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1.FIT即菲特是故障率单位,用来衡量正常工作的产品在规定时间之后,产品中丧失其规定的功能的产品所占比例,其单位是菲特。 2.故障率是指正常工作的产品在规定时间之后,产品中丧失其规定的功能的产品所占比例,其单位是菲特定义是在109h内,出现一次故障为1FIT。 3.FIT的优点在于,它让组织的用户或业务规划师能够尽早参和测试过程。

Fit 是 什么意思 谁知道?

词根:fit安排,调整,使适合,装配to arrange 形容词比较级:fitter 最高级:fittest 动词进行时:fitting 过去式:fitted,fit 过去分词:fitted,fit vt.1.使适合 2.安装 vi.适合,符合 a.1.适合的 2.健康的 n.合适 形...



keep fit fit是什么词性?这句话怎么解释?





FIT,英语动词、形容词、名词。意思如下:动词意思是安装;合身;(使)适合;(大小、式样、数量适合)可容纳;试穿(衣服);安置,安装(在某处);合上;(使)与…一致,和…相称,符合;使适合,使胜任(某工作)。形容词意思是合适的;恰当的;合身的;健壮的;可能(或准备)做某事至极端程度;性感迷人的。名词意思是适合;匹配;合身;发作;(癫痫等的)突发、昏厥、痉挛;一阵(忍不住的咳嗽、笑);(强烈感情)冲动;匹配。例句1、The sash, kimono, and other garments were made to fit a child.腰带、和服和其他衣服都是儿童款的。2、Eventually he was happy that the sills and doors were a reasonably good fit.门槛和门扇算是贴合良好,他终于开心了。3、She was being fitted for her wedding dress.她正在试穿婚纱。4、He folded his long legs to fit under the table.他把两条长腿蜷起来伸进桌下。






fit适合vt.&vi.安装; ;合身; ;(使)适合;adj.合适的; ;恰当的; ;合身的; ;健壮的;例句:Followourguidetomakingyourhomea ;fitplacetowork,restand ;play.按照我们的指南把家营造成适合工作、休息和娱乐的地方。




适合; 匹配; 合身


fit英[fɪt]美[fɪt]vt.& vi.安装; 合身; (使)适合adj.合适的; 恰当的; 合身的; 健壮的n.适合; 匹配; 合身; 发作




fit英 [fɪt]   美 [fɪt]  副词: fitly 比较级: fitter 最高级: fittest 名词: fitter 过去式: fitted / fit 过去分词: fitted现在分词: fitting 第三人称单数: fitsadj.适宜的;合适的;健康的v.适合;安装n.发作;适宜用作形容词 (adj.)I don"t see fit to tell you all my plans.我认为把所有的计划都告诉你是不适宜的。The soil is fit for cotton planting.这种土壤适宜种棉花。The room was a fit place for study.这个房间适宜读书。He could find a fit opportunity to divulge their marriage.他找到一个合适的机会来宣布他们的婚姻。The manager gave her a blank cheque to reorganize the department in any way she thought fit.为了能按照她认为合适的方法去整顿这一部门,经理授予她自由行动的权力。He is now fit enough to go back to work.他现在身体健康,可以回去工作了。用作动词 (v.)His endowments are limited, and scarcely fit him for this post.他的天资有限,不太适合担任这项职务。A plumber is a person who fits and mends the plumbing.管子工是安装和修理水管的人。Could you fit me up with a new bulb for the headlight of my car ?请您给我的车灯安装一个新灯泡好吗?Can you fit it in the door?您能把它安装在门上吗?用作名词 (n.)She had a fit of hysterics and called him some bad names.她一阵歇斯底里发作,骂了他几句。A fit of stubbornness came over him and he refused to have anything further to do with them.他的牛脾气发作了,再不肯和他们打什么交道。Humidity caused me another fit of rheumatism.湿气使我的风湿病又发作了。This dress is a beautiful fit.这件衣服既合身又漂亮。




fit[英][fɪt][美][fɪt]vt.& vi.(使)适合; 安装; 合身; adj.合适的; 恰当的; 合身的; 健壮的; n.合身; 适合; 匹配; 发作; 第三人称单数:fits过去分词:fitted复数:fits最高级:fittest现在进行时:fitting比较级:fitter过去式:fitted易混淆单词:FITFit例句:1.But academics say census data are still being moulded to fit official projections. 但是学术界称普查数据仍然会被模糊化以适应政府的需求。




