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far from 和 away from 区别 解释 +例句


far from是属于什么词?形容词还是动词,前面一定要与be连用吗


far from 和away from的区别

由一道题看 far from与away from用法的区别Nanjing is about 305km ______ Shanghai.A. away to B. away from C. far from该选B还是C?答:选B.分析如下:1. 在far from短语中,far 是虚指,其前不能有具体的数字。2. away from前常与具体的数字连用,或与far连用(即far away from),或与具体的动词连用, 如:stay away from, keep away from,...3. 在此句中,far from实际上就是far away from省略away而成。4. 当然,far from还有“并不,很不,远远不,远非(如此),恰恰相反”等意思,在这时就没有必要理解为far away from的省略形式了。 如:But the reality is far from that. 但事实却远非如此。He is far from well. 他并不健康。The project is far from perfect. 这项企划很不完美。far用法小议1. 用作形容词,表示“遥远的”,通常不与具体数字连用。如:车站离这儿有两公里远。误:The station is two kilometers far (away) from here.正:The station is two kilometers away from here.2. 用作副词,可用来修饰动词、副词、介词短语、比较级、最高级、以及与 too(太)连用等。如:Did you drive far? 你开车走了很远吗?They didn"t walk far. 他们没有走多远。He is far past fifty. 他大大超过了五十岁。He worked far into the night. 他工作到深夜。My friend lives far away [off]. 我的朋友住在很远。He is far more careful than I am. 他比我仔细得多。He runs far faster than you. 他比你跑得快得多。It is far the best film that I"ve ever seen. 那是我看过的最最好的电影。He was at the station far too early. 他去车站去得太早。【注】far 可修饰比较级或最高级,但除极个别情况外,一般不能修饰原级,如不能说 far good, far difficult 等。能受 far 修饰的原级形容词主要的有 wrong, short, different 等。如:This edition is far different from the earlier one. 这个版本与早先那个版本大不相同。同样地,far 修饰副词,主要用来修饰 away, off, out, back 等表示“位置”的副词,一般不用来修饰 quickly, hardly, recently等原级副词3. 在口语或非正式文体中,far 表示场所或距离时,主要用于否定句或疑问句,很少用于肯定句。在肯定句中通常用 a long way 代之。如:He did not walk far. 他没走很远。(比较:He walked a long way. 他走了很远。)Is it far from here? 从这儿去远吗?(比较: It is a long way from here. 从这儿去很远。)但是若 far连用了与场所有关的副词或介词短语等,或与 too, so, as…as 等词语连用时,则也可用于肯定句中。如:The lightning was far away. 闪电很远。They walked much too far. 他们走得太远了。We walked as far as the church. 我们一直走到教堂

far from 和away from的区别

farfrom表很远,away from表具体路程

far from是什么意思

形容词或者副词短语:远离.......He lives far from the school.他住得离学校很远。

far away 与 far from的区别(请详细举例说明,)

1.far away 形容词,意思是很远.没有比较的含义.例如:China is far away.中国很远.2.far from 后面跟宾语(名词或介词)离……很远,有比较的含义.例如:The moon is far from the earth.月亮离地球很远 far from的另...

far from的区别和用法是什么?

far from 和away from的区别far away 用作表语或状语,away可以省去,因此,far away = far ; far away from = far fromfar (away) 后不接宾语;far (away)from 后一定要接宾语。 The do not live far away. 他们住得并不远.far from除了表示距离的”远离”之外,还有”远远不,完全不,决非”之意,后接名词,动名词或形容词.Far from reading his letter,she didn"t openit. 别说看他的信了,她连信都没打开.He is far from(being)rich. 他一点也不富有.至于away from 与far from的区别主要在于far与away的区别:far是表示较笼统、模糊概念的“远”,而away是表示具体的“远”。如:very far很远;quite far相当远; 500 meters away 500米远; 2kilometers away 2公里远e.g. My home is very far from the hospital.Myhome is 20 kilometers away from the hospital. 那如果说远离毒品是不是用far from? 应该是说keepaway from 谢谢!!! far fromadv. 远离;远非;完全不.

far off和far from的区别

前者far off 远,在远处的far from 远离They traveled far from home.他们离家远游。远非, 不但不…Far from relieving my cough, the medicine aggravated it.这药非但不镇咳, 反而使我咳嗽得更厉害。His work is far from perfect.他的工作远非十全十美。He is far from well.他根本谈不上健康。

far from away from的区别

far from:adv. 远离;远非;完全不;away from:远离,离开;避开痛苦。far from 是形容词加介词构成的形容词短语;在句子里可以做表语、定语、状语。而away from是由副词加介词构成的副词短语,在句子里通常做状语。 far from away from的区别 一、指代不同 1、far from:距离远。 2、away from:离开。 二、用法不同 1、far from:far的基本意思是“远”,可指距离的远,也可指时间的远。指距离时,一般用于否定句或疑问句,在肯定句中,多用a long way代替far。 2、away from:away是表示方位的副词,其基本意思是“离开”。用在动词或短语动词之后表示与“离开”有关的各种不同的意思。可以表示“离开”的状态,也可表示“离开”的动作。 三、侧重点不同 1、far from:前面要加虚词,也就是模糊的距离描述。 2、away from:前面要加具体的数值来表示距离。 far from away from的例句 I"ve noticed we park our car far from the entrance even when there are no other cars inthe lot. (地点状语) 我已经注意到,即使是停车场里没有其他车辆,我们还是将车停在远离入口处。 In reality, this is far from the truth.(表语) 在现实生活中,现实远非如此。 You need more sleep with the Sun so far from your sign. (定语) 太阳远离水瓶座,所以你需要更多的睡眠。 He wheeled my bicycle away from the front of my gate.(状语) 他从我家大门口把我的自行车推走了

far from是属于什么词?形容词还是动词,前面一定要与be连用吗


far from的区别是什么?

