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韩国电影 丑女大翻身 里 Beaultful Girl 的歌词(英文)谁知道?

Beautiful girl, wherever you are I knew when I saw you, you had opened the door I knew that I"d love again after a long, long while I"d love again. You said "hello" and I turned to go But something in your eyes left my heart beating so I just knew that I"d love again after a long, long while I"d love again. It was destiny"s game For when love finally came on I rushed in line only to find That you were gone. Whenever you are, I fear that I might Have lost you forever like a song in the night Now that I"ve loved again after a long, long while I"ve loved again. Beautiful girl, I"ll search on for you "Til all of your loveliness in my arms come true You"ve made me love again after a long, long while In love again And I"m glad that it"s you Hmm, beautiful girl.








有 你个傻儿子 这都不知道?


1、锁是挂在这个地方的。 2、钥匙挂到这个挂牌上。 3、然后用力抽拉,钥匙就会缩进去。 4、然后把挂牌挂到包上面去。 5、这样处理下来后,再也不用担心我丢钥匙了,赶紧找出你lv包包从来没用过的钥匙和锁,把包给锁上,钥匙系在吊牌上吧。







lv neverfull上市时间



















Hello,ZBJ包包课堂开课啦~今天给仙女们带来的是LV最最经典热门的老花Neverfull手袋的真假辨别技巧啦,感兴趣可以收藏起来慢慢看哦~ Neverfull诞生与2007年,是Lv家族中经典中的经典了,经久不衰的款式,她的名字名不副实“neverfull”,代表着她似乎怎么装都装不满,轻便且拥有超大容量,火爆到几乎每一位明星和时尚达人都人手一只,也作为不少仙女妹子入门大牌包包的首选款式,然而dg圈和二手圈的仿货的泛滥使大家在入手前不得不擦亮眼睛,今天就来教大家怎么辨别lv老花neverfull的真假,全程敲黑板哦。 重点一:面料 老花Neverfull的面料不是皮,而是Monogram帆布,特点是又轻又挺还耐磨抗造,正品花纹深且有不规则颗粒感,触感柔软,f包纹路较浅颗粒感不足,面料手感较硬,图中f包表面的花纹的深浅、颗粒的大小几乎一致,只能说做这个包的人太厉害了。重点二:油边 正品的油边是亚光的,封漆均匀没有溢出与植鞣革融为一体,颜色为红褐色,经过了细心的打磨,f包油边油亮油亮的,很厚且并不均匀,没有做亚光处理,油边反光就能看出是假包,图中f包要拿放大镜看了。 重点三:内里Logo压麦字体 正品的皮牌标签上面印有logo和产地,一共四行字体,Logo上O字体为正圆形,S字体上半部分小,下半部分大,A字体相对其他字母会略大些,字体非常严谨。f包的刻字颜色或深或浅,字体粗细不一。另外,还有一个细节需要注意的是,PARIS这个单词里的R,R的最最后一捺,正品的这一捺和R是连在一起的;而假包的腿和一竖是分开的。 重点四:针脚走线 正品走线不但工整对称,且是上过油蜡的麻棉线,每个针角都有微微倾斜的角度,手腕底部的柳叶手柄叶片底部走线两侧各三针双重回针,需要特别注意。 重点五:五金件 正品的拉链头五金件不是很亮的金黄色,而是采用了做旧工艺的稍暗的青金铜色,有磨砂质感,f包做的较亮,正品在圆钉金属扣五金上的刻字字母边际清晰,刻痕深度均匀;而f包的刻印较为粗糙。今天的lv老花neverfull真假鉴定技巧就说到这里啦,拿到一只这样的包一定要擦亮眼仔细辨别,千万不要被黑dg和二手坑,喜欢主页个人介绍见哦,有什么问题欢迎继续探讨哦~




  LV Neverfull中号适合身高162-170cm的妹子;LV Neverfull大号适合身高165cm以上的妹子,最好是168cm以上;LV Neverfull小号的尺寸比较小,适合大多数人。   目前LV Neverfull购物袋主要流行三个尺寸,每一个尺寸适合的人群有区别,所以大家在买的时候,尽量试背,上身效果很容易看出来。LV Neverfull购物袋到目前为止有很多很多颜色,比较常见的颜色主要有经典咖啡格、经典白格、老花,当然还有真皮、水波纹、涂鸦图案限量版款。   LV Neverfull老化颜色属于百搭色,春夏秋冬都搭,而且还不挑衣服;相对来说此颜色比较偏中性,而且还老花的设计和包边手柄的配色会显得活泼一点,显得更加青春富有活力一些。   LV Neverfull咖啡格纹的颜色相对来说有点深,如果是二十来岁的小妹子,有点过于成熟。不过此款包包有一个最大的优势:由于它用的深色皮革包边,真心耐脏。   白色的棋盘格一直是很多清纯靓丽女生最喜欢的颜色,此颜色有点挑季节,尤其是在冬天背的话,容易不搭,所以在夏天大家很喜欢用这个颜色。不过此颜色有一个最大的缺点:容易脏,无论是PVC料还是白色的包边真皮,都容易脏,所以大家在用的时候,尽量少穿深色的衣服,以免染色。


Neverfull购物袋的三个尺,中号尺寸:长32 x 高29 x 宽17 cm,大号尺寸:长40 x 高33 x 宽20 cm,小号尺寸:长29 x 高22 x 宽13 cm,每一个尺寸适合的人群有区别,所以大家在买的时候,要结合自己的实际情况购买,尽量去专柜试背,每一种尺寸都试一下,上身效果很容易看出来。中号尺寸应该是Neverfull购物袋最受欢迎的,简单说来就是时尚,大气,有气场。身高在160-170之间的妹子背最好看,身高不在这个范围内的妹子我建议先实体拿实物试背一下,看看真的能衬托自己的气质,否则怕后悔,大号尺寸由于它的长是有40cm,拿到手里是真的很大,让人感觉真的永远装不满,个子不高的女生入手一定要慎重,所以大号我个人觉得适合身高在170cm以上的女生,搭配起来会好看很多,走在街上也会让人感到你强大的气场。

sun water boat fun造句子

sun water boat fun造句子It"s fun to row a boat on the water in the sun.在阳光下在水面上划船很有趣。满意请及时采纳哦,谢谢




