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java中的 desedekeyspec spec;是什么意思

desedekeyspec是一个类。即:public class DESedeKeySpecextends Objectimplements KeySpec此类指定一个 DES-EDE ("triple-DES") 密钥。构造方法:DESedeKeySpec(byte[] key) 创建一个 DESedeKeySpec 对象,使用 key 中的前 24 个字节作为 DES-EDE 密钥的密钥内容。 DESedeKeySpec(byte[] key, int offset) 创建一个 DESedeKeySpec 对象,使用 key 中始于且包含 offset 的前 24 个字节作为 DES-EDE 密钥的密钥内容。






首先可以进入中国银行官网(www.boc.cn),在首页点击个人客户网银登录,在登录页面下方找到“请持有中银E盾的客户,下载并安装 Windows 或 Mac “USBKey管理工具”。按照页面提示进行下载安装即可。中国银行USBKey管理是中行网银USBKey数字安全证书管理工具,USBKey管理工具是中国银行网上登录进行交易必装的一款工具,可以进行usbkey密码、名称的修改,同时还可以查看证书行情,不会使用的朋友也可以下载安装后查看帮助文件。可以方便用户检测当前的网银状态,包括USBKey密码、名称等修改功能,可以有效地保护个人网银的安全。 中国银行USBKey管理工具功能 a) 修改USBKey密码、修改USBKey名称、USBKey状态检测 b) USBKey初始化、安全证书详情 c) 帮助 使用说明 1.首次登录时,请下载并安装“网上银行登录安全控件”。 2.请持有中银E盾的客户(使用64位Windows操作系统)下载并安装“USBKey管理工具(64位)”。 3.每次使用服务后,请点击页面右上角的“退出”按钮退出。 4.网银用户首次登录时,请使用柜台注册时获取的“网银登录用户名”登录。首次登录成功后,可以重新设定用户名。操作环境:网上银行版本6.12.0,QQ浏览器版本12.0.1.1054拓展资料:为了安全,请您妥善保管好USBKey密码,不要泄露给其他人。请不要设置过于简单的密码(建议不要使用生日、电话号码等)。 交易过程中,务必按照提示,仔细核对USBKey显示屏上显示的交易金额、账户信息等内容,完全正确的情况下,再按OK键确认。 交易完毕,或者使用过程中需暂时离开的情况下,请务必从计算机上拔出USBKey,点击网银页面上的“退出”按钮,退出网上银行,并关闭浏览器。 请不要将您的USBKey交给他人使用。若USBKey遗失,请尽快到中国银行营业网点进行挂失。


  USBKey被锁定后:  一、个人网银客户可以持本人有效身份证件和被锁定的USBKEY到中国银行任一营业网点进行解锁;  二、企业网银客户需持本人有效身份证件、单位公章和被锁定的USBKEY到签约账户开户网点进行解锁。  为保证网银客户安全使用网上银行,在客户使用USBKEY时若连续错误输入USBKEY口令次数达到六次,USBKEY将自动被锁定。


中银E盾的序列号实际为预植的CA证书编号,您可将USBKEY插入,在“中行网银USBKey数字安全证书管理工具”查询序列号。如需进一步了解,请您致电中国银行客服热线95566咨询。以上内容供您参考,业务规定请以实际为准。如有疑问,欢迎咨询中国银行在线客服。诚邀您下载使用中国银行手机银行APP或中银跨境GO APP办理相关业务。




继续追问: 没有usbkey管理工具,只有一个中国农业银行网上银行证书工具软件,插了usbkey就能看到证书,没插就看不到,是不是说明证书已经下在USBKEY里面呢,到其他电脑上能用么。 补充回答: 根据您的叙述,证书在usbkey中,其他电脑上只需要安装usbkey驱动就能用了。注:usbkey可以理解为一种带有硬件加密的特殊u盘,我们普通的U盘操作系统自己就会认得,不用驱动,但usbkey需要装个驱动,以便能让电脑识别此硬件,只要电脑能识别此硬件,就能用了。 继续追问: 那我去网吧使用的话只要下个驱动就行了,在哪下呢?细说 补充回答: 农行网银上有,仔细找找。




如果您在企业网银登录时遇到报错“未检测到USBKEY”或“证书不存在”。请您按照下列步骤进行操作。第一步:请您在控制面板中卸载USBKEY管理工具及网银登录安全控件。第二步:请您使用IE浏览器,登录中行官网(www.boc.cn),点击“企业客户网银登录”,下载安装“中银网银助手”,点击网银助手界面内的“检测修复”—“全面检测”—“一键修复”,并关闭所有浏览器后,重新登录即可。以上内容供您参考,业务规定请以实际为准。如有疑问,欢迎咨询中国银行在线客服。诚邀您下载使用中国银行手机银行APP或中银跨境GO APP办理相关业务。








个人客户的中银e盾当您连续5次输错密码,系统将锁定该中银e盾,不会自动解锁。您需携带在电子银行中关联的任意一张存折或银行卡及开立该卡/折的有效身份证件、实体认证工具到中行任意一家营业网点办理解锁。以上内容供您参考,业务规定请以实际为准。如有疑问,欢迎咨询中国银行在线客服。诚邀您下载使用中国银行手机银行APP或中银跨境GO APP办理相关业务。






USB是指USB端口,可用来插拔U盘; KEY是指钥匙; USB-KEY就是指可插拔钥匙。就是用来存放你的数字证书的。 数字证书本身是一个包含个人身份信息的特殊电子文件,他是国内外普遍采用的一整套成熟的信息安全保护机制的体现。  通过数字证书,可以有效解决互联网上"您是谁"的问题,就像您的"网络身份证"。这个"网络身份证"是由一个权威的第三方安全认证机构发放的,比如中国金融认证中心。  数字证书是您的网上"安全保镖",能够保证您网上传送信息的安全,防止其他人对信息的窃取或篡改。  通过数字证书,您还能对网上的交易进行电子签名,实现您的"网络亲笔签名"。  数字证书应用的领域相当的广泛,比如保障网银交易时资金的安全、帮助您发送安全的电子邮件、帮助您鉴别假网站、为您实现在网上安全传送公文、在网上签约投标等等。  数字证书是怎样保障网银交易的安全呢?  1、第一步,您要先获得数字证书。您需要先开通网上银行并申请数字证书,获得下载数字证书的密码信封后,就可以下载证书了。数字证书可以存放到USBkey(念做U-S-B-key)中,也可以存放在电脑的浏览器中。这时,就意味着您已经拥有了属于您自己独一无二的数字证书了。  您也许会问,它到底是什么东西,为什么要用USBkey呢?USBkey是一种既安全,又方便的存储介质。USBkey的模样跟普通的U盘差不多,不同的是它里面存放了智能芯片。用户的信息下载到USBkey内,就是独一无二不可复制的,谁要在网上转移帐户里的资金都必须事先通过USBkey客户证书进行唯一认证,您只要把USBkey带在身边,即使帐号、密码泄露,但拿不到USBkey,别人也不能冒充你。  2、第二步,您可以安全登录网上银行。在使用网上银行时,您需要将USBkey插入电脑,并且输入USBkey的密码。这时,在电脑后面的网络中,银行和您的数字证书会相互确认对方的身份。也就是说检查一下银行的网站是不是真的,而不会是不法分子搞的假网站,同时您的身份是否正确,不会是黑客冒充您。在双方身份验证真实后,您和银行之间会建立一个安全的加密通道,这时您就可以放心地进行个人网上银行的登陆了。整个过程都是自动的,只需要几秒种就可以完成。  3、第三步,您可以进行安全的网银交易了。经过了您和银行双方身份的验证,您对帐户进行的操作指令都将在一个加密的安全通道中传输,任何人在网络上不能对这个信息进行篡改,也不能从中破获您的帐户信息。特别是在您资金划转交易结束,系统提示您是否确认此操作时,您可能不知道,在您点击"确定"这个按键的同时,这项交易的操作时间、操作种类、操作金额等已经被您的数字证书系统作了电子签名并保存下来。这个被保存的不可改变的签名,可以在未来拿出来核实当时是否存在这样一笔交易,为网上交易可能出现的争议提供了事实证据。  4、最后还要特别提醒您,要保管好您的数字证书,否则就如同房间的主人丢了防盗门的钥匙,或者如同在现实生活中丢失了身份证一般。假如您不小心丢了数字证书或USBKey,请您及时通知银行为您重新发放数字证书。总之,只要您正确地使用网上银行,你就可以随时随地在虚拟的网络世界中,放心自如地管理资金、进行交易。


