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in a future?对吗?有这个短语吗?

in the future

句子中有“in the future”应该用一般将来时还是用现在完成进行时

用于一般将来时 现在完成进行时是现在正在做的,将来还会可能延续下去的动作,所以不用一般将来时

in future 和in the future到底有什么区别?!

同意 hero

有没有比如说in future和in the future加了一个the这个词组的意思就完全不同?

in future未来;将来in the future在未来;在将来

in a future的意思,与in the future的区别

in future 较近的未来。in the future 较远的未来。如 I will get good marks in future.未来我会取得好成绩。I will be a grow-up in the future.未来我会是一个成年人。in future:相当于from now on 今后,从今以后Examples:1."I hope they"ll be more cautious in future," he observed.他说:"我希望他们今后能更慎重一些。."2.I inform you that I have this day removed to.,where all communication shall in future be addressed.自即日起,已经迁到……,今后来信,请寄该址.特此告知。3.Keep your opinions to yourself in future!in the future:在将来Examples:1.The boy wants to become a philosopher in the future.这个男孩想在将来成为一名哲学家。2.We learn from the past,experience the present and hope for success in the future.我们从过去中学习,体验现在,展望未来的成功。3.Reliance on something in the future; hope.期待,期望对某事未来的信赖;希望。

in future 从今以后,将来; in the future 未来


in future 用在句子中,一般做什么成分?


in future用的是失态是现在完成还是将来?


in future和in the future有区别吗

in the future 特指在将来,在未来的某一特定时间段.in future指从现在往后,也就是今后,从今往后~in future:相当于from now on 今后,从今以后 Examples:1."I hope they"ll be more cautious in future," he observed.他说:"我希望他们今后能更慎重一些." 2.I inform you that I have this day removed to.,where all communication shall in future be addressed.自即日起,已经迁到……,今后来信,请寄该址.特此告知.3.Keep your opinions to yourself in future!in the future:在将来 Examples:1.The boy wants to become a philosopher in the future.这个男孩想在将来成为一名哲学家.2.We learn from the past,experience the present and hope for success in the future.我们从过去中学习,体验现在,展望未来的成功.3.Reliance on something in the future; hope.期待,期望对某事未来的信赖;希望

in future与in the future的区别


in future和in the future的区别




in the future/in future 什么区别?

in the future是将来的意思,而in future则是今后的意思。

in future 的同义词或同义词组是什么?

from now on

In the future 和in future有什么区别

in future,今后,将来,往往强调不远的,一段不长的时间后in the future,未来,将来,往往强调较远的时间,可能要较长、甚至非常长的时间

in the future 和in future的区别

in future,今后,将来,往往强调不远的,一段不长的时间后in the future,未来,将来,往往强调较远的时间,可能要较长、甚至非常长的时间

in the future和in future的区别

of the future:of加名词,表示什么的未来the house of future 未来的房子 in the future表示在将来 in future表示from now on 从现在开始 in future):from now on:今后、从今以后之意 (此处in future为英国英语,in the future为美国英语.) 例:1)Please be more careful in future.今后小心 点. 2) In future,make sure the door is never left unlocked.今后一定要注意把门锁上. in the future:the time that will come after the present or the events that will happen then:在将来、未来 例:No one can foresee what will happen in the future.没人能预见将来会发生什么事. 在将来应该是in (the) future,没有on the future这种说法. 要么是和其他短语的搭配,如: You"re concentrating on the future.你把注意力都放到了未来之上. There are two opposing views on the future of the Chinese language here. 对本地华文未来的发展趋势,出现两种全然不同的看法. Experts on the future are divided into pessimists and optimists. 对未来发展进行预测的专家可分为悲观主义者和乐观主义者两类.

in future 与in the future 有什么区别?

in future:相当于from now on 今后,从今以后Examples:1. "I hope they"ll be more cautious in future, " he observed. 他说:"我希望他们今后能更慎重一些。"2. I inform you that I have this day removed to......, where all communication shall in future be addressed. 自即日起,已经迁到……,今后来信,请寄该址。特此告知。3. Keep your opinions to yourself in future!in the future: 在将来Examples:1. The boy wants to become a philosopher in the future. 这个男孩想在将来成为一名哲学家。2. We learn from the past, experience the present and hope for success in the future. 我们从过去中学习,体验现在,展望未来的成功。3. Reliance on something in the future; hope. 期待,期望对某事未来的信赖;希望

in future和in the future是几年级的考点

是五年级的考点。in the future 特指在将来,在未来的某一特定时间段;in future指从现在往后,也就是今后,从今往后.例:The boy wants to become a philosopher in the future.这个男孩想在将来成为一名哲学家."I hope they"ll be more。英语语法是针对英语语言进行研究后,英语语法系统地总结归纳出来的一系列语言规则。英语语法的精髓在于掌握语言的使用。英语是我们从小到大都要学习的一门学科,一定要重视起来,好好背单词学习语法,这样我们的英语成绩才能有所提高。

in future 和 in the future的区别

in future “从今以后”,有不久的“将来”的意思in the future 有“将来”,有很久的“将来”的意思供你参考。可以继续讨论!

in future 可以翻译为"创建未来"吗?

in future 从今以后,往后in the future 在将来你的这个翻译好像不确切。

in future and in the future 的区别

in future (BrE) (AmE in the future) from now on:今后、从今以后之意 (此处 例:1)Please be more careful in future.今后小心 点. 2) In future,make sure the door is never left unlocked.今后一定要注意把门锁上. in the future:the time that will come after the present or the events that will happen then:在将来、未来 例:No one can foresee what will happen in the future.没人能预见将来会发生什么事. 1.in future = from now on 意为“今后,以后”,常指离现在较近的一段将来时间.强调与过去相对照,过去是什么情况,今后将是什么情况. 如:Don"t do that in future.以后别再干那种事了. You"d better not go out alone in future.今后最好别单独外出. Be more careful with your spelling in future/from now on. 今后要更加注意你的拼写. 2.in the future =in time yet to come 意为“将来”,常指包括in future在内的较远 的将来一段时间.in the near future指“在不久的将来”.如: Who knows what will happen in the future 谁知道将来会发生什么事? I"m sure he will come to understand this in the near future. 我敢肯定在不久的将来他会慢慢明白这一点的. 3.for the future常意为“为将来”.如: It is necessary to plan for the future.对未来进行规划是必要的. 【注】in future常指将来某一时间,in the future常指全部的将来,在日常英语中,有时这两个短语的区别并不十分明显.

in future和in the future的区别是什么?

in future和in the future是两种表达未来意义的措辞,但它们在语法和使用方法上略有不同。【含义解释】-in future: 意为“从现在往后”,强调当前时刻的想法、决定或时间表。可以用于表示一个行动的开始时间,用于现在和未来的时间段。 -in the future: 意为“在将来”,指的是从当前时间点开始到未来不确定的某个时间。强调当前时刻之后的一个无限期的时间段。【语法、使用方法不同之处的对比】-语法:in future中的“future” 是一个不可数名词,在表示时间段时不能加 “a” 或“the”;而in the future中的“future” 是单数可数名词,表示特定时间段的未来,因此通常需要加上限定词“the”。-使用方法不同之处:在表示未来的具体时间段时:-in future: 表示行动开始的时间,如:I will finish this project in future.-in the future: 表示一个将来的时间段,如:In the future, robots will become more and more intelligent.在表示对未来的预测或假设时:-in future: 表示相对可靠的判断或推测,如:I think they will win more games in future.-in the future: 表示无法确定的可能性或推测,如:In the future, people may live on Mars.在表示过去的习惯性行为时:-in future: 表示过去经常重复的动作,如:In future, we always ate dinner together.-in the future: 不使用表示过去的习惯性行为。【具体用法举例】in future的用法举例:Don"t procrastinate your studies, start your homework in future.I hope to travel the world in future.If we continue to neglect the environment, it will get worse in future.in the future的用法举例:In the future, electric cars will be the most popular vehicles.In the future, we may find a cure for cancer.In the future, artificial intelligence may take over some jobs that require human intelligence.综上所述,虽然in future和in the future都有表示未来的含义,但语法和使用方法有所不同。我们需要根据具体的语境来选择合适的用法。

in future和in the future的区别

I want to be a doctor in the future.

in future和in the future的区别


in future是什么意思?

