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escape hatch中文翻译

The united states embassy was no longer a haven or an escape hatch . 美国使馆不再是个避难所或逃跑的出口了。 They " re kiiiing us . where " s the escape hatch 他们要杀我们,逃生通道在哪里? Leave yourself one escape hatch and get on with it 给你自己留条后路,必要时可以利用它。 The escape hatch of bus 客车安全顶窗 The clr also provides many of the runtime safety features of a jvm though with escape hatches that substantially dilute the safety guarantees Clr还提供了jvm的许多运行时安全特性(尽管有严重削弱安全保证的逃离出口) 。 We have drummed into ( 6 ) their heads their " need to be understood , " and they would be less than human not to use this ready - made excuse as an escape hatch for their natural high spirits 我们为断地在他们耳边说: "他们需要得到理解" ,因此,如果他们不把这现成的借口用作他们不安分守已这种自然现象的挡箭牌,那才是不近人情哩。 It just is the think - style of metaphysics which has being with us for long time forms this . heidegger thinks the only escape hatch of man is think . only when man learn think , technology will be real technology , and man will be genuine man 造成这一局面的是人们长期以来的形而上学的对象性思考。海氏认为人的唯一出路是召唤思,只有人学会思,技术才归于正位,人才是真正的人。 For all the times in china when a few extra dollars separates you from the masses , pfts you out of the frustrations and inconveniences they suffer every day , i was for all the world a regular schmo , deprived of the usual escape hatch 在中国,有那么一些多余的钞票总可以把你和老百姓区分开来,还可以每天把你从他们所遭受的挫折和不便中解放出来,但不管有多么诱惑,我还是一个正常的愚人,不会走歪路。 )


discipline英[ˈdɪsəplɪn] 美[ˈdɪsəplɪn] vt. 训练; 使有纪律; 处罚; 使有条理; n. 纪律; 学科; 训练; 符合行为准则的行为(或举止); [例句]Order and discipline have been placed in the hands of headmasters and governingbodies.维持秩序和纪律的工作已交接给了校长和管理机构了。[其他] 第三人称单数:disciplines 复数:disciplines 现在分词:disciplining过去式:disciplined 过去分词:disciplined


tremolo ["trěm-l] (TREM-mo-low) 追问: 不应该是trillo吗? 回答: trill 跟 tremolo 是两样不同的符号 - - 追问: 我问的是音乐术语颤音tremolo是什么意思? 回答: 两个都是颤音(tremolo有的时候也叫震音)。Tremolo在SATB那种合唱的谱子上出现得比较多。Trill则是在钢琴或其他乐器的谱子上常用。追问: 好吧,我说的是小提琴的打指那就应该是trillo了 回答: 是trill.. 不要叫"o" 追问: 可是我的意大利语入门书里就写的是trillo呀 回答: 意...意大利文... 我以为是世界通用的英文~ 追问: 拜托我问的是音乐术语,音乐术语难道是英语吗? 回答: ^ ^ RCM(北美)的书里面音乐术语都是原文, 但是像这种装饰音的名称当然就用英文咯 追问: 可是我的谱子上的音乐术语都是意大利语,我也没见过哪个音乐术语不是意大利语 回答: 装饰音是符号, 不是术语。 对于符号的名称有不同语言的。 很多国家 (像澳大利亚, 加拿大, 和美国) 都用英文。 但如果你的谱子的出版是决定用不同语言的, 我也无能为力~ 追问: 我想可能是因为你没学过小提琴所以才对这个不了解吧 回答: 我什么时候说过我学过小提琴 Trill不是直用在小提琴上的, 而你提问题的时候又没有指明说是小提琴。我学的是钢琴。

换了固态硬盘,开机就是显示hard disk error,点esc可以继续进系统,是什么

应该是你的硬盘坏了。你换别人的硬盘试下把,对你的硬盘可以进行磁盘坏道检测,金海硕好象有免费软件,但要修复就需要收费了。下面有一些关于主板BOIS错误的信息你可以看看。BIOS错误信息和解决方法BIOS错误信息和解决方法 1.CMOS battery failed(CMOS电池失效)原因:说明CMOS电池的电力已经不足,请更换新的电池。2.CMOS check sum error-Defaults loaded(CMOS执行全部检查时发现错误,因此载入预设的系统设定值)原因:通常发生这种状况都是因为电池电力不足所造成,所以不妨先换个电池试试看。如果问题依然存在的话,那就说明CMOS RAM可能有问题,最好送回原厂处理。3.Display switch is set incorrectly(显示形状开关配置错误)原因:较旧型的主板上有跳线可设定显示器为单色或彩色,而这个错误提示表示主板上的设定和BIOS里的设定不一致,重新设定即可。4.Press ESC to skip memory test(内存检查,可按ESC键跳过)原因:如果在BIOS内并没有设定快速加电自检的话,那么开机就会执行内存的测试,如果你不想等待,可按ESC键跳过或到BIOS内开启Quick Power On Self Test。5.Secondary Slave hard fail(检测从盘失败)原因:1 CMOS设置不当(例如没有从盘但在CMOS里设有从盘)2硬盘的线、数据线可能未接好或者硬盘跳线设置不当。6. Override enable-Defaults loaded(当前CMOS设定无法启动系统,载入BIOS预设值以启动系统)原因:可能是你在BIOS内的设定并不适合你的电脑(像你的内存只能跑100MHz但你让它跑133MH)这时进入BIOS设定重新调整即可。7. Press TAB to show POST screen(按TAB键可以切换屏幕显示)原因:有一些OEM厂商会以自己设计的显示画面来取代BIOS预设的开机显示画面,而此提示就是要告诉使用者可以按TAB来把厂商的自定义画面和BIOS预设的开机画面进行切换。8.Resuming from disk,Press TAB to show POST screen(从硬盘恢复开机,按TAB显示开机自检画面)。原因:某些主板的BIOS提供了Suspend to disk(挂起到硬盘)的功能,当使用者以Suspend to disk的方式来关机时,那么在下次开机时就会显示此提示消息。