先开通网上银行并申请数字证书,获得下载数字证书的密码信封后,就可以下载证书了。数字证书可以存放到USBkey(念做U-S-B-key)中,也可以存放在电脑的浏览器中。这时,就意味着您已经拥有了属于您自己独一无二的数字证书了。USB Key是一种USB接口的硬件设备。它内置单片机或智能卡芯片,有一定的存储空间,可以存储用户的私钥以及数字证书,利用USB Key内置的公钥算法实现对用户身份的认证。由于用户私钥保存在密码锁中,理论上使用任何方式都无法读取,因此保证了用户认证的安全性。


中行新企业网银出现系统检查不到USBKey、签名失败及无法转账情况是企业网银登录操作流程不规范所致,请按照以下步骤操作:1、中国银行全球门户网站(https://www.boc.cn)-首页,“iGTB企业网银登录”点击进入iGTB首页,下载并安装新版企业网银助手,同时卸载旧版企业网银助手。2、将USBKey插入电脑,关闭弹出的中国银行官网。3、新版网银助手-全面检测网银环境并完成一键修复。4、新版企业网银助手“内嵌浏览器”-企业网银(快速登录)-点击右边“设置”图标-设置默认登录地址-选择“iGTB企业网银”-快速登录,系统将自动识别USBKey,即可正常使用新版企业网银。以上内容供您参考,业务规定请以实际为准。如有疑问,欢迎咨询中国银行在线客服。诚邀您下载使用中国银行手机银行APP或中银跨境GO APP办理相关业务。




先开通网上银行并申请数字证书,获得下载数字证书的密码信封后,就可以下载证书了。数字证书可以存放到USBkey(念做U-S-B-key)中,也可以存放在电脑的浏览器中。这时,就意味着您已经拥有了属于您自己独一无二的数字证书了。USB Key是一种USB接口的硬件设备。它内置单片机或智能卡芯片,有一定的存储空间,可以存储用户的私钥以及数字证书,利用USB Key内置的公钥算法实现对用户身份的认证。由于用户私钥保存在密码锁中,理论上使用任何方式都无法读取,因此保证了用户认证的安全性。


中国银行中银e盾,又称USBKey数字安全证书,一般简称USBKey,是一种以USBKey为载体、内植数字证书、为国内外银行普遍采用的、符合监管部门要求的高级别安全认证工具。中银e盾集成了液晶显示和按键确认功能,能有效进行交易核对和身份认证。中银E盾可以让您在国内和国外自由使用中行网上银行,可以直接连接电脑进行交易。以上内容供您参考,业务规定请以实际为准。如有疑问,欢迎咨询中国银行在线客服。诚邀您下载使用中国银行手机银行APP或中银跨境GO APP办理相关业务。


USB Key是一种USB接口的硬件设备。它内置单片机或智能卡芯片,有一定的存储空间,可以存储用户的私钥以及数字证书,利用USB Key内置的公钥算法实现对用户身份的认证。由于用户私钥保存在密码锁中,理论上使用任何方式都无法读取,因此保证了用户认证的安全性。USB Key产品最早是由加密锁厂商提出来的,原先的USB加密锁主要用于防止软件破解和复制,保护软件不被盗版,而USB Key的目的不同,USB Key主要用于网络认证,锁内主要保存数字证书和用户私钥。扩展资料:使用优势:1、交易更安全拥有U盾,办理网上银行业务时,不用再担心黑客、假网站、木马病毒等各种风险,U盾可以保障网上银行资金安全。2、支付更方便拥有U盾,不用再受各种支付额度的限制,轻松实现网上大额转账、汇款、缴费和购物。3、功能更全面拥有U盾,可以通过网上银行签订个人理财协议,享受我行独具特色的理财服务。4、服务更多样拥有U盾,还可以将工行U盾与支付宝账号绑定,利用U盾对登录支付宝的行为进行身份认证,从而保障支付宝账户的资金安全。参考资料来源:百度百科-usbkey


USB Key是一种USB接口的硬件设备。它内置单片机或智能卡芯片,有一定的存储空间,可以存储用户的私钥以及数字证书,利用USB Key内置的公钥算法实现对用户身份的认证。由于用户私钥保存在密码锁中,理论上使用任何方式都无法读取,因此保证了用户认证的安全性。USB Key产品最早是由加密锁厂商提出来的,原先的USB加密锁主要用于防止软件破解和复制,保护软件不被盗版,而USB Key的目的不同,USB Key主要用于网络认证,锁内主要保存数字证书和用户私钥。扩展资料:使用优势:1、交易更安全拥有U盾,办理网上银行业务时,不用再担心黑客、假网站、木马病毒等各种风险,U盾可以保障网上银行资金安全。2、支付更方便拥有U盾,不用再受各种支付额度的限制,轻松实现网上大额转账、汇款、缴费和购物。3、功能更全面拥有U盾,可以通过网上银行签订个人理财协议,享受我行独具特色的理财服务。4、服务更多样拥有U盾,还可以将工行U盾与支付宝账号绑定,利用U盾对登录支付宝的行为进行身份认证,从而保障支付宝账户的资金安全。参考资料来源:百度百科-usbkey





中国银行网上银行 USBKEY密码忘记怎么办



中行新版企业网银网银助手检测USBkey的内容:1、USBKey驱动:检查USBKey驱动版本。xxxxUSBKEY驱动:已安装/未安装/不是最新。未安装或不是最新,在则在异常项目中显示,可一键进行修复;2、USBKey口令状态:检查用户E盾序列号及口令状态是否正常。XXXX口令状态:已锁定/默认PIN码/正常。已锁定/默认PIN码在优化项目中显示。已锁定,用户可以查看解决方案;默认PIN码,提示客户修改PIN码。以上内容供您参考,业务规定请以实际为准。如有疑问,欢迎咨询中国银行在线客服。诚邀您下载使用中国银行手机银行APP或中银跨境GO APP办理相关业务。




1 、登录增值税发票勾选平台时,如果弹出以下提示:打开设备--未插USBKEY。2、先检查是否插入了金税盘,发票勾选确认平台,需要插入金税盘才能登录进入认证发票。3、已确认插入了金税盘,出现以上提示的,检查USB链接是否正确,可以试尝更换USB接口,或者反复重新插入金税盘连接电脑。4、查看是否下载了驱动程序,首次登陆时,都需要安装驱动程序。5、如果已经安装了驱动器,检查驱动是否安装正确,或者是否被损坏,最好重新再安装一次。6、增值税发票勾选确认平台是分地区的,登陆的时候,看看是不是当地区的网址。7、如果操作都正确,安装也无问题了,点击登录,页面会弹出以下登录提示,如果没弹出,刷新一下网页,就可以登录了。








