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这个设计真的很没必要或者说很老套还没有摆脱以前的语言设计的思维逻辑所以搞的很复杂,或者说逻辑很乱python 91年出来的,实际上是个老语言了现在的编程语言普遍的没有进化好


self后缀的单词有: himself pron.他自己;他亲自; itself pron.它自己;自身; myself pron.我自己; oneself pron.自己;亲自; herself pron.她自己;她亲自 扩展资料   He had a hard job to make himself heard.   他好不容易才使别人听见他的声音。   It took him some time to orient himself in his new school.   他经过了一段时间才熟悉新学校的环境。   He cut himself off from all human contact.   他断绝了与所有人的联系。   He has the house to himself during the week.   一周之中除周末外他可以一人住这座房子。   He couldn"t find it in himself to trust anyone again.   他再也不愿意相信任何人了。


效果特别好,我剖腹产快四个月了,术后41开始贴的Drkegel疤痕贴,大概5-6天换一张。我的使用感受是,用起来简直太服帖了,洗澡之类的完全不怕进水,粘性超级好。给我做产后修复的老师也说,见过很多剖腹产的宝妈们贴的各种牌子的疤痕贴,Drkegel的疤痕贴是最服帖的。我刚剖完四个月,使用之后目前状态是疤痕完全没有增生,没有凸起,愈合得非常好。 需要可以百度搜下。


以自己的亲身经历说下,我是用来涂抹疤痕的,有淡化作用。我已经用了一年多了。其实我不是疤痕体质,但是剖腹产后留下了伤口,也不知道是怎么长出来的,伤口上都是一些黑色的印子。 一般都是先涂在伤口上,再涂在疤痕上。不过我觉得可以先涂在疤痕处,然后再涂抹在伤口上。 我一般都是每天晚上睡觉前涂一次。不过也看个人情况而定吧。 目前已经用了一年多了,效果还是可以的。就是比较容易涂抹开而已。用到现在也没有出现过敏啊之类的现象吧?也没发现有什么其他的不良反应。 所以说这个祛疤产品还是效果不错的。

Dr kegel手术贴需要一天一换吗?用多久可以换成Dr kegel疤痕贴?

没必要换那么勤吧,医生告诉我五天一换就可以,但是我为了见效快,三天一换,后面又自己买了Dr kegel疤痕贴。我术后就贴上了Dr kegel手术贴,因为我是在美中宜和生的,做完手术医生直接就给我贴上了Dr kegel的手术贴,一开始我还不知道这是什么,就是觉得伤口没有想象中火辣辣的疼u2304用到月子后,大概40天左右又自己买了疤痕贴,再搭配Dr kegel的疤痕凝胶使用,已经九个多月了,目前观察没有增生的迹象。


可以的 ,例句: You"re looking more like your usual self .你现在看上去较像你平时的样子了。I want to explore and get in touch with my inner self. 我想认真探寻、了解内心的自我。She was back to her old self again. 她又恢复了老样子。






self本身就有形容词的词性 。self可以作名词。 self:n.(自己的)通常的行为方式,本来面目,惯常心态;个性;自我;个人利益;一己的享乐;私心; 复数: selves 扩展资料   He"s not his usual happy self this morning.   今天早上,他不像平素那乐呵呵的样子。   We look forward to seeing Mrs Brown and your good self this evening.   我们期盼今晚能见到布朗夫人和您本人。   You"re not your usual cheerful self today.   你今天不像往常那么快快乐乐的。   The self is the only knowable existent.   自我是唯一可知的存在物。






1. self-absorbed adjective 2. self-abuse noun 3. self-access noun 4. self-actualization noun 5. self-addressed adjective 6. self-adhesive adjective 7. self-appointed adjective 8. self-assembly adjective 9. self-assertive adjective 10. self-assessment noun 11. self-assured adjective 12. self-awareness noun 13. self-catering adjective 14. self-centred adjective 15. self-certification noun 16. self-concept noun 17. self-confessed adjective 18. self-confident adjective 19. self-congratulation noun 20. self-conscious adjective 21. self-contained adjective 22. self-contradictory adjective 23. self-control noun 24. self-criticism noun 25. self-deception noun 26. self-defeating adjective 27. self-defence noun 28. self-denial noun 29. self-deprecating adjective 30. self-destruct verb 31. self-destructive adjective 32. self-determination noun 33. self-directed adjective 34. self-discipline noun 35. self-doubt noun 36. self-drive adjective 37. self-educated adjective 38. self-effacing adjective 39. self-employed adjective 40. self-esteem noun 41. self-evident adjective 42. self-examination noun 43. self-explanatory adjective 44. self-expression noun 45. self-fulfilling adjective 46. self-governing adjective 47. self-harm noun 48. self-help noun 49. self-image noun 50. self-important adjective 51. self-imposed adjective 52. self-indulgent adjective 53. self-inflicted adjective 54. self-interest noun 55. self-knowledge noun 56. self-made adjective 57. self-opinionated adjective 58. self-pity noun 59. self-portrait noun 60. self-possessed adjective 61. self-preservation noun 62. self-proclaimed adjective 63. self-raising flour noun 64. self-regulatory adjective 65. self-reliant adjective 66. self-respect noun 67. self-respecting adjective 68. self-restraint noun 69. self-righteous adjective 70. self-rising flour noun 71. self-rule noun 72. self-sacrifice noun 73. self-satisfied adjective 74. self-seeking adjective 75. self-service adjective 76. self-serving adjective 77. self-starter noun 78. self-styled adjective 79. self-sufficient adjective 80. self-supporting adjective 81. self-taught adjective 82. self-willed adjective 83. self-winding adjective 后面一个是它们的词性




这只是一个词根吧,反身代词的词根,只能与其他的单词构成语义。Self 指的的主体的本身, Itself .Mysef . Himself .Herself . Themselves . Self所形成的的连词词组: Self-fish 自私鬼Self-estimate 自我评价 Self-esteem 自尊 etc. 再一个句子中无法自身产生语义,只能与其他单词组成短语过名词。