是的。Neverfull是路易威登(Louis Vuitton)品牌代表性的手袋款式之一,诞生于2007年,采用Damier帆布、Damier皮革等。大写字母组合LV的图案是LV皮具的象征符号。Neverfull手袋内粉色限量的内衬尤其令人爱不释手,经典中散发浓郁的现代感,旅行或者日常出行皆宜。


neverfull里的小包上有D形环带,可以直接卡扣在大包的环上。Neverfull是路易威登(Louis Vuitton)品牌代表性的手袋款式之一。诞生于2007年,采用Damier帆布、Damier皮革等材质,意思是永远装不满。Neverfull手袋经典中散发浓郁的现代感,旅行或者日常出行皆宜。这款大容量的手袋两边设有带子可以调节容量,设计时尚实用。分别有3种材质:白棋盘格(Damier帆布,2010新款),棕色棋盘格(Damier皮革),老花(Monogram帆布)。其中老花中号是最为畅销的款式,可以说是街包。这款大容量的手袋两边设有带子可以调节容量,中间有扣子可以防止东西倒出,设计时尚实用。其轻质的皮料同时具备着可折叠,好打理等众多优点,使它成为了人手必备的基本款。


法国、西班牙、意大利和美国。Neverfull是路易威登(Louis Vuitton)品牌代表性的手袋款式之一,诞生于2007年,采用Damier帆布、Damier皮革等材质,意思是永远装不满。尺寸:Neverfull 手袋分3个尺寸(宽度X高度X深度):大号GM(40X 33 X20cm);中号MM(32 X 29 X 17cm);小号PM(29 X 22 X 13cm)。材质分别有3种材质:白棋盘格(Damier帆布,2010新款),棕色棋盘格(Damier皮革),老花(Monogram帆布)。其中老花中号是最为畅销的款式,可以说是街包。



写一篇以school in the future为题的短文,用英语描述将来的学生,如何接受教育 用

Teachers let me into the house, then followed himself in, closed the door. He looked with interest, when looked at. He had me from behind and gently holding his waist. At this point, I will face my Hemi posted on the back of generous teacher. I have already waited too long, so come now, you can not let go. I felt unlimited happiness of my whole body is wrapped, tightly tied, let me let go. At the same time that happiness has also caught my soul, my mind. Does not allow me to do more thinking and judging. When I firmly affixed to his body when the body of the teacher, the teacher clearly felt my chest rise and fall with haste. However, the teacher forced the own impulse, keeps his mind clear. He compared me, after all, a mature man, married man. Experience life more than me, there are family responsibilities. These allow him to such and such a student contacts. Teachers no longer feel his breathing start smoothly, the whole body heat. An impulse of desire in his heart began to form a wave, then burst to burst towards the embankment he maintained unleashed. He held out his hand, grabbed my hand, he tried to separate my hand. However, gone, everything gone. When his hands come into contact with my hands together when the skin by direct contact, as will the current shuttle line. Teachers no longer try to divide my hand, but hard to grasp. He felt my skin smooth and delicate elastic. He could not help imagining this beautiful girl"s body mystery. Hero becomes a prisoner, not to mention teacher? Everything has come to getting out of control. Teachers no longer have their own mind is a teacher, a married man these relationships. He turned to take the initiative to me in his arms, and I his back, he saw my red lips. He gently his lips up at once. Ah, what a wonderful feeling, this is a married teacher has never had a marvelous feeling. I did not dodge his lips, we are so lucky to still a bit wild, embrace the. They both backward until the bed. In the teacher"s eyes, my face and my body like a perfect charm, impeccable, but also the soul of intake. He used his scholar"s slender hand in my body lovingly and gently stroking back and forth. Dianluandaofeng, emergence immortality. This is the first time that the teacher felt the beauty of sex. Just then, someone opened the door in, then the teacher not scared of three six-soul spirit, the kind of tenderness that Miyi Yeah, all of all of his body from the full run without the shadow. He suddenly pushed me aside, sat up quickly to their own. He reached his own that he finds pieces of T shirt. But the clothes were not in bed. Just kind of blowing hot and cold, and which will also take into account the clothes put away. He found ranging from clothes, the door opened. Teacher at this time pumping himself wished he could have a harsh slap in the face a few. Finally brought to light the thing is. He was known as the youth of this model of university teachers. Actually will be under someone else"s ignorant and stripped naked, this is not the focus, focus with their students in the dormitory with stripped naked. It also requires defending it? It really is bad to the extreme. Let teachers regret most is that bin should be dressed after, then sit together to talk with the students, so that other people saw it, whatever the outcome, it will not be such a fool of myself. But he is forgetting the situation, the student body had too much nostalgia. This will be guys, and let people taking it every has. If after this spread out, he is not only no way to Professor Xiang Lao his benefactor gives a reasonable explanation, I"m afraid that he may be the school a demerit. Even demerits such light punishment, but its also on the podium to teach you? He also had this status?



Unit Trust Fund 信托基金是什么?