far from和away from的区别:意思不同、用法不同、强调重点不同。【词组含义】1、far from:英式发音[fɑu02d0(r) fru0259m] ,美式发音[fɑu02d0r fru0259m],意思是"根本不、远远不",后可接名词、代词、形容词、副词、过去分词或动名词等等。2、away from:英式发音[u0259u02c8weu026a fru0259m],美式发音[u0259u02c8weu026a fru0259m],其基本意思是“离开。away是表示方位的副词,表示具体的“远”。【用法】1、far from用法far from=far away from,意为远离,away可以省略。在far (away)from短语中,far 是虚指,其前不能有具体的数字。例句1:My school is far (away) from my sister"s.我的学校和姐姐的学校离得很远。例句2:I am trying to recreate family life far from home.我正试图在远离家园的地方重建家庭生活。2、away from用法away from前常与具体的数字连用,或者与far连用,away表示具体的“远”,例句1:My home is 20 kilometers away from the hospital.我家离医院20公里。例句2:He lives 3 miles away from here.他住在距离这里三英里的地方。

Far from是不是两个单词?

参考答案:是的,中文意思“离....远 ”。

far from 和 away from 有什么区别?怎么用? 如题.

The place is very far from here.那个地方离这很远. The place is ten miles away from here.那个地方离这有十里远. 有具体路程的用away from

far from如何造句?

my homew is not from my school

far from用法?

"Far from" is a phrase that is used to describe something that is not near or close to a particular place or thing. It is often used to express the opposite of proximity or closeness. For example:The city center is far from my house.She was far from impressed with his performance.The solution to the problem seemed far from simple.In each of these examples, "far from" is used to indicate a lack of proximity or closeness to a particular location, impression, or solution.

far from是什么意思?


the farm as well as its neighboring hills we once spent so much time _on a new look A、on

亲,答案是A,分析如下:the farm (as well as its neighboring hills ) we once spent so much time ___on a new look.括号中是插入语,是用来迷惑你的,可以忽略不看,我将原句补充完整,你会清楚很多。The farm (on which) we once spent so much time has taken on a new look.take on a new look是呈现新的面貌的意思。

The force of love歌词的译文 All alone, somewhere far away from home In a lonely place where no one

Lia - The Force Of Love 爱情的力量 All alone, somewhere far away from home 孤独地,在离家很远的地方 In a lonely place where no one konws your name 在一个没有人知道你的名字的 寂寞的地方 Lost inside a corner of your mind 迷失在思想的一个角落 Looking for a place to hide and none to find 找一个没有人能发现的地方 来隐藏 Back in the days when you were just a child 在你还是孩子的时候 The sunrays danced eternally 阳光永久地在跳舞 And when you least expect it, you hear a voice inside 在你没有想到的情况下,你听到了一个声音 Telling you to begin the life of your dreams 告诉你 开始为自己的梦而活 You have the power to believe 你有力量去相信 Take a look inside your heart 看看自己的心里 A road is waiting for you 一条路在等着你 The truth is written in the stars 真相写在星星里 No matter who you are 无论你在何处 You feel the force of love 都可以感觉到 爱的力量 Like a wind blowing high above the clouds 像在云上飞舞的风一样 You were moving fast but couldn"t touch the ground 你快速的移动 却没能接触地面 Think of the days when you were just a child 想想你还是孩子的时候 You felt a joy so tenderly 感觉到了一份暖心的快乐 And if you stop to listen to what you feel inside 如果你再也不去听你心里是怎么想 You can be everything you wanted to be 你可以变成你想要的所有 You have the power to achieve 你有力量去实现 If you reach inside your heart 如果到达了自己的心里面 Your wish is waiting for you 你的愿望在等你 The truth is written in the stars 真相写在星星里 No matter where you are 无论你在何处 You feel the force of love 都可以感觉到 爱的力量 All the pain and tears and broken dreams 所有的痛苦 眼泪 和无法完成的梦 Flowing like a river 像河一样地流动着 It"s never easy to see 这些是很不容易看到的 Trust what you feel and just keep your spirit free 相信你的感觉 释放你的灵魂 You can be all the things you wanted to be 你可以变成你想要的所有 In your dreams 在梦里 You have the power to believe 你有力量去相信 Make a promise in your heart 和心建立一个约定 Your future"s waiting for you 你的未来在等你 A secret in the sky above 天空上的秘密 Like a shooting star 像一颗流星 You feel the force of love 感觉到 爱的力量 It"s written in the stars 它写在星星里...

谁能给我far away form home 和 a little love 的中文歌词?

a little love世上只有 Greatness as you(smallest as meYou show mewhat is deep as seaA little love"little kissA litlle hug"little giftall of little somethingthese are our memoriesYou make me crymake me smilemake me feel that love is trueYou always stand by my sideI don"t want to say goodbyeYou make me crymake me smilemake me feelthe joy of loveoh kissing youThank you for all the loveyou always give to meoh I love youGreatness as yousmallest as meYou show mewhat is deep as seaA little love"little kissA litlle hug"little giftall of little somethingthese are our memoriesYou make me crymake me smilemake me feel that love is trueYou always stand by my sideI don"t want to say goodbyeYou make me crymake me smilemake me feelthe joy of loveoh kissing youThank you for all the loveyou always give to meoh I love youYes I do"Album:A Little LoveI always doLRC Powered By P.williamMake me crymake me smilemake me feel that love is trueyou always stand by my sideI don"t want to say goodbyeYou make me crymake me smilemake me feelthe joy of loveoh kissing youThank you for all the loveyou always give to meoh I love youTo be with you"oh I love you望着你讲 也许更易浓于水的三个字从我降世 一开始到永远 不休止你亦是我支柱动力和意义You make me cry" make me smile"Make me feel the love is true谢谢你的关顾 与及无偿的爱护年月漫漫 多艰苦你也永远优先担心我喜恶唯恐我并未得到 最贴身保护Oh I love you!但是我知 你都有梦仍将一生给我用全个世界 几多种爱与爱 在互动也未及这种爱能完全献奉You make me cry" make me smile"Make me feel the love is true谢谢你的关顾 与及无偿的爱护年月漫漫 多艰苦你也永远优先担心我喜恶唯恐我并未得到 最贴身保护Oh I love you!Yes I do"I always doYou make me cry" make me smile"Make me feel the love is true谢谢你的看顾 与历年来的爱护年月漫漫 多艰苦我再重也不肯抛低我不顾从不会立下私心 怕会给辜负Oh I love you!Yes I love you"I always do

the report makes heavy reading for publishers who have,so far,made handsome profits?怎么翻译?