魔兽,裂隙,RS江湖(黑号,外挂、VPN、CDK) QQ: 1336996631,combat (attack,strength,defense,constitution)这些技能都是决定你近战战斗力的几个技能。首先,要攀att str def的话,最好是找等级低的怪慢慢刷。个人觉得最好的是chaos druids。他们就13级,还会掉各种草,最贵的能卖到10k,而且有200hp可以保证练级效率。如果不想赚钱的话,还有更好的目标。完成creatures of fenkenstrein这个任务后,你会遇到新的怪兽——experiments。他们也就二十来级,却有1000hp!网上很多人说只要你有耐心,一口气练到cb126都可以。当然我不推荐这么玩。游戏的主要目的还是乐趣嘛。当你cb有个70+,att跟str加起来也有130+了(最好att70 str60+,这样你可以带鞭子了),就到falador西北边有个warrior guild里面去。先去搞一套mithril plate armour (头,身体,腿)。这三样东西是用来赚tokens的。warrior guild一楼有个房间,可以animate(活化)你的盔甲,变成一个武士。杀死mithril的武士可以得到25个token。token的用处待会儿再说。推荐用mithril的原因是steel等级低效率高,但是容易爆盔甲(被你打烂掉),而adamant跟rune等级又太高效率低下,所以mithril是最好的。打到100+token后就到顶楼打cyclopses(独眼巨人)。他们会掉defenders,代替防具的位置,但是加武器的攻。这是个好东西,尤其是你在以后打等级比较低的怪的时候。一开始你会打到个bronze defender,把它给门口那个人看,她会释放出会掉iron defender的独眼巨人,然后继续刷。注意:你需要装备defender才会得到下一等级的defender。就这样一直刷到rune defender,这是配鞭子最好的道具了。我就这么打过来的,就花了4个小时(问了一下,我算慢的)。不过我的cb也从84升到了88,还是很划算的。之后,就是很痛苦的刷级了。如果无聊的话就换着怪打吧~2,magic这也是一个很有趣的技能。可以用来赚钱,注魔,打架,传送,取物。。。等等等。个人建议最好有点钱了再去练magic,因为如果没高等级的号给提供runes的话,这个技能是很费钱的,尤其是高等级的魔法。低等级的提升方法在此不加讨论。如果你的魔法有了60+的话,魔法这个技能将会非常好赚钱。你唯一要做的就是准备好龙盾,买好龙药水,带点吃的跟几千个runes跟法杖,你就好开始赚钱了!随便从哪个港口坐船到brimhaven(musa point往西走,过那个铁门)。往南走,会有个dungeon,要收大概800块钱(具体多少我忘了,反正带个1000+以防万一)。往最深处走,那里有三种最强的龙之一—bronze,iron,steel。等级最低的bronze也有个150+(又忘了具体多少,好长时间不去了,不好意思哈),但是他们却伤不了你皮毛。为什么呢?因为只要你站在离它们1格距离以外,他们就只会用龙息吐你。这就是为什么你要带那个盾跟那些potion了。这两个东西的组合可以帮你把龙息完全挡下来,一滴血不扣!叫你带食物是因为一路上有野狗,打穿着魔法装的你也是挺疼的。跑一趟够你在里面待上有一阵子了,运气好的话你可能还会打到好装备,比方说dragon系列的呢~如果不想那么刺激的话,那你也有别的方法。先去ge买上500+的cosmic,nature,law,带好法杖,到duel arena去。不是让你去找人单挑,而是去北边的mage training arena。在那里,你可以做游戏,赚点数,换道具。telegrab theater是要用telekinetic grab这个法术移动石像来赚点数。alchemy是点金术。八个柜子里的东西会轮流换,点金术点出来的钱可以用来换点数(不过你不能自己带钱进去!)。bones to peaches(bananas)是捡骨头然后变成香蕉或桃子来换点数。最后一个是注魔。这四个点数可以用来换道具,有50级防具(一套好几mil),法杖,魔法石,之类的,总之也是不错的选择。3,ranged这个技能笔者练的比较少,主要是非会员这个技能有点无趣,所以到了会员也懒得练。不过这个技能对于会员来说可是非常好玩的。首先,它武器种类繁多。传统的弓箭和弩,能丢的刀,斧,动物(= =),矮人火炮,等等。但是,练习这个技能最好找一个怪打不到你的地方,因为ranger穿的甲都不经打。具体练法完全可以参考melee,如果等级高了想赚钱的话也完全可以去杀龙打道具,等级低的话德鲁伊也不错。4,prayer这个技能被笔者认为是最应该提等级的技能之一!这个技能不但能够提升你的cb等级,还能大大提升你的各种属性!20级以前,就随便打打什么,埋小骨头。20级往后,就开始朝大骨头进发了。最好的地方实在varrock地下,那里有一坨cb28的巨人。每个大骨头的经验是15,还是很不赖的。就这样,应该很快可以练到40级。40级往后,就要开始朝龙骨迈进了。龙骨比较讨厌,因为龙比较难杀,所以你可以选择自己去打,或者到ge买(贵的心疼啊)。如果你的家里有祭坛了,去那里埋骨头,因为那里会给经验加成(最高可达300%!)。对于很多任务和活动来说,prayer43+是必需的,因为到了这级,你可以开启免疫近战了!不然你以为会员们是怎么打等级600+的怪的?没了prayer不是一招秒杀么?所以会员对于prayer potion的需求十分高。这个技能看似跟赚钱没什么关系,但是没了prayer,很多事你连想都不敢想。所以,趁现在年轻力壮,多打打骨头,埋了,前途无限好5,summoning这个技能等级高了十分有用,但是练起来确实不是一般的痛苦。小弟在runescape打拼了三年,summoning也才40(这还是吃了不少lamp的。。汗)。这个技能变态之处就在于,它不光耗钱,还耗时间。首先,很多配料你只能买。自己弄不光很浪费时间还可能把命赔进去。。还有,那些召唤物所需的charms也不是那么好弄得。除非有谁一天刷怪刷个20小时,很少有人一天之内能弄到大量charms。所以等级提的真是比蜗牛爬还慢。不过有点耐心吧,因为提升起来真的是如虎添翼!首先,这个技能跟cb lvl是挂钩的,这也是为什么会员的cb上限是138。其次,大部分召唤物能帮你打人。这不很爽嘛!再者,各种召唤物功能都不一样。最赚钱的是能帮你驼东西的。只要能做这些pouch,比如terrorbird之类的。这个技能笔者不是很熟悉,敬请原谅。6,runecrafting这也是一个又耗时间还不一定吃力讨好的技能。非会员练这个技能基本上是在浪费时间,因为根本不很赚钱。而对于会员来说,这个技能像神技一般。因为会员能够做一些高等级的rune。而且他们又不用跑祭坛。他们只要从varrock出发,到wilderness5级的地方,找个人传送到深渊,就什么rune都可以做了。最好赚钱的是nature,如果你有个91级的话,因为这样一块石头给你两个呢!一块石头80块钱不到,两块nature最起码有500加,一个小时跑个十来趟不成问题。就算不做nature,做law,death,chaos,blood等也是永久畅销的。而且,这个技能等级练高了,以后就自给自足了,用不着去买了,非常实用。7,construction设计个自己的家吧!这个技能也十分耗钱,不过还是值得一练的。个人认为最值得的地方是你自己的祭坛。前面也讲过了,有了自己的祭坛的话prayer等级就很方便练上去了。不过,这个技能是很浪费钱的。最基础的升级方法就是装个东西,拆,再装,再拆。这不就是烧钱嘛。。除了这个以外,笔者认为一切都是浮云,浮云。。什么陈列室,餐厅,卧室。。不过到了50级,你可以请最高级的仆人了。这个仆人价值不菲,不过可以帮你跑银行哟。8,agility这个技能可以说是最冗长最无聊的技能了。。练法不加详细讨论。目前笔者发现的agility的唯一用处就是在brimhaven那里刷票子,来赚经验跟换草药。再来就是有了高等级agility和thieving你一口气可以偷到多倍东西。除此之外就只有过本来过不了的平衡木啦之类的了。。9,herblore这个技能,相信没人会否定,是个超级有用的技能!但是,这个技能现在正面临着威胁,因为原材料比药水成品要贵出不少!这样一来,大家也只有自己去打草跟配料了,导致这个技能也变得冗长起来。不过,笔者有幸见识到了另外一个赚钱练级两不误的方法。不过这个方法需要完成一个任务:throne of miscellania。完成了这个任务后,那个小岛就完全归你掌控了!你有10个工人,你可以自由分配他们砍树,钓鱼,挖矿,采flax或者herb。一天也就50k,但是如果你让十个工人全部去采herb的话,一天下来收益有200-300k,如果你直接卖掉的话!这样一来,即使你全部拿去练级也不会让你亏一分钱。而往后,高等级的草跟药水是很赚钱的。如果你觉得十个工人一天下来采的草不够的话,自己去刷吧!反正德鲁伊也就13级而已!笔者就使用这个技能在一个礼拜之内攒出了买dragon platebody的钱(10mil+)!10,thieving这个技能十分有趣,不过练起来也是十分费脑子的!笔者有了五级偷盗后就去了小偷之城-ardougne。为什么这么称呼呢?因为那里什么都能偷。从撬锁和宝箱到守卫跟商铺,在这里你可以放开手脚一口气练到99,如果你有耐心的话。5级后最好去偷蛋糕铺子,只要你站位好,守卫就抓不到你。我也就花了几个小时就到了40,然后就开始偷guards(市场的跟城门口的都行),被打了就吃蛋糕回血。物尽其用嘛。guards偷成功的话给30个金币,就报酬来讲还是不错的。尤其是等级有个50,偷guards简直易如反掌,到了58还能偷到两倍报酬呢,前提是agility够高。ardougne的商铺还有fur(35),无聊的话可以用作过渡,还有gem stall,那是80级往后的事了。反正,这个技能还是值得一练的,不是吗?11,crafting又是个很好玩的技能。这个技能对于非会员来说无非是牛皮,牛皮,还是牛皮,偶尔做一下珠宝跟瓷器,没了。但是对于会员来说,这个技能就很牛x了。因为我们能做玻璃!玻璃给的经验不是很高,原材料也比较难搞,但是做成magic orb的话,那就完全不一样了。玻璃珠子本身给的经验就比较可观了,关键是可以跟magic联合起来用来赚钱呢!只要把珠子注魔,价格可以瞬间翻3-4倍(视柱子而定),而每个珠子的注魔也就3个cosmic rune,加起来200块不到,但是你能净赚600快多/珠子(什么?还有几十个elemental rune?你不会带法杖吗?)笔者个人只做过air,因为water跟fire比较危险,要跑很久(如果没有80+agility的话),而earth不是很值(经验没air高,且能做air了谁会做earth是吧)。如果你不愿意日复一日的跑路的话,也很简单,去杀龙,攒龙皮,做装备,卖。不过龙皮装备最贵的black一套也就20k不到(大概吧,不记得了),所以这个方法其实不可取,还是直接卖了换骨头埋了吧。额,跑题了。crafting还可以用来做首饰。蓝宝石个人推荐做项链,绿宝石戒指,红宝石做护身符(amulet)卖给非会员(他们所能带的最好的护身符),钻石做戒指跟项链(保命道具),dragonstone嘛做戒指或者护身符。做完了别傻冒地卖了,注魔了再卖!12,fletching又是一个会员才能用的技能!这个技能从头到尾就是赚钱的。一开始最简单,砍普通的树,做arrow shaft,搞羽毛,配箭头,卖,搞定。再往后,就是做弓啦弩啦。个人建议只给maple往上的弓套绳,因为低等级的弓都不回本。弩也是这样,不过弩也需要相对应的smithing,所以个人比较推荐,如果你smithing等级够高的话。这个技能没什么好说的,是最好练的技能之一。13,slayer这个技能也确实挺十三的。杀怪,领任务,杀怪,领任务。。没了。不过你杀的怪大多数掉的东西都不错,所以杀戮狂们比较喜欢这个技能。随着你的等级提高,很多原来不能杀的怪也能杀了,原因是有些特定装备你不能穿。。slayer另一个用处就是帮你攒charms用来练summoning。除此之外,笔者只会在兴起的时候去杀一下。还有,当你做完了smoking kills这个任务后,你可以赚点数,方法就是杀怪杀怪再杀怪。。然后点数可以用来换东西,具体什么笔者不知道,因为这个人物我还没做,有谁知道欢迎告诉我。。14,hunter这个技能,怎么说,也挺好玩的。顾名思义,抓东西嘛。刚开始推荐从鸟开始抓,可以一口气升到40。四十往后就随便你了,方法很多。笔者正在抓蜥蜴,因为蜥蜴被视为rangers的强力武器之一。你也可以试试别的,比方说falconry,就是用猎鹰抓兔子还是什么的(什么是kebbit?)。hunter另外一个好处就是你可以穿伪装(camouflage),增加你在该地区抓动物的成功率。hunter还有几件很好用的装备,包括spotted/spottier capes,用来减轻体重的,还有gloves of silence,提升偷东西成功率的。总之,刷级之余玩玩这个也是不错的。15,mining赚钱三巨头之一。相信大家都领会过这个技能的imba之处。挖矿赚钱真的是非常之快。如果你要刷级的话,最好就是盯着iron还有coal,因为这两个效率是最高的(笔者亲自认证过,59级采mithril,60级采coal,结果六十级比五十九还快不少)。要赚钱的话,没有85+还是盯着coal来采,一个原因,效率嘛。而且coal从来只会脱销不会卖不出去。建议没有个65+不要去采mithril,经验效率低下,赚钱也慢不少。到了adamant还有rune这条建议就完全不成立了。rune ore一块能卖10k+,就算respawn的再慢,这个钱来得可快了。配合smithing的话,这个技能简直就是为了赚钱而生的。会员们完成了fremmenik isles可以进到一条rune矿脉里去,十分happy啊。。可怜笔者等级不够任务也没做,只能在mining guild里老老实实采煤。。赚钱也是很快的哈~16,smithing和mining相辅相成的技能.直接买矿打铁是可行的,可是利润低下,所以最好自己采矿。非会员可以做platebody卖给别人练习点金术,会员完全不必要。做炮弹呗!对于低等级玩家来说这可是不菲的收入呢。高等级玩家完全可以做ranged武器,比如刀啦,斧子啦,都是不错的。而且,自己做装备,自己点金点掉也不错呢。到了rune,这个技能简直就是抢钱的。做一套rune全身可以卖200k呢,也就点几下鼠标的功夫!17,fishing赚钱三巨头之二。这个技能对于非会员玩家来说十分痛苦,因为每次钓鱼都要跑老远。会员玩家就此表示毫无压力,因为他们有fishing guild和catherby两个钓鱼圣地。银行几步路就到了。再者,会员们还有shilo village这个地方用来练power fishing(前面mining忘了讲,shilo village的宝石矿也是很不错的),钓鱼后卖掉,买鱼饵,继续钓。等级快得很。而且会员还能钓鲨鱼,manta ray,rocktail等高等级的鱼,不是非会员可以比的。18,cooking说到这个我还真饿了。。cooking真的是最好练的技能了。会员们都戏称cooking skillcape为 noobie cape。。笔者也同意,这技能经验太好赚了。烤鱼,做比萨蛋糕,会员还多出来个土豆,咖喱,能做的吃的数不胜数。笔者在非会员的时候就一直热衷于买原材料做巧克力蛋糕,一次做个1000个,能净赚好几百k(好长时间不试了,所以亏了别来骂我哈)。这导致现在cooking等级遥遥领先其他的skills。。做比萨也是很不错的。个人发现的最好的赚钱方法就是自己种土豆,玉米,钓tuna,然后做tuna potato,一个能赚好几百,最主要的是你几乎不花钱,除了买种子(一个也就几块钱)。烤焦鱼的问题也可以得到解决。有个cooking gauntlet(忘记哪个任务给的)可以降低烤焦任何事物的几率。cooking唯一的缺点就是如果你买入生的食物烤熟了再卖掉的话你是亏钱的。当然也有大佬们不在乎,照样这样在三天之内练到99。。很恐怖的技能。。19,woodcutting赚钱三巨头之三。个人认为这是三巨头最好用的技能,因为树到处都是,而且什么木头都是处于高需求状态。笔者认为既然会员能够采到maple就不要太着急去砍yew,因为太龟速了。最好有个70级再砍yew,再说了maple你也要用来练fletching的,所以多砍点吧。会员还能砍到ivy,这可是好东西,不过很无聊而且什么都得不到,除了空虚的经验~如果你喜欢我也不阻止你。还有别傻乎乎的一到75就跑去砍magic,你砍不动,而且肯定一堆高人跟你抢,你一个都拿不到。有个80+再去吧。这个技能也是属于很快能到99那种。砍倒了高等级的木头别急着卖,能做成弓的话最好,还长经验呢。20,firemaking四个字总结这个技能:有够废柴。。。就不大写一通骗字数了。不过还是适当要练一下的(众人:不是不骗字数的吗!),因为等级高了(91级),你可以玩一个小游戏得到一个锄头,很好用,采矿砍树两用。21,farming十分有趣的技能啊!会员们用这个技能可以赚不少钱。笔者现在farming有个50+,最常用的方法是到处种树,三块地种玉米,草药,limpwurt root(实在不好意思,不知道这东西中文怎么讲)。数数也就花半个小时搞定,接下来一天你都不用管,然后回去,收菜~经验给最高的是树,如果健康的话哪怕是一颗oak也能给你2000+的经验呢。升级可是非常的happy。笔者比较喜欢带着种子跟水壶(其他东西放在能储存道具的绿色小矮人那里),用成长日志送的戒指传送到falador下面,种玉米药草,飞到ardougne,种玉米药草,再飞到catherby,种玉米药草,再在catherby种果树,飞到falador,种普通树,走过北边的铁门往南走,种普通树,飞到lumbridge,种普通树,飞回varrock,种普通树,然后该干嘛干嘛~假设这些东西能活一半,这也是7000+的经验,而且等级要求都很低,哪怕到了60级往后也可以用这些便宜的种子这么干。22,dungeoneering这个今年新出的技能也挺有趣,相当于搞出了一个在小小世界里的小小世界。。几乎所有的技能因为这个技能都开了一个新篇章。。这个技能主要的用处在于经验和tokens。这些tokens可以用来换很多imba的道具,比方说nature手杖和gem bag。个人认为这个技能搞出来很多逆天的东西~还有,为了这个技能jagex在世界各地的dungeon都来了新的入口,这些入口里有很多东西,比方说mining guild北边的dwarf mines开了个新地方,进去有很多矿跟储存箱,很是变态。甚至在edgeville地下也有。那个更变态,加了十几个德鲁伊,还有ranarr的再生点。这不是逆天是什么。。你只需要站在那里等ranarr更新就行了。。而且第一次进入这些dungeon还有经验送。。这个技能还有个特殊的地方是它的等级上限是120。。笔者倒是期望什么时候jagex把所有的技能的上限都提到120那天~ wow rift rs江湖(外挂 代理 黑号)QQ133699663现在赚钱最快的是当你有85级的dungeoneering,可以去杀frost dragon. 如果你有96 summoning,可以用yak的卷轴技能,平均每小时可以2.5M的样子.

