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flee有形容词吗? 逃逸的,想用flee,这个词有adj.fleeing

有时动词+ing形式可以起到形容词的作用,flee也不例外 比如 the fleeing thief 在逃的小偷


第1题答案是:R。解法为:将字母换成对应数字。则1的字母可更换为:1,4,7,4,8,12,8,13,X。X为所求数字也就是:1,1+3,4+3,7-3,4,4+4,8+4,12-4,8,8+5,X,依规律可得X=13+5=18对应字母R。 其它几个没时间想啦。有空补上,或者其它猛男猛女解答。





简单的关于Albert Einstein 的英文介绍


英文请安静怎么说 是be quiet还是being quiet

Be quiet,please. 这个是祈使句.也是比较文明的说法. 还有种愤怒的时候或者是非常粗暴的说法:Shut up!或者是Close your mouth!

英文请安静怎么说 是be quiet还是being quiet

是be quiet,不是being quiet,因为这里是祈使句,用动词原形就可以了,相当于keep quiet.

高一英语求解 17题为什么不能选A?,为什么是to imitate ?being adopted

17题,hard是形容词,要to do,不定式,前面一句是被叫做什么

being adopted 翻译一下,谢谢


folk与person与human being以及别的关于“人”的说法的区别

human being人类 强调与非人类的区别 偏向活人people集体名词 人们person个体名词 指一个人 individualrace人种(黄种白种什么的) man 男人 普通人,多用于口语。human race和human being没什么区别humanity也可以指人类但侧重人性 creature 强调人的动物属性和物理特征 或者宗教思想




约翰尼斯堡东北部的莫德芳坦(Modderfontein) 邮编是:2000

New Doornfontein 是南非的哪个城市? 中文名?谢谢!




lte切换中的keychangeindicator 什么时候变化

The integrity and cipheringalgorithms can only be changed upon handover. The four AS keys (KeNB, KRRCint,KRRCenc and KUPenc) change upon every handover andconnection re-establishment. The keyChangeIndicatoris used upon handover and indicates whether the UE should use the keysassociated with the KASME key taken into use with thelatest successful NAS SMC procedure.The nextHopChainingCount parameter isused upon handover and connection re-establishment by the UE when deriving thenew KeNB that is used to generate KRRCint, KRRCenc andKUPenc

be, being, been 区别


英文语法 betrayed 、being betrayed =betrayal???

A betrayed B. A背叛了B。A was betrayed by B. B背叛了A。B died due to A"s betrayal. B死于A的背叛。



being damaged

前一句,area和 damage之间,是被动关系啊,地区受到伤害嘛,所以要用被动,而from是介词,要接v-ing形式,所以是being damaged;而后一句,earth和 predict之间没有被动关系啊,是he came back to earth与predict之间有被动,而且,predict动作的发出都就在后面,the boy,应该这就是区别吧,一个是修饰词,一个是修饰句子.






