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kiehls爽肤水的正确用法 kiehls爽肤水的正确用法,大家对护肤产品应该都很熟悉,而且有一些品牌都是经常使用的。爽肤水的方法是有很多的,我和大家一起来看看kiehls爽肤水的正确用法的相关资料。 kiehls爽肤水的正确用法1 用温水使用洗面奶洗净面部 使用竹炭毛巾或一次性洁面棉巾擦干面部 把爽肤水倒在手中晕开,轻轻拍在脸上 或者买一个小喷壶瓶,爽肤水装入喷壶瓶均匀喷在脸上,更卫生更均匀 注意事项 用喷壶更均匀更卫生 科颜氏金盏花爽肤水的使用与其他爽肤水相同,科颜氏金盏花爽肤水的正确用法是取适量爽肤水轻拍于面部吸收。洁面后,取适量爽肤水,然后轻轻拍打面部直至爽肤水被吸收,再使用其他护肤品。需要注意的是,在使用科颜氏金盏花爽肤水时,一定要避开敏感部位。所有科颜氏品牌产品都是有针对性的。如果使用科颜氏金盏花爽肤水,尽量不要使用其他含有刺激性成分的护肤品,尽量使用同品牌同系列的.护肤品,以增加安全性。 同时,生活中要注意防晒,避免一切刺激皮肤的因素。每天确保皮肤清洁,早上洗脸,出门回来后洗脸,晚上睡前也要洗脸,好好保养皮肤。洗脸时,应使用冷热水交替洗脸,以免毛孔粗大,洗脸后要用科颜氏金盏花爽肤水保湿补水。同时也要注意饮食,多吃水果和蔬菜,有助于皮肤的保养。 kiehls爽肤水的正确用法2 洗干净肌肤之后擦干,然后取出适量的科颜氏爽肤水在化妆棉上,用浸透的化妆棉沿着肌肤的纹理,轻轻的擦拭肌肤,注意避开眼唇等位置。等到肌肤完全吸收之后,开始使用其它的护肤产品。 科颜氏爽肤水和普通爽肤水没有什么区别,最简单的用法就是洁面之后直接涂抹的方式,另外我们还可以用科颜氏爽肤水来湿敷。具体用法是,用科颜氏爽肤水浸透化妆棉,然后将化妆棉敷在额头、下巴和脸颊等部位。大约敷5-8分钟后取下,然后轻拍肌肤促进爽肤水的吸收。也可以用科颜氏爽肤水浸透压缩面膜使用,采用同样的方式敷在面部即可。 科颜氏爽肤水具有补水保湿,消炎镇静的效果,当肌肤缺水,长痘,过敏或者出现红肿等问题的时候,可以使用科颜氏爽肤水来湿敷。能够让肌肤吸收更多的科颜氏爽肤水营养,起到缓解和改善的效果。 在长痘的地方湿敷之后,很明显痘痘会削弱很多,变得没有那么红肿,也没有那么疼或者是痒,第二天痘痘明显消下去不少。使用完科颜氏爽肤水湿敷之后肌肤清爽不油腻,用手摸可以感受到肌肤变得滑嫩了许多,好像是喝饱水的感觉,更加的充盈柔软。 kiehls爽肤水的正确用法3 科颜氏精华液的正确使用方法 科颜氏是一种护肤品品牌,精华液主要是一种高度浓缩的营养成分,一般精华液的使用洁面之后,搭配爽肤水、乳液、霜等物品。精华液一般在爽肤水之后,乳液和霜之前使用,能够有效补充皮肤所缺的营养情况,改善皮肤的不适的症状。使用精华液时,需要用手指中指指尖逐渐打圈,均匀涂抹开来。 科颜氏精华液的正确使用方法:在爽肤水之后,乳液和霜之前使用,使用中指指尖不断打圈均匀涂抹,能够有效促进精华液的营养成分渗透至皮肤。 科颜氏金盏花爽肤水使用方法 给清洁面部皮肤后,轻轻将爽肤水拍打在脸上,或者使用化妆棉涂抹,避开眼睛和嘴巴部位。早晚各使用一次即可。使用爽肤水进行湿敷,将科颜氏金盏花爽肤水倒在化妆棉上,将其浸湿,可以敷在面部两颊位置、下巴和额头部位。静止5-8分钟后,进行按摩,等待皮肤上的爽肤水被皮肤吸收即可。 科颜氏金盏花爽肤水可用于治疗痘痘肌,缓解痘痘引起的炎症问题。面部发生过敏红肿问题时,使用爽肤水进行湿敷解决过敏问题。抑制黑色素发生,美白锁水保湿功效。还可以治愈伤口感染,消炎作用。抑制青春痘发生,促进肌肤组织生长速度。 关于科颜氏金盏花爽肤水使用方法我们都已经知道了。这款爽肤水的功效非常多,我们需要根据自己的实际情况选择使用的。而且这款爽肤水的成分是纯天然的,没有任何酒精和香精,可以放心使用。






