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eppendorf移液枪不能调量程了,是不是坏了,能修吗 今天在做实验时把20到200的 调到了6


eppendorf AG 22331






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RPM =revolutions per minute 每分钟多少转



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Eppendorf 蛋白质核酸自动分析仪BCA法测蛋白浓度时怎么建立标准曲线?

1.按下键“BCA”选择蛋白质显色反应的方法; 2.设置标准曲线的标准样品数量、测定次数和浓度范围.按下键“Parameter”用上下键 进行选择和参数调整. 3.将空白对照置入样品孔; 4.按下键“Blank”; 5.仪器记录空白对照,设置为0.000A; 6.将第一个标准品或样品(如需沿用已存储的标准曲线,可直接测样品)置入样品孔; 7.按下“Sample”或“Standard”; 8.依次测定标准品或样品,每个样品的测定值将自动存储在机器中,查看测定结果.



求德国Eppendorf (艾本德)英文的正确念法



1964年Eppendorf 推出了第一台离心机,作为Eppendorf 微量体积系统的组成部分,这也是全球范围内生命科学研究领域的伟大革新。时至今日,Eppendorf 的名字仍旧是 创意的设计、创新的技术和禁得起时间考量的可信赖的质量的代名词。Eppendorf离心机除了高速和高通量外,还具有无与伦比的人体工程学操作和卓越的温控性能。2020 年 3 月,德国 Eppendorf 股份公司宣布收购日本 Koki 集团离心机业务,并将后者高端品牌 himac 纳入旗下。Eppendorf 中国有限公司从 2021 年 4 月 1 日开始销售 himac 高品质大容量落地式和高速离心机,随后会逐渐拓展到其他离心机产品线。himac 高品质产品线的强势加盟,有助于 Eppendorf 为所有离心机细分市场提供满足其需求的产品,从而更好地服务于生命科学、纳米材料、药物开发和医学检测等前沿应用领域。此次战略性收购将夯实 Eppendorf 在多功能台式离心机、落地式和超速离心机等领域的领先者角色,并进一步巩固其在制药、生命科学、临床等用途的全球高端离心机制造商的卓越市场地位。






EPPENDORF管是微量离心管;在40年前,全世界第一只eppendorf 微型离心管诞生于德国eppendorf公司,第一次为分子生物学微量操作实验提供了一种全新概念; Tris碱即为Tris,Tris碱经过hcl调ph后即为tris-cl.也就是tris酸一般Tris全名是Tris Base ,tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane三羟甲基氨基甲烷 Tris是一种生物碱,常用于生物实验中配制各种pH值的缓冲液.1M的Tris溶液的pH值大约是10~11.一般调Tris溶液的pH值是用盐酸. Tris-HCl是三羟甲基氨基甲烷盐酸盐的英文名称的缩写,用作生物缓冲剂英文名 Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane hydrochloride 别名 2-Amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol hydrochloride; Tromethane hydrochloride; Trizma hydrochloride 产品名称 2-氨基-2-羟甲基-1,3-丙二醇盐酸盐; 三羟甲基氨基甲烷盐酸盐 分子式 C4H11NO3.HCl 分子量 157.59

extended warranty中文翻译

We have an extended warranty available at extra cost 对于额外价钱我们有较长的保证期限 516 we have an extended warranty available at extra cost 额外价钱我们有较长的保证期限。 I " m also gonna need that extended warranty on it . . 我还需要免费延长 I " m also gonna need that extended warranty on it 我还需要免费延长 516 we have an extended warranty available at extra cost 对于额外价钱我们有较长的保证期限。 516 we h * * * e an extended warranty * * * ailable at extra cost 对于额外价钱我们有较长的保证期限。 Note : return guarantee , extended warranty and price protection are underwritten by ace insurance pmited 退货保证延长保养服务及价格保障由安达保险有限公司负责 Subject to terms and conditions : return guarantee , extended warranty and price protection is administered by ace insurance pmited 受条款及细则约束:退款保证延长保养服务及价格保障由安达保险有限公司安排 As a user ( lender , investor ) of cc " s financial statements , how would you prefer they account for extended warranty contracts ? why 作为cc的财务报表的使用者(债权人,投资人等) ,你希望它们如何反映保修范围扩大的合同?为什么? Spring for the extended warranty or service contract for pricey electronics , pke a pla *** a tv . you " ll be glad you did if the screen suddenly goes blank 对例如等离子电视这样昂贵的电子产品,去购买长期的保质期或服务合同。如果电视屏幕突然没了图像,你将会高兴的。

信用证上要求Consignee显示To order blank endrosed,我把一整行都显示在consignee了可以吗??