什么是信托基金 Unit Trust? 信托基金其实就是由一间公司(通常是银行或金融机构,如: Public Mutual)收集民众投资者的钱,然后由专业的基金经理进行投资。基金投资的方法和策略是根据不同的基金而定,好处在于回酬的机会高于银行存款利息或定期利息,但风险却远比投资股票来的低。每个基金都有本身的prospectus说明基金的投资规则和策略。投资信托基金 Unit Trust 的好处:由专业的基金经理帮我们投资。很多人没有投资股票的知识,也没有时间时时注意股市,所以让专业人士帮我们,我们的投资就能以更低的风险来赚取回酬。分散投资。通常一个基金不会只投资在一间公司的股票,而是投资在多个国家、领域或公司。这样子,风险也被分散了。低投资额。通常投资信托基金的最低投资额是RM500或RM1000。任何时候能卖。如果我们要卖掉手头的基金,基金公司一定要向我们买回。产业或股票,当我们要卖时,都必须有买家。投资在一些普通投资者不能投资的领域。比如一个普通的投资者很难投资在债券(需要最低投资额马币100万)或海外股市。那我们就能通过债券基金和海外基金投资在相关的领域。投资信托基金 Unit Trust 的坏处:因为分散投资,如果某个领域有很好的成长,基金也不一定有很好的成长,回酬也因为分散投资而降低了。基金经理必须根据prospectus里的投资策略来投资,不能灵活的利用自己的独特经验。此外,相当高的服务费也是投资信托基金的其中一个坏处。股票基金 (Equity Fund)及 平衡基金(Balanced Fund)的服务费是5.25%。我有朋友买了亏钱的基金如:PUBLIC CHINA SELECT FUND-PCSF,没有派息,而且价钱一直跌。所以,在买基金前最好先做研究,避免买到这些烂基金。你要准备投资信托基金吗?

effective 和fruitful的区别


anonymous function是什么意思

anonymous function[英][u0259u02c8nu0254nu0259mu0259s u02c8fu028cu014bku0283u0259n][美][u0259u02c8nɑnu0259mu0259s u02c8fu028cu014bku0283u0259n][计] 匿名函数; 例句:1.If you know python/ ruby/ lisp, you might know it by the name "lambda", or if you comefrom a javascript background, you might"ve used it under the name "anonymousfunction". 若是知道python,ruby,lisp语言,兴许借助lambda的名字,你已知道有这么回事,或者有javascript背景的话,可能在匿名函数的应用情形中,就使用过它了。2.As a separate function, and merely called it from inside the anonymous subroutine. 设计为一个单独的函数,而只是在匿名子例程中去调用它

SCRIPT5007: 属性“anonymous”的值为 null、未定义或不是 Function 对象


anonymous function是什么错误

anonymous function[英][u0259u02c8nu0254nu0259mu0259s u02c8fu028cu014bku0283u0259n][美][u0259u02c8nɑnu0259mu0259s u02c8fu028cu014bku0283u0259n][计] 匿名函数; 例句:1.If you know python/ ruby/ lisp, you might know it by the name "lambda", or if you comefrom a javascript background, you might"ve used it under the name "anonymousfunction". 若是知道python,ruby,lisp语言,兴许借助lambda的名字,你已知道有这么回事,或者有javascript背景的话,可能在匿名函数的应用情形中,就使用过它了。2.As a separate function, and merely called it from inside the anonymous subroutine. 设计为一个单独的函数,而只是在匿名子例程中去调用它

wonderful girls


Tamron SP AF 90mm/2.8 Di Macro 1:1 (272E)镜头,FULL 与 LIMIT 起什么作用?


matlab中Error: Missing variable or function.

目测你这个函数定义有误Function Eliminate%逐点剔除法建议这样定义:Function []=Eliminate()"Error: Missing variable or function"说明你函数定义是缺自变量,即便不需要自变量也要用空括号表示即Eliminate()

He checked carefully to( )the possible errors in his design. A. eliminate B. exceed C. enlarge D.

A 翻译:他仔细检查以避免在他的设计中可能出现的错误。

英语讨论 Do you think a poor person can have a life full of riches?

it depends, different people have different life. we cant control them

英语演讲范文:Be Grateful to Life

为大家收集整理了《英语演讲范文:Be Grateful to Life》供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!!! Good morning,everyone!   Once President Roosevelt"s house was broken into and lots of things were stolen. Hearing this, one of Roosevelt"s friends wrote to him and advised him not to take it to his heart so much. President Roosevelt wrote back immediately, saying:“Dear friend, thank you for your letter to comfort me, I am all right now. I think I should thank God. This is because of the following three reasons: firstly, the thief only stole things from me but did not hurt me at all; secondly, the thief has stolen some of my things instead of all my things; thirdly, most luckily for me, it was the man rather than me who became a thief.”   It is certainly unlucky for anyone to be stolen from. However, President Roosevelt had three reasons to be grateful. This story tells us we should learn to be grateful in our life. There is a sentence from Mahatma Gandhi:“Live as you were to die tomorrow, learn as you were to live forever. ” Great people are always showing their love to the world, just as Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Norman Bethune and so on. How about us?   You can not do everything, but still you can do something. So, be grateful to your life, all the people and things in your life.   Be grateful to the nature, for the fresh air you breathe, the clean water you drink, the beautiful flower you smell.   Be grateful to your parents, for they gave birth to you and taught you right from wrong.   Be grateful to your teachers, for they let you understand “what”,“how”and“why” with great patience.   Be grateful to your friends, for you have known each other since you were 9 or 10 and faced the difficulties together for so many years.   Be grateful to your lover, for he/she gave you love and helped you find the sun every time you were down.   Mother Teresa once said:“People really need help, but may attack you if you help them. Help people anyway; Give the world the best you have and you may get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you have anyway.” At last I want to say: being grateful can bring us a better and more beautiful life. Why don"t we have a try?let,s get it started!

arctic foxes have beautiful white fur是什么意思



fundament 肛门,臀部foundation 基础,根据


donation KK: [] DJ: [] n.[(+to)] 1. 捐献,捐赠[U][C] She made a donation of $5,000 to the Children"s Hospital. 她捐了五千美元给儿童医院。 2. 捐款;捐赠物[C] fund KK: [] DJ: [] n.[C] 1. 资金,基金,专款 They are raising funds for a new laboratory. 他们在募款建一个新的实验室。 2. (银行)存款[P] 3. 现款,财源[P] 4. 【英】国债,公债[the P] 5. (知识等的)积累,积蓄[(+of)] He has a great fund of amusing anecdotes about great men. 他有一肚子关于名人的趣闻轶事。 vt. 1. 换(短期借款)为长期借款 2. 提供(事业,活动等的)资金 Who is funding the project? 谁为这一计划提供资金? 3. 积累 endowment KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. (基金、财产等的)捐赠[U] 2. 捐赠的基金、财产等[P1] That university has numerous endowments. 那所大学有许多的捐款。 3. 才能,天资[P1] His endowments are limited, and scarcely fit him for this post. 他的天资有限,不太适合担任这项职务。

