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使命召唤6 No Russian 那关中 马卡洛夫在出电梯前对身边的人说的什么 Remember no Russian我知道 是no Ru



river 基本解释n. 河,江;溪,巨流river 变化形式复数: rivers易混淆的单词: River所属分类: CET4TEM4考 研CET6river 河,江来自古法语 riviere,河边,河岸,来自拉丁语 riparius,岩边的,来自 ripa,河岸,海滨,来自 PIE*rei, 撕开,劈,砍,词源同 rift,riven,riparian.后引申词义河流,江河。该词不与 rival 同源,但词 义相混淆。river 用法和例句Trading of shares in pike river has been suspended .克河集团的股市交易已经被叫停。North korean workers on the yalu river , which borders china .位于鸭绿江边上的朝鲜工人,鸭绿江是中朝的界河。In london , it "s the river crying foul .


rivers河 常用释义[英] ["rɪvəz]n.河流; 河; (river的复数); (人名)里弗斯; (地名)里弗斯[例句]The state of the rivers will embarrass the enemy in a considerable degree.河流的水情会在很大程度上牵制敌人的行动。

请英语高手帮忙翻一下:If you keep getting wrong numbers ,your phone could be defective .万分感谢!


We donu2019t see much of each other.


She speaks very clearly clearly为什么要用比较级?

原句并没有使用副词clearly比较级。副词clearly的比较级是more clearly。

Goodbye My Lover 歌词

歌手:Tension歌名:Good bye My Love当时我没话可说 两眼无神脑空白 那消息实在来得太快也可能是我自己太冲动 误解你对这友情的期待 爱情 像是一场戏 我这出是个悲剧 没演完就有这样的结局或许是我真的不懂爱情我还能怪谁只好怪自己 Good-bye my love 我都明白虽然无奈 还是要看得开 Good-bye my love, my love短暂的爱 或许十年又一天 你才会珍惜这一段爱 你不会明白我心有多痛 心里好痛 Good-bye my love,yeah...Why does this always happen? I guess it was over before it begin,or perhaps... It was never meant to be...只好在今天 Good-bye 先说Good-bye 我都明白 虽然无奈 还是要看得开Good-bye my love 不想分开(短暂的爱) 或许十年又一天 你才会珍惜我 我的爱

Red Light (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Red Light (Lp Version)歌手:Georgia Satellites专辑:Georgia SatellitesRed Lightthe strokesto strokes88Two could be complete without the rest of the worldTwo could be complete without the rest of the worldDo it for the people that would die for your sakeAn entire generation that has nothing to sayHow to makeYour way to meOn let"s say you made me a deal with meAnd I got your name and you"re on my checkWhen you"re all trashed up with your big red beltI might almost say that you might need helpI could drop you off at the next red lightIf it don"t make sense or it don"t feel rightAll the girls could never make me love meThe way I love youCan"t you see the skies is not the limit no moreI can see the elevator crash through the floorI can still see yesterday sailing awayAnd 7 billion people who got nothing to sayAre you comingHome to meWell I saw your face then I heard that songI was so inviting it hurt my bonesBut it looked like you but your eyes are grayAnd your hair is gone but your mind"s OKYes I like your smile but your forehead"s coldI don"t want you to be afraid and goI was cheating lives for youI was there on the nail for youI was waiting...For my baby to arriveRight by my sideOh please leave me alone tonightForget the pastTwo could be complete without the rest of the worldOh you know I said it just to get you to laughDo it for the people that would die for your sakeAn entire generation who entertained you for blameThe light is redThe camera"s onGet yourself a lawyer and a gunBait your friends of friends like everyone...Can be so competitiveOh the skies not the limitAnd your never gonna guess what is ooooooo

Usher的《Red Light》 歌词

歌曲名:Red Light歌手:Usher专辑:ConfessionsIt"s crazyI can"t believe that youWould be the one to doDo me like you doGet back here babyGirl you let meHave my way and i was thinkin i could get it againBaby we could be friends if you"re lonely (ssh)And you show meJust how quick your tires could spinYou were off in the windTell me where did you goWhen you left (oh)I"m thinkin which way did she goI should have known that you would lead me on girlIm in the wind on cruise controlI gotta be dreamin cuz i never felt like this beforeIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorBut she"s got me sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorSo why am i sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herLookin out for herNow its raininAnd i"m lookin over at the passenger sideThinkin back in my mind how you set me offShe was stoppin and droppin meSwitchin from fast to slowBut that aint have nothing on how you gotWhen i got you homeWhen you left (oh)I"m thinkin which way did she goThe way you touched yourselfHad me up the wallIm in the wind on cruise controlI"m searchin for you cuz i can"t seem to let you goIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorBut she"s got me sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorSo why am i sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herLookin out for herYou knowI really only thoughtThat this would be a one night standWhat you doin to meCome onWhat you doin to meMaybe (maybe)She"s runnin home to someone else (someone else)Or maybe (or maybe)She lost my number in her cell(oooh babe)(what you doin to me)Or maybe (or maybe)She"s never done like this beforeCuz i cant see (can"t see)Her not comin back for moreMoreIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorBut she"s got me sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorSo why am i sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorBut she"s got me sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorSo why am i sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herLookin out for her


否定句为,i donot see her enter. 英语语法中否定句分为九种:(1)一般否定句Idon"tknowthis.否定句式Nonewsisgoodnews.否定词noThereisnopersonsmokinghere.(2)特指否定Hewenttohisoffice,nottoseehim.Iamsorryfornotcomingontime.Idon"tthink/believe/suppose/feel/imagineyouareright.(3)部分否定AlltheanswersarenotrightAllisnotgoldthatglitters.Idon"tknowallofthem.Ican"tseeeverybody/everything.Bothofthemarenotright.(4)全体否定Noneofmyfriendssmoke.Icanseenothing/nobody.Neitherofthemisright.Nothingcanbesosimpleasthis.(5)延续否定Youdidn"tseehim,neither/nordidI.Youdon"tknow,Idon"tknoweither.Hedoesn"tknowEnglish,letalone/tosaynothingof/nottospeakof(更不用说)French.(6)半否定句Weseldom/hardly/scarcely/barelyhearsuchfinesinging.IknowlittleEnglish.Isawfewpeople.(7)双重否定Youcan"tmakesomethingoutofnothing.What"sdonecannotbeundone.Thereisnosweetwithoutsweat.Nogainwithoutpains.Ican"thelp/keep/laughingwheneverIhearit.Nomanissooldbut(that)hecanlearn.(8)排除否定Everyoneisreadyexceptyou.Hedidnothingbutplay.Butforyourhelp,Icouldn"tdoit.(9)加强否定Iwon"tdoitatall.Ican"tseeitanymore.Heisnolon






知识点|Verilog编程的要点老梁读史2018-12-20FPGA的设计就是将自己想要实现的逻辑通过计算机能够理解的语言描述出来,并让计算机根据FPGA内部的资源生成可以进行资源配置并在加电以后能够执行的过程。人的逻辑和计算机之间的桥梁就是HDL - 硬件描述语言,目前有两个比较流行的语言Verilog和VHDL,其中Verilog用的更多,在我们的小脚丫FPGA平台上也选用了Verilog。语言就是一个工具,不同的语言只是语法、规则不同而已,稍加了解这些语法、规则应该就可以方便地切换到不同语言上。因此在FPGA设计时,无论是Verilog、VHDL还是其它更高级的语言,这都不是FPGA的实质,我们在使用的时候也没有必要纠结用的是何种语言。很多做FPGA设计的工程师都买过某著名教授的Verilog的教程,非常厚,但普遍反应看不懂,从头到尾看了好几遍,仍然不会做FPGA设计。我翻看过基本英文版的FPGA设计的教程,没有一本是专门讲Verilog的语言的,多数是将Verilog的语法和规则作为附录放在书的后面供查阅。因为Verilog实在太简单,所有的语法和规则汇总起来也就两个页面,对于学习FPGA的初学者来讲了解这些已经足够,更重要的是在实际的项目中通过具体的使用和调试来深刻掌握。Verilog看起来跟C++比较像,但由于它是一门用于描述硬件的语言,因此它跟MCU上运行的程序不同,它有一些跟硬件高度相关的特性需要格外注意。如果把FPGA的逻辑用MCU程序的思路去写,那就大错特错了。下面是我们www.stepfpga.com的Wiki系统里对Verilog的简要介绍:Verilog 是 Verilog HDL 的简称,Verilog HDL 是一种硬件描述语言(HDL:Hardware Description Language),硬件描述语言是电子系统硬件行为描述、结构描述、数据流描述的语言。利用这种语言,数字电路系统的设计可以从顶层到底层(从抽象到具体)逐层描述自己的设计思想,用一系列分层次的模块来表示极其复杂的数字系统。然后,利用电子设计自动化(EDA)工具,逐层进行仿真验证,再把其中需要变为实际电路的模块组合,经过自动综合工具转换到门级电路网表。接下去,再用专用集成电路 ASIC 或现场可编程门阵列 FPGA 自动布局布线工具,把网表转换为要实现的具体电路布线结构。在 FPGA 的设计中,我们有多种设计方式,如绘制原理图、编写描述语言代码等。早期的工程师对原理图的设计方式情有独钟,这种输入方式能够很直观的看出电路的结构并快速理解电路。随着逻辑规模的不断攀升,逻辑电路也越来越复杂,这种输入方式就会显得力不从心,应付简单的逻辑电路还算实用,应付起复杂的逻辑电路就不行了。因此取而代之的便是编写描述语言代码的方式,现今的绝大多数设计都是采用代码来完成的。简单地讲在Verilog编程中需要注意以下几点:所有的Verilog程序都以Module(模块、组件)的方式存在,一个简单的逻辑可以由一个Module组成,复杂的逻辑可以包含多个Modules,每个Module有独立的功能,并由输入、输出端口被其它module调用。通过Module的方式可以将一些比较独立、可以复用的功能进行模块化,代码阅读起来也比较直观;Verilog的信号分为wire和register两种类型,wire可以看成直接的连接,而register具有对某一个时间点状态进行保持的功能,因此在设计逻辑的时候要明确定义每个信号是wire还是reg属性;并行执行:Verilog描述的主要是硬件而不是软件,因此也就意味着其描述的各个功能之间可以并行执行,比如在你的设计中你有3个计数器,每一个计数器都连接到不同的时钟上,这是没有问题的,每一个时钟都干自己的事。不像MCU,只有一个线程按照顺序执行。由于篇幅所限,我们就不对这个语言的具体语法、规则进行展开,在此借用Stanford大学的Paul Hartke教授的Verilog课程的PPT页面来对Verilog的语法和规则做个简单的介绍(正好可以借此提升一下自己的专业英语阅读能力),可以看到斯坦福大学的学生学习Verilog也就十几个页面的内容。使用Verilog设计FPGA的流程Module是Verilog最基本构成方式Verilog的语法规定跟C++比较接近数值规范按位/逻辑操作符混合操作符一元减数操作符(教授说它从来没有在实际的应用中看到过、用过)连续赋值过程赋值if-else条件过程赋值逻辑操作符关系操作符Case Statement过程赋值如何得到一个D触发器?在有限状态机(FSM)中使用Case Statement来源:电路设计技能 《苏老师讲电路设计》系列搜索代码编程自学入门教程verilog编程基础知识每天一分钟学一个编程学编程先学什么比较好编程入门教程300例一张图看懂st语言

