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李孝利 hey mr big的歌词(音译)

李孝利 - Hey Mr.BiG 作词:Hyesung 翻译:苏@icfinkl.com Hey! listen. Mr.Boy 【佯装清高的嘴唇】 【现在诉说沉溺的爱】 Come on like a man 【充满骄傲 每天无聊 未来迷茫的少女们】 【心中温暖 思维正确 有些沉稳的男人们】 11 Jump Jump【一分一秒 忙碌的 时针呢 喘息着 又这样 为什么 总在原地 Jump Jump】 NO ,【自尊心呢 No 自信感 像沉睡的大山一样,长大吧】 Hey! listen. Mr.Boy 【佯装清高的嘴唇】 【现在诉说深沉的爱】 Come on like a man Hey! get up Mr.Big 【一下子 用宽阔的肩膀】 【怀抱这死也要守护的女人】 You Know real man Yeah, Hey Boy. Uh 【男人的两只眼睛 把世上包含着的 闪烁着的 非常帅气的展示】 【男人的搏斗 不是力量 希望成长的时候 何时把胜利展示】 Hey Listen, Mr.Boy 【佯装强大 用勇气】 【把希望的夙愿 向着那个方向投去】 Burning Runing man Hey! get up Mr.Big 【像是拥有全世界的崭新心情】 I"m waiting for U Let"s go Mr.Big Hey! Listen, Mr.Boy 【佯装清高的嘴唇】 【现在诉说深沉的爱】 Come on like a man Hey! get up Mr.Big 【一下子 用宽阔的肩膀】 【怀抱着死也要守护的女人】 You Know real man参考资料: http://www.isay81.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=13930

why is it called a honeymoon?如何回答

回答和翻译如下:为什么它被称为一个度蜜月呢?Why is it called a honeymoon?



蜜月的英文是 是honeymoon吗?

是的O(∩_∩)o honeymoon 可以做名词也可以做可及物动词.所以这个句子可以两种说法: 我们正在巴黎度蜜月. We are honeymooning in Paris. We"re on our honeymoon in Paris.


对于“爱情坟墓说”,大家往往莫衷一是;但对于婚后最初那段时光,很少有人否认它的甜蜜。瞧!单词honeymoon(蜂蜜+月)就是明证,很形象地形容了新婚感觉如蜂蜜般甘甜醇美…… 有一种说法认为,“honeymoon”源于巴比伦的民情风俗。这个古老的国家一直保留着这样一个传统,在女儿出嫁的第一个月,女孩的父亲每天都会让女婿喝mead(蜂蜜酒),以此希望女儿的婚姻永远幸福甜蜜。 不过,词源学家否认了这种说法。正统词源学认为,honeymoon并非指婚后一个月。虽然honey喻指新婚的甜蜜,但moon指代的是“月亮的盈亏”,这种苦涩的暗示旨在告诫人们:婚姻固然幸福甜美,但这种甜蜜就像月亮的盈亏只是暂时的,婚姻更多的意味着双方要一起肩负生活的重担,一起承受人生的酸甜苦辣,一起经历生活的风风雨雨。



go on a honeymoon after marriage 能用go to吗?


where would you go on your honeymoon怎么回答

可以这样回答:I"m going to Hainan for my honey moon(我要去海南度蜜月)。where would you go on your honey moon?翻译为:你会去哪里度蜜月?度蜜月,是指新婚夫妇在婚礼后马上和爱人一起去旅游度假,作为夫妻恩爱、白头偕老的开始。人们把新婚后的第一个月称为“蜜月”。“蜜月”一词产生于公元前500年的英国,当时的英格兰还处于较原始的荒蛮社会。

go for a honeymoon 和go on a honeymoon的区别



uc81cubaa9: Honeymoon uac00uc218: T (ud2f0, uc724ubbf8ub798) 尹美莱 YoonmiraeI wanna love you uc624ub798 uae30ub2e4ub9b0 ub9ccud07c uc228uc18cub9b0 uc74cuc545uc774 ub3fc, ubab8uc740 ub178ub7a0 ubd80ub974ub124Cuz I wanna know you ub108uc5d0uac8c ubaa8ub4e0 uac78 ub9e1uaca8Tonight is the night babe uc774 ubc24 ub09c uc0acub791uc758 ub178uc608 oh baby uafc8uc5d0 uadf8ub9acub358 uafc8 uc18duc5d0 ub108uc640 ub0b4uac00 ub9ccub4e4ub358uadf8 ubaa8ub4e0 uac83ub4e4uc744 ub290ub084 uc218 uc788uac8c ud574uc918 uc9c0uae08uc744 uae30ub2e4ub824 uc654uc5b4uc624ub298uc740 ub108uc640 ub098ub294 uc0acub791uc758 ub178uc608 ubc24uc744 ud0c0uace0 ub178ub97c uc800uc5b4 uae4auc740 ubc14ub2e4ub97c uc9c0ub098ub2ecuc744 ud5a5ud574, ub124uac8c uae30ub300, uc800 ub192uc740 ud30cub3c4ub97c ud0c0uace0 uac00 babyuc624ub298uc740 ub108uc640 ub098ub294 uc0acub791uc758 ub178uc608ubc24uc744 ud0c0uace0 ub178ub97c uc800uc5b4 uae4auc740 ubc14ub2e4ub97c uc9c0ub098ubcc4uc744 ud5a5ud574, ub124uac8c uae30ub300, ud30cub3c4 uc18duc5d0 uc816uc5b4ub4dcub124 I wanna love you. Yes and every single way.ud0dcuc591uc740 ub208uc744 uac10uc544, uc218uc90duc740 ub098ub97c uc704ud574Cuz I wanna know you ub098uc5d0uac8c uc18duc0aduc5ecuc8fcub358uadf8 ubaa8ub4e0 uac8c uc9c4uc2ecuc774ub780 uac78 ub0b4uac8c ubcf4uc5ecuc918 oh baby uafc8uc5d0 uadf8ub9acub358 uc9c0uae08uc774 uc654uc5b4 ub2c8uac00 uc6d0ud558ub358uadf8 ubaa8ub4e0 uac83ub4e4uc744 ub2e4 ub290ub084 uc218 uc788uc5b4 uc774uc81c uc9c0uae08uc744 uae30ub2e4ub824 uc654uc5b4uc624ub298uc740 ub108uc640 ub098ub294 uc0acub791uc758 ub178uc608 ubc24uc744 ud0c0uace0 ub178ub97c uc800uc5b4 uae4auc740 ubc14ub2e4ub97c uc9c0ub098ub2ecuc744 ud5a5ud574, ub124uac8c uae30ub300, uc800 ub192uc740 ud30cub3c4ub97c ud0c0uace0 uac00 babyuc624ub298uc740 ub108uc640 ub098ub294 uc0acub791uc758 ub178uc608 ubc24uc744 ud0c0uace0 ub178ub97c uc800uc5b4 uae4auc740 ubc14ub2e4ub97c uc9c0ub098ubcc4uc744 ud5a5ud574, ub124uac8c uae30ub300, ud30cub3c4 uc18duc5d0 uc816uc5b4ub4dcub124 Oh! ub0b4uc77cuc774 uc5c6ub294 uc624ub298, uc624ub298ubc24uc740 ub108uc758 uc57duc18duc744 uc9c0ucf1cuc904 uac70uc57c Baby tell me how you like it.uc0acub791uc5d0 ubb36uc778 uc0acub791uc758 ub178uc608 uc6b0ub9b0 ub2ec uc18duc758 uadf8ub9bcucc98ub7fc uc601uc6d0ud574uc624ub298uc740 ub108uc640 ub098ub294 uc0acub791uc758 ub178uc608 ubc24uc744 ud0c0uace0 ub178ub97c uc800uc5b4 uae4auc740 ubc14ub2e4ub97c uc9c0ub098ub2ecuc744 ud5a5ud574, ub124uac8c uae30ub300, uc800 ub192uc740 ud30cub3c4ub97c ud0c0uace0 uac00 babyuc624ub298uc740 ub108uc640 ub098ub294 uc0acub791uc758 ub178uc608 ubc24uc744 ud0c0uace0 ub178ub97c uc800uc5b4 uae4auc740 ubc14ub2e4ub97c uc9c0ub098ubcc4uc744 ud5a5ud574, ub124uac8c uae30ub300, ud30cub3c4 uc18duc5d0 uc816uc5b4ub4dcub124