being具体是什么意思啊?? 译文: 乔伊:嗯,啊,我是个演员。我相当整洁。我啊,我有我自己的电视。哦,不用担心与同性恋的事情,我完全没关系。 钱德勒:同性恋的事情吗? 乔伊:啊,你知道只是一般人是同性恋。我完全不在乎。 being: 基本翻译 n. 存在;生命;本质;品格 adj. 存在的;现有的 being具体是什么意思 being 英[u02c8bi:u026au014b] 美[u02c8biu026au014b] n. 存在; 人; 生物; 要素,本质; [例句]It being a Sunday, the old men had the day off 因为是星期天,所以老人都休息。 [其他] 原型: be / are 复数:beings ※⊙…﹏θ±□□ 具体是什么意思啊? 女人,雪花, *** ,三颗米,橄榄球,上上下下,两块砖 BIA具体是什么意思啊? bia,指MAC地址,是制造商固化到网路装置中的一种标示符。同时也指商业影响分析(BIA,business impact *** ysis)是一个企业可持续发展计划中不可缺少的组成部分。它包括对企业薄弱点的考察与揭示,制定企业的风险应对策略等。 ACM具体是什么意思啊? ACM LOGO 美国计算机协会(Association for Computing Machinery , 简称ACM) 它是一个世界性的计算机从业员专业组织,兴趣小组每年亦会在全世界(但主要在美国)举办世界性讲座及会谈,以供各会员分享他们的研究成果。近年ACM积极开拓网上学习的渠道,以供会员在空余或家中提升自己的专业技能。 ICPC LOGO ACM-Association for Computing Machinery , 即美国计算机协会. ICPC-International Collegiate Programming Contest , 即国际大学生程式设计竞赛. ACM国际大学生程式设计竞赛(英文全称:ACM International Collegiate ProgrammingContest(ACM-ICPC或ICPC)是由美国计算机协会(ACM)主办的,一项旨在展示大学生创新能力、团队精神和在压力下编写程式、分析和解决问题能力的年度竞赛。经过近30多年的发展,ACM国际大学生程式设计竞赛已经发展成为最具影响力的大学生计算机竞赛。 竞赛的历史可以上溯到1970年,当时在美国德克萨斯A&M大学举办了首届比赛。当时的主办方是the Alpha Chapter of the UPE Computer Science HonorSociety。作为一种全新的发现和培养电脑科学顶尖学生的方式,竞赛很快得到美国和加拿大各大学的积极响应。1977年,在ACM电脑科学会议期间举办了首次总决赛,并演变成为目前的一年一届的多国参与的国际性比赛。迄今已经举办了36届。 最初几届比赛的参赛队伍主要来自美国和加拿大,后来逐渐发展成为一项世界范围内的竞赛。特别是自1997年IBM开始赞助赛事之后,赛事规模增长迅速。1997年,总共有来自560所大学的840支队伍参加比赛。而到了2004年,这一数字迅速增加到840所大学的4109支队伍并以每年10-20%的速度在增长。 1980年,ACM将竞赛的总部设在位于美国德克萨斯州的贝勒大学。 在赛事的早期,冠军多为美国和加拿大的大学获得。而进入1990年代后期以来,俄罗斯和其它一些东欧国家的大学连夺数次冠军。来自中国大陆的上海交通大学代表队则在2002年美国夏威夷的第26届和2005年上海的第29届,2010年哈尔滨的34届全球总决赛上三夺冠军。这也是目前为止亚洲大学在该竞赛上取得的最好成绩。来自中国大陆的浙江大学代表队在2011年在美国佛罗里达州的奥兰多的35届全球总决赛上夺冠。赛事的竞争格局已经由最初的北美大学一枝独秀演变成目前的亚欧对抗的局面。 ACM-ICPC以团队的形式代表各学校参赛,每队由3名队员组成。每位队员必须是在校学生,有一定的年龄限制,并且最多可以参加2次全球总决赛和5次区域选拔赛。 比赛期间,每队使用1台电脑需要在5个小时内使用C、C++或Java中的一种编写程式解决7到10个问题。程式完成之后提交裁判执行,执行的结果会判定为正确或错误两种并及时通知参赛队。而且有趣的是每队在正确完成一题后,组织者将在其位置上升起一只代表该题颜色的气球。 最后的获胜者为正确解答题目最多且总用时最少的队伍。每道试题用时将从竞赛开始到试题解答被判定为正确为止,其间每一次提交执行结果被判错误的话将被加罚20分钟时间,未正确解答的试题不记时。例如:A、B两队都正确完成两道题目,其中A队提交这两题的时间分别是比赛开始后1:00和2:45,B队为1:20和2:00,但B队有一题提交了2次。这样A队的总用时为1:00+2:45=3:45而B队为1:20+2:00+0:20=3:40,所以B队以总用时少而获胜。 意思具体是什么意思??? 表示主观要素的分析应基于共时观的立场,结合特定的表示行为而进行。鉴于意思表示的行为自主性及私法自治工具的特征,可确定行为意思、表示意思、效果意思三项主观要素。主观要素欠缺时的法律后果如何,应在对行为人的自我决定与相对人的信赖保护进行利益衡量后做出妥适的制度设计。意思表示的主观要素是指自主观方面来看意思表示所包含的成份。这些成份具备与否关系到意思表示是否成立。意思表示究竟有哪些主观要素可谓意思表示理论的基本问题,这一问题的解决有助于深刻认识意思表示的各项具体制度,对于主观要素欠缺诸情形的处理尤具指导意义。惟在此方面学界的见解并不一致,故意思表示主观要素的考察颇有必要 been具体是什么意思啊 been英音:[bi:n]美音:[bu026a:n] been be的过去分词,是 have been 用于完成时,表示"已经" 暴吧具体是什么意思啊 词源 暴走一词的意思是形容机体或者生物的失控(多半是精神)从而导致的近乎于野兽一样狂暴的行为,也有一层意思是说这人的瞬间爆发力很强,造成的破坏也比较骇人。 而暴走一词用作这一层面意思和最早出现在电视媒体的时间已经无从考究,从1988年东映东北新社出品的动画《机动警察》中的第五话的标题就已经有了“暴走”这两个字,而暴走在这里的用意也的确是失去控制的X10型机器人。但是,当时的字幕并没有采用“暴走”这一词。 介于《eva》对“暴走”一词的推广作用,这一段解释特别的保留下来。我们可以确定的是,在早于《eva》的时间,很少有人把失去控制从而导致的近乎于野兽一样狂暴的行为叫做“暴走”的。 “暴走,这个词最先出自1994年的TV动画(EVA 新世纪福音战士)中,是形容机体或者人的失控从而导致的近乎于野 暴走一词于EVATV版14集2分48秒第一次出现兽一样狂暴的行为,也有一层意思是说这人的瞬间爆发力很强,造成的破坏也比较骇人。(有点残忍本性爆发的感觉...)经典的画面就是初号机对第三使徒的初次暴走和对第十四使徒的觉醒暴走,后来被动漫fans广泛应用。比如说:“竟然敢这么说XXsama,我要暴走了~~~”一般在动漫或者动漫轻小说中多为出现,例如某些主角在危难的情况之下出现了比较反常的举动,而这些举动在某些时候都是他们为了保护自己而启动的本能力量,当然也不排除外在的力量因素。此外,动画EVA是使用“暴走”这个词语最先出现于公共媒体的。也就是最先由eva这部动画创作出“暴走”这个词语。后来通过动画被国内引用。用于一种高强度的徒步运动。后面的附带释义均为该词语进入中国后或者在日本作品内容中的引申义。并非词源本意。而在大部分ACGfans中基本认可“暴走”一词作为疯狂状态的代称,而作为类似定向越野的长途徒步旅行运动,使用该翻译有失偏颇。” 引证 1996年版的现代汉语词典,P49-P50 "暴"字下面并未收录“暴走”词条。 2004年版的现代汉语词典,附录收录了“纯平面电视”“代孕妈妈”“干细胞”“转基因”等今近年才出现的新名词。但却没有收录“暴走”一词。2005年版本的现代汉语词典第五版亦未收录。 以上可证明“暴走”一词为外来词并非中文原生词语。 作品出现年份引证 参见 《机动警察》(日原片名:机动警察パトレイバー),是结城正美原作,押井守和吉永尚之监督的一部以机器人警察维护社会治安为题材的动画作品。与1988年由东映东北新社出品,剧集总数:47(TV),OVA(7+16),Movie(3),MiniPato(3)。 (漫画原作并没有出现“暴走”这一词汇。) 参见 《新世纪福音战士》(日语:新世纪エヴァンゲリオン;英语:Neon Genesis Evangelion),是日本动画公司GAINAX的机器人动画作品,由庵野秀明导演,于1995年在日本首次放送,共26话,并于1997年上映了两部剧场版《死与新生》与《THE END OF EVANGELION》。 2007年,更开始了全新四集新剧场版的计划,其中第一集《序》已于2007年九月上映。 参见 《THE KING OF FIGHTER 97》 在1997年日本游戏动漫作品,格斗之王97中,八神庵会在特定条件中进入失控并且那威力增加的状态,这里也使用了“暴走”一词来描述该状态。 参见[释义二:运动方式] 所引证内容均为大部分旅游网站编辑借用于该词条命名一种徒步旅行专案。而这些资料的来源日期大部分于2006年后。同时,在1995-1997年中这种运动并未被国内大众所认识。 引证 参见暴走族一词条,暴走族是一种类似“汽车俱乐部”的日本次文化,指的是一群喜欢改装(通常是违法改装)摩托车和汽车的年轻人所组成的集团。 日语原文 暴走族 假名 ぼうそうぞく 罗马字 ]Bosozoku 日本流行文化引进的和制汉语 词条 20世纪末起,由于日本电玩、漫画、流行大量进入中文圈,也有许多词开始在汉语开启知名度。如“暴走(失控)”一词因新世纪福音战士而进入ACG迷的生活圈,而“达人(专家)”一词也开始经常出现在报章、杂志上。 一般来说这个时期进入汉语的和制汉语词由于时期尚短,社会仍持保留态度看待,只将他当作一种“流行用词”,并没有真正将他视为“汉语”的一部分。但部份用来描述社会现象,无法准确翻译成中文的和制汉语,如“暴走族”、“ *** ( *** )”、“少子化”,已经成为理所当然的汉语,经常被新闻媒体采用了。 综上所述,证明“暴走”一词用于本释义的场合比用于释义作为运动名称的场合要早。释义一为本词条的词源。 具体是什么意思 1.不抽象,不笼统,细节很明确。例如:说得很具体/具体计划。 2.特定的。例如:具体的人/你担任什么具体工作? 3.把理论或原则结合到特定的人或事物上(后面带“到”)。

