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column "room_id" in field list is ambiguous 怎么解决


出现column room_id in field list is ambiguous怎么解决?

room_id存在于多个表中,需要指定某一个表中的room_id,例如:classes.room_id。"select,tea_id,cour_id,room_id,cour_time, "+" as cour_name, as tea_name "+"from classes ,course,teacher "+"where "+"and "

be successful in his own chosen field为什么用的是chosen?


Please enter one-byte alphanumeric characters in this field. 是什么意思



field的意思是:n.领域;田;地;牧场;(作某种用途的)场地;(覆盖…的或有…的)大片地方;专业;实地;运动场;守队;(比赛项目的)全体参赛者;行业;场;字段.v.使参加竞选;使参加比赛;担任守队(队员);任守方;接,截,传(球);处理,应付(问题或意见).adj.野生的;野外的;实地的.牛津词典:noun田地 area of land[C] 田;地;牧场 an area of land in the country used for growing crops or keeping animals in, usually surrounded by a fence, etc.People were working in the fields.人们在田间劳动。a ploughed field已耕地a field of wheat麦田.[C] (usually in compounds 通常构成复合词) (作某种用途的)场地 an area of land used for the purpose mentioned.a landing field降落场a medal for bravery in the field (of battle)作战英勇奖章see also airfield, battlefield, minefield.[C] (usually in compounds 通常构成复合词) (覆盖…的或有…的)大片地方 a large area of land covered with the thing mentioned; an area from which the thing mentioned is fields冰原gas fields(天然)气田see also coalfield, goldfield, oilfield, snowfield学科;活动 subject/activity[C] 专业;学科;界;领域 a particular subject or activity that sb works in or is interested in同义词: area famous in the field of music音乐界著名的All of them are experts in their chosen field.他们在各自选定的专业中都是专家。This discovery has opened up a whole new field of research.这个发现开辟了一个崭新的研究领域。[C] (usually used as an adjective 通常用作形容词) 实地;野外 the fact of people doing practical work or study, rather than working in a library or laboratorya field study/investigation 实地研究 / 调查field research/methods 野外研究.BrE also pitch[C] (usually in compounds 通常构成复合词) 运动场 an area of land used for playing a sport on.a baseball/rugby/football, etc. field 棒球、橄榄球、足球等场地a sports field运动场.(in cricket and baseball 板球和棒球) [sing. + sing./pl. v.] 守队 the team that is trying to catch the ball rather than hit it[sing. + sing./pl. v.] (比赛项目的)全体参赛者 all the people or animals competing in a particular sports event.The field includes three world-record holders.参赛运动员中有三位世界纪录的保持者。商业 in business[sing. + sing./pl. v.] 行业 all the people or products competing in a particular area of businessThey lead the field in home entertainment systems.他们在家庭娱乐设备行业中居领先地位。物理学 physics[C] (usually in compounds 通常构成复合词) 场 an area within which the force mentioned has an effect.the earth"s gravitational field地球引力场an electro-magnetic field电磁场计算机技术 computing[C] 字段;信息组;栏 part of a record that is a separate item of data.You will need to create separate fields for first name, surname and address.名、姓和地址要各自编成单独的字段。verb候选人;队 candidate/team[VN] 使参加竞选;使参加比赛 to provide a candidate, speaker, team, etc. to represent you in an election, a competition, etc.Each of the main parties fielded more than 300 candidates.每个主要政党都选派出300多名候选人。[V] 担任守队(队员);任守方 to be the person or the team that catches the ball and throws it back after sb has hit it.He won the toss and chose to field first.他在掷硬币时猜中了,选择先作守方。[VN] 接,截,传(球) to catch the ball and throw it back.He fielded the ball expertly.他熟练地把球接住了。问题 questions[VN] 处理,应付(问题或意见) to receive and deal with questions or commentsThe BBC had to field more than 300 phone calls after last night"s programme.英国广播公司在昨夜的节目播出以后,不得不答复了300多次field双语例句如下:1、Researchers in this field have made some important new discoveries. 这个领域的研究人员有了一些重大的新发现。2、The new product took the company to the forefront of the computer software field. 该新产品使这家公司跻身计算机软件业的前列。3、This pattern of woods and fields is typical of the English landscape. 这是具有典型英格兰风景特征的森林与田野。
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