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genetic variation是什么意思


genetic profile是什么意思

genetic profile[英][du0292iu02c8netik u02c8pru0259ufail][美][du0292u0259u02c8nu025btu026ak u02c8prou02ccfau026al]发生剖面; 例句:1.Your genetic profile could be the key to staying healthy and eating right. 你的基因剖面图显示你是否保持健康,饮食得当。2.The genetic profile or "genome" of an organism is determined by recording the fullsequence of acid base pairs that make up its dna. 遗传模式,或者说“基因”,记录于酸碱对序列构成的dna中,确定着一个生物个体

genetic modifier screen应该怎么翻译呢?


genetic ablation 怎么翻译啊?例如genetic ablation of a neuron using a toxin. 谢谢哦。

基因切除。 用毒素实行神经元的基因切除

Genetic screening的中文含义是什么,具体些

遗传筛查(Genetic Screening) [来源:中国科学技术信息研究所加工整理]遗传筛查以群体为对象,检测个人是否携带致病基因(通常指隐性遗传病基因),或某种疾病的易感基因型、风险基因型,以防止可能的疾病在个人身上或者遗传到后代身上发生。筛查可在不同的时期、针对不同的对象进行。

genetic architecture是什么意思

genetic architecture词典遗传结构网络基因构造; 疾病遗传位点构架; 基因结构双语例句 3) the genetic consequences of SR on populations "genetic architecture ( genotypic mean and genetic variance of life history traits).3)在群体遗传结构上有性生殖的遗传效应(基因型均值和生活史性状遗传方差).

genic differentiation和genetic differentiation有什么区别吗

genic和genetic是同义词, 所以应该没有区别, 都是遗传分化的意思

求高手解答:genetic link是什么意思?


genetic material是什么意思

genetic material 英[du0292iu02c8netik mu0259u02c8tiu0259riu0259l] 美[du0292u0259u02c8nu025btu026ak mu0259u02c8tu026ariu0259l] [词典] 遗传物质; [例句]These compounds bind with genetic material in the liver.这些化合物在肝脏中与遗传物质实现结合。

英语genetic constitution怎么翻译?


hereditary .genetic.inherited.三个词有什么不同


hereditary genetic.inherited.三个词有什么不同





简直没什么区别。genetic [du0292u026a"netu026ak] adj. 遗传的;基因的;起源的Genetic counseling 遗传咨询 ; 遗传谘询 ; 基因遗传咨询 ; 遗传征询Genetic programming 遗传编程 ; 遗传规划 ; 基因规划genetic disorder 遗传性疾病 ; 遗传性障碍 ; 遗传病 ; 遗传缺陷genetical [du0292u026a"netu026aku0259l] adj. 遗传的;起源的;创始的genetical population 遗传群体genetical mark 遗传标记 21世纪大英汉词典genetical [du0292i"netiku0259l] adj. =genetic





Stairway Generation 完整版伴奏和歌词


Stairway Generation(银魂OP7)的歌词.要完整版!


求银魂OP《 stairway generation》U0001f62d


银魂 op7Stairway Generation

白黑で终わるよりshi ro ku ro de o wa ru yo ri 比起用黑与白来结束赤白で闭じたいのよa ka shi ro de to ji ta i no yo 更愿意让红与白来终幕孤独という名の风邪ko to ku to i u na no ka ze 名为孤独的感冒青春とは病气だねse i shun to wa byou ki da ne 正是名为青春的疾病积み上げた心の壁がtsu mi a ge ta ko ko ro no ka be ga 如果不断叠起心中的高墙目の高さなら清算をme no ta ka sa na ra se i sa n 就是我们眼之所见的话 请就此结束吧 カラフルに终わるよりka ra fu ru ni o wa ru yo ri比起等待绚丽的完结シズルフルな瞬间(いま)をshi zu ru fu ru na i ma wo 还不如握紧活力四射的现在 「兴味ない」と[kyou mi na i]to 没兴趣缲り返してはku ri ka e shi te wa 这样不停的说着谁よりもきっとつよがっている da re yo ri mo kitto tsu yo gatte i ru 比谁都更要逞强的仆はbo ku wa 就是我Stairway GenerationStairway Generation 阶梯的时代阶段を あがれあがれka i da n wo a ga re a da re 把阶梯努力的攀爬 そして 闻こえますか?so shi te ki ko e ma su ka 然后你听到了吗?系がれますか?tsu na ga re ma su ka 联系在一起了吗?あなたとOne way a na ta to oneway 我将和你一路同行Lost In New GenerationLost in new generation 迷失的新时代 仆はどこに?bo ku wa do ko ni? 我究竟在哪?仆はここにいる。 bo ku wa ko ko ni i ru 我究竟在哪闻こえますか?ki ko e ma su ka 你听到了吗?感じてますか?ka n ji te ma su ka 你感觉到了吗?仆の声をbo ku no ko e wo 我的声音あがるしかないようだa ga ru shi ka na i yo u da 我们只能尽全力攀登Stairway StairwayStairway 阶梯

求stairway generation假名歌词= =

「Stairway Generation」词/曲∶小出佑介TVアニメ『银魂』OP7歌∶Base Ball Bear"白黒(しろくろ)で终(お)わるより 赤(あか)白(しろ)で感(かん)じたいのよ""孤独(こどく)という名(な)の风邪(かぜ) 青春(せいしゅん)とは病気(びょうき)だね""积(つ)み上(あ)げた心(こころ)の壁(かべ)が 目(め)の高(たか)さなら清算(せいさん)を""カラフルに终(お)わるより シズルフルな瞬间(しゅんかん)(いま)を"「兴味(きょうみ)ない」と 缲(く)り返(かえ)しては 谁(だれ)よりもきっと つよがってる 仆(ぼく)はStairway Generation 阶段(かいだん)を あがれあがれそして 闻(き)こえますか? 繋(つな)がれますか? あなたとone wayLost in New Generation 仆(ぼく)はどこに? 仆(ぼく)はここにいる。闻(き)こえますか? 感(かん)じてますか? 仆(ぼく)の声(こえ)をあがるしかないようだ Stairway孤独(こどく)という名(な)の风邪(かぜ) 19で终(お)わりじゃないのかい?高(たか)い场所(ばしょ)登(のぼ)ったら 哀(かな)しさは吹(ふ)き飞(と)ぶのかい?积(つ)み上(あ)げた心(こころ)の壁(かべ)が 高(たか)すぎてよくわかんないおいくらか払(はら)うから 认(みと)めてはくれないか気(き)にするなと 言(い)われてもな 100があるなら 100が欲(ほ)しい 仆(ぼく)はStairway Generation 阶段(かいだん)を あがれあがれそして 闻(き)こえますか? 繋(つな)がれますか? あなたとone wayLost in New Generation 仆(ぼく)はどこに? 仆(ぼく)はここにいる。闻(き)こえますか? 感(かん)じてますか? 仆(ぼく)の声(こえ)をあがるしかないようだ Stairway

