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egistec fingerprint driver驱动能卸载吗

可以,步骤如下: 1、左键单击选中桌面上的“计算机”图标,单击鼠标右键;2、在弹出的菜单中选择“设备管理器”选项左键单击,打开“设备管理器”界面;3、在设备管理器界面中找到要删除的驱动程序,左键单击选中;4、在要删除的驱动程序上单击鼠标右键,在弹出的菜单中左键单击选择“卸载”即可;

怎么禁止 fingerprint reader弹出,每次手不小心碰到就弹出来,烦死了

首先备份指纹驱动,建议用驱动精灵。然后卸载掉在设备管理器中的驱动,这样不会影响你的数据,等你还想用的时候,只需把驱动安装回来就好了。已经叫FingerPrint 或者叫什么生物识别设备,具体你找下就好。如果能帮到你,请采纳,我的是华硕,之前就算是这么干的,应该问题不大,

联想笔记本的指纹识别打开说是 什么Fingerprint Reader 不允许注册Guest和内置Administrator账户是怎回事

我的也是啊 TMDB 骗人的啊

求电脑高手!!!我的电脑HP nc2400安了个Fingerprint Sensor变成黄色感叹号重新安装又失败。

您好,感谢您选择惠普产品。根据您的描述,建议您参考下列信息: 如果您的笔记本有指纹设备,建议您安装以下驱动及指纹软件:指纹驱动:指纹软件:或希望以上回复能够对您有所帮助。如果以上信息没有解决您的问题,您可以登陆hp网络在线聊天室 ,向在线工程师咨询,帮助您进一步解决问题。 更多产品信息资讯尽在。



20170605-chapter 1-《pride and prejudice 傲慢与偏见》精读

Chapter 1 ::It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must** be in want of a wife.:: ::This truth is so widely believed that, regardless of the feelings of such a man may be when he first enters a neighborhood,:: ::he is at once considered the rightful (合法的) property of one of their daughters.:: “My dear Mr. Bennet,” his wife said to him one day, “have you heard that Netherfield Park is taken at last? Mrs. Long has just been here, and she told me all about it.” Mr. Bennet did not reply. “Do you not want to know who has taken it?” cried his wife impatiently. “You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it .” This was enough of an invitation. “Mrs. Long says that Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England. He came down on Monday to see the place. He was so delighted with it, that he is to move in before the end of September, and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week.” “What is his name?” “Bingley.” “Is he married or single?” “Single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand pounds a year. What a fine thing for our girls!” “How so? How can it affect them?” “My dear Mr. Bennet,” his wife replied, “how can you be so irritating (恼人的) ! You must know that I am thinking of his marrying one of them. “Is that his plan in settling here?” “His plan! Nonsense (胡说) , how can you talk so! But it is very likely that he may fall in love with one of them, and therefore you must visit him as soon as he comes. Consider your daughters. Only think what a benefit it would be for one of them. Sir William and Lady Lucas are determined to go, and you know that they usually visit no newcomers. You must go, for it will be impossible for us to visit him if you do not.” Mr. Bingley had inherited (继承) property worth nearly a hundred thousand pounds from his father, who had intended to purchase a house and land, but did not live to do it . At the age of twenty-three, two years after inheriting (继承) his father"s property, he heard about Netherfield House and came to see it. He looked for half an hour, was pleased with the rooms, satisfied with what the owner said in its praise, and took it immediately. Mr. Bennet"s property consisted almost entirely of an inherited (继承的) income of two thousand pounds a year. Unfortunately for his daughters, after his death it was to be inherited (继承) by a distant relation, since their family lacked a male heir (继承人) . After their father died, their mother"s money would not be enough to live on. Her father had been an attorney (代理人) in Meryton, and had left her four thousand pounds. Mr. Bennet was among the first to welcome Mr. Bingley. He had always intended to visit Mr. Bingley, although he was always telling his wife that he would not go. She had no knowledge of it till the evening after the visit was paid, when it was disclosed (公开) in the following manner. Seeing his second daughter Elizabeth decorating a hat, Mr. Bennet suddenly said to her: “When is your next ball to be, Lizzy?” “Two weeks from tomorrow.” “It is,” her mother said, “and Mrs. Long does not come back till the day before. It will be impossible for her to introduce Mr. Bingley, for she will not know him herself.” “Then, my dear,” Mr. Bennet said, “you can introduce Mr. Bingley to her.” “Impossible, Mr. Bennet, impossible, when I am not acquainted with him myself. Oh, I am sick of Mr. Bingley!” “I am sorry to hear that, but why did not you tell me that before? If I had known this morning I certainly would not have called on him. It is very unfortunate, but as I have actually paid the visit, we cannot escape the acquaintance (泛泛之交)now.” The astonishment of Mrs. Bennet was just what he wished, although she soon declared that it was what she had expected all along. Neither Mrs. Bennet nor her five daughters could get her husband to give any satisfactory description of Mr. Bingley. At last they had to accept the second-hand information of their neighbor, Lady Lucas. Her report was highly favorable. He was quite young, very handsome, and extremely agreeable. Best of all, he meant to come to the next dance with a large group of friends and relatives. Nothing could be more delightful! Being fond of dancing was a certain step toward falling in love, and the girls all had high hopes for winning Mr. Bingley"s heart. “If I can only see one of my daughters happily settled at Netherfield,” Mrs. Bennet said to her husband, “and all the others equally well married, I shall have nothing else to wish for.” They soon heard that Mr. Bingley was to bring twelve ladies and seven gentlemen with him to the ball. The girls were sorry that there would be so many ladies, but on the day of the dance they were happy to see that his group consisted of only five altogether— Mr. Bingley, his two sisters Louisa Hurst and Caroline Bingley, the husband of the elder sister, Mr. Hurst, and another young man, Mr. Darcy. Mr. Bingley soon made himself acquainted with all the important people in the room. He was lively and friendly. He danced every dance, was angry that the ball closed so early, and talked of giving one himself at Netherfield. Such amiable (友善的) qualities must speak for themselves . What a contrast between him and his friend Mr. Darcy! Mr. Darcy danced only once with Mrs. Hurst and once with Miss Bingley, and declined to be introduced to any other lady. He spent the rest of the evening walking around the room, speaking only occasionally, and to those with whom he had come. His character was agreed upon. He was the proudest, most disagreeable man in the world, and everybody hoped that he would never come there again. Among the most strongly against him was Mrs. Bennet, whose dislike was made even stronger when he insulted (侮辱) one of her daughters. Elizabeth Bennet had been forced to sit down for two dances because there were not enough gentlemen to dance with. During part of that time, she had been standing near enough Mr. Darcy to overhear (无意中听到) a conversation between him and Mr. Bingley. “Darcy,” Mr. Bingley said, “You must dance. I hate to see you standing about by yourself in this stupid manner. You really must dance.” “I certainly shall not. You know how I hate it, unless I am particularly acquainted with my partner. At such a gathering as this it would be unthinkable. Your sisters are taken, and there is not another woman in the room whom I could stand to dance with.” “I would not be as demanding as you are,” Mr. Bingley cried, “for a kingdom**(不管怎样,天啊)! I never met so many pleasant girls in my life as I have this evening. There are several of them here that are uncommonly pretty.” “You are dancing with the only pretty girl in the room,” Mr. Darcy said, looking at the eldest Miss Bennet. “Oh! She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen! But there is one of her sisters sitting down just behind you, who is very pretty, and probably very agreeable as well. Do let me ask my partner to introduce you.”

