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restore 和revitalize是同义词吗?使用上有什么区别?

restore:恢复(原来的状态) revitalize:使再兴,使新生 区别:restore:本身恢复;而revitalize:重建一样的某物 仅供参考

revive,restore,recover,regain 的区别

revive:to become,or to make sb/sth become,conscious or healthy and strong again使苏醒 restore,to repair a building,work of art,piece of furniture,etc.so that it looks as good as it did originally修复(建筑,艺术品等) recover,to get well again after being ill/sick,hurt,etc恢复(健康等) regain to get back sth you no longer have,especially an ability or a quality重新获得


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: revive和restore都表示恢复,两者有何区别?在完型填空中如何区分? 解析: revive侧重意识上的复苏 是不及物动词 restore侧重身体健康的复原 是及物动词 还有一个recover也是指身体健康的复原 但却是不及物动词



没有meta review 还能rebuttal吗

没有meta review 还能rebuttal。采用系统、明确的方法收集、选择和评估相关的临床原始研究,筛选出合格者并从中提取和分析数据,为疾病的诊治提供科学的依据。Meta-分析(Meta-analysis)是指采用统计方法。系统综述和meta分析共同或交叉使用,如果精确区别的话,当系统综述采用了定量合成的方法对资料进行统计学处理时可以称为meta分析;而未使用统计学方法的则为定性的系统综述。作用:Meta分析,尤其是综合高质量随机对照试验(RCT)的Meta分析,被视为循证医学的高级别证据,具有如下功能:①实现定量综合。②对同一问题提供系统的、可重复的的综合方法。③通过对同一主题多个小样本研究结果的综合,提高原结果的统计效能。④解决研究结果的不一致性,改善效应估计值。⑤回答各项原始研究未提出的问题。⑥探究现有文献发表偏倚的程度。⑦提出新的研究问题,为进一步研究指明方向。

retrieve 和revive 有什么具体的区别呢?

retrieve 一般都用作检索的意思revive 是恢复,复活,复兴的意思


EI是《EngineeringIndex》的缩写,这是美国工程信息公司出版的著名工程技术类综合性检索工具《工程索引》,创刊于1884年。最初是印刷版,主要的出版物是EI月刊和年度索引。 EIcompendex、EV、EIpageone都是《EngineeringIndex》发展到电子版以后衍生出来的产物。EIcompendex指EI网络版,它的数据包括了EI核心数据和扩展数据,其核心数据与EI印刷版和光盘版是一致的;EIpageone是指EI扩展版的非正式加工数据,没有Controlledterms和Classificationcode字段。EV是“EngineeringVillage”的缩写,是EI检索平台,该平台除了提供EI检索外,还可以提供其他数据库的检索,如Inspec等数据库。 Elsevier既可以指爱思唯尔公司,(是一个著名的出版发行商,出版期刊、图书专著、教科书和参考书的纸版和电子版),也可以指Elsevier数据库,即ElsevierSD(ScienceDirect),该平台收录期刊、图书等文献。一般来说,Elsevier出版的期刊相对质量较高,被EI和SCI收录的比例比较高,但并不是所有Elsevier出版的期刊都被EI收录。


EI是《EngineeringIndex》的缩写,这是美国工程信息公司出版的著名工程技术类综合性检索工具《工程索引》,创刊于1884年。最初是印刷版,主要的出版物是EI月刊和年度索引。 EIcompendex、EV、EIpageone都是《EngineeringIndex》发展到电子版以后衍生出来的产物。EIcompendex指EI网络版,它的数据包括了EI核心数据和扩展数据,其核心数据与EI印刷版和光盘版是一致的;EIpageone是指EI扩展版的非正式加工数据,没有Controlledterms和Classificationcode字段。EV是“EngineeringVillage”的缩写,是EI检索平台,该平台除了提供EI检索外,还可以提供其他数据库的检索,如Inspec等数据库。 Elsevier既可以指爱思唯尔公司,(是一个著名的出版发行商,出版期刊、图书专著、教科书和参考书的纸版和电子版),也可以指Elsevier数据库,即ElsevierSD(ScienceDirect),该平台收录期刊、图书等文献。一般来说,Elsevier出版的期刊相对质量较高,被EI和SCI收录的比例比较高,但并不是所有Elsevier出版的期刊都被EI收录。

