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什么是深度缓冲(Depth Buffer)

  深度缓冲是一个与你的渲染目标(render target)相同大小的缓冲,这个缓冲记录每个像素的深度。   当一个像素第二次被绘制时– 例如当一个物体在另一个物体之后被绘制- 深度缓冲要么保留前面的深度值,要么使用第二个像素的深度值替换当前深度值。那个深度保留哪个深度抛弃取决于你选择的深度函数。例如,如果当前深度函数是CompareFunction.LessEqual时,只有小于等于当前深度值的值才会被保留,而大于当前深度值的值会被抛弃。这叫做深度测试,每次绘制像素时都会进行深度测试。当对一个像素进行深度测试时,它的颜色会被写入渲染目标,而深度被写入深度缓冲。   像素的深度值是由视矩阵和投影矩阵决定的。在近裁平面上的像素深度值为0,在远裁平面上的像素的深度值为1。场景中的每个对象都需进行绘制,通常最靠近相机的像素会被保留,这些对象阻挡了在它们后面的对象的可见性。   深度缓冲通常还包含stencil bits – 所以深度缓冲又被叫做depth-stencil缓冲。深度格式(depth format)表示深度缓冲的构造。深度缓冲总是32 bits,但可以用不同的方式组合,类似于纹理格式。常用的深度格式是Depth32,这种格式中32 bits都用来存储深度信息。另一个常用格式是DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8,这种格式中24 bits用于深度计算而8 bits用于模版缓冲(stencil buffer)。DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8Single不常用,这种格式使用24 bits以浮点数计算深度缓冲。在PresentationParameters中使用AutoDepthStencilFormat属性可以设置默认深度格式。   使用RenderState.DepthBufferEnable可以打开或关闭深度缓冲。使用 RenderState.DepthBufferFunction可以改变用于深度测试的比较函数。将ClearOptions.DepthBuffer传递给GraphicsDevice.Clear方法可以清楚深度缓冲。使用 DepthStencilBuffer类可以创建自己的深度缓冲。



数控图纸上φ1±0.05 depth 2.0mm什么意思


国外的长宽高怎么用英文表示? width,depth,height 分别表示长宽高,对吗?




the depths of the sea为什么加s

这是depth的特殊用法。depth有深度和深处两个意思,深度不可数,深处可数。depths” means “the deepest part,most extreme or serious part of sth”深度”的意思是“某事物的最深处、最极端或最严重的部分”。

钻石证书上total depth代表什么

全深比(Total Depth):相对于直径来说钻石(圆钻或花式钻)高度的比例。钻石的全深受桌面大小、冠部高度、腰围厚度及底部深度的影响,其中尤以桌面大小的变化最多,桌面大时则冠部薄,以致全深百分比数小,反之全深百分比数大。理想的冠部角度应为34 1/2°,底部深度为43.1%。但深据实际观察的经验,冠部角度若于32°至36°范围内,底部深度从42.5%至45.5%之间,钻石都能发挥其光彩。钻石戒指的保养常识钻石戒指的保养跟平时佩戴有很大的关系,所以在我们做家务时候一定要注意,钻石是斥水亲油渍的,戒指在做家务时候最好不要佩戴,注意保养。当你的钻石戒指在佩戴一段时间后,钻石戒指表面会有一层油污,直接影响到了钻石戒指的光泽度,在家用清洁剂清洗,在温水中加入中性的清洁剂,把钻石戒指侵入水中10-15分钟,再用软毛刷轻轻刷洗,用清水冲洗干净,晾干就可以了。



奥巴马胜选演说中in the depths of winter为什么depth要加s



indepth的意思是:深入地;全面地。indepth的意思是:深入地;全面地。indepth的例句是Aninterviewconductedingreatdepth.一次深入的采访。indepth的读音是英["_n"depθ];美["_n"depθ]。一、网络释义点此查看indepth的详细内容 彻底地indepth全面深入地;彻底地;在底部;在深部.. 全面深入地indepth全面深入地;彻底地;在底部;在深部..二、例句Aninterviewconductedingreatdepth.一次深入的采访。Hollidtwasnotinterestedinadeep,flankingattack.霍利德没有期望进行一次深入的侧翼进攻。BritishpolicyinCypruswasanutterdisaster.英国在塞浦路斯的政策遭到了彻底的失败。Ihavecompleteconfidenceinmyself!我对自己有彻底的信心!三、词汇搭配inone"sdepth在无没顶之危的水深处...inthedepthofnight在深夜inthedepthof在...里面insomeone"sdepth在无没顶之危的水深处...inthedepthofwinter在隆冬indepth的相关临近词Iniss、in、invitrotissueeulture、IneitherParisorRome、inseamgatewayheading、inthepasteightyears、inconversewithnature、intheprideofmanhood、incontinentiapigmenti、inthesamestreetwith、in-vitroreleaserate点此查看更多关于indepth的详细信息


