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be competent for 和be competent in 有什么区别

be competent for胜任be competent in在某方面有能力

川田まみ的《Serment》 歌词

歌曲名:Serment歌手:川田まみ专辑:SermentSerment「灼眼的夏娜III -Final- OP2」作词:川田まみ / 作曲:中沢伴行 / 编曲:中沢伴行


以tent为后缀的单词: potent adj. 有效的;强有力的,有权势的;有说服力的; portent n. 前兆;预示;迹象;异常之物 content n. 内容,目录;满足;容量; competent adj. 胜任的;有能力的;能干的;足够的; extent n. 程度;范围;长度,等。 扩展资料   例句:   America has a potent new weapon.   美国拥有了一种有力的新武器。   Beauty is potent, but money is more potent.   美貌固有力,金钱力更大。   They are potent symbols of the new Kenya.   他们是新生肯尼亚极具影响力的象征。   But it is a miserable portent for the future.   但是这预示着美国不乐观的未来。   Modern dancers give a sinister portent about our times.   现代舞者为我们的时代传达了一个可怕的预兆。   There came a Saturday morning ugly with the portent of storm.   有一个星期六早上,天昏地暗,暴风雨将临。   She is reluctant to discuss the content of the play.   她不愿讨论这部话剧的`内容。   The potassium content of foodstuffs is very variable.   食品中钾的含量是多变的。   Stricter controls were placed on the content of videos.   对录像的内容有了更严格的控制。   Is she competent to teach English?   她教英语行吗?   Maybe they were more competent.   也许就是他们更有能力。   I"ll leave it to competent authorities.   你可以向主管部门了解。   The extent of the damage could not have been foreseen.   损害的程度是无法预见到的。   We are all to a great extent the products of our culture.   我们在很大程度上都是本土文化的产物。   More than 1 in 20 people are hearing-impaired to some extent.   超过1/20的人在某种程度上存在听力障碍。


tent后缀的单词有: competent a.有能力的;应该做的; consistent a.前后一致的,连贯的; consitstent a. 一致的,符合的,坚持的,相容的; content n.内容,目录;容量; discontent n. 不满 扩展资料   The most competent adults are those who know how to do this.   最有能力的成年人是那些知道怎么做的"人。   He"s very competent in his work.   他非常胜任自己的工作。   The case was referred to a competent authority.   事情已交给有关当局处理。   I had always considered myself a strong, competent woman   一直以来,我始终认为自己是个女强人。   The people who will be on the committee are moral, cultured, competent people.   进入委员会的人要品行端正,有文化,有能力。

法语Au revoir à jamais dans le serment que le serment à nouveau pas vu depuis toujours 什么意思


be competent for 和be competent in 有什么区别

be competent for胜任be competent in在某方面有能力


be competent for 固定搭配 “胜任......"

请问proficient 和 competent有区别吗? 区别是什么啊?最好带例句,谢谢!

proficient 英 [prə"fɪʃnt]     美 [prə"fɪʃnt]    副词: proficientlyadj.熟练的;精通的用作形容词 (adj.)After reading this book, you will be proficient in writing.读完这本书,你会精于写作。My friend is proficient in three languages.我的朋友精通三种语言。She was very proficient in music.她非常精通音乐。用作名词 (n.)He doesn"t look like a proficient in golf.他看起来不像是个打高尔夫球的专家。If I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient.如果我有机会学的话,我应该已经是个专家了。competent 英 ["kɒmpɪtənt]     美 ["kɑːmpɪtənt]    副词: competentlyadj.有能力的;足够的;胜任的用作形容词 (adj.)Her drawing is competent, but her composition is poor.她的画有功力,但布局欠佳。She was declared mentally competent to stand trial.她被宣告有接受审判的精神能力。


