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entitled to pension


英语You will be entitled to your pension怎么翻译?


You are not entitled to unemployment benefit if you have never worked.


英语问题:3000叩首,请高手区别-eligible & entitled

eligible的意思是:1.有资格当选的, 有条件被选中的;2.合适的, 适当的entitled的意思是:题名为, 书名叫做… ;有资格的两个都是adj

为什么打开ps,弹出your subscription entitles you to chines simplified product


为什么打开ps,弹出your subscription entitles you to chines simplified product

卸载干净,然后重装可以。我的出现这种情况了,亲测可用。如果打不开ps,这个那个错误,有可能是c++的问题,用“DirectX修复工具3.5(dx修复工具DirectX Repair下载)增强版”检测修复下就可以。

photoshopshop Mac打开后提示 you subscription entitles you ,为什么,请具体解决步骤

翻译过来的意思是:您的订阅使您有权使用中文简体产品版本。请确认您的操作系统,浏览器和软件下载中的语言设置已设置为简化。如果您仍然遇到安装问题,请联系支持部门。具体解决方法1、单击Apple菜单栏(Mac OS)中的Creative Cloud图标,以打开Creative Cloud桌面应用程序。如果您没有看到该图标,请按以下步骤启动该应用Mac OS:选择转到>应用程序> Adobe Creative Cloud> Adobe Creative Cloud。2、单击右上角的三个垂直点图标,然后选择“首选项”。3、选择Creative Cloud> Apps。4、从应用程序语言列表中选择一种语言。5、退出“首选项”(单击“ 首选项”旁边的左箭头)或关闭Creative Cloud桌面应用程序时,将应用您的更改。您进行此更改后下载的所有应用都将以新语言安装。注意:如果要将语言更改应用于计算机上已安装的应用程序,请更改语言首选项,然后卸载 并重新安装 该应用程序。您可以在Creative Cloud桌面应用中轻松完成此操作。

Write a passage entitled “On Job-hopping”. 急用,请好心人帮忙写下150字的英语作文,谢谢

Some people tend to stick to their positions all the time,as they think the longer one works in a particular field,the more skillful one will be at it.Some have been teachers all their lives.Some devote their life energy to scientfic research.Such people love their work and turn out to be specialists in their own field.They are usually high achievers. Some are different.They are in the habit of job-hopping,for they always pursue what is new and stimulating.They never seem content with their present situation.Some like to meet more people,make more money and new acpuaintances,so they hop from job to job. As far as I am concerned,I want to be professionally strong.I am not in favor of constant job-hopping,as the saying goes"Jack of all trades,master of none."But I want to cooperate and communicate with someone else so as to be more creative and less partial.









ios10 entitlements是什么文件


You are required to start an essay entitled Help the Homeless with an anecdote.

With the development of the world, our life has improved a lot. We are able to live in a good house, have access to good healthcare, and also receive better education such as attending university . However, not everyone has even this most basic shelter. We ought to have sympathy for the homeless, as there are still a number of people who suffer from misfortune and need help. Homeless people are vulnerable, and they may neither have proper shelter to live nor get good food to eat. When emergencies or fatal diseases happen to them, they are most likely to die instead of spending money in curing the illnesses. In sharp contrast, we have a good standard of living and we receive more help from our families and friends when emergencies come. Moreover, we sometimes can even splurge on clothes and cars. It is not only unfair for the homeless to suffer from poverty and misery, but also harmful for our development of wellbeing and health. As a healthy person, we should be sympathetic and pick up our responsibility to care for the homeless. We can give them a hand by actively donating money to charity, and donate some of the clothes and shoes that we do not need anymore. We can volunteer ourselves and take part in some activities to help them out, and set up a program to appeal for the community. We can try to make friends with them, and let their heart feel warm and happy. Apart from this, government also has duty to help them by providing shelter and setting up good healthcare services. If everyone tries their best to support these homeless, it will be accumulated to be an enormous help. They will be able to have happier life, and the society will be more healthy and developed!

数字电视机显示“no entitle”怎么办?