the report makes heavy reading for publishers who have,so far,made handsome profits?

heavy reading 是makes的宾语,for publishers 是状语who have,so far,made handsome profits?是定语从句此句话中没有宾语补足语

If winter comes will spring be far away中文意思是什么???


One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the fa..

小题1:.covering/to be covered小题1:.him小题1:.what小题1:.terribly小题1:.was astonished小题1:.that/which小题1:.amazing小题1:.as小题1:.the小题1:.by 略

Farley worked for the Canadian government. One day, he was __1__ to learn more about wolves. Do


So Far Away 歌词

歌曲名:So Far Away歌手:Staind专辑:14 Shades Of GreySo Far AwayStaindThis is my lifeIt"s not what it was beforeAll these feelings I"ve sharedAnd these are my dreamsThat I"d never lived beforeSomebody shake meCause I, I must be sleepingNow that we"re here,It"s so far awayAll the struggle we thought was in vainAll the mistakes,One life containedThey all finally start to go awayNow that we"re here it"s so far awayAnd I feel like I can face the dayI can forgive and I"m not ashamedto be the person that I am todayThese are my wordsThat I"ve never said beforeI think I"m doing okAnd this is the smileThat I"ve never shown beforeSomebody shake meCause I, I must be sleepingNow that we"re here,It"s so far awayAll the struggle we thought was in vainAll the mistakes,One life containedThey all finally start to go awayNow that we"re here it"s so far awayAnd I feel like I can face the dayI can forgive and I"m not ashamedto be the person that I am todayI"m so afraid of wakingPlease don"t shake meAfraid of wakingPlease don"t shake meNow that we"re here,It"s so far awayAll the struggle we thought was in vainAll the mistakes,One life containedThey all finally start to go awayNow that we"re here it"s so far awayAnd I feel like I can face the dayI can forgive and I"m not ashamedto be the person that I am todayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8260899

求歌词中有一句baby you are far away 的歌名,女声,far音拉长

Far Away From Home——Groove Coverage

求歌词one step too far翻译中文的

自己翻译的,参考一下吧^O^one step too far 一步千里[dido] You can sleep forever, but still you will be tired 你可以就这样睡着,但疲倦不会就此消散You can stay as cold as stone, but still you won"t find peace 你可以和石像一样漠然,但平静不会因此到来With you i feel i"m the meek leading the blind 和你在一起,我觉得自己好似温顺的领盲者With you i feel i"m just spending wasting time 和你在一起,我觉得好似时光似箭I"ve been waiting 我一直等待I"m still waiting 仍在等待着I"ve been waiting 我一直等待I"ve been waiting我一直等待 I"ve been waiting我一直等待 I"m still waiting 仍在等待着I"m with you (with you) 和你在一起(一起)It"s always one step too far 总是只差一步却似隔千里One step too far一步千里 You can walk too far but still you won"t be found 你可以远行,但仍不被发现You can look down on the world but still you won"t find love 你可以俯视世界,但仍不会发现有爱You won"t find love你不会看到爱的存在 [maxi jazz] Only with mellow 只有成熟Are you thin enough to slide through, 你是否应对自如Don"t let nothin" ride u, 别让什么掌控你If the sun or the moon would give way to doubt, 如果日月也会让你怀疑They would immediately go out. 他们也会失去光芒Only one swallow doesn"t make a summer 一只飞燕怎能成夏天But u gotta start somewhere (maxi"s bit) 但你需要个开始[dido] I"ve been waiting 我一直等待I"m still waiting 仍在等待着I"ve been waiting 我一直等待I"ve been waiting我一直等待 I"ve been waiting我一直等待 I"m still waiting 仍在等待着I"m with you (with you) 和你在一起(一起)It"s always one step too far 总是只差一步却似隔千里One step too far一步千里 I"ve been waiting 我一直等待I"m still waiting 仍在等待着I"ve been waiting 我一直等待I"ve been waiting我一直等待 I"ve been waiting我一直等待 I"m still waiting 仍在等待着I"m with you (with you) 和你在一起(一起)It"s always one step too far 总是只差一步却似隔千里One step too far一步千里

《far away from home》谁有这首歌的歌词?知道是谁唱的也行!

****************************英文歌词第一站FROM:http://cn.clyric.com****************************The lament of the wolfman, the ratman and the judge who togetherWith dora and little hans, comprise freud"s five classic cases.Lead vocal: the flying picketsWe"ve come so farTo hear the wordsOf hope and consolationWith no star to guide us through the nightThrough many realms of fantasyWe wander and we roamFar away from homeThen all of thoseWe held so dearGrew tired of understandingAnd we dream through the endless night aloneWhat sun can light this darknessAnd what hand remove this stoneFar away, far awayLike a leaf that the wind has blownFar away, far awayFar away from homeFar away from homeAll that i amWhat i"ve becomeWill i ever find my place in the sunWhat sun can light this darknessAnd what hand remove this stoneFar away, far awayWill i ever find my place in the sunFar awayI could be happy thenFar awayI"ll find jerusalemFar away from homeFar away from home

my home is about__our home A,1 miles far away B.10 miles from C.10miles far from D.10miles for

from在这里表示远近,……is about X from …… home 故选B。

Lt is not far from our home.同义句

有没有变化格式要求?常见的变化形式如下: = It is near our home. = It is close to our home.

