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关于比较级 比较级前可以加一些单词,比如:much faster . 还有别的么?

修饰比较级的副词 1) 只用于修饰比较级的: much;still;even 2) 既可以修饰比较级又可以修饰原级的:a little; a bit; rather 等 even修饰形容词,副词的比较级,以加强比较的语气和程度.修饰形容词,副词比较级的常用修饰词有:no, a little, a bit, much, even, still, a lot, a great deal, far, by far, rather, any等.在这些词中,其中no在修饰比较级时,在意义上否定两者,表示前者在某方面不比后者强多少. 例如: He is no richer than Peter. 他不比彼得富裕多少.=He is as poor as Peter. 他和彼得一样穷.表示前者比后者强一点时,通常采用a little,a bit等. 例如:The room is a bit larger than that one.这个房间比那个稍大一点. 表示前者比后者强很多时,通常采用much,even,still等.(still修饰形容词,副词的比较级时,可以位于比较级之前或之后.) 例如:He works still harder than ever. =He works harder still than ever. 他比以往更加努力学习了.表示前者在某方面远远地超过对方时,通常采用far,by far,a lot,a great deal等. 例如:Matters are a lot better than ever before. 情况远远比以往好.在否定句,疑问句或条件状语从句中,修饰形容词,副词的比较级,只能用any来修饰.例如: He can"t jump any higher. 他不能跳得更高了. Can he jump any higher? 他能跳得更高一些吗? If you can jump any higher, I will give you a prize. 如果你能跳得更高些,我就奖励你.

英语much faster怎么翻译?

much faster英文翻译如下快得多例句It"s much faster to travel by air after all.还是坐飞机快。Downward movement is much faster than upward one.向下移动比向上移动快得多。

bad news spreads faster为什么用spreads

was not happy with 全句意思:如果我考试得不到A,我母亲会不高兴news是单数,所以用spreads

Translate the following sentences into Chinese 1.Sheila types faster than Anne,but less carefully.


Faster RCNN里为什么把IOU小于一定阈值的proposals作为背景处理

通过基础网络(VGG,res,ZF,mobilenet)等得到的特征图(feature map)假如size为(30,30,3),每个像素点画9个anchor框,就是30*30*9个框,如果每个框都要去做回归,效率不高,所以我们选取IOU大的做回归,可以加速网络。深一点的就是,在FASTER RCNN中,我们anchor画出的框与真实我们标注的框(gt)去做回归,用到的回归是一种线性回归,如果你的IOU较小,也就是anchor框离你标注的框较远,回归就不是做的线性回归了,所以舍弃IOU较小的框。


这里walk应该作名词使用,所以用walking。walk,英文单词,主要用作为动词、名词,作动词时意为“走,步行;散步;走过;陪伴……走;遛;被盗走;(鬼魂)出没;(非正式)解脱嫌疑;(棒球)自由上垒。(古)生活;给……引路;(非正式)放弃”,作名词时意为“步行,走;散步;小路;(邮递员的)投递路线;(护林人)的管辖林区;斗鸡场;小猎犬驯养场;悠闲的步速;(棒球)自由上垒”。短语搭配walk in 走进去,供人走进walk out 走出;罢工;退席;把(某人)领出walk on 走下去;继续行走walk along 散步;向前走;沿着…走walk away 走开;离去walk into v. 走进;不慎陷入;痛斥walk through 走过;轻松地初排;草率地处理take a walk 散步walk down 通过散步消除;在步行速度和距离上胜过walk around 四处走动;绕走go for a walk v. 散步walk up 走上;沿…走walk home 走回家,步行回家walk by 在…旁边走过;走过…walk together 走在一起,结伴同行;一起散步random walk 随机游动;无规行走walk of life n. 行业;阶层;社会地位walk in the park 在公园散步walk away from 离开;轻易地胜过;从...旁边走开walk back 向后走;倒转绞盘