那个事加密狗 要指纹或者证书认证的 放弃吧

静态密码 口令卡 USBKEY的不同之处

一、形式不同1、静态密码:由客户自身设置的固定密码,使用之时输入既可。2、口令卡:口令卡上以矩阵的形式印有若干字符串,客户在使用电子银行(包括网上银行或电话银行)进行对外转账、B2C购物、缴费等支付交易时,电子银行系统就会随机给出一组口令卡坐标,客户根据坐标从卡片中找到口令组合并输入电子银行系统。只有当口令组合输入正确时,客户才能完成相关交易。3、USBKEY:内置单片机或智能卡芯片,有一定的存储空间,可以存储用户的私钥以及数字证书,利用USB Key内置的公钥算法实现对用户身份的认证。二、特点不同1、静态密码:密码固定,如若被不法分子知道会有安全漏洞。2、口令卡:这种口令组合是动态变化的,使用者每次使用时输入的密码都不一样,交易结束后即失效,从而杜绝不法分子通过窃取客户密码盗窃资金,保障电子银行安全。3、USBKEY:由于用户私钥保存在密码锁中,理论上使用任何方式都无法读取,因此保证了用户认证的安全性。扩展资料:采用USBKey及密码验证用户身份,同时加上动态的身份验证机制,随时监测用户的身份。身份验证由密码验证及USBKey验证的同时跟USBKey、策略配置端及文件控制器紧密集合在一起,任何模块出现问题,验证都将会失败,从而保证系统完整性,提高了身份验证的有效性。策略配置端可以对文件访问权限(包括可移动磁盘及可执行文件)及加解密策略进行配置,能够批量设置文件权限,机密文件与普通文件可以相互转换。


兰州银行的usbkey有修改密码网上银行使用的USBKey初始密码为123456,此密码在资金发生转移时使用。为确保您的使用安全,在首次使用USBKey时会要求用户修改密码。  修改方法:  1、第一次插入USBKey并安装完成管理工具;  2、会弹出提示您修改密码的提示框(口令修改后,此提示框将不再出现);  3、点击“是”按钮,即可进入修改口令界面;  4、在输入“原USBKey口令”和“新USBKey口令”后,点击“修改USBKey口令”按钮完成初始口令的修改。












握奇数据usbkey管理工具安装:登陆网上银行,进入 相关下载 ,按照需要的USBKey型号选择相匹配的驱动程序,然后点击“USBKey驱动程序”下载安装驱动程序。如未办理网银USBKEY,请行到农行网点注册。注册后可要求农行网点人员协助下载证书,也可回家自行下载证书。具备证书后,可在任意可联互联网的电脑上登陆农行网银。但电脑要先安装对应您的USBKEY的设备驱动,并升级到最新。网银使用:在今天这样一个互联网驱动的社会中,网上银行也称在线银行,已经成为金融机构整体发展策略中不可或缺的一部分。使用网上银行的用户数量巨大增长,并且每年保持了稳定的发展势头。网上银行在给它的用户带来诸多便捷服务、给银行节省费用支出和带来更多利润增长点的同时,也承受着很多安全风险。很多银行意识到了这一点,纷纷采取行动,包括不断教育用户提高自身安全意识,安装杀毒软件,防木马软件;采用硬件USB Key或者动态口令牌方式进行身份认证等。




如果您在中国银行企业网银登录时遇到报错“未检测到USBKEY”或“证书不存在”。请您按照下列步骤进行操作:1、请您在控制面板中卸载USBKEY管理工具及网银登录安全控件;2、请您使用IE浏览器,登录中行官网(www.boc.cn),点击“企业客户网银登录”,下载安装“中银网银助手”,点击网银助手界面内的“检测修复”—“全面检测”—“一键修复”,并关闭所有浏览器后,重新登录即可。以上内容供您参考,业务规定请以实际为准。如有疑问,欢迎咨询中国银行在线客服。诚邀您下载使用中国银行手机银行APP或中银跨境GO APP办理相关业务。


先开通网上银行并申请数字证书,获得下载数字证书的密码信封后,就可以下载证书了。数字证书可以存放到USBkey(念做U-S-B-key)中,也可以存放在电脑的浏览器中。这时,就意味着您已经拥有了属于您自己独一无二的数字证书了。USB Key是一种USB接口的硬件设备。它内置单片机或智能卡芯片,有一定的存储空间,可以存储用户的私钥以及数字证书,利用USB Key内置的公钥算法实现对用户身份的认证。由于用户私钥保存在密码锁中,理论上使用任何方式都无法读取,因此保证了用户认证的安全性。




中行新企业网银检测不到USBKey的原因:出现此提示是企业网银登录操作流程不规范所致,请按照以下步骤操作: 1、中国银行全球门户网站(https://www.boc.cn)-首页,“iGTB企业网银登录”点击进入iGTB首页,下载并安装“新版企业网银助手”,同时卸载旧版企业网银助手。2、将USBKey插入电脑,关闭弹出的中国银行官网。3、新版网银助手-“全面检测网银环境”并完成“一键修复”。4、新版企业网银助手“内嵌浏览器”-企业网银(快速登录)-点击右边“设置”图标-设置默认登录地址-选择“iGTB企业网银”-快速登录,系统将自动识别USBKey,即可正常使用新版企业网银。(作答时间:2023年5月24日)以上内容供您参考,业务规定请以实际为准。诚邀您下载使用中国银行手机银行APP或中银跨境GOAPP办理相关业务。




通俗的说就是打开某项东西的一把钥匙稍微通俗的就是电子钥匙不通俗的就是是一种USB接口的硬件设备。它内置单片机或智能卡芯片,有一定的存储空间,可以存储用户的私钥以及数字证书,利用USB Key内置的公钥算法实现对用户身份的认证。由于用户私钥保存在密码锁中,理论上使用任何方式都无法读取,因此保证了用户认证的安全性