求goodbye my lover歌词(要求中英纵向比对)

我失望,你或让你失望? 我应该感到有罪或让法官皱眉? 因为我看到了我们希望年底之前开始 是的,我看见你被蒙蔽,我知道我已经赢得 所以我采取了什么是永恒的地雷的权利。 你的灵魂出了到深夜 可以结束,但它不会停止 我在这里为您如果您只照顾 你感动我的心感动你我的灵魂 你改变了我的生活和我的所有目标 爱是盲目的,而且我知道当 我的心被你所蒙蔽 我已经吻了你的嘴唇,你的脑袋举行 分享您的梦想和共享你的床。 我知道你很好,我知道你的嗅觉。 我一直沉迷于你 再见我的爱人 再见我的朋友。 你一直是一个。 你一直是一个对我来说。 我是一个梦想家 但是,当我醒来, 你不能打破我的灵魂 这是我的梦想你。 和你继续前进, 记住我, 记得我们和所有我们曾经是 我已经看到你哭,我已经看到你的微笑。 我看过你睡一会儿。 我的父亲你的孩子。 我想花了一生中与您联系。 我知道你担心,你知道我的。 我们已经度过了怀疑,但现在我们正在罚款, 和我爱你,我发誓这是真的。 我不能没有你生活。 我仍然握住你的手排雷。 排雷时,我睡着了。 我会承担我的灵魂在时间, 当我跪在你的脚下。 我很空洞,婴儿, 我很空洞的。 我是这样,我的话,我很空洞这是中文的did i disappoint you or let you down?should i be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?"cause i saw the end before we"d begun yes i saw you were blinded and i knew i had won so i took what"s mine by eternal right.took your soul out into the night it may be over but it won"t stop there i am here for you if you"d only care you touched my heart you touched my soul you changed my life and all my goals and love is blind and that i knew when my heart was blinded by you i"ve kissed your lips and held your head shared your dreams and shared your bed.i know you well, i know your smell.i"ve been addicted to you goodbye my lover goodbye my have been the have been the one for me.i am a dreamer but when i wake,you can"t break my spirit it"s my dreams you take.and as you move on,remember me,remember us and all we used to be i"ve seen you cry, i"ve seen you smile.i"ve watched you sleeping for a while.i"d be the father of your child.i"d spend a lifetime with you.i know your fears and you know mine.we"ve had our doubts but now we"re fine,and i love you, i swear that"s true.i cannot live without you.and i still hold your hand in mine when i"m asleep.and i will bear my soul in time,when i"m kneeling at your feet.i"m so hollow, baby,i"m so hollow.i"m so, i"m so, i"m so hollow

为什么early比较级是earlier,clearly是more clearly?


FENDER 60瓦电吉他音箱效果怎么样!用过的朋友进来说说!


Yuck的《Stutter》 歌词

歌曲名:Stutter歌手:Yuck专辑:YuckMaroon 5 - StutterOhh I really need to knowOhh I really need to knowOhh I really need to knowOhh Ya gotta let me goThis time I really need to do things rightShivers that ya give me keep me freezing all nightShudderI can"t believe it, I"m not myself, suddenly I"m thinkin" of no one elseYou make me shudderOhh I really need to knowOr else you gotta let me goYour just a fantasy girlIn seven parts of the worldAll I want is to be with you alwaysI"ll give you everythingGive some attention to meAll I want is you and me alwaysGive me affectionI need your perfectionYou feel so goodYou make me stutter, stutterIf I could touch you, I"d never let goNow ya got me screaming and I cannot shut up, shut upNow I am lying on the bedroom floor barely even speakingand I cannot get up, get upOhh I really, I really, I really need to knowYa gotta let me goYour just a fantasy girlIn seven parts of the worldAll I want is to be with you alwaysI"ll give you everythingGive some attention to meAll I want is you and me alwaysGive me affectionI need your perfectionYou feel so goodYou make me stutter, stutterYou knock me down, I can"t get up, I"m stuckGotta stop shaking me upI cant eat, cant sleep, can"t think, .....Your just a fantasy girlIn seven parts of the worldAll I want is to be with you alwaysI"ll give you everythingGive some attention to meAll I want is you and me alwaysYour just a fantasy girlIn seven parts of the worldAll I want is to be with you alwaysGive me affectionI need your perfectionYou feel so goodYou make me stutterYou make me stutterYou make me stutter

shakin all over中文歌词

Shakin" all over浑身颤抖When you move in right up close to me当你来到我的跟前That"s when I get the chills all over me我不禁打了一个寒颤Quivers down my backbone后背也颤抖I got the shakes in my thigh bone大腿也颤抖I got the shivers in my knee bone膝盖更颤抖Shakin" all over浑身颤抖Just the way you say goodnight to me你说晚安的时候Brings the feelin" on inside of me也让我有这种感觉Quivers down my backbone后背也颤抖I got the shakes in my thigh bone大腿也颤抖I got the shivers in my knee bone膝盖更颤抖Shakin" all over浑身颤抖Quivers down my backbone后背也颤抖I got the shakes in my thigh bone大腿也颤抖I got the shivers in my knee bone膝盖更颤抖Shakin" all over浑身颤抖Well, you make me shake and I like it, baby我喜欢你让我颤抖,宝贝You make me shake and I like it, baby我喜欢你让我颤抖,宝贝Well, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake颤抖,颤抖,颤抖Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake颤抖,颤抖,颤抖非机器翻译,希望你满意!望采纳,谢谢~

stutter——maroon 5歌词

Ohh I really need to know哦,我真的需要知道Ohh I really need to know哦,我真的需要知道Ohh I really need to know哦,我真的需要知道Ohh Ya gotta let me go哦,你将让我走开This time I really need to do things right这次我必须正确的做好这件事情Shivers that ya give me keep me freezing all night战栗,为你让我整晚感到自己像是冻僵了一样Shudder颤栗I can"t believe it, I"m not myself, suddenly I"m thinkin" of no one else我不能相信,我不是我自己,突然我不去想任何人You make me shudder你让我颤栗Ohh I really need to know哦,我真的需要知道Or else you gotta let me go否则就让我离去Your just a fantasy girl你是一个梦幻般的女孩In seven parts of the world在世界的七个大洲All I want is to be with you always我所想要的只是与你一直在一起I"ll give you everything我将给你一切Give some attention to me留给我一些关注All I want is you and me always我想要的是你我一直在一起Give me affection给我你的爱慕之情I need your perfection我需要你的完美You feel so good你让我感到如此之好You make me stutter, stutter你让我口吃,口吃If I could touch you, I"d never let go如果我可以碰触到你,我将永远不会放手Now ya got me screaming and I cannot shut up, shut up现在你让我尖叫,我难以停止,停止Now I am lying on the bedroom floor barely even speaking现在我躺在卧室地板上,甚至说话都感到困难and I cannot get up, get up我不能起来,起来Ohh I really, I really, I really need to know哦我真的,真的,我真的需要知道Ya gotta let me go你让我离开Your just a fantasy girl你是一个梦幻般的女孩In seven parts of the world在世界的七个大洲All I want is to be with you always我所想要的只是与你一直在一起I"ll give you everything我将给你一切Give some attention to me留给我一些关注All I want is you and me always我想要的是你我一直在一起Give me affection给我你的爱慕之情I need your perfection我需要你的完美You feel so good你让我感到如此之好You make me stutter, stutter你让我口吃,口吃You knock me down, I can"t get up, I"m stuck你让我失望,我不能起来,我被困住了Gotta stop shaking me up停止吧,让我振作I cant eat, cant sleep, can"t think, .....我不能进食,不能入睡,不能思考……In seven parts of the world在世界的七个大洲All I want is to be with you always我所想要的只是与你一直在一起I"ll give you everything我将给你一切Give me affection给我你的爱慕之情All I want is you and me always我想要的是你我一直在一起In seven parts of the world在世界的七个大洲All I want is to be with you always我所想要的只是与你一直在一起Give some attention to me留给我一些关注I need your perfection我需要你的完美You feel so good你让我感到如此之好You make me stutter你让我口吃You make me stutter你让我口吃You make me stutter 你让我口吃

