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uniform spacings是什么意思

uniform spacings 均匀的间距

school uniform是什么意思

school uniform[英][sku:l ˈju:nifɔ:m][美][skul ˈjunəˌfɔrm]校服; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.You saw him in his school uniform. 你看他们都穿着校服.

uniform 有校服的意思 那么造句时还用在前面加school吗


uniform 除了“统一”的意思以外,有没有行业专用术语的解释?



a.1. 相同的,一致的All these jackets have a uniform size.所有这些夹克尺寸相同。2. 不变的,始终如一的The laboratory is kept at a uniform temperature.实验室保持恒温。3. 均匀的





at school we wear a uniform 什么意思

at school we wear a uniform我们在学校穿校服双语对照例句:1.What time is it now? Didn"t I tell youto wear your school uniform? 现在都几点了?我没告诉你要穿校服么?2.Your uniform"s a mess. What will you wear for school tomorrow? 你看看校服破成这个样子明天怎么上学?




制服 军服


uniform ["ju:nifɔ:m] adj. 统一的;一致的;相同的;均衡的;始终如一的n. 制服vt. 使穿制服;使成一样请及时采纳,多谢



invitation for bid是什么意思

invitation for bid[英][ˌɪnviˈteiʃən fɔ: bid][美][ˌɪnvɪˈteʃən fɔr bɪd]招标; 双语例句1Article7 The qualifications of bid invitation agencies for projects invested by the central government are classified into Grade A and Grade B.甲级资格的招标代理机构可以从事所有中央投资项目的招标代理业务。Article4 No units or individuals may break up into parts a project for which bid invitation is required by law or try to dodge bid invitation by any other means.第四条任何单位和个人不得将依法必须进行招标的项目化整为零或者以其他任何方式规避招标。The bid invitation announcement for a project for which the invitation of bids ID legally required shall be issued in a state-designated newspaper or periodical, on a state-designated information network or in other state-designated media.依法必须进行招标的项目的招标公告,应当通过国家指定的报刊、息网络或者其他媒介发布。

vegetables are grown for our health的意思

vegetables are grown for our health的中文翻译vegetables are grown for our health蔬菜为我们的健康成长

Cereal and congee are good for breakfast. 此处congee中文是什么意思


choose to do sth.和choose sth. for sb分别是什么意思?


choose的用法 是用for 还是to

用to跟for指代的意思不一样 因为两个词语本身意义不同for为……to指向一定的什么

I love a happy ending, for they are so rare是什么意思

I love a happy ending, for they are so rare.我喜欢完美收尾,因为它们如此难得。rare英 [reə] 美 [rɛr] adj. 稀有的;半熟的;稀薄的adv. 非常;极其vi. 用后腿站起;渴望[ 比较级 rarer 最高级 rarest ]双语例句:All this, I can only themselves to themselves, to their own this rare gift. 而这一切,现在我只能自己给自己,给自己这份难得的礼物。



anxious for sb. to do sth..什么意思,谢谢。


第十三题,be anxious for/about都是为……焦虑担心的意思,为什么这道题选B?

这个不和be worried about一样么?没听说过有用for啊

be anxious to do/for是什么意思


be anxious for sth.= be anxious about sth. 吗? 他们是什么意思

be anxious for sth意思是渴望做某事be anxious about sth对某事感到焦虑

be anxious to do和be anxious for有什么区别呢?

没有:be anxious doing sth,但是有be anxious for sth,be anxious to do和be anxious for sth的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、be anxious to do:渴望做某事。2、be anxious for sth:为某事物着急。二、用法不同1、be anxious to do:anxious是与anxiety同根的形容词,其含义与anxiety相同。anxious表示“忧虑的,担心”时,可用作定语和表语,用作表语时,其后多接介词 about,at或for,有时可跟状语从句,还可跟that从句。2、be anxious for sth:anxious表示“急于,渴望”时,只用作表语,其后多接动词不定式(或其复合结构)、介词短语或that从句。anxious后接的that从句中,谓语部分要用虚拟式“should+动词原形”,美式英语中有时可省去should,表示说话时本该实现却还未实现的愿望。三、侧重点不同1、be anxious to do:侧重于表示着急做某事。2、be anxious for sth:侧重于表示因某事而着急。

be anxious for nothing 什么意思



soup for为---汤双语例句1I bought some beef and vegetables so as to make a soup for dinner.我买了些牛肉和蔬菜,为的是晚上做个汤。2Let me warm up the soup for you, it won"t take a minute.我来为你把汤热一下吧,用不了多长时间。

have choices for


Read the passage through carefully before making your choies.请问这是一句什么句型?

仔细阅读这段文字,然后做出你的选择。整体上是个祈使句,还有before 引导的时间状语从句。这个句子主要用在试卷的题目要求上。

mistake for是什么意思

因为什么犯了错的意思吧应该,因为没有前后文 所以不是百分百确认

I forgot that he had said to me altogether从句少成分吗?

从句是that he said to me , said 是及物动词,它不能没有宾语,所以说从句中缺少宾语成分。可以作如下修改: 1. 改that为what ,或2. said 后面加宾语,如 everything, something,...

