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Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.

what happeneduff1f

求welcome to forever整首歌的歌词中文翻译

  我对歌词的理解,与上面几位与偏差。   Three years or a lifetime   Three words that just might have come too soon   Three hours from somewhere   I might have ended up with you   三载或一辈子   或许来得太匆忙的三个词   源自某处的三个小时   可能产生我和你在一起的结果   Hold me like a river   Hold me like a string tied to a balloon   You get what you"re given   At any moment, a moment of truth   像彭湃的大河般地拥抱我   像绑在线上的气球搂着我   馈赠予你的,你会得到的   在任何时刻,真理的时刻   All my life, I"m traveling light   Been living in a sky   I"ll float, I"ll fade, I"ll carry away   "Til you pull me down and think of me sometimes   我的一生都是轻装出行   曾经生活在空中的楼阁   我漂浮、消失、忘形   直到你使我脚踏实地,偶尔还关心我   I"m sorry for leaving   I"m sorry for all, I could not do   You knew it was coming   Maybe in some ways, I did too   The keys by the bedside   And bags in the hall   离开你,我向你道歉   以及所有我的无能为力   你已意识到即将来临的结果   也许在某方面,我也意识到   钥匙放在床头边   行李放在大厅里   "Cause all my life, I"m traveling light   Been living in a sky   I"ll float, I"ll fade, I"ll carry away   "Til you pull me down and think of me sometimes   因为我的一生都是轻装出行   曾经生活在空中的楼阁   我漂浮、消失、忘形   直到你使我脚踏实地,偶尔还关心我   I"m searching for something   In the ether of this mess   Riding above these missing pieces   Leaves me weightless   我在寻找一些总结   发生这糟糕情况后   这些疑团重重之上   使我失重地漂浮着   All my life, I"m traveling light   Been living in a sky   I"ll float, I"ll fade, I"ll carry away   "Til you pull me down and you think of me   我的一生都是轻装出行   曾经生活在空中的楼阁   我漂浮、消失、忘形   直到你使我脚踏实地,偶尔还关心我   All my life, I"m traveling light   Been living in a sky   I"ll float, I"ll fade, I"ll carry away   "Til you pull me down and think of me sometimes, sometimes   我的一生都是轻装出行   曾经生活在空中的楼阁   我漂浮、消失、忘形   直到你使我脚踏实地,偶尔还关心我 ,偶尔   【英语牛人团】

What do you have for summer?根据实际回答问题


英语作文directions:for this pary

The Power of Advertisements Every day, it is easy to see advertisements all around us. Look around. How many different advertisements can you see? Often products show the name of the company that made them. This is a popular form of adver- rising. The special picture or symbol, i.e. logo, appears on many different products. When you see a logo, it is hard to forget that product or company. Many people buy a product because it is made by a certain company. In fact, some people only buy a product of a famous company. They think it proves that they are fashionable and have good taste. It is common to find advertisements on TV or radio. Most advertisements are very short for people to remember. Nike,for example, has a simple slogan used all around the world:"Just do it". Advertisements often use funny situations as well. It is easy to remember an entertaining ad. All advertisements are designed to make people buy a product. An advertisement for a soft drink, for example,might show a group of trendy young people who are having fun. The young people are all drinking the soft drink. Adverrisers are saying to you, "Why don"t you buy it and be like these people? You can be young, modern and trendy, too." You might think that advertisements do not affect you, but the next time you buy a soft drink, ask yourself: Why am I buying this particular product? 广告的力量 每天我们很容易在自己的身边发现各种各样的广告.向四周看一下,你能找到多少不同的广告? 通常产品都会显示其生产厂家的名称.这是一种很普遍的广告形式.各种各样的商品上出现的特殊图案或符号,叫做标识.当你见过一个标识,就很难忘记该种商品或其生产厂家. 很多人买东西是因为它出自某一特定厂家. 事实上,有些人只买某个大牌厂家出品的东西,因为他们觉得这证明他们很时尚,有品位. 广告通常出现在电视或收音机里.大多数广告都很短小便于人们记忆.例如,耐克就有一个简单却世界闻名的标语:“Just do it”(只管去做).广告中常常利用一些有趣的情景.通常娱乐广告就很容易记忆. 所有的广告设计都是为了使人们购买商品.例如某种软饮料的广告,可能就会出现一群玩得正开心的前卫青年,这些年轻人正畅饮该种饮料.广告词会对你说:“为什么不买来尝一尝,像这些人一样呢?你也会变得年轻、时尚又前卫.” 你可能会觉得自己并没有受到广告的影响,但是,下次买饮料的时候,问一问自己:为什么我会买这种牌子的产品呢?

东方神起Pary For God的歌词

Pray For God 中文: 希望.我们每天的话语,都可以留下香气 使我们的灵魂变的有香气.. 希望.我们所有的语言,都能成为快乐的花 成为和平的歌,使世界变得更明亮.. 希望,不用说诽谤的话语和谣言 用纯洁的心灵,诉说纯洁的话语.. 希望,用关爱的心,说出关爱的语言 以平和的心,说出平和的话语.. 希望.像每天用心滋养的花儿一样 从圣洁的水中提取力量,赋予我们最美的语气.. 希望.虔诚而浓郁的香气,永远浸透在那里.. uae30ub3c4ubb38 (pray for god...) 韩文歌词 ub9e4uc77c uc6b0ub9acuac00 ud558ub294 ub9d0uc740 uc5eduaca8uc6b4 ub0c4uc0c8uac00 uc544ub2cc ud5a5uae30ub85cuc6b4 ub9d0ub85c ud5a5uae30ub85cuc6b4 uc5ecuc6b4uc744 ub0a8uac8c ud558uc18cuc11c. uc6b0ub9acuc758 ubaa8ub4e0 ub9d0ub4e4uc774 uc774uc6c3uc758 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 uaf42ud788ub294 uae30uc068uc758 uaf43uc774 ub418uace0 ud3c9ud654uc758 ub178ub798uac00 ub418uc5b4 uc138uc0c1uc774 uc870uae08uc529 ub354 ubc1duc544uc9c0uac8c ud558uc18cuc11c. ub204uad6cuc5d0uac8cub3c4 ub3c4uc6c0uc774 ub420 ub9ac uc5c6ub294 ud5d8ub2f4uacfc ud5dbub41c uc18cubb38uc744 uc2e4uc5b4 ub098ub974uc9c0 uc54aub294 uae68ub057ud55c ub9c8uc74cuc73cub85c uae68ub057ud55c ub9d0uc744 ud558uac8c ud558uc18cuc11c. ub098ubcf4ub2e4 uba3cuc800 uc0c1ub300ubc29uc758 uc785uc7a5uc744 ud5e4uc544ub9acub294 uc0acub791uc758 ub9c8uc74cuc73cub85c uc0acub791uc758 ub9d0uc744 ud558uac8c ud558uc2dcuace0 ub0a8uc758 ub098uc05c uc810ubcf4ub2e4ub294 uc88buc740 uc810uc744 uba3cuc800 ubcf4ub294 uae0duc815uc801uc778 ub9c8uc74cuc73cub85c uae0duc815uc801uc778 ub9d0uc744 ud558uac8c ud558uc18cuc11c. ub9e4uc77c uc815uc131uaecf ubb3cuc744 uc8fcuc5b4 ud55c ud3ecuae30uc758 ub09cucd08ub97c uac00uafb8ub4ef uce68ubb35uacfc uae30ub3c4uc758 uc0d8uc5d0uc11c uae38uc5b4 uc62cub9b0 uc9c0ud61cuc758 ub9d1uc740 ubb3cub85c uc6b0ub9acuc758 ub9d0uc528ub97c uac00ub2e4ub4ecuac8c ud558uc18cuc11c. uacb8uc190uc758 uadf8uc73dud55c ud5a5uae30 uadf8 uc548uc5d0 uc2a4uba70ub4e4uac8c ud558uc18cuc11c. - uc774ud574uc778ub2d8uc758 uc2dc "ub9e4uc77c uc6b0ub9acuac00 ud558ub294 ub9d0uc740"

it is too small for me

表示的是对象,意思是“对于我来说这太小了”.如:It is important for us to learn English well.中to do结构是真正的主语,这件事的对象是us,也可以说learn English well的执行者是us

this one is too small for me to work at句法分析?