1、概念不同in future的意思是从今以后,往后,是不久以后的意思。例句:The longer you have been in shape in the past, the quicker you will regain fitness in future. 过去健美身形保持的时间越长,将来身材恢复得就越快。in the future意思是在未来,在将来强调的是长远的未来。例句:We expect better of you in the future. 我们希望将来你有更大的成就。2、时间不同in furture多指从现在开始近期的将来,在时间上包括现在。in the furture多指较遥远的将来的某一时间,在时间概念上一般不包括现在。扩展资料英语单词future有以下两种词性:1、做名词时,它的意思是将来,未来,未来的事,将来发生的事;前景,前途,前程。复数:futures。2、做形容词时,它的意思是将来的,未来的,将来发生的。future的用法和搭配1、future有in future,in the future和for the future等固定搭配:in future和for the future一般表示全部的将来,翻译为“从今以后”;in future常用于含告诫意味的句子中,for the future常暗含“与以前不同”的意思,而in the future一般表示将来的某一时期。注意没有for future一说。2、future life常指“将来”,有时也可指“死后的生存”。

谁能告诉我i wanna fuck you歌词的汉语意思拜托了各位 谢谢

see you windin" and grindin" up on that pole我看到你在诱惑的跳钢管舞 I know you see me lookin" at you and you already know我知道你晓得我正在盯着你看 I wanna love you, you already know我想和你拍拖,你已经看出我的心思 I wanna love you, you already know我想和你拍拖,你已经看出我的心思 Money in the air as mo" fell金钱从天而将(观看钢管舞时观众投的钱) Grab you by your coattail, take you to the motel, ho sale想拉住你的衣服,托你到汽车旅馆…… Don"t tell, wont tell, baby say “I don"t talk, Dogg unless you told on me” - oh well宝贝你说你不会和别人搭腔,除非是我Snopp Dogg(美国当红说唱歌手)和你说话,真爽 Take a picture wit me, what the flick gon" do和我一起照张照片,然后会怎样…… Baby stick to me and I"ma stick on you宝贝,靠近点,我必须粘着你 If you pick me then I"ma pick on you如果你挑逗我,我会立马××你 d-o-double g and I"m here to put this d*** on you我会…… I"m stuck on p**** and your"s is right我已经对准你的…… Rip ridin" the poles and them doors is tight…… And I"ma get me a shot ‘fo the end of the night我要和你持续到天亮 Cause p**** is p**** and baby you"re p**** for life因为你就是因×而生(这段翻译省去……好多好多那种意思……,毕竟不能公开帮你翻译这些) I see you windin" and grindin" up on that pole我看到你在诱惑的跳钢管舞 I know you see me lookin" at you and you already know我知道你晓得我正在盯着你看 I wanna love you, you already know我想和你拍拖,你已经看出我的心思 I wanna love you, you already know我想和你拍拖,你已经看出我的心思 Shorty I can see you ain"t lonely我知道你并不孤独 Handful of n***** and they all got cheese满手的××,看上去那么…… See you lookin" at me now what its gon" be看到你看我,那接下去会怎样 Just another tease far as I can see紧紧只是另一次取笑 Tryna get you up out this club if it means spendin" a couple dubs如果能花双倍的钱就能把你从这个该死的夜总会救出来多好 Throwin" bout 30 stacks in the back make it rain like that cause I"m far from a scrub大把大把的扔钞票就像下雨一样,因为我比这些侏儒们好太多 And you know my pedigree, ex-deala use to move amphetamines你知道我以往种种~ Girl I spend money like it don"t mean nothing and besides I got a thing for you.我花钱毫不在乎,因为我得到你就够了 Mobbin" through the club and I"m low pressin"从夜总会的暴动中出来,我的压力笑了些 I"m sittin" in the back in the smoker"s section (just smokin")我坐在吸烟室的里头 Birds eye, I got a clear view鹰的眼睛使我看的更清楚 You can"t see me, but I can see you (baby I see you) -mm你看不到我,但我能看到你 It"s cool, we jet, the mood is set, your p* is wet这太酷了,我们一起××,气氛融洽,你的××湿润 You"re rubbin" your back and touchin" your neck你在扭动着身体,触摸你的后背 Your body is movin", you humpin" and jumpin"你整个身子都在颤动, Your t****** is bouncin", you smilin" and grinnin" and lookin" at me你…………………………然后对我笑

翻译阿肯的一首I Wanna fuck you

那是一个下着雨的夜晚 当我的眼角接触到他的身影时 他站在路边 没有拿着雨伞 也没有披上雨衣 于是我把车子停下 要给他一趟顺风车 他微笑着接受了我的好意 我们驾着车子逗了一阵子 我没有请教他的名字 这个在雨中出现的孤独男孩 我的直觉告诉我这是对的 这是一见钟情的爱 请别它弄糊涂了 只要在今夜留下 我现在想要的就是和你一起做爱 告诉我你也想要 你也想要我 我现在想要的就是和你一起做爱 我已经有了一双可以倚靠的臂膀 我们找到了一间旅馆 这是一个我非常熟悉的地方 那天夜里我们创造了奇迹 噢……他让一切的一切都对了! 他让我觉得自己是一个真正的女人 很轻易的…… 早晨他醒来时 我只留给他一封短笺 我告诉他 我是花儿他是种子 我们一起在花园里漫步 我们一起种了一棵树 不要试着寻找我 千万不要 只要活在我的记忆中就好了 你永远都会停留在那儿 我想作的只是与你一起做爱 一夜的爱….. 就是我们彼此所熟悉的 我想作的只是与你一起做爱! 我已经有了一双可以倚靠的臂膀 噢… 我们的爱 好像陌生人一般 漫长的一夜啊… 我们爱吧… 忘了那一天 我们忽然在街道上遇上了 你可以想象他的惊喜 当他再次邂逅这雨夜中的女人 我对他说 请千万要明了 我正和另一个男人沐浴爱河中 虽然他不能给予我的 正是你所带给我的那一些些 我想作的只是与你一起做爱 一夜的爱…..就是我们彼此所熟悉的 我想作的只是与你一起做爱 告诉我你也想要 你也想要我的 我想作的只是与你一起做爱 一夜的爱….. 就是我们彼此所熟悉的 我想作的只是与你一起做爱 你也想要我的 漫漫长夜啊…

i wanna fuck you这首歌曲的中文 翻译、一定要全

Look inside看看Look inside Your tiny mind看看你那浅薄的思想Then look a bit harder放远大点吧Cos we"re so uninspired因为那里装不下灵魂So sick and tired如此恶心另人厌倦Of all The hatred you harbour 全是罪恨So you say所以你说It"s not okay to be gay你不认同同性恋Well I think You"re just evil然而我觉得你是个魔鬼You"re just some racist你就是一种种族歧视Who can"t tie my laces连鞋带都不配给我系You"re point of view is medevil你的观点已经过时Fuck you, (***** you)去你的Fuck you very very much真的是去你妈的Cos we hate what you do因为我讨厌你所做的And we hate your whole crew讨厌你的同夥So please don"t stay in touch所以别再联系了Fuck you, (***** you)去你的Fuck you very very much真的是去你妈的Cos your words don"t translate因为我们语言不通And it"s getting quite late那只会耽误时间So please don"t stay in touch所以别再联系了Do you get你能不能Do you get A little kick out Of being small minded你能不能从你那狭隘思想里走出来吗You want to be like your father你想像你父亲那样it"s approval your after那就是你做的为了得到认同Well that"s not how You"ll find it那你就错了Do you你Do you really enjoy你就真的喜欢Living a life that"s so hateful这种充满仇恨的人生吗Cos there"s a hole where your soul should be因为应该有属於你灵魂的地方You"re losing control of it你正渐渐失控And it"s really distasteful那真的很不妙Fuck you去你的Fuck you去你的Fuck you去你的You say你说You think we need to go to war你觉得我们需要武力解决Well you"re already in one然而你已经在纷争里了Cos it"s people like you因为像你这样的人That need to get slew都需要解救No one wants your opinion没人想听你的观点Fuck you去你的Fuck you去你的Fuck you去你的