I am writing you this letter to …… 和 I am writ

这个是对的,I am writing this letter to you to…… 写的对象是信不是人,如果后面跟人可以是hear from sb 收到某人的来信。

you deserve歌词中文翻译

妹子/哥子,介个很长诶You deserve that love, oh love, oh yeah 这是你赢得的爱What"s going through your mind究竟是什么蛊惑你的心 I don"t get it 我真的不明白You insist on running away你为何要一意孤行离我而起 Like you don"t see potential似乎你不相信爱情的可能How can I get ya? 我又如何来爱你So you ain"t got a man, no comment (?) 你未觅新欢,却无可奉告But you can help me comprehend但你却不让我理解 If there was other circumstances 若因其余繁缛之故I could understand我尚可理解 I"m going hard我每况愈下 Making moves, doing everything 尝试着所有来改变Tryna get you to open up the door for me 试着让你向我打开你的心门Cuz you"re only a few steps away from being Wifed up, being treated like a beauty queen 只因你离成为我的艳丽女皇只有一步之遥All I need is an open opportunity 我只要你再给我一次机会Cuz baby, I can see that因为宝贝,我能这样说 You deserve someone that loves you你值得让人来这么爱你 You deserve a love that won"t go away 你值得一次不会渐行渐远的爱情Baby, you should let me show you宝贝,你应让我 向你证明I can show you more than what I can say我能比我能保证的做的更好I"m willing to give my heart to you我情愿将我的真心给你 Baby, you deserve that love宝贝,你赢得这样的爱 I know that you been through your hassle我清楚你正身陷囹圄Men telling you r got you, babe?男人们告诉你是你,是吗?And maybe the first one"s out the door 也许最初的那个(已经离去)正在门外But baby, I won"t let that happen 但是宝贝,我不会让这重来On everything I love, I got you baby 让我所爱的重来,我保护你宝贝Cuz my intentions are to let you know that I I"m going hard Making moves, doing everything 因为我只愿意让你明白,我正努力着改变,尝试一切去改变Tryna get you to open up the door for me 尝试着让你想我敞开你的心门Cuz you"re only a few steps away from being Wifed up, being treated like a beauty queen 只因你离成为我掌中的女皇只有一步之遥All I need is an open opportunity 我只求你再给我一次机会Cuz baby, I can see that因为宝贝,我可以这么说 You deserve someone who loves you你值得一个这么爱你的人 You deserve a love that won"t go away你值得一次不会渐行渐远的爱情 Baby, you should let me show you宝贝,请允许我向你证明 Cuz I can show you more than what I can say我不是口说无凭 I"m willing to give my heart to you 我情愿将我的真心给你Cuz baby, you deserve that love因为宝贝,你值得这样的爱 Let me treat you like the superstar you are让我将你如同耀眼明星般供养 Cuz the love I have can"t be repaid 因为我拥有的爱情不可偿还Just love you the way you are (?)只要爱着这样的你 Cuz all I see right now, is you up in my life 我此时此刻,只看你出现在我的生命中And as long as you"re there 只要你在这里I won"t stop until you"re here with me我不会停下追逐你的脚步, You deserve someone that loves you, loves you, hey 你值得一个这样爱你的人,爱你的人,heyYou deserve a love that won"t go away 你值得一次不会渐行渐远的爱情Baby, you should let me show you宝贝,请允许我向你证明 Cuz I can show you more than what I can say因为宝贝我要证明我并不是口说无凭 I"m willing to give my heart to you 我情愿将我的真心给你You deserve someone that loves you, that loves you, yeah 你值得一个这样爱你的人,爱你的人,yeahBaby, you should let me show you 宝贝,请让我向你证明Cuz I can show you more than what I can say 我并不是口说无凭I"m willing to give my heart to you 我情愿将我的真心给你Baby, you deserve that love, oh love, yeah 宝贝,你值得这样的爱,Baby, you deserve that love, oh love, oh 宝贝,你值得这样的爱,You deserve the best 你值得拥有最好的一切All the finer things 所有的一切完美之物So surrender all, baby girl投降吧,女孩 You should be with me你应与我相伴 Ain"t no holding back 绝不半点退避Baby, where it"s at 宝贝,就是这里It"s right here 就是这里It"s right here就是这里 (fade out)渐弱真心好长,歌词看样子是黑人唱得吧。不过写的言辞恳切,看来是保守相思之苦某位苦13哥们儿的力作。让我想起我们家那位。。。。。。。我真应该对之狂嚎此曲!此曲愁人肠,曲终扶瑟上高堂乎!哈哈,玩笑,请楼主验收