猎豹729 faster德国海绵与友谊729英杰729-2日本海绵反胶套胶哪个更好

是2中类型的胶皮。1、友谊729猎豹729-FASTER德国海绵套胶 乒乓反胶套胶 快攻型速度:12控制:11旋转:11适合打法:快攻猎豹系列之一:729 FASTER套胶具有至高旋转性能的攻击型反胶,在保留“729”系列反胶高粘性、高摩擦性的基础上,出球速度更快,弧线极低,前冲力惊人,采用先进的模具加工处理技术,精心优化设计橡胶配方,胶粒晶莹剔透,外观柔和细腻,令人爱不释手,选配德国ESN海绵,后劲足,更能发挥胶皮之强大威力,是追求速度和控制能力的攻击型选手极理想的武器。2、729英杰729-2日本海绵反胶 爆冲弧圈 乒乓套胶729-2日本海绵套胶专为国家队员设计的全新胶皮,磨砂的胶皮表面与高弹柔软的胶皮,配以细腻柔软的日本海绵通过SENSOR传感技术带来一种超级的手感,储能贴合技术使胶皮与海绵粒子得以有机结合,从而使内在能量能够迅速爆发,其特点使胶皮粘性持久,套胶整体弹性好,脱球速度块。 适合打法:爆冲弧圈速度:12旋转:11控制:10前冲性:12



faster and faster 和 more and more faster 有什么不同

faster and faster是正确的 more and more faster是错的啦~ more and more用在三个音节的单词上 比如more and more beautiful等 三个音节一下的单词是用 比较级and比较级的

Tom runs ( )of the two boys. 填the faster 还是faster?

你好在有范围的两者中,指更快的可以特指!!!!所以用the faster

跑得比谁谁快是用more fast还是more faster


Tom runs ( )of the two boys. 是faster还是the faster。


歌名:Faster Than My Angels Can Fly演唱者:Carolina 求歌词


形容词比较级和最高级是怎么变化的?为什么fast有三个音节却不是the more /the most 而是faster


who does faster 和 who is faster的区别?

解答:Who does faster?谁做得更快?Who is faster?谁比较快?

《楚人隐形》的解释! Faster!

1.楚人贫居②,读《淮南方》③,得“螳螂伺④蝉自鄣叶⑤可以隐形⑥”,遂于树下仰取叶——螳螂执叶伺蝉,以摘之.叶落树下,树下先有落叶,不能复分别.扫取数斗归,—一以叶自鄣,问其妻曰:“汝见我不⑦?”妻始时恒⑧答言“见”,经日⑨,乃厌倦不堪,绐⑩云“不见”.嘿⑾然大喜,⑿赍叶入市,对面取人物⒀.吏⒁遂缚诣⒂县⒃. ①选自《笑林》.邯郸淳,姓邯郸,名淳,三国时人,做过给事中的官.楚人,楚国人.楚国,现在的湖北省及其周围一带.②【贫居】过穷日子.③【《淮南方》】一种讲医药的书,可能没有传下来.④【伺】侦察等候.⑤【自鄣叶】遮蔽自己的树叶.鄣,同“障”.⑥【隐形】隐藏形体,别人看不见.⑦【不】同“否”.⑧【恒】常是,总是.⑨【经日】经过一整天(表示时间很长).⑩【绐】(dài)哄骗.⑾【嘿】同“默”.⑿【赍(jī)】携带.⒀【对面取人物】当面拿人家的东西.⒁【吏】指县里的公差.⒂【诣(yì)】到……去.⒃【县】指县衙门. 有一个楚国人贫困地活着,有一天阅读《淮南方》,读到“螳螂偷偷地等待着蝉到来,用树叶遮蔽着自己,可以借此隐藏起身体”,于是到树下仰头摘取树叶——螳螂捕蝉时借以隐蔽的那片树叶——把它摘下来,树叶却落到树下.树下原先有落叶,他不能再分辨清哪一片是他摘的,就扫了几斗带回家中.他一片一片地拿树叶遮蔽自己,问他的妻子说:“你看见我没有?”妻子开始时总是回答说:“看见了.”楚人整天这样问,妻子都厌烦得收不了了,就骗他说:“没看见你!”楚人沉默不出声,心中很高兴,带着树叶来到市场.对这人家的面直接拿人家的东西.吏卒们立刻上去把他绑到县衙问罪.县官当堂审问,楚人自己诉说了从头到尾的经过,县官大笑起来,释放了他,没有治罪.