John Steinbeck写的Paradox and Dream的官方或权威翻译



为了帮助大家备考托福阅读,提高成绩,下面我给大家带来托福阅读TPO26(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:Energy and the Industrial Revolution,希望大家喜欢! 托福阅读原文 【1】For years historians have sought to identify crucial elements in the eighteenth-century rise in industry, technology, and economic power known as the Industrial Revolution, and many give prominence to the problem of energy. Until the eighteenth century, people relied on energy derived from plants as well as animal and human muscle to provide power. Increased efficiency in the use of water and wind helped with such tasks as pumping, milling, or sailing. However, by the eighteenth century, Great Britain in particular was experiencing an energy shortage. Wood, the primary source of heat for homes and industries and also used in the iron industry as processed charcoal, was diminishing in supply. Great Britain had large amounts of coal; however, there were not yet efficient means by which to produce mechanical energy or to power machinery. This was to occur with progress in the development of the steam engine. 【2】In the late 1700s James Watt designed an efficient and commercially viable steam engine that was soon applied to a variety of industrial uses as it became cheaper to use. The engine helped solve the problem of draining coal mines of groundwater and increased the production of coal needed to power steam engines elsewhere. A rotary engine attached to the steam engine enabled shafts to be turned and machines to be driven, resulting in mills using steam power to spin and weave cotton. Since the steam engine was fired by coal, the large mills did not need to be located by rivers, as had mills that used water- driven machines. The shift to increased mechanization in cotton production is apparent in the import of raw cotton and the sale of cotton goods. Between 1760 and 1850, the amount of raw cotton imported increased 230 times. Production of British cotton goods increased sixtyfold, and cotton cloth became Great Britain"s most important product, accounting for one-half of all exports. The success of the steam engine resulted in increased demands for coal, and the consequent increase in coal production was made possible as the steam-powered pumps drained water from the ever-deeper coal seams found below the water table. 【3】The availability of steam power and the demands for new machines facilitated the transformation of the iron industry. Charcoal, made from wood and thus in limited supply, was replaced with coal-derived coke (substance left after coal is heated) as steam-driven bellows came into use for producing of raw iron. Impurities were burnt away with the use of coke, producing a high-quality refined iron. Reduced cost was also instrumental in developing steam-powered rolling mills capable of producing finished iron of various shapes and sizes. The resulting boom in the iron industry expanded the annual iron output by more than 170 times between 1740 and 1840, and by the 1850s Great Britain was producing more tons of iron than the rest of the world combined. The developments in the iron industry were in part a response to the demand for more machines and the ever-widening use of higher-quality iron in other industries. 【4】Steam power and iron combined to revolutionize transport, which in turn had further implications. Improvements in road construction and sailing had occurred, but shipping heavy freight over land remained expensive, even with the use of rivers and canals wherever possible. Parallel rails had long been used in mining operations to move bigger loads, but horses were still the primary source of power. However, the arrival of the steam engine initiated a complete transformation in rail transportation, entrenching and expanding the Industrial Revolution. As transportation improved, distant and larger markets within the nation could be reached, thereby encouraging the development of larger factories to keep pace with increasing sales. Greater productivity and rising demands provided entrepreneurs with profits that could be reinvested to take advantage of new technologies to further expand capacity, or to seek alternative investment opportunities. Also, the availability of jobs in railway construction attracted many rural laborers accustomed to seasonal and temporary employment. When the work was completed, many moved to other construction jobs or to factory work in cities and towns, where they became part of an expanding working class. 托福阅读试题 1.Why does the author provide the information that “Great Britain had large amounts of coal”(paragraph 1)? A.To reject the claim that Britain was facing an energy shortage in the eighteenth century. B.To explain why coal rather than other energy resources became the primary source of heat for homes and industries in eighteenth-century Britain. C.To indicate that Britain"s energy shortage was not the result of a lack of fuel. D.To explain why coal mining became an important industry in nineteenth-century. 2.What was “the problem of energy" that had to be solved to make the Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth century possible? A.Water and wind could not be used efficiently. B.There was no efficient way to power machinery. C.Steam engines required large amounts of coal, which was in short supply. D.Neither humans nor animals were strong enough to provide the power required for industrial application. 3.Which of the following is NOT mentionedin paragraph 2 as a development in cotton mills brought about by Watt"s steamengine? A.The importing of huge quantities of raw cotton by Britain. B.Increased mechanization. C.More possibilities for mill location. D.Smaller mills. 4.The phrase “apparent in” in the passage(paragraph 2)is closest in meaning to A.clearly seen in. B.aided by. C.associated with. D.followed by. 5.According to paragraph 2, what was Britain"s most important export by 1850? A.Raw cotton. B.Cotton cloth. C.Steam-powered pumps. D.Coal. 6.The word “consequent”(paragraph 2)in the passage is closest in meaning to A.resulting. B.encouraging. C.well documented. D.immediate. 7.What is the role of paragraph 2 in the passage as a whole? A.It explains how by increasing the supply of raw materials from other countries, British industries were able to reduce costs and increase production. B.It explains how the production of mechanical energy and its benefits spread quickly across countries that were linked commercially with Great Britain. C.It demonstrates why developments in a single industry could not have caused the Industrial Revolution. D.It illustrates why historians have assigned great importance to the issue of energy in the rise of the Industrial Revolution. 8.According to paragraph 3, why was the use of coke important for the ironindustry? A.It helped make wood into charcoal. B.It reduced the dependency on steam-powered machines used for the production of iron. C.It replaced charcoal in the production of raw and refined iron. D.It powered the machines used to extract coal in coal mines. 9.According to paragraph 3, all of the following were true of the ironindustry in Great Britain during the 1800s EXCEPT A.Steam-driven bellows were used to produce raw iron. B.By the 1850s Britain was the world"s largest producer of iron. C.Steam-powered mills made it possible to produce iron of different shapes and sizes. D.Greater demand for higher-quality iron increased its price. 10.The word “initiated”in the passage is closest in meaning to A.anticipated. B.accelerated. C.spread. D.started. 11.Paragraph 4 implies which of the following about the transformation inrail transportation? A.Because railway construction employed mostly rural laborers, unemployment increased among urban workers. B.It resulted in more trade within the country, but less trade with markets that could be reached only by ocean shipping. C.It made shipping freight overland to distant markets less expensive. D.It resulted in higher wages for factory workers. 12.The phrase “accustomed to" in the passage is closest in meaning to A.in need of. B.used to. C.tired of. D.encouraged by. 13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage. The first steam-powered locomotives were slow but they rapidly improved in speed and carrying capacity. Steam power and iron combined to revolutionize transport, which in turnhad further implications. Improvements in road construction and sailing had occurred, but shipping heavy freight over land remained expensive, even with the use of rivers and canals wherever possible. Parallel rails had long been used in mining operations to move bigger loads, but horses were still the primary source of power. ■【A】However, the arrival of the steam engine initiated a complete transformation in rail transportation, entrenching and expanding the Industrial Revolution. ■【B】As transportation improved, distant and larger markets within the nation could be reached, thereby encouraging the development of larger factories to keep pace with increasing sales. ■【C】Greater productivity and rising demands provided entrepreneurs with profits that could be reinvested to take advantage of new technologies to further expand capacity, or to seek alternative investment opportunities. ■【D】Also, the availability of jobs in railway construction attracted many rural laborers accustomed to seasonal and temporary employment. When the work was completed,many moved to other construction jobs or to factory work in cities and towns, where they became part of an expanding working class. 14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. The coming of the Industrial Revolution in eighteenth-century Britaindepended on the development of the steam engine to power machinery. A.For years, historians disregarded the issue of energy as a major element in the rise of the Industrial Revolution and focused instead on technological developments and increased production. B.The introduction and growth of steam-powered rail transport was a major factor in Britain"s economic expansion during the Industrial Revolution. C.An expansion of the Industrial Revolution outside Great Britain occurred when British industries began to import raw cotton and high-quality iron. D.By 1850, the use of steam power in Britain"s mills, mines, and iron industry made Britain a world leader in the production of cotton cloth and iron. E.Since the basic infrastructure was in place, the Industrial Revolution fueled itself with enlarging markets requiring ever more expansion of factories and workforce. F.By the end of the 1800s, railway construction attracted so many laborers that factories could not find enough workers to keep up with increasing sales. 托福 阅读答案 1.目的题,读highlight所在句,说英国有煤,但没法变成能量来运行机器,选项C同时说了由煤木有能量,是正确答案。A错在不是reject,原文承认缺能量,A说反;B错在原文没讲other energy resources怎么样;D错在coal mining变成重要行业没讲。 2.以the problem of energy做关键词定位至第二句,但这句话没有内容,于是往后看,下一句讲依靠动植物和人作为能量的来源,看完这句话最大的可能是选D,但原文没说动植物和人的能源不够,所以D不对。排除法,A说风和水能没有有效利用,而原文第四句说越来越多的使用,所以A错;C跟上一题相反,错;B跟上一题相同,正确。 3.A的huge quantity of raw cotton定位至倒数第三句,说进口增加了230倍,正确,不选;B定位至第五句,说机械化越来越多,正确,不选;C的mill location定位至第四句,说mill不用在水边了,也就是C说的更多可能的位置,正确,不选;也同样在这句话里说大的mills,跟D说的相反,所以D错,选。 4.apparent in明显,所以正确答案是A的clearly seen in。词根是pare,意思是可见,想想透明transparent和appear。代入,原文讲转向不断增加的mechanization是什么样的通过进口raw cotton,紧接着后面就用数字讲进口cotton怎么怎么样,说明很显著。B帮忙和C相关明显不通。前后两句没有明显的先后关系,所以follow不通。 5.以most important export和1850做关键词定位至倒数第二句和倒数第三句,说raw cotton进口增加了230倍,cotton cloth变成了最重要的产品,占了出口的一半,所以正确答案是B的cotton cloth。注意A的raw cotton是进口的。 6.consequent结果的,所以正确答案是resulting。之前有讲蒸汽机的成功result in了煤炭需求的增加,和consequent煤炭生产的增加,需求增加当然导致生产增加,所以正确答案是A,C和D完全不对,A和B相比A更好。 7.问整段的,看首尾。首句讲1700年代瓦特发明了蒸汽机,随着越来越便宜,应用越来越广;尾句说steam engine的成功导致煤炭需求和生产的增加。MS没有正确答案,可采用排除法,首先没讲除英国之外的其他国家,所以A和B都不对,C说一个行业不能引起工业革命,原文也没讲。D正确的原因是煤炭的应用解决了能源问题,正确,不记得的话看看第一段的末尾。 8.以coke做关键词定位至第二句,讲在制铁的过程中,coke替代了charcoal,但没讲coke能干嘛,所以往下看,说impurity随着coke的使用被烧掉了,也就是除杂质,所以正确答案是C,B和D的machine没讲;A说把木头变成charcoal,原文也没说。 9.A的steam-driven bellows定位至第二句,正确,不选;B的1850s和Britain定位至第五句,说英国的产量等于其他国家产量之和,当然是最大生产国,所以B正确,不选;C的different shapes and sizes定位至第四句,正确,不选;D的price没讲,错,选。 10.initiated开始,所以正确答案是D。代入,说steam engine的到来怎么了铁路运输的彻底改变,能说得通的只有B和D。因为之前没有说到变化,所以不是加速,开始了一种全新的变化更好些。 11.以transformation in rail transportation做关键词定位至第四句和第五句,说随着transportation改善,能到达更远更大的国内市场,导致更大的销量和更大的工厂,所以正确答案是C。A的rural laborers,B的ocean shipping和D的wage原文都没有有说。 12.accustomed to习惯,所以正确答案是B,used to意思完全一样。不认识的同学看custom,风俗习惯,前面的ac前缀和后面的ed均没有实际意义。代入,说铁路建设提供的工作机会吸引了工人,这些工人是怎么样季节性迁徙的,C厌倦和D鼓励说不通。A需要和B习惯就要看词汇量了。 13.此题名词过渡不容易找,只能找到动词improve,所以正确答案非B即C。B之后有as transportation improved,也就是给出improve之后的结果,应该是先有improve后有结果,所以正确答案是B。 14.For years选项与首段第二句相反,错。The introduction选项对应最后一段,正确。An expansion选项中的outside Great Britain怎么样原文没讲,错。By 1850选项对应原文第二段和第三段,正确。Since the basic选项对应原文最后一段后半部分,正确。By the end选项中的工厂找不到工人跟上incr