sorry for the mistake是什么意思


in my long forgotten cloistered sleep 有哪些乐器

mouthorgan铃鼓 tambourine爵士鼓 jazz tomtom三角铁 triangle定音鼓 kettledrum响板 castanets低音鼓 bass drum响弦鼓 snare drum管钟 tubular bells铜钹 cymbals木琴 xylophone钟琴 glockenspiel鼓槌 drumstick鼓皮 skin踏板 pedal定音螺丝 tuning screw琴弓 bow琴弦 string琴桥 bridge琴颈 neck琴拨 plectrum弦柱 fret调音栓 tuning小提琴 violin中提琴 viola大提琴 cello低音提琴 double bass.Alto Recorder 中音竖笛 24、Woodwinds.Alto Flute 中音长笛*17; two-string fiddle三弦 Sanxian.Percussion 小打击乐器组 2.Voice 人声16.Agogo Bells (由两个锥型铁筒组成.Ukulele 夏威夷四弦琴 13.Bass Drum 低音鼓六.Tenor Recorder 次中音竖笛 25.Timpani 定音鼓 2.Contrabass Clarinet 倍低音单簧管 22.Solo Cello 独奏大提琴 12.Whistle 哨 30.Drum Set 架子鼓 2.Tuba 大号13.English Horn 英国管 6.Claves 响棒 17一.Tubular Bells 管钟 10.Bassoon 大管 7.Soprano Saxophone 高音萨克斯 13.Organ 管风琴 3.Tenor Trombone 次中音长号 8.Tenor Ⅰ 男高110.Flute 长笛 3; pianoforte自动钢琴 pianola大钢琴 grand piano平台钢琴 concert grand piano簧风琴 harmonium管风琴 organ钢琴片 celesta手风琴 accordion; Chinese dulcimer笛子 bamboo flute筝 Zheng笙 Sheng.Brake Drum 闸鼓 14、Plucked Strings.Mezzo-Soprano 女次高5.Bongo Drums 邦加鼓(用手指敲的小鼓; Chinese horn月琴 Yueqin竹板 bamboo clappers.Harp 竖琴 2.Clavichord 古钢琴 7.Harmonium 脚踏式风琴 8: 木管乐器 1: 弹拨乐 1.Violin Ⅰ 小提琴1 3,用铁棍剐) 22.Alto Clarinet 中音单簧管(Eb调的; string bass竖琴 harp锡他琴 sitar曼陀林 mandolin钢琴 piano.Bell Tree 音树 4.Sitar 锡塔尔琴 七.Piccolo Trumpet in A A调高音小号 16.Tam Tam 大锣 15.Tenor Drum 次高音鼓 9.Descant Recorder 高音竖笛23.Sleigh Bells 马铃 8、Chorus.Viola d.Double Bass 倍低音提琴 9.Horn in F F调圆号 6.Sand Block 沙轮 20.Clarinet in A A调单簧管 10.Gong 锣 16.Piccolo Clarinet 高音单簧管*20.Timbales 蒂姆巴尔鼓 4.Crystal Glasses5.Tenor 男高9.Solo VIola 独奏中提琴 11.String Bass 弦贝司 10.Soprano Recorder 高音竖笛 4.Maracas 沙槌24.Bass 贝司 7.Panpipes 排萧二.Scoustic Guitar4.Violin Ⅱ 小提琴2 4.Euphonium 小低音号 12.Cello 大提琴 6.Bass Flute 低音长笛 18; fife排萧 panpipe巴松管 bassoon直笛 recorder短号 cornet萨克斯管 saxophone口琴 harmonica: 铜管乐器 1.Guiro (木制.Violin 小提琴2.Tenor Ⅱ 男高211、Keybords.Cornet 短号 2.Bass Tromone 低音长号 9.Contrabass 低音提琴8.C) 手铃(中音)西洋乐器 western instrument 管乐器 wind instrument铜管乐器 brass instrument木管乐器 woodwind instrument打击乐器 percussion instrument弦乐器 stringed instrument键盘乐器 keyboard instrument现代乐器 modern instrument电子乐器 electric instrument中国乐器 Chinese instrument民间乐器 folk instrument传统乐器 traditional instrument古乐器 ancient instrument民族乐器 national instrument喇叭嘴 mouthpiece键 key簧 reed伸缩管 slide喇叭口 bell吹口 mouthpiece栓塞 valve弱音器 mute低音号 tuba长号 trombone小号 trumpet大号 sousaphone号角 bugle法国圆号 French horn英国管 English horn长笛 flute单簧管 clarinet双簧管 oboe短笛 piccolo.Accordion 手风琴 6.Bass Trumpet in C C调低音小号 17,夹在两腿间) 3.Vocals 元音十.Flexatone 12.Cowbell 牛铃 10.Trumpet in Bb 降B调小号3; Chinese wind pipes箫 Xiao: 有音高打击乐器 1.Wood Blocks 盒棒 26.Bass Recorder 低音竖笛 26.Synthesizer 电子合成器 八.Handbells 手铃 2.Crotales 响板 6.Counter-Tenor 8.Flugelhorn 夫吕号(行进乐队常用)5.Trombone 长号 7.Soprano Ⅰ 女高13.Bass Tuba 低音大号 14.Musical Saw 乐锯 13.Mandolin 曼陀林 11.Xylophone 木琴 6.Banjo 班卓 6.Glockenspiel 钢片琴4.Solo Bass 独奏低音提琴 13: 手铃 1.Siren 汽笛 31.Conga Drums 康加鼓(橄榄型) 5.Baritone(T.electric Guitar 电吉他 5.Steel Drums 钢鼓 12.Contralto 女低6、Handbells.Ratchet 齿轮剐响器 21.Tom Toms 筒鼓 10.Zither 齐特尔琴 14.C; music stand音栓 stop琴管 pipes乐谱 music score琴凳 music-stool吉他 guitar电吉他 electric guitar班卓琴 banjo小六角手风琴 bandoneon电子打击乐器 vibraphone琵琶 Pipa.Bass Ⅰ 男低114.Mallets 三角木琴四.Soprano 女高2.) 次中音号 10.Quint Toms 五组筒鼓 8.Anvil 乐钻五.Bass 男低13: 合唱1.ALto Saxophone 中音萨克斯 14: 键盘 1.Bells 排钟 3; piano accordion六角形手风琴 concertina竖型钢琴 upright piano古风琴 harpsichord键盘 keyboard琴谱架 music rest.Piccolo Cornet 高音短号 15.VibraSlap 19.Castanets 响板 25.Alto 女低7.Bass Ⅱ 男低215.Electric Bass 电贝司9.Alto Trombone 中音长号 18.Temple Blocks 木鱼 27.Finger Cymbals 手指小镲 7.Baritone Saxophone 上低音萨克斯 16; Amore 九、Pitched Percussion.Log Drum 木鼓 28、Brass.Solo Violin 独奏小提琴 10.Piano 钢琴 2.Marimba 马林巴琴 8.Wind Chimes 3.Bass Marimba 低音马林巴琴 9.Baritone 次中音11: 鼓 1.Oboe 双簧管 5: 小打击乐器1.Acoustic Bass 非电贝斯 8.Violoncello 低音提琴7.Bagpipes 风笛 27.Cymbals 大镲 9.Viola 中提琴5.Lute 琉特琴 12.Basset Horn 巴赛管(单簧管)28: 弦乐 1.Oboe d.Snare Drum 小军鼓 6.Cuica (发出的声音象狗叫的拉丁乐器) 23.Piccolo 短笛 2、Percussion,属于低音单簧管)21.Triangle 三角铁5.Tenor Saxophone 次中音萨克斯 15.Roto Toms 轮鼓 11.Jawbone 32.Contrabass Trombone 倍低音长号 三.Contrabassoon 低音巴松 8.Trumpet in C C调小号 4; tree-string fiddle唢呐 Suona.Chimes 钟琴 11; Chinese lute二胡 Erhu高胡 Gaohu提琴 Tiqin扬琴 Yangqin; Amore 双簧管的一种19; one-string fiddle二弦 Erxian.Baritone 男中12.Soprano Ⅱ 女高24.Bass Clarinet 低音单簧管 12.Tambourine 铃鼓 29.Handbells(T、Drums; Chinese vertical bamboo flute单弦 Danxian.Harpsichord 大键琴4、Strings.Quad Toms 4组鼓筒鼓 7.Guitar 吉他 3.Celesta 钢片琴 5.Vibraphone 颤音琴 7.Clarinet in Bb 降B调单簧管 11.Slapstick 击板 18,比牛玲音高) 11.Clarinet in Eb 降E调单簧管(小黑管) 9

i"m looking for relationship


anyone here wanna seek for serious relationship?汉语怎么翻译



damage strike rise force advise破坏罢工的上升力建议

alternative for

alternative的意思是另外的选择,如煤炭清洁度不高,寻找另外(替代)能源. Subsitute是替代,如排球换个运动员上场 你的替代用品,用Alternative好.