faster ahd faster和more and more fast 的区别?

fast 是单音节词,它的比较级是直接在后面加er正确的是 faster and faster 越来越快没有 More and more fast 这种用法


Tom runs ( )of the two boys.是faster还是the faster. 为什么

是faster of 表示范围,of the two boys在这两个男孩子当中. 全句的意思是:在这两个男孩当中,汤姆跑得更快. 两者之间是比较级,比较级是不能加the的. 但是,He is the taller of the two boys这个句子是讲得能的.这是怎么回事呢?原来,the taller 后面省略了boy.这个the 不是修饰taller,而是修饰boy. 但He runs the faster of the two boys 这个句子就不对了.因为runs是实义动词,后面是要接副词做状语的.如果把faster当作副词,那么副词的比较级前面不能加the;如果像上句一样,认为faster后面省略了boy,也不对.因为名词是不能充当状语的.



求 Matt Nathanson的《Faster》的中英对照的歌词

You"re so delicious你看起来如此诱人you"re so soft品嚐起来是如此的柔软sweet on the tip of my tongue甜美的滋味在我的舌尖蔓延开来you taste like sunlight这有如阳光般的甜美滋味and strawberry bubble gum就像草莓口味的泡泡糖一般you bite my lip你轻咬我的唇you spike my blood使我血流加速you make my heart beat faster你让我心跳不已小鹿乱撞own me, you own你拥有完整的我you rattle my bones这使我感到有点受宠若惊you turn me over and over你让我一次又一次的"till I can"t control myself直到我无法自己make me a liar让我说谎成性one big disaster往往造成无法挽回的局面you make my heart beat faster这样的你却让我心动不已it"s the way you swell, slow让我们的爱情缓而慢的行进方式pushing right out your seams就是慢慢的往你的心靠近it"s the way you smile, baby让你天天保持微笑的秘诀,宝贝when you"ve got me on my knees就是我已臣服於你、为你癫狂吧your all night noise整个夜晚都是你制造出来的噪音your siren howl你发出的警报声就像狼嚎一样锁定猎物you make my heart, beat, faster这样的你,让我心跳不已own me, you own你拥有完整的我you rattle my bones这使我感到有点受宠若惊you turn me over and over不断左右我的思绪"till I can"t control myself直到我无法自己make me a liar让我说谎成性one big disaster往往造成无法挽回的局面you make my heart beat faster但你却让我心跳不已cause I jump back, crash, I crawl我跳回这个框架、崩溃、匍匐I beg and steal, I follow you我恳求、偷盗、跟随著你yeah you own me是啊,你拥有完整的我and you make my heart beat faster这样的你,却使我心动不已(I can"t get enoughbecause its on like我想我永远无法获得满足I guess this world is over to me)这就像把整个世界给了我也一样you own me, you own现在你彻底的了解我you rattle my bones这使我感到有点受宠若惊you turn me over and over不断左右我的思绪"till I can"t control myself直到我无法自己make me a liar让我说谎成性one big disaster往往造成无法挽回的局面you make my heart beat faster但你却让我心跳不已

fast的比较级是faster,可不可以是more fast

只能是faster 只有是三个音节或者三个以上音节的单词在变比较级时在前面加more 比如more difficult,more expensive,more intelligent等等