foundation与 fund区别

foundation n.1. 建立,设立,创立,创建,创办2. (建筑物天然的或人工的)基础,根基,地基3. (思想、学说等的)基地,基本原则;根据4. (维持医院、慈善团体或资助研究项目、教育等的)基金,捐款基金会,靠基金建立(或维持)的机构(或组织)5. (建筑物、墙等的)最下部,下部结构,底座6. 妇女紧身胸衣(= foundation garment)7. (面部化妆打底用的)粉底(霜)(= foundation cream)8. (衣服等的)衬底;贴身衣9. 【单人纸牌】底牌found v. 建立,创立, 创办vbl. (find的过去分词)找到

fund 和 foundation 作为基金有什么区别?

一个是基金,一个是基金会。 基金就是一种专家代客理财的方式,普通投资者老百姓不懂专业的投资知识和技巧,因此就需要委托专家代为理财。通过专业人士的投资行为,可以充分规避投资风险,使得投资收益更为稳健。基金在欧美也叫信托,顾名思义,信托就是信任托付。托付是建立在信任的基础上。但是通过信托基金代客理财的模式也存在一个致命的弱点,就是普通投资者和基金经理处在信息完全不对称的地位,基金经理完全有可能利用他们绝对的信息优势侵害投资者利益,而投资者则处于绝对的弱势地位。 因此信托基金要想长久持续的发展下去,达到各方利益共赢的局面,必然少不了严格的法律监管。没有严格的法律监管,投资者作为绝对的弱势群体,其利益无法得到保障。投资者赚不到钱,信托基金行业也就不可能长久健康发展下去。 而目前国内的基金业还很不成熟,法律监管形同虚设,侵害投资者利益的事件比比皆是,人们早已习以为常、见怪不怪了。据统计,去年国内基金业又亏损了5000多亿,仅次于2008年8000多亿的亏损额。而于此形成鲜明对比的则是,基金公司收费仍高达288亿,基金经理年薪动辄数百万。说白了投资者的钱就是让基金经理给自己理财的。国内基金经理为了自己的收入频繁跳槽,完全不顾会给自己管理的基金带来什么影响,也就是完全不顾及投资人的利益,而只知道自己的利益。这些都是由于国内政府和法律监管极度落后,金融市场完全没有形成保护投资者的法律体系。 相反你看看欧美和香港的法律监管,他们都是很重视保护投资者利益,尤其是中小投资者。不仅基金经理水平高、国际视野,而且他们有信托责任,就是因为他们的法律监管极其严格,在中国完全被忽视的每天都在发生的违规行为在香港和欧美肯定要坐牢的。所以投资者不要把自己的辛苦钱拿出来拱手相送给国内这些贪婪的鹰,去香港那种有着严格法律监管的地方,而且又是国际金融中心,有很多国际大牌的基金公司和资产管理公司,不知要放心多少倍。还记得曾荫权跟香港富豪有一点点亲近的关系就被香港立法会质询吗?还记得新鸿基地产和前政府高管被香港廉政公署拘捕的事吗?只有香港这种严格的法律才能充分保证投资者的利益,建议投资者不要再买大陆理财产品了,股市也不要碰,黑幕太多,这些都是机构投资者里的顶级机构才敢参与的,因为他们足够专业,有能力保护自己。除此之外的投资者最好直接购买香港的理财产品,香港法律会严格保护所有世界公民在香港投资的合法利益。详情可加扣要把二流依旧八五刘思详谈



be useful to和be useful for的区别


什么是 full time equivalent

full time equivalent 完全时间对等的Full Time Equivalent 全时约当数,完全时间对等的,专职同等资历full-time equivalent 全时当量