Since 1851 为防晒注入全新质感 全面防UV抗污染 无惧潮湿天气 清爽抗油光 自1851年起,源自美国纽约曼克顿并拥有优良传统的护肤用品界翘楚Kiehl"s Since 1851,深知紫外线是健康肌肤大敌,故此不断提倡日常防晒护理的重要性。Kiehl"s旗下的防晒产品,不单能帮助肌肤抵挡有害的长短波UVA及UVB紫外线及氧化侵害,也能防御环境污染物。研究显示,紫外线及污染这两大因素结合起来所造成的伤害,比单独紫外线照射或污染物的侵害更大。 顾客对质感轻盈,而又具高效SPF防晒系数,且能保护肌肤免受环境侵害的防晒产品日益感兴趣;因此,Kiehl"s产品研发专家研创水感轻爽液配方,当中齐备了抗污染及防UV的功效,注入全新医学全效抗污染防晒啫喱乳霜 SPF50 PA++++ (Dermatologist SolutionsTM Ultra Light Daily UV Defense Aqua Gel SPF 50 PA++++) 之中,全方位满足顾客的防晒需要。 这款新产品适用於潮湿环境,新配方不单能保持肌肤水润,更可抵挡污染及UVA引发的氧化伤害,有阻防止肌肤出现光老化徵兆。除了防御紫外线,新配方更有修饰功效,可令毛孔显得更细致,帮助对抗面部油光,适合中性至油性肌肤使用。








随着科颜氏小安瓶在网上大受欢迎,越来越多人关注科颜氏这个护肤品品牌。科颜氏并没有在中国设有专柜,所以想要线下购买科颜氏只能代购。但科颜氏已经授权京东、淘宝等大型线上购物平台,科颜氏旗下的所有产品都能买得到。那么,科颜氏官方网站卖的是正品吗,kiehls科颜氏官网怎么样呢?科颜氏官方网站卖的是正品,kiehls科颜氏官网挺好的。如果是科颜氏真的官网购买,基本上都是正品。 在官网海淘购物的话,可能会有人关心商品的质量,不用担心这个,科颜氏官网上的产品还是很靠谱的。在科颜氏官网购买的产品是非常能信得过的,有正品保障。但是科颜氏中国官网不如美国官网,在美国官网有很多折扣,中国官网则没有。有能力的话可以去美国官网买,不过寄到中国的话,过程中间会比较麻烦,但在美国官网买确实更便宜。 如果真的想在购买科颜氏产品的时候杜绝假货,那么购买渠道就非常重要。如果不想出去买,也可以在科颜氏官网购买。在浏览器中搜索“科颜氏”,可以看到它的官网。请注意,应该去真正的官方网站,而不是点击其他非正式的假冒网站。


  klehls就是KIEHL"S,是隶属于欧莱雅集团的化妆品品牌,中文名叫科颜氏。科颜氏创立于1851年的纽约曼哈顿,于2000年正式加入欧莱雅集团。150年来始终提供从脸部、身体到秀发的顶级保养产品。科颜氏是来自美国的老牌护肤品牌,在产品的研发上也有非常多的经验,产品质量上乘,消费者的口碑也是不错的。  据悉,科颜氏早期以典型的19世纪药剂师身份提供纽约客药水和自然成分提炼的药膏,主要以贩卖草药、精油、处方药、茶及蜂蜜为主。   后来,科颜氏揉合了美容、药草、药学和医学等专业领域的知识背景,开始提供不同系列男女皆可用的保养品,由于形象在很多的护肤品牌中比较独特,被人们深深记住。  2001年,KIEHL"S成为欧莱雅集团的一员之后,展店速度迅速增加,至今世界上已有15个国家可以买到KIEHL"S产品,并且为客户提供从脸部、身体、秀发,甚至是运动后专用的顶级保养产品。  科颜氏化妆品适合25岁以内年轻人。因为该牌子的护肤产品,有高效的基础保湿功能,当然对于基础护理有一定追求的30岁以内肤质同样也可以使用。由于该品牌护肤产品的成分比较天然,因此就算是敏感肌也都可以使用。




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英语作文《left–behind children》

Left-behind Children With the rapid development of China"s economy, more and more young rural people go to cities for works, which result in a phenomenon that a special group of children come into being who are called “left-behind children”. As a growing number of China"s rural people who go to work in cities, the number of children left behind in rural areas is also on the rise. There are about 58 million left-behind children in rural China and over 40 million of them are under 14 years old, according to a report concerning the status of the left-behind children released by the All-China Women"s Federation early this February. In some rural labor-exporting provinces, left-behind children in the local share of the total number of children is up to 18-22%. A report finds more than half of the children who are left behind don"t live with either parent. The telephone is often the only way they can contact with their mothers or fathers. The report indicates that 8.7% left-behind children have no contact with their parents at all. The survey also finds 49.7% of left-behind children prefer to live with their parents, and 24.25% of left-behind children do not speak much with their caregivers. What"s more, these children are staying at a critical stage of growth. Almost children at this age should be still doted by their parents, but the left-behind children are without the company from their mothers and fathers. Their immature but strong souls have to bear their parents" absence and boundless miss. They can"t benefit the enough guidance and help on thinking and doing from their parents and lack of the parental concern and emotional care since they are in the care of a single parent, grandparents or other relatives, which may easily cause the abnormal psychological development. So the problem of left-behind children has become a striking social issue that needs to be attended to. Another problem in left-behind children is that their health from physical and Psychological. A survey in a western labor-exporting in large number province shows that 70% left-behind children"s parents" times of going back home is less than three times and some parents even return home once in several years. Since parents" long time going out, left-behind children"s emotional need can not be met and the psychological problems are not solved in time, which easily result in the formation of their personality distortion and physical health risks, such as poor behavior, psychological imbalance, action out of control even criminal tendency. A survey in southern coastal province shows that 19.6% of the left-behind children feel inferior to others and 11.4% fell discriminated again. A survey in a northern province shows that the proportion of juvenile crime in the left-behind children is as high as 20%. A left-behind child at twelve years old in Sichuan province stole 400 yuan in a shop and was caught at present spot. The next day he was found that he suicided himself by taking medicine when his playmates who are also left-behind children went to his home. His uncle sent him to hospital and gave this message to his parents right now, but everything is too late. It is a tragedy, but like thus tragedy is existing in a large number. So reducing this phenomenon is an important thing. This is a song to her mother and father from a little left-behind child. It is written that “dad and mum, since you leave home, I have learnt selfcare, I have learnt cooking, I have learnt feeding pigs and chickens. Dad and mum do not worry about me because I can do my homework by myself, I can wash my cloth and I can comb my hair. I know you do not want to leave me alone and have to do it. I know how much you love me. Please take good care of you and work without any anxiety about me. I promise I will study hard and listen to my grandfather"s words. I will grow up soon…..” These words touch many people"s heart from society. It reflects a kind of sadness. At same time, it also attracts a lot of attention from people in society. People realize their existence gradually. They, the left-behind children, let people know that not all the people can live a happy life in present society, especially the people in poor rural area. Meanwhile, many other problems are also come into being. The nine-year compulsory education can not be conducted well. Since the teaching condition and some other sides of schools in rural areas are poor and there is no enough communication between left-behind children and caregivers. A number of left-behind children weary study and drop their schools. The Chinese People"s University Population and Development Research Center study shows that access to junior secondary stage, left-behind children in school has been drastically reduced and the school rate of left-behind children at 14 years old is only 88 %. This phenomenon is worthy of thinking about. Is it the fault from their absence parents or school side or even the conduction of national education in rural? The government has to think about it because the left-behind children are also next generation of our country. Left-behind children are a group of children who need help, care, concern and love. They do not live in a rich life and are not in a satisfying environment. They lack too much than those children who have a normal life. So they need to be paid attention by others. Now left-behind children have attracted lots of attention. Hope and believe their life can be lit better and soon.