usbkey.也叫U盾.一、什么是U盾   U盾,即工行2003年推出并获得国家专利的客户证书USBkey,是工行为您提供的办理网上银行业务的高级别安全工具。它外形酷似U盘,像一面盾牌,时刻保护着您的网上银行资金安全。  从技术角度看,U盾是用于网上银行电子签名和数字认证的工具,它内置微型智能卡处理器,采用1024位非对称密钥算法对网上数据进行加密、解密和数字签名,确保网上交易的保密性、真实性、完整性和不可否认性。   二、为什么要选择使用U盾   ● 交易更安全  拥有U盾,您办理网上银行业务时,不用再担心黑客、假网站、木马病毒等各种风险,U盾可以保障您的网上银行资金安全。  办理网上银行对外支付业务时,使用登录密码和支付密码的客户,需要保护好您的卡号和密码,需要确保登录网上银行的电脑安全可靠,定期更新杀毒软件,及时下载补丁程序,不随便打开来路不明的程序、游戏、邮件,保持良好的上网习惯;如果您不能完全做到,也不用担心,使用U盾是您最好的选择,只要您的登录卡号、登录密码、U盾和U盾密码不同时泄露给一个人,您就可以放心安全使用网上银行。  除U盾外,工行还推出了一系列安全措施:通过别名登录(一种不同于传统账号登录的自定义登录方式),登录密码和支付密码双重密码控制,以及支付额度控制等措施来确保客户安全;通过网址核对、网站证书验证(点击工行网页右下脚“加密锁”图表)、预留信息验证等方式来识别和防范假冒银行网站。   ● 支付更方便  拥有U盾,您不用再受各种支付额度的限制,轻松实现网上大额转账、汇款、缴费和购物。   ● 功能更全面   拥有U盾,您可以通过网上银行签订个人理财协议,享受我行独具特色的理财服务。   ● 服务更多样   拥有U盾,您还可以将工行U盾与支付宝账号绑定,利用U盾对登录支付宝的行为进行身份认证,从而保障您支付宝账户的资金安全。  为帮助广大网友防范网上支付风险,推动电子商务产业发展,中国工商银行与阿里巴巴旗下支付宝开展合作,共同推出了数字证书共享项目。客户将工行U盾与支付宝账号绑定后,必须插入工行U盾登录支付宝方可进行支付货款、提现、充值等操作;客户不使用工行U盾登录支付宝,只能进行查询类操作。因此,支付宝客户只需绑定工行U盾,即便不小心泄漏了账号、密码,只要工行U盾在手,依然可以保证账户资金“高枕无忧”。   三、U盾的申请与使用  只要您是工行个人网上银行客户,携带本人有效证件及注册网上银行时使用的牡丹卡到工行营业网点就可以申请U盾。使用U盾有三个步骤:   第一步:安装驱动程序  如果您是第一次在电脑上使用个人网上银行,请参照工行个人网上银行系统设置指南首先调整您的计算机设置,然后安装U盾驱动程序,不同品牌U盾的驱动程序只能用于本品牌。如果您希望用光盘安装,请运行U盾光盘,选择安装主页面的“系统升级”,系统会自动检测并提示您安装补丁。安装补丁后,请选择“驱动程序安装”,安装U盾驱动程序。   第二步:下载证书信息  申请U盾后,您可以委托工行网点柜员协助您下载个人证书信息到U盾体内,也可以登录工行个人网上银行,进入“客户服务-个人客户证书自助下载”,完成证书信息下载。下载前请确认U盾已连接到电脑USB接口上。如果下载不成功,请到柜面办理。   第三步:开心使用U盾  您在登录个人网上银行之后,如需办理转账、汇款、缴费等对外支付业务,只要按系统提示将U盾插入电脑的USB接口,输入U盾密码,并经银行系统验证无误,即可完成支付业务。   四、U盾的价格     产品型号 证书价格金邦达 GEMPC KEY(16K) 76元 捷德 STARKEY 100(32K) 76元 华虹 BHDC USB(16K) 60元 BHDC USB(32K) 68元  备注: 61 各种型号的U盾产品功能一致。     61 本表为参考价格,最新价格以网点公告为准。   五、U盾的维护   ● U盾的更新  U盾证书文件的服务期为五年,在服务到期前一个月,工行网上银行系统将提示您进行证书更新以延长证书的服务期。您可按以下步骤进行:    ● U盾的密码  您在申领U盾后可在银行柜面即刻修改密码,也可自行使用配套的证书工具软件修改证书密码,还可以登录个人网上银行,在“客户服务-个人证书管理-个人客户证书密码更新”中修改证书密码。  如果您在使用过程中忘记了U盾密码,可以携带您的U盾、网上银行注册卡和本人有效身份证件到工行网点办理密码重置。如果您在使用网上银行时,U盾密码连续输错超过六次,系统将锁定此证书,您也需要携带您的U盾、网上银行注册卡和本人有效身份证件到工行网点办理密码重置。   ● U盾的挂失>>   如果您不慎遗失U盾,为保证您网上银行账户的安全,请立即到工行网点申请冻结U盾。如果确认U盾已经丢失,您可以申请更换证书。申请生效后,您可以按照原来使用U盾的方法重新下载证书信息,也可让银行柜员协助您完成操作。







Expresskey 和shortcut

Expresskey 和shortcut都是快捷键的意思。快捷键,即热键,是指使用键盘上某一个或某几个键的组合完成一条功能命令,从而提高电脑操作速度的按键。快捷键分三种级别,系统级快捷键可以全局响应,应用程序级热键只能在当前活动程序中起作用,控件级热键则仅在当前控件中起作用。


I love you for ever.我永远爱你。for ever.永远。



Reynard Silva-Let Me Love You 歌词

歌名:Let Me Love You原唱:Ne-Yo专辑:《R.E.D.》Much as you blame yourself,尽管你一昧自责You can"t repent for the way that you feel但你不应为自己真实感受而受责备Had no example of a love,没有爱是虚无飘渺的That was even remotely real甚至是不真实的How can you understand你能否理解Something that you never had?有些事你从未拥有过?Ooh, baby, if you let me, I can help you out with all of that哦,宝贝,如果你允许,我能让你解脱Girl, let me love you, And I will love you,女孩,请允许我爱你,我会永远爱你Until you learn to love yourself直到你学会爱自己Girl, let me love you, I know your trouble女孩,请允许我爱你,我知道你深陷困难中Don"t be afraid,Girl, let me help女孩别怕,让我来帮助你Girl, let me love you,女孩,请允许我爱你And I will love you,Until you learn to love yourself我会永远爱你,直到你学会爱自己Girl, let me love you,A heart in numbness女孩,请允许我爱你,如果不行,我的内心将会变得抑郁Is brought to life, I"ll take you there我能为你带来新生,带你去你向往的地方Hey, hey嘿,嘿(Girl, let me love you)(女孩,请允许我爱你)Girl, let me love you, baby,女孩,请允许我爱你,宝贝oh(Girl, let me love you)哦(女孩,请允许我爱你)Girl, let me love you, baby女孩,请允许我爱你,宝贝(Girl, let me love you)(女孩,请允许我爱你)Let me love you,Let me love you, Oh请允许我爱你,请允许我爱你,哦Ooh, I can see the thing behind your eyes,哦,我无法知晓你眼眸深处隐藏着什么It"s been there for quite a while它们已经在那隐藏了许久I just wanna be the one我想成为你的唯一To remind you what it is to smile, yeah提醒你何为微笑I would like to show you我将用实际行动告诉你What true love can really do真正的爱情到底是怎样的Girl, let me love you,女孩,请允许我爱你And I will love you, Until you learn to love yourself我将永远爱你,知道你学会爱自己Girl, let me love you,I know your trouble女孩,请允许我爱你,我知道你深陷困难中Don"t be afraid,Girl, let me help女孩别怕,让我来帮助你Girl, let me love you,女孩,请允许我爱你And I will love you, Until you learn to love yourself我将永远爱你,知道你学会爱自己Girl, let me love you,A heart in numbness女孩,请允许我爱你,如果不行,我的内心将会变得抑郁Is brought to life,I"ll take you there我能为你带来新生,带你去你向往的地方Oh, oh, oh, hey哦,哦,哦,嘿Girl, let me love you, baby(Girl, let me love you)女孩,请允许我爱你(女孩,请允许我爱你)Let me love you请允许我爱你Girl, let me love you, baby(Girl, let me love you)女孩,请允许我爱你,宝贝(女孩,请允许我爱你)Girl, let me love you, baby(Girl, let me love you)女孩,请允许我爱你,宝贝(女孩,请允许我爱你)Let me love you请允许我爱你Girl, let me love you, baby女孩,请允许我爱你,宝贝For every heart that beats,我的每一次心跳For every heart that beats,我的每一次心跳For every heart that beats,我的每一次心跳For every heart that beats我的每一次心跳Heart that beats,Heart that beats,Heart that beats,Heart that beats心跳,心跳,心跳,心跳Girl, let me love you,女孩,请允许我爱你And I will love you, Until you learn to love yourself我将永远爱你,知道你学会爱自己Girl, let me love you,I know your trouble女孩,请允许我爱你,我知道你深陷困难中Don"t be afraid,Girl, let me help女孩别怕,让我来帮助你Girl, let me love you,女孩,请允许我爱你And I will love you, Until you learn to love yourself我将永远爱你,知道你学会爱自己Girl, let me love you,A heart in numbness女孩,请允许我爱你,如果不行,我的内心将会变得抑郁Is brought to life,I"ll take you there(Girl, let me love you)我能为你带来新生,带你去你向往的地方(女孩,请允许我爱你)Darlin", let me love you, baby亲爱的,请允许我爱你,宝贝Love you, baby, hey(Girl, let me love you)宝贝我爱你,嘿(女孩,请允许我爱你)Let me love you, baby You, babe请允许我爱你,宝贝,宝贝Ooh, ooh, oh哦,哦,哦

