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求helene segara的regarde歌词,中文翻译!~

看我看着人接吻看春天的树木看神奇诞生的彩虹看孩子的笑容看小提琴家的手看高更的色彩似乎是月亮的笑容似乎是早上的光{副歌:}告诉我,告诉我,生命无关紧要而人们生活没有任何意义...说 告诉我任何无助于实现这一目标或如果甚少人们希望结束攻丝的发音 你的天使攻丝的鲸鱼的歌攻丝返回的波超过山的回声看什么人坚定不移看着镜以外的其他领域即使蝴蝶的侧翼而已但看看你能看到什么【找了三个翻译器、、翻译起来还是不通顺、、

Helene Fischer的《Wake Me Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Wake Me Up歌手:Helene Fischer专辑:Best OfWake Me Up!(growin" up! mix)作词:伊秩弘将作曲:伊秩弘将编曲:水岛康贵何だかパッとしない毎日イマイチ恋もうまくいってないしやりたい事ありすぎるのにモタモタしてたら乗り遅れちゃうあぁ生きてるっていい事ばかりじゃきっと味気ないよねさぁ急がなきゃまだ眠いけど遅刻しちゃうよ!シャワー浴びて メイクしてラズベリーのパン 頬张ってダッシュで行けば いつものに间に合うよWake me up! 朝の太阳疲れたBody 目覚めさせて街中がみんな 他人に见えても仲间たちに会えるよSomeday, Growin" up! ありのままの自分をもっと好きになりたい!新しい朝 动き出す街ビタミン不足の冴えない颜にSay Good-Bye!出遅れた夏を取り返して夜が短くなっちゃう前に好きならこっちから行かなくちゃ待ってるだけじゃ奇迹は起こらない失う事を恐れずにずっと强気で生きてきた元気を出してふさぎこんでちゃアタシらしくない明日から早起きしてサボってたダイエットも始めよう!いつかあなたを振り向かせたいWake me up! 明けてく空地球は今日も回っているこの瞬间を胸に刻もう!生きてるって感じたい!Someday, Growin" up! 声にならないこの想いを全部伝えたい梦は远くても あきらめたくないいつかきっと恋が爱に変わる时まで何処からきて 何処へいくの 人はイタイ イタイ イタイ イタイ别れと出逢いくり返し自分に目覚める Wake up!“Goodmorning”Wake me up! まぶしい太阳沈んだハート辉かせて街中がみんな他人に见えても仲间たちに会えるよSomeday, Growin" up! ありのままの自分をもっと好きになりたい新しい朝 动き出す街どんな时でも 明日を信じてる(もう泣かない…)Gonna keep on growin" up!おわhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13981177

Helene fischer-leave me译成中文歌词


helene segara的happy birthday中文歌词

Happy Birthday - Polow Remix歌手:helene segara所属专辑:Trumpets互译歌词:Happy Birthday...so make a wish生日快乐,许个愿吧Please accept my apologies, wonder what would have been请接受我的道歉,尽管有些事我也无法确定Would you"ve been a little angel or an angel of sin?你原本会成为一个天使还是背负着罪孽?Tom-boy running around, hanging with all the guys.你会是一个和兄弟们东游西逛的假小子Or a little tough boy with beautiful brown eyes?还是一个有着漂亮褐色眼睛的小正太?I payed for the murder before they determined the sex我在神灵决定你性别之前就雇凶杀了你Choosing our life over your life meant your death我们的生活高于你的生活,所以你死了And you never got a chance to even open your eyes甚至还没来得及睁开双眼Sometimes I wonder as a fetus if you faught for your life?有时我臆想胎儿能否为自己的权力而抗争Would you have been a little genius in love with math?你会成为一个数学天才吗?Would you have played in your schoolclothes and made me mad?你会穿着校服胡闹让我抓狂吗?Would you have been a little rapper like your papa da Piper?你会是个小艾米纳姆吗就像你老爹我一样?Would you have made me quit smokin" by finding one of my lighters?你会逼着我把烟戒掉吗?I wonder about your skintone and shape of your nose?我会想象你的声调和鼻子的轮廓And the way you would have laughed and talked fast or slow?你说笑的样子,急脾气还是慢性子?Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen每年我都会想这些,所以我举起了笔Happy birthday, love you whoever you woulda been生日快乐,我爱你,无论你是什么样子Happy birthday...生日快乐All I thought was a dream (make a wish)我所想全是梦(许个愿吧)Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday)却无比真实(生日快乐)All I thought was a dream (make a wish)我所想全是梦(许个愿吧)Was as real as it seemed却无比真实I made a mistake!我错了I"ve got a millon excuses to why you died我纵有万千借口解释你的死因Bet the people got their own reasons for homicide人们仍然有自己对谋杀的定义Who"s to say it woulda worked, and who"s to say it wouldn"t have?到底谁有权力去裁决这一切?I was young and strugglin" but old enough to be your dad我还年轻,挣扎拼搏,但生理上早就能当你爹The fear of being a father has never disappeared然而做一个父亲却让我恐惧Pondering frequently while I"m zippin" on my beer三杯下肚,思前想后My vision of a family was artificial and fake我的家庭观过去全是虚构So when it came time to create I made a mistake当时间真的到来我却犯错Now you"ve got a little brother maybe he"s really you?现在你有了一个弟弟,或者你就是他?Maybe you really forgave us knowin" we was confused?也许你已经原谅我们,知道我们的苦衷?Maybe everytime that he smiles it"s you proudly knowin"也许每次他微笑是意味着That your father"s doin" the right thing now?你认为父亲我的选择是正确的?I never tell a woman what to do with her body我不会对女人说她应该如何对待她的身体But if she don"t love children then we can"t party但如果她不喜欢孩子那我们就不能放纵Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen每年我都会想这些,所以我举起了笔Happy birthday, love you whoever you woulda been生日快乐,我爱你,无论你是什么样子Happy birthday...生日快乐All I thought was a dream (make a wish)我所想全是梦(许个愿吧)Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday)却无比真实(生日快乐)All I thought was a dream (yeah, make a wish)我所想全是梦(许个愿吧)Was as real as it seemed却无比真实I made a mistake!我错了!And from the heavens to the womb to the heavens again从天堂到子宫再回到天堂From the endin" to the endin", never got to begin从终点回到终点,从未开始Maybe one day we could meet face to face?也许有天我们会面对面相见?In a place without time and space在一个超越时间和空间的地点Happy birthday...生日快乐From the heavens to the womb to the heavens again从天堂到子宫再回到天堂From the endin" to the endin", never got to begin从终点回到终点,从未开始Maybe one day we could meet face to face?也许有天我们会面对面相见?In a place without time and space在一个超越时间和空间的地点Happy birthday...生日快乐All I thought was a dream (make a wish)我所想全是梦(许个愿吧)Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday)却无比真实(生日快乐)All I thought was a dream (make a wish)我所想全是梦(许个愿吧)Was as real as it seemed却无比真实I made a mistake...!我错了!











helene segara的歌有哪些?

tant bien que malhelene segara - regardehelene segara - petites douleurshelene segara - parlez moi de noushelene segara - encoreunefois - 依莲娜 西嘉贺helene segara - on ne dit pashelene segara - ma vie tient en deux motshelene segara - l"ile de noushelene segara - l"amour est un soleilhelene segara - il y a trop de gens qui t"aimehelene segara - je vous aime adieu





法国歌手伊莲娜(Helene Segara)都有哪些好听的歌曲?

首先,我的名字叫依莲不是helene segara 唱的,而是helene Rolles然后,其他好听的歌(个人比较喜欢的~)L"amour Est Un SoleilOn n"oublie jamais rien, on vit avecVivreVivo per leiHumainJe vous aime adieu推荐她的精选集Le Best Of 还有推荐Helene参演的歌剧Notre Dame de Paris(巴黎圣母院)