we should make our reservations as far




Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 2游戏鼠标怎么设置


Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Collection1,2,3,4是什么意思

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Collection使命召唤:现代战争3收集Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Collection使命召唤:现代战争3收集

电脑里面。有这个英语什么意思Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

游戏的名字 使命召唤 现代战争2



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使命召唤6现代战争下载安装后桌面出俩图标啥意思?一个Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 SP一个mp


call of duty:modern warfare 3-dedicated server是什么意思


使命召唤8 Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 3 -Multiplayer 三大多人联机模式


使命召唤出现Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare SP Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare SP指的是COD:AW的单人模式。

call of duty modern warfare是什么意思




so close and yet so far away 歌词

歌曲名:so close and yet so far away歌手:Strawbs专辑:burning for youYou"re my secretYou"re my inspirationYou"re my journeyYou"re my destinationYou have alwaysStrawbsBeen so close and yet so far awayYou"re my best friendYou"re my total strangerYou"re my lifelineYou"re my hint of dangerYou have alwaysBeen so close and yet so far awayIn my hour of needI call on youTo comfort meBut you could only set me freeYou"re my memoriesYou"re my Rock of AgesYou"re my futureYou"re my empty pagesYou have alwaysBeen so close and yet so far away . . .http://music.baidu.com/song/14052293

without you iLL be so far away from home 有谁能翻译


连词成句 lives,horse,a,white,a,on,farm

A white horse lives on a farm

so far so good什么意思

so far so good迄今为止看起来一切都很好双语对照词典结果:So far so good到现在为止,一直都还不错。; 例句:1.Everything"s looking good so far. 迄今为止看起来一切都很好.2.I feel good about the mission so far, don"t you? 到现在为止我觉得这次任务不错你呢?

so far so good 是什么意思?

so far so good不过不失

so far so good什么意思


so far so good什么意思

so far so good到目前为止这么好双语对照词典结果:So far so good到现在为止,一直都还不错。; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1."But so far so good," he said of the bank"s decision to end its zero-interest rate policy lastyear. 但他在提到日本央行去年结束零利率政策的决定时表示:“到目前为止-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

So Far, So Good什么意思啊?


英语So far so good怎么翻译?

“So far so good.”的意思是“目前为止还不错”。以下是这句英语的详细解析,希望能够帮助到你。1. 这句话的含义是表示目前的情况还不错,但是并不保证将来也会一直如此。2. 难词解释: - far [fɑu02d0r] adv. 远的;遥远的 - so [su0259u028a] adv. 这么;如此;非常;也;也是 - good [ɡu028ad] adj. 好的;优秀的;有益的;健康的 “so far”是一个固定短语,表示到目前为止,还没有出现问题。其中的“so”表示程度,相当于“这么”或“如此”。这个短语中的“far”表示时间或空间上的距离,相当于“到目前为止”。而“good”则表示状态良好、顺利或令人满意。 双语用例: - So far, the new product is selling well. (目前为止,新产品销售情况良好。) - So far, I have not encountered any problems with my new job. (到目前为止,我还没有遇到新工作的任何问题。)3. 语法详解: “so far so good”是一个简单的主谓宾句,其中主语是“so far”,谓语是“is”(省略了),宾语是“good”。4. 具体用法: - So far so good, we have completed half of the project. (目前为止还不错,我们已经完成了项目的一半。) - I have been studying for two weeks and so far so good. (我已经学习了两周,目前为止还不错。) - So far so good, we have not encountered any technical difficulties. (目前为止还不错,我们还没有遇到任何技术问题。) - The weather has been good during our trip, so far so good. (我们旅行期间天气一直很好,目前为止还不错。) - I have been on a diet for a week and so far so good. (我已经节食一周了,目前为止还不错。)翻译技巧和步骤: 翻译这句话的技巧是要注意理解“so far”和“so good”这两个短语的含义,同时要注意上下文的语境。具体的翻译步骤可以分为以下几步: - 理解整句话的意思; - 理解“so far”和“so good”这两个短语的含义; - 根据上下文和语境,确定翻译的准确性和恰当性; - 翻译成符合语境和语气的中文。 注意事项: 在翻译这句话时,需要注意理解“so far”和“so good”这两个短语的含义,同时要注意上下文的语境。此外,还需要注意翻译的准确性和恰当性,尽量保持翻译的简洁明了,符合中文的表达习惯。

so far so good哪位好心人知道这什么意思?


so far/up to now/ until now/的区别??

so far 过去时间持续到现在的动作 并且还有持续的可能与since+过去时间 for+一段时间 by+现在时间 相同 so far = up to now 意思是,到目前为止 所以要用现在完成时态 Examples: 1.The scientist is doing experiments no one has so far attempted. 科学家们正在作一项迄今为止没人做过的实验. 2.We"ve only raised 2000 so far; we"re still 500 short (of the amount we need). 我们到目前为止才筹集到2000英镑,(离所需数目)还差500英镑. 3.I am resolved to try story-writing but so far have not made a start. 我下决心试试小说写作,不过迄今为止还没开始. 4.So far I haven"t heard of anybody who wants stop living on account of the cost. 迄今为止,我从未听说过有人因生活费过昂而不要生存下去的. 5.So far as English is concerned,it is not so difficult as you might think. 就英文而言,它并不像你所认为的那样难. 6.Even on the most charitable *** ysis,it has not been a great success so far. 即使根据最宽的标准来说,到目前为止还算不上成功. 7.The bus route goes so far as that,so you"ll need to take a taxi. 汽车路线到此为止了,你得叫辆的士. 8.I have had no reply from her so far. 我至今没有得到她的答复. So far,So good. 目前还不错. OK so far? 到现在为止都懂吗? So far forth as... 到.的程度 No,not so far. 不,还没有. Ok (Okay),so far. 目前还好. Not too bad so far. 不太坏. He doesn"t go so far. 他没去那样远. Are you with me so far? 到现在为止你了解我所说吗? So far as one is concerned. 就某人而言 So far it"s all empty statement. 你说了半天都是些空话.,6,We have not hear from him so far. Until now I"ve always credited you with more sense. Up to now, the number of alloys has grown to many thousands. 懂了吧? 他们的区别就是:没区别!! ------------你举的那例子可笑,never是否定词只有你知道?,2,They are almost the same. To put it simply,they are the same except the spelling. And most of the situations,they can replace by each other.,2,so far/up to now/ until now/的区别? 请问高手,so far/up to now/ until now/until this time 这4个短语都作‘迄今,到现在为止"解时有何区别? 你认为无区别,我觉得至少:1. I never realized I loved you until now. 我至今才意识到我爱你. not until (now )的用法是 so far 和up to now 所没有的吧?