As far back as 700 BC, man has talked about children being cared for by wolves. Romulus and Reruns,


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含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同1、atprep. 在;向;达。n. 基普(老挝货币基本单位)(=att);[化]砹(极不稳定放射性元素)。abbr. 密封的(=airtight)。abbr. 气温(=air temperature)2、onprep. 在 ... 之上;由 ... 支撑着;在(某一天);关于;基于。adv. 穿着;向前(移动);表示持续性。adj. 表示已连接、处于工作状态或使用中;发生;值班3、inadv. 在家;入;进;向里;在某地;并入;在某种关系中。adj. 在里面的;新来的;执政的;<口>时髦的。n. 当权者;影响;达成目标的路径

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there be









dasein是什么意思 dasein的中文翻译、读音、例句?

dasein通常被翻译为”发生、到场”的意思,其中文解释还有”实体”的意思,在线读音是[dasein],dasein在德语中经常以名词形式出现,在《实用德语词典》中,共找到88个与dasein相关的近义词和例句dasein的释义1.发生例句:in ihrer Abschlussarbeit geht"s bestimmt um ihr Dasein als Hure.翻译:是的,我告别糟糕 比那个愚蠢的流星自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:https://www.87dh.com/xl/

问题求教:内核启动时卡在Freeing init memory

如一开机就没有显示,极有可能是显示器与主机显卡接线接触不良或没接好。如线已接好可能是显示与主机接触不良。如果开机有显示,但进入系统后无显示可能是显示分辨率或刷新率设置得过高,可以启动时按F 进入VGA模式或安全模拟重新设置

Freeing unused kernel memory:1404k freed的翻译是:什么意思






冰箱上的“TURBO FREEING”是什么意思?


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on a freeing coming the litter match gril was found frozen at the corner of the street怎么翻译

On the_______ morning the little match girl was found ______ at the corner of the street. A. freezing; frozen B. freezing; freezing C. frozen; freezing D. frozen; frozen答案选A在一个冰冷的清晨,卖火柴的小女孩被发现在街道的角落里冻僵了。




n.解除v.免除,释放( free的现在分词 ); 使…免除,使…释放,使…。。摆脱网 络解放出来;自由的行为;正在释放;无比自由

Are you free now?这里为什么不能用freeing?

free 是形容词啊,比如说Are you OK?Ok是形容词表示你好吗?而不用OKing 同理:Are you free now?free 是形容词,表示你现在有空吗,除非是动词才会在进行时里用V-ing形式



freeing 和 freed 有什么区别?

freeing是形容事或物的.freed是形容人的.两者都有释放的意思应该是we were freed.