英语是:We are not fit for one another.解释:fit 英[fɪt] 美[fɪt] vt. 安装; 合身; (使) 适合; adj. 合适的; 恰当的; 合身的; 健壮的; n. 适合; 匹配; 合身; 发作; [例句]The sash, kimono, and other garments were made to fit a child腰带、和服和其他衣服都是儿童款的。one another 英[wʌn əˈnʌðər] 美[wʌn əˈnʌðɚ] [词典] 互相; [例句]There is the problem of cancelling out one another"s forces among the states.国家之间存在着力量相互抵消的问题。

fit怎么读 fit的意思

1、fit读音:英[fɪt]美[fɪt]。 2、fit,英语动词、形容词、名词。动词意思是安装;合身;(使)适合。形容词意思是合适的;恰当的;合身的;健壮的。名词意思是适合;匹配;合身;发作。 3、[例句]The food was not fit for human consumption.这食物不适合人吃。




fit翻译如下:adj:合适的; 适合的; 健康的; 正确的; 恰当的; 好看的; 迷人的; 能胜任的; 合格的; 社会准则所允许的。v:合…的身; 安装; 与…相符; 与…相称; 癫痫病发作; 发癫痫; 适合; 合身; 被容纳; 让…试穿衣服。n:适合; 合身; 配合; 突然的一阵; 突发; 一阵紧张; 诗歌的一节; 符合; 一致; 相配。过去分词:fitted 现在分词:fitting 过去式:fitted。第三人称单数:fits 复数:fits 比较级:fitter。最高级:fittest。双语例句:1、The same set of facts can be tailored to fit any preconceived belief.同样的事实可适用于任何事先形成的看法。2、A slight testimonial which I thought fit to impetrate from that worthy nobleman.我认为可以从那位可敬的贵族手里求得的小小证明书。


意思:适宜的;合适的。fit一、含义:adj. 适宜的;合适的;健康的v. 适合;安装n. 发作;适宜二、词汇搭配:1、keep fit保持健康;强身健体2、be fit for适合;适合于三、示例:She has to go to the men"s department to find trousers that fit at the waist.她得去男装部找腰围合适的裤子。词语用法:1、fit用作形容词时,其基本含义是“合适的”“适宜的”,指物时表示该物适用于所考虑的用途或要做的工作;指人时表示能力或所需的资格;还可表示在身体、情绪、条件等方面准备就绪。fit作“健康的”“身体好的”解时,指因经常锻炼而身体“健康”。fit引申还可表示“恰当的”“正当的”“得体的”。fit指能力时,表示学得的能力,含有被动的意味。2、fit具有主观评价意义,可作表语或定语,作表语时,其后常跟动词不定式或“for+ n./pron. / v- ing”。当fit的主语是人时,be fit to do具有主动意义;当fit的主语是物时,具有被动意义。


kite 是开音节词元音字母I读字母表中的读音[ai]quick,fit,swim 是闭音节词元音字母读短音i。

these did not seem to fit anywhere换成these seemed not to fit anywhere还正确吗?




fittest survive是什么意思

fittest survive适者生存

fittest survive是什么意思

  fittest-survive  适者生存  双语例句  1. Natural selection ensures only the fittest survive to pass their genes on to the next generation.  自然选择确保只有最适应环境的物种得以存活下来,把基因传给下一代。  来自柯林斯例句  2. Life is a deadly struggle in which only the fittest survive.  生活是适者生存的一场殊死搏斗.  来自辞典例句  3. The rule that the fittest survive is a constant in the nature competition.  适者生存是自然竞争中永恒不变的规律.  来自互联网  




press-fit压配合双语对照词典结果:press fit[英][pres fit][美][prɛs fɪt]压配合; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Caulked lead or press fit bronze insert. 填塞铅青铜或按适当插入。

hammer union fitting 是什么意思



这个是原来描述细胞荧光染色的。TLR4=Toll Like Receptor 4, 和CD14都是细胞表面的抗原,可以被抗体识别。识别TLR4的抗体结合了一种红色的荧光染料PE,所以看到红色信号,就说明存在TLR4. 而识别CD14的抗体则结合了一种绿色荧光染料FITC, 所以看到绿色信号,就说明是CD14阳性