depth不是这么用的不找子目录:find . ! -name "." -type d -prune -o -type f -name "*.log" -mmin 30 -print | wc -l




deep 的名词是 depthdepth 表示程度,一般不用作可数名词。但是,和其他不可数名词一样,当用来表示不同种类的 depth 时,也可以用复数来表示的。


deep名词 n. 1. 深处 They got lost in the deep of the forest. 他们在森林深处迷了路. 2. 【书】海[the S]depth名词 n. 1. 深度,厚度[U][C][S1] The young man dived to a depth of 40 feet. 那个青年人潜到四十英尺的深度. The ice is ten feet in depth. 冰有十英尺深. 2. (色泽)浓度;(音的)低沉[U][S1] 3. (知识等的)深奥;(感情等的)深厚[U][S1] We have expressed the depth of our gratitude to them. 我们向他们表示了深切的谢意. 4. 深处;深渊[the P] Scientists used to believe that there was no life in the depths of the ocean. 科学家过去认为海洋深处没有生物. He ventured into the depths of the forest. 他大胆地走进树林深处. 5. 中间部分;最强烈部分[the P] An air-raid alarm sounded in the depths of night. 深夜响起了空袭警报.





depth 和 deepness 有啥联系和区别?



是可数的名词depth[美] [du025bpθ]u2003u2003[英] [depθ]u2003u2003n. 深度; 深处,深海; 深奥,奥妙; 进深【网络释义】深度; 深; 厚度; 深处复数:depths

英语中长方体的长、宽、高分别怎么说阿? depth有没有高的意思啊?

长、length 宽、width 高 height




汉语翻译a. 深入的, 彻底的英语解释:形容词 in-depth:having a specified depth同义词:in depth详细解释:in-depthadj.(形容词)Detailed; thorough:深入的,全面的:例句:an in-depth study.一个全面深入的研究








depth音响上均衡器方式,ON为插入均衡器,FLAT为直通。DISP MODE/—DEMO:显示模式/展示。ACOUSTIC IMAGE EQ:声像平衡,但左右平衡一般不用如此生僻的字眼,或者是“等响度”也未知。有源音响上的SW是低音或者重低音输出的接口标识。FL是左音箱,FR是右音箱,C是中置箱,SL是左环绕箱,SR是右环绕箱。特征:1、尺寸小巧,方便携带,炫酷的外形,新潮时尚,个性化的色彩搭配,清新自然。尺寸规格最大的不超过足球,最小的如鸡蛋般大小。2、集功放、电池、双扬声器于一体,首创专利技术"伸缩式扩展共鸣腔",解决了迷你音箱共鸣腔窄小的难题,打破数十年的音箱外型规格限制,压缩到极限。3、不需要长长的音频线,不需要外接电源,不管是高山流水般的清新韵律,还是激情澎湃的DJ舞曲,都能淋漓尽致地展现出来。


depth音响上均衡器方式,ON为插入均衡器,FLAT为直通。DISP MODE/—DEMO:显示模式/展示。ACOUSTIC IMAGE EQ:声像平衡,但左右平衡一般不用如此生僻的字眼,或者是“等响度”也未知。有源音响上的SW是低音或者重低音输出的接口标识。FL是左音箱,FR是右音箱,C是中置箱,SL是左环绕箱,SR是右环绕箱。特征:1、尺寸小巧,方便携带,炫酷的外形,新潮时尚,个性化的色彩搭配,清新自然。尺寸规格最大的不超过足球,最小的如鸡蛋般大小。2、集功放、电池、双扬声器于一体,首创专利技术"伸缩式扩展共鸣腔",解决了迷你音箱共鸣腔窄小的难题,打破数十年的音箱外型规格限制,压缩到极限。3、不需要长长的音频线,不需要外接电源,不管是高山流水般的清新韵律,还是激情澎湃的DJ舞曲,都能淋漓尽致地展现出来。


