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one off payment是什么意思


Seventh Day Slumber的《Innocence》 歌词

歌名:Innocence〖天真〗Album:The Best Damn Thing演唱:Avril LavigneWaking up I see that everything is OK 睁眼醒来 一切如常进行The first time in my life and now it"s so great 首次感受到生命能像现在如此美好Slowing down I look around 放慢节奏 环顾四周and I am so amazed 我对这一切感到震惊I think about the little things that make life great 竟是生活中的细节使生命伟大I wouldn"t change a thing about it 我不愿意再去做什么改变This is the best feeling 因为这就是最完美的感觉This innocence is brilliant 这份天真多么迷人I hope that it will stay 我希望它不会离我而去This moment is perfect 这个时刻多么完美Please don"t go away 请不要转瞬即逝I need you now 此刻我需要你And I"ll hold on to it 我会牢牢地抓紧这感觉Don"t you let it pass you by 别让它从你身边擦肩而过I found a place so safe, not a single tear 一个安全的地方 不再有眼泪的流淌The first time in my life and now it"s so clear 首次感受到生命能像现在如此清晰Feel calm I belong I"m so happy here 感受这份安宁与归属感 这里是我的乐园It"s so strong and now I let myself be sincere 强烈的心灵震撼让我开始虔诚I wouldn"t change a thing about it 我不愿意再去做什么改变This is the best feeling 因为这就是最完美的感觉This innocence is brilliant 这份天真多么迷人I hope that it will stay 我希望它不会离我而去This moment is perfect 这个时刻多么完美Please don"t go away 请不要转瞬即逝I need you now 此刻我需要你And I"ll hold on to it 我会牢牢地抓紧这感觉Don"t you let it pass you by 别让它从你身边擦肩而过It"s the state of bliss you think you"re dreaming 上帝的庇佑让你感觉如此梦幻It"s the happiness inside you"re feeling 内心洋溢著幸福的感觉It"s so beautiful, it makes you wanna cry 如此美丽 让你不禁潸然泪下It"s the state of bliss you think you"re dreaming 上帝的庇佑让你感觉如此梦幻It"s the happiness inside you"re feeling 内心洋溢著幸福的感觉It"s so beautiful, it makes you wanna cry 如此美丽 让你不禁潸然泪下It"s so beautiful, it makes you wanna cry 如此美丽 让你不禁潸然泪下This innocence is brilliant 这份天真多么迷人It makes you want to cry 让你不禁潸然泪下This innocence is brilliant 这份天真多么迷人Please don"t go away 请不要转瞬即逝Cause I need you now 因为此刻我需要你And I"ll hold on to it 我会牢牢地抓紧这感觉Don"t you let it pass you by 别让它从你身边擦肩而过This innocence is brilliant 这份天真多么迷人I hope that it will stay 我希望它不会离我而去This moment is perfect 这个时刻多么完美Please don"t go away 请不要转瞬即逝I need you now 此刻我需要你And I"ll hold on to it 我会牢牢地抓紧这感觉Don"t you let it pass you by 别让它从你身边擦肩而过--------------ThE EnD--------------http://music.baidu.com/song/8108025

one off payment是什么意思



vi /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo CentOS-Base.repo [base] name=CentOS-$releasever - Base baseurl= https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/centos-vault/6.8/os/x86_64/ gpgcheck=1 gpgkey= https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/centos-vault/6.8/os/x86_64/RPM-GPG-KEY_CentOS-6 [updates] name=CentOS-$releasever - Updates baseurl= https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/centos-vault/6.8/updates/x86_64/ gpgcheck=1 gpgkey= https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/centos-vault/6.8/os/x86_64/ RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-6 [extras] name=CentOS-$releasever - Extras baseurl= https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/centos-vault/6.8/extras/x86_64/ gpgcheck=1 gpgkey= https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/centos-vault/6.8/os/x86_64/ RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-6 [centosplus] name=CentOS-$releasever - Plus baseurl= https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/centos-vault/6.8/centosplus/x86_64/ gpgcheck=1 enabled=0 gpgkey= https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/centos-vault/6.8/os/x86_64/ RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-6 [contrib] name=CentOS-$releasever - Contrib baseurl= https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/centos-vault/6.8/contrib/x86_64/ gpgcheck=1 enabled=0 gpgkey= https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/centos-vault/6.8/os/x86_64/ RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-6

There is ( ) rain here in spring. plenty

这句话的意思就是这的春天有很多雨,所以这个括号里应该填的是plenty of指的是大量的充足的雨

Centrino Duo 是多少位处理器?

Centrino Duo平台 ,是迅驰笔记本电脑的一个平台,是2006年上市的,Centrino Duo配备:i945系列移动芯片组,只能支持DDR2内存,CPU是双核心的Yona在这一代的笔记本上有Centrino Duo的蝴蝶标志, 这之后的新一代是Centrino Duo2 ,是965的芯片组 Intel Centrino Duo平台   在Centrino Duo移动计算平台上,Intel首次使用了研究多年,采用最新65纳米制程的Yohan CPU,并且将这款CPU命名为Core。同时,这款处理器的单内核版本称为Core Solo,而双内核版本则为Core Duo。通过一系列内部架构的改变,Core系列处理器不仅拥有667MHz的前端总线速度,还显著提升了在Pentium M上为人诟病的多媒体运算性能。最值得称道的是,Core处理器在经历了这些跨越式的进步和晶体管数量飚升的改变后,Core Duo处理器功耗依然被成功的控制在了30W!   随着Core处理器的推出,Intel还准备了Intel 945系列移动芯片组和Intel Pro/Wireless 3495ABG无线网络模块与之配合,从而组成真正意义上的Centrino Duo平台。相对于广泛使用在Sonoma平台上的Intel i915系列移动芯片组,Intel 945移动芯片组不仅拥有高达667MHz的前端总线速度和对DDR II 667MHz内存的支持,还能够提供SATA 2标准的硬盘接口等规范,从此移动平台再也不需要在性能上做过多的妥协。 Core不但是第一个没有以Pentium命名的桌面CPU,还由此拉开了Intel全新的宣传战略。在未来,Intel Inside标志将会逐步淡出公众视野,取而代之的是Intel Leap ahead Logo。通过这样的转变,Intel希望以全新的形象和理念来吸引消费者   为了配合Intel全新Centrino Duo平台的推出,联想也于CES上展示了基于Centrino Duo平台的Thinkpad T60、Thinkpad X60和Thinkpad X60s三款笔记本电脑(见图1)。Thinkpad T60作为Thinkpad T43的继承者,除了采用性能强悍的Centrino Duo平台之外,还配备了ATi Radeon X1300、Radeon X1600等移动版CPU,显著提升了Thinkpad的图形处理能力。至于Thinkpad X60系列,则首次将X32/X41等机型统一并入X60阵营中。X60采用了12.1英寸LCD和标准2.5英寸硬盘,是X32的继任者,至于X60s则是为了代替X41而生,X60s搭配1.8英寸硬盘之后拥有比X60更薄更小的体积,而独立显卡芯片也在X60系列上彻底消失,Thinkpad X60将会全面采用Intel集成的GMA950图形核心。   与此同时,SONY、Samsung、Dell等也在CES上展出了基于Centrino Duo的笔记本电脑产品。其中在Dell Inspiron E1705宽屏笔记本电脑上,我们看到Dell最新开发的MediaDirect 2.0软件,这个独立于操作系统的媒体控制Pre OS能在12秒内完成加载,让用户在不进入Windows的情况下就能享受音频视频回放功能。

SourceTree提示Authentication failed for 的解决方案

从远端拉取拉取失败,sourcetree提示Authentication failed(下图) 我在解决此问题的过程中掌握了三个方案。 在控制台输入下面命令,移除凭证。接下来就会弹出一个小窗口,提示你输入密码。 补充存储凭证命令 找到文件目录C:UsersPongLyonAppDataLocalAtlassianSourceTree 并删除passwd文件(记得把sourceTree关闭)。同样打开文件目录C:UsersPongLyonAppDataLocalAtlassianSourceTree。找到userhosts文件并删除,便能解决上图的问题。 修改凭据,效果不是很明显。 打开凭据管理器,选中Windows凭据找在普通凭据里找到对应的网络地址点击编辑。


agent 英[u02c8eu026adu0292u0259nt] 美[u02c8edu0292u0259nt] n. 代理人; 代理商; 特工; 药剂; vt. 由…作中介; 由…代理; adj. 代理的; [网络] 代理; 代理程序; 经纪人; [例句]You are buying direct, rather than through an agent.你这是直接购买,而不是通过代理人。[其他] 复数:agents 形近词: ement arent anent --------republic 英[ru026au02c8pu028cblu026ak] 美[ru026au02c8pu028cblu026ak] n. 共和国; 共和政体; (成员具有平等权利的) 团体; [网络] 国家篇; 人民共和国; 多米尼加共和国; [例句]In 1918, Austria became a republic.1918年,奥地利成为共和国。[其他] 复数:republics 形近词: semipublic

SourceTree中ssh agent 失败是什么意思?



request [ri"kwest] n. 请求;需要1. a formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority正式的消息,提交给一个权威/当局以要求某事/物。requirement [ri"kwaiu0259mu0259nt] n. 要求;必要条件;必需品requirement [ri"kwaiu0259mu0259nt] n.1. required activitythe requirements of his work affected his health 2. anything indispensableallow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions 3. something that is required in advance看英文意思很容量区分。

require的名词是requirement 还是 requisite ,requisition 又是怎么的 混了

require的名词是requirement requisite 既可做名词也可做形容词 形容词的意思是必需的,而名词是必需品的意思 requisition 既可做名词也可做动词 名词为征用、需要、需求的意思,动词与for 连用表示征用

require的名词是requirement 还是 requisite ,requisition 又是怎么的 ? 混了 求解 谢谢额


business到底可不可数?我看到有some urgent business,但也有an urgent business。


So I go there and see my grandparents only one or two times a year

是次数的意思,类似用法:three times

NO other student 还是No other students?