一般情况下,“no entitle”表示您的数字电视机没有授权,无法收看数字电视节目。您可以尝试重新搜索数字电视频道,或者联系当地的数字电视服务提供商,以获取授权。

翻译:Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?


agree on/to/with的区别;怎样区分entitle. grant.promise.title

如果你是个中学生,记住下面的就可以了 1. agree to 后接 建议,计划,(with sb) (about / on sth) 意为“同意;(与某人)意见一致”。如:

entitle to full faith and credit翻译



entitle,qualified,capable,eligible区别为:词性不同、侧重点不同、用法不同。一、词性不同1、entitle:动词:给(某人)权利(或资格),给……题名,称呼。2、qualified:形容词:合格的,有资格的;动词:限制(qualify的过去分词),描述,授权予。3、capable:形容词:有能力的,有才干的,容许……的,可以做(某事)的,综合性的,有资格的。4、eligible:形容词:合格的,合适的,符合条件的,有资格当选的;名词:合格者,适任者,有资格者。二、侧重点不同1、entitle:entitle侧重给予资格。2、qualified:qualified侧重于某人有资格。3、capable:capable侧重于某人有才干。4、eligible:eligible侧重于某人符合条件。三、用法不同1、entitle:做动词,带宾语:If the warranty is limited, the terms may entitle you to a replacement or refund.如果保修单有限制,这些条款可让你有权换货或退款。2、qualified:修饰宾语:Demand has far outstripped supply of qualified teachers.对有资格教师的需求远远超过了供应。3、capable:做动词,带宾语:He appeared hardly capable of conducting a coherent conversation.他看起来几乎没有能力进行连贯的谈话。4、eligible:修饰宾语:Almost half the population are eligible to vote in today"s election.将近一半的居民有资格在今天的选举中投票。


entitle赋予权利;使享有权利;使符合资格;给…命名(或题名)第三人称单数:entitles现在进行时:entitling过去式:entitled过去分词:entitled例句:All groups are entitled to this money without distinction.所有团体一律有权得到这笔款项。You are entitled to a free gift whether you accept our offer of insurance or not.无论你接不接受我们的保险提议,你都可以免费得到一份礼物。

entitle是什么意思 entitle的中文翻译及音标

英音 [in"taitl] ;,美音 [in"taitl] ;, 及物动词: 1.给...权利;给...资格 2.给(书、文章等)题名 3.【古】称呼;给...称号(或尊称) ,时态 entitled,entitling,entitles,give the right to,give a title to,give a title to someone; make someone a member of the nobility,entitle to vt.给...权利,给...资格 ,entitle v.[T]1.给...权利;给...资格2.给(书、文章等)题名3.【古】称呼;给...称号(或尊称)

pension entitlements是什么意思

pension entitlements养老金双语对照例句:1.French unions plan to strike in protest at plans to reform their pension entitlements. 法国工会计划举行罢工反对政府改革养老金津贴计划。2.Under the current system migrant workers in china worry that their pension entitlements will not follow them if they move from one province to another. 在现行社会保障体制下,中国的流动群体担心随着自己从一省迁往别的省份,他们的养老福利无法随同迁入。


entitle 给予一种权利,be entitled 被授予权利, 给予一种称号e.g. The president entitled him the dean of this department.qualified 有资格,通过考试、获取证书等形式, 有资质e.g. He is a qualified engineer. capable 有能力, 有才能,有才干,有时和qualify 通用e.g. He is capable of winning the bidding. (他有能力投中那个标。)eligible 合格的,符合条件,合法的, 够格的, 因为qualified 或者 entitled, 所以合格的e.g. He is an eligible single, he can get married. He is an eligible runner for the CEO position.

User No Entitle中文是什么意思?


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Due Attention

Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling Nowadays, students attach less importance to the spelling of words in the process of English study. This phenomenon greatly influences students" writing and brings on worries among teachers。 There are possibly three reasons contributing to this phenomenon. First, exam-oriented education makes the students pay less attention to spelling. Second, some teachers should also be responsible for it because they don"t emphasize the importance of spelling during teaching. Last but not least, some students are too lazy to recite words。 Since spelling is one of the most important factors in English study, due attention should be given to it. As for me, I think, first, exams should be modified to add some factors into it, which would help students pay more attention to spelling. Then, schools should also set effective mechanisms to help teachers as well as the students to realize the importance. Finally, for students themselves, they can, through other ways, make them be interested in word spelling. Only by these can we surly realize the importance of spelling and make improvement。