Stairway Generation的中文歌词

比起用黑与白来结束shi ro ku ro de o wa ru yo ri 更愿意让红与白来终幕a ka shi ro de to ji ta i no yo 名为孤独的感冒ko to ku to i u na no ka ze 正是名为青春的疾病se i shun to wa byou ki da ne 如果不断叠起心中的高墙tsu mi a ge ta ko ko ro no ka be ga 就是我们眼之所见的话 请就此结束吧 me no ta ka sa na ra se i sa n 比起等待绚丽的完结ka ra fu ru ni o wa ru yo ri还不如握紧活力四射的现在 shi zu ru fu ru na i ma wo 没兴趣 [kyou mi na i]to 这样不停的说着ku ri ka e shi te wa 比谁都更要逞强的 da re yo ri mo kitto tsu yo gatte i ru 就是我bo ku wa 阶梯的时代Stairway Generation 把阶梯努力的攀爬 ka i da n wo a ga re a da re 然后你听到了吗?so shi te ki ko e ma su ka 联系在一起了吗?tsu na ga re ma su ka 我将和你一路同行 a na ta to oneway 迷失的新时代 Lost in new generation 我究竟在哪?bo ku wa do ko ni? 你听到了吗? bo ku wa ko ko ni i ru 你听到了吗?ki ko e ma su ka 你感觉到了吗?ka n ji te ma su ka 我的声音bo ku no ko e wo 我们只能尽全力攀登a ga ru shi ka na i yo u da 阶梯Stairway

Stairway Generation 完整中日对照歌词及罗马发音


Stairway Generation 歌词

歌曲名:Stairway Generation歌手:Base Ball Bear专辑:(What Is The) Love & Pop?「Stairway Generation」词/曲∶小出祐介TVアニメ『银魂』OP7歌∶Base Ball Bear“白黒で终わるより 赤白で闭じたいのよ”“孤独という名の风邪 青春とは病気だね”“积み上げた心の壁が 目の高さなら清算を”“カラフルに终わるより シズルフルな瞬间(いま)を”「兴味ない」と 缲り返しては 谁よりもきっと つよがってる 仆はStairway Generation 阶段を あがれあがれそして 闻こえますか? 繋がれますか? あなたと one wayLost In New Generation 仆はどこに? 仆はここにいる。闻こえますか? 感じてますか? 仆の声をあがるしかないようだ Stairway孤独という名の风邪 19で终わりじゃないのかい?高い场所登ったら 寂しさは吹き飞ぶのかい?积み上げた心の壁が 高すぎでよくわかんないおいくらか払うから 认めてはくれないか気にするなと 言われてもな 100があるなら 100が欲しい 仆はStairway Generation 阶段を あがれあがれそして 闻こえますか? 繋がれますか? あなたと one wayLost In New Generation 仆はどこに? 仆はここにいる。闻こえますか? 感じてますか? 仆の声をStairway... ...あがるしかないようだ Stairway【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/15947977

Stairway Generation 歌词

歌曲名:Stairway Generation歌手:Base Ball Bear专辑:(What Is The) Love & Pop?「Stairway Generation」词/曲∶小出祐介TVアニメ『银魂』OP7歌∶Base Ball Bear“白黒で终わるより 赤白で闭じたいのよ”“孤独という名の风邪 青春とは病気だね”“积み上げた心の壁が 目の高さなら清算を”“カラフルに终わるより シズルフルな瞬间(いま)を”「兴味ない」と 缲り返しては 谁よりもきっと つよがってる 仆はStairway Generation 阶段を あがれあがれそして 闻こえますか? 繋がれますか? あなたと one wayLost In New Generation 仆はどこに? 仆はここにいる。闻こえますか? 感じてますか? 仆の声をあがるしかないようだ Stairway孤独という名の风邪 19で终わりじゃないのかい?高い场所登ったら 寂しさは吹き飞ぶのかい?积み上げた心の壁が 高すぎでよくわかんないおいくらか払うから 认めてはくれないか気にするなと 言われてもな 100があるなら 100が欲しい 仆はStairway Generation 阶段を あがれあがれそして 闻こえますか? 繋がれますか? あなたと one wayLost In New Generation 仆はどこに? 仆はここにいる。闻こえますか? 感じてますか? 仆の声をStairway... ...あがるしかないようだ Stairway【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/15947977

银魂《stairway generation》的中文歌词

比起用黑与白来结束shi ro ku ro de o wa ru yo ri 更愿意让红与白来终幕a ka shi ro de to ji ta i no yo 名为孤独的感冒ko to ku to i u na no ka ze 正是名为青春的疾病se i shun to wa byou ki da ne 如果不断叠起心中的高墙tsu mi a ge ta ko ko ro no ka be ga 就是我们眼之所见的话 请就此结束吧 me no ta ka sa na ra se i sa n 比起等待绚丽的完结ka ra fu ru ni o wa ru yo ri还不如握紧活力四射的现在 shi zu ru fu ru na i ma wo 没兴趣 [kyou mi na i]to 这样不停的说着ku ri ka e shi te wa 比谁都更要逞强的 da re yo ri mo kitto tsu yo gatte i ru 就是我bo ku wa 阶梯的时代Stairway Generation 把阶梯努力的攀爬 ka i da n wo a ga re a da re 然后你听到了吗?so shi te ki ko e ma su ka 联系在一起了吗?tsu na ga re ma su ka 我将和你一路同行 a na ta to oneway 迷失的新时代 Lost in new generation 我究竟在哪?bo ku wa do ko ni? 你听到了吗? bo ku wa ko ko ni i ru 你听到了吗?ki ko e ma su ka 你感觉到了吗?ka n ji te ma su ka 我的声音bo ku no ko e wo 我们只能尽全力攀登a ga ru shi ka na i yo u da 阶梯Stairway