商务英语口语之chapter 1-4陪同客户

  A: I"ll sit here, enjoying music, if you don"t mind. I hope you can find a partner.   如果你不介意的话,我就坐在这位欣赏音乐。希望你能找个舞伴。   B: We shall see! Oh hello, Miss. Shirley, how nice to see you. Can I have the pleasure of this dance?   去试试吧!啊,你好,雪莉小姐,见到你真高兴。我可以请你跳舞吗?   Do you dance?   您跳舞吗?   I prefer soft music.   我喜欢听轻音乐。   I can meet at the Dinner"s Club for drinks.   我可以到Dinner俱乐部跟您会面喝一杯。   I don"t like raps or rocks and roll myself.   我自己不太喜欢饶舌或摇滚的音乐。   Will you honor me with a dance?   能否赏光跳个舞?   6、我不懂你们饭桌上的礼节。   6、我不懂你们饭桌上的礼节。   A: Thank you, Mr. Wang, I"m really somewhat nervous now. I know nothing of your table manners. It would be in bad taste for a guest to make blunder.   谢谢,王先生,我现在真的有些不安了。我不懂你们饭桌上的礼节。如果客人失礼了,那就难堪了。   B: Don"t worry. Mr. Blair. As for table manners, there is only one rule you must observe. That is to make yourself at home.   不用担心,布莱尔先生。至于席间的礼节,您只要遵守一条原则就行了,就像在家里一样,不用客气   Mr. Blair, which do you prefer, Brandy, Mao-Tai or Wine?   布莱尔先生,您喝哪一种酒?白兰地、茅台,还是葡萄酒?   Brandy and Mao-Tai are too strong for me. Just a glass of dry red wine, please.   白兰地和茅台度数太高了,我不行。来杯干红就行了。   Would you like to use chopsticks or knife and fork, Mr. Blair?   您用筷子还是刀叉,布莱尔先生?   I think I"ll try chopsticks and see if I can manage.   我想试试筷子,看看行不行。   Ah, here comes the first course. Please tell me what it is.   啊,第一道菜端来了。告诉我,这是什么菜?   It is chicken soup. At a restaurant that serves Guangdong dishes, we usually start off with soup.   这是一道鸡汤。在供应广东菜的餐馆里,我们一顿饭通常从喝汤开始。   7、您很有名气。   7、您很有名气。   A: You don"t need to introduce yourself, Yang. You"re famous.   杨先生,您不需要自我介 绍,您很有名气。   B: Well, thank you very much but I thought I"d try and chair the meeting by the rule—at least for a while.   那真是谢谢你了。但是我想我该尽力依照规矩来主持这个会议,即使时间很短。   We"re not prepared to accept your proposal at this time.   我们这一次不准备接受你们的提议。   We"d like to discuss the details of the contract at our next meeting.   我们希望在下次开会时,能讨论有关合同的细节问题。   Could you explain that in more detail?   能否更详细地说明一下?   We may probably arranging another meeting.   我们或许可以安排另一次会议。   8、这也是我们的愿望。   8、这也是我们的愿望。   A: We hope to enlarge our cooperation In the future.   希望今后能进一步扩大与贵方的合作。   B: This is also what we hope.   这也是我们的愿望。   We hope to expand our business with you.   我们希望扩大与你们的业务往来。   We believe in long-term cooperation with your company because we view the future as bright.   我们相信与贵公司长期合作的前途是光明的   Well try our best to widen our business relationship with you.   我们将尽力扩大同你们的贸易关系。   We"re willing to restore our business relationship.   我们将尽力扩大同你们的贸易关系。   We often express our interest in investing in Canada.   我们一直对在加拿大投资很感兴趣。   9、我们马上准备报三种价.   9、我们马上准备报三种价.   A: In that case, we will follow your instructions. We are planning to quote the three kinds right away.   这样的话,就照你的意思办吧。我们马上准备报三种价。   B: I am sorry for bothering you. In order to have leading time, please offer us the lowest price of CIF Dalian because we hope to get the deal done as soon as possible.   麻烦你了。为了争取时间,请报CIF大连的最价格,因为我们希望尽快达成交易。   We hope you would quote us your most favorable firm offer.   希望报给我们最优惠的实盘。   Is this your final offer or is the offer negotiable?   这是你们的最后报盘还是可商议报盘?   All the prices on the list are subject to our call confirmation.   表上所列价格以我方电话确认为准。   10、太高了,我们无法接受。   10、太高了,我们无法接受。   A: Your price is rather out of line. Much higher for us to accept.   你方价格与行情不符。太高了,我们无法接受。


