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casual 英 ["kæʒjʊəl; -zj-] 美 ["kæʒʊəl]adj. 随便的;非正式的;临时的;偶然的n. 便装;临时工人;待命士兵evening 英 ["iːv(ə)nɪŋ] 美 ["ivnɪŋ]n. 晚上;傍晚;(联欢性的)晚会;后期adj. 在晚上的;为晚上的;晚上用的int. 晚上好(等于good evening)希望能帮到您,祝您学习愉快

I found that my cheating in yesterday"s English test____to my parents that very evening.






i"m free this evening otherwise是什么意思?重点是otherwise.



Morning(上午)指从日出到正午;afternoon(下午)指从正午到日落或下午工作结束;evening(晚上)指从日落到一天工作的结束或就寝。2. 用作口语招呼语在口语中打招呼时,通常用good morning (afternoon, evening) 等。如:Good morning! How are you doing? 早上好,你怎么样?Good evening, everybody. 大家晚上好。(广播员用语)Good afternoon. Terrible weather, isn"t it? 下午好! 天气真糟,是不是?但在非正式场合,有时可把good省略掉,以显得更随便一些。如:Morning, George. 早上好,乔治。Afternoon, Diana. 下午好,戴安娜。3. 关于冠词的使用(1) 在通常情况下要与定冠词连用。如:I"ll be back in the afternoon. 我下午回来。An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 早上一小时抵晚上两小时。(2) 若受形容词修饰,表示“某一种”之类的意思时,通常可用不定冠词。如:He visited her on a rainy morning. 他在一个下雨的早晨去拜访了她。We met on a cold afternoon in early spring. 我们是在早春季节一个寒冷的下午见面的。注意,on a cold winter evening与one cold winter evening同义,均表示“在一个寒冬的下午”,前者用不定冠词,要用介词on;后者用one,其前不用介词。(3) 若不强调时间的期间,而强调时间的起点,则习惯上不用冠词。如:Afternoon came, and it was time for them to leave. 下午到了,是他们起程的时候了。It happened towards evening the next day. 这事发生在次日傍晚。When morning came, I found that she had left. 天亮了,我发现她已走了。比较:Night began to fall. 夜幕开始降临。4. 关于复数的使用(1) 有时可复数形式表示经常性。如:Plenty of shops open on Sunday mornings. 周日上午很多商店营业。Some people work best in the mornings; others do better in the evenings. 有人上午工作效率最高;有人晚上工作效果好。(2) 有时其复数形式可直接用作副词,表示每天上午、下午或晚上或任何一天的上午、下午或晚上。如:I only work mornings. 我只在上午工作。Afternoons, he works at home. 下午他都在家工作。He goes out drinking most evenings. 晚上他差不多都到外边喝酒。5. 与介词的搭配(1) 泛指一般意义的上午、下午或晚上,通常与介词 in 连用;若是特指具体某一天的上午、下午或晚上,则与介词 on 连用。如:You must get up earlier in the morning. 你早晨必须起早一点。Generally she remained in on Sunday evening. 一般说来星期天晚上她都留在家里。但是当 afternoon, morning, evening 等词与early, late 连用时,即使它有定语修饰特指具体某一天的上午、下午或晚上,也通常用介词in。如:He arrived in the early morning of April the first. 他于4月1日清晨到达。(2) 在 this (yesterday, tomorrow) afternoon 这类短语中通常不用 in, on, at 这样的介词,但若语境需要,它可以与 after, by, before, until, from等介词连用。如:He didn"t come back until yesterday afternoon. 直到昨天下午他才回来。By tomorrow afternoon I ought to have finished the job. 到明天下午的时候我应该把这工作做完了。6. 汉语说“每天上午”“一天傍晚”等,英语只需说 every morning, one evening 等即可,不能直译为 every day morning, one day evening等。-------------如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢。



morning afternoon evening night究竟分别指几点到几点?