它的效果变是对我们邻人的爱、善行、大度、宽容、慈善。 Its effect is on our neighbors love, kindness, generosity, tolerance, charity. [translate]这个状况 This situation [translate]课本的另一特点便是内容贴近生活, Another feature of textbook content is close to life, [translate]I woke up at 730 but didnt get ready 在 730 醒来,但并没有做好准备 [translate]ipanel ipanel [translate]cesium 铯 [translate]他要一直等到妈妈回来为止 He had to wait until MOM came back [translate]I know that your hot holidays is coming 我知道你热的假期来临 [translate]Elements opacity 元素不透明度 [translate]Leave blank for default 默认为空 [translate]当你情绪低落的时候,你可以这样做, When you feel down when you can do so, [translate]受教育 To education [translate]But can not hear the sound of the heartbeat 但不是能听心跳的声音 [translate]高二三班的志愿者李学和张华去阳光敬老院 High class two or three volunteers Li Xue and Zhang Hua to Sunshine Home for [translate]Recess to back of sink for bronze tray guide 回到沉铜盘指南的休会 [translate]Recess to back of sink forbronze tray guide 回到接收器 forbronze 托盘指南的休会 [translate]oil impregnated sintered bronze 油浸烧结的青铜 [translate]临床医学与医学技术 Clinical medicine and medical technology [translate]你是我唯一 You was my only [translate]我很喜欢这个暑假 I really like this summer [translate]I left, please continue your World of Warcraft . 离开了,请你继续你魔兽世界。 [translate]由于上式是检测量a的线性表达式,其服从标准正态分布,也就是说检测量a也服从正态分布。 Because of the amount is to detect on a linear expression, subject to the standard normal distribution, which means that detection of a normal distribution. [translate]Focus on taste 注重品味 [translate]心腔狭窄 Cardiac stenosis [translate]turn to port for a vessel on her own port side 转到港口的船只在她自己的左舷 [translate]你是我心里的蓝色 You my heart blue [translate]glacier 冰川 [translate]我妹妹是在农村长大的 I sister are raised in rural [translate]请你告诉我 Would you please tell me [translate]从英国来的那个老师有只小黑狗吗? From the United Kingdom to the teacher had a little black dog? [translate]我和我弟弟一起去我奶奶家玩 I went with my brother my grandma"s House [translate]这是几瓶果汁? This are several bottles of juice? [translate]奶奶很开心我们也是很开心 Grandma is happy we are also a lot of fun [translate]sometimes when i say"i"m okay" i want someone to look me in the eyes,hug me tight and say "i know ,YOU are not" 有时,当我说"很好"时我想有人看着我的眼睛,我紧紧拥抱,说"我知道,你不是" [translate]duick serrch duick serrch [translate]iridescent中文歌词 Iridescent Chinese lyrics [translate]whereisip whereisip [translate]鱼香肉丝 Shredded pork with garlic sauce [translate]女狮子 Female lion [translate]Need confidence confidence is very important 需要信心是非常重要的信心 [translate]i feei ill 我敢生病了 [translate]Your commitment for me I believe 我相信你的承诺 [translate]秋装上新 On the autumn new [translate]My tongue will tell the anger of my heart, or else my heart concealing it will break. 我的舌头会告诉我的心,否则,它将打破我的心隐瞒的愤怒。 [translate]take a deep breath 做个深呼吸 [translate]我就想知道我在你心里算什么 I want to know me in your heart what [translate]暑假我们一家去看了电影。 Summer vacation my family went to see the film. [translate]simultaneous fracture of nasal septum fracture dislocation in 2 cases 同时骨折鼻中隔骨折脱位 2 例 [translate]妈的!我真的受不了你 Damn! I really tired of you [translate]produced 生产 [translate]是你扫了兴 Are you looking, XING [translate]米尺 Metric scale [translate]我准备在这里奋斗三年 I struggling here three years [translate]Felicia Lau 2011年8月15日 19:05 婉儿刘 2011 年 8 月 15 日 18:05 [translate]8月1号,我去了西安 Am 1. August, I bis XI " ein [translate]I love you, you gave me the feeling is that you love me, love is great. And I do not love you. Do you think so. 我爱你,你给我的感觉是你爱我,爱是伟大。我不爱你。你这样认为。 [translate]在周末,我常常和我的妈妈逛街 On the weekends, I used with my mother to go shopping [translate]You put a dart , through My dreams through my heart . 你把 dart,通过我的心我的梦里。 [translate]很容易骨折或受伤 It"s easy to fracture or injury [translate]彼女は私が忘れることができるので、なぜ彼女は私を伤つけるか 因为她可以忘了为什么她伤害了我? [translate]Subscribe Now and Get 10% Discount 现在订阅并获得 10%的折扣优惠 [translate]在他成功的背后,其实经历了许许多多的尝试。 In his successful behind, in fact, has gone through many, many attempts. [translate]墨西哥在美国的南边 Mexico in the United States to the South of [translate]为庆祝的祖国六十岁生日 To celebrate the motherland 60 birthday [translate]这是能编织网的蜘蛛。 This spider is able to weave networks. [translate]TRIPLE SEC 三秒 [translate]


research是研究的意思,而develop则是发展的意思,区别可以从以下例子看出: I work in research and development department, our role is research the market needs and development new products. 我在研发部门工作,我们的职责是研究市场需求和开发新产品。

He spent one week to draft the commercial contract.


毕业论文英语翻译原文 内容关于:主成分分析(principal component analysis)

你的邮箱发不进去,请换一个,这里发部分供你参考Principal component analysisPrincipal component analysis (PCA) is a mathematical procedure that uses an orthogonal transformation to convert a set of observations of possibly correlated variables into a set of values of uncorrelated variables called principal components. The number of principal components is less than or equal to the number of original variables. This transformation is defined in such a way that the first principal component has as high a variance as possible (that is, accounts for as much of the variability in the data as possible), and each succeeding component in turn has the highest variance possible under the constraint that it be orthogonal to (uncorrelated with) the preceding components. Principal components are guaranteed to be independent only if the data set is jointly normally distributed. PCA is sensitive to the relative scaling of the original variables. Depending on the field of application, it is also named the discrete Karhunen–Loève transform (KLT), the Hotelling transform or proper orthogonal decomposition (POD).PCA was invented in 1901 by Karl Pearson.[1] Now it is mostly used as a tool in exploratory data analysis and for making predictive models. PCA can be done by eigenvalue decomposition of a data covariance matrix or singular value decomposition of a data matrix, usually after mean centering the data for each attribute. The results of a PCA are usually discussed in terms of component scores (the transformed variable values corresponding to a particular case in the data) and loadings (the weight by which each standarized original variable should be multiplied to get the component score) (Shaw, 2003).PCA is the simplest of the true eigenvector-based multivariate analyses. Often, its operation can be thought of as revealing the internal structure of the data in a way which best explains the variance in the data. If a multivariate dataset is visualised as a set of coordinates in a high-dimensional data space (1 axis per variable), PCA can supply the user with a lower-dimensional picture, a "shadow" of this object when viewed from its (in some sense) most informative viewpoint. This is done by using only the first few principal components so that the dimensionality of the transformed data is reduced.PCA is closely related to factor analysis; indeed, some statistical packages (such as Stata) deliberately conflate the two techniques. True factor analysis makes different assumptions about the underlying structure and solves eigenvectors of a slightly different matrix.



Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to ...求分析这个英语成分

only if,只有…才;if only,要是…就好了。原句翻译:只有得到老师的允许,学生才能…is a student是倒装,only if后面的句子要倒装。



incident; implication ; weary 这英语用谐音怎么读?

incident [u02c8u026ansu026adu0259nt]尹森扽特implication [u02ccu026amplu026au02c8keu026au0283n] 艺幕普利尅什weary [u02c8wu026au0259ri] 威尔瑞

simplemente amigos歌词谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

simplemente amigos 歌手: ana gabriel 专辑: en vivo siempre como ya es costumbre dia a dia es igual no hay nada que decir ante la gente es asi amigos simplemente amigos y nada mas pero quien sabe en realidad lo que sucede entre los dos si cada quien llegando la noche finge un adios cuanto daria por gritarles nuestro amor decirles que al cerrar la puerta nos amamos sin control que despertamos abrazados con ganas de seguir amandonos pero es que en realidad no aceptan nuestro amor siempre con miradas siempre nos damos todo el amor hablamos sin hablar solo el silencio es nuestro andar amigos simplemente amigos y nada mas pero quien sabe en realidad lo que sucede entre los dos si cada quien llegando la noche finge un adios cuanto daria por gritarles nuestro amor decirles que al cerrar la puerta nos amamos sin control que despertamos abrazados con ganas de seguir amandonos pero es que en realidad no aceptan nuestro amor noooo no aceptan nuestro amor (x3)

团长Regiment commander的缩写

RC 或是 COCO=Commanding Officer像什么Company Commander, Battalion Commander, Regimental Commander大多数都被称为CO没有人叫Company Commander CC的但是很多人叫Battalion Commander BC还有其实叫Regimental Commander RC的也很少 一般就是叫他regiment CO或是直接叫他 Colonel的比较多如果是将军的话 Commadning General 缩写就是 CG

Intelligent Design 歌词

歌曲名:Intelligent Design歌手:Robin Williams专辑:Weapons Of Self DestructionSwing - Intelligent Design无尽的天空 真的於黑暗爆开的吗奇妙的基因 真的可演化到精英吗分析这宇宙所有 单单进化论不够声色中千丝的万化 出於他大脑之下Ah He Ya He Ya Di Da Di Da….造了穿梭机 真的可窥探满天星吗造了测谎机 都不可参透无限大话丑恶是民族自觉进化 可恶是良善逐秒退化猜一猜这首歌由谁去写 出於他乐韵之下Ah He Ya He Ya Di Da Di Da….火柴文字石器和电脑 等同人类源自这个衪可怜狂傲人类狂傲到 竟然期望明日代替衪海洋林木雷电和暴雨 天大地厚同在这个家昆虫人类同样奇异吗 一同存在没法存在吗不能做创作家 都能和睦爱它Ah He Ya He Ya Di Da Di Da….http://music.baidu.com/song/2207201

Intelligent Design 歌词

歌曲名:Intelligent Design歌手:SWING专辑:到尽 EPSwing - Intelligent Design无尽的天空 真的於黑暗爆开的吗奇妙的基因 真的可演化到精英吗分析这宇宙所有 单单进化论不够声色中千丝的万化 出於他大脑之下Ah He Ya He Ya Di Da Di Da….造了穿梭机 真的可窥探满天星吗造了测谎机 都不可参透无限大话丑恶是民族自觉进化 可恶是良善逐秒退化猜一猜这首歌由谁去写 出於他乐韵之下Ah He Ya He Ya Di Da Di Da….火柴文字石器和电脑 等同人类源自这个衪可怜狂傲人类狂傲到 竟然期望明日代替衪海洋林木雷电和暴雨 天大地厚同在这个家昆虫人类同样奇异吗 一同存在没法存在吗不能做创作家 都能和睦爱它Ah He Ya He Ya Di Da Di Da….http://music.baidu.com/song/15914341

什么是intelligent design


我的三星R23p笔记本电脑开机时显示group policy client服务未能登录拒绝访问 怎么办啊??求解!!


The moment the 30th Olympic Games __________ open, the whole world cheered.


联想Y510P开机显示group policy client服务未登录

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Quality Assurance Department是什么意思



英文信件结尾 Best regards 用法跟意思 是? Best regards, 在英文书信结尾当中超级常见,很多人都会用 Best regards, ,然后后面再接自己的名字。Best regards, 虽然可以用在正式场合跟非正式场合,不过一般用于工作上的书信往来中。 如果你还不知道 Best regards, 在英文书信往来当中怎么用,本篇文章会有完整教学。 Best regards 用法、中文意思 下面教学 Best regards 的用法,以及可以替代 Best regards 的其它用法。 文章目录 1.Best regards, 2.Regards, 3.Best, 4.Kind regards, 5.Warmest regards, 6.Sincerely (yours), 7.Best regards 的其他替代用法 8.Best regards, 书信结尾范例 1.Best regards, Best regards 中文意思是指「致上最高的问候」,常常用于英文书信的结尾,以示尊敬的意思。 Best regards 可以使用的场合包含如下: 一、用于跟老板还有主管往来的信件 二、用于跟客户往来的信件 三、用于跟同事交流、团队沟通的信件 四、用于过去的客户、商业伙伴的信件 当然,这里的 Best regards,可以替换如下: Kind regards 致上亲切的问候 Warm regards 致上温暖的问候 Best regards 致上最高的问候 Regards 致上问候 基本上上面这些范例,意思上有点小差异,可以视场合不同来使用。 2.Regards, Best regards 有时候也会直接省略为 regards,不过要注意的是, regards 并没有那么正式。regards 比较适合用在较为不正式的交流书信当中,例如跟同事之间的 Email 往来,或是工作之外你跟朋友之间的书信连系时,就可以用 regards。 3.Best, 没有想到吧!Best regards 竟然也可以省略为 Best 。Best 也是 Best regards 的省略用法,可以用在你很频繁用 Email 往来的人身上。Best 并不会给人不尊敬的感受,也是一种可以被接受的形式。 4.Kind regards, 除了 Best regards,有时候你也会看到有人用 Kind regards,Kind regards 也是一种可以被接受的形式,也表达尊敬的意思。 当你想要跟某人在书信中介绍你自己,或是你想要 Email 给你公司的主管时,也可以用 Kind regards。 5.Warmest regards, Warmest regards 跟 Best regards 不大一样,Warmest regards 比较适合用在熟人身上,也就是你对对方已经有某种程度的了解,例如朋友或家人,你就可以用 Warmest regards。 6.Sincerely (yours), Sincerely, 也是 Best regards 的替代用法之一,Sincerely 可以用在商业合作洽谈的往来书信结尾,或是应征工作的时候。 7.Best regards 的其他替代用法 除了 Best regards 之外,你还可以视场合不同,来使用其它种用法。 一、Thank you So much 非常感谢你 表示你为对方为你所做的一切觉得感激,传达真诚的谢意。 二、Looking forward 我很期待见到你 你很期待见到收件人。邀约对方参加聚会或者是找工作时,都可以用这个做为结尾。 三、Sincerely Yours Sincerely Yours 虽然有些老土,但很适用于商业信函。 四、Cheers 干杯 跟Best regards不同,Cheers 为非正式用法,但若信件的主题是庆祝某件事便适用。 五、Ciao 你好、再见 这个单字来自于义大利,有你好、再见的意思。 六、XOXO 拥抱、亲吻 XOXO 表示拥抱和亲吻的意思, 可用于非正式的电子邮件,这个要特别注意,不能乱用。 当然,一般英文书信结尾,你大多都会看到Best regards居多,但还是看你跟对方的关系以及交情如何,你可以用上述的其他用法来替代。 8.Best regards, 书信结尾范例 至于 Best regards 在书信当中怎么用呢,下面列举两个例子。 范例一: Dear Kenny, 内文 Best regards, Mike Pense 以Dear… 开头,然后接上你的英文书信内文,最后则是 Best regards,(记得要加上逗号),然后最后再接自己的名字。 范例二: Jenny, 内文 Best regards, Frank 如果对方是同事,或是自己比较熟的人,可以不用 Dear 开头,可以直接以对方的人名开头。同样后面接 Best regards, 然后再加上自己的名字。 上面就是 Best regards, 的各种用法教学啦,赶快学起来吧! Best regards 用法总结 1.Best regards, 在书信当中很常见,通常用于书信结尾,然后记得后面要有逗号,下一行再接自己的名字。 【Best regards 中文】英文书信结尾除了Best regards还可以怎么用? 【Email 结尾】电子邮件应该怎么写?7 组超实用英文email结尾语! regarding 用法与中文意思!跟 with regard to 差在哪?来搞懂 【英文书信写作】英文电子邮件如何写得好? 英文书信写作-5个常用片语 英文书信常见的8个错误! 你能找出几个? 增进口说、写作能力,3种可以善加利用的开头方式!