Misunderstanding is usually caused by lack of communication,which happens quite often nowadays between children and their parents.Last month (或 week 或其他),I needed some help with my studying,so I went over to my classmate"s house a several times.However,my mom thought that I was going to my friend"s house to play,and we almost had an arguement.Luckily,dad was there and helped to calm the situation by asking me to explain to mom that I went to my classmate"s house not to play,but to study.This incident made me realize how important communication is to a family.


host一词在不同环境中有不同含义,参见下列标注:1)在互联网协议中,host表示能够同其他机器互相访问的本地计算机。一台本地机有唯一标志代码,同网络掩码一起组成IP地址,如果通过点到点协议通过ISP访问互联网,那么在连接期间将会拥有唯一的IP地址,这段时间内,你的主机就是一个host。在这种情况下,host表示一个网络节点。host是根据TCP/IP for Windows 的标准来工作的,它的作用是包含IP地址和Host name(主机名)的映射关系,是一个映射IP地址和Host name(主机名)的规定,规定要求每段只能包括一个映射关系,IP地址要放在每段的最前面,空格后再写上映射的Host name主机名 。对于这段的映射说明用“#”分割后用文字说明。2)对于拥有网站的公司或个人,host指的是网站的网络服务器。host还可以指提供网络服务的公司,这时这种公司也称为hosting。3)在IBM以及其他大型计算机环境中,host指大型计算机,也称大型服务器。这时,大型计算机作为一个智能工作站,连接到其上的计算机作为终端使用其提供的服务。(要注意区分这种情况和所谓的主机/客户机连接模式并不一样,服务器/客户机模式只是一种软件模式,同此处的host的意义是相互独立的)。4)有时,host也指某种为其他软硬件提供服务的设备或者应用程序。5)host还是c++的头文件。

缤特力 Voyager Legend 蓝牙耳机怎么改成中文

可以官网下载:网页链接,下载Plantronics Hub,就可以更改语言了,如果修改不成功,可以下载低版本的,如果成功,请采纳,谢谢

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缤特力Voyager Legend 请问包装内有几个硅胶耳塞?有几个泡沫耳塞

缤特力Voyager Legend蓝牙耳机的包装内有2个硅胶耳塞,也有2个泡沫耳塞。如下示意图:

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歌词baby i got me only friends i3 need

这首歌是team副歌如下:Baby I got meBaby I got meAnd that"s all I needYeah that"s all I needBaby I got meOnly friend I seePlaying on my teamIs someone likeMe baby no wayWatch me while I do my thingMe baby no wa


  神居谣  缲り返すは 昼と夜  古き鱼 波に踊る  留まらぬは 风と砂  凤 笼から讴う  【昼夜相替  老鱼跳波  风沙无留  凤歌笼中】  君や君や 梦む过客や  赛に玩ばれて 见失う  汝の骨 动かねど  月日は 黄土を积もらせ  【汝为梦中过客  为命所扰而迷走  纵汝不动筋骨  日月无情积黄土】  缲り返すは 爱の歌  幼子 寝床で笑う  留まらぬは 时の花  朋友 故郷へ帰る  【雅歌轮唱  小儿笑眠  昙花一现  故友归乡】  君や君や 転ず天河や  下に国栄えども 溃えども  汝心 动かねど  我が声 昏きに気づかせ  【汝为流转星河  冷观下国兴衰变  纵汝不动心念  吾声亦扰汝迷朦】  现し世に 萌ゆ大树  阳に伸び 阴に沈む  神楽よ 响く神楽よ  神渡らせ 下り上らせ  【世生古木  言其生于阳 毁于阴  神乐鸣奏  言其引诸神 通天地】  君や君や 梦む过客や  赛に玩ばれて 见失う  汝の骨 动かねど  泡沫に 种を浮かばせ  【汝为梦中过客  为命所扰而迷走  纵汝不动筋骨  虚妄亦有种子出  君や君や 転ず天河や  下に国栄えども 溃えども  汝心 动かねど  常磐に 命を芽吹かせ  【汝为流转星河  冷观下国兴衰变  纵汝不动心念  常绿亦有生灵起】  神居谣  缲り返すは 昼と夜  kurikaesu ha hiru to yoru  古き鱼 波に踊る  furuki sakana nami ni odoru  留まらぬは 风と砂  tomara nuha kaze to suna  凤 笼から讴う  ootori kago kara utau  君や君や 梦む过客や  kimi ya kimi ya yume mu kakaku ya  赛に玩ばれて 见失う  sai ni moteasoba rete miushinau  汝の骨 动かねど  nanji no hone ugoka nedo  月日は 黄土を积もらせ  gappi ha ki tsuchi wo tsumo rase  缲り返すは 爱の歌  kurikaesu ha ai no uta  幼子 寝床で笑う  osanago nedoko de warau  留まらぬは 时の花  tomara nuha tokino hana  朋友 故郷へ帰る  tomo tomo furusatohe kaeru  君や君や 転ず天河や  kimi ya kimi ya tenzu ten kawa ya  下に国栄えども 溃えども  shitani kuni sakae domo tsuie domo  汝心 动かねど  nanji kokoro ugoka nedo  我が声 昏きに気づかせ  waga koe kon kini kidu kase  现し世に 萌ゆ大树  arawashi yoni hou yu taiju  阳に伸び 阴に沈む  youni nobi inni shizumu  神楽よ 响く神楽よ  kagura yo hibiku kagura yo  神渡らせ 下り上らせ  kami watara se kudari nobora se  君や君や 梦む过客や  kimi ya kimi ya yume mu kakaku ya  赛に玩ばれて 见失う  sai ni moteasoba rete miushinau  汝の骨 动かねど  nanji no hone ugoka nedo  泡沫に 种を浮かばせ  houmatsu ni tane wo uka base  君や君や 転ず天河や  kimi ya kimi ya tenzu ten kawa ya  下に国栄えども 溃えども  shitani kuni sakae domo tsuie domo  汝心 动かねど  nanji kokoro ugoka nedo  常磐に 命を芽吹かせ  jouban ni inochi wo me fuka se