The horse won by three lengths.这匹马赢了,领先了3个马身的距离。不好意思,前面那个例句中忘了加s。。。


depth中文翻译如下深(度); (感情)深厚; 严重性; 深奥; 深渊; (知识)渊博; (照片、画作等的)景深; …最严重的时候。词组:1、hidden depths内秀2、in depth详细地,全面地,深入地。3、out of one"s depth在深水区例句:1、What"s the depth of the water here?这儿的水有多深?2、Water was found at a depth of 30 metres.在30米深处找到了水。3、They dug down to a depth of two metres.他们挖到两米深。4、Many dolphins can dive to depths of 200 metres.许多海豚可潜到200米深。5、The oil well extended several hundreds of feet in depth.油井向下延伸了数百英尺。




depth [depθ] 读音:待噗n. [海洋] 深度;深奥深度 深处望采纳!!




depth属于TCD常用参数:深度(depth):识别颅内血管深度解析:经左颞窗TCD 检测到了某一血流频谱信号,根据深度不同,可能是同侧大脑中动脉;同侧大脑前动脉;对侧大脑前动脉;对侧大脑中动脉。南京科进超声经颅多普勒(TCD)厂家


就用farth好了, 没有这个词说明你是第一个用的人, 造字?! 呵呵。 那时候, 你就是farth, farth就是你。




要小于Camera的Depth。2Depth决定相机在渲染顺序上的深度,具有较低深度的相机将在较高深度的相机之前渲染。而如果把Main Camera的Depth设置为2(大于等于Camera的Depth):可以发现,运行后只能看到Main Camera拍摄的东西。




deep 的名词是 depthdepth 表示程度,一般不用作可数名词。但是,和其他不可数名词一样,当用来表示不同种类的 depth 时,也可以用复数来表示的。


从发送端 (信源)传输到一个或多个接受端(信宿)。接受端能否正确辨认信息,取决于传输中的损耗功率高低




这些事医生关心的问题,就算楼上的都告诉你 ,你能理解吗??????


length depth释义:长度深度例句:Why do the seal"s laboratory dives always evoke this response, regardless of their length or depth?为什么不管它们潜水的长度和深度如何,海豹在实验室潜水时总是会引起这种反应?deep释义:adj. 深的,纵深的;有……深的;低沉的;深色的;深刻的,深奥的;酣睡的;严重的;深切的;城府深的;边线的adv. 在深处,深深地;边线地n. 深处;海洋;(板球)外围场地


depth音响上均衡器方式,ON为插入均衡器,FLAT为直通。DISP MODE/—DEMO:显示模式/展示。ACOUSTIC IMAGE EQ:声像平衡,但左右平衡一般不用如此生僻的字眼,或者是“等响度”也未知。有源音响上的SW是低音或者重低音输出的接口标识。FL是左音箱,FR是右音箱,C是中置箱,SL是左环绕箱,SR是右环绕箱。特征:1、尺寸小巧,方便携带,炫酷的外形,新潮时尚,个性化的色彩搭配,清新自然。尺寸规格最大的不超过足球,最小的如鸡蛋般大小。2、集功放、电池、双扬声器于一体,首创专利技术"伸缩式扩展共鸣腔",解决了迷你音箱共鸣腔窄小的难题,打破数十年的音箱外型规格限制,压缩到极限。3、不需要长长的音频线,不需要外接电源,不管是高山流水般的清新韵律,还是激情澎湃的DJ舞曲,都能淋漓尽致地展现出来。


1.depth 做“最深处,深渊,极限”时是可数名词eg.She was in the depths of despair.她处于绝望的深渊.2.做“渊博,深刻,洞察力,情感的强烈程度以及情形的严重程度”时不可数.***.wang Anyi is a female writer of great depth and wisdom.王安忆是一位极具领悟力和创造力的女作家.Lawmakers underestimated the depth of public feelings on this issue.立法者低估了公众对这个问题的敏感程度.3.做“向下(里)的距离,深度”时,既可作可数名词,也可以作不可数名词.eg.What"s the depth of the well?这口井有多深?Water was found at a depth of 30 feet.水在三十英尺处被发现.类似的词还有fish,chicken,salad,ice cream,cabbage,等.