德语Zu meinem Geburtstag habe ich alle meine Freunde eingeladen.中为什么alle后面用meine而不是meine


For kids like me, being called childish can be a frequent occurrence.


I was afraid to be bitten I was afraid of being bitten .区别


being bitten twice,the postman

可以.这里主要要注意的是,bite对于主语postman来说是一个被动形式,也就是说,postman应该是被咬,所以C肯定错.to be bitten,说明这个postman还没被咬,那么他就不可能不愿意来,逻辑上说不通.being bitten,是正在被咬,而后面的twice说明那个邮递员已经被咬过了,必须用完成时.而选项中又没有,故用B,bitten,这是having been bitten的省略写法.

being bitten twice

bitten 是指一般现在时/一般过去时的被动关系; being bitten.是指现在进行/过去进行时的被动关系; 根据句子的意思来看,应该是一般过去时的被动关系,所以填bitten

Bitten twice,the postman refused to ........ 这里的Bitten不是表被动吗?为什么不用Being bitten?

Being bitten 和 bitten 都是被动, 意思一样

______by a dog,the little boy did not dare to play with dogs again 为什么填Bitten 而非Being bitten


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Asisknowntoall,Aliensonlyexistinmovies.However,somepeoplebelieveinaliens.Inmyopinion,thereisnoaliensbecausewehaven"tanyevidencetoprove. Firstly,livingbeingsneedthreeelements-propertemperature,waterandair.Nootherplanetshavesuchconditionsexceptforourglobe.TheonlydiscoveryoflivingtraceisthatonMars,butjustsomemarks.Thesemarkscouldonlyshowsthatthereprobablyhadbeenlivingbeings,butnow,theydied. Secondly,iftherearealiens,wherearetheyfrom?Whydon"ttheyconnectpeopleontheworld?Globalfamousscientistcannotevenexplainsuchquestions.Becausefromthousandsofyear,noevidencesshowsalienshadoncecommunicatewithpeople. Lastly,rumorswhichconcernaboutaliensorUFOisjustimagination.Wehaveheardallkindsoflegends,newsorinformationaboutaliensandsomethinglikeUFO.Somepeopleevensaidtheyhadseensuchaliens.Butuntilnow,noonehadtakenrealphotosorshowanyconclusiveclues.Somestoryaboutthemisonlyguessinganddreaming. Inawords,wehaven"tfindaliensnow.ButIbelieve,maybehundredsandthousandsyearsago,alienswillappearandmakefriendswithus.

谁有搞笑的英文歌,或是像Schnappi Das Kleine Krokodil这样的.

艺术家:Yolanda Be Cool / DCUP专辑名:We No Speak Americano中文名:我们不说美国话 音乐风格:电子语言:意大利语下载:http://good.gd/670254.htm 简介:澳大利亚双人电子组合Yolanda Be Cool的红遍欧洲的电子舞曲,早前已经在丹麦,瑞典,荷兰等多个国家夺冠。7/5在英国发行,本周最总也登上了单曲榜冠军。配上很搞怪有趣的MV。MV:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTk1OTkzMTAw.html


主要思路是使用自定义模版来实现。1、定位到路径:GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR/workspaces/{workspace}/{datastore}/{featuretype}/2、在上一步的目录下创建三个空的文本文件,并将文件名称修改为: header.ftl、content.ftl、footer.ftl3、用记事本打开content.ftl文件,将下面的文本内容粘贴复制进去,然后保存。[ <#list features as feature> { "Type": "${type.name}" <#list feature.attributes as attribute><#if !attribute.isGeometry>, "${attribute.name}": "${attribute.value}"</#if> </#list> } </#list> ,{} ] 4、在客户端调用WMS getFeatureInfo请求就可以看到返回的是JSON字符串了。注意:这种方式返回的数据如果有“数值”类型的数据将一并当作字符串处理。


Head In The Clouds-Hayd

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what with it being her funeral and all

what with it “那又怎么样”这句话的意思是“她的葬礼又怎么了/发生什么事了”

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最直接的办法就是你把那个重装一下(如果重装不管用就用另一种方法),还有一种办法就是把你的游戏粘贴到系统盘里,把文件夹改成windowCD,在在操作系统把你的配置改到最低(比如:显卡,声卡……),之后再下个升级补丁就行了。问题原因:因为ads56.2不兼容安装系统所以你要将文件夹粘贴在系统盘里(就是装系统的盘里),这样一切就恢复成初始值。再用logatch做一下laed1.5成为ads56.2(56kj.32b)就行了 如果不知道补丁在哪下载,就把你的QQ留下,我给你传祝你玩得愉快



女生唱的 一首歌高潮有点像海豚音 不是loveing you 也不是第五元素的那个 知道 给高分 谢谢啊

歌剧 追问: 不是啊 是女生唱的 麻烦你 在好想想 行吗 谢谢哈 回答: 有没有句歌词啊 追问: 说了 你可能很无语 啊 啊啊 很像海豚音 O(∩_∩)O~ 回答: What a girl wants 你看看是不是这个 追问: 不对啊


lutein defence叶黄素护眼胶囊 Lutein-defencBlackmore澳洲Blackmores叶黄素护眼胶囊 Lutein-defencelutein 英 ["luu02d0tu026au026an] 美 ["lu028atu026au0259n] n. 叶黄素;黄体素;黄体制剂defence 英 [du026a"fens] 美 全球发音 跟读 口语练习n. 防御;防卫;答辩;防卫设备