by prescribing nutritional changes的句子成分?



上vvpo 在搜索栏输入要找的歌手 注意分类 有歌手,歌曲,专集

A Route of Evanescence By Emily Dickinson帮忙翻译下,谢谢

从一个路线 一个旋转轮, 一个共鸣的翡翠 匆匆上的胭脂 和每天灌木丛上开着的花朵 调整花朵的方向 可能是来自突尼斯的邮件, 一个简单的早晨


哪个知道Evanescence的《My Immortal》歌词??

I"m so tired of being hereSuppressed by all my childish fearsAnd if you have to leaveI wish that you would just leave"Cause your presence still lingers hereAnd it won"t leave me aloneThese wounds won"t seem to healThis pain is just too realThere"s just too much that time cannot eraseWhen you cried I"d wipe away all of your tearsWhen you"d scream I"d fight away all of your fearsI held your hand through all of these yearsBut you still haveAll of meYou used to captivate meBy your resonating lightNow I"m bound by the life you left behindYour face it hauntsMy once pleasant dreamsYour voice it chased awayAll the sanity in meThese wounds won"t seem to healThis pain is just too realThere"s just too much that time cannot eraseWhen you cried I"d wipe away all of your tearsWhen you"d scream I"d fight away all of your fearsI held your hand through all of these yearsBut you still haveAll of meI"ve tried so hard to tell myself that you"re goneBut though you"re still with meI"ve been alone all alongWhen you cried I"d wipe away all of your tearsWhen you"d scream I"d fight away all of your fearsI held your hand through all of these yearsBut you still haveAll of me...

求evanescence-sweet sacrifice 中文翻译

这是真的,我们都有点精神错乱但如此清晰现在,我释放令人担心的是只有在我们的脑海中接管所有的时间令人担心的是只有在我们的脑海中但它接管所有时间你穷人甜无辜的事情干你的眼睛和作证你知道你生活,打破我,不否认甜牺牲一天我要去忘记你的名字一甜一天, 你要去淹没在我失去了疼痛令人担心的是只有在我们的脑海中接管所有的时间令人担心的是只有在我们的脑海中但它接管所有时间你穷人甜无辜的事情干你的眼睛和作证和吴爱你恨我没有你,蜂蜜? 我是你的牺牲。 我梦想中的黑暗我睡觉死提高沉默清除我的生活您想知道你为什么恨? (我们的燃烧灰烬) (抹黑一天) 你仍然太弱(世界的虚无) 为了生存你的错误? (打击我带走) 你穷人甜无辜的事情干你的眼睛和作证你知道你生活,打破我,不否认甜牺牲

Evanescence《Before The Dawn》歌词的中文翻译

Meet me after dark again and I"ll hold you 再一次在黑暗中与我相见,我会拥抱你I want nothing more than to see you there 我只想在哪里遇见你And maybe tonight, we"ll fly so far away 或许就在今夜,我们一起远走高飞We"ll be lost before the dawn 我们将在黎明前失落 If only night could hold you where I can see you, my love 如果只有在夜中才能见到你,我的爱Then let me never ever wake again那就让我们再也不能苏醒 And maybe tonight, we"ll fly so far away 或许就在今夜,我们一起远走高飞We"ll be lost before the dawn 我们将在黎明前失落Somehow I know that we can"t wake again from this dream 然而我知道我们将不能再从梦中醒来it"s not real, but it"s ours 并不真实,却的确是我们的。Maybe tonight, we"ll fly so far away 或许就在今夜,我们远走高飞We"ll be lost before the dawn 我们将在黎明前失落Maybe tonight, we"ll fly so far away 或许就在今夜,我们远走高飞We"ll be lost before the dawn .......... 我们将在黎明前失落...




Bring Me To Life 给我生命 How can you see into my eyes like open doors 你如何望穿我双眼,就像打开一扇大门 Leading you down into my core 直达我的心底 Where I"ve become so numb 那里曾经麻木 without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold 曾经灵魂出鞘,意志消沉,心灰意冷 Until you find it there and lead it back home 但你找到了它,引它走向,回家正途 wake me up inside 唤醒我的内心 Wake me up inside 唤醒我的内心 Call my name and save me from the dark 呼喊我的名字,救我于泥足深陷。 Bid my blood to run 令我血液奔腾 Before I come undone 在我毁灭之前 Save me from the nothing I"ve become 救我于水深火热 Now that I know what I"m without 如今我明白,自己缺什么 You can"t just leave me 你不能就这样离开我 Breathe into me and make me real 让我能够呼吸,使我感觉真实 Bring me to life 让我重获新生 Wake me up inside 唤醒我的内心 Wake me up inside 唤醒我的内心 Call my name and save me from the dark 呼喊我的名字,救我于泥足深陷。 Bid my blood to run 令我血液奔腾 Before I come undone 在我毁灭之前 Save me from the nothing I"ve become 救我于水深火热 Bring me to life 让我重获新生 Frozen inside without your touch without your love darling 心似冰冻,只因缺少你的抚爱,亲爱的 only you are the Life among the dead 惟有你是生命活力,于一片茫茫死寂中 All this time I can"t believe I couldn"t see 我一直无法相信,不愿面对 Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me 我泥足深陷,你却在我面前 I"ve been sleeping a thousand years it seems 我仿佛已经沉睡了千年 Got to open my eyes to everything 要睁开双眼看看这世界 Without a thought without a voice without a soul 不会思考,无声无息,没有灵魂 Don"t let me die here 我不要就这样死去 There must be something more 一定会有某种力量 Bring me to life 让我重获新生

evanescence together again 的歌词

Evanescence-Together Again伊凡塞斯乐队—再相聚Never thought that I"d be leaving you today不曾料到,今天我会与你离别So alone and wondering why I feel this way孤单感觉,为何竟会如此之切?So wide the world天高海阔Can love remember爱可会识得How to get me home to you引我回家找你的路Someday某天We"ll be together again我们还会再相聚All just a dream in the end一切不过梦而已We"ll be together again我们还会再相聚So many fears were swimming around and around in my mind无尽的恐惧一直在我脑海游来游去Who would have dreamed the secrets we would find?谁会梦到我们将觅得的秘密?I found a world我找到个Where love and dreams and darkness all collide爱与梦与黑抱成团的天地Maybe this time也许这次We can leave our broken world behind我们可将已碎的世界遗弃We"ll be together again 我们还会再相聚All just a dream in the end一切不过梦而已歌词翻译:TonyChang@LK歌词组翻译分队

