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describe a visit to a restaurant,中文什么意思

2023-07-09 11:08:13



























































































describes是一个动词,形容、描述、描写,describes可以分为两个音节【des】和【cribes】,第一个音节读为【dis】,第二个音节为【krau026abz】,所以连起来这个单词的发音是【du026au02c8skrau026abz】,describes是describe的第三人称形式,它源于词根scrib,scrib是写下、记下的意思,de加强的意思,e动词结尾,写下一件事情,就是描述、描写;所以describes表示形容、描述、描写的意思,Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene,语言难以描述那景色之美丽,但我们都知道描写、写作这个东西,其实它是很主观的,所以describes还可以表示声称的意思,He describes himself as a doctor,他声称自己是医生,describes你学会了吗?
2023-07-09 08:00:271


describe 英[du026a"skrau026ab] 美[du026au02c8skrau026ab] vt. 描写,形容;叙述;描绘,作图;(行星等)周转 第三人称单数:describes;过去分词:described;现在分词:describing;... [例句]A few contestants describe their , or their bosses " , management techniques:有一些参赛者描述的则是他们自己或他们老板的管理技巧:
2023-07-09 08:01:251


In his writing, John Crowe Ransom describes what/(主语也是宾语)/ he considers the spiritual barrenness of society (which)brought about by science and technology.
2023-07-09 08:01:369


2023-07-09 08:02:052


2023-07-09 08:02:121


你好,很高兴为你解答。 Describe sth as sth 不是什么句型 而是指describe的用法是搭配as,sth表示要添加什么词。就相当于 (这跟中文的:XXXXX年的XXXXX市的车展将在XXXXX中心举行。一个意思) 也可以理解成 describe A as B 把A描述成B。例句:He describes himself as an artist.他自称是艺术家。(句中A是他自己,B是艺术家,他把他自己描述成艺术家)希望能对你有所帮助。
2023-07-09 08:02:201

The book he is fond of ______ (描述) how birds live 为什么答案是describes不是discribing

he is fond of 是插入语做题的时候把这部分盖起来,不看,就成了。the book describes how birds live.单数第三人称,所以加s
2023-07-09 08:02:272

Which word best describes Nigel Dykes? describe为什么加s?

2023-07-09 08:02:411

describe是什么意思 解析describe的含义和用法?

describe是一个动词,意思是“描述、描写、叙述”。常见用法有:描述:用文字或言语详细叙述某人或某物的外貌、特征、性质等。例如:Can you describe what the suspect looked like?(你能描述一下嫌疑人的长相吗?)She described the scenery as breathtakingly beautiful.(她把风景形容为惊人的美丽。)描写:用语言或文字详细地刻画或表现出某人或某物的形态、情感、场景等。例如:The author describes the main character as brave and determined.(作者把主人公描写成勇敢而坚定。)The painting describes a peaceful countryside with rolling hills.(这幅画描绘了一个连绵起伏的宁静乡村。)叙述:用语言或文字详细地陈述某个事件或情况的经过、内容等。例如:He described how he had spent his childhood in the countryside.(他叙述了他是如何在乡村度过童年的。)The witness described the accident to the police.(目击者向警方描述了事故经过。)
2023-07-09 08:03:391


describe的过去式 described和过去分词-describeddescribe[英][du026au02c8skrau026ab][美][du026au02c8skrau026ab]vt.描写,形容; 叙述; 描绘,作图; (行星等)周转;第三人称单数:describes过去分词:described现在进行时:describing过去式:described例句:I like the way you describe your ordeal.我喜欢你描述自身遭遇的方式。
2023-07-09 08:03:581


describe 是个动词,意思是描写、描述。 后跟 名词、代词或者疑问连词how/ what/ when....
2023-07-09 08:04:241


delineate:vt.勾画,描述。第三人称单数:delineates过去分词:delineated现在进行时:delineating过去式:delineated.describe:vt.叙述; 描写,形容; 描绘,作图; (行星等)周转。第三人称单数:describes过去分词:described现在进行时:describing过去式:described.
2023-07-09 08:04:511

he always describes himself as very poor.他总是把自己说的很穷。其中as是什么词性?又作什么成分?

2023-07-09 08:05:092

as its name implies,descriptive writing simply describes,or provides an image of,a piece of music,

正如其名子所言,说明文仅仅是描述或者是提供一些对音乐的想象!descriptive writing 作主语,describes和provides作谓语,a piece of music作宾语!
2023-07-09 08:05:182

It describes 从句 how the city developed 还是 how..are developed

It describes how the city developed in the past 2 decadesIt describes how the city were developed in the past 2 decades两者都对,前者表主动,后者表被动。主要是develop这个词既可用作“发展”当不及物动词,又可用作“被发展”当及物动词。描述二十年的发展用过去式,主谓一致只会是现在式跟过去式一致,过去式不用跟现在式一致。请参考
2023-07-09 08:05:241


2023-07-09 08:05:334


describe[英][du026au02c8skrau026ab][美][du026au02c8skrau026ab]vt.叙述; 描写,形容; 描绘,作图; (行星等)周转; 第三人称单数:describes过去分词:described现在进行时:describing过去式:described例句:1.Did he ever describe him? 他描述过他吗?2.Can you describe her? 你能形容一下她吗?3.Shall I describe him for you? 需要我为你指出是谁吗?4.Oan you describe them? 你能形容一下他们吗?5.Can you describe him? 你能描述一下他吗?
2023-07-09 08:05:401