求hip attack全集种子,有的发我邮箱l_evia@sina.com

同求 wangbo2143309@163.com 谢谢好人

evia greece 什么意思




Dancing With The Devil 歌词

歌曲名:Dancing With The Devil歌手:wolf gang专辑:Dancing With The DevilWolf Gang - Dancing With The Devil.If you""re the chosen oneHow does it feel to be loved by no one?If you""re the number oneWhere do you run to can you hide behind the sun?And you hide there with your demonsAnd you wait for night to come.They say that there""s no oxygen againYou""re forcing down the lies,but you always get your waySomething tells me this was all arrangedYou trick me once again.They call you LuciferThe ufb01res are burning and you look the other wayI saw the funeralI watch the Devil as he dances round meBut he dances with the fever,and spreads the plague of War.They say that there""s no oxygen againYou""re forcing down the lies,but you always get your waySomething tells me this was all arrangedYou trick me once again.Do you really want to drag me downAnd take me to the gates of Hell?No more dancing with the starsI did it all for you back thenAnd look at me now, I""m half the prisonerHalf the man, this life is resting in your hands.They say that there""s no oxygen againYou""re forcing down the lies,but you always get your waySomething tells me this was all arrangedYou trick me once againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/17419246

Circuit-Interrupting Devices应该翻译成断路设备还是短路设备?


price review什么意思?求帮助


glowing reviews是什么意思?

glowing 在这里应该是 highly enthusiastic(非常热烈/热切)的意思,这样的用法,常见的还有 glowing praisesIf a manager"s subordinates provide less than glowing reviews,that manager loses part of his or her bonus.经理人的下属如果给了不够热切的评论,该经理人会失去一部分奖金。意思就是:属下在评比时对经理的评论很重要,会影响到奖金

umbrella review这个词汇怎么翻译比较妥?


editorial reviews是什么意思

editorial reviews编辑评论如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助



系统综述(systematic reviews)


Reviews of Geophysics的缩写?

Reviews of Geophysics的缩写是:Rev.Geophy.地球物理学综述.这是一个受邀科学家在地球物理学和空间科学方面发表综述的国际性期刊。Reviews of Geophysics is an invitation-only reviews journal that provides overviews of recent research in all areas of the Earth and space sciences.





customer reviews是什么意思

customer reviews 用户评论[例句]Find customer reviews , product information and shopping sites with these search engines.通过下列搜索引擎可以查询到顾客评论、产品信息及购物地点。如对你有所帮助,请采纳或给予好评,如有其他疑问,可以向我求助,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

英语critic Reviews什么意思?

critic (名词、形容词:批评家,评论家;=critical 批评的,评论的);review 评论,回顾,审查,述评等。critic reviews 述评,评论,审阅,评析,回顾分析,评论综述,批判性的回顾

Springer一篇文章Reviews Completed一个月了,什么情况

Reviews Completed的含义是所有审稿人都审完了,等待编辑做结论。只有等结果了,估计是修改。要拒的话,拒稿下结论的速度一般会比较快

Reviews invited是不是过了初审


怎样引导买家修改Amazon review?

差评猛于虎,面对亚马逊Product reviews,一个差review往往会使我们的销量一落千丈。Product Reviews 没有时间限制,随时可以修改,移除1个差评胜过20个好评。1. Product reviews的重要性一个产品的review最能直接影响客户是否购买的决定性因素之一。无论是通过关键字搜索找到我们的产品,还是通过类目找到我们的产品。买家总是可以很直观的看到我们的产品review。产品review对我们产品的转化率影响是很大的。2. Product reviews的分类2.1 亚马逊对于商品评论给予买家言论自由的权利,所以不论买家是否购买过该商品,都可以留下相关的评论。Product reviews分为2种,一种是有购买认证的,也就是大家在页面上经常看到的Verified Purchase,还有一种就是没有购买认证的,也就是亚马逊买家没有下单,直接给的产品review。2.2 从评分综合上分,Product reviews分为3种:1-2分是差评,3分是中评,4-5分是好评 。