谁能找到John Steinbeck写的The Turtle中英文翻译阿,急…急…

你要找的英文如下:http://www.olypen.com/pnkdurr/as/unit2turtle.htmThe Turtle – John SteinbeckThe concrete highway was edged with a mat of tangled, broken, dry grass, and the grass heads were heavy with oat beards to catch on a dog"s coat, and foxtails to tangle in a horse"s fetlocks, and clover burrs to fasten in sheep"s wool; sleeping life waiting to be spread and dispersed, every seed armed with an appliance of dispersal, twisting darts and parachutes for the wind, little spears and balls of tiny thorns, and all waiting for animals or the hem of a woman"s skirt, all passive but armed with appliances of activity, still, but each possessed of the anlage (1) of movement. The sun lay on the grass and warmed it, and in the shade under the grass the insects moved, ants and ant lions to set traps for them, grasshoppers to jump into the air and flick their yellow wings for a second, sow bugs like little armadillos, plodding restlessly on many tender feet. And over the grass at the roadside a land turtle crawled, turning aside for nothing, dragging his high-domed shell over the grass: His hard legs and yellow-nailed feet threshed slowly through the grass, not really walking, but boosting and dragging his shell along. The barley beards slid off his shell, and the clover burrs fell on him and rolled to the ground. His horny beak was partly opened, and his fierce, humorous eyes, under brows like fingernails, stared straight ahead. He came over the grass leaving a beaten trail behind him, and the hill, which was the highway embankment, reared up ahead of him. For a moment he stopped, his head held high. He blinked and looked up and down. At last he started to climb the embankment. Front clawed feet reached forward but did not touch. The hind feet kicked his shell along, and it scraped on the grass, and on the gravel. As the embankment grew steeper and steeper, the more frantic were the efforts of the land turtle. Pushing hind legs strained and slipped, boosting the shell along, and the horny head protruded as far as the neck could stretch. Little by little the shell slid up the embankment until at last a parapet (2) cut straight across its line of march, the shoulder of the road, a concrete wall four inches high. As though they worked independently the hind legs pushed the shell against the wall. The head upraised and peered over the wall to the broad smooth plain of cement. Now the hands, braced on top of the wall, strained and lifted, and the shell came slowly up and rested its front end on the wall. For a moment the turtle rested. A red ant ran into the shell, into the soft skin inside the shell, and suddenly head and legs snapped in, and the armored tail clampled in sideways. The red ant was crushed between body and legs. And one head of wild oats was clamped into the shell by a front leg. For a long moment the turtle lay still, and then the neck crept out and the old humorous frowning eyes looked about and the legs and tail came out. The back legs went to work, straining like elephant legs, and the shell tipped to an angle so that the front legs could not reach the level cement plain. But higher and higher the hind legs boosted it, until at last the center of balance was reached, the front tipped down, the front legs scratched at the pavement, ad it was up. But the head of wild oats was held by its stem around the front legs. Now the going was easy, and all the legs worked, and the shell boosted along, waggling from side to side. A sedan driven by a forty-year-old woman approached, She saw the turtle and swung to the right, off the highway, the wheels screamed and a cloud of dust boiled up. Two wheels lifted for a moment and then settled. The car skidded back onto the road, and went on, but more slowly. The turtle had jerked into its shell, but now it hurried on, for the highway was burning hot. And now a light truck approached, and as it came near, the driver saw the turtle and swerved to hit it. His front wheel struck the edge of the shell, flipped the turtle like a tiddly-wink, spun it like a coin, and rolled it off the highway. The truck went back to its course along the right side. Lying on its back, the turtle was tight in its shell for a long time. But at last its legs waved in the air, reaching for something to pull it over. Its front foot caught a piece of quartz and little by little the shell pulled over and flopped upright. The wild oat head fell out and three of the spearhead seeds stuck in the ground. And as the turtle crawled on down the embankment, its shell dragged dirt over the seeds. The turtle entered a dust road and jerked itself along, drawing a wavy shallow trench in the dust with its shell. The old humorous eyes looked ahead, and the horny beak opened a little. His yellow toe nails slipped a fraction in the dust.1. anlage: foundation; basis; the initial cell structure from which an embryonic part develops.2. parapet: a low, protective wall or edge of a roof, balcony, or similar structure.

the importance of being earnest中文或英文简介哪有??