曲序收录曲名 曲名译文作词、作曲 1.《Honeymoon》《蜜月》拉娜·德雷 Rick Nowels Del Rey Nowels Kieron Menzies 2.《Music to Watch Boys To》《美男子的主题曲》拉娜·德雷 Nowels Del Rey Nowels Menzies 3.《Terrence Loves You》《泰伦斯爱你》拉娜·德雷 Nowels Del Rey Nowels Menzies 4.《God Knows I Tried》《上帝知道我来过》拉娜·德雷 Nowels Del Rey Nowels Menzies 5.《High by the Beach》《海滩自嗨》拉娜·德雷 Nowels Menzies Del Rey Nowels Menzies 6.《Freak》《怪胎》拉娜·德雷 Nowels Del Rey Nowels Menzies 7.《Art Deco》《装饰艺术》拉娜·德雷 Nowels Del Rey Nowels Menzies 8.《Burnt Norton》(插曲)《焚毁的诺顿》T.S. Eliot Keefus Ciancia Del Rey Nowels Menzies 9.《Religion》《宗教》拉娜·德雷 Nowels Del Rey Nowels Menzies 10.《Salvatore》《萨尔瓦托》拉娜·德雷 Nowels Del Rey Nowels Menzies 11.The Blackest Day《最黑暗的一天》拉娜·德雷 Nowels Del Rey Nowels Menzies 12.《24》拉娜·德雷 Nowels Del Rey Nowels Menzies 13.《Swan Song》《告别演出》拉娜·德雷 Nowels Del Rey Nowels Menzies 14.《Don"t Let Me Be Misunderstood》《请别误解我》本尼·本杰明 格洛丽亚 Sol Marcus Del Rey Nowels Menzies 以上曲目信息来源参考资料 。


2014年12月,拉娜·德雷已开始着手创作自己的第四张录音室专辑,拉娜·德雷为专辑创作了9首歌曲,而这些歌曲都是她为专辑精心挑选的一些作品。同时,拉娜·德雷还在创作期间录制了一首名为《Don"t Let Me Be Misunderstood》的翻唱歌曲,而这首翻唱自妮娜·西蒙的音乐作品也被计划收进该专辑中。在此期间,该专辑原被拉娜·德雷取名为“Music to Watch Boys To”,但这个名字却在最后被“Honeymoon”所取代。然而,拉娜·德雷之所以会为专辑取这个标题的原因,是因为她本人认为“Honeymoon”这个词代表了终极梦想的总和,蜜月就是生命、爱情、天堂、自由等等,它们都是永恒的。此外,拉娜·德雷也对自己这张专辑的音乐艺术风格定位明晰,表示专辑听起来会与她上一张录音室专辑《Ultraviolence》完全不同,专辑的音乐风格会比较接近于她的首张录音室专辑《Born to Die》,这也是她个人比较喜欢的一种音乐类型 。《High by the Beach》被拉娜·德雷选为专辑的首支单曲,其创作灵感来源于一个女孩想要摆脱并甩掉坏男孩情人的故事,是拉娜·德雷开车到许多海滩游玩时得到的 。在创作的过程中,拉娜·德雷主要负责编写歌词,瑞克·诺威尔斯、基隆·孟席斯则负责根据音谱制作音乐。基隆·孟席斯、帕特里克·沃伦、利昂·米歇尔和瑞克·诺威尔斯分别负责鼓、长笛、小风琴、键盘乐器等伴奏,全曲录制于The Green Building工作室 。整张专辑均由基隆·孟席斯、瑞克·诺威尔斯、本尼·本杰明、格洛丽亚·考德威尔、索尔·马库斯、特·斯·艾略特(T.S. Eliot)等音乐制作人联手为拉娜·德雷打造完成 。




不是专家也不是高手,大概查了一下英文的解释,关于起源有很多种说法,看下面的 The origin of the word honeymoonHoneymoonn.1. A holiday or trip taken by a newly married couple.2. An early harmonious period in a relationship: The honeymoon between the new President and the press was soon over.intr.v., -mooned, -moon·ing, -moons.To go on a honeymoon.[Perhaps from a comparison of the moon, which wanes as soon as it is full, to the affections of a newly married couple, which are most tender right after marriage.]The noun honeymoon has 2 meanings:Meaning #1: a holiday taken by a newly married coupleMeaning #2: the early usually calm and harmonious period of a relationship; business or politicalhoneymoon A honeymoon is the traditional trip taken by newlyweds to celebrate their marriage. Today, honeymoons are often celebrated in places that are secluded, exotic, warm, or otherwise considered special and romantic. A recent trend among couples is to combine the wedding and honeymoon into one experience or subsitute one for another.The origin of the word honeymoonThe Oxford English Dictionary offers no etymology at all, but dates the word back to the 16th century:"The first month after marriage, when there is nothing but tenderness and pleasure" (Samuel Johnson); originally having no reference to the period of a month, but comparing the mutual affection of newly-married persons to the changing moon which is no sooner full than it begins to wane; now, usually, the holiday spent together by a newly-married couple, before settling down at home. One of the oldest citations in the Oxford English Dictionary indicates that, while today honeymoon has a positive meaning, the word was actually a sardonic reference to the inevitable waning of love like a phase of the moon. This, the first literary reference to the honeymoon was penned in 1552, in Richard Huloet"s Abecedarium Anglico Latinum. Huleot writes:Hony mone, a terme proverbially applied to such as be newe maried, whiche wyll not fall out at the fyrste, but thone loveth the other at the beginnynge excedyngly, the likelyhode of theyr exceadynge love appearing to aswage, ye which time the vulgar people cal the hony mone. It has also been said[citation needed] that the origins of this word date back to the times of Babylon. In order to increase the virility and fertility of the newlyweds, the father of the bride would provide his son in law with all the mead (a honey-based drink) he could drink during the first month of the marriage (and therefore "moon"). Given that the English word is only four hundred years old, direct attribution to Babylon is questionable, though often repeated. The custom of drinking mead after a wedding for a month was also a medieval custom, however, and in practice at the time the word first appeared. [citation needed] [original research?]Other possible explanations of the word honeymoon have to do with the date that weddings traditionally took place. Weddings once commonly took place upon the Summer solstice both for religious reasons earlier on and also for the practical reason that it was the time between the main planting and harvesting of crops. As it was at this time of year that honey was first harvested, it is possible that this is the source.[citation needed] [original research?]Another alternative is that "Honey Moon" is a name given to the moon when its path is close to the southern horizon. Its light shines though the haze and dust of our atmosphere giving its light a honey color for the whole month. [citation needed][original research?]Satirists have said that a "Honeymoon salad" is "lettuce alone".