服装英语中的fit comments是什么意思?




standard fit 什么意思

standard fit[英][ˈstændəd fit][美][ˈstændəd fɪt]标准配合; 用在服装、裤子有standard fit 是指标准型款,在鞋子上就是标准尺码。

我是做NIKE导购的,今天在自己店里发现一件衣服上写着STANDARD FIT 是什么意思?什么面料的.?

SLIM FIT 均码修身版STANDARD FIT 均码普通版DRI FIT 均码休闲版(一般比普通码大,俗称欧版)FIT你们解释的很好,我就不啰嗦了。

suit fit 区别,都是这么用的啊

fit多是指合适什么衣服,和...相称之类的举个例子?:this jacket fits you perfect这件夹克很合你身suit多指符合什么利益之类的举个例子:any time will suit me我什么时候都行 he didn"t suit me我不中意他

区分suit fit match和enegy force power strength

match 1. To resemble or harmonize with: 相调和:与…相似或和谐: The coat matches the dress. 2.To adapt or suit so that a balanced or harmonious result is achieved; cause to correspond: 使合适,使适应:使合适或适应以达到一个平恒或和谐的结果;使符合: You should match your deeds to your beliefs. 你应该使你的行动与你的信仰保持一致 3.To find or produce a counterpart to: 匹配,搭配:发现或制造一个配对物: It"s difficult to match the color of old paint. 很难找到和旧画颜色相配的色彩 4.To place in opposition or competition; pit: 使互相竞争:置于敌对或竞争之中;使竞争: She matched her skill against all comers. 她凭自己的技艺与所有来的人较量 5.To set in comparison; compare: 使比较,比较: beauty that could never be matched. 无人能比的美丽 6.To provide funds so as to equal or complement: 提供资金以比得上或补足: The government will match all private donations to the museum. 政府将把所有私人捐款补给博物馆 外衣和裙子很相配 fit 1.To be the proper size and shape for: 合适,适合:成为合适的大小和形状: These shoes fit me. 这些鞋很合适我穿 2.To cause to be the proper size and shape: 使合适:使成为合适的大小和形状: The tailor fitted the trousers by shortening them. 裁缝把这条裤子裁短了一些使之合身 3.To measure for proper size: 量身:为合适的尺寸而测量: She fitted me for a new jacket. 她给我量做一件新茄克 4.To be appropriate to; suit: 合适;适合: music that fits your mood. 适合你心情的音乐 5.To be in conformity or agreement with: 与…一致;与…相配合: observations that fit the theory nicely. 与理论完全相符的观测 6.To make suitable; adapt: 使合适;使配合: fitted the shelves for large books. 使书架能放大部头的书 7.To make ready; prepare: 使准备好;准备好: Specialized training fitted her for the job. 让她做这项工作的专门训练 8.To equip; outfit: 装备;提供必须的装备: fit out a ship. 准备一条船 9.To provide a place or time for: 为…提供场所或时间: You can"t fit any more toys in the box. The doctor can fit you in today. 你在那箱子里已装不下更多的玩具了。今天医生能跟你定个时间 10.To insert or adjust so as to be properly in place: 安装:插入或调整使之在合适的位置上: fit a handle on a door. 给门安上一个把手 11.To be suited; belong: 相配;属于: doesn"t fit in with these people. 与这些人格格不入 12.To be in harmony; agree: 和谐;一致: His good mood fit in with the joyful occasion. 他良好的心绪与那欢快的场合很和谐 suit 1.To meet the requirements of; fit: 适合,符合…的要求: This candidate does not suit our qualifications. 这个候选人不符合我们的条件 2.To make appropriate or suitable; adapt: 使适合,便适应,使适宜: builders who suit the house to the owner"s specifications. 使房子适合房主提出的规格的建筑工们 3.To be appropriate for; befit: 合适: a color that suits you. 适合你的颜色 4.To please; satisfy: 使高兴,使感到满意: a choice that suits us all. 