晚安 goodnight 和goodevening是不是都能通用



good evening中文意思是晚上好,用于问候,一般指傍晚。good的英式读法是[ɡʊd];美式读法是[ɡʊd]。作形容词意思有好的;上等的;优秀的。作名词意思有好处;善行。在这里good常作为礼貌用语或敬语用在称呼中。evening的英式读法是["iːvnɪŋ];美式读法是["iːvnɪŋ]。    作名词意思有晚上;傍晚;晚会。相关例句:God bless you and good evening.上帝保佑你和晚上好。一、good的单词用法adj. (形容词)1、good在句中作定语时,表示“好的,愉快的”。good在句中用作表语时,表示善用(某物),善于处理(某事),善待(某人),后接for可表示“有益的,合适的”,后接to可表示“对…友善的”,后接at可表示“精通的,熟练的”。good用作表语时,其后还可接动词不定式。2、good and+形容词,在美国口语中常用来加强语气,表示“很”,等于very。3、It"s good of sb 和It"s good for sb 都可接to do sth,但含义不同。前者重在“人”很好,后者重在“事”很好。4、the good常可表示一类人或事。二、evening的单词用法n. (名词)1、evening作“傍晚,黄昏,晚上”解时,指晚饭后、下班后或者日落后到就寝前这段时间,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。evening还可作联欢性、娱乐性的“晚会”解,这时是可数名词。2、一般说在晚上用介词in,但当evening前有修饰成分如“某日的晚上”或“星期…的晚上”时用on,但当其前又有时间状语时, on也可换为in。evening与this, that, tomorrow, yesterday, every, all, next等限定词连用时相当于副词短语,其前不用介词。3、复数形式的evenings指不断重复的晚上,起强调作用。4、当表示某〔有〕一个晚上时,如其前没有定冠词,则通常用数词one而不用不定冠词a(n)。5、在表示“过去某一天的晚上”可用the previous evening或the evening before; 表示“过去某一天的次日晚上”可以说the following evening。

good afternoon, good evening and goodnight啥剧


“good evening”和“ good night ”有什么区别呢?!!


good evening和good night 的区别?


什么时候用good evening 和good night


good evening和good night 的区别

分不清at night和in the night?不知道什么时候该说good evening?一起来学习吧!



说出tomorrow,the day aftertomorrow,evening各是什么意思

tomorrow--副词;名词,解作明日,不久的将来; the day aftertomorrow--词组,解作后日; evening--名词,解作晚上;傍晚;黄昏.

despite all the policemen"s questions, the suspect affirmed that he had been at home all evening



分不清at night和in the night?不知道什么时候该说good evening?一起来学习吧!




分不清at night和in the night?不知道什么时候该说good evening?一起来学习吧!

night 和evening的区别具体点

分不清at night和in the night?不知道什么时候该说good evening?一起来学习吧!

英语的晚上是不是night和evening ?



实际上evening是晚上10点前,而night是10点后,不过在我们中国一般不用区分那么清,而在英语国家是这样区分的.Evening是“傍晚、晚间”,尤其是指下午6点到晚上10点,人们在用这个词时一般指晚上就寝之前这段时间,它的反义词是morning.Night是指“夜晚、黑夜”,尤其是指深夜,也就是晚上10点至午夜这段时间。它的反义词是day.Afternoon是指吃过午饭的时间。下午下了班或过了正常工作时间是evening.到了睡觉的时候便从evening转为night.Evening 和night都是指晚上,但两者并不完全相同。他们的区别是:Evening是“傍晚、晚上”,尤其是指下午6点到晚上10点前,一般指晚上就寝之前这段时间,它的反义词是morning。Night是指“夜晚、黑夜”,是指晚上10点至午夜这段时间。它的反义词是day.下午下了班或过了正常工作时间是evening.到了睡觉的时候便从evening转为night。注意:Good evening有Hello的意思。而Good night有Goodbye的意思,不能用作打招呼


evening是指日落到夜晚这一段人还在活动、交际的时间,比如晚上时间与朋友遇见了,可以说一声good evening~ night一般是指深夜、入睡的时刻.good night就是晚安的意思了. 在介词方面也不一样,at night是指在深夜,night从理解上可以理解为一个点,at midnight在午夜,at noon在正午,同样理解.而in the evening则是泛指在晚上,在晚上这个时间段,象在早上这一段时间里一样in the morning~



英语中:Good morning、 Good afternoon、Good evening、Good night 分别是指几点到几点?