The new employee is very competent and has already made significant contributions to the team. (新员工非常能干,已经为团队做出了很大的贡献。)It"s important to have competent leadership in order to achieve success in any organization. (任何组织要取得成功,都需要有能干的领导。)The doctor was very competent and able to diagnose the patient"s condition quickly. (医生非常有能力,能够快速诊断出患者的病情。)The competent lawyer was able to successfully argue the case in court. (能干的律师能够在法庭上成功辩护。)It takes years of experience and training to become a competent pilot. (要成为一名有能力的飞行员需要多年的经验和培训。)




competentadj.有能力的,能胜任的; 能干的,称职的; 足够的,充足的; 有决定权的qualifyvt.& vi.(使)具有资格; 有权; 达标它们的区别很明显,第一个是形容词,第二个主要做动词用qualify的形容词是qualified,它一般表示“有资质的,达标的”,强调的是外界赋予它的能力,是正式的词;而competent指的是自己或别人的一种感觉,比较生活化


competentadj.有能力的,能胜任的; 能干的,称职的; 足够的,充足的; 有决定权的qualifyvt.& vi.(使)具有资格; 有权; 达标它们的区别很明显,第一个是形容词,第二个主要做动词用qualify的形容词是qualified,它一般表示“有资质的,达标的”,强调的是外界赋予它的能力,是正式的词;而competent指的是自己或别人的一种感觉,比较生活化

vue+element中 scope="scope"是什么意思?具体如下:

scope 的值对应一个临时变量名,此变量接收从子组件中传递的 props 对象:<div class="parent"> <child> <template scope="props"> <span>hello from parent</span> <span>{{ props.text }}</span> </template> </child></div><my-awesome-list :items="items"> <!-- 作用域插槽也可以是具名的 --> <template slot="item" scope="props"> <li class="my-fancy-item">{{ props.text }}</li></template></my-awesome-list>

Mary Chapin Carpenter的《swept away》 歌词

歌曲名:swept away歌手:Mary Chapin Carpenter专辑:time* sex* love*I am waiting with a ticket with a carry-onPeople everywhere on their way, at a runThen I see you from a distanceLight years later at fate"s insistenceOld wounds, sad scenes, love lost, bad dreamsHeartache, old scars, old walls, these areSwept away, swept away, swept awayYou are standing by the pay phones, by the stairsI walk straight into your arms and you hold me thereI am falling slowly backwardsRight into your famous last wordsOld wounds, sad scenes, love lost, bad dreamsHeartache, old scars, old walls, these areSwept away, swept away, swept awayAll this ancient history, every unsolved mysteryYears I"ve carried with me, vanish when you kiss meOld wounds, sad scenes, love lost, bad dreamsHeartache, old scars, old walls, these areSwept away, swept away, swept awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14291616

be competent for 和qulified的区别

be competent for 能够胜任工作的qualified 有资格的,刚够格,勉强合格competent意思是合格的、可以胜任的, 能力比较突出,经验比较丰富。qualified 也表示合格,但是能力还只是勉强胜任,刚入行、执业,但经验比competent欠缺一些。


efficient[英][u026au02c8fu026au0283nt][美][u026au02c8fu026au0283u0259nt]adj.有效率的; (直接)生效的; 能干的; (因省钱、省时或省力等而)收效大的; 形近词:dificientproficientdeficient1Information on how to make your home more energy efficient有关如何提高家庭能效的知识