需要秦时明月eyes say的说唱就是英文那段需要答案啊急啊 知道的发下我悬赏20啊

中间那段英文我倒是有。自己以前回答的别人的问题听的。见下 我自己听的,片尾曲《eyes say》林埈永① i say i say 我们相处每一刻藏在心中没

有一首歌的歌词里面有I prey for you这句话 是什么歌 ?好像是首韩文歌?


谢谢,帮我翻译下. On sunday they pray for you;On monday they pray on you.

怀疑第二个 pray 是prey 周日替你们祈祷,周一就害或折磨你们.

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Whitney Houston的《I Got You》 歌词

歌曲名:I Got You歌手:Whitney Houston专辑:I Look to YouWhitney Houston - I Got YouWhen your love is strong and it comes from the heartAin"t no man strong enough, ain"t no time long enough to tear it apartAnd that"s what we had, believe it or notSo on the final day I thought all the hurting pain will end up on topSo I won"t cry "cause you"re going away"cause the chemistry we"ve got it, don"t fadeI won"t be wishing for better days"cause deep inside I know our love stays the sameYou gotta knowNo matter where you are (you got me)Baby near or far (you got me)Our love will never fade (you got me)So let me hear you say itbaby I got you, I"ll be there, I"ll be thereBaby I got you, I"ll be there, I"ll be there"cause I got you babyI never lie"cause you are the reason that my heart is beating, that I am aliveBefore you go, thinking that I can be replaced, noI got you waiting for the rest of my lifeYou gotta knowNo matter where you are (you got me)Baby near or far (you got me)Our love will never fade (you got me)So let me hear you say itbaby I got you, I"ll be there, I"ll be thereBaby I got you, I"ll be there, I"ll be therebaby I got you, I"ll be there, I"ll be thereI"ll be there, I′ll be there"cause I got you babyI"ll hold you up, just can"t standI"ll make you cry, you think that you can"tBy my side forever, baby that"s the planI"ll be your everything, I"ll be your everythingNo matter where you are (you got me)Baby near or far (you got me)Our love will never fade (you got me)So let me hear you say itbaby I got you, I"ll be there, I"ll be thereBaby I got you, I"ll be there, I"ll be thereI"ll be thereSay you want me, I want you babySay you love me, I need you babyI got you baby, you got meI"ll be there for youI love you baby, I love you darlinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/52206496


Jeffrey比较通用,意思是一样的 杰弗里(男子名,涵义:神圣的和平)



Like A Star Corinne Bailey Rae Just like a star a




关于花样滑冰男单选手Jeffrey Buttle

Jeffery Buttle国籍:加拿大 身高:1.73米 出生日期:1982.09.01 项目:花样滑冰(男子单人滑) 目前Jeff还在多伦多大学攻读化学工程~~ 去年的花样滑冰大奖赛总决赛在中国举行~~~Jeff也来了,而且在有小普这种强敌的情况下获得了亚军~~真幸运,Jeff能到中国来,他滑行时的柔韧性超好,在冰上灵动的像精灵一般,年纪轻轻但对音乐的领悟力却惊人的成熟,虽然技术方面的跳跃并不是他的强项,但他在艺术表现方面的才能确是让人叹服,这一点倒是和另一位美国的WEIR很相象(以后有空也会介绍他)~~~去年的第二名是个满好的成绩,潜力非凡啊.之后在加拿大的全国比赛中又力克劲敌Sandu,首次获得全国冠军~~~期待他在三月的世锦赛上更好的发展~~~他总给人一种Peter Pan的感觉,永远也长不大的孩子,在neverland自由飞翔~~你去这里看看http://www.eachtennis.com/bbs/simple/index.php?t1952_1.html

Jeffrey 这个英文名字好吗?还有姓氏Young(杨)(谐音),Jeffrey Young怎样







Jeffery 多出现在英国男子名中Jeffrey 多出现于美国男子名中




很高兴能为您回答。Levey-Jennings音标:[le"vei -"du0292eniu014bz]其中:Levey:[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 利维 Levy的变体 Jennings: 詹宁斯(姓氏)。


「Sexy.Honey.Bunny!」作词∶Gota Nishidera (NONA REEVES)作曲∶corin.歌∶V6「爱がすべて。忘れちゃ駄目さ」だなんて 真面目な振りして 内心クラ クラ クラッ…日々を润したい君とふたり秘密を守れば3.2.1. Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!Sexy.Honey.Bunny!摂氏 1000℃ラヴ! HOT! HOT! HOT!诱惑しちゃいな 乱れた瞳で男子&女子 in KISS! BURN! BURN! BURN!燃えちゃえば、无礼讲 You"re My Lady君は Sexy.Honey.Bunny …SEXY!昼间はまるで 他人みたいな Smileすれ违うたびに 视线交わし合うくらい夜が待ちきれない 君とふたり命を混ぜれば 3.2.1. Go!Sexy.Honey.Bunny!摂氏 1000℃ラヴ! UP! UP! UP!どうなっちゃうんだ? 困り果てるほど堕ちていく DOWN! DOWN! DOWN!少年时代に描いたような LadyOne Night のつもりが…ハマる! Umm SEXY!Sexy.Honey.Bunny! Girl摂氏 1000℃ラヴ!男子&女子 in KISS!无礼讲 You"re My LadySexy.Honey.Bunny! Girl摂氏 1000℃ラヴ!上がって堕ちていくUP&DOWN My Lady Come On!Sexy.Honey.Bunny! Girl (Sexy.Honey.Bunny! Girl)摂氏 1000℃ラヴ! (摂氏 1000℃ラヴ!)男子&女子 in KISS!无礼讲 You"re My LadySexy.Honey.Bunny! Girl (Sexy.Honey.Bunny! Girl)摂氏 1000℃ラヴ! (摂氏 1000℃ラヴ!)上がって堕ちていくUP&DOWN My LadyCome On Everybody!Sexy.Honey.Bunny! Girl摂氏 1000℃ラヴ! HOT! HOT! HOT!诱惑しちゃいな 乱れた瞳で男子&女子 in KISS! BURN! BURN! BURN!燃えちゃえば、无礼讲 You"re My Lady君は Sexy.Honey.Bunny… Come On!摂氏 1000℃ラヴ! UP! UP! UP!どうなっちゃうんだ? 困り果てるほど堕ちていく DOWN! DOWN! DOWN!少年时代に描いたような LadyOne Night のつもりが…ハマる!Umm SEXY!(摂氏 1000℃ラヴ UP&DOWN My Lady)Sexy.Honey.Bunny! Girl〖 LRC By 赖润诚卐地狱门歌词组 〗おわり