主系表结构。this one 主语is系动词too small表语剩余的是状语。意思是,这一个太小,我穿不了。

For the world you are somebody, but for somebody you are the world! 什么意思?


don撇t, bel ate for class again的意思是什么?

don撇t, bel ate for class again的意思是什么? Don"t be late for class again. 别再上课迟到了 in class的意思是什么 在教室里 don"t和hallway的意思是什么? don"t 英 [du0259u028ant] 美 [dont] 不要,禁忌;莫;别;甭 hallway 英 [u02c8hu0254:lweu026a] 美 [u02c8hu0254lu02ccwe] 门厅;走廊,过道;玄关 撇的意思是什么 撇 古代术语,多指实战中的一、二路扳。如图中黑1“撇”,阻止白子过渡。现已不用。 ◎ 撇 第一大类 读: piē (1) (形声。从手,敝声。本义:抛弃,弃置不顾) 我弟兄两个,便去镇上撇呵卖药,教使枪棒。——《水浒传》 又如:撇骨池(寺院中专供抛撒骨灰的池塘); 撇脱些(方言。行动干净利索,不留痕迹); 撇闪(丢开); 撇赖(丢开); 撇吊(丢开); 撇却(抛弃;丢开); (2) 从液面上轻轻地舀,以去掉泡沫或浮渣 。如:撇油;撇沫儿 (3) 同“瞥”。眼光掠过;匆匆一看 怪檀郎转眼偷相撇。——明· 汤显祖《紫钗记》 (4) 碰触;击 [strike] 时有一书生,又能低头以所葛巾角撇棋也。——《世说新语·巧艺》刘注引《博物志》 又如:撇波(击波破浪) (5) 拂拭,掠过 历倒景而绝飞梁兮,浮蠛蠓而撇天。——《文选·扬雄·甘泉赋》 第二大类:读piě (1) 平著扔出去 [cast;throw]。如:撇手榴弹 (2) 装;摆出 [put on]。 如:撇虚(装假);撇假(装假);撇欠(撇嵌。弄虚作假,虚情假意);撇京腔;撇呵(表演;卖艺);撇清(装清白);撇末(装扮角色,演戏) (3) 用嘴表示鄙夷、不以为然或激动的一种表情 [curl]。如:撇酥儿(方言。咧嘴笑) (4)汉字的笔画,向左斜下(写法是“丿”) 方言 四川方言:表示很糟糕,失败。如:这次考得太撇喽! l Don"t Like her的意思是什么 我不喜欢她 Don TCry的意思是什么? 不要哭 Don"t cry I don"t want to talk it with you的意思是什么? i don"t want to talk it with you 我不想和你谈论这个问题 lie,lied,lied,don"t be a liar的意思是什么? 说谎 lie lied lied 分别是过去式和过去分词 don"t be a liar 不要当骗子 liar是lie的名词形式 表示撒谎的人 骗子的意思 希望能够帮到楼主 Please don"t be in love with someone else 的意思是什么 请别爱上别人。

put forward 和 put forward to有区别吗

put something forward(1)将.提前put the meeting forward by one week(2)提出.put forward a planput forward to:+sth/doing提出做.To put forward for consideration; set forth.提出提出…以供考虑;陈述

put forward 和 put forward to有区别吗



miss passion everlasting infection insane mad beloved cherish embrace

歌词及中文翻译。《forever young》


be grounds for的意思和有谁知道shawty这个词的来源(怎样发展到现在这个意思的)?

be grounds for理由shawty 其实是黑人英语之一. 当然,现在许多人都用这个词. 而意思就是广东话中的"靓女" 或者是普通话中的"美眉" 然而当黑人形容一个女子为shawty时. 就是形容那个女子超"辣"

resigned for和resigned to的区别

be resigned to 表示自暴自弃,(精神上)陷入某种境地等resigned to 表示接受 (精神上,无可奈何的)接受;He resigned himself to his fate.他听天由命.be resigned for不是固定搭配,但可以使用,表示原因;he was forced to resign as Senator for political reasons.

Within Temptation的《Forgiven》 歌词


can you give us some information about the wru

Can you give us some _ about the writer. 选C,请你给我们一些关于作家的信息. (information为“报告;消息;报导;情报资料;信息”时是不可数名词)

Marcia told ben she was having a surprise party for lana……为什么用surprise而不用surprising?



以上这句话正确的英语应该分成三个部分来读,分别是Thank you,for,this Frisbee and football. 整句话的意思是感谢你送我的飞盘和足球,具体的发音可以在百度首页里搜索对应单词,谢谢!

young for you中文是什么意思?

young for you中文意思是为你年轻

歌曲《young for you》的歌词是什么?

Sunday"s coming I wanna drive my carTo your apartment with the present like a starForecaster said the weathers may be rainy hardBut I know the sun will shine for usOh lazy seagull fly me from the darkI dress my jeans and feed my monkey bananaThen I think my age how old,skyline how farWe need each other in CaliforniaYou show me your body before night comes downI touch your face and promise to stay ever youngOn this ivory beach we kissed so longIt seems that the passion"s never goneYou sing me your melody and I feel so pleaseI want you to want me to keep your dreamTogether we"ll run wild by a summer symphonyThis is what we enjoyed not a fantasyThe tin-man"s surfing I wanna try my luckTo the top of tide rip like just have some ***I know you have no blame for my proud moonish heartWelcome to the golden beatnik parkOh diamond seashore drag me from the yardIncredible sunward I watch as you"re in photographFor camera your smile"s so sweet,palm trees" so lushWould you believe my honey it"s CaliforniaYou show me your body before night comes downI touch your face and promise to stay ever youngOn this ivory beach we kissed so longIt seems that the passion"s never goneYou sing me your melody and I feel so pleaseI want you to want me to keep your dreamTogether we"ll run wild by a summer symphonyThis is what we enjoyed not a fantasy