zencart 添加评论回复功能admin eviews.php怎么添加

  void function(e,t){for(var n=t.getElementsByTagName("img"),a=+new Date,i=[],o=function(){this.removeEventListener&&this.removeEventListener("load",o,!1),i.push({img:this,time:+new Date})},s=0;s< n.length;s++)!function(){var e=n[s];e.addEventListener?!e.complete&&e.addEventListener("load",o,!1):e.attachEvent&&e.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){"complete"==e.readyState&&o.call(e,o)})}();alog("speed.set",{fsItems:i,fs:a})}(window,document);  $rID?=?zen_db_prepare_input($_GET["rID"]);?  ?  $reviews?=?$db->Execute("select?r.reviews_id,?r.products_id,?r.customers_name,?r.customers_email,r.customers_ip,?r.date_added,?r.last_modified,?r.reviews_read,?rd.reviews_text,rd.reviews_reply,?r.reviews_rating?  from?"?.?TABLE_REVIEWS?.?"?r,?"?.?TABLE_REVIEWS_DESCRIPTION?.?"?rd?where?r.reviews_id?=?""?.?(int)$rID?.?""?and?r.reviews_id?=?rd.reviews_id");?  ???  <td?class="main"><b><?php?echo?ENTRY_RATING;??></b> <?php?echo?zen_image(DIR_WS_TEMPLATE_IMAGES?.?"stars_"?.?$rInfo->reviews_rating?.?".gif",?sprintf?  ?  (TEXT_OF_5_STARS,?  $rInfo->reviews_rating));??> <small>[<?php?echo?  sprintf(TEXT_OF_5_STARS,?$rInfo->reviews_rating);??>]</small>?<?php?if($rInfo->reviews_reply!=?null){?>?  <?php?echo?"<br?/><DIV?class="reviews_reply"><b>Reply:</b>?  ".nl2br(zen_db_output(zen_break_string($rInfo->reviews_reply,15)))."</DIV>"?>?<?php?}?>?  ?  </td>?  3.?//文件:  includesmodulespagesproduct_reviews_writeheader_php.php?//功能:保存客户IP,客户EMAIL(修正原版本BUG)?  $customers_ip?=???$_SESSION["customers_ip_address"];????  $sql?=?"INSERT?INTO?"?.?TABLE_REVIEWS?.?"?(products_id,?customers_id,customers_email,review_title,customers_name,?reviews_rating,?date_added,?status,customers_ip)?VALUES?  (:productsID,?:customersID,:customers_email,:review_title,?:customersName,?:rating,?now(),?"?.?$review_status?.?",:customers_ip)";??  var cpro_psid ="u2572954"; var cpro_pswidth =966; var cpro_psheight =120;  $sql?=?$db->bindVars($sql,?":productsID",?$_GET["products_id"],?"integer");?  $sql?=?$db->bindVars($sql,?":customersID",?(isset($_SESSION["customer_id"])?||?  $_SESSION["customer_id"]=="")?0:$_SESSION["customer_id"],?"integer");?  //?$sql?=?$db->bindVars($sql,?":customersName",?$customer->fields["customers_firstname"]?.?"?"?.?$customer->fields["customers_lastname"],?"string");?  $sql?=?$db->bindVars($sql,?":customers_email",?$customer_email,?"string");?  $sql?=?$db->bindVars($sql,?":review_title",?$review_title,?"string");?  $sql?=?$db->bindVars($sql,?":customersName",$customer_name,?"string");?  $sql?=?$db->bindVars($sql,?":rating",?$rating,?"string");?$sql?=?$db->bindVars($sql,?":customers_ip",?$customers_ip,?"string");??  $db->Execute($sql);?  ??  ?4.?//  文  件  :  includes emplatesezppt emplates pl_product_reviews_default.php?//功能:显示reviews_reply内容?  <br?/>?  <?php?if($reviews["reviewsReply"]?!=?null){?>?<?php?echo?"<DIV?class="reviews_reply">Reply:?".$reviews["reviewsReply"]?."</DIV>"?>?<?php?}?>?  5.//文件:includesmodulespagesproduct_infoheader_php.php?//功能:读取reviews_reply字段并赋值?  $reviews_query_raw?=?"SELECT?r.reviews_id,?left(rd.reviews_text,?400)?as?reviews_text,?r.reviews_rating,?r.date_added,?r.customers_name,rd.reviews_reply????????????????????????  var cpro_id = "u2845472";  ?  FROM?"?.?TABLE_REVIEWS?.?"?r,?"?.?TABLE_REVIEWS_DESCRIPTION?.?"?rd?WHERE?r.products_id?=?:productsID?AND?r.reviews_id?=?rd.reviews_id?  AND?rd.languages_id?=?:languagesID?"?.?$review_status?.?"?ORDER?BY?r.reviews_id?desc";?  ?  $reviews_query_raw?=?$db->bindVars($reviews_query_raw,?":productsID",?$_GET["products_id"],?"integer");?  $reviews_query_raw?=?$db->bindVars($reviews_query_raw,?":languagesID",?$_SESSION["languages_id"],?"integer");?$reviews_split?=?new?splitPageResults($reviews_query_raw,?MAX_DISPLAY_NEW_REVIEWS);?  $reviews?=?$db->Execute($reviews_split->sql_query);?$reviewsArray?=?array();?while?(!$reviews->EOF)?{?  $reviewsArray[]?=?array("id"=>$reviews->fields["reviews_id"],?"customersName"=>$reviews->fields["customers_name"],?"dateAdded"=>$reviews->fields["date_added"],?  "reviewsText"=>$reviews->fields["reviews_text"],?  "reviewsReply"=>$reviews->fields["reviews_reply"],//@steven?added?"reviewsRating"=>$reviews->fields["reviews_rating"]);?$reviews->MoveNext();?}?  //注意,以上代码并非连续的,请在适当位置进行修改.?引  用  :  http://hi.baidu.com/lxq73061/blog/item/3245470f1f5f83246059f3da.html

reviews completed 这是什么意思 是不是文章被毙掉了

"reviews completed" 的意思是指审稿结束,并且已经完成了对该文章的评审。这并不一定意味着文章被毙掉了,因为审稿的结果可能是接受的,也可能是拒绝的,也可能是需要修改后再审。具体的结果还需要等待编辑的处理。