反身动代词的构成:第一、 第二人称的反身代词由形容词的物主代词加上self,selves构成.如:myself我自己 ,ourselves我们自己 ,yourself你自己,yourselves你们自己.第三人称的反身代词是由宾格加上self,selves构成.如:himself他自己,herself她自己,itself它自己 ,以及themselves他们/她们/它们自己.值得注意的是,凡是单数人称代词的反身代词在后加self,而复数人称的反身代词在后加selves 用法:反身代词可用作宾语、同位语、表语等.用作同位语时,主要用于加强被修饰词的语气,可紧放在被修饰名词后或句末.总结一下 1) 列表 I you you she he myself yourself yourselves herself himself we they it one ourselves themselves itself oneself 2)做宾语 a.有些动词需有反身代词 absent,bathe,amuse,blame,dry,cut,enjoy,hurt,introduce,behave We enjoyed ourselves very much last night.我们昨晚玩得很开心.Please help yourself to some fish.请你随便吃点鱼.b.用于及物动词+宾语+介词 take pride in,be annoyed with,help oneself to sth.I could not dress (myself) up at that time.那个时候我不能打扮我自己.注:有些动词后不跟反身代词,get up,sit-down,stand up,wake up等.Please sit down.请坐.3) 作表语; 同位语 be oneself:I am not myself today.我今天不舒服.The thing itself is not important.事情本身并不重要.4) 在不强调的情况下,but,except,for 等介词后宾语用反身代词或人称代词宾格均可.如:No one but myself (me) is hurt.注意:a.反身代词本身不能单独作主语.(错) Myself drove the car.(对) I myself drove the car.我自己开车.b.但在and,or,nor连接的并列主语中,第二个主语可用反身代词,特别是myself 作主语.Charles and myself saw it.5)第二人称作宾语,要用反身代词.You should be proud of yourself.你应为自己感到骄傲.


self [self] n. 自己,自我;本质;私心adj. 同一的vt. [植]使自花授精;使近亲繁殖vi. [植]自花授精[ 复数selves ] [俚语]敝人,我自己:例句: my poor self在下,鄙人6. [戏谑语]我;你;他;她;我们;你们;他们:例句: This is for my self.这个是我的了。adj相同的,同样的:例句: the self way同样的方法短语1. by one"s self独自,单独2. have no thought of self绝无个人打算3. one"s better (或worse) self本性中善良(或邪恶)的一面4. Self do, self have.[谚语]自作自受。5. self first先顾自己希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ...


self的读音是:英[self]。self的读音是:英[self]。self的详尽释义是n.(名词)自己,自我,自身,本人,本身,我,我自己私心,私利,私欲本质,本性本性,个性本性的一面,本来面目【哲】自我【商】本人通常的行为方式惯常心态个人利益。self的词语用法是n.(名词)self的基本意思是“自己,自我,自身”,既可用作可数名词,又可用作不可数名词。一、详尽释义点此查看self的详细内容n.(名词)自己,自我,自身,本人,本身,我,我自己私心,私利,私欲本质,本性本性,个性本性的一面,本来面目【哲】自我【商】本人通常的行为方式惯常心态个人利益pron.(代词)自己,我自己你自己他或她自己adj.(形容词)同种的,同类的,同一类型的单色的同样的,一样的, 相同的,一致的纯净的单一的,同一的用一根木头做的同样材料的自立的一贯的,始终如一的性质不变的v.(动词)(使)近亲繁殖,(使)同种繁殖【植】使自花受精,自花授粉自交二、英英释义Noun:your consciousness of your own identitya person considered as a unique individual;"one"s own self"Adjective:(used as a combining form) relating to--of or by or to or from or for--the self;"self-knowledge""self-proclaimed""self-induced"三、词典解释1.自身;本性;本我Yourself is your basic personality or nature, especially considered in terms of what you are really like as a person.e.g. You"re looking more like your usualself...你现在看上去较像你平时的样子了。e.g. She was back to her oldself again.她又恢复了老样子。2.个性;自我A person"sself is the essential part of their nature which makes them different from everyone and everything else.e.g. I want to explore and get in touch with my innerself...我想认真探寻、了解内心的自我。e.g. The face is the trueself visible to others.这副面孔是他人所能见到的自我真实的一面。四、例句He is now out of all conceit with his former self.他现在全盘否定了他原来的自己。I do not like to go to the movies by my self.我不喜欢自己一个人看电影。Suddenly it all falls out of relation to her basic henny self, and she realizes she has lost her life.瞬间这一切与她如母鸡一样的本性毫无关系,她意识到她已失去了自己的生活。Knowledge of self increases as one gets older.随着年岁的增长,人们的自我认识也不断加深。There are many doorways to your Divine Self.通往你的神性自我有许多门道。I was looking for some resemblance between my ancestor and my self.我在寻找我的祖先和我自己之间的某些相似之处。Over the next few days the trauma receded and I asked my self what I was trying to prove?几天后,当冲击逐渐消退,我问我自己我想证明什么?Before doing anything, ask your Higher Self, God, and us angels to guide you.在你做任何事之前,祈请你自己的高我,上主,和天使来引领你。If you would have a faithful servant, and one that you like, serve your self.如果你想得到一个忠诚的仆人,这个人就是你自己。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~admit self限本人control the self自我控制pay to self认票不认人support one"s self振作精神形容词+~better self爱妻,本性中良好的一面,某人的良心conscious self自觉的样子former self原来的样子material self小我my humble self鄙人,在下,不才my poor self鄙人,在下,不才noble self高贵的本性old self原来的样子own self自己本人real self本来面目second self第二个我,得力助手spiritual self大我true self本来面目worse self本性中邪恶的一面,劣根性名词+~beauty"s self美的化身pity"s self极令人遗憾的(事物或人),极令人怜悯的(事物或人)介词+~above self没有私心beside one"s self失神,失态,发狂by one"s self独自地thought of self私心六、经典引文His fiend-like queen, Who..by self and violent hands Took off her life.出自:Macbeth,Shakespeare七、词源解说☆ 直接源自古英语的self,意为自己的。self的相关近义词I、identity、person、personality、soulself的相关临近词selfish、selenium、selfs、Selfa、selfer、selfed、selfoc、Selfil、selfie、Selfen、self-、Selfvin点此查看更多关于self的详细信息


self 英[self]美[su025blf]n. 自己; 本人; 本性; 私利;adj. 同一的; 纯净的; 单一的;vt. 使自花授精; 使近亲繁殖;[例句]You"re looking more like your usual self.你现在看上去较像你平时的样子了。[其他] 复数:selves







I don’t have any yellow hair clips.同义句是什么?


产后同房的时候痛是为什么呀, 可以用kegel的盆底肌修复仪吗








Dr kegel手术贴需要一天一换吗?用多久可以换成Dr kegel疤痕贴?