Faster (2004 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Faster (2004 Digital Remaster)歌手:George Harrison专辑:George HarrisonWithin Temptation - Faster / 诱惑本质 — 更快I can"t see, cause it"s burning deep inside / 我看不见,因为我心底已燃成一片Like gasoline on fire running wild / 像浇了汽油,熊熊烈火怒不可遏No more fear, "cause I"m getting closer now / 不再害怕,因为现在我越来越接近So unreal, but I like it anyhow / 如此虚幻,可是我竟然很喜欢I go faster and faster and faster and faster / 我走得更快,更快,更快,更快And faster and faster and faster / 更快,更快,更快And I can"t live in a fairytale of lies / 我无法活在用谎言编织的童话里And I can"t hide from the feeling "cause it"s right / 这种感受没有错,我无法将它藏匿And I go faster and faster and faster and / 我走得更快,更快,更快,更快Faster for life / 这生命之旅I can"t live in a fairytale of lies / 我无法活在用谎言编织的童话里I can feel that you mesmerize my heart / 我能感到,我这颗心已经被你催眠I feel so free, I"m alive, I"m breaking out / 我感到很自由,仍然活着,行将解脱I won"t give in, "cause I"m proud of all my scars / 我不会屈服,因为所有伤疤令我自豪And I can see I"ve been wasting too much time / 我也能明白,我始终在浪费太多时光I go faster and faster and faster and faster / 我走得更快,更快,更快,更快And faster and faster and faster/更快,更快,更快And I can"t live in a fairytale of lies / 我无法活在用谎言编织的童话里And I can"t hide from the feeling "cause it"s right / 这种感受没有错,我无法将它藏匿And I go faster and faster and faster and / 我走得更快,更快,更快,更快Faster for life / 这生命之旅I can"t live in a fairytale of lies / 我无法活在用谎言编织的童话里And I can"t live in a fairytale of lies / 我无法活在用谎言编织的童话里And I can"t hide from the feeling "cause it"s right / 这种感受没有错,我无法将它藏匿And I go faster and faster and faster and / 我走得更快,更快,更快,更快Faster for life / 这生命之旅I can"t live in a fairytale of lies / 我无法活在用谎言编织的童话里A fairytale of lies / 谎言编织的童话LRC translated into Chinese by Tony from LK Lyrics Group

fast的比较级是faster,可不可以是more fast

只能是faster 只有是三个音节或者三个以上音节的单词在变比较级时在前面加more 比如more difficult,more expensive,more intelligent等等

Faster (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Faster (Album Version)歌手:Dial-7专辑:Never Enough TimeI can"t see,"Cause it"s burning deep inside.Like gasoline, a fire running wildNo more fear,"Cause I"m getting closer now.So unreal, but I like it anyhow.I go faster and faster and fasterand faster and faster and faster and faster.And I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.And I can"t hide from the feeling "cause it"s right.And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for love.I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.I can feel,That you"ve mezmerized my heart.I feel so free, I"m alive, I"m breaking out.I won"t give in,"Cause I"m proud of all my scars.And I can see I"ve been wasting too much time.I go faster and faster and fasterand faster and faster and faster and faster.And I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.And I can"t hide from the feeling "cause it"s right.And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for love.I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.And I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.And I can"t hide from the feeling "cause it"s right.And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for love.I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.A fairytale of lies.


“faster”的“a”音标发[ɑː]的音,整个单词的发音是 [ˈfɑːstə]

fast的比较级 比较级是faster

1、fast的比较级是:faster。fast,。adj. 快的;迅速的;紧的;牢固的;放荡的。adv. 快速地;紧紧地;放荡地;深深地。n. 斋戒;禁食;系泊用具。 2、He ran fast enough to catch the thief.他跑得飞快,足以抓住那小偷。 3、The priest had only water and bread during his three week fast.牧师在三个星期的斋戒期间只进食水和面包。

Matt Nathanson的《Faster》 歌词

歌曲名:Faster歌手:Matt Nathanson专辑:Modern LoveMatt Nathanson - FasterYou"re so deliciousYou"re so soft, sweet on the tip of my tongueYou taste like sunlight and strawberry bubble gumYou bite my lip, you spike my bloodYou make my heart beat fasterOnly you own and rattle my bonesYou turn me over and over,Till I can"t control myselfMake me a liar, yeah, one big disaster uhYou make my heart beat - fasterUh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uhIt"s the way you swell slowPushing right out of your seamsIt"s the way you smile, babyWhen you"ve got me on my kneesYour all night noise, your sirens howlYou make my heart beat fasterOnly you own and rattle my bonesYou turn me over and over,Till I can"t control myselfMake me a liar, yeah, one big disaster uhYou make my heart beat - fasterUh uh uh uh uh uhCause I jump, I crash, I crawlI beg, I steal, I fall, ooooYeah you own me.You make my heart beat faster, fasterFaster, fasterI can"t get enoughThis it"s goneThis world is over to meOnly you own and rattle my bonesYou turn me over and overTill I can"t control myselfMake me a liar, yeah, one big disaster uhCause you make my heart beatOnly you own and rattle my bonesYou turn me over and overTill I can"t control myselfMake me a liar, yeah, one big disaster uhYou make my heart beat fasterYou make my heart beat faster