CocoRosie的《Werewolf》 歌词

歌曲名:Werewolf歌手:CocoRosie专辑:The Adventures of Ghosthorse and StillbornIn a dream I was a werewolfMy soul was filled with crystal lightLavender ribbons of rain sangRidding my heart of mortal fightBroken sundown fatherless showdownGun hip swollen lip bottle sip yeah I suck dickLose grip on gravity falls sky blinding crumbling wallsRiver sweep away my memories ofChildren"s things a young mother"s loveBefore the yearning song of flesh on fleshYoung hearts burst open wounds bleed freshA young brother skinny and tall my older walksOceanward and somber, slumber sleepingFlowers in the water,But I"m just his daughterWalking down an icy graveleading to my Schizophrenic father.Weeping willow won"t you wallow louderSearching for my father"s powerI"ma shake you off thoughGet up on that horse andRide into the sunsetLook back with no remorseI"ma shake you off thoughGet up on that horse andRide into the sunsetLook back with no remorseHe"s a black magic wielder some say a witchWielded darkness when he was wilein" on his mom"sAnd born child and he was the bastard that brokeUp the marriage evil doer doing evil from a baby carriageAnd he was born with the same blue eyesCrystal ships dripping with ice, diamonds coruscateIn the night fireworks electric brightAnd now he"s got his own two sonsTried to hide his tearz in a world of funBut loveless bedrooms filled with doomBring silent heartache July to JuneWoon over new young hot flameMourn the memories laterLaugh now aligatorOh in a dreamMy father came to meAnd made me swear that I"d keepWhat sacred to meAnd if I get the choiceTo live in his nameI pray my way through the RainSinging Oh happy dayI don"t mean to close the doorBut for the record my heart is soreYou blew through me like bullet holesLeft staind on my sheets and stainsOn my soulYou left me broke down beggin for changeHad to catch a ride with a man who"s derangedHe had your hands and my father"s faceAnother western vampire different time same placeI had dreams that brings me sadnessPain much deep that a riverSorrow flow through me in tiny waves of shiversCorny movies make me reminisceBreat me down easy on this generic love shitFirst kiss frog and princessI"ma shake you off thoughGet up on that horse andRide into the sunsetLook back with no remorseI"ma shake you off thoughGet up on that horse andRide into the sunsetLook back with no remorseI"ma shake you off thoughGet up on that horse andRide into the sunsetLook back with no remorse

求Sentenced的No One There中文翻译


冰天雪地裸体跪求hold on me and never let me go的翻译

This time, This place 此时此刻Misused, Mistakes 一错在错Too long, Too late 长期迟到Who was I to make you wait 谁让我等你Just one chance 刚好有个机会Just one breath 刚好呼吸Just in case there"s just one left 只是如果存在的一个人‘Cause you know, 引起你知道了you know, you know 你懂你懂That I love you 我爱你那个I have loved you all along 我会自始自终的爱你And I miss you 我亲吻你Been far away for far too long 跟你到永远.I keep dreaming you"ll be with me 我将天天梦到你.and you"ll never go 决不会离开你.Stop breathing if 如果停止呼吸I don"t see you anymore 我在也看不到你.On my knees, I"ll ask 我跪着问Last chance for one last dance 最好的机会最后一个人跳舞.‘Cause with you, I"d withstand 我将等着你.All of hell to hold your hand 你迟迟不动手.I"d give it all 我给你全部I"d give for us 我给我们Give anything but I won"t give up 决不放弃,但我想起来‘Cause you know, you know, you know That I love you I have loved you all along And I miss you Been far away for far too long I keep dreaming you"ll be with me and you"ll never go Stop breathing if I don"t see you anymore So far away Been far away for far too long So far away Been far away for far too long But you know, you know, you know I wanted I wanted you to stay ‘Cause I needed I need to hear you say That I love you I have loved you all along And I forgive you For being away for far too long So keep breathing ‘Cause I"m not leaving Hold on to me and never let me goThis time, This place Misused, Mistakes Too long, Too late Who was I to make you wait Just one chance Just one breath Just in case there"s just one left ‘Cause you know, you know, you know That I love you I have loved you all along And I miss you Been far away for far too long I keep dreaming you"ll be with me and you"ll never go Stop breathing if I don"t see you anymore On my knees, I"ll ask Last chance for one last dance ‘Cause with you, I"d withstand All of hell to hold your hand I"d give it all I"d give for us Give anything but I won"t give up ‘Cause you know, you know, you know That I love you I have loved you all along And I miss you Been far away for far too long I keep dreaming you"ll be with me and you"ll never go Stop breathing if I don"t see you anymore So far away Been far away for far too long So far away Been far away for far too long But you know, you know, you know I wanted I wanted you to stay ‘Cause I needed I need to hear you say That I love you I have loved you all along And I forgive you For being away for far too long So keep breathing ‘Cause I"m not leaving Hold on to me and never let me go 很想。很想。很想知道。 拜托。拜托

clever& ketch是什么牌子的表?

clever&ketch是百达翡丽的牌子;百达翡丽是一家始于1839年的瑞士著名钟表品牌,世界十大名表之首。是瑞士仅存的真正的独立制表商之一,由头至尾都是自己生产,而训练一名PATEK PHILIPPE(百达翡丽)制表师则需要10年时间。历史。1868年,百达翡丽为匈牙利女伯爵科索维茨打造第一枚瑞士腕表;1910年,打造出“雷盖尔公爵”西敏寺钟声怀表;1916年,推出配备五分报时装置的首款复杂功能女式腕表;1923年,出售首款双秒追针计时腕表。1925年,打造首款万年历腕表;1932年,推出首款Calatrava系列腕表;1956年,推出首款全电子时钟;1968年~2018年,陆续推出Golden Ellipse系列、Nautilus系列、Gondolo系列、Aquanaut系列、Twenty~4系列腕表。2018年~2020年,在世界品牌实验室编制的第15届~第17届《世界品牌500强》中,百达翡丽分别排名第240位、第238位、第208位。


聪明?smart intelligent



I will be right here 的汉语意思是什么?



clever是聪明的的意思,最高级是cleverest,在后面直接加就行。也有另一种方式:就是the most clever,这些都是可以的。

right here waiting什么意思?

字面意思是等着你,但它也是一首歌的名字.<Right Here Waiting for you>最早是一首传唱很广的英语歌,节奏舒缓,译名为<此情可待>,下面发一下歌词,中英文比对下:oceans apart day after day and i slowly go insane i hear your voice on the line but it doesn"t stop the pain if i see you next to never how can we say forever wherever you go whatever you do i will be right here waiting for you whatever it takes or how my heart breaks i will be right here waiting for you i took for granted, all the times that i thought would last somehow i hear the laughter, i taste the tears but i can"t get near you now oh, can"t you see it baby you"ve got me goin, crazy wherever you go whatever you do i will be right here waiting for you whatever it takes or how my heart breaks i will be right here waiting for you i wonder how we can survive this romance but in the end if i"m with you i"ll take the chance oh, can"t you see it baby you"ve got me goin, crazy wherever you go whatever you do i will be right here waiting for you whatever it takes or how my heart breaks i will be right here waiting for you waiting for you理查德·马克斯 远隔重洋,日复一日 我慢慢地变得要失常 电话传来你的声音 但这不能停止我的悲伤 如果再也不能与你想见 又怎能说我们到永远 无论你在何地,无论你做何事 我就在这里等候你 不管怎么样 不管我多哀伤 我就在这里等候你 我一直认为 你我会情长义久 我听见你的笑声 我品尝眼泪 但此刻不能接近你 哦,宝贝,难道你不懂 你已使我发疯 无论你在何地,无论你做何事 我就在这里等候你 不管怎么样 不管我多哀伤 我就在这里等候你 我试问 我们如何熬过这浪漫情 但到最后 如果我与你同在 我要抓住这机会 哦 宝贝 难道你不懂 你已使我发疯 无论你在何地 无论你做何事 我就在这里等候你 不管怎么样 或不管我多哀伤 我就在这里等候你 等候你……

Right here Waiting for you是什么意思




love you like no other 歌词 MzJ (ft.Sam) 2012一月新歌


kids歌词 weezer的~

Weezer - Kids/Poker Face LyricsYou were a child,crawlin" on your knees toward it.Makin" mama so proud,but your voice is too loud.We like to watch you laughing.Pickin" insects off plants.No time to think of consequences.Control yourself.Take only what you need from it.A family of trees wanting,To be haunted.(x2)The water is warm,but its sending me shivers.A baby is born,crying out for attention.Memories fade,like looking through a fogged mirrorDecisions to decisions are made and not foughtBut I thought,this wouldn"t hurt a lot.I guess not.Control yourself.Take only what you need from it.A family of trees wantin",To be haunted.(x2)Can"t read my,Can"t read myNo she can"t read my poker face(he"s got to love nobody)(x2)P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face(Mum mum mum mah)(x2)I won"t tell you that I love youKiss or hug youCause I"m bluffin" with my muffinI"m not lying I"m just stunnin" with my love-glue-gunningJust like a chick in the casinoTake your bank before I pay you outI promise this, promise thisCheck this hand cause I"m marvelousCan"t read my,Can"t read myNo she can"t read my poker face(he"s got to love nobody)(x2)P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face(Mum mum mum mah)(x2)Control yourself.Take only what you need from it.A family of trees wantin",To be haunted.(x2)