unfortunately英 [ʌnˈfɔ:tʃənətli] 美 [ʌnˈfɔ:rtʃənətli] adv. 可惜;不幸地,遗憾地;不巧

She suddently fell forward on to the table and fainted.为什么要加to

应该是onto 等于to 可以去掉on

find,kook for,study,learnde的区别


The idea of a day for mothers was first given by Anna Jarvis什么意思

给妈妈一天(休息?/考虑?)时间的注意最先是由Anna Jarvis提出来的

I m in Boulder,Colorado,and am one of the fortunate 阅读


Looking For Trouble 歌词

歌曲名:Looking For Trouble歌手:Jemina Pearl专辑:Break It UpKanye West - Looking For Trouble (Feat. J. Cole, Pusha T, Big Sean & Cyhi Da Prince)(Pusha T:) Re-Up Gang Pusha(Looking for trouble, trouble, trouble)But you found it muthafuckerYesAll I see is black roses, drug dealer posesshoveling that devil"s angel up they nosesnever let jail turn my shine into Mosescouldn"t cleanse my soul with them civil rights sposespanoramic roof, under glass like a coasterbackseat driver, racial slurs at the chauffeurkillian loafers, Mikimoto chokes herPhoto-op this priceless, frame our wanted postersthe audacity, war brings casualtybitch have my son before I face that tragedyugh, I order hits, she orders mahiR.I.P. Vivian Blake, shout out the shower posseGone!!!(You seek out problems)(Looking for trouble, trouble, trouble)But you found it motherfucker(Kanye West:) I"m here, it"s the misogynybad bitches massaging mesometimes we lowered our standards at the collegesso please don"t judge me, ugh, for the followingfat bitches swallowing, skinny bitches modelingtake of that Givenchy and let"s get raunchyI have your face looking all Captain Cruncythe devil stay testing"cause when you chase the pussy it"s a sinbut if it falls in your lap it"s a blessingsoon as I got salad, I spent it all on dressingFrench, to be exact, that Balmain was impressivehad used the main leathers (leathers, leathers, leathers)(Cyhi The Prynce:) Cyhi, Cyhi, Yeahboy, we looking for troublemaybe if we wasn"t black then we wouldn"t have struggledplayer, all I got is trap niggas and crooks in my huddlethey cook and I smugglegot twenty pounds of kush in the duffleso I"m running through them circles,boy I"m looking like Knuckleslook at my knuckles, got the hook in "cause niggas was lookingI"ve tooken some whoopings, so trust me, dog I"m good for a scuffledon"t be mad I whooped your ass "cause I"ve tooken a couplefeds asking niggas questions but I wouldn"t rebuttal"cause I"m Jake Gyllenhaal, I"m in the hood with the bubblewith a tall model broad like I took her from Russelldidn"t play the cards I was dealt, I made the dealer re-shuffleRoyal Flush, so kiss my royal nutsain"t nothing silver spooned, I came from the soil, bruhbut now I"m eating off of rather yellow goldexquisite ravioli with some happy yellow hoesbut don"t get it confused when I rap these mellow flows"cause all my Titos got bricks like a yellow road(Big Sean:) GOOD, I do itB.I.G. Sean Don nigga(But you found it mutherfucker)bitchI"m in, that no-smoke sec" rolling motherfucking ouncesmarijuana mountains, drinks you"re not pronouncingthree chains on, I don"t need no bouncersnothing less than a G stack"s in my trousersnew double-D"s smashed in her blousesfuck a hotel, my nigga we rent houses (houses)my nigga, we rent housesso many wedding rings lost in them couchesI"m just a Westside loverI leave females in my sheets and all my feelings in a rubberthis is showtime, showtime, boyI hope you set the DVRstacking money face to face, dish it, look like CPR"Ye invited me a seat to sit at the throneso now I"m snapping like yo" ass just finished a poemdoes he sound like "Ye, Jay, or Drizzy Drake?meanwhile, I"m chilling with all these niggas, counting all this money you ain"tconsider yourself lucky to see a legend before the primea killer before the crime, a BIG before the Dimegreet me wit a middle finger when you see meit"s cool, "cause I can"t see yo" ass from this side of the TV muthafucker(J. Cole:) Hey, Cole World, make way for the chosen onewhat you now hear is putting fear in all the older onesdown played me to downgrade me like they don"t notice sonyour shoes too big too fill? I can barely squeeze my toes in "emfucking hoes while teaching niggas to hold your sonsthis the rap Moses, scratch that, Mary and Joseph"s sonhigh as fuck with a cold flow and a loaded gunnever say I"m better than Hov, but I"m the closest oneheard you looking for trouble, what, I"m supposed to run?yo" bitch invited me inside her, ain"t I supposed to cum?got niggas that"ll blow your tee off, put a hole in onenow you outside of heaven"s gate, fronting like you know someonetalking hard, but y"all still ain"t push methey say you are what you eat, and I still ain"t pussyfuck it, everybody can get itwhen you"re this hot, everybody"s a criticbut when you"re this high everybody"s a midgetall this mean mugging from niggas that mean nothingcould it be my position is one that you dreamed of?went from quarter to broke to half past richwith my bad ass bitchand you don"t want no problems on some math class shitso check the young genius outfuck the World, bust a nut, and let my semen sproutI thought that real shit is what you been fiending "boutwhat you been praying for? What you been screaming "bout?ironic you been sleeping on the one that you been dreaming "boutKanye West - Looking For Trouble (Feat. J. Cole, Pusha T, Big Sean & Cyhi Da Prince)

hooray for october怎么读

hooray for october英 [hʊ"reɪ fə(r) ɒk"təʊbə ] 十月万岁


《Hooray for Thomas!》(Awdry, Rev. W.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:u3bd书名:Hooray for Thomas!作者:Awdry, Rev. W.出版社:Random House Childrens Books出版年份:2005-1页数:24内容简介:Filled with gentle humor and lots of photos, here are three fun new stories straight from Thomas" newest video. First, Thomas saves the day when the medals for the children"s Sports Day are left in the station. Next, Skarloey must help Sir Topham Hatt when he is carried off by a runaway balloon. And finally, Gordon wants nothing to do with the big engine decorating contest, but a large banner might alter his plans.


《Hooray for Thomas! Book & CD》(Rev. W. Awdry)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接: 密码:wuz2    书名:Hooray for Thomas! Book & CD作者:Rev. W. Awdry出版社:Random House Childrens Books出版年份:2006-4页数:24内容简介:Three exciting Thomas the Tank Engine tales fuel this Pictureback and CD. Music and narration complement the photo- and action-packed book.

Hooray for May.是什么意思

hooray for may5月份万岁



hooray for May什么意思

hooray for May为五月喝彩。五月万岁hooray for  万岁; 为。。。。喝彩。双语对照例句:Hooray for bees and beekeepers! 为蜜蜂和养蜂人喝采2.Now peter pan is the captain. He"s the captain of the boat. Hooray for captain pan! 现在彼得潘当了船长。他是这条船的船长。潘船长万岁!3.Three cheers for the bride and groom? Hip, hip, hooray! 为新郎新娘欢呼三声!希普,希普,万岁!

the girl Terry For 课文翻译

你好!the girl Terry For女孩特里

forrest li是啥,那个GG平台不是陈欧创的吗?那咋百度百科里连提都没提

forrest li是啥,那个GG平台不是陈欧创的吗?那咋百度百科里连提都没提 29 分钟前 提问者: 光羽飞矢 |浏览次数:1次

expat解析xml出现not well-formed (invalid token)的问题

xml只能有一个顶层元素,改为:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?><result><A>a</A> <B>b<B></result>