没必要换那么勤吧,医生告诉我五天一换就可以,但是我为了见效快,三天一换,后面又自己买了Dr kegel疤痕贴。我术后就贴上了Dr kegel手术贴,因为我是在美中宜和生的,做完手术医生直接就给我贴上了Dr kegel的手术贴,一开始我还不知道这是什么,就是觉得伤口没有想象中火辣辣的疼。就问医生想买一些带回家⌄结果说我的套装有能够用两周的,可以带回家。回家之后奶完娃我就刷刷手机,无意间看到了我这款Dr kegel手术贴,很多人都说预防疤痕增生很管用。用到月子后,大概40天左右又自己买了疤痕贴,再搭配Dr kegel的疤痕凝胶使用,已经九个多月了,目前观察没有增生的迹象。

求一首歌,开头的歌词是baby want to tell me why,好像是这样??

歌曲:《that"s why you go away 》歌手:Michael Learns To Rock发行时间:1995年08月Baby won"t you tell me why宝贝,你不愿告诉我吗there is sadness in your eyes为何你的眼中含着伤悲I don"t wanna say goodbye to you我不想就此与你告别Love is one big illusion爱是场华丽错觉I should try to forget我该尽力忘却But there is something left in my head但有些事还在我脑海,难以挥别You"re the one who set it up当初一切因你开始Now you"re the one to make it stop现在一切因你终止I"m the one who"s feeling lost right now而此刻的我感到深深迷失Now you want me to forget every little thing you said现在你要我忘了,你说过的每一件事But there is something left in my head但有些事还在我脑海,难以挥别I won"t forget the way you"re kissing我将永生难忘,你是如何与我热吻The feelings so strong were lasting for so long那些强烈的感情,曾伴随过如此漫长岁月But I"m not the man your heart is missing但我并非那个,你心中正想念的人That"s why you go away I know我知道,那就是为何你选择离别You were never satisfied, no matter how I tried你总是无法满意,无论我如何努力Now you wanna say goodbye to me如今你要对我说出再见Love is one big illusion, I should try to forget爱是场华丽错觉,我该尽力忘却But there is something left in my head但有些事还在我脑海,难以挥别I won"t forget the way you"re kissing我将永生难忘,你是如何与我热吻The feelings so strong were lasting for so long那些强烈的感情,曾伴随过如此漫长岁月But I"m not the man your heart is missing但我并非那个,你心中正想念的人That"s why you go away I know我知道,那就是为何你选择离别Sitting here all alone in the middle of nowhere孤独地坐在这,仿佛身处无垠荒野Don"t know which way to go不知该何去何从There ain"t so much to say now between us现在你我之间,已说不出万语千言There ain"t so much for you对于你,我的话已不多There ain"t so much for me anymore对于我,恐怕从此你也唯有沉默I won"t forget the way you"re kissing我将永生难忘,你是如何与我热吻The feelings so strong were lasting for so long那些强烈的感情,曾伴随过如此漫长岁月But I"m not the man your heart is missing但我并非那个,你心中正想念的人That"s why you go away I know我知道,那就是为何你选择离别That"s why you go away I know我知道,那就是为何你选择离别扩展资料迈克学摇滚的第三张专辑 《Played On Pepper》在1995年发行,其范围进一步扩展到欧洲、南美、南非、中东,及东南亚的11个国家。当年10月乐队在东南亚10国举行25场巡回演唱会,受到皇室般的礼遇,并推出That"s Why You Go Away和Someday等极受好评的单曲,其中That"s Why You Go Away以前所未有的速度登上榜首。该专辑的全球销量亦超过了120万张。






正确的做法应该是产后先去医院做盆底筛查,根据检查情况进行修复,严重的话可以选择医院的物理治疗并且配合凯格尔运动。凯格尔运动又被很多人习惯性的称为属于骨盆的运动方式,创立于1948年的美国,主要是由阿诺凯格尔医生所研发,这种运动方式主要借由反复缩放自己的部分骨盆肌肉来实现肌肉紧实的状态。凯格尔运动常常都会被一些人用来降低自己尿失禁的症状,尤其是在产妇产后容易尿失禁或者阴道松弛,做这个运动有很好的缓解效果。凯格尔运动产后多久可以做?一般来说产后出月子后就能开始做凯格尔运动了。建议跟着专业的盆底肌软件G动进行锻炼,改善产后漏尿、脱垂、膨出。具体方法: 1、收缩你的骨盆底肌肉五秒钟。如果你刚启程,这是一项伟大的运动。你一定不想因为收缩的太久而损伤肌肉,如果5秒对于你来说太久,你可以只收缩2-3秒。2、放松你的这些肌肉10秒钟。理想情况下,在重复练习之前你应该让盆底肌肉休息十秒钟,这个时间足够它们来放松,避免拉伤。数到10再开始下一次重复练习。3、重复练习10次。如果你开始是通过收缩肌肉5秒,再收缩5秒钟,放松10秒,并重复练习10次,这可以被认为是一组凯格尔练习,(一次一组)这样的练习就足够了,而一天内你还要做3-4组同样的练习,但不要再做多了。4、建立一次收缩你的骨盆底肌肉10秒的目标。每个星期你可以增加数秒钟收缩这些肌肉,但不需要做更长的时间或者每一次多做一组这样的练习。一旦你达到了十秒钟,坚持下去,你可以继续做一组,10秒收缩10秒休息的练习,每天3-4次。怎么找到盆底肌群凯格尔运动主要是活动盆底肌。可是盆底肌是哪一块呢?盆底肌是在盆骨周围,承托着尿道、膀胱、阴道、子宫、直肠等器官的肌肉群。 对于女性来说,要找到盆底肌有一个简单易行的小方法:小便中途憋尿,感觉所用力收缩的肌肉位置,这里便是盆底肌。 定位了盆底肌位置,就可以开始做凯格尔运动了。

Telling me that you love me. Let me try and try once more

再回首I Hope You"ll Come Back姜育恒Looking backAll that we two sharedFeeling sadBecause you"re goneAll that we have been throughLaughter and tearsI"ll remember and will always keep youDeep inside my heartMemories of us togetherAlways come into my mindWhat was wrong with our loveYou can"t tell me whyHow can I go on without youNot knowing what"s the reason(chorus)Do you know I can"t sleep can"t eatCan"t do anything rightHoping that you"ll be backYou will come back to me one day soonBut no matter what it takesI will do all that I canTo win your love and make you mineOnce again(repeat)(repeat chorus)I hope you you"ll come back to me oh once again



Nelly的 body on me 的中英对译歌词?