fast的比较级 比较级是faster

1、fast的比较级是:faster。fast,。adj. 快的;迅速的;紧的;牢固的;放荡的。adv. 快速地;紧紧地;放荡地;深深地。n. 斋戒;禁食;系泊用具。 2、He ran fast enough to catch the thief.他跑得飞快,足以抓住那小偷。 3、The priest had only water and bread during his three week fast.牧师在三个星期的斋戒期间只进食水和面包。


faster的意思是n.禁食者;斋戒者。1. The reissue contained two bonus tracks : " Wilder Wilder Faster Faster " and " JellyRoll Rock ".2. On March 10, 2011, Dowling announced a new project called Solid Gold Thundervia Facebook which involved almost all members of Faster Faster.3. The two videos were first released on " The Urethra Chronicles II : Harder FasterFaster Harder ", a 2002 home video on the band.4. The band released a second DVD of home videos, live performances and music videos titled " The Urethra Chronicles |I : Harder Faster Faster Harder " in 2002.5. In 2007, he completed filming for " Kill Kill Faster Faster ", a contemporary film noir inspired by the critically acclaimed novel of the same name by Joel Rose.6. After years of supporting roles in film and frequent television guest appearances,Edney attracted wider recognition in his supporting role in Gareth MaxwellRoberts" 2008 crime thriller Kill Kill Faster Faster.



英语age faster怎么翻译?

age faster 老得更快



far faster与more faster有什么不一样?

形容词和副词的比较级可以用much,far,a lot, a bit, a little, even, still等表示程度的副词(短语),或者表示数量的词组来做修饰语。但是不能用more来做修饰语。




faster, 形容词的比较级和最高级(1) 1.在英语中,在表示“比较…”和“最…”时,形容词要用特别的形式,称为“比较级”和“最高级”,原来的形容词称为“原级”: 原级 比较级 最高级 strong强 stronger较强 strongest最强 2.形容词的比较级和最高级的构成方法如下: a.单音节词和少数双音节词以加-er和-est的方式构成: 原级 比较级 最高级 young年轻 younger较年轻 youngest最年轻 old老 older较老 oldest最老 clean干净 cleaner较干净 cleanest最干净 在加词尾时要注意下面的各种情况: 情况 加词尾法 例词 一般情况 直接加词尾 small,smaller,smallest 以e结尾的词 加-r,-st large,larger,largest 以辅音+y结尾的词 变y为i,再加词尾 busy,busier,busiest 以“辅音字母”结尾的词 将这字母双写再加词尾 big,bigger,biggest b.其他词都在前面加more,most构成比较级及最高级: 原级 比较级 最高级 important more important most important difficult more difficult most difficult interesting more interesting most interesting useful more useful most useful 3.用比较级时常用than引起一个从句,表示和什么比较: His room is bigger than mine.他的房间比我的房间大. She is younger than my sister.她比我妹妹年轻.


faster 更快farther 更远

The Hot Rocks的《Faster》 歌词

歌曲名:Faster歌手:The Hot Rocks专辑:The Hot RocksRachael Yamagata-Faster★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师I can"t talk to youYou think I"m lost inside my mindYou"re like an old tattooAnd I know you"ll fade in timeI"m not the girl you think you knowI"m not the girl you waited forI"m not the one for youThere"s just one thing left to doWhy don"t you let me be?"Cause I"m a million miles awayWhy don"t you set me free?You don"t treat me like you sayI won"t tuck you in, one last timeI"m taking back what is mine, for meI belong to meAnd I"m going fasterYou"re going backwardsYou"re gonna miss me when I"m goneI"m going fasterI know what I"m afterI should have been after it all alongI"m going fasterI"m going fasterThat"s the last black eyeI hope I ever give to youYeah, I had a good timeBut what"s a girl supposed to do?Take the pictures off the wallThey don"t look like us at allThey don"t look like friendsI"ve got new things to beginWhy don"t you let me be?"Cause I"m a million miles awayWhy don"t you set me free?I belong to meAnd I"m going fasterYou"re going backwardsYou"re gonna miss me when I"m goneI"m going fasterI know what I"m afterI should have been after it all alongI"m going fasterI"m going fasterAnd I"m going fasterYou"re going backwardsYou"re gonna miss me when I"m goneI"m going fasterI know what I"m afterI should have been after it all alongI"m going fasterI"m going fasterEnd