一个让我们大家都满意的选择 5.To provide with clothing; dress: 供给…衣服,给…穿衣服: The NCOs suited the recruits in green uniforms. 军士匀给新兵穿上绿色的制服 go on with 去做某种事 Go on with you。 energy 原是物理学上的术语“能量”, 用于人时则指“精力”, 如: He worked with great energy. 他以巨大的精力工作。 power 力量,能力 strength 使个人的行为,行动变为可能的力量 power(物理上或自然具备的)力量,能力[of] the power of nature 自然力 to the best of one";s power 尽最大力量 do all in one";s power 尽力而为 I did all in my power to save the boy from drowning 我尽全力去救那个男孩使他免於溺水 He has the power of holding his audience 他具有吸引住听众的能力 b. [the power]<做…的>力量,能力 She is said to have the power to foretell the future 据说她有预测未来的能力 2 [powers](身体上,精神上的自然)能力,体力,智力 His powers were failing 他的体力在衰退 lose one";s powers 丧失体力;衰老 a man of great mental powers [ 才智横溢]的人 3 (U)权力,势力,控制力;政权 the party in power 执政党 come to [into] power 掌权;得势 rise to [fall from] power 取得[失去]权力 be in a person";s power 在某人之掌握中[控制下] have a person in one";s power 可随意操纵[支使]某人 have power over ... 控制... strength 1 (U) a. 力,力量,体力 a man of great strength 大力士 with all one";s strength 尽全力 b. <做…的>力量,体力 I don";t have the strength [haven";t strength enough] to lift this box 我没有[没有足够]力气提起这个手提箱 2 (U)(精神上的)力量;智力;能力;道义感 strength of mind [will] 精神[意志]力 3 a. 长处;优点 His strength lies in his honesty 他的长处是诚实 b. 凭恃,依靠,支持 God is our strength 上帝是我们的力量[支持…] 4 (U) 抗力,持久力 the strength of a bridge 桥的抗力[强度] 5(U) a. 势力,威力;资力 national strength 国力 military strength 军事力量 b. 兵力;人数,人手 battle strength 战斗力 at full strength 全体动员地,以全力 in full [great] strength 以全体[巨大]力量 What is your strength ? 你们(一共)有多少人? 6(议论等的)说服力 7(U) 强度,强固, 浓度,浓淡 the strength of a light [sound] 光[声音]的强度 the strength of a solution 溶液的浓度 ○1They would be delighted to do all in their ________ for Dorothy, who had set them free from slavery. A. right B. mind C. strength D. power 答案D ○2Your debt situation is only temporary, and it is within your ________ to resolve it. A. energy B. power C. strength D. force 答案 B







aerobic fitness 是什么


Benefits of owning a car写一篇200字英语作文

owning a carNow as we are getting richer,more and more people are buying personal cars.I think owning a car can make it easy for people to go out and a car is much more comfortable than buses,bikes and motorbikes.But a car will do harm to the environment and if more and more people have cars,the street will be very busy all the time,it"s difficult for people to go across the road,and the more cars,the more accidents.So when choosing a car,you should consider if you really need a car.仅供参考哦,若有愚昧、错误之处请给与指点,

campus benefit什么意思

campus benefit校园效益

gross profit and sale gross profit 区别是什么?


gross margin与gross profit有什么区别?两者是怎么算的?两者有什么联系。谢谢了

They are the same concept. you can get it by minus cost from the revenue.

advantage音标怎么读3 benefits4 evidence

advantage [ədˈvɑ:ntɪdʒ]汉字谐音读法:呃德哇踢击benefits [ˈbenɪfɪts] 汉字谐音读法:拜腻费吃evidence [ˈevɪdəns]汉字谐音读法:爱无一 德丝