Green Day的《Ashley》 歌词

歌曲名:Ashley歌手:Green Day专辑:iDOS!AshleyGreen DayAshley!Are you running around?Now you"re crying at a bloody murderAshley!Are you bumming around?You are crying on my cold shoulderUsed a tangled mind with your puppet stringsYou tangled your desires right in front of my faceYou let me into the world but wouldn"t let me drinkSwallowing my pride and I never even got the tasteBut time comes around and I"m not so naiveI"ve finally lost touch cause you"re so out of reachYou say that you"re fine but I know that you ain"tYou"re looking like hell and you"re no fucking saintAshley!Are you running around?Now you"re crying at a bloody murderAshley!Are you bumming around?You are crying on my cold shoulderAshley!Are you running around?Now you"re crying at a bloody murderAshley!Are you bumming around?You are crying on my cold shoulderYou are what you areA wish on a shooting starYou are a filthy thoughtIn my memoryI"ve tasted cigarettes and liquor on your breathYou used to call it speed but now it"s crystal methLike when I loved you but you"re scaring me to deathThis careless memory and now I could care lessBut time comes around and I"m not so naiveI"ve finally lost touch cause you"re so out of reachYou say that you"re fine but I know that you ain"tYou"re looking like hell and you"re no fucking saintAshley!Are you running around?Now you"re crying at a bloody murderAshley!Are you bumming around?You are crying on my cold shoulderAshley!Are you running around?Now you"re crying at a bloody murderAshley!Are you bumming around?You are crying on my cold shoulderAshley! Ashley! Ashley!http://music.baidu.com/song/30993118

sunshine in my eyes 是哪首歌里面的?

http://you.video.sina.com.cn/b/15441406-1346068872.html/Forever I stand alone in the darkness 独自伫立在凄冷的夜 The winter of my life came so fast 生命的寒冬铺天盖地的来 Memories go back to childhood 童年的回忆充满馨香 to days I still recall 至今让我难忘怀 Oh how happy I was then ? 噢!那时我是多么欢快! There was no sorrow there was no pain 没有痛苦 没有哀愁 Walking through the green fields 漫步在葱绿无垠的田头 Sunshine in my eyes 阳光如金跃入眼眸 I"m still there everywhere 无论身在何方 我心永在记忆的深秋 I"m the dust in the wind 我是风中一粒尘 I"m the star in the northern sky 我是北天一颗星 I never stayed anywhere 天涯海角无处停留 I"m the wind in the trees 我只是穿越树叶一缕风 Would you wait for me forever? 你是否会在孤寂的街口等我? 是这个么,有点悲伤的

The Summer Medley 的歌词

TOP 5: Summertime Medley I used to think maybe you loved me, now baby I"m sureBut I just can"t wait till the day when you knock on my door, heyNow I"m walking on sunshine, whoa ohI"m walking on sunshine, whoa ohI"m walking on sunshine, whoa ohAnd don"t it feel good, hey, all right nowAnd don"t it feel good, ho, all right nowI feel alive, I feel a love, I feel the love that"s really realI feel alive, I feel a love, I feel the love that"s really realHot town, summer in the city Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty Been down, isn"t it a pity Doesn"t seem to be a shadow in the city All around, people looking half deadWalking on the sidewalk, hotter than a match head But at night it"s a different worldGo out and find a girl Come-on come-on and dance all night Despite the heat it"ll be alrightAnd babe, don"t you know it"s a pity That the days can"t be like the nights In the summer, in the city In the summer, in the city Cool town, evening in the city Dressing so fine and looking so pretty Cool cat, looking for a kitty Gonna look in every corner of the city Till I"m wheezing like a bus stop Running up the stairs, gonna meet you on the rooftop It"s getting near dawn,The lights close their tired eyes.I"ll soon be with you my love,To give you my dawn surprise.I"ll be with you darling soon,I"ll be with you when the stars start falling.I"ve been waiting so longTo be where I"m goingIn the sunshine of your loveI"ll stay with you darling now,I"ll stay with you till my seas are dried up.I"ve been waiting so longTo be where I"m goingIn the sunshine of your loveSunshine of your love.

Libera&Robert Prizeman&Ian Tilley的《Adoramus》 歌词

歌曲名:Adoramus歌手:Libera&Robert Prizeman&Ian Tilley专辑:Eternal: The Best of LiberaAdoramus TeSt. Philip"s Boys" ChoirNew Day CD, Track 07 (1990)Soloist: Jaymi BandtockA-a-a-a-a-aAdoramus te DomineA-a-a-a-a-aAdoramus te DomineThe stars the seaThey would have no mysteryWithout you weWouldn"t have a reason to beA-a-a-a-a-aAdoranus te DomineA-a-a-a-a-aAdoranus te DomineContent and peaceAre the gifts you bring to meWith you onlyI am lonely never to beA-a-a-a-a-aAdoranus te DomineA-a-a-a-a-aAdoranus te DomineAdoramus te DomineAdoramus Domine te DomineA-a-a-a-a-aAdoramus te DomineA-a-a-a-a-aAdoramus te DomineA-a-a-a-a-a (I don"t know why)Venite Venite Venite Adoramus te (te Domine)Adoramus te DomineA-a-a-a-a-aVenite Venite Venite Adoramus te(te Domine)Adoramus te DomineIf only weCan remain in harmonyIn unityWe will sing eternallyA-a-a-a-a-aVenite Venite Venite Adoramus te (te Domine)Adoramus te DomineA-a-a-a-a-aVenite Venite Venite Adoramus te (te Domine)Adoramus te DomineA-a-a-a-a-aVenite Venite Venite Adoramus te (te Domine)Adoramus te DomineA-a-a-a-a-aVenite Venite Venite Adoramus te (te Domine)Adoramus te DomineAdoramus te Dominehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8963690


keybd_event VB声明 Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" Alias "keybd_event" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long) 说明 这个函数模拟了键盘行动 参数表 参数 类型及说明 bVk Byte,欲模拟的虚拟键码 bScan Byte,键的OEM扫描码 dwFlags Long,零;或设为下述两个标志之一 KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY 指出是一个扩展键,而且在前面冠以0xE0代码 KEYEVENTF_KEYUP 模拟松开一个键 dwExtraInfo Long,通常不用的一个值。api函数GetMessageExtraInfo可取得这个值。允许使用的值取决于特定的驱动程序 注解 这个函数支持屏幕捕获(截图)。在win95和nt4.0下这个函数的行为不同