deep与depth的区别:depth是可数名词,有复数形式,deep是不可数名词,没有复数形式,另外depth除可表示“深度”的意思外,还可以延伸表示“深处、最强烈部分、中间部分”的意思,这时其前需有定冠词the。depthdepth的意思是“深度;深刻;深奥;深;厚度”,depth是可数名词,其复数形式是depths,depths常用来表示“底部 ;深处”的意思。常见句型The young man dived to a depth of 40 feet.那个青年人潜到四十尺的深度。Her latest poem has remarkable depth.她最近的那首诗极有深度。He is admired for the depth of his perception.他因理解深刻而很受赏识。deepdeep在用作名词之外,也可以用作副词和形容词。用作副词是的意思是“深深地;在深 处;至深处”,用作形容词时的意思是“深的;深刻的;深奥的;深切的”。例句:The deer escaped to the deep forest.那鹿逃入了丛林深处。His personality left a deep impression on us.他的人品给我们留下了深刻的印象。Minerals are often found deep in the ground.矿物往往埋藏在地层深处。


depth是什么意思depth英 [depθ] 美 [du025bpθ] n.深度;深处,深海;深奥,奥妙;进深复数: depths


depth_百度翻译 depth [英]depθ [美]du025bpθ n.深度;深处,深海;深奥,奥妙;进深 [例句]Ultimately ,the depth of " the knowledge " may be the firm "s best asset. 最终,“知识库”的深度可能是该公司最好的资产. 手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可.


深度双语对照词典结果:depth[英][depθ][美][du025bpθ]n.深度; 深处,深海; 深奥,奥妙; 进深; 复数:depths很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~


depth深度双语对照词典结果:depth[英][depθ][美][du025bpθ]n.深度; 深处,深海; 深奥,奥妙; 进深; 复数:depths以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.There is no depth of thinking in that process. 在整个过程中没有任何思想的深度可言。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


深度;深处,深海;深奥,奥妙;进深 名词复数:depths


Visual C++

More República Masónica的《Diary》 歌词

歌曲名:Diary歌手:More República Masónica专辑:Chemical Love SongsdiarybreadI found her diary underneath a tree.and started reading about meThe words she"s written took me by surpise,you"d never read them in her eyes.They said that she had found the love she waited for.Wouldn"t you know it, she wouldn"t show it.When she confronted with the writing there,simply pretended not to care.I passed it off as just in keeping withher total disconcerting airand though she tried to hidethe love that she denied,wouldn"t you know it, she wouldn"t show it.And as I go through my life, I will give to her my wife,all the sweet things that I can find.I found her diary underneath a tree.and started reading about me.The words began stick and tears to flow.Her meaning now was clear to see.The love she"d waited for was someone else not me.Wouldn"t you know it, she wouldn"t show it.and as I go through my life, I will wish for her his wifeall the sweet things that she can findall the sweet things they can findhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15033469

keep diary是什么意思

keep diary记日记diary[英][u02c8dau026au0259ri][美][u02c8dau026au0259ri]n.日记,日志; 日记簿; 复数:diaries

keep diary要用复数吗

diaries 用复数为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!




PE(聚乙烯)poly材质的工艺一般都是正膜,不是背膜。所谓正膜是指制作贴膜时,将膜贴在产品表面,与产品表面形成紧密且平整的结合,这种方式能够保护产品表面不受到划伤、污染等影响。而背膜则是贴膜时将膜贴在产品背面,起到保护的作用,但是并不能有效保护产品表面。由于PE(poly) 是一种柔韧性较强的材料,耐摩擦、耐磨损、抗腐蚀、防水、耐高低温等特性,因此一般采用正膜工艺将PE(poly)材质贴在产品表面,以保护产品并提高其整体性能和寿命。