Evanescence – Wake Me Up Inside歌词

How can you see into my eyes Like open doors? Lading you down into my core, Where I"ve become so numb. Without a soul, My spirit"s sleeping somewhere cold, Until you find it there and lead it back Home. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can"t wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can"t wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I"ve become. Now that I know what I"m without, You can"t just leave me. Breathe into me and make me real. Bring me to life. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can"t wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can"t wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I"ve become. Bring me to life. (I"ve been living a lie. There"s nothing inside) Bring me to life. Frozen inside without your touch, Without your love, darling. Only you are the life among the dead. (All of this sight, I can"t believe I couldn"t see Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me) I"ve been sleeping a 1000 years it seems. I"ve got to open my eyes to everything. (Without a thought Without a voice Without a soul Don"t let me die here. There must be something more). Bring me to life. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can"t wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can"t wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I"ve become. Bring me to life. (I"ve been living a lie. There"s nothing inside) Bring me to life

evanescence listen to rain 歌词

听听,听听,听听,听听,听(听),听(听),听(听),听(听),倾听每一滴雨(听听)耳语的秘密,一切都是徒然的(听听),在雨滴落地之前急切地寻找有人来倾听它们的故事,。 不要放弃! 我们可以不可以再停留多一会儿? 实在很难以说再见。 听(听),听(听),听(听),听(听), 雨哭泣。 听(听)听(听)听(听)听(听) 我独自站在风暴中, 美好的词突然到来:说道 “快点!” , “您已经没有多少时间了! “张开您的眼睛看您周遭的爱,“您或许会感到孤单, “但我仍然依旧在这里和您在一起。 “您继续做您的梦,但 “记得要“听雨”。 [延长]听…

Evanescence的《Tourniquet》 歌词

歌曲名:Tourniquet歌手:Evanescence专辑:Greatest HitsEvanescence - TourniquetI tried to kill my pain,But only bled more.(So much more)I"m lay dying,And I"m pouring, crimson regret, and betrayal.I"m dying,Praying,Bleeding,And screaming.Am I too lost to be saved ?Am I too lost ?My God! My Tourniquet,Return to me salvation.My God! My Tourniquet,Return to me salvation.Do you remember me ?Lost for so long.Will you be on the other side ?Will you forgive me ?I"m dying,Praying,Bleeding,And screaming.Am I too lost to be saved ?Am I too lost ?My God! My Tourniquet,Return to me salvation.My God! My Tourniquet,Return to me salvation.(Return to me salvation)(I want to DIE!)My God! My Tourniquet,Return to me salvation.My God! My Tourniquet,Return to me salvation.My wounds cry for the grave.My soul cries, for deliverance.Will I be denied ?Christ! Tourniquet! My suicide.

Evanescence的《Oceans》 歌词

歌曲名:Oceans歌手:Evanescence专辑:Evanescence (Deluxe Edition)We sit in silenceA marriage licenseIs all you knowAll you know, all you knowWe sit and chew gumWatch televisionAnd you knowAnd you know, and you knowBut there"s oceans between usLight years that screen usOceans that drift awayOceans that fade to greyWe sit and rot hereResenting each yearWill you goWill you go, will you go?We sing the old songsThe beat box plays onAnd you knowAnd you know, and you knowBut there"s oceans between usLight years that screen usLike oceans we drift awayoceans we fade to greyBetween us there"s oceansThere"s life in slow motionQuietly we drift awayQuietly we fade to grey

Evanescence的《Your Star》 歌词

歌曲名:Your Star歌手:Evanescence专辑:The Open DoorEvanescence - Your StarI can"t see your starI can"t see your starThough I patiently waited,bedside, for the death of todayI can"t see your starThe mechanical lightsof Lisbon frightened it awayAnd I"m alone nowMe and all I stood forWe"re wandering nowAll in parts in pieces, swim lonelyFind your own way outI can"t see your starI can"t see your starHow can the darkness feel so wrong?And I"m alone nowMe and all I stood forWe"re wandering nowAll in parts in pieces, swim lonelyFind your own way outSo far awayIts growing colder without your loveWhy can"t you feel me calling your name?Can"t break the silenceIts breaking meAll my fears turn to rageAnd I"m alone nowMe and all I stood forWe"re wandering nowAll in parts and pieces, swim lonelyFind your own way outNothing why fighting forWe"re wandering nowAll in parts and pieces, swim lonelyFind your own way out




见化合价: +1 电负性: 0.98 外围

谢谢 谁来帮我翻译Evanescence的Like You



感觉1楼很专业啊,哈哈。有空都听听,我现在只听nw的。听说过dt,within tempatation



Evanescence – Wake Me Up Inside歌词

How can you see into my eyes Like open doors? Lading you down into my core, Where I"ve become so numb. Without a soul, My spirit"s sleeping somewhere cold, Until you find it there and lead it back Home. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can"t wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can"t wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I"ve become. Now that I know what I"m without, You can"t just leave me. Breathe into me and make me real. Bring me to life. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can"t wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can"t wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I"ve become. Bring me to life. (I"ve been living a lie. There"s nothing inside) Bring me to life. Frozen inside without your touch, Without your love, darling. Only you are the life among the dead. (All of this sight, I can"t believe I couldn"t see Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me) I"ve been sleeping a 1000 years it seems. I"ve got to open my eyes to everything. (Without a thought Without a voice Without a soul Don"t let me die here. There must be something more). Bring me to life. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can"t wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can"t wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I"ve become. Bring me to life. (I"ve been living a lie. There"s nothing inside) Bring me to life

关于Evanescence的MV《 Bring Me To Life》的分析~急~~~







Playground schoolbell rings, again 学校操场的铃声又响了 Rainclouds come to play, again 乌云又来了 Has no one told you she"s not breathing? 没人告诉你她已经逝去? Hello, I"m your mind 好 我想 giving you someone to talk to 有些人在说着你的思念 Hello 好 If I smile and don"t believe 如果我笑着不相信 Soon I know I"ll wake from this dream 我知道我很快从梦中醒来 Don"t try to fix me 不要试着给我安排 I"m not broken 我还没有为受伤 Hello, I"m the lie living for you so you can hide 好 你能掩藏我的谎言 Don"t cry 别哭 Suddenly I know I"m not sleeping 我突然知道我睡不着觉 Hello, I"m still here 好 我仍然在这儿 all that"s left of yesterday 遗忘昨天的一切


Evanescence - Tourniquet / 伊凡塞斯乐队 — 止血带翻译: Tony Chang @ LK 歌词组 翻译分队I tried to kill my pain / 我努力想止住痛But only bled more / 血却流得汹涌(So much more) / 更加汹涌I lay dying and I"m pouring / 卧地残喘,我不停喷出Crimson regret and betrayal / 那腥红的懊悔与不忠I"m dying,praying / 我将死,在祈祷Bleeding,I"m screaming / 流着血,我在哀嚎:Am I too lost to be saved? / “我可是病入膏肓无可救药?”Am I too lost? / “已病入膏肓?”My God! My Tourniquet / 我的上帝!我的止血带Return to me salvation / 请把拯救的力量还给我My God! My Tourniquet / 我的上帝!我的止血带Return to me salvation / 请把拯救的力量还给我Do you remember me? / 您是否还记得我?Lost for so long / 迷失了很久Will you be on the other side? / 您愿不愿在彼岸把我等候Will you forgive me? / 您肯不肯宽恕我?I"m dying,praying / 我将死,在祈祷Bleeding,I"m screaming / 流着血,我在哀嚎:Am I too lost to be saved? / “我可是病入膏肓无可救药?”Am I too lost? / “已病入膏肓?”My God! My Tourniquet / 我的上帝!我的止血带Return to me salvation / 请把拯救的力量还给我My God! My Tourniquet / 我的上帝!我的止血带Return to me salvation / 请把拯救的力量还给我(Return to me salvation) /(请把拯救的力量还给我)(I long to die!) / (我很想死!)My God! My Tourniquet / 我的上帝!我的止血带Return to me salvation / 请把拯救的力量还给我My God! My Tourniquet / 我的上帝!我的止血带Return to me salvation / 请把拯救的力量还给我My wounds cry for the grave / 我的伤口为墓穴而哭喊My soul cries for deliverance / 我的灵魂为审判而嚎叫Will I be denied,Christ?(Christ?) / 主,您可会抛弃我?(主?)Tourniquet! My suicide / 止血带!自取灭亡(Return to us salvation) /(请把拯救的力量还给我们)(Return to us salvation) /(请把拯救的力量还给我们)




歌名:Exodus作词:Evanescence歌手:EvanescenceMy black backpack"s stuffed with broken dreamsTwenty bucks should get me through the weekNever said a word of discontentmentThought it a thousand times but now I"m leaving homeHere in the shadowsI"m safe, I"m freeI"ve nowhere else to go butI cannot stay where I don"t belongTwo months pass by and it"s getting coldI know I"m not lost, I"m just aloneBut I won"t cry, I won"t give up, I can"t go back nowWaking up is knowing who you really areHere in the shadowsI"m safe, I"m freeI"ve nowhere else to go butI cannot stay where I don"t belongIn the shadowsI"m safe, I"m freeI"ve nowhere else to go butI cannot stay hereShow me the shadow where true meaning liesSo much more dismay in empty eyesaning loves alexEND