川田まみ u/n和Serment 罗马音歌词

sermentThis is me. kamiwa nabikuakakusomaru hohoniI am me... ketsuinotsubukorewa hajimari dattakiboumo zetsubounimo kasumanai ashitaga arunonara(simple as that)wasurenaikono itamiwa anohino yakusokukanaetai kanaerarenai kanaerukyokuuwo tsukamuyoru nanikani mezameta asawaketoiu kasegotohatenaisorahe tadatobitatsu sousoredakeHere I am. koeni dashitekotoba tashikametetaWherever I am. kanjitetemohitomini utsusumadewashoutaifumeino kagega tsuyokusuru ashitamo arunonara(simple as that)yuzurenaikono itamiwa deaitohitsuzenkasaneau tetotewoharaumayoide mikiru negainara nidoto aenakuteiiafuredasu namidawa futatabi aeru sonotokimade sousoredakewasurenaikono itamiwa anohino yakusokukanaetai kanaerarenai kanaerukyokuuwo tsukamuyoru nanikani mezameta asawaketoiu kasegotohatenaisorahe tadatobitatsu sousoredakeu/nSuddenly-naniga hikitomeruyamanaiame noyouni kokonihabamu an excuseomoitatte miagetematatachi tsukusuaa ashitawa harerunokasatori -koeninaranu seitenwo mitamabushii asahinimakenai kankounando kowasaretatteIt"s a hard intention like a stone.mata tsumiage tekitaUndying-nazeka saguri attetakakehikinante jibunwo madowashitewamiushinatte matahiroi atsumeteruaa kurikaesunokakasuka... kiko erudarekano waragoe darekano nakikoegaima tonari au sekaihand in hand.itsumo saigoniwa wakari aetetaif no kotaewa itoguchimayoinomichiga majiwarukonobashode hanebataku‘Deux en un"marudetaningotomouhitorino jibun darekano yumemiruyounaitsukashitta ano itamisaemomemory fades little by little.tada kieteyukunokakokoroni hibikumarude tadashii emi bukiyouna hon"negaima tonari ausekaiheart to heartitsumo konomuneno nakani aritaiif no kotaewa tomadoiharisakeruyouna kankakuni obieta kokorowa‘Deux en un"modorenai kigashiteta atarashii kironi tatterumatadeau sonohimade konosorade tsunagatteiyouhand in hand.itsumo saigoniwa wakari aetetatomoni ikanakya imiganaiif no michikara tsuzuitakono bashode habataku‘Deux en un"

competent authority是什么意思

competent authority主管机关双语对照词典结果:competent authority[英][u02c8ku0254mpitu0259nt u0254:u02c8θu0254riti][美][u02c8kɑmpu026atu0259nt u0259u02c8θu0254ru026ati]主管当局; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Whoever has damaged navigation aids or navigational facilities shall immediately reportthe damage to the competent authority and be liable for compensation. 损坏助航标志或导航设施的,应当立即向主管机关报告,并承担赔偿责任。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

请分析Julian says he hopes to get a job and find a way to competent a college education.

一般而言competent的词性是形容词“有能力的, 足够的, 胜任的”的意思。但是在这里competent是作为一个动词使用(因为是在to 的后面),意思是:胜任 ! 这里是动词的不定式一般表示要达到某种目的。句意:Julian 说他希望可以得到一份工作并且找到一种可以受到大学教育的办法!

求川田まみ Serment 中文歌词

Serment作词:川田まみ ╱ 作曲:中沢伴行 ╱ 编曲:中沢伴行u30fb尾崎武士歌:川田まみThis is me. 发丝风中荡在桔红的脸庞上I am me… 淌著决意的泪珠这是故事的开端倘若存在一个明天可以看清希望与绝望的话(simple as that)无法忘怀此痛楚是那一天的承诺想兑现却兑现不了 黑夜抓住现实的空虚 黎明唤醒了什麼而我抱著名为理由的枷锁朝著浩瀚无际的大空 只管展翅高飞「仅此而已。」Here I am. 喊出声音循著你的话语Wherever I am. 即使感受到也无法亲眼看见倘若也存在一个明天能让正体不明的阴影变坚强的话(simple as that)无法割舍此痛楚是邂逅与必然拂开相牵的手与手若因迷惘而放弃这愿望还是别再相见为好夺眶而出的泪水只是为了让你我再度相逢的那刻「仅此而已。」无法忘怀此痛楚是那一天的承诺想兑现却兑现不了 黑夜抓住现实的空虚 黎明唤醒了什麼而我抱著名为理由的枷锁朝著浩瀚无际的大空 只管展翅高飞「仅此而已。」

competent person是什么意思啊


be competent是什么意思


able capable competent 有什么区别?