So Far,So Good什么意思




.....relatives who live far apart

是that place in your heart吧?that place in your heartIn your heart...Walk with mebreak some bread here with meEnemyWhy can"t you live with me?Who are you?what did i do to you?Wish i knewWhy can"t i live with you?We are all born the sameThen we separateThen the world falls apartand blame turns to hatewe can not contemplatehow far apart we arethere is always a wayto that placein your heart.Hated oneJust put down your gundone is donewhy can"t we live as one?feel no shamethe air we breath is the sameheal the painwhy do we live in vain?We are all born the sameThen we seperateThen the world falls apartand blame turns to hatewe can not contemplatehow far apart we arethere is always a wayto that placein your heartin your heartin your heartin your heartthere is always a wayin your heartEnemyWhy can"t you live with me? 是这个么?

英文歌词i want you far so long是什么歌?

Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen - Good TimeWoah-oh-oh-ohIt"s always a good timeWoah-oh-oh-ohIt"s always a good timeWoke up on the right side of the bedWhat"s up with this Prince song inside my head?Hands up if you"re down to get down tonightCuz it"s always a good time.Slept in all my clothes like I didn"t careHopped into a cab, take me anywhereI"m in if you"re down to get down tonightCuz it"s always a good timeGood morning and good nightI wake up at twilightIt"s gonna be alrightWe don"t even have to tryIt"s always a good timeWoah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-ohIt"s always a good timeWoah-oh-oh-ohWe don"t even have to try, it"s always a good time.Feet down dropped my phone in the pool againChecked out of my room hit the ATMLet"s hang out if you"re down to get down tonightCuz it"s always a good timeGood morning and good nightI wake up at twilightIt"s gonna be alright we don"t even have to tryIt"s always a good time.Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-ohIt"s always a good timeWoah-oh-oh-ohWe don"t even have to try, it"s always a good time.Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-ohIt"s always a good timeWoah-oh-oh-ohWe don"t even have to try, it"s always a good time.Doesn"t matter whenIt"s always a good time thenDoesn"t matter whereIt"s always a good time thereDoesn"t matter when,It"s always a good time thenIt"s always a good timeWoah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-ohIt"s always a good timeWoah-oh-oh-ohWe don"t even have to try, it"s always a good timeWoah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-ohIt"s always a good timeWoah-oh-oh-ohWe don"t even have to try, it"s always a good time

So far as 和 So long as 的区别

区别:so long as:1.只要.eg:He need not step down so long as they support him.只要他们支持他,他就不用辞职.2.既然,由于.as long as:1.达...之久2.=so long asso far as:=as far as1.到...那么远;远到,一直到2.(表程度、范围)就...;尽...;至于这个后面一般可接:as far as I know:据我所知as far as possible:尽可能,尽量

很远(指路程)是“SO FAR” 还是“ SO LONG(长)”

far away and long ago , so " so far"

高一英语 Drived by a greater demand for vegetables,farmers have built more green houses


so long, so far的意思

我觉得楼主不是问分别的意思吧,Song long, so far可以理解成【到此为止】的意思吧。

急求黑胶明星梦里面的come so far歌词中文翻译!!!!!!!一天之内完成追加十分!!!!

你既然都发英文了 你就上谷歌翻译嘛



Fare Thee Well 歌词

歌曲名:Fare Thee Well歌手:Odetta专辑:Livin With The BluesHold on steady and strong,Here"s the dawn coming on won"t be long,Then the sun will come shining through,To show me the place I once new.Fare thee well,Fare thee well and adieu,Fare thee well,With this song I"ll be gone,Fare thee well.The old man"s here and he"s fine,He has come here from years down the line,He has come to bring peace to all times for the few,He has come to bring life to the new.Fare thee well,Fare thee well and adieu,Fare thee well,With this song I"ll be gone,Fare thee well.Fare thee well,Fare thee well and adieu,Fare thee well,With this song I"ll be gone,Fare thee well.Hold on steady and strong,Here"s the dawn coming on won"t be long,Oh its easy to stand in the light with pain,In the light I will ever remain.Fare thee well,Fare thee well and adieu,Fare thee well,With this song I"ll be gone,Fare thee well.Fare thee well,Fare thee well and adieu,Fare thee well,With this song I"ll be gone,Fare thee well.http://music.baidu.com/song/2699848

请问so far away是哪首歌的歌词啊 ? 女声英文的有点印度风格 听着柔有神秘感 谢谢了

far away from home 这首歌对吗?你看看http://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=far%20away%20from%20home

— How was your school trip on the farm?—It couldn’t be worse! I don’t ...