faster and faster 和 more and more faster 有什么不同?


fast的比较级是faster,可不可以是more fast ?



I"m writing words down on a train in hopes 火车上 我写下这一行行句子 思绪充满希望I follow through on plans I make, 一个个定下的计划 我思索着一步步前行 Time is in my hands, 时间就捧在手心but I, keep finding reasons to throw it all away 但我总想找些理由 把时间抛得远远的I have spent my whole life wondering what"s out there too afraid to let go and jump in我这辈子都在思索着 什么该畏惧 遇见什么该放手 遇见什么不该错过 Something"s holding me back from where I need to go I wanna be, too alive to sleep冥冥中 总有什么 在牵绊着我的去留 让我无法入眠 (that"s why)I wanna go faster 所以我要加快步伐Tired of being still, 厌倦一成不变don"t wanna linger 不想再徘徊逗留I"ve got to find the purpose that was meant for me. 我要去寻找 为我而设的终点Cuz if I move any slower, 要是再慢一步soon my life is going to be over 我的人生就全完了before I find the meaning that I seek. 在那之前 我要找到 我追寻的意义I"ve grown so restless in my wake, 睁开眼时 我也得不到安宁it"s killing me just getting through the day-to-day 度过这一天天 却如此煎熬 There"s a hunger inside me, 我内心深处 有一种渴望I can"t, explain, to try to find my place 我无法用言语描绘 该从何方找到我的归属There"s so many pieces of me I"ve left behind through my fingers 十指间 残留着我的每一块 破碎的身躯I have let them slide 我张开指缝 让它们滑落Now I"m looking back on who I used to be that part of me, 便仔细审视 真正的我 藏在这堆碎片的哪个角落I"ve got to find 我定要找寻(重复副歌)Maybe it is normal not to see 也许看不见很平常but please reveal to me traits that define the person, 但请至少给我一点模糊的轮廓 好让我辨认透彻我自己I should strive to be 我该坚决斗争I"ll be different from before 我不再像从前那样I know I"ve got to hold out for more 我明白 我要比以前 撑得更久


《faster》英文:  I can"t see, cause it"s burning deep inside.  Like gasoline, a fire running wild.  No more fear, cause I"m getting closer now.  So unreal, but I like it anyhow.  I go faster and faster and faster  and faster and faster and faster and faster.  I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.  And I can"t hide from the feeling cause it"s right.  And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for love.  And I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.  I can feel that you"ve mezmerized my heart.  I feel so free.  I"m alive, I"m breaking out.  I won"t give in, cause I"m proud of all my scars.  And I can see I"ve been wasting too much time.  I go faster and faster and faster  and faster and faster and faster and faster.  I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.  And I can"t hide from the feeling cause it"s right.  And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for love.  And I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.  I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.  And I can"t hide from the feeling cause it"s right.  And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for love.  And I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.  A fairytale of lies  《更快》中文:  我看不出的,因为这将是燃烧的灵魂深处。  像汽油,火跑野。  没有更多的恐惧,因为我越来越近了。  那么不真实,但我喜欢它,无论如何。  我走得越来越快跑得越来越快  和速度越来越快,越来越快。  我不能住在一个童话般的的谎言。  而且我不能逃避的感觉导致这是不对的。  和我走得越来越快,越来越快为爱。  和我不能住在一个童话般的的谎言。  我能感觉到你mezmerized我的心。  我真感到自由自在。  我还活着,我打破了。  我不会放弃,因为我感到很骄傲,我所有的伤痕。  我也看到了,我一直在浪费太多的时间。  我走得越来越快跑得越来越快  和速度越来越快,越来越快。  我不能住在一个童话般的的谎言。  而且我不能逃避的感觉导致这是不对的。  和我走得越来越快,越来越快为爱。  和我不能住在一个童话般的的谎言。  我不能住在一个童话般的的谎言。  而且我不能逃避的感觉导致这是不对的。  和我走得越来越快,越来越快为爱。  和我不能住在一个童话般的的谎言。  一本童话的谎言。



faster,much faster 和much more faster意思上有什么区别?