快递ready for delivery 什么意思


opportunity 的用法是什么啊?还有它后面加 to do ,of doing ,for


opportunity 的用法是什么啊?还有它后面加 to do ,of doing ,for


Out for Delivery这个到底是什么意思

Out for Delivery 就只有一个意思:出去送货了(正在送货途中)。

英国亚马逊,Out for delivery和Delivered分别是什么意思

delivery室友投递、传送的意思在亚马逊里,Out for delivery 就表示是外出投递,而Delivered 投递成功的意思。Delivered 是过去式就表示已经投递出去了。如果你的外语还是不够流利,其实没有关系,可以尝试使用亚马逊第三方软件亚马逊船长,通过授权店铺来进行管理,处理跟卖、调价、FBA管理的功能。

ICH-GCP 3.1 Informed Consent(1)

Part 1: What is Informed Consent? Part 2: The Informed Consent DocumentWhen most people hear the phrase “informed consent,” they think of the legal document that explains the study and contains the required dated signatures. However, informed consent is first and foremost a continuing process. This includes a person voluntarily agreeing to participate in a research study after being fully informed about it via verbal discussion with study staff, followed by documentation in a written, signed, and dated informed consent form. A participant"s consent will be continually sought during the course of the study, and the participant will be notified of any changes to the study, along with any other pertinent information that may influence their decision to remain in the study. 当大多数人听到“知情同意”一词时,他们会想到解释该研究并包含所需日期签名的法律文件。然而 ,知情同意首先是一个持续的过程 。这包括通过与研究人员进行 口头讨论 ,并随后以 书面 、 签字 和 注明日期 的知情同意书形式记录, 自愿同意参与 研究的人员。在研究过程中,将 不断征求参与者的同意 ,并将研究的任何变更以及可能影响其继续参与研究决定的任何其他相关信息通知参与者。 While documentation of informed consent is required in most clinical studies, there are occasions when a waiver or alteration of written informed consent is obtained from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for some or all study participants. The fundamental criteria for waivers and alterations of informed consent are located in 45 CFR 46.116(c) and 45 CFR 46.116(d). Please consult the local IRB for determining when it is appropriate to waive the requirement for written consent. 虽然在大多数临床研究中都需要知情同意书的文件记录, 但在某些情况下,一些或所有研究参与者的书面知情同意书会从机构审查委员会(IRB)处获得弃权或变更。 《美国联邦法规》第45卷第46.116(c)节和第45卷第46.116(d)节规定了放弃和变更知情同意书的基本标准。 请咨询当地IRB,以确定何时适合放弃书面同意的要求。 The informed consent document should contain all of the information that the person needs to make an informed decision about taking part in the study. Many research teams use the consent document to guide the verbal explanation of the study to potential participants. 知情同意书文件应包含患者做出参与研究知情决定所需的所有信息。许多研究团队使用同意书来指导 潜在参与者 对研究进行 口头解释 。 The participant must sign and date the informed consent document before taking part in any study procedures. Signing the consent form is NOT the final step in the informed consent process. The participant may withdraw consent and decline to participate in the study at any time before or after signing the consent document until their participation in the study is completed. 参与任何研究程序前,参与者必须在知情同意书上签字并注明日期。签署同意书并不是知情同意过程的最后一步。参与者可在签署同意书之前或之后的任何时间 撤回同意书 并 拒绝参与研究 ,直至其参与研究完成。 The general requirements for informed consent in federally funded research are spelled out in 45 CFR 46.116 and 21 CFR 50.20 . Some states have enacted requirements for informed consent that go beyond federal regulations. This module reviews the requirements for informed consent that are set out in federal regulations and in the Good Clinical Practice guidelines of the International Council for Harmonization (ICH GCP 4.8.10). It is the principal investigator"s responsibility to know and abide by any additional state requirements. 联邦资助研究中知情同意的一般要求在45 CFR 46.116和21 CFR 50.20中有详细说明。 一些州颁布了超出联邦法规的知情同意要求。 本单元审查联邦法规和国际协调理事会良好临床实践指南(ICH GCP 4.8.10)中规定的知情同意要求。主要调查员有责任了解并遵守任何其他州要求。 All researchers must ensure that the process of obtaining informed consent from study participants not only conforms to federal, state, and local regulations but also respects each individual"s right to make a voluntary, informed decision. 所有研究人员必须确保获得研究参与者知情同意的过程不仅 符合联邦、州和地方法规 ,而且 尊重每个人做出自愿知情决定的权利 。 Part 2 of this module deals with the informed consent document. Part 4 deals with the informed consent process. 本单元第2部分涉及知情同意书。第4部分涉及知情同意程序。The consent document must state (ICH GCP 4.8.10):    i、That the trial involves research.    ii、The purpose of the trial. 同意书必须说明(ICH GCP 4.8.10): (1) 试验涉及研究 。 (2) 试验的目的 。 The consent document must state (ICH GCP 4.8.10):  The trial treatment(s) and the probability for random assignment to each treatment (if a randomized clinical trial). 同意书必须说明(ICH GCP 4.8.10):  试验治疗和随机分配给每个治疗的概率 (如果是随机临床试验)。 The consent document must state (ICH GCP 4.8.10):    i、The trial procedures to be followed, including all invasive procedures.    ii、The participant"s responsibilities.    iii、Those aspects of the trial that are experimental.    iv、The expected duration of the participant"s involvement in the trial. 同意文件必须声明(ICH GCP 4.8.10): (1)应遵循的试验 程序 ,包括所有侵入性程序。 (2)参与者的 责任 。 (3)试验的那些方面是 实验性 的。 (4)受试者参与试验的 预期持续时间 。 The consent document must state (ICH GCP 4.8.10): The reasonably foreseeable risks or inconveniences to the participant and, when applicable, to an embryo, fetus, or nursing infant. 同意书必须说明(ICH GCP 4.8.10):对参与者和(如适用)胚胎、胎儿或哺乳期婴儿的合理可预见风险或不便。 The consent document must state (ICH GCP 4.8.10): The reasonably expected benefits. When there is no intended clinical benefit to the participant, the participant should be made aware of this. 同意文件必须说明(ICH GCP 4.8.10):合理预期的利益。当参与者没有预期的临床益处时,应让参与者意识到这一点。 