同学你是不是把your 打成you了。如果是your就能写成句子How far is it from here to your city?

求歌名有一首英文歌有一句歌词"every time see you,i want to be nea

No One Else Comes Close杜德伟When we turn out the lightsThe two of us alone togetherSomething just not rightBut girl you know that I"d neverever let another"s touch come between the two of usCause no one else could never take your placeNo one else comes close to youNo one makes me feel the way you doYou"re so special girl to meAnd you"ll always be eternallyEvery time I hold you nearYou always say the words I love to hearGirl with just a touch you can do so muchNo one else come closeAnd when I wake up toThe touch of your head on my shoulderYou"re my dream come trueOh girl you know I"ll always treasureEvery kiss everyday love you girl in every wayNo one else comes close to youNo one makes me feel the way you doYou"re so special girl to meAnd you"ll always be eternallyEvery time I hold you nearYou always say the words I love to hearGirl with just a touch you can do so muchNo one else comes close to youNo one makes me feel the way you doYou"re so special girl to meAnd you"ll always be eternallyEvery time I hold you nearYou always say the words I love to hearGirl with just a touch you can do so muchNo one else come close

一首英文歌高潮部分有I got to tell you, I got to know you, want you everything

You were my everything

有一首英文歌曲,高潮好像有一句“i give you everything i have,everything i wanna to be”

或许是Gwen Stefani的4 in the Morning ...初中听的? 这专辑06年出的...



fingerprint reader是什么意思

A fingerprint reader gives only him access to the wine cellar.一个指纹解读器只让他进入这个酒窖

You are of great concern to me:让我欢喜让我忧

You are of great concern to me:让我欢喜让我忧 You are of great concern to me. 你是我心里 最想的 人 you are all my care and concern . 你是我所有的关心和 担忧。 creeping ants are allergic to you, making you feel like vomiting 爬蚁对你过敏,让你想吐 I am deeply concerned about your health. 我为你的身体 忧心重重 。 I know how dangerous excessive concern with your health can be . 我知道过分 关心 你的身体,对我有危险。 The memories of your ant allergy consumed me. 我满脑记住的就是你对蚂蚁过敏。 It has been concerning me, it has been worrying me. 这 关系到 我,一直困困扰着我。 Without your company, I am really lonely, my whole heart is filled with fear. 没有你陪伴,我真的好孤单,我的全身心被恐惧填满。 I warn myself, don"t interfere with something that don"t concern me . 我警告我自己,不要干涉那些 与我无关 的事情。 for a million times, but in vain! 警告100万次,但我还是要做。 I simply want to see you be ok to calm me. 只想看见你好,让我心安理得。 1.I"ve been concerned about you lately. 最近我对你有些 担心 。 2. is of concern to you 对…重要的;与…有利害关系的 If something is of concern to you , it is important to you. How they are paid should be of little concern to the bank as long as they are paid. 只要肯付款,付款方式对银行来说不是很重要。 3. is of concern to someone 令…担忧的;让…关注的 If something is of concern to someone , they find it worrying and unsatisfactory. Any injury to a child is a cause of great concern to us. 孩子受到任何伤害都会让我们 非常担心 。 4. you concern me 你让我担心,你让我心烦 something concerns you 使担忧;使心烦 If something concerns you , it worries you. The growing number of people seeking refuge in Thailand is beginning to concern Western aid agencies. 到泰国寻求庇护的人日益增多,这开始 引起了 西方援助机构的 不安 。 5.Without her care and concern , he had no chance at all. 若非她的关心和 照顾 ,他根本没有机会。 6.I didn"t concern myself with politics. 我不 关心 政治。 7.The agency is more concerned with making arty ads than understanding its clients" businesses. 这家广告公司更 注重 如何制作附庸风雅的广告,而忽视了对客户业务的了解。 8. is your concern (某人)负责的事,分内之事 If a situation or problem is your concern , it is something that you have a duty or responsibility to be involved with. The technical aspects were the concern of the Army. 技术方面由陆军 负责 。 9. a going concern 正常运营的公司 If a company is a going concern , it is actually doing business, rather than having stopped trading or not yet having started trading. The receivers will always prefer to sell a business as a going concern . 破产管理人总是希望在公司仍然 正常运转 的时候将其卖掉。 10.The group has expressed concern about reports of political violence in Africa 该团体对 有关 非洲政治暴力的报道表示担忧。 11. you concern yourself with something 关心;关注 If you concern yourself with something , you give it attention because you think that it is important. I didn"t concern myself with politics. 我不 关心 政治。 12. as far as something is concerned 就…而言,说到(用于表明所谈论的话题 ) You can say as far as something is concerned to indicate the subject that you are talking about. As far as starting a family is concerned , the trend is for women having their children later in life. 在要孩子方面 ,目前的趋势是女性要孩子要得比较晚。 13.Every inpidual concerned have some explaining to do. 相关的 每个人都要做解释。 14.This chapter concerns itself with political background. 本章旨在 讲述 政治背景。 is concerned with 15. It concerns me that you no longer care. 你是否不再在乎,这让我很 担心 。 16.He didn"t concern himself with details. 他不太 关心 细节。 17.She was concerned to write a book and make some money. 她 认为 写书赚钱很重要。 be concerned to do something 认为做某事很重要 。 18.parents" concern for their children 父母对孩子的 关心 。 concern for 关心 19. a going concern 正常运营的公司 If a company is a going concern, it is actually doing business, rather than having stopped trading or not yet having started trading. The receivers will always prefer to sell a business as a going concern. 破产管理人总是希望在 公司 仍然正常运转的时候将其卖掉。 20. concern 重要的事情 v.影响,牵涉(某人);与…有关;涉及;让(某人)担忧 n.(尤指许多人共同的)担心,忧虑;关爱;关心;(对人、组织等)重要的事情 1)something that interests you because it is important or affects you 你感兴趣的东西,因为它很重要或影响你 the safety of the ship is the captain"s concern 船长关心的是船的安全 2)something or someone that causes anxiety,a source of unhappiness 引起焦虑的事物或人,不快乐的根源 synonym: worry; headache; vexation; 3) a feeling of sympathy for someone or something She felt strong concern for those less fortunate 对某人或某物的同情 她对那些不幸的人深感关切 4) an anxious feeling care had aged him they hushed it up out of fear of public reaction 焦虑的感觉 焦虑使他变老了 他们因害怕公众的反应而隐瞒了此事。 synonym: care; fear; 5)a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it 商业或工业企业及其组成人员 he bought his brother"s business 他买下了他哥哥的企业 a small mom-and-pop business 小型的夫妻店 a racially integrated business concern 种族融合的商业问题 synonym: business; business concern; business organization; business organisation; verb 6)be relevant to There were lots of questions referring to her talk My remark pertained to your earlier comments 与…有关 关于她的谈话有很多问题 我的评论与你先前的评论有关 synonym: refer; pertain; relate; come to; bear on; touch; touch on; have-to doe with; 7)be on the mind of I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift 担心 我担心第二个德语辅音移位 synonym: interest; occupy; worry;