   e) READING   64. Do you like reading? ( 5 - 6 )   No I donu2019t like reading. I do not have the patience. For example, I have never been able to read a book from start to finish. Maybe the books I have tried were not interesting enough.   64. Do you like reading? ( 7 - 8 )   Yes. I like reading very much. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, I believe that all of us should read a lot. For example, when you read you acquire new knowledge, which in turn will broaden your views on important matters. In addition I also like reading u2018Crazy Englishu2019. The topics are interesting and short, and the translations ensure that I donu2019t waste time looking up unfamiliar words.   65. What kinds of books do you like best? ( 5 - 6 )   I like cartoons. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, I believe cartoons are a special form of art. For example, the Japanese cartoons that are common in China, have excellent illustrations.   65. What kinds of books do you like best? ( 7 - 8 )   I like novels. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, I like to read a storyline that is full of intrigue and suspense. For example, many love stories have characters who are involved in all sorts of conflicts amongst them. The most common one known all over the world since ancient times is the so-called u2018love triangleu2019.   66. Describe a book that you have read recently. ( 5 - 6 )   I have read a book about the life of Michael Jordan. I am sorry, but I have forgotten the name of the book. I also like to read Japanese cartoons.   66. Describe a book that you have read recently. ( 7 - 8 )   I have recently read a book about the history of South Africa. It is called u2018The Covenantu2019, and was written by a famous American author called James Mitchener. It describes the history from the very first days, up to the present. It covers all aspects of the country, but focuses on the people of the country. For example, he looks at the political situation over the past fifty years, which was based on racial discrimination and had become known to the world as u2018apartheidu2019.   67. Do you often read the newspapers? ( 5 - 6 )   No, I never read a newspaper. I watch TV if I want to know what is happening in China and the world. Newspapers take to much time to read. For example, the news on TV is short and to the point, and that"s all I want to know.   67. Do you often read the newspapers? ( 7 - 8 )   No. Allow me to explain the reasons by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I use the Internet these days if I want to know what"s happening in China and the world. For example, websites like CNN contain all the latest news on world events. Secondly, I like to read about stories in depth, and this I cannot find in newspapers. For example, I often would like to know the history behind a story. On the Internet I can do some research right away, and so gain a broader perspective on the subject at hand.      f)HOBBIES   68. Do you have a hobby? ( 5 - 8 )   Yes. My hobby is stamp collecting. I have been collecting stamps for the past two years now. That is to say, for two years I have chosen stamp collecting to be my only hobby. I regularly spend time working on my collection. I guess I spend about two hours every week on my hobby. This is mainly over weekends, as I do not have time during the week.   69. Why have you chosen this hobby? ( 5 - 6 )   That"s an interesting question. Allow me to explain myself/my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: First of all, it"s a very interesting hobby. For example, the stamps from other countries often say something about that country and it"s people.   69. Why have you chosen this hobby? ( 7 - 8 )   First of all, when you collect stamps, you are able to learn more about the world, and you will not be bored easily. What I mean to say is that you can get stamps from every country in the world, and the stamps often say something about that country and it"s people. Secondly, you are able to meet new friends through your hobby. For instance, you have a common interest with someone else, and you can discuss your collections together for many hours. Lastly, the hobby will teach you some self-discipline and how to be very systematic. That is to say, you have to tend to your collection regularly, and you have to sort the stamps according to internationally recognized systems.   70. What are good hobbies, and what are bad hobbies? ( 5 - 8 )   In my opinion, good hobbies are those ones that give you the opportunity to develop a new skill. For example, collecting stamps teaches you to be systematic. Bad hobbies on the other hand may result in you acquiring bad habits. For example, TV and computer games will result in you neglecting your studies.
2023-07-09 08:05:471

英语大神帮帮忙啊,分析下这个句子what he considers做什么成分,我感觉怪怪的

2023-07-09 08:05:585


2023-07-09 08:06:307

求翻译并分析。or是指前后并列的成分么?as指的前面的句子还是imaginary world?(机翻勿扰)

or describes 中的or 并列的是refers to 和 describes ,即并列两个谓语as指代a real or imaginary world这是语言学的文字,意思是在解释propositional meaning,即命题意义,大致意思是:一个单词或句子的命题意义产生于词或句本身与它所指代的、或它所描述的真实的或是假想的世界中的事物,这个世界是指说这种特定语言的人所认识所理解的世界
2023-07-09 08:06:462