我译经典老歌——Right Here Waiting 此情可待

词曲:理查德·马克斯(Richard Marx) 歌词译文:真念一思 Oceans apart, day after day, and I slowly go insane. I hear your voice on the line, But it doesn"t stop the pain. If I see you next to never, How can we say forever? 远隔重洋,日复一日 我一步步迈向疯狂 在电话线上听得见你的声音 但这又怎能止住离别的伤痛 如果此生再难相见 又怎能说长相厮守? Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you; Whatever it takes, Or how my heart breaks, I will be right here waiting for you. 无论你去往哪里 无论你做些什么 我都会在这里为你守候 无论付出怎样的代价 无论我多么心碎 我都会在这里为你守候 I took for granted all the times That I thought would last somehow. I hear the laughter, I taste the tears, But I can"t get near you now. Oh, can"t you see it , baby, You"ve got me going crazy? 过去我总以为一切理所当然 以为无论怎样一切都会延续 我听到笑声 也尝到泪水 但此刻我却无法靠近你 呵, 宝贝,难道你看不出来 你已让我陷入痴狂 Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you; Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks, I will be right here waiting for you. 无论你去往哪里 无论你做些什么 我都会在这里为你守候 无论付出怎样的代价 无论我多么心碎 我都会在这里为你守候 I wonder how we can survive this romance. But in the end If I"m with you I"ll take the chance. Oh, can"t you see it, baby, You"ve got me going crazy? 我不知道怎样 才能维持这份爱恋 只要终能与你在一起 我都会奋不顾身 呵,宝贝,难道你看不出来 你已让我陷入痴狂 Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you. Whatever it takes Or how my heart breaks, I will be right here waiting for you. Waiting for you. 无论你去往哪里 无论你做些什么 我都会在这里为你守候 无论付出怎样的代价 无论我多么心碎 我都会在这里为你守候 为你守候…… 歌手简介: 理查德·马克斯,1963年9月16日生于芝加哥,美国歌手 。 1987年,发行的个人首张专辑《持续回归》在全球销量300万多张;随后,发行第二张专辑《Repeat Offender》在全球销量1000万张 ,并被《滚石》杂志授予其"最佳男声新星奖" 。1988年,《演艺》杂志授予其"最佳艺术新人奖",并获得格莱美奖"最佳摇滚男声演唱"奖 。1989年5月,翻录制作了《Repeat Offender》专辑的新版本,该专辑发行量超过600万张;同年,获得格莱美奖"最佳摇滚男声演唱"奖 。1991年9月9日,因为在一天之中,同时在全美5大城市间作马拉松式的巡回演出,因此这天被摇滚乐坛称为"理查德日" 。 1999年,第一次在中国北京举行演唱会,并且他是新中国成立后首位来华的美国著名流行歌手 。2004年2月,与路瑟·万德罗斯共同创作的单曲《Dance with My Father》获得格莱美奖度歌曲奖 。2005年,创作的歌曲《Be Here 》连续六周获得Billboard乡村排行榜冠军 。2014年7月,发行专辑《Beautiful Goodbye 》;7月,先后在中国举行多场《细诉心声》演唱会 。 歌曲创作背景 1989年,理查德·马克斯的爱妻辛西娅去拍片已3个月,由于签证问题,理查德无法前去探望辛西娅,他感到非常郁闷。 这时,他的朋友说:“你郁闷的时候会写出最好的歌曲。”于是,理查德坐在钢琴旁,在一种强烈的冲动下,只用了20分钟就写完了《Right Here Waiting For You》的创作,这首歌成为广为流传的经典情歌。 在海湾战争期间,这首歌在美国成了亲朋分别时相互告慰、互祝平安的歌曲。这首歌问世已有整整20年历史,仍传唱不衰,颂扬真情的永恒。旋律极其经典,风靡全球,不论种族文化,都为之沉醉。沉醉亲人之间的那种绵绵深情与爱情,令人心醉,也令人痴迷! 这首歌的歌词,表达的并不是失恋,而是因离别时间太久而产生的彷徨和焦虑。经历过缠绵悱恻的恋人都会有这种感觉,两个人即使山盟海誓永不变心,但牵挂总像一根无形的丝线拴着两颗赤子之心,距离越远,时间越久,思念的伤痛就越强烈。这种伤痛与失恋无关,它来自于对恋人深深眷恋和牵挂,这一种无解的思念,永不停歇。 人物评价 理查德·马克斯是一个集作曲、填词、演唱和音乐制作于一身的摇滚才子。他特别热衷于巡回演出。曾先后在美国、加拿大、日本等地巡回演出。理查德·马克斯深知在全球性的演出中,会大大促进乐迷与自己的直接交流,他深信,这种影响是深远的。 (网易、羊城晚报评) 在1989年的这首以钢琴为主奏的冠军曲让理查·马克斯总是与情歌王子这样的称号形影不离,对于坚持全面型创作的理查·马克斯而言,写些动人的情歌或许是非常得心应手,但是,他却懂得如何让歌曲无论在快版或慢板的旋律中兼顾流畅、上口、潇洒、活力、率性与赤子情怀,巧妙的融合流行、摇滚、民谣、节奏蓝调,甚至爵士等不同类型音乐元素,塑造一首又一首的畅销曲。在2005年的专辑《My Own Best Enemy》中理查德·马克斯完全赤裸自己的情感,让过去七年来所写的一些私密表白性的歌曲全面曝光,把心灵的挣扎、无奈与伤痛全盘托出。充分展现了他驾驭摇滚曲风的率真性格。 (搜狐评) 他是严肃、明确的音乐人、伟大的歌手。 (《滚石》杂志乐评人J.D.康西丁评)


clever翻译成中文的意思是聪明的或者机灵的。1、clever的释义。clever可以翻译为聪明的或者机灵的。它指的是一个人具有智慧、敏捷和灵活的思维能力,能够快速理解和解决问题。2、clever的词性。clever 是一个形容词,用来描述人或事物具有智慧、机智或聪明的特质。形容词性质:描述人的智力:clever用来形容人的智力水平较高,具有出色的思维能力和解决问题的能力。这个特质通常与聪明、伶俐和睿智等概念相关。3、同源词副词形式:cleverly 是 clever的副词形式,表示以聪明、巧妙或机智的方式进行某种行动。名词形式:cleverness 是 clever 的名词形式,表示聪明、机智或智慧的品质或特征。clever的例句:1、She is a clever student who always excels in her academics.她是一个聪明的学生,总是在学业上表现出色。2、The clever detective quickly solved the perplexing case.聪明的侦探很快解决了这个复杂的案件。3、He came up with a clever solution to the complex math problem.他提出了一个巧妙的解决办法来解决这个复杂的数学问题。4、The inventor"s clever design revolutionized the industry.这位发明家巧妙的设计彻底改变了这个行业。5、The clever magician amazed the audience with his mind-boggling tricks.这位聪明的魔术师用令人难以置信的魔术技巧使观众惊叹不已。6、She has a clever sense of humor and always makes everyone laugh.她有着聪明的幽默感,总能让每个人笑个不停。7、The clever politician skillfully navigated the tricky political landscape.这位机智的政治家巧妙地应对了棘手的政治局势。8、The clever negotiation tactics helped him secure a favorable deal.这些巧妙的谈判策略帮助他达成了一个有利的交易。9、His clever use of technology made the project more efficient.他对技术的巧妙运用使得项目更加高效。10、The clever marketing campaign boosted the sales of the product.这个聪明的营销活动提升了产品的销量。11、The cleverly crafted plot twist caught the audience by surprise.精心设计的情节转折令观众大吃一惊。12、The clever disguise allowed him to blend into the crowd unnoticed.聪明的伪装使得他毫不引人注目地融入了人群之中。13、She is known for her clever comebacks and quick wit.她以聪明的反驳和机智迅捷而闻名。14、The clever chef created a unique fusion of flavors in his dishes.这位聪明的厨师在他的菜肴中创造了独特的口味融合。15、The cleverly worded statement hinted at a deeper meaning.这个巧妙措辞的陈述暗示了更深层的含义。

《Right Here Walling 此情可待》的中英文歌词

Right Here Waiting Ocean apart day after day And I slowly go insane I hear your voice on the line But it doesn"t stop the pain If I see you next to never How can we say forever Wherever you go Whatever you do I will be right here waiting for you Whatever it takes Or how my heart breaks I will be right here waiting for you I took for granted, all the times That I thought would last somehow I hear the laughter, I taste the tears But I can"t get near you now Oh, can"t you see it baby You"ve got me going crazy Repeat chorus I wonder how we can survive This romance But in the end if I"m with you I"ll take the chance Oh, can"t you see it baby You"ve got me going crazy

Right now and Right here

歌名:Right now and Right here歌手:Keren Ann 歌词:Over and over you wanted it so fastHead on my shoulder I"ll pour myselfa glassWait "til we"re somewhere closer to a lakeThen make a sad face and tell me it"s too lateRight now and right hereMy love oh my dearI"ll try to be clearMy love oh my dearOver and over you wanted me to playHead on my shoulder there"s nothing left to sayWait "til we"re somewhere closer to the seaThen we can jump and pretend we disagreeRight now and right hereMy love oh my dearI"ll try to be clearOver and over we"re turning off the lightEven the warriors are always great at nightWait "til we"re somewhere closer to the moonThen you can kiss me and say that it"s too soonRight now and right hereMy love oh my dearFaces under water , look much closerWhen they appearYour hand on my shoulderWe"ll be older in a yearIn the morning after should I laugh or disappear (大意)一次又一次,你十分的盼望它头放在我肩上,我会争取我自己的玻璃等待"直到我们正处接近湖 然后不幸的脸,告诉我太迟了现在和这里 我的爱啊我亲爱的 我会很清楚 我的爱啊我亲爱的 一次又一次,你要我发挥 头放在长我的肩膀上,没有什么可以说等待"直到我们正处接近大海 然后我们就可以跳,假装我们不同意现在和这里 我的爱啊我亲爱的 我会尝试理清 一次又一次,我们关掉灯 即使是勇士在晚上也是伟大的等待"直到我们正处接近月亮然后你可以亲吻我,并说这太早 现在和这里 我的爱啊我亲爱的 水下的面庞,看起来更加密切 当他们出现 你的手在我肩上 我们将在一年后变老些 在上午后,我应该笑还是消失出处:《La Disparition》(消失)下载地址:

I need you here,here right now,I breaking without your love是那首歌的

是歌手Bwo的《right here right now》,歌词如下:Where did your love aspire你对爱情的渴望在哪儿?The dream was sold and you bought the bouquet梦想已被变卖而你买了花束Where did your love aspire a power to behold你对爱情的渴望在哪里?Caught by a sweet desire在甜蜜的想象中沉沦The night was cold but love what"s saved the day夜晚是如此之冷但爱使今天的一切都有了意义Caught by a sweet desire, the torments of your soul为甜蜜的欲望所着迷,这是对你灵魂的折磨Loving ain"t easy相爱并不容易You know I feel your pain你知道我能感受到你的痛苦Loving ain"t easy爱情并不简单We"ve been crying in the rain我们一直在雨中哭泣I"m talking "bout love right here但我在此地要说的是爱Talking "bout love right now现在我们谈论的是爱Talking "bout love right here在这里谈论爱情I"m talking "bout love我在说的是爱Now when the love backfired现在当爱情适得其反时The dream was gold, the things have gone astray梦境是金色的,事情已经不可避免的堕落Now when the love backfired you need to lose control现在当爱情适得其反时,你需要失去控制Loving ain"t easy爱情并不简单