goodix fingerprint driver可以卸载吗

可以卸载。 卸载此软件,可以找到桌面上的goodix fingerprint driver。 戴尔 Goodix Fingerprint Sensor Driver驱动 适用于 "win10-64/linux"(64或32位)系统,发布于2021/02/23。

"fingerprint word" refers to a slightly unusual word that you use all the time.对应中文怎么翻译?




谁有 Estatic Fear 的 chapter I 的吉他谱






联想WIN7 32位笔记本指纹识别出现fingerprint readeri不允许注册Guest和内置administrator账户

尊敬的联想用户您好!尊敬的用户您好!建议您先看看设备管理器里面是否识别到了指纹了,一般叫“生物识别设备”,如果设备管理器里面没有,建议先恢复BIOS默认设置,同时查看服务的相关的指纹服务是否开启了,例如FingerPrint server是否开启,如果都开启了还是没有效果,建议重装系统更多问题您可以咨询idea论坛:论坛:联想乐社区:希望能够帮到您,祝您生活愉快!期待您满意的评价,感谢您对联想的支持,祝您生活愉快!



anti-fingerprint 是什么意思

anti fingerprint 短语Anti-fingerprint 防指纹 ; 指纹 ; 反指纹Anti - Fingerprint 防指纹防油污Anti-fingerprint Coating 防指纹喷涂

请问那位大侠有Estatic fear - Chapter I 的吉他谱啊 我找了好久都没有找到 谢谢啦 !!


Carpenters的《close to you》歌词意思有谁知道

的眼光可真独到,我也一样喜欢Carpenters的这首《Close To You》。先说说简介好了:这首火红的close to you,是讲述一个女孩对心爱的男孩的青睐,歌词直截了当表明心志却又不失矜持^^以下是我的翻译,希望楼主您满意^_^Why do birds suddenly appearEvery time you are near?(为什么鸟儿总会在你走近的时候突然地出现?)Just like me, they long to beClose to you(原来,它们就像我,一直想要靠近你。)Why do stars fall down from the skyEvery time you walk by?(为什么星星总是在你路过的时候从天空中坠落?)Just like me, they long to beClose to you(原来,它们就像我,一直想要靠近你。)On the day that you were born the angels got togetherAnd decided to create a dream come true(在你出生的那一天,天使们聚集在一起,她们想要让梦想成真)So they sprinkled moon dust in your hairOf golden starlight in your eyes of blue(所以,她们往你金黄色的头发洒上月尘,并在你深蓝色的眼里注入星星的光芒)That is why all the girls in townFollow you, all around(这就是为什么城里所有的姑娘都一直跟着你、围绕在你的身边)Just like me, they long to beClose to you(因为她们就像我,一直渴望靠近你)Why? Close to you(为什么?为什么总是想要靠近你?)Haa, close to you(啊,就是要靠近你,)Why? Close to you(为什么?为什么总是想要靠近你?)好了,歌词翻译完毕^_^请楼主您一定要采纳我的一片真心回答^_^祝:在卡朋特的音乐中找到生命与音乐结合的感动。