the way that you walkin, the way that you talkin 你这样的陪伴方式,你这样的说话方式 you"re the one i want to spend this night with 你就是那个我想要共度良宵的人 tryna get in them draws and bang it out til the morning 试着到达那个G点,并且缠绵到天亮. i can already tell you want it 我真的能够向你开口想要它了 cause you shakin it all for me, givin it all to me 因为你让我在颤动,给予我全部 rubbin dat body on me 不停地与我的身体摩擦着...(我无语了) keep on shakin it all for me, givin it all to me 让我不停的摇晃着,给我,全部. hey boy 嘿,男孩. i think i just might wanna come see you tonight 我想我今晚想要来这里与你相会. and you can have your way boy 并且你可以得到你想的. i know its been a while since you made my body right 我知道这是你让我感到High的瞬间, now i"ve been waiting patiently, 现在我已经是在耐心的等待. anticipating you and me 适合于你与我and it aint no question cuz boy i love you 这是毫无疑问的,因为我爱你,男孩. when you put that body on me 当你"压"着我的时候 (do Bam chi ga bon-bon) hey how you doin mama 嘿,你好吗? i need to know ur name 我需要知道你的名字 you givin me the eye eye 你给我的是 im givin you the same 我同样给你 it just hit me right now 只要马上"撞击"我 (do Bam chi ga bon-bon) what we should do today 这是我们今天所要做的. go tell you friends bye bye 去告诉你的朋友,再见 and lets go hop a plane 并且让我们见面 its no mistaken the attractions ironic 我们出乎意料的相互吸引是没错的. i wanna make you someone more then just a a bon in my closet 我想要让你成为我的私密中的某人 i wanna win that type of relationship 我想要得到更典型的关系 where you wanna come hang when your man is trippin 当你的男人不在之时你想要来这里逗留的地方 you say your short this month and your late on your rent 你说你这个月没空,并且推迟你.... he took your car watchin me hold this 他坐你的车里面抱着它同时也看着我. hey hey you see oohhh 嘿嘿.你看, you see lil mama outta control 你看到唇蜜失去了控制. (注lil mama是一个国年轻女饶舌歌手Lil" Mama的Lip Gloss ,Lip Gloss的意思就是我们所谓的唇蜜 MV中特殊的唇蜜可以让一个女生从普通女孩变成一个cool girl)



特斯拉Cybertruck和Semi或将采用800伏架构 Model 3/Y不考虑

易车讯 日前,在2022年第一季度财报电话会议的问答环节中,特斯拉表示,将考虑在Cybertruck和Semi上采用800伏电气架构。与此同时,特斯拉还表示Model 3/Y等小型车将不考虑800伏电气架构,缘由是对于特斯拉而言,充电设施和汽车系统的改造成本大于收益。特斯拉动力总成与能源工程高级副总裁Andrew Baglino表示,更高电压的平台确实有优势,对Cybertruck和Semi等大型汽车更有利。他指出:“对于更大的车辆,充电方面需要更高的功率,电池给电力电子设备提供也要更高的功率,车辆也需要更大的扭矩。同时在更高的电压下,可以节省更多的半导体和实际导体。所以,我们确实会考虑在Cybertruck和Semi上采用800伏电气架构。”值得一提的是,这两款车型预计将于2023年开始批量生产。需要指出的是,虽然目前市面上销售的绝大多数电动汽车都配备了400伏的电气架构,但在保时捷Taycan、奥迪e-tron GT、现代Ioniq 5和起亚EV6等车型的引领下,整个行业正迅速转向800伏电气架构。虽然特斯拉是目前电动汽车行业的领导者,但它在售的所有车型都采用了400伏的电气架构。而对于现有车型,Andrew Baglino表示,“对于像Model 3/Y这样的小型车,特斯拉对于它们的平台并没有忽视可以提高电压的现实,但没有什么可以鼓励我们在这个平台上这样做。”而特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克也表示,将电压从400伏提高到800伏可能会为公司节省100美元,但这将增加巨大的成本,因为汽车的充电基础设施和整个汽车系统将不得不改变,以适应更高的电压。根据易车App“热度榜”数据,特斯拉的日均关注度为2.47万,在所有新能源品牌中排名第26位,如需更多数据,请到易车App查看。

Welcome To The Black Parade 歌词

歌曲名:Welcome To The Black Parade歌手:My Chemical Romance专辑:A Piano TributeWhen I was a young boy, 当我还是男孩My father took me into the city. 爸爸带我去城里To see a marching band. 去看大游行He said, "Son when you grow up, 他说:「儿子阿 有一天你长大了will you be the saviour of the broken, The beaten and the damned?" 会不会成为 那些不幸者的救世主阿?」He said "Will you defeat them, 他说:「你能否击溃你心中的恶魔your demons, and all the non believers, the plans that they have made?" 以及那些没有信仰的游魂和他们的诡计?」Because one day I leave you, 「因为有一天 我会离开你A phantom to lead you in the summer, 炎夏时节 鬼魂将会指引你To join the black parade. 去参加黑暗行军」When I was a young boy, 当我还是男孩My father took me into the city 爸爸带我去城里To see a marching band. 去看大游行He said, "Son when you grow up, 他说:「儿子阿 有一天你长大了will you be the saviour of the broken, The beaten and the damned?" 会不会成为 那些不幸者的救世主阿?」Sometimes I get the feeling she"s watching over me. 有时我觉得 是她在保护我And other times I feel like I should go. 也觉得是时候了Through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets. 到头来 起起浮浮 那些街上的屍体When you"re gone we want you all to know 当你不在时 我们想让你知道We"ll Carry on, 我们会一直走下去的We"ll Carry on 我们会一直走下去的Though your dead and gone believe me 无论你离开或是不在 请相信Your memory will carry on 你的记忆 会一直传承下去Carry on 会一直走下去的We"ll carry on 会一直走下去的And in my heart I cant contain it 在我的心中早已满溢The anthem wont explain it. 用歌诵也无法解释的感动And we will send you reeling from decimated dreams 你到了一个被毁灭梦境缠绕的世界Your misery and hate will kill us all 你的不幸和怨恨会杀光我们So paint it black and take it back 染上黑色系 收回它吧Lets shout it loud and clear 愤声怒吼Do you fight it to the end 大胆挑战到底We hear the call 我们听见动员令To carry on 会一直走下去的We"ll carry on 我们会一直走下去的Though your dead and gone believe me 无论你离开或是不在 请相信Your memory will carry on 你的记忆 会一直传承下去We"ll carry on 我们会一直走下去的And though you"re broken and defeated 无论你崩解或是失败了You"re weary widow marches on 你疲累不堪的未亡人And on we carry through the fears 依旧和我们一同行军 我们穿越恐惧Ooh oh ohhhhDisapointed faces of your peers 你朋友们失望的面容Ooh oh ohhhhTake a look at me cause I could not care at all 看我一眼吧 因为我毫不在意Do or die 加入或消失 You"ll never make me 你永远拿我没辄Cause the world, will never take my heart 因为这个世界夺不走我的心跳You can try, you"ll never break me 前进吧 我永远不会倒下Want it all, I"m gonna play this part 这是我们要的 我要的角色Wont explain or say i"m sorry 我不会多做解释 或是道歉I"m not ashamed, I"m gonna show my scar 我不怕 勇敢地展露我的疤痕You"re the chair, for all the broken 为我的伤痕欢呼吧Listen here, because it"s only you 注意了 这就是真正的我们I"m just a man, I"m not a hero 我只是我 不是甚麼大英雄Just a boy, who"s meant to sing this song 只是个 唱黑色进行曲的小男孩Just a man, I"m not a hero 我只是我 不是甚麼大英雄I -- don"t -- care 我鸟都不鸟Carry on 我们会一直走下去的We"ll carry on 我们会一直走下去的Though your dead and gone believe me 无论你离开或是不在 请相信Your memory will carry on 你的记忆 会一直传承下去We"ll carry on 我们会一直走下去的And though you"re broken and defeated 无论你崩解或是失败了You"re weary widow marches on 你疲累不堪的未亡人 依旧和我们一同行军We"ll carry on 一直走下去We"ll carry on 一直走下去We"ll carry on 一直走下去We"ll carry, 我们会一直..We"ll carry on 一直走下去My Chemical Romance--Welcome To The Black Paradehttp://music.baidu.com/song/18027225