Extend my compliment to you什么意思?



commendation英[u02ccku0252menu02c8deu026au0283n]美[u02cckɑ:menu02c8deu026au0283n]n. 表扬; 推荐; 奖; 嘉奖状;compliment 英[u02c8ku0252mplu026amu0259nt]美[u02c8kɑ:mplu026amu0259nt]n. 恭维; 敬意; 道贺,贺词; 致意;vt. 称赞; 向…道贺; 向…致意;

the end的乐队介绍

Groove Coverage 舞动精灵王族 是德国2001年新晋的乐队,以其混合多种元素的舞曲风格迅速走红,驰名全欧。God Is A Girl(上帝是个女孩)就是Groove Coverage的经典作品之一。另外,在中国颇为受欢迎的歌曲还有:Far Away From Home,7 Years And 50 Days ,She,On The Radio等。 它的成员有两名:主唱:Mell (2000-2001,2004-至今)是现在的主唱。2001年,Mell后来怀孕,期间乐队找到了当时18岁的Verena代替。Verena (2002-2004)2004年之后,Mell休产假归来复出,继续做乐队组合主唱 到至今。后来 Verena在后台参加创作,其实Verena并没有离开。DJ及创作:DJ NOVUS。原名MARKUS SCHAFFARZYK。负责DJ及创作,是乐队的灵魂。

End Of The World 求翻译

音乐。 Tidal波浪吞下活您的镇, Terrorists毒害所有我们的天空。 Bodies在海滩洗涤, Hell给他们的膝盖带来您的父母。 ...... You逃命,我将停留, I上午很疲乏对跑掉。 ...... I要给世界的末端的不爱出门的人, 睡着的Falling,当他们空投炸弹。 This是所有梦想, That是什么我唱。 ...... I要给世界的末端的不爱出门的人, 睡着的Falling,当他们空投炸弹。 This是所有梦想, That是什么我唱。 ...... Pack所有您的袋子和锁所有您的门后边, Clear城市和祈祷在您的一点生活。 You全部逃脱了,我停留了。 I上午很疲乏对跑掉。 ...... I要给世界的末端的不爱出门的人, 睡着的Falling,当他们空投炸弹。 This是所有梦想, That是什么我唱。 ...... I要给世界的末端的不爱出门的人, 睡着的Falling,当他们空投炸弹。 This是所有梦想, That是什么我唱。 ...... 在您附近的Everything,转动入, The最大的堆灰, 您可能想象的That。 ...... 在您附近的Everything转动入, The最大的堆微不足道。 So继续进行跑,继续进行跑。 ...... I要给世界的末端的不爱出门的人, 睡着的Falling,当他们投下炸弹This是所有梦想, That是什么我唱。 ...... I要给不爱出门的人, ~ This是所有梦想, That是什么唱歌。 This是所有梦想, That是什么唱歌。

请帮忙翻译end of me的歌词

Me歌词马里昂的/最终乌鸦 <开始> 嘿和我在一起 我袒裼裸裎 衣服脱掉后至骨头 恐怕 这可能西斯的复仇 和我可以离开这儿 这不是一个错误 这是一个崭新的黎明的一天 什么东西从现在这是最后的幻想这是最后的微量的无辜如果我夹在中间 我知道我的结局是我 对我说话的时候 不要玩我在你的沉默 窃窃私语它在我口中 因为这不是恨 这是开始新的出路 嘿,这不是一个错误 我知道它会到来 这是最后的幻想(幻觉) 最后我 <结束>

marion raven的《End Of Me》 歌词

1.歌曲名:End Of Me2.歌手:marion raven,Marion Raven-End Of MeHeyStay with meAs I"m getting nakedStripped down to the boneI"m afraidThis could get uglyAnd I might leave here aloneThis is not a mistakeIt"s the dawn of a new dayAnything goes from nowThis is the last of illusionsThis is the final trace of innocenceIf I"m caught in the middleI know it will be the end of meTalk to meDon"t play me with your silenceWhisper it in my mouthCause this is not about hateIt"s the start of a new wayHey, this is not a mistakeI know it will beIt"s the last of illusions (illusions)The end of me(End)3,中文意思留在我身边吧,当我开始变的赤裸裸,我很害怕,那将会变的很丑陋,我将要独自离开。这不是一个错误,黎明将会出现在新的一天,所有事情都会有新的开始。这是最后的一次错觉,这是最后最纯真的痕迹。如果我在中途被捕获,我知道那将是我的结局。告诉我,不要用你的沉默玩弄我,在我的唇边对我耳语。因为那不是关于仇恨, 那是一个新的开始,那不是一个错误。我知道那将会是最后一次错觉,我的结局。