是的。No Entitle 没有资格,说明你要看的频道是付费频道,有可能是加密频道,需要解频密码。频道又叫信道,信道是信号在通信系统中传输的通道,是信号从发射端传输到接收端所经过的传输媒质,这是狭义信道的定义。广义信道的定义除了包括传输媒质,还包括信号传输的相关设备。无线信道主要有以辐射无线电波为传输方式的无线电信道和在水下传播声波的水声信道等。无线电信号由发射机的天线辐射到整个自由空间上进行传播。不同频段的无线电波有不同的传播方式,主要有:地波传输:地球和电离层构成波导,中长波、长波和甚长波可以在这天然波导内沿着地面传播并绕过地面的障碍物。长波可以应用于海事通信,中波调幅广播也利用了地波传输。天波传输:短波、超短波可以通过电离层形成的反射信道和对流层形成的散射信道进行传播。短波电台就利用了天波传输方式。天波传输的距离最大可以达到400千米左右。电离层和对流层的反射与散射,形成了从发射机到接收机的多条随时间变化的传播路径,电波信号经过这些路径在接收端形成相长或相消的叠加,使得接收信号的幅度和相位呈随机变化,这就是多径信道的衰落,这种信道被称作衰落信道。

tagged headed labeled entitled区别

tagged headed labeled entitled的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、tagged:给…加上标签。2、headed:有…头的。3、labeled:加有标记的。4、entitled:给…命名(或题名)。二、语法不同1、tagged:用作名词是“标签”的意思,转化为动词作“加标签”解,一般用于商品中,有时侧重指用线绳把图符代号标牌拴在物品上,一般无详细说明。2、headed:用作名词时意思是“头”,转化为动词则表示“位于…的顶部”“居…之首”,引申可表示“率领”“主管”“领导”。3、labeled:基本意思是“贴标签于…上”,指为了记住某物具有什么样的功能、价格、属性、所属权等等,把写好或印好的一张纸贴在某个物体之上以便于以后区分。引申可表示为“把…列为…”“把…称作…”等。4、entitled:作“给…题名”解时,以书或文章等作宾语,以所取之名为补足语,注意该宾语补足语不可用as引导。三、侧重点不同1、tagged:tag多指临时系上的标签。2、headed:指在某物上加上记号、标记或痕迹。3、labeled:label指上面标明货主姓名、地址及货物名称、重量、尺寸等内容的标签。4、entitled:指加上说明情况或价格等之类的小卡片。

NO entitle是什麼意思?


数字电视显示No Entitle是什么意思,欠费了吗?


be entitled to do be entitled to doing 都对吗

只有前一个是对的。后一个要做修改:be entitled for doing sth.

用“be entitled to (do) sth."造句(有追加分)

你是你们家族的一员,可是你又没有权力继承到钱。You are one of your family members,but you are not entitled to inherit the money.

No Entitle是什么意思?


entitle sb. sth. entitle sb. to sth.哪个是对的

entitle sb to sth 对


数字电视机显示“no entitle"意思是无权用户,原因如下:1、电视机进入了工厂设置模式,按使用说明书退出。2、电视机程序错乱造成的,恢复出厂设置。3、电视机里有一些固定的参数是不允许更改的,弹出的是警告窗口,电话咨询厂家售后技术,按其说法退出就可以了。

entitle 和 quaulify区别

Entitle命名为, 任命为。 quaulify, 有资格, 通过了检验。

数字电视机显示“no entitle”怎么办?

“no entitle"意思是无权用户。可能是一下几种情况:1、电视机进入了工厂设置模式,找到使用说明书并退出工厂设置模式2、可能是由于电视机程序错乱造成的,恢复出厂设置即可。3、电视机里有一些参数是不允许更改的,电话咨询厂家售后技术,按其说法退出就可以了。希望以上的回答会对您有所帮助




数字电视机显示“no entitle"意思是无权用户。  1、电视机进入了工厂设置模式,按使用说明书退出。  2、电视机程序错乱造成的,恢复出厂设置。  3、电视机里有一些固定的参数是不允许更改的,弹出的是警告窗口,电话咨询厂家售后技术,按其说法退出就可以了。