D 本题答语的含义是旅行不可能更糟糕了,表示糟糕至极,故后句意思表示为“我甚至不想再谈论它了”这样使语气加强的意思更符合,even表示加强程度“甚至”的意思,故选D。

To fell the flame of dreaming and to feel the monent of dancing,when all the romance is far awa是什

全句应该是To feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the monent of dancing, when all the romance is far away, the eternity is always there.感受梦想的激情和舞动的瞬间,当所有浪漫都远去,永恒依然长在。

To feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing,when all the romance is far away,th



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求john farnham的you are the voice,MP3连带歌词的英文版和中文翻译

We have the chance, to turn the pages over我们有机会将这一页翻过去不再提起,We can write what we want to write我们可以书写我们自己想要过的生活.We gotta make ends meet, before we get much older当然在我们老去之前, 我们得让生活量入为出.We"re all someone"s daughter我们都是家里的宝贝女儿We"re all someone"s son我们都是家里的宝贝儿子How long can we look at each other我们可以面面相觑直到什么时候Down the barrel of a gun?直到放下枪杆老去的时候?You"re the voice, try and understand it你就是一曲美妙的旋律, 我会试着去细细品味.Make a noise and make it clear让它吵杂着, 让它更为清楚.Oh-wo-wo-wo, oh-wo-wo-wo哦..................We"re not gonna sit in silence我们不会沉默静坐着.We"re not gonna live with fear我们也不会和恐惧作伴Oh-wo-wo-wo, oh-wo-wo-wo哦......................This time, we know we all can stand together此时此刻,我们了解彼此,了解我们可以在一起With the power to be powerful彼此的力量会让我们更加强大有力.Believing, we can make it better只要坚信,我们可以让一切变得更加美好We"re all someone"s daughter我们都是家里的宝贝女儿We"re all someone"s son我们都是家里的宝贝儿子How long can we look at each other我们可以面面相觑直到什么时候Down the barrel of a gun?直到放下枪杆老去的时候?已经发送, 我的邮箱是vvshine网易邮箱.我给你发了两个版本都是320KB的,一个是正常版本,还有一个是不插电.翻译我就发这里了.那个你说的版本是希腊语我也是根据歌手的出生地猜的哈,太偏了.

求新编英语教程6 black english peter farb的译文

黑人英语Peter Farb极少数美国白人意识到大多数美国黑人患有语言分裂症—— 一种独特的病症。底层黑人的双语问题是不寻常的,因为他不讲口语式的或“不正确”的形式的标准英语。相反,他们说方言,这种方言有一个截然不同的语法规则和发音体系,即使对白人听众来讲,黑人们似乎在努力说标准的英语。任何说黑人英语的人很可能发现自己被指责为是使用下等标准英语的人,而实际上他说的是一种完全不同的方言,这种方言与白人的标准英语是一致的,同样是优雅的。整个黑人英语问题是与种族主义和极少讨论这种问题的良好意图联系在一起的,即使这个领域的专家也很少提及此事。有一种极端的说法,种族主义者有意识或无意识地将黑人英语问题归咎于黑人的体性特征,比如嘴唇厚或者舌头大;他还肯定:黑人英语是低等的语言,它必须被消灭。另外一种极端的说法是一位自由主义者提出的。他反驳道:他发现黑人英语仅仅是从白人英语中脱离出来的一部分;他认为黑人英语只是美国南部的一种方言,而且他将这种问题归因于黑人被剥夺了教育权利。这两种观点都是错误的。黑人英语从标准英语的分离跟种族分离和教育的缺失是没有关系的。在新大陆,黑人英语的历史表明:从一开始这就是不同的,曾经两者还具有更加不同的地方,不过那个时代已经过去了。当然,一些黑人说的英语跟白人完全相同,但是这种例子都是最近的和特别的;绝大多数的黑人有时候或者一直在讲黑人英语。我不认为黑人英语是个褒义的词汇,它被白人们误用为这是在跟黑人兄弟说真正的灵魂。对与描述黑英语来讲,这些丰富的具有隐喻意的词汇没有语法那么重要。它们来自于同样的过程,这个过程同样产生了俚语,行话,和标准英语中的隐语,并且,他们如同标准英语一样,它们已经渗透成为一般词汇的一部分了。它们当中的很多词,如常规,广场,摇摆,说唱,酷,小鸡,挖,撕掉,曾经都是黑英语使用者的绝对财产,不过现在已经被白人们广泛使用了。我所指的不是那些一直都在变化的肤浅的词汇,而是其大不相同的历史,发音体系,和基本结构。我们今天所听到的黑英语应该是由五大因素影响下的结果,他们是:非洲语言;西非的洋泾浜语;南美种植园奴隶以及北部加拿大奴隶所讲的克里奥尔语;标准英语;最后就是北部少数名族聚居地区的城市化。非洲语言对黑英语的影响之前一直都被否认的,直到在1949洛伦佐特纳发表了他对格勒语15年的研究成果,这说法才被人们接受。格勒语是查尔斯顿的沿海地区,南卡罗来纳州,和萨凡纳,乔治亚等地区使用的方言。格勒语在黑英语历史上具有重要地位,格勒地区最迟在1858年就开始不断地从非洲直接接收黑人奴隶了,因此非洲语言对黑英语的影响在这个地区应该持续的时间比较长。特纳积累的令人信服的证据显示:在发音,词汇和语法方面,格勒语和许多非洲西部语言是相似的。他列出了大约4000个格勒语单词涉及到人名,数字还有其他物体,这些都是直接从非洲语言中借来的。其中的一些字:如手提包,恙,山药,和土豆(马铃薯”),最后进入标准英语。第二个因素,洋泾浜语的影响就更加明显了,因为,在新大陆,讲这种语言的那些奴隶们的后人到处都是——不管这些语言是否是从英语,法语,荷兰语,西班牙语,还是葡萄牙语而来——它们在发音与语法方面都有共同的特征。例如,黑英语中得常见结构:他把门关上了。在标准英语中找不到直接的对称说法,不过在葡萄牙洋泾浜语,西非的Weskos,海地的法国克里奥尔语,苏里南的萨克里奥尔语,等等语言中都找到了相似的结构。通过18世纪的书信,历史书本和旅行记录对奴隶语言进行的分析表明这些分布于美国大陆南北部的奴隶中的大多数人都讲洋泾浜语。这些都是正如所料的一样,因为黑人们讲许多种不同的语言,当他们被带到西非奴隶工厂的时候,他们不得不发明一些交流的方法。无论他们的母语是什么,他们不得不学第二种语言。这种洋泾浜英语最早在1719年通过黑奴贸易传播到了全世界。我们之所以确定是那个年代是因在丹尼尔.迪佛出版的《鲁滨孙漂流记》中星期五这个角色就有迹象,在这本书中出现了大量的这些洋泾浜语和使用西非语和以一周的某一天给奴隶取名字的例子。因此多数已经到达新大陆的奴隶必须讲洋泾浜英语以便于与他人,甚至与监督员们交流。在随后的几代人里,只有少数的黑人被教授了标准的英语。然而很显然的是大多数的黑人通过将英语词汇加入母语或洋泾浜语言结构中的方式,把洋泾浜语扩大为克里奥尔语——这种语言被一些语言学家称为种植园克里奥语,即使在北方地区也有人说这种语言。令人奇怪的是人们花了很长时间才意识到黑人英语不是标准英语错误发音的产物,更不是标准英语语法错误的随机堆积。黑英语的表达是与语法相符的,并且正如标准英语的表达由一些规则生成的一样,黑英语的表达也是有规则生成的。人们可能认为黑人英语的表达不是“好英语”,但这不是重点,因为与标准英语相比,黑人英语使用了一套不同的规则,这才是重点。