2023-07-09 08:07:083


When you speak or write in English, you want to make sure that the words and phrases that you use describe exactly what you are thinking. There are many ways to do this, including using qualifiers, modifiers, and intensifiers.,当你用英语说或写的时候,你要确保你用的单词和短语准确地描述了你在想什么。有很多方法可以做到这一点,包括使用限定符、修饰符和增强器。,Each of these are ways to make what you describe more specific, so the audience – whether it is your best friend or thousands of your readers on the inter – can better understand what you mean.,每一种方法都能让你描述的更具体,这样无论是你最好的朋友还是成千上万的互联网读者,都能更好地理解你的意思。, , What are modifiers? , 什么是修饰语? ,Like qualifiers, modifiers modify the meaning of a sentence. They change its meaning, depending on the intention of the speaker. Modifiers are the broadest category of words that help you describe meaning. Because of that, they can be all types of parts of speech, such as adjectives, adjective clauses, adverbs, adverb clauses, absolute phrases, infinitive phrases, participle phrases, and prepositional phrases. If used well, modifiers can make any sentence more engaging, detailed, and interesting for the reader. Modifiers give the reader more information, creating a more plete picture of the situation.,和限定词一样,修饰语修饰句子的意思。它们根据说话者的意图改变其意思。修饰语是帮助你描述意思的最广泛的一类词。因此,它们可以是所有类型的词类,如形容词、形容词从句、副词、副词从句、绝对短语、不定式短语、分词短语和介词短语。如果使用得当,修饰语可以使任何句子更吸引人,更详细,更有趣的读者。修饰语给读者更多的信息,创造一个更完整的情况。,For example, take this sentence:,例如,用这句话来说:,Amy gathered ingredients.,艾米收集原料。,If you use each of these types of modifiers above, you can create something as plex as a story – just with the extra details. For example, see the sentence below:,如果您使用上述每种类型的修饰符,您可以创建像故事一样复杂的东西-只需要额外的细节。例如,请参见下面的句子:,Young Amy, who just wanted to eat her favorite dessert to reward herself, enthusiastically gathered ingredients for a cake from the kitchen pantry, sneaking bits of sugar and chocolate as she left a trail of flour on the kitchen table and floor, a situation requiring her mother to spend so much time cleaning up that she couldn"t help Amy bake the cake.,年轻的艾米只想吃她最喜欢的甜点来奖励自己,她从厨房的餐具室里热情地收集蛋糕的配料,偷偷地在厨房的桌子和地板上留下一小片面粉,同时还偷了一些糖和巧克力,这种情况要求她母亲花太多时间打扫卫生,以致于她无法帮助艾米烤蛋糕。,The above sentence, though long, tells much more of the story than the first sentence. It is also much more interesting to read, and makes you likely want to know more about the situation.,上面这句话虽然很长,但比第一句讲的故事要多得多。它也更有趣的阅读,使你可能想知道更多的情况。,What did Amy want to reward herself for? Why did her mother not help her gather the ingredients? The sentence also contains at least one of each of the following types of modifiers, as outlined below.,艾米为什么要奖励自己?为什么她妈妈不帮她收集配料?该句子还包含以下每种类型的修饰语中的至少一种,如下所述。,Adjective (describes a noun or pronoun): young,形容词(形容名词或代词):young,Adjective clause (a descriptive phrase that acts as an adjective): who just wanted to eat her favorite dessert,形容词从句(用作形容词的描述性短语):只想吃她最喜欢的甜点的人,Infinitive phrase (a descriptive phrase that starts with an infinitive, or to followed by a verb): to reward herself,不定式短语(以不定式开头或后跟动词的描述性短语):奖励自己,Adverb (describes an adjective or verb): enthusiastically,副词(形容形容词或动词):热情地,Prepositional phrase (a descriptive phrase that starts with a preposition, or anything a frog can do to a log, like sit on, in, or on top of it): from the kitchen pantry,介词短语(以介词开头的描述性短语,或青蛙对原木所做的任何事情,如坐在原木上、坐在原木上或在原木上做的任何事情):来自厨房的餐具室,Participle phrase (descriptive phrase starting with a verb in an adjective form, usually ending in –ing or –ed): sneaking bits of sugar and chocolate,分词短语(以形容词形式的动词开头的描述性短语,通常以-ing或-ed结尾):偷偷的糖和巧克力,Adverbial clause (a descriptive phrase acting as an adverb): as she left a trail of flour on the kitchen table and floor,状语从句(一种做副词的描绘性短语):当她在厨房的桌子和地板上留下面粉痕迹时,Absolute phrase (a descriptive phrase that attaches to a sentence with no conjunction, often modifying the meaning of the whole sentence): a situation requiring her mother to spend so much time cleaning up that she couldn"t help Amy bake the cake.,绝对短语(附在句子上的不带连词的描述性短语,经常修改整句话的意思):一种需要母亲花大量时间清理的情况,她无法帮助艾米烤蛋糕。,As you can see from each of these modifiers above, they can be placed in any part of the sentence to modify any kind of word or phrase.,从上面的每个修饰语可以看出,它们可以放在句子的任何部分来修饰任何类型的单词或短语。,Adjectives and adverbs always go in front of the word or phrase they are modifying, but other than that, most modifiers can be put where they sound the best and where the thing that they will modify is the clearest.,形容词和副词总是出现在它们所修饰的词或短语的前面,但除此之外,大多数修饰语都可以放在它们听起来最好的地方,它们将要修饰的东西最清楚的地方。,You have plete flexibility to create your sentences with them!,你有完全的灵活性来创造你的句子!, , What are qualifiers? , 什么是限定词? ,Qualifiers a subgroup of modifiers, and are adverbs, either words or phrases, that change the meaning of a verb by limiting it. Instead of saying Pam was working, which implies that Pam was doing work, you can limit the amount of work that you describe by saying Pam was hardly working. This second sentence, with the qualifier hardly, has a pletely different meaning than the first. In this case, Pam is doing much less work than before. The general purpose of a qualifier is to express doubt, or to qualify what you are saying. You limit the meaning of the verbs and adjectives that you change, which can be very useful if you do not yet have a large vocabulary. Put these qualifiers in front of the verb or adjective that you want to describe.,限定词修饰语的一个子组,可以是副词,可以是单词或短语,通过限制动词来改变动词的意义。不要说Pam在工作,这意味着Pam在工作,你可以通过说Pam几乎不工作来限制你描述的工作量。第二句几乎没有限定词,它的意思与第一句完全不同。在这种情况下,Pam做的工作比以前少得多。限定词的一般用途是表示怀疑,或者限定你所说的话。你可以限制你所改变的动词和形容词的意义,如果你还没有足够的词汇量,这将非常有用。把这些限定词放在你想描述的动词或形容词前面。,Some very mon qualifiers are in the list below:,下面列出了一些非常常见的限定符:,To lessen the impact of something:,减轻某事的影响:,May/Might/Maybe/May be/Might/Could/Kind of/Sort of/Somewhat/Slightly,可能/也许/也许是/有点/稍微有点,Examples:,例子,I might be going to Italy in June with my cousins, but I"m not sure yet.,我可能六月份和我的表兄弟们去意大利,但我还不确定。,The rain could fall, but the sun is out to it is hard to predict.,雨可能会下,但太阳出来了,很难预测。,Katie kind of wants to go to Disneyland, but she is afraid to ask her parents to take her.,凯蒂有点想去迪斯尼乐园,但她不敢让父母带她去。,To say a *** aller number,说一个较小的数字,Few/Not many/A *** all number/A minority/Some,少/不多/少数/少数,Examples:,例子:,A minority of voters approve of the new legislation that is being considered.,少数选民赞成正在考虑的新立法。,Few students enjoy learning from reading books, as they would prefer to try different things and learn by experimentation.,很少有学生喜欢从读书中学习,因为他们更喜欢尝试不同的东西,通过实验来学习。