哪首歌有all right here all right here的歌词

曲名:All Right Here歌手:Sara GrovesIt"s every loss and every loveIt"s every blessing from aboveHere I am, all added upOh, it"s all right hereIt"s what I know, and what I"m guessingHalf truths, and full confessionsIt"s why I choose to learn my lessonsOh, it"s all right here(Chorus)And I"m not God, I"m a girl - I confessThat I don"t have a sea of forgetfulnessNo, it"s all right hereIt makes me stronger, it makes me winceMakes me think twice when I pick my friendsOh, it"s all right hereIt"s all right hereIt"s caution and curiousityAnd tt"s all the things I never seeWelling up inside of meOh, it"s all right hereIt"s what is best, and what is worseIt"s how I see the universeIt"s in every line and every verseOh, it"s all right here(Chorus)Every heart has so much historyIt"s my favorite place to startSit down a while and share your narative with meI"m not afraid of who you areI"m all here, and you"re all thereSome of this is unique, and

Gato Barbieri的《Evil Eyes》 歌词

歌曲名:Evil Eyes歌手:Gato Barbieri专辑:TropicoArt: ASHTit:EVIL EYEBY:FantasticdesireShe"s giving me the evil eyeA poison smileAsking if I will stayA whileI made a promise to the nightIn bloodI signedThe lineGiving me the evil eyeI can"t denyOh that girl, she"s so damn fineDivine, so fineBound through all space and timeShivers running down my spineGiving me the evil eyeShe"s mineSinister parasiteShe occupiesEvery little space insideMy mindCorrupt thoughts here enshrinedSo clandestineSublimeGiving me the evil eyeI can"t denyOh that girl, she"s so damn fineDivine, so fineBound through all space and timeShivers running down my spineGiving me the evil eyeShe"s mineLove is pain and love is blindYou don"t know when you cross that linePretty soon you"re intertwinedWith this girlThunder rolls and lightning strikesBut you don"t know what it"s likeTo be all torn up insideIn this worldGiving me the evil eyeI can"t denyOh that girl, she"s so damn fineDivine, so fineBound through all space and timeShivers running down my spineGiving me the evil eyeShe"s mine; all minePromised to a valentineForever when the twelve bells chimeGiving me the evil eyeShe"s mine(Music fades)

nick carter 有多高?

全名: Nickolas Gene Carter 中文译为:尼克·卡特绰号:较喜欢Nick,但也被称为Nicky,Chaos(因为他很顽皮,爱开玩笑),KAOS(因为他精力旺盛,生活上的事情总是乱糟糟的)Mr. Hyper Man,Messy Marvin身份:流行歌手(后街男孩的成员)出生日期: 1980年1月28日 星座:水瓶座出生地点: Jamestown NY Current , U.S.A 现居地:Tampa Florida U.S.A(4岁时全家搬迁到Florida)Apollo Beach,Florida,near Tampa , U.S.A (Nick非常非常地热爱海洋,所以幸运的是他不会远离那里)身高:185cm体重:63.5kg头发: 纯金色眼睛:蓝色家庭:父:Bob Carter 母:Jane Carter 三个妹妹:Bobbie Jean(B.J.),Leslie 和Angel. 弟弟Aaron. Angel和Aaron是双胞胎.Aaron Carter也是一位有名的歌手饰物:在一些Video中他戴有金项链.左手中指戴有戒指。他曾带耳钉 他说他佩带的饰物基本是fans送给他的擅长的乐器:爵士鼓&吉他宠物:Boo Boo等六只狗(其中四只狮子狗),Pinky等三只猫和一些鱼


Right here waiting Oceans apart day after day 天海相隔,日复一日 And I slowly go insane 我日见焦灼 I hear your voice on the line 话筒传来你的声音 But it doesn"t stop the pain 但却止不了我心中的痛 If I see you next to never 如果你我难以相间 How can we say forever 又如何谈得上永远 Wherever you go 无论你去到何方 Whatever you do 无论你在做何事 I will be right here waiting here waiting for you 我都将在这里等你 Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks 无论要付出什么或者我的心怎样破碎 I will be right here waiting for you 我都将在这里等你 I took for granted, all the times That I thought would last somehow 我总是想当然的认为我们终究可以持续下去 I hear the laughter, I taste the tears But I can"t get near you now 我听到嘲笑,我尝到苦涩的泪,但我无法靠近你 Oh, can"t you see it baby You"ve got me in crazy 哦,亲爱的,难道你不见我为你而迷醉 I wonder how we can survive This romance 我想知道这段爱情如何才能维系 But in the end if I"m with you I"ll take the chance 但如果最终我能和你在一起,我一定会好好珍惜这个时机 天海相隔,日复一日 And I slowly go insane 我已渐渐憔悴 I hear your voice on the line 恍惚传来你的声音(记忆中则是源自一个描写在海边思念的典故) But it doesn"t stop the pain 却抚平不了心中伤痛 If I see you next to never 如果你我真的再难相逢 How can we say forever 我们如何相信永远? Wherever you go 无论你去到何方 Whatever you do 无论你现在怎样 (可以出海一去不复返) I will be right here waiting here waiting for you 我都将在这里静静等待 Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks 就算一无所有,就算满心悲伤, I will be right here waiting for you 我都将在这里静静等待 I took for granted, all the times That I thought would last somehow 曾经一直,以为我们,终会在一起 I hear the laughter, I taste the tears But I can"t get near you now 笑声犹在,泪水却落下,你到底在何方?Oh, can"t you see it baby You"ve got me in crazy 哦,你又怎忍看见我为你痴狂? I wonder how we can survive This romance 不知道怎样才可让爱永存 But in the end if I"m with you I"ll take the chance 只知若你回来,我将紧紧拥抱,不再分离.

No One There 歌词

歌曲名:No One There歌手:Sentenced专辑:The Cold White LightSentencedNo one thereThe axe, the bottle and the ropeThe feeling there really is no more hopeThe thought of the great unknownAnd facing it aloneThe dark, the silent and the coldThe feeling I have come to the end of my roadYes, these are the things I spendMy remaining moments withAnd the wind blows through my heartShivers me one last timeAs I now reach out in the darkNo one thereWhy did it have to be so hardFor us to live our livesAgain I reach out in the dark in despairThe desperation and the snowThe feeling of finally coming back homeThe melancholy and the hole in the soil so hard and coldAnd the wind blows through my heartShivers me one last timeAs I now reach out in the darkNo one thereYour love for me, my love for youThings we somehow managed to loseNow there′s only the ruthless windTo blow right throughIt freezes my heart, my desperate heartIt freezes my heart, my desperate heartIt freezes my heart, my desperate heartTo think we both will die aloneAnd the wind blows through my heartShivers me one last timeAs I now reach out in the darkNo one there

Right Here Waiting中文版的歌叫什么


Right Here Now 歌词

歌曲名:Right Here Now歌手:James McMurtry专辑:Where"D You Hide The BodyRight HereHannah MontanaI"ll be right here when you need meAnytime just keep believinAnd I"ll be right hereIf you ever need a friendSomeone to care and understandI"ll be right hereAll you have to do is call my nameNo matter how close or far awayAsk me once and I"ll comeI"ll come runninAnd when I can"t be with you dream me nearKeep me in your heart and I"ll appearAll you gotta do is turn aroundClose your eyesLook insideI"m right hereIsn"t it great that you know thatI"m ready to go wherever you"re atAnywhereI"ll be thereAll you have to do is call my nameNo matter how close or far awayAsk me once and I"ll comeI"ll come runninAnd when I can"t be with you dream me nearKeep me in your heart and I"ll appearAll you gotta do is turn aroundClose your eyesLook insideI"m right hereWhenever you need meThere"s no need to worryYou know that I"m gonna beRight hereAsk me once and I"ll comeI"ll come runninAnd when I can"t be with you dream me nearKeep me in your heart and I"ll appearAll you gotta do is turn aroundClose your eyesLook insideI"m right hereOh yeah yeahI"m right here


clever的读音为【u02c8klevu0259r】。clever,英语单词,形容词,意思是“聪明的;机灵的;熟练的”,读音为【u02c8klevu0259r】。聪明的;聪颖的quick at learning and understanding things,熟练的;灵巧的skilful,精巧的;精明的showing intelligence or skill, for example in the design of an object, in an idea or sb"s actions之意。油腔滑调的quick with words in a way that annoys people or does not show respect。聪明的人,无论学习还是工作,都把注意力集中在要做的事情上。当他集中精力做某事时,他能够仔细观察和理解事物,这样就能获得知识和力量。而且,由于可以长时间专注于事物,因此与注意力不集中的人相比,学习效率更高。因此,头脑自然而然地变得聪明起来。例句:1、After twice of catching fish, I found that just came out of the fish is "scouts, " must be very clever, runs express.(经过上两次的捉鱼,我发现刚出来的小鱼是“侦察兵”,肯定特别机灵,跑得特快。)2、" Instead, praise effort or strategy by saying " That was clever of you to take that approach " or " I"m proud of your persistence.(相反,应该赞扬的努力或做法,可以说:“你采取这一做法简直是太聪明了”或“我为你的毅力感到自豪。”)3、He might once have had the makings of a clever character.(其实,他的性格并不乏聪明机灵的素质。)4、If I am as clever as you think, I should have been rich by now.(如果我象你想的那么聪明,我现在就富了。)5、I should say she was a devilishly accomplished, clever girl, and would make a good wife with a sensible husband.(我得说,她是一个非常完美,非常聪明的女孩子,在精明的丈夫那里可以成为得力的贤内助。)

i have got right here

这里的got等同于have got,现在的美国人说有什么,都用got sth.

l am here 和 l am right here有什么区别吗?