Monkey和Munchy有以下几点不同:1,含义不同Monkey,意思:猴子,嘲弄,模仿Munchy,意思:贪吃的,饥饿2,词性不同Monkey 可作名词,表示猴子;也可作动词,表示嘲弄,模仿Munchy 可作名词,表示饥饿;可作形容词,表示有嚼劲的;也可以作动词,表示咀嚼3,使用场景不同Monkey:例:Monkeys in the zoo are very funny译:动物园里的猴子非常有趣例:Monkey around on the road is dangerous译:在马路上打闹嬉戏是很危险的Munchy:例:Suffering from the munchies译:饿得受不了了例:The popcorn is very munchy译:这个爆米花很有嚼劲参考资料来源:有道词典-Monkey参考资料来源:有道词典-Munchy

key interest rates 指什么利率不是主要利率

利率一般分为年利率、月利率和日利率三种。年利率通常以百分数表示,如年息7.2%,即表示本金100元一年期应计利息7.2元。月利率通常以千分数表示,如月息6‰,表示本金1000元一月期满应计利息6元。日利率通常以万分数表示,如日息20/000,表示本金10000元一日应计利息2元。 在计算过程中要注意,利率的表示方法与存期的表示方法要相对应。年、月、日可以相互换算,年利率、月利率、日利率也可以换算: 年利率=月利率×12=日利率×360 月利率=年利率÷12=日利率×30 日利率=月利率÷30=年利率÷360 【计息的基本公式】计算利息有三个要素,即本金、时间和利率。本金可以是存款金额,也可以是贷款金额。时间就是存款或贷款的实际时间。利率就是所确定的利息额与存款金额的比率。 利息的计算方法分为单利和复利两种。单利的计算公式是: 本利和=本金×(1+利率×期限) 利息=本金×利率×期限 如:某储户有一笔1000元五年定期储蓄存款,年利率为13.68%,存款到期时,该储户应得利息:1000元×13.68%×5=684元。 复利,是单利的对称,即经过一定期间(如一年),将所生利息本金再计利息,逐期滚算。复利的计算公式是: 本利和=本金(1+利率)n 公式中n表示期限 利息=本利和-本金 我国目前一般仍采用单利的计算方法。

what color are the box是填is blue还是they are blue?

句子有错区别What color is the box?It"s blue.或What color are the boxes?They are blue.

Brantley Gilbert的《Live It Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Live It Up歌手:Brantley Gilbert专辑:A Modern Day Prodigal SonBrantley Gilbert - Live It UpIt"s all around townHere"s ten cents for mistakes he"s madeIt"s all word of mouthOh but they say that"s the price you payWhen you"re in with the wrong crowdOh look at the mess you"ve madeStarring you down, every time you show your faceAh to hell with all the small town small talk I"ve had enoughIt ain"t their place to judgeMan I"m giving upAnd I said if you can"t live it downMight as well live it upYou live and you learn manThe worlds going to turn, ain"t going to stop youAnd I said if you can"t live it downMight as well live it upYeah forgiveness is yours in the hands of the LordAin"t nothing they can doHell live it upShe"s made up her mindThis mistakes going to have a nameShe"s in for the nineAwe but she just turned 18It"s a matter of timeBefore she hits these streetsYou say it ain"t rightAw but she don"t wear no ringAh to hell with all the small town small talk I"ve had enoughIt ain"t their place to judgeMan I"m giving upAnd I said if you can"t live it downMight as well live it upYou live and you learn manThe worlds going to turn, ain"t going to stop youAnd I said if you can"t live it downMight as well live it upYeah forgiveness is yours in the hands of the LordAin"t nothing they can doHell live it upSo let the sinless man, cast the first stoneAnd may the judgment in my life, belong to God aloneAnd I said if you can"t live it downMight as well live it upYou live and you learn manThe worlds going to turn, ain"t going to stop youAnd I said if you can"t live it downMight as well live it upYeah forgiveness is yours in the hands of the LordAin"t nothing they can doHell live it uphttp://music.baidu.com/song/17301703

数据库3734外键错误Failed to addthe foreign key constrain?

数据库外键错误一般是由于外键约束出现问题导致的。以错误信息 "数据库3734外键错误" 为例,其中3734通常是指具体的错误代码,可能是数据库引擎返回的错误码。在数据库中,外键约束是用来保证表与表之间关联性数据完整性的。当创建一个外键约束时,会将对应关系实现成两张表之间的一对多关系,即一个表中的行必须在另一个表中存在对应的行。外键报错一般是由以下情况造成的: - 外键约束重名:同一个数据库中不能有重名的外键约束。- 外键关联表格和主表格的数据类型不一致:外键类型必须和主键类型一致,否则无法进行关联。- 外键关联表中有重复值:当外键关联表中出现重复的值时,会导致外键的约束失败。- 外键关联的表或列被删除或修改:如果外键关联的表或列被删除或修改,可能会导致外键约束无法满足。建议您查看具体的错误信息并结合数据库设计,对照以上情况逐一排查,以找到导致外键错误的具体原因。

求halsey—control的中文歌词 感谢!!!很喜欢女神的歌!!!

take control of who you are 控制好你自己stay the same don"t let them change you 保持原样 别让他们改变了你take control of who you are 控制好你自己cause ain"t nobody going to save you 因为没有人可以拯救你take control of who you are控制好你自己 when the world is getting stranger 当世界变得陌生take control of who you are控制好你自己 stay the same don"t let them change you 保持原样 别让他们改变你but when it comes apart 当生活变得破碎时when it comes apart当它变得破碎just start again and open up your heart 但又重新开始时 敞开你的心扉take control of who you are 控制好你自己take control of who you are 控制好你自己when you looking in the mirror 当你望着镜子里的自己underneath the skies you will see a little clearer 在天空下你将看的更加清晰一点take control of who you are 控制好你自己when the world is getting stranger 当世界变得陌生take control of who you are 控制好你自己show the people what you"re made of 让人们看到你的内在and when it comes apart当生活变得破碎时 when it comes apart当它变得破碎 just start again and open up your heart 但又重新开始时 敞开你的心扉take control of who you are控制好你自己 when it comes apart 当它变得破碎 when it comes apart 当它变得破碎 just start again and open up your heart 但又重新开始时 敞开你的心扉take control of who you are控制好你自己♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪when it comes apart 当它变得破碎 and when it comes apart 当它变得破碎 just start again 再重新开始open up your heart 敞开你的心扉take control of who you are 控制好你自己