,I would like some peas, please.,请给我一些豌豆。,To say that something does NOT happen more often than it does, or is less mon than you expect,说某事不会比它发生得更频繁,或者比你期望的要少,Hardly/Hardly ever/Rarely/Infrequently/Seldom/Sporadically/Scarcely/For a short time,很少偶尔/几乎没有/短时间内,Examples:,例子:,This is scarcely the time to be doubting our plans, Harry.,哈利,现在几乎不是怀疑我们计划的时候。,It hardly ever rains here, so if you draw lines in the sand, you can e back and see them years later.,这里几乎从不下雨,所以如果你在沙地上画线,你可以在几年后回来看。,The ice cream truck rarely es by our neighborhood, but is very popular when it does.,冰淇淋车很少经过我们附近,但很受欢迎。,To create doubt,表示怀疑,Unlikely/Improbable/Doubtful/Possibly/Probably/Not likely/Undecidedly/Apparently,不可能/可疑/可能/不可能/不确定/明显不可能/不可能/也许/不可能/不确定/明显,Examples:,例子:,To answer your question, it is highly unlikely that Cassie will be picked for the position.,回答你的问题,凯西被选上这个职位的可能性很小。,Don"t get your hopes up because your design is not likely to be selected.,不要因为你的设计不太可能被选中而抱有希望。,The doctor will probably have some time to see you in the afternoon, so e when you are available.,下午医生可能有时间来看你,有空的时候来。,To make generalizations; or talk about multiple things that are related, but not the same,概括;或谈论多种相关但不相同的事情,Basically/Essentially/Generally/Pretty/Rather/Virtually,基本上/大体上/一般地/漂亮/相当于/实际上,Examples:,例子:,“Traveling in the different countries in Asia is basically the same,” said John, who had never been to any of the countries in Asia.,从未去过亚洲任何一个国家的约翰说:“在亚洲的不同国家旅行基本上是一样的。,Essentially, the point of the festival is to celebrate the great things that have happened in the past year.,从本质上讲,节日的意义在于庆祝过去一年发生的大事。,Virtually every tournament only lets boys pete, probably because everyone is afraid to be beaten by a girl.,几乎每场比赛都只让男孩参加,可能是因为每个人都害怕被女孩打败。,Qualifiers are not limited to the above list, and can be long phrases as well as single words.,限定词不限于以上列表,可以是长短语,也可以是单个单词。,What are intensifiers?,什么是强调词?,Intensifiers are another special category of modifiers. They have the opposite effect of qualifiers, and strengthen (rather than weaken) the meaning of the words and phrases that they modify.,增强器是另一类特殊的修饰语。它们具有与限定词相反的效果,并加强(而不是削弱)它们修改的单词和短语的含义。,They are either positive (like very) or negative (like definitely not). Some examples of these o categories of intensifiers are below:,它们要么是积极的(像非常)要么是消极的(像绝对不是)。这两类增强器的一些例子如下:,Positive intensifiers,肯定强调词,Very/Extremely/Absolutely/Completely/Greatly/Too/So/Totally/Utterly/Highly/Rather/Really/Exceptionally/Particularly/Seriously/Quite (in American, but not British, English)/Awfully (be careful: awful means very bad, but awfully usually describes some great, like The cake was awfully delicious!),非常的/绝对的/完全的/非常的/太多的/所以的/完全的/程度高的/相当的/非常的/特别的/认真的/相当的(在美国,但不是英国,英语)/Awfully(小心:糟糕的意思是非常糟糕,但是Awfully通常描述一些伟大的,像蛋糕是非常美味的!),Examples:,例子:,The boss was very adamant that the sofare be changed this way, so we had better listen to his demands.,老板非常坚决地要求这样修改软件,所以我们最好听听他的要求。,I pletely agree with Nathan, even though we never agree on anything.,我完全同意内森的观点,尽管我们从来没有达成一致。,Sally really wanted to kiss Liam that night.,那天晚上莎莉真的很想吻利亚姆。,Negative intensifiers,否定强调词,Never/At all/What on earth…?,从来没有/根本没有/到底是什么…?,e. What on earth is Mindy doing? To question Mindy"s actions.,明迪到底在干什么?质疑明迪的行为。,Why… ever…?,究竟为什么?,e. Why did I ever agree to help you move your furniture? To indicate regret or a problem.,我究竟为什么同意帮你搬家俱?表示遗憾或问题。,Dangerously/Seriously/Ever again/Bitterly (goes with specific words, only, including cold, unhappy, disappointed, sad, ),危险的/严肃的/永远的/痛苦的(仅限于特定的词语,包括冷漠、不快乐、失望、悲伤),Examples:,例子:,Luke never wants to see Philip ever again.,卢克再也不想见菲利普了。,My son does not want to attend this college at all!,我儿子根本不想上这所大学!,You are getting dangerously close to the edge of my patience.,你正危险地接近我的忍耐极限。,To say a larger number,说一个更大的数字,Many/Most/Some/Lots of/Numerous/Countless/A majority/Mostly/Various,很多/大多数/一些/大多数/数不尽的/大多数的/各种各样的,Examples:,例子:,Countless efforts have been made to change the system, but nothing has worked.,为改变这一制度已经做了无数的努力,但什么也没有奏效。,A majority of the benches in this park were donated by people from this neighborhood.,公园里的长椅大部分是由附近的人捐赠的。,Herbert was mostly just curious why you designed your office this way.,赫伯特只是好奇你为什么要这样设计你的办公室。,To say that something happens more often than not, or is more mon than you expect,说某事经常发生,或比你期望的更普遍,Often/Frequently/Commonly/For a long time/Usually/Sometimes/Repeatedly,经常/频繁地/通常地/长时间/常/有时/反复,Examples:,例子:,For a long time, I thought that all rabbits just ate carrots all the time.,很长一段时间以来,我一直以为所有的兔子都只吃胡萝卜。,She frequently stops by our shop to buy a jar of pickles.,她经常来我们店里买一罐泡菜。,I have told you repeatedly not to bother me when I am working, have I not?,我反复告诉过你,我工作时不要打扰我,是吗?, , When and how should you use modifiers, qualifiers, and intensifiers? , 何时以及如何使用修饰词、限定词和强调词? ,For the most part, using these words and phrases can paint a more colorful and vibrant picture of what you are trying to say. They are useful for providing more detail and showing the full picture.,在很大程度上,使用这些单词和短语可以描绘出一幅更加丰富多彩和充满活力的画面,你想说什么。它们有助于提供更多的细节和显示完整的图片。,Modifiers can be used anywhere in a sentence and can take many different forms. Qualifiers and intensifiers are words or short phrases that often go in front of the word or phrase they modify. However, using too many can clutter your writing or speech. One good technique to decrease the number of words you use and the plexity of your sentences is to review your writing. Can your modifiers, qualifiers, and intensifiers be replaced by words that tell your meaning even better? For example, you can use difficult or challenging instead of very hard, or a breeze and simply instead of very easy. Using this higher level vocabulary improves your writing by clarifying what you mean, which helps your audience understand you better.,修饰语可以用在句子的任何地方,可以有多种不同的形式。限定词和加强词是经常出现在它们所修饰的词或短语前面的词或短语。然而,使用太多会使你的写作或演讲变得杂乱无章。减少你使用的单词数量和句子复杂程度的一个好方法就是复习你的写作。你的修饰语、限定词和增强器能用能更好地表达你意思的词来代替吗?例如,你可以用困难或挑战来代替非常困难,或者用微风来代替非常简单。使用这种更高层次的词汇可以通过澄清你的意思来提高你的写作水平,这有助于你的听众更好地理解你。,Examples:,例子:,Very important = crucial, central, essential,非常重要=关键、中心、关键,Very unimportant = trivial, irrelevant,非常不重要=微不足道,无关紧要,Very cold = chilly or freezing,非常冷=寒冷的,冷嗖嗖的,Very hot = sweltering,非常热=闷热的,Very confusing = puzzling, perplexing,非常困惑的=令人疑惑的,Very slow = sluggish,非常慢=慢悠悠的,Very fast = speedy, rapid, swift,非常快=迅速的,Very large = enormous, giant, huge,非常大=巨大的,Very *** all = nonexistent, tiny,非常小=不存在的,极小的
2023-07-09 08:07:141