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图像搅拌机吧 !


pay [pei] vt. 支付,付;偿还,补偿vi. 付款;偿还n. 工资,薪水;付款[ 过去式paid 或 payed 过去分词paid 或 payed 现在分词paying ] pay1 [pei] vt.1. 付,支付;缴纳:例句: Thousands refused to pay their taxes.成千上万的人拒绝缴纳他们的税款。2. 付清;偿还:例句: Please pay your bill.请付账。3. 给以报酬;付钱给;出钱雇:例句: My firm pays high wages.我公司工酬优厚。4. 把(钱)存入(或转入)(银行或银行账户等):例句: I payed $500 into the bank every month.我每月把500美元存入银行。5. 还债;报答:例句: Pay me the money you owe me.把欠我的钱还给我。6. 致以(问候);给予(注意);进行(访问):例句: We pay high attention to the peace in the world.我们对世界和平给予高度重视。Pay one"s respects to sb.向某人致敬。7. 有…收益;(职位等)有…报酬:例句: He gets a job that pays $3,000 a month.他谋得一个每月工资3 000美元的职位。8. 对…有利;对…合适:例句: Submission will pay you better.你还是服从为好。9. 报偿;(因做坏事而)受到处罚;承担:例句: It"s Jerry"s error, and he"ll pay the consequences.是杰利的过错,他将为此承担后果。10. 【航海学】船转向下风;松开(缆绳等)11. [口语]可能难对付;会引起麻烦(骚乱)vi.1. (为获取某物或尽义务而)缴纳;支付;偿还债务:例句: Mr. Johnson promised to pay for my education.约翰逊先生答应支付我的教育费用2. 合算;值得;有利:例句: It pays to be honest.诚实不会吃亏的。3. 生利;(工作等)有报偿:例句: You"ve got to be able to make your business pay well.你得设法使你的生意赢利。4. 付出代价;受到惩罚:例句: The murderer paid with his life.杀人犯以命抵罪。n.1. 支付;报偿;受雇用2. 报酬(尤指薪金、工资、津贴等)3. 偿还;报答;罚;报应4. 有支付能力的人;按期付款的人;有信用的人5. 含有丰富矿藏的土(或岩、砂等);可采矿石;产(石)油地带(层)adj.1. 矿物丰富的;含贵重矿物的;有开采价值的2. 需付费的;收费的;自动收费的3. 有关支付的;用于付钱的cost [ku0254st] vt. 花费;使付出;使花许多钱n. 费用,代价,成本;损失vi. 花费[ 过去式cost或costed 过去分词cost或costed 现在分词costincost [ku0254st] n.1. 价钱,价格;代价;费用;成本2. 牺牲,损失3. 支出,花费,开支4. [用复数]【法律】诉讼费(尤指判处败方偿付胜方的诉讼费用)vt.1. 花费;价格为;值:例句: It must cost a good deal to live here.住在这里一定要花很多钱的。2. 使付出;使损失,使失去:例句: Careless driving cost him his life.开车不小心使他丧了命。3. 需(努力);费(事):例句: Courtesy costs little and means much.礼貌不费事,意义却很大。4. costed, costing 估计…的成本:例句: The work was costed by the engineer at $50,000.这项工程据工程师估价为50 000美元。vi.1. 估计成本:例句: We want a man who must be able to cost.我们需要一个能计算成本的人。2. 需要花费,需要付出高昂代价:例句: The furniture in the living room really costs.起居室里的这套家具真花了不少钱。spend [spend] vt. 度过,消磨(时光);花费;浪费;用尽vi. 花钱;用尽,耗尽n. 预算[ 过去式spent 过去分词spent 现在分词spending ] spend [spend] vt.1. 用(钱),花费:例句: He spent too much money on horse racing.他在赌赛马上花了很多钱。2. 耗费,花费(时间、精力等);度过:例句: to spend time watching TV看电视消磨时光You really shouldn"t spend so much effort on it.你真不该在这件事上花费这么大的精力。3. 耗尽,用尽(气力等):例句: He spent all his energy climbing up the hill.他耗尽全身气力爬上了山顶。The typhoon had spent its fury.台风的势头已经减弱了。4. 为…洒热血,献身于5. 浪费,滥用:例句: to spend one"s power滥用职权We should not spend our fortune.我们不能浪费钱财6. (船因风暴等)失去(桅杆)7. (鱼等)射(精);产(卵)vi.1. 花钱;花时间;耗费精力:例句: No need to spend too much.不必要花太多的钱。2. [废语]用尽,被耗尽n.1. 消费总量,消费总额,消费总数,(供)花费的金额2. [常用复数][英国方言、口语] = spending money所以答案是 B



1. she is willing to share things with her friends. 请问willing能换成happy ?



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kakao friend是什么意思

Kakaotalk是如今韩国最流行的移动聊天工具,Kakao friends是最火的一个系列。


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英文歌Lenka - Trouble Is A Friend这首歌我想学,谁可以告诉我学的快的方法?

