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beautiful girl什么意思


Beautiful girl 是什么意思


beautiful girl是什么意思


further 与 closer的区别?

Further”是一个抽象的概念,在句子中用来表达想象的距离,用来表示一个事物远离另一个事物的程度。简言之,当我们不知道距离时,无论是长度还是时间,我们都用“Further”。“further”主要用于隐喻场景。它也可以用来表示另外或者此外closer是比较级,更近的意思,比较亟通常用于两者之间比较。例如:My home is close to school.Tom"s home is closer to school than my(home).这就是这里为什么用my,不用I,me的原因。

Justin bieber的《beautiful》的中英歌词

I know, I know it"s been a whileI wonder where you are, and if you think of meSometimes, got you always on my mindYou know I had it rough, trying to forget you butThe more that I look around, the more I realizeYou"re all i"m looking forWhat makes you so beautiful, is you don"t know how beautiful you are to meYou"re not trying to be perfectNobody"s perfect, but you are, to meIt"s how you take my breath awayFill the words that I don"t sayI wish somehow, I could say them nowOh, oh, I could say them now, yeahJust friends, the beginning of the endHow do we make senseFrom we"re on our ownIt"s like you"re the other half of meI feel incomplete, I should"ve knownNothing in the world compares to the feelings that we shareSo not fairWhat makes you so beautiful, is you don"t know how beautiful you are to meYou"re not trying to be perfectNobody"s perfect, but you are, to meIt"s how you take my breath awayFill the words that I don"t sayI wish somehow, I could say them nowOh, it"s not you, blame it all on meI was running from myselfCause I couldn"t tell how deep that weWe were gonna beI was getting stress of me, but it hurts like hellHope it"s not too late, just a twist of fateWhat makes you so beautiful, is you don"t know how beautiful you are to meYou"re not trying to be perfectNobody"s perfect, but you are, to meIt"s how you take my breath awayFill the words that I don"t sayI wish somehow, I could say them nowOh, oh, I could say them now, mmm

perfume my color 歌词

窝巢tmd棒子文,竟然还有和my color同名的棒子歌

unexpecte 能是名词吗 life is full of unexpected 中unexpected的是什么用法

unexpecte,动词,1. 使意外;2. 想不到. Life is full of the unexpected 中unexpected是adj.想不到的,料不到的;意外的;忽然的;突然的. the+形容词= 名词,the unexpected =the unexpected things.

有谁知道Profusion(或Sugar Lip gloss)这个品牌的?

fresh Sugar Lip Gloss唇彩品牌名称:Fresh品牌诞生地:美国 品牌定位:法国LVMH集团旗下的天然植物美妆,以专卖店、精品专柜形式及通过高级美容院、美妆总汇发售。 品牌特色及发展史: 带有浓厚人文色彩的fresh相信,人类几百年的文化智慧是美颜的宝贵遗产,不需要改变,只需要改良。fresh把世界各地民族流传的占老美容秘方,结合现代人的喜好习惯,重新调配成适合日常使用的护肤系列。比如:埃及艳后的牛奶浴、慈禧太后的美白珍珠粉、乌克兰人的黄糖、 fresh售价并不便宜,却因独特的新旧融合,在业界自成一格,并反映在怀旧包装与恬静色彩中,渗透一份摩登的简约美学。牛奶系列用上古朴的半透明牛奶瓶;泡泡浴设计成一块块方糖,用磨砂圆筒盛载;香水瓶像旧时人的洗涤水或花露水瓶;面部保养品罐拥有白瓷手感;工笔画素花图案,深具细腻的东方色彩;手工造沐浴香皂,素面印度麻纸包装,手工扭上铅丝珠花,更缀上一枚半宝石;还与电影“艺伎回忆录”合作,推出“樱花”限量系列。 fresh的发迹史像一个典型的“美国移民梦”。创办人Lev Glazman与Alina Roytberg夫妇来自前苏联俄罗斯及乌克兰,年少时与家人移民美国东岸。Lev对香味极有天分,Alina毕业于纽约Parson时装学院,与Marc Jacobs是同学。两人先在Boston(波士顿)经营一间小洗衣店,1991年售卖一组精美的手造沐浴香皂Original Soap,几天内销售一空,迅速在美容圈内打响名堂,开创fresh,并奠定高级美容沐浴护肤品牌地位。 2000年被精品财团LVMH收购后,诞生彩妆。 如今,fresh拥有500款美容产品及Spa服务,年售额高达2千多万美金,是国际间Beauty Boutique中的佼佼者。而Boston名店街Newbury Street上的总店仍保留着昔日洗衣店的痕迹。 —————————————————— 从头到脚由内至外,包括护肤 (skincare),化妆(makeup),香水(fragrance),护发(haircare),全身护理(bodycare)和家居用品(home), Fresh都做得面面俱到。 从1991年开始, Fresh彻底改变了“美”的走向。 从过去的基础上进行改良,通过现代最先进的技术和研发, Fresh创造出了“美”将来的传统。古典美和现代科技的融合让Fresh创造出了独特的产品,不但有效对肌肤还倍加呵护。为了研发高质量并且有效的产品,Fresh从来没有在原料的使用上吝啬过。 从他们的任何产品, 从黄糖身体磨砂护理到牛奶面霜到苏打香波到清酒蜡烛,这个品牌到处都充满着Fresh ideas。 Fresh是一个非常注重疗效的奢侈化妆/护理品牌:溺爱身体的护肤,诉诸美感的香水,随和且时髦的妆容。Fresh完美的把大自然的成分和高科技合并到了一起,使他们的产品不但有效还给人带来无上的享受。 无懈可击的质量,吸引眼球的设计,Fresh把日常的护肤变成了感官上的豪华体验。