Evening 和night都是指晚上,但两者并不完全相同。他们的区别是:Evening是“傍晚、晚上”,尤其是指下午6点到晚上10点前,一般指晚上就寝之前这段时间,它的反义词是morning。Night是指“夜晚、黑夜”,是指晚上10点至午夜这段时间。它的反义词是day.下午下了班或过了正常工作时间是evening.到了睡觉的时候便从evening转为night。注意:Good evening有Hello的意思。而Good night有Goodbye的意思,不能用作打招呼

Cattle _____well in the counry maket at present,accoding to the evening news.

have been sold

the only funny things we heard that evening came from the advertiser at

the only funny things 是指代广告主说的很多有趣的事情,所以用了复试形式,加了s那天晚上我们听到的唯一有趣的事情是在节目开始时的广告主所说的。

The only funny things we heard that evening came from the advertiser at the beginning of the

如果翻译是一对一就麻烦了。that 那个很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^

previous evening到底是什么意思?前一天?昨天?过去的随便某一天?


A lesson in caring原文 开头为It was a cold evening

A lesson in caring  It was a cold evening and my daughter and I were walking up Broadway. I didn"t notice a guy sitting inside a cardboard box. But Nora did. She wasn"t even four, but she pulled at my coat and said, “That man"s cold, Daddy. Can we take him home?”  I don"t remember my reply. But I do remember a sudden heavy feeling inside me. I had always been delighted at how much my daughter noticed in her world, whether it was birds on flight or children playing. But now she was noticing suffering and beggary.  A few days later, I saw an article in the newspaper about volunteers who picked up a food package from a nearby school on a Sunday morning and delivered it to an elderly person. It was quick and easy. I signed us up. Nora was excited about it. She could understand the importance of food, so she could easily see how valuable our job was. When Sunday came, she was ready, but I had to push myself to leave the house. On the way to the school, I fought an urge to turn back . The Sunday paper and coffee were waiting at home. Why do this? Still, we phoned the elderly person we"d been appointed. She invited us right over.  The building was in a sad state. Facing us was a silver-haired woman in an old dress. She took the package and asked us to come in. Nora ran inside. I unwillingly followed. Once inside, I saw the apartment belonged to someone poor. Our hostess showed us some photos. Nora played and when it came time to say good-bye, we three hugged. I walked home in tears.  Professionals call such a visit a “volunteer opportunity.” They are opportunities, I"ve come to see. Where else but as volunteers do you have the opportunity to do something enjoyable that"s good for others as well as for yourself? Nora and I regularly serve meals to needy people and   collect clothes for the homeless. Yet, as I"ve watched her grow over these past four years, I still wonder—which of us has benefited more?

A lesson in caring原文 开头为It was a cold evening

A lesson in caring  It was a cold evening and my daughter and I were walking up Broadway. I didn"t notice a guy sitting inside a cardboard box. But Nora did. She wasn"t even four, but she pulled at my coat and said, “That man"s cold, Daddy. Can we take him home?”  I don"t remember my reply. But I do remember a sudden heavy feeling inside me. I had always been delighted at how much my daughter noticed in her world, whether it was birds on flight or children playing. But now she was noticing suffering and beggary.  A few days later, I saw an article in the newspaper about volunteers who picked up a food package from a nearby school on a Sunday morning and delivered it to an elderly person. It was quick and easy. I signed us up. Nora was excited about it. She could understand the importance of food, so she could easily see how valuable our job was. When Sunday came, she was ready, but I had to push myself to leave the house. On the way to the school, I fought an urge to turn back . The Sunday paper and coffee were waiting at home. Why do this? Still, we phoned the elderly person we"d been appointed. She invited us right over.  The building was in a sad state. Facing us was a silver-haired woman in an old dress. She took the package and asked us to come in. Nora ran inside. I unwillingly followed. Once inside, I saw the apartment belonged to someone poor. Our hostess showed us some photos. Nora played and when it came time to say good-bye, we three hugged. I walked home in tears.  Professionals call such a visit a “volunteer opportunity.” They are opportunities, I"ve come to see. Where else but as volunteers do you have the opportunity to do something enjoyable that"s good for others as well as for yourself? Nora and I regularly serve meals to needy people and   collect clothes for the homeless. Yet, as I"ve watched her grow over these past four years, I still wonder—which of us has benefited more?