Kegel训练,是1948年由美国妇产科医生Arnold Kegel首次提出的,当时主要是用来治疗女性尿失禁的。Kegel训练起先仅作为准妈妈或者产妇围产期训练教学,促使顺利生产及产后康复。后来用途大大扩展了,发现这种训练方式对整个盆底脏器功能障碍相关的疾病都非常有用:包括尿失禁、排便功能障碍、以及和女性盆腔器官相关的各种功能障碍。扩展资料Kegel训练的适合人群:1、妊娠期女性。妊娠期进行Kegel训练,可以增强盆底肌肉弹性,让盆底肌为怀孕后期与分娩时做准备,以减少因妊娠、分娩对盆底肌造成的伤害。2、产后女性。分娩是导致女性盆底受损的重要因素之一。产后进行Kegel训练,可以改善增强盆底肌肉弹性和肌肉力量,在极大程度上降低盆底功能障碍性疾病的发生。因此,在产后42天后就应开始做Kegel训练,以促进产后盆底功能的恢复。3、中老年女性。中老年女性进行Kegel训练,不仅仅可以预防盆底疾病,还可以改善盆底疾病的症状,提高生活质量,远离漏尿的尴尬。4、盆腔术前/术后的女性、长期重体力劳动的女性、对性生活质量不满意的女性、追求高品质生活的女性都应积极做Kegel训练。


kegel的意思是凯格尔运动。凯格尔运动由美国的凯格尔医师公布(1948年),用来降低妇女产后的尿失禁。后来被男科医师发现可以明显提高男性的性功能,遂将他发扬光大。Kegel运动是盆底肌肉的锻炼方式,提肛肌锻炼,收缩肛门,它是指患者有意识地对盆底肌肉进行自主性收缩,以便加强控尿的能力。经此锻炼,30%~60%的患者有不同程度改善,轻型患者可以获得治愈。 建议每天做3组,每组进行20次,每次肌肉收缩持续2秒以上,持续时间越长越好,坚持做三个月,看症状有没有改善。凯格尔运动的好处:1、改善女性漏尿、阴道松弛等女性尿道较短,从膀胱到尿道口只有几厘米,这种生理结构几乎先天上就决定了女性容易漏尿。另外,怀孕、分娩对盆底造成的损伤,围绝经期后雌激素水平的下降,都可能会导致漏尿。坚持凯格尔运动,加强薄弱的盆底肌肉组织力量,增强盆底支持力,可以更好地支撑子宫、双附件、膀胱、小肠及直肠等盆腔器官,有助于改善漏尿及阴道松弛、预防子宫脱垂等。2、提高男性性能力,保护前列腺很多人只知道凯格尔训练对女性有好处。其实,对于男性,这项锻炼也有好处。盆底肌肉群的强度和弹性会影响到男性勃起硬度、控制射精的能力以及射精时的喷发力。现在很多人长期坐着办公,盆底肌群因得不到锻炼而变得松弛。坚持凯格尔运动,有效锻炼盆底肌,可以让男性生殖器官周围的肌肉收缩功能增强,增强局部血液循环,有利于增加勃起时的硬度和时间;还有利于前列腺炎的预防和治疗,也可用于男性前列腺癌根治术后早期尿失禁的康复。


kegel[英]["kedu0292el][美]["kedu0292el]n.凯格尔健肌法(指妇女轮番紧缩放松阴部肌肉之法,以利于分娩中将婴儿顺利产出); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Nobody cares about your kegel exercises. 没人关心你的凯格尔练习。2.Kegel and his jurisprudence of interests in international privatelaw 克格尔和他的国际私法“利益论



茱莉安德鲁斯演的一部电影《仙度瑞拉》(Cindirella)1950年出的吧 是部黑白的老电影



这是意译,不是直译. 回答者:micky100001 - 见习魔法师 二级 8-19 14:41汗,这压根不是SWEETBOX的CINDERALLA的翻译,还什么意译直译这是SHE<半糖主义>原英文版的翻译好不

give me a line to the colonel中的give中的宾补是谁,为什么?