区别一下succeed 和 success 和 successful 和 successfully

答案是:success是名词,可以用来做主语,宾语表语等 failureisthemotherofsuccess失败是成功之母successful是形容词,可以用来做定语,表语等,thisisaverysuccessfulspeech这是一次非常成功的演讲succeed是动词,后面可以跟有词组:succeed indoingsth比如:hesucceededinworkingoutthemathproblem他成功的演算出了那道数学题~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

successed successful success有什么不同,最好来点例句来说明

succeed: 动词(原形):成功、接替、继承succeeded: 动词(过去式)Tom succeeded in (passing) the exam.success: 名词:成功(不可数)、成功的人或事(可数)I wished him success in his new shop.successful: 形容词:成功的、有成就的The operation is quite successful.successfully: 副词:成功地、有成就地He finished the task successfully.


succeed是动词successful是形容词 success是名词都有"成功"之意succeedvi.1. 成功,办妥;获得成效[(+in)]He succeeded in getting the job.他谋得了那份工作。Our plan has succeeded.我们的计划成功了。2. 发迹;兴旺[(+in)]3. 接着发生;接连[(+to)]4. 继任;继承[(+to)]The millionaire"s eldest son will succeed to his estate.这百万富翁的长子将继承他的产业。vt.1. 继...之后;接续The storm was succeeded by calm.暴风雨后一片宁静。2. 接替;继承The younger man will succeed Mr. White as director.那位较年轻的男士将接替怀特先生当主任。successfuladj.1. 成功的;结果圆满的;胜利的[(+in)]It was a successful experiment.那是一次成功的试验。2. 一帆风顺的;有成就的;发迹的She was a successful novelist.她是一个有成就的小说家。successn.1. 成功;成就;胜利[U][C]They have achieved remarkable success in their work.他们在工作方面成绩显著。2. 成功的事;取得成就的人[C]She was a success as an actress.她是位成功的女演员。


succeed是动词successful是形容词 success是名词都有"成功"之意succeedvi.1. 成功,办妥;获得成效[(+in)]He succeeded in getting the job.他谋得了那份工作。Our plan has succeeded.我们的计划成功了。2. 发迹;兴旺[(+in)]3. 接着发生;接连[(+to)]4. 继任;继承[(+to)]The millionaire"s eldest son will succeed to his estate.这百万富翁的长子将继承他的产业。vt.1. 继...之后;接续The storm was succeeded by calm.暴风雨后一片宁静。2. 接替;继承The younger man will succeed Mr. White as director.那位较年轻的男士将接替怀特先生当主任。successfuladj.1. 成功的;结果圆满的;胜利的[(+in)]It was a successful experiment.那是一次成功的试验。2. 一帆风顺的;有成就的;发迹的She was a successful novelist.她是一个有成就的小说家。successn.1. 成功;成就;胜利[U][C]They have achieved remarkable success in their work.他们在工作方面成绩显著。2. 成功的事;取得成就的人[C]She was a success as an actress.她是位成功的女演员。




He succeed to write a good book as a successful work, it is realy a success.

extraordinary beautiful 可以这样说吗?


soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur~happy kitty sleepy?