Life is like walking in the snow ,because every step shows .不知道啥意思

Life in the Snow我有的,非常奶思这个,里面应有尽有,而且都是的,戳我简芥~…就能看到

Just A Dream(feat. Joseph Vincentremix版)歌词

Just A Dream--by Jason Chen & Joseph VincentI was thinking about herThinking about meThinking about us (us)Where we gonna beOpen my eyes (Yeah)It was only just a dream...So I travel back (Uh)Down that road (Yeah)Will she come back? (Uh)No one knowsI realize (Yeah)It was only just a dream...Let me tell you about a girl who changed my worldI don"t know just how she"s doing thatShe"s on my mind, she"s taking my timeI"m losing my way but now she"s bringing me backShe"s my Ipod, I got on replayI love the way she lies and she"s making me wanna saythe DJ got us falling in loveWe like dynamite, and I just can"t get enough(Pre Chorus)What goes up must come downnow baby you"re not aroundI"m laying all alone in the middle of the nightI was thinking about herThinking about meThinking about us (us)Where we gonna beOpen my eyes (Yeah)It was only just a dream...So I travel back (Uh)Down that road (Yeah)Will she come back? (Uh)No one knowsI realize (Yeah)It was only just a dream...Let me tell you about a girl who changed my lifeShe"s a triple threat and she"s just my typeVoice of a goddess,can dance to this flow,she"ll be turning heads everywhere that she goesShe"s my Ipod, I got her on replayI love the way she lies and she"s making me wanna saythe DJ got us falling in loveWe like dynamite, and I just can"t get enough(Chorus)What goes up must come downnow baby you"re not aroundI"m laying all alone in the middle of the nightI was thinking about herThinking about meThinking about us (us)Where we gonna beOpen my eyes (Yeah)It was only just a dream...So I travel back (Uh)Down that road (Yeah)Will she come back? (Uh)No one knowsI realize (Yeah)It was only just a dream...(Chorus)If you ever loved somebody put your hands upIf you ever loved somebody put your hands upNow they"re gone and you wish you could give them everythingIf you ever loved somebody put your hands upIf you ever loved somebody put your hands upNow they"re gone and you wish you could give them everythingI was thinking about herThinking about meThinking about us (us)Where we gonna beOpen my eyes (Yeah)It was only just a dream...So I travel back (Uh)Down that road (Yeah)Will she come back? (Uh)No one knowsI realize (Yeah)It was only just a dream...

谁有Sissel《Keep Falling Down》中文歌词

I"m all alone in the rainfall孤独的在雨中伫立 I hear my name call听到自己的名字被呼唤 I look up but there"s noone around抬头却不见一人 The sky is wild眼望宽阔的天空, And the wind blows听任风吹打 I"m out the window站在窗外 Trying to fly张开双臂飞翔 But I keep falling down却不断的坠落 I will never have that dream again我的梦已经不再 If I do I"ll just get up and then如同我知道自己将站起 Sure as the sun will rise知道太阳会升起 I"ll be there by your side而我还要站在你的身边 Till the end of time最终 I live my life, where it takes me I"m what it makes me I get up but I keep falling down我极力想站起来,却依然不断坠落 (keep falling down) The blinding light silhouettes me刺眼的光包围着我 I try to get free我想摆脱 So I run, but I keep falling down于是我拼命振翅,可仍不断坠落 (keep falling down) I will never have that dream again我的梦已经不再 If I do I"ll just get up and then如同我知道自己将站起 Sure as the sun will rise知道太阳会升起 I"ll be there by your side而我还要站在你的身边 Till the end of time最终 And every night每天夜晚 I close my eyes当我闭上双眼 I hear the voices calling总听到一个声音耳边响起 Don"t try to hide不要躲避 Don"t try to fight不要挣扎 It"sonly sleep It"s just a dream这只是一个梦 And you"re not falling你没有坠落 I live my life, where it takes me I"m what it makes me I get up but I keep falling down我极力想站起来,却依然不断坠落 (keep falling down) I will never have that dream again我的梦已经不再 If I do I"ll just get up and then如同我知道自己将站起 Sure as the sun will rise知道太阳会升起 I"ll be there by your side而我还要站在你的身边 TTo the end of time最终 Sure as the sun will rise知道太阳会升起 I"ll be there by your side而我还要站在你的身边 To the end of time最终 And every night每天夜晚 I close my eyes当我闭上双眼 I hear the voices calling总听到一个声音耳边响起 Don"t try to hide不要躲避 Don"t try to fight不要挣扎

How to keep on food safety英语作文?