我想知道:advantage与benefit 有什么区别。


benefit merit advantage之间的区别有哪些呢

merit与advantage在表达 优点 这个意思时有一定的区别 相当于汉语中 益 和 利 的差异 “弃货利而晓仁义 则为君子;晓货利而弃仁义,则为小人” (文字训诂中有 声训 义者 大益也)古来 轻利重义 所以 利 用 并举 构成复音并列合成动词 利用 时 为贬义 总的来说 merit较advantage 层次高 客观 褒义成分多He took the advantage of his family"s reputation, property and historical merits and achievements(历史功绩)easily to be a government official.他凭借解他们家的背景轻而易举地当了官.benefit 主要是说对###有益,比如对你健康有益: be benefitial for your health 或者 benefit(s) ##

custom fit与classic fit什么意思

1、custom fit classic fit是表示衣服的型的 ,跟用料无关的classic fit是美国人的体型, custom fit 是亚洲人的体型。2、Classic-Fit,一般的美码服装都是Classic-Fit,这个也是美码服装中的标准尺码。3、一般美国服装购物网站上所销售的服装尺码如果是Classic-Fit的尺码就不做标注了,只要按照大家平时海淘的服装美码来选择尺码就可以的。4、custom fit是拉尔夫劳伦的修身尺码,翻译的时候不是这样翻译的,但是它确实比标准尺码要小,如果遇到这个版本的拉夫劳伦商品,相对于你平时穿S码的美码服装你要选择的尺码就是M码了。5、slim  fit 这个看词语就应该能明白也是修身尺码的,直接翻译就是修身的意思,它的尺码标准和Custom-Fit是一样的,都是比标准尺码Classic-Fit小一个尺码,选择尺码的时候和Custom-Fit一样。


  fit做动词有适合;安装等意思,那么你知道fit的过去式是什么吗?下面我为大家整理了fit的过去式和用法例句,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!   fit的过去式和其他时态   过去式: fitted   过去分词: fitted   现在分词: fitting   fit的用法   fit的用法1:fit的基本含义是“适合”,主要指大小、型号等适合,也可指“适合”条件、环境、目的、要求,引申可指“胜任”。fit还可作“试穿”解。此外还有“安装”的意思。   fit的用法2:fit在句中可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。   fit的用法3:fit作“配备”解时可接双宾语。   fit的用法4:fit作“(使)适合”解时是静态动词,通常不用于进行体,也不用于被动结构。   fit的用法5:fit的过去式和过去分词在美式英语中是fit,在英式英语中是fitted,美式英语中有时也使用fitted,如:We fitted the new lock on the door.   fit的过去式例句   1. She was fitted with a pacemaker after suffering serious heart trouble.   她患上严重的心脏病后安装了心脏起搏器。   2. All the royal cars are fitted with electronic homing devices.   所有的皇家轿车都装有电子自导引装置。   3. He was told that the doors had been fitted incorrectly.   他被告知房门安装不当。   4. A blade guard is fitted to protect the operator.   为保证操作人员的人身安全安装了桨叶保护罩。   5. The stadium has been fitted with seating for over eighty thousand spectators.   这个体育场配备了8万多个观众座席。   6. She was great with the children and fitted in beautifully.   她和孩子们打交道很有一手,相处得十分融洽。   7. Each dress is beautifully finished off with piped seams and fitted underskirts.   每件连衣裙最后线缝都滚了边,并且加上了合身的衬裙,看起来非常漂亮。   8. Half the houses had been fitted with alarms and ours hadn"t.   有半数的房子安装了警报器,不过我们家没有。   9. As a gesture to security, cars were fitted with special locks.   出于安全上的考虑,这些汽车装上了专用锁。   10. She fitted her key in the lock.   她把钥匙插进锁孔。   11. I"ve re-carpeted our bedroom and added fitted wardrobes.   我重铺了卧室的地毯,又添置了定做的壁橱。   12. a child"s buggy fitted with a sunshade   装有阳伞的婴儿车   13. The report advocated that all buildings be fitted with smoke detectors.    报告 主张所有的建筑物都应安装烟火探测器.   14. Expansion joints of various kinds are fitted on gas mains.   各种各样的伸缩接头被安装在煤气的总管道上了.   15. I didn"t take the jewels; the police have fitted me up.   我没有偷珠宝, 是警察硬栽赃给我的. 猜你喜欢: 1. fit的短语有哪些 2. fit的用法 3. fit的同义词 4. fit的过去式和用法例句 5. change的过去式和用法例句 6. fit是什么意思

Benefit Cost Ratio - (BCR)代表什么?