vue 组件传值 props $emit $event

另外一种写法 说明 selectType 为父调用组件绑定数据时,绑定属性的名称 注意: 参数名称必须为$event 说明:子向父组件传值本质上为子调用父组件的函数,函数中获取子组件传入的值 传值根据值的类型分为传值(非对象类型)和传引用(对象),传引用时,传的值在任意位置修改时,所有和当前对象绑定的内容均会发生变化。

vue 全局组件component 获取props值

关键点:通过:id="getId(info)"将info属性(props)值传递到方法,然后再设置值,网上的watch方法试了无效,这个方法实测有效 源码如下: <page v-bind:info="paginationVo" ></page> // 注册 - 名字不能大写 分页组件<page v-bind:info="paginationVo" ></page> Vue.component("page", { // 声明 属性 props: ["info"], template: "<ul :id="getId(info)" class="c_page"><li v-if="isShowPreBtn"><button v-on:click="btnHandler(-1)">上一页</button></li><li v-if="isShowNextBtn"><button v-on:click="btnHandler(-2)" >下一页</button></li></ul>", data: function() { return { counter: 0, paginationVo:{}, isShowPreBtn:false, isShowNextBtn:false, } }, mounted() { console.log("-------mounted:"+JSON.stringify(this.paginationVo));

HP LaserJet 打印机 - Postscript 打印错误消息“Insufficient M

emory”信息尝试利用 PostScript 打印机打印文档时,可能只能打印文档的一部分。 此外,打印机可能还会打印相应页面,报告称打印机的内存不足。 例如,打印机可能会打印包含下列文字的页面:Insufficient Memory。 详细信息如果打印机的内存容量不足,无法完成 PostScript 打印作业,则有可能会出现这个问题。 为了避免出现这个问题,请降低 PostScript 打印作业的复杂程度。 例如,执行下列步骤,将 TrueType Font Download 选项设为“Automatic”, “Outline”或“Bitmap”: 在控制面板中,打开“打印机” 或 “打印机和传真”)文件夹。 右键点击“PostScript Printer”,然后点击 “属性”. 点击“打印首选项”,然后点击 “高级”选项卡.

水树奈奈Silent Bible的中文日文罗马音

  日文歌词  泣かないで  傍にいるから  受け止めたその手は冷たく  热のない世界に漂いすぎていたんだ  抱えすぎた思いはいつか  君の今を缔め付けていく  伤ついた记忆さえ 全て麻痹して  変わるはずないと决め付けて  変わることも恐れていた  运命の连锁が始まる  圣なる夜に辉く真红の星  それは君が迷わないように  いつも照らしてる 约束の证  何処にいても 见守ってる きっと…  本当の幸せはある  目に见えず 留めて措けない  不确かなその存在に不安が増してく  重なり続ける寂しさ  埋めるために演じた嘘  作り物の笑颜に 全て染まった  冻りついた过去を溶かす  温もりを教えてくれた  君に伝えたいんだ  早く仆を连れ出して 遥か远く  暗の手の届かないところへ  初めて流れてくる优しい涙  胸に抱いて 强くなれ と愿う…  ずっと使わなくなってた  感情に触れてくれた君に  もう逃げないと誓う  圣なる夜に辉く真红の星  それは君が迷わないように  いつも照らしてる 约束の证  何処にいても 见守ってる きっと…  ==================================  罗马音  naka naide  soba niirukara  uke tome tasono te wa tsumeta ku  netsunonai sekai ni  tadayoi sugiteitanda  kakaesugita omoi waitsuka  kimi no ima wo shime tsuke teiku  kizutsuitakioku sae  subete mahi shite  kawa ruhazunaito kimetsuke te  kawa rukotomo osore teita  fune ino rai ga jima ru  te e naru yoru ni kataiya ku  jinku no hoshi  sorewa kimi ga mayowa naiyouni  itsumo tera shiteru ya ku to ku no a ta shi  doko niitemo i mamotte ru  kitto ...  hontou no shiawase waaru  meini ezu tome te so kenai  fu gashi kanasono sonzai ni fuan ga mashi teku  kasanari tsuduke ru sabishi sa  ume rutameni enji ta uso  tsukuri mono noega wo ni subete soma tta  ko oritsuita ta kyo wo toka su  tsukumo riwo oshie tekureta  kimi ni tsutae tainda  hayaku fu wo ku re dashi te haruka towo ku  yami no teno todoka naitokorowe  hajimete nagare tekuru yasa shii namida  mune ni dai te tsuyo kunaruto  nega u ...  zutto tsukawa nakunatteta  kanjou ni furete kureta kimi ni  mou nige naito chikau yo  tei naru yoru ni omaiyaku  shinku no hoshi  sorewa kimi ga mayowa naiyouni  itsumo tera shiterutsutsuku no a ta shi  doko niitemoni mamotte ru  kitto ...  ================================  中文歌词(专辑翻译版)  别哭  我就在你身边  我愿接过你冰凉的手  抚慰你在无爱世界漂泊太久的心  怀着太过执着的思念  终将束缚住你的如今  就连伤痕累累的记忆也全部麻痹  明明断定的不会改变  却又害怕怕万一会改变  命运就这样开始恶性循环  闪耀于圣洁之夜的深红之星  正是为了让你不再陷入迷茫  时刻将你照耀 约定的证明  无论哪里都一定会守望着你  世上可有真正的幸福?  它看不见 也留不住  这种不确切让我心里更加不安  对于越来越深的寂寞  我只好用谎言来掩盖  只好用强颜欢笑染遍自己的一切  能够融化冰封的过去  是你教会我这种温暖  如今我是多么渴望告诉你  请你快点带我逃到天涯海角  逃到黑暗之手触不到的地方  将自己初次流下的温柔泪水  拥在胸口 愿自己更加坚强  早已不知如何运用的感情  是你给了我温柔抚慰  我愿立誓 不再逃避  闪耀于圣洁之夜的深红之星  正是为了让你不再陷入迷茫  时刻将你照耀 约定的证明  无论哪里都一定会守望着你


There is a shopping centre near ourhome.

out of sth 究竟是什么意思啊???例如out of love out of 70 students

准确说,out of是在什么之外的意思,而不一定是表示否定。out of 70 students这里表示部分关系。帮你复制来总结: 1.表示地点(从里向外) ①Fish can not live out of water. 鱼离开了水就不能活。 ②This animal is not found out of certain areas in Africa. 这种动物只在非洲某些地区有。(在非洲的某些地区之外,是没有这种动物的。) ③This plant is situated only five miles out of the city. 那个工厂离市区仅五英里。 2.表示动作或运动的方向 ①As me pulled out of the garage,I saw the gun pointing against the car window. 当我们把车开出车库时,我看见那支枪顶住了车窗玻璃。 ②They walked out of the supermarket. 他们走出了超级市场。 3.表示部分关系 ①This will happen in nine cases out of ten. 这种情况十之八九会发生。 ②This is but one instance Out of many. 那只不过是许多例子中的一个而已。 4.表示“在……范围以外”,“越出……界限之外” ①The ship is out of sight. 船已看不见了。 ②They sang out of tune. 他们唱得来了调。 ③This plan is out of the ordinary. 这是一个非凡的计划。 5.表示“出于……动机”,“由于……原因” ①The traffic accident was out of carelessness in driving. 这起交通事故是由于粗心驾驶所致。 ②The treatment of the topic is out of necessity much condensed 由于需要,关于这个问题的阐述已大加压缩. 6.表示竭尽和缺乏 ①We are out of tea. 我们的茶叶用完了。 ②This book is out of print. 这本书绝版了。 ③That novel is out of stock. 那本小说脱销了。 7.表示材料或来源 ①He made the box out of old planks. 他用旧木板做了箱子。 ②This paragraph is out of Marx"s works in the original. 这一段引自马克思原著。 8.与某些动词连用,表示“放弃”;“丧失” ①He talked his wife out of buying a new bicycle. 他说服他的妻子不要买新自行车。 ②I couldn"t persuade him out of the resolution. 我没能说服他改变决心。

谁能帮我去英语文库把这篇文章下下来啊Meta-Analysis of Psychosocial Interventions 全题目如下


刚接触SAP retail行业有些基本概念不懂 Article listing Assortment 这两个概念是什么意思?

article listing 中文叫商品列表RETAIL与AFS不一样,可以指定某个地点只能卖某些商品,没有列表的商品,该地点无法做对应的业务,这个就通过商品列表来做到。要想实现商品列表,retail中是通过分类来控制的,也就是Assortment,TCODE:wsoa1