1. a Wonderful day作文 I had a wonderful day at the Spring Festival! And it"s also a noisy day. Many people, my uncles and aunties and their children, came to my home. We had delicious food, but mum was so tired. We were very happy. Dad was also busy, he was cleaning the rooms. Though my parents were busy and tired, they were *** iling! Everybody was excited. I"m happy i"m only a child, i dont need to do housework, i was playing with my brothers and sisters. It was really a wonderful day!。 2. 英语作文:A wonderfui day in the beijing World Park A wonderful day in the Beijing World Park On a clear Sunday morning,Millie together with her friends took a bus to the Beijing World Park ,which is highly spoken by lots of people. However,Millie felt a little sick all along the way.But she was pletely attracted by over 100 man-made places of interest around the world at the moment she entered the park .The splendid buildings were totally a visual feast .They had a good time there and took many photos.It"s a really wonderful day. 3. 以“a wonderful day”写一篇大约一百字的英语作文 I had a wonderful day last weekend. In the morning, i got up early and play badminton with my father. Then my parents took me to the zoo. I saw many kinds of animals there, such as tigers, lions, monkeys, giraffes and so on. They ate the food that I gave them. At noon, we had lunch in KFC, which is my favorite place. I had a sandwich and some potatoes for lunch while my parents had hamburgers. In the afternoon, i went shopping with my best friend. We had a good time. In the evening, i watch TV with my parents and l like the program very much. At eleven o"clock I went to bed. I had a wonderful day。 4. 以"a wonderful day" 为题写一篇短文5句话6年级 I had a wonderful day last weekend. In the morning, i got up early and play badminton with my father. Then my parents took me to the zoo. I saw many kinds of animals there, such as tigers, lions, monkeys, giraffes and so on. They ate the food that I gave them. At noon, we had lunch in KFC, which is my favorite place. I had a sandwich and some potatoes for lunch while my parents had hamburgers. In the afternoon, i went shopping with my best friend. We had a good time. In the evening, i watch TV with my parents and l like the program very much. At eleven o"clock I went to bed. I had a wonderful day.。 5. a wonderful day 作文 三分钟左右 had a wonderful day at the Spring Festival! And it"s also a noisy day. Many people, my uncles and aunties and their children, came to my home. We had delicious food, but mum was so tired. We were very happy. Dad was also busy, he was cleaning the rooms. Though my parents were busy and tired, they were *** iling! Everybody was excited. I"m happy i"m only a child, i dont need to do housework, i was playing with my brothers and sisters. It was really a wonderful day!过年。 6. 英语7年级下册A wonderful shopping day作文怎么写 An Interesting Shopping Experience This morning , I went shopping for my mother, my pen friend Mary wanted to go with me, she though it was a good chance to learn Chinese , so we went together. There are many kinds of goods in the markets, Marry was very happy to talk to the sellers, so were they. we wanted to buy some chicken for lunch, I encoraged Mary to ask for price, Marry was a little nevous, she ask the seller:" How much is the cock?" ,the seller said:" yeah。 , I am not sure whether it is a cock or a hen" .Mary didn"t know what to do, she looked at me, I laughed " How much is the chicken?" " Yes , yes, I see. " All of the people laughed. Then we went to buy some eggs, I asked Mary :" Do you want to buy hens" sons or daughters?" Mary shouted:" I can say eggs". We laughed again, the people looked at us in surprie, Mary stopped me " Be quiet, please". Then we bought some fruit and went home happily. What an interesting shopping experience!--------------------During my vacation last month, I had been to the biggest mall in south India with my family.It was a great experience, as it"s the leading shopping mall. However, the price of the items were heavy for a typical Indian. One best thing that I noticied, is the collection of fancy ornaments, because, the price of ornaments is really good as pared with other stores. overall experience had been memorable for me.----------------------Shopping malls are the important part of lives of some people in today"s era. An essay on shopping mall all the benefits of a shopping mall. The shopping malls are the places that are packed in weekends. The malls of today"s world are huge and provide all the products that a man desires as a source of entertainment. During weekends people e with the families for shopping and fun in the shopping malls. There are large in size with hundreds of shops. If one enters a shopping mall, he/she can get each and everything from household products to eatables in the same mall. These shopping malls attracts huge youngster crowd towards themMany people just e for window shopping to the shopping malls. These days the malls have bee a good source of entertainment for everyone. There are many branded showrooms in the malls. Shopping malls have made the shopping of people very convenient as they get almost everything from one same roof. These shopping malls are constructed beautifully to attract more and more customers. They have huge infrastructure. Descriptive essay on shopping malls explains the various aspects shopping malls whereas in opinion essay on shopping malls people/writer expresses his views on the shopping malls. Opinion essay on shopping malls explains the general view of the people regarding these malls. If the writer wants to write about the negative views about the shopping malls than he/she has tell about some particular aspects that he don"t like. If it"s so hard for you to write the descriptive essay on shopping, or if you haven"t a lot of time, you can buy essays at our custom writing service – Essays Lab. Opinion essay on shopping mall can describe the negative and positive aspects of the malls. Some people find the shopping malls as highest achievements of our civilization and some people are totally against this view and are very much irritated about few things related to the malls.The writer who has neutral views about the shopping malls。READ FULL DOCUMENT。 7. 英语作文a wonder fulactivity A Wonderful , Enjoyable and Treasured Experience!Last Sunday , ourclass hosted a party–barbecue or picnic--which is our first class activity inFubo Hill . Both picnics and barbeques are friendly, informal social eventsthat offer an opportunity to enjoy a meal outside in pleasant surroundings . Beforethe day , we were all looking forward to having a amused experience and memory.At 8:30 , we ,morethan 40 students got on the No.10 bus with happy *** ile. On the way to ourdestination , all of us had a good time talking and joking together . After onehour , we reached the entertainment village named the first household. As soonas we got to that place, we。 Last Sunday A Wonderful . Both picnics and barbeques are friendly. As soonas we got to that place. It was filled with conversation and laughter.10 bus with happy *** ile. Justat that moment grill-worthy foods also were cooked, we , good-tasting and cooked dumplingswere exposed in front of us. On the way to ourdestination . During the period . We began to gather and light the materialsfor a fire, informal social eventsthat offer an opportunity to enjoy a meal outside in pleasant surroundings ,such as playing cards and mahjong . Twohours later.As the day worealong we came back to the school with joy and pleasure , everything was ready, all of us had a good time talking and joking together . Beforethe day . Less than no time, we started work actively .A moment later we cleaned all the dumplings, we were all looking forward to having a amused experience and memory, the sweet- *** elling . Some cut vegetables . After onehour . It was a wonderful meal.At 8, Enjoyable and Treasured Experience,morethan 40 students got on the No, fullof fun. And some washed and scraped dishes, we reached the entertainment village named the first household,and we all ploughed into it, ourclass hosted a party–barbecue or picnic--which is our first class activity inFubo Hill .Some clas *** ates cleanedvegetables and meat. We all could not keep from eating them because wewere all hungry at that time . The class divided into several *** aller groups to barbecue and boildumplings, played games , singing songs anddabbling in water:30 , we took lots of beautiful pictures near the LiRiver。 8. a wonderful holiday这个作文怎么写 小学6年级水平 用自己学过的一些简单句子写就可以啊。首先要确定这个假期你是去了哪里还是做了什么有意思的事情。然后再写这件事。注意时态,用一般过去式,给你一些句子参考,希望对你有帮助: I went to。.with my friends last weekend. It was sunny and warm. We went there by。.. There were。 We saw。。。 They were 。. We had a good time. What a wonderful holiday! 9. 以A wonderful trip to I had a very pleasant trip climbing the Cuihua Hill last month. There were 20 of us. We took the bus and start climbing at about 10AM. It was a long way up to the summit of the hill and the road was muddy because it rained the day before. We were talking and laughing all along the road, people sharing their food and drink, taking pictures. We spent 4hours up and down. Before we left, we went to the "peasant"s restaurant" and enjoyed a wonderful "peasant meal". It was really a pleasant trip 不用谢!给点分就成!