mixed reviews是什么意思


Reviews Completed是什么意思

Reviews Completed 完善的评论reviewsn.回顾; 复习( review的名词复数 ); (报刊的)评论; 检阅; v.检验( review的第三人称单数 ); 复查; 写…的评论文章; 复习功课,温习功课; completed[英][ku0259m"pli:tu026ad][美][ku0259m"pli:tu026ad]adj.完整的,包含全部内容的; v.完成; 使完善( complete的过去式和过去分词 ); 使完整; 填写(表格); 例句:1.When"s the last time you completed your daily to-do list? 你上次完成你的日常工作清单是什么时候?2.The committee had just completed a two-day meeting. 该委员会刚刚结束为期两天的会议。

reviews returned是什么意思


wiley期刊的evaluating reviews是什么意思

evaluating reviews是审稿意见已回,等待编辑决定。不过不幸的是编辑决定再找多一个审稿人evaluation recommendation会在evaluating reviews后出现,关于这个状态大家说法不一,个人感觉可能是审稿意见返回后,编辑也参与审稿的一种状态


Nixon and i had a lengthy review . 尼克松和我对局势进行了详尽的审议。 Your case is ing up for review in may . 你的事情将在五月再研究。 He writes short reviews for the monthly magazines . 他为这些月刊写短评。 The play was killed by bad reviews . 那出戏被贬斥的评论扼杀了。 Our contracts are currently under review . 我们的合同正在复查。 I hope i made that clear in my review . 这一点我希望在我的书评中已说清楚。 Some review of its activities is required . 我们需要对其活动进行一些叙述。 He reviewed the miptary dispositions . 他回顾了军事部署情况。 The review was founded in 1963 . 这一评论性杂志创刊于1963年。 These have been psted in a recent review . 这些在最近的综论中已列出一览表。 The sentence would be reviewed . 判决照例要报请上级核准。 He called upon alexander to review the situation . 他请亚历山大综述当前的形势。 This subject has recently been reviewed by lete . Lete最近总结了这个专题。 There were no spdes and no financial reviews . 既没有幻灯片,也没有财务报告书。 Let us review this reasoning . 让我们回顾这个推理过程。 We arrive at the following review . 我们得出以下结论。 I am determined that this situation shall be reviewed . 我决心要重新研究这种情况。 His bitter childhood passed in review before the old man . 老人回顾了他悲惨的童年。 Let "s meet and review briefly each group "s discussion . 咱们碰一下各组讨论的情况。 Superior courts may review decisions of lower courts . 高级法院可复审下级法院的判决。 Among the reprints are a few excellent reviews . 在转载的这些文章中有一些极好的评论。 We have reviewed the whole text . 课文全复习完了。 Soldiers arrayed for review . 士兵们列队等待检阅。 These arrangements are subject to periodic reviews ... 这几项安排每隔一定时间须予复查。 While the war was raging, we reviewed our plans . 在激战正酣之际,我们审查了我们的计划。 They reviewed and rehearsed their cover story . 他们两个开始仔细推敲和排演他们编造的节目。 Parsons has reviewed the population geics pterature . Parsons给种群遗传学文献写了书评。 The review menced pubpcation in carmel, capfornia . 这家杂志创刊于加利福尼亚州的卡默尔。 These matters are under review [consideration] by the party mittee . 这些问题党委正在研究。 He read widely, and wrote innumerable reviews and articles . 他涉猎甚广,书评和论文也洋洋可观。 At poyds the concept of sponsorship is constantly being reviewed . 在劳合银行赞助的观念始终受到怀疑。 Norton has reviewed conditions of deposition of the uranium host rocks . 诺顿论述了含铀主巖的沉积条件。 Lord placed the report on a pile of others previously reviewed . 洛德把这份报告同已经审查过的放到一起。 She reviewed the heady days behind and the challenges ahead . 她回顾了过去令人伤脑筋的日子和未来的挑战。 The book was kindly and favourably reviewed in the principal papers . 这本书得到几家主要报纸的赞许和好评。 The drawing procedure is reviewed before interpreting this figure . 在解释这个图以前,先复习一下画图的方法。 An eighteenth-century satirist reviewed the troublesome period . 一位18世纪的讽刺作家对这一动乱时期作了评论。 The state medical service has been very much under review recently . 最近正在对国家的医疗事业进行认真的检查。 Since peano"s approach is very widely used we shall review it . 由于Peano的处理方法已被广泛使用,我们将介绍它。 Review of the various uranium areas shows a range in provenance . 概括各个不同的含铀区,即可得出一个来源的范围。 It would be beneficial to review the fundamental theory of electrostatics . 因此有必要对静电的基本理论作一简介。 In any other country the review would be known by a crude name . 在其它任何国家,这种调查都会得到一个难听的名字。 In the sections that follow, we shall begin with a review of newton"s laws . 从下面几节,我们将开始复习牛顿的定律。 A more pact review of a tutorial nature was pubpshed by ginzburg . 金兹伯格则发表了一篇指导性质的更简明的述评。 The system digital circuit requirements are now reviewed and modified . 现在需要对系统数字电路的要求进行分析和修改。 It is desirable to review in this book the fundamental concepts and principles . 本书拟就一些基本概念和原理作出评述。 Reviewing money matters is how i shall spend most of the six months . 六个月中大部分时间我要干的就是审理有关钱的问题。 Some methods for acppshing this program are reviewed in the following section . 下一节评议完成这一程序的一些方法。 Their review should be consulted for a more detailed description of the work . 他们的评论可作为这项工作详细记述的参考。 For individuals below the top level, quarterly reviews may be enough . 对于高层以下的人员,每季度进行一次检查可能就够了。