FluentValidation 有几个内置的验证器,这些验证器的错误消息都可以使用特定占位符。 说明:确保指定的属性不是 null。 可用的格式参数占位符: {PropertyName} = 正在验证的属性的名称 {PropertyValue} = 属性的当前值 说明: 确保指定的属性不是 null、空字符串或空格 (或值类型的默认值, 例如 int 0)。 可用的格式参数占位符: {PropertyName} = 正在验证的属性的名称 {PropertyValue} = 属性的当前值 说明: 确保指定属性的值不等于特定值 (或不等于其他属性的值) 可用的格式参数占位符: {PropertyName} = 正在验证的属性的名称 {ComparisonValue} = 属性不应等于的值 说明: 确保指定属性的值等于特定值 (或等于另一个属性的值) 可用的格式参数占位符: {PropertyName} = 正在验证的属性的名称 {ComparisonValue} = 属性应相等的值 {PropertyValue} = 属性的当前值 确保特定字符串属性的长度位于指定范围内。但是, 它不能确保字符串属性是否为 null。 可用的格式参数占位符: {PropertyName} = 正在验证的属性的名称 {MinLength} = 最小长度 {MaxLength} = 最大长度 {TotalLength} = 输入的字符数 {PropertyValue} = 属性的当前值 说明:确保特定字符串属性的长度不超过指定的值。 可用的格式参数占位符: {PropertyName} = 正在验证的属性的名称 {MaxLength} = 最大长度 {TotalLength} = 输入的字符数 {PropertyValue} = 属性的当前值 说明:确保特定字符串属性的长度不能小于指定的值。 可用的格式参数占位符: {PropertyName} = 正在验证的属性的名称 {MinLength} = 最小长度 {TotalLength} = 输入的字符数 {PropertyValue} = 属性的当前值 说明: 确保指定属性的值小于特定值 (或小于另一个属性的值) 可用的格式参数占位符: {PropertyName} = 正在验证的属性的名称 {ComparisonValue}-属性比较的值 {PropertyValue} = 属性的当前值 说明: 确保指定属性的值小于等于特定值 (或小于等于另一个属性的值) 可用的格式参数占位符: {PropertyName} = 正在验证的属性的名称 {ComparisonValue}-属性比较的值 {PropertyValue} = 属性的当前值 说明: 确保指定属性的值大于特定值 (或大于另一个属性的值) 可用的格式参数占位符: {PropertyName} = 正在验证的属性的名称 {ComparisonValue}-属性比较的值 {PropertyValue} = 属性的当前值 说明: 确保指定属性的值大于等于特定值 (或大于等于另一个属性的值) 可用的格式参数占位符: {PropertyName} = 正在验证的属性的名称 {ComparisonValue}-属性比较的值 {PropertyValue} = 属性的当前值 描述: 将指定属性的值传递到一个委托中, 可以对该值执行自定义验证逻辑 可用的格式参数占位符: {PropertyName} = 正在验证的属性的名称 {PropertyValue} = 属性的当前值 请注意, 委托参数不仅传递参数,还支持直接传递验证对象参数: 说明: 确保指定属性的值与给定的正则表达式匹配,正则表达式可参阅 正则表达式教程 这篇文章 可用的格式参数占位符: {PropertyName} = 正在验证的属性的名称 {PropertyValue} = 属性的当前值 说明: 确保指定属性的值是有效的电子邮件地址格式。 可用的格式参数占位符: {PropertyName} = 正在验证的属性的名称 {PropertyValue} = 属性的当前值 实现自定义验证程序的最简单方法是使用方法 Must 方法,假设我们有以下类: 为了确保列表中至少包含10个元素, 我们可以这样做: 为了使这种逻辑可重用, 我们可以将其封装为扩展方法。 在这里,我们通过为 IRuleBuilder 创建扩展方法实现可重用逻辑,使用方法很简单。 如果您想灵活控制可重用的验证器, 则可以使用 Must 方法编写自定义规则,此方法允许您手动创建与验证错误关联的实例。 此方法的优点是它允许您为同一规则返回多个错误。 在某些情况下, 针对某些属性的验证逻辑非常复杂, 我们希望将基于属性的自定义逻辑移动到单独的类中,可通过重写 PropertyValidator 类来完成。 继承 PropertyValidator 时, 必须重写 IsValid 方法,此方法接受一个对象, 并返回一个布尔值, 指示验证是否成功,可通过 PropertyValidatorContext 属性访问: Instance-正在验证的对象 PropertyDescription-属性的名称 (或者是由调用 WithName 的自定义的别名) PropertyValue-正在验证的属性值 Member-描述正在验证的属性的 MemberInfo 信息 若要使用自定义的属性验证程序, 可以在定义验证规则时调用:

Absent Friends的《Come Clean》 歌词

歌曲名:Come Clean歌手:Absent Friends专辑:Here"S Looking Up Your AddressreEdit by rance from the net(add the time tag)Artist: Audrey AssadTitle: Come CleanAlbum: The House You"re BuildingHow did I get here standing in a mess that I have made?Little by little adding to the chaos everydayI know it"s time, it"s time to come cleanI know it"s time, it"s time to come cleanBoxes full of things I"ve shuffled and shifted place to placeAll the years of me, everything I want to keep and throw awayI know it"s time, it"s time to come cleanI know it"s time, it"s time to come cleanI empty out the piecesAnd I put them where they goBut where do they go?Where do they go?Does anything in me know?Where do they go?I"m finding what I"ve covered and holding it up to the morning lightI"m opening my life a little at a time and it"s all right"Cause it takes time, it takes time to come cleanYeah, and I know it"s time, it"s time to come cleanI"m picking up the piecesAnd I put them where they goBut where do they go?Where do they go?Does anything in me know?Where do they go?Where do they go?I"m picking up the piecesSo where do they go?Where do they go?I wanna know just where do they go?Where do they goBecause I need to knowJust where do they go? Where do they go?I"ve got to know just where do they go?Where do they go? Will I ever know?theEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8556029

Recreational and Physical Culture Department什么意思



进入了sql界面后就点菜单上的“Design”下的“Retrieval Arguments...”,之后便会出现了设置参数的窗口,在里面进行设置。 具体操作图如下: 第一步 第二步 之后就可以输入了!

Usen has no frequently contacted friends,Verify t

User has no frequently contacted friends, Verify the other user"s identity.用户没有经常联系的朋友,验证其他朋友的身份。

You recently contacted our customer support about “ 1 ”How happy were you with our service?


英语client contacted the Docker dameon怎么翻译?

client contacted the Docker dameon客户端联系了 Docker 守护进程

一篇英语短文、开头是According to a recent study out of the

1 根据最近的一项研究的宾夕法尼亚大学的沃顿商学院 2 职场&商务英语 男人想升职?请把头来剃:秃头男人更具职场优势

谁有jay-z的Moment Of Clarity的歌词翻译


50cent 歌曲wanksta中文翻译 100分 麻烦大家

You said you a gangsta but you never pop nuttin 你说你很强盗,但你从不爆别人的头(pop 有打爆的意思,这种情况下我觉得用爆头比较好) You said you a wanksta and you need to stop frontin" 你说你很牛逼,要真牛逼你就别再动心 You ain"t a friend of mine, (yeah) 你不是我的朋友(没错) You ain"t no kin of mine, (nah) 你也不是我这个种类的(你不是) What makes you think that I"ma run up on you with tha nine 是什么让你觉得我会拿把枪把你劫了(nine, nine milemeter一种手枪 50 在电影里有说) We do this all tha tyme, right now we on tha grind 这对我来说是家常便饭了。我们现在最火了 So hurry up and copy and go selling nicks and dimes 快点啊!模仿我们去卖粉吧 Shorty she so fyne, I gotta make her mine 美眉长得真不错,一定得把她搞到手 A ass like dat gotta be one of a kind 那样的大屁股绝对是独一无二 I crush "em everytime, punch "em with every nine 我每次都把他们弄得屁滚尿流,punch "em with every nine I"m fuckin with they mind 我只是在耍他们的玩 I make "em press rewind 我让他们按倒退键 They know they can"t shine if I"m around the rhyme 他们知道只要我在就还轮不上他们发光(出名) Been on Paroza"s, 94 cuz I commit tha crime 94年,上了警车就是因为我犯了罪 *I send you my line, I did it three ta nine* 我给你卖粉, 而我却在晚上吸 作者:166.111.11.* 2007-2-10 23:23 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 wanksta 翻译(有点老)择加请教大虾 If D"s ran up in my crib, you know who droppin dimes 如果侦探在搜查, 你知道是谁在给我栽赃粉儿(D=dective?) [Chorus 2X: 50 Cent] 【连接 两遍 50分】 You said you a gangsta 你说你很强盗, But you neva pop nuttin 但你从不爆别人的头 You said you a wanksta 你说你很牛逼 And you need to stop frontin" 要真牛逼你就别再动心 You go to the dealership 你去了4S店(4S=汽车专卖店) But you neva cop nuttin" 但你什么也没搞到 You been hustlin a long tyme 你已经贩了好久毒 And you ain"t got nuttin 可还是一无所有 [Verse 2] Damn Homie, in highschool you was tha man, homie 我靠,哥们,高中时你最牛逼啊 What tha fuck happened to you 你丫怎么回事 I got tha sickest vendetta, when it come to tha cheddar 说到那个老大,我和他有深仇大恨 And if you *play wit my paper*, you gotta meet my berretta 你要是敢玩我的纸,(纸代表什么纸?传票?合同?不知)你就要见我的bretta(我也不知) Now shorty think I"ma sweat her, sippin on *amoretta* 现在美眉觉得我要让他好好出出汗(sweat=make sweatey?=make love?),呷着amoretta(酒) *I"ma hit once than deada*, I know I can do betta ――(一点没主意)-。我知道我可以做得更好 She look good but I know she after my cheddar 她看着还不错,但我知道她肯定为钱而来 (cheddar=cheese=money?) She tryna get in my pockets, homie and I ain"t gonna let her 她试着要掏我兜,哥们,我不会让她的 Be easy, stop tha bullshit, you get your whole crew wet 放松点, 别废话了,会把你的哥们们托下水的 We in tha club doin" the same ol" two step 我们在club里做着老三样(二换成三是不是更顺口)(哈哈,老三样,吃饭,唱歌,洗澡) Gorilla unit cuz they say we bugged out 哥们,这是G-UNIT, 我们已经是名流了(bug俚语有名人得意思) Cuz we don"t go nowhere without toast we thugged out 不能喝酒我们哪也不去,因为我们太“街”了 [Chorus 2X] [Verse 3] Me I"m no monsta, me I"m no gangsta 我,我不是怪物,我也不是强盗 Me I"m no hitman, me I"m jus me, me 我,我不是杀手, 我就是我 Me I"m no wanksta, me I"m no acta 我,我不是歹徒, 我也是演员 But it"s me you see on your TV 但现在上电视的人是我了 Cuz I hustle baby, this rap shit is so easy 因为我贩毒,说唱简直就是小菜一盘 I"m gettin" what you get for a brick to talk greasy 我挣得比你卖一砖面儿还多时才油腔滑调(brick= 一公斤毒品) By any means, partner, I got to eat on these streets 哥们,不论如何我也从街边挣钱(贩毒) If you play me close, for sure I"m gonna pop my heat 你要是敢耍我,我肯定把你嘣了 Niggas sayin they goin murd" 50, how 一帮sb说要杀了50分,怎么杀得了 We ridin "round with guns the size of Lil Bow Wow 我们开车时都拿着lil bow wow那么大得抢 What you know about AK"s and AR 15"s 你对AK 和AR15 能有什么了解 Equipped with night vision, shell catchers and dem things, huh 带着夜视镜,配着接弹壳的袋子