far away from home歌词

Far away from home I"m loving living every single dayBut sometimes I feel so...I hope to find a little peace of mindAnd I just want to know.And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,And what are we to be.Where is home on the milky way of stars?I dry my eyes again.In my dreams I"m not so far away from home,What am I in a world so far away from home?All my life all the time so far away from homeWithout you I"ll be so far away from home.If we could make it through the darkestNigth we"d have a brighter dayThe world I see beyond your pretty eyes,makes me want to stay.And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,And what are we to be.Where is home on the milky way of stars?I dry my eyes again.In my dreams I"m not so far away from home,What am I in a world so far away from home?All my life all the time so far away from homeWithout you I"ll be so far away from home.I count on you, no matter what they say,Cause love can find it"s time.I hope to be a part of you again,baby let us shine.And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,And what are we to be.Where is home on the milkyway of stars?I dry my eyes again.In my dreams I"m not so far away from home,What am I in a world so far away from home?All my life all the time so far away from homeWithout you I"ll be so far away from home.

有首歌歌词是 far away on the other side 是什么歌

好像是moonlight shadowmoonlight shadowthe last that ever she saw himcarried away by a moonlight shadowhe passed on worried and warningcarried away by a moonlight shadowlost in a river last saturday nightfar away on the other sidehe was caught in the middle of a desperate fightand she couldn""t find how to push throughthe trees that whisper in the eveningcarried away by a moonlight shadowsing a song of sorrow and grievingcarried away by a moonlight shadowall she saw was a silhouette of a gunfar away on the other sidehe was shot six times by a man on the runand she couldn""t find how to push throughi stayi praysee you in heaven far awayi stayi praysee you in heaven one dayfour am in the morningcarried away by a moonlight shadowi watched your vision formingcarried away by a moonlight shadowstar was light in a silvery nightfar away on the other sidewill you come to talk to me this nightbut she couldn""t find how to push throughi stayi praysee you in heaven one dayi stayi praysee you in heaven one daycaught in the middle of a hundred and fivethe night was heavy but the air was alivebut she couldn""t find how to push throughfar away on the other side.the night was heavy but the air was alivebut she couldn""t find how to push throughshe couldn""t find how to push throughhow to push throughhow to push throughhow to push through

问首歌,里面有句歌词是:far away on the other side

<moonlight shadow>这首歌好像一部电影一样 武士在树林中对决 公主在对岸观看 目睹她心爱的人战死... The last that ever she saw him 她最后一次看到他时候 Carried away by a moonlight shadow 因为月夜光影而悸动 He passed on worried and warning 他表现出忧虑和警告 Carried away by a moonlight shadow. 因为月夜光影而悸动 Lost in a river last saturday night 消失在上个星期六晚上 Far away on the other side. 就在河远远的另一岸 He was caught in the middle of a desperate fight 他在一次激烈的对决中被抓走 And she couldn"t find how to push through 她想不到什麼方法解救他 The trees that whisper in the evening 夜晚树林低语 Carried away by a moonlight shadow 因为月夜光影而悸动 Sing a song of sorrow and grieving 唱著哀伤苦恼之歌 Carried away by a moonlight shadow 因为月夜光影而悸动 All she saw was a silhouette of a gun 她只目睹那把枪的影子 Far away on the other side. 就在河远远的另一岸 He was shot six times by a man on the run 一个边跑边开枪的男人 射了他六枪 And she couldn"t find how to push through 她想不到什麼方法解救他 I stay 我留在原地 I pray 祷告 I see you in heaven far away 能在天堂遇见你 I stay 我站著不动 I pray 祷告 I see you in heaven far away 能在天堂遇见你 Four am in the morning 早上四点时 Carried away by a moonlight shadow 因为月夜光影而悸动 I watched your vision forming 我看到你模糊的身影在我面前显现 Carried away by a moonlight shadow 因为月夜光影而悸动 Star was light in a silvery night 在银色的夜晚中 星星像灯光般 Far away on the other side 就在河远远的另一岸 Will you come to talk to me this night 今晚你会来和我说话吗? But she couldn"t find how to push through 她想不到什麼方法才能 I stay 我留在原地 I pray 祷告 I see you in heaven far away 能在天堂遇见你 I stay 我留在原地 I pray 祷告 I see you in heaven far away 能在天堂遇见你 Far away on the other side. 就在河远远的另一岸 Caught in the middle of a hundred and five 他在一场战争中被抓走 The night was heavy but the air was alive 那晚气氛凝重 可是却又鲜明 But she couldn"t find how to push through 她想不到什麼方法解救他 Carried away by a moonlight shadow 因为月夜光影而悸动 Carried away by a moonlight shadow 因为月夜光影而悸动 Far away on the other side. 就在河远远的另一岸