软软的小猫,温暖的小猫,毛茸茸的像小球~快乐的小猫,熟睡的小猫,呼噜噜噜噜噜~歌名是Soft Kitty by Matt LeDoux and Magick 美剧《生活大爆炸》The Big Bang Theory 里有该歌的一些片段作为插曲,可以去看看该剧.,4,软软的kitty,暖暖的kitty,就像一团小毛球~~开心的kitty,瞌睡的kitty,呼噜呼噜呼噜~~,0,soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur~happy kitty sleepy kitty pur pur pur~中文意思

歌词为“soft kitty,warm kitty,little ball of fur…”


soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur

soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur~~happy kitty sleepy kitty purr purr purr~~

soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur happy kitty sleepy kitty pur pur pur是什么意思?


soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur happy kitty sleepy kitty pur pur pur是什么意思?

这是一首流行的儿歌,通常被用于哄小孩子入睡或者安慰他们。歌词如下:Soft kitty, warm kitty Little ball of fur Happy kitty, sleepy kitty Purr purr purr这首歌的意思是,温柔的小猫,温暖的小猫,毛茸茸的小猫,开心的小猫,困倦的小猫,咕噜咕噜地发出呼噜声。整首歌的氛围非常温馨和舒适,通常被用于安抚小孩子的情绪,让他们感到温暖和安心。这首歌也在美国电视剧《生活大爆炸》中出现过,并因此而广为人知。

soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur

soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur~~happy kitty sleepy kitty purr purr purr~~

日本那霸国际机场到guest house fushinuyauchi okinawa怎么走



colourful 形容词 五颜六色的可作表语也可作定语如Our life is colorful.There are all kinds of colorful flowers in the park.

看一看veayh_______(?) ,touncry_____(?) ,utec_______(?) ,fulelhp______(?)


地址: Av. Dr. Abrahao Ribeiro 740-CEP :01133-020 Barra Funda -Sao Paulo 可否帮我译成中文地址?

Av.Ribeiro博士abrahao 740-cep:01133-020巴拉丰达-圣保罗









eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r)解密 帮我解下javascript代码


急需 有谁知道MONEY PENNY的Wonderful Love的歌词 是冰河时代里的歌曲

呵呵 今天我也和你问了 同样的问题 这么好听的一首歌曲 怎么就是没有人知道歌词 别人要学要歌词啊 郁闷看样子没有人晓得了!!!!!

Unbeautiful 歌词

歌曲名:Unbeautiful歌手:lesley roy专辑:Unbeautiful - SingleLesley Roy---UnbeautifulDon"t hang up, can"t we talkSo confused it"s like I"m lostWhat went wrong, what made you goDon"t pretend you don"t knowThis is me I"m unchangableWhen did we fall apartOr did you lie from the startWhen you said, it"s only youI was blind, such a foolThinking we were unbreakableIt was you and me, against the worldAnd you promised me forever moreWas it something that I saidWas it something that I didCause I gotta know what made me unbeautifulI"ve been told what"s done is doneTo let it go and carry onDeep inside I know that"s trueI"m stuck in time, stuck on youWe were still untouchableIt was you and me, against the worldAnd you promised me forever moreWas it something that I saidWas it something that I didCause I gotta know what made me unbeautifulWake up, wake up, wake up, wake upCause I"m only dreamingGet out, get out, get out, get outGet out of my head nowBecause we"re much better altogetherIt was you and me, against the worldAnd you promised me forever moreWas it something that I saidWas it something that I didCause I gotta know what made me unbeautifulIt was you and me, against the worldAnd you promised me forever moreWas it something that I saidWas it something that I didCause I gotta know what made me unbeautifulmade me unbeautifulhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7913422



scornful; structure ; arbitrary 这英语用谐音怎么读?