翻译Track and trace (SAP) and aggregation methods must be in place to define movement of product.


Argument error; the number of columns does not equal the number of parameters. 怎么解决的


every students谓语动词用单数还是复数


Intel MKL ERROR: Parameter 4 was incorrect on entry to DLASCL.

在运行程序的时候,出现了以下错误提示; 问题出在包mkl(2018.0.0)中,似乎它最近已经发布并且与通过conda *提供的Tensorflow(1.3.0)和Keras(2.0.5)提供的一些软件包的版本冲突。 因此,我使用Anaconda Navigator手动降级mkl到v11.3.3,这导致其他软件包自动降级,现在一切正常。 解决方法:更新mkl: conda install mkl==11.3.3 问题解决! 参考链接: Keras with Tensorflow backend on GPU. MKL ERROR: Parameter 4 was incorrect on entry to DLASCL


announcement英 [u0259"nau028ansm(u0259)nt]美 [u0259"nau028ansmu0259nt]n. 公告;宣告;发表;通告[网络短语]Announcement 公告,论坛公告,通告Latest Announcement 最新公告public announcement 公告,公开宣告,机上广播

John Carpenter的《Teaser》 歌词

歌曲名:Teaser歌手:JohnCarpenter专辑:Vampires幸田来未-Teaser(feat.Clench&Blistah)作词 S.Bennett/Clench & Blistah作曲 渡辺美树SpangleColorMirror360゜回転Oh上げますか?FloorMasterCooUpandDowninthehouseya"llA-Haベッピン见とれんなそこのWannaBeおたすけ手助けCBMICPartyESPOnandOn揺らせ揺れろAllnightlong甘い密おぼれろMuddlerかき回す奥の奥深く解るか?!欲しいんだろ刺激がha-HardなBodyLineめちゃCoolDeChaChaChaYesonYouknowit"sshowtimeウンこれからOhNo物足んねぇ溢れる程SayYesEntranceKeyPassでCBにまかせろComeyecomeyeah-yeahPutyahandsup!It"sPartyTimeYouGottaGetYourGrooveOn,CooInTheHouse,WeKnowWhereItsAt.LetMeTellYouBabyYouGotItGoingOn.SoMoveItLikeThatRet-A-TaPartyTime!调子どうだ?KUMIKODALikeThatClench&Blistah参道中かけろイキなPartyTuneBurst寸前SpeakerいくぜみんなPutyahandsup!HiなVibes常备ChampagneにGirl囲み食べるニョッキあっちこっちかき乱しJamboree酔ったくらいが丁度イイMicrophoneCheckOneTwo浓く色浓くYeah固まった野郎もうなずくMotherFuckin"RhymingTalkFloorめがけブチかます终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7883482

the same and very different什么意思



same相同的 uniform正式的;一致的;统一的 similar 相似的;类似的。

environmental footprint是什么意思

环境足迹 生态足迹 环保足迹


  different的反义词是same   1、different词汇搭配   different cases 不同的情况   different plans 不同的计划   far different 非常不同的   little different 没什么不同   different from sb"s plan 与某人的计划不同   2、same的词汇搭配   all the same 仍然   one and the same同一个   same here 我也同样   the very same 正是这个(完全相同的...   in the same breath 同时   be in the same boat 同舟共济   at the same time 同时   3、same的用法:   same指谈论的不同人和不同事物是同样的或实际上是同一个人或同一个事物,总和the连用。   same之前可加this, that等以加强语气,表示轻蔑。

environmental footprint是什么意思

environmental footprint 环境足迹carbon footprint 碳足迹:是一种新的用来测量某个公司、家庭或个人每日消耗二氧化碳量对环境影响的指标。footprint evidence phr. 足迹证据noise footprint 噪声印迹environmental art 环境艺术

different的反义词 different的反义词是什么有哪些用法

different的反义词是same 1、different词汇搭配 different cases 不同的情况 different plans 不同的计划 far different 非常不同的 little different 没什么不同 different from sb"s plan 与某人的计划不同 2、same的词汇搭配 all the same 仍然 one and the same同一个 same here 我也同样 the very same 正是这个(完全相同的... in the same breath 同时 be in the same boat 同舟共济 at the same time 同时 3、same的用法: same指谈论的不同人和不同事物是同样的或实际上是同一个人或同一个事物,总和the连用。 same之前可加this, that等以加强语气,表示轻蔑。


请判断单词的重音所在的音节位置announcement[??na?nsm?nt] A.1B.2C.3正确答案:B

so he went to Lhasa with his friends什么意思?



org.openqa.selenium.WebElement一般引用selennium-java包就会有的。 4评论 0 0org.openqa.selenium.WebElement



revealed as accident 为什么加上as? reveal不是及物吗?

"Revealed as accident" 的意思是 "被揭示为意外"。这里的 "as" 表示 "作为"。"Reveal" 是及物动词,但是在这里,它与名词 "accident" 搭配使用,构成了"be revealed as" 的结构,表示某事被揭示为另一件事。

revealed as accident 为什么加上as? reveal不是及物吗?

"Revealed as accident"中的"as"是一个介词,用于引导一个短语作为后面的名词或代词的补语。在这个句子中,"as"表示揭示的方式或原因。因此,这个短语"as an accident"是用来描述揭示的内容或方式,而不是揭示的对象。



reservation appointment 有什么区别

reservation [ˌrezəˈveiʃən]n. 1 保留的座位[住处]等; 预订 2 保留意见; 保留态度 3 (美洲印第安部落的)居留地 appointment [əˈpɔintmənt]n. 1 约会, 约定 2 任命, 委派

英语全文帮忙翻译下,谢谢!Whale Ear Wax Reveals Environmental PollutantsS?