The Importance of Being Earnest is a play by Oscar Wilde, a comedy of manners on the seriousness of society in either three or four acts (depending on edition) inspired by W. S. Gilbert"s Engaged.[1] It was first performed for the public on February 14, 1895 at the St. James" Theatre in London.It is set in England during the late Victorian era, and its primary source of humour is based upon the main character Jack"s fictitious younger brother Ernest. Jack"s surname, Worthing, is taken from the town where Wilde was staying when he wrote the play.Wilde"s plays had reached a pinnacle of success, and anything new from the playwright was eagerly awaited. The press were always hungry for details and would pursue stories about new plots and characters with a vengeance. To combat this Wilde gave the play a working title, Lady Lancing. The use of seaside town names for leading characters, or the locations of their inception, can be recognised in all four of Wilde"s society plays.PlotAlgernon, an aristocratic young Londoner, pretends to have a friend named Bunbury who lives in the country and is frequently in ill health. Whenever Algernon wants to avoid an unwelcome social obligation, or just get away for the weekend, he makes an ostensible visit to his "sick friend." In this way he can feign piety and dedication, while having the perfect excuse to get out of town, avoiding his responsibilities. He calls this practice "Bunburying."Algernon"s real-life best friend lives in the country but makes frequent visits to London. This friend"s name is Ernest Worthing...or so Algernon thinks. But when Ernest leaves his silver cigarette case in Algernon"s rooms, Algernon finds an inscription in it: "From little Cecily, with her fondest love to her dear Uncle Jack".This forces Ernest to disclose that his own visits to the city are also examples of "Bunburying," much to Algernon"s delight. In the country, "Ernest" goes by the name of Jack (which he understands to be his real name), and pretends that he has a wastrel brother named Ernest, who lives in London. When honest Jack comes to the city, he assumes the name, and behaviour, of the profligate Ernest. In the country Jack assumes a more serious attitude for the benefit of his young ward, the 18-year old heiress Cecily.Jack himself wishes to marry Gwendolen, who is Algernon"s cousin, but runs into a few problems. First, Gwendolen seems to love him only because she believes his name is Ernest, which she thinks is the most beautiful name in the world. Second, Gwendolen"s mother is the terrifying Lady Bracknell. Lady Bracknell is horrified when she learns that Jack was adopted as a baby after being discovered in a handbag at a railway station. In her opinion it is absolutely below the standards of her daughter to "marry into a cloakroom and form an alliance with a parcel", as she puts it.Meanwhile, Jack"s description of Cecily has so appealed to Algernon that he resolves to meet her, in spite of Jack"s firm opposition. Algernon decides to visit Jack"s house in the country, in the guise of the mysterious brother "Ernest." Thus Algernon-as-Ernest is able to meet Jack"s ward, Cecily, who has for some time imagined herself in love with Ernest -- Jack"s non-existent, scapegrace brother. As such, Cecily is soon swept off her feet by Algernon. In parallel, however, Jack, having decided to give up his Bunburying, has announced the tragic death of his brother Ernest to Cecily"s governess Miss Prism, and Prism"s secret admirer the Reverend Chasuble. Thus, by the time the two "brothers" meet, one is dressed in mourning for the other.New confusion is created by the arrival of Gwendolen, who has fled London and her mother to be with her love. When she and Cecily meet for the first time, each indignantly insists that she is the one engaged to "Ernest". Once Lady Bracknell in turn arrives, in pursuit of her daughter, she and Jack reach stalemate as she still refuses to countenance his marriage to Gwendolen, while he, in retaliation, denies his consent to the marriage of Lady Bracknell"s penniless nephew Algernon to his heiress ward Cecily.The impasse is broken, in deus ex machina fashion, by the reappearance of Miss Prism. As she and Lady Bracknell recognize each other with horror, it is revealed that, when working many years previously as a nursemaid for Lady Bracknell"s sister, Prism had inadvertently lost a baby boy in a handbag. When Jack produces the identical handbag, it becomes clear that he is Lady Bracknell"s nephew and Algernon"s older brother.Only one thing now stands in the way of the young couples" happiness, in view of Gwendolen"s continued insistence that she can only love a man named Ernest - what is Jack"s real first name? Lady Bracknell informs him that he was named after his father, a general, but cannot remember the general"s name. Jack looks eagerly in a military reference book and declares that the name is in fact Ernest after all, and he has all along been telling the truth inadvertently.As the happy couples embrace in turn (including also Prism and Chasuble), Lady Bracknell complains to Ernest, "My nephew, you seem to be displaying signs of triviality." "On the contrary, Aunt Augusta," Ernest replies, "I"ve now realised for the first time in my life the vital Importance of Being Earnest."********************************《不可儿戏》(The Importance of Being Earnest),又译作《真诚最要紧》,19世纪爱尔兰剧作家王尔德写的一部讽刺风俗喜剧 (comedy of manners),灵感取自 W. S. Gilbert 的一部喜剧《Engaged》。整套剧共分3幕或4幕,视上演的版本而定。1895年2月14日,在伦敦的 St. James"s Theatre,此剧首次公演。故事背景设在维多利亚时期的英格兰,而剧中幽默的泉源集中在主角 Jack 虚构出来的弟弟 Ernest 身上。Earnest 是 Ernest 的谐音,即认真的意思。而 Jack 的姓氏 Worthing,则是王尔德撰写此剧时居住那个市镇的名称。当时王尔德的话剧可谓极之成功,人们往往期待他的新作。他在创作此剧时,记者们经常前来打听有关细节,同时又对剧情发展和复仇角色等问题充满兴趣。为应付他们,王尔德暂时取了一个 Lady Lancing 的剧名。一如他另外四部社会话剧,王尔德同样以海边市镇的名字替其此剧主角和故事开端命名。剧情概要本剧主角 Jack Worthing 是 Cecily Cardew 的监护人。在 Cecily 眼中,Jack 是个极其认真和严谨的人。然而,多年来,Jack 一直对 Cecily 骗说自己在伦敦有个挥霍无度的弟弟叫 Ernest。由於要接济这位虚构出来的弟弟,Jack 要经常要离开 Cecily 住处所在的 Hertfordshire 跑到伦敦去。Jack 在伦敦时,以另一个名字 "Ernest" 示人。他结识了 Algernon Moncrieff (简称 Algy) 的表妹 Gwendolen Fairfax 并和她交往起来。至於另一位主角 Algy 则讹称自己在城郊有位经常生病,名叫 Bunbury 的朋友。每当 Algy 想逃避一些社会责任,又或者只是想趁周末外出休息一下,他就对人骗说要去探望这位同样是虚构出来的朋友。他将这种虚构身份或制造双重身份的做法名为 "bunburying" 。故事开始,Jack 跑到 Algy 府上打算向 Gwendolen 求婚,可是遇上不少麻烦。第一,Gwendolen 似乎纯粹因为她相信 Jack 的名字叫 Ernest 而喜欢他,因为 Ernest 是她心目中最漂亮的名字。第二,Gwendolen 的母亲是使人害怕的 Lady Bracknell。对於 Jack 的身世,她显然感到不满和惊讶。Jack 年幼时曾被收藏在一个弃置於火车站的手提包内,直至后来的监护人 Tom Cardew,亦即是 Cecily 的祖父,发现他和收养他。她认为,让女儿「嫁进寄物室里与包裹通婚」(原文: marry into a cloakroom and form an alliance with a parcel) 是一件难以接受的事。另一方面,Algernon 发现到 Ernest (当时 Algernon 未知道 Ernest 的真名) 在其房间内丢下了一个银色的盛烟盒,盒内刻上一段文字: "From little Cecily with her fondest love to her dear Uncle Jack",意思大概是「小小的 Cecily 送给亲爱的 Jack 叔叔并奉上至温柔的爱」。Algy 不但开始怀疑,更进一步迫使到 Ernest 承认自己的真名是 Jack ,和道出经常往来伦敦与郊区的原因,发觉和自己的 "bunburying" 很相似。Jack 对 Algy 说 Cecily 似乎对这个虚构出来的弟弟 Ernest 很感兴趣,因此决定放弃 "bunburying",并打算对 Cecily 说他在伦敦的弟弟 Ernest 已经在巴黎病逝。言辞间,Jack 对 Cecily 的描述引起了 Algy 对这位18岁少女的好奇心。正当 Jack 换上丧服,打算前往 Hertfordshire 告知 Cecily 这个「噩耗」之际,Algy 已提早一步到达 Cecily 位於郊外的寓所,并冒充自己就是 Jack 那个挥金如土的弟弟 Ernest。两人不但很快就攀谈起来,更在 Jack 赶到这里之时,Cecily 对其监护人说她和 Algy 已有结婚打算。Jack 虽感愤怒,但亦只好装作若无其事。Gwendolen 来到城郊打算和 Jack 会面,但只见 Cecily 一人。她们两人谈起话来,言语间识破了 Algy 和 Jack 的真正身份和秘密。及后,这两人出现,被问到说谎的原因,他们分别都能说出令人满意的答案之余,亦各自准备找牧师取一个 Ernest 的名字,因此 Cecily 和 Gwendolen 宽恕了他们。就在此时,跟踪女儿远道而来的 Lady Bracknell 抵达 Hertfordshire。 Gwendolen 再次向母亲提及她和 Jack 的婚事,然而还是不被赞同。另一边厢,Algy 亦说出他和 Cecily 已定下婚约。Lady Bracknell 遂向 Cecily 和 Jack 询问大堆有关 Cecily 背景的事。Jack 很不耐烦地一一回答,直至提到 Cecily 继承了大堆遗产时,Lady Bracknell 始感兴趣。Jack 作为 Cecily 的监护人并不赞成她和 Algy 之间的婚事,除非 Lady Bracknell 同意将女儿嫁给他。虽然如此,Lady Bracknell 还是拒绝交换条件。就在她临离开 Cecily 的寓所前,言谈间听到 Dr. Chasuble 谈及 Cecily 的家庭教师 Prism 小姐,Lady Bracknell 毫不考虑便要求召见她。Prism 小姐初见 Lady Bracknell 时即错愕之感。28年前,她替 Lady Bracknell 的姐姐打工,期间不慎遗失了一名婴孩后就不知所综。Lady Bracknell 再三追问,配合 Jack 的口供,证实该名孩童正是 Jack 本人。而孩童的母亲,则是Lady Bracknell 的姐姐,父亲则是 Algy 的父亲。换句话说,原来 Jack 真是 Algy 的哥哥。Lady Bracknell 说,作为长子,Jack 的圣名自然跟从父亲。经过翻查后,证实了他父亲恰巧地又取了一个 Ernest 的圣名。最后,众人各自和自己的伴侣拥抱。剧终前,Jack 说他首次明白到为人认真的重要性。 (I"ve now realised for the first time in my life the Vital Importance of Being Earnest)***********************

