want love 如果我们需要真爱  it"s not that tough 这并非难事  start by giving it first 首先要舍得付出  baby can"t you see 宝贝,难道你不明白吗?  it"s so easy to give 付出并非难事  just close you eyes open you heart 只需闭上眼睛,敞开心扉  and do what comes naturally 一切顺其自然  so did you say it 因此,你是否表白  did you mean it 你是否真心实意  did you lay it on the line 你是否实话实说  did you make it count 你是否全心全意  did you look i"m in the eye 你是否含情脉脉  did they feel it?他们是否心领神会?  did you say it in time 你是否及时表白  did you say it out loud 你是否大声表白  cause if you did honey 亲爱的 如果你做到了  then you lived some that feeling inside 心中之喜 油然而生  that is called satisfied 真可谓心满意足  horses are born to run 骏马天生奔跑  and then there us 而我们两人  the sun is meant to shine above 太阳注定普照万物  flowers are made to bloom 鲜花一定会盛开绽放  we were born to love 命中注定相亲相爱   we were born to love 命中注定相亲相爱   so did you say it 因此,你是否表白  did you mean it 你是否真心实意  did you lay it on the line 你是否实话实说  did you make it count 你是否全心全意  did you look i"m in the eye 你是否含情脉脉  did they feel it?他们是否心领神会?  did you say it in time 你是否及时表白  did you say it out loud 你是否大声表白  cause if you did honey 亲爱的 如果你做到了  then you lived some that feeling inside 心中之喜 油然而生  that is called satisfied 真可谓心满意足

关于It is useful to read encyclopaedia的英语作文60字 急用 谢

I have a good habit, that is I like reading. Books are my best friends, reading can bring me happy, make me grow in wisdom. The world is the knowledge of the ocean. My bookcase, there are a lot of books, I like to have the " children"s Encyclopedia ", " the scientific knowledge ", fairy tales, cartoon and celebrity biography. Every book has a different story, my story in the book is very curious, so every day I read books. This is my good habits, I must insist

Do you work in a school (肯定回答) Is your uncle funny肯定回答 Are you a clancer(否定回答)

Do you work in a school (肯定回答) - Yes, I do.Is your uncle funny肯定回答 - Yes, he is.Are you a clancer(否定回答)- No, I"m not.Is Mary good at maths(否定回答)- No, she isn"t.Does Kake read every day(否定回答)- No, she doesn"t.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