银魂generation stairway平假名歌词(要完整版的)。

如题.最好翻译出来的歌词能准确点.并且比较贴近音乐的节奏. 如果是千千静听那啥,歌还没出呢 你想唱啊这个儿现在还没完整版呢..

base ball bear 为银魂出的那首op"stairway ageneration"出CD了没


歌姬计划2里面是不是有首歌和银魂主题曲 《Stairway Generation》 一样的?我印象中好像有。

1.DEAR 19"s Sound Factory2.巨大少女 40MP3.爱言叶 /DECO*274.サイハテ /小林オニキス5.ロミオとシンデレラ /Doriko6.VOICE /ラヴリーP7.Innocence /源屋/KazuP8.「クローバー.クラブ」 /ゆうゆ 9.サウンド /baker10.マージナル /OSTER project(DIVA1收录)11.ミラクルペイント /OSTER project(DIVA1收录)12.恋色病栋 /OSTER project13.ハト /秦野P(DIVA1收录)14.みくみく菌にご注意 /はややP (DIVA1收录)15.The secret garden /畑亜贵 神前暁(DIVA1收录)16.天鵞绒アラベスク /畑亜贵(DIVA1收录)17.ラブリスト更新中? /畑亜贵(DIVA1收录)18.メルト /RYO(DIVA1收录)19.ワールドイズマイン /RYO(DIVA1收录)20.こっち向いて Baby /RYO21.初めての恋が终わる时 /RYO22.みくみくにしてあげる?【してやんよ】/ika-mo(DIVA1收录)23.Packaged /Kz(DIVA1收录)24.ストロボナイツ /Kz(DIVA1收录)25.Yellow/Kz26.ファインダー (DSLR remix-re:edit) /Kz27.Ievan Polkka (DIVA1收录)28.荒野と森と魔法の歌(miku rin len)/ トラボルタ (DIVA1收录)29.いのちの歌(miku rin len) / トラボルタ (DIVA1收录)30.ココロ / トラボルタ31.MOON /作词:はっか+iroha 作曲:iroha (DIVA1收录)32.炉心融解 /作词:kuma 作曲:iroha33.Promise / samfree34.カラフル×メロディ/作词 minato(流星P)/作曲 doriko/编曲 OSTER project/Guitar 19-iku35.右肩の蝶 /作词:水野悠良 作曲:のりP36.Just Be Friends /Dixie Flatline37.ダブルラリアット /アゴアニキP 38.magnet / minato(流星P)39.Change me /shu-t40.カンタレラ /黒うさP 41.ぽっぴっぽー /ラマーズP 42.初音ミクの激唱 /cosMo(暴走P)43.FROM Y TO Y44.ジェミニ45.ほんとは分かってる46.ハジメテノオト47.DEAR COCOA GIRLS /畑亜贵 神前暁(DIVA1收录)里面没有银魂的歌。

モザイクカケラ 中文歌词和银魂的最新片头曲STAIRWAY GENERATION要整首歌的下载址

歌词: 将细工镶嵌的星星碎片 逐一接连合并描绘 你所给予的相遇别离 原本不应如此 我虽如此默念 可苏醒后却仍然如常的空忙 毫无意义的重复轮回 自觉细工镶嵌的星星碎片 集结制成的[好好生存的手段] 虽然歪曲却如此美丽 即便跌倒亦逞强选择的道路上 散落着无法掩埋的星星碎片 在被众人意志覆盖的世界里 应有着不能让给任何人的东西 可我却被色彩吸引注意 被细工镶嵌的星星碎片 那绚华行色摄去心魂 同时祈望着能到达[朝气的顶点] 心之间隙流入爱的黏着剂 可碎片亦不会相互交融 正因相形差异如此绚丽 因此凹凸不平反而美妙 不要无意识的等待轮班 去寻找属于自己的答案 想要消抹细工镶嵌的星星碎片 鲜明映出的往昔那谎言与过错 如此渴望的坐立不安 回首望去 惊觉仍处于起跑线上只步未行 想要再次尝试拾起梦想 将细工镶嵌的星星碎片 逐一连接合并描绘 你所给予的相遇别离 STAIRWAY GENERATION CD五月底刚刚发售 估计现在还没MP3下 追问: 你能在有MP3的时候通知下吗

import penetration是什么意思

import penetration[英][u02c8impu0254:t u02ccpenu026au02c8treu026au0283u0259n][美][u02c8u026ampu0254rt u02ccpu025bnu026au02c8treu0283u0259n]进口渗透; 双语例句:1.Import penetration ratio refers to the proportion of the domestic sales of a product which is taken up by imports.进口渗透率是指进口产品销售额占国内市场总销售额的比重。2.In the time of import-export related processing trade in the Pearl River Delta, import penetration rates promote labor demand and thus raise the labor income share.进出口高度相关的珠三角加工贸易时代,进口渗透率促进劳动收入份额上升。

鬼泣4中enemy handicap是什么意思


system generator, hdl coder比较

个人觉得hdl coder要更好一些,因为hdl coder可以生成可读的HDL代码,而system generator虽然可以快速建模,但生成的全是网表,灵活性大打折扣

The___runner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes.这里为什么要用average?不用common或者general?

average 指平均的 common指普遍的 general指大概的这句话是说平均每个跑步者15分钟内能跑2英里 average比较符合上下文

要疯了!拜托帮帮我 what effect did american african culture have on the general culture of the USA?