这些形容词均含有有能力,能干的意思,able 是常用的词,多用于褒义,着重指多方面,经常性的,或潜在的能力,有时也值高超的非凡的能力,capable语气弱于able 指有能力,有潜在或有条件,作某事,常于of连用,cametent强调具有,能胜任某项工作的足够技能或其他的所需条件

be competent to do中文是什么意思

be competent to do是主管

be competent for 和qulified的区别

competent是指having the necessary ability, authority, skill, knowledge, etc (指人)有能力、 权力、 技能、 知识等的; 能胜任的; 能干的, 比如a highly competent driver 技术高超的司机足以胜任的,有能力的,称职的,侧重的是技术capable是指having (esp practical) ability; able; competent 有(尤指实际的)能力的; 有能力的; 能胜任的 比如:a very capable woman 很能干的女子.侧重的是自身的能力qulified一般指胜任某项工作,侧重的是能否胜任工作,与自身无关

competence ; competent ;artificial 这英语在美式英语中怎么读,求谐音的?

康呸ten特 康屁(四声)斯 啊忒飞首


yes, 死记



conpetent 翻译

每个人都容易嫉妒别人,而当我们都能解决问题时愚蠢的人便说我们傲慢. all we are is competent.competent意思是有能力的,称职的,胜任的. 没注意到那个is...那这样的话,把all we are看做一个单数的整体.

competent 和 champion 这英文单词怎么念?

competent ----> 康皮腾特chanpion ----> 千聘恩

capable 和 competent 的区别

首先两个词意思不是很相同。capable 表示有能力,competent更倾向于有能力作某项工作,胜任。另外,结构也不一样。be capable of doing sth.be competent to do sth. or be competent for sth.


1. contempt英[ku0259nu02c8tempt]美[ku0259nu02c8tu025bmpt]n.轻蔑; 轻视; (对规则、危险等的) 藐视; 不顾;2. competent[英][u02c8ku0252mpu026atu0259nt][美][u02c8kɑ:mpu026atu0259nt]adj.有能力的,能胜任的; 能干的,称职的; 足够的,充足的; 有决定权的qualifyvt.& vi.(使)具有资格; 有权; 达标它们的区别很明显,第一个是形容词,第二个主要做动词用qualify的形容词是qualified,它一般表示“有资质的,达标的”,强调的是外界赋予它的能力,是正式的词;而competent指的是自己或别人的一种感觉,比较生活化3.constant 英[u02c8ku0252nstu0259nt] 美[u02c8kɑ:nstu0259nt]adj. 不断的,持续的; 永恒的,始终如一的; 坚定; 忠实的;n. [数] 常数,常量; 不变的事物; 永恒值;[例句]She suggests that women are under constant pressure to be abnormally thin.她暗示说女性总是处在保持身材异常瘦削的压力之下。[其他] 复数:constants 形近词: distant instant constate


competent名词:形容词,作形容词时意为“胜任的;有能力的;能干的;足够的”。短语搭配:competent bed强硬岩层;competent sand致密砂层;Competent Teacher胜任的教师 ; 称职的教师;Unconsciously Competent无意识 ; 没有意识到足以胜任 ; 无所不能;Competent Employees有能力的员工;competent witness被告在成为法律上适格;competent agency主管机构;Membership competent会籍主管。双语例句:I have to my manager reflects your views, but do not agree with the competent.我已经向我的主管反映了你的意见,但是主管不同意…如下。So, when they ask you questions about which person should be on the quiz show, people say the more competent person.因此,当他们问你,觉得谁应该去参加这个智力竞猜节目,你们会说更有能力的人应该去。You let women dictate your actions and they are not competent in this world, though certainly theywill be saints in heaven while we men burn in hell.你让女人指令你的行动,但她们在这个世界上不是有能力的,虽然,当然她们会是天堂里的天使,而我们男人在地狱里燃烧。