She kept it tied to a tree in a field during the day and went to fetch it every evening怎么两个动词


evening feed是什么意思

feed: n.喂送,饲料(尤指粗饲料);一次喂给的饲料量evening:晚上的、傍晚的,如evening paper/post指晚报evening feed主要可指晚上一顿喂养,或晚上一顿喂养的量

Barbara is easy to recognize as she"s the only one of the women who ___ evening dress.

is B


evening[英]["i:vnɪŋ][美][ˈivnɪŋ]n.傍晚;黄昏;晚会;晚年,衰退期,末期adj.在晚上的;为晚上的;晚上用的int.晚上好复数: evenings双语例句1.She"s a regular attender at evening classes.她按时上夜校学习。2.dressed in formal evening attire穿着晚礼服3.a balmy summer evening清爽宜人的夏夜4.I spent a pleasant evening chez the Stewarts.我在斯图尔特家度过了一个愉快的夜晚。5.All evening her husband contradicted everything she said.整个晚上她说什么丈夫都反驳。


evening [英]["i:vnɪŋ][美][ˈivnɪŋ] n. 傍晚;黄昏;晚会;晚年,衰退期,末期 adj. 在晚上的;为晚上的;晚上用的 int. 晚上好 复数:evenings 双语例句 1. She"s a regular attender at evening classes. 她按时上夜校学习. 2. dressed in formal evening attire 穿着晚礼服 3. a balmy summer evening 清爽宜人的夏夜 4. I spent a pleasant evening chez the Stewarts. 我在斯图尔特家度过了一个愉快的夜晚. 5. All evening her husband contradicted everything she said. 整个晚上她说什么丈夫都反驳.






evening[英][ˈi:vnɪŋ][美][ˈivnɪŋ]n.傍晚; 黄昏; 晚会; 晚年,衰退期,末期; adj.在晚上的; 为晚上的; 晚上用的; int.晚上好; 复数:evenings以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I"m sure you looked beautiful that evening. 我确信那天晚上你风光极了。2.Now I get ready earlier in the evening. 现在晚上的时候我早点准备好。


傍晚;黄昏;晚会;晚年,衰退期,末期 在晚上的;为晚上的;晚上用的 晚上好 复数:evenings




evening [英]["i:vnɪŋ][美][ˈivnɪŋ] n. 傍晚;黄昏;晚会;晚年,衰退期,末期 adj. 在晚上的;为晚上的;晚上用的 int. 晚上好 复数:evenings 双语例句 1. She"s a regular attender at evening classes. 她按时上夜校学习. 2. dressed in formal evening attire 穿着晚礼服 3. a balmy summer evening 清爽宜人的夏夜 4. I spent a pleasant evening chez the Stewarts. 我在斯图尔特家度过了一个愉快的夜晚. 5. All evening her husband contradicted everything she said. 整个晚上她说什么丈夫都反驳.


evening 英["i:vnɪŋ]美[ˈivnɪŋ]n. 傍晚;黄昏;晚会;晚年,衰退期,末期adj. 在晚上的;为晚上的;晚上用的int. 晚上好[例句]The event made the evening news.该事件在晚间新闻受到广泛报道。




evening前是用in, in the evening在晚上时间介词on、in、和at的用法与区别如下:1、on表示某一天或某一天的某段时间。如:on Monday afternoon 在周一下午on March 7th 在3月7日on March 7th, 1998. 在1998年3月7日2、in时间范围大(一天以上),表示在某年、某季节、某月、某周、某天和某段时间。如:in a year在一年中in spring 在春季in a week 在一周中3、at时间最短,表示某个具体时刻。如:at this time of the year 在一年中的这个时候at the moment 在那一时刻at that time 在那时习惯用法:at night、at noon扩展资料介词at、in、on的其他用法:一、at的用法1、表示地点:在...(地点),常用于小地方。如:After a long walk they arrived ata farmhouse at last. 经过长途跋涉,他们终于到了一家农舍。2、表示位置:在...旁边。如:The school bus will be ready atthe gate at eight tomorrow. 明天8点在校门口有校车等候。3、表示方向。如:He aimed atthe little bird. 他瞄准那只小鸟。二、in的用法1、表示地点、场所。如:China is inAsia.中国位于亚洲。2、表示“穿着、戴着(衣服、帽子等)”。如:The girl inred is Li Ming"s sister. 穿红衣服的女孩是李明的妹妹。3、表示“用...(语言)”。如:I can read stories inEnglish. 我可以看(用)英语(写的)故事。三、on的用法1、表示位置“在...上”(与物体接触)。如:He put his pen onthe table.他把他的钢笔放在桌子上。2、表示“关于”(表示关系)。如:What about your idea onthe subject? 关于这个问题你有什么看法?