I Wanna Fuck You 歌词

歌曲名:I Wanna Fuck You歌手:Snoop Dogg专辑:The Blue Carpet Treatment-Geffen/Star TrakI Wanna Love YouAkonConvict, convict MusicAnd you know we upfrontI see you winding and grinding up on that floorI know you see me lookin" at you when you already knowI wanna love you, you already knowI wanna love you, you already know, girlMoney in the air that"s mo" fair, grab you by your coat tailTake you to the motel, wholesaleDon"t tell, won"t tell, baby say I don"t talk dogBut she told on me, oh wellTake a picture with me, what the flick gon" do?Baby stick to me and I"ma stick on youIf you pick me then I"ma pick on youD-O-double-G and I"m here to put this dick on youI"m stuck on pussy and yours is rightRip ride on those floors and those doors is tightAnd I"ma get me a shot "for the end of the night"Cause pussy is pussy and baby you"re pussy for lifeI see you winding and grinding up on that floorI know you see me lookin" at you when you already knowI wanna love you, you already knowI wanna love you, you already know, girlShorty I can see you ain"t lonelyHandful of niggers and they all got G"sSo you lookin" at me now what it"s gonna beJust another a tease far as I can seeTrying to get you up out this clubIf it means spendin" a couple dubsThrowin" about 30 stacks in the back make it rain like that"Cause I"m far from a scrubAnd you know my pedigreeEx-deala used to move "phetaminesGirl I spend money like it don"t mean nothingAnd besides I got a thing for youI see you winding and grinding up on that floorI know you see me lookin" at you when you already knowI wanna love you, you already knowI wanna love you, you already know, girlMobbin" through the club in the low pressin"I"m sittin" in the back in the smoker sectionBirds eye, I got a clear viewYou can"t see me but I can see youIt"s cool we jet, the mood is set, your pussy is so wetYou"re rubbin" your back and touchin" your neckYour body is movin", you"re humpin" and jumpin", your titties is bouncin"You"re smilin" and grinning and lookin" at meGirl and while you lookin" at me, I"m ready to hit the cattyRight up on the patio, move the patty to the cattyBaby you got a fatty, the type I like to marryWanting to just give you everything and that"s kinda scary"Cause I"m lovin" the way you shake your assBouncin" got me tippin" my glassNormally don"t get caught up too fastBut I got a thing for youI see you winding and grinding up on that floorI know you see me lookin" at you when you already knowI wanna love you, you already knowI wanna love you, you already knowI see you winding and grinding up on that floorI know you see me lookin" at you when you already knowI wanna love you, you already knowI wanna love you, you already know, girlhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1152293

I Wanna Fuck You 歌词

歌曲名:I Wanna Fuck You歌手:Snoop Dogg专辑:Tha Blue Carpet TreatmentI Wanna Love YouAkonConvict, convict MusicAnd you know we upfrontI see you winding and grinding up on that floorI know you see me lookin" at you when you already knowI wanna love you, you already knowI wanna love you, you already know, girlMoney in the air that"s mo" fair, grab you by your coat tailTake you to the motel, wholesaleDon"t tell, won"t tell, baby say I don"t talk dogBut she told on me, oh wellTake a picture with me, what the flick gon" do?Baby stick to me and I"ma stick on youIf you pick me then I"ma pick on youD-O-double-G and I"m here to put this dick on youI"m stuck on pussy and yours is rightRip ride on those floors and those doors is tightAnd I"ma get me a shot "for the end of the night"Cause pussy is pussy and baby you"re pussy for lifeI see you winding and grinding up on that floorI know you see me lookin" at you when you already knowI wanna love you, you already knowI wanna love you, you already know, girlShorty I can see you ain"t lonelyHandful of niggers and they all got G"sSo you lookin" at me now what it"s gonna beJust another a tease far as I can seeTrying to get you up out this clubIf it means spendin" a couple dubsThrowin" about 30 stacks in the back make it rain like that"Cause I"m far from a scrubAnd you know my pedigreeEx-deala used to move "phetaminesGirl I spend money like it don"t mean nothingAnd besides I got a thing for youI see you winding and grinding up on that floorI know you see me lookin" at you when you already knowI wanna love you, you already knowI wanna love you, you already know, girlMobbin" through the club in the low pressin"I"m sittin" in the back in the smoker sectionBirds eye, I got a clear viewYou can"t see me but I can see youIt"s cool we jet, the mood is set, your pussy is so wetYou"re rubbin" your back and touchin" your neckYour body is movin", you"re humpin" and jumpin", your titties is bouncin"You"re smilin" and grinning and lookin" at meGirl and while you lookin" at me, I"m ready to hit the cattyRight up on the patio, move the patty to the cattyBaby you got a fatty, the type I like to marryWanting to just give you everything and that"s kinda scary"Cause I"m lovin" the way you shake your assBouncin" got me tippin" my glassNormally don"t get caught up too fastBut I got a thing for youI see you winding and grinding up on that floorI know you see me lookin" at you when you already knowI wanna love you, you already knowI wanna love you, you already knowI see you winding and grinding up on that floorI know you see me lookin" at you when you already knowI wanna love you, you already knowI wanna love you, you already know, girlhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8044784

l wanna fuck you 中文翻译歌词

那是一个下着雨的夜晚 当我的眼角接触到他的身影时 他站在路边 没有拿着雨伞 也没有披上雨衣 于是我把车子停下 要给他一趟顺风车 他微笑着接受了我的好意 我们驾着车子逗了一阵子 我没有请教他的名字 这个在雨中出现的孤独男孩 我的直觉告诉我这是对的 这是一见钟情的爱 请别它弄糊涂了 只要在今夜留下 我现在想要的就是和你一起做爱 告诉我你也想要 你也想要我 我现在想要的就是和你一起做爱 我已经有了一双可以倚靠的臂膀 我们找到了一间旅馆 这是一个我非常熟悉的地方 那天夜里我们创造了奇迹 噢……他让一切的一切都对了! 他让我觉得自己是一个真正的女人 很轻易的…… 早晨他醒来时 我只留给他一封短笺 我告诉他 我是花儿他是种子 我们一起在花园里漫步 我们一起种了一棵树 不要试着寻找我 千万不要 只要活在我的记忆中就好了 你永远都会停留在那儿 我想作的只是与你一起做爱 一夜的爱….. 就是我们彼此所熟悉的 我想作的只是与你一起做爱! 我已经有了一双可以倚靠的臂膀 噢… 我们的爱 好像陌生人一般 漫长的一夜啊… 我们爱吧… 忘了那一天 我们忽然在街道上遇上了 你可以想象他的惊喜 当他再次邂逅这雨夜中的女人 我对他说 请千万要明了 我正和另一个男人沐浴爱河中 虽然他不能给予我的 正是你所带给我的那一些些 我想作的只是与你一起做爱 一夜的爱…..就是我们彼此所熟悉的 我想作的只是与你一起做爱 告诉我你也想要 你也想要我的 我想作的只是与你一起做爱 一夜的爱….. 就是我们彼此所熟悉的 我想作的只是与你一起做爱 你也想要我的 漫漫长夜啊…

sufficient funds是什么意思

sufficient funds[财]足够基金; 例句:1.Please place sufficient funds in your current account before issuing cheque. 请於发支票前确定港元往来帐户有足够资金。2.This must also be provided with sufficient funds to reassure the marketsabout the eurozone"s liquidity and recapitalise europe"s banks. 同时必须为这只基金提供充足资金,以便让市场对欧元区的流动性状况感到放心,并用于重整欧洲银行的资本结构。

windy sky rocky funny四个单词中y的发音不同的是哪个

windy sky rocky funny sky 跟其他三个单词发音不同,他的“y" 发 /ai /, 其它三个最后的“y" 发 / i / ,所以sky是另类.