arbitrary function是什么意思

英文:arbitrary function中文:任意函数例句:1,Methods also support accessing (but not setting) the arbitrary function attributes on the underlying function object.方法也支持访问(不是设置)的其实际所调用的函数的任意属性。2,The finite differential method based on the rigorous electromagnetic theory is used to calculate the optical absorption and reflectance on corrugated surfaces with arbitrary function profiles.基于严格的电磁场理论,利用有限差分法来计算任意形状的二维栅格的光声共振吸收。3,The finite differential method based on the rigorous electromagnetic theory is used to calculate the optical absorption and reflectance on corrugated surfaces with arbitrary function profiles. 顶( 0 )基于严格的电磁场理论,利用有限差分法来计算任意形状的二维栅格的光声共振吸收。



beauty和beautiful的区别 谢谢



前者是名词 后者是形容词


carefully的读法:英 ["keu0259fu0259li] 美 ["keu0259fu0259li] adv. 小心地,谨慎地;仔细地,认真地carefully 用法和例句提示:Mr. bernanke "s testimony was carefully balanced .伯南克先生相当谨慎地保持陈述的平衡。Sourcing raw ingredients is also carefully considered .原料的采购也同样进行了仔细考虑。Karen carefully calculated the period when she was most fertile .卡伦仔细地计算了自己的最佳受孕期。Watch hainan carefully and remember the 1990s .密切注意海南的情况,记住90年代的教训。How china responds to its economic downturn will be watched carefully .中国对其经济发展迅速减缓将作如何反应还有待于细心观察。【近义词】lightlyu2002轻轻地、cautiouslyu2002慎重地、wellu2002很好地、thoroughlyu2002彻底地、meticulouslyu2002仔细地、painstakinglyu2002费力地、preciselyu2002精确地、warilyu2002留心地、vigilantlyu2002警惕地suspiciouslyu2002猜疑地、charilyu2002小心地gentlyu2002轻轻地with careu2002小心地delicatelyu2002优美地tenderlyu2002温柔地、prudentlyu2002谨慎地、sensiblyu2002容易感知地、judiciouslyu2002明智而审慎地wiselyu2002聪明地、with kid glovesu2002巧妙地【反义词】carelesslyu2002粗心大意地

英语作文a beautiful city 要写宝鸡的

A Beautiful City - BaojiBaoji is a beautiful city located in the northwest region of China. It is a city steeped in history and home to many cultural and natural treasures that make it a wonderful place to visit and live.One of the most striking features of Baoji is its rich cultural heritage. The city is known for its many historical landmarks and ancient ruins, such as the Famen Temple and the Qianling Mausoleum. These landmarks provide a glimpse into China"s rich cultural past and are a testament to the city"s enduring history.Another reason why Baoji is such a beautiful city is due to its natural scenery. The city is blessed with stunning mountain ranges, rolling hills and vast plains, which provide a picturesque backdrop to the urban landscape. The Mt. Taibai National Forest Park is a popular tourist attraction that offers amazing views of the surrounding landscape, as well as a chance to explore nature and enjoy outdoor recreational activities.Baoji also boasts a vibrant and bustling city center, filled with shops, restaurants, and other attractions. The city is home to many traditional markets, modern shopping malls, and an array of international eateries that attract residents and visitors alike. The nightlife scene in Baoji is equally vibrant, with many bars, clubs, and entertainment venues that cater to all tastes.Finally, what makes Baoji such a beautiful city is its people. The locals are warm, friendly, and hospitable - always eager to welcome visitors and share their city"s many delights. The city"s strong sense of community and spirit of hospitality make Baoji a truly special place to visit and live.In conclusion, Baoji is a beautiful city with a rich cultural heritage, stunning natural scenery, vibrant urban center, and friendly, welcoming people. It truly embodies the beauty and diversity of China and is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to explore the country"s many treasures.