give在这里支配两个宾语,是与格动词。双宾语:直接宾语(表示动作结果,动作所涉及的事物)和间接宾语(表示动作目标,动作是谁做的或者是为谁而做的,通常是人)。间接宾语大多数情况下位于直接宾语前,如果间接宾语在后,间接宾语前必须加上“to”(表示动作“对”什么人而做),或者加上“for”(表示动作“为”什么人而做)。可以翻译为“给”、“替”、“为”的话,就用“for”;如果只能翻译为“给”的话,就用“to”。常见的双宾语动词有:give, pass ,take ,read, sell, buy, pay, hand, bring, show, promise, offer, owe等。1.He paid the shopkeeper some money.(he 是主语,paid 是谓语,paid some money 是付钱的意思,那么钱付给谁了呢,支付的对象也就是the shopkeeper.)2.He handed me the pen.(he 是主语,handed 是谓语,hand the pen 是递钢笔,那么钢笔递给的对象也就是me)3. She showed her husband her new hat. (she 是主语,showed 是谓语,show 是“展示,炫耀”的意思,show her new hat ,展示她的新帽子,那么展示给谁呢,展示的对象就是her husband)4. His uncle left him some money. (his uncle 是主语,left 是谓语,left 在此时“留,馈赠”的意思,left some money 是“留下一些钱”,而留给的对象是him)5. He is teaching us English.(he 是主语,teach 是谓语,teach是“教”,teach English “教英语”,那么教谁英语呢,教的对象就是us ,注意在这要用人称代词的宾格形式)在上面的句子中,动词pay, hand, , show, leave, teach, 的后面都可以跟两个宾语,一个指人( sb. ), 叫间接宾语,一个指物( sth. ),叫直接宾语。 这些动词大多都具有“给予”的含义。间接宾语大多数情况下置于直接宾语前,如果间接宾语在直接宾语后,间接宾语前要加to( 表示动作对什么人而做)或for(表示动作为什么人而做)。比如give 这个词,“他给我一本书”翻译出来是He gives me a book ,在这he 是主语,give 是谓语动词,后面跟了两个宾语,一个是“me”,一个是“a book”,表示人的me 就是间接宾语,表示物的a book 就是直接宾语,所以该句的谓语动词give 就是与格动词,因为它后面跟了两个宾语。这里的谓语动词后面都跟了两个宾语,一个表示人,一个表示物,所以这些词都是双宾语动词。之所以是双宾语,因为如果只跟一个宾语的话,想要表达的意思并不能表达完整,比如说He handed me the pen .如果去掉间接宾语me .那就成了“他递了一支笔”,这样的话并没有表达出这支笔是给我的,信息不完整,所以要用两个宾语。在双宾语动词中的间接宾语是表示这个的动作的方向,或者说这个动作是为谁而做的,对谁而作的。一般情况下间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后,但如果直接宾语为代词,则只能放在前面。把下列句子变为同义句:1. He lent me a book. = He lent a book to me.2. He sent me a card. = He sent a card to me.3. He passed me the salt. = He passed the salt to me .4. She bought me a tie. = She bought a tie for me.5. She made me a cake. = She made a cake for me.从这几个句子中我们可以看到双宾语动词有两种表达方式,如果是表示物的直接宾语在前的话,要借助于介词to 或者for,也就是要在间接宾语前加上to/for 。比如:lent sb sth =lent sth to sb; sent sb sth=sent sth to sb; pass sb sth =pass sth to sb; buy sb sth =buy sth for sb; make sb sth =make sth for sb


灰姑娘 辛德瑞拉

徐仁英cinderella 歌词的中文意思



您提到的歌曲可能是《 (再见)》,这首歌由孝琳(Sistar)演唱,是韩剧《来自星星的你》的插曲。这首歌里确实有多个"hello"的重复。如果你想了解更多相关信息,可以查询歌曲名称与歌手,以获得更详细的信息。

plectosphaerella cucumerina 是什么菌




can you help me to translate...

更新1: 由于你学业成绩下跌,兼且浪费太多时间和金钱,你的父母一会叫你停止崇拜偶像,可是已沉迷其中,到了无法自拔的你,又怎会听父母的话,结果一家人整天吵架,导致家庭失和。 总括而言,我反对过分崇拜偶像,因为可能为你带来想像不到的严重后果,所以我劝喻各位:千万不要过分沉迷崇拜偶像,否则后果不堪设想。若你不崇拜像,你将有很多时间做其他事,而且也可以储到很多钱,多好啊。 Nowadays young people mostly all have the worship idol the custom but worship idol this custom actually not necessarily correct. To me worship idol this matter actually not a big deal but excessively sinks confuses is not good. Why? Reasons are very simple excessively worships the idol only to be able to leave uncultivated the studies to waste the time the money serious even can cause arguments with family. If things would happened like this then you better not worship any idols. You possibly thought how worships the idol can cause the studies to leave uncultivated? Then let me explain it to you. If you put too much of yourself in it you can arrive from the dynasty late all thought the idol matter unintentionally attends class unintentionally studies unintentionally reviews lessons when unintentionally review to test facing examination paper but in brain actually a piece of blank. Why? The idol cannot teach you to study cannot supervise your review but actually makes your result to fall that also is inferior to other worship idol. As for wastes the time the money I believed you would understand too right? The body for adorer&#39;s you each concert that idol opens you also certainly can arrive like this has not wasted very many precious times? Also has not wasted a lot of money? Although each concert you are always able to go but conducts the anization is not gonna give you any preferential benefit receives your more than $100 dollars for one ticket in the same old way they wont give you a discount of enty percent off (八折) because you frequently go. 参考: Hope it helps Nowadays most youth has the habit of being worship idols. However that might not be a healthy habit. I don&#39;t mind people to have idol worship as long as it is not addited. Over addited to idols might make people getting failure in school wasting money and time while some might even cause conflict within family members. The relation beeen idol worship and school failure is possible to happen. If anyone is too crazy on idol worship he might not be able to concentrate on his study. When exam came he could not handle it well since he has spent too much time on is idol stuff. Understand about the idol could not give you any credit on test or exam. It will only lead to a low mark or bad result on your final grade. For true idol worship is a money consumption habbit. One might need to spend a lot of money and time in attempt to attend all the idol&#39;s concert or collection some related materials. It might cost you hundreds dollar for each concert ticket. No matter how many concert you are going to attend the pany will not give you any extra discount on it. As a result one might need to spend huge amount of money and plenty of time. Does it really worth to do so? Since idol worship is such a kind of money and time consumming activity most parent will try to oppose their kids to get into that habit. If the children is already addited to that idol worship work they might not be able to obey to parent&#39;s guidance. As a result conflects and argument is usually happen beeen parent and children. As a conclusion idol worship must not be overwhelm since it might lead to failure in school and conflect within family. If one could have a better control on idol worship activity one could save more time and money for other more meaningful area.