【解释】Grant n. 拨款;[法] 授予物授给物(如财产、授地、专有权、补助、拨款等);例句:You can get a grant to improve your house.你可以得到一笔拨款来修缮住房。Fund n. 基金;资金;存款基金(Fund):基金是机构投资者的统称,包括信托投资基金、单位信托基金、公积金、保险基金、退休基金,各种基金会的基金。例句:She set up an educational fund in memory of hermother.她为了纪念她母亲而设立了一个教育基金会。希望帮助到你!



plentiful ; etiquette ;institution 这英语用谐音怎么读?.



花牌情缘 OP <YOUTHFUL>中日文及罗马音对照帰り道は过ぎていく 少し风が吹いている     たわいない会话 妙に楽しくて     気づいてしまって 冗谈まじりかき消した     それぞれの歩く 道は别々と     あの时描いた 梦であふれた 会う自身と     また违う 明日でもいいさ     今は ちはやふる想い 胸に抱いて     目指した先に何があるんだ?     今なら掴めそうで 手を伸ばしてみる     梦の途中 きっといつか また会えるだろう     夕闇に照らされて 逃げる様に过ぎてった     耻ずかしいくらいに まっすぐな日々     今でも変わらない     仆ら待ち合わせたあの场所     君は まだ覚えてるのかな?     いつも 目には映らない ことが大切で     君と仆も つながってるんだ     茜の色に染まる 影は伸びてゆく     梦の途中きっといつか また会えればいい     それでも 今は笑える     いつでも 息をしている     どんな仆でも ここにいるから     今も ちはやふる想い 胸に抱いた     それが若さと 笑いたきゃ笑えばいい     仆は君がいるから 走り続けてる     君は言うだろう「きっとそれは仆も同じだ」と  中文歌词  慢步走过回家的道路 微风轻轻吹拂着     闲话家常也异常有趣     顿然察觉 混杂玩笑掩盖而去     彼此要走的路并不相同     与那时描绘的梦想中 漾出的蓝图相比     又是不同的明天也无妨     现在我心怀强烈的向往     有什么在目标之处?     现在的话似乎能抓住 试着伸出双手     在梦想的路上终有一天会再度重逢吧     被夕阳映得通红 仿佛逃跑般逝去     害羞而直率的时光     至今依旧一如既往     我们常常相约等候的地方     你可否仍然记得呢?     肉眼看不见的事物总是最重要的     它把你我紧紧维系一起     暗红轻轻染上 影子渐渐伸长     在梦想的路上终有一天能重逢便可     即便如此 此刻也能开怀大笑     每时每刻 都呼吸着空气     无论怎样的我 也会一直在此     现在我也依然心怀强烈的向往     那便是青春 能笑的时候就尽情地笑吧     我还有你在 所以继续奔跑下去     你肯定会说「那一定我也跟你一样」吧  罗马音  Kaerimichi wa sugite iku sukoshi kaze ga fuite iru  Tawainai kaiwa myōni tanoshikute  Kidzuite shimatte jōdan majiri kakikeshita  Sorezore no aruku michi wa betsubetsu to  Ano toki kaita yume de afureta aojashin to  Mata chigau ashita demo ī-sa  Ima wa chi haya furu omoi mune ni daite  Mezashita saki ni nani ga aru nda?  Imanara tsukame-sōde te o nobashite miru  Yume no tochū kitto itsu ka mata aerudarou  Yūyami ni terasa rete nigeru yō ni sugi tetta  Hazukashī kurai ni massuguna hibi  Ima demo kawaranai  bokura machiawaseta ano basho  Kimi wa mada oboe teru no ka na?  Itsumo me ni wa utsuranai koto ga taisetsude  Kimitoboku mo tsunaga~tsu teru nda  Akane no iro ni somaru kage wa nobite yuku  Yume no tochū kitto itsuka mata aereba ī  Soredemo ima wa waraeru  Itsu demo iki o shite iru  Don"na boku demo koko ni irukara  Ima mochi haya furu omoi mune ni daita  Sore ga waka-sa to waraitakya waraeba ī  Boku wa kimigairukara hashiri tsudzuke teru  Kimi wa iudarou `kitto sore wa boku mo onajida" to

Youni wohenxingFu 英文翻译?


有首歌里有“so beatiuful(重复多次)”的歌名是什么?

侧田的么? 啊啊啊啊啊~~~loving you...里面就有呀.好象还有另外一首

so beautiful 和 very beautiful的区别?请举例!

so beautiful +that ...表示太漂亮了以至于...而very没有这个用法二者直接跟在be后单独用应该都是很漂亮的意思。

【音乐】女生唱的英文歌 so beautiful 歌手vasco的歌词,是歌词哦

Nichole Alden Not looking backI am not looking backI won"t glance behindI"ve got nothing but a future in my mindyou are in my mindyou are in my mindin my mind...hmmI never wanted anything but you timeloose you pridelet us live inside each other"s eyes,so beautifulso beautifulI am looking out,the sky"s wideI am looking out,you are not hereand I not fineI am holding on,she holdng out sometimesyou are in my mindyou are in my mindyou are in my mindO...hoda...la la la la la la la lalada...la la la la la la la lalada...la la la la la la la lalana a nalet us live inside each other"s eyes,so beautifulso beautifulI am looking out,the sky"s wideI am looking out,I am not looking badI won"t glance behindI"ve got nothing but a future in my mindyou are in my mindyou are in my mindO...hoyou are in my mindyou are in my mindyou are in my mind感觉这个和你的要求比较近

有没有人知道一首歌 里面不停的重复一句歌词 so beautiful!


男生唱的一首英文歌,节奏适中,其中唱了好多so beautiful。谁知道这是什么歌么?


有个电视广告歌曲歌词是so beautiful so beautiful这是什么歌?

beautiful love(蔡健雅)

so beautiful是什么歌

Beautiful Love演唱:蔡健雅看住时间 别让它再流浪从前我 太适应悲伤你的出现在无意中却深深撼动我一起走着没说什么心是满足的这个世界 随时都要崩塌我没有其他的愿望假如明天将消失了趁现在我爱着只想记得 被你抱着温柔的感受love is beautifulso beautiful我失去过 更珍惜拥有多庆幸我是我被你疼爱的我紧紧牵住的手不要放手永远守护我love is beautifulso beautiful我很快乐你会了解我我不会再哭泣是因为我相信我们勇敢的爱着每秒钟 都能证明一生的美丽这个世界随时都要崩塌我没有其他的愿望假如明天将消失了趁现在我爱着只想记得 被你抱着温柔的感受love is beautifulso beautiful我失去过 更珍惜拥有多庆幸我是我被你疼爱的我紧紧牵住的手不要放手永远守护我love is beautifulso beautiful我失去过更珍惜拥有多庆幸我是我被你疼爱的我紧紧牵住的手 不要放手永远守护我love is beautifulso beautiful我很快乐 你会了解我我不会再哭泣是因为我相信我们勇敢的爱着每秒钟 都能证明一生的美丽love is beautifulso beautiful

AKON的一首歌里一直唱so beautiful 的歌叫什么名字?