How to keep food safe? We should buy fresh food to eat. We should refrigerate or freeze the rest of the food we eat in the summer. We should clean the vegetables or fruits we buy. How do you keep food safe?


insert into表示插入数据,数据库会检查主键(PrimaryKey),如果出现重复会报错;replace into表示插入替换数据,需求表中有PrimaryKey,或者unique索引的话,如果数据库已经存在数据,则用新数据替换,如果没有数据效果则和insert into一样;REPLACE语句会返回一个数,来指示受影响的行的数目。该数是被删除和被插入的行数的和。如果对于一个单行REPLACE该数为1,则一行被插入,同时没有行被删除。如果该数大于1,则在新行被插入前,有一个或多个旧行被删除。如果表包含多个唯一索引,并且新行复制了在不同的唯一索引中的不同旧行的值,则有可能是一个单一行替换了多个旧行。insert ignore表示,如果中已经存在相同的记录,则忽略当前新数据;下面通过代码说明之间的区别,如下:create table testtb(id int not null primary key,name varchar(50),age int);insert into testtb(id,name,age)values(1,"bb",13);select * from testtb;insert ignore into testtb(id,name,age)values(1,"aa",13);select * from testtb;//仍是1,“bb”,13,因为id是主键,出现主键重复但使用了ignore则错误被忽略replace into testtb(id,name,age)values(1,"aa",12);select * from testtb; //数据变为1,"aa",12


Replace INTO和INSERT INTO的区别:REPLACE的运行与INSERT很相似。只有一点例外,假如表中的一个旧记录与一个用于PRIMARY KEY或一个UNIQUE索引的新记录具有相同的值,则在新记录被插入之前,旧记录被删除。注意,除非表有一个PRIMARY KEY或UNIQUE索引,否则,使用一个REPLACE语句没有意义。该语句会与INSERT相同,因为没有索引被用于确定是否新行复制了其它的行。所有列的值均取自在REPLACE语句中被指定的值。所有缺失的列被设置为各自的默认值,这和INSERT一样。您不能从当前行中引用值,也不能在新行中使用值。如果您使用一个例如“SET col_name = col_name + 1”的赋值,则对位于右侧的列名称的引用会被作为DEFAULT(col_name)处理。因此,该赋值相当于SET col_name = DEFAULT(col_name) + 1。为了能够使用REPLACE,您必须同时拥有表的INSERT和DELETE权限。REPLACE语句会返回一个数,来指示受影响的行的数目。该数是被删除和被插入的行数的和。如果对于一个单行REPLACE该数为1,则一行被插入,同时没有行被删除。如果该数大于1,则在新行被插入前,有一个或多个旧行被删除。如果表包含多个唯一索引,并且新行复制了在不同的唯一索引中的不同旧行的值,则有可能是一个单一行替换了多个旧行。受影响的行数可以容易地确定是否REPLACE只添加了一行,或者是否REPLACE也替换了其它行:检查该数是否为1(添加)或更大(替换)。如果您正在使用C API,则可以使用mysql_affected_rows()函数获得受影响的行数。目前,您不能在一个子查询中,向一个表中更换,同时从同一个表中选择。下文时算法的详细说明(此算法也用于LOAD DATA…REPLACE):1. 尝试把新行插入到表中2. 当因为对于主键或唯一关键字出现重复关键字错误而造成插入失败时:a. 从表中删除含有重复关键字值的冲突行b. 再次尝试把新行插入到表中使用格式如下:REPLACE [LOW_PRIORITY | DELAYED][INTO] tbl_name [(col_name,...)]VALUES ({expr | DEFAULT},…),(…),…或:REPLACE [LOW_PRIORITY | DELAYED][INTO] tbl_nameSET col_name={expr | DEFAULT}, …或:REPLACE [LOW_PRIORITY | DELAYED][INTO] tbl_name [(col_name,...)]SELECT …希望对你有帮助


《Cyrano De Bergerac》(Rostand, Edmond)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/127hZ-1EwPEQqNIY5y_Nnkg 提取码:i625书名:Cyrano De Bergerac作者:Rostand, Edmond出版年份:2009-2页数:244内容简介:Tonight When I make my sweeping bow at heaven"s gate, One thing I shall still possess, at any rate, Unscathed, something outlasting mortal flesh, And that is ... My panache." The first English translation of Cyrano de Bergerac, in 1898, introduced the word panache into the English language. This single word summed up Rostand"s rejection of the social realism which dominated late nineteenth-century theatre. He wrote his heroic comedy", unfashionably, in verse, and set it in the reign of Louis XIII and the Three Musketeers. Based on the life of a little known writer, Rostand"s hero has become a figure of theatrical legend: Cyrano, with the nose of a clown and the soul of a poet, is by turns comic and sad, as reckless in love as in war, and never at a loss for words. Audiences immediately took him to their hearts, and since the triumphant opening night in December 1897 - at the height of the Dreyfus Affair - the play has never lost its appeal. The text is accompanied by notes and a full introduction which sets the play in its literary and historical context. Christopher Fry"s acclaimed translation into chiming couplets" represents the homage of one verse dramatist to another.