林俊杰cinderella歌词 要英汉都有的

sweetbox 之 cinderella曲名:cinderella 歌手:sweetbox Cinderella are you really that happyCinderella are you really that luckyI wanna know is your life like you dreamHere I am, trying to find my wayI"ve kissed so many frogs but I never found a princeI think they lied, I was promised much more than thiswhere"s my happy ever after allCinderella is the queen of a kingdomCinderella got the dreams she was dreamingI wanna know where is my happy endCinderella got a prince and a kingdomCinderella got the dreams she was dreamingI wanna know where is my fairy-taleSomething"s wrong "cause all my glass shoes breakand no once ever helped this damsel in the stressthe hell it is, I"m not gonna waste more timeI won"t wait and fight, prince show meCinderella is the queen of a kingdomCinderella got the dreams she was dreamingI wanna know where is my happy endCinderella got a prince and a kingdomCinderella got the dreams she was dreamingI wanna know where is my fairy-taleCinderella are you really that happyCinderella are you really that luckyI wanna know is your life like you dreamCinderella are you really that happyCinderella are you really that luckyI wanna know is your life like you dreamHere I am, trying to find my wayI"ve kissed so many frogs but I never found a princeI think they lied, I was promised much more than thiswhere"s my happy ever after allCinderella is the queen of a kingdomCinderella got the dreams she was dreamingI wanna know where is my happy endCinderella got a prince and a kingdomCinderella got the dreams she was dreamingI wanna know where is my fairy-taleCinderella is the queen of a kingdomCinderella got the dreams she was dreamingI wanna know where is my happy endCinderella got a prince and a kingdomCinderella got the dreams she was dreamingI wanna know where is my fairy-taleCinderella你真的那麽快乐吗Cinderella你真的那麽幸运吗我想知道你的生活真的如你所梦想的吗我在这儿,想要找到自己的路我吻过许多青蛙,但从没找到王子我想他们在撒谎,甚至更多的人从那以后我的所有快乐在哪儿Cinderella是王国的皇后Cinderella实现了她曾经的梦想我想知道哪里是我的快乐结局Cinderella得到了一个王子和一个王国Cinderella实现了她曾经的梦想我想知道我的童话在哪儿误会的发生全因为我的水晶鞋坏了谁都没有帮助过这位压力中的少女地狱在此,我不能再浪费更多的时间我不会再等待与奋斗,给我王子吧Cinderella是王国的皇后Cinderella实现了她曾经的梦想我想知道哪里是我的快乐结局Cinderella得到了一个王子和一个王国Cinderella实现了她曾经的梦想我想知道我的童话在哪儿Cinderella你真的那麽快乐吗Cinderella你真的那麽幸运吗我想知道你的生活真的如你所梦想的吗Cinderella你真的那麽快乐吗Cinderella你真的那麽幸运吗我想知道你的生活真的如你所梦想的吗我在这儿,想要找到自己的路我吻过许多青蛙,但从没找到王子我想他们在撒谎,甚至更多的人从那以后我的所有快乐在哪儿Cinderella是王国的皇后Cinderella实现了她曾经的梦想我想知道哪里是我的快乐结局Cinderella得到了一个王子和一个王国Cinderella实现了她曾经的梦想我想知道我的童话在哪儿Cinderella是王国的皇后Cinderella实现了她曾经的梦想我想知道哪里是我的快乐结局Cinderella得到了一个王子和一个王国Cinderella实现了她曾经的梦想我想知道我的童话在哪儿



求徐仁英-cinderella 中文歌词

她没有玻璃鞋没有华丽衣裳没有钟声的敲打没有带花香没有舞会妆她的名叫 cinderella不爱说话不懂装傻任别人叫她丑小鸭春去秋来没变化心中只有一套旧想法cinderella的眼泪(诶)难道现在就不珍贵吗cinderella的伤悲(诶)难道不需要安慰(诶)cinderella的眼泪(咿诶)难道现在就不珍贵吗cinderella的伤悲(诶)难道不需要安慰(诶)没有高跟鞋没有露背装没有收过任何花没有长头发没有涂指甲她的名叫cinderella王子白马现实神话梦里梦外不属于她这般年华无情啊她期待奇迹般的潘朵拉cinderella的眼泪(诶)难道现在就不珍贵吗cinderella的伤悲(诶)难道不需要安慰诶cinderella的眼泪(咿诶)难道现在就不珍贵吗cinderella的伤悲(诶)难道不需要安慰(诶)~(诶咿诶)(诶诶诶诶咿耶)(恩~~呃)cinderella的眼泪(诶)难道从前比较珍贵吗cinderella的伤悲(诶)其实更需要安慰(诶)cinderella的眼泪(咿诶)难道从前比较珍贵吗cinderella的伤悲(诶)其实更需要安慰(诶)cinde"rellacinde"re~llacin"derellacin"derella-á~cinde"rellacinde"re~llacin"derellacin"derella-ǎ~ā~~


Cinderella[英][u02ccsu026andu0259u02c8relu0259][美][u02ccsu026andu0259u02c8ru025blu0259]n.灰姑娘("水晶鞋与玫瑰花"中的女主人公); 未得到应有注意的人(或事物); [电影]仙履奇缘; 复数:Cinderellas例句:1.You"re making me feel like cinderella. 你让我觉得自己像灰姑娘.2.He pointed to the violence in fairy tales like "snow white" and "cinderella" and in cartoons. 他指出了《白雪公主》、《灰姑娘》等童话故事以及漫画中的暴力。

英语学霸求翻译这段句子,To help you to review chapter 1,I att

两个人在跑步,路程时间如图。a 10分钟的时候他们有多远?? b距离一千米的时候他们跑了多久?? c50分钟的时候他们有多远??d他们什么时候相遇??e30到50分钟之间b跑了多远??f30到50分钟a