Carreyrou之所以投入巨大精力调查Theranos公司的情况,是因为()。 A.Theranos发展太快了,超出了常理 B.Carreyrou认为霍尔姆斯缺乏专业能力 C.Carreyrou认为Theranos财务造假 D.Carreyrou认为涉及医药安全的弄虚作假是绝对不能允许的 正确答案:D

Are those English books,too?No,they sre maps,



Carreyrou之所以投入巨大精力调查Theranos公司的情况,是因为()。 A.Theranos发展太快了,超出了常理B.Carreyrou认为霍尔姆斯缺乏专业能力C.Carreyrou认为Theranos财务造假D.Carreyrou认为涉及医药安全的弄虚作假是绝对不能允许的正确答案:D

____ ____ ___ ____they had on the island!翻译“他们在岛上玩的多么开心啊!”请简单解释,谢谢~

What a good time

They will meet at the guesthouse an hour late.的句型

主谓状 结构主语 they谓语 will meet地点状语 at the guesthoue时间状语 an hour later




《See You Again》中英歌词如下:It"s been a long day without you my friend,没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长。And I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again,与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有。We"ve come a long way from where we began,回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程,Oh I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again,与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有。When I see you again,与你重逢之时。Damn who knew all the planes we flew,谁会了解我们经历过怎样的旅程。Good things we"ve been through,谁会了解我们见证过怎样的美好。That I"ll be standing right here,这便是我在你眼前出现的原因。Talking to you about another path,与你聊聊另一种选择的可能。I know we loved to hit the road and laugh,我懂我们都偏爱速度与激情。But something told me that it wouldn"t last,但有个声音告诉我这美好并不会永恒。


如下:It"s been a long day without you my friend。没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长。And I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again。与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有。We"ve come a long way from where we began。回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程。Oh I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again。与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有。When I see you again。与你重逢之时。Damn who knew all the planes we flew。谁会了解我们经历过怎样的旅程。Good things we been through。谁会了解我们见证过怎样的美好。That I"d be standing right here。这便是我在你眼前出现的原因。Talking to you about another path。与你聊聊另一种选择的可能。I know we loved to hit the road and laugh。我懂我们都偏爱速度与激情。But something told me that it wouldn"t last。但有个声音告诉我这美好并不会永恒。Had to switch up look at things different。我们得变更视野。see the bigger picture。转向更为辽阔的天地。Those were the days hard work forever pays。有付出的日子终有收获的时节。Now I see you in a better place。此刻 我看到你走进更加美好的未来。How could we not talk about family。当家人已是我们唯一的牵绊。when family"s all that we got?。我们怎么能忘却最可贵的真情。Everything I went through。无论历经怎样的艰难坎坷。you were standing there by my side。总有你相伴陪我度过。And now you gon" be with me for the last ride。最后一段征程 我更需要你的相伴。It"s been a long day without you my friend。没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长。And I"ll tell you all about it .。我会敞开心扉倾诉所有。when I see you again。与你重逢之时。We"ve come a long way from where we began。回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程。Oh I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again。与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有。When I see you again。与你重逢之时。First you both go out your way。一开始你们总是追随你们心中的步伐。And the vibe is feeling strong and what"s。热忱累积 信念不变。Small turned to a friendship a friendship。渺小的世界见证这段深情厚谊。turned to a bond and that bond will never。深厚的友情蜕成血浓于水的感情。Be broken the love will never get lost。此情不变 此爱难逝。And when brotherhood come first then the line。莫逆之交的我们 绝不会背叛彼此。Will never be crossed established it on our own。只因这深情厚谊基于我们真实意愿。When that line had to be drawn。这友谊让我们肝胆相照。and that line is what。荣辱与共。We reached so remember me when I"m gone。即便我离去 也请将我铭记。How could we not talk about family。当家人已是我们唯一的牵绊。when family"s all that we got?。我们怎么能忘却最可贵的真情。Everything I went through you were。无论历经怎样的艰难坎坷。standing there by my side。总有你相伴陪我度过。And now you gon" be with me for the last ride。最后一段征程 我更需要你的相伴。Let the light guide your way hold every memory。就让那光芒引导你的前路 铭记与我的曾经。As you go and every road you take will always。无论你选哪一条路那都会。lead you home。通向你的家。Hoo。哦。It"s been a long day without you my friend。没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长。And I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again。与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有。We"ve come a long way from where we began。回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程。Oh I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again。与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有。When I see you again。与你重逢之时。Again。重逢之时。When I see you again see you again。与你重逢之时?重逢之时。When I see you again。与你重逢之时。《See You Again》简介:是由美国说唱歌手维兹·卡利法与歌手查理·普斯合作演唱的一首歌曲,歌词、曲谱由DJ Frank E、查理·普斯、维兹·卡利法和安德鲁·希达尔等人共同创作完成。《See You Again》作为该电影的片尾曲和主题曲于2015年3月17日发行,被收录在电影《速度与激情7》原声专辑和查理·普斯2016年1月29日发行的录音室专辑《Nine Track Mind》中。

SeeYouAgain 歌词

歌曲名:SeeYouAgain歌手:ぱすぽ专辑:CHECK-INI wanna say.少しだけスキでいさせて この时间永远のままで「君にキス」冬空に向けて届けとびきりの「ありがとう」出会いは偶然なんて言うけどこれは必然かなバラバラの気持ち一つにつなげた君の声が纺ぐよ澄み切った空気 仆を待つ君と少しの勇気が心动かしたI wanna say.少しだけスキでいさせて この时间永远のままで「君にキス」冬空に向けて届けとびきりの「ありがとう」が



Brad Paisley的《Toothbrush》 歌词

歌曲名:Toothbrush歌手:Brad Paisley专辑:This Is Country MusicLove starts with a toothbrush,A big razor and a Dixie cupA little splash of aftershave,Before you leave for that first dateI see a star"s in both your eyesAfter that long kiss goodnightForever starts with a suitcase,Sneaking out the window to get awayTo the car parked by the curb,Gassed up for a gallon burnA little chapel and a couple of ringsWill get you two toothbrushes by the bathroom sinkEverything that"s anythingStarts out as a little thingJust needs a little time and room to growStep by step, day by dayIt all adds up along the wayAnd the next thing that you knowLife starts with a little house,A corner lot on the edge of townA weed eater and a picket fenceYou think it"s good as the getting getsThen she wakes up feeling badYou both wonder what"s up with thatEverything that"s anythingStarts out as a little thingJust needs a little time and room to growStep by step, day by dayIt all adds up along the wayAnd the next thing that you knowOne night around eight o"clockYou scrub him down then you dry him offYou pick him up and put his little feetOn the stool by the bathroom sinkYou grab the crest and the Dixie cupIt all hits you as he opens up...Love starts with a toothbrushhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31360942

谁能帮我翻译Britney 的Kill The Lights这首歌词?