回答:前者是:我来了,我在这里;后者是:我正好在这里,我就在这里。 right(正好,就)用于强调,用来加强语气。

I’m willing to be the one, and the angel that you love, With open arms, I’ll always be there什么


right here waiting中文是什么意思?

直译是:就在这等著right here 中的right是起强调作用的但这是一首歌,作为歌名,它的翻译是 此情可待

maroon 5 stutter 歌词翻译 谢谢你了

Ohh I really need to know哦,我真的需要知道Ohh I really need to know哦,我真的需要知道Ohh I really need to know哦,我真的需要知道Ohh Ya gotta let me go哦,你将让我走开This time I really need to do things right这次我必须正确的做好这件事情Shivers that ya give me keep me freezing all night战栗,为你让我整晚感到自己像是冻僵了一样Shudder颤栗I can"t believe it, I"m not myself, suddenly I"m thinkin" of no one else我不能相信,我不是我自己,突然我不去想任何人You make me shudder你让我颤栗Ohh I really need to know哦,我真的需要知道Or else you gotta let me go否则就让我离去Your just a fantasy girl你是一个梦幻般的女孩In seven parts of the world在世界的七个大洲All I want is to be with you always我所想要的只是与你一直在一起I"ll give you everything我将给你一切Give some attention to me留给我一些关注All I want is you and me always我想要的是你我一直在一起Give me affection给我你的爱慕之情I need your perfection我需要你的完美You feel so good你让我感到如此之好You make me stutter, stutter你让我口吃,口吃If I could touch you, I"d never let go如果我可以碰触到你,我将永远不会放手Now ya got me screaming and I cannot shut up, shut up现在你让我尖叫,我难以停止,停止Now I am lying on the bedroom floor barely even speaking现在我躺在卧室地板上,甚至说话都感到困难and I cannot get up, get up我不能起来,起来Ohh I really, I really, I really need to know哦我真的,真的,我真的需要知道Ya gotta let me go你让我离开Your just a fantasy girl你是一个梦幻般的女孩In seven parts of the world在世界的七个大洲All I want is to be with you always我所想要的只是与你一直在一起I"ll give you everything我将给你一切Give some attention to me留给我一些关注All I want is you and me always我想要的是你我一直在一起Give me affection给我你的爱慕之情I need your perfection我需要你的完美You feel so good你让我感到如此之好You make me stutter, stutter你让我口吃,口吃You knock me down, I can"t get up, I"m stuck你让我失望,我不能起来,我被困住了Gotta stop shaking me up停止吧,让我振作I cant eat, cant sleep, can"t think, .....我不能进食,不能入睡,不能思考……In seven parts of the world在世界的七个大洲All I want is to be with you always我所想要的只是与你一直在一起I"ll give you everything我将给你一切Give me affection给我你的爱慕之情All I want is you and me always我想要的是你我一直在一起In seven parts of the world在世界的七个大洲All I want is to be with you always我所想要的只是与你一直在一起Give some attention to me留给我一些关注I need your perfection我需要你的完美You feel so good你让我感到如此之好You make me stutter你让我口吃You make me stutter你让我口吃You make me stutter 你让我口吃完活!!哈哈

Right Now & Right Here 歌词

歌曲名:Right Now & Right Here歌手:Keren Ann专辑:Right Now, Right HereRight Now & Right HereKeren AnnOver and over you wanted it so fastHead on my shoulder I"ll pour myselfa glassWait "til we"re somewhere closer to a lakeThen make a sad face and tell me it"s to lateRight now and right hereMy love oh my dearI"ll try to be clearMy love oh my dearOver and over you wanted me to playHead on my shoulder there"s nothing left to sayWait "til we"re somewhere closer to the seaThen we can jump and pretend we disagreeRight now and right hereMy love oh my dearI"ll try to be clearOver and over we"re turning off the lightEven the warriors are always great at nightWait "til we"re somewhere closer to the moonThen you can kiss me and say that it"s too soonRight now and right hereMy love oh my dearFaces under water , look much closerWhen they appearYour hand on my shoulderWe"ll be older in a yearIn the morning after should I laugh or disappear



you are right here.


Right Here Waiting的歌词^_^

right here waiting 歌手:right here waiting 专辑:richard marx Ocean apart day after dayAnd I slowly go insaneI hear your voice on the lineBut it doesn"t stop the painIf I see you next to neverHow can we say foreverWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI took for granted, all the timesThat I thought would last somehowI hear the laughter, I taste the tearsBut I can"t get near you nowOh, can"t you see it babyYou"ve got me going crazyWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI wonder how we can surviveThis romanceBut in the end if I"m with youI"ll take the chanceOh, can"t you see it babyYou"ve got me going crazyWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for you不知道你所要的是不是这首歌!!^-^


比较级cleverer/more clever 最高级cleverest/most clevercleverer 和 more clever 其实都可以 这是初中的时候英语老师说的

Right now & Right here 歌词的中文翻译

我曾一直坚信 我们会始终相守 忍受嘲笑品尝苦涩的泪 而如今我们已不能相聚 哦,亲爱的,你难道不知 你已让我如此迷醉 不知道这段爱情如何才能维系 但如果最终我能和你在一起 我一定会好好珍惜这个时机 哦,亲爱的,你难道不知 你已让我如此迷醉

Right Now & Right Here歌词翻译

您那么快速地多次想要它 头在我的肩膀我将倾吐自己玻璃 等待tili 我们是某处离湖较近 然后做一张哀伤的面孔和告诉我它是对后 现在和这里 我的爱oh 我亲爱 我将设法清楚 我的爱oh 我亲爱 您多次要我演奏 头在我的肩膀那里是没什么剩下说 等待"til 我们是某处离海较近 然后我们能跳并且假装我们不同意 现在和这里 我的爱oh 我亲爱 我将设法清楚 (我的爱oh 我亲爱)我们多次转动光 战士总是伟大的在晚上 等待"til 我们是某处离月亮较近 然后您能亲吻我和说, 它太很快是 现在和这里 我的爱oh 我亲爱 面孔在水之下, 看更加接近 当他们出现 您的手在我的肩膀 我们将是老在一年 早晨在如果之后我笑或消失

a great love will last time,endure hardshio ,overcome distance,and withstand longing。的翻译是?



clever 英[u02c8klevu0259(r)] 美[u02c8klevu0259r] adj. 聪明的; 聪颖的; 熟练的; 灵巧的; 精巧的; 精明的; 汉语发音接近:克雷佛


wise: 侧重不是一般的聪明伶俐,而是有远见,有智慧,能明智地处理问题。clever: 强调头脑灵活,接受新事物快,有智有谋,但不一定暗示全面妥当地考虑问题。

right here waiting的歌词

有好多,不知你要那首 right here waiting 歌手:right here waiting 专辑:richard marx Ocean apart day after dayAnd I slowly go insaneI hear your voice on the lineBut it doesn"t stop the painIf I see you next to neverHow can we say foreverWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI took for granted, all the timesThat I thought would last somehowI hear the laughter, I taste the tearsBut I can"t get near you nowOh, can"t you see it babyYou"ve got me going crazyWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI wonder how we can surviveThis romanceBut in the end if I"m with youI"ll take the chanceOh, can"t you see it babyYou"ve got me going crazyWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youRight Here Waiting 打印此页 歌手:Blue 专辑:One Love Blue - Right Here WaitingGo, go back.Bet you didn"t think I could do it, come on.Got my feet back on the ground, look for something new.There"s been too much goin" down, I don"t know what to do.They say that what you never had you never miss,So tell me why I never knew a love like this.Right here (nothing else matters)Waiting (things are getting better)You"re the (only thing that matters)One thing (I"m never givin" up)Should have seen it from the start, that you were always there.Ain"t no tearing us apart, I can"t believe you"re here.They say that what you never had you never miss,So tell me why I never knew a love like this.I"m needing in my life, It"s taken time for me to realise.How come I never saw you, Standing right before my eyes.Right here waiting. Right here baby, Right here babyRight here waitingRight here waiting. Right here baby, Right here baby Right here waitingThey say that what you never had you never miss,So tell me why I never knew a love like this.Right here (nothing else matters)Waiting (things are getting better)You"re the (only thing that matters)One thingI"m needing in my life, It"s taken time for me to realise.How come I never saw you, Standing right before my eyes.Right hereWaitingRight Here Waiting 打印此页 歌手:112 & Monica Right Here Waiting112 & MonicaOceans apartDay after dayAnd I slowly go insaneI hear your voiceOn the lineBut it doesn"t stop the painI see you next to neverHow can we stay foreverWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI took for grantedAll the timeThat I thought would last somehowI hear the laughter and I taste the tearsBut I can"t get near you nowOh can you see it babyYou"ve got me goin" crazyWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI wonder how we came so surviveThis romance,but in the end if I"m with youI"ll take the chancebaby baby...Wherever you goWhatever you doI"ll be, I"ll be right right here, oh waiting on youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI"ll be right here waiting for youOh, I love youOh whatever it takesWhatever you doWhere ever you goI"m never leavin" youI Will Be WaitingI"ll be right here waiting, for you, oh, youRight here waiting 打印此页 歌手:Richard Marx Oceans apart day after dayAnd I slowly go insaneI hear your voice on the lineBut it doesn"t stop the painIf I see you next to neverHow can we say foreverWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI took for granted, all the timesThat I thought would last somehowI hear the laughter, I taste the tearsBut I can"t get near you nowOh, can"t you see it babyYou"ve got me goin" crazyWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI wonder how we can surviveThis romanceBut in the end if I"m with youI"ll take the chanceOh, can"t you see it babyYou"ve got me goin" crazyWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youWaiting for you