yep 在英语口语里表示同意、肯定的意思。相当于“yes”。相对表示否定意思的nope,相当于“no”。






《Springboard》(Steve Perry)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1b9bnL4LqVHX43LO8skCD4w 提取码:c66k书名:Springboard作者:Steve Perry出版社:Berkley出版年份:2005-1-31页数:384内容简介:NEW CENTURYNEW SUPERPOWERSA NEW BREED OF HOMELAND SECURITY

a thousand kisses deep歌词及翻译

The ponies run, the girls are young, 小马疾奔,女孩们正青春The odds are there to beat. 前途充满不定与变数You win a while, and then it"s done . . .你才小赢,随即结束Your little winning streak. 你一点点的好运And summoned now to deal 你现在受召,必须面对With your invincible defeat, 你如排山倒海的溃败You live your life as if it"s real, 你汲汲营营,彷佛生活是真A thousand kisses deep. 在千吻之深I"m turning tricks, I"m getting fixed, 我正舞动长袖,我越陷越深I"m back on boogie street. 我又回到滚滚红尘You lose your grip, and then you slip 你失去重心,你大意失足Into the masterpiece. 跄踉跌进那部旷世巨著And maybe I had miles to drive, 也许我还有迢迢长路And promises to keep: 还有应允过的承诺无数You ditch it all to stay alive, 但为求保身,你得全部舍弃A thousand kisses deep. 在千吻之深And sometimes when the night is slow, 有时,当长夜漫漫The wretched and the meek, 贫苦与软弱的人们We gather up our hearts and go, 聚拢我们的心,走吧A thousand kisses deep. 在千吻之深Confined to sex, we pressed against 局限在性里,我们不断探求The limits of the sea: 要跨越大海最远的疆界I saw there were no oceans left 直到我发觉,再也没有海洋For scavengers like me. 为我这样一个拾荒者存留I made it to the forward deck. 我费力走上前甲板I blessed our remnant fleet ¨c 给我们残破的船队最后的祝福And then consented to be wrecked, 同意被摧毁击沈A thousand kisses deep. 在千吻之深I"m turning tricks, I"m getting fixed, 我正舞动长袖,我越陷越深I"m back on boogie street. 我又回到滚滚红尘I guess they won"t exchange the gifts 我猜他们不会换走That you were meant to keep. 原本属於你的礼物And quiet is the thought of you, 静谥是我对你的思念The file on you complete, 为你建立的档案已经完全Except what we forgot to do, 除了我们忘了去做的部份A thousand kisses deep. 在千吻之深And sometimes when the night is slow, 有时,当长夜漫漫The wretched and the meek, 贫苦与软弱的人们We gather up our hearts and go, 聚拢我们的心,走吧A thousand kisses deep. 在千吻之深The ponies run, the girls are young, 小马疾奔,女孩们正青春The odds are there to beat . . .前途充满不定与变数

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with

"studentController" 中spring的一些注入的有问题吧。

英语解释句子,如题: 1.The square was empty,except for the giant horse.

是要翻译?这样子看第一,二,三句是一起的,联合翻译就是:除了那座巨大的马,广场上空无一物。那木马对他们而言太大了,他们根本不能带走。他们用绳子把它拽进城。 其中的 too big for them to take away 的意思是说 太大了以致于根本不能带走。这其实跟too .. to..是一种句式,只是中间加了施事对象。最后一句是 他两个月前参军了..

ePSXe 模拟器打开游戏手柄按没反应,都设置了,玩fc sfc都好好的,就ps没反应,我的手柄是单插头双手柄的

一般应该先插手柄再打开游戏~ 楼主试试~


Perceptive的动词是指通过观察和感知来获得信息和知识的能力。短语搭配:perceptive judgment知觉判断。Perceptive Pixel感知像素。Perceptive Level感知层。双语例句:1、Women are very perceptive and if you really like her, she"ll feel it。女人是很有感知力的,如果你真心喜欢她,她会感觉到的。2、He is keenly perceptive of people and the world around him and insightful about the present and the future。他敏锐地感知人的和周围的世界,他和有见地的关于现在和未来。3、He believes this sort of approach will have far wider appeal than today"s windows and mouse-based systems, and he has founded a start-up, called Perceptive Pixel, to commercialise the technology。他相信这个方法在不久的将来会比现在的窗口和鼠标系统具有更大的吸引力,他已经创办了一家叫做“感知像素”的小公司将这项技术商业化。