做表语 在be动词后 所以是形容词 动词是entitle

数字电视no entitle是什么原因

欠费了 交上费就行了


head 既可以作为名词也可以作为动词,entitle只能作为动词,既可以是及物动词也可以是不及物动词;head,名词,头部;动词,朝着,head for/towards;entitle的用法相对复杂。及物动词: 称做…;定名为…;给…称号;使…有权利;He entitled his dog a name from a famous film. 他用电影里面一个非常出名的名字给他的狗命名;不及物动词:entitle sb to sth/to do sth, 使享有权利,使符合资格,It entitles you to at least 50% off the regular price of either frames or lenses when you buy both. 将架子和镜头一起买下,你将享有其中一个原价50%的折扣。希望对你有用。


entitle常指授予某人权力去做某件事 entitle sb to do sth grant常指授予某人某物(指实物) grant sb sth


entitle 发音[in"taitl]vt. 给...权利, 取名为, 给予名称, 叫做【法】 给...权利, 使有资格, 称呼bearer ["bεərə]n:1. 送信人, 捎信人2. (票据、支票等的)持有人3. 挑夫,搬运工 4. 支撑物5. (公职的)担任者


title 题目,标题label (商品/产品)标签entitle 动词,给...称号,给...权利name 姓名,名称

the book is entitles有没有这种用法



  前些天,拿着朋友的吉他玩了下,我不懂音乐,也不会弹吉他,但是,抓着吉他的那一刻,有种莫名的心跳,用我笨拙的手指小心翼翼的试着拨动弦。悠悠荡荡,几声杂乱的声音渐渐消散,这声音断然是呕哑嘲哳难为听,然而此刻却有种如听仙乐耳暂鸣的感觉,未成曲调先有情不是弹奏的技巧有多好,而是用情用心去弹,因而是唯有自己能懂的生命的节奏。默然长叹,生活不也是荡然一曲,以生命为弦只身独奏。  生活,且行且悟,时而厚积薄发,博覌约取,时而来自一瞬的明悟。对于现在俯拾皆是的爱心筹款,还有众筹等等,一直有个困惑,有些是真实的,而有些感觉很假,然而我愿意相信世界总是美好的,但是显得苍白无力。不久前,一位作家给了我答案,于她的作品中,她说“我给予的是我的人品,至于怎么用,就是他的人品了”,确乎如此,我给的是我的人品,何必去纠结是真抑或是假。  生活作曲,以生命为弦,只身弹奏,素心依旧。

数字电视机显示“no entitle”怎么办?

“no entitle"意思是无权用户。可能是一下几种情况:1、电视机进入了工厂设置模式,找到使用说明书并退出工厂设置模式2、可能是由于电视机程序错乱造成的,恢复出厂设置即可。3、电视机里有一些参数是不允许更改的,电话咨询厂家售后技术,按其说法退出就可以了。希望以上的回答会对您有所帮助

为啥下面这句话中的非谓语动词“entitled”能直接接“How to Read a Thousand Words a Minute”?

entitled How to Read a Thousand Words a Minute.是过去分词短语作后置定语修饰a book.其中entitled是过去分词与所修饰词是被动关系,How to Read a Thousand Words a Minute.是被修饰词的补足语i。

be entitled to do还是doing

你好, 高兴为你回答be entitled 后面应该跟不定式, be entitled to do sth 表示有权做某事,entitle这个词可以这样来记, en加上名词title, 前缀en表示使, 比如 enable能够,使得, title做名词时意思有称号,权力,权益, 所以entitle表示, 给...称号, 使...有权利, 加上d变成形容词, 有权利的, 希采纳!用be entitled to do 造句, 加深理解,比如说I"m entitled to do that because I know him well. 我有权那样做因为我很了解他。He thinks Lucy is totally entitled to do things in her own way. 他认为Lucy完全有权利按她自己的方式行事。

数字电视no entitle是什么原因




英语单词:authorize,entitle,grant 三者的区别是什么?

authorize,vt. 批准,认可;授权给;委托代替entitle,vt. 称做…;定名为…;给…称号;使…有权利grant,vt. 授予;允许;承认vi. 同意n. 拨款;[法] 授予物authorize,一般指企业授权等,而grant一般指政府授权。entitle指根据某种协议使你享受某种服务(级是你有权利做什么),如据保修单你可以有权退换货或退款,根据你买的票可做头等舱等。


entitle常指授予某人权力去做某件事entitle sb to do sthgrant常指授予某人某物(指实物)grant sb sth

entitle 和 intitle 有什么区别?


英语be entitled to怎么翻译?