我的HP笔记本安了个Fingerprint Sensor变成黄色感叹号重新安装又失败。

建议卸载重启后安装,步骤如下:1.右键点击我的电脑--管理--设备管理--卸载Fingerprint Sensor驱动--重新启动。2.上HP官网--输入机子型号--驱动及工具下载--下载Fingerprint Sensor驱动--安装后重新启动。

TouchStrip Fingerprint Sensor是干什么的?

中文 :破烂换钱

Hardware fingerprint是什么意思


求estatic fear , chapter i的吉他谱

不错 我也要




是系统自带的,我的iqoo neo 855就自带了一个,

cyber defender是什么


求一首英文歌 其中说唱有一句歌词是whatever happens happens

《Whatever happens》





fingerprint digitallock进设置



“Cyber-shot”是索尼在1996年推出其第一部数码相机DSC-F1时所开创的品牌。Cyber源自Cybernetics,代表“与电脑相关的”,而shot代表“拍照”的意思。“Cyber-shot”的含义非常明确,就是专指数码相机!经由1996年到2006年这11年间,“Cyber-shot”数码相机家族已经推出了近百款产品,而“Cyber-shot”这个品牌,几乎可以称作是数码相机的象征。K790c、k550c等上使用了“Cyber-shot”品牌,说明索爱对其拍照功能的重视与自信,是索尼数码相机的特有名称。手机只有索爱有CYBER SHOT这样叫。就像WALKMAN代表的是索尼的随身听一样. k750c的quick share是指随时随地共同分享你的成果。在你的图片铃声还有主题等文件的更多里,都会有发送,各种方式都有。蓝牙,红外,彩信,等等。非常方便。

cyber slang是什么意思

cyber slang网络俚语双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 网络俚语-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮



英文歌 女 快歌。大致歌词 we singing all night we never so down 高潮是 do we like do we need now

This Used To Be My Playground - MadonnaThis used to be my playgroundThis used to be my childhood dreamThis used to be the place I ran toWhenever I was in needOf a friendWhy did it have to endAnd why do they always sayDon"t look backKeep your head held highDon"t ask them whyBecause life is shortAnd before you knowYou"re feeling oldAnd your heart is breakingDon"t hold on to the pastWell that"s too much to askThis used to be my playgroundThis used to be my childhood dreamThis used to be the place I ran toWhenever I was in needOf a friendWhy did it have to endAnd why do they always sayNo regretsBut I wish that youWere here with meWell then there"s hope yetI can see your faceIn our secret placeYou"re not just a memorySay goodbye to yesterdayThose are words I"ll never sayThis used to be my playgroundThis used to be our pride and joyThis used to be the place we ran toThat no one in the world could dare destroyThis used to be our playgroundThis used to be our childhood dreamThis used to be the place we ran toI wish you were standing here with meThis used to be our playgroundThis used to be our childhood dreamThis used to be the place we ran toThe best things in life are always freeWishing you were here with me

指纹识别提示:fingerprint reader不允许注册Guest和内置Administrator账户

我的也是提示:fingerprint不允许存注册在guest和内置administration 不知道如何解决



音乐世界cytus中Chapter I - OPERATOR的隐藏歌曲在哪?





OP1永远という场所作词:杏子作曲:山崎まさよし编曲:COIL歌:杏子 with 山崎ED1未来作词:MILAI作曲:山口一久编曲:LEGOLGEL & 山口一久歌:LEGOLGELOP2鸟になる时作词:彩月作曲:彩月编曲:coba歌:彩月ED2レクイエム作词:彩月作曲:彩月编曲:coba歌:彩月杜福大人






答案:alternative. 根据句子的意思可知,本句需要一个名词,和冠词an一起作主语的补语;根据汉语提示可知答案为alternative.





iphone fingerprint怎么用

指纹识别器允许您使用验证指纹(而不是使用 Windows 密码)登录到 Microsoft Windows中。 使用指纹登录到 Windows 之前需要执行以下三个步骤: 1. 找到指纹识别器。 2. 在凭证管理器中注册指纹。 3. 设置凭证管理器以登录到 Windows。 找到指纹识别器 指纹识别器是一个小金属传感器,它位于笔记本计算机的以下位置之一: · 触摸板底部附近 · 键盘右侧 · 显示屏右上侧 根据笔记本计算机型号,指纹识别器可能会横向或纵向放置。两种方向都要求将手指与金属传感器垂直进行扫描。 在凭证管理器中注册指纹 为了得到最大的安全保护,在凭证管理器中注册指纹之前应当用密码保护您的 Windows 帐户。有关详细信息,请选择 Start(开始)> Help and Support(帮助和支持)。 1. 选择 Start(开始)> All Programs(所有程序)> HP ProtectTools Security Manager(HP ProtectTools 安全管理器),然后单击左窗格中的 Credential Manager(凭证管理器)。 在某些笔记本机型上,可能需要安装 ProtectTools 软件。选择 Start(开始)> All Programs(所有程序)> Software Setup(软件安装),然后按照屏幕上的说明操作。当提示选择组件时,选中以下程序旁边的复选框: · HP ProtectTools Security Manager(HP ProtectTools 安全管理器) · Credential Manager for HP ProtectTools(HP ProtectTools 凭证管理器) 2. 单击“My Identity”(我的标识)页右上角的 Log On(登录)。此时,将打开 Credential Manager Logon Wizard(凭证管理器登录向导)。 3. 按照屏幕上的说明进行操作,当出现提示时,使用 Windows 密码进行登录。 4. 单击“My Identity”(我的标识)页上的 Register Fingerprints(注册指纹),然后按照屏幕上的说明注册至少两个指纹。注册指纹时,请注意以下事项: · 分几次在指纹识别器上缓慢扫描您的手指,每次扫描之间都有短暂间隔。 · 继续在指纹传感器扫描这个手指,直到屏幕上的手指变成绿色,并且进度指示器显示 100%。