英语作文:A wonderfui day in the beijing World Park

A wonderful day in the Beijing World ParkOn a clear Sunday morning,Millie together with her friends took a bus to the Beijing World Park ,which is highly spoken by lots of people. However,Millie felt a little sick all along the way.But she was completely attracted by over 100 man-made places of interest around the world at the moment she entered the park .The splendid buildings were totally a visual feast .They had a good time there and took many photos.It"s a really wonderful day.

英语作文:A wonderfui day in the beijing World Park

It was a Sunday that Millie went to the Beijing World Park on a 2-hour bus-ride. Millie was feeling sick all along the way there, but once she entered the Park. When they saw the replicas of more than a hundred famous places, sceneries, and monuments in the world they were immediately attracted by it. They had a lot of fun and also took a lot of pictures. 60多字而已。。。不过水平绝对达到大学水平。。。

求Wonderful Girl—Wes Quve的中文歌词,是翻译不是斜音,跪求哇!!!

wes quave - wonderful girl By Lana Linwith you I"m in somewherewith you I go anywherea trip to morning bfrom monday to sundayI steal all your time the wayI sum club the maybe Iwhatever you want from methat is what you got from menow when it t anymorea moonly I call awaybaby just call my namememories is there by your doorcuz you are such a wonderful girland I see your beautiful worlda really incredible ]I"m no one the mansion guywho is just out of typical typeshe be increminal worldfrom my wonder-wonderful girlyou know you are my weakness some weaknesses yesyou know you"re my creden eye( u are )you somehow watch thru meyou"re watching right over mea personal sudden lieI love what I see in you love when you be in you girl it"s just me and you now]a moonly I saway[baby just saw my name will be with you so lou ]oh...cuz you"re such a wonderful girland I see your beautiful world]a really incredible thingi"m no one the mansion guywho is just out of typical types]he be increminal worldfrom my wonder-wonderful girl]and I gotta take a thingit"s secret the tweesand until the day I die(yeah I die)you will never ever cry(never cry)cuz I never ever lieoh no oh nocuz you"re such a wonderful girland I see your beautiful worlda really incredible thingand this such a natural thing]I"m no one the mansion guywho is just out of typical typeshe be increminal worldfrom my wonder-wonderful girlcuz you"re such a wonderful girl]and I see your beautiful worlda really incredible thingand this such a natural thing]I"m no one the mansion guywho is just out of typical typeshe be increminal worldfrom my wonder-wonderful girloh girl my girl my girl em...希望对你有帮助

FUCK CLON AND H.O.T Yuki A-Mei CoCo Lee英文好的哥哥给翻译下呗






engineering the future什么意思


discounting the future 是什么意思啊~


goods 作为货物讲,动词的形式是什么? the goods is wonderful.还是the goods are

goods 作为货物讲,动词的形式是什么? the goods is wonderful.还是the goods are 应该是:The goods are wonderful.字典中有这样的例句:Which goods have been contaminated?哪些物品被污染了?Cheap libyan goods have disappeared.利比亚的廉价商品消失了。上述两句谓语动词都是【复数形式】。

进行一次和谈是have a peaceful talk还是have a peace talk?



a站2020年四月独播新番有《球咏》、《隐瞒之事》、《王者天下第三季》《富豪刑警》、《Great pretender》、《天晴烂漫》、《座敷童子榻榻米酱》等。AcFun弹幕视频网(AcFun,简称“A站”),成立于2007年6月,取意于Anime Comic Fun,是中国大陆第一家弹幕视频网站。A站以视频为载体,逐步发展出基于原生内容二次创作的完整生态,是中国弹幕文化的发源地。网站风格:更多的视频需要点击上方的“点击查看更多”按钮。而最新版的首页右侧新增了最新上传投稿的列表连接。视频分为“动画”(mad类)“音乐”(主要为东方题材。Vocaloid题材,以及其他动漫歌曲)“游戏”(各类游戏演示恶搞。以东方类和MUGEN类为最主)“娱乐”(真人视频,雷比较多)“文章”(大量政治、军事相关文章辅以少量OTAKU文章)“番剧”(各种二次元、三次元新、旧番,该区现已改版,该区视频一般会出现于首页的最下方。)

Why are you interested in Unilever Customer Development function?