英语evening night各指几点 凌晨怎么说呢

evening是指下午5点之后到10点之前 (也有说话是9点之前) night是指10点之后到午夜12点 凌晨 early morning

night 和evening的区别

分不清at night和in the night?不知道什么时候该说good evening?一起来学习吧!


evening[美] [ˈivnɪŋ] [英] [ˈiːvniŋ] 名词傍晚;晚上[可数名词][不可数名词]I"ll do my homework in the evening. 我将在晚上做作业。后期;末期;衰落期[S1]He was still very active in the evening of his life. 他在晚年时仍很活跃。晚会;晚上娱乐时间[可数名词]Please come to our English evening on Saturday. 请参加我们星期六的英语晚会。

evening和night区别 evening和night具体区别

evening和night区别如下。 1、表示的时间不同:evening是“傍晚、夜间”,尤其是指6点到晚上10点,人们在用这个词时一般指晚上就寝之前这段时间,它的反义词是day。下午下了班或过了正常时间是evening,到了睡觉的时候便从evening转为night。night一般是指深夜、入睡的时刻。good night就是晚安的意思了。 2、介词不同:night前用介词at,而evening前用in,还要加上介词the。 3、词组表示的时间不同:at night是指在深夜,night从理解上可以理解为一个点,at midnight在午夜,at noon在正午。而in the evening则是泛指在晚上,在晚上这个时间段。


分不清at night和in the night?不知道什么时候该说good evening?一起来学习吧!




晚上英语的读音是:英 [ˈiːvnɪŋ]  美 [ˈiːvnɪŋ] eveningn. 晚上,傍晚;晚会,晚间活动;暮年,晚年int. 晚上好(good evening 的简称)adj. 在晚上的,为晚上的复数:evenings例句:1、The evening passed enjoyably. 这个晚上过得很愉快。2、Doubts nagged me all evening. 我一晚上都没有摆脱心中的疑虑。相关短语:in the evening 在晚上good evening 晚上好yesterday evening 昨天晚上,前晚tomorrow evening 明天晚上evening party 晚会evening dress 夜礼服


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evening前是用in, in the evening在晚上时间介词on、in、和at的用法与区别如下:1、on表示某一天或某一天的某段时间。如:on Monday afternoon 在周一下午on March 7th 在3月7日on March 7th, 1998. 在1998年3月7日2、in时间范围大(一天以上),表示在某年、某季节、某月、某周、某天和某段时间。如:in a year在一年中in spring 在春季in a week 在一周中3、at时间最短,表示某个具体时刻。如:at this time of the year 在一年中的这个时候at the moment 在那一时刻at that time 在那时习惯用法:at night、at noon扩展资料介词at、in、on的其他用法:一、at的用法1、表示地点:在...(地点),常用于小地方。如:After a long walk they arrived ata farmhouse at last. 经过长途跋涉,他们终于到了一家农舍。2、表示位置:在...旁边。如:The school bus will be ready atthe gate at eight tomorrow. 明天8点在校门口有校车等候。3、表示方向。如:He aimed atthe little bird. 他瞄准那只小鸟。二、in的用法1、表示地点、场所。如:China is inAsia.中国位于亚洲。2、表示“穿着、戴着(衣服、帽子等)”。如:The girl inred is Li Ming"s sister. 穿红衣服的女孩是李明的妹妹。3、表示“用...(语言)”。如:I can read stories inEnglish. 我可以看(用)英语(写的)故事。三、on的用法1、表示位置“在...上”(与物体接触)。如:He put his pen onthe table.他把他的钢笔放在桌子上。2、表示“关于”(表示关系)。如:What about your idea onthe subject? 关于这个问题你有什么看法?

previous evening到底是什么意思?前一天?昨天

  previous evening的中文翻译  previous evening  前一天晚上  双语例句  1  He had started the previous evening, and had only returned an hour since.  他昨天傍晚动身的,一小时前才回来。  2  He had dropped several hints that he knew where Mary had spent the previous evening.  他几次暗示,他知道玛莉前一天晚上待在哪里。



到底是on the evening还是in the evening

①on表示在具体某一天及具体某一天的上午、下午和晚上.例:on the morning of July 2,on Sunday afternoon,on a cold winter evening② 当early,late用于句首修饰介词短语时,尽管表示具体某一天的上午、下午、晚上,都要用in,泛指一般的上、下午,晚上也用in .例:Early in the morning of National Day,I got up to catch the first bus to the zoo.③当 morning.afternoon.evening有前位定语或后置定语限定时.就不用in而用on.例:on a hot (summer) noon,on Monday morning,on the morning of March望采纳

evening 什么意思



分不清at night和in the night?不知道什么时候该说good evening?一起来学习吧!