Evanescence的《Lithium》 歌词

歌曲名:Lithium歌手:Evanescence专辑:Greatest HitsEvanescence - LithiumLithium- don"t wanna lock me up insidelithium- don"t wanna forget how it feels withoutlithium- I wanna stay in love with my sorrowoh but God I wanna let it gocome to bed, don"t make me sleep alonecouldn"t hide the emptiness you let it shownever wanted it to be so coldjust didn"t drink enough to say you love meI can"t hold on to mewonder what"s wrong with meLithium- don"t wanna lock me up insidelithium- don"t wanna forget how it feels withoutlithium- I wanna stay in love with my sorrowDon"t wanna let it lay me down this timedrown my will to flyhere in the darkness I know myselfcan"t break free until I let it golet me goDarling, I forgive you after allanything is better than to be aloneand in the end I guess I had to fallalways find my place among the ashesI can"t hold on to mewonder what"s wrong with meLithium- don"t wanna lock me up insidelithium- don"t wanna forget how it feels withoutlithium-Stay in love with youoh I"m gonna let it go

Evanescence的《Whisper》 歌词

歌曲名:Whisper歌手:Evanescence专辑:FallenEvanescence - WhisperCatch me as I fallSay you"re here and it"s all over nowSpeaking to the atmosphereNo one"s here and I fall into myselfThis truth drives meInto madnessI know I can stop the painIf I will it all awayIf I will it all awayDon"t turn away(Don"t give in to the pain)Don"t try to hide(Though they"re screaming your name)Don"t close your eyes(God knows what lies behind them)Don"t turn out the light(Never sleep never die)I"m frightened by what I seeBut somehow I knowThat there"s much more to comeImmobilized by my fearAnd soon to beBlinded by tearsI can stop the painIf I will it all awayIf I will it all awayDon"t turn away(Don"t give in to the pain)Don"t try to hide(Though they"re screaming your name)Don"t close your eyes(God knows what lies behind them)Don"t turn out the light(Never sleep never die)Fallen angels at my feetWhispered voices at my earDeath before my eyesLying next to me I fearShe beckons meShall I give inUpon my end shall I beginForsaking all I"ve fallen forI rise to meet my endDon"t turn away(Don"t give in to the pain)Don"t try to hide(Though they"re screaming your name)Don"t close your eyes(God knows what lies behind them)Don"t turn out the light(Never sleep never die)


歌手:Evanescence 专辑:Fallen Evanescence - My ImmortalI"m so tired of being hereSuppressed by all my childish fearsAnd if you have to leaveI wish that you would just leave"Cause your presence still lingers hereAnd it won"t leave me aloneThese wounds won"t seem to healThis pain is just too realThere"s just too much that time cannot eraseWhen you cried I"d wipe away all of your tearsWhen you"d scream I"d fight away all of your fearsI held your hand through all of these yearsBut you still haveAll of meYou used to captivate meBy your resonating lightNow I"m bound by the life you left behindYour face it hauntsMy once pleasant dreamsYour voice it chased awayAll the sanity in meThese wounds won"t seem to healThis pain is just too realThere"s just too much that time cannot eraseWhen you cried I"d wipe away all of your tearsWhen you"d scream I"d fight away all of your fearsI held your hand through all of these yearsBut you still haveAll of meI"ve tried so hard to tell myself that you"re goneBut though you"re still with meI"ve been alone all alongWhen you cried I"d wipe away all of your tearsWhen you"d scream I"d fight away all of your fearsI held your hand through all of these yearsBut you still haveAll of me...

within temptation.evanescence和nightwish的曲风有什么区别?

evanescence是流行,nightwish是交响、力量类金属,symphony/power metal 只有诱惑本质一般的说法是歌金 Gothic Metal,不过不具有代表性,女主唱不错!

Evanescence的《Your Star》 歌词

歌曲名:Your Star歌手:Evanescence专辑:Greatest HitsEvanescence - Your StarI can"t see your starI can"t see your starThough I patiently waited,bedside, for the death of todayI can"t see your starThe mechanical lightsof Lisbon frightened it awayAnd I"m alone nowMe and all I stood forWe"re wandering nowAll in parts in pieces, swim lonelyFind your own way outI can"t see your starI can"t see your starHow can the darkness feel so wrong?And I"m alone nowMe and all I stood forWe"re wandering nowAll in parts in pieces, swim lonelyFind your own way outSo far awayIts growing colder without your loveWhy can"t you feel me calling your name?Can"t break the silenceIts breaking meAll my fears turn to rageAnd I"m alone nowMe and all I stood forWe"re wandering nowAll in parts and pieces, swim lonelyFind your own way outNothing why fighting forWe"re wandering nowAll in parts and pieces, swim lonelyFind your own way out


evanescence创始人是女主唱amy lee和吉他手ben moody。两人初次相识是在几年前的一次青年夏令营中,当时吉他手ben moody已小有名气,而amy lee当时还只是一名普通的夏令营营员。在一次夏令营的集体娱乐活动中,ben moody第一次见到了amy lee。当时营员们都在一个大型的体育馆中,ben moody正坐在地上看其他的营员在打篮球。而在体育馆的另一侧是一个放着钢琴供营员们表演的一个小舞台。就在ben moody感到无聊之际,他忽然听见有人在用钢琴谈奏meatloaf的《i would do anything for love》,于是就向钢琴望去,只见一个女孩在自如的演奏着自己创作的一些歌曲。ben moody被amy lee精湛的技艺和那天籁般的嗓音震撼了,在内心深处,ben moody已经认定:没有比她更适合的搭档了。不久之后,随着两人互相了解的逐步加深,ben moody和amy lee便开始用evanescence这个名字录制一些歌曲。如:《give unto me》和《understanding》。两人的金属风格也逐渐形成,这种风格在goth metal应该属于ethereal(仙乐)派。 近来最让全世界难忘的声音,就属充满灵性与华丽的Evanescence伊凡塞斯莫属。囊括葛莱美最佳新进艺人以及重摇滚演出两项大奖,专辑“Fallen落入凡间”以超过一千两百万的惊人销售数字,停留在美国告示榜长达76周的超亮眼成绩,成为少数能够举行跨三洲巡回演唱的顶尖摇滚组合。虽然元老团员/吉他手Ben Moody已宣告离团,但在Cold寒冷乐团的Terry Balsamo成功顶替下,伊凡塞斯不但没有让乐迷失望,更以实际行动证明成功绝非偶然。虽然乐迷无法在台湾亲眼看到伊凡塞斯降临,却也可从这张现场专辑当中,看到女主唱Amy Lee在舞台上展现她与众不同的独特气质,以及伊凡塞斯震撼全球乐迷的过人魅力。 CD部分收录了在欧洲巡回巴黎站的实况,让乐迷耳熟能详的畅销曲目“Going Under”、“My Immortal”、“Bring Me To Life”、“Everybody”s Fool”,在由电子乐器营造出的哥德气氛“Haunted”的前奏下逐一点阅出来。Amy Lee的古典乐经验,与团员们的重金属火花相结合下,呈现出有如古典管弦乐团的缜密铺陈,以及当代摇滚乐的强烈节奏与能量,在Amy充满灵性及能量、飘渺又震撼的歌声诠释下,成了伊凡塞斯的注册商标以及最为人称道的特色。另外特别加收一首2004年全新录音室单曲“Missing”,痛彻心扉的心碎情歌,再次感受Amy穿透人心的绝美歌声。 DVD部分是由名导Hamish Hamilton掌镜的现场演出,5.1声道以及双轨录制的效果让乐迷有如置身其中。现场演出对于一个摇滚团体来说是接近乐迷的机会,也是奠定他们在乐迷心中地位的必要条件。不让场面失温的方法除了现场效果,就是要呈现出与专辑中不同面貌的歌曲,以增加与歌迷间的互动与共鸣。此外加收四首畅销MV以及难见的幕后花絮。当中Amy更以独特歌声与钢琴赋予KORN的“Thoughtless”这首歌全新的面貌,更加收了最新灌录的作品“Missing”以飨久候的乐迷朋友。


Evanescence 的由来源自女主唱艾蜜.李(Amy Lee),和吉他手本.穆迪(Ben Moody)少年时在夏令营的一次偶遇。当时穆迪刚刚在健身房里玩耍完毕,听到有人在用钢琴弹肉球乐队(Meat Loaf)的“I"d Do Anything for Love”,于是循声而去,看到的就是艾蜜.李。随后艾蜜开始和着音乐演唱,穆迪被她的嗓音震惊了,当下就要求她合作乐队。两人无间的合作关系从此开始。 乐队雏形成立是在90年代末美国中西部的阿肯色洲,一个名叫小石城的地方。当时以他们的情况而言,似乎与当地音乐的环境不太合流。按艾蜜的话说,那里除了死亡金属就是给上了年纪人听的老情歌,“我甚至都没听说过当地乐队有人用女主唱的。” 乐队发展的过程很有趣。那时他们录制的第二首歌曲,歌特风格的“Understanding”,不知道什么原因,被当地摇滚电台反复播放,结果在那个小镇上打出了些名声。但是歌迷们却找不到演唱者,因为他们根本没条件去演出,乐队只有两人,而且也没钱去雇乐手。 转机出现在乐队在突尼斯录制DEMO的时候,制作人皮特.马修斯(Pete Matthews)发现了他们的潜力,并将乐队作品寄到纽约几个唱片公司,最终,与Wind-Up,也是当红乐队Creed的公司签约。乐队的歌曲“Bring Me to Life”和“My Immortal”被本.阿夫莱克主演的电影《夜魔侠》收做原声,随后在2003年3月,专辑《Fallen》推出,那两首歌的大热让专辑销量迅速攀升,乐队终于红了起来。 不过《Fallen》专辑还是引发了一场不大不小的风波。起先专辑不仅在普通商店贩卖,在基督教音乐店铺也出货,但是由于在著名的“滚石”杂志的乐队访谈中有渎神的内容,结果公司无奈将基督教音乐商店的货全部撤出。娱乐圈里这种情况很多时候不会带来负面影响,反而会提升知名度,Evanescence 也是如此,结果《Fallen》迅速卖过2百万张,在美国登上销量前十,在当代基督音乐榜上坐到冠军,在加拿大夺得第五,英国爬到第一。年底的时候,获得了第46届格莱美的5项提名,包括年度最佳专辑,