The consent document must state (ICH GCP 4.8.10): The alternative procedure(s) or course(s) of treatment that may be available to the participant, and their important potential benefits and risks. Points to note: IRBs often want the informed consent document to list other therapies available for the condition under treatment in addition to other treatment options at the facility where the study is being conducted. 同意书必须说明(ICH GCP 4.8.10):参与者可以使用的替代治疗程序或疗程,及其重要的潜在益处和风险。 需要注意的要点: IRB通常希望知情同意书中列出治疗条件下的其他治疗方法,以及正在进行研究的设施中的其他治疗方案。 The consent document must state (ICH GCP 4.8.10):    i、The compensation and/or treatment available to the participant in the event of trial-related injury.    ii、The anticipated expenses, if any, to the participant for participating in the trial. Points to note: When research involves more than minimal risk to the participant, the consent document must describe the treatment and compensation that will be provided in the event that a participant sustains a research-related injury. The language in the consent cannot appear to limit the participant"s rights in seeking damages related to injury in a trial. Federal regulations do not limit the definition of “injury” to a physical injury. An injury may be psychological, social, financial, or of another nature. 同意书必须说明(ICH GCP 4.8.10): (1)在试验相关伤害事件中,参与者可获得的补偿和/或治疗。 (2)参与者参与试验的预期费用(如有)。 注意事项: 当研究对参与者的风险超过最低限度时,同意书必须说明参与者遭受研究相关伤害时将提供的治疗和补偿。同意书中的语言似乎不能限制参与人在审判中要求损害赔偿的权利。 联邦法规没有将“伤害”的定义限制为身体伤害。伤害可能是心理、社会、经济或其他性质的。 The consent document must state (ICH GCP 4.8.10): The anticipated prorated payment, if any, to the participant for participating in the trial. Points to note : Payment to participants for their participation in a research study must never be coercive in either amount or method of distribution. 同意书必须说明(ICH GCP 4.8.10):参与试验的参与者的预期 按比例付款 (如有)。 注意事项 :对参与研究的参与者的付款,无论是在金额上还是在分配方式上,都不能是强制性的。 The consent document must state (ICH GCP 4.8.10):    i、That the participant"s participation in the trial is voluntary and that the participant may refuse to participate or withdraw from the trial, at any time, without penalty or loss of benefits to which the participant is otherwise entitled.    ii、The foreseeable circumstances and/or reasons under which the participant"s participation in the trial may be terminated. 同意书必须说明(ICH GCP 4.8.10): (1)参与者参与试验是 自愿 的,参与者可以在任何时候拒绝参与或退出试验,而不会受到惩罚或损失参与者应有的利益。 (2)参与者可能终止参与试验的 可预见情况和/或原因 。 The consent document must state (ICH GCP 4.8.10):    i、That the monitor(s), the auditor(s), the IRB, and the regulatory authority(ies) will be granted direct access to the participant"s original medical records for verification of clinical trial procedures and/or data, without violating the confidentiality of the participant, to the extent permitted by the applicable laws and regulations and that, by signing a written informed consent form, the participant or the participant"s legal representative is authorizing such access.    ii、That records identifying the participant will be kept confidential and, to the extent permitted by the applicable laws and/or regulations, will not be made publicly available. If the results of the trial are published, the participant"s identity will remain confidential. Points to note : Certificates of Confidentiality are issued by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to preventinvestigators from having to release (e.g., via a subpoena) names or other identifying information about research participants. Certificates of Confidentiality provide additional protection for participants who are enrolled in studies in which information is being collected that, if disclosed, could have adverse consequences for participants or could damage their financial standing, employability, insurability, or reputation.  See related material from the Confidentiality and Privacy module for a summary of confidentiality requirements in research involving human participants. 同意书必须说明(ICH GCP 4.8.10): (1)监护仪、审计师、IRB和监管机构将被授予直接访问参与者原始医疗记录的 权限 ,以 验证临床试验程序和/或数据 , 而不违反参与者的保密性 ,在适用法律法规允许的范围内,且通过签署书面知情同意书,参与者或参与者的法定代表人授权此类访问。 (2)识别参与者的记录将保密,并且在适用法律和/或法规允许的范围内, 不会公开提供 。 如果试验结果公布,参与者的身份将保密。 注意事项: 国家卫生研究院(NIH)颁发保密证书,以防止调查人员不得不公布(例如通过传票)研究参与者的姓名或其他身份信息。 保密证书为参加正在收集信息的研究的参与者提供了 额外的保护 ,这些信息如果被披露,可能会对参与者产生不利影响,或者可能损害他们的财务状况、就业能力、可保性或声誉。 有关涉及人类参与者的研究中的保密要求摘要,请参见保密和隐私模块中的相关资料。 The consent document must state (ICH GCP 4.8.10): That the participant or the participant"s legally acceptable representative will be informed in a timely manner if information becomes available that may be relevant to the participant"s willingness to continue participation in the trial. 同意书必须说明(ICH GCP 4.8.10):如果获得可能与参与者 继续参与试验的意愿相关的信息 ,将及时通知参与者或参与者的法定代表人。 The consent document must state (ICH GCP 4.8.10): The person(s) to contact for further information regarding the trial and the rights of trial participants in the event of trial-related injury. 同意书必须说明(ICH GCP 4.8.10):在发生试验相关伤害的情况下,与试验和试验参与者权利相关的进一步信息联系的人员。 The consent document must state (ICH GCP 4.8.10):    i、The expected duration of the participant"s participation in the trial.    ii、The approximate number of participants involved in the trial. Points to note : A consent form should be written in non-technical language that participants would understand. Also, it should be written in language consistent with the participants educational level, cultural views, and familiarity with research. 同意书必须说明(ICH GCP 4.8.10): (1)参与者参与试验的 预期持续时间 。 (2)参与试验的 大致人数 。 注意事项 :同意书应以参与者能够理解的非技术性语言书写。此外,报告的语言应与参与者的教育水平、文化观点和对研究的熟悉程度相一致。

A New Exploration Parameter for Metallic Deposits:The Alteration Remote Sensing Anomaly