歌曲:beautiful ft. colby donis and kardinal 歌手:akon 专辑:freedom when i see you,i run out of words … to say (aaah)i wouldn"t leave you,cause your that type of girlto make me stayi see the guys tryna" holla,girl i don"t want to bother you,cuz your independent and you got my attentionand i"ll be your baby fathergirl i just want to show youthat i love what you are doingi see you in the club, you gettin" down girli wanna get with you (you) yeahi see you in the club, you showin" thugs lovethat wanna get with you (you)you"re so beautifulso damn beautifulsaid your so beautifulso damn beautifulyou"re so beautifulbeautifulbeautifulbeautifulyou"re so beautifulbeautifulbeautifulbeautifulyou"re so beautifullike the clouds you, drift me away, far away (far away) yeahand like the sun you, brighten my day, you brighten my day yeahi never wanna see you cry cry cryand i never wanna tell a lie lie liesaid i never wanna see you cry cry cryand i never wanna tell a lie lie liei see you in the club, you gettin" down girli wanna get with you (you) yeahi see you in the club, you showin" thugs lovethat wanna get with you (you)you"re so beautifulso damn beautifulsaid your so beautiful (so beautiful)so damn beautifulyou"re so beautifulbeautiful (4x)beautiful (4x)beautiful (4x)beautiful (4x)you"re so beautifulbeautiful (4x)beautiful (4x)beautiful (4x)

求一首英文歌,有很多beautiful。she so beautiful

《(Drop Dead) Beautiful featurin》

Wow! So beautiful! 是什么意思


一首好像是英文歌 歌词:so beautiful我很快乐

歌曲名:T-time 歌手:蔡健雅专辑:T-time 蔡健雅 新歌+精选</A>播放添加下载设置为Qzone背景音乐 复制歌词 | 下载歌词 已成功复制歌词 T-time蔡健雅看着瞬间 别让它再流浪从前我 太适应悲伤你的出现在无意中却深深撼动我一起走着 没说什么心是满足的这个瞬间 随时都要崩塌我没有其它的愿望假如明天将消失了趁现在我爱着只想记得 被你抱着温热的感受Love is beautifulSo beautiful我失去过 更珍惜拥有多庆幸我是我被你疼爱的我紧紧牵住的手不要放手 永远守护我Love is beautifulSo beautiful我很快乐 你会了解我我不会再哭泣是因为我相信我们勇敢地爱着每秒钟都能证明一生的美丽没有谁背后怂恿不该爱又爱的冲动是你害怕孤单而拼命补充嘿回想恋情的内容有谁想过有始有终不过是一时脆弱让人放纵嘿穿梭一段又另一段感情中爱为何总填不满又掏不空很快就风起云涌人类的心是个无底洞尝试亲吻尝试拥抱或沟通没有好感再尝试也没有用大多数人都相同喜欢的只是爱情的脸孔一转身谁能把感慨抛在脑后在事过境迁以后这段情就算曾经刻骨且铭心过过去了 又改变什么浓情爱恋 都已陌生了我不难过了甚至真心希望你能幸福当我了解你只活在记忆里头我不恨你了甚至感谢这样不期而遇当我从你眼中发现我已是陌生人了我不像你是双栖动物我只能活在有你的幸福我所能适应的温度都是以两人世界为主很想哭 哭完无助我无法和我一个人相处你不愿搬回从前居住就算哭 也一样没帮助我被困在一个人的峡谷多想要却要不到你安抚眼前是什么路已看不清楚

一首轻快的英文歌,开头是吹口哨,高潮有两声so beautiful so beautiful。在

Maroon 5 ft Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger


两个单词 so beaUtiful如此美丽

歌词里有you are so beautiful so beautiful中文歌

蔡健雅 beautiful love

有一首歌中的歌词有so biautiful

蔡健雅——《beautiful love》

有首英文歌有“so beautiful”,求歌名


形容女孩子漂亮,是用very beautiful还是so beautiful


so beautiful和how beautiful有什么区别

so beautiful 如此美丽(漂亮)how beautiful 如何美丽(漂亮)

有一首中文里有it is beautiful, so beautiful是哪首歌

歌曲:beautiful love歌手:蔡健雅 专辑:t-time 新歌+精选 蔡健雅原创词 曲:阿沁看住时间别让它在再流浪从前我太适应悲伤你的出现在无意中却深深撼动我一起走着没说什么心是满足的这个世界随时都要崩塌我没有其它的愿望假如明天将消失了趁现在我爱着只想记得,被你抱着温热的感受love"s beautifulso beautiful我失去过更珍惜拥有多庆幸我是我被你疼爱的我紧紧牵住的手不要放手永远守护我love"s beautifulso beautiful我很快乐你会了解我我不会再哭泣是因为我相信我们勇敢的爱着每秒钟都能证明一生的美丽这个世界随时都要崩塌我没有其它的愿望假如明天将消失了趁现在我爱着只想记得,被你抱着温热的感受love"s beautifulso beautiful我失去过更珍惜拥有多庆幸我是我被你疼爱的我紧紧牵住的手不要放手永远守护我oh~~~~ah~~~oh!!oh~~ah~~ohah~love"s beautifulso beautiful我失去过更珍惜拥有多庆幸我是我被你疼爱的我紧紧牵住的手不要放手永远守护我love"s beautifulso beautiful我很快乐你会了解我我不会再哭泣是因为我相信我们勇敢的爱着每秒钟都能证明一生的美丽love"s beautifulso beautiful

求歌名,歌词“so beautiful......我多庆幸我是我,被你疼爱的我,,,,”

蔡健雅 - Bueatiful Love作曲:F.I.R阿沁 作词:蔡健雅专集:T-time 蔡健雅 新歌+精选歌词制作:看住时间 别让它再流浪从前我 太适应悲伤你的出现在无意中 却深深撼动我一起走着 没说什么 心是满足的这个世界 随时都要崩塌我没有 其他的愿望假如明天将消失了 趁现在我爱着只想记得 被你抱着 温热的感受Love"s Beautiful So Beautiful我失去过 更珍惜拥有多庆幸我是我 被你疼爱的我紧紧牵住的手 不要放手 永远守护我Love"s Beautiful So Beautiful我很快乐 你会了解我我不会再哭泣 是因为我相信我们勇敢的爱着 每秒钟 都能证明 一生的美丽这个世界 随时都要崩塌我没有 其他的愿望假如明天将消失了 趁现在我爱着只想记得 被你抱着 温热的感受Love"s Beautiful So Beautiful我失去过 更珍惜拥有多庆幸我是我 被你疼爱的我紧紧牵住的手 不要放手 永远守护我Love"s Beautiful So Beautiful我失去过 更珍惜拥有多庆幸我是我 被你疼爱的我紧紧牵住的手 不要放手 永远守护我Love"s Beautiful So Beautiful我很快乐 你会了解我我不会再哭泣 是因为我相信我们勇敢的爱着 每秒钟 都能证明 一生的美丽Love"s Beautiful So Beautiful

求国语歌曲,一个女的唱的,歌词有。so beautiful,so beautiful.我失去过……

《Beautiful love》蔡健雅

《白袍之恋》的主题曲《so beautiful》的歌词

Bueatiful Love~偶像剧"白袍之恋"片头曲歌手:蔡健雅 | 作曲:F.I.R. 阿沁填词:葛大为 | 编曲:Adam Lee (Mad Music Productions)看住时间 别让它再流浪从前我 太适应悲伤你的出现 在无意中却深深 撼动我一起走著 没说什麼 心是满足的*这个世界 随时都要崩塌 我没有 其他的愿望 假如明天 将消失了 趁现在 我爱著 只想记得 被你抱著 温热的感受*#Love"s Beautiful So Beautiful 我失去过 更珍惜拥有 多庆幸 我是我 被你疼爱的我 紧紧牵住的手 不要放手 永远守护我#@Love"s Beautiful So Beautiful 我很快乐 你会了解我 我不会 再哭泣 是因为我相信 我们勇敢的爱著 每秒钟 都能证明 一生的美丽@REPEAT*##@Love"s BeautifulSo Beautiful