介绍一下 Evanescence乐队

Amy Lee - 主唱 Terry Balsamo - 吉他手(前主吉他手Ben Moody已离队) John LeCompt - 吉他手 Rocky Gray - 鼓手 Willian Boyd - 贝司手

帮忙写篇英语短文,内容是:Describe one of kind animal

给你2篇吧,都是写猫咪的,中英对照 :)My Cat I have a cat named Mimi. Its hair is as white as snow. I often play games with it. It amuses me a lot and I treat it as a little friend. Every morning, I would say goodbye to it before I go to school and Mimi would wave its front-legs to me. It brings me a lot of pleasure. But it takes time and costs money to keep the cat. My parents and I spend much time taking care of it, feeding it and cleaning it. We have to clean the house from time to time, or the cat will make them dirty and smelly.我的猫 我有一只猫,名叫咪咪。它的毛像雪一样白,我经常和它一起玩。它使我很开心,我也把它当小朋友一样对待。每天早上,我去上学之前都会跟它说再见,它也人向我晃晃前爪。它给我带来了很多快乐。但是,养猫是要花费时间和金钱的。我父母和我花费很多时间照看它,喂它饭,给它洗澡。我们得经常打扫房间,否则,猫就会把屋子弄得又脏又难闻。第2篇I have a very beautiful cat.Its colour is white or yellow .its name isHaahua .Ithink it is my favourite cat .she likes sleep playing with the bell .she love ratting meat ,Though it is a kind of animals ,I treat it as my friend .sometime I give her some fish or pork to eat .When she sees the fool she begin to cry miao miao .As if she is very hungry and thirsty .Wherever I amwalk she follws me. How happy I am !How nice my friend is !I love her more and more

out of imagination还是description?


要一篇作文关于depression and recession to describe economic landscape


Alejandro Escovedo的《Anchor》 歌词

歌曲名:Anchor歌手:Alejandro Escovedo专辑:Street Songs Of Love能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollI stand with a blank expression nowand I can"t believe myselfwill someone tell me howdid I get hereI am walkingchanging slowlyI am chasingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchorit seems that I lost track of timeand I can"t believe my mindwould you save me ifI reached out to youI"m waiting, watching, standingI am reachingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchor yeahanchor yeahanchor yeahI am walkingchanging slowlyI am chasingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchor yeahanchor yeahanchor yeahcan you hear mehear mecan you hear me

freescale中申请芯片时,orderable part number该填什么

一般来说,工厂研发货量产需求的样品你可以和FREESCALE的代理商联系,他们可以帮你申请样片。 我公司威健事业国际有限公司,有代理FREESCALE。我是业务,0512-68180898-317 Luke.

英语Rescource Scheduler怎么翻译?

Rescource Scheduler它的中文意思就是:上的调度器




To simplify keyboard navigation, an element that gains focus may specify the currently active child element by id. The container element should change the designated descendant during a keypress event. The container should also ensure that the current child has a style that visibly shows it is active, such as an outline or different background color.Note For cross-browser compatibility, always use the WAI-ARIA attribute syntax to access and modify ARIA properties, for exampleobject.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", newValue).


AD 应该是ADI吧,美国的,主要做模拟器件的BB 是BURR-BROWN 美国BB,好象是TI的子公司LATTICE Lattice Semiconductor Corporation 美国莱迪思半导体公司OKI 是日本冲半导体公司www.okisemi.comON 安美森半导体,日本的,公司网站www.onsemi.comFREESCALE 飞思卡尔这个就不用多说了吧MAXIM 美芯,也不用多说了吧DALLAS 达拉斯半导体,Maxim旗下Dallas Semiconductor公司ISSI 芯成半导体有限公司[Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. (Shanghai),以下简称“公司”或“芯成(上海)”]是美国Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. (以下简称“总公司”)在上海市张江高科技园区设立的专门从事集成电路存储器及其相关器件的设计、制造和销售的独资子公司。

sql语句中asc 和 desc 有什么区别



ASC 升序 不是ACS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  用 DESC 表示按倒序排序(即:从大到小排序)用 ACS 表示按正序排序(即:从小到大排序)





In runescape,How much isrune 2h sword

the rune 2h is about 45k~55k. but some people sell it for 60k too (they are crazy!). rune 2h is very slow when it attack but it can +2 hit. if you want i can sell it for you for 50k. my name is singxp rune 2h is 55k!i have but i very need it! 50k(50000) 我don"t have!sorry! 参考: me i think you better not choose the 2h sword(rune)because this sword"s fighting speed is very slow i think you can use longsword and scimmy of rune this is quite fast for fight and the attack quite high. rune armor value: rune full helm(30-35k) rune half helm(20-25k) rune longsword(30-40k) rune scimmy(30-35k) rune platebody(50-60k) rune plateleg(40-50k) rune sword(10-25k) {no member rune things} 2007-02-05 22:32:04 补充: rune 2h sword(40-65k) 2007-02-06 13:10:04 补充: rune q shield(15-25k)rune kiteshield(25-35k)rune darger(10-15k) Rune 2h (Rune Two-hander Sword) Most people sell them in world1/world3 Varrock west bank"s east side (green part) the cheapest I saw is 40k and most of the time it"s around 50k sometimes some noobs sell them for 60k never buy it. If you are paying about 45k it should be ok. P.S. Don"t even dream for someone to GIVE YOU A FREE Rune-2h you should earn it yourself instead if people don"t give you money someday you will suffer =(. rune 2h sword cost 45k -50k although rune 2h hits more but if you use 2h sword you can"t use shield . Also rune scimmy hits faster rune scimmy is cheaper and more people sell rune scimmys near the varrock bank and staff shop. i don"t think you would like to use rune 2h sword. What is your lvl? You can try to buy rune scim I am using this too If u really want to buy rune 2hand sword u can buy in Varr in World1. If u want to buy rune scim u can find me in e-mail I will sell u low [email protected] My lvl is 61 wear rune 参考: Myself

dream escape歌词

Snow Dream(罗马拼音)[ALL] bak keul bwa yo hin nun i wa yo[U-Know] hin nun i nae ryeo o neun geol, jeo ri peong! So ri peong!Nun kkot chin gu deul i bo i ji an ni?It go i sseot deon na ae chu eok gwai ya gi ha neun shi gan ja~ re deu sseon![Micky] It is bright snow falling, that I"ll be taking itJust more than reflection on of disasterHowever we are the master of what we sing.We are the SMTOWN[Yeong-ung] a chim haet sal e nun eul tteo bo myeonChang bak keul se sang deu reul sae ha yan nun i gung jeon[BoA] al go it na yo geu dae jam deun sa iYo jeong deul i seon mul hae jun gyeo ul ae ha yan kkum deul[Shi-won] geu da yeo nae ge ro wa[ALL] I"ll be there, Snow dream under the sky[Hee-cheol] ppal gan nae gwit ga reul seu chyeo ga neun ba ram gyeol ae sok sak im[ALL] Snow dream under the sky[Kangta] na eo ryeo sseul ttae man deul deon hin keu ri seu ma seu teu ri cheo reom[Lina] geu dae nae son eul ja ba yo ha yan ha neul na ra yo[ALL] I"ll be there, Snow dream under the sky[Gang-in] u ri gyeol ul i ya gi [Sunday] hin nun i o myeon yeo haeng eul tteo na yo[Sunday, Dong-hae] ba gwi dal ringa bang an e pu reun kkum ga deuk dam go[Micky] ma eum eul yeo reo so ri chyeo bo myeon[Micky, Ji-Young] o neul cheo eum man nanGeu nyeo wa do cham jo heun chin gu dwae jyo[U-Know] geu dae yo nae ge ro wa[ALL] I"ll be there, Snow dream under the sky[Dana] ppal gan nae gwit ga reul seu chyeo ga neun ba ram gyeol ae sok sak im[ALL] Snow dream under the sky[Xiah] na eo ryeo sseul ttae jang shik han hin keu ri seu ma seu teu ri cheo reom[Gyu-hyeon] geu dae nae son eul ja ba yo ha yan ha neul eul na ra yo[ALL] I"ll be there, Snow dream under the sky[Hyun-Jin] u ri gyeo ul i ya gi[Stephanie] geu dael wi hae il nyeon eul jun bi han (only for you)[Typhoon] geu reon gyeo ul i do ra wa sseo yo[Jang-Ri-In] It"s a snow factory[ALL] bak keul bwa yo([Lina] bak keul bwa yo) ([Yeong-ung] bak keul ba ri bwa)[Hin nun i wa yo ([Lina] hin nun i) ([Yeong-ung] Oh~)Du pal eul beol ryeo ha neul eul an a ([Lina, Yeong-ung] Oh~)[Stephanie] geu dae wa ham kke bo naet deon jak nyeon gyeo ulNun, ko, ip ppi ddul ke da ra jwot deon nun sa ram[Jae-won] ha yan nun wi e mo deun chu eok deul[Stephanie] My heart melt down again[Eun-hyeok] sa rang hae [Shin-dong] sa rang hae[Eun-hyeok, Shin-dong] i beon keu ri seu ma seu e[Shin-dong] neo ae son eul jap go ham kke bo nae sseu myeon hae[Eun-hyeok. Shin dong] neo ae nun e, bul e, a reum da un ip sul eIp mat chu myeo sa rang han da go go baek hae[ALL] I"ll be there ([Xiah]) Wow~)[ALL] geu dae nae ge ro wa ([Lina] nae ge ro wa) [Ryeo-uk] ppal gan nae gwit ga reul seu chyeo ga neunBa ram gyeol ae sok sak im([Xiah] I"ll be there) ([Lina] Wow~)[ALL] Snow dream under the sky ([Gyu-hyeon] Under the sky)[Ye-seong] neo e ge seon mul han nae ma eum eul dal meun teu ri chyeo reom [Chae-gang] geu dae nae son eul ja ba yo ha yan ha neul eul na ra[ALL] I"ll be there, Snow dream under the sky[Sung-min] u ri gyeo eul i ya gi