HollAnd Borthwick的《Helene》 歌词

歌曲:伊莲HélèneJe m"appelle HélèneJe suis une filleComme les autresHélènej"ai mes joies, mes peineselles font ma viecomme la votreje voudrais trouver l"amoursimplement trouver l"amourHélène, je m"appelle Hélèneje suis une fillecomme les autresHélènesi mes nuits sont pleines我看见 你的笑脸 习惯了 你的昨天伊莲 我无法感觉 在你的身边 孤单的画面伊莲 你说的心愿 停驻的时间 往事又重现遗忘了 悲伤快乐 轻轻的 将他熄灭伊莲 美丽的世界 有太多欢乐 也会有悲伤等待 奇迹的出现 爱不可预见为什么欢乐的时光它总是短暂一瞬间伊莲 在转身之间 雨后的天边 是你的双眼遗忘了 悲伤快乐 轻轻的 将他熄灭伊莲 美丽的世界 有太多欢乐 也会有悲伤等待 奇迹的出现 爱不可预见为什么欢乐的时光它总是短暂一瞬间伊莲 我无法感觉 在你的身边 孤单的画面伊莲 在转身之间 雨后的天边 是你的双眼遗忘了 悲伤快乐 轻轻的 将他熄灭遗忘了 悲伤快乐 轻轻的 将他熄灭http://music.baidu.com/song/15087992


hélèneje m"appelle hélèneje suis une fillecomme les autreshélènej"ai mes joies mes peines elles font ma vie comme la votreje voudrais trouver l"amoursimplement trouver l"amourhélènesi mes nuits sont pleines de rêves de poémesje n"ai rien d"autreet mêmesi j"ai ma photo dans tous les journaux chaque semainepersonne ne m"attend le soir quand je rentre tardpersonne ne fait battre mon coeurlorsque s"eteignent les projecteurset mêmequand à la télè vous me regardez sourire et chanterpersonne ne m"attend le soir quand je rentre tardpersonne ne fait battre mon coeurlorsque s"eteignent les projecteurshélèneet toutes mes peines trouveront l"oubli un jour ou l"autrequand je trouverai l"amour伊莲娜我叫伊莲娜一个很普通的女孩伊莲娜我也有快乐和悲伤有喜怒哀乐的生活我只想找到简单的爱情属于我的爱情伊莲娜我盼望夜里诗歌和美梦的陪伴那样我会别无所求每星期报纸上都会有我的照片你却从没留意只剩下我一颗破碎的心和偷偷的哭泣每天在电视里你都微笑着轻唱歌曲我只有更难受的心和更深的哭泣我的悲伤终会埋藏于记忆深处只要我找到简单的爱情属于我的爱情

Je My Appelle Helene 的全部歌词是什么

http://wenwen.soso.com/z/q79668684.htm?sp=1002 这个里面应该有你想要的歌词

Helene Segara

  Hélène Segara是法国音乐界近25年来炙手可热的代名词,法语歌曲代言者. 出生于地中海的海岸上一个小的海滨城  市Six-Four-Les-Plages,是法国近年相当出色的歌手,嗓音温婉柔美.  其单曲《Je m"appelle Hélène 》连续25周居法国排行榜榜首  1971年2月26日,Hélène Segara出生在地中海畔,父亲来自意大利,却在法国海军艺工队工作,母亲则是税捐处的职员。虽  然在九岁时遭遇到父母离异的变故,并且生活穷困,但丝毫不减她对于音乐的兴趣。在十四岁时,她就决定中断学业,跟著父亲在  蔚蓝海岸的大小Pub 演唱。 Hélène Segara Hélène Segara 也曾经参加过选美,并且夺得后冠。长的漂亮的她,也担任过著  名保养化妆品 Guerlain 娇兰的模特儿。  觉得自己一直是个孩子的她,在家里养了三只狗不算,还有一只兔子,以及一只海鸥!(在出生的蔚蓝海岸捡到的吧?)而  她生命中最大的快乐,就是儿子 Raphael 拉菲尔。  或许叫人难以相信,但是歌声一派温柔,甚至带些悲情色彩的 Hélène Segara Hélène Segara,她最欣赏,并且影响她  的音乐最深的一位艺人,竟然是曲风与歌声都自由狂放、诡异多变的女创作歌手 Tori Amos 多莉艾莫丝!  一直醉心於音乐的 Hélène Segara Hélène Segara ,一直到1993年,二十二岁那年,才在EMI底下出了一张混音单曲,  『Loin』『遥远』,但是并没有引起多大回响。1996年,Hélène Segara 带著 Raphael 拉菲尔 到了巴黎,经人引荐认识了知名  制作人Fabrizio Salvadori,并跟知名经纪人Antoine Angelelli 签约,在华纳唱片推出『Je vous aime Adieu』『我爱你,再见  』之后,如此才真正被歌坛注意。Hélène Segara Hélène Segara签下的这家经纪公司『Orlando』『欧兰朵』,曾经成功捧红  法国的一代妖姬,从上个世纪的七○年代红到九○年代的 Dalida 达利妲;有这么够实力的经纪公司撑腰,Hélène Segara Hél  ène Segara果然前程似锦,演艺事业从此踏上康庄坦途。  1996年7月19日,首张专辑『Coeur de Verre』『玻璃心』发行;1997年就跟著名男高音 Andréa Bocelli 安德烈波伽利合  唱『Vivo Per Lei』『为她而活』,1998年便主唱了电影『真假公主』『Anastasia』法文版的主题曲『Loin du Froid de  Décembre』。同年出饰法国近年最轰动歌舞剧,由知名剧作家,也是发掘 Celien Dion 的名创作人Luc Plamondon 路克的最新力  作,『Notre Dame de Paris』女主角, Esméralda 艾斯美哈达(主题曲『Vivre』『活著』)。  2000年1月29日趁胜追击,推出个人第二张专辑『Au Nom d"Une Femme』『女人的名字』;从2000年11月到2001年的10月,  Hélène Segara举行了个人的第一次巡回演唱,地点横跨法国、比利时与瑞士;她也登上了著名的L"Olympia 奥林匹亚运动场;  2003年3月10日第三张个人专辑『Humaine』上市。  有人叫她法国温婉天后,有人叫她疗伤天后,她的歌声,只要飘扬在空气中便能舒缓人的心灵。心情好,心情坏,只要有她的歌声  嘴角便可生出微笑;是白昼,是深夜,只要跟随她的声线便能到达安祥所在。她就是Hélène Ségara。......

Lieb’Mich - Helene Fischer 中文歌词

德国流行歌手Helene Fischer原为德裔俄国人,1984年8月5日出生于西伯利亚城市 Krasnojarsk,1988年跟随她父母移民德国,定居于莱茵兰-普法尔茨州的小镇Wollstein。 从幼年起 Helene Fischer 就喜欢登台亮相,先是在幼儿园、家庭聚会上,然后是在学校的剧组里。念完中学后,她在法兰克福的表演与音乐学院(Stage & Musical School)学习了三年,毕业于音乐剧表演专业。在学习期间她已得以受聘表演,先是在达姆施塔特市国家戏院(Staatstheater Darmstadt) 的“Rocky Horror Show” 节目中参演,然后在法兰克福市的民剧院(Volkstheater Frankfurt)上演的流行歌曲剧“Fifty-Fifty” 和音乐剧 “Anatevka”中出场

helene 的 我的名字叫伊莲 的中文翻译(最好带法文原文)?

Je m"appelle Hélène   我的名字叫伊莲   Je suis une fille   我是一个女孩   Comme les autres   像其他的女孩一样   Hélène   伊莲   J"ai mes joies mes peines   我有我的欢乐和忧伤   Elles font ma vie   这就是我的生活   Comme la votre   就像你们的一样   Je voudrais trouver l"amour   我想找到爱情   Simplement trouver l"amour   只不过想找到爱情   Hélène   伊莲   Je m"appelle Hélène   我的名字叫伊莲   Je suis une fille   我是一个女孩   Comme les autres   像其他的女孩一样   Hélène   伊莲   Si mes nuits sont pleines   如果每夜都有   De rêves de poémes   美梦和诗歌   Je n"ai rien d"autre   我会别无所求   Je voudrais trouver l"amour   我想找到爱情   Simplement trouver l"amour   只不过想找到爱情   Et même   就算   Si j"ai ma photo   如果我的照片   Dans tous les journaux   能在所有的报纸上   Chaque semaine   每周都有   Personne,ne m"attend le soir   (可是)晚上却没有人在等候我   Quand je rentre tard   当我晚归的时候   Personne ne fait battre mon coeur   没有人让我心如鹿撞   Lorsque s"eteignent les projecteurs   因为聚光灯熄灭了   Hélène   伊莲   Je m"appelle Hélène   我的名字叫伊莲   Je suis une fille   我是一个女孩   Comme les autres   象其他的女孩一样   Je voudrais trouver l"amour   我想找到爱情   Simplement trouver l"amour   只不过想找到爱情   Et même   就算   Quand à la télè   你们在电视上   Vous me regardez   看到我   Sourire et chanter   欢歌笑语   Personne,ne m"attend le soir   (可是)晚上却没有人在等候我   Quand je rentre tard   当我晚归的时候   Personne ne fait battre mon coeur   没有人让我心如鹿撞   Lorsque s"eteignent les projecteurs   因为聚光灯熄灭了   Hélène   伊莲   Je m"appelle Hélène   我的名字叫伊莲   Je suis une fille   我是一个女孩   Comme les autres   象其他的女孩一样   Hélène   伊莲   Et toutes mes peines   我的所有忧伤   Trouveront l"oubli un jour ou l"autre   在某一天都会被忘掉   Quand je trouverai l"amour   当我找到爱情的时候   Quand je trouverai l"amour   当我找到爱情的时候   Quand je trouverai l"amour   当我找到爱情的时候   Quand je trouverai l"amour   当我找到爱情的时候

Helene 土卫十二(中英)

Helene is the thirteenth of Saturn"s known satellites:   orbit: 377,400 km   diameter: 33 km (36 x 32 x 30)   Helene is the name of an Amazon who battled with Achilles.   Discovered by Laques and Lecacheux in 1980 from ground-based observations.   Helene is in Dione"s leading Lagrange point and hence was sometimes referred to as "Dione B".   土卫十二是距土星第十三近卫星:   公转轨道:377,400 千米   卫星直径:33 千米 (36 x 32 x 30)   Helene是与Achilles战斗的亚马逊人名。   它是在1980年被地面天文台的Laques和Lecacheux发现的。   土卫十二在Dione土卫四的拉格朗日前点上,因此有时它被称为“Dione B”。