数字电视机显示“no entitle”怎么办



entitle指授予某人权力去做某件事entitle sb to do sthcalm 指天气、海洋的“风平浪静”,还可指人的心情“平静”、态度“安详”。例如:The sea was very calm. 海面很平静。The doctor did what he could to make the girl calm. 医生尽力让那女孩平静下来。suffer 指一般的损害、痛苦等等,但suffer from指长期的或习惯性的痛苦或困难。 suffer vi.受痛苦;受损害 vt.遭受;忍受 suffer the result /heavy losses /injuries承受结果/遭受大损失/负伤 suffer from headache/illness 遭受头痛/疾病的困扰produce及物动词 vt. 1. 生产,出产;制造;创作2. 生育;产(仔) 3. 拿出;出示;提出4. 上演;上映;播放;出版5. 引起,产生;招致6. 【数】使(线)延长;使(面)扩展 不及物动词 vi. 1. 生产 2. 创作 名词 n. 1. 产品;农产品[U] 【固定搭配:produce by 后加生产者produce from 中的“from” 是表来源 后接产地 注:produce 多用在农业方面urge的词性:v.(动词)urged, urging, urgesurge的词性:v.tr.(及物动词)1. To force or drive forward or onward; impel.推进,驱策:(使)向前或继续前进;驱策2. To entreat earnestly and often repeatedly; exhort.恳求,规劝:恳切,通常重复地恳求;规劝3. To advocate earnestly the doing, consideration, or approval of; press for:极力主张,强烈要求:竭力做、考虑或赞同;竭力推行:用法与例句:urge passage of the bill; a speech urging moderation.竭力推行这个议案的通过;极力主张适度的讲演4. To stimulate; excite:剌激;使兴奋:用法与例句:“It urged him to an intensity like madness”(DH Lawrence)“这使他陷入一种发狂的状态”(DH劳伦斯)5. To move or impel to action, effort, or speed; spur.催促,力劝:促使行动、努力或加速;剌激urge的词性:v.intr.(不及物动词)6. To exert an impelling force; push vigorously.催促:成为驱动力;竭力推动7. To present a forceful argument, claim, or case.强烈要求:竭力主张,竭力要求,提出充足理由urge的词性:n.(名词)8. The act of urging.驱策,鼓动9. An impulse that prompts action or effort:骓动力:推动行动或努力的剌激:用法与例句:suppressed an urge to laugh.压制住笑的冲动

entitle; qualify; indication ;这英语用谐音怎么读?



看完英英词典的解释你就能懂了。entitle1 (often be entitled to) give (someone) a legal right or a just claim to receive or do something: employees are normally entitled to redundancy pay | [ with obj. and infinitive ] : the landlord is entitled to require references.2 give (something) a particular title: a satire entitled ‘The Rise of the Meritocracy".• [ with obj. and complement ] archaic give (someone) a specified title expressing their rank, office, or character: they entitled him Sultan.name1 give a name to: hundreds of diseases had not yet been isolated or named | [ with obj.and complement ] : she decided to name the child Edward.• identify correctly by name: the dead man has been named asJohn Mackintosh.• give a particular title or epithet to: she was named asStudent of the Year.• mention by name: the sea is as crystal clear as any spot in the Caribbean you might care to name.• appoint (someone) to a particular position or task: he was named to head a joint UN–OAS diplomatic effort.• Brit. (of the Speaker) mention (a Member of Parliament) by name as disobedient to the chair and thereby subject to a ban from the House.2 specify (a sum, time, or place) as something desired, suggested, or decided on: the club have asked United to name their price for the striker.

qualify \ entitle 这英语怎么读?



第一,qualify用于比较正规、严肃的表述,而entitle用法宽泛,书面、口语均可。第二,核心含义不同。qualify强调“资格、资力、资质”,而entitle则强调应该有某种“权利、权益”。比如,一个人有了某种学位,他就qualified to be an engineer,但不能说他就entitled to be an engineer.


head 既可以作为名词也可以作为动词,entitle只能作为动词,既可以是及物动词也可以是不及物动词;head,名词,头部;动词,朝着,head for/towards;entitle的用法相对复杂。及物动词: 称做…;定名为…;给…称号;使…有权利;He entitled hisdog a name from a famous film. 他用电影里面一个非常出名的名字给他的狗命名;不及物动词:entitle sb to sth/to do sth, 使享有权利,使符合资格,It entitles you to at least 50% off the regular price of either frames or lenses when you buy both. 将架子和镜头一起买下,你将享有其中一个原价50%的折扣。希望对你有用。


entitle 给予一种权利,be entitled 被授予权利,给予一种称号e.g.The president entitled him the dean of this department.qualified 有资格,通过考试、获取证书等形式,有资质e.g.He is a qualified engineer.