要东方神起beautiful you,beautiful thin,我的小公主,vocation的歌词及发音

  我的小公主  韩文歌词:  Micky How can I forget all the special memories of you still remember, My little princess  Hero uc0acub791uc774uaca0uc8e0 uc774ub7f0 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cuc740 uc228uae30ub824 ud574ub3c4 uae08uc0c8 uc785uac00uc5d4 uc774uc18cuc548  Max ud558ub8e8ub3c4 uc548ub3fc ub610 ubcf4uace0uc2f6uc5b4uc838 uc5b4uca4cuc8e0 ub0b4uc554uc740 uae4auc740 ubcd1uc5d0 uac78ub9b0uac78  Hero uac8cuc73cub978 ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5 uc774uc820 uc5c6uc744 uac70uc608uc694  Max uc88buc740 uac83ub9cc ubcf4uc5ecuc8fcuace0 uc2f6uc740uac78uc694  Hero uc800uae30 ub192uc740 ud558ub298ub85c ub0a0uc544uac00 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0 uc138uc0c1uc5d0 ub9d0ud560ub798  Max uae4auc740 ubc24ud558ub298uc5d0 uaebcuc9c0uc9c0uc54aub294 girl ub108ub9ccuc744 uc9c0ud0a4ub294 ube5bub098ub294 ubcc4uc774ub420uac8cuc694you"re my love  Micky ud5e4uc5b4uc9c0uc794 ub9d0 ud589ubcf5ud558ub77d uadf8ub9d0 uc601uc6d0ud788 uc6b0ub9ac uc808ub300 ud558uc9c0uc54auae30ub85cud574  Xiah uc9c0uae08ucc98ub7fcub9cc ub0b4 uacc1uc5d0 uc788uc5b4uc918 ube0cuc871ud55c ub098uc778uac78 uc774ud574ud574uc8fcuae38ubc14ub798  Uknow uc5b4ub978uc2a4ub7f0 ub0b4ubaa8uc2b5uc744 uae30ub300ud574uc918uc694  Xiah ub124uac8c uac00uc7a5 uc5b4uc6b8ub9acub294 ub0a8uc790uac00 ub418uace0uc2f6uc740uac78  Micky uc5b8uc81cuae4cuc9c0ub098 uadf8ub300 ub9d8uc18d uc5d0 ub0b4uac00 ub4e4uc5b4uac08uc218uc788ub3c4ub85d ud5c8ub77dud574uc918  Hero ub9ccuc77c uadf8ub300ub3c4 ub098uc640 uac19ub2e4uba74  Uknow uc544ud514uc740 uc5c6uc8e0  Hero uc774uc820 uadf8ub308  Xiah uc9c0ud0acuac8c  Max for you  Xiah My little princess uc774uc81cuaecf uc228uaca8uc628 ub098ub9ccuc758 uc0acub791 ub298 ubcf4uc5ecuc904uaebcuc57c  Micky uc601uc6d0ud1a0ub85d ubcc0uce58 uc54aub294 ub9d8uc73cub85c girl  Uknow ub0b4uc790uc2e0ubcf4ub2e4 ub354 ub354 uc0acub791ud574uc904 uac70ub77cuace0  Micky you"re my love  中文歌词:  有仟  How can i forget all the special memories of you still remember,my little princess  在中  也许是爱情 萦绕在我心里  想隐藏真心 不知不觉露出笑意  昌珉  一直想著你 来度过每一天  心像有了重病 告诉我该怎麼做  在中  从此以后我要改变 懒惰的自己  昌珉  想把一切变的完美 呈现给你  在中  展开双臂 飞翔在夜空里  为你我愿意 飞到宇宙屋脊  昌珉  对著世界大声说出我爱你 Girl  愿成为那颗星 照亮在你的夜空里 You"re my love  有仟  未来日子里 决不要说分离  我们要约定 永远都不能提起  俊秀  从这一刻起 爱在彼此心里  相信你已知道 我不是那麼完美  允浩  希望你能一直等待 我变的成熟  俊秀  我会努力成为与你最合适般配的男人  有仟  无论在何时 请你答应我  让我永远都可以留在你的心中  在中  也许你会愿意和我一样  允浩  不让你伤心  在中  就让我来  俊秀  守护你  昌珉  For you  有仟  你知道我多麼爱你吗?  俊秀  My little princess隐藏对你的爱  想对你表白 你是否会明白  有仟  用我一生不变的心 来爱你 Girl  允浩  我想要告诉你 我比爱自己更爱你  有仟  You"re my love  我会永远

a beauiful vocation英语作文

A Beauiful VocationI had a good winter vocation this year. It was colorful. I did my homework and helped my mother with the housework. I also read lots of books. I visited many places with my parents. First we traveled to Yunnan by plane. We spent seven days there. We visited Kunming,the capital city of Yuannan. We climbed West Mountain and visited the Stone Forest. We ate local food and bought wood carvings. Then a week later after the trip to Yuannan. We went to Haerbin. Though it was cold, the ice and snow world was fantastic. We also went skiing. It was my first time to ski. The coach taught us how to ski. I learnt very fast. We stayed and skied for about four hours. We had a good time there. My winter vocation was wonderful and I will never forget my winter vocation.

In the future翻译过来是什么意思


for the future 和in the future区别

for the future常意为“为将来”。如: It is necessary to plan for the future.对未来进行规划是必要的。in the future 意思等同于in time yet to come 意为“将来”,常指较远的将来一段时间。如:Who knows what will happen in the future ?谁知道将来会发生什么事?

made in future是什么牌子

made in future是什么牌子目前来说还不知道这个是什么牌子,英语意思为未来制造future英 [u02c8fjuu02d0tu0283u0259] n.未来;将来;前景;前途;前程;将来时;将来时;将来式动词;adj.未来的;将来的;今后的;注定会成为的;将来时的;将来时的;同义词:tense; verbmade是make的过去式make英 [meu026ak] vt.做;制作;创造;造成;制造;生产;制定;规定;(与名词连用,表示做动作)做出,作出;(与名词连用,表示口头表述)讲,说出;挣得;赚得;获得;使成为;使具有(某种特性);使(总数)达到;使成功;保证…成功;达到…职位;晋升;成为…的一员;在…占一席之地;得到(出版物、广播节目)的特别报道;完成,走完(距离);赶到;(及时)到达;及时赶上;得(分);接通;闭合;勾引;诱奸;vi.(作连系动词)等于,相当于;(作连系动词)有资格成为,足以成为;(作连系动词)宜用作,适合用于;涨高;变深;增高;被晒制;n.品牌;型号;式样;制造方法;工序;叫出的定约;轮到洗牌;

I want to be a doctor in future


in the future 还是 on the future

in the future意思是在将来, in future 意思是以后,今后.没有on the future这种表达

in the future以及in futuer的区别是什么?

in the future 在未来in future从今以后

in hand 和 in the hand区别 in place of 和in the place of区别 in future 和 in the future 区别

in hand 是手头,in the hand在手里in place of 顶替代替in the place of在什么地方in future 今后in the future在未来





五年级英语作文:In the Future

五年级英语作文:In the Future 发件人:晨曦 <> In 20 years,I think I will bee a successful doctor.I am going to move to Beijing and work there. I think Beijing is more beautiful than the other cities in China.And I will have a happy family.I will spend time with my hu *** and and my kids on weekend.Of course,we will go on vacation together,too.Probably we also go to London.That is a nice place. And as a doctor,I will make people keep their health.And I will have more friends in the new city. In a work,I believe that I will improve my life in 20 years. 支付宝:

in the future 等于什么?要— —的

in future 但要注意它们之间的细小的差别:in the future意思为“将来、未来”,in future意为“从今以后;今后”.