Zhang Yu jun1, Yang ian min2(1.Aero-Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Land and Resources,31 Xueyuanlu Rd., Beijing 100083,China;2.Institute of Mineral Resources,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, 26 Baiwanzhuang Rd.,Beijing 100037,China)Abstract.The new parameter for the prediction of the mineral resources-alteration remote sensing anomalies-is proposed.The geological basis and the spectral presupposition for the alteration anomalies are discussed.An advanced system for extraction of hydrothermal alteration assemblages,using ETM+and Aster data,was developed.The simplified flow chart of this system,“Deinterfered Anomalous Principal Component Thresholding Technique”,is shown below.Some new terms are defined.The RM(Ratio Method),SAM(Spectral Angle Mapper)and PCA(Principle Component Analysis)are compared by the analysis of their principle and by model test.PCA is selected as the main method with SAM as the supplementary one.The essential conceptions of the probability theory were quoted.The standard deviationσis used as the measure for anomaly slicing(Thresholding).Key words:Alteration remote sensing anomaly,Multi-spectral remote sensing technique,ETM+,Aster,Hydroxylate anomaly(OHA),Ferric contamination anomaly(FCA),Principal component analysis(PCA),Spectral angle mapper(SAM),Vegetation interference tolerance.1 IntroductionSince the end of the 8thdecade of last century the application of multi-channel remote sensing(RS)da-ta for exploration of metallic deposits has been attracting more and more attention throughout the world(Crosta A.P.and McmMoore J.1989;Loughlin W.P.1991).A big project on alteration anomaly extraction for vast territories(>2 millionkm2)of West China was completed in 2001-2005.We study the alteration remote sensing anomaly as an independent parameter(Yujun Zhang et al.2002,2003;Yujun Zhang and Jianmin Yang 1998;Changguo Li and Yujun Zhang 1997).The alteration RS anomaly is considered an independent parameter based on thefollowing 3 reasons:1.It is based on special physical and chemical property;2.Its result could not be obtained from other parameters using other methods;3.There is still big room for improving the technology as a sub-branch of the RS discipline.By the end of 2004thyear more than 15 new metallic deposits or mineralization spots were found al ready using the alteration remote sensing anomalies that we got.The excellent results of this project show the potential power of multi-channel.RS data(ETM+and Aster)for alteration mapping is far away not exhausted.2 ETM+DataAn advanced system for extraction of hydrothermal alteration assemblages from ETM+and Aster data,“De-interfered Anomalous Principal Component Thresholding Technique”,is illustrated in Figure 1.It consists of 5 main blocks:preprocessing,normalizing,extraction,post-processing and thresholding.The necessity of the normalization is for improvement of the comparison between the adjacent images and the images at different times.To get the relative reflectance, the normalization includes the corrections for sensitivity, magnification,sun-earth distance,sun elevation,and radiation above atmosphere.The RM,SAM and PCA are compared by the analysis of their principles and the modeling test.The pre-and post-processing have been done for limiting the interference of water,ice,cloud,snow,vegetation,relief shadow,cloud shadow, salt-lick.Fig.1 De-interfered Anomalous Principal Component Thresholding TechniqueAccording to the Central Limiting Theory,if a random variable is caused by a lot of random independent between each other factors,and each individual factor plays an insignificant effect to the total one,the random variable usually obeys or nearly obeys the normal distribution(Kendall M.1975;Chuqiang Zhuang and Yasen Wu 2002).The histograms of anomaly principal components were twice improved,as shown in Figure 2.The information entropy for 3 occasions was calculated to identify the improvement of their quality.To evaluate the normality of the histograms, the asymmetry and peak-factor are calculated using the special forms(Zhifa Yuan and Jingyu Zhou 2003).Asymmetry:张玉君地质勘查新方法研究论文集Peak-factor:张玉君地质勘查新方法研究论文集The 3rdhistograms are the closest to the normal probability curve(Fig.2).On this basis we can use the standard deviationσfor slicing of the anomaly principle component,as the quantitative measure of thresholding.We take 3 levels for OHA and 3 levels for FCA.The detection limit or sensitivity of PCA for oHA was evaluated by the modeling as one 20000thpart or 50 PPM.The vegetation interference limits the possibility of extraction for the alteration RS anomaly.Our modeling shows the upper limit(or vegetation interference tolerance)is 50%of vegetation for mixed pixels.This means when the mixed pixels consist of more than 50%vegetation,the remote sensing anomaly can" t be extracted properly from them.This can limit the use of the technology in the vegetated area.However,apart from these areas, there are always some local arid areas,for which the extraction is no problem.Fig.2 The Histograms of OHA and FCAFig.3 Comparison of ASTER-OHA for Porphyry-Cu and ultra Basic Cu-Ni deposits3 Aster DataAster(Advanced Space-borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer)data has a unique combination of wide spectral coverage and high spatial resolution in visible near-infrared(VNIR),short-wave infrared(SWIR), and thermal infrared(TIR)regions.Satellite Terra, carrying Aster instrument, was launched in Decemberl999.There are 14 spectra channels for Aster data:3 VNIR,6 SWIR and 5 TIR.The additional SWIR and TIR channels make it possible to recognize some rock and deposit types.For example,we have obtained big success in distinguishing the deposit types for the Mongolian Oyu-Tolgoi porphyry Cu deposit and the Chinese Luo-Dong ultra basic Cu-Ni deposit using the additional SWIR data.(See Figure 3)The Luo-Dong ultra basic Cu-Ni depositwas discovered in July 2004 by the alteration RS anomaly achieved in June 2004 using ETM+data(139/32)by PCA and SAM.The spectral characteristics of minerals with Al-OH or with Mg-OH contents are illustrated in Figure 4.It is obvious that the porphyry Cu deposit contains more Al-OH minerals,and on the contrary,the ultra basic Cu-Ni deposit contains more Mg-OH minerals.This is the reason why the Oyu-Tolgoi deposit has better OHA,extracted by PCA using 1,3,4,5 channels,and the Luo-Dong deposit has better OHA extracted by PCA using l,3,4,8 channels.The spec-tral ranges of the 5thand 8thchannels are 2.145-2.185μm and 2.295-2.365μm,respectively.The spectral characteristics for both examples in Figure 3 and 4 clearly explain this result.The 5 TIR channels were used for rock classification.We can conclude that the Aster data can play an important complementary role in extraction of alteration remote sensing anomaly from ETM+data facing the possibility of high spectra resolution of hyper-spectra data in determination of minerals and deposit types.Fig.4 Spectra of typical altered rocksAcknowledgement:This paper is financially supported by the Chinese geological exploration project(200215000008)and 305 project(2003 BA612A-06-4)of China" s state science and technology fund.ReferencesChangguo Li,Yujun Zhang(1997).The Probation of Extraction of the Cu-mineralized Alteration Remote Sensing Information in Lancangjiang-Lanping Area using Principal Component Analysis(PCA).Jour nal of Remote Sensing for Land&Resources,1,pp30-36(in Chinese with an English abstract).Chuqiang Zhuang,Yasen Wu(2002).The basis of applied mathematical and physical statistics.Publishing Company of South-China Physical engineering College(in Chinese).Crosta A.P.,McmMoore J.(1989).Enhancement of Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery for Residual Soil Mapping in SW Minais Gerrain.In:Proceedings of the 7th(ERIM)Thematic conference:Remote Sensing for Exploration Geology Calgary,pp1173-1187.Kendall M.(l975).Multivariate Analysis.England:Charles Griffin and Company limited.Loughlin W.P.(1991).Principal Component Analysis for Alteration Mapping.In:Proceedings of the 8thThematic conference on Geologic Remote Sensing,Denver,USA,pp293-306.Yujun Zhang,Jianmin Yang,Wei Chen(2002).The Methods for Extraction of the Alteration Remote Sensing Anomaly from ETM+(TM)Data and Their Application:Geological Basis and Spectral Precondi-tion.Journal of Remote Sensing for Land&Resources,4,pp30-36(in Chinese with an English abstract).Yujun Zhang,Zhaoming Zeng,Wei Chen(2003).The Methods for Extraction of the Alteration Re-mote Sensing Anomaly from ETM+(TM)Data and Their Application:Method Selection and Technological flow-cart,Journal of Remote Sensingfor Land&Resources,2,pp44-49(in Chinese with an English ab-stract).Yujun Zhang,Jianmin Yang(1998).Extraction Methods for the Alteration Remote Sensing Information in the Area with Outcropping Rocks.Journal of Remote Sensing for Land&Resources,2,pp46-53(in Chinese with an English abstract).Zhifa Yuan,Jingyu Zhou(2003).Multivariate Statistical Analysis.Beijing:Publishing company of science(in Chinese).原载《Proceedings of the Eighth Biennial SGA Meeting“Mineral Deposit Research:Meeting the Global Challenge”.2.》,2005.