it was successfully made just before the world financial crisis

just before 的意思是: 就在...之前在世界经济危机来临之前,它成功地被制造出来

有谁知道网球王子中龙马演唱的那首Yourthful Days的中文翻译

是哪首歌啊 tv版中的么 请一定告诉我啊

求《网球王子》中,youthful days的歌词及翻译

10.YOUTHFUL DAYS 窓に映るいつもと违う景色 夜更けの电车が 仆たちを运んで 辿り着いた 真夜中の小さな町 静寂の中 9つの足音 月明かりに照らされて 微かに见える表情が いつもよりも少し优しい 今は同じ场所目指し 同じ梦を抱く仆ら いつかはそれぞれ 违う道を行く その日が来るまでずっと 一绪に歩いて行こう そして叶えよう 一つの愿いを YOUTHFUL DAYS 今 仆らがすること见ること全部 无意味なことなど 无いんだと気づいた 息を切らし ただ歩くこの时间も きっと何かに 繋がってゆく 白く烟る街并みを 包むように升る朝日 仆らの颜 强く照らして 今は同じ场所に立し 同じものを见る仆ら いつかはそれぞれ 违う道を行く その日が来てもこの时 忘れないように刻む そしてもう一度 ここで逢いたいね YOUTHFUL DAYS 今は同じ场所目指し 同じ梦を抱く仆ら いつかはそれぞれ 违う道を行く その日が来てもみんなが 确かにここにいたこと 一枚の写真 教えてくれるよ YOUTHFUL DAYS Mado ni utsuru itsumo to chigau keshiki Yofuke no densha ga Bokutachi wo hakonde Tadoritsuita Mayonaka no chiisa na machi Seijaku no naka Kokonotsu no oto Tsukiakari ni terasarete Kasuka ni mieru kao ga Itsumo yori mo sukoshi yasashii Ima wa onaji basho mezashi Onaji yume wo daku bokura Itsuka wa sorezore Chigau michi wo yuku Sono hi ga kuru made zutto Issho ni aruiteyukou Soshite kanaeyou Hitotsu no negai wo Youthful days Ima Bokura ga suru koto miru koto zenbu Muimi na koto nado Nain"da to kizuita Iki wo kirashi Tada aruku kono toki mo Kitto nani ka ni Tsunagatteyuku Shiroku kemuru machinami wo Tsutsumu you ni noboru asahi Bokura no kao Tsuyoku terashite Ima wa onaji basho ni tachi Onaji mono wo miru bokura Itsuka wa sorezore Chigau michi wo yuku Sono hi ga kite mo kono toki Wasurenai you ni kizamu Soshite mou ichido Koko de aitai ne Youthful days Ima wa onaji basho mezashi Onaji yume wo daku bokura Itsuka wa sorezore Chigau michi wo yuku Sono hi ga kite mo minna ga Tashika ni koko ni ita koto Ichimai no shashin Oshietekureru yo Youthful days

谁知道网球王子里越前龙马的那首Youthful Days的中文歌词?

在雨过天晴的午后 地上的水滩倒映著天空的湛蓝 乘著车轮 我们一跃而过 激起像似翅膀一样的四溅水花你淘气地欣喜地欢笑 我也随著放声而笑 即使环绕四周的是那麼不协调的景色 但当我拥抱著你的时候,不安也随之烟消云散了 让我感觉你埋藏於心的鼓动吧 在这让人窒息般的拥抱和相吻里@打开你掩藏自我的那颗心啊KY 如果能和你两人永远一起就好了 “仙人掌有著红色的花喔。”你说著 “快点来看!”你这样向我催促著 我们反覆乾杯相饮著 但花儿到了早晨就已枯萎 你的手指抚摸过花瓣吧 你那性感的模样 在我的心中萦绕难忘 这条大街上虽然见不著伴著花儿的仙人掌 但多刺的它 大意的话可会刺伤你的喔 让我感觉你埋藏於心的鼓动吧] 在这深切的拥抱和相吻里 滋润乾枯已久的一颗心吧 只想要和你两人永远一起就好了~当拥抱著你那青涩柔和的温暖时 当你本能地抗拒我淘气的搔痒时 在这略带痛苦般的感情里 区分什麼已经没有意义 去感受日常压抑背后真实表露的自我 别放开牵著的手喔 改变郁闷腐化的心情 把明天掌握在我们的手里 让我感觉你埋藏於心的鼓动吧 在这让人窒息般的拥抱和相吻里 打开你掩藏自我的那颗心啊 如果能和你两人永远一起就好了 只要永远和你一起就好了

farther further 有什么区别


歌词里有is so a biuteful的歌

you are beautiful,,,试试看

一首英文歌,首句是It is a beatiful day,are we looking for something to d

marry you

It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft wa


为什么full of可以用在主语后比如a girl full of sadness。

原句是the girl who is full of sadness... 这是一个定语从句,把who is 省略之后,full of 成为后置定语,修饰名词。



perfumed body lotion是什么意思

Perfumed Body Lotion 香薰身体乳; 香熏身体乳;