cyber- 是前缀,用来表示 “计算机的”,所以 cyber-security 的意思是 “计算机安全”。【另如】cyber-chat 发生在计算机时空的交谈cyberspace 电脑空间cybernate 使受电脑控制, 使电脑化cyberpunk 计算机朋客

T400 指纹软件升级后 fingerprint senor驱动无法安装 导致指纹系统不可用

试试卸载当前指纹软件,然后重启按F1进入BIOS中依次选择security——fingerprint——Erase internal fingerprint data,按回车后选择YES来清除BIOS下的指纹数据,再按F10保存退出。重新进入系统,安装指纹软件,看看是否可以。如果还是不行,可能需要先在BIOS中清除指纹数据后再重新安装系统了。因为现在的指纹信息是存在软件和BIOS中的。所以安全级别比较高。




Harmony OS 2.1操作系统传感器 加速度传感器 陀螺仪传感器 地磁传感器 光学心率传感器 气压传感器 温度传感器电源参数充电方式 无线充电,反向充电续航时间 重度场景续航:8天 典型场景续航:14天其它参数产品材质 不锈钢前壳+塑胶后壳产品颜色 黑色,钢色表盘形状 圆形产品尺寸 45.9×45.9×11mm产品重量 不含表带:42.6g包装清单 手表 ×1 充电底座 ×1 快速入门 ×1 安全信息 ×1 保修卡 ×1适用环境 温度:-20-+45℃ 湿度:5-95%(非凝结)





Fingerprint 指纹 英文单词缩写是什么?



没有。华为WATCH GT Cyber是一款智能手表,没有机械秒针走动,因此里面是没有机械的。华为WATCH GT Cyber首创了可拆卸智能机芯设计,双指按压即可完成机芯与表壳的拆分,“咔哒”一扣更换新的表壳,实现随时随地闪变换壳,甚至连机芯上的旋转表冠也可以更换,把DIY权限开放到最大。





求大人翻译歌词estatic fears - chapter i

微弱的叶衰退,在 ??落深处方面入庙奉祀那哀悼堕落的平原,在黯淡的睡眠方面放置了下来有雾的色度卷入天空相似的过去又磨损的记忆鸟的歌填充耳语微风藉由秋天曲子阴历的栅栏冷酷的形状在晚上的视力更新它被沈默的悲叹减轻重新抑制了想法我听到寂寞的唱诗班财富越过我的方法在炽热的哭方面蔑视了整个~期间我的每天我招呼而且珍爱你的这些天空,大多数的愉快悲惨我庇护的不是 pittes 刺你的神秘的协调利用大多数的愉快夜晚渐变我的被弃暴露的视力对于我伤心事当图像告诉的时候将在雾被减轻包裹为什么应该愚蠢的希望你的未诞生的强烈感情哭声用尽听不到的在这 pleasent 天空之下? 为如果被衰退的薄暮日子高兴可能是遥远地在后吗?



Chapter I - Tales Of Ithiria 歌词

歌曲名:Chapter I - Tales Of Ithiria歌手:Haggard专辑:Tales Of IthiriaTales Of IthiriaHaggardTales of IthiriaHaggard - Chapter I - Tales Of IthiriaQuando coeli movendi sunt et terraQuando coeli movendi sunt et terraDum veneris judicare saeculum per ignemMy son, now listen what I say:Keep in mind what you have learnedWrap your fingers ,round your swordMaybe you will not returnThousands that we once have beenOnly a few are still hereI"ve to give this sacrifice...... oh, the autumn brought us fear!My life, my blood, my tears, my painI"m the guardener of theeThrough an axestrike I have lostThe ability to seeNow my child, your time hath comeMercy - not, with those you′ll harmWrap your fingers `round your sword...( And the ones we love will fallLike autumn leavesOn these endless fields )... as the horn sounds the alarm!Und als der Sturm begannAls Fleisch auf Eisen trafHell wie er Glocken KlangDie Schreie derer, deren Glück versagtMit Wunden übers?tDer Eichenhain ihm Schutze botWie die Legende sagtWar dies des Vaters sich′rer TodNow, that all silcence was disturbedThe ground, as red as autumn leafsFather Frost, the last they feelOn these mighty, endless fieldsQuando coeli movendi sunt et terraDum veneris judicare saeculum per ignemHush hush, my childMother death is your brideIf you listen her song you will followSo better bewareLet your senses take careYour innocent mind will be hallowedHush hush, my childMother death is your brideIf you listen her song you will followSo better bewareLet your senses take careYour innocent mind will be hallowedA step in the dark(Meserere Dominus)A secret to hide(Rex tremendae majestatis)A legend to tell(Libera eas)Drowned in the waters of time(Miserere Dominus)A secret to hideHe holdsWisdom of ancient timesA parchment with numbers and rhymesFear speaks the spell to surviveThe circle of druids - alive!They all gathered in the nightWithin the torches lightAs their slumber did awakeSo I did wish a thousand timesMother Death would come to meIn her arms I will entwineAnd I′m rising up to theeNow my child, my time hath comeMercy - not with those I′ll harmI wrap my fingers round my sword...... as their horn sounds the alarm!Now the winter beginsOn this endless fields