Hardy describes Tess as "A pure woman " is she? Give reasons for your answer.

2023-07-09 08:07:212


2023-07-09 08:07:291


  我为大家整理了,一起来学习吧!   :   一摘要Executive Summary   一份正式且篇幅较长的报告通常在报告的前面加上摘要。摘要一般不超过一页,是报告的导言、调查结果、结论和建议的内容总结。这部分一般是在整篇报告写好以后再写。非正式或篇幅较短的报告则无需写报告摘要。写摘要时,应注意以下几点:   尽量限制段落的数量,一般可用三段式:报告的目的、报告的调查结果和结论、报告的建议。   摘要写作的时态用一般现在时,因为报告已经存在。如“This report shows…”属于正确表达,而“This report will show…”则不妥。   报告摘要中无需引用具体资料。可用“by and large、the vast majority、only a few”等语言表达大概的资料或趋势。   二标题Title   报告的标题应尽可能概括报告的内容,因为它是整篇报告的资讯浓缩,而且标题应该准确、客观,不应像报刊文章标题那样为了吸引读者的注意力而别出心裁。此外,标题应该是名词短语或动名词短语。如以下几例:“Report on Improving the Training Methods of HDC、Report on the Proposed Incentive Scheme、Report on the Adoption of Flex-time Working Systems”。   三导言Introduction/ Terms of Reference   在导言部分,扼要地说明一下报告的写作背景和主旨。此外,还应该注明报告提交给何人、何时提交的。如果是事件调查报告应首先说明事件的经过,包括事件发生的日期、时间、地点、情况叙述等。以下是导言部分写作的常见句型:   The report examines / explains……   The purpose of this report is to… investigate / evaluate / study…   The objective of this report is to… remend / *** yze / give…   The aim of this report is to… feedback / estimate / assess…   Enclosed is a report about……   四材料收集方法Methodology / Proceedings   报告的这部分应说明收集资讯或资料的方法和步骤。在报告中注明提供这一资讯可以增强报告的真实性和客观性,尤其是意见调查报告。当然并不是所有的报告都需要收集资料,因此,并非每一种报告都需要提供这部分内容。这部分内容在整篇报告所占篇幅较短,可以写成一个段落。以下是该部分写作的常见句型:   A sample of workers was individually asked for their opinions.   A questionnaire was pleted by those who were surveyed in this project.   The rmation was mainly achieved with a number of telephone calls to manufacturers.   五调查结果Findings   报告的调查结果部分是报告建议的依据,其内容应当准确无误,结构清晰,语言流畅、衔接。这部分内容的每一个段落都应当有一个明确的主题句,一般放在段首,这样便于读者摄取这部分的资讯。以下是这部分主题句写作的常见句型:   The findings of the investigation indicate that…   It was proposed / found / felt / discovered that…   It was generally the case that…   Most people thought / suggested that…   A number of people mentioned that…   Several changes were put forward.   Several staff members expressed the view that…   若报告中需提供图表统计资料或描述行情走势,撰写人应当熟悉这方面写作的常用句型,以下就是该方面写作的一些典型句子结构:   The table / chart / graph / diagram / figure / statistics shows / describes / illustrates that…   As it can be seen from the table / chart / figure…   It is clear / apparent from the table / chart / graph / diagram / figure / statistics that…   The number of… increased / jumped / rose suddenly / rapidly / dramatically from…to…   The number of…decreased / dropped / fell greatly / significantly sharply from…to…   The number of…fluctuated slowly / slightly between…to…   The number of… remained steady / stable stayed the same between…to…   There was a very sudden / rapid / dramatic / significant increase / jump / rise in the number of…from…to…   There was a very sharp / steep / steady / gradual / slow / slight decrease / drop / fall in the number of…from…to…   The monthly profit / figures peaked in December at 10%.   The monthly profit / figures reached a peak / a high point in December at 10%.   The monthly profit / figures bottomed out in December at 10%.   Sales witnessed a great rise / increase / drop / fall between…to…   六结论Conclusions   报告的结论部分是写报告的人在报告调查结果的基础上对调查结果进行总结和解释。同一调查结果会因为撰写者的不同而得出不同的结论,但这部分不应当包括报告前文中没有提到的新的资讯。   七建议Remendations   建议往往是许多商务报告写作的最重要部分。一份报告有效程度常常取决于报告中所提供的建议的质量高低。建议部分主要内容为报告撰写人在经过充分的论证后认为应当采取的措施或行动。报告人有时也会描述采取措施后可能出现的后果或情形。   八附录Appendices   正式的商务报告为了增强报告的说服力或真实性往往会有一些附加材料,因其篇幅较长不宜放在报告当中,只能选择放在附录中。这部分内容可能包括图表统计资料、实验室报告、问卷调查等。当然,简短报告若无此需要则不需增加附录部分
2023-07-09 08:07:361


比喻有两种 metaphor 暗喻 -Life is a journey. Enjoy the Ride simile 明喻 - as alike as two peas in a pod identical or nearly so
2023-07-09 08:07:564