最佳答案transform:形状、外形的改变 shift:位置的改变,切换。 vary :数量的改变。 change:数量、质量、体积的改变。 switch :开和关闭的转换。 alter :替换(用一个替换另一个)日程用的最多的是change,可以包括多种改变,如最近奥巴马常常说的change,就是变革的意思。


最佳答案transform:形状、外形的改变 shift:位置的改变,切换。 vary :数量的改变。 change:数量、质量、体积的改变。 switch :开和关闭的转换。 alter :替换(用一个替换另一个)日程用的最多的是change,可以包括多种改变,如最近奥巴马常常说的change,就是变革的意思。


skin maker for Minecraft意为Minecraft皮肤制造者。重点词汇解释:1、skinn. 皮肤;外皮vt. 剥皮vi. 愈合;长皮双语例句:Babies have very delicate skin。婴儿的皮肤非常娇嫩。2、makern. 制造者;造物主;出期票人;创客双语例句:Mary is the decision-maker in the house。家里的事玛丽说了算。扩展资料:skin的用法:skin的基本意思是皮,既可指人或动物身体外层可长毛发的皮肤(此时是不可数名词),也可指某些水果、蔬菜的外皮,还可指做成皮衣的皮,皮革(此时是可数名词)。skin前如有描述性定语修饰时,可加不定冠词。skin也可指液体冷却时或置于空气中上面形成的表层或薄层。skin用于科技术语时,可表示机器的外壳,蒙皮。

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完成时态already可否与 for 连用

这句话不可以 应该这样说 I"ve been learning English for 3 years. 或者 I learned English for 3 years. 顺便提一下,完成时态里,就暗含有“已经”的意思啦,如果你加上already的话就应该是有强调语气的意味了,比如说别人质疑你:你到底学没学过英语啊?然后你可以说I"ve already been learning English for 3 years.不要用错哦! (*^__^*) 祝你英语能力快速提高!注意这句话!I"ve already been learning English for 3 years.这就是可以的!你看你那句话别扭是因为那句话的语法不对,不是already不可以和for连用。

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中文歌词look for me chipmunk

ohhh whoaa,if you can"t find your way look for me(如果你迷失了方向就来找我)ohhh whooaa if you can"t find you way look for me (……)god bless(上帝保佑) oh yes(噢,对) And once he goer i"m next(他走了后还有我)so young(如此年轻)so fresh(如此奔放)so right like i don"t know left[如此正确(右边)就像我不知道左边]And i ain"t trying to be the R E S T(我可不想成为R E S T)Replace the R and throw me a B(把R换掉 给我个B)so don"t spend ya life trying to find (所以别把你的一生都花在)something that"s in front of your eyes(寻找就在你眼前的东西上)you can spend a whole life trying to find answer (你可以花一生的时间寻求答案)i"ll be right here with a helping hand out for you(我会在你身旁帮助你扶持你)ooohhh ooohhh And if you can"t find your way(如果你迷失了方向)look for me,look for me,look for me,look for me,look foe me,(就来找我,来找我……来找我)if you can"t find your way look for me(…上面有…)ohhh whooahh if you can"t find your way(……)look foe me(……) And i"ll be there(我就在这里)ain"t no weave i"m really hair[不要编制我真的在这里(头发)]A wise man told me persevere(一位智者告诉我要坚持)头elevate me in my career(才能事业上不断进取)so still i"m here(所以我在这里)and from my position(从我角度看)the birthday wishing they woulda blew if they woulda listened(生日许愿如果别人听到那就不会实现)And now were gone (they"re gone) they"re missing(big loss)(现在我们走了(他们走了)他们失踪了(损失惨重))big difference(巨大不同)so dong"t prey me(所以别打我主意)ask wassup like you can"t see me "i"at the top"(跟我打招呼好像你看不到我“我在顶峰”)i just do what needs be(我只是做我必须的事)Holla at me if ya need me(需要我就来叫我)you can"t spend a whole life time trying to find the answer(…上面有…)i"ll be right here with a helping hand out for you(…上面有…) ……【下面歌词重复】…… {补结尾一段说唱}See i"m the one to look for(看你要找的人是我)you ain"t gotta look far(你不要花大力气)look forward(期待)i"m there(我在这里)prey da light ,the clothes fit chothes prey the swaggers(追逐名利 找到适合自己的路线 追逐有型)i work hard like stuff the haters(我努力奋斗,不去理睬黑特)took all the stairs no esealators(走过所有的楼梯,不用电梯)And my pen kept on passing papers(我的笔在不停写歌)when another artists would"t pass a favour(其他歌手都不肯帮忙)cold when i needed one (如此冷漠,我需要一个人)i"m a star ,hoe you feeling son?(我是个明星,小子你有啥想法?trying to keep bringing them hits(要不断推出一首首好歌)cause my dreams got legs so i"m chasing it(因为我的梦想要靠我自己去追寻)………………【歌词重复】…………looK FOR ME~~~~~~~~~