准确的说是法文歌曲! Je M"appelle Helene(我的名字伊莲) 歌手:Helene Segara Helene Segara - Je M"appelle Helene (我的名字是伊莲) Hélène Je m"appelle Hélène Je suis une fille Comme les autres Hélène J"ai mes joies mes peines Elles font ma vie Comme la votre Je voudrais trouver l"amour Simplement trouver l"amour Hélène Je m"appelle Hélène Je suis une fille Comme les autres Hélène Si mes nuits sont pleines De rêves de poémes Je n"ai rien d"autre Je voudrais trouver l"amour Simplement trouver l"amour Et même Si j"ai ma photo Dans tous les journaux Chaque semaine Personne Ne m"attend le soir Quand je rentre tard Personne ne fait battre mon coeur Lorsque s"eteignent les projecteurs Hélène Je m"appelle Hélène Je suis une fille Comme les autres Je voudrais trouver l"amour Simplement trouver l"amour Et même Quand à la télè Vous me regardez Sourire et chanter Personne Ne m"attend le soir Quand je rentre tard Personne ne fait battre mon coeur Lorsque s"eteignent les projecteurs Hélène Je m"appelle Hélène Je suis une fille Comme les autres Hélène Et toutes mes peines Trouveront l"oubli Un jour ou l"autre Quand je trouverai l"amour Quand je trouverai l"amour Quand je trouverai l"amour Quand je trouverai l"amour


n. 海琳(等于Helen)


按法语念是[ei"len] n.f.海琳

Helene 是法语中的什么意思?





Helene用拼音标识发音是:he lín 。Helene音标:[hu0259"li:n] 中文谐音:和林n. 海琳(等于Helen)例句When I left Russia a few days later, Helene gave me one of those trademark Russian fur hats. 几天后当我离开俄国时, 海琳给了我一顶标志性的俄罗斯皮帽。



Helmet的《Enemies》 歌词

歌曲名:Enemies歌手:Helmet专辑:Size MattersEnemiesRyan CabreraIn the backseat of a yellow taxifeel your heart beatdeception is intenseand you think I didn"t knowIts like Bombay traffic in my mind,how can you keep up with all your lies,and you think I didn"t notice...I said keep your enemies close and your lovers closerI"m letting you know the show is over nowso lean in closer nowkeep your hands upso I can seeI think its too lateyou got the best of meso lean in closerkeep your enemies close and your lovers closerAnd its hard to but you cant refuseThe first to volunteer to be abused liked thisdon"t act like you don"t knowWere in the bedroom of your very best friendI"m fucking guiltyI said keep your enemies close and your lovers closerI"m letting you know the show is over nowso lean in closer nowkeep your hands upso i can seeI think its too lateyou got the best of meso lean in closerso lean in closerDon"t say that were something were notIf we think to much then were gonna get caughtDon"t say that were something were notThe truth is maybe I wanna get caughtKeep your enemies close and your lovers closerKeep your enemies close and your lovers closerI said keep your enemies close and your lovers closerI"m letting you know the show is over nowso lean in closer nowkeep your hands upso i can seeI think its too lateyou got the best of meso lean in closerso lean in closerkeep your enemies close and your lovers closerhttp://music.baidu.com/song/449369


Print: Eminem - Renegade Lyrics print version[Jay-Z]Motherfuckers -say that I"m foolish I only talk about jewels (bling bling)Do you fools listen to music or do you just skim through it?See I"m influenced by the ghetto you ruinedThat same dude you gave nothin, I made somethin doinwhat I do through and through andI give you the news - with a twist it"s just his ghetto point-of-viewThe renegade; you been afraidI penetrate pop culture, bring "em a lot closer to the block where theypop toasters, and they live with they momsGot dropped roasters, from botched robberies niggaz crotched overMommy"s knocked up cause she wasn"t watched overKnocked down by some clown when child support knockedNo he"s not around - now how that sound to ya, jot it downI bring it through the ghetto without ridin "roundhidin down duckin strays from frustrated youths stuck in they waysJust read a magazine that fucked up my dayHow you rate music that thugs with nothin relate to it?I help them see they way through it - not youCan"t step in my pants, can"t walk in my shoesBet everything you worth; you lose your tie and your shirt[Eminem]Since I"m in a position to talk to these kids and they listenI ain"t no politician but I"ll kick it with "em a minuteCause see they call me a menace; and if the shoe fits I"ll wear itBut if it don"t, then y"all"ll swallow the truth grin and bear itNow who"s these king of these rude ludicrous lucrative lyricsWho could inherit the title, put the youth in hystericsUsin his music to steer it, sharin his views and his meritsBut there"s a huge interference - they"re sayin you shouldn"t hear itMaybe it"s hatred I spew, maybe it"s food for the spiritMaybe it"s beautiful music I made for you to just cherishBut I"m debated disputed hated and viewed in Americaas a motherfuckin drug addict - like you didn"t experiment?Now now, that"s when you start to stare at who"s in the mirrorand see yourself as a kid again, and you get embarrasedAnd I got nothin to do but make you look stupid as parentsYou fuckin do-gooders - too bad you couldn"t do good at marriage!(Ha ha!) And do you have any clue what I had to do to get here I don"tthink you do so stay tuned and keep your ears glued to the stereoCause here we go - he"s {*Jigga joint Jigga-chk-Jigga*And I"m the sinister, Mr. Kiss-My-Ass it"s just the[Chorus: Eminem + Jay-Z][Em] RENEGADE! Never been afraid to saywhat"s on my mind at, any given time of dayCause I"m a RENEGADE! Never been afraid to talkabout anything (ANYTHING) anything (ANYTHING), RENEGADE![Jay] Never been afraid to saywhat"s on my mind at, any given time of dayCause I"m a {RENEGADE Never been afraid to hollerabout anything {anything? Anything {ANYTHING![Jay-Z]I had to hustle, my back to the wall, ashy knucklesPockets filled with a lot of lint, not a centGotta vent, lot of innocent of lives lost on the project benchWhatchu hollerin? Gotta pay rent, bring dollars inBy the bodega, iron under my coat, feelin braverDoo-rag wrappin my waves up, pockets full of hopeDo not step to me - I"m awkward, I box leftier oftenMy pops left me an orphan, my momma wasn"t homeCould not stress to me I wasn"t grown; "specially on nightsI brought somethin home to quiet the stomach rumblingsMy demeanor - thirty years my seniorMy childhood didn"t mean much, only raisin green upRaisin my fingers to critics; raisin my head to the skyBig I did it - multi before I die (nigga)No lie, just know I chose my own fateI drove by the fork in the road and went straight[Eminem]See I"m a poet to some, a regular modern day ShakespeareJesus Christ the King of these Latter Day Saints hereTo shatter the picture in which of that as they paint meas a monger of hate and Satan a scatter-brained atheistBut that ain"t the case, see it"s a matter of tasteWe as a people decide if Shady"s as bad as they say he isOr is he the latter - a gateway to escape?Media scapegoat, who they can be mad at todaySee it"s easy as cake, simple as whistlin Dixiewhile I"m wavin the pistol at sixty Christians against meGo to war with the Morons, take a bath with the Catholicsin holy water - no wonder they try to hold me under longerI"m a motherfuckin spiteful, DELIGHTFUL eyefulThe new Ice Cube - motherfuckers HATE to like youWhat did I do? (huh?) I"m just a kid from the guttermakin this butter off these bloodsuckers, cause I"m a muh"fuckin[Chorus] - repeat 2X http://www.lyrics007.com/Eminem%20Lyrics/Renegade%20Lyrics.html 这个网站可以查到很多艺人的歌词,推荐