Danja intro - “Ladies and Gentlemen, we interrupt our program of dance music to bring you a special bulletin from the intercontinental radio news. Our very own pop princess, now queen of pop, has a special announcement she would like to make.”Danja-“女士们先生们,我们要中断将要播放舞曲的计划,带给你来自各洲电台新闻的一个特殊通告。属于我们的流行公主,现在的流行王后,她有一个特别的公告想要告诉我们。”Britney intro - “You"re in. I think I"m ready for my close up. Yeah.”布兰妮-“你来了.....我想我已经为了我的近照做好了准备。耶。”[Verse 1]You don"t like me, I don"t like you, it don"t matter (Who?)你不喜欢我,我不喜欢你,有什么关系(谁?)Only difference, you still listen, I don"t have to (Who?)唯一的不同,你仍然听别人的,而我不需要(谁?)In one ear and out the other, I don"t need you (Who?)左耳进右耳出,我不需要你(谁?)Your words don"t stick, I ain"t perfect, but you ain"t either (Who?)你的评语很难听,我不完美,难道你就完美吗(谁?)If your feeling froggy, leap (Oh)如果你感到自己是缓慢跳跃的青蛙(哦) I don"t even lose no sleep (Oh)我甚至不会因此失眠(哦)There"s more to me than what you see (Oh)我比你看到的还要多(哦)You wouldn"t like me when I"m angry当我生气的时候,你不喜欢我[Chorus]Mr. Photographer, I think I"m ready for my close-up (tonight)狗仔先生,我想我已经为了我的近照做好了准备(今晚)Make sure you catch me from my good side (pick one)确定你能够捕捉我最好的一面(照一张)These other just wanna be me那些人只是想成为独一无二的我Is that money in your pocket or you happy to see me?是因为你口袋里的钱,还是你真的如此希望见到我?Kill the Lights! Take ‘em out, turn ‘em off, break ‘em down.关上闪光灯!把它拿走,把它关上,把它毁掉Kill the Lights! Don"t be scared, make a move, see me now?关上闪光灯!不要害怕,让个位,看见我了吧Kill the Lights! I"ve seen you, watching me, watching you 关上闪光灯!我看见你,你看着我,我看着你Kill the Lights! You can"t handle the truth, what happened to you?关上闪光灯!你不断搬弄是非,你到底想干什么?I kill the lights, PURE我关上闪光灯,纯粹the lights, SATIS闪光灯,随心所欲的the lights, FACTION闪光灯,狗仔们I kill the lights, LIGHTS我关上闪光灯,灯the lights, CAMERA闪光灯,照相机the lights, ACTION上闪光灯,行动[Verse 2]All the flashing, trying to cash in, hurts my eyes全场的闪光灯, 不断摄入,弄痛了我的眼睛All the poses, out of focus, I despise所有姿势,不被注视,我鄙视Eff me over, your exposure, not the best你的底片,不断诅咒我,这还不是最好的You want me bad, I want you out, release this stress你想我坏,我想你消失,减轻我的压力(Chorus)[Bridge]You"re the star now, welcome to the big league现在你是大明星,欢迎来到巅峰They all want a pic, they all wanna see, see, see他们都想要你的一张相片,他们都想看,看,看What you"re made of, what you"re gonna do你是什么构成的,你将要做些什么Is life gonna get the best of you?然而,你的生活就是最好的吗?(Chorus)

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kubectl config client-key-data