promodel打开文件出现 incorrect file format 怎么解决

下面的只是一部分,如果要全面的话就太多了,建议你去买一本书:<<计算机专业英语>>1. BOM常见英语单词Cmos——互补金属铁化物半导体IC(Integrated Circuit)——集成电路diode——二极管Capacitor——电容器Resistor——电阻器Chip——芯片Error——错误Memory——存储器Register——寄存器Logic——逻辑Digit——数字Side——面Single——单一Layer——层Double——双倍的bit——比特(二进制数字)位byte——字节package——包装、封装Bracket——铁片Transistor——晶体管Jumper——跳线Connector——连接器FLUX——助焊剂Solder——焊锡膏Paste——锡膏Inductor——电感器Pin Header——排针Cable——电缆Heat Sink——散热片Regulator——变换器Power Mosfet——功率场效应管Ferrite Bead——铁氧体磁珠(电感)Chip Bead——晶片磁珠2. 计算机屏幕常见语句Illegal direct——非法的直接使用Illegal function call——非法函数调用Incorrect DOS Version——不正确的DOS版本Interal error——内部错误Path not tound——路径没找到string too fong——字符串过长Syntax error——句法错误Too many files——文件过多Type mismatch——类型不匹配Access denied——存取被拒绝Bad or missing command interpreter——非法的或缺少命令解释程序Bad partition table——非法的分区表Batch file missing——批处理文件丢失Connot execute Format——不能执行FORMATConnot open run file——不能打开运行文件Compare process ended——比较处理结束Copy complete——拷贝完成Disk boot failure——磁盘自举失败Disk not compatible——磁盘不兼容Files Compare ok——文件比较成功Files sharing conflict——文件共享失败System transferred——系统被转录Path name too long——路径名太长Invalid directory——无效的目录Insufficient disk space——磁盘空间不足Target diskette write protected——目标盘写保护3,其他一些常见计算机英语 access arm 磁头臂,存取臂 access time 存取时间 adder 加法器 address 地址 alphanumeric 字母数字的 analog computer 模拟计算机 analyst 分析员 area 区域 array 数组,阵列 assembler 汇编程序 automation 自动化 band 区 batch processing 成批处理 binary code 二进制码 binary digit 二进制位,二进制数字 bit 比特,二进制的一位 branch 分支,支线 brush 电刷 buffer storage 缓冲存储器 calculator 计算器 call instruction 呼叫指令 card punch 卡片穿孔机 card reader 卡片阅读机,读卡机 cell 单元 channel 通道,信道 character 字符 check digit 校验数位 circuit 电路,线路 to clear 清除,清零 clock 时钟 code 代码 to code 编码 coder 编码员,编码器 command 指令,命令 compiler 编译程序 computer language 计算机语言 console 控制台 control unit 控制部件,控制器 core storage, core store 磁心存储器 counter 计数器 cybernetics 控制论 cycle 循环 data 数据 data processing 数据处理 debugging 调试 decision 制定 digit 数字,数位,位 digital computer 数字计算机 disc, disk 磁盘 display unit 显示装置 drum 磁鼓 to edit 编辑 electronics 电子学 emitter 发射器 to encode 编码 to erase 擦除,清洗,抹除 feed 馈送,供给 to feed 馈送,供给 feedback 反馈 field 字段,信息组,域 file 文件 floppy disk 软磁盘 floppy disk drive 软磁盘机 flow chart 流程图 frame 帧 hardware 硬件 identifier 标识符 index 索引 information 信息 inline processing 内处理 input 输入 inquiry 询问 instruction 指令 integrated circuit 集成电路 to interpret 解释 item 项目,项 jump 转移 key 键,关键码 keyboard 键盘 latency time 等待时间

For a brief spell是什么意思?

=== For a brief moment.很短的一段时间。

pronounced for a relatively brief time是什么意思


c语言中expected expression before 是什么意思


Be Careful what you wish for的英文全文


destiny 和fortune的区别

destiny===fate,what must happen and cannot be changed or controlled命运,天命,天数fortune====chance , an important influence on a person"s life机会,机遇,命运

relief effort与relief work的区别?

relief effort指的是“救灾的努力”,relief work则是“救灾工作”。有时候两者可以互换,但这里则不适宜用relief effort,因为是“站在救灾工作第一线”。

大家帮帮忙想想 how important for Chinese people to learning English 这个题目的英语文章怎么写啊?