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高分求美国No Child Left Behind的内容,急!!!!

从布什的《不让一个孩子落伍》法案中我懂得了几点,他把这些教育上的改变写进了法律,这也给我们了一些启示,教育是需要去好好经营的。看了一些资料,下面是我自己的几点印象很深的这个法案的特点,我觉得我们可以借鉴的。The No Child Left Behind ActOn January 8, 2002, President Bush signed the No Child Left Behind Act into law.He offered this advice to parents:“We know that every child can learn. Now is the time we ensure that every child does learn.”No Child Left Behind is a comprehensive plan to reform schools,change school cluture,empower parents,and improve education for all children.1. this law apply to children with disabilities!Yes, No Child Left Behind applies to all children who attend public schools-including children with disabilities,kids with behavior problem,and other kids who have been traditionally been written off-minorities,immigrants,and English as second language youngsters.2.The changes on No Child Left Behind requires annual testing of reading and math skills.3.Parents guide to No Child Left Behind.4.Online to support mentoring programme,and support students learning through integrate technology resource.5.A student may take an alternative assessment if his disabilities prevent him from taking the regular state assessment, but alternative assessments must test grade level knowledge. just because of my major,I just want to discuss the education affairs happened in the world ,in order that we can borrow the idea of edution reform to make our teaching better. In the future ,I think most of us will be a teacher as a career.Everyone wants to be an unforgettable teacher to your students. So let us to pay more attention to our edution 。Please pay attention to the NO child left behind act,pay attention to our educational reform.

behind与 back辨析

hebind 一般是做介词用,而back 词性较多。

帮我翻译Amy Winehouse的的歌词

He left no tine to regret 他没带遗憾的离开kept his dick wet 带着他潮湿的JB 全文:他没带着遗憾的离开只带着他潮湿的小弟弟我他永远相同的安全赌誓我和我高抬的头流干的泪继续没有着男友我回到你知道的地方那些我们走过的路已经远去我踏着困惑的小道我的差别很明显我将回到黑暗之中我回到我们的记忆中我很爱你但是不够你爱轻轻的吹(大麻)我爱一点点的吸生活就像吸大麻我只是卷在里面的一分钱烟叶我们只说了再见我已死了一百次你回到她的身边我回到...