far away from home 的中英文歌词对照。

milk way of stars翻译成牛奶星星我也是醉了,是银河好不好U0001f60cU0001f60c

Far awar from home歌词意思

Far away from home歌词翻译I am loving living every single day but sometimes I feel so. 我喜欢过简单的每一天,但是有时我却感觉到.. I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know. 我希望找到一个属于我的小地方,我现在要去知道这个地方. And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. 谁能帮助这个弱小破碎的心,我将会是什么样的自己? Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again. 哪里是牛奶星星上的家?我再一次擦干自己的眼泪. In my dreams I am not so far away from home. 远离家,在我的梦想里我什么都没有 What am I in a world so far away from home. 远离家,在这个世界上我是什么? All my life all the time so far away from home. 远离家,在我的整个命运里,在我的整个时间里 Without you I will be so far away from home. 远离家,我将没有你 If we could make it through the darkest night we have a brighter day. 如果我们能打败这个黑暗的晚上,我们将能迎来光明的白天. The world I see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay. 我看见超越你美丽的眼睛的世界,它让我想留下. And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. 谁能帮助这个弱小破碎的心,我将会是什么样的自己? Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again. 哪里是牛奶星星上的家?我再一次擦干自己的眼泪. In my dreams I am not so far away from home. 远离家,在我的梦想里我什么都没有 What am I in a world so far away from home. 远离家,在这个世界上我是什么? All my life all the time so far away from home. 远离家,在我的整个命运里,在我的整个时间里 Without you I will be so far away from home. 远离家,我将没有你 I count on you, no matter what they say, cause love can find it time. 我依靠着你,不管他们什么说,相爱后发现爱就是时间 I hope to be a part of you again, baby let us shine. 我希望我是你的一部分,宝贝,让我们一起发光 And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. 谁能帮助这个弱小破碎的心,我将会是什么样的自己? Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again. 哪里是牛奶星星上的家?我再一次擦干自己的眼泪. In my dreams I am not so far away from home. 远离家,在我的梦想里我什么都没有 What am I in a world so far away from home. 远离家,在这个世界上我是什么? All my life all the time so far away from home. 远离家,在我的整个命运里,在我的整个时间里 Without you I will be so far away from home. 远离家,我将没有你 In my dreams I am not so far away from home. 远离家,在我的梦想里我什么都没有 What am I in a world so far away from home. 远离家,在这个世界上我是什么? All my life all the time so far away from home. 远离家,在我的整个命运里,在我的整个时间里 Without you I will be so far away from home. 远离家,我将没有你

Get a college degree and you’ll go far?Ye Dong made it to a?

16.C 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.A,6,Get a college degree and you"ll go far?Ye Dong made it to a 10-sq-m room,at 60 yuan ($9) a month,next door to his old college in Shaoguan,Guangdongprovince. Now 23,Ye earned his diploma in June 2010.But he has barely left the campus.He still eats in the canteens and studies in the classrooms. Around almost every college and university inChinaare cheap apartments and bungalows for rent,where lots of graduates like Ye live.They live and look like enrolled students,but they aren"t.Such kind of graduates is called "school-drifters"(校漂族).It has bee a popular search keyword and triggered wide media coverage and further academic research. "The number is increasing over the years.A simple reason is that each year the number of graduates rises,while the employment rate remains basically the same.A large portion of the unemployed bee school-drifters.Some previously employed also e back after a short,unsatisfying,work experience." according to Hu Jiewang,a sociology professor at Jiaying University in Guangdong Province. Hu said most of the school-drifters aim to enter grad school.Some hope to find a better job; some want to stay in big cities; and some are simply fearful of the intensely petitive job market. Why don"t drifters return home? "A too-high expectation from parents could be a burden on students,and could prevent them from returning home after graduation.Many would not tell parents their real situation." Hu said. After graduation and entering the society,many graduates felt lost.As a result,the number who stayed in school - for further education,for better opportunities,or for the fort - increased. 16. Who are school-drifters? [A] A group of graduates who want to stay in cities. [B] A group of graduates who feel lost in their career. [C] A group of graduates who are unwilling to leave the familiar campus for some reasons and choose to live and study around the campus after graduation. [D] A group of undergraduates who stay in school for further education. 17. What does the word “trigger” mean in the second paragraph? [A] gun [B] set off [C] happen [D] fire 18. Which of the following is not the reason for the graduates as school-drifter after graduation? [A] Parents hope that they continue to stay in the university. [B] There are more cheap apartments for rent around the campus. [C] Some are afraid of the petitive job market. [D] Some still stay around the campus in order to enter the graduate school. 19. What can be inferred from the passage? [A] School-drifters are under great pressure from the society and their parents. [B] The phenomenon of school-drifters has not been focused on. [C] The number of school-drifter is increasing. [D] Parents know the real situation of school-drifters. 20. What"s the best title for this passage? [A] Unemployed Graduates [B] Gloomy Job Market [C] Gradates Setting Camp Around Campus [D] Future Postgraduates


同学你是不是把your 打成you了。如果是your就能写成句子How far is it from here to your city?

far too small

too...to 太...以至于不能...不支持Basilosaurus在陆地上 far too small to have...表示太小了以至于不能支持..
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