2楼 你是我偶像 ORZ

谁有lenka的trouble is a friend的歌词,中文,还有谐音


"The end of the world, Lenka"的完整歌词

at the end of the worldi will be there with youand we"ll throw a party to celebratethe things we used to dolike living life breathing airrunning your fingers through my hairoh this isn"t fairi will hold you so closeso we won"t notice the destructionof all we used to knowwe will close our eyesas the waters risewe"ll float away and you will say"oh, isn"t this nice?"ah, at the end of the worldwe"ll be together, be togetherah, if i can spend it with youthen the end of the world don"t matterthen the end of the worlddon"t matter at allwe will kiss for the last timeand we won"t feel the earth collapse intoa mess of flood and firewe"ll be making loveas the sky above falls down over uswe"ll be the luckiest onesdon"t matter at all

求Trouble Is A Friend-Lenka 这个MV版的MP3下载地址


Trouble Is a Friend Lenka多久出的?

是Lenka在08年的时候出的歌曲 :Trouble is a friend   词曲 :Thomas Salter & Lenka Kripac 歌手:Lenka   专辑:Lenka 兰卡的异想世界   发行时间:2008-9-23   发行公司:2008 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT   专辑语种:英文 歌词: Trouble will find you no matter where you go, oh oh   麻烦会找到你 不管你往哪里走 哦哦……   No matter if you"re fast no matter if you"re slow, oh oh   不管你是赶路 不管你想停留 哦哦……   The eye of the storm wanna cry in the morn, oh oh   平静的心竟想在清晨痛苦 哦哦……   You"re fine for a while but you start to lose control   刚感到舒适 却又失去控制   He"s there in the dark, he"s there in my heart   他就在暗中 他就在心中   He waits in the wings, he"s gotta play a part   他等待幕后 他伺机前冲   Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine   麻烦是朋友 耶… 麻烦是我的老友   Ahh...   啊 ……   Trouble is a friend, but trouble is a foe, oh oh   麻烦是朋友 麻烦也是对头 哦哦……   And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh   不管你怎么待他 他都生长不休 哦哦……   He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh   他见我所见 他知我所有 哦哦 ……   So don"t forget as you ease on down my road   顺利前行也不要将他抛到脑后   He"s there in the dark, he"s there in my heart   他就在暗中 他就在心中   He waits in the wings, he"s gotta play a part   他等待幕后 他伺机前冲   Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine   麻烦是朋友 耶… 麻烦是我的老友   So i don"t be alarmed if he takes you by the arm   他拉住你的手 你不要发抖   I won"t let him win, but I"m a sucker for his charm   我不会让他赢,可挡不住他的魔咒   Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine   麻烦是朋友 耶… 麻烦是我的老友   Ahh..   啊……   How I hate the way he makes me feel   多么恨他带来的情绪   And how I try to make him leave   如何竭力想让他离去   I try, oh oh I try   我在尝试 哦哦… 我在尝试   Believe he"s there in the dark, he"s there in my heart   他就在暗中 他就在心中   He waits in the wings, he"s gotta play a part   他等待幕后 他伺机前冲   Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine   麻烦是朋友 耶… 麻烦是我的老友   So i don"t be alarmed if he takes you by the arm   他拉住你的手 你不要发抖   I roll down the window, I"m a sucker for his charm   我摇下了窗 却挡不住他的魔咒   Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine   麻烦是朋友 耶 … 麻烦是我的老友   Ahh..   啊……   Ooh..   哦……   Ahh..   啊……   Ooh..   哦……

求trouble is a friend百度云资源


谁可以给我Lenka的《Touble is friend》的歌词?

Trouble is a friend 歌手:Lenka 专辑:Lenka Trouble will find you no matter where you go, oh oh 无论你走到哪儿 麻烦都会找到你 哦哦 No matter if you"re fast, no matter if you"re slow, oh oh 无论你多快 无论你多慢 哦哦 The eye of the storm wanna cry in the morn, oh oh 暴风的双眼 要在早晨中哭泣 哦哦 You"re fine for a while but you start to lose control 你开始好好的 可是后来却开始失控 He"s there in the dark, he"s there in my heart 他在黑暗中 他在我心中 He waits in the wings, he"s gotta play a part 他戴着翅膀等待 他需要扮演一个角色 Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine 麻烦是朋友 yeah 麻烦是我的朋友 Ahh.. 啊 Trouble is a friend, but trouble is a foe, oh oh 麻烦是朋友 可是麻烦是敌人 哦哦 And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh 不管我如何对待他 他似乎都在成长 哦哦 He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh 我看到的他都看到 我知道的他都知道 哦哦 So don"t forget as you ease on down my road 所以 当你轻松前进的时候 别忘记 He"s there in the dark, he"s there in my heart 他在黑暗中 他在我心中 He waits in the wings, he"s gotta play a part 他戴着翅膀等待 他需要扮演一个角色 Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine 麻烦是朋友哦 麻烦是我的朋友 So don"t be alarmed if he takes you by the arm 所以当他握起你的手臂 别惊慌 I roll down the window, I"m a sucker for his charm 我摇下车窗 我是他魅力下的受害者 Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine 麻烦是朋友 哦 麻烦是我的朋友 Ahh.. 阿 How I hate the way he makes me feel 我多么厌恶他带给我的感觉 And how I try to make him leave 我怎么试着让他离开 I try, oh oh I try 我尝试 哦哦 我尝试 He"s there in the dark, he"s there in my heart 他在黑暗中 他在我心中 He waits in the wings, he"s gotta play a part 他戴着翅膀等待 他需要扮演一个角色 Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine 麻烦是朋友 哦 麻烦是我的朋友 So don"t be alarmed if he takes you by the arm 所以 当他握起你的手臂 别惊慌 I roll down the window, I"m a sucker for his charm 我摇下车窗 我是他魅力下的受害者 Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine 麻烦是朋友 yeah 麻烦是我的朋友 Ahh.. 啊 Ooh.. 哦 Ahh.. 啊 Ooh.. 哦