ashes remain right here的中文歌词

I can see every tear you have cried我可以看到每一滴泪,你哭了like an ocean in your eyes在你眼中的海洋All the pain and the scars have left you cold所有的痛苦和伤痕让你冷I can see all the fears我可以看到所有的恐惧you face你的脸through a storm that never goes away经历了风暴,永远不会消失Do not believe all the lies不要相信那些谎言that you have been told你已经告诉I will be right here now我将在这里了to hold you when the sky把你当天空falls down落下I will always我将永远be the One who took your place是谁拿走了你的一个地方When the什么时候rain falls雨落I will not let go我不会放手I will be right here我就在这里I will show you the way我会告诉你怎么走back home回家never leave you all alone不会离开你独自一人I will stay until the morning comes我会留到早晨来临I will show you how to live again我将告诉你如何重新生活and heal the brokenness within和医治破碎的Let让me love you when you come undone我爱你的时候,你的毁灭I will be right here now我将在这里了to hold you when抱着你时the sky falls down天上掉下来的I will always我将永远be the One who took your place是谁拿走了你的一个地方When什么时候the rain falls雨落I will not let go我不会放手I will be right here我就在这里When daybreak seems当黎明似乎so far away太远了reach for my hand抓住我的手When hope and peace begin to fray当希望和和平开始焦躁still I will stand我仍然会站I will be right here now我将在这里了to hold you when the sky把你当天空falls down落下I will always我将永远be the One who took your place是谁拿走了你的一个地方When the什么时候rain falls雨落I will not let go我不会放手I will be right here我就在这里When the rain falls I当雨落下的我will not let go会不会放手I will be right here.我就在这里。

brandy的right here 中文歌词

The train""s gone, and I AM standing alone. 火车已经远离,而我仍驻足原地. I think of you and wonder if you think of me, too. 我想着你,想知道你是否也想着我. I""m back to the town that I was Born in 我回到了我出生的小镇. To think of my life and to start it over with you. 去思考我的新生活,从没有你的日子开始. * Cause and you know, we"ve been in A maze of love 你知道,我们处于爱情的迷宫中. * And we are losing control to get away. 我们失去控制逃脱这个迷宫 . * Here I AM walking on the hill in this town 我漫步在这个小镇的山上, * Like in my childhood that seems like yesterday. 就像我昨天的童年时代. ** If you were here with me 假如你在我身边, ** You could feel the way I do now. 你会明白我现在所做的方式. ** If you were here with me 假如你在我身边, ** You could see what I AM looking for now. 你会知道我现在要追寻的是什么. I need to come to the hill on my own 我需要独自去那坐山. When I feel lonely, dreaming of the future to come. 当我感到孤单的时候,梦想着即将到来的未来. The feel of the wind makes me understand 风的感觉让我明白 That I will have to face the problem 我将要面对这个问题.

Right Here, Right Now 歌词

歌曲名:Right Here, Right Now歌手:High School Musical Cast专辑:High School Musical: Be My LoveRight Here, Right NowHigh School Musical CastHmm yeaHey YeaCan You imagine?What would happen?If we could have any dreamId wish this momentWas ours to own itAnd that it would never leaveThen i would thank that starThat made our wish come true(come true) oh yeahCause he knows thatWhere you are is whereI should be tooRight here, Right nowIm looking at you andMy Heart love the viewCause you mean everythingRight Here, I"ll promise you Somehowthat tomorrow Can wait for some otherDay to be (to be)But right now there"s(You and me)(Oh yeah)If this was forever,What could be better?We already proved it wasBut in 2,123 hoursBlend in the universeGonna make everythingIn our whole world change(it"s our change, yeah)And you know thatWhere we are will,never be the same oh noRight here, Right nowIm looking at you andMy Heart love the viewCause you mean everythingRight Here, I"ll promise you Somehowthat tomorrow Can wait for some otherDay to be (to be)But right now there"s(You and me)(Oh yeah)Oh we know it"s comingAnd it"s coming fast(As long as theres)So lets make the ourSecond last, make it last!Right here, Right nowIm looking at you andMy Heart love the viewCause you mean everythingRight Here, I"ll promise you Somehow that tomorrowCan wait for some otherDay to be (to be)But right now there"sYou and Me(you and me)Ohh you and meBut right here right nowThere"s you and me


Smart是指天生的,比如说形容一个天资聪明的人用Smart Clever是之后天的,比如说一个人经过后天变聪明了,用Clever 这是我们老师说的,不过网上还有一些其他的回答你参考一下吧~ clever:多指 聪明伶俐的,侧重于才思敏捷的也可以用于指主意,办法之妙.   smart:侧重指 领悟力强的,含精明,不会被人蒙骗之意. smart:普通用词,更强调机灵. clever:强调头脑灵活,接受新事物快,有智有谋,但不一定暗示全面妥当地考虑问题. clever表示“聪明;灵巧”时,指人或动物的脑子灵活;指做成的事物时,常含有巧妙的意思;clever是一个常用词,用得最广.例如: People love to see the clever monkey.人们爱看这只聪明的猴子. That is a clever plan.那是个巧妙的计划. smart更强调顽皮的一面.例如: You cannot cheat him because he is a smart boy.你骗不了他,因为他是个聪明的男孩 .

right here waiting 这首歌的中文翻译

下面这个翻译或许你会喜欢(可以与原旋律配唱):等 待理查德•马克斯浩瀚的大海,天各一方日夜的思念,让我疯狂尽管我听到你的声音却止不了我的神伤假如我们无法相见又谈何地久天长?无论你何去无论你何为我会在这儿等待着你直到地老天荒直到心碎茫茫我会在这儿等待着你以往的憧憬未曾忘到如今依然盼久长我听到你的笑声,我品尝自己的泪却不能走到你的身旁哦宝贝,你可知道我的心为你而疯狂无论你何去无论你何为我会在这儿等待着你直到地老天荒直到心碎茫茫我会在这儿等待着你我不知如何度过没有你的时光为我们终将聚首我愿忍受这暂时的彷徨哦宝贝,你可知道我的心为你而疯狂无论你何去无论你何为我会在这儿等待着你直到地老天荒直到心碎茫茫我会在这儿等待着你等待着你。。。

求ed sheeran新曲 Shivers MP3

由Ed Sheeran演唱的歌曲《Shivers》

right here waiting中文是什么意思?

right here waiting中文意思是就在这里等待

Shivers-Rachel Platten


有一首英文歌里有"give me shaver(音)"“make me lose my mind”,请问这首歌叫什么名字?

歌名:Shivers歌手:Rachel Platten歌词:... ... ...Giving me shivers (Yeah, you do)You"re making me lose my mind... ... ...

《right here waiting》的中文歌词是?

Right here waiting Oceans apart day after day 天海相隔,日复一日 And I slowly go insane 我日见焦灼 I hear your voice on the line 话筒传来你的声音 But it doesn"t stop the pain 但却止不了我心中的痛 If I see you next to never 如果你我难以相间 How can we say forever 又如何谈得上永远 Wherever you go 无论你去到何方 Whatever you do 无论你在做何事 I will be right here waiting here waiting for you 我都将在这里等你 Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks 无论要付出什么或者我的心怎样破碎 I will be right here waiting for you 我都将在这里等你 I took for granted, all the times That I thought would last somehow 我总是想当然的认为我们终究可以持续下去 I hear the laughter, I taste the tears But I can"t get near you now 我听到嘲笑,我尝到苦涩的泪,但我无法靠近你 Oh, can"t you see it baby You"ve got me in crazy 哦,亲爱的,难道你不见我为你而迷醉 I wonder how we can survive This romance 我想知道这段爱情如何才能维系 But in the end if I"m with you I"ll take the chance 但如果最终我能和你在一起,我一定会好好珍惜这个时机 天海相隔,日复一日 And I slowly go insane 我已渐渐憔悴 I hear your voice on the line 恍惚传来你的声音(记忆中则是源自一个描写在海边思念的典故) But it doesn"t stop the pain 却抚平不了心中伤痛 If I see you next to never 如果你我真的再难相逢 How can we say forever 我们如何相信永远? Wherever you go 无论你去到何方 Whatever you do 无论你现在怎样 (可以出海一去不复返) I will be right here waiting here waiting for you 我都将在这里静静等待 Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks 就算一无所有,就算满心悲伤, I will be right here waiting for you 我都将在这里静静等待 I took for granted, all the times That I thought would last somehow 曾经一直,以为我们,终会在一起 I hear the laughter, I taste the tears But I can"t get near you now 笑声犹在,泪水却落下,你到底在何方? Oh, can"t you see it baby You"ve got me in crazy 哦,你又怎忍看见我为你痴狂? I wonder how we can survive This romance 不知道怎样才可让爱永存 But in the end if I"m with you I"ll take the chance 只知若你回来,我将紧紧拥抱,不再分离.


We brokeEverything that was right我们毁掉了原本ok的一切We both enjoyed a good fight我们享受过一场精彩的争吵And we solved我们掩盖了All the holes we had to breathe我们忍不住流露的感情To make the other one leave只为了让对方离开And I loved the way you looked at me我爱你看我时的眼神And I miss the way you made me feel我思念你给我的感觉When we were alone当我们孤单时When we were aloneAnd I"ll shiver like I used to我将像过去一样颤抖And I"ll leave him just for you为了你 我会离开他And I"ll shiver like I used to我将像过去一样颤抖Just for you为了你And we stole我们偷走Every moment we had to make the other one feel bad我们互相让对方难受的每个时刻And we hoped that we could be what we knew我们希望我们是我们认识的自己We"d never turn out to be real可是这一切想象都不会成真And I loved the way you looked at me我爱你看我时的眼神And I miss the way you made me feel我思念你给我的感觉When we were alone当我们孤单时When we were aloneAnd I"ll shiver like I used to我将像过去一样颤抖And I"ll leave him just for you为了你 我会离开他And I"ll shiver like I used to我将像过去一样颤抖Just for you为了你And if we turn back time如果我们能让时间倒流Could we learn to live right我们能学会和平相处吗And if we turn back time如果我们能让时间倒流Could we learn to live right我们能学会和平相处吗And if we turn back time如果我们能让时间倒流Could we learn to live right我们能学会和平相处吗And I"ll shiver like I used to我将像过去一样颤抖And I"ll leave himjust for you为了你 我会离开他And I"ll shiver like I used to我将像过去一样颤抖Just for you为了你搬运自百度百科

shiver 这个英语单词怎么读


right here waiting中文是什么意思?