有一首歌里面有sobeautiful sobeautiful 是什么歌女人唱的

歌曲:beautiful love 歌手:蔡健雅 专辑:t-time 新歌+精选 蔡健雅 原创词 曲:阿沁 看住时间 别让它在再流浪 从前我太适应悲伤 你的出现在无意中 却深深撼动我 一起走着没说什么 心是满足的 这个世界 随时都要崩塌 我没有其它的愿望 假如明天将消失了 趁现在我爱着 只想记得,被你抱着 温热的感受 love"s beautiful so beautiful 我失去过 更珍惜拥有 多庆幸我是我 被你疼爱的我 紧紧牵住的手 不要放手 永远守护我 love"s beautiful so beautiful 我很快乐 你会了解我 我不会再哭泣 是因为我相信 我们勇敢的爱着 每秒钟 都能证明一生的美丽 这个世界 随时都要崩塌 我没有其它的愿望 假如明天将消失了 趁现在我爱着 只想记得,被你抱着 温热的感受 love"s beautiful so beautiful 我失去过 更珍惜拥有 多庆幸我是我 被你疼爱的我 紧紧牵住的手 不要放手 永远守护我 oh~~~~ ah~~~ oh!! oh~~ ah~~ oh ah~ love"s beautiful so beautiful 我失去过 更珍惜拥有 多庆幸我是我 被你疼爱的我 紧紧牵住的手 不要放手 永远守护我 love"s beautiful so beautiful 我很快乐 你会了解我 我不会再哭泣 是因为我相信 我们勇敢的爱着 每秒钟 都能证明一生的美丽 love"s beautiful so beautiful


So Beautifuli"ve been searchin" for my baby,the one to come and save meand this you know, she is so beautifulaint never act stuck up or shady,one hundred percent all ladyand this you know,she is so beautiful - yo yobaby are you all for mebaby my heart is needof a love wanting,to cherish the souleveryday thinkin" so deepeverynight turnin" in heatit is why all this here ishappening to me, yeahall the love i can giveall the days we can livealways and forever nowall the love i can giveall the days we can livealways and forever nowi"ve been searchin" for my baby,the one to come and save meand this you know, she is so beautifulaint never act stuck up or shady,one hundred percent all ladyand this you know,she is so beautiful - yo yobaby now you hold the keyto my heart baby you seei don"t want no uh tha let it be knownit"s how it always will bethis love will set us freeand i can"t believethis is happening to meall the love i can giveall the days we can livealways and forever nowall the love i can giveall the days we can livealways and forever nowi"ve been searchin" for my baby,the one to come and save meand this you know,she is so beautifulaint never act stuck up or shady,one hundred percent all ladyand this you know,she is so beautiful - yo yoyo, yo hit"em witha high,hit"em witha lowhit"em witha every wichaway that it may go yobaby got the beauty stayin" or to go yowhen she shake her bootyget up out the way yoi"m oh so serio, really doe,silly bro, neva know, see it in a videot.o.p got crazy doe,blazin flow, phase me nothey be never hearin" what i"m sayin" doei know i know, G got the glowstraight up phenomenonwhy becuz i said soshock the world whenGD put the let gorock the girls andlet"em hear the real flowsbangin" and i"m ringin"em high(that"s the shit)straight flamin" andi"m blazin"em right (the real shit)aint no fakin"we bemakin"it tight now"s the timeto get up baby shake it all night!all the love i can giveall the days we can livealways and forever nowall the love i can giveall the days we can livealways and forever nowi"ve been searchin" for my baby,the one to come and save meand this you know, she is so beautifulaint never act stuck up or shady,one hundred percent all ladyand this you know,she is so beautiful - yo yo

So Beautiful 歌词

歌曲名:So Beautiful歌手:Alex专辑:ThirteenMISIA - So Beautiful作词:MISIA作曲:Toshiaki Matsumoto恋に落ちた时の 一瞬の 静けさを感じた気がしたあなたがいるこの空の下真っすぐな 想いの真ん中で 不意に涙がこぼれてきた木漏れ日にこの手を伸ばしてI love you 同じ时代をAnd I do 生きてるだけで こんなにも爱されるように 爱し过ぎないようになど出来るはずもないのにねあなたがいる この世界瞬きも出来ないほどに 美しすぎてガラクタも思い出も いつか 光を増し色づいていくあなたといるこの空の下I love you 见つめるだけでAnd I do 微笑むだけで それだけで爱を知るほどにもっと素直になれるなら伤ついた过去に サヨナラほほ寄せ抱きしめた梦から覚めたその时も 美しすぎてあなたがいる この世界瞬きも出来ないほどに 美しすぎてそっと 见つめるだけで そっと 微笑むだけでSo 同じ时代 ともに 生きてるだけでこんなにも美しい こんなにも素晴らしい瞬きも出来ぬほど 爱しい世界http://music.baidu.com/song/2960604

So Beautiful 歌词

歌曲名:So Beautiful歌手:Bertine Zetlitz&Thom Hell专辑:Sweet InjectionsSavage Garden — So BeautifulWhether I"m right or wrongThere"s no phrase that hitsLike an ocean needs the sandOr a dirty old shoe that fitsAnd if all the world was perfectI would only ever want to see your scarsYou know they can have their universeWe"ll be in the dirt designing starsAnd darlin" you knowYou make me feel so beautifulNowhere else in the world I wanna beYou make me feel so beautifulWhether I"m up or downThere"s no crowd to pleaseI"m like a faith without a clause to believe in itAnd if all the world was smilingI would only ever want to see your frownYou know they can sail away in sunsetsWe"ll be right here stranded on the groundJust happy to be foundYou make me feel so beautifulNowhere else in the world I wanna beYou make me feel so beautifulI have lost my illusionsI have drowned in your wordsI have left my confusion to a cynical worldI am throwing myself at things I don"t understandDiscover enlightenment holding your handYou are...So BeautifulYeah darlin" you know!That you make me feel so beautiful( Nowhere else in the world I wanna be )Yeah you make me feel yeah yeah so beautiful( Darlin" you know! )( You make me feel so beautiful )( Nowhere else in the world I wanna be )( You make me feel so beautiful )And darlin" you knowThat you make me feel so beautiful( Nowhere else in the world I wanna be )( You make me feel so beautiful )And darlin" you know( You are beautiful you are )( So beautiful )Savage Garden — So BeautifulThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2686616

谁知道Bigbang的So beautiful英文歌词外带中文翻译

So Beautiful [hook] i"ve been searchin" for my baby the one to come and save me and this you know, she is so beautiful aint never act stuck up or shady one hundred percent all lady and this you know, she is so beautiful - yo yo [vrs1] baby are you all for me baby my heart is need of a love wanting, to cherish the soul everyday thinkin" so deep everynight turnin" in heat it is why all this here is happening to me, yeah all the love i can give all the days we can live always and forever now all the love i can give all the days we can live always and forever now i"ve been searchin" for my baby the one to come and save me and this you know, she is so beautiful aint never act stuck up or shady one hundred percent all lady and this you know, she is so beautiful - yo yo [hook] *repeat / [vrs2] baby now you hold the ke to my heart baby you see i don"t want no uh tha let it be known it"s how it always will be this love will set us free and i can"t believe this is happening to me all the love i can give all the days we can live always and forever now all the love i can give all the days we can live always and forever now i"ve been searchin" for my baby the one to come and save me and this you know, she is so beautiful aint never act stuck up or shady one hundred percent all lady and this you know, she is so beautiful - yo yo [hook] *repeat / [rap_top] yo, yo hit"em witha high, hit"em witha low hit"em witha every wicha way that it may go yo baby got the beauty stayin" or to go yo when she shake her booty get up out the way yo i"m oh so serio, really doe, silly bro, neva know, see it in a video t.o.p got crazy doe, blazin flow, phase me no they be never hearin"what i"m sayin" doe [gd]i know i know, G got the glow straight up phenomenon why becuz i said so shock the world when GD put the let go rock the girls and let"em hear the real flows bangin" and i"m ringin"em high(that"s the shit) straight flamin" and i"m blazin"em right (the real shit) aint no fakin"we be makin"it tight now"s the time to get up baby shake it all night! all the love i can give all the days we can live always and forever now all the love i can give all the days we can live always and forever now [hook] *repeat