如何评价 Amy Winehouse

  Amy Winehouse的死亡使她成为青史留名的人,不仅是因为那张获得巨大成功的Back to Black,还因为这个人(我指的是她的公众形象)。这可以blablabla牵扯许多。咳咳,扯淡时间到,大家搬好小板凳...  若你关注Amy在世时的八卦新闻,对她的死亡就不会惊讶。她何止是毒后!酗酒、和老公狗血不断的恩恩怨怨、与狗仔队的交锋、戒毒所、当年格莱美前被拒签...甚至连她老爹都提前写好遗嘱。这种自虐不停折腾不止的人生态度,在如今乐坛已不多见。话说我一直觉得The Libertines的Pete Doherty属于“绝逼活不过三十岁”的那一拨人,结果...他居然活下来了...  首先是音乐风格。虽然Amy、Duffy、Adele三人曾经被相提并论,但除了烟酒嗓和同为Blue-Eyed Soul Singer,三人的音乐风格和形象都相差巨大。Duffy继承的是有White Queen of Soul称号的Dusty Springfield的衣钵。Amy则向大批黑人女歌手取经:Billie Holiday、Etta James、Sarah Vaughan、Motown时代、 Macy Gray、 Lauryn Hill...所以Amy歌曲...怎么说呢?更“糙”更“黑”。Duffy的歌曲有大量华丽的弦乐铺陈,符合听众对Soul的传统印象;Adele的流行味更重,也有民谣、福音甚至成人抒情元素;Amy则将复古Jazz、R&B、Soul、Ska、Swing融为一炉,听她的歌,眼前就闪过各位上古大神的即视感。  为什么Back to Black比Frank更成功,我是这么想的:Frank中有大热单曲Fuck Me Pumps、Stronger Than Me,不过相比大热单曲,其他歌曲未免不夺目;而且它的风格化太突显。到了二专,除了大家都知道的更加大热的单曲Rehab、Back to Black、You Know I"m No Good,其他歌曲也颇为上口(Me & Mr Jones、Some Unholy War、Tears Dry On Their Own),这使整张专辑更有流行度,同时保证了专辑风格完整度。此外就是制作人Mark Ronson,他在Back to Black增加了和声和大量弦乐,使歌曲层次更丰富,也更有气势,Mark Ronson作为制作人也因此名声大噪。不过Mark Ronson这种雷同的制作手法后来也受了不少诟病,那是后话了。还有一点,Back to Black述说了很多黑暗情事,如今Amy离世,两相对照,歌曲被听者赋予新的含义,这增添了专辑的传奇性。  Amy最大的功劳,是带动了英国白人骚灵女歌手的复兴。达菲姐和阿呆妹的走红也不能说与她无关:2008年,Amy在第50届格莱美上拿到5项大奖;在第51届格莱美上Adele拿下最佳流行女歌手和年度最佳新人,Duffy拿下最佳流行演唱专辑;到第54届...阿呆妹的事儿大家都知道了。  题外话,其实这三位中,我最喜欢的是达菲姐的首专Rockferry,这无关专辑质量,只是单纯的个人喜好(潜台词是:“不服你来咬我啊!”无赖脸=,=)...不过后来这三人的命运截然不同,令人唏嘘啊~~  接下来,就是传说中的“27岁俱乐部”。“27岁俱乐部”是指一批27岁时早夭的摇滚明星。较为知名的成员有3J(Jimi Hendrix、Jim Morrison、Janis Joplin)、Kurt Cobain、曾经的滚石乐队吉他手Brian Jones、Manic Street Preachers乐队吉他手Richard James Edwards...大部分都走“狂放不羁”路线的。其实所谓“27岁俱乐部”有点倒推因果,很多非自然死亡摇滚乐手并不是27岁。比如John Lennon(40岁)、Ian Curtis(23岁)、Nick Drake(26岁)、Tim Buckley(28岁)、Jeff Buckley(30岁)、尾崎丰(26岁)...有数据表明,摇滚乐手的确是个高危职业,车祸啊嗑药啊酗酒啊打群架啊精尽人亡(咦?)啊不对精疲力竭啊....导致其人均寿命低于其他职业。而神秘的非正常死亡,则能够为歌手增加神话光环,使其由“伟大”荣升为“传奇”,其效果跟魔兽世界中紫色装备升级为橙色装备似的——虽然歌手本人是无福消受了...  如今Amy也成为了27岁俱乐部中的一员,自然镀上了一层传奇光环。所以这对单纯的判断她的作品造成困难。这就涉及到“形象”问题了,说起来比较复杂,容我展开一下。  我曾经说过,作者和作品不能割裂开,不然汪峰现在也不会成笑柄了不是?我们没法想象他会唱:“我生来就是花心~~”嘛。Amy给公众的印象是“狂放不羁、no作no die”,而她也从不在作品中讳言自己的混乱生活,那些露骨直白的歌词就像把自己的伤口扒给大家看。这种表现,好听的说法是“做我自己”,直白的说法是“老娘就是牛逼!老娘就要鬼混!爱看看不爱看滚!”如果再在歌曲中稍微暴露一下小脆弱,矮马顿时魅力值爆表了有木有?——但是脚多马呆!这种把自己的生活弄得一塌糊涂众人皆知的歌手并不鲜见,60年的一大帮嬉皮士歌手、80年代的一大帮朋克青年、Whitney Houston、Michael Jackson、曾经离悬崖很近的Britney Spears、Lindsay Lohan、Pete Doherty...当然上述这些人作死原因不同,有的是先天缺爱,有的是环境压力,有的…只是单纯想作死…你对3J不熟,总知道Kurt Cobain吧?Cobain也是“生活一塌糊涂把伤口扒给别人看”的好手。这么说吧,Amy要是不死,喏,搞不好Axl Rose就是她的未来。  更诡异的是,观众也成为这场闹剧的一部分。我们一边为歌手的胡作非为惋惜,一边又搬来小板凳津津有味的欣赏这一幕幕闹剧。除了脑缠粉,其实观众都希望The Show Must Go On:“啥?洗心革面?开神马玩笑,他/她从良了我们看神马啊?!”你看自从Pete Doherty稍微消停,关注度立刻大降,有谁还关心Babyshambles去年的新专辑?大家念念叨叨的还是他在The Libertines时期的故事。这算神马情况?“演员与观众的合谋?”  所以很多人不喜欢Amy是有理由的(“The self-destructive tortured-artist routine was bullshit when Kurt Cobain did it, it was bullshit when Elliott Smith did it, and it"s bullshit now. ”),这种不喜甚至会延伸至其作品。排除死亡光环和混乱生活形象的干扰(这挺有难度),单论作品,Amy Winehouse的两张专辑能否让其进入神坛还存疑。做个比较,Jeff Buckley凭其生前仅有的一张录音室专辑Grace便名垂不朽;Ian Curtis在Joy Division期间的两张专辑也极具开创性。Frank和Back to Black更多的是向古人致敬,而非创新,将其定位于“令人耳目一新的精彩的流行专辑”是恰当的,但再往上拔高就不合适了。不过综合考量所有因素,Amy Winehouse和Back to Black必将为人铭记。

艾米怀恩豪斯(amy winehouse)的back to black这首歌的中英文对照歌词?