fingerprintn.指纹,指印; vt.采指纹; [英][u02c8fu026au014bgu0259pru026ant][美][u02c8fu026au014bgu0259rpru026ant]


fingerprint指纹双语对照词典结果:fingerprint[英][u02c8fu026au014bgu0259pru026ant][美][u02c8fu026au014bgu0259rpru026ant]n.指纹,指印; vt.采指纹; 第三人称单数:fingerprints过去分词:fingerprinted复数:fingerprints现在进行时:fingerprinting过去式:fingerprinted以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Consider buying a handset with fingerprint recognition security. 可以考虑买一款有指纹识别技术的手机.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

在香港买了双Timberland靴,MADE IN HAITI 求鉴定..





cyber bullied读音如下:网络欺凌。网络欺凌行为有哪些1、对其他网民使用语言暴力。2、对特定网民或网络群体进行杯葛。3、把受害人之个人资料(如真实姓名,容貌等)公开,俗称“起底”。4、把受害人容貌移花接木至他人相片中,或在这些相片旁加上诽谤性文字,俗称“改相(改图)”。5、在论坛中以言语用发帖甚至以洗版等方式公开侮辱受害人。6、受害人当看见其他网友违反网规时管理员便置诸不理,但看见受害人违反网规时却即时向警方举报,使受害人感到欺凌者有双重标准之嫌。为什么孩子们会网络欺凌?“当涉及到欺凌行为时,并不是”孩子和青少年可能参与的"一刀切"的理由,“休斯顿说。“我们经常看到的一个共同点就是欺负孩子 - 无论是亲自还是在线 - 经常寻求表现力量并希望控制自己。”例如,学生可能喜欢网络欺凌带来的信心和力量,或者他们可能会是试图以配合他们的同龄人。使网络欺凌特别有吸引力的一个因素是与受害者的物理距离。经常欺凌涉及面对面的对抗和口头/身体暴力。另一方面,网络欺凌是以电子方式进行的,肇事者可以在闭门造车。“由于物理距离很远而且没有看到网络欺凌行为目标立即做出反应,因此使用技术更加残酷,”Huston说。“因此,网络欺凌的学生可能不会认识到他们行为的严重危害。”

fingerprint 是什么意思?




cyber sense是什么意思

cyber sense的意思是:网络感。CyberSense是戴尔CyberRecovery数据避风港解决方案中不可或缺的一部分。它通过分析和机器学习审核由CyberRecovery管理的数据,以检测勒索软件和其他网络威胁造成的损坏迹象。通过创建文件、数据库和核心基础设施的时间点观察,使用机器学习算法来对数据损坏做出确定性决策。当CyberSense检测到任何损坏迹象时,它不仅会向CyberRecovery控制面板发送告警和报告,还提供了取证功能,用于识别受到攻击的文件并帮助确定网络攻击的来源。相比其他解决方案仅扫描文件元数据,这些元数据可能仅识别文件扩展名或文件大小的简单变化,CyberSense的竞争优势在于,其可以对文件元数据、文档元数据和文档内容进行完整的内容索引,而无需重新水化(rehydrate)备份数据集。作为备份过程中的最后一道防线,CyberSense旨在帮助企业化被动为主动,最大程度上主动防范网络攻击,解除后顾之忧。


fingerprint[英][u02c8fu026au014bgu0259pru026ant][美][u02c8fu026au014bgu0259rpru026ant]n.指纹,指印; vt.采指纹; 第三人称单数:fingerprints过去分词:fingerprinted复数:fingerprints现在进行时:fingerprinting过去式:fingerprinted以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.They said they found no fingerprint or dna evidence the letters came from ms. jang. 警方称,他们没有在这些信件上发现张紫妍的指纹或dna痕迹。


cyber attacks 网络 网络攻击; 网络进攻; [例句]However, China"s information network is also facing the threats of cyber attacks.但中国信息网络也面临网络攻击的威胁。


fingerprint 英[u02c8fu026au014bgu0259pru026ant] 美[u02c8fu026au014bgu0259rpru026ant] n. 指纹,指印; vt. 采指纹; [例句]He took her to jail, where she was fingerprinted and booked.他把她带到监狱,在那里对她提取了指纹并进行了登记。[其他] 第三人称单数:fingerprints 复数:fingerprints 现在分词:fingerprinting过去式:fingerprinted 过去分词:fingerprinted