renegade 歌词翻译

Renegade 这首歌里的RENEGADE我翻译成了叛徒,其实它就是指肆无忌惮地发表评论的人.不要误解了[Jay-Z]Motherfuckers -say that I"m foolish I only talk about jewels (bling bling)这帮×说我很傻,说我只会炫耀我的珠宝Do you fools listen to music or do you just skim through it?你们这帮蠢家伙是真的聆听我的音乐还是在略读?See I"m influenced by the ghetto you ruined被你们摧毁的GHETTO在潜移默化我That same dude you gave nothin, I made somethin doin那个你什么都舍不得给的家伙,what I do through and through and我把我一直做的事情作出了文章I give you the news - with a twist it"s just his ghetto point-of-view我给你带来真实的新闻,但从一个穷人的角度The renegade; you been afraid我是叛徒,你们都害怕I penetrate pop culture, bring "em a lot closer to the block where they我刺破音乐与现实的隔阂,pop toasters and they live with their moms got drop 把音乐拉近到居住在穷困区的那些人们roasters from botched robberies niggas crouched over东西放不到两天就要被偷mommies knocked up cause she wasn"t wached over knocked 年轻的女孩没有注意,生下了孩子,但down by some clown when child support knocked孩子他爸才不理睬。no he"s not around now how that sound to ya, jot it down子女抚养费,也没有被提供,我的音乐记录的就是这个I bring it through the ghetto without ridin "round我把我的歌带入ghetto 没有那么多费话hidin down duckin strays from frustrated youths stuck in they ways躲避那些顽固地不良少年Just read a magazine that fucked up my day今天读了一份杂志毁了我一天的心情How you rate music that thugs with nothin relate to it 你怎么用毫无相干的音乐来评论歹徒(歹徒不是贬义)?i help them see their way through it - not you cant 我让他们睁开双眼审视,step in my pants cant walk in my shoes bet everything 你们不能想象我的生活,你们和我换位生存不了you worth you lose your tie and your shirt我可以和你打赌,你连领带和衬衣都保不主[Eminem]Since I"m in a position to talk to these kids and they listen我现在在的位置是一个可以与少年沟通的身份I ain"t no politician but I"ll kick it with "em a minute我不时政治家,但我还是和他们(政治家)争论一下Cause see they call me a menace; and if the shoe fits I"ll wear it因为他们把我称做祸害,如果这只鞋合适我也就穿了But if it don"t, then y"all"ll swallow the truth grin and bear it但如果不是那你们都得把事实吞下去,并闭嘴Now who"s these king of these rude ludicrous lucrative lyrics谁是这些滑稽但又有经济效益的歌词的王者?Who could inherit the title, put the youth in hysterics谁有资格带上这顶帽子,让这些青年们疯狂?Usin his music to steer it, sharin his views and his merits用他的音乐来引导,分享他的观点和功劳But there"s a huge interference - they"re sayin you shouldn"t hear it但是有一个很大的干扰,因为他们说你不应该听我Maybe it"s hatred I spew, maybe it"s food for the spirit也许我字里行间喷出来的愤怒,也许出来的是值得思考咀嚼的内容Maybe it"s beautiful music I made for you to just cherish也许纯粹就是让你开心的美妙的音乐But I"m debated disputed hated and viewed in Americaas a motherfuckin drug addict - like you didn"t experiment?但我在国家的形象是一个被辩论,被争执,被仇恨的瘾君子,好象你们年轻的时候没有尝试Now now, that"s when you start to stare at who"s in the mirror如果你现在去照照镜子and see yourself as a kid again, and you get embarrased看看你反老还童做为孩子的样子And I got nothin to do but make you look stupid as parents这时你们会感到无比的羞耻,我就要是让你们做家长的感到自卑You fuckin do-gooders - too bad you couldn"t do good at marriage!你们这些做善者,可惜你们在婚姻上没有那么"善"(Ha ha!) And do you have any clue what I had to do to get here I don"t你们知道我到达这块台阶经历过的一切?think you do so stay tuned and keep your ears glued to the stereo我不那么认为,那么你就俯首帖耳地聆听我的叙述Cause here we go - he"s {*Jigga joint Jigga-chk-Jigga*}And I"m the sinister, Mr. Kiss-My-Ass it"s just a我们就要开始,我就是一个[Chorus: Eminem + Jay-Z][Em] RENEGADE! Never been afraid to say叛徒!我从来不忌讳说任何东西what"s on my mind at, any given time of day在任何时间,只要在我的脑海里我就会把它说出来Cause I"m a RENEGADE! Never been afraid to talk因为我是叛徒!从来不害怕说任何东西,不管后果是怎样about anything (ANYTHING) anything (ANYTHING), RENEGADE![Jay] Never been afraid to saywhat"s on my mind at, any given time of dayCause I"m a {RENEGADE} Never been afraid to hollerabout anything {anything?} Anything {ANYTHING!}(一样的)[Jay-Z]I had to hustle, my back to the wall, ashy knuckles我得奋斗,我背帖着墙,满身是灰尘Pockets filled with a lot of lint, not a cent口袋里,处了毛绒什么都没有Gotta vent, lot of innocent of lives lost on the project bench我需要发泄,那么多生命丢失在project bench上(不太清楚他指什么,可能是指等待和盲目地奋斗)Whatchu hollerin? Gotta pay rent, bring dollars in叫什么?无论如何都得交房租,都得挣钱By the bodega, iron under my coat, feelin braver在酒场旁,大衣里面藏着点武器,心理舒服了点,勇气增加了Doo-rag wrappin my waves up, pockets full of hopeDoo-rag把我的头发包起,口袋里装着希望Do not step to me - I"m awkward, I box leftier often别没事惹我,我很别扭,???My pops left me an orphan, my momma wasn"t home我的老窦遗弃了婴儿的我,我的老母也不在家Could not stress to me I wasn"t grown; "specially on nights我生长的环境那么恶略,I brought somethin home to quiet the stomach rumblings有几个晚上我才有机会带点东西回家来添肚子?My demeanor - thirty years my senior我早熟,行为举止比本身大30年My childhood didn"t mean much, only raisin green up我的童年没有什么意义,Raisin my fingers to critics; raisin my head to the sky指责评论家们,抬头仰望天空Big I did it - multi before I die (nigga)Notorious Big,我做到了,我在死之前有了multi-platinum专辑(Jay-z大概是跟BIG有过什么承诺)No lie, just know I chose my own fate这不是谎言,我知道我选择了自己的命运I drove by the fork in the road and went straight我来到路口选择了往前走[Eminem]See I"m a poet to some, a regular modern day Shakespeare我对大多人来讲就是一个现代化的诗人Jesus Christ the King of these Latter Day Saints here(这句话大致意思是"我像一个神")To shatter the picture in which of that as they paint me我要粉碎我在他们眼中的的形象as a monger of hate and Satan a scatter-brained atheist一个贩卖仇恨和撒旦缺心眼的无神论者(上句所说的形象)But that ain"t the case, see it"s a matter of taste但这不是情况,其实是你们自己的品位We as a people decide if Shady"s as bad as they say he is你们自己决定Shady到底有没他们描述的那么坏Or is he the latter - a gateway to escape?或者他是后者,、只是一扇逃避现实的门Media scapegoat, who they can be mad at today媒体的替罪羊,他们指责的对象See it"s easy as cake, simple as whistlin Dixie这样做小菜一碟while I"m wavin the pistol at sixty Christians against me我冲着个60个基督教徒挥动着手枪Go to war with the Mormons, take a bath with the Catholics跟摩门教徒战争,又跟天主教徒一起洗澡in holy water - no wonder they try to hold me under longer在神圣的水中,哦,怪不得他们试图把我按在水底下久点I"m a motherfuckin spiteful, DELIGHTFUL eyeful我是一个怀恨的,但有令人愉快的景色The new Ice Cube - motherfuckers HATE to like you一个新的Ice Cube(NWA的成员)这些人即恨你,但又不得不喜欢你What did I do? (huh?) I"m just a kid from the gutter我究竟干什么了?我只不过是一个赚你们这些吸血动物的钱的小孩。makin this butter off these bloodsuckers, cause I"m a muh"fuckin因为我是一个[Chorus] - repeat 2X真累.shout out to my boy lyle!