1.有能力的,能干的;胜任的,合格的2.相当的;适当的,足够而不过分的3.【法律】有法律能力的;有法定资格的4.【生物学】(胚胎)有反应能力的,胜任的;活性的,适合的;(对抗原决定因素产生抗体)有适应力的5.精神正常的,智力无缺陷的;6.有决定权的,活性的,(处于)感受态的短语搭配1. competent authorities主管部门;主管当局;主管机关2. competent authority主管机关;主管当局;主管机构3. be competent胜任;能胜任;能够胜任4. competent person称职人员;合格人士5. competent government能力型政府;有能力的政府6. competent jurisdiction管辖权;管辖资格7. be competent for可以胜任;能胜任;胜任8.competent manager能干的经理;有能力的管理者9. competent work胜任工作10. competent lawyer称职的律师例句He"s very competent in his work.他非常胜任自己的工作。2. Make sure the firm is competent to carry out the work.要确保这家公司有能力完成这项工作。3. I had always considered myself a strong, competent woman.我曾一直以为自己是个坚强能干的女人。4. He was a loyal, distinguished and very competent civil servant.他是一个忠诚、出色、很有能力的公务员。5. The people who will be on the committee are moral, cultured,competent people.将要加入委员会的是那些有道德、有文化、有能力的人。7. Our legal department requires a mature, competent secretary who will report to one senior lawyer and one assistant lawyer.我们的法务部门需要一名成熟能干的秘书,该秘书会向一名资深律师和一名助理律师报告。


competent主管双语对照词典结果:competent[英][u02c8ku0252mpu026atu0259nt][美][u02c8kɑ:mpu026atu0259nt]adj.有能力的,能胜任的; 能干的,称职的; 足够的,充足的; 有决定权的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Maybe they were more competent. 也许就是他们更有能力。

请推荐一些经典的英文歌,类似,take me to you heart , the day you went away 等等

when you told me you loved mepretty boy

After Forever的《Eccentric》 歌词

歌曲名:Eccentric歌手:After Forever专辑:Invisible Circles -The End RecordsWhat do they see when they look at me?Who are they to judge meIf they never spoke with me?Never looked without laughingNever tried to see, see meI can"t believe that it is only meThe person to hate,The only left outI can"t believe how they can be so meanIf they could feel the brutal stings of their words,And the bitter cold when they laughOnce more I"m runningRunning away, I must hideCan"t take anymoreA fight to free me from an endless struggle with lifeRunning, tell me how far should I goIf they"re all the sameThis fight...I am fighting my way throughI don"t really want to be like themThe way they behave,The way that they liveI don"t really need someoneNo people like that,But someone in a world with warmth and respectA world without the feelingI must be runningRunning away, I must hideCan"t take anymoreA fight to free me from an endless struggle with lifeRunning, tell me how far should I goIf they"re all the sameThis fight...I am fighting my way throughhttp://music.baidu.com/song/531293

Students graduating from colleges today are not fully prepared to deal with the “real world”. It


英语翻译 如make a setece 和make up a sentence 的区别

make up 是编造 编造谎言 make 就单单是造 make a sentence 造句子

distribution centre是什么意思


iOS Development和iOS Distribution有什么区别

iOS Development可以连接真机调试iOS Distribution是用来发布到appstore的 祝你愉快,满意请采纳。

iOS Development和iOS Distribution有什么区别

1. Certification(证书)证书是对电脑开发资格的认证,每个开发者帐号有一套,分为两种:1) Developer Certification(开发证书)安装在电脑上提供权限:开发人员通过设备进行真机测试。可以生成副本供多台电脑安装;2) Distribution Certification(发布证书)安装在电脑上提供发布iOS程序的权限:开发人员可以制做测试版和发布版的程序。不可生成副本,仅有配置该证书的电脑才可使用;(副本制做介绍在下面Keychain中介绍)2. Provisioning Profile(授权文件)授权文件是对设备如iPod Touch、iPad、iPhone的授权,文件内记录的是设备的UDID和程序的App Id,即使被授权的设备可以安装或调试Bundle identifier与授权文件中记录的App Id对应的程序。开发者帐号在创建授权文件时候会选择App Id,(开发者帐号下App Id中添加,单选)和UDID(开发者帐号下Devices中添加最多100个,多选)。授权文件分为两种,对应相应的证书使用:1) Developer Provisioning Profile(开发授权文件)在装有开发证书或副本的电脑上使用,开发人员选择该授权文件通过电脑将程序安装到授权文件记录的设备中,即可进行真机测试。注意:确保电脑有权限真机调试,即安装了开发证书或副本;在开发工具中程序的Bundle identifier和选中使用的授权文件的App Id要一致;连接调试的设备的UDID在选中的授权文件中有记录。2) Distribution Provisioning Profile(发布授权文件)在装有发布证书的电脑上(即配置证书的电脑,只有一台)制做测试版和发布版的程序。发布版就是发布到App Store上的程序文件,开发者帐号创建授权文件时选择store选项,选择App Id,无需选择UDID;测试版就是在发布之前交给测试人员可同步到设备上的程序文件,开发者帐号创建授权文件时选择AdHoc,选择App Id和UDID;只有选中的UDID对应的设备才可能安装上通过该授权文件制做的程序。3. Keychain(开发密钥)安装证书成功的情况下证书下都会生成Keychain,上面提到的证书副本就是通过配置证书的电脑导出Keychain(就是.p12文件)安装到其他机子上,让其他机子得到证书对应的权限。Developer Certification就可以制做副本Keychain分发到其他电脑上安装,使其可以进行真机测试。注意:Distribution Certification只有配置证书的电脑才可使用,因此即使导出导出Keychain安装到其他电脑上,其他电脑也不可能具有证书的权限。