英语词汇构词法(Word Formation)——专用名词转化而来的普通名词

除了以上讨论的构词法以外,英语词汇还有一个重要的来源,即从专有名词转化而来的普通名词。sandwich一词就是个很好的例子,现意为“三明治”(一种快餐名)。它源于英国18世纪三明治第四代伯爵John Montague。此人嗜赌成性,常常废寝忘食。他常吩咐下人将几大片熟牛肉夹在几片面包中间送给他吃,这样他就可以边吃边赌了。后来,人们便用他的名字指代所有类似的食物。这就是“三明治”一词的由来。现代英语中有大量由专有名词转化来的普通名词,包括人名、地名、书名和商标名。   1.人名   这组词大都来源于科学家、发明家等的名字,如ampere(安培)来源于法国物理学家Ampere,farad(法拉)来源于英国物理学家Faraday,ohm(欧姆)来源于德国物理学家Ohm,volt(伏特)来源于意大利物理学家Volta,watt(瓦特)来源于苏格兰发明家Watt。这些词现已成为电学中的单位名词。同理,diesel(柴油机)是德国发明家Diesel发明的,mackintosh(风雨衣)是苏格兰发明家Mackintosh发明的,bloomers(布鲁姆衣服)是由纽约Bloomers夫人发明的。   有些词来源于神话人物名,如cherub(天真可爱的男童)来源于Cherub(小天使),protean(千变万化的)来源于有许多化身并能作预言的海神Proteus。   有些词来源于历史人物名,如bobby(<英>警察)来自19世纪初伦敦警察的创建者Robert Peel爵士;cynic(愤世嫉俗的人;玩世不恭的人)来源于希腊犬儒学派的代表人物Cynic;quisling(叛徒)来自背叛祖国投降纳粹的挪威军官Vidkum Quisling。   有些词来源于文学作品中的人物名,如quixotic(极其浪漫的,理想主义的,骑士气派的)来自于塞万提斯的作品《唐.吉诃德》中的Don Quixote(唐.吉诃德);sadism(<对异性>残暴色情狂)来源于Count Donation(侯爵)de Sade;robot(机器人)来自于Karel Capek的剧本RUR中的机器怪物Robot。   2.地名   有许多表示产品、东西或材料的词来自于其原产地的地名,如china(瓷器)来自瓷都China(中国),afghan(一种织毯)原产于Afghanistan(阿富汗),jersey(毛衣)产于美国的Jersey Island(泽西岛),champagne(香槟酒)原产于法国的Champagne(香槟),rubgy(橄榄球)起源于曾以橄榄球闻名的英国Rugby(拉格比)学校。   3.书名   还有一些词来源于书名,其含义与书中所描述的事物有关,如utopia(乌托邦)源于Thomas More爵士所著的Utopia《乌托邦》,odyssey(长期漂流的)源于Homer(荷马)的The Odyssey(《奥德赛》),此书描写Odysseus(奥德修斯)在攻破了特洛伊城后所经历的各种艰苦的漂泊生活。Bibbit(一个只关心事业和职位,只关注文艺和文化的人)源于Sinclair Lewis的小说Bibbit(《巴比特》)。   4.商标名   nylon(尼龙),orlon(奥纶),daron(的确良,达可纶),rayon(人造丝,雷荣)等词原来都是商标名,现在用来指这种纤维材料。再如:frisbee(飞盘),deepfreeze(冷藏箱,电冰箱),Omega(香烟名),xerox(复印机)等。   大部分专有名词转化为普通名词后,其原来的特征已经消失;首字母不能再大写,而且可以转化为其他词类,如boycott(n&v),意为“抵制”,源于19世纪大地主Boycott,cabal(n&v),意为“阴谋,玩弄阴谋”,源于五大臣Clifford,Ashley,Buckingham, Arlington和Lauderdale名字首字母的拼写。   这些词还可以带后缀:-ic,-an, -al, -ist, -ese, -ish, -esque构成形容词,如colossal(巨大的),irenic(促进和平的),stentorian(声音洪亮的),Micawberish(幻想突然走运的),picaresque(<经历等>传奇式流浪冒险的)等;   还可加后缀-ism, -(i)ne,-age,-ade,-ia, -ity, -ry构成名词:solecism(文理不通),morphine(吗啡),sabotage(怠工),pasquinade(讽刺诗),Babbitry(庸俗的实业家性格,节俭作风),magnolia(木兰)等。   由专有名词转化而来的普通名词具有丰富的文化内涵,在文体上能起到生动的效果,给人以深刻的印象,发人深思。如:   I want to be TV"s czar of script and grammar.(我想成为电视剧本和文理上的沙皇。)   Churchill, a bent Pickwick in blue uniform, looked up at him with majestic good humor, much older, more dignified, moren assured. (丘吉尔,一位身穿蓝色制服的匹克威克,带着庄严的幽默仰视着他,显得更加苍老、更为尊严、更为自信。)   It is with procrustean thoroughness that the Soviet government sequelches all dissent.(正是普罗克拉提斯般彻底性使得苏联政府压制了所有不同意见人士。)   czar(沙皇)这个词指1917年以前俄国的皇帝,但其源自罗马皇帝恺撒(Caesar)。现在,这个词用指“任何权力至高无上的人”、“权威”。所以,上面第一个句子中言者想在电视剧本和文理领域像恺撒(Caesar)在罗马帝国一样拥有相同权力和权威,以此暗示其盛气凌人的个性和雄心。   第二句中把丘吉尔比作匹克韦克。匹克韦克是狄更斯小说《匹克韦克外传》(Pickwick Papers)中的人物,他天真、善良。该句用Pickwick不仅描述丘吉尔的外貌,而且也描写其性格,在读者心中树立起一个和蔼可亲的形象,栩栩如生,如在眼前。   procrustean一词给人另一种形象。该词源于procrustes,他是雅典(Attica)的一个巨人,他用酷刑将行人拽长或将四肢砍断来和他的床的长度取齐,因此该词义为“残忍地要求一致的”。第三句中说苏维埃政府用Procrustes那样的手段残忍地要求一致,给人以强烈地恐怖感。毫无疑问,用此类词表示意思比用普通的形容词产生更强烈的效果。   注意:   (1)组合词素因为看起来像词缀,而且也是粘附形式,所以易与词缀相混淆。两者的区别是:组合词素是粘附词根,而词缀不是词根。因此,psycho-,socio-,-meter, -gragh, -gram, -logy等是组合词素。所以这些组合词素构成的新词和其他自由/粘附词素形式构成的新词都可以看作是复合词。   (2)v-ed这是指所有的过去分词,包括规则和不规则的。 好啦,关于构词法的内容就与大家分享到这里了,希望对有需要的同学有所帮助。