[Jay-Z] Motherfuckers- saythatI"mfoolishIonlytalkaboutjewels(blingbling) Doyoufoolslistentomusicordoyoujustskimthroughit? SeeI"minfluencedbytheghettoyouruined Thatsamedudeyougavenothin,Imadesomethindoin whatIdothroughandthroughand Igiveyouthenews-withatwistit"sjusthisghettopoint-of-view Therenegade;youbeenafraid Ipenetratepopculture,bring"emalotclosertotheblockwherethey poptoastersandtheylivewiththeirmomsgotdroproastersfrombotchedrobberiesniggascrouchedover mommiesknockedupcauseshewasn"twachedoverknockeddownbysomeclownwhenchildsupportknocked nohe"snotaroundtnowhowthatsoundtoya,jotitdown Ibringitthroughtheghettowithoutridin"round hidindownduckinstraysfromfrustratedyouthsstuckintheyways Justreadamagazinethatfuckedupmyday Howyouratemusicthatthugswithnothinrelatetoitihelpthemseetheirwaythroughit-notyoucantstepinmypantscantwalkinmyshoesbeteverythingyouworthyouloseyourtieandyourshirt[Eminem] SinceI"minapositiontotalktothesekidsandtheylisten Iain"tnopoliticianbutI"llkickitwith"emaminute Causeseetheycallmeamenace;andiftheshoefitsI"llwearit Butifitdon"t,theny"all"llswallowthetruthgrinandbearit Nowwho"sthesekingoftheserudeludicrouslucrativelyrics Whocouldinheritthetitle,puttheyouthinhysterics Usinhismusictosteerit,sharinhisviewsandhismerits Butthere"sahugeinterference-they"resayinyoushouldn"thearit Maybeit"shatredIspew,maybeit"sfoodforthespirit Maybeit"sbeautifulmusicImadeforyoutojustcherish ButI"mdebateddisputedhatedandviewedinAmerica asamotherfuckindrugaddict-likeyoudidn"texperiment? Nownow,that"swhenyoustarttostareatwho"sinthemirror andseeyourselfasakidagain,andyougetembarrased AndIgotnothintodobutmakeyoulookstupidasparents Youfuckindo-gooders-toobadyoucouldn"tdogoodatmarriage! (Haha!)AnddoyouhaveanycluewhatIhadtodotogethereIdon"t thinkyoudosostaytunedandkeepyourearsgluedtothestereo Causeherewego-he"s{*JiggajointJigga-chk-Jigga*} AndI"mthesinister,Mr.Kiss-My-Assit"sjusta [Chorus:Eminem+Jay-Z] [Em]RENEGADE!Neverbeenafraidtosay what"sonmymindat,anygiventimeofday CauseI"maRENEGADE!Neverbeenafraidtotalk aboutanything(ANYTHING)anything(ANYTHING),RENEGADE! [Jay]Neverbeenafraidtosay what"sonmymindat,anygiventimeofday CauseI"ma{RENEGADE}Neverbeenafraidtoholler aboutanything{anything?}Anything{ANYTHING!}[Jay-Z] Ihadtohustle,mybacktothewall,ashyknuckles Pocketsfilledwithalotoflint,notacent Gottavent,lotofinnocentofliveslostontheprojectbench Whatchuhollerin?Gottapayrent,bringdollarsin Bythebodega,ironundermycoat,feelinbraver Doo-ragwrappinmywavesup,pocketsfullofhope Donotsteptome-I"mawkward,Iboxleftieroften Mypopsleftmeanorphan,mymommawasn"thome CouldnotstresstomeIwasn"tgrown;"speciallyonnights Ibroughtsomethinhometoquietthestomachrumblings Mydemeanor-thirtyyearsmysenior Mychildhooddidn"tmeanmuch,onlyraisingreenup Raisinmyfingerstocritics;raisinmyheadtothesky BigIdidit-multibeforeIdie(nigga) Nolie,justknowIchosemyownfate Idrovebytheforkintheroadandwentstraight[Eminem] SeeI"mapoettosome,aregularmoderndayShakespeare JesusChristtheKingoftheseLatterDaySaintshere Toshatterthepictureinwhichofthatastheypaintme asamongerofhateandSatanascatter-brainedatheist Butthatain"tthecase,seeit"samatteroftaste WeasapeopledecideifShady"sasbadastheysayheis Orishethelatter-agatewaytoescape? Mediascapegoat,whotheycanbemadattoday Seeit"seasyascake,simpleaswhistlinDixie whileI"mwavinthepistolatsixtyChristiansagainstme GotowarwiththeMormons,takeabathwiththeCatholics inholywater-nowondertheytrytoholdmeunderlonger I"mamotherfuckinspiteful,DELIGHTFULeyeful ThenewIceCube-motherfuckersHATEtolikeyou WhatdidIdo?(huh?)I"mjustakidfromthegutter makinthisbutteroffthesebloodsuckers,causeI"mamuh"fuckin[Chorus]-repeat2X


[Jay-Z]Motherfuckers -say that I"m foolish I only talk about jewels (bling bling)Do you fools listen to music or do you just skim through it?See I"m influenced by the ghetto you ruinedThat same dude you gave nothin, I made somethin doinwhat I do through and through andI give you the news - with a twist it"s just his ghetto point-of-viewThe renegade; you been afraidI penetrate pop culture, bring "em a lot closer to the block where theypop tosters and they live with thier moms got drop roasters from box robberies niggas crouched overmommies knocked up cause she wasn"t wached over knocked down by some clown when child support knocked no he"s not around tnow how that sound to ya, jot it downI bring it through the ghetto without ridin "roundhidin down duckin strays from frustrated youths stuck in they waysJust read a magazine that fucked up my dayHow you rate music that thugs to nothin relate to it i help them see their weight through it not you cant step in my pants cant walk in my shoes bet everything your worth you lose your tie and your shirt[Eminem]Since I"m in a position to talk to these kids and they listenI ain"t no politician but I"ll kick it with "em a minuteCause see they call me a menace; and if the shoe fits I"ll wear itBut if it don"t, then y"all"ll swallow the truth grin and bear itNow who"s these king of these rude ludicrous lucrative lyricsWho could inherit the title, put the youth in hystericsUsin his music to steer it, sharin his views and his meritsBut there"s a huge interference - they"re sayin you shouldn"t hear itMaybe it"s hatred I spew, maybe it"s food for the spiritMaybe it"s beautiful music I made for you to just cherishBut I"m debated disputed hated and viewed in Americaas a motherfuckin drug addict - like you didn"t experiment?Now now, that"s when you start to stare at who"s in the mirrorand see yourself as a kid again, and you get embarrasedAnd I got nothin to do but make you look stupid as parentsYou fuckin do-gooders - too bad you couldn"t do good at marriage!(Ha ha!) And do you have any clue what I had to do to get here I don"tthink you do so stay tuned and keep your ears glued to the stereoCause here we go - he"s {*Jigga joint Jigga-chk-Jigga*}And I"m the sinister, Mr. Kiss-My-Ass it"s just a[Chorus: Eminem Jay-Z][Em] RENEGADE! Never been afraid to saywhat"s on my mind at, any given time of dayCause I"m a RENEGADE! Never been afraid to talkabout anything (ANYTHING) anything (ANYTHING), RENEGADE![Jay] Never been afraid to saywhat"s on my mind at, any given time of dayCause I"m a {RENEGADE} Never been afraid to hollerabout anything {anything?} Anything {ANYTHING!}[Jay-Z]I had to hustle, my back to the wall, ashy knucklesPockets filled with a lot of lint, not a centGotta vent, lot of innocent of lives lost on the project benchWhatchu hollerin? Gotta pay rent, bring dollars inBy the bodega, iron under my coat, feelin braverDoo-rag wrappin my waves up, pockets full of hopeDo not step to me - I"m awkward, I box leftier oftenMy pops left me an orphan, my momma wasn"t homeCould not stress to me I wasn"t grown; "specially on nightsI brought somethin home to quiet the stomach rumblingsMy demeanor - thirty years my seniorMy childhood didn"t mean much, only raisin green upRaisin my fingers to critics; raisin my head to the skyBig I did it - multi before I die (nigga)No lie, just know I chose my own fateI drove by the fork in the road and went straight[Eminem]See I"m a poet to some, a regular modern day ShakespeareJesus Christ the King of these Latter Day Saints hereTo shatter the picture in which of that as they paint meas a monger of hate and Satan a scatter-brained atheistBut that ain"t the case, see it"s a matter of tasteWe as a people decide if Shady"s as bad as they say he isOr is he the latter - a gateway to escape?Media scapegoat, who they can be mad at todaySee it"s easy as cake, simple as whistlin Dixiewhile I"m wavin the pistol at sixty Christians against meGo to war with the Mormons, take a bath with the Catholicsin holy water - no wonder they try to hold me under longerI"m a motherfuckin spiteful, DELIGHTFUL eyefulThe new Ice Cube - motherfuckers HATE to like youWhat did I do? (huh?) I"m just a kid from the guttermakin this butter off these bloodsuckers, cause I"m a muh"fuckin[Chorus] - repeat 2X







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★★★★★ 根据甲型H1N1流感疫苗使用说明书上的说明:感冒时不能使用。建议等感冒痊愈后再接种甲型H1N1流感疫苗。★★★★★ 希望我的回答对您有所帮助。★★★★★



hene激光器 发散角

波长632.8nm的视觉函数值为0.2886,该激光束的光通量为:0.2886×683Lm/W×2mW≈0.394Lm. 平面发散角为1mrad,按其角平分线旋转后成立体角,为2msr,则发光强度为:0.394Lm÷2msr≈197Lm/sr=197cd(坎德拉). 出射面积为:2msr×0.5mm×0.5mm÷sr≈(0.5×10^-9)m^2.那么发出的光亮度为:197cd÷(0.5×10^-9)m^2≈(394×10^9)nt(尼特). 摘自大明荧光| 仅供参考