have a reputation to还是for,有什么区别

for ,没有to的搭配例句:1.party bosses have a reputation for corruption.党魁以贪污腐化堕落而臭名昭著.2.Our hotel have a worldwide reputation for good service.我们出色的饭店服务享誉世界.3.They have a reputation for being intuitive and insightful.他们既有敏锐的洞察力,又有深刻的见解.4.Our peanuts have enjoyed a good reputation for their superior quality for years.我们的花生多年以其质量上乘享有盛誉.5.These people have a reputation for being hot-blooded.这些人以易感情冲动而闻名.



love will keep us alive 吉他谱

  Intro: G-Em-C-G-D  G  i was standing all alone  Em  against the world outside  C D  you were searching for a place to hide  G  lost and lonely now you"ve given me  Em  the will to survive  C  when we"re hungry  D G  love will keep us alive  G  don"t you worry sometimes  Em  you"ve just gotta let it ride  C  the world is changing  D  right before your eyes  G  now i"ve found you  Em  there"s no more emptiness inside  C  when we"re hungry  D G  love will keep us alive  C  i would die for you  Em  climb the highest mountain  Am  baby, there"s nothing  D-C-Bm-A  i wouldn"t do  G  now i"ve found you  Em  there"s no more emptiness inside  C  when we"re hungry  D G  love will keep us alive  Adlib: G-Em-C-D  C  i would die for you  Em  climb the highest mountain  Am  baby, there"s nothing  D-C-Bm-A  i wouldn"t do  G  i was standing all alone  Em  against the world outside  C D  you were searching for a place to hide  G  lost and lonely now you"ve given me  Em  the will to survive  C  when we"re hungry  D G-Em  love will keep us alive  C  when we"re hungry  D G-Em  love will keep us alive  C  when we"re hungry  D G-Em-C-G-D  love will keep us alive  希望对你有帮助~

Love Will Keep Us Alive 歌词

歌曲名:Love Will Keep Us Alive歌手:Eagles专辑:Hell Freezes OverLove Will Keep Us AliveEaglesI was standingAll alone against the world outsideYou were searchingFor a place to hideLost and lonelyNow you"ve given me the will to surviveWhen we"re hungrylove will keep us aliveDon"t you worrySometimes you"ve just gotta let it rideThe world is changingRight before your eyesNow I"ve found youThere"s no more emptiness insideWhen we"re hungrylove will keep us aliveI would die for youClimb the highest mountainBaby, there"s nothing I wouldn"t doNow I"ve found youThere"s no more emptiness insideWhen we"re hungrylove will keep us aliveI would die for youClimb the highest mountainBaby, there"s nothing I wouldn"t doI was standingAll alone against the world outsideYou were searchingFor a place to hideLost and lonelyNow you"ve given me the will to surviveWhen we"re hungrylove will keep us aliveWhen we"re hungrylove will keep us aliveWhen we"re hungrylove will keep us alivehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2164160

Love Will Keep Us Alive 歌词

love will keep us alive歌手:the eaglesartist: the eaglesalbum: hell freezes overi was standingall alone against the world outsideyou were searchingfor a place to hidelost and lonelynow you"ve given me the will to survivewhen we"re hungry...love will keep us alivedon"t you worrysometimes you"ve just gotta let it ridethe world is changingright before your eyesnow i"ve found youthere"s no more emptiness insidewhen we"re hungry...love will keep us alivei would die for youclimb the highest mountainbaby, there"s nothing i wouldn"t donow i"ve found youthere"s no more emptiness insidewhen we"re hungry...love will keep us alivei would die for youclimb the highest mountainbaby, there"s nothing i wouldn"t doi was standingall alone against the world outsideyou were searchingfor a place to hidelost and lonelynow you"ve given me the will to survivewhen we"re hungry...love will keep us alivewhen we"re hungry...love will keep us alivewhen we"re hungry...love will keep us alivemj presenthttp://music.baidu.com/song/21031888

请人翻译歌曲Love will keep us alive的歌词意思

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