非主流文化(非州)对美国政治制度有影响 The Influence of the Subculture on the American Political System Identified by the classic liberty and American individualism and the emphasis on the liberty, democracy and government by law, the mainstream culture of America is the soul of the establishment of the American political system. However, the subculture assumes the important responsibility of polishing the American political system. The evolution and development of American subculture have influenced the structure of American state power, the legitimacy of system, the civil rights and the election of America. To certain extent, the development process of American subculture is the process to perfect the political system of America.

Benediction Classics 是哪里的出版社

英国牛津, 地址:11 Kiln LaneGarsingtonOxfordOxfordshireOX44 9AR

Benediction 歌词

歌曲名:Benediction歌手:The City Harmonic专辑:I Have a Dream11.Benediction.Grace, peace, and love to YouHope from above to YouJoyfully give all the glory to God as You.Live like you mean itAnd sing like you""re livin"" for God.Go in the power of His glorious mightAll of you, saints in this Kingdom of Light.Live like You mean itAnd sing like you""re livin"" for GodGoodbyeYes, that""s goodbyehttp://music.baidu.com/song/17162500


表示“好”的英语前缀:bene   导语:英语单词里面,尤其是前缀部分如果出现bene的时候,一般表示“好,善”,下面跟着我一起学习一下吧!   例如:benefit利益,benevolence善行,benefactor捐助者,beneficiary受益人,benediction祈福。   ①benediction   A prayer that asks for God"s blessing, especially a prayer that concludes a worship service.   The moment the bishop had finished his benediction, she squeezed quickly out of her row and darted out the cathedral"s side entrance.   In benediction, the bene root is joined by another Latin root, dictio, “speaking” (see DICT), so the word"s meaning becomes something like “well-wishing.” Perhaps the best-known benediction is the so-called Aaronic Benediction from the Bible, which begins, “May the Lord bless you and keep you.” An important section of the Catholic Mass was traditionally known as the Benedictus, after its first word (meaning “blessed”). It was St. Benedict who organized the first Christian monasteries; many Christians have been baptized Benedict in his honor, and 16 popes have taken it as their papal name.   和词根bene搭配的词根dict表示“说”,例如dictate命令,dictator***,predict预言,dictionary词典,contradict矛盾。bene+dict+ion=把“好”说出来=祈福。   ②benefactor   Someone who helps another person or group, especially by giving money.   An anonymous benefactor had given $15 million to establish an ecological institute at the university.   A benefactor may be involved in almost any field. One may endow a scholarship fund; another may give money to expand a library; still another may leave a generous sum to a hospital in her will. The famous benefactions of John D. Rockefeller included the gifts that established the University of Chicago, the Rockefeller Foundation, and Rockefeller University. Many benefactors have reported that giving away their money turned out to be the most rewarding thing they ever did.   benefactor捐助者,施主,可以是捐钱成立助学基金的`人,也可以是出钱建图书馆、建教堂的人, 1890年由石油大王约翰洛克菲勒投资/捐款创办的芝加哥大学(The University of Chicago),简称芝大,是一所位于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥的私立、男女同校、无宗教派别的研究型大学,在1892年10月1日正式开课。芝加哥大学是美国最富盛名的大学之一,共有89位获得诺贝尔奖得主在此工作或学习,为世界之最。   ③beneficiary   A person or organization that benefits or is expected to benefit from something, especially one that receives money or property when someone dies.   Living in a trailer in near-poverty, she received word in the mail that her father had died, naming her as the sole beneficiary of his life-insurance policy.   Beneficiary is often used in connection with life insurance, but it shows up in many other contexts as well. A college may be the beneficiary of a private donation. Your uncle"s will may make a church his sole beneficiary, in which case all his money and property will go to it when he dies. A “third-party beneficiary” of a contract is a person (often a child) who the people signing the contract (which is usually an insurance policy or an employee-benefit plan) want to benefit from it. In a more general way, a small business may be a beneficiary of changes to the tax code, or a restaurant may be the beneficiary when the one across the street closes down and its whole lunch crowd starts coming in.   我们可以看出,beneficiary和benefactor是相对应的,也就是benefactor捐钱最终是给到beneficiary手里的。   ④benevolence   Kindness, generosity.   In those financially desperate years, the young couple was saved only by the benevolence of her elderly great-uncle.   Part of benevolence comes from the Latin root meaning “wish.” The novels of Charles Dickens often include a benevolent figure who rescues the main characters at some point—Mr. Brownlow in Oliver Twist, Abel Magwitch in David Copperfield, Mr. Jarndyce in Bleak House, Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol. To be benevolent, it helps to have money, but it"s not necessary; kind assistance of a nonfinancial sort may turn out to be lifesaving benevolence as well. ;



kido konoha kuroha ene都是什么关系啊求解,还有这些出自阳炎漫画版吗?


这首是什么歌 whenever never whenever never baby and/an never ....singer live you 歌名是什么 歌词听

这是一首非常好听的歌:why would i ever——sam watters。很清澈的女声。对于欧美音乐的问题、我想你大都可以问我。本人非常喜欢欧美音乐。

翻译 I will never forget an accident that happened in my own childhood.When I was a boy of twelve,s

第二天早晨当我去看我的小鸟,在地板上找到的笼子,死了。我很惊讶!发生了什么。我听了很棒的地方的小鸟,左右我想。 亚瑟·韦恩,一个著名的科学家,碰巧在森林我们就住在那里。听到我哭的死,我的鸟,他toldme发生了什么。”母亲戒指,发现她年幼的在笼子里,有时甚至会把它毒药的食物。她认为更好的死亡率比她年轻是为了活着 。从那时起我从未钓到ahy鸟类或把它们在笼子里。所有的鸟儿有权在天空中飞翔。

翻译 I will never forget an accident that happened in my own childhood.When I was a boy of twelve,s

I decided to catch a young bird and keep it in a cage,and in the way,I could have my own musician.我决定去抓一只小鸟并把它关进鸟笼,这样我就拥有我自己的音乐家了

i will never treat him as an enemy如何改成倒装句?

i will never treat him as an enemy,我永远不会把他当作敌人。Never will I treat him as an enemy.