review 做名词的时候可数 ,意思是 回顾,复习,评论;复数形式是:reviews. 例句: The bad reviews of her new book were very hurtful to her. 对她的新书的负面评论使她很难过。 扩展资料   I clicked on a link and recent reviews of the production came up.   我点击了一个链接,最近的演出评论就出来了。   Reviews are distilled from articles previously published in the main column.   评论文章荟萃了发表于各大专栏文章的精华。   The film lost money; reviews, on the other hand, were by and large favourable.   这部电影赔了钱;但从另一方面来看,评论大体上是积极的"。   You want contemporary reviews.   你想要当代的评论。


reviews的意思中文为回顾。n.回顾;审查;评论;检讨;(review的复数)。v.复习;评论;回顾;检查;(review的第三人称单数)。复数:reviews。原形:review。第三人称单数:reviews。现在分词:reviewing。过去式:reviewed。过去分词:reviewed。网络释义:评论。综述。点评。评语。复审。双语例句:1、The coffee had perked him up long enough to tackle the reviews.咖啡使他振奋了一段时间来处理那些评论。2、A compendium of advertisements and reviews, interlarded with gossip.一份登载广告和评论的小集子,其中夹杂着一些小道传闻。3、their recent tour received rave reviews.他们近期的巡回演出受到热烈赞扬。4、your reviews are spot on.你的评论恰如其分。5、Of the reviews there is no lack of sharp criticism.所有评论中不乏激烈的批评。


卖家如何运用合规的方法为自己获得亚马逊review呢?现总结如下:1、建立客户邮件列表u271a这是一个长久的累积过程,首先需要获得目标客户的电子邮件。你的电子邮件列表可能是那些来自购买了产品,并留下评论的客户。《亚马逊Review与Feedback有什么区别?》卖家还可以访问竞争对手的亚马逊listing页面,找到目标用户电子邮件地址。2、利用各种论坛u271a你可以进入相关的论坛中,参与讨论。与其中的潜在用户群建立了良好的关系以后,你可以免费赠送一些产品给他们,请求他们在你的产品下留下亚马逊review。3、获得亚马逊review服务u271a官方允许的vine voice,俗称绿标,这是平台允许的,但投诉也不小。有条件的卖家可以去申请,但一定要记得自己亲自去弄或者找可靠的中介,切勿找到无良中介造成钱货两空还死了账号。4、充分利用客户服务u271a这一点和第一点类似,主要是从改善客户服务的切入点顺便促成客户主动留下客观的亚马逊review,而方法也是手动发邮件。

期刊直接reviews send back to author是啥意思

reviews send back to author意思是:评论发回作者。指期刊把评论发回给作者。重点词汇:author。英['u0254:θu0259(r)]释义:n.作者,著者;作家;发起者,创始人;作品。v.撰写,写作;发起,创造。[复数:authors;第三人称单数:authors;现在分词:authoring;过去式:authored;过去分词:authored]短语:implied author隐含作者;隐藏作者;隐指作者。词语使用变化:authorn.(名词)1、author的意思是“作者”,专指从事文学作品创作的人;特指男性作家;与之相对的阴性名词为authoress,但此词现已很少使用;引申可作“策划者,造成…的人”解。2、author意为“作者”,“作家”,常指文章或书的创作者,要注意同“校订者”,以及“翻译”和“编辑”区分开来。author作为“文学家”的统称时,往往单独使用。


review 是规则变化,过去分词是直接在后面加 ed即reviewed

movie reviews是什么意思

movie review[英][u02c8mu:vi riu02c8vju:][美][u02c8muvi ru026au02c8vju]n.电影评论; 例句:Related lunar eclipse 2010 december news movie review 21. 有关月食2010年12月21日新闻电影评论

efort open reviews是水刊吗


chart reviews什么意思

chart reviews 图表检阅reviews n. 回顾; 复习( review的名词复数 ); (报刊的) 评论; 检阅; v. 检验( review的第三人称单数 ); 复查; 写…的评论文章; 复习功课,温习功课; [例句]I clicked on a link and recent reviews of the production came up.我点击了一个链接,有关该剧的最新评论弹了出来。