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没有什么理由,英国人喜欢这么用,你一定要理由的话我来帮你吧,分别介绍一下,再举些例子,你应该能明白了,加分哦~~ for [fɔ:, fə] prep. (表示时间)在(某一特定时间); 在…时节; 持续达 (表示方向)向, 朝, 开往 ( 表示距离)延续达, 计有 I followed him for some distance. 我跟着他走了一段路程。 of of 表示“...的”,是表示所属关系的介词。 介词of用法归纳 英语作为一种语言文字是由无数个词汇组成的,但是在实际应用过程中,除了冠词,应数介词of使用率最高.英语介词of因其在句中所处位置及与其它词之间的关系不同而表示不同的意义. 你只要记住一些固定用法,下次就好区分了. "OF" 之前的是名词或人称代词,强调主体在前.你可以好好捉摸一下. Purify the nation clean the jar of crust 清洗罐子的外壁 Clarify the river of flowing rubbish 清除河里的浮游垃圾 再来举例子 for for AHD:[fôr] [f…r ] 非重读时 D.J.[f%8r][f* ]非重读时 K.K.[f%r][f+ ]非重读时 prep.(介词) Used to indicate the object, aim, or purpose of an action or activity: 为了:用来指一个动作或活动的目的、目标或意图: trained for the ministry; put the house up for sale; plans to run for senator. 为政府部门培训;把房子拍卖;计划竞选议员 Used to indicate a destination: 往,向:用来指目的地: headed off for town. 出发去城里 Used to indicate the object of a desire, an intention, or a perception: 对于:用来指愿望、意图或感觉的目标: had a nose for news; eager for fame and fortune. 消息灵通;渴求名利 Used to indicate the recipient or beneficiary of an action: 为:用来指一个活动的接受者或受益者: prepared lunch for us. 为我们准备午餐 On behalf of: 代表: spoke for all the members. 代表全体成员发言 In favor of: 对…支持: Were they for or against the proposal? 他们支持这项议案还是反对呢? In place of: 代替…: a substitute for eggs. 鸡蛋的替代品 Used to indicate equivalence or equality: 等值,等量:用于表示等值或相同关系: paid ten dollars for a ticket; repeated the conversation word for word. 花十美元买了张票;逐字逐句地重复谈话 Used to indicate correlation or correspondence: 用于表示关联或联系: took two steps back for every step forward. 每前进一步向后退两步 Used to indicate amount, extent, or duration: 达:用于表示数量、范围或持续时间: a bill for five dollars; walked for miles; stood in line for several minutes. 五美元的钞票;步行了数英里;排了几分钟的队 Used to indicate a specific time: 在:用于表示一个具体时间: had an appointment for two o"clock. 两点钟有一个约会 As being: 当作: take for granted; mistook me for the librarian. 视为当然;把我误认为是图书管理员 Used to indicate an actual or implied listing or choosing: 针对…:用于表示实际的或隐含的列举或选择: For one thing, we can"t afford it. 第一,我们买不起 As a result of; because of: 由于,因为: jumped for joy. 因高兴而跳起来 Used to indicate appropriateness or suitability: 用于表示适度或适当: It will be for the judge to decide. 这要由法官来决定 Notwithstanding; despite: 虽然,尽管: For all the problems, it was a valuable experience. 尽管还存在许多问题,这仍不失为一次宝贵的经验 As regards; concerning: 关于,至于: a stickler for neatness. 有洁癖的人 Considering the nature or usual character of: 至于:关于…的性质或一般特征: was spry for his advanced age. 就他的高龄来说,他应该算是充满生气的了 In honor of: 为纪念…: named for her grandmother. 为纪念她的祖母起的名字 conj.(连接词) Because; since. 因为;既然 of of AHD:[¾v, ¼v] […v ] 非重读时 D.J.[(v, %v][*v ]非重读时 K.K.[(v, $v][*v ]非重读时 prep.(介词) Derived or coming from; originating at or from: 从…产生或来自…;源于或来自于: men of the north. 从北方来的人们 Caused by; resulting from: 由…引起:由…而致: a death of tuberculosis. 死于肺结核 Away from; at a distance from: 离开的;距…多远的: a mile east of here. 从这里向东一英里 So as to be separated or relieved from: 为了分开或从…中解脱: robbed of one"s dignity; cured of distemper. 剥夺了尊严;治愈了犬瘟热 From the total or group comprising: 从总体或组成中离开的: give of one"s time; two of her friends; most of the cases. 对某人的时间而言;两个她的朋友;大多数的情况 Composed or made from: 由…组成或由…制成: a dress of silk. 丝制的衣服 Associated with or adhering to: 与…相联或与…相接: a man of your religion. 与你信仰相同宗教的人 Belonging or connected to: 属于的或与…相连: the rungs of a ladder. 梯子的横档 Possessing; having: 占有的;拥有的: a person of honor. 有声望的人 On one"s part: 在某人一方: very nice of you. 你真好 Containing or carrying: 包含的或含有的: a basket of groceries. 一篮的食品杂货 Specified as; named or called: 具体为;被称为或叫做: a depth of ten feet; the Garden of Eden. 十英尺的深度;伊甸园 Centering on; directed toward: 以…为中心的;指向…的: a love of horses. 对马匹的钟爱 Produced by; issuing from: 由…产生;生自…: products of the vine. 葡萄树结出的果实 Characterized or identified by: 以…为特征的或指示…: a year of famine. 饥荒年 With reference to; about: 指…的;关于: think highly of her proposals; will speak of it later. 对她的提议评价很高;将在后面讲述它 In respect to: 就…来说: slow of speech. 就讲话来说很慢 Set aside for; taken up by: 为…而设置;由…占据: a day of rest. 休息日 Before; until: 在…之前;直到: five minutes of two. 差五分到两点 During or on a specified time: 在具体的一段时间内: of recent years. 在最近这些年中 By: 被: beloved of the family. 被家人所热爱 Used to indicate an appositive: 用以指同格的事物: that idiot of a driver. 那个白痴司机 Archaic On: 【古语】 在…上: “A plague of all cowards, I say”(Shakespeare) “所有懦夫遭天谴,我说”(莎士比亚)

during the famine,many people were reduced to going without food for days。这句话怎么翻译呢?


during the famine,many people were reduced to going without food for days。这句话怎么翻译呢?

是介词,没引导原状。。这里不能理解为‘减 少"另: reduce有迫使的意思。。reduce to doing sth如 reduce to tears 使伤心得流泪译 : 在饥荒年代,很多人因为多天没食物而被迫离开。。

要不这样吧,我给您跑一趟。 可以说 how about letting me run an errand for you。 可以吗

errand, 意思是“差事”,常常与动词run 连用,表示出去办些小差事,说得不好听一点就是“替人跑腿建议这样说:How about you let me run errand for you.

Eliza clark won the prize for the best performer?这里的for是什么意思?表什么?


Eliza clark won the prize for the best performer?这里的for是什么意思?表什么?


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EVGA有一卡车GeForce RTX 30系列显卡被盗,官方警告用户切勿购买

在去年12月份,位于深圳宝安的微星工厂曾发出一份公告,内容是丢失了一批显卡,悬红10万元寻求线索,并报警处理。当时约有40箱GeForce RTX 3090显卡丢失,在显卡溢价严重的日子里,挑动了人们敏感的神经。由于相隔不久前,微星的这间工厂还发生了火灾,让不少人怀疑微星的工厂管理是不是存在问题。 时隔近一年,类似的事情又一次上演了,不过这次地点换到了美国加利福尼亚州,显卡厂商变成了EVGA。根据EVGA论坛上的公告,有一辆装满GeForce RTX 30系列显卡的卡车,在2021年10月29日从旧金山开往EVGA南加州配送中心的途中被盗,里面装载的显卡零售价在329.99美元到1959.99美元不等。EVGA并没有透露具体的案件细节,不清楚总共有多少张显卡,也不了解是如何被盗的。目前市场对显卡的需求量很大,溢价也很高,相信这车显卡价值不菲。 EVGA提示,购买这些显卡会触犯相关法律法规,即便帮助隐藏或销售赃物也是违法行为。EVGA表示知晓被盗显卡的部件号,因此不会对这些显卡在官网进行注册、兑现保修、赔偿等售后服务。对于普通用户而言,相关保修条款还是很重要,但对于矿工来说可能就没什么所谓了。 EVGA还提供了一个官方的邮箱,任何接收到这些显卡或提供线索的人可以与其联系。


歌名:youngforyou演唱:GALA作词:GALA作曲:GALASunday"scomingiwannadrivemycar周日就要到了,我想开车去你的公寓toyourapartmentwithapresentlikeastar带着晨星般的礼物forecastersaidtheweathersmayberainyhard预报说那天将会下大雨butiknowthesunwillshineforus但是我知道阳光会为我们闪耀ohlazyseagullflymefromthedark慵懒的海鸥带我飞出黑暗idressmyjeansandfeedmymonkeybanana我穿着我的牛仔裤,喂我的猴子吃香蕉thenithinkmyagehowold,skylinehowfar那时我在想我有多大,还有地平线到底有多远whereweneedeachotherincalifornia在加利福尼亚州我们彼此需要youshowmeyourbodybeforenightcomesdown在夜幕降临前你向我展现你的身姿itouchyourfaceandpromisetostayever-young我抚摸你的脸庞,许诺我们永远这样年轻onthisivorybeachwekissedsolong在这象牙色的海滩上我们长吻itseemsthatpassion"snevergone仿佛激情永不消退yousingmeyourmelodyandifeelsoplease你为我唱你的旋律,我感到如此的舒适iwantyoutowantmetokeepyourdream我渴望你也想要我守护你的梦想togetherwe"llrunwildbyasummersymphony我们在夏季的交响乐中肆意奔跑thisiswhatweenjoyednotafantasy这是我们的喜悦而并非幻想thetin-man"ssurfingiwannatrymyluck我想尝试冲浪tothetopoftideriplikejusthavesomedrugs像服了兴奋剂般冲上浪尖iknowyouhavenoblameformyproudmoonishheart我知道你对我骄傲易变的心不会有任何责备welcometothegoldenbeatnikpark欢迎来到比特尼克一代的黄金花园ohdiamondseashoredragmefromtheyard钻石般的海岸将我拉离花院incrediblesunwardiwatchasyou"reinphotograph我难以置信的朝着太阳看你的照片forcamerayoursmile"ssosweet,palmtrees"solush画面中你的微笑如此甜美,棕榈树如此青翠wouldyoubelievemyhoneyit"scalifornia你相信么,我的甜心,这就是加利福尼亚youshowmeyourbodybeforenightcomesdown在夜幕降临前你向我展现你的身姿itouchyourfaceandpromisetostayever-young我抚摸你的脸庞,承诺永远青春onthisivorybeachwekissedsolong在这象牙色的海滩上我们久久拥吻itseemsthatpassion"snevergone仿佛激情永不消逝yousingmeyourmelodyandifeelsoplease你为我唱出自己的旋律,我感到如此的愉悦iwantyoutowantmetokeepyourdream我渴望你也想要我守护你的梦想togetherwe"llrunwildbyasummersymphony我们在夏季的交响中狂野的奔跑thisiswhatweenjoyednotafantasy这是我们的喜悦而非幻想扩展资料《youngforyou》是北京的英伦风格摇滚乐队GALA演唱的一首歌曲。该歌曲为国语版本,2004年3月发行英文专辑《YoungForYou》。 《YoungForYou》,无论是聪明顽劣的旋律,还是毛手毛脚的鼓点,相信它都属于值得期待和鼓励的前者。开玩笑地想:甚至认为他们在拥有了技术全面的鼓手以后,也该时不时地尝试一下现在这种毛手毛脚的风格不失技术含金量的毛手毛脚。参考资料百度百科-youngforyou