  回到黑色  作词/艾米等  He left no time to regret  他离开时毫无遗憾  Kept his d**k wet  接着又去寻欢作爱  With his same old safe bet  带着他一成不变的安全赌注  Me and my head high  我和我高抬的头  And my tears dry  泪已流干  Get on without my guy  继续着没有男友的生活  You went back to what you knew  你回到你曾熟悉的一切  So far removed from all that we went through  把我们经历的所有全都忘却  And I tread a troubled track  我却有太多烦心的感受  My odds are stacked  我的古怪也变得异常明显  I"ll go back to black  我决定要回到黑色  We only said good-bye with words  我们只言语了再见  I died a hundred times  我却已死去了千百遍  You go back to her  你回到她身边  And I go back to.....  那我只好回到......  I go back to us  我只好回到(记忆中的)我们  I love you much  我很爱你  It"s not enough  但那还不够  You love blow and I love puff  你喜欢用blow烟草,而我喜欢抽puff烟草  And life is like a pipe  人生就好像一个烟囱  And I"m a tiny penny rolling up the walls inside  而我是个小小分币滚入在这烟囱的墙里面  * blow,puff--实际指的是两种毒品类烟草,类似于大麻,使用的方式不同,一种是blow/轻轻吹,另一种是puff/一点点喷出。此歌曲说明艾米有严重的毒瘾问题,而她当时与男友(后来成了她的丈夫)的分手则加重了这问题。  (翻译/夜莺)

艾米怀恩豪斯(amy winehouse)的back to black这首歌的中英文对照歌词?

He left no time to regret 他离开的时候没有留下任何遗憾 Kept his d**k wet 带着他的J.B With his same old safe bet 还有他一成不变的思想 Me and my head high 我抬着头 And my tears dry 我泪干了 Get on without my guy 自己走着没有朋友的路 You went back to what you knew 你回到 你之前知道的 So far removed from all that we went through 把我们经历的所有东西都忘记 And I tread a troubled track 我有太多的感受 My odds are stacked I"ll go back to black 我决定我要回到黑 (这个黑可以代表黑暗 也可以代表黑人) We only said good-bye with words 我们只有说再见 I died a hundred times 我已经死了100次 You go back to her 你会去找她 And I go back to..... 那我只好回去。。。回去。。。 I go back to us 回去记忆里面的我们 I love you much 我很爱你 It"s not enough 但是不够 You love blow and I love puff 你喜欢帮我口 我也喜欢 And life is like a pipe 人生就是好像一个烟囱 And I"m a tiny penny rolling up the walls inside 这个烟囱全部是用一分钱推挤出来 而我就是当中的一个

一个女人唱得,歌词里有Ella, ella, ella ehhh

umbrella,umbrella &word=mp3,,,[umbrella]&si=umbrella;;;;0;;0&lm=16777216&mtid=1&d=9


be here now现在这里




I will be here我将在这里双语对照例句:1.Detective stone will be here in a few minutes. 斯通侦探几分钟后到这儿。


因为will后面需要跟动词原形,所以用beshe will be here today.她将今天来。


please,come be here(精)(锐)


您好!be here是属于一种固定搭配的哦be here指的是“在这里”的意思除此之外,英语中还有很多的固定搭配,比如说:how many,how much等等


be here。be 表示的是一种状态。be here 表示到这儿的状态。I"m glad to be here 表示我很高兴来这儿,或呆在这儿。




There is a mouse in the hole.翻译是:洞里有一只老鼠。如果对a mouse提问的话,就是询问洞里有什么?即是:What"s in the hole?

setup changes system behav ior by modifying the bios 什么意思

setup changes system behavior by modifying the bios 通过修改基本输入输出系统设置改变系统行为



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始→运行→CMD打开命令提示符,在该窗口下输入wmic diskdrive可以看出来牌子和大小.Wmic logicaldisk可以看到有几个盘,每一个盘的文件系统和剩余空间wmic volume每个盘的剩余空间量,其实上一个命令也可以查看的fsutil volume diskfree c:这个命令查看每一个卷的容量信息是很方便

delphi ehlib4.1.4安装问题

1. 把 EhLib 中的 common 和 DataService 文件拷贝到 Delphi7 目录中. 2.在 TOOLS->Environment Options->Library->Library Path 中添入EHLIB路径。 3.打开新建文件夹中的 EHLIB70.DPK ,编译一下,但不要安装。 4.打开Ehlib中的DclEhLib70.DPK,编译,安装 5. 在Delphi 7中打开DclEhLib70.dpk,编译并


刚工作回家。form [fu0254rm]n. 形式,形状;形态,外形;方式;表格vt. 构成,组成;排列,组织;产生,塑造vi. 形成,构成;排列work [wu025dk]n. 工作;[物] 功;产品;操作;职业;行为;事业;工厂;著作;文学、音乐或艺术作品vt. 使工作;操作;经营;使缓慢前进vi. 工作;运作;起作用


意思是:你什么时候回家?精 锐




是一款Fullbright工作室开发的“故事探索”游戏。?__he Fullbright Company发行的探索解密类的游戏,该作品被IGN给与了9.5分的好评,游戏给玩家带来很强的带入感,剧本完美、主题深刻。在整个探索过程中,你将看到一所精致的大房子,仔细研究房子中散落各处的各种物体,挖掘这个家庭的历史,每个物体都让人感觉到体温,非常真实。探索细节并不只是一些繁琐的重复劳动,将这幢房子细心梳理,会让你发现支线剧情和隐藏的小幽默。?_蜗肪绫竞团湟舳际怯蜗方缫涣魉肌K淙幻挥刑捞氐姆绺瘢凑媸档貌腥獭?