Whale Ear Wax Reveals Environmental Pollutants 鲸鱼耳垢揭示环境污染物 Some whales build up waxes,lipids and keratin into earplugs that tell researchers about a whale"s lifetime exposure to pollution. 一些鲸鱼建立蜡、油脂和角质到耳塞,告诉研究人员关于鲸鱼的一生暴露于污染. Cynthia Graber reports 辛西娅·格鲁伯报告. Cerumen. 耵聍. It"s a lovely word. 这是一个可爱的词. Especially considering that it means earwax. 特别是考虑到这意味着耳垢. And we"re not the only species that produces the stuff. 和我们不是唯一的物种产生的东西. Some whales build up waxes,along with lipids and keratin protein into what"s called earplugs. 一些鲸鱼建立蜡,以及脂类和蛋白角成所谓的耳塞. And researchers now know that examining these plugs tells them about a whale"s lifetime exposure to pollution. 和研究人员现在知道检查这些插头告诉他们 仅供参考,希望能给你一些帮助!,1,鲸鱼耳蜡揭示环境污染物 一些鲸鱼建立蜡、油脂和角质到耳塞,告诉研究人员关于鲸鱼的一生暴露于污染。 辛西娅 耵聍。 这是一个可爱的词。 特别是考虑到这意味着耳垢。 和我们不是唯一的物种产生的东西。 一些鲸鱼建立蜡,以及脂类和蛋白角成所谓的耳塞。 和研究人员现在知道检查这些插头告诉他们关于鲸鱼的一生暴露于污染。 互层的黑暗和光明在...,1,英语全文帮忙翻译下,谢谢! Whale Ear Wax Reveals Environmental Pollutants Some whales build up waxes, lipids and keratin into earplugs that tell researchers about a whale"s lifetime exposure to pollution. Cynthia Graber reports Cerumen. It"s a lovely word. Especially considering that it means earwax. And we"re not the only species that produces the stuff. Some whales build up waxes, along with lipids and keratin protein into what"s called earplugs. And researchers now know that examining these plugs tells them about a whale"s lifetime exposure to pollution. Alternating layers of dark and light in the plugs correlate to seasons of feeding or migration. So the plugs have been used to determine a whale"s age. Think tree rings. In the latest study, scientists *** yzed an earplug from an endangered blue whale killed by a ship near California. They found that levels of stress hormones doubled over the whale"s life. They also found evidence that the whale had been exposed to pesticides such as DDT, with the highest levels during the whale"s first six months of life. The whale was likely exposed to the pesticides in its mother"s milk. They also found a couple of peaks of exposure to mercury. The study is in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [Stephen J. Trumble et al., Blue whale earplug reveals lifetime contaminant exposure and hormone profiles] Future earplugs should offer additional clues about whale lives. So look for researchers to give new attention to leviathan cerumen.


歌曲名:A DIFFERENT SONG歌手:Michael Learns To Rock专辑:Nothing To LoseMichael Learns To Rock: A DIFFERENT SONGAin"t gonna do the gig tonightwith the bandI"m going out of town tonightoh yes I amSorry fanssorry bandI couldn"t keep my promiseI"ll put on my coat and hit the roadBreaking upbreaking outI am leaving now you can sing it loudHave to stophad enoughcrying toughQuit the racegive me spacecos I"m so tired of being a slavewhen I"m goingI"ll sing a different songThere"s gonna be no wedding onsaturdayI will be on my way thenso far awaySorry momsorry honeyI couldn"t keep my promiseI"ll ripp off my tie and say goodbyehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1739660

4 bit increment-by-3 circuit是什么意思



英语作文comment 写作流程:(1)先写文章的类型,是narrative,description, feature story etc。再说明文章的主题是什么,作者运用了怎样的修辞手法,在文章里怎样体现的(具体到句子最好),其实根据文章的类型的特点来讲比较好,关于主题也可以扩展回答,可以联系实际的话最好,最后升华下。(2)第二段可以写例子,第三段就升华主旨啦,或者是第二段写原因以及影响,第三段写措施。你可以根据历年真题总结一下。示例:主题为星座When girls gossip about the couple, they always believe in the constellation, they treat it as an important standard to measure whether the couple will be suitable for each other. I don"t believe in constellation, I doubt it deeply, because people"s emotion can"t be decided by the constellation.当女孩们八卦情侣的时候,她们总是相信星座,把星座当作很重要的标准,以此来衡量一对情侣是否彼此合适。我不相信星座,对星座深深怀疑,因为人们的情感是不可能由星座来决定的。The people who believe in the constellation think that their characters are described by it, when they read it, they find what the constellation says is completely conforming to their characters. As people so believe in it that they do as what the constellation suggests, such as what they should wear today and what kind of boyfriend they should choose.那些相信星座的人认为他们的性格在星座上有被描述出来,当他们读到时,发现星座讲的和他们的性格完全吻合。人们如此的相信星座以至于他们按照星座所建议的去做,比如他们今天该穿什么和他们该选怎么样的男朋友。I don"t believe in constellation, first, there are 12 constellations, which means there are 12 characters. We are told that there are no two same men in the world, which means every person has his own character, and then it is not conformed to the constellation. Second, if we read what every constellation says, we may find it describes the good and bad side of the character, people will naturally choose to believe the good side in their mind. So that"s why people think the constellation is right.我不相信星座,第一,总共有十二个星座,这意味着有十二种性格。我们被告知过世界上没有完全相同的两个人,这意味着每个人都有自己的性格,这和星座所描述的不吻合。第二,如果我们读到星座所讲的,就会发现星座有描述好的和不好的性格,人们很自然地就会选择相信好的。这就是人们为什么相信星座。We should believe in the science, constellation is just a funny thing, we should not judge people accord to it.我们应该相信科学,星座只是用来玩玩的,我们不应该根据星座来判断一个人。


英语作文comment 写作流程:(1)先写文章的类型,是narrative,description, feature story etc。再说明文章的主题是什么,作者运用了怎样的修辞手法,在文章里怎样体现的(具体到句子最好),其实根据文章的类型的特点来讲比较好,关于主题也可以扩展回答,可以联系实际的话最好,最后升华下。(2)第二段可以写例子,第三段就升华主旨啦,或者是第二段写原因以及影响,第三段写措施。你可以根据历年真题总结一下。示例:主题为星座When girls gossip about the couple, they always believe in the constellation, they treat it as an important standard to measure whether the couple will be suitable for each other. I don"t believe in constellation, I doubt it deeply, because people"s emotion can"t be decided by the constellation.当女孩们八卦情侣的时候,她们总是相信星座,把星座当作很重要的标准,以此来衡量一对情侣是否彼此合适。我不相信星座,对星座深深怀疑,因为人们的情感是不可能由星座来决定的。The people who believe in the constellation think that their characters are described by it, when they read it, they find what the constellation says is completely conforming to their characters. As people so believe in it that they do as what the constellation suggests, such as what they should wear today and what kind of boyfriend they should choose.那些相信星座的人认为他们的性格在星座上有被描述出来,当他们读到时,发现星座讲的和他们的性格完全吻合。人们如此的相信星座以至于他们按照星座所建议的去做,比如他们今天该穿什么和他们该选怎么样的男朋友。I don"t believe in constellation, first, there are 12 constellations, which means there are 12 characters. We are told that there are no two same men in the world, which means every person has his own character, and then it is not conformed to the constellation. Second, if we read what every constellation says, we may find it describes the good and bad side of the character, people will naturally choose to believe the good side in their mind. So that"s why people think the constellation is right.我不相信星座,第一,总共有十二个星座,这意味着有十二种性格。我们被告知过世界上没有完全相同的两个人,这意味着每个人都有自己的性格,这和星座所描述的不吻合。第二,如果我们读到星座所讲的,就会发现星座有描述好的和不好的性格,人们很自然地就会选择相信好的。这就是人们为什么相信星座。We should believe in the science, constellation is just a funny thing, we should not judge people accord to it.我们应该相信科学,星座只是用来玩玩的,我们不应该根据星座来判断一个人。