英语单词:authorize,entitle,grant 三者的区别是什么?

authorize是权威机构/政府等才有权利批准的entitle常指授予某人权力去做某件事 entitle sb to do sth grant常指授予某人某物(指实物) grant sb sth

intitle entitle 什么区别,什么意思?

intitle [in"taitl]基本翻译v. 取名;给予称号网络释义intitle:取名entitle [in"taitl]基本翻译vt. 称做;定名为;给称号;使有权利网络释义entitle:使有资格|定名|给与名称,使有资格,使有权利entitle title:授权是给个题目entitle to:给...权利/资格|有资格|给...权利


qualify用于比较正规、严肃的表述,而entitle用法宽泛,书面、口语均可。、2.核心含义不同。qualify强调“资格、资力、资质”,而entitle则强调应该有某种“权利、权益”。    例如,一个人有了某种学位,他就qualified to be an engineer,但不能说他就entitled to be an engineer.相反,如果一个人工龄达到十年以上,他就entitled 休假多少天。如果说他qualified休假若干天,就不太恰当。entitle 给予一种权利,be entitled 被授予权利,给予一种称利。e.g.The president entitled him the dean of this department.2.qualified 有资格,通过考试、获取证书等形式,有资质。e.g.He is a qualified engineer.


entitle sb.to do sth. 如果要用entitle的话,应该用 be entitled 这个句子不是被动语态.


词性和意思有区别:title n. 标题, 题目, 头衔 v. 加标题label n. 标签, 标记, 标号 v. 贴标签entitle v. 授权给, 使有资格/权利name n. 名字; vt. 取名侧重点不同。


head 既可以作为名词也可以作为动词,entitle只能作为动词,既可以是及物动词也可以是不及物动词;head,名词,头部;动词,朝着,head for/towards;entitle的用法相对复杂。及物动词: 称做…;定名为…;给…称号;使…有权利;He entitled his dog a name from a famous film. 他用电影里面一个非常出名的名字给他的狗命名;不及物动词:entitle sb to sth/to do sth, 使享有权利,使符合资格,It entitles you to at least 50% off the regular price of either frames or lenses when you buy both. 将架子和镜头一起买下,你将享有其中一个原价50%的折扣。希望对你有用。


entitle指授予某人权力去做某件事——entitle sb to do sth。entitle的用法、v. 使享有权利;使符合资格;给…命名(或题名)、第三人称单数: entitles 现在分词: entitling 过去式: entitled 过去分词: entitled。entitle的例句1.If the warranty is limited, the terms may entitle you to a replacement or refund如果保修有限制,根据条款你也许可以要求退换或者退款。2.Chomsky"s review is entitled "Psychology and Ideology".乔姆斯基的这篇评论题为《心理学与意识形态》。3.They are entitled to first class travel他们可以坐头等舱旅行。


entitle的用法和搭配如下:entitle的用法、v. 使享有权利;使符合资格;给…命名(或题名)、第三人称单数: entitles 现在分词: entitling 过去式: entitled 过去分词: entitled。搭配:v.+n.entitle people,entitle shareholderentitle的例句如下:This ticket does not entitle you to travel first class .你这张票不能坐头等位。The lord was entitled to wardship .领主有权实行监护。Women workers are entitled to maternity leave with full pay .女工产假期间工资照发。The owners of the hotel were held entitled to compensation .旅馆所有人有权得到赔偿。Even the condemned man is entitled to a last cigarette .上断头台的人也可以吸最后一枝烟吧。


entitle 给予一种权利,be entitled 被授予权利, 给予一种称号e.g. The president entitled him the dean of this department.qualified 有资格,通过考试、获取证书等形式, 有资质e.g. He is a qualified engineer. capable 有能力, 有才能,有才干,有时和qualify 通用e.g. He is capable of winning the bidding. (他有能力投中那个标。)eligible 合格的,符合条件,合法的, 够格的, 因为qualified 或者 entitled, 所以合格的e.g. He is an eligible single, he can get married. He is an eligible runner for the CEO position.