entertaining themselves


distribution 和agent 的区别

distribution 分销,他要自己囤货(从厂家呢进货),然后再卖出去。agent 代理,提厂家找买主,合同直接有厂家和买主签署,agent只按合同额收取一定的代理费。


u25c6Let us open the box.



filezilla client 错误: 连接超时 错误: 读取目录列表失败



ten to five 差十分钟五点,也就是时间是四点五十,另一个表示方法是four fifty 四点五十


create“创造、创作”,指产生出新的东西,其对象往往是精神上的。invent“发明”,指创造出原来自然界不存在的东西。 扩展资料 create“创造、创作”,指产生出新的东西,其对象往往是精神上的,如艺术、文学作品中的人物及新的科学领域等。也可指创造出新的.具体事物.名词 creation 创造 creator 创造者。invent, 主要意思是”发明”是指产生前所未有的东西,其对象往往是物质性的,尤指科技上的发明创造。

请问inventive creative在用法上的区别?谢谢

inventive 是invent的形容词形式,表示有发明创造精神的,善于发明的,偏向发明的意思。creative则偏向有想象力的,有启发性思维的,偏向创造的意思。其他也没有 区别了,区别不是很大!

centos6.5 Nessus报错IP Forwarding Enabled IP转发

错误提示开启了IP地址转发 输入echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward echo 0 为禁止IP转发 echo1 为开启IP转发

the time spent

the time spent watching TV everyday spend和time是动宾关系 所以应该用spent 还原是 the time that is spent (in) waching TV every day 是的 这相当于是一个定语从句省略以后得到的 这只是帮助你便于理解罢了


catch the five ten to london赶上5点10分区伦敦的

talent scout是什么意思

talent scout 人才发掘者;伯乐专业:航空、航天科学技术In 1946, she came to the attention of talent scout Ben Lyon. 1946年,她来到注意人才的球探本里昂。

forwarding agent和shipping agent分别是什么意思?~

forwarding agent 是货代Shipping agent 是船代。收发货人直接向货代联系,订舱,货代根据托单向船代订舱。

forwarding agent是什么意思

forwarding agent 运输行;运输经理人Do you want to use our freight forwarding agent? 你要用我们公司的货运代理商吗?