https://banzaicloud.com/blog/kubeconfig-security/ The other common solution is mutual TLS authentication, which requires an HTTPS API server endpoint. In that case — in addition to the usual client-side validation of server certificates (either with a trusted CA, or an inline CA certificate in the certificate-authority-data field of the cluster section) — a client certificate is validated by the server. You can specify your certificate in the client-certificate-data field, or a filename in client-certificate. Similarly, client-key-data or client-key contain the unencrypted private key itself, and the path pointing to it. Authentication helpers can also serve both the certificate and the private key. One of the key features of our container management platform, Pipeline is its ability to create multi- and hybrid-cloud Kubernetes environments using cloud provider-managed K8s or our own CNCF certified Kubernetes distribution, PKE . Recently, customers have been asking for a way to bring their existing Kubernetes clusters (upstream or other distributions) under Pipeline"s management, in order to benefit from the features our platform offers. During the peer review of our new cluster import feature, we realized the potential security risk created by the common practice of sharing kubeconfig files. We reached out to the Kubernetes Security Team with our concerns and some possible solutions. We had previously been advised that this was not an urgent problem and that we should start a discussion around it by opening a public issue on the kubectl repo. However, we believe that the potential risks are considerable, as most users are not aware that kubeconfig files can lead to the execution of malicious shell commands and the exposure of local files. Thus, we collected our concerns, a list of potential exploits, as well as proposals to mitigate the issue. Here, we"re presenting these alongside a thorough explanation of why and how these work. </center> To better understand our concerns, let"s take an in-depth look at the features controlled by kubeconfig files. Kubeconfig files were the original configuration files for kubectl , the famous command line tool for managing Kubernetes clusters. Their primary use is to store Kubernetes contexts, built from definitions for accessing the API server (mainly endpoint URL and TLS config), and user or auth info (credentials, tokens or certificates). The file was not initially designed to be used for any other purpose, which is evident from things like a property that let"s you control the color of kubectl "s console output. The same configuration file is also used by other tools communicating with Kubernetes, for example, helm . Kubeconfig is read from ~/.kube/config by default, which can be overridden by the KUBECONFIG environment variable. The use context can be selected from those listed in the file, usually by a command line flag of the tool, or by the current-context field of the config. It is accepted practice of different services managing Kubernetes clusters to offer kubeconfig files for download. The files are typically saved to the user"s disk and selected via an environment variable. Additionally, services which use existing Kubernetes clusters (for example CI/CD systems) often ask for a kubeconfig from the user to construct an SDK client. There are two widely used methods for authenticating requests to the Kubernetes API server. Bearer tokens are simply sent in an HTTP header. You can specify them inline, using the token field of the user definition, or by using tokenFile (the only camelCase field), which reads the token from a single-line file on your local file system. You can use authentication helpers to acquire a token. It"s worth mentioning the core concept behind the tokenFile field, which is that it be widely used by in-cluster Kubernetes clients, like controllers and operators, in order to access a service account token mounted as a volume on the pod they"re running in. The other common solution is mutual TLS authentication, which requires an HTTPS API server endpoint. In that case — in addition to the usual client-side validation of server certificates (either with a trusted CA, or an inline CA certificate in the certificate-authority-data field of the cluster section) — a client certificate is validated by the server. You can specify your certificate in the client-certificate-data field, or a filename in client-certificate . Similarly, client-key-data or client-key contain the unencrypted private key itself, and the path pointing to it. Authentication helpers can also serve both the certificate and the private key. There are a few other authentication methods, which might also be used in combination with another. There are some use cases wherein you or your provider does not want to inline tokens or certificates to a kubeconfig file. Kubeconfig offers two solutions for the dynamic retrieval of volatile credentials from an external source. In the auth-provider section of a user definition you can select an auth provider by name ( gcp in this example). Providers implement token retrieval in an in-tree Kubernetes plugin. The implementation of the gcp and the exec plugins basically execute whichever command has been specified, and extract credentials and some metadata from the command"s standard output. The substituted fields are written to the kubeconfig file, and the command is executed only if the token has expired. There are a few auth provider plugins for specific services that use the provider"s SDK, which (we hope) won"t execute external commands on your machine. A similar effect can be achieved via the exec section. This is designed to run an arbitrary command with whatever arguments have been given. Unlike custom auth provider solutions, we have, here, a strict specification for the expected output format of the command, which is parsed by the Kubernetes client and substituted to the user field. This output is in a familiar format , from which returned status fields are substituted into the user definition. We"ve already mentioned how kubectl uses kubeconfig files. Let"s cover how other programs (for example administrative cli tools or out-of-cluster operators or controllers) connect to Kubernetes API servers. The easiest way of creating a Kubernetes client is to read a kubeconfig file (a shortened extract from the official examples, error handling omitted): If you want to create a client with specific, validated parameters, this won"t be so easy (and you won"t find an example in the docs). In short, anything . It can execute arbitrary code in the name of a user running kubectl (or other software using the SDK client). And, even if the shell code would be validated, local files (like credentials, tokens) could also be leaked to a malicious API server. This is also true of shell scripts, or any other software you download and execute from the internet. Similarly, untrusted Helm charts or manifest files are something that you might suspect of running commands on your (in this case remote) system. The issue is that most users are not aware that Kubeconfig files can lead to the execution of malicious shell commands or to the exposure of arbitrary files. Of course security-aware interactive users, or the developers of automated systems, might take care to inspect the contents of a kubeconfig file before use. But this is not something routinely identified as a vulnerable interface. Sending workloads to remote systems, or executing commands like kubectl version --kubeconfig=~/Downloads/my-cluster.yaml tends not to set off alarm bells. Neither the command line interface, or the API documentation, care enough about these vulnerabilities to remind you to use only trusted configs. Just to give you an idea of the scale of these vulnerabilities, let"s check some snippets from our PoC kubeconfigs. All of the listed examples can be extended with echo s, or via a mock on a remote site, to keep the config working normally without suspicious output. The .ssh folder of the typical Kubernetes administrator (especially their private key and their configured and known hosts) is always primo loot. This user is using the gcp auth plugin, which has a restriction on the use of multi-word arguments (it has been unusual to implement word splitting with a strings.Fields call since back in the days of DOS). Of course, the Bourne Shell has the power to do anything with a single word. Here we use _ as a field (word) separator, and a variable substitution to evaluate it. The example command effectively creates a tar archive of your .ssh folder, encodes it to base64 for easy parsing, and sends it to a remote host with curl. The most common way to use foreign kubeconfigs is to set the KUBECONFIG environment variable. In this case, the malicious kubeconfig can easily clean up after the first execution of the command. The tokenFile field, as discussed earlier, was originally designed by in-cluster clients, where the Kubernetes service account"s token is mounted to a single-line file. If that"s not enough, it can also be used to send arbitrary, single-line local file content of limited length in an HTTP header to a web server mocking a Kubernetes API server. No further explanation needed: This method of exploitation requires some environmental knowledge. You have to specify either an absolute path (where you would need to know the path of the user"s home), or the path of the kubeconfig file itself. For example, let"s assume that this kubeconfig file will be downloaded to a folder (like ~/Downloads ) in the user"s home. We chose the Azure access token file, because it is a single-line JSON, but it can become too long for practical exploitation (who knows why, but they store a bunch of expired temporary tokens). What can we do? In the short term, we can add some warnings to the documentation of Kubectl and the Go SDK, and create some tools/libraries for the validation of kubeconfig files. We"ve published a project that is a PoC for validating kubeconfig files. It can be used as a stand-alone tool before executing kubectl with a new config, and from Go code dealing with untrusted kubeconfigs. Check it out on Github: github.com/banzaicloud/kubeconfiger The kubeconfiger tool drops all potentially insecure field, and validates exec commands. We use a similar solution in the Banzai Cloud Pipeline platform. The idea, here, is to execute commands exclusively from the ~/.kube/bin (and maybe a similar global) directory. kubeconfiger is a proof of concept for the practical implementation of this restriction. Administrators or package installers may create symlinks, or install tools directly there. In the long term, this could be implemented in kubectl, and potentially in the Go SDK directly. Alternatively, a whitelist could be a text or yaml file outside the kubeconfig file, just like the /etc/shells of Unix systems. The kubectl tool could also offer an easy way for the inclusion of a command in the whitelist. There is no good reason to store the kubectl config and a list of clusters in the same place. If you override the KUBECONFIG variable, you want to be able to use a different set of contexts (typically a single one), not override your kubectl settings. We could create a “base” kubeconfig that is not easily replaced, and, unlike the normal kubeconfig, could be used to set sensitive values like a list of allowed commands. This might be controlled by a new environment variable and a default value. Then, this config could include a parameter for the restriction of those files that can be read by options like tokenFile outside the folder of the kubeconfig, or ~/.kube , or some other well-defined scope. This base config file could also be used, for example, to define the command whitelist. The idea could be extended by implementing a better API server access/credentials interchange format, which would be used in a way that was independent from the kubeconfig we know today. This would contain a single cluster and user definition, and may reside in a place like ~/.kube/cluster.d or context.d . That might make it possible to keep the above-mentioned sensitive flags in the kubeconfig, which is not supposed to be replaced with another configuration normally. The SDK client should have a replaceable interface for executing these commands. It could be used, for example, to control the environment variables to share, or to implement a restricted environment which these commands run inside of: for example, run in separate K8s Tasks. It could, of course, be used to deny the execution of commands, or provide a mock for testing. Banzai Cloud"s Pipeline provides a platform for enterprises to develop, deploy, and scale container-based applications. It leverages best-of-breed cloud components, such as Kubernetes, to create a highly productive, yet flexible environment for developers and operations teams alike. Strong security measures — multiple authentication backends, fine-grained authorization, dynamic secret management, automated secure communications between components using TLS, vulnerability scans, static code analysis, CI/CD, and so on — are default features of the Pipeline platform.


现在这两个词都有点串用了,所以我只能用一般的情况来解释.Cart 是木制的,轮子较大,有2、3 或 4轮,可以手拉、推或 动物拖动,如马、驴之类的.有个例外就是超市里用的推车,原本该叫shopping trolley,但美国人已习惯称之为 shopping cart.Trolley 是金属制,轮子小,最少有4轮;可以手推或电动.原本的 trolley 是指在铁轨上运行的电车,(如大连市里的电车,英国人称为 Tram); 但现在的空中吊车,餐厅里用的小推车,医院里的担架车都叫作 trolley.

Miley cyrus-ordinary girl歌词

Hannah Montana Forever - Ordinary Girl LyricsUhoo oh yeah,La da a daDon"t get me wrong,I love who I amI don"t wanna be ungratefulIt probably sounds strangeI really love the role I playThe songs I singBut with all the fameThe things that seem so simple,suddenly, so far out of reachWish that they could see that underneath…I"m just an ordinary girl!Sometimes I"m lazyI get boredI get scaredI feel ignoredI feel happy, I get sillyI choke on my own wordsI make wishes, I have DreamsAnd I still want to believeAnything can happen in this world,For an ordinary girl(Like you, Like me)For an ordinary girl(Like you, Like me)How are you?Hello, Good-byeOne day here, One day thereAnd again it"s time to goMiss popular always on the roadBut my best foot forwardGotta get on with the showStrike a pose for the front cover of a magazineEvery where I arrive, I get high-5"sThey pay me larger than life(Yeaheaaaa)I"m just an ordinary girl!Sometimes I"m lazyI get boredI get scaredI feel ignored (Yeah)I feel happy, I get sillyI choke on my own wordsI make wishes, I have DreamsAnd I still want to believeAnything can happen in this world,For an ordinary girlSo give it everything or nothin" at allGet back on your feel whenYou stumble and fallA little luck can go a long waywww.musicloversgroup.comSo don"t you worry about what people sayWho knows when the wind may blowFor an ordinary girl..(Mmmm)I"m just an ordinary girlSometimes I"m lazyI get boredI get scaredI feel ignoredI feel happy, I get sillyI choke on my own wordsI make wishes, I have DreamsAnd I still want to believeAnything can happen in this world,For an ordinary girl(Like you, Like me)(Yeah)For an ordinary girl(Like you, Like me)For an ordinary girl(Mmmmm)For an ordinary girlLike me, like you …
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