my friend and I rode a bike()two people


trouble is a friend歌名是什么?

Trouble Is a Friend。歌手:Lenka,语言:英语,所属专辑:Lenka。《Trouble is a friend》来自澳洲Electronic-Rock团体Decoder Ring中的优质创作甜美女歌手Lenka演唱。该歌曲由Thomas Salter作词作曲,收录于专辑《Lenka》中,发行于2008年9月。歌手简介1、来自澳洲Electronic-Rock团体Decoder Ring中的优质创作甜美女歌手。2、动员Stuart Brawley、Pierre Marchand、Mike Elizondo、John Alagia、Jason Lader等五位当红制作人联手打造。3、倚着曼妙琴韵随处飘扬,散发如Jem、Feist这类电气女伶相似迷离音场,甜而不腻之嗓音绝对讨好你挑剔的双耳一位古灵精怪的小女孩,脑子充满天马行空的七彩画面转由音符输出,可爱有趣之迷人特质让听众很快的喜欢上Lenka,Lenka邀你一同进入她多样的音乐异想世界。4、来自澳洲全名Lenka Kripac的Lenka,六岁时伴随吹奏小号的父亲而开口歌唱,慢慢培养出对音乐的高度兴趣。移居悉尼之后,Lenka开始学习舞蹈等表演课程,进入艺术学院加强其发声训练。

Trouble Is a Friend的歌词和歌手?

歌手:Lenka兰卡歌词:Trouble will find you no matter where you go, oh oh   无论你在何处 困难都会找上你 哦哦   No matter if you"re fast, no matter if you"re slow, oh oh   无论你速度是快还是慢 哦哦   The eye of the storm wanna cry in the morn, oh oh   暴风肆虐后的清晨让你想哭泣, 哦哦   You"re fine for a while but you start to lose control   现在你平静如水一会儿却开始失控   He"s there in the dark, he"s there in my heart   他躲在黑暗中 他藏在我心中   He waits in the winds, he"s gotta play a part   他在风中等待着 他准备扮演一部分的我   Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine   困难是朋友 yeah 困难是我的朋友   Ahh..   啊   Trouble is a friend, but trouble is a foe, oh oh   困难是朋友 但困难也是敌人 哦哦   And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh   无论我喂他什么东西吃 他总是能成长 哦哦   He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh   他见我所见 他知我所知 哦哦   So don"t forget as you ease on down my road   所以当你放松前行时千万别忘记   He"s there in the dark, he"s there in my heart   他躲在黑暗中 他藏在我心中   He waits in the winds, he"s gotta play a part   他在风中等待着,他准备扮演一部分的我   Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine oh oh   困难是朋友哦 困难是我的朋友 哦哦   So don"t be alarmed if he takes you by the arm   所以当他抓住你手臂不必太慌张   I roll down the window, I"m a sucker for his charm   我摇下车窗,我受够了他的魔咒   Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine   困难是朋友 哦 困难是我的朋友   Ahh   阿   How I hate the way he makes me feel   我多么讨厌他给我的感觉   And how I try to make him leave   我多么努力地将他赶走   I try, oh oh I try   我尽力了 哦哦 我尽力了   but He"s there in the dark, he"s there in my heart   但他在躲黑暗中 他藏在我心中   He waits in the winds, he"s gotta play a part   他在风中等待着, 他准备扮演一部分的我   Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine   困难是朋友 哦 困难是我的朋友   So don"t be alarmed if he takes you by the arm   当他抓住你手臂不必太慌张   I won"t let him win, but I"m a sucker for his charm   我不会让他赢,但我却受够了他的魅力   Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine   困难是朋友 yeah 困难是我的朋友   Ahh   啊   Oh..   哦   Ahh   啊   Ooh..   哦求采纳~~O(∩_∩)O~

求《trouble is a friend》完整中英文歌词


Trouble Is a Friend Lenka 这句是什么意思啊?