这个我最清楚了 我就住在torrente 它是valencia 瓦伦西亚省的一个小镇 大概有10万人口

Concentration Units

To have a meaningful discussion of the chemical aspects of groundw ater,the relative amounts of solute ( the dissolved inorganic or organic constituents) and the solvent ( the w ater) must be specified. This is accomplished by means of concentrations units. Various types of concentration units are in use.Molality is defined as the number of moles of solute dissolved in a 1 kg mass of solution. This is an SI unit w ith the symbol mol / kg. The derived SI symbol for this quantity is mB, w here B denotes the solute. A is normally used to designate the solvent. One mole of a compound is the equivalent of one molecular w eight.Molarity is the number of moles of solute in 1 m3of solution. The SI unit for molarity is designated as mol / m3. It is useful to note that 1 mol / m3equals 1 mmol / L. Moles per liter, w ith the symbol mol / L,is a permitted unit for molarity in the SI system and is commonly used in groundw ater studies.Mass concentration is the mass of solute dissolved in a specified unit volume of solution. The SI unit for this quantity is kilograms per cubic meter,with the symbol kg / m3. Grams per liter ( g / L ) is a permitted SI unit. The most common mass concentration unit reported in the groundwater literature is milligrams per liter ( mg / L) . Since 1 mg / L equals 1 g / m3,there is no difference in the magnitude of this unit ( mg / L) and the permitted SI concentration unit ( g / m3) .There are many other non-SI concentration units that commonly appear in the groundw ater literature. Equivalents per liter ( epL ) is the number of moles of solute,multiplied by the valence of the solute species,in 1 liter of solution: Equivalents per million ( epm) is the number of moles of solute multiplied by the valence of the solute species,in 106g of solution,or this can be stated as the number of milligram equivalents of solute per kilogram of solution:Parts per million ( ppm) is the number of grams of solute per million grams of solutionFor nonsaline w aters,1 ppm equals 1 g / m3or 1 mg / L. Mole fraction ( xB) is the ratio of the number of moles of a given solute species to the total number of moles of all components in the solution. If nBis moles of solute,nAis moles of solvent,and nC,nD,… denote moles of other solutes,the mole fraction of solute B isor xBfor aqueous solutions can be expressed asw here m denotes molality.In procedures of chemical analysis,quantities are most conveniently obtained by use of volumetric glassw are. Concentrations are therefore usually expressed in the laboratory in terms of solute mass in a given volume of w ater. Most chemical laboratories report analytical results in milligrams per liter or,in SI units,as kilograms per cubic meter. When the results of chemical analyses are used in a geochemical context,it is usually necessary to use data expressed in molality or molarity,since elements combine to form compounds according to relations betw een moles rather than mass or w eight amounts. To convert betw een molarity and kilograms per cubic meter or milligrams per liter,the follow ing relation is used:水文地质专业英语If the w ater does not have large concentrations of total dissolved solids and if the temperature is close to 4℃ ,1 L of solution w eighs 1 kg,in w hich case molality and molarity are equivalent and 1 mg / L = 1 ppm. For most practical purposes,w ater w ith less than about 10000 mg / L total dissolved solids and at temperatures below about 100℃ can be considered to have a density close enough to 1 kg / L for the unit equivalents above to be used. If the w ater has higher salinity or temperature,density corrections should be used w hen converting betw een units w ith mass and volume denominators. ( Source: Freeze et al. ,1979)水文地质专业英语水文地质专业英语


criteria and parent id equal to标准和家长身份平等

"Life is a moment of substance_3000字

Learning time, the in the mind is always very upset: sometimes struggle with the past, sometimes lost in the future.That I do things efficiency unusually slow.Today I looking in days of yore, turn over for a while and mind is free from books mottled on the table, hand numbly pages at the same time;Soon feel wrong, may be too much to handle, and then turn back, turn to the first sentence - "I often want to find out a little quiet in the distractions, but is not easy".My heart suddenly quiet down.Originally lu xun also like me ah, but on second thought, I was not qualified to like him, he is so busy, I"m not in a stupid student.So, I read, meeting has faded long old friend - the book.Indulge in dense aroma in the heart. In lu xun"s prose is with a heavy critici *** more flavor, concise do not break elegant demeanour, and there is no lack of again heavy optimistic, always let me read a strange taste.The ash is harmonic expression I have ever seenproseIn the unique.I clearly feel vulgar and ugly, true and pure in the early in life with such a fierce contradiction, this paper contrast and metaphors appear ponder.I can read the most incisively and vividly is probably dog. The cat. Mouse this article, "actually a person poultry bian, this need not be so strict", the ideas of the original, if through the years, will find old China far away from us, but put yourself in a strong sympathy, this is what is called a classic charm.It just a person with bright hopes, to the Philistine to transcendental ideas, which I belong to?- say, I was close to the former, but through a nihilistic time far away from the books, I have heard my fall, and the latter is unexpectedly. I feel the same, is the peace of the rhyme of memories."In days of yore" picking up light, hope, it was in the past.He is in contrast to think and understand, this is the real memory.And I often make mistakes the recollection, I will be in a swamp, even more lost - I too desperate to return to the past glory, but in the past all the spring of permanent, will only make people skinny in the dream;Then I calculate the future.Finally I found at hand is the most important thing, don"t have to struggle, don"t be swayed by considerations of gain and loss. The most uplifting in the book, to me is the "gentleman" sarca *** .Such as "the father"s illness" chapter, quack false, false, still a pick up."Gentleman" suffered the bondage of traditional ideas, the false ego, no independent personality, pedantic, but did not know.Tonight I write my homework in the classroom, for example, immediately someone laugh at my silly.The reason is that the homework don"t have to pay eighty percent, appear to be *** art, understand the important principle thoroughly, being popular.I never think that homework is meaningless, as they cope with the form, I think homework better not to do.Worse is that they not only write, copy the answer, this practice, also infect demagogic.I just think is very funny, I suddenly felt in life, everywhere from the view of lu xun, the original evaluation of evaluation, is also a pleasure thing. Closed the book, disorder of the heart of convergence, peaceful, pure and fresh.