So Beautiful 歌词

歌曲名:So Beautiful歌手:Raul Malo专辑:Hello AgainSuperchick - So BeautifulWe are a thousand voices strongWe are each girl who sings this songWe are a beauty that"s our ownAnd we are, and we areSo beautifulWe are light, we were born beautifulWe were meant to be more than these shadows of girlsThey cut us down to size, afraid we"ll change the worldBut we"ll fight for your right to be beautiful girlsIf every girl could see her beauty we would be an armyWe are a thousand voices strongWe are each girl who sings this songWe are a beauty that"s our ownAnd we are, and we areSo beautifuland we are,and we are,so beautiful (*2)We have dreams we were born to fulfillWe were meant to be more than just fairy tale girlsWe are colors so bright, each a beautiful girlWe are stars in the night, and we"re changing the worldWhen every girl can see her beauty we will be an armyWe are a thousand voices strongWe are each girl who sings this songWe are a beauty that"s our ownAnd we are, and we areSo beautiful (*3)We are a thousand voices strong (We are a thousand voices strong)We are each girl who sings this song (We are each girl who sings this song)We are a beauty that"s our ownAnd we are, and we areSo beautifulWe are a thousand voices strongWe are each girl who sings this songWe are a beauty that"s our ownAnd we are, and we areSo beautiful (*3)百度首席音乐群:Мy°musiс(群号:1051040)~http://music.baidu.com/song/10282115

Michael Africk的《So Beautiful》歌词

Michael Africk--So BeautifulEvery little thing you do Is absolutely perfect Makes me just say damn girl you don"t even have to work it I"m captivated by your body I"m checking you from head to toe There"s nothing I would ever change So baby don"t you ever go Pre-Ch and now I love the way you look when you"re lying in my bed leave everything turned on cuz if you don"t mind baby baby don"t mind don"t mind CH I wanna see you while we"re making love cuz baby you are you are so beautiful wa oh oh oh so beautiful baby don"t be shy it"s alright Cuz you know that you are your are so beautiful wa oh oh oh so beautiful Verse 2: Every little thing you do makes me feel so crazy your body is like fire girl yeah you"re so amazing and I wanna keep the lights on only if that"s ok with you cuz I could always picture this but that ain"t like being with you CH I wanna see you while we"re making love cuz baby you are you are so beautiful wa oh oh oh so beautiful baby don"t be shy it"s alright Cuz you know that you are your are so beautiful wa oh oh oh so beautiful Bridge: Now I love the way you look at me when you"re lying in those satin sheets don"t get out of bed I want this image in my head CH I wanna see you while we"re making love cuz baby you are you are so beautiful wa oh oh oh so beautiful baby don"t be shy it"s alright Cuz you know that you are your are so beautiful wa oh oh oh so beautiful

So Beautiful 歌词

歌曲名:So Beautiful歌手:Mari Ijima专辑:Europe~Mari Iijima 14~Savage Garden — So BeautifulWhether I"m right or wrongThere"s no phrase that hitsLike an ocean needs the sandOr a dirty old shoe that fitsAnd if all the world was perfectI would only ever want to see your scarsYou know they can have their universeWe"ll be in the dirt designing starsAnd darlin" you knowYou make me feel so beautifulNowhere else in the world I wanna beYou make me feel so beautifulWhether I"m up or downThere"s no crowd to pleaseI"m like a faith without a clause to believe in itAnd if all the world was smilingI would only ever want to see your frownYou know they can sail away in sunsetsWe"ll be right here stranded on the groundJust happy to be foundYou make me feel so beautifulNowhere else in the world I wanna beYou make me feel so beautifulI have lost my illusionsI have drowned in your wordsI have left my confusion to a cynical worldI am throwing myself at things I don"t understandDiscover enlightenment holding your handYou are...So BeautifulYeah darlin" you know!That you make me feel so beautiful( Nowhere else in the world I wanna be )Yeah you make me feel yeah yeah so beautiful( Darlin" you know! )( You make me feel so beautiful )( Nowhere else in the world I wanna be )( You make me feel so beautiful )And darlin" you knowThat you make me feel so beautiful( Nowhere else in the world I wanna be )( You make me feel so beautiful )And darlin" you know( You are beautiful you are )( So beautiful )Savage Garden — So BeautifulThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7658228

So Beautiful 歌词

歌曲名:So Beautiful歌手:Olivia专辑:Dress Me UpDarren Hayes 野人花园Whether I"m right or wrong不论我所说的是对或错There"s no phrase that hits已经没有任何贴切的措词可说明Like an ocean needs the sand就像是海洋需要沙滩来亲近Or a dirty old shoe that fits或像是旧皮鞋般地合脚舒适And if all the world was perfect而当全世界都已经是完美无暇的那一刻I would only ever want to see your scars我仍然想要看到你身上的创伤You know they can have their universe你知道那些伤痕塑造了一个自己的领域We"ll be in the dirt designing stars我们将在它的尘土中创造出星辰来And darlin" you know亲爱的你可知道You make me feel so beautiful你让我觉得自己是如此完美出色Nowhere else in the world I wanna be没有了你,我不想身处在世界任何一个角落You make me feel so beautiful只有你能让我觉得自己是如此出众Whether I"m up or down不管我身处在人生高点或低潮There"s no crowd to please我从不想取悦任何人I"m like a faith without a clause to believe in it我总秉持一个可以执着坚持的信念And if all the world was smiling那就是即使全世界都在微笑I would only ever want to see your frown我仍然愿意见到你皱眉不悦的神情You know they can sail away in sunsets你知道他们可以在日落时分远航而去We"ll be right here stranded on the ground而我们虽然搁浅在地面上Just happy to be found却仍然为了被人寻获的可能性而欢笑You make me feel so beautiful你让我觉得自己是如此完美出色Nowhere else in the world I wanna be没有了你,我不想身处在世界任何一个角落You make me feel so beautiful只有你能让我觉得自己是如此出众I have lost my illusions我已经抛弃了我的误解I have drowned in your words我已经完全沉浸在你的言语之中I have left my confusion to a cynical world我决定把我的困惑留给这个习于挖苦人的世界I am throwing myself at things I don"t understand我正投身于我所不了解的事情Discover enlightenment holding your hand以求能够透过握紧你的手,来获得启发You are.. 你是……So Beautiful如此的完美出色Yeah darlin" you know! 啊!亲爱的你知道!That you make me feel so beautiful你已经使我变得如此出众http://music.baidu.com/song/13783272

So Beautiful 歌词

歌曲名:So Beautiful歌手:Darren Hayes Of Savage Garden专辑:Truly, Madly Completely - The Best Of Savage GardenSavage Garden — So BeautifulWhether I"m right or wrongThere"s no phrase that hitsLike an ocean needs the sandOr a dirty old shoe that fitsAnd if all the world was perfectI would only ever want to see your scarsYou know they can have their universeWe"ll be in the dirt designing starsAnd darlin" you knowYou make me feel so beautifulNowhere else in the world I wanna beYou make me feel so beautifulWhether I"m up or downThere"s no crowd to pleaseI"m like a faith without a clause to believe in itAnd if all the world was smilingI would only ever want to see your frownYou know they can sail away in sunsetsWe"ll be right here stranded on the groundJust happy to be foundYou make me feel so beautifulNowhere else in the world I wanna beYou make me feel so beautifulI have lost my illusionsI have drowned in your wordsI have left my confusion to a cynical worldI am throwing myself at things I don"t understandDiscover enlightenment holding your handYou are...So BeautifulYeah darlin" you know!That you make me feel so beautiful( Nowhere else in the world I wanna be )Yeah you make me feel yeah yeah so beautiful( Darlin" you know! )( You make me feel so beautiful )( Nowhere else in the world I wanna be )( You make me feel so beautiful )And darlin" you knowThat you make me feel so beautiful( Nowhere else in the world I wanna be )( You make me feel so beautiful )And darlin" you know( You are beautiful you are )( So beautiful )Savage Garden — So BeautifulThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7888676