good evening和good night有什么区别?


evening前是用in, in the evening在晚上时间介词on、in、和at的用法与区别如下:1、on表示某一天或某一天的某段时间。如:on Monday afternoon 在周一下午on March 7th 在3月7日on March 7th, 1998. 在1998年3月7日2、in时间范围大(一天以上),表示在某年、某季节、某月、某周、某天和某段时间。如:in a year在一年中in spring 在春季in a week 在一周中3、at时间最短,表示某个具体时刻。如:at this time of the year 在一年中的这个时候at the moment 在那一时刻at that time 在那时习惯用法:at night、at noon扩展资料介词at、in、on的其他用法:一、at的用法1、表示地点:在...(地点),常用于小地方。如:After a long walk they arrived ata farmhouse at last. 经过长途跋涉,他们终于到了一家农舍。2、表示位置:在...旁边。如:The school bus will be ready atthe gate at eight tomorrow. 明天8点在校门口有校车等候。3、表示方向。如:He aimed atthe little bird. 他瞄准那只小鸟。二、in的用法1、表示地点、场所。如:China is inAsia.中国位于亚洲。2、表示“穿着、戴着(衣服、帽子等)”。如:The girl inred is Li Ming"s sister. 穿红衣服的女孩是李明的妹妹。3、表示“用...(语言)”。如:I can read stories inEnglish. 我可以看(用)英语(写的)故事。三、on的用法1、表示位置“在...上”(与物体接触)。如:He put his pen onthe table.他把他的钢笔放在桌子上。2、表示“关于”(表示关系)。如:What about your idea onthe subject? 关于这个问题你有什么看法?



evening怎么读 英语evening怎么读

1、evening英[ˈiːvnɪŋ]美[ˈiːvnɪŋ],n.傍晚; 晚上; 晚会; 晚间活动;v.(使)平; (使)相等; (使)变平;even的现在分词。 2、[例句]She lay back and enjoyed the peace of the summer evening.她轻松地躺着享受夏日傍晚的宁静。


名词 n. 1.傍晚,黄昏,晚上 Evening in the country is a very peaceful time. 乡村里的傍晚是平静安谧的时刻. On summer evenings we often have supper in the garden. 夏季的晚上,我们常常在花园里吃饭. 2.晚会,晚上娱乐活动 We held an English evening last week. 上周我们举行了一次英语晚会.


分不清at night和in the night?不知道什么时候该说good evening?一起来学习吧!

night 和evening的区别具体点

evening和night都是指晚上,但两者并不完全相同。1、表示的时间不同:evening是“傍晚、夜间”,尤其是指6点到晚上10点,人们在用这个词时一般指晚上就寝之前这段时间,它的反义词是day。下午下了班或过了正常时间是evening,到了睡觉的时候便从evening转为night。night一般是指深夜、入睡的时刻。good night就是晚安的意思了。2、介词不同:night前用介词at,而evening前用in,还要加上介词the.3、词组表示的时间不同:at night是指在深夜,night从理解上可以理解为一个点,at midnight在午夜,at noon在正午。而in the evening则是泛指在晚上,在晚上这个时间段。

evening 和night的具体区别是什么呢?比如tonight和this evening 的区别是?



1、evening 英[?i?vn??]美[?i?vn??]。2、n.晚上; 傍晚; 晚会; 晚间活动;3、v.(使)平; (使)相等; (使)变平;4、[词典] even的现在分词;5、[例句]She lay back and enjoyed the peace of the summer evening.她轻松地躺着享受夏日傍晚的宁静。6、[其他]复数:evenings。