有谁知道 a valediction:forbidding mourning 这首诗 的英文解释?

A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning   别离辞:莫悲伤JOHN DONNE   约翰·多恩As virtuous men pass mildly away 正如贤人安然辞世And whisper to their souls to go 轻声呼唤灵魂离去Whilst some of their sad friends do say 悲伤的有人或伤逝"Now his breath goes," and some say "no" 叹其气绝魂离,亦又说不然So let me melt, and make no noise 就让我们悄然别离,不要喧哗No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move 不要泪涌如潮,不要凄声叹息They were profanation of our joys 那是对我们欢乐的亵渎To tell the laity of our love 向俗人宣示我们的爱Moving of the earth brings harms and fears 地动带来伤害与恐惧Men reckon what it did, and meant 人们推其为断其义But trepidation of the spheres 而天体运转震动, 威力虽大Though greater far, is innocent 却对什么都没损伤Dull sublunary lovers" love 乏味的烦情俗爱-whose soul is sense- cannot admit 建立在感官之上,无法承受Of absense, "cause it doth remove 别离,因为别离The things which elemented it 使爱的根基破碎支离But we by a love so much refined 但我和你拥有如此纯洁的爱Though ourselves know not what it is 连我们都无法理解Inter-assured of the mind 心心相印、相许Careless,eyes,lips and hands to miss 岂在乎眼、唇和手的交融Our two souls therefore, which are one 我们俩的灵魂合而为一Tought I must go, endure not yet 我纵须远离A breach, but an expansion 非违爱诺,实是延展Like gold aery thinness beat 宛若黄金锤炼成轻飘韧箔If there be two, they are two so 若我们的灵魂一分为二As stiff twin compasses are two 应如坚定的圆规般Thy suol, the fied foot, makes no show 你的心灵是定脚,坚守不移To move, but doth, if the other do 但另一只脚起步,你便随之旋转And though it in the centre sit 尽管一直端坐中央Yet, when the other far doth roam 但当另一只脚四周漫游It leans, and hearkens after it 它亦会侧身,细听周详And grows erect, when that comes home 待它归来,便挺直如旧Such wilt thou be to me, who must 这便是你之于我,我一直Like the other foot, obliquely run 如同那另一只脚,侧身转圈Thy firmness makes my circle just 你的坚贞使我的轨迹浑圆And makes me end where it begun 也让我的漫游在起跑线终止扩展资料约翰·邓恩(John Donne,1572年1月22日—1631年3月31日), 十七世纪英国玄学派诗人,出身于天主教家庭。曾在欧洲大陆游历,也曾是宫廷中潇洒倜傥、前途无量的绅士。他广泛阅读神学、医学、法律和古典著作,因此在写作中,他经常显示出其不凡的学识、机智和幽默。参考资料来源:百度百科-约翰·邓恩

yoy must get up now and get ready for school简单句分析

yoy must get up now. you must get ready for school.两个简单句。



for roy johnson a senior magazine editor阅读翻译


原文for roy johnson a senior magazine editor翻译成中文。

原文:for roy johnson a senior magazine editor译文:罗伊·约翰逊是一位资深杂志编辑重点词汇:magazine英 [mæɡə'zi:n]释义:n 杂志;弹药库;胶卷盒[ 复数 magazines ]短语:Science Magazine 科学杂志 ; 科学 ; 科学周刊 ; 科学杂志英文原版扩展资料:词语辨析:for, after, despite, notwithstanding, with这几个词均可表示“让步”。1、after表示“让步”时在大多数情况下要和all连用,意思是“经过一切…之后,仍然…”;2、 despite和in spite of具有相同的意思,但despite是正式用语,且语气较强; for表示“让步”时,其意思和用法与with基本相同,表示有保留的或未起作用的理由、原因,有“虽然…还是…”“尽管…仍然…”的意思,它们一般用于口语中,而且都必须和all连用,出现在句首;3、notwithstanding是正式用语,表示“让步”的语气较弱,其宾语往往是表示难度较小的障碍的名词,它引导的短语可以置于句首,亦可置于句中或句末,有时还可置于它引导的短语之后。

I love you for what you are, but for what I am, when I am with you.什么意思

出自罗伊·克里夫特的《爱》原文:《Love》by Roy CroftI love you,Not only for what you are,But for what I am,When I am with you.I love you,Not only for what,You have made of yourself,But for what,You are making of me.I love youFor the part of me,That you bring out;I love you,For putting your hand,Into my heaped-up heart,And passing over,All the foolish, weak thingsThat you can"t help.Dimly seeing there,And for drawing out,Into the light,All the beautiful belongings,That no one else had looked,Quite far enough to find.中文翻译:《爱》——罗伊·克里夫特我爱你 ,不光因为你的样子 ,还因为 ,和你在一起时 ,我的样子 。我爱你 ,不光因为你为我而做的事 ,还因为 ,为了你 ,我能做成的事 。我爱你 ,因为你能唤出, 我最真的那部分 。我爱你 ,因为你穿越我心灵的旷野 ,如同阳光穿透水晶般容易 ,我的傻气 ,我的弱点 ,在你的目光里几乎不存在 ,而我心里最美丽的地方 。却被你的光芒照的通亮 ,别人都不曾费心走那么远 ,别人都觉得寻找太麻烦 ,所以没人发现过我的美丽 ,所以没人到过这里因为你将我的生活化腐朽为神奇。扩展资料扩展资料:人物背景:罗伊·克里夫特是个很有争议的“人物”,任何文献里面没有关于他的生平的任何介绍,甚至是生卒年代,也没有照片。至于说他是爱尔兰人,也只是一个传说,也有人认为他是美国人。而其生活年代被估计为1905年1980年间。 Roy在1979年自费出版了一本28页的诗集,其中最有名的诗就是《爱》。这首诗经常在婚礼上出现,也总有人引用。对于他成谜的身世,有一种说法是Roy本人根本不存在,而是有人用来发表翻译的诗作的一个途径。而《爱》这首诗本身翻译自奥地利诗人Erich Fried的德语诗《我爱你》(Ich Liebe Dich)。 他的诗集现在已找不到了,甚至连名字都没有留下。出版诗集的公司名叫Blue Mountain Arts, Inc.(蓝山艺术公司)至今还在,在美国科罗拉多州,主要业务就是给那些自己愿意掏钱的人出书。几十年来出版了很多书籍,但是这些书籍质量参差不齐,印数也因作者的经济实力而不同。最早是在上世纪九十年代的时候有人试图去找这本诗集的,但由于年代久远,公司已经找不到任何一本藏书和记录了。

for roy johnson a senior magazine editor的翻译是:什么意思?