求bellefire 的 all the money in the world和stay的中文歌词

标题:所有的钱在世界上 艺术家: bellefire 专辑:雨后 我该怎么做,怎么说,告诉你 一切我感觉 我从来不知道,这是真正的爱 直到你的心告诉我的意思 它的意义远远超过一个奇迹 亮度比银,比黄金更珍贵 我想整个世界知道 现在,我发现,我不会让它去 所有的钱在世界上 可以不买这个姑娘 不喜欢车,没有钻石或珍珠 我有我需要的一切 在这里我 心脏病信任,并有理由相信 没有,我不会贸易你的爱 对所有的钱在世界上 自己出去闯,搜索仅 直到有一天我看着你的眼睛里 我花了除开我的心 太多的事情你让我意识到 现在没有别的问题 我没有听到疯狂 我并不觉得疼痛 你的心告诉我如何 爱可以移动山 一次又一次 所有的钱在世界上 可以不买这个姑娘 不喜欢车,没有钻石或珍珠 我有我需要的一切 在这里我 心脏病信任,并有理由相信 没有,我不会贸易你的爱 对所有的钱在世界上 现在没有别的问题 我没有听到疯狂 我并不觉得疼痛 你的心告诉我如何 爱可以移动山 一次又一次 所有的钱在世界上 可以不买这个姑娘 不喜欢车,没有钻石或珍珠 我有我需要的一切 在这里我 心脏病信任,并有理由相信 没有,我不会贸易你的爱 对所有的钱在世界上 它的亮度比银 比黄金更珍贵 你觉得在你的心脏和灵魂 它的意义远远超过一个奇迹 超过一个梦想 我花的地方,我从来没有见过 所有的钱在世界上 可以不买这个姑娘 不喜欢车,没有钻石或珍珠 我有我需要的一切 在这里我 心脏病信任,并有理由相信 .......

earnest money和deposit那个常用来表示定金?


The kids_____hockey应该填什么?


英语翻译WHAT are the kids in the picture doing?What are they hol


求一首英文歌 女生唱的 第一句好像是 How can you see in to my eyes 节奏还蛮快的

evanescence - bring me to life(feat. paul mccoy)how can you see into my eyeslike open doors.leading you down into my core where i"ve become so numb.without a soulmy spirit"s sleeping somewhere cold until you find it there and lead it back home.wake me up.wake me up inside.i can"t wake up.wake me up inside.save me.call my name and save me from the dark.wake me up.bid my blood to run.i can"t wake up.before i come undone.save me.save me from the nothing i"ve become.now that i know what i"m withoutyou can"t just leave me.breathe into me and make me realbring me to life.wake me up.wake me up inside.i can"t wake up.wake me up inside.save me.call my name and save me from the dark.wake me up.bid my blood to run.i can"t wake up.before i come undone.save me.save me from the nothing i"ve become.bring me to life.i"ve been living a liethere"s nothing inside.bring me to life.frozen inside without your touch,without your love, darling.only you are the life among the dead.all of this sighti can"t believe i couldn"t seekept in the darkbut you were there in front of mei"ve been sleeping a 1000 years it seems.i"ve got to open my eyes to everything.without a thoughtwithout a voicewithout a soul don"t let me die herethere must be something wrong.bring me to life.wake me up.wake me up inside.i can"t wake up.wake me up inside.save me.call my name and save me from the dark.wake me up.bid my blood to run.i can"t wake up.before i come undone.save me.save me from the nothing i"ve become.bring me to life.i"ve been living a liethere"s nothing inside.bring me to life

Beyonce - If I Were A Boy歌词翻译

If I were a boy 如果我是一个男孩 Even just for a day 哪怕只是一天也好 I"d roll out of bed in the morning 我会一大早起床 And throw on what I wanted then go 匆忙穿上我想穿的衣服然后出门 Drink beer with the guys 和兄弟们一起喝啤酒 And chase after girls 然后追女孩 I can kick it with who I wanted 我会为了心仪的人戒掉嗜好 And I"d never get confronted for it 我再也不会沾上这些不良嗜好 Cause they"d stick up for me 因为她们也会支持我这么做 If I were a boy 如果我是一个男孩 I think that I could understand 我想我会明白 How it feels to love a girl 爱上一个女孩子是什么样的感受 I swear I"d be a better man 我保证我会是一个好男人 I"d listen to her 我会听她的话 Cause I know how it hurts 因为我知道 When you lose the one you wanted 当你失去了你想要拥有的那个人会是多么的伤心 Cause he"s taken you for granted 因为他把你(对他的好)当成是理所当然的了 And everything you had got destroyed 你所有拥有的一切都毁于一旦 If I were a boy 如果我是一个男孩 I would turn off my phone 我会关掉手机 Tell everyone it"s broken 告诉所有的人我手机坏了 So they think that I was sleepin" alone 这样他们就会认为我独自一人睡着觉 I"d put myself first 我把自己放在第一位 And make the rules as I go 就像我自己所做的那样 制定规则 Cause I know that she"d be faithful 因为我知道她会对我很忠诚 Waiting for me to come home (to come home) 等着我回家 If I were a boy 如果我是一个男孩 I think that I could understand 我想我会明白 How it feels to love a girl 爱上一个女孩子是什么样的感受 I swear I"d be a better man 我保证我会是一个好男人 I"d listen to her 我会听她的话 Cause I know how it hurts 因为我知道 When you lose the one you wanted 当你失去了你想要拥有的那个人会是多么的伤心 Cause he"s taken you for granted 因为他把你(对他的好)当成是理所当然的了 And everything you had got destroyed 你所有拥有的一切都毁于一旦 It"s a little too late for you to come back 你回来得有点儿太晚了 Say it"s just a mistake 你说这只是个误会 Think I"d forgive you like that 认为我会像那样原谅你 If you thought I would wait for you 如果你认为我会等着你 You thought wrong 你就想错了 But you"re just a boy 但是你只是个男孩 You don"t understand (yeah You don"t understand oh) 你不会明白的 How it feels to love a girl 爱上一个女孩子是怎样的一种感受 Someday you"ll wish you were a better man 会有那么一天 你会希望你是一个更棒的男人 You don"t listen to her 你不听她的话 You don"t care how it hurts 你不在乎那有多么的伤人 Until you lose the one you wanted 直到你失去了你心仪的人 Cause you"ve taken her for granted 因为你把她当成是理所当然的了 And everything you had got destroyed 你拥有的一切都没了 But you"re just a boy 但是你只不过是个男孩





跪求Beyonce的《Irreplaceable 》吉他谱~! 谢谢

吉他谱的 有点难找 给你个伴奏吧http://ok.wo99.com/bplay.php?id=566449

most people stay the miserable bastards they are their whole entire life


Elvis Presley的《Ask Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Ask Me歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis: Close Up

Elvis Presley的《Ask Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Ask Me歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:X2 (Elvis Presley/Elvis" Gold Records, Vol.4)

Elvis Presley的《Ask Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Ask Me歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Original Album Classics

Elvis Presley的《Ask Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Ask Me歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:From Nashville To Memphis - The Essential 60S Masters I