当然不是 你去百度百科查一下 查H1N1 和甲流 都有很清楚的解释哒

HENE流感 主要症状有哪几种

什么是禽流感,有哪些常见症状,怎么预防禽流感的症状依感染禽类的品种、年龄、性别、并发感染程度、病毒毒力和环境因素等而有所不同,主要表现为呼吸道、消化道、生殖系统或神经系统的异常。常见症状有,病鸡精神沉郁,饲料消耗量减少,消瘦;母鸡的就巢性增强,产蛋量下降;轻度直至严重的呼吸道症状,包括咳嗽、打喷嚏和大量流泪;头部和脸部水肿,神经 紊乱和腹泻。这些症状中的任何一种都可能单独或以不同的组合出现。有时疾病暴发很迅速,在没有明显症状时就已发现鸡死亡。另外,禽流感的发病率和死亡率差异很大,取决于禽类种别和毒株以及年龄、环境和并发感染等,通常情况为高发病率和低死亡率。在高致病力病毒感染时,发病率和死亡率可达100%。禽流感潜伏期从几小时到几天不等,其长短与病毒的致病性、感染病毒的剂量、感染途径和被感染禽的品种有关。禽流感病毒怕热不怕冷,病毒在70摄氏度时2分钟内就可以死亡,建议市民最近先别吃白斩鸡等不熟的食物界卫生组织高级官员和泰国卫生部认为,在禽流感疫情流行的今天,应特别注意保护儿童。12岁以下的儿童最容易受到感染。法新社报道,WHO说,病鸡粪便中的H5N1禽流感毒株会在空气中传播,并被风带走。把鸡放在一层叠一层的窄小鸡笼子中,很容易通过其粪便传播禽流感。养鸡者也有吸入病毒的危险。不过,WHO发言人法德勒·沙伊卜说,几乎不可能因食用煮熟的病鸡肉而患病。 他援引WHO专家的话说:“病毒被煮死了。”他强调说,在拔毛前就把鸡煮了也能消灭病毒。WHO警告说,人不管接触什么样的病鸡都同样有危险。只有少量染病的家禽能幸存下来,而那些幸存的家禽至少在10天之内还会排泄含病毒的粪便。亚洲的一些国家和地区现已发生了人类因感染禽流感死亡的病例,生物学家就如何避免感染禽流感提出了几点建议。建议一:别去疫区旅游旅游者应当避免去暴发禽流感的地区。因为目前仍未找到禽流感的病毒源,也不知病毒的真正传播途径以及会否由禽畜传给人类,或者再由人传人。建议二:别与活禽接触如果必须要到禽流感流行的地区,那么必须牢记:禽畜粪便很可能是禽流感传播的途径之一,接触禽畜后切记要用洗手液及清水彻底洗净双手;人们特别是儿童,应避免与活禽接触。建议三:重视疾病预防由于目前还没有有效疫苗,而冬春季节又是呼吸道疾病高发期,专家提醒市民,健康的生活方式对预防疾病非常重要。建议四:重视高温杀毒此外,禽流感病毒对乙醚、氯仿、丙酮等有机溶剂,高温及紫外线均很敏感。在56℃时加热30分钟,60℃时加热10分钟,70℃时加热数分钟,阳光直射40到48小时以及使用常用消毒药均可杀死禽流感病毒在这里面挑一些就够啦


你自己看看吧: 甲流一般在3小时至6小时内,会急速发高烧(37.8℃以上),高烧会持续3天至4天,体温超过37.8℃以上的市民,最好戴好口罩去发热门诊检测;而普通感冒偶尔会发高烧。 绝大多数甲流患者会出现严重头痛,严重甲流患者更有可能会出现全身性肌肉酸痛、关节疼痛,同时伴随有眩晕、腹泻、呕吐等症状或其中部分症状,呼吸道症状轻微或不明显;普通感冒头痛症状轻微,伴随着轻微的全身性肌肉酸痛、关节疼痛,呼吸道症状明显,常以鼻咽部发干、打喷嚏开始,之后出现流涕、鼻塞等症状。 大多数甲流患者会产生严重的疲劳感与虚弱症状;普通感冒偶尔会有轻微的疲劳感。 甲流和季节性流感多暴发于秋季末期和冬春季节。普通感冒则是四季均可发病,特别是温差变化较大的天气,一般人在受凉、淋雨、过度疲劳后,因抵抗力下降,较容易发病。 由于季节性流感高发期已到来,而甲型H1N1流感跟普通感冒和季节性流感的症状区分不明显,专家说,一旦出现咳嗽、流鼻涕、发烧等上呼吸道感染的症状,市民应重视,及时就诊、服药和休息,一旦出现发烧不退、呼吸困难等症状,要到定点医院治疗。如果出现高烧症状,有基础疾病(慢性呼吸系统疾病、心脏病、糖尿病、肾脏病、肝病等)的人群应当注意防护。


你好 其实甲型流感就是猪流感的别称。现在世界卫生组织已经正式更名为甲型H1N1流感。 原称人感猪流感,为避免“猪流感”一词对人们的误导,世界卫生组织在4月30日将此前被称为猪流感的新型致命病毒更名为“A/H1N1型流感”,英文:influenza A (H1N1)。中国按中文惯例将其改称为“甲型H1N1流感”。 什么是甲型H1N1流感(猪流感) 猪流感是一种由A型猪流感病毒引起的猪呼吸系统疾病,该病毒可在猪群中造成流感暴发。通常情况下人类很少感染猪流感病毒。近年在美国等地也出现过人感染猪流感病例,患者大多为与病猪有过直接接触的人。人可能通过接触受感染的生猪或接触被猪流感病毒感染的环境,或通过与感染猪流感病毒的人发生接触。 人感染猪流感后的症状与普通人流感相似,包括发热、咳嗽、喉咙痛、身体疼痛、头痛、发冷和疲劳等,有些还会出现腹泻和呕吐,重者会继发肺炎和呼吸衰竭,甚至死亡。


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请问万智牌里 的暴政套牌(Archenemy . scheme)的尺寸是多少


heroes&generals 怎么注册啊

Heroes & Generals : 英雄与将军 或 英雄和将军。sign in :签到;注册;登记;签收;register ["redu0292u026astu0259] n. 登记;注册;记录;寄存器;登记簿 ;vt. 登记;注册;记录;挂号邮寄;把…挂号;正式提出 ;vi. 登记;注册;挂号;n. (Register)人名;(英)雷吉斯特你要先打开 heroes&generals,这很可能是一个英文游戏网站。 怎么注册呢?你要在网站的页面上找到,我上面给你提供的注册单词:register 或者 sign in 。然后点击它,在其后打开的页面中,输入“用户名”和“密码”进行注册。看来学习英文还是很有必要的啦!



heroes generals是什么游戏

《Heroes & Generals》是一款免费的多人在线的第一人称射击游戏。游戏集合了来自世界各地的玩家选择德、美和苏三方阵营在一场宏大的在线战争中为胜利而战。玩家在游戏中互动,结交朋友,组成战团,无论在团队中扮演步兵,战车,战机,伞兵,侦察兵还是将军的角色,都会在战局中发挥重要作用。游戏中玩家以可以选择不同的角色加入战场,如骑着自行车的步兵,驾驶战斗机的飞行员,伞兵,侦察兵甚至驾驶重型坦克加入战斗。在游戏中玩家由士兵起步,通过参与战斗获得提高等级,解锁缎带,战斗勋章及装备升级的经验和积分。扩展资料英雄与将军《Heroes & Generals》侧重团队协作,游戏中队友永远是你的坚实后盾,无论胜利还是失败,每一个玩家都与团队共进退。玩家在游戏的同时一起交流互动成为朋友。游戏中有时会面对拥有强人数大优势的对手,有组织的团队合作往往是以少胜多的关键。分工明确协同作战,充分利用装甲部队,侦察兵,伞兵的优势去支援军队的支柱步兵是胜利的保证。玩家可根据自己喜欢的风格选择加入不同角色的小队,如步兵,坦克战队,战斗机飞行员,伞兵或者侦察。

《heroes generals》是什么游戏?

《Heroes & Generals》是一款免费的多人在线的第一人称射击游戏。游戏集合了来自世界各地的玩家选择德、美和苏三方阵营在一场宏大的在线战争中为胜利而战。玩家在游戏中互动,结交朋友,组成战团,无论在团队中扮演步兵,战车,战机,伞兵,侦察兵还是将军的角色,都会在战局中发挥重要作用。游戏相关游戏的战场规模将是整个欧洲,同时还提供策略战役管理系统,游戏中有多种兵种,玩家将与其他玩家一起协同作战。游戏中的载具驾驶也很逼真。


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heroes generals是什么游戏?

《英雄与将军》(英语:Heroes & Generals)是一款结合第一人称射击以及即时战略的二战模拟游戏。由独立游戏工作室Reto-Moto开发和发表;该工作室为IO Interactive和杀手系列的原先创始者所创立。开发者称之为‘大型多人参与游戏",以其和大型多人在线游戏有所区别,因为该游戏在FPS战场上的行为会直接影响到世界地图上各势力的领土消长。玩家可扮演纳粹德国、盟军以及苏联。游戏中有步兵、战车兵、飞行员、伞兵等职业可供选择,玩家们透过彼此的合作占领据点进而获得胜利。游戏主要是建立在第一人称射击游戏,但是和游戏中的世界互相链接、影响。玩家开始可以任意选择各阵营的士兵(德军、美军和苏军)并加以升级。该游戏囊括二战时期的坦克、战斗机和路面载具;步兵单位在游戏中亦扮演了相当重要的地位。世界地图上由将军和指挥官策划的行动会影响到第一人称战场上的部队资源、作战地点。玩家会进入各种类型的地图,如平原、乡村、山谷或是城市。人物1、步兵(Infantry):最基本的兵种,可使用大部分武器和吉普车、摩托车、半履带车与防空车等载具,可携带武器量的负重上限也是全兵种最高。2、坦克兵(Tank Crewman):可以使用轻型战车、中型战车、重型战车以及驱逐坦克的兵种,地面部队的主力。3、 机师(Pilot):空军可以使用炸弹和机炮给予友军支持和压制敌方坦克,飞机分为侦察机、战斗机、重型战斗机。4、伞兵(Paratrooper):伞兵由AI操作的运输机送往战场,能在可投落范围内于地图任何地方降落,给予敌方奇袭。5、侦查兵(Recon):在步枪方面拥有较佳的改装件可供选择,默认武器亦为搭配低阶狙击镜的拴式步枪。此兵种可以操作摩托车和装甲车。6、将军(General):所有兵种最终都将达到此军衔;一旦选择转职便无法继续参与第一人称的战场,所有角色持有的物品会被送到仓库供其他士兵使用。转而操纵代表着士兵的棋子、在世界地图战场上派发部队,进而赢得战争。

57.it happened to a friend of mine a year ago.