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动物毛类为动物蛋白质纤维,易缩水,所以一般宜送到专业洗涤店干洗。对于毛类织物脏了一定要立刻清洁,以免留下痕迹。污迹在上面停留的时间越长,越不容易被洗掉;并且,时间一长污迹渗入纤维中,清洁时必然会使劲摩擦,这样更容易造成衣物受损。对于沾染局部轻微污渍,可尝试用毛巾蘸取中性洗衣液或丝毛类专用洗涤剂水溶液轻轻擦拭毛面,去除污渍后,同样方法用干净的毛巾蘸清水清楚洗涤剂残留液。可重复几次。操作过程中尽量不浸湿皮板,并及时在阴凉处晾干。如果可以水洗,有以下注意点: 1、不耐碱,如果水洗宜用中性不含酶洗涤剂,最好采用毛类专用洗涤剂。如果使用洗衣机来洗,宜使用滚筒洗衣机,选择柔和程序。如手洗最好轻轻揉洗,不可使用搓衣板搓洗;2、毛类织物在30度以上的水溶液中会收缩变形,顾宜冷水短时间浸泡,洗涤温度不超过40度,轻柔捏洗,切忌大力搓洗。机洗时务必使用洗衣袋,选择轻档。深颜色一般易掉色。3、采用挤压洗,忌拧绞,挤压除水,平摊阴干或折半悬挂阴干;湿态整形或半干时整形,能除皱纹,勿阳光下暴晒;4、要使用柔顺剂维护柔软手感和抗静电。5、不可使用含氯漂渍液,可用含氧彩漂。收纳时应注意:1、忌与尖锐、粗糙的物品和强碱性物品接触;2、择阴凉通风处凉晒,干透后方可收藏;3、收藏期中应定期打开箱柜,通风透气,保持干燥;4、高温潮湿季节,应晾晒几次,防止霉变。








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电子健康记录(EHR,electronic health record)是个人官方的健康记录,这些记录可以在多个设备和机构中共享。分别只,电子,健康,记录


是这首歌吧!歌词是:“爱情的笨游戏我已玩腻,倒头大睡干脆谁也不理。”《玩腻》演唱:M3du le de de du le de ledu le de de ho bo le se o...爱情的笨游戏我已玩腻倒头大睡干脆谁也不理手机来电铃声急促响起还不是Mei Mei想约我出去今天我掰不出甜言蜜语(甜心请你)请快放弃因为我要关机(it fells all right)疲倦的心情我想法消极(准备放弃)游戏换角爱情无法继续(客串而已)du le de de du le de ledu le de de ho bo le se o...爱情的笨游戏我已玩腻倒头大睡干脆谁也不理手机来电铃声急促响起还不是Mei Mei想约我出去今天我掰不出甜言蜜语(甜心请你)请快放弃因为我要关机(it fells all right)疲倦的心情我想法消极(准备放弃)游戏换角爱情无法继续(客串而已)du le le ho du du le de ledu le de de ho bo le se o..





全相思木的尤克里里LEHO AKG对比恩雅怎么选?


Tribes的《Dancehall》 歌词

歌曲名:Dancehall歌手:Tribes专辑:Wish To ScreamDancehall - TribesShe"s a gypsy queen real tall and meanShe"s an airplane no one"s ever seenShe"s a firecracker real dancehall masterShe"s a hurricane when you walk past herShe"s the morning sun in the midnight windShe"d sell her soul for all her sinsShe"ll come right at you real CleopatraYou take all you got and you give it to herDid you see that lightning in the skyA window to my mindIt leaves me hypnotizedSomewhere betterDid you feel that thunder hit last nightA poison in my mindIt leaves me hypnotizedSomewhere betterShe"s a striptease real hard to pleaseShe"ll cheer you up bring you to your kneesShe"s a movie star fast sports carShe"s a razor blade she"ll take you farShe"s the ocean"s cool and your midnight rideShe"s a devil"s church and a preacher"s wifeShe"ll come right at you real CleopatraYou take all you got and you give it to herDid you see that lightning in the skyA window to my mindIt leaves me hypnotizedSomewhere betterDid you feel that thunder hit last nightA poison in my mindIt leaves me hypnotizedSomewhere betterI don"t care for dancingbut thanks for askingDid you see that lightning in the skyA window to my mindIt leaves me hypnotizedSomewhere betterDid you feel that thunder hit last nightA poison in my mindIt leaves me hypnotizedSomewhere better



u didn’t answer me hehehe翻译

一次次地想你. 你没回复我,所以我总是想到你.ROBI你好吗? 我非常非常好.工作怎么样?你说你很忙,别太担心工作了,重要的是要休息 好,还要开心. 下雨的时候张开你的手,(& z 啥意思?) (drop u catch 啥意思?)就是你有多想我. 但是(z drops u miss 又是啥意思?)就是我有多想你. 再见一遍又一遍. 你的楚楚 (晕倒了,那几个没看懂的地方估计是从中文直接过来的吧?不合语法,猜也没法猜.)