faster 意思是“比较快”;much faster 意思是“快得多”,比faster程度大了;没有much more faster这种表达。


you are faster than me.



初二 英语 关于“faster”这个单词 请详细解答,谢谢! (7 14:18:39)

原形fast最高级 fastest



faster怎么读 faster解释

1、faster,读音:美/fastu0259/;英/fɑ:stu0259(r)/。 2、释义:adj.更快的。adv.更快地。n.(Faster)(俄、美)法斯特(人名)。 3、例句:Life is faster in the big city.大城市的生活节奏更快。






i run fast 我跑得快i go faster and faster and faster and faster and faster for love 我爱飞



推荐几首适合骑摩托车听的歌或者像曼岛TT视频里的背景音乐那种。 比如像(faster) (extreme ways)这种



可以使用以下代码输出fasterrcnn在验证集上的混淆矩阵:```python# 定义计算混淆矩阵的函数def confusion_matrix(preds, targets, num_classes=2): # 初始化混淆矩阵 confusion = torch.zeros(num_classes, num_classes) # 对预测结果进行整数化 preds = preds.type(torch.IntTensor) targets = targets.type(torch.IntTensor) # 对每个样本进行判断以填充混淆矩阵 for t, p in zip(targets.view(-1), preds.view(-1)): confusion[t.long(), p.long()] += 1 return confusion # 在验证集上进行预测model.eval()with torch.no_grad(): for batch in val_dataloader: inputs = batch["image"].to(device) targets = batch["target"].to(device) outputs = model(inputs) preds = outputs["labels"].argmax(dim=1) # 计算混淆矩阵并输出 print(confusion_matrix(preds, targets))```从原理上解释,混淆矩阵是用于评估分类器性能的指标,它记录了分类器在测试集上真实标签与预测标签的对应情况。对角线上的元素指的是分类正确的样本数,而其他元素则表示分类错误的样本数。混淆矩阵的生成需要对预测结果和真实标签进行逐个比对,因此需要通过函数对两者进行整数化处理。最终得到的混淆矩阵反映了分类器在不同类别上的预测结果,可以据此绘制ROC曲线和计算分类准确率等性能评估指标。

He runs faster than _______ in his class. A.someone else B.anyone else C.else someone D


Keith Urban的《Faster Car》 歌词

歌曲名:Faster Car歌手:Keith Urban专辑:Love, Pain & The Whole Crazy ThingFaster Car-Keith UrbanThank ZoeFigaro, figaroAnytime that you want what you needClose your eyes and say my nameCall on me and I"ll be there for youNo matter what they sayRain, hail or shineI got my eyes right to the skyWaiting on your signRoll the dice and take a chanceA chance on me cause you never can tellWhere a little bit faith might leadI got a U-shaped hole insideI swear it gets deeper by the dayFlicking cigarettes out the windowGoing nowhere in this lonely rainI need a faster car nowA rocketship straight to the moonI need a faster way to show youHow much I need you, babyIt"s a crime, it"s a sinIt"s a damn shame but you"re the causeAnd you"re the cure of all my painThere"s never been a better fool for youI can"t believe my prideGot me talking to a pillowIn the middle of the night...?I need a faster car nowA rocketship straight to the moonI need a faster way to show youHow much I need you, babyI need a faster car nowA rocketship straight to the moonI need a faster way to show youHow much I need you, babyI need a faster car nowI"m a rocketman in love with youI need a faster way to show youHow much you drive me crazyShow you how much I need you, babyAnd I need you, babyAnd it"s all right now

电影-红宝石/时空之恋1 里面猪脚跳舞唱的歌曲《faster》歌词谁有!???!?