A joke never gains an enemy but loses a friend.戏谑


A joke never gains an enemy but loses a friend. 谁可以分析一下里面的语法知识?

戏谑永远不能化敌为友, 反而常常失去朋友。gain n.在这里不单单是“获得”,他的含义比“获得”更广泛,他是“争取到”的意思,“争取过来”一个敌人,就是化敌为友了。joke玩笑n. never从不adv. enemy敌人n. but但是conj. lose失去v. friend朋友n. 英语谚语 嗯...我只能想到这些了...

有没有人知道Vince Gill - Whenever You Come Around歌词的意思

中英歌词如下^^:The face of an angelpretty eyes that shineI lie awake at night wishing you were mineI"m standing here holding the biggest heartache in townWhenever you come aroundChorus:I get weak in the kneesand I lose my breathOh I try to speak but the words won"t comeI"m so scared to deathAnd when you smile the world turns upside downWhenever you come aroundI feel so helplessI feel just like a kidWhat is it about you that makes me keep my feelings hidI wish I could tell you but the words can"t be foundWhenever you come aroundRepeat chorusAnd when you smile that smileThe whole world turns upside downWhenever you come aroundWhenever you come around天使的脸庞;闪烁的靓眼我夜里无法入睡 希望你能属于我我站在小镇此地 感受最强烈的心痛每当你到来我感觉双膝无力;我无法呼吸哦,我试图说话却短于词句我是如此畏惧至极当你微笑着那微笑 世界为之倾倒每当你到来我感到如此无助;我感觉就像孩子是你之何处而使我掩藏起我的情感希望能对你倾诉,却找不到词句每当你到来我感觉双膝无力;我无法呼吸哦,我试图说话却短于词句我是如此畏惧至极当你微笑着那微笑 世界为之倾倒每当你到来我感觉双膝无力;我无法呼吸哦,我试图说话却短于词句我是如此畏惧至极当你微笑着那微笑 世界为之倾倒每当你到来当你微笑着那微笑世界为之倾倒每当你到来每当你到来

谁有Vince Gill唱的《Whenever You Come Around》的中英互译歌词


有没有人知道Vince Gill - Whenever You Come Around歌词的意思

中英歌词如下^^:The face of an angelpretty eyes that shineI lie awake at night wishing you were mineI"m standing here holding the biggest heartache in townWhenever you come aroundChorus:I get weak in the kneesand I lose my breathOh I try to speak but the words won"t comeI"m so scared to deathAnd when you smile the world turns upside downWhenever you come aroundI feel so helplessI feel just like a kidWhat is it about you that makes me keep my feelings hidI wish I could tell you but the words can"t be foundWhenever you come aroundRepeat chorusAnd when you smile that smileThe whole world turns upside downWhenever you come aroundWhenever you come around天使的脸庞;闪烁的靓眼我夜里无法入睡 希望你能属于我我站在小镇此地 感受最强烈的心痛每当你到来我感觉双膝无力;我无法呼吸哦,我试图说话却短于词句我是如此畏惧至极当你微笑着那微笑 世界为之倾倒每当你到来我感到如此无助;我感觉就像孩子是你之何处而使我掩藏起我的情感希望能对你倾诉,却找不到词句每当你到来我感觉双膝无力;我无法呼吸哦,我试图说话却短于词句我是如此畏惧至极当你微笑着那微笑 世界为之倾倒每当你到来我感觉双膝无力;我无法呼吸哦,我试图说话却短于词句我是如此畏惧至极当你微笑着那微笑 世界为之倾倒每当你到来当你微笑着那微笑世界为之倾倒每当你到来每当你到来



Penelope Houston的《Ride》 歌词

歌曲名:Ride歌手:Penelope Houston专辑:Eighteen Stories DownPrefab Sprout - RideI look around me, and I seefolks leading more constructive lives than me.They don"t do this for reward,they are walking in the footsteps of their Lord;and for themselves, they make no claimsthey may die without the worldknowing their names.But they will ride, ride,home to Jesus, heads held high,they will ride, ride,home to Jesus, heads held high,they will ride, ride,home to Jesus.Some good people, will denyanything that they can"t see with their own eye.They don"t walk, in God"s light,they just walk the way they do because it"s right.And they will ride, ride,home to Jesus, heads held high,they will ride, ride,home to Jesus, heads held high,they will ride, ride,home to Jesus.People hear me, who can know (who can know)if our time on Earth"s the soundcheck or the show?Ask a good man, and there"s no doubthe"ll have too much on his mind to work it out.But he will ride, ride,home to Jesus, head held high,he will ride, ride,home to Jesus, head held high,he will ride,home to Jesus, head held high,he will ride, ride,home to Jesus.http://music.baidu.com/song/7486738


1.在小程序根目录用npm init命令生成package.json文件 2.安装依赖:npm i regenerator-runtime -S; 注意:-S表示装在dependencies依赖下面,后续步骤中,小程序npm构建是读dependencies字段的; 在需要使用async、await关键字的地方引入regenerator-runtime


维基百科给的定义: 语法糖 (英语:Syntactic sugar)是由英国 计算机科学家 彼得·兰丁 发明的一个术语,指 计算机语言 中添加的某种语法,这种语法对语言的功能没有影响,但是更方便程序员使用。语法糖让程序更加简洁,有更高的可读性。 简单说,语法糖就是改变了一种形式,这种形式让程序的书写更加简洁明了 定义一个函数fn,接受参数num 写一个Generator依次调用传递的参数 async函数的写法 我们发现async函数把testGen里的*替换成 async,将 yield 替换成 await而已。所以说async/await是generator的语法糖 原文: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/RmslOGB6gLUHNFqY5ElQRA 下一篇:JS版数据结构-栈