Reviews Completed是什么意思

Reviews Completed的中文翻译_百度翻译Reviews Completed回顾完成

英语like a line of soldiers on review怎么翻译?

like a line of soldiers on review字面意思‘就像一排正在接受检查的士兵"‘就像一排正在被检阅的士兵

工程塑料的UL簧卡报告 last revised 是什么意思?

last revised意思是上次修订的时间,UL报告的参数会一直完善和增补的,所以会有更新修订。

Last Revised是什么意思?


under revised这是什么意思

under revised 根据修订后的


《1941年美国对外贸易定义修订本》(Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941)是由美国几个商业团体制定并经美国全国对外贸易会议修改的贸易术语定义。《美国对外贸易定义》中所解释的贸易术语共有六种,分别为:ue004① Ex(Point of Origin)(产地交货);② FOB(Free on Board)(在运输工具上交货);③ FAS(Free Along Side)(在运输工具旁边交货);④ C&F(Costand Freight)(成本加运费);⑤ CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight)(成本加保险费、运费);⑥ Ex Dock(NamedPort of Importation)(目的港码头交货)。《美国对外贸易定义》主要在北美国家采用。由于它对贸易术语的解释,特别是对第2和第3种术语的解释与国际商会《国际贸易术语解释通则》有明显的差异,所以,在同北美国家进行交易时应加以注意。在《美国对外贸易定义》的序言中也明确指出,本定义并无法律的约束力,除非有专门的立法规定或为法院判决所认可,为使其对有关当事人产生法律上的约束力,建议买卖双方接受此定义作为买卖合同的一个组成部分。(www.iir.gd.cn)

Moderate revise是什么意思

Moderate revise 适度的修改

After I revised it和After I revising it的区别



revised diagnosis综检诊断;诊断修改;修正诊断双语例句1Application of Revised McDonald Criteria in Children with Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis McDonald修订标准在儿童多发性硬化诊断中的应用2Objective In order to explore practical values of the revised Duck criteria for diagnosis and treatment of pediatric infective endocarditis ( IE). 目的探讨修改后Duck标准对儿童感染性心内膜炎(IE)的诊断和治疗价值。

revised version review什么意思

就是你的文章修改后再投,重新被under review

Revised Version是什么意思


审核论文以Revised and resubmitted 什么意思?


The newly revised为啥副词在中间


revised letter是什么?




Revised Version是什么意思

Revised Version修订版双语对照词典结果:Revised Versionn.<圣经>钦定英译本修订版; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Finally, lexus unveiled a revised version of its durable lx 570 with seating foreight. 最后,雷克萨斯(Lexus)也展出了老车型LX570的8座改款.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

revise 后面跟什么

revise my paper这种,跟宾语。

修订是revise 那新订该怎么翻译呢

new edtion! 国际权威翻译的 请参照新概念英语的 新版

revised price是什么意思



vt. 修正;复习;校订vi. 修订;校订;复习功课n. 修订;校订及物动词后面可加名词作为宾语 ,作为名词,可作为动词do的宾语,do some revise


revised的意思:改变。一、基本解释1、事物发生显著的差别 : 你不可能根本改变人的本性 然而这一回,她的境遇却~得非常大。——鲁迅《祝福》2、改换;更动: ~供电线路室内布置改变一下,给人一种新鲜舒适感3、是对现状的不满,在当下通过学习做出调整和变化,使在未来实现想要的结果。二、引证释义1、变化,事物产生显著的差别。《孔子家语·弟子行》:“ 祈奚 曰:‘每位改变,未知所止,是以不敢得知也。"”唐白居易《重到渭上旧居》诗:“人物日改变,举目悲所遇。”宋罗大经《鹤林玉露》卷十二:“ 杜陵诗云:‘雨晴山不改,晴罢峡如新。"言或雨或晴,山之体本无改变。”茅盾《喜剧》:“经过了五年,这世界的一切当真并没有丝毫的改变么?”2、改换;更改。《全唐诗》卷八九九载《贺圣朝》词:“ 长安道上行客,依旧利深名切。改变容颜,消磨今古,陇头残月。”明黄元吉《流星马》第二折:“小生黄廷道 ,自离了京师,改变了衣服,随身带些乾粮。”巴金《怀念萧珊》:“她想改变自己的生活,不愿作家庭妇女,却又缺少吃苦耐劳的勇气。”三、相关名言1、环境改变的程度越高。——华生2、如果你不满意现在的环境,你就必须改变脑中的思想。如果你的想法是正面的,你会得到正面的结果;如果你的想法是负面的,你一定会得到负面的结果。——陈安之3、分形几何不仅展示了数学之美,也揭示了世界的本质,还改变了人们理解自然奥秘的方式;可以说分形几何是真正描述大自然的几何学,对它的研究也极大地拓展了人类的认知疆域。——周海中


revise是修正的意思。revise作为及物动词表示修正、复习、校订的意思,作为不及物动词表示修订、校订、复习功课,作为名词表示修订、校订。Revise作为人名代表(法)勒维斯。相关例句:With time he came to revise his opinion of the profession随着时间的推移,他开始修正自己对这一职业的看法。






revised 英[ru026a"vau026azd] 美[ru026a"vau026azd] adj. 经过修订(或校正)的; v. 修正; 修订( revise的过去式和过去分词 ) 改变; [主英国英语] 复习; [网络] 修改; [例句]I send you my revised catalog and price-list, In the hope that you may find something to suit you.兹寄上经过修订的商品目录和价目表。有些可能对贵方合适。[其他] 形近词: advised devised televised