歌词:It being in the springtime and the small birds they were singing Down by yon shady harbour I carelessly did stray The thrushes they were warbling, the violets they were charming To view fond lovers talking, a while I did delay She said, my dear don\"t leave me all for another season Though fortune does be pleasing I\"ll go along with you I\"ll forsake friends and relations and bid this Irish Nation And to the bonny Bann banks forever I\"ll bid adieu He said, my dear don\"t grieve or yet annoy my patience You know I love you dearly the more I\"m going away I\"m going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation To comfort us hereafter all in America Then after a short while a fortune does be pleasing “Twill cause them for to smile at our late going away We\"ll be happy as Queen Victoria, all in her greatest glory We\"ll be drinking wine and porter, all in America If you were in your bed lying and thinking on dying The sight of the lovely Bann banks your sorrow you\"d give o\"er Or if were down one hour, down in yon shady bower Pleasure would surround you, you\"d think on death no more Then fare you well, sweet Craigie Hill, where often times I\"ve roved I never thought my childhood days I\"d part you any more Now we\"re sailing on the ocean for honour and promotion And the bonny boats are sailing, way down by Doorin shore


It being in the springtime and the small birds they were singing 那是在春天的时节,小鸟儿们在歌唱 Down by yon shady harbour I carelessly did stray 沿着远处婆娑的海港,我不经意间竟迷失了方向 The the thrushes they were warbling, The violets they were charming 画眉鸟柔和的唱着歌,还有那娇媚的紫罗兰竞相开放 To view fond lovers talking, a while I did delay 看着多情的恋人们低语,我停下了脚步 She said, my dear don′t leave me all for another season 她说,亲爱的请不要在任何季节离我而去 Though fortune does be pleasing I ′ll go along with you 虽然命运将我们捉弄,我还要与你在一起 I′ll forsake friends and relations and bid this Irish nation 我会放弃亲友放弃爱尔兰民族的祝愿 And to the bonny Bann banks forever I ′ll bid adieu 我对神发誓,我永远都不会说再见 He said, my dear don′t grieve or yet annoy my patience 他说,亲爱的请不要悲伤,否则会困扰我的耐心 You know I love you dearly the more I′m going away 你要知道即使离开,我只会更强烈地爱你 I′m going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation 我要去一个遥远的国度,去寻觅一片土地 To comfort us hereafter all in Amerika y 来抚平灾难给我们带来的所有创伤 Then after a short while a fortune does be pleasing 不久以后当一切都已经平息 T′will cause them for smile at our late going away 我将让所有人都因我们这次离别而幸福 We′ll be happy as Queen Victoria, all in her greatest glory 我们将像维多利亚女皇一样快乐,有着她最伟大的荣耀 We′ll be drinking wine and porter all in Amerika y 我们要在这废墟上品尝美酒佳肴 If you were in your bed lying and thinking on dying 如果你躺在床上正思考着死亡 The sight of the lovely Bann banks, your sorrow you′d give o′er 爱之神的目光,将你的忧伤带到我身旁 Or if were down one hour, down in yon shady bower 或许瞬间就会降临,降临在那幽暗的凉亭 Pleasure would surround you, you′d think on death no more 快乐将围绕着你,你将不会再想到死亡 Then fare you well, sweet Cragie Hills, where often times I′ve roved 所以永别了吧,我可爱的克雷吉山峦,我曾漫游数次的地方 I never thought my childhood days I ′d part you any more 我以为从我孩童时期起就不会再和你分开 Now we′re sailing on the ocean for honour and promotion 而如今我们却航行在荣誉和重生的海洋里 And the bonny boats are sailing, way down by Doorin shore 沿着多里安海岸,美丽的船儿在航行满意请采纳


does she have plates?


Give me a handGive me your hand, please.请求别人帮忙 的意思

Edinburgh EH8 9JX的中文

Edinburgh 爱丁堡EH8 9JX 是邮编

the train is going down thehill英语是什么意思


behavioral simulation和post-synthesis functional simulation有什么区别

synthesis是综合啊,就是把程序和你选的芯片综合起来,看对不对 simulation是仿真,对你的程序进行数字波形仿真


A school of psychology that confines itself to the study of observable and quantifiable aspects of behavior and excludes subjective phenomena, such as emotions or motives.

Behavioral Finance 是什么意思啊?


behavioral brain research录用后多久见刊

期刊名字 BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCHBEHAV BRAIN RES 偏重的研究方向 生命科学 神经科学、认知科学与心理学 期刊ISSN 0166-4328 2013-2014最新影响因子 3.391 期刊官方网站 期刊投稿网址 通讯方式 ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE 涉及的研究方向 医学-行为科学 出版国家 NETHERLANDS 出版周期 Semimonthly 出版年份 1980 年文章数 708 见刊一般都是网络发表,接受后1个月左右吧虽然这个杂志水平不算高,但中国人的稿子不太好发。因为行为学的研究主观性太强,数据造假太容易了,所以这个杂志对中国人的稿子十分挑剔。 技术审查就特别严,语言差的话,一般还会快速拒稿。