NINE PERCENT是内娱几线男团?,,







NINE PERCENT什么时候解散2019-03-04 14:58:44 9209写回答NINE PERCENT于2019年10月6日解散。NINE PERCENT成立于2018年4月6日,该组合属限定团,合体时长是18个月。0077o882ly1fzkd7t8bbzj33ix4qmu13.jpgNINE PERCENT来自爱奇艺综艺节目《偶像练习生》,这个网综成为了2018年首个综艺爆款,节目选出了蔡徐坤、陈立农、范丞丞等多个既有实力还有人气的选手,这些人在出道之后成功竞争过了老牌流量,征服了万千少女的心。九位选手单拎出来绝对是合格的,但是他们如若成为一个整体,在娱乐圈造成的影响力却不够大,NINE PERCENT成立初期曾合体去外国训练,后来回国举办了几场演唱会,就开始各忙各的事业。0077o882ly1fxigsapk60j31400qoahv.jpg蔡徐坤忙着发新歌,粉丝为他在国外打榜,陈立农则开始转行演戏,接下了古装大IP,范丞丞虽然受到了姐姐范冰冰事件影响,但人气不减,参加了不少综艺节目,其他选手也都频频录制网综,可以说互不相干。唯粉对于偶像的事业当然乐见其成,但团粉却很伤心,因为他们看到的NINE PERCENT在舞台上做着凌乱不一的舞蹈动作,显然这是一个没有凝聚力的男团。《偶像练习生》录制的时候,负责人允诺称一定要让粉丝看到在舞台上发光发热的偶像,可惜的是,节目过后,一片狼藉,我们至今都没有看到NINE PERCENT齐心协力的画面。

NINE PERCENT解散之后,各成员的事业发展情况如何?


NINE PERCENT的代表作有哪些?他们的成名之路是怎样的?

他的代表作有离不开 king 追光刻度,创新者,一起跳舞吧,他们的成名之路还算是比较顺利的。没有经历什么坎坷,大部分人也都喜欢他们。

nine percent成员有哪些?



15场。上海2场,泉州1场,北京2场,天津2场,深圳2场,济南1场,武汉2场,杭州2场,南京2场,长沙1场。NINE PERCENT(百分九),中国内地流行乐男子演唱组合,由队长及C位蔡徐坤、成员陈立农、范丞丞、黄明昊(Justin)、林彦俊、朱正廷、王子异、小鬼(王琳凯)、尤长靖组成。







你认为nine percent出道的意义是什么?

我不是一个追星的人,但是一个长年关注综艺的人。 其实关注nine percent 主要是为了坤坤,从15年星动亚洲开始,期待看到每一个星动男孩儿出现在舞台上,看着他们的舞台越来越棒,能力越来越强,看着他们一天天成长,总觉得自己没有理由偷懒,没有理由懈怠!所以对于我来说,nine petcent出道代表着坚持!代表着努力!
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