for roy johnson a senior magazine editor的翻译是:罗伊·约翰逊是高级杂志编辑


原文:for roy johnson a senior magazine editor译文:罗伊·约翰逊是一位资深杂志编辑重点词汇:magazine英 [mæɡə'zi:n]释义:n 杂志;弹药库;胶卷盒[ 复数 magazines ]短语:Science Magazine 科学杂志 ; 科学 ; 科学周刊 ; 科学杂志英文原版扩展资料:词语辨析:for, after, despite, notwithstanding, with这几个词均可表示“让步”。1、after表示“让步”时在大多数情况下要和all连用,意思是“经过一切…之后,仍然…”;2、 despite和in spite of具有相同的意思,但despite是正式用语,且语气较强; for表示“让步”时,其意思和用法与with基本相同,表示有保留的或未起作用的理由、原因,有“虽然…还是…”“尽管…仍然…”的意思,它们一般用于口语中,而且都必须和all连用,出现在句首;3、notwithstanding是正式用语,表示“让步”的语气较弱,其宾语往往是表示难度较小的障碍的名词,它引导的短语可以置于句首,亦可置于句中或句末,有时还可置于它引导的短语之后。

leave for和leave to的区别

leave for+地点 动身去某地 如:leave for Beijing leave +地点 离开某地 如:leave Beijng 没有单独的leave to 结构。祝学习进步,天天快乐,万事如意 !满意请采纳!:)

one for the master, one for the dame, and one fo


文献解读- Physics Informed Deep Learning

Data-driven solutions and discovery of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations Maziar Raissi , Paris Perdikaris , and George Em Karniadakis We introduce physics informed neural networks – neural networks that are trained to solve supervised learning tasks while respecting any given law of physics described by general nonlinear partial differential equations. We present our developments in the context of solving two main classes of problems: data-driven solution and data-driven discovery of partial differential equations. Depending on the nature and arrangement of the available data, we devise two distinct classes of algorithms, namely continuous time and discrete time models. The resulting neural networks form a new class of data-efficient universal function approximators that naturally encode any underlying physical laws as prior information. In the first part, we demonstrate how these networks can be used to infer solutions to partial differential equations, and obtain physics-informed surrogate models that are fully differentiable with respect to all input coordinates and free parameters. In the second part, we focus on the problem of data-driven discovery of partial differential equations. In this first part of our two-part treatise, we focus on computing data-driven solutions to partial differential equations of the general form where denotes the latent (hidden) solution, is a nonlinear differential operator, and is a subset of . In what follows, we put forth two distinct classes of algorithms, namely continuous and discrete time models, and highlight their properties and performance through the lens of different benchmark problems. All code and data-sets are available here. We define to be given by and proceed by approximating by a deep neural network. This assumption results in a physics informed neural network . This network can be derived by the calculus on computational graphs: Backpropagation. Example (Burgers" Equation) As an example, let us consider the Burgers" equation. In one space dimension, the Burger"s equation along with Dirichlet boundary conditions reads as Let us define to be given by and proceed by approximating by a deep neural network. To highlight the simplicity in implementing this idea let us include a Python code snippet using Tensorflow. To this end, can be simply defined as Correspondingly, the physics informed neural network takes the form The shared parameters between the neural networks and can be learned by minimizing the mean squared error loss where and Here, denote the initial and boundary training data on and specify the collocations points for . The loss corresponds to the initial and boundary data while enforces the structure imposed by the Burgers" equation at a finite set of collocation points. The following figure summarizes our results for the data-driven solution of the Burgers" equation. Example (Shrödinger Equation) This example aims to highlight the ability of our method to handle periodic boundary conditions, complex-valued solutions, as well as different types of nonlinearities in the governing partial differential equations. The nonlinear Schrödinger equation along with periodic boundary conditions is given by where is the complex-valued solution. Let us define to be given by and proceed by placing a complex-valued neural network prior on . In fact, if denotes the real part of and is the imaginary part, we are placing a multi-out neural network prior on . This will result in the complex-valued (multi-output) physic informed neural network . The shared parameters of the neural networks and can be learned by minimizing the mean squared error loss where and Here, denotes the initial data, corresponds to the collocation points on the boundary, and represents the collocation points on . Consequently, corresponds to the loss on the initial data, enforces the periodic boundary conditions, and penalizes the Schrödinger equation not being satisfied on the collocation points. The following figure summarizes the results of our experiment. One potential limitation of the continuous time neural network models considered so far, stems from the need to use a large number of collocation points in order to enforce physics informed constraints in the entire spatio-temporal domain. Although this poses no significant issues for problems in one or two spatial dimensions, it may introduce a severe bottleneck in higher dimensional problems, as the total number of collocation points needed to globally enforce a physics informed constrain (i.e., in our case a partial differential equation) will increase exponentially. In the next section, we put forth a different approach that circumvents the need for collocation points by introducing a more structured neural network representation leveraging the classical Runge-Kutta time-stepping schemes. Let us employ the general form of Runge-Kutta methods with stages and obtain Here, for . This general form encapsulates both implicit and explicit time-stepping schemes, depending on the choice of the parameters . The above equations can be equivalently expressed as where We proceed by placing a multi-output neural network prior on This prior assumption along with the above equations result in a physics informed neural network that takes as an input and outputs Example (Allen-Cahn Equation) This example aims to highlight the ability of the proposed discrete time models to handle different types of nonlinearity in the governing partial differential equation. To this end, let us consider the Allen-Cahn equation along with periodic boundary conditions The Allen-Cahn equation is a well-known equation from the area of reaction-diffusion systems. It describes the process of phase separation in multi-component alloy systems, including order-disorder transitions. For the Allen-Cahn equation, the nonlinear operator is given by and the shared parameters of the neural networks can be learned by minimizing the sum of squared errors where and Here, corresponds to the data at time . The following figure summarizes our predictions after the network has been trained using the above loss function. In this second part of our study, we shift our attention to the problem of data-driven discovery of partial differential equations. To this end, let us consider parametrized and nonlinear partial differential equations of the general form where denotes the latent (hidden) solution, is a nonlinear operator parametrized by , and is a subset of . Now, the problem of data-driven discovery of partial differential equations poses the following question: given a small set of scattered and potentially noisy observations of the hidden state of a system, what are the parameters that best describe the observed data? In what follows, we will provide an overview of our two main approaches to tackle this problem, namely continuous time and discrete time models, as well as a series of results and systematic studies for a diverse collection of benchmarks. In the first approach, we will assume availability of scattered and potential noisy measurements across the entire spatio-temporal domain. In the latter, we will try to infer the unknown parameters from only two data snapshots taken at distinct time instants. All data and codes used in this manuscript are publicly available on GitHub . We define to be given by and proceed by approximating by a deep neural network. This assumption results in a physics informed neural network . This network can be derived by the calculus on computational graphs: Backpropagation. It is worth highlighting that the parameters of the differential operator turn into parameters of the physics informed neural network . Example (Navier-Stokes Equation) Our next example involves a realistic scenario of incompressible fluid flow as described by the ubiquitous Navier-Stokes equations. Navier-Stokes equations describe the physics of many phenomena of scientific and engineering interest. They may be used to model the weather, ocean currents, water flow in a pipe and air flow around a wing. The Navier-Stokes equations in their full and simplified forms help with the design of aircraft and cars, the study of blood flow, the design of power stations, the analysis of the dispersion of pollutants, and many other applications. Let us consider the Navier-Stokes equations in two dimensions (2D) given explicitly by where denotes the -component of the velocity field, the -component, and the pressure. Here, are the unknown parameters. Solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations are searched in the set of divergence-free functions; i.e., This extra equation is the continuity equation for incompressible fluids that describes the conservation of mass of the fluid. We make the assumption that for some latent function . Under this assumption, the continuity equation will be automatically satisfied. Given noisy measurements of the velocity field, we are interested in learning the parameters as well as the pressure . We define and to be given by and proceed by jointly approximating using a single neural network with two outputs. This prior assumption results into a physics informed neural network . The parameters of the Navier-Stokes operator as well as the parameters of the neural networks and can be trained by minimizing the mean squared error loss A summary of our results for this example is presented in the following figures. Our approach so far assumes availability of scattered data throughout the entire spatio-temporal domain. However, in many cases of practical interest, one may only be able to observe the system at distinct time instants. In the next section, we introduce a different approach that tackles the data-driven discovery problem using only two data snapshots. We will see how, by leveraging the classical Runge-Kutta time-stepping schemes, one can construct discrete time physics informed neural networks that can retain high predictive accuracy even when the temporal gap between the data snapshots is very large. We begin by employing the general form of Runge-Kutta methods with stages and obtain Here, for . This general form encapsulates both implicit and explicit time-stepping schemes, depending on the choice of the parameters . The above equations can be equivalently expressed as where We proceed by placing a multi-output neural network prior on This prior assumption result in two physics informed neural networks and Given noisy measurements at two distinct temporal snapshots and of the system at times and , respectively, the shared parameters of the neural networks along with the parameters of the differential operator can be trained by minimizing the sum of squared errors where and Here, , , , and . Example (Korteweg–de Vries Equation) Our final example aims to highlight the ability of the proposed framework to handle governing partial differential equations involving higher order derivatives. Here, we consider a mathematical model of waves on shallow water surfaces; the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation. The KdV equation reads as with being the unknown parameters. For the KdV equation, the nonlinear operator is given by and the shared parameters of the neural networks along with the parameters of the KdV equation can be learned by minimizing the sum of squared errors given above. The results of this experiment are summarized in the following figure. Conclusion Although a series of promising results was presented, the reader may perhaps agree that this two-part treatise creates more questions than it answers. In a broader context, and along the way of seeking further understanding of such tools, we believe that this work advocates a fruitful synergy between machine learning and classical computational physics that has the potential to enrich both fields and lead to high-impact developments. Acknowledgements This work received support by the DARPA EQUiPS grant N66001-15-2-4055 and the AFOSR grant FA9550-17-1-0013. All data and codes are publicly available on GitHub.