Trouble Is a Friend 是一首歌名 Lenka唱的 我特喜欢 这女孩的歌 很好听 声音喜欢 推荐THE SHOW 也是lenka的歌

找Lenka的 trouble is the friend 的歌词

Trouble will find you no matter where you go, oh oh.No Matter if you"re fast no matter if you"re slow, oh oh.The eye of the storm and the cry in the morn, oh oh.You‘re fine for a while but then start to loose control.He"s there in the dark,he"s there in my heart,he waits in the windshe"s gotta play a part.Trouble is a friend,yeah trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh!Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh.And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh.He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh.So don"t forget as you ease on down the road.He"s there in the dark,he"s there in my heart,he waits in the windshe"s gotta play a part.Trouble is a friend,yeah trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh!So don"t be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.I won"t let him win, but im a sucker for his charm.Trouble is a friend,yeah trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh!Oh how I hate the way he makes me feel.And how I try to make him leave; I try.Oh Oh I try!He"s there in the dark,he"s there in my heart,he waits in the windshe"s gotta play a part.Trouble is a friend,yeah trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh!So don"t be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.I won"t let him win, but im a sucker for his charm.Trouble is a friend,yeah trouble is a friend of mine

ending pose是什么意思

  ending pose的中文翻译  ending pose  结束姿势  双语例句  1  This is the scene of ending pose of their program.  这是在他们的表演结束的时候的场景。  2  The scheme of binocular stereo is planned for making sure the position, pose of the ending tools.  提出了双目立体视觉确定机器人末端工具空间位置、姿态的方案。



be up to和depend on有什么区别?

A be up to BA由B决定,A取决于B,表示拍板的人是B,up to也只是限于一个人的决定。例如Whether we will go to the park is up to your brother.我们是否去公园由你哥哥定。An Indian or a Chinese meal? It"s up to you.吃印度菜还是中国菜?由你决定吧。depend on是指任何可以改变事件发展的直接相关因素,不限于一个人的决定,比如果天气好,如果很多人接受邀请,薪水是多少等。在depend on之后,我们可以放一个名词或一个以wh疑问词开头的从句。

be up to和depend on有什么区别?


英语: 选词填空 demand() insist suffer separate expect depend dismiss complain think invest

1.separates 2.dismissed 3.complained 4. invested 5.insists 6.depend 7.suffers 8.thought 9.demanded 10.expect

“We Chinese people always put emphasis on the friendly relationships ______ the people of all c..

D 试题分析:介词辨析。A随着;B在…下面;C到达;D在…之间;句意:大使说:我们中国人总是在和世界上的人们之间强调友谊的重要性。这里是指与世界上其它的人们之间,故使用between。故D正确。点评:介词的辨析要和句子的语义想结合,要注意介词的一些细微差别如between指两者之间,among是指三者或者三者以上。还有under与below等的区别。

电影Legends of The Fall中的女主是由谁饰演的?

朱莉娅·奥蒙德 Julia Ormond——Susannah Fincannon Ludlow

What do you think of friendship and how do you get it ?

你觉得友谊如何而且你拿起来如何它 ?

for what 引导什么从句? I could only feel pity for what they were enduring.

for what 引导宾语从句。 I 主语,could only feel pity for谓语, what they were enduring宾语。

trouble is a friend的歌词,~

Trouble will find you no mater where you go, oh oh. 无论你躲到哪,麻烦都会找上你,哦哦No Matter if you"re fast no matter if you"re slow, oh oh.无论你是快还是慢,哦哦The eye of the storm and the cry in the morn, oh oh.在拂晓痛哭,就像暴雨来袭,哦哦Your fine for a while but then start to lose control.你暂时安好,但也即将失控He"s there in the dark,他就在黑暗中He"s there in my heart,他就在我心里He waits in the winds 他在幕后等待He"s gotta play a part.他准备发威Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友.Trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh! 麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh.麻烦是朋友,可也是魔鬼,哦哦And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh.不管我怎么对待他,他似乎都在成长,哦哦He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh.他看我所看,知我所知.哦哦So don"t forget as you ease on down the road.因此即便将来安宁也别忘了他He"s there in the dark,他就在黑暗中he"s there in my heart,他就在我心里He waits in the winds 他在幕后等待He"s gotta play a part.他准备发威Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友,耶Trouble is a friend of mine.oh oh! 麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦So don"t be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.所以即便他拽住你的手臂了也别惊慌I roll down the window, I"m a sucker for his charm .我摇下车窗,我臣服于他Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友,耶Trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh! 麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦Oh how I hate the way he makes me feel. 哦,我痛恨他给我的感受And how I try to make him leave; I try. 我该如何赶他离开,我尽力Oh Oh I try! 哦哦,我尽力But he"s there in the dark, 他就在黑暗中He"s there in my heart, 他就在我心里He waits in the winds 他在幕后等待He"s gotta play a part.他准备发威Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友,耶Trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh! 麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦So don"t be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.所以即便他拽住你的手臂了也别惊慌I roll down the window, I"m a sucker for his charm .我摇下车窗,我臣服于他Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友,耶Trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh! 麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦Oh 哦

—Where you last weekend? —I____ at my uncle’s home.A. are,...