in the future 后来跟什么时态

in future是从今以后,往后的日子里.是指从说话时间起以后的时间里 in the future 未来,将来.指离说话时间很长一段时间后 后面都跟一般将来时态


adj. bai du 将来的n. 将来,前程,期货用法:1. future可以有in future,in the future和for the future等表达方式,但是没有for future一说:in future和for the future一般表示全部的将来,而in the future一般表示将来的某一时期。for the future常暗含“与以前不同”的意思。 2. in future和in the future都是正确的表达方式,要注意in the near future,in the distant future等词组中的the不可省略。in future表示“从今以后”,常用于含告诫意味的句子中; 3. future life常指“将来”,有时也可指“死后的生存”。 扩展资料;近义词;tomorrow英 [tə"mɒrəʊ]     美 [tə"mɔːroʊ]     adv. 明天 n. 明天;将来 用作副词时;1. tomorrow用作副词时表示将来的时间,与一般将来时连用,指从现在算起的往后的第一天,在句中主要修饰动词,多位于句末。tomorrow无比较级和最高级形式。 2. tomorrow在间接引语中应改为the next day,意思是“第二天”。用作名词时;1. tomorrow用作名词是“明天”的意思,可用在句首作主语,也可用其名词所有格作定语。 2. on the tomorrow的意思是“明天,翌日”,指从过去某一天的角度来说的“明天,翌日”,句中的谓语动词常用过去时。3. tomorrow修饰morning,afternoon,evening等在句中作状语时前面不可加介词。 4. tomorrow常用在谚语中。希望能有帮助,谢谢!


future [英][ˈfju:tʃə(r)] [美][ˈfjutʃɚ]adj.将来的,未来的;[语法学]将来时的n.前途;[美国俚语]未婚妻;期货柯林斯高阶英汉词典1.N-SING未来;将来;将来发生的事The future is the period of time that will come after the present, or the things that will happen then. The spokesman said no decision on the proposal was likely in the immediate future...发言人说近期不会就这项提案作出决议。He was making plans for the future...他正在为将来制订计划。I had little time to think about what the future held for me.我几乎没有时间思考未来会怎样。2.ADJ未来的;将来的Future things will happen or exist after the present time. She said if the world did not act conclusively now, it would only bequeath the problem to future generations...她说如果人类现在不采取决定性的行动,那就只会把问题留给子孙后代。Meanwhile, the domestic debate on Denmark"s future role in Europe rages on.与此同时,国内也展开了有关丹麦未来在欧洲扮演何种角色的激烈争论。...the future King and Queen.未来的国王和王后3.N-COUNT前途;前景Someone"s future, or the future of something, is what will happen to them or what they will do after the present time. His future as prime minister depends on the outcome of the elections... 他能否继续坐在首相的位子上取决于选举的结果。Graeme remains a supremely talented cricketer and must still have a splendid future in the game.格雷姆依然是一个极有天赋的板球运动员,在这项运动中一定仍可拥有辉煌的前程。...a proposed national conference on the country"s political future...提议召开的关于国家政治前途的全国大会Young people are an investment for our future.年轻人是我们未来的资本。4.N-COUNT成功的可能;未来的希望If you say that someone or something has a future, you mean that they are likely to be successful or to survive. These abandoned children have now got a future...这些被抛弃的孩子现在有了希望。There"s no future in this relationship.这段感情不可能有结果。5.N-PLURAL期货When people trade in futures, they buy stocks and shares, commodities such as coffee or oil, or foreign currency at a price that is agreed at the time of purchase for items which are delivered some time in the future. This report could spur some buying in corn futures when the market opens today...这一报告可能会在今天开市后刺激一些人买进玉米期货。Futures prices recovered from sharp early declines to end with moderate losses.期货价格在早盘深幅下跌后出现反弹,收盘时未见严重损失。6.ADJ(语法中)将来(时)的In grammar, the future tense of a verb is the one used to talk about things that are going to happen. In English, this applies to verb groups consisting of "will" or "shall" and the base form of a verb. The future perfect tense of a verb is used to talk about things that will have happened at some time in the future. 7.PHRASE今后,从今以后(有时亦作 in the future,尤用于美国英语中)You use in future when saying what will happen from now on, which will be different from what has previously happened. The form in the future is sometimes used instead, especially in American English.In future the President will be chosen by the people instead of by the National Assembly...今后总统将由人民选举产生,而非国民议会选出。I asked her to be more careful in future...我要她以后要更加小心。In the future, Mr. Fernandes says, he won"t rely on others to handle this.费尔南德斯先生说,今后他不会再依赖别人处理这种事。8.PHRASE未来将发生…;将来会发生…If you wonder what the future holds, you wonder what will happen in the future. We wondered what the future would hold for our baby son.我们不知道宝贝儿子长大了会怎样。9.PHRASE未来在(于…)If you say that someone"s future lies in a particular place or activity, you think they will be most successful or happy in that place or doing that activity. Armstrong is uncertain where his long-term future lies...阿姆斯特朗拿不准自己的人生远景在何方。He came back because he believed his future lay with her.他回来是因为他相信自己的未来是和她在一起。同义词n. 1.未来;将来;前景tomorrow hereafter prospects其他释义or coming intended forward forwards eventual hereafter prospective tomorrow反义词n. 1.未来;将来past

作文 book in future

the world goes really fast.in the future,people will live in a better and more convenient life.for example,there must be a lot of rebort to help people work or even with your housework.so that,you can just do what you like.and for that time,you need not to pay when you go to shop,everything will be free!at school,there are not any book,student will learn from teacher by computers,so that,the trees will be saved,and one teacher can teach more student at the same time.of course you can do that in your house,too.这世界发展的很快,在未来,人们将会拥有一个更加美好以及便捷的生活.比如说,将来一定会有很多机器人来帮助人们工作、甚至是来帮助人们做家务.因此,你就可以(有空闲)来做你喜欢的事情.并且到了那时,你在购物时不再需要花钱,因为每一件东西都是免费的.在学校,再也不会有什么书本了,学生们会通过电脑来从老师那儿学习,因此,树木就会得到拯救,并且在同一时间内一个老师可以教导更多的学生.当然,(即使你不去学校)这一点也可以在家中轻松做到.
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