right here waiting中文意思是就在这里等待


clever英语读音为英["klevu0259(r)],美["klevu0259r]。clever解析如下:一、单词读音:英式发音:[u02c8klu025bvu0259(r)]美式发音:[u02c8klu025bvu0259r]二、单词释义:adj. 聪明的,机智的,灵巧的,熟练的,机警的,精明的三、词形变化:副词:cleverly名词:cleverness四、词语搭配:clever about 精于干…clever at making model planes 擅长制作飞机模型clever at painting 擅长绘画clever at the subject 擅长于这个课题clever in making excuses 很会找借口clever in reply 回答巧妙 五、单词用法:clever的基本意思是“灵巧”。可指人身体的灵巧,也可指人“心灵(思维敏捷、足智多谋)”或“手巧”。强调能较快地理解并正确掌握和应用所学的知识或技能。在口语中,clever可作“精明的,耍小聪明的”解,此时常有贬义。clever在句中可用作定语、表语或补语。 clever前可用very修饰。其比较级为cleverer,最高级为cleverest。 六、双语例句:She is a clever student and always gets top grades.她是一个聪明的学生,总是取得最高分。The magician performed a clever trick that amazed the audience.魔术师表演了一个令观众惊叹的巧妙把戏。The cleverly designed puzzle took me a while to solve.这个设计巧妙的谜题花了我一些时间才解开。He is known for his clever wordplay and witty remarks.他以巧妙的文字游戏和机智的言辞而闻名。Sometimes being too clever can lead to trouble.有时候过于聪明反而会惹上麻烦。

mantra的《Right Here》 歌词

歌曲名:Right Here歌手:mantra专辑:Speaking Volumes《Right Here Waiting 》Sung By "Richard Marx"Oceans apart day after dayAnd I slowly go insaneI hear your voice on the lineBut it doesn"t stop the painIf I see you next to neverHow can we say foreverWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI took for granted, all the timesThat I thought would last somehowI hear the laughter, I taste the tearsBut I can"t get near you nowOh, can"t you see it babyYou"ve got me goin" crazyWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI wonder how we can surviveThis romanceBut in the end if I"m with youI"ll take the chanceOh,can"t you see it babyYou"ve got me going crazyWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youWaiting for you

Right Here Waiting的歌词^_^

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 英文带中文! 解析: Right here waiting Oceans apart day after day 天海相隔,日复一日 And I slowly go insane 我日见焦灼 I hear your voice on the line 话筒传来你的声音 But it doesn"t stop the pain 但却止不了我心中的痛 If I see you next to never 如果你我难以相间 How can we say forever 又如何谈得上永远 Wherever you go 无论你去到何方 Whatever you do 无论你在做何事 I will be right here waiting here waiting for you 我都将在这里等你 Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks 无论要付出什么或者我的心怎样破碎 I will be right here waiting for you 我都将在这里等你 I took for granted, all the times That I thought would last somehow 我总是想当然的认为我们终究可以持续下去 I hear the laughter, I taste the tears But I can"t get near you now 我听到嘲笑,我尝到苦涩的泪,但我无法靠近你 Oh, can"t you see it baby You"ve got me in crazy 哦,亲爱的,难道你不见我为你而迷醉 I wonder how we can survive This romance 我想知道这段爱情如何才能维系 But in the end if I"m with you I"ll take the chance 但如果最终我能和你在一起,我一定会好好珍惜这个时机 天海相隔,日复一日 And I slowly go insane 我已渐渐憔悴 I hear your voice on the line 恍惚传来你的声音(记忆中则是源自一个描写在海边思念的典故) But it doesn"t stop the pain 却抚平不了心中伤痛 If I see you next to never 如果你我真的再难相逢 How can we say forever 我们如何相信永远? Wherever you go 无论你去到何方 Whatever you do 无论你现在怎样 (可以出海一去不复返) I will be right here waiting here waiting for you 我都将在这里静静等待 Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks 就算一无所有,就算满心悲伤, I will be right here waiting for you 我都将在这里静静等待 I took for granted, all the times That I thought would last somehow 曾经一直,以为我们,终会在一起 I hear the laughter, I taste the tears But I can"t get near you now 笑声犹在,泪水却落下,你到底在何方? Oh, can"t you see it baby You"ve got me in crazy 哦,你又怎忍看见我为你痴狂? I wonder how we can survive This romance 不知道怎样才可让爱永存 But in the end if I"m with you I"ll take the chance 只知若你回来,我将紧紧拥抱,不再分离.


shiver的英语是:作名词时意为“颤抖,哆嗦;(因恐惧产生的)寒颤;(碎片,美、斯)希弗(人名)”,作动词时意为“颤抖,哆嗦;打碎”。一、shiver的中文释义:1、shiver的英音【u02c8u0283u026avu0259(r)】,美音【u02c8u0283u026avu0259r】。2、【vi.】颤抖; 哆嗦(因寒冷、恐惧、激动等)。3、【n.】颤抖(因寒冷、恐惧、激动等); 寒战; 寒噤(因恐惧或发高烧)。4、【例句】A violent shiver convulsed him.剧烈的颤抖使他抽搐不已。5、【其他】第三人称单数:shivers,复数:shivers,现在分词:shivering,过去式:shivered,过去分词:shivered。二、短语搭配:1、Shiver Armor:女巫的碎冰甲 ; 一抖肩膀。2、Shakira Shiver:拉丁音乐。3、shiver cold:冷得发抖。4、shiver spar:层方解石。5、pellets shiver:发烟剂碎块。6、shiver detail:冷战。7、Shiver Brian:名称。8、Mary Shiver:标签。9、People Shiver:让人瑟瑟发抖。

right here waiting什么意思?

字面意思是等着你,但它也是一首歌的名字.<Right Here Waiting for you>最早是一首传唱很广的英语歌,节奏舒缓,译名为<此情可待>,下面发一下歌词,中英文比对下:oceans apart day after day and i slowly go insane i hear your voice on the line but it doesn"t stop the pain if i see you next to never how can we say forever wherever you go whatever you do i will be right here waiting for you whatever it takes or how my heart breaks i will be right here waiting for you i took for granted, all the times that i thought would last somehow i hear the laughter, i taste the tears but i can"t get near you now oh, can"t you see it baby you"ve got me goin, crazy wherever you go whatever you do i will be right here waiting for you whatever it takes or how my heart breaks i will be right here waiting for you i wonder how we can survive this romance but in the end if i"m with you i"ll take the chance oh, can"t you see it baby you"ve got me goin, crazy wherever you go whatever you do i will be right here waiting for you whatever it takes or how my heart breaks i will be right here waiting for you waiting for you理查德·马克斯 远隔重洋,日复一日 我慢慢地变得要失常 电话传来你的声音 但这不能停止我的悲伤 如果再也不能与你想见 又怎能说我们到永远 无论你在何地,无论你做何事 我就在这里等候你 不管怎么样 不管我多哀伤 我就在这里等候你 我一直认为 你我会情长义久 我听见你的笑声 我品尝眼泪 但此刻不能接近你 哦,宝贝,难道你不懂 你已使我发疯 无论你在何地,无论你做何事 我就在这里等候你 不管怎么样 不管我多哀伤 我就在这里等候你 我试问 我们如何熬过这浪漫情 但到最后 如果我与你同在 我要抓住这机会 哦 宝贝 难道你不懂 你已使我发疯 无论你在何地 无论你做何事 我就在这里等候你 不管怎么样 或不管我多哀伤 我就在这里等候你 等候你……

歌舞青春Right Here, Right Now歌词 中英文

你能想象吗 如果我们曾经有梦想 会发生什么 我希望我们共享那个时刻 并且它将永远不会离开 然后我会感谢那颗星星 那颗将我们的愿望实现的星星 因为它知道你在哪里 那也将是我会在的地方 就在这里 就是现在 我正看着你 我真心热爱这个场景 因为你意味着一切 就在这里 我向你承诺 我们可以等待明天 或是其他的日子 但现在只有你和我 感觉就像是永远 还有什么更好的呢 我们已经证明了 两千个字 二十三个小时 融入了宇宙 那将会是 一切 我们的整个世界改变了 (它开始改变) 并且 当我们还在的时候 我们的回忆是相同的 就在这里 就是现在 我正看着你 我真心热爱这个场景 因为你意味着一切 就在这里 我向你承诺 我们可以等待明天 或是其他的日子 但现在只有你和我 噢 我们知道它正来临 正快速地来临 你我总是在一起 所以让这一秒变成永恒吧 让它永存 就在这里 就是现在 是的 我正看着你 我真心热爱这个场景 因为你意味着一切 就在这里 我向你承诺 我们可以等待明天 或是其他的日子 但现在只有你和我 你和我 你和我 噢 你和我 但现在 只有你和我 Right Here, Right Now by Troy & Gabriella [Zac:] Can you imagine, what would happen if we could have any dream I"d wish this moment, was ours to own it and that it would never leave. Then I would thank that star, that made our wish come true (come true) Ohh Yeahh Cause he knows that where you are, is where I should be too. [Chorus:] Right Here, Right Now Im looking at you, and my heart loves the view Cause you mean everything Right Here, I promise you somehow that tomorrow can wait, some other day to be (to be) But right now there"s you and me [Vanessa:] It feels like forever, what could be better We"ve already proved it was That two thousand words, twenty three hours, have blended the universe. Its gonna be, everything (everything) in our whole world changed (it starts changing) and do know that when we are, (when we are) our memory"s the same oh no,oh no [Chorus:] Right Here, Right Now (right now) Im looking at you,and my heart loves the view Cause you mean everything (everything) Right Here, I promise you somehow (somehow were gonna) That tomorrow can wait, some other day to be (to be) But right now there"s you and me. [Bridge:] Oh we know its coming (coming) Oh its coming fast Its always you and me,ohh yeah so lets make this second last make it last [Chorus:] Right here, Ooohh Right now. Yeah im looking at you, and my heart loves the view Cause you mean everything Right Here, I promise you somehow That tomorrow can wait, some other day to be (to be) But right now there"s you and me You and me you and me Ohh You and me But right now there"s you and me