Sofi de la Torre - Faster you feel it pulsing through your veinsRunning around like a mad manLooking for a game playThat will take your breath awayFlying high like an airplaneBalanced on a tightropeWaiting for the big showHoping I can do it all over againFill me up with the glorious words you sayMake me part of the wonderful games you playIt"s gotta be faster faster harder harderA better version of meGotta be crazy sexy louder edgyA bigger version of meSo here"s something we can all dance toI"ll sing about the beat to make us all moveIt"s gotta be faster faster harder harderBut you don"t know what it meansSo come and brief meYou"re obviously the chief of meYou always know what"s bestI am just a singer in a hotel roomTrying hard to pass your testAnd if I"m ticking all the boxesOr tricking all the foxesI guess it"s not my callFill me up with the glorious words you sayMake me part of the wonderful games you playIt"s gotta be faster faster harder harderA better version of meGotta be crazy sexy louder edgyA bigger version of meSo here"s something we can all dance toI"ll sing about the beat to make us all moveIt"s gotta be faster faster harder harderBut you don"t know what it meansListen to me as I"mWould be search a better thingSo was I"m we are so better versionSo feel what I"m would be search a better thingWe search a better thingFaster faster harder harderA better version of meGotta be crazy sexy louder edgyA bigger version of meIt"s gotta be faster faster harder harderA better version of meGotta be crazy sexy louder edgyA bigger version of meSo here"s something we can all dance toI"ll sing about the beat to make us all moveIt"s gotta be faster faster harder harderBut you don"t know what it means

“A horse runs faster after a rest”的意思


Drive Faster 歌词

歌曲名:Drive Faster歌手:alexandre azaria专辑:the transporter 3 (bande originale du film)Asked a girl what she wanted to be,she said baby, cant you see.I wanna be famous, a star on the screen,but you can do something in between.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.I told a girl that my prospects were good,and she said baby, its understood.Working for peanuts is all very fine,but I can show you a better time.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.I told a girl I can start right away,and she said listen babe I got something to say.I got no car and its breaking my heart,but Ive found a driver and thats a start.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Beep beepm beep beep yeah!

the faster anything goes up into the sky, the higher it reaches什么意思


The faster anything goes up into the sky,

句型是这样的:the more....the more

Harder Better Faster Stronger 歌词

歌曲名:Harder Better Faster Stronger歌手:Daft Punk专辑:Harder Better Faster StrongerHarder Better Faster StrongeDaft PunkWork ItMake ItDo ItMakes UsHarderBetterFasterStrongerMore ThanHourOurNeverEverAfterWork isOverWork ItMake ItDo ItMakes UsHarderBetterFasterStrongerWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterOur Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterOur Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterOur Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterOur Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterOur Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterOur Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterOur Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterOur Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterOur Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterOur Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterOur Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterOur Work Is Never OverWork It HarderDo It FasterMore Than EverOur Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterOur Work Is Never Over

Work it harder, Make it better. Do it faster, Make us stronger中文是什么意思


one world one dream是什么higner faster stronger又是什么

马丁路德金的演讲是叫做I have a dream.2008年北京奥运的口号是 One world, one dream.Higher, faster, stronger 是奥运会的口号, 出现在美国亚特兰大奥运会主题曲格洛丽亚伊斯特芬演唱的歌曲中 哎呀名字忘了!

0.5times faster romance是什么意思

意思是:浪漫快0.5倍times:时间 ; 时间,钟点,时刻 ; 时,时间 ; 为…安排时间 ; 选择…的时机 ; 计时 ; 测定…所需的时间 ; 在某一时刻击球 ; 乘以 ; 倍 ; time的第三人称单数和复数faster 快 ; 快速 ; 迅速 ; 不久 ; 立即 ; 牢固地 ; 完全地 ; 快的 ; 迅速的 ; 敏捷的 ; 迅速发生的 ; 立即发生的 ; 动作迅速的 ; 头脑灵活的 ; fast的比较级romance 浪漫 ; 爱情 ; 恋爱 ; 浪漫史 ; 风流韵事 ; 传奇色彩 ; 浪漫氛围