求 雅思作文模版。简单的不要太难 看不懂。。。。拜托了。

雅思小作文写作万能模板  1、通过第一个曲线图,我们可以知道____,也说明了结果是___   According to the first graph, it can be seen that ______________, it can also be concluded from it that ______________.   2、一张有趣、有教育意义的、(内容)的图片(这句模板在雅思小作文中的应用非常的广泛。)   There is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: __________.   3、当前有一张涉及______的增长曲线图,许多人______,然而其他人倾向于___   Nowadays there is a growing concern over ______________. Many people like ______________, while others are inclined to ______________.   4、目前,共同之处是_________,许多人喜欢______因为_______除此之外还由于_____   Nowadays, it is common to ______________. Many people like______________ because ______________. Besides, ______________.   5、(图表所示)_____,就像许多其他事物,被____更加喜爱,然而这一观点正被________所抨击,一些人认为_________,他们指出___________   ______________, just like many other things, are preferred by ____________.   While being attacked by the idea that ______________, some people consider ______________. They point that ______________.   1 according to the chart```   2 the date lead us to the conclusion that```   3 the date show```   4 the tree diagram reveals how```   5 the figures show```   6 this is a cure graph which describes the trend of```   7 the pie graph depicts```   8 the graph provides some interesting date regrarding```   9 the table shows the changes in the number of ``` over the period   from ```to ```   10 as is shown in the table ```   11 from the table ,we can clearly see that ```   12 this table shows the changing proportion of X and Y from ``` to ````   13 the graph,presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in```   14 as can be seen from the grape ,the two curves show the flutuation of ```   15 over the period from ```to ```the```remained level.   16 in the year between ```and ```.   17 in the 3 years spanning from 2005 through 2008.   18 the number of ``` remained steady from ```to ````.   19 the number sharply went up to ```   20 the percentage of ``` stayed the same between ``` and ```   21 the percentage remainede steady at```   22 the percentage of ```is sightly large than that of.   23 there is not a great deal of differece between ```and ```   24 the graphs show a three fold increase in the number of ```   25 ```decreased year by year while ```increased steadily.   26 there is an upward trend in the number of ```   27 a considerable increase occurred from ```to ```   28 from ```to ```the rate of decrease slow down.   29 from this year on,there was a gradual declinel reduction in the   ```reaching a figure of.   30 be similar to ```be the same as   31 there are a lot similarities between ```and ```   32 the difference between X and Y lies in ```   雅思学术性写作考试中Task 1 考查考生解释,说明信息的能力,这些信息通常体现在图解,表格和插图中,这一部分的模式化程度更高一些。下类50个句式是雅思留学类考生需要背诵的最最基础的句子。请同学们自己背诵。在写作小作文的时候,也可以作为参考材料。   1. the table illustrates the changes in the number of...over the period   该表格描述了在...年之...年间...数量的变化。   2. the bar chart illustrates that... 该柱状图展示了...   3. the graph provides some interesting data regarding...   该图为我们提供了有关...有趣数据。   4. the diagram shows (that)... 该图向我们展示了...   5. the pie graph depicts (that).... 该圆形图揭示了...   6.this is a cure graph which describes the trend of...   这个曲线图描述了...的趋势。   7. the figures/statistics show (that)... 数据(字)表明...   8. the tree diagram reveals how...   该树型图向我们揭示了如何...   9. the data/statistics show (that)...   该数据(字)可以这样理解...   10. the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that...   这些数据资料令我们得出结论...   11. as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table...   如图所示...   12. according to the chart/figures... 根据这些表(数字)...   13. as is shown in the table... 如表格所示...   14. as can be seen from the diagram, great changes have taken place in...   从图中可以看出,...发生了巨大变化。   15. from the table/chart/diagram/figure, we can see clearly that...or it is clear/apparent from the chart that...   从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到...   16. this is a graph which illustrates...   这个图表向我们展示了...   17. this table shows the changing proportion of a & b   该表格描述了...年到...年间a与b的比例关系。   18. the graph, presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in...   该图以圆形图形式描述了...总的趋势。   19. this is a column chart showing... 这是个柱型图,描述了...   20. as can be seen from the graph, the two curves show the fluctuation of...   如图所示,两条曲线描述了...的波动情况。   21. over the period level.   在...至...期间,...基本不变。   22. in the year between...and... 在...年到...期间...   23. in the 3 years spanning from 1995 through 1998...   1995年至1998三年里...   24. from then on/from this time onwards... 从那时起...   25. the number of...remained steady/stable from (month/year) to (month/year).   ...月(年)至...月(年)...的数量基本不变。   26. the number sharply went up to... 数字急剧上升至...   27. the percentage of...stayed the same between...and...   ...至...期间...的比率维持不变。   28. the figures peaked   ...的数目在...月(年)达到顶点,为...   29. the percentage remained steady at... 比率维持在...   30. the percentage slightly larger/smaller than that of...   ...的比例比...的比例略高(低)。   31. there is not a great deal of difference between...and...   ...与...的区别不大。   32. the graphs show a threefold increase in the number of...   该图表表明...的数目增长了三倍。   33. ..decreased year by year while...increased steadily.
2023-07-09 08:08:061


2023-07-09 08:08:163


机制的燧发枪韦氏字典的介绍了锁,在一个郡,为“的方法破除收费或墨盒的枪支。 ” 的燧发枪是最古老的锁技术。的燧发枪的机制,如摆钟机制,是令人惊讶的一个创新的角度来看。这种单一设备解决这么多问题的时候,它这样做使用相当原始的工具和技术已有然后。燧发枪是相当的成就! 它的基本目的的燧发枪很简单:建立一个火花,能够点燃火药存放在枪杆子。要创建此火花,使用的燧发枪“打火石和钢”的做法。背后的想法燧石和钢铁是直截了当。弗林特是一个令人惊讶的努力形成的岩石。如果您罢工铁或钢燧石,燧石薄片关闭微粒的铁。这支部队的打击和摩擦造成实际点燃铁,迅速燃烧,形成Fe3O4的。火花,你看到的是炎热的斑点铁燃烧!如果这些火花接近火药,他们将点燃它。 因此,需要的燧发枪: 一张弗林特当时一块钢场所的火花接触火药
2023-07-09 08:08:233


  The ocean, as an important clean energy resource, has been developed and taken advantage of, which also serves as an indispensable part in the national development strategy. The tentative plant for tidal wave power generation runs as a platform to carry out an experimental trial operation in actual marine environment set in a integrated grid, which acts as the key link for engineering equipment mass production in terms of a industry based on a stereotype. This article introuduces and analyses briefly in a contrasting manner the construction and operation of wave power generation as well as tidal power generation. Furthermore, this essay provides the readers with the relevant information concerning the construction progress, status quo and technology of ocean-generated power generation experiment and test plant. In addition, the necessity of testing the integrated grid power generation by means of ocean waves is also referred to here, which highlights the fact that establishing trial plants for sea wave power genetation is an important step to take full advantage of the ocean resources in our country.
2023-07-09 08:08:346