谁知道希腊神话中Odysseus的最后一章Odysseus and penelope的主要内容

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odyssey英语的可以吗?这是最后的故事大纲Meanwhile, Telemachus sails home from Sparta, evading an ambush set by the suitors. He disembarks on the coast of Ithaca and makes for Eumaeus"s hut. Father and son meet; Odysseus identifies himself to Telemachus (but still not to Eumaeus) and they determine that the suitors must be killed. Telemachus gets home first. Accompanied by Eumaeus, Odysseus now returns to his own house, still pretending to be a beggar. He experiences the suitors" rowdy behavior and plans their death. He meets Penelope and tests her intentions with an invented story of his birth in Crete, where, he says, he once met Odysseus. Closely questioned, he adds that he had recently been in Thesprotia and had learned something there of Odysseus"s recent wanderings.Odysseus"s identity is discovered by the housekeeper, Eurycleia, as she is washing his feet and discovers an old scar Odysseus received during a boar hunt; he swears her to secrecy. The next day, at Athena"s prompting, Penelope maneuvers the suitors into competing for her hand with an archery competition using Odysseus" bow. The man who can string the bow and shoot it through a dozen axe heads would win. Odysseus takes part in the competition himself; he alone is strong enough to string the bow and shoot it through the dozen axe heads, making him the winner. He turns his arrows on the suitors and with the help of Athena, Telemachus, Eumaeus and Philoteus the cowherd, all the suitors are killed. Odysseus and Telemachus hang twelve of their household maids, who betrayed Penelope and/or had sex with the suitors; they mutilate and kill the goatherd Melanthius, who had mocked and abused Odysseus. Now at last, Odysseus identifies himself to Penelope. She is hesitant, but accepts him when he mentions that their bed was made from an olive tree still rooted to the ground. Many modern and ancient scholars take this to be the original ending of the Odyssey, and the rest is an interpolation.The next day he and Telemachus visit the country farm of his old father Laertes, who likewise accepts his identity only when Odysseus correctly describes the orchard that Laertes once gave him.The citizens of Ithaca have followed Odysseus on the road, planning to avenge the killing of the Suitors, their sons. Their leader points out that Odysseus has now caused the deaths of two generations of the men of Ithaca—his sailors, not one of whom survived, and the suitors, whom he has now executed. The goddess Athena intervenes and persuades both sides to give up the vendetta. After this, Ithaca is at peace once more, concluding the Odyssey. Yet Odysseus" journey is not complete, as he is still fated to wander. The gods have decreed that Odysseus cannot rest until he wanders so far inland that he meets a people who have never heard of an oar or of the sea. He then must build a shrine and sacrifice before he can return home for good. [7]

谁知道希腊神话中Odysseus的最后一章Odysseus and penelope的主要内容

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odyssey英语的可以吗?这是最后的故事大纲Meanwhile, Telemachus sails home from Sparta, evading an ambush set by the suitors. He disembarks on the coast of Ithaca and makes for Eumaeus"s hut. Father and son meet; Odysseus identifies himself to Telemachus (but still not to Eumaeus) and they determine that the suitors must be killed. Telemachus gets home first. Accompanied by Eumaeus, Odysseus now returns to his own house, still pretending to be a beggar. He experiences the suitors" rowdy behavior and plans their death. He meets Penelope and tests her intentions with an invented story of his birth in Crete, where, he says, he once met Odysseus. Closely questioned, he adds that he had recently been in Thesprotia and had learned something there of Odysseus"s recent wanderings.Odysseus"s identity is discovered by the housekeeper, Eurycleia, as she is washing his feet and discovers an old scar Odysseus received during a boar hunt; he swears her to secrecy. The next day, at Athena"s prompting, Penelope maneuvers the suitors into competing for her hand with an archery competition using Odysseus" bow. The man who can string the bow and shoot it through a dozen axe heads would win. Odysseus takes part in the competition himself; he alone is strong enough to string the bow and shoot it through the dozen axe heads, making him the winner. He turns his arrows on the suitors and with the help of Athena, Telemachus, Eumaeus and Philoteus the cowherd, all the suitors are killed. Odysseus and Telemachus hang twelve of their household maids, who betrayed Penelope and/or had sex with the suitors; they mutilate and kill the goatherd Melanthius, who had mocked and abused Odysseus. Now at last, Odysseus identifies himself to Penelope. She is hesitant, but accepts him when he mentions that their bed was made from an olive tree still rooted to the ground. Many modern and ancient scholars take this to be the original ending of the Odyssey, and the rest is an interpolation.The next day he and Telemachus visit the country farm of his old father Laertes, who likewise accepts his identity only when Odysseus correctly describes the orchard that Laertes once gave him.The citizens of Ithaca have followed Odysseus on the road, planning to avenge the killing of the Suitors, their sons. Their leader points out that Odysseus has now caused the deaths of two generations of the men of Ithaca—his sailors, not one of whom survived, and the suitors, whom he has now executed. The goddess Athena intervenes and persuades both sides to give up the vendetta. After this, Ithaca is at peace once more, concluding the Odyssey. Yet Odysseus" journey is not complete, as he is still fated to wander. The gods have decreed that Odysseus cannot rest until he wanders so far inland that he meets a people who have never heard of an oar or of the sea. He then must build a shrine and sacrifice before he can return home for good. [7]





关于The.Ataris的Act V, Scene IV: And So It End的歌词

正确的歌词 应该是I"d steal a breathe right from your hearthe smell of incenseIt fills the air inside this roomThe Casa Blanca loveShirt about the floorA casket lined with pillsAnd a bitter taste of absenceWash it downAnd so it ends like it beganA town in crushAlong this interstateA war in scriptureA crack to fade andThese dead seats will remainWhen bodies turned to dustAnd from this monumentI will drown inside the anguish of your heartA new dawn broke this morningTears were raining in this roomAs the ugliest holy waterBut the image was a blurThis world is like a whoreSo ravish and so beautifulSo bitter cold and all aloneAnd if I had my wayI"d wake up on the day we metAnd tremble in your arms for hoursAnd try to make you hear the sweetest noteBut not tonightWe"d die inside each other armsWe"d rebel in our last embraceI"d steal a breathe right from your heartAnd kiss you as we dieI rest my lifeless head upon your heart... ForeverI rest my lifeless head upon your heart... ForeverI rest my lifeless hate upon your heart... ForeverMaybe I"ll be sunlight after all... I"m sorryMaybe I"ll be sunlight after all... So sorryMaybe I"ll be sunlight after all... So sorry!Maybe I"ll be sunlight after all.