前面总结了 ts 的高级类型,下面再来说说 ts 给我们提供的一些基于这些高级类型而成的工具泛型。 官方提供的这个方法,就是将 T 中的所有属性设置为可选类型。可以看到它使用了 in 和 keyof T 来遍历 T 中的所有 key (此时 P 就代表 key ),可以看到它使用了 ?: 来将类型改为了可空类型,最后再通过 T[P] 取值的形式,拿到 key 对应的属性,最后就生成了一个所有 key 都和 T 一样,但都是可空类型的新 T 类型。下面我们看看效果: 可以看到此处的类型已经发生变化。 Required 和 Partial 是相反的,它的作用是 使T中的所有属性都是必需的 , [P in keyof T]-?: T[P] 里面的 -? 可以看做是取消掉 ? 的意思,直接贴效果: 可以看到,所有可选类型都变成必选了。 顾名思义, Readonly 的作用就是将 T 中的所有元素设置为只读类型。 我们可以看的类型 age 和 name 已经变成只读类型了。 根据 K extends keyof T 可以得知 K 是单个类型都位于 T 中的联合类型,首先通过 [P in K] 取出联合类型 K 中所有的类型,再将其和 T[P] 的值关联起来,最后返回了一个新的 interface 类型,这个类型里面只包含了联合类型 K 的所有类型。 如上示例,因为 K(nameAndAge) 的类型为 name|age ,所以通过 Pick<Person,nameAndAge> 得到的类型是 { name:string , age:number } 。 同样的根据 K extends keyof any 我们可以知道 K 是个联合类型,通过 [P in K] 将联合类型的所有值都取了出来,再将其和 T 关联起来,最后返回了一个新的 interface 类型,这个类型里面的所有属性的类型都是 T 类型。 如上示例可以看出, Record 的作用就是将 K(TeacherAndWorker) 的所有子类型作为 新interface 子属性的 key ,将 T(Person) 作为 新interface 所有子属性的值。 Exclude 最常用的还是结合两个联合类型来使用的,我们能通过 Exclude 取出 T 联合类型在 U 联合类型中没有的子类型。 如上所示, T(keyof Person = name|age|sex) 联合类型在 U(keyof Alien = name|age) 联合类型中没有的子类型只有 sex ,所以通过 Exclude<keyof Person, keyof Alien> 返回的类型就是 sex 。下面我们再来看看 interface 之间的 Exclude 。 可以看到,通过 Exclude<Alien, Person> 我们得到的类型就是 Alien 类型,因为 T(Alien) extends U(Person) 为 false ,所以返回 T(Alien) 。这种方式我是想不到什么使用场景。 Extract 和 Exclude 是相反的,最常用的还是结合两个联合类型来使用的,我们能通过 Extract 取出 T 联合类型在 U 联合类型中所有重复的子类型。 如图所示,此时通过 Extract<keyof Person, keyof Alien> 返回的是联合类型 name|age 。 Omit 就是 Pick 和 Exclude 的组合,首先我们可以通过 K extends keyof any 得知 K 为联合类型,然后通过 Exclude<keyof T, K> 我们取出了在联合类型 keyof T 中有,而在 K 中没有的子属性(这里我们假设是 联合类型M ),最后再通过 Pick<T,M> 得到一个新的 interface 类型,这个类型里面只包含了联合类型 M 的所有类型。 简单的讲 Omit 就是从类型 T 中取出在 联合类型K 中所没有的类型。 如上示例,我们取出了在 T(Person) 里面除去 K("name"|"age") 以外的类型 sex ,并组成了一个新的 interface 。 就是字面意思,去除掉联合类型中的 null 和 undefined 类型。如下图所示, 使用 NonNullable 之后去掉了联合类型 null | undefined | number | string 中的 null 和 undefined 类型,剩下了 number|string 。 根据 <T extends (...args: any) => any> 我们能够知道 T 是个函数类型,再通过 T extends (...args: infer P) => any 将 T 的形参列表约束成了泛型 P ,所以通过三元运算返回的是函数类型 T 的形参元组。 如图所示, fnParamtersTuple 的类型为, fn 的形参类型的元组。 和 Parameters 类似,只不过 ConstructorParameters 获取的是构造函数的形参元组。下面以官网上介绍 interface类静态部分与实例部分的区别 中的例子改变一下作为demo。 和 Parameters 类似,只不过 ReturnType 获取的是函数类型的返回类型。 和 Parameters 类似,只不过 ConstructorParameters 获取的是构造函数返回值的类型。


1从资源网站下载Sharpkeys软件。2解压下载的.zip文件,运行SharpKeys工具。3打开SharpKeys的主界面,选择"Add"按钮添加键的映射。4如将F4功能键映射为UP上箭头按键,选择Map this key(From key): 的键为Function: F4, To this key (To key): 的键为Arrow: UP。5再单击"write to regist"写入注册表。6再重启一下计算机生效,重新进入计算机系统,会发现再按F4键已是UP上箭头按键效果了。7如果需要去掉映射关系,选中键的映射关系条目按"Delete"键。

求 托福红Delta Test3口语部分Question4思路解析 Question: Describe the whiskers of a cat, and

1、题目关键词: 2、答题要领: (1)briefly summarize the concept of sensory receptor. (2)describe the whiskers of a cat and explain the whiskers function. 3、阅读材料要点: (1)Sensory receptors detect changes in an animal"s external and internal environment and some of them are stimulated by physical bending or stretching. (2)A common type of sensory receptor that detects motion is the hair cell. 4、听力材料要点: (1)The cats" whiskers are long, stiff, highly touch-sensitive hairs. Cats generally have about 12 whiskers on their faces. They are more than twice as thick as the rest of the hairs and extend three times deeper into the skin. (2)Whiskers can detect slight motion. Cats rely heavily on their whiskers when the light is dim. 5、模板: (1)In this set of materials, the reading passage is (the title of the reading passage) and the listening material is a lecture on this topic. (2)The reading material mainly introduces ... (3)In the listening material, the professor discusses ... (4)First,... Second,...


你好这句口号严格来讲属于以动词may引导的虚拟语气。这里may不是情态动词,而是实义动词,表示“祝福,祝愿”。全句有祈祷意味,可以恢复为省略should的虚拟语气句:May China (should) live long / long live !(long作为副词,可以在动词live之前或者之后,都可以。)从这个形式看以看出,在实际喊口号的时候,对这个句子进行了改动,包括省略may和倒装long live和China两个词。希望对你有帮助

win10无法访问C:Program FilesCommon Files参数错误

应用数据放到appdata下面去。参考Application Specification for Microsoft Windows 2000 for Desktop Applications Chapter 4: Data and Settings Management

Job Description of a General Manager (urgent)

Sample 1: General Manager -China Our client is a multinational furniture manufacturing and marketing pany Job Description : With full P/L responsibility for China market, you will look after the pany"s franchise business across all cities in China. You will be working closely with franchisee business partners and will be be accountable for the pany"s growth and expion in China market. You will have strong experience in driving business and sales through dealer neork in PRC. The Successful Candidate : To qualify, you will possess a Bachelor"s Degree in Business Administration or relevant discipline and have at least 10 years" experience working with dealers and franchisees in China market. This role is going to be based in Shanghai and fluent Mandarin and English ability is sought for this role. Sample 2: General Manager The primary objective of the General Manager is to be a direct representative capable of making sound decisions on behalf of Recreation Resource Management, Inc. General Manager must possess good administrative, public relations and maintenance skills necessary to enhance overall operations. They will supervise and train host and maintenance personnel in procedures established by RRM. The General Manager will also serve as an RRM representative in dealing with USFS personnel. The General Manager will make suggestions/remendations that could enhance or streamline operations, will perform or supervise certain construction and maintenance functions and be available to assist maintenance personnel in performing required duties. The General Manager will conduct a "Training Workshop" at the beginning of each season for all employees. The General Manager will have full supervisory control over RRM employees. The General Manager will recruit, hire and train other personnel for permitted areas and resolve personnel problems, will handle plaints, infractions, e, which are referred to him/her and take necessary action to resolve these situations. The General Manager will ensure public relations are handled in a courteous and professional manner, both from oneself and other RRM employees. The General Manager will assist and participate in all phases of fee collection and maintenance as needed, process and maintain all records regarding revenues and provide reports to RRM or USFS as instructed. The General Manager will be provided a campsite with utility hook-ups where available and propane. The General Manager is expected to be on duty during weekends and holidays. A pensation package for this position will be negotiated on an individual basis. RRM will provide Workman"s Compensation Insurance. C How searched ,

Help, which adjective can describe a music is very "强劲的" or "劲爆的" ?


求:托福 TPO口语第1套Question6参考答案 Question: Using the research described by the profess

1、题目关键词:use the research, explain, mathematical abilities of babies 2、答题要领: (1)point out the scientists" conclusion about the mathematical abilities of babies (2)summarize the research described in the listening material 3、听力材料要点: (1)babies can do basic mathematics as young as five months old (2)in the research, the scientists show the baby puts two dolls one after the other and secretly hide the first one (3)when the baby sees one doll instead of two dolls, he is surprised 4、模板 (1)What the scientists have learned about the mathematical abilities of babies is... (2)The evidence described in the listening material is... (3)Thus we can draw the conclusion that...