This system is the management information ising good to believe parking lot a design a development system, is database technique and the VB technical comprehensive application.Good main mold piece of the management system of the letter parking lot include:The customer register and the customer"s management, vehicle pass in and out a management and charge management and information to search.Make use of this system, the customer can carry on a different operation according to the dissimilarity of legal power.The manager is convenient to keep view ground the dynamic state of parking inside the understanding parking lot, according to the car in the parking lot the information carry on a reasonable arrangement towards passing in and out vehicle.Make use of this system, can establish the charges of parking lot and compute a charge data according to time of parking, can also to parking information, charge an information and report to fix an information"s etc."s related information to carry on a search operation.This thesis carries on introduction to development environment and development background of system usage first, this system adoption Access 2000 and Visual Basic 6.0 development.Then described the design process of the system total design and function mold piece, include the design to the database, system function structure diagram...etc. among them.Design part in detail in the system, the point introduced the debarkation window body, main window body etc. the window body mold piece of concrete design method, include to carry out a target and carry out process.Finally introduced that system to adjust to try process, step of system edit and translate and release.Keyword:ADO;Window body;Database; VISUAL BASIC; ACCESSPS:graduate the last ex- hard nut to crack, the school has very strict request to English translation and please the help of each superior like translation once.Oneself grateful don"t exert.Not want of the machine translation. The problem add:This system is the management information ising good to believe parking lot a design a development system, is database technique and the VB technical comprehensive application.Pass this system can satisfy the intelligence management of parking lot, the system have of strong data management function of provided to more and humanizedly be easy to the interface of usage to the customer again in the meantime.This system is also a good letter parking lot to control cost on the management, decrease investment, can also raise management and work efficiency.Reasonable arrangement resources eradicated completely the waste of the resources.
2023-07-09 08:08:549


You companies are: A, manufacturing enterprises B, wholesale trade enterprises C, retail enterprises D, Service enterprises Your company"s number of staff: A, 200 the following person B, 200 ~ 500 person C, 500 ~ 1000 Human D, 1000 or more 2008, your company sells a number of clients around for: A, 50 households below B, 50 ~ 100 households C, 100 ~ 200 households D, 200 households or more You company sells to what extent the stability of customers? A, very stable B, relatively stable C, General D, not the stability of E, is very unstable Overall, do you think your company sales of credit customers A, good B, good C, General D, poor poor E Your company to expand the scale of production and operation of the desire: A, very pressing B, the more pressing C, no D, will not consider E, not considering You think your state of the company funds? A, very nervous B, comparison nervous C, General D, more lenient, compared to E, a very loose You think you the difficulty of how corporate finance? A, very difficult to B, more difficult C, General D, relatively easy to E, can easily In comparison with the industry, the competitiveness of your business: A, strong B, a strong C, General D, weak "Do you think the current expensive the company"s main product or service facing the market supply and demand situation? A, inadequate supply of B, a basic balance between supply and demand C, demand "
2023-07-09 08:09:123


never say neverjustinbieber
2023-07-09 08:04:424


奥迪s3仪表上的boost是什么意思 石化和石油2月清洁一次地下油罐,清洁前的油加个谁了额,你怎么保证是燃油没问题?汽车油箱和地下油罐比较都不算密封了,怎么确定,是油路不脏导致的燃烧不好 长期不好导致积碳问题带来的这个现象?修理是排除法,不要排除任何一个可能的问题。清洁下油路,油箱加3司有普燃油添加剂跑完三箱油,你这个问题大概率就解决了。因为你检测多次换了很都配件了,不是配件的事情 ,可以借鉴下。曾经的C4P 2.0发动机西班牙调教的也遇到过,一直是中国石油,我们这边中石油60天清理一次地下油罐,杂质多的油都被抽走还加东西清理油罐。这种燃烧抖动就不是车的问题了,这些合资车的发动机技术是按照欧美燃油研制的,国内燃油情况特殊。其实周围的人还有不少新车也抖动的,肯定不是积碳,有些人知道,就用了清洗剂车就不斗,有些不知道的就投诉厂家说发动机故障。新车和准新车基本没有配件故障的,厂家在调教车的时候如果明显抖动是肯定会调好的,这都不是技术问题,最一开始提车的时候不抖吧,开几千公里抖,就是配件问题,显然不太可能。再垃圾的配件也极低可能是几千公里坏掉。
2023-07-09 08:04:424


2023-07-09 08:04:451


你会与我结婚吗?第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!
2023-07-09 08:04:474


2023-07-09 08:04:523

marry me是什么歌?

是一首英文歌,名字就叫《Marry Me》,演唱者是Jason Derulo。
2023-07-09 08:04:541

never let you go的歌曲歌词

卫兰《Never Let You Go 大哥英文版》The rain just never seems to bringThe joy I feel the sameEverlasting pain of my loss remainsMy heart can"t seem to learn to partThe hold you left the markAll that I dreamed of now it seems so starkTho I told myself won"t hold my breathA part of me was dyingThere is nothing left for me to do now but give inIf you gave me one more chance to tell you how i was feelingI would sing to you and tell you I won"t live my life without youIf you gave me one more chance to tell you how i was feelingI would hold your hand and look in your eyes and ya knowI"d never let you goThe way you left me on the trainI don"t know what to sayI remember everything on that dayI can"t believe we"d never danceI just need one more chanceTo share the sunset our one last romanceTho I told myself won"t hold my breathA part of me was dyingThere is nothing left for me to do now but give inIf you gave me one more chance to tell you how i was feelingI would sing to you and tell you I won"t live my life without youIf you gave me one more chance to tell you how i was feelingI would hold your hand and look in your eyes and ya knowI"d never let you goIf you gave me one more chance to tell you how i was feelingI would sing to you and tell you I won"t live my life without youIf you gave me one more chance to tell you how i was feelingI would hold your hand and look in your eyes and ya knowI"d never let you go
2023-07-09 08:04:551


电池boost模式是一个准标准库,相当于STL的延续和扩充,它的设计理念和STL比较接近,都是利用泛型让复用达到最大化。不过对比STL,boost更加实用。STL集中在算法部分,而boost包含了不少工具类,可以完成比较具体的工作。boost主要包含一下几个大类:字符串及文本处理、容器、迭代子(Iterator)、算法、函数对象和高阶编程、泛型编程、模板元编程、预处理元编程、并发编程、数学相关、纠错和测试、数据结构、输入/输出、跨语言支持、内存相关、语法分析、杂项。 有一些库是跨类别包含的,就是既属于这个类别又属于那个类别。
2023-07-09 08:04:591