话数标题(原版/中文) 脚本分镜演出作画监督01 Encounter Wytearp. 在怀特亚普相遇长谷川圭一佐藤硅一小林宽 松见真一武藤健司 细越裕治海老原雅夫羽山贤二 02 Escape from Livian 逃离利维安芦野芳晴若林厚史细越裕治羽山贤二海老原雅夫日向正树村山公辅 03 Fog of Nebelville 涅贝维尔之雾谷崎明岩泷智松见真一Kim Dong jun Kim Dong jun04 Reunion at Ysmenport 在伊斯门港重聚长谷川圭一初见浩一武藤健司松见真一 海老原雅夫05 Rescue in Sword Valley 剑之谷的救援谷崎あきら佐藤真二小林宽(监修) 松见真一井端义秀 白先チエミ高松さや细越裕治羽山贤二海老原雅夫日向正树村山公辅山下喜光羽田浩二KIM YONGSIK 06 Anatae, Part 1: Legendary Saint 向你而去 第一篇:传奇圣女长谷川圭一一白早马松见真一阿部雅司 小畑贤武本大介 西山忍6.5(总集篇) Roundup-监督マン07 Anatae,Part2: The Storm Rages 向你而去 第二篇:狂风呼啸赤星政尚小林宽黑川智之猪狩崇 山下喜光阿部恒日向正树山本美佳 08 Anatae,Part3: Beyond the Storm 向你而去 第三篇:风暴之外长谷川圭一佐藤真二松见真一Kim Dong Jun Kim Dong Jun09 Decision in the Wailing Woods 哀嚎森林中的决定谷崎あきら武藤健司松见真一伊藤史夫 山下喜光阿部恒新沼大祐秋田学 细越裕治10 Helheim, Land of Lies 海姆冥界 谎言大陆长谷川圭一上村泰若林厚史阿部雅司黑川智之 小畑贤武本大介西山忍阿部恒日向正树阿比留隆彦 11 All Roads Lead to Abos 条条大路皆往埃博斯赤星政尚岩泷智竹内浩志海老原雅夫岩泷智细越裕治阿部恒 12 Rage of Bahamut 巴哈姆特之怒长谷川圭一山下明彦山下喜光阿部恒羽山贤二细越裕治 OP专辑:EXiSTENCE (TV Edit)发售日期:2014年11月12日演唱:SiM收录曲目:01.EXiSTENCE (TV Edit) OP专辑:ANGELS and DEViLS发售日期:2015年6月10日演唱:SiM收录曲目: Disc 1 01.EXiSTENCE02.Millions of Stones Disc 2 01. “i AGAINST i TOUR 2014” ONE MAN SHOW 12.3.2014 at Zepp Tokyo -LIVE DIGEST-02. SiM AGAINST YOU -EXTRA- 原声集:巴哈姆特之怒GENESIS原声集发售日期:2015年4月22日收录曲目: Disc 1 01.Rage of Bahamut02.A Friendly Chase03.Seriously?04.Bounty Hunter in Shining Armor05.Encounters06.Seal Sceau Khatam07.Demon Attack08.In the Hippogriff09.Foreigner10.She-Devil11.Clamor in the Moonlight12.A Threat13.Shadow of Bahamut14.Starting Bell15.Holy Angels16.Your Kiss Tastes Like Tail17.Rendezvous with the Future18.Hall of Horrors19.Sip of Passion20.Ready to Kill21.I Am Amira22.Thinking of Mother23.Impassioned24.The Horse and I25.An Arrow Aimed at Tomorrow26.Gregor27.Misty City28.Troll29.Seeing Things30.Farewell to a Fiction31.With Rita32.Morning in Ysmenport33.Searching for a Ship34.Amon"s Punch35.Know this One?36.Instant Death37.The Swordsman and Magic and Betrayal38.Goddamn39.Rita and the Sea40.Wings of Determination41.Swords and Runny Noses42.The End43.Orleans Knights44.True Fire45.On the Wyvern46.Back to the Cocytus47.Amira"s Conflagration48.Liar!49.Heavenly Music50.Gentle Voice51.Father and Child52.No Fooling Around!53.Mission54.Raid55.Azazel? Azazel! Azazel?! Disc 2 01.Light of Maltet02.I"m Me, You"re You03.Timeless Friendship04.Good Morning Anatae05.Bahamut & Amira06.Memories of the Cocoon07.Thinking of Father08.Investiture09.Ignoring the King10.Visions of Mother11.Memories of Nicole12.The Feeling"s Mutual13.Escape by Night14.Decoy15.Trap16.Negotiations17.Ancient Forest Dragon18.Smoke Signals at Warbreak19.Reality and the Woods20.Rita"s Infiltration21.Dark Jeanne22.With Beelzebub Itself23.An Existential Threat24.Favaro25.Ready to Go26.God Killer27.Unheard Scream28.Falling29.Michael"s Heart30.Azazel Strikes Back31.Chorus of Despair32.Last Choice33.Wings of Hope34.Thinking of Amira35.The Journey"s End36.Promised Land37.Preview 【Blu-ray】巴哈姆特之怒GENESIS I(初回限定版)【发售日期】2015年1月28日【收录话数】第1话~第3话【初回限定版特典】◆特制原画集vol.1(108 P /片尾画集特别收录)◆特制彩色小册子◆特制CD:ED专辑“Promised Land”演唱:清水理沙收录曲目:01.Promised Land02.Promised Land piano ver.03.Promised Land (Instrumental)04.Promised Land piano ver. (Instrumental)◆游戏内连动码“神撃のバハムート”“グランブルーファンタジー”【音声特典】◆角色评议“凯撒·利德法尔德” 【Blu-ray】巴哈姆特之怒GENESISII(初回限定版)【发售日期】2015年3月25日【收录话数】第4话~第7话【初回限定版特典】◆特制原画集vol.2(204P)◆特制彩色小册子◆特制CD:“バハジェネ剧场”1~6话收录收录曲目:01.リドファルドの绊02.ヘルヘイムへの旅支度03.故郷无き者の帰り道04.仁义ニャき戦いだワン05.酔いどれバッカス06.気まぐれ少女の探し方◆游戏内连动码“神撃のバハムート”【音声特典】◆角色评议“法瓦罗·雷欧涅&阿米拉” 【Blu-ray】巴哈姆特之怒GENESIS III(初回限定版)【发售日期】2015年4月22日【收录话数】第7话~第9话【初回限定版特典】◆特制原画集vol.3(204P)◆特制彩色小册子◆特制CD:巴哈姆特之怒GENESIS原声集◆游戏内连动码“神撃のバハムート”【音声特典】◆角色评议“莉塔&贞德·达鲁克” 【Blu-ray】巴哈姆特之怒GENESISIV(初回限定版)【发售日期】2015年5月27日【收录话数】第10话~第12话【初回限定版特典】◆特制原画集vol.4(204 P /恩尚之布局集特别收录)◆特制彩色小册子◆特制CD:“バハジェネ剧场”7~12话收录收录曲目:07.カイザルの决意08.逃亡者アザゼル09.アナティ城牢狱にて10.悪魔身事故11.悪魔の嗫き12.最後の言叶◆游戏内连动码“神撃のバハムート”“グランブルーファンタジー”【音声特典】◆角色评议“法瓦罗·雷欧涅&凯撒·利德法尔德”