参考:回答者:pythonharbin - 助理 三级One of my friends asked me for a thesis whose title is How to Learn English Well. I"m pasting here for I think it will be helpful for you to read these tips if you really need them. If you have better tips or anything you wanna communicate with me,free free to let me know.i am awaiting. How to Learn English Well After China became the Official member in WTO (World Trade Organization) and the Reform & Opening Policy is being implemented deeper and deeper, the international communications in all domains has become far more than before. English, as an important tool for cross-cultural communication, has got its status among thousands of languages. People in China have been aware of this trend, but the way to master a foreign language is not always smooth for every one. Someone who has learnt English for over 12 years cannot open his mouth and speak smoothly in English. It is not only his tragedy but our teaching system"s. Here I want introduce fellow English lovers some experience according to my feelings in Learning English. First of all, develop our interest in English at the beginning of our study. To develop interest in English study is not very hard. We may have the feeling of satisfaction and achievement from our English study when we are able to say something simple in English, talk with others or foreigners in English and act as others" interpreters. Please do NOT neglect interest is the first teacher. As you know English is a language that represents the sounds of pronunciation; but Chinese language is not. The grammar and structure between these two languages are not very much alike. In fact, besides the tens of thousands of offensive vocabulary words, the problems in listening and speaking are more outstanding. You can never hear a whole meaningful fragment, let alone to say something in your own words. Therefore, in my opinion, listening and speaking skills is the most important thing of all the five skills in mastering a language --- listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation (interpretation). Here, I want to show you some basic methods to train yourselves listening and speaking competence: Listening: before you want to understand what others have said, you should try your best to let yourself clearly hear what they just said. That is, you should pay attention to the stress of a word and a sentence, the sound-linking, the tone intervals and etc. You can listen to the recorded training material by looking at the original lines. And if you insist in doing so at least a month, you will find you can hear and understand 40% of words in a particular listening material. Since you will understand the meaning of a whole sentence by only catching part of words, the 40% words you have caught are enough for you to get the 70% of the holistic meaning. Of course, it is the basic way to set your feet in speaking training. You should go on experiencing in harder and harder exercises and not stop though you feel you have made great progress. Watching English movies, English TV programs, listening to English songs and learn English on some special occasions are also excellent and vivid English learning ways as we may combine English with some certain scenes to deepen our memory. Speaking: Nowadays, it is too embarrassing for you to master only 2,000 words; however, it doesn"t matter for you to make speaking exercises. Someone will say it is too easy when he gets into an oral training material; and he will feel the material is not suitable for him. But we should know clearly that speaking skill is not reading comprehension. Sometimes you cannot speak out ONE word though maybe you know all the meaning of the sentence. To practice speaking competence, the material should not be too difficult. The aim is to make your mouth active with some easy-operating dialogs. So a good and suitable textbook should be the one that is native and suitable and helpful for you. “INSTANT”--- it is an “instant” age now. We have instant noodle, instant porridge, and instant dinner even instant marriage. But we should not believe that there is an instant language-learning method existed! We should get our mind and set down to learning English step by step. I think from very beginning that the course of mastering a foreign language is a quality improvement from quantity accumulation. As to reading comprehension, the more the vocabulary words you know, the better you can read and accurately understand the meaning. Intensive Reading: When we read the intensive articles, we should make notes of the new words and phrases and good sentences. After reading them, we may ask ourselves some questions about them by using such words: Who, What, Why, When and Where. Then try to answer them in our own words. Extensive reading: We must train our ability to scan, skip and read fast, namely, the ability to catch the key words, the topic sentences and the drift of the articles. Reading speed: Three ways to improve our reading speed: 1) Reading the articles from the beginning to the end without intervals so to catch the rough idea of the articles on the whole. Never waste too much time on some new words and single sentences. 2) We may keep time when reading articles.3) When reading articles, we can point at the words with our finger or pen point and our eyes move with the finger quickly so that we are able to read very fast. Now I want to take my own experience for example. Usually I read an article by “two-times reading method”, that is, I read it for two times. At the first time, I aim at training of reading speed and efficiency. And the second time, I aim at broadening my vocabulary words capacity and the feeling towards a particular language. At the very beginning, I took the book Active Readers for reference. I trained myself reading skill from reading speed. I recorded the exact time I started and keep the time I finished reading; and then I calculated the words I read in a particular period. I forced myself to read as fast as possible; it became very natural eventually. This is the first time for every try, aiming at reading speed. At the second time the essential thing is to learn vocabulary words. This course is very concrete and no short-cut to go along. Notes should be made whenever we study any articles. We may follow this advice: Don"t read book without making notes. As we know that notes are the summarization, the core content, our understanding and the abbreviations of the books. Our notes are much thinner than the books so that we can learn them by heart easier and can often review and read them. We may also record our notes on tapes so as to often listen to them easier, to deepen our impression and to lighten our burden of memory. Sometimes it is needful to draw some tables and illustrations that are very impressive, visual and concise. Newspaper as good reading materials can widen our horizon and richen our knowledge. I recommend you should buy some English newspaper at regular time; current events are more interesting for you to read, because sometimes reading is an extremely boring thing. Let"s shift into our training of writing skills. It should be sorted in the higher level of using a language. And the fundamentality is words" usage and the way of thinking in the target language. Like one of our Chinese saying “After you smoothly recite Three Hundred Poems from Tang Dynasty, you will naturally become a poet.” So is English. Reading with thinking is an effective way to improve your writing competence. Many teachers have said keeping dairies was the best way to practice recording the real things happened around you. I have tried this advice for an interval time. But I haven"t insisted on it, partly because the interest towards it was lost. However, I found another way that was really effective, that is, making pen pals with peers abroad. For instance, I had a pen pal from Sri Lanka when I was in high school. At that time, she was still a primary school student. But her English was FAR better than me, because the English is their second language and they teach and learn at school in English. During the happy time when we wrote each other, I could notice the improvement of my written English; all the reason is I am interested in the culture there and the feeling of achievement. As to the writing techniques, they are very important and can help you compose an article efficiently and make your composition active and attractive to readers. For some English learners, their minds become blank as they hold their pens for writing compositions. They don"t know where they should start and what they should begin with. The commonest situation is assembling arbitrarily. Therefore, their writing level cannot be improved and just remains where it was. If they could get some information about writing techniques and knowledge, their compositions would be much better! As follows, I want to show you some helpful writing knowledge and techniques: a. First you should know there are mainly 5 kinds of article styles, that is, Narration, Exposition (Description), Diary, Letters and Notice (Note). Every style has its own particular structures that you should pay much attention to. Since the limited space here, I don"t want to analyze them respectively. b. Try to use the basic sentence structure to compose your article. Don"t always like to use BIG and LESS-USED words. You should endeavor to master some useful expressions and set phrases and add suitable tenses; a good composition will be born. c. The more you read good articles and excellent examples, the easier you will find when you start to write. d. Pay attention to the situation you describe. A Chinese saying goes Sing Different Songs on Different Hills. You should clearly concern who you are writing to or whether it is a casual composition or a comparatively serious one and etc. In a word, the lack of properly expressing something in written tasks exists commonly. But in this fiercely competitive society, it seems more and more important. If you follow the tips above and insist doing so, you will win eventually in this domain. The last aspect I want to mention is translation or interpretation. To tell the truth, it is the highest level for an English learner. The course of translation or interpretation is the one using all kinds of lingual knowledge synchronically. Compared with English-to-Chinese translation, the Chinese-to-English translation is comparatively easier. 回答者:pythonharbin - 助理 三级 11-25 19:10

给予最好的祝愿用英语是"best wishes for you"还是“best wishes to you"


best wishes to you和best wishes for you有什么区别?

一般来说best wishes to somebody ,best wishes for something

是"Best wishes to you" 对还是"Best wishes for you"对?

都可以best wishes for you=best wishes to you1.All the best wishes for you.献上最美好的祝愿.2.Wish all the best wishes for you.献上最美好的祝愿.3.Best wishes for you and your family.祝福您及您的家人.4.Give my best wishes to you.呈以最好的祝愿.5.Our Best Wishes To you Forever!我们的祝福将永远与你同在!6.Here is a card with our best wishes to you.这儿有一张卡片并带去我们对你的最美好的祝愿.

best wishes to you和best wishes for you有什么区别?


“best wishes to you”和“best wishes for you”有什么区别?

一般来说best wishes to somebody ,best wishes for something

vie fore和strive for的区别


For those who can"t do,teach;for those who can"t teach,teach gym.是什么意思


Strives for works as good student.语法对么?是不是祈使句?


请问strive for doing sth 和strive to do sth哪个对 ?又是什么

strive to do sth 是对的。意思是努力做... 如果是Strive for,后面是 sth,例如strive for good quality program.

strive after 和 strive for 区别 两个都是奋斗 争取的意思 有什么区别呢?

strive for 是为什么什么奋斗 为了争取到什么 后边接名词 strive after 就是奋斗 在什么之后奋斗 后边可以接一个句子

请问strive for doing sth 和strive to do sth哪个对

strive to do sth 是对的.意思是努力做... 如果是Strive for,后面是 sth,例如strive for good quality program.


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