这是一个真实的故事,这个故事发生在一年前,是关于我一个朋友的. 当我的朋友Peter在床上看书的时候,有两个小偷爬进另外一个房间,屋子里边非常黑,所以他们打开了灯. 突然,他们听到在他们身后传来了声音. “怎么了?”“怎么了?”有人说. 小偷赶紧关了灯,尽他们所能的快速的跑了. Peter听到了动静,然后快速地下楼.他打开了灯,但没有看到任何人. 小偷们已经跑了,但是Peter的鹦鹉Herry还在屋子里.鹦鹉说:“Peter怎么了?” “Herry没事,”Peter微笑着说,“回去睡觉.” 希望能帮到您.

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谁知道21边形的英语? 用一个英文单词说! 不是heneicosagon!

我查了一下,你的词是正确的. 另有:五边形 pentagon 六边形 hexagon 七边形 heptagon 八边形 octagon 九边形 enneagon 十边形 decagon 十一边形 hendecagon 十二边形 dodecagon

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)代表什么?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答! 您所说的这个词语,是属于CFA词汇的一个,掌握好CFA词汇可以让您在CFA的学习中如鱼得水,这个词的翻译及意义如下:一套通用的会计原则、标准及程序。通用会计制度结合了权威标准(由多个政策委员会制定)以及广为接受的会计惯例 希望的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) 是什么意思啊啊?

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)普遍接受的会计原则(gaap)公认会计原则公认会计准则例句筛选1.The generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) require that abusiness use the accrual basis.公认会计原则要求企业采用权责发生制。2.Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) direct a business tomatch the expense of an asset against the revenue that asset produces.公认会计准则指出,企业应将资产的费用与该资产所产生的收入相配比。

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!   GenerallyAcceptedAccountingPrinciples(GAAP)通用会计制度一套通用的会计原则、标准及程序。通用会计制度结合了权威标准(由多个...

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)代表什么

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)通用会计制度一套通用的会计原则、标准及程序。通用会计制度结合了权威标准(由多个政策委员会制定)以及广为接受的会计惯例。

Arch Enemy (大敌乐队)详细资料!

Arch Enemy来自死亡天国瑞典的超级组合,“Arch Enemy”是圣经中圣敌、伟大的恶魔撒旦,队员都有着丰富的组团经验和高超的演奏技法,乐队的成员是吉他Michael Amott和他的弟弟Christopher,主唱Angela Gossow,鼓手Daniel Erlandsson,贝司Sharlee D Angelo.。音乐上Arch Enemy玩的是攻击性旋律化死亡金属,狠辣的Riff,及快速流畅的吉他Solo,乐队的音乐以灭绝人性、精神错乱和压抑为表现思想。传说官方网表明,乐手们是在德国的一件停尸房找到担任工人的新女主唱ANGELA GOSSOW的(现在的主唱)。Arch Enemy恐怕是当今最好的旋律死亡金属乐团之一,拥有纯粹的进攻性,技术高超的创作才能,简单易记的歌曲。他们的前三张专辑《BlackpEarth》《Stigmata》及《BurningpBridges》的发行在极端金属界制造不小的影响,其极富侵略性和技术性的作品获得了极端圈内较高的评价和不俗的销售成绩。极端金属乐团ArchpEnemy巧妙地将Death Metal,Thrash Metal和一部分Progressive Metal的元素融合在一起。2000年,乐队与原主唱Liiva于音乐方面产生了很大的分歧从而分道扬镳。经过了一段时间的搜寻,他们非常幸运地发现了一位来自德国的金属女将—Angela Gossow。Arch Enemy的官方网站称,Angela恶魔般令人恐惧且爆发力极强的低吼立即吸引了每一位团员。他们认定,这个女人就是他们所要寻找的。也正由于Angela这位高大美丽女子的加盟,使Arch Enemy备受外界的关注,同时Angela也成为了乐队的最大亮点,取代了乐队中一直居于领导地位的Amott两兄弟。Angela Gossow全名Angela Nathalie Gossow,生于德国科隆。由于受到家里几个喜欢极端音乐的兄弟的影响,Angela逐渐开始接受并喜欢上了一些重型的,残忍的音乐。Slayer、Morbid Ange ……

gene name是靶点吗

不是靶点。Gene Name是经过HGNC批准的全基因名称。




膳食补充剂.有利于关节功能.主料:魔鬼的,爪(Harpagophytum陌上DC).二次根:干浸膏(1%哈巴俄苷)和灰尘,羟丙基甲基纤维素.含有麦芽糊精.使用方法:每天4粒.数量每日剂量:魔鬼爪600毫克干浸膏(哈巴俄苷6毫克),600毫克粉末.警告:不要在怀孕期间使用,保持了儿童接触不到的地方下三年不超过每日建议剂量.膳食补充剂并不打算作为一个多样化的饮食的替代品.存放在阴凉,干燥的地方. 这是我google到的,我也不懂,不过希望可以帮到你

What is the LOST GENERATION, how did WWI create

Lost Generation is a literature school original in American in the twentieth century. Lost Generation refers to the generation after the World War I. Meanwhile, it also refers to the young writers who lived as expatriates in Western Europe for a short time. Besides Hemingway, there is Lewis Mumford, Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot, Matthew, Sherwood Anderson, and many other novelists. The Lost Generation is also called the Sad Young Man by F. Scott Fitzgerald in his book which describes the disillusioned younger generation after the First World War.The Lost Generation was a group of rebellious youth appeared in America after the First World War. The 1920s was an age of Prohibition. Alcoholic beverages were outlawed by a constitutional amendment. However, young people cheerfully evaded the law in thousands of “speakeasies” (illegal bars). They played jazz, took drugs and bravely denunciated the Puritan morality and the social convention. At the same time, a lot of works appeared to reflect these young men"s depression and sad emotion. They seemed to lose their directions for the future.The Lost Generation"s writers held many common points. At first, all of them were weary of the imperialistic wars but cannot find the way out. Expatriation was another common point. Many young writers had an experience living in the European countries, especially in Paris. Although the government pronounced “recovering the atmosphere before the war”, war had left deep hurt in people"s heart. Therefore, the writers" self-exile became the way escaping from the reality.Actually, the young people"s rebellion was inevitable. It must be remembered that the revolt was not confined within the United States, but affected the entire Western world as the result of the aftermath of the first serious war in a century. Although the government was reluctant to admit, the United States was not isolated from the outside world any more. The October Revolution quickly swept across all over the world, and exposed the inherent contradiction of capitalism. The booming of the industry made the traditional value out of work at that time.The war acted as a direct blasting fuse. The young people"s revolt started with the World War I. At the beginning of the war, people were still idealistic towards the war with the typical American adventurousness. By the strenuous jingoism Theodore Roosevelt"s enhancement, the young men began to enlist under foreign flags. At the same time, all the media such as radios, televisions and newspapers propagated the optimism at the front. Moreover, the government tried its best to persuade the youth to join “the glorious war” under the slogan of “democracy” through which they could realize their personal value. Thus the young men of college age who knew little about modern warfare took part in the European conflicts with the idealistic dream against war and the excitement of the military adventure. However, after witnessing the massacre of human being and tasting the cruelty of modern warfare, the young men began to realize that the war was not the one they thought before. They felt cheated by the government. This turning of mind made them angry.After being fed up with the pains of the war, a lot of soldiers returned home. However, it was despaired to return to a home town totally untouched by the wars and they found their old jobs had been taken by those who did not join in the war. Because of the recession of economy, they could not find a new job. At the same time, the small villages they lived in were uncomfortable to them. They found that the citizens still talked about the war bombastically, which made them guilty for two or three years. The “Lost Generation” was never lost actually. In the book—Backgrounds of American Literature Thought , it was written that “It (The Lost Generation) was shocked, uprooted for a time, bitter critical, rebellious, iconoclastic, experimental, often absurd, more often misdirected—but never ‘lost"”. (Zhang Hanxi, P165, 1995) The achievement in literature can prove this point of view. A lot of great works was produced by the Lost Generation. Generally speaking, the Lost Generation was a group of people who were sobered up by the War.

here was a scene so dreadfully hideous,so intolerably bleak and forlorn that

here was a scene 是倒装A scene was here (here这里只是个地点状语) 后面是定语(相当于形容词) so dreadfully hideous,so intolerably bleak and forlorn 是宾语so .... that ...如此以至于 这一场景如此可怕邪恶和让人无法容忍的阴郁与凄凉以至于他把一个男人的渴望变成了恐怖的让人抑郁的黑色幽默。