Dance With The Devil 歌词

歌曲名:Dance With The Devil歌手:Wil专辑:Both HandsBreaking Benjamin - Dance With The DevilHere I stand, helpless and left for dead.Cleave your eyes, so many days gone by.Easy to find what"s wrong,harder to find what"s right.I believe in you, I can show youthat I can see right through all your empty lies.I won"t stay long, in this world so long.Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,as we dance with the devil tonight.Trembling, crawling across my skin.Feeling your cold dead eyes,stealing the life of mine.I believe in you, I can show youthat I can see right through all your empty lies.I won"t last long, in this world so wrong.Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,as we dance with the devil tonight.Hold on, hold on.Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,as we dance with the devil tonight.Hold on, hold on.http://music.baidu.com/song/2901604

In Flames-Evil In A Closet的歌词谁帮忙翻译下啊 谢谢了


Gato Barbieri的《Evil Eyes》 歌词

歌曲名:Evil Eyes歌手:Gato Barbieri专辑:TropicoArt: ASHTit:EVIL EYEBY:FantasticdesireShe"s giving me the evil eyeA poison smileAsking if I will stayA whileI made a promise to the nightIn bloodI signedThe lineGiving me the evil eyeI can"t denyOh that girl, she"s so damn fineDivine, so fineBound through all space and timeShivers running down my spineGiving me the evil eyeShe"s mineSinister parasiteShe occupiesEvery little space insideMy mindCorrupt thoughts here enshrinedSo clandestineSublimeGiving me the evil eyeI can"t denyOh that girl, she"s so damn fineDivine, so fineBound through all space and timeShivers running down my spineGiving me the evil eyeShe"s mineLove is pain and love is blindYou don"t know when you cross that linePretty soon you"re intertwinedWith this girlThunder rolls and lightning strikesBut you don"t know what it"s likeTo be all torn up insideIn this worldGiving me the evil eyeI can"t denyOh that girl, she"s so damn fineDivine, so fineBound through all space and timeShivers running down my spineGiving me the evil eyeShe"s mine; all minePromised to a valentineForever when the twelve bells chimeGiving me the evil eyeShe"s mine(Music fades)http://music.baidu.com/song/8134528

Styx的《Evil Eyes》 歌词

歌曲名:Evil Eyes歌手:Styx专辑:The Complete Wooden Nickel RecordingsArt: ASHTit:EVIL EYEBY:FantasticdesireShe"s giving me the evil eyeA poison smileAsking if I will stayA whileI made a promise to the nightIn bloodI signedThe lineGiving me the evil eyeI can"t denyOh that girl, she"s so damn fineDivine, so fineBound through all space and timeShivers running down my spineGiving me the evil eyeShe"s mineSinister parasiteShe occupiesEvery little space insideMy mindCorrupt thoughts here enshrinedSo clandestineSublimeGiving me the evil eyeI can"t denyOh that girl, she"s so damn fineDivine, so fineBound through all space and timeShivers running down my spineGiving me the evil eyeShe"s mineLove is pain and love is blindYou don"t know when you cross that linePretty soon you"re intertwinedWith this girlThunder rolls and lightning strikesBut you don"t know what it"s likeTo be all torn up insideIn this worldGiving me the evil eyeI can"t denyOh that girl, she"s so damn fineDivine, so fineBound through all space and timeShivers running down my spineGiving me the evil eyeShe"s mine; all minePromised to a valentineForever when the twelve bells chimeGiving me the evil eyeShe"s mine(Music fades)http://music.baidu.com/song/9676288

narrative review是什么意思



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review-level,sentence-level和phraselevel复习水平,句子层次和短语层次重点词汇释义phrase成语; 乐句; 说法; <语>短语; 叙述,措词; 划分乐句,分乐节level水平,水准; 水平线,水平面; 水平仪; 电平; 水平的; 同高度的;