NESCAFE指的是雀巢公司生产的咖啡饮品。雀巢公司是由亨利内斯特(Henri Nestle)于1867年创办,亨利内斯特是其德国法兰克福出生的瑞士企业家。相关背景:1833年内斯特家族因政治迫害以及社会不安逃到瑞士,定居沃韦。内斯特本是一个药剂师助手。1843年他在沃韦开办了一个矿泉水工厂。十九世纪中叶,他开始研究可以减少婴儿死亡率的奶制品。1867年起雀巢公司成立,他的婴儿营养麦片粥开始在全欧洲畅销,进入20世纪初,雀巢公司开始生产咖啡等饮品。扩展资料在德语里,Nestle是小鸟巢的意思,英文的含义是“舒适,安顿下来”和“依偎”;因为英文雀巢(Nest)与他的名字为同一词根,所以中文一并译为“雀巢”。雀巢公司在发明速溶咖啡65年后,再次推出此“雀巢咖啡1+2”,以更先进的生产工艺创造出咖啡品质的全新标准。这项在中国率先应用的先进速溶咖啡生产技术,极大限度地保留了咖啡豆中香醇与美味的精华。采用全新工艺生产出的雀巢咖啡,配以适量的糖。雀巢公司的300多种产品(不仅是咖啡)在遍及61个国家的421个工厂中生产。公司设在瑞士日内瓦湖畔的小都市沃韦总部对生产工艺、品牌、质量控制及主要原材料作出了严格的规定。参考资料来源:百度百科-雀巢公司



commodity description是什么意思

commodity description商品描述commodity 常用词汇 英 [ku0259"mu0252du0259ti]     美 [ku0259"mɑu02d0du0259ti]    n. 商品;日用品;有价值之物

commodity description是什么意思

commodity description商品描述commodity[英][ku0259u02c8mu0252du0259ti][美][ku0259u02c8mɑ:du0259ti]n.商品; 日用品; 有价值的物品; 有利,有益; 复数:commodities例句:1.Financial and commodity markets would doubtless welcome such developments. 金融和大宗商品市场无疑会对这种进展表示欢迎。

The Balanescu Quartet的《Hunt》 歌词

歌曲名:Hunt歌手:The Balanescu Quartet专辑:Angels & InsectsTeairra Mari feat. Pleasure P - Hunt 4 UI"m looking for youthat sweet incredible youthat unforgetable youThe you that only I can knowTell me what i gotta doWhat walls i gotta break throughThat will bring me right back to youCuz im searching boy but i dont have a clueIm not gon stop fightingim gon" keep searchingI"ll go to the end of the world if i have toI"m gon" keep trying as long as im hurtingTell me what i gotta docuz boy im on the hunt for youWhere you at? (x5)cuz boy im on the hunt for youWhere you at? (x5)I"m looking for youThat irreplaceable youThat warm embraceable youThat walked right out that doorWhat argument can i lose?What day can i play a fool?Tell me boy what i gotta doTo figure out why you dont luv me no moreIm not gon stop fightingim gon" keep searchingI"ll go to the end of the world if i have toI"m gon" keep trying as long as im hurtingTell me what i gotta docuz boy im on the hunt for youShe said i"ve been missing for a minuteI aint been no whereI"m in this mudafuqa till we finishAnd we go back and forthwith cursing words like its Tina"sCuz im a green thingI"ll be out here chasing spinachAnd she said I dont want your carsI"d rather have your heartYeah you call me you wifeyBaby let me play the partShe hates when were apartShe calls me up whenever i leaveShe"s looking out for meIm not gon stop fightingim gon" keep searchingI"ll go to the end of the world if i have toI"m gon" keep trying as long as im hurtingcuz boy im on the hunt for you







科技英语阅读4The invention of the incandescent (白炽的) light bulb by?

a,b,b,c,d,1,科技英语阅读4 The invention of the incandescent (白炽的) light bulb by Thomas Edison in 1879 created a demand for a cheap,readily available (可利用的) fuel with which to generate large amounts of electric power.Coal seemed to fit the bill,and it fueled (供以燃料) the earliest power stations (which were set up at the end of the nineteenth century by Edison himself).As more power plants (发电厂) were constructed throughout the country,the reliance (依靠) on coal increased.Since the First World War,coal-fired power plants have accounted for about half of the electricity produced in the United States each year.In 1986 such plants had a bined capacity (产量) of 289 000 megawatts and consumed (消耗) 83 percent of the nearly 900 million tons of coal mined in the country that year.Given (考虑到) the uncertainty in the future growth of nuclear power and in the supply of oil and natural gas,coal-fired power plants could well provide up to 70 percent of the electric power in the United States by the end of the century. Yet,in spite of the face that coal has long been a source of electricity and may remain one for many years (coal represents about 80 percent of the United States fossil-fuel reserves,it has actually never been the most desirable fossil fuel for power plants.Coal contains less energy per unit of weight than natural gas or oil; it is difficult to transport,and it is associated with a host of environmental issues among them acid rain.Since the late 1960s problems of emission (散发) control and waste disposal have sharply reduced the appeal of coal-fired power plants.The cost of ameliorating (改进) these environmental problems,along with the rising cost of building a facility (设备) as large and plex as a coal-fired power plant,has also made such plants less attractive from a purely economic perspective (观点). Changes in the technological base of coal-fired power plants could restore (恢复) their attractiveness,however.Whereas some of these changes are evolutionary (进化的) and are intended mainly to increase the productivity of existing plants,pletely new technologies for burning coal cleanly are also being developed. 31.What is the main idea of the passage? a.Coal-fired plants are an important source of electricity in the United States and are likely to remain so. b.Generating electricity from coal is paratively recent in the United States. c.Coal is a more economical fuel than either oil or nuclear power. d.Coal is a safer and more dependable fossil fuel than oil or gas. 32.Edison"s electric light bulb is mentioned in the passage because it . a.replaced gas as a light source b.increased the need for electrical power c.was safer than any other method of lighting d.could work only with electricity generated from coal 33.It can be inferred from the passage that coal became the principal source (主要的来源) of electricity in the United States because it . a.required no plicated machinery (复杂的机械) b.was paratively (相对的)plentiful and inexpensive c.was easy to transport d.burned efficiently 34.In the author"s opinion,the importance of coal-generated electricity could increase in the future for which of the following reasons? a.The possible substitutes (代替物) are too dangerous. b.The cost of changing to other fuels is uncertain c.The future availability (可用性) of other fuels is uncertain. d.Other fuels present too manyenvironmental problems. 35.According to the passage,which of the following is one of the goals of the new technology in coal-fired plants? a.To adapt (使适应) ,the plants to other kinds of fuel. b.To reduce the cost of building more plants. c.To lengthen the lives of plants already in use. d.To make the plants already in use more productive.


歌手:小野大辅作词:畑亜贵作曲:川岛弘光降(ふ)り出(だ)した雨(あめ)の中(なか) 见上(みあ)げるFuridashita ame no naka miageru 额(がく)に頬(ほほ)に冷(つめ)たさがgaku ni hoho ni tsumetasa ga足元(あしもと)で叹(ねげ)きの泉(いずみ)に変(か)わってashimoto de nageki no izumi ni kawatte仆达(ぼくたち)を饮(の)み込(こ)むbokutachi o nomikomu どこまで続(つづ)く? 逃(に)げ出(だ)したくなるdoko made tsudzuku?Nigedashitaku naruだけど止(と)まらずに行(い)こうdakedo tomarazu ni ikou 迷(まよ)いを手(て)にして阶段升(かいだんのぼ)るmayoi o te ni shite kaidan noboruAscending 空(そら)へと降(お)りる道(みち)はAscendingora e to oriru michi waああきっと同(おな)じ阶段(かいだん) さっき见(み)た螺旋阶段(らせんかいだん)ā kitto onaji kaidan sakki mita rasen kaidanそんな错覚(さっかく)が现実(リアル)かsonna sakkaku ga riaru ka水(みつ)が蒸気(じょうき)に暗(くら)い雨云(あまくも)にmizu ga jōki ni kurai amagumo niまた雨(あめ)になり濡(ぬ)らす永远疑似(えいえんぎじ)mata ame ni nari nurasu eien giji それでも自分(じぶん)で动(うご)き続(つづ)けるんだsoredemo jibun de ugoki tsudzukerun da自分(じふん)の足(あし)の向(む)くままjibun no ashi no muku mamaどこからが梦(ゆめ)? 悪梦越(あくむ こ)えたくてdoko kara ga yume? akumu koetakute前(まえ)に後(うし)ろに出口探(てぐし さが)すんだmae ni ushironi deguchi sagasun daどこからが梦(ゆめ)? 悪梦越(あくむ こ)えるならdoko kara ga yume? akumu koerunara 人生(じんせい)のMebiusRing抜(ぬ)こうjinsei no MebiusRing nukou悩(なや)みの深(ふか)さは阶段(かいだん)に似(に)てnayami no fuka-sa wa kaidan ni niteDescending 地面(じめん)は高(たか)く远(とお)いDescending jimen wa takaku tō iああずっと同(おな)じ阶段(かいだん) さっき见(み)た非常阶段(ひじょう かいだん)ā zutto onaji kaidan sakki mita hijō kaidanそんな幻覚(けんかく)が离(はな)れないsonna genkaku ga hanarenaiああきっと同(おな)じ阶段(かいだん) さっき见(み)た螺旋阶段(らせんかいだん)ā kitto onaji kaidan sakki mita rasen kaidanそんな错覚(さっかく)が现実(リアル)かsonna sakkaku ga riaru ka迷(まよ)いを手(て)にして阶段升(かいだんのぼ)るmayoi o te ni shite kaidan noboruAscending 空(そら)へと降(お)りる道(みち)はAscending sora e to oriru michi wa悩(なや)みの深(ふか)さは阶段(かいだん)に似(に)てnayami no fuka-sa wa kaidan ni niteDescending 地面(じめん)は高(たか)く远(とお)いDescending jimen wa takaku tō iああずっと同(おな)じ阶段(かいだん) さっき见(み)た非常阶段(ひじょう かいだん)ā zutto onaji kaidan sakki mita hijō kaidanそんな幻覚(けんかく)を消(け)したい気分(きぶん)だsonna genkaku o keshitai kibundaああきっと同(おな)じ阶段(かいだん) さっき见(み)た螺旋阶段(らせんかいだん)ā kitto onaji kaidan sakki mita rasen kaidanそんな错覚(さっかく)が现実(リアル)かsonna sakkaku ga riaru ka

ascending and descending是什么意思

ascending and descending_百度翻译ascending and descending [医]升降 [例句]Click a button repeatedly to switch between ascending and descending sort order.反复单击按钮可以在升序和降序排序顺序之间切换。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

sort ascending与sort descending是什么语法结构

sort 是顺序ascending 表示升descending 表示降其实 我们可以这样说 the sort is ascending/descending. 就像The sun is rising/setting.这里主要是 动名词做后置定语 修饰 sort 另外 这种说法 已经是普遍了 通常作为按钮上的字幕



describe a visit to a restaurant,中文什么意思

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