去 360诊断下
2023-07-09 08:05:005


2023-07-09 08:04:321

求ZE:A J 的《marry me》的歌词,要完整的,谢啦

A hundred and five is the number that comes to my head105是那个浮现在我脑海的数字When I think of all the years I want to be with you当我思考著自己希望与你共渡多少年华Wake up every morning with you in my bed每一个清晨在床上甦醒都有你相伴在旁That"s precisely what I plan to do这正正是我计划中的生活And you know one of these days when I get my money right而你亦深知,当某一天我终於拥有足够的金钱Buy you everything and show you all of the finer things in life我将愿意为你去购买一切,并把人世间最为美好的事物都呈现在你眼前We"ll forever be in love so there ain"t no need to rush我们将永远相爱,所以并不需要仓促行事But one day I won"t be able to ask you loud enough但是某一天,我将再没有机会如此高声地询问你I"ll say will you marry me我将会说"你愿意嫁给我吗?"I swear that I will mean it我发誓我一定会谨守这个诺言I"ll say will you marry me我将会说"你愿意嫁给我吗?"How many girls in the world could make me feel like this?难道这个世界上还有其他女孩能给我同样的感觉吗?Baby I don"t ever plan to find out宝贝,我从来未曾打算去找寻答案The more I look, the more I find the reasons why只因每当我遇见更多女孩,就找寻到更多理由去解释You"re the love of my life为什麼你是我生命中的最爱And you know one of these days when I get my money right而你亦深知,当某一天我终於拥有足够的金钱Buy you everything and show you all of the finer things in life我将愿意为你去购买一切,并把人世间最为美好的事物都呈现在你眼前We"ll forever be in love so there ain"t no need to rush我们将永远相爱,所以并不需要仓促行事But one day I won"t be able to ask you loud enough但是某一天,我将再没有机会如此高声地询问你I"ll say will you marry me我将会说"你愿意嫁给我吗?"I swear that I will mean it我发誓我一定会谨守这个诺言I"ll say will you marry me我将会说"你愿意嫁给我吗?"And if I lost everything而若是我失去了一切In my heart it means nothing这些事物在我心中均是不值一提Cause I have you, girl I have you因为我拥有著你,亲爱的我拥有著你To get right down on bended knee直接就屈膝往下跪Nothing else would ever be better, better没有任何事情会比这更加美好,美好The day when那一天当…I"ll say will you marry me我将会说"你愿意嫁给我吗?"I swear that I will mean it我发誓我一定会谨守这个诺言I"ll say will you marry me (Yeah)我将会说"你愿意嫁给我吗?"(Yeah)I"ll say will you marry me (The day I get on my knees)我将会说"你愿意嫁给我吗?"(当我屈膝往下跪的那天)I swear that I will mean it我发誓我一定会谨守这个诺言I"ll say will you marry me (what you do to me baby)我将会说"你愿意嫁给我吗?"(你为我所做的一切,宝贝)Got me singing (ooh)你必须让我高声唱著(ooh)Got me singing (ooh)你必须让我高声唱著(ooh)Would you marry me baby (ooh)“你愿意嫁给我吗,宝贝?"(ooh)A hundred and five is the number that comes to my head105是那个浮现在我脑海的数字When I think of all the years I want to be with you当我思考著自己希望与你共渡多少年华Wake up every morning with you in my bed每一个清晨在床上甦醒都有你相伴在旁That"s precisely what I plan to do这正正是我计划中的生活
2023-07-09 08:04:282


与天斗其乐无穷,与地斗其乐无穷,与人斗其乐无穷。 斗争哲学
2023-07-09 08:04:2510


RAW是数码相机原始数据的一种格式,相当于传统相机的菲林底片。RAW文件是每个相机制造商的一种专有格式,有时也是每款不同型号相机的专有格式,这些文件是无损失压缩的。当数码相机进行曝光时,CCD(或是CMOS)会以电平的高低来记录每个像素点的光量,然后数码相机再将这些电信号转化成为相应的数字信号,一般被记录为12位或14位的数据。如果相机记录了12位或14位的数据,那就意味着每个像素点有4096(2的12次方)或16384(2的14次方)种不同的亮度级别。(目前还没有一种图像芯片可以记录真正的16位数据)如果你选择了RAW作为文件的存储格式,那么后期可以通过RAW转换工具保存成16位的TIFF或PSD格式进行输出。而数码相机所记录的12或14位数据也可以扩展到全部16位空间。但如果你选择了JPG格式来存储文件的话,相机中的软件会将其转化为8位模式,也就是说只能记录仅仅256种亮度级别而已。假如你是以RAW格式来保存文件,相机便会创建一个包含锐度、对比度、饱和度、色温、白平衡等信息的页眉文件,但是图像并不会被这些设置而改变,它们只不过是在RAW文件上加以标记。随后RAW文件将同这些有关设置以及其他的技术信息一同保存至存储卡中。有些相机压缩了这些文件,而有些没有。而只要这些压缩是“无损”的,将不会对图像质量带来任何影响,但是有些公司(尼康和柯达)却明确表示采用一种轻微损失的算法来保存RAW文件。因此,它的色彩和层次的宽容度是相当广阔的,RAW最大的好处是保存了最原始的CCD数据,把更多的自由放在用户手里。 记录了最原始最真实的信息,不做修饰和更改,为后期制作留下了广阔的可操作性。而通常非RAW格式即使是最完整的TIF格式,也是经过了数码相机自身处理的,这个处理实际上也是个软件处理的过程,会有很明显的生产商的兴趣取向(或者说对图像、色彩的理解),常说的索尼色彩艳丽、富士绿等就是对某种色彩特别处理的结果。至于是RAW格式对后期有好处还是其它格式对后期有好处,这不是能够一概而论的事,在ps高手眼里,什么格式可能不会有太大区别,只要原始的图片精度够基本上问题就不大了。所以这个我认为是要看个人能力及喜好的。
2023-07-09 08:04:212


2023-07-09 08:04:203


congratulation,英语单词,名词,意思是“祝贺;贺辞”。E Congratulation 祝贺赠言Congratulation Tune 恭喜发财congratulation gift 贺礼You are certainly the most innovative in this field. Congratulation! 在这个领域你肯定是最有创新性的,祝贺!Some of the past colleagues could not come and they convey their congratulation to us. 有些以前的同事虽因事务缠身、未能如约,但也已向我们表达了他们的祝贺。This is not a time for premature victory parades or self-congratulation, even as we reflect with pride on what our troops and their Iraqi partners have accomplished. 盖茨说:“现在还不是提前举行胜利游行或者自我祝贺的时候,虽然我们为我们的部队和他们的伊拉克伙伴取得的成就感到自豪。
2023-07-09 08:04:201

外文歌歌词里有never never let you go 是个男的唱的叫什么名字吖?

是叫teeth 吗 5 seconds of summer 的 很带感
2023-07-09 08:04:152


2023-07-09 08:04:121