If you were a millionaire,how would you spend your money


Whitney Houston的《Worth It》 歌词

歌曲名:Worth It歌手:Whitney Houston专辑:I Look to YouWhitney Houston - Worth ItWhitney , the queen of RnB!This is for the lovers holding hands in the carThis is for the lovers no matter where you areThis is for you, (it"s for you, it"s for you, it"s for you)This is for you, (it"s for you, it"s for you), yeahThis is for the lovers just getting on their feetThis is for the lovers bout 20 years deepThis is for you, (it"s for you, it"s for you, it"s for you)This is for you, (it"s for you, it"s for you) Oh yeahIt"s a beautiful thing when it"s shared between twoThe most beautiful thing about it that is so much more than youThere ain"t nothing in the world like being with your loverNothing in the world like seeing one anotherHappy with the one you need the most, yeahI know somebody"s gonna make love to this song tonight (tonight, tonight)I know somebody"s out of town and their calling home tonightLet me tell you what their saying right now, their sayingIt ain"t hard to tell when it"s something realYou can have the world, all you want is themEven when you"re in a crowd and you spot "em from a mileAnd that"s when you know love is worth itWhen it"s going wrong, and you never give upWhen you"re on the phone, you never hang upEven when you"re feeling down they can always make you smileAnd that"s when you know love is worth itThis is for the lovers holding hands in the car (holding hands in the car)This is for the lovers no matter where you are, (no matter where you are)This is for you, (it"s for you, it"s for you, it"s for you)This is for you, (it"s for you, it"s for you), this is for you babySome people feel it, they let it showSome people miss it, they let it goSome people doubt it, I"m gonna tell you nowThey don"t know a thing about it, that"s why they doubt itSome people give it, some people take itSome people try to, but they can"t fake itThat"s why when it"s official you just can"t walk awayAnd you can trust me when I sayI know somebody"s gonna make love to this song tonight (tonight, tonight)I know somebody"s out of town and their calling home tonightLet me tell you what their saying right now, their sayingIt ain"t hard to tell (well) when it"s something real (when it"s something real)You can have the world, (oo ooo ooh) all you want is themEven when you"re in a crowd and you spot "em from a mileAnd that"s when you know love is worth itWhen it"s going wrong, (yeah) you never give up (you never give up)When you"re on the phone, (oo ooo oooh) you never hang upEven when you"re feeling down they can make you smile ooooohAnd that"s when you know love is worth itThis is for the lovers holding hands in the car (ooooh)This is for the lovers no matter where you areThis is for you, you (it"s for you, it"s for you, it"s for you)This is for you, (it"s for you, it"s for you), ah babyThis is for the lovers just getting on their feet (getting on their feet)This is for the lovers bout 20 years deepThis is for you, (it"s for you, it"s for you, it"s for you)This is for you, this is for you (it"s for you, it"s for you) for you babyIt ain"t hard to tell when it"s something realYou can have the world, all you want is themEven when in a crowd (even when in a crowd)And that"s when you know love is worth itWhen it"s going wrong, and you never give upWhen you"re on the phone, you never hang upEven when you"re feeling down they can always make you smileAnd that"s when you know love is worth itThis is for the lovers holding hands in the carThis is for the lovers no matter where you areThis is for you, you (it"s for you, it"s for you, it"s for you)It"s for you and you and you and you.......http://music.baidu.com/song/52206379


AI绘画Midjourney关键词大全少年感少年感篇Carefree laughter —— 无忧无虑的笑声Innocent curiosity —— 纯真的好奇心Playful energy —— 活泼的能量Adventurous spirit —— 冒险的精神Imaginative creativity —— 富有想象力的创造力Youthful enthusiasm —— 年轻的热情Vibrant optimism —— 充满活力的乐观主义Rebellious streak —— 叛逆的一面Genuine innocence —— 真诚的纯真Radiant smiles —— 灿烂的微笑Unbounded curiosity —— 无限的好奇心Eager exploration —— 渴望探索Lively conversations —— 活泼的对话Dreamy aspirations —— 梦幻的抱负Fearless determination —— 无畏的决心Passionate interests —— 热情的兴趣Fierce loyalty —— 强烈的忠诚Playful mischief —— 调皮捣蛋Uninhibited expression —— 不受约束的表达Fresh perspectives —— 新鲜的观点Energetic pursuits —— 充满活力的追求Open-mindedness —— 开放的思维Joyful laughter —— 欢乐的笑声Optimistic outlook —— 乐观的态度Youthful resilience —— 年轻的适应能力Creative experimentation —— 创造性的试验Fierce determination —— 强烈的决心Adventurous exploration —— 冒险的探索Genuine kindness —— 真诚的善良Boundless energy —— 无穷的能量Innocent wonder —— 纯真的好奇Passionate pursuits —— 热情的追求Fearless discovery —— 无畏的发现Spirited conversations —— 充满活力的对话Dreamy aspirations —— 梦幻的抱负Uninhibited laughter —— 不受约束的笑声Adventurous spirit —— 冒险的精神Vibrant friendships —— 充满活力的友谊Carefree moments —— 无忧无虑的时刻Youthful dreams —— 年轻的梦想



每次开机都有‘’NO keyboard Detected‘’,是什么原因?

1、no keyboard detected 检测不到键盘,如果是 PS2 键盘,需要检查键盘接口是否正常,可以尝试换个键盘;如果是 USB 键盘,对于有些主板是正常的,需要在 BIOS 里面设置 Halt on no error 或 Halt on all but keyboard。2、提示键盘未插好或键盘接口出错,删除现在的USB驱动还是不行的话重新插换键盘,在BIOS里面恢复默认设置。