求奥斯卡。王尔德的《the importance of being earnest》的故事梗概

故事开始,Jack 跑到 Algy 府上打算向 Gwendolen 求婚,可是遇上不少麻烦。第一,Gwendolen 似乎纯粹因为她相信 Jack 的名字叫 Ernest 而喜欢他,因为 Ernest 是她心目中最漂亮的名字。第二,Gwendolen 的母亲是使人害怕的 Lady Bracknell。对於 Jack 的身世,她显然感到不满和惊讶。Jack 年幼时曾被收藏在一个弃置於火车站的手提包内,直至后来的监护人 Tom Cardew,亦即是 Cecily 的祖父,发现他和收养他。她认为,让女儿「嫁进寄物室里与包裹通婚」(原文: marry into a cloakroom and form an alliance with a parcel) 是一件难以接受的事。另一方面,Algernon 发现到 Ernest (当时 Algernon 未知道 Ernest 的真名) 在其房间内丢下了一个银色的盛烟盒,盒内刻上一段文字: "From little Cecily with her fondest love to her dear Uncle Jack",意思大概是「小小的 Cecily 送给亲爱的 Jack 叔叔并奉上至温柔的爱」。Algy 不但开始怀疑,更进一步迫使到 Ernest 承认自己的真名是 Jack ,和道出经常往来伦敦与郊区的原因,发觉和自己的 "bunburying" 很相似。Jack 对 Algy 说 Cecily 似乎对这个虚构出来的弟弟 Ernest 很感兴趣,因此决定放弃 "bunburying",并打算对 Cecily 说他在伦敦的弟弟 Ernest 已经在巴黎病逝。言辞间,Jack 对 Cecily 的描述引起了 Algy 对这位18岁少女的好奇心。正当 Jack 换上丧服,打算前往 Hertfordshire 告知 Cecily 这个「噩耗」之际,Algy 已提早一步到达 Cecily 位於郊外的寓所,并冒充自己就是 Jack 那个挥金如土的弟弟 Ernest。两人不但很快就攀谈起来,更在 Jack 赶到这里之时,Cecily 对其监护人说她和 Algy 已有结婚打算。Jack 虽感愤怒,但亦只好装作若无其事。Gwendolen 来到城郊打算和 Jack 会面,但只见 Cecily 一人。她们两人谈起话来,言语间识破了 Algy 和 Jack 的真正身份和秘密。及后,这两人出现,被问到说谎的原因,他们分别都能说出令人满意的答案之余,亦各自准备找牧师取一个 Ernest 的名字,因此 Cecily 和 Gwendolen 宽恕了他们。就在此时,跟踪女儿远道而来的 Lady Bracknell 抵达 Hertfordshire。 Gwendolen 再次向母亲提及她和 Jack 的婚事,然而还是不被赞同。另一边厢,Algy 亦说出他和 Cecily 已定下婚约。Lady Bracknell 遂向 Cecily 和 Jack 询问大堆有关 Cecily 背景的事。Jack 很不耐烦地一一回答,直至提到 Cecily 继承了大堆遗产时,Lady Bracknell 始感兴趣。Jack 作为 Cecily 的监护人并不赞成她和 Algy 之间的婚事,除非 Lady Bracknell 同意将女儿嫁给他。虽然如此,Lady Bracknell 还是拒绝交换条件。就在她临离开 Cecily 的寓所前,言谈间听到 Dr. Chasuble 谈及 Cecily 的家庭教师 Prism 小姐,Lady Bracknell 毫不考虑便要求召见她。Prism 小姐初见 Lady Bracknell 时即错愕之感。28年前,她替 Lady Bracknell 的姐姐打工,期间不慎遗失了一名婴孩后就不知所综。Lady Bracknell 再三追问,配合 Jack 的口供,证实该名孩童正是 Jack 本人。而孩童的母亲,则是Lady Bracknell 的姐姐,父亲则是 Algy 的父亲。换句话说,原来 Jack 真是 Algy 的哥哥。Lady Bracknell 说,作为长子,Jack 的圣名自然跟从父亲。经过翻查后,证实了他父亲恰巧地又取了一个 Ernest 的圣名。最后,众人各自和自己的伴侣拥抱。剧终前,Jack 说他首次明白到为人认真的重要性。 (I"ve now realised for the first time in my life the Vital Importance of Being Earnest)



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比较政治学reinforcing cleavage

reinforcing cleavage加强分割某些人群特征与利益集团的差别相互联系,于是产生更大的隔阂和利益冲突。cross cutting cleavage“横切分裂”是政治学家中的多元主义者的一个观点。多元主义者认为社会的主体是无数的“元”——社会团体。这些社会团体有自己的利益与宗旨,相互独立,共同组成了多元的社会。一些社会团体与另一些社会团体有极为严重的利益冲突,从理论上来说会造成社会的分裂,但是事实并非如此。多元主义者便提出“横切分裂”来解释社会并未分裂的原因。迈克尔·G·罗斯金:“属于不下一个集团的人们必须缓和他们的观点并于其它集团的人合作,因为有时他们的政治立场是一致的。”这就是横切分裂的定义。横切分裂最经典的例子是瑞士。瑞士的社会中有讲法语的人,也有讲德语的人,这两帮人都不喜欢对方。但是有的瑞士人是天主教徒,有些是新教徒。这些宗教界线和语言界线就把瑞士人分为四部分:讲法语的天主教徒、讲法语的新教徒、讲德语的天主教徒、讲德语的基督教徒。比如,讲法语的天主教徒可能不喜欢讲德语的人,但是他们也许发现自己必须和讲德语的天主教徒在新教徒面前结合起来,因为他们的宗教信仰一致,这样无形间讲法语的人就降低了对讲德语的人的讨厌程度,增强了社会的团结程度。这也就是横切分割的实际作用。差别明显:加强分割加大隔阂,增加冲突,横切分裂则相反。


hidestheSheincloset怎么排列成句子?she hides in the closet .她躲在衣橱里。

They demanded____the authentic documents A:to show B:to be shown C:showing D:being shown

BThey demanded to be shown the authentic documents.他们要求出示真实可靠的文件。demand to do是固定搭配,这里主语they是被展示文件,文件是别人出示给他们的,所以用被动式demand to be done。


closeinon的意思是:围住;接近。closeinon的意思是:围住;接近。closeinon的例句是AllthisplacesusinapositiontocloseinonNanchang.这样就造成了向南昌包围的形势。一、网络释义点此查看closeinon的详细内容 包围...clingto粘在...上closeinon包围,围住close-upview特写镜头;接近的观察... 逼近...sprinter短跑运动员closeinon逼近posit认为... 逐渐接近一、...byfar好得多closeinon逐渐接近introduce引进...二、例句AllthisplacesusinapositiontocloseinonNanchang.这样就造成了向南昌包围的形势。Letuscloseinonnatureandcometogripswithher.让我们接近大自然并努力对付大自然吧!closeinon的相关临近词closein、close、closedistancecoalseams、closepatternreturnbend、close-grainedstructure、close-shoreenvironment、Close-spacedsublimation、close-spaceconstruction、CloseoftheRadiationEra、close-circuitanesthesia点此查看更多关于closeinon的详细信息



A(n) ___ five years ago, Pangkor boasted sweet-singing birds. Now the jungle is being cut down.

【答案】:B本题考查近义词辨析。题目意为“仅仅五年前,邦戈岛还宣称岛上处处鸟鸣,而现在丛林正被砍伐。”A项、B选项的副词merely,C项、D项的副词simply都有“仅仅”的意思。例如:Instead of answering,she just/merely/only/simply smiled. 她没有作答,仅仅微笑而已。  但空格处需要一个形容词来修饰后面的名词,在作形容词时,A项意为“公平的,公正的”。B项意为“仅仅,只不过”。C项意为“唯一的,仅有的”。D选项意为“简单的,单纯的”。  
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