in general 等于什么加 in total

in general : 总的来说,大体来说.....替换的词组有: generally speaking, speaking in total

in general in common in place和in total的区别

in general一般来说in common和…有共同之处;公有in place得其所;适当的in total全部;完全

懂达芬奇的人告诉我,为什么我每次输出都是codec is not opened yet


Schengener Staaten 包括哪些国家?


schengener staaten是哪个国家

捷克共和国(CZE). 申根国家(Schengener Staaten) <德语>《申根协定》,亦称《申根协议》、《申根公约》或《神根公约》,最早于1985年6月14日由五个欧洲国家(联邦德国,法国,荷兰,比利时,卢森堡)在卢森堡的一个小城市申根(Schengen)签署。该公约于1995年7月正式全面生效。申根公约的成员国亦称“申根国家”或者“申根公约国”,成员国的整体又称“申根区”。公约签订以后不断有新的国家加入进来,截至2003年,申根的成员国增加到15个:奥地利、比利时、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、冰岛、意大利、希腊、卢森堡、荷兰、挪威、葡萄牙、西班牙和瑞典。这些国家是今天的申根区。

schengener staaten是哪个国家


it was forced open 是不是等于it was forced to be opened 呢?前者是个什么用法呢?


it was forced open 是不是等于it was forced to be opened 呢?

it was forced openopen为形容词,在此作补语it was forced to be opened 此用法没有的

He ____ novels, whenever his wife goes shopping. A) is reading B) reads C) has read D) has been read

B. reads

He____novels, whenever his wife goes shopping.


he threatened to whampoa

他威胁说要报复我但他还没有这样做. threatened是动词threaten的过去式. threaten vt.恐吓,威胁,预示(危险),似有发生或来临的可能,可能来临 pay back 向...报复,偿付(借款等)

Phnomen - Helene Fischer的歌词

英文歌词如下:————————-PhenomenonYou make me and my life great,next to you I"m (I feel) weightless.I need you, I like you.Because you like to be totally different,someone like you makes life shine.I need you, I like you.You are a magician who captures the sun.You have a heart of gold that burns for others.You, you are a phenomenon.You, you can turn the Earth.You, you"re caught by no-one.The wind carries your name.You, you are a phenomenon.You, sometimes defiant.You, you are a true friend.Your word is your word, let all shadows flee.You remain true to yourself, don"t let yourself get tamed,you feel the Earth pulse in rhythm.I need you, I like you.With you I don"t need a false mask,you show me the truth even when I"m dreaming.I need you, I like you.You are a magician who captures the sun.You have a heart of gold that burns for others.You, you are a phenomenon.You, you can turn the Earth.You, you"re caught by no-one.The wind carries your name.You, you are a phenomenon.You, sometimes defiant.You, you are a true friend.Your word is your word, let all shadows flee.You don"t sit in any mould, you give people courage.Whatever others say, I raise my hat.You, you are a phenomenon.You, you can turn the Earth.You, you"re caught by no-one.The wind carries your name.You, you are a phenomenon.You, sometimes defiant.You, you are a true friend.Your word is your word, let all shadows flee.

every one和eneryone的区别

everyone 只能指人every day 副词everyday 形容词


是软件包的名字么?这些都是Linux内核的头文件包,里面是用于Linux内核开发的的头文件。很多和系统相关的软件会用到这些包1、rpm包的话可以用 rpm -ql 包名命令查看包的文件2、deb包可以用dpkg -L 包名查看包的文件。3、如果其他疑问请补充






英式发音[u02ccku026atu0283u026au02c8net]美式发音[u02ccku026atu0283u026au02c8net]请点击输入图片描述短语搭配Kitchenette Decor 设计漂亮的现代厨房Kitchenette Building 格温多琳·布鲁克斯Kitchenette Inn 小厨房旅馆kitchenette E 小厨房The Kitchenette 厨想曲Including A Kitchenette 包括一个小厨房kitchenette statuette novelette 另外I tidied up the kitchenette 我打扫好我的小厨房

contentment is nothing more than idleness and loss of ambition 是什么意思

contentment is nothing more than idleness and loss of ambition知足不过是的好闲和失去志向罢了

翻译:the moral lesson of the ant and the grasshopper is :idleness brings want


translate:when people become unemployed,it is idleness which is often worse than lack of wages.


translate:when people become unemployed,it is idleness which is often worse than lack of wages.

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