功放机上level sen是什么意思


有首英文歌一开头是i want to see you well然後中间还有一小段口哨,大约四四或者四

i wanted you

给推荐些歌曲呗 最好是英文激情歌曲 要类似吉克隽逸 - I Feel Good 这种程度的歌曲





# [[Be a Gentle Person|Be gentle]], not forceful or insistent. This doesn"t mean you need to act like a meek, quiet pushover. It means that when you do something, offer something, or make a request, you do it without pressuring the people around you and making them feel like they"re being pushed into a corner. If you"re having a conversation, it"s one thing to ask a question or offer your opinion, but it"s rude to push the matter when someone has expressed discomfort (verbally or non-verbally) about the subject. Even if you"re trying to help, like offering to pay for lunch or wash the dishes, don"t be too insistent. If the person says "No, thank you, I"ve got it" then say "Please, I"d really love to help." If they still say no, then let it go. They obviously want to treat you, so let them, and return the favor some other time.# When in doubt, observe others. How are they greeting and addressing each other? What are they doing with their coats? What kinds of topics are they discussing? Different settings require different standards of formality, and those standards often define what is polite and what is not. A work-related dinner, and holiday gathering, a wedding, and a funeral will all demand a different tone.# [[Be Nice|Be nice]]. Treat everyone the same way, even if you are not fond of them. Never make any enemies. Always be courteous, you might meet this person again in another setting and wouldn"t want to have caused negative memories that would give you a bad standing. If someone annoys or even insults you, don"t get into an argument. Say "Let"s agree to disagree" and change the subject, or simply excuse yourself from the conversation.# Start a conversation by asking questions about the other person. Try not to talk about yourself too much. Be confident and charming. Do not hog the conversation, that is arrogant. Look interested and listen to the answers. Don"t look over the person"s shoulder or around the room when he/she is talking. That implies you are distracted or not interested, i.e. he/she is not important to you.# [[Be Honest|Be honest]]. It is always much worse to be caught in a lie than to tell the truth.# [[Shake Hands|Shake hands]] firmly and look your acquaintance in the eye. You might want to practice this a bit so you don"t squish people"s hands, depending on how strong you are. That would make them feel uncomfortable. Beware especially when shaking hands of women who are wearing rings. Too much pressure can be very painful. <br><br>#*[[Remember Anything|Remember]] too that many people with an "old-school" etiquette background (especially if you are in Europe) find it inappropriate to offer your hand for a handshake to a lady or an older gentleman if you are a gentleman, or to an older lady, if you are a lady. Always greet the other person first, but wait for them to extend their hand. On the other hand, if you are the older person/lady, keep in mind that if you do not extend your hand, the other person may feel rejected, as he/she is not permitted to shake your hand. Usually this situation only takes half a second in checking whether the other person is moving towards you for a handshake. Be alert.#* Do not approach someone with an already outstretched hand. That is pushy. If you want someone to know you are moving towards them, establish a firm eye contact and smile, maybe opening your arms a little (bent at the elbow) to make a welcoming gesture.# Know the proper [[Act at a Dinner Party|dinner etiquette]]. For silverware, go from the outside, in. And put your napkin on your lap, and do not add anything to the table that was not there when you got there (cell phone, glasses, jewelry). Put your purse between your feet, under your chair. Women should not apply makeup at the table. It is rude and demonstrates a lack of refinement. If you want to fix your makeup or check if something is in your teeth, go to the restroom.# Have a [[Laugh|laugh]] which shows you are having fun, without being loud. Loudness either indicates arrogance or insecurity. A charming polite person makes another person feel good. Keep this goal in mind, be considerate of other people"s needs and opinions. Don"t make derogatory remarks towards any kind of ethnic, political or religious groups under any circumstances.# Be graceful and show elegance. Carry yourself smoothly, with a sense of calm, yet involved in the moment. People will notice this subtle charm and this will help you greatly.# Be aware that etiquette and manners vary depending on the cultural region you are in...be sure to study the local customs before you travel!


Some Type Of Love - Charlie PuthWhen I"m old and grownI won"t sleep aloneEvery single moment will be fading into youThat some type of loveThat some type of loveAnd I won"t sing the bluesCause all I need is youEvery single question will be answered all by youThat some type of loveThat some type of loveWhen the world is on fire we won"t even moveThere is no reason if I"m here with youAnd when it"s said and doneI"ll give me to youThat some type of loveThat some type of loveWhen were old and grayAnd our faces changedThere won"t be a momentWhen my heart don"t feel the sameThat some type of loveThat some type of loveAnd every story endsBut we could still pretendEvery single moment will be just as we had plannedIt was some type of loveThat some type of loveWhen the world is on fire we won"t even moveThere is no reason if I"m here with youAnd when it"s said and done I"ll give me to youThat some type of loveThat some type of loveIf I"m here with youGive me to you babyThat some type of loveThat some type of loveWhen the world is on fire we won"t even moveThere is no reason if I"m here with youAnd when it"s said and doneI"ll give me to youThat some type of loveThat some type of love

一首英文歌高潮部分有I got to tell you, I got to know you, want you everything

You were my everything

我在广播里听过一首欧美歌曲,歌词里有好多eh eh……还有发音类似umbrella的单词,高潮部分

看描述怎么的有那么的一点像首韩文歌曲啊,2NE1---FIRE这歌曲韩文+英文,而且EN EN EN好多,高潮那里也有点像。虽然不一定是你想找的,也请听一下哦。







gazette 的 rella 歌词。要平假名的

[reila] - the GazettE作词:流鬼. 作曲:大日本异端芸者の皆様出会(であ)ってからどれだけ同(おな)じ伤(きず)を负(お)いどれだけ支(ささ)え合(あ)った?君(きみ)が辛(つら)いときは他(た)の谁(だれ)より仆(ぼく)だけに教(おし)えて欲(ほ)しかった事実(じじつ)が目(め)に焼(や)き付(つ)く 无言(むごん)で不动(ふどう)の君(きみ)は何(なに)を思(おも)う理由(りゆう)などいらないさ ただ仆(ぼく)の君(きみ)を返(かえ)してくれれば残(のこ)された仆(ぼく)より无(む)になった君(きみ)はどれほど辛(つら)いだろうかまだ何(なに)も始(はじ)まってないのにまだ君(きみ)にこの言叶(ことば)伝(い)えてないのに何処(どこ)へレイラ レイラ wow レイラ レイラ…君(きみ)の名(な)を呼(よ)んでみてもthis voice does not reach you…レイラ レイラ wow レイラ レイラ…目(め)を开(ひら)けて 嘘(うそ)だと笑(わら)ってみせてよ…明日(あした)は何処(どこ)へ行(い)こう 君(きみ)が望(のぞ)むなら何処(どこ)へでも行(い)くよ君(きみ)はいつもそう 仆(ぼく)が思(おも)う程(ほど)何処(どこ)かへ行(い)ってしまうまた仆(ぼく)を残(のこ)し一人(ひとり)で走(はし)って行(い)くんだねもう届(とど)かない もう届(とど)かないやっと君(きみ)に会(あ)えたのに我慢(がまん)してたものが全(すべ)て溢(あふ)れて涙(なみだ)になって零(こぼ)れたレイラ レイラ wow レイラ レイラ…言(い)えなかったこの言叶(ことば)をレイラ レイラ wow レイラ レイラ…今(いま) 此処(ここ)で君(きみ)に歌(うた)うよレイラ レイラ wow レイラ レイラ…谁(だれ)よりも君(きみ)を爱(あい)しているレイラ レイラ wow レイラ レイラ…爱(あい)している。爱(あい)している…二人(ふたり)が居(い)た部屋(へや) 今(いま)もそのまま键(かぎ)もかけずに いつでも君(きみ)が帰(かえ)って来(こ)れる様(さま)にずっと待(ま)ってるよ 理解(りかい)ってるけど今(いま)でも君(きみ)がドアを开(ひら)ける姿(すがた)が见(み)えるんだ明日(あした)はきっと帰(かえ)って来(き)てくれるかな




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