化粧してる? ガキのくせに色気ぐいちゃってちょっと违和感Keshō shi teru? Gaki no kuse ni iroke guicha tte chotto iwakan 在化妆吗?明明是个小鬼 却带著魅力稍微有点违和感彼氏でもできたのか?Kareshi demode kita no ka? 交到男朋友了吗そんな妄想SundaySon"na mōsō sunday那样的妄想Sundayお気に入りのパーカーOkiniiri no pākā 喜欢的连帽衫それ部屋着にしちゃってくれてますがSore heya-gi ni shi chatte kuretemasuga那个能拿来当成家居服穿吗お下がりにも惯れっ子になっちゃってんだOsagari ni mo nare-kko ni na~tsu chatte nda变成了对我的旧衣服也习惯了的孩子「使用、许可だ」って甘やかしてさ「 Shiyō, kyokada 」 tte amayakashite sa 说著「给你用吧」娇纵了你イタズラ笑颜に负けてItazura egao ni makete 输给了那淘气的笑脸交じりっけ无し思春期Majiri kke nashi shishunki 不会相交的青春期知らん颜で仆を惑わすShirankao de boku o madowasu用不知道的脸困惑著我変わらないね泣き颜Kawaranai ne nakigao 毫无变化呢那张哭脸余裕で负けちゃうよYoyū de make chau yo 轻而易举地就输掉了啊嘘じゃないってマジ颜Uso janai tte maji-gao 说著没有说谎的认真的脸言叶にするのは耻ずかしいんだKotoba ni suru no wa hazukashī nda 化作言语的话太难为情了啊「ついてくんな」远ざけてた 真似してフード深く被って「 Tsuite kun na 」 tōzake teta mane shite fūdo fukaku kōmutte 「别跟过来啊」总是戴著 被我疏远的模仿著我的兜帽幼かった二つの手繋いで歩けなくてOsanakatta futatsu no te tsunaide arukenakute 幼小的两人的手从未握在一起行走过 お気に入りのおもちゃもだね 壊され三日口も利かずにOkiniiri no omocha moda ne kowasa re mikka kuchi mo kikazu ni 喜欢的玩具也是啊 坏了之後三天都没有说过话怒られても意地っ张りなっちゃっていたOkora rete mo ijippari na~tsu chatte ita被发火了之後就变得十分倔强「しょうがないな」って今なら言える?「 Shōganai na 」 tte imanara ieru? 「真没办法啊」什麽的现在的话说得出口吗?素直な言叶に変えてSunaona kotoba ni kaete 转变为坦率的话语照れ隠し反抗期Terekakushi hankō-ki 隐羞的叛逆期知らん颜で无邪気に笑うShirankao de mujaki ni warau 用不知道的脸天真地笑了出来変わらないね明日も 未来も当てちゃうよKawaranai ne ashita mo mirai mo ate chau yo 毫无变化呢明天也是 未来也就近在眼前了哦嘘じゃないってマジ颜 ずっとね隣でいつも见てたUso janai tte maji-gao zutto ne tonari de itsumo mi teta 说著没有说谎的认真的脸 一直呢都会在一旁看著你的オトナだってフリしたり コドモだってフリしたりOtona datte furi shi tari kodomo datte furi shi tari 装作是大人一样 装作是小孩一样変わらないで泣き颜 たまには悪くないKawaranai de nakigao tamani wa warukunai 毫无变化呢那张哭脸 但偶尔也觉得并不坏さあ言叶にするから「大切だよ」これからもSā kotoba ni surukara 「 taisetsuda yo 」 korekara mo 便是「很重要喔」从今往後都変わらないね明日も ずっとね隣でいつも见てるKawaranai ne ashita mo zutto ne tonari de itsumo mi teru毫无变化呢明天也是 一直呢都会在一旁看著你的


最佳答案简直狗屁,等于啥都没回答。这个估计是E路领航之类的软件的日志。我这边就有,文件中有cccb应该是ccb,也就是建行的。你的自己看一下日子内容就好[2017/12/01,01:03:43.166] CCCBDetectorApp::InitInstance : (Process is 4756, thread is 4760)[begin][2017/12/01,01:03:43.275] OnInitDialog: (Process is 4756, thread is 4760)

Starbright (Lullaby Medley) 歌词

歌曲名:Starbright (Lullaby Medley)歌手:Jim Brickman专辑:My Romance: An Evening With Jim BrickmanQuietdrive - StarbrightCome home to your placeI"ve got a little whileTill I"ve gotta leaveYou know there"s been timesWhen I couldn"t lie to your faceBut right now I"m looking at youThrough the window of your soulI know those little dark holesAre beautiful, but II fear the worstI should be sayingI just wish that you could knowI just think that you should knowThat your star is so brightI can see your coreAnd you light up my lifeSo I can see moreI don"t care if you"re lostOr you"re scaredOr you never, everNever, ever wanna be friendsThere"s a small stepOutside your placeI"ve got a little wineSo I can taste all the bittersweet timesThat I have failed againBut it"s not too late to repair myselfFrom the damage doneSince I"ve been goneAnd I knowI see the snowIt starts to fall downI just think that I should go"Cause your star is so brightI can see your coreAnd you light up my lifeSo I can see moreI don"t care if you"re lostOr you"re scaredOr you never, everNever, ever wanna be friendsPlease, please belong herePlease, please belong herePlease, please belong hereBelong hereYou love me, you love me"Cause your star is so brightI can see your coreAnd you light up my lifeSo I can see moreI don"t care if I get lostAnd I"ll see you again"Cause your star is so brightI can see your coreAnd you light up my lifeSo I can see moreI don"t care if I get lostAnd I"ll see you againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7918229




come to me ,i love you can you see why do you turn your back,pretending not to hear. still i wish someday,i"ll make you turn my way in my arms you stay 靠近我,我爱你你看得见吗为什么你要转过身去,就当没有听见我仍然希望有一天,你能回到我的身边静静地躺在我的怀中。你给的分太低了,我只能给你翻译这么一段,你要知道,时间就是金钱,要珍惜别人给你答题的辛苦

Dir en grey有几个成员,名字都是什么?


Listen to them.Children of the night.what music they make是什么意思?


hey. jode歌词中文版

Hey Jude, don"t make it bad 嘿裘!别沮丧 Take a sad song 找一首哀伤的歌 And make it better 把它唱得更快乐 Remember, to let her into your heart 记得将它唱入你的心田 Then you can start to make it better 世界就能开始好转 Hey Jude, don"t be afraid 嘿裘!别害怕 You were made to go out and get her 你天生就要勇於克服恐惧 The minute You let her under your skin 当你将它身埋於心底那一刻 Then you begin 世界就 To make it better 开始好转 And anytime you feel the pain 当你感受痛苦的滋味 Hey Jude, refrain 嘿裘!要忍耐 Don"t carry the world upon your shoulders 别把世界的重担都往肩上扛 For well you know that it"s a fool 你知道那些愚蠢的人 Who plays it cool 总是装做不在乎 By making his world a little colder 把自己的世界弄得很冷酷 Hey Jude, don"t let me down 嘿裘!别让我失望 You have found her now go and get her 既然找到真爱就要勇敢追求 Remember (Hey Jude) to let her into your heart 记住(嘿裘!)要将他 揽入你的心房 Then you can start to make it better 那样世界就能开始好转 So let it out and let it in 所以啊,让你的爱自由来去 Hey Jude, begin 嘿裘!开始啊 You"re waiting for someone to perform with 你期待有个人与你同台表演 And don"t you know that it"s just you 你不知道那个人就是你自已吗 Hey Jude, you"ll do 嘿裘!你会办到 The movement you need is on your shoulder 下一步该怎麼做就全看你自己 Hey Jude don"t make it bad 嘿裘!别丧气 Take a sad song and make it better 找一首哀伤的歌把它唱得更快乐 Remember you let her under your skin 记得将它深藏於心 Then you"ll begin 世界就能 To make it better 开始好转

Young people usually are more appreciative and they always have great expectations求翻译

Young people usually are more appreciative and they always have great expectations年轻人通常更感激,他们总是有很大的期望