Benefit Cost Ratio - (BCR)代表什么?

Benefit Cost Ratio - (BCR)效益成本比率(BCR)例句1、The greatest benefit cost ratio ( BCR) was provided by the low dose immunization strategy, which was 49.91, 54 53 and 37.68, respectively for heavy, medium and low endemic areas of HB. The maximal net benefit could be obtained by the high dose immunization strategy with better immune protective efficacy.定义的不同流行区均以低剂量免疫策略(10μg×3方案)的效益成本比值最大,高、中、低流行区分别为49.91、54.53、37.68;具有较高免疫保护率的高剂量免疫策略可获最大净效益;2、We used the Cost Benefit analysis method to examine and evaluate the cost and effect of plasma-derived hepatitis B vaccine about the low dosage immunization strategy in Longan county, Guangxi province in 1987.The result of CBA showed that a total of 9440 thousand yuan of net benefit ( NB) had been obtained from the input of 150.5 thousand yuan cost, the benefit cost ratio ( BCR) was 63.72;以广西隆安县1987至1995年间乙肝疫苗免疫的系列资料为基础,采用成本效益分析方法对乙肝血源疫苗低剂量免疫策略的成本效益进行分析评价。结果表明:隆安县1987年实施低剂量免疫策略能获得944万元的净效益,BCR为6372;3、Random cluster sampling method was used to observe hepatitis A morbidity and cost-effective analysis methods was used to calculate the ratio of benefit to cost ( BCR) and net ratio of cost-effectiveness.[方法]以整群随机分组方法观察接种组与对照组甲肝发病率,检测部分易感者的免后抗体水平,采用成本效益分析方法计算各年龄组效益费用比(BCR)和净成本效益比(NB)。

adjusted profit是什么意思

adjusted profit调整后的利润双语例句 The result was that adjusted profit, excluding stock option-related costs, grew just 25 percent for the quarter, while on a net basis the company actually reported a large loss. 财报里显示的调整后的利润,排除了股票期权相关成本,增长仅为25%,而公司实际净利润则有严重亏损。

adjust的的问题,a teacher have to be adjusted to fit……


carpet fitter 是什么意思

carpet fitter 地毯钳若不信,去问英语老师




是,变形是要注意双写tbenefit 英[ˈbenɪfɪt] 美[ˈbɛnəfɪt] n. 利益,好处; 救济金,津贴; 义演,义卖; 恩惠,恩泽; vt. 有益于,有助于; 使受益; 得益,受益; [例句]Law is established for the benefit of man.法律是为人类的利益而定制。[其他] 第三人称单数:benefits 复数:benefits 现在分词:benefitting过去式:benefitted 过去分词:benefited 形近词: benefin benefic