一段关于审计的翻译。主要想了解descriptive peer norms、behavior of peers在审计中是什么意思。

Classical agency theory argues that economic incentives can have a strong impact on opportunistic reporting behavior . On the other hand, behavioral literature suggests that agents also adhere to descriptive norms established by peers. Most studies examine these effects in isolation , ignoring the role of mechanisms that ufb01rms use to detect misreporting . This research examines if the effects of incentives and descriptive peer norms depend on whether the ufb01rm uses an audit system to detect misreporting. In an experiment, we vary the material payoffs for lying(low vs. high compensation rate ),the behavior of peers (low vs. high honesty), and the use of audits to detect misreporting (audited vs. not audited). Results indicate that the effect of peer behavior depends on the use of audits. When reporting decisions are audited, descriptive peer norms have a strong effect on the level of truthful reporting. We do not ufb01nd evidence indicating that the effect of incentives depends on audits. Our ufb01ndings have important implications for practice. Firms may need to consider the use of audits if they want to promote honesty through positive peer-established social norms.Accounting regulators, investors, and media pundits express growing concerns about the apparent lack of honesty in ufb01nancial reports (see Healy & Palepu, 2003; Ward, 2003). While there are cases of opportunistic behavior in which managers allegedly act unethically or commit fraud , more evidence is needed to assess how ufb01rms can reduce this behavior. This study focuses on an important factor: how descriptive peer group norms inufb02uence truthful reporting. Recent cases suggest that peer behavior can be inufb02uential: it can create a corporate culture that is either benign or malignant (McLean & Elkind, 2003). Behavioral literature also argues that people follow descriptive norms established by peer groups (Barron & Gjerde, 1997; Bernheim, 1994; Fischer & Huddart, 2008). In this spirit, it is argued that ufb01rms should implement codes of conduct and ethics to establish and disclose descriptive norms that promote truthful reporting among managers and their peers.古典代理理论认为,经济激励可以对机会主义报告行为产生强烈的影响。另一方面,行为文献表明,代理也坚持由同行建立的描述规范。大多数研究孤立地检查这些影响,忽略了用于检测误报的机制的作用。这项研究检查激励和描述性同行规范的影响是否取决于公司是否使用审计系统来检测误报。在一个实验中,我们改变了谎言(低与高补偿率),同行的行为(低与高诚实)的物质收益,以及使用审计来检测误报(审计与非审计)。结果表明,同行行为的影响取决于审计的使用。当报告决策被审计时,描述性的同行规范对真实报告的水平有很强的影响。我们没有发现证据表明激励的效果取决于审计。我们的发现对实践有重要的影响。如果公司想通过积极的同行确立的社会规范来促进诚实,公司可能需要考虑使用审计。会计监管机构,投资者和媒体专家越来越关注财务报告中显然缺乏诚实(见Healy和Palepu,2003; Ward,2003)。虽然有些机会主义行为的管理者据称不道德地行为或犯欺诈行为,但需要更多的证据来评估企业如何减少这种行为。这项研究集中在一个重要的因素:如何描述同伴组规范影响真实报告。最近的案例表明,同伴行为可能是有影响力的:它可以创造一个良性或恶性的企业文化(McLean&Elkind,2003)。行为文学还认为人们遵循由同伴群体建立的描述性规范(Barron&Gjerde,1997; Bernheim,1994; Fischer&Huddart,2008)。本着这种精神,有人认为,公司应该实施行为和道德准则,以建立和披露描述性规范,促进管理者及其同行之间的真实报告。

Behavioral question是什么意思?

behavioral questions 是在美国的职业面试当中最常见的形式。通常是面试者抛出一个问题,让你从你的经验当中举出例子而从你给出的例子当中,面试者得以对你的skills和personalities加以了解和判断。有工作经验的人,尤其是工作时间比较长的人,当然最好举你工作当中的例子。对于那些没有工作经验的人,可以举在学校和同学做project的例子,参加学校社团活动的例子,在community做 volunteer 的例子。

behavioral approach是什么意思


behavioral science是什么意思



we have five我们有五个At the present time we have five Scandinavians and one German in our class.目前我们班上有五位北欧人和一位德国人。





behouden goes stemming aftijd是什么意思?

丹麦语behouden goes stemming aftijd中文的意思是:保留投票结束

是he have a lovely day还是hehaving还是haves?

你好,因为主语he是第三人称单数形式,所以,这个句子应该是他玩的很高兴,就应该是He had a lovely day。

Behind The Crimson Door 歌词

歌曲名:Behind The Crimson Door歌手:H.I.M专辑:Greatest HitsCovered the carcass of time with flowersTo send the scent of blame to the graveSet the darkest thoughts on fireAnd watched the ashes climb to Heaven"s gatesWe hide behind the crimson doorWhile the summer is killed by the fallAlive behind the crimson doorWhile the winter sings:"Your love will be the death of me" (Death of me)"Your love will be the death of me"Death served wine for loversBrought from the world where devils reignAnd intoxicated angels with sorrowThey witnessed in the eyes of their slavesWe hide behind the crimson doorWhile the summer is killed by the fallAlive behind the crimson doorWhile the winter sings:"Your love will be the death of me" (Death of me)"Your love will be the death of me"We hide behind the crimson doorWhile the summer is killed by the fallAlive behind the crimson doorwhile the winter sings:"Your love will be the death of me" (Death of me)"Your love will be the death of me"We hide behind the crimson doorWhile the summer is killed by the fallAlive behind the crimson doorwhile the winter sings:"Your love will be the death of me" (Death of me)"Your love will be the death of me"We hide behind the crimson doorWe hide behind the crimson doorWe hide behind the crimson doorWe hide behind the crimson door

influence our behavior要s吗?

主语是culture,不可数名词,为单数。谓语动词应该加s,成为第三人称单数一般现在时。 influences。 influence是及物动词,去掉介词on。很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!,多谢你的问题!^_^

英语句子结构分析 I don"t tell you what I think of your behaviour.


求歌名 有句歌词好像是if one day i left this world behind

歌曲名《The Nights》,由 Avicii 演唱。


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