C 问句的 last week 上个星期表示此句是过去时态,因此排除A 选项。答句也要用过去时来回答。当主语是I ,be 动词的过去时只能用was. 因此选c

sing you a lullaby where you die at the end什么意思

sing you a lullaby where you die at the end给你唱首摇篮曲,在那里死去。sing you a lullaby where you die at the end给你唱首摇篮曲,在那里死去。

l have a relaxing weekend.中realx为什么要加ing?

relaxingadj. 令人轻松的

传真机出现 redial pending 怎么办


surrender 和 abandon 区别是什么

您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。1、单词:surrender 翻译:vt. 使投降;放弃;交出;听任;vi. 投降;屈服;自首;n. 投降;放弃;交出;屈服Unconditional surrender无条件投降;无前提投降;无条件投诚voluntarily surrender自愿交回TENDER SURRENDER温柔的降服;提出放弃;地球超人;坏女人surrender forever永远举降surrender charges电放费Complete Surrender完全放弃;完整废弃;完全降服Surrender Speech投降演说surrender all出版者Surrender Chambers投降纪念馆They have agreed on the terms of surrender.他们就投降条件达成了协议。2、单词:abandon 翻译:n. 狂热;放任;vt. 遗弃;放弃abandon rate挂断率;放弃率;电话放弃率abandon ship弃船;放弃船舰;委付;废弃之船abandon option放弃期权abandon v放弃;离弃abandon verb放弃Call abandon呼叫中途挂机;未接通暂停Percent Abandon呼叫放弃率Reckless Abandon悍然舍弃abandon call放弃呼叫with abandon 恣意地,放纵地 abandon ship 弃船 n.狂热;放任loose, maniavt.遗弃;放弃desert, yield, quit词根:abandonadj.abandoned 被抛弃的;无约束的;恣意放荡的;寡廉鲜耻的n.abandonment 抛弃;放纵v.abandoned 抛弃(abandon的过去式和过去分词)If I abandon them, I resign.如果我抛弃了他们,我会辞职。Don"t abandon yourself to despair.不要自暴自弃。百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。

kendrick lamar 《I》歌词

找不到中文i - Kendrick LamarI done been through a whole lotTrial, tribulations, but I know GodSatan wanna put me in a bow-tiePraying that the holy water don"t go dryAs I look around meSo many motherfuckers wanna down meBut ain"t no nigga never drown meIn front of a dirty double-mirror they found meAnd I love myself(The world is a ghetto with guns and picket signs)I love myself(But it can do what it wantwhenever it wants and I don"t mind)I love myself(He said I gotta get up, life is more than suicide)I love myself(One day at the time, sun gon" shine)Everybody looking at you crazy (Crazy)What you gon" do? (What you gon" do?)Lift up your head and keep moving (Keep moving)Or let the paranoia haunt you? (Haunt you)Peace to fashion police, I wear my heartOn my sleeve, let the runway startYou know the miserable do love companyWhat do you want from me and my scars?Everybody lack confidence, everybody lack confidenceHow many times our potential was anonymous?How many times the city making me promises?So I promise thisAnd I love myself(The world is a ghetto with guns and picket signs)I love myself(But it can do what it wantwhenever it wants and I don"t mind)I love myself(He said I gotta get up, life is more than suicide)I love myself(One day at the time, sun gon" shine)They wanna say there"s a waroutside and a bomb in the streetAnd a gun in the hood and a mob of policeAnd a rock on the corner and a line full of fiendsAnd a bottle full of leanand a model on a scheme, yupThese days of frustration,keep y"all on ducking rotationI duck these gold faces,post up fee-fi-fo-fum basisDreams of realities peace,blow steam in the face of the beastThe sky can fall down, the wind can cry nowThe strong in me, I still smileAnd I love myself(The world is a ghetto with guns and picket signs)I love myself(But it can do what it wantwhenever it wants and I don"t mind)I love myself(He said I gotta get up, life is more than suicide)I love myself(One day at the time, sun gon" shine)Walk my bare feet (Walk my bare feet)Down, down valley peak (Down, down valley peak)I keep my fee-fi-fo-fum (Fee-fi-fo-fum)I keep my heart undone (My heart undone)And I love myself(The world is a ghetto with guns and picket signs)I love myself(But it can do what it wantwhenever it wants and I don"t mind)I love myself(He said I gotta get up, life is more than suicide)I love myself(One day at the time, sun gon" shine)I went to war last nightWith an automatic weapon,don"t nobody call a medicImma do it "til I get it right,I went to war last nightI"ve been dealing with depressionever since an adolescentDuckin" every other blessin",l can never see the messageI can never take the lead,I can never bob and weaveFor my nigga that be letting "em annihilate meAnd the sound is moving in a meteor speedFrom a hundred to a billion,lay my body in the streetKeep my money in the ceiling,let my mama know I"m freeGive my story to the children andthe lesson they can readAnd the glory to the feeling of the only unseenSeen enough, make a motherfucker scream,"I love myself!"I lost my head, I"ve must misreadwhat the good book saidOh woes keep me, it"s a jungle insideGive myself again "til the well runs dry
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