前边是lait parfume pour le corps,法语,直译是“往身上擦的芳香乳液”(就是沐浴露) 后边是perfumed body lotion,其实也是沐浴露的意思,只不过变成英文了...

请问哪位老师body lotion lotion parfumee pour le corps是什么意思谢谢

身体润肤乳液body lotion英文lotion parfumee pour le corps法语,大概就是香水味的身体乳

Lait Parfume body lotion

Lait Parfume body lotion 香体乳液

德语 形容词变位问题~问下例如rot Fuchs这种说法对不对,rot是不是应该...


请解释一下 regrettable 和regretful 的区别?拜托各位大神

regrettable adj.可叹的, 可惜的 regretful adj.后悔的, 抱歉的, 惋惜的, 遗憾的

求十个英语动画片名,要英文也要翻译 如:Kung Fu Panda《功夫熊猫》






trust is fundamental to life中文什么意思?


the fundamental to 还是of




什么时候用be fundamental to和be fundamental for

Safe drinking water is fundamental to healthy lives and properous communities。2.The traning includes the core competencies that are fundamental for law enforcement and successful criminal prosecution.1,安全的饮用水是基本健康的生活和繁荣的社区。2,培训包括执法和刑事诉讼是基本成功的核心竞争力。

be fundamental for doing是什么意思


be fundamental to是什么意思

be fundamental to是根本重点词汇释义fundamental基础的,基本的,根本的,



fudament与foundation 区别

fundament 在牛津,朗文里是没有这个单词的,所以可以认为只有foundation这个词。foundation意为“地基,根据,基础”Respect provides a solid foundation for friendship.尊重给友谊提供了牢固的基础。fundmental 形容词,根本的,基本的;作名词意为“基本规律,根本法则”但是:在网络有道词典里有fundamentn. 基础;臀部;肛门Whether our country should protect homosexuality, we"ll have a conclusion from the fundamentof socialism laws. 我国是否应该保护同性恋应从我国的同性恋现况和社会主义法的本质将得出结论。但个人认为我们在做题时,基本只会涉及foundation,fundamental


第一个是形容词 第二个是名词。

高中英语,请问be fundamental to和be fundamental for 有什么区别?

be fundamental to英 美对 ... 是必要的(不可缺的)be fundamental to的用法和样例:例句Agreements are fundamental to business practices.协议是商业活动的基本形式。be fundamental for 是什么的基本The traning includes the core competencies that are fundamental for law enforcement and successful criminal prosecution.




fundamental和essential均有“基本的,基础的”之意。essential 强调必不可少,暗含某物如缺少某部分,则失去本质特征的意味。fundamental书面用词,侧重指作为基础、根本的抽象的事物。

essential ,basic,fundamental,vital的区别?

essential : 关键的,重要的basic: 基础的fundamental:根本的vital:重要的、它和essential 用法有点儿区别

Fundamental Analysis 是什么释义呢??

fundamental analysis 基本分析;基础分析例句:On the other hand, fundamental analysis examines all relevant factors affecting the stock price in order to determine an intrinsic value for that stock. 另 一方面,基础分析则研究所有可能影响股价的因素,以确定股票的实际价值。

Fundamental Analysis代表什么?


be fundamental to是什么意思

be fundamental to是......的根本



fundamental frequency是什么意思


be fundamental to是什么意思


fundamental 和foundational 这两词有什么区别吗?

fundamental 意思是基本的,foundational 是基础(意思是地基的意思).意思不一样.比如,this is our fundamental rights (这是我们基本的权利)vs this is a foundational class (这是基本的课程)
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