一般指从傍晚到晚上就寝之前的这段时间,大概是下午6点到晚上10点前,它的反义词是morning。2、Night是“夜晚、夜里”一般指从天黑到天明之前的这段时间,多指晚上10点以后。它的反义词是day.midnight是“午夜”,后半夜是after midnight总结:下午下了班或过了正常工作时间是evening.到了睡觉的时候便从evening转为night。拓展资料 常识Good evening有Hello的意思,能用作晚上见面时打招呼用语。Good night是Goodbye的意思,不能用作打招呼,只能作为夜晚告别时的最后一句话。英语中一些常见的表示时间词组所指的大致时间段:in the morning 7:00---12:00at noon/midday 12:00in the afternoon 12:00---18:00in the evening 18:00---22:00at night 22:00---24:00at midnight 24:00


evening的读音是/ ˈiːvnɪŋ /。表达意思:晚上,傍晚;晚会,晚间活动;暮年,晚年;晚上好(good evening 的简称);在晚上的,为晚上的。词性:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作动词。固定搭配:yesterday evening昨天晚上,前晚。例句1、Doubts nagged me all evening.我一晚上都没有摆脱心中的疑虑。2、Everyone was in evening dress.人人都身着晚礼服。3、I go jogging every evening.我每天晚上都慢跑锻炼。

evening 和night的区别

分不清at night和in the night?不知道什么时候该说good evening?一起来学习吧!


英 [_i_vn__] 美 [_i_vn__] n.傍晚;晚上;晚会;晚间活动v.(使)平;(使)相等;(使)变平,even的现在分词。复数: evenings派生词evenings adv.。She lay back and enjoyed the peace of the summer evening. 她轻松地躺着享受夏日傍晚的宁静;It was no hardship to walk home on such a lovely evening. 在这么一个宜人的傍晚步行回家一点也不辛苦;Even in small companies, computers are an essential tool. 即使在小公司里,计算机也是必不可少的工具。I"ll get there, even if I have to walk. 我就是走也要走到那儿去。Prices are expected to rise even higher this year. 预计今年的价格将涨得更高。 扩展资料:短语搭配 :evening dress 晚礼服 ; 燕尾服 ; 夜号衣 Evening Primrose 月见草 ; 夜来香 ; 晚樱草 ; 月见草油 Good evening 晚上好 ; 用于下午六点过后 ; 绅士们的没落 Evening Mood 暮色心境 evening star 昏星 ; 晚星 ; 黄昏之星 ; 长庚星 Evening gown 晚礼服 ; 女子夜礼服 ; 长晚礼服 ; 拖地女礼服 Evening College 正规学院的分支 ; 夜大 ; 夜大学 Evening Farewells 晚上告别 ; 早晨离别 One Evening 一个夜晚 ; 一天晚上 ; 一天黄昏 ; 有一天晚上。以下内容仅供参考:百度百科-Evening 百度百科-百度翻译




evening前是用in, in the evening在晚上时间介词on、in、和at的用法与区别如下:1、on表示某一天或某一天的某段时间。如:on Monday afternoon 在周一下午on March 7th 在3月7日on March 7th, 1998. 在1998年3月7日2、in时间范围大(一天以上),表示在某年、某季节、某月、某周、某天和某段时间。如:in a year在一年中in spring 在春季in a week 在一周中3、at时间最短,表示某个具体时刻。如:at this time of the year 在一年中的这个时候at the moment 在那一时刻at that time 在那时习惯用法:at night、at noon扩展资料介词at、in、on的其他用法:一、at的用法1、表示地点:在...(地点),常用于小地方。如:After a long walk they arrived ata farmhouse at last. 经过长途跋涉,他们终于到了一家农舍。2、表示位置:在...旁边。如:The school bus will be ready atthe gate at eight tomorrow. 明天8点在校门口有校车等候。3、表示方向。如:He aimed atthe little bird. 他瞄准那只小鸟。二、in的用法1、表示地点、场所。如:China is inAsia.中国位于亚洲。2、表示“穿着、戴着(衣服、帽子等)”。如:The girl inred is Li Ming"s sister. 穿红衣服的女孩是李明的妹妹。3、表示“用...(语言)”。如:I can read stories inEnglish. 我可以看(用)英语(写的)故事。三、on的用法1、表示位置“在...上”(与物体接触)。如:He put his pen onthe table.他把他的钢笔放在桌子上。2、表示“关于”(表示关系)。如:What about your idea onthe subject? 关于这个问题你有什么看法?

请问evening和night如何区分啊? 那请问evening和afternoon有什么区别呢?

Evening 和night都是指晚上,但两者并不完全相同.他们的区别是:Evening是“傍晚、晚上”,尤其是指下午6点到晚上10点前,一般指晚上就寝之前这段时间,它的反义词是morning.Night是指“夜晚、黑夜”,是指晚上10点至午夜...
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