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急~~~~Different forms of energy

1. Loudspeaker - electrical energy to sound energy 2. Solar cells - light energy to electrical energy 3. Battery - chemical energy to electrical energy 4. Light bulb - electrical energy to light energy 5. Dynamo - mechanical (kiic) energy to electrical energy 6. Motor - electrical energy to mechanical energy 7. Electrical heater - electrical energy to heat energy 8. Thermal couple - heat energy to electrical energy 9. Microphone - sound energy to electrical energy Energy has the following forms : 1. kinectic energy 2. gravitational potential energy 3. elastic potental energy 4. heat energy 5. light energy 6. sound energy 7. chemical energy 8. nuclear energy 参考: Physic textbook

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tks for your helpthanks for your help感谢您鼎力相助;谢谢您的大力支持;您拔刀相助,没齿难忘

谁能帮翻译下Escape The Fate的Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliche歌词

还不够好,为真理在Cliche 我们走吧 我们走吧 伤害的话, 从我的敌人,在过去五年里, 什么是它想死吗? 它是如何感觉眼泪冻结时, 当你哭泣? 血液中的静脉是20以下。 坐在这个房间里玩俄罗斯轮盘赌, 手指扣在扳机上,以我亲爱的朱丽叶, 从窗口看到您回到下降轮廓, 这血的我的手是我不能忘记, 坐在这个房间里玩俄罗斯轮盘赌, 手指扣在扳机上,以我亲爱的朱丽叶, 从窗口看到您回到下降轮廓, 这血的我的手是我不能忘记, 我不能忘记。 所以现在,借此降低一个档次, 弄坏我的车,通过你的窗口, 请确认您还活着, 刚好杀了你, 坐在这个房间里玩俄罗斯轮盘赌, 手指扣在扳机上,以我亲爱的朱丽叶, 从窗口看到您回到下降轮廓, 这血的我的手是我不能忘记, 坐在这个房间里玩俄罗斯轮盘赌, 手指扣在扳机上,以我亲爱的朱丽叶, 从窗口看到您回到下降轮廓, 这血的我的手是我不能忘记, 我不能借此(采取)了 我不能借此(采取)了 我不能借此(采取)了 我不能借此(采取)了 (我不觉得你已经给我) 所以现在,借此降低一个档次, 弄坏我的车,通过你的窗口,窗口 这一天我离开子宫 妈妈,你在哪里呢? 您采取了一块我一天你走了, 不记得,也没有气味的香水, 我带你一块一天我离开了子宫。 (一天我离开了子宫) 兄弟,把你的针头下来。 最好的,你是要离开这个可怕的城市。 用不了多久,您就可以养活孩子。 如果您看到的母亲,告诉她我会唱。 [合唱: ] 请不要担心,我所做的罚款。 你太繁忙,甚至抽出时间, 因此,请使用的化学品,并借此向您的严重, 你离开的男孩是男人你没有提高。 和爸爸,你怎么呢? 您必须以自豪的男孩,您提出的问题。 您的枯萎的心,一切其认为, 您的削减和老茧,你的孩子喂养。 你有孩子饲料。 [合唱: ] 请不要担心,我所做的罚款。 你太繁忙,甚至抽出时间, 因此,请使用的化学品,并借此向您的严重, 你离开的男孩是男人你没有提高。

crave for 和 yearn for有什么区别

yearn for盼望She yearned for his presence.她盼望着他的出现。crave for恳求, 渴望意思一样,可以互换。

用英语表达渴望和平,可不可以用动词crave,是应该用crave for peace,还是crave peace

你好: 可以用 crave 应该用: crave for peace 介词for 不能省略 如: Everyone craves for success , but how to approach it is a complex problem. 每个人都渴望成功,但是如何成功是一个复杂的问题。希望对您有帮助! 不清楚的请追问!

英语中表达“渴望”,用crave for..,正确吗?

常用long for 渴望,向往,盼望(美好的事情) crave for与它的语境不同 crave:to have an extremely strong desire for something an insecure child who craves attention缺乏安全感的孩子渴望受到关注

英语中表达“渴望”,用crave for.正确吗

可以的。crave for 英[kreiv fɔ:] 美[krev fɔr] v. 渴望; 期求; [例句]It is because you still crave for more wealth.那是因为你还渴望更多的财富。

英语中表达“渴望”,用crave for..,正确吗?

crave for是有渴望的意思,但是它一般都是指比较不好的渴望,可以理解为奢求。

当代英语散文课文第五课why we crave for horror movies翻译






crave for与crave区别

crave是动词,v,意思是渴望。如果表示热切希望得到具体的东西,应该用 “crave+具体名词”。如果表示渴望得到抽象的事物,应该用 “crave for+抽象名词。crave既可以做及物动词又可以做不及物动词,及物动词,在英语中我们一般会使用vt来表示,而不及物动词咱们通常使用vi来表示,下次你看到一个动词标注的是vt,就是表示这个动词是及物动词哦。如果你看到某个动词既含有vt的标志,又含有vi的形式,就表示其既可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词哦。。及物动词:后面可以直接接宾语的动词;不及物动词:后面不能直接接宾语,需要借助于其它介词才能接宾语的动词。
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