Kevin Lyttle的《Turn Me On》 歌词

歌曲名:Turn Me On歌手:Kevin Lyttle专辑:D"Soca Zone: The 2Nd WineOh,yea...ah ah ah.....Is ah big dancehall song in knowMadzard alongside Kevin LyttleYou know how it isYou know how we goYou knowFor the longest while we jamming in the partyAnd you wining on mePushing everything upRight back on top of me,(Tea-hey-ai)But if you thing you"re gonna get away from meYou better change your mindYou"re going home.......You"re going home with me tonightLet me hold youGirl caress my bodyYou got me going crazyYou turn me onTurn me on...Let me jam youGirl wine all around meYou got me going crazyYou turn me onTurn me on...The girl ya nah go get way tonightif she think madd man nah go fightMe done feed her with popcorn and SpriteNow she whar come fly way like kiteOne hand on the ground andBumper clock sky highWining hard on meGot my PythonHollerin" for mercy-yea hey-aiThen I whisper in her earSo wine harderAnd then she said to meBoy push that thingPush it harder back on meSo...Let me hold youGirl caress me bodyYou got me going crazyYou turn me onTurn me on......Let me jam youGirl wine all around meYou got me going crazyYou turn me onTurn me on......Girl just hug me,hug meKiss me,squeeze meHug me,hug meKiss and caress meThe girl ya nah go get way tonightIf she think madd man nah go fightMe done feed her with popcorn and SpriteNow she whar come fly like kiteFor the longest while we jamming in the partyAnd you"re wining on mePushing everything upRight back on top of me(tea-hey-ai)But if you think you"re gonna get away from meYou better change you"re mindYou"re going home.......Your going home with me tonightNahnananana...eahhh...yeahhhYeah...yeah..yeah...eahOuhhhh...yeah...http://music.baidu.com/song/8231112

You _____ television. Why not do something more active? A.always watch B.are always watchin.

B 试题分析:考查时态。现在进行时与always连用表示感情色彩,有表扬的意思,也有批评的意思。句意:你总是在看电视,为什么不做一些更积极的事情呢?故B正确。点评:本题考查了现在进行时的特殊用法。现在进行时与always连用表示感情色彩,有表扬的意思,也有批评的意思。

1.The (hot)( )city in Europe is Seville in Spain.?

.The (hot)( hottest )city in Europe is Seville in Spain. 【比较级加est,Hot 要双写t】 2.The (cold)( coldest ) town in the world is in Siberia,Russia. 【同上】 3.The Andes in South America are the (long)( longest )line of mountains in the world. 4.The (windy)( windiest )place in the world is in Antarctica. 【辅音字母加y结尾的,去y 加上est】 5.I live in the (good)( best )country in the world! 【good,better,best】 二.用所给的形容词副词的适当形式填空: 1.This is the ( the most interesting )(interesting)cartoon I have ever seen! 【多音节的最高级前加 the most 2.My coffee is not so ( nice )(nice)as the coffee my mother makes. 3.The little boy wants to know which cake is the( most delicious )(delicious). 4.Two heads are( better )(good)than one. 5.Shanghai is ( larger )(large)than Nanjing. 6.David is the ( tallest )(tall)boy in his class. 7.This grammar book is much( more useful )(useful)than that one. 8.I think English is ( more interesting )(interesting)than any other subject. 9.Li Lei speaks English ( best )(well)in his group. 10.Lucy runs( slowlier )(slowly)than Lily. 三.改正下列句子中的一处错误 1.Tom es to school late than Jim.( late改为later ) 2.Which do you like better, cats,dogs,or chickens?( better改为best ) 3.Who is old est in our class?( oldest 改为 the oldest ) 4.He thinks math is importanter than Chinese.( important改为 more important ) 5.This work is very harder than that one.( very 改为much ) 6.He lives farer than any other student in your class. (farer改为fathe,7,1.The (hot)( hotest )city in Europe is Seville in Spain. 2.The (cold)( coldest ) town in the world is in Siberia,Russia. 3.The Andes in South America are the (long)( longest ...,2,hottest coldest longest most windy best most interesting nice most delicious better larger tallest more useful more intersting best more slowly,2,1.The (hot)( )city in Europe is Seville in Spain. 2.The (cold)( ) town in the world is in Siberia,Russia. 3.The Andes in South America are the (long)( )line of mountains in the world. 4.The (windy)( )place in the world is in Antarctica. 5.I live in the (good)( )country in the world! 二.用所给的形容词副词的适当形式填空: 1.This is the ( )(interesting)cartoon I have ever seen! 2.My coffee is not so ( )(nice)as the coffee my mother makes. 3.The little boy wants to know which cake is the( )(delicious). 4.Two heads are( )(good)than one. 5.Shanghai is ( )(large)than Nanjing. 6.David is the ( )(tall)boy in his class. 7.This grammar book is much( )(useful)than that one. 8.I think English is ( )(interesting)than any other subject. 9.Li Lei speaks English ( )(well)in his group. 10.Lucy runs( )(slowly)than Lily. 三.改正下列句子中的一处错误 1.Tom es to school late than Jim.( ) 2.Which do you like better,cats,dogs,or chickens?( ) 3.Who is old est in our class?( ) 4.He thinks math is importanter than Chinese.( ) 5.This work is very harder than that one.( ) 6.He lives farer than any other student in your class.
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