benefitn.1. 利益,好处;优势[U][C]The new hospital will be a great benefit to the town.新建成的医院将给全城带来莫大好处。2. 津贴,救济金[C][U]3. 义演,义卖[C]4. 【美】(收入的)免税部分[U]vt.1. 对...有益,有益于The sea air will benefit you.海边的空气对你有益。vi.1. 得益,受惠[(+by/from)]We benefited greatly by this frank talk.这次坦率的谈话使我们获益匪浅。profitn.1. 利润,盈利;收益,红利[C][U]He made a profit of fifty thousand US dollars on his house.他卖掉房子获利五万美元。2. 利益,益处;得益[U]We gained a lot of profit from your advice.我们从你的建议中获益匪浅。vt.1. 有益于Telling lies won"t profit you.撒谎对你无益。vi.1. 有益,有利2. 得益,获益[(+by/from)]He learned to profit by his mistakes.他学会了从自己的错误中获益。We profit from the work of the specialist.我们从专家的工作中得到益处。revenuen.1. (国家的)岁入;税收[U]Tax revenues increased last year.去年税收增加了。2. 收入,收益[U][C]Rent is one form of revenue.房租是一种收入。3. 各项收入,总收入[P]The Board of Directors was concerned at the drop in the company"s revenues.董事会对公司总收入的减少甚为关注。4. 税务局,税务署[the S]marginn.[C]1. 边,边沿,边缘We came to the margin of the wood.我们来到树林的边缘。2. 页边空白;栏外He made some notes in the margin.他在页边空白处做笔记。3. 极限,限度They were an old couple living on the margin of respectability.他们是一对老夫妻,过着几乎是不太体面的日子。4. (时间,花费上保留的)余地,余裕We allowed a margin of twenty minutes in case the bus was late.我们预留二十分钟宽裕时间,以防汽车晚点。5. 差数;幅度He passed the exam by a narrow margin.他勉强通过考试。6. 利润;赚头This price will allow a good margin of profit.这一价格可获厚利。7. 保证金,定金The reserve board raised margins from 50 to 60 percent.联邦储备银行董事会将定金从百分之五十提高到百分之六十。vt.1. 加边于;成为...的边The shore was margined with foam.岸边都是泡沫。2. 加旁注于Every page was margined with comments.每页的页边上都加了评注。3. 【商】为...付保证金



benefiting from是什么意思

从……受益(我觉得好像是be benefited from 比较好)

to the benefit of是什么意思

to the benefit of 全部释义和例句>>为了利益benefit 英[ˈbenɪfɪt] 美[ˈbɛnəfɪt] n. 利益,好处; 救济金,津贴; 义演,义卖; 恩惠,恩泽; vt. 有益于,有助于; 使受益; 得益,受益; [例句]Law is established for the benefit of man.法律是为人类的利益而定制。[其他] 第三人称单数:benefits 复数:benefits 现在分词:benefitting过去式:benefitted 过去分词:benefited 形近词: benefin benefic

the activity benefited to us a lot.这句话为你把to去掉,这里-

benefited在这里视为及物动词。benefit sb. 让某人收益sb benefit from sth 某人从某事获得利益,benefit这时候是不及物动词

be beneficial to和be benefit to 的区别

区别在于:beneficial是一个形容词,“有利的,有益的”的意思;在句子里,用形容词作表语;benefit是一个名词,“利益,好处; 救济金,津贴等”的意思;在句子里,用名词作表语。benefit还可以做动词,但动词的原形不能放在be的后面形成系表结构。含义上的区别非常细微,基本可以忽略。直译成中文能显示出他们的这种细微的差别:be beneficial to 直译成:对...是有益的,或对...是有利的;be benefit to 直译成: 对...是一种好处,或一种优势。两者都可以意译为:有利于,或有益于;两者之间互换也没有什么问题。例句:I hope your holiday will be beneficial to you. 我希望你的假期会对你是有益的。I hope your holiday will be benefit to you. 我希望你的假期会对你有好处。



用benefit作动词造句 英语造句

及物动词 vt. 1.对...有益,有益于 The sea air will benefit you. 海边的空气对你有益. 不及物动词 vi. 1.得益,受惠[(+by/from)] We benefited greatly by this frank talk. 这次坦率的谈话使我们获益匪浅.

benefit many中的benefit是什么词性

benefit many中的benefit词性是动词,意思是使许多人获益。benefit 英[ˈbenɪfɪt] 美[ˈbɛnəfɪt] n. 利益,好处; 救济金,津贴; 义演,义卖; 恩惠,恩泽; vt. 有益于,有助于; 使受益; 得益,受益; [例句]Each family farms individually and reaps the benefit of its labor.各家经营各自的农场,收获各自的劳动成果。This could now work to Albania"s benefit.这种情况目前对阿尔巴尼亚有利。Both sides have benefited from the talks. 双方都从谈判中获益。Steve didn"t have the benefit of a formal college education.史蒂夫没能接受正规的大学教育。I was told that in order to get benefit payments I would have to answer some questions. 我得知要领补助,就得回答一些问题。

benefit 过去式要不要双写t?

benefited benefitted 都可以

这本书对我很有益 翻译 用benefit

The book benefited me a lot./I benefited from the book a lot.


benefit常与from,by连用,是“获益;得益于”的意思,不用被动. 例如: The plants benefited from the rain. 植物得益于这场雨. We benefit from daily exercises. 我们得益于每天做操.