歌词中有 Loves beautiful so beautiful 是什么歌

歌名:Beautiful Love歌手:蔡健雅歌词:看住时间别让它再流浪从前我太适应悲伤你的出现在无意中却深深撼动我一起走着没说什么心是满足的这个世界随时都要崩塌我没有其它的愿望假如明天将消失了趁现在我爱着只想记得 被你抱着温热的感受Love"s beautifulso beautiful我失去过更珍惜拥有多庆幸我是我被你疼爱的我紧紧牵住的手不要放手永远守护我Love"s beautifulso beautiful我很快乐你会了解我我不会再哭泣是因为我相信我们勇敢的爱着每秒钟都能证明一生的美丽这个世界随时都要崩塌我没有其它的愿望假如明天将消失了趁现在我爱着只想记得 被你抱着温热的感受Love"s beautifulso beautiful我失去过更珍惜拥有多庆幸我是我被你疼爱的我紧紧牵住的手不要放手永远守护我OH~~~~AH~~~OH!!OH~~AH~~OHAH~Love"s beautifulso beautiful我失去过更珍惜拥有多庆幸我是我被你疼爱的我紧紧牵住的手不要放手永远守护我Love"s beautifulso beautiful我很快乐你会了解我我不会再哭泣是因为我相信我们勇敢的爱着每秒钟都能证明一生的美丽Love"s beautifulso beautiful

一首英文歌 男唱的,最后一直重复so colorful so beautiful,而且还有口哨声的。

whistle-FLO RIDS

求一首英文歌高潮时so什么so beautiful 然后重复几遍

dram it possible

so beautiful翻译成中文是什么意思


歌词中有 ”我乘著风 so beautiful 我失去过更珍惜拥有“ 这首歌叫什麼名字?

蔡健雅,beautiful love 词&曲:阿沁 看住时间 别让它在再流浪 从前我太适应悲伤 你的出现在无意中 却深深撼动我 一起走着没说什么 心是满足的 这个瞬间 随时都要崩塌 我没有其它的愿望 假如明天将消失了 趁现在我爱着 只想记得,被你抱着 温热的感受 Love"s beautiful so beautiful 我失去过 更珍惜拥有 多庆幸我是我 被你疼爱的我 紧紧牵住的手 不要放手 永远守护我 Love"s beautiful so beautiful 我很快乐 你会了解我 我不会再哭泣 是因为我相信 我们勇敢的爱着 每秒钟 都能证明一生的美丽 这个瞬间 随时都要崩塌 我没有其它的愿望 假如明天将消失了 趁现在我爱着 只想记得,被你抱着 温热的感受 Love"s beautiful so beautiful 我失去过 更珍惜拥有 多庆幸我是我 被你疼爱的我 紧紧牵住的手 不要放手 永远守护我 OH~~~~ AH~~~ OH!! OH~~ AH~~ OH AH~ Love"s beautiful so beautiful 我失去过 更珍惜拥有 多庆幸我是我 被你疼爱的我 紧紧牵住的手 不要放手 永远守护我 Love"s beautiful so beautiful 我很快乐 你会了解我 我不会再哭泣 是因为我相信 我们勇敢的爱着 每秒钟 都能证明一生的美丽 Love"s beautiful so beautiful

So Beautiful 歌词

歌曲名:So Beautiful歌手:Chris De Burgh专辑:The Love SongsMISIA - So Beautiful作词:MISIA作曲:Toshiaki Matsumoto恋に落ちた时の 一瞬の 静けさを感じた気がしたあなたがいるこの空の下真っすぐな 想いの真ん中で 不意に涙がこぼれてきた木漏れ日にこの手を伸ばしてI love you 同じ时代をAnd I do 生きてるだけで こんなにも爱されるように 爱し过ぎないようになど出来るはずもないのにねあなたがいる この世界瞬きも出来ないほどに 美しすぎてガラクタも思い出も いつか 光を増し色づいていくあなたといるこの空の下I love you 见つめるだけでAnd I do 微笑むだけで それだけで爱を知るほどにもっと素直になれるなら伤ついた过去に サヨナラほほ寄せ抱きしめた梦から覚めたその时も 美しすぎてあなたがいる この世界瞬きも出来ないほどに 美しすぎてそっと 见つめるだけで そっと 微笑むだけでSo 同じ时代 ともに 生きてるだけでこんなにも美しい こんなにも素晴らしい瞬きも出来ぬほど 爱しい世界http://music.baidu.com/song/5467873



So Beautiful 歌词

歌曲名:So Beautiful歌手:Lisa专辑:So Beautiful【Lisa-So beautiful】【作词:LISA 作曲:LISA】古い伤迹 もうしみてない溺れてまいあがり 虹を见た世界久しぶりでらしくない ときめく状态解き放つ心が 飞び跳ねるmoving closer to you君がそばに(目覚めたthat I need you)いてくれたら…It"s in your smile 魔法のように、私を変えた奇迹はreal love正直な言叶より、振れていたい辉きへ今駆け出す、my heart skips a beat 思いはもう远回りしない遅刻した胸のvoiceに、素直になれるから今you can do anything you want 感じたら ただ let it flow绮丽なものなら绮丽だとsay it"s beautiful!一秒ずつ过ぎて一秒あと见えなくても信じ合えるのは it"s so beautiful so beautiful!Prideだとか信用しないとか抱えた荷物が重すぎたのもまるで绮丽に消えて 梦を见られる状态こんなに気持ちが軽くなる all because of you.Will you always be (私でいいの)forever by my side…It"s in your smile 魔法のように私を変えた奇迹はreal love壊れない爱のかたち、抱きしめたい喜びで今はじける、my heart feels so free.思い止められない It"s green light时间を戻していい? 素直になれるから今暖かい风が、冷たい风吹き飞ばすよおちた涙、ほら全部海が集めたよ太阳の空も 雨の日も感谢するよ全て受け止めて everything is loveLaLaLa~~http://music.baidu.com/song/55823838

So Beautiful 歌词

歌曲名:So Beautiful歌手:Lisa专辑:LISABEST-misson on earth 9307-【Lisa-So beautiful】【作词:LISA 作曲:LISA】古い伤迹 もうしみてない溺れてまいあがり 虹を见た世界久しぶりでらしくない ときめく状态解き放つ心が 飞び跳ねるmoving closer to you君がそばに(目覚めたthat I need you)いてくれたら…It"s in your smile 魔法のように、私を変えた奇迹はreal love正直な言叶より、振れていたい辉きへ今駆け出す、my heart skips a beat 思いはもう远回りしない遅刻した胸のvoiceに、素直になれるから今you can do anything you want 感じたら ただ let it flow绮丽なものなら绮丽だとsay it"s beautiful!一秒ずつ过ぎて一秒あと见えなくても信じ合えるのは it"s so beautiful so beautiful!Prideだとか信用しないとか抱えた荷物が重すぎたのもまるで绮丽に消えて 梦を见られる状态こんなに気持ちが軽くなる all because of you.Will you always be (私でいいの)forever by my side…It"s in your smile 魔法のように私を変えた奇迹はreal love壊れない爱のかたち、抱きしめたい喜びで今はじける、my heart feels so free.思い止められない It"s green light时间を戻していい? 素直になれるから今暖かい风が、冷たい风吹き飞ばすよおちた涙、ほら全部海が集めたよ太阳の空も 雨の日も感谢するよ全て受け止めて everything is loveLaLaLa~~http://music.baidu.com/song/53058941
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