求mafu他们唱的secret answer 的罗马音

上网课太无聊了,前来扒字儿,括号里的是英文单词儿,抱歉,到后面我是真的拔不出来词儿了,这些词儿我都不认识聡明に 単纯にsou mei ni tan jyun ni聪明 单纯爱故に 盲目にai yue ni mou moku ni盲目的投身于爱秘密の合図hi mi tsu no ai zu秘密的信号she i ku(shake)shi ta ra mu be suシェイクしたラムベース晃动的朗姆酒「Your affection kills me...」「Your affection kills me...」「没顶于你的迷情里…」虚言 凯歌のパレードkyo gen gaika no paredo(parade)谎言 凯歌的狂欢游行ペダンチックのパーリーpe dan chi kku(pedantic)no pa ri(parly)卖弄学识的盛宴一点ベットのグリードi chi ten be tto no gu ri do一场赌博的贪欲似合わないさni a wa na i sa全然不相称聡明に 単纯に 爱故に盲目にso u mei ni tan jyun ni ai yu e ni mo u mo ku ni聪明 单纯 因盲目的投身于爱终幕の间もなくshuu ma ku no ma mo na ku亦无终幕之休止ガラスの靴を鸣らすga ra su(glass)no ku tsu wo na ra su踏响玻璃靴子一层深く 耸えるメイズi ssou fuka ku so bi e ru me i zu愈发深入 矗立的迷宫络まり解けなくなるこの手ka ra ma ri to ke na ku na ru ko no te丝络交缠 只手无以解开萎れた蔷薇と花瓶に注ぐサイダーshi o re ta ba ra to ka bin ni tsu gu sa i da向插着枯萎蔷薇的花瓶里倾入了果酒见え隠れする狡猾さ Just like that.mi e ka ku re su ru kou ka tsu sa Just like that若隐若现的狡黠 就是这样方舟にエスコートha ko bu ne ni e su ko to护送方舟起航この场じゃ普段のラフな服がベストなドレスコードko no ba jya fu dan no ra fu na fu ku ga be su to na do re su ko do这里穿着寻常服饰就是最佳的着装原则待てないAnswerと月光ma te na i Answer to ge kkou等不及的 解答与月光连れ去りに行く Tonighttsu re sa ri ni i ku Tonight一起去吧 就今晚谁にも闻こえない声でda re ni mo ki ko e na i ko e de循着谁也不曾听闻之声君のSecret Answerを教えてki mi no Secret Answer wo o shi e te你的秘密答案 还请指教ステップの合図で抜け出してsutepu(step)no a i zu de nu ke da shi te以舞步的暗号脱离この腕の中だけはko no u de no na ka da ke wa仅在这臂弯里少女のままでいいshou jyo no ma ma de ii如少女一般就好そのスポットライトが消えたらso no su po tto ra i to(spotlight)ga ki e ta ra倘若那聚光灯消隐ノーメイク 衣装を脱いでno me i ku i shou wo nu i de脱掉 未粉饰的装束一夜かぎり许されない梦をi chi ya ka gi ri yu ru sa re na i yu me wo仅限一夜的不被容许的梦これはトップシークレットko re wa to ppu shi ku re tto(top secret)此为最高秘密like a hyenaのようなlike a hyena no yo u na如同捕猎的鬣狗paparazziのベリーpaparazzi no be ri(berry)狗仔队的浆果息を止めてi ki wo to me te屏住呼吸shh...shh…嘘…聡明に 単纯に 爱故に盲目にso u mei ni tan jyun ni ai yu e ni mo u mo ku ni聪明 单纯 因盲目的投身于爱终幕の间もなくshuu ma ku no ma mo na ku亦无终幕之休止ガラスの靴を鸣らすga ra su(glass)no ku tsu wo na ra su踏响玻璃靴子熏らせてるキャンドル 浸る间もない感伤ku yu ra se te ru kya n do ru hi ta ru ma mo na i kan sho u烟熏火燎的蜡烛 沉溺其间感伤亦全无ワンショット 毎夜乗せる 背中 目の上 シャドウwo n short ma i yo no se ru se na ka me no u e sha do u(shadow)小杯调酒 夜夜笙歌 背后 瞳中 幻影重重酔わされナ 歪んで见えてきたら梦ん中までyo wa sa re na yu gan de mi e te ki ta ra yu me n na ka ma de沉醉其中呐 直至扭曲可见的幻梦里连れ去りに行く Tonighttsu re sa ri ni i ku Tonight一起去吧 就今晚谁にも闻こえない声でda re ni mo ki ko e na i ko e de循着谁也不曾听闻之声爱の言叶はいらないai no ko to ba wa i ra na i无需爱的话语このグラスで酔わせてko no ga ra su(glass)de yo wa se te饮下这杯醉人的酒悪役になるだけでa ku ya ku ni na ru da ke de就要成为反派君を爱せるならki mi wo ai se ru na ra因爱你之故そのスポットライトが消えたらso no su po tto ra i to(spotlight)ga ki e ta ra倘若那聚光灯消隐ノーメイク 衣装を脱いでno me i ku i shou wo nu i de脱掉 未粉饰的装束ボクに全て委ねてくれないかいbo ku ni su be te yu da ne te ku re na i ka i不然就全权托付于我吧これはトップシークレットko re wa to ppu shi ku re tto(top secret)此为最高秘密喊声 呻き始めるジェヴォーダンka n se i u me ki ha ji me ru je vo da n呐喊 呻吟出声 热沃当(*兽欲)弾ける精巧なドレス 乱れる髪 騒ぎな Are you ready?ha ji ke ru se i ko u na do re su(dress) mi da re ru ka mi sa wa gi na Are you ready?崩开的精致礼服 乱掉的发丝 喧嚣炸裂 准备好了吗?Let"s get it started. Let"s get it started.Let"s get it started. Let"s get it started.一起来吧。一起来呀。忍ばせてるブラフ、お手の物さshi no ba se te ru bu ra fu,o te no ma no sa秘藏的狐假虎威、得意的手法ノンストップで揺らすこのフロアなら当然网罗no n su to ppu(non-stop)de yu ra su ko no fu ro a(floor)na ra to u zen mo u ra直达的晃动楼层 如此自是手到擒来不手际など无い 同化した分廃ろうがfu te gi wa na do na i do u ka shi ta bu n su ta ro u ga全无不当之处 同化部分式微老化したあのおかしな脳犯すタブーro u ka shi ta a no o ka shi na no u o ka su ta bu那个老化的好笑的侵蚀大脑的禁忌メスフラスコの妖精me su fu ra su ko no yo u se i刻度瓶的妖精妖艶 脇目も振らず踊る道化yo u e n wa ki me mo fu ra zu o do ru do u ke妖艳旁观亦不受冷遇 舞动的丑角さあ踊れ 踊れsa a o do re o do re来呀跳舞 跳舞吧ラムエンレモンの奴隷ra mu en re mo n no do re i拉面柠檬之奴隶Night... TonightNight... Tonight夜晚… 今夜谁にも闻こえない声でda re ni mo ki ko e na i ko e de循着谁也不曾听闻之声君のSecret Answerを教えてki mi no Secret Answer wo o shi e te你的秘密答案 还请指教ステップの合図で抜け出してsutepu(step)no a i zu de nu ke da shi te以舞步的暗号脱离この腕の中だけはko no u de no na ka da ke wa仅在这臂弯里少女のままでいいshou jyo no ma ma de ii如少女一般就好そのスポットライトが消えたらso no su po tto ra i to(spotlight)ga ki e ta ra倘若那聚光灯消隐ノーメイク 衣装を脱いでno me i ku i shou wo nu i de脱掉 未粉饰的装束一夜かぎり许されない梦をi chi ya ka gi ri yu ru sa re na i yu me wo仅限一夜的不被容许的梦これはトップシークレットko re wa to ppu shi ku re tto(top secret)此为最高秘密 编辑完成,如果有错误请指出!*翻译以及歌词来自网易云音乐
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