求泰勒·斯威夫特的twenty two歌词翻译,谢谢

It feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters夜色神秘,最适合打扮成巫女 And make fun of our exes, uh uh uh uh 为前任们“占卜”,拿他们打趣It feels like a perfect night for breakfast at midnight 狂欢的夜,最适合把宵夜当早餐To fall in love with strangers uh uh uh uh 与陌生人相识,坠入爱河如此简单 Yeaaaah We"re happy free confused and lonely at the same time 我们迷惘孤独,却不失自由幸福It"s miserable and magical oh yeah 有些青涩苦楚,却奇妙地像魔术Tonight"s the night when we forget about the deadlines, it"s time uh uh 今夜,是时候打破重重束缚 I don"t know about you but I"m feeling 22不知你作何感想,我感到22岁青春绽放 Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you 没什么可以阻挡,只要我在你的身旁You don"t know about me but I bet you want to 也许你并不了解我,但我知道你很想Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we"re 22, 22 没什么会将我们阻挡,只要我们舞动青春,像22岁一样It see***ike one of those nights 又是一个这样的夜里This place is too crowded too many cool kids uh uh 拥挤的人群,许多俊男靓女It see***ike one of those nights 在这样的一个夜里We ditch the whole scene and end up dreaming instead of sleeping 我们抛开一切,幻想着未来,而不是沉沉睡去Yeaaaah We"re happy free confused and lonely at the same time 我们迷惘孤独,却不失自由幸福It"s miserable and magical oh yeah 有些青涩苦楚,却奇妙地像魔术Tonight"s the night when we forget about the deadlines, it"s time uh uh 今夜,是时候丢掉我们的束缚Tonight"s the night when we forget about the heartbreaks, it"s time uh uh 今夜,是时候忘掉令人心碎的一幕幕 I don"t know about you but I"m feeling 22不知你作何感想,我感到22岁青春绽放 Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you 没什么可以阻挡,只要我在你的身旁You don"t know about me but I bet you want to 也许你并不了解我,但我知道你很想Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we"re 22, 22 没什么会将我们阻挡,只要我们舞动青春,像22岁一样I don"t know about you, 22, 22 不知你怎样想,22岁的青春绽放It see***ike one of those nights 又是一个这样的夜里This place is too crowded too many cool kids uh uh 拥挤的人群,好多俊男靓女It see***ike one of those nights 在这样的一个夜里We ditch the whole scene and end up dreaming instead of sleeping我们忘乎所以,梦想未来,而不是沉沉睡去 It feels like one of those nights又是一个这样的夜里We ditch the whole scene 我们忘乎所以It feels like one of those nights在这样的一个夜里 We won"t be sleeping 我们不会睡去It feels like one of those nights 就是这样的一个夜里You look like bad news I gotta have you, I gotta have you 也许你不会安分守己,但我想拥有你,我要和你在一起 I don"t know about you but I"m feeling 22不知你作何感想,我感到22岁青春绽放 Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you 没什么可以阻挡,只要我在你的身旁You don"t know about me but I bet you want to 也许你并不了解我,但我知道你很想Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we"re 22, 22 没什么会将我们阻挡,只要我们舞动青春,像22岁一样Dancing like 22, yeah, 22, yeah yeah 舞动青春,像22岁一样 It feels like one of those nights又是一个这样的夜里We ditch the whole scene 我们抛开忘乎所以It feels like one of those nights在这样的一个夜里 We won"t be sleeping 我们不会睡去It feels like one of those nights 就是这样的一个夜里You look like bad news I gotta have you, I gotta have you 也许你不会安分守己,但我想拥有你,我要和你在一起

in what important ways was Aristotle different from Plato

在哪些重要途径,是亚里士多德不同于柏拉图The philosophies of Plato and Aristotle differ on many issues. One of the most important things to examine are their differing views on ethical theory. One can find many points of conflict between the ethical theories of Plato and Aristotle. However, one of the most important points are their differing views on the human function (ergon) and its role in ethics. We will examine two different arguments regarding the human function and compare the different goals of each. One of the most interesting contrasts between the ethical beliefs of Plato and Aristotle rests in their arguments on the human function. Towards the end of Book One of The Republic, Socrates is trying to prove to Thrasymachus that it is better to be just than unjust. He begins by establishing that everything has its own specific function, and that that function is “that which one can do only with it or best with it (Republic I 352e).” For example, the function of eyes is to see, and since a pruning knife is better suited to pruning than a butcher"s knife, its function is to prune. Having established this, Socrates goes on to argue that everything also has a virtue that relates to the performance of its function. The virtue of eyes would be sight and the virtue of the pruning knife would be its sharpness. An object that is deficient in its virtue is said to be incapable of performing its function well (a dull knife would not be able to cut properly). Having shown this, Socrates turns his attention to the human soul and its function. “Is there some function of a soul that you couldn"t perform with anything else, for example, taking care of things, ruling, deliberating, and the like? Is there anything other than a soul to which you could rightly assign these, and say that they are its peculiar function? ...What of living? Isn"t that a function of the soul? (Republic I 353d)” Thrasymachus agrees to Socrates" definition of the soul"s function and they go on to examine what the virtue of the soul is, that allows it to perform its function. From his previous argument regarding the importance of virtue in the performance of one"s function, Socrates extrapolates that a non-virtuous soul would do a poor job of ruling, deliberating, living…etc, while a virtuous one would do all of these things admirably. Socrates then references a previous point in the discussion, when he and Thrasymachus had established that justice was the virtue of the soul, and injustice its vice. This allows Socrates to conclude that a just soul and a just man will live well and be happy, while an unjust man will not live well and be unhappy. The argument that Plato has put forth has one major flaw that is important to examine. When Socrates references his previous conclusion that justice is the virtue of the soul, it is unclear when such a conclusion was soundly argued for. Irwin comments on this problem “It is less clear, however, that Socrates is entitled to assume that justice is the human virtue. Although he has refuted Thrasymachus" claim that injustice is a virtue, he has not thereby proved that justice is a virtue. (Irwin P.179)” The refutation that Irwin is speaking of are two different arguments that Socrates presented to show that injustice is not the virtue of the soul. The first was when Thrasymachus stated that an unjust person would always be overreaching and trying to best his peers. Socrates responded by showing that this overreaching is not actually a good thing and would be a foolish way to live. The second argument is when Socrates demonstrates that injustice causes internal tension and strife that would be detrimental to the person. Thrasymachus believes that an unjust person would always choose injustice over justice. To this, Socrates responds by asking “Do you think that a city, an army, a band of robbers or thieves, or any other tribe with a common unjust purpose would be able to achieve it if they were unjust to each other? (Republic I 351c)” Thrasymachus agrees that injustice creates conditions under which it is impossible for people to work together. Socrates then applies this conclusion to the soul, stating that injustice prevents the different areas of the soul from working together and thus prevents them from working toward a common goal. Although these two arguments soundly refute Thrasymachus" claim that injustice is the human virtue, they do not prove that justice is the soul"s virtue. In the opening chapters of the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle examines various types of good ends and concludes that happiness is the ultimate good to pursue. In chapter seven of Book I, Aristotle tackles the role of the human function in the pursuit of happiness/goodness. He first establishes that the good for anything that has a function rests in the performance of that function. Next, Aristotle tries to figure out whether there is a specific function for all human beings, or if a person"s function is only related to his role in society. “Then do the carpenter and the leatherworker have their functions and actions, while a human being has none, and is by nature idle, without any function? Or, just as eye, hand, foot and, in general, every part apparently has its functions, may we likewise ascribe to a human being some function besides all theirs? (Nicomachean Ethics Book I Chapter 7 29-33)” Believing that there is some function that is applicable only to humans, Aristotle attempts to figure out what this function is. First, he excludes the process of growth and nutrition, as neither are applicable only to humans. He also excludes what he calls the life of sense-perception, as this is also not solely a human trait. He finally concludes that the human function is to utilize the part of the soul that exhibits reason. Following this, he puts forth a set of arguments that connect the human function of utilizing reason, to the concept of the ultimate good end. Aristotle establishes that the function of any F is the same as the function of an exceptional F. The only difference is that the exceptional F is expected to do its job well. Combining this point with his idea that the human function is that which expresses reason, Aristotle shows that the excellent man"s function is to express reason in an excellent manner. Aristotle"s next step is to proclaim that all functions will be completed well when they are done in a way that displays the corresponding virtue (ex. The harpists function is said to be completed well when the playing of the harp expresses excellence). He then takes his last three points and reaches his conclusion. “Therefore, by d, e and f, the human good turns out to be the soul"s activity that expresses virtue. (Nicomachean Ethics Book I Chapter 7 1098a 10-17)” For Aristotle, the “human good” seems to be synonymous with the attainment of happiness. Thus, in order for a human being to be happy, he or she must live a life that successfully expresses reason. The major differences that can be seen between these two arguments are seen when we examine the goals of both Plato and Aristotle. Plato has two main goals behind his argument, the first is to refute the position that injustice is better than justice. Secondly, his human function argument helps to set up the idea of his model cities, in which each person has a function and the city is virtuous when everyone performs their own function. Aristotle is examining happiness as the ultimate end and is searching for ways to get to that end. Thus, by proving that this good is found in the expression of reason, Aristotle is able to prescribe a path to happiness. If one fulfills one"s function, expression of reason, and does so in an excellent manner, one will necessarily attain happiness. Another way in which the two arguments differ is on their actual conceptualization of what the human function is. For Plato, the human function is defined as deliberation, ruling, living and taking care of things. This differs greatly from Aristotle idea of the human function which is, to perform activities that express reason. Not only are these two definitions very different, but they illustrate the chasm between the ways that each philosopher is thinking of the concept of a human function. Plato thinks of it in terms of the person"s place in society. His ideas of ruling, deliberating…etc pertain to the community in which one lives, and one"s relation to it. Aristotle approaches the problem from a much more individualistic point of view. Expressing reason in one"s action does not have anything to do with a relationship with other people or a community, but relates only to the individual. In conclusion, the biggest difference between Plato"s argument and Aristotle"s is their conceptualization of the concept of the human function. Also, their goals are vastly different. Plato uses his argument to refute those who would argue that injustice is beneficial and to set up his model city, in which virtue for the city is derived from each person fulfilling their function. Aristotle, on the other hand, uses his argument to directly set up a method for achieving the ultimate good.
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