The new hospital will be a great benefit to the town. 新建成的医院将给全城带来莫大好处。 2.津贴,救济金[C][U]3.义演,义卖[C]4.【美】(收入的)免税部分[U]及物动词 vt. 1.对...有益,有益于The sea air will benefit you. 海边的空气对你有益。 不及物动词 vi. 1.得益,受惠[(+by/from)]We benefited greatly by this frank talk. 这

benefit many中的benefit是什么词性



n.利益,好处; 救济金,津贴; 义演,义卖; 恩惠,恩泽; vt.有益于,有助于; 使受益; 得益,受益; 第三人称单数:benefits过去分词:benefitedbenefitted复数:benefits现在进行时:benefitingbenefitting过去式:benefitedbenefitted小马过河解答

benefited in

【分析】 benefit from/by...意为“得益于……;从……受益”。


及物动词 vt. 1.对...有益,有益于The sea air will benefit you. 海边的空气对你有益。 不及物动词 vi. 1.得益,受惠[(+by/from)]We benefited greatly by this frank talk. 这次坦率的谈话使我们获益匪浅。

friend with benefits是什么意思?

“friend with benefit”字面上的意思是:互相利用的朋友。有利益关系的朋友。实际上这个词的意思是可以有性关系的朋友,就是说你们不是单纯的朋友,有性关系的那一种,跟利益无关的。benefit    英[ˈbenɪfɪt]    美[ˈbɛnəfɪt]    n.    利益,好处; 救济金,津贴; 义演,义卖; 恩惠,恩泽;    vt.    有益于,有助于; 使受益; 得益,受益;    [例句]Each family farms individually and reaps the benefit of its labor各家经营各自的农场,收获各自的劳动成果。[其他]    第三人称单数:benefits 复数:benefits 现在分词:benefitting过去式:benefitted 过去分词:benefited    扩展资料friend用法:friendn,朋友,,友人,同胞,自己人,同盟者,资助者,捐助者。常用词组be (或 make) friends with 与…为(或交)友a friend at court有势力的朋友,靠山a friend in need is a friend indeed (谚)患难中的朋友才是真朋友friends in high places势力很大的朋友,强大的靠山my honourable friend(英)我尊敬的朋友(议员在下院中称呼或提到本党另一成员时的用语)my learned friend我渊博的同行(律师在法庭上称呼或提到另一律师时的用语)my noble friend (英)我高贵的朋友(议员在上院中称呼或提到本党另一成员时的用语)my Right Honourable friend




Benefit的用法 1、用作名词。意思是:利益;好处 It is said Yogo is of great benefit to human health. 据说瑜咖功对人体健康有极大好处。 I did it for his benefit. 我做这个是为了帮助他。 2、用作动词。(常与from, by连用)获益;得益于 The plants benefited from the rain. 植物得益于这场雨。 We benefit from daily exercises. 我们得益于每天做操。 固定搭配: for the benefit of为了...的好处 be of benefit to 对。。。有益


benefit造句如下:1. benefit by 受益于。如:People who stole did not benefit from [by]ill-gotten gains。窃贼们并未从不义之财中得到好处。2. benefit sb 对某人或某物有益,使某人或某物受益。如:What he said benefited all the students。他说的话使所有的学生受了益。3. be of benefit 有益处。如:That experience was of great benefit to me。那次经历对我很有益。4. for the benefit of 为了……的利益或好处。如:I"ve done it for her benefit。我做此事是为了她的利益。5. have the benefit of 得益于,占……的光。如:He had the benefit of a good education。他得益于良好的教育。


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