JamelleFraley的powerless 中文翻译

为什么这样做,我觉得这方法让你(宝宝,你能否告诉我) 怎么是这个梦想变成现实(你能告诉我) 为什么它似乎总是要(也许它--?--) 靠近你,你靠近我你能感受到向往与2心新兴哦,我知道你这样做(我知道你这样做) 它只有你为何宝宝为什么这条路我觉得当你需要我,当你拥有我你知道,我不能,甚至试图假装它不是真正的你离开了我无助及咋舌和无言以对你离开了我无能为力为什么我的心跳过拍为什么我的心总是重复所有的事情,你做的,每天和everyway 你俘虏我在前进的道路上你能感受到向往与2心新兴我知道你这样做(我知道你这样做) 它只有你为何宝宝为什么这条路我觉得当你需要我,当你拥有我你知道,我不能,甚至试图假装它不是真正的你离开了我无助及咋舌和无言以对你离开了我无能为力我必须承认我的实力,是经历了你做了些什无能为力,其sapless 路,你的微笑,我的硬盘野生我不能否认这里面火灾哦,我知道你看到它接管我告诉我为什么会这样的方式,我觉得当你靠近我,当你拥有我你知道,我不能,甚至试图假装它不是真正的你离开我的无助和令人屏息和无言以对你离开了我powerl


We have you covered.意思是:1) 我们把你也包括在内;2) (保险用语)我们把你保在内。3) 我们把你掩盖了。

请问谁能给个恩雅long long journey歌词


They have fallen asleep. 这里的fallen是什么词性?


beyond的《不可一世》中,第二个“go to hell”后那很粗的声音说的是什么内容啊?


Walt Disney made 87 cartoons _____,he became__ A successful,successful B.suc

Walt Disney made 87 cartoons 【successfully】,he became【successful】.瓦特·迪斯尼成功的制作了87部动画片,他变得成功了。successfully用来修饰动词made,所以应该用副词。became这里是连系动词,后面要加形容词构成系表。欢迎不懂继问!


以下是迪士尼公司自1923年创立以来制作的一些动画电影:1. 白雪公主与七个小矮人(1937)2. 灰太狼与红太阳(1949)3. 灰姑娘(1950)4. 睡美人(1959)5. 小美人鱼(1989)6. 狮子王(1994)7. 美女与野兽(1991)8. 阿拉丁(1992)9. 黑魔女:沉睡魔咒(2014)10. 冰雪奇缘(2013)11. 神秘世界历险记(2001)12. 木头人(1940)13. 熊出没之夏日连连看(2018)14. 嗨翻姐妹花(2009)15. 魔法奇缘(2010)还有很多其他的,这只是其中一小部分。



walt disney的中英文简介

迪士尼 简介 迪士尼全称为The Walt Disney Company,取名自期创始人华特·迪士尼(在香港和台湾地区的译法有不同,见下),是总部设在美国的大型跨国公司,主要业务包括娱乐节目制作,主题公园,玩具,图书,电子游戏和传媒网络。点金石电影公司,Miramax电影,好莱坞电影公司(公司名),博伟音像制品,ESPN体育,ABC电视网都是其齐下的公司(品牌) About Disney Disney called The Walt Disney Company, named after the founder of Walt Disney (in Hong Kong and Taiwan regions have different translation, see below), is headquartered in the United States of large multinational companies, mainly business includes entertainment programming, theme parks, toys, books, electronic games and the media network. Point stone film company, Miramax films, Hollywood film companies (company), Bo-wei audio-visual products, ESPN sports, and its ABC television network are under Qi (Brand)

WALT DISNEY 回答一下问题! 急!

when were walt disney born? -----Walt Disney Born in Chicago.芝加哥啦when did walt disney built the first disney? -----In 1955.which disney is the most poplular? -----Disneyland Park in California加州迪士尼乐园was mickey mouse the first charater that walt disney made? -----YES.how many charater did walt disney made? -----这个问题回答不了,除非你有资料where did you built the first disney land? -----In California.what was walt disney like ? ----A great man with willpower.when did you started making cartoon? -----When he was young.how did walt disney thought of making animals charater? -----When he was young,he draw pictures in his family garage,in there he become a friend of a little mouse. One day he remembered the mouse that used to come out in his father"s garage. He picked up his pencil and started to draw.which cartoon chrater was the most popular? -----Mickey Mouse。就这么多,希望对你有用。

walt Disney的英文简介

Walter Elias "Walt" Disney (December 5, 1901 – December 15, 1966) was an American film producer, director, screenwriter, voice actor, animator, entrepreneur, entertainer, international icon,and philanthropist, well-known for his influence in the field of entertainment during the 20th century. Along with his brother Roy O. Disney, he was co-founder of Walt Disney Productions, which later became one of the best-known motion picture producers in the world. The corporation is now known as The Walt Disney Company and had an annual revenue of approximately US$36 billion in the 2010 financial year. Disney is particularly noted as a film producer and a popular showman, as well as an innovator in animation and theme park design. He and his staff created some of the world"s most well-known fictional characters including Mickey Mouse, for whom Disney himself provided the original voice. During his lifetime he received four honorary Academy Awards and won twenty-two Academy Awards from a total of fifty-nine nominations, including a record four in one year,giving him more awards and nominations than any other individual in history.[citation needed] Disney also won seven Emmy Awards and gave his name to the Disneyland and Walt Disney World Resort theme parks in the U.S., as well as the international resorts Tokyo Disney, Disneyland Paris, and Disneyland Hong Kong. The year after his December 15, 1966 death from lung cancer in Burbank, California, construction began on Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. His brother Roy Disney inaugurated the Magic Kingdom on October 1, 1971.



walt disney的中英文简介


求关于Walt Disney的英语短文

The creator of Mickey Mouse and founder of Disneyland and Walt Disney World was born in Chicago, Illinois, on December 5, 1901. His father, Elias Disney, was an Irish-Canadian. His mother, Flora Call Disney, was of German-American descent. Walt was one of five children, four boys and a girl.Raised on a farm near Marceline, Missouri, Walt became interested in drawing at an early age, selling his first sketches to neighbors when he was only seven years old. At McKinley High School in Chicago, Disney divided his attention between drawing and photography, contributing both to the school paper. At night he attended the Academy of Fine Arts.During the fall of 1918, Disney attempted to enlist for military service. Rejected because he was only 16 years of age, Walt joined the Red Cross and was sent overseas, where he spent a year driving an ambulance and chauffeuring Red Cross officials. His ambulance was covered from stem to stem, not with stock camouflage, but with drawings and cartoons.After the war, Walt returned to Kansas City, where he began his career as an advertising cartoonist. Here, in 1920, he created and marketed his first original animated cartoons, and later perfected a new method for combining live-action and animation.

walt Disney的英文简介

沃尔特迪斯尼是一个传奇,他的名字是一个象徵,一个梦想,他创建了著名的卡通人物米老鼠,制作了电影史上的第一个完整的动画film.He创造了一个迪士尼主题公园已成立了一个现代多媒体company.His创造力已经改变了世界的面貌。沃尔特迪斯尼的英雄是在20世纪。Walt Disney is a legend, his name is a symbol of a dream,and he created the famous cartoon character Mickey Mouse, produced a film in the history of the first full animation film.He created a Disney theme park which has been set up a modern multi-media company.His creativity has changed the face of the world. Walt Disney was the hero of the 20th century.
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