Our Generation (The Hope Of The World) 歌词

歌曲名:Our Generation (The Hope Of The World)歌手:CL Smooth&John Legend & The Roots专辑:Wake Up!John Legend - Our GenerationHope of the world is in our generation (let"s straighten it out)It"s all left up to us, to change this present situation (let"s straighten it out)Take caution from our elders, don"t make the same mistake (let"s straighten it out)Let"s fill the world with love, and get rid of all the hateOur elders taught us one thing but, practice anotherJust look what happened to the Indian and the brother(Straighten it out!)(Straighten it out!)(Straighten it out!)Hope of the world is in our generation (let"s straighten it out)It"s all left up to us, to change this present situation (let"s straighten it out)Our leaders make us fight, and we don"t know what for (let"s straighten it out)If they want people killed, let them fight the war!It"s gotta end somewhere, this killing"s got to ceaseIf no one were to fight, we"d all live in peaceOur generation (let"s straighten it out)It"s all left up to us (let"s straighten it out)Our generation (let"s straighten it out)Let"s do just what we mustAnd straighten it out! (Straighten it out)Gotta straighten it out! (Straighten it out)Straighten it out! (Straighten it out)Yeahhh we gon" straighten it out, yeahh!As long as there"s a you, there"s a better meIt"s why we"re together and stronger than they ever thought it could beA world motherless - can health care cover this?A love for all people no matter what the culture isOur generation, is makin huge stridesA self-empowering movement that"s on the riseThe more the door is open, the more the youth can seea fair chance means a greater opportunityTo have a brighter future, deeper insightWork hard to be anything you want in lifeIt"s what it"s all about, the longevityEducated enough to know what"s ahead of meNeed to straighten it out, seek and you"ll findthey can cage your body, but not your mindWe lay it all on the line in the struggleWe grew, but together here"s what we gotta doOur generation (let"s straighten it out)It"s all left up to us (let"s straighten it out)Our generation (let"s straighten it out)Let"s do just what we must, and straighten it out!Our generation - straighten it out!Let"s straighten it out - and straighten it out!Heyyyyyyyyy we can straighten it out, YEAHHH!C"mon yeah! Our generation - let"s straighten it outHey hey, we"ll straighten it outWe"ll straighten it out - straighten it outNew York City, better straighten it outAtlanta, better straighten it outIn Los Angeles, you better straighten it outWe can straighten it out, we can straighten it outmaxrnb - 你的欧美音乐首选http://music.baidu.com/song/7407856


如果你只对结构承受载荷后的长期响应感兴趣,静力分析(static analysis)是足够的。然而,如果加载时间很短(例如在地震中)或者如果载荷在性质上是动态的(例如来自旋转机械的荷载),你就必须采用动态分析(dynamic analysis)。而dynamic implicit是和static general相似,一个用隐士求解低速动力学,一个用隐士求解静力学问题。静力问题不存在时间积分的过程,并不区分显式或隐式,只区分刚度矩阵求逆的直接法或迭代法。

我弄不清楚Imports For Consumption和General Imports区别

进口的目的有很多种,比如进口原材料才生产再加工,或者纯粹的进口消费品。Imports for consumption就是指纯粹的消费品进口,而general imports则包含了更多进口的种类。domestic export 和 export的区别在于 export还包括了foreign export。domestic export指代的是本土生产的产品或者服务,提供给国外贸易伙伴。而foreign export也叫re-export,这些是指以进口身份进入了本国的商品或者服务,但之后就转为出口到国外。本国在其间,只起到一个中转的作用。

Psychologists agree that the indicators of maturity of sexual awareness include

Psychologists agree that the indicators of maturity of sexual awareness include A.Having a correct understanding of the relationship between men and women and understanding the nature, functions and social responsibilitiesof sexB.Expressing sexual impulses and needs in a socially acceptable way; pursuing the other gender and developing relationships normallyC.Having a regular emotion and awareness of sex; actively controlling sexual behavior according to social ethics and legal requirementsD.Learning to discover and explore sex behavior, including same-sex and heterosexual sex正确答案:Having a correct understanding of the relationship between men and women and understanding the nature, functions and social responsibilitiesof sex;Expressing sexual impulses and needs in a socially acceptable way; pursuing the other gender and developing relationships normally;Having a regular emotion and awareness of sex; actively controlling sexual behavior according to social ethics and legal requirements

GANGSTA匪徒OP Renegade TV size的歌词翻译

歌词为完整版。仅供参考。---------------------------------作曲 : STEREO DIVE FOUNDATION作词 : STEREO DIVE FOUNDATION蔑まされた劣势隠す藏起被他人踩在脚下的劣势故ここに立つ意味を持つ故而我重获立足此处的意义决した所以逃げず今探す理由源于一切早已定数 不曾逃避寻觅至今的理由変わらず细胞覚ます光よ那是始终如一唤醒细胞的光芒I wanna renegade down我只想彻底脱离酩酊しそうなほどの耳鸣りがした忽然间侵袭而来的耳鸣 恍若酒精麻痹我的神经ゆっくりと目を开けなければ现在我必须慢慢睁开双眼丧うもの选べない程否则就连失去之物也无法选择何かに缒る意思达よ借外物以延续的意志啊荒んだ结晶持って仍存风雨肆虐后的结晶どこに行こうって言うんだよ它对我说我不该终结于此地生に拘ってない訳でもない揺れる未来切莫拘泥于生死 毫无缘由动摇的未来焦点距离が歪んでしまっただけで只不过是 焦点距离发生了扭曲而已霞む感情繋ぎ止める手段なんて维系朦胧情感的手段过去に置いて来た早就被我丢在了过去それでいいんだ那样就好Take away and do for me抛却所有 为我这般答えのない世界でも即便是找不到答案的世界Carry on and burn it down继续坚持 焚毁所有Get away every bug远离所有的错漏Take away and do for me抛却所有 为我这般渗んだこの声を将这渗透骨血的声音Carry on and burn it down继续坚持 焚毁所有you"ve got to be the one you want你一定会成为你向往已久的那个人そうやって自分をだますことすら就这样连自欺欺人也裏切りに変えてしまっていたから正渐渐的演变成背叛憎しみとか哀れみさえ就连憎恶抑或怜悯心自己犠牲で片付けたんだ都以自我牺牲来打发Take away and do for me抛却所有 为我这般答えのない世界でも即便是找不到答案的世界Carry on and burn it down继续坚持 焚毁所有Get away every bug远离所有的错漏蔑まされた劣势隠す藏起被他人踩在脚下的劣势故ここに立つ意味を持つ故而我重获立足此处的意义决した所以逃げず今探す理由源于一切早已定数 不曾逃避寻觅至今的理由変わらず细胞覚ます光よ那是始终如一唤醒细胞的光芒I wanna renegade down我只想彻底脱离Take away and do for me抛却所有 为我这般答えのない世界でも即便是找不到答案的世界Carry on and burn it down继续坚持 焚毁所有Get away every bug远离所有的错漏Take away and do for me抛却所有 为我这般渗んだこの声を将这渗透骨血的声音Carry on and burn it down继续坚持 焚毁所有You"ve got to be the one you want你一定会成为你向往已久的那个人Breath in breath out fill out your voice呼吸间 你的声音仍在我心间回荡Calling find out your name呼唤 寻找你的名This is your life这就是你的人生You never lose yourself你绝不会失去你自己Why don"t you come为何你还不来我身边These are pieces of you全都是关于你的记忆碎片Why don"t you come为何你还不来我身边Peace out再见

任务:到gene bank 查GAPDH基因



Envole-Moi - M.Pokora / TAL

FRM Membership renewal 是必须的嘛?可以暂停么

浦江财经回答:不是必须的,可以不选择renew报考。直接login your account,取消自动renew即可。只是申请证书的时候要renewal一下。GARP协会有四种会员类型:免费会员,就只是能够浏览网页以及参与一些分部组织的会议,还有协会发布的一些新闻通告,活动email等。普通会员(需要缴纳会费,每年会有一定变化),可以订阅《GARP Risk Review》,全球大牛的文章,据说是。另外还可以出席GARP年度会议、论坛和座谈会等(不过是收费的,只是有打折10%的折扣优惠)。其他的么,就是提醒下,不想成为这个会员的人,记得报名结束之后给取消了。不然第二年自动扣费的,不过这个会员具有GARP事务投票权,作为中国公民,我不了解这个怎么用,有兴趣的考生可以去了解一下。还有一些权利,这个不多说了,因为我也说不清楚,都是一些优惠啊什么的。专业会员(除了会费,还需要考完FRM全部考试),跟普通会员享有的权利一样。就是你考完才能自动升级为这种会员身份。学生会员($50,要求是大学在册生,正在攻读金融、经济等相关领域学位。),这会员身份比较特殊,只能是大学生才能成为这种会员身份,而且还必须是攻读金融、经济等相关领域的学生。权利与普通会员类似,只是没有那个所谓的投票权了。


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