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请问“features & benefits"是什么意思啊?谢谢


ip default-network和ip route默认路由的区别

指定默认路由(last resort gateway)的指令供有3种,可以分成两类:1、ip default-gateway当路由器上的ip routing无效时,使用它指定默认路由,用于RXBoot模式(no ip routing)下安装IOS等。或者关闭ip routing 让路由器当主机用,此时需要配置默认网关2、ip default-network和ip route两者都用于ip routing有效的路由器上,区别主要在于路由协议是否传播这条路由信息。比如:IGRP无法识别0.0.0.0,因此传播默认路由时必须用ip default-network。当用ip default-network指令设定多条默认路由时,administrative distance最短的成为最终的默认路由;如果有复数条路由distance值相等,那么在路由表(show ip route)中靠上的成为默认路由。同时使用ip default-network和ip route双方设定默认路由时,如果ip default-network设定的网络是直连(静态、且已知)的,那么它就成为默认路由;如果ip default-network指定的网络是由交换路由信息得来的,则ip route指定的表项成为默认路由。最后,如果使用多条ip route指令,则流量会自动在多条链路上负载均衡。via 51cto@xiong2127



What he told me to do was that I should get fully prepared before the interview! 给翻译一下



mine forever我的永远



past event for exact time reference是什么意思?

past event for exact time reference过去的事件以获取准确的时间参考



It will be ___before he gets better


It,s going to get worse before it gets better 什么意思?


After Effect CC 2018中有时修改了图层 而合成的画面没有实时修改此时需要


我用AE After effect 的移除颗粒功能给视频做磨皮效果!之前成功过一次,后来就不行了




After Effects警告: 类“Effect”中名为“Color”的属性或方法缺失或不存在


Adobe After Effects与QuickTime有什么关联


Adobe after effect CC Win7 X64 4Gb内存 提示“After Effects警告:无法读取图像文件。”

不用卸载插件直接导入工程文件就可以了文件菜单里导入 或者先打开AE然后把工程文件直接拖到AE项目窗口里就可以了,还有个方法就是用最新的叫AE CC直接就是官方简体中文的

after effect导入视频播放无画面


adobe after effect 内存不足


After effect AE求教:电影里道士画符的影视特效是怎么做出来的?求具体方法

具体什么效果可以上传个样本看看否 ?我知道有个方法可以随意画 有发光用AE的粒子系统 你看看这个是不是你想要的效果<embed src="http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNjU0NTEyNDA4/v.swf" allowFullScreen="true" quality="high" width="480" height="400" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>

After Effect 和 Final Cut 哪个更好


关于Adobe After Effect,请问现在大多数AE模板是用哪个版本编辑的?

推荐使用CC 2015、你可以升级一下配置嘛、因为功能只会增加不会删减的

Adobe after effect CC 版本安装后无法正常启动,打开显示应用程序错误!

应用程序错误问题:1.木马病毒造成常用病毒捆绑应用程序和系统文件,然后安全杀毒软件把有木马病毒应用程序和系统文件查杀导致。2.应用程序组件丢失,应用程序完整的运行需要一些系统文件或者某些ll文件支持,如果应用程序组件不完整也会导致的。3.系统文件损坏或丢失,盗版系统或Ghost版本系统,很容易出现该问题。4.操作系统自身的问题,操作系统本身也会有bug 。5.硬件问题,例如内存条坏了或者存在质量问题,或者内存条的金手指的灰尘特别多。 应用程序错误解决方法:1.检查电脑是否存在病毒,请使用百度卫士进行木马查杀。2.系统文件损坏或丢失,盗版系统或Ghost版本系统,很容易出现该问题。建议:使用完整版或正版系统。3.安装的软件与系统或其它软件发生冲突,找到发生冲突的软件,卸载它。如果更新下载补丁不是该软件的错误补丁,也会引起软件异常,解决办法:卸载该软件,重新下载重新安装试试。顺便检查开机启动项,把没必要启动的启动项禁止开机启动。4.如果检查上面的都没问题,可以试试下面的方法。打开开始菜单→运行→输入cmd→回车,在命令提示符下输入下面命令 for %1 in (%windir%system32*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %1回车。完成后,在输入下面for %i in (%windir%system32*.ocx) do regsvr32.exe /s %i 回车。如果怕输入错误,可以复制这两条指令,然后在命令提示符后击鼠标右键,打“粘贴”,回车,耐心等待,直到屏幕滚动停止为止(重启电脑)。

Adobe Premiere 和 After Effects 还有 adobe 以及 会声会影 和 Vegas Pro 12.0 这五款软件,哪个好?


ae (After effect)中文帮助文档,请问谁有?


ae模板打开后提示,After Effects警告: 类“Effect”中名为“Color”的属性或方法缺失或不存在。

这个警告通常出现在您尝试在较旧版本的 After Effects 中打开包含“Color”效果的模板文件时。在新版本的 After Effects 中,“Color”效果已被替换为新的“Tint”效果,因此在较旧的版本中打开包含“Color”效果的模板时会发生警告。如果您遇到这种情况,可以尝试以下方法:更新 After Effects 到最新版本。新版本中包含了最新的效果和功能,可以更好地支持新的模板。使用新版本的“Tint”效果替换“Color”效果。您可以手动替换效果,或者使用“Find and Replace”工具在整个项目中自动替换效果。使用其他支持“Color”效果的软件打开模板。如果您无法更新 After Effects 或替换效果,可以尝试使用其他支持“Color”效果的软件打开模板,并进行必要的编辑和导出。请注意,这个警告不会导致 AE 模板无法使用,但可能会影响某些效果或属性的正确性。因此,如果您在使用 AE 模板时遇到任何问题,请仔细检查模板是否与您的版本兼容,并尝试使用上述方法进行修复。

after effects cs6 和 after effect cc 有什么区别?不都是视频软件吗?

版本不同,系列不同,功能多一点,bug多一点……我来解释一下:after effects cs系列是以前经常用的的,after effects cc貌似官方说有个什么“云”的东西……cc系列的更新了一个貌似叫c4d的插件,这个以前是个软件的,等于买AE送c4d……真要用时我相信你会无语的……特别是破解以后

he will come to understand your efforts sooner or later. it is just a matter of time

慢慢的, 终究会明白

请问有没有Adobe After Effects 2020中文破解版?求

Adobe After effect2020有破解版的,一般的话,这种版本在淘宝京东上面都有卖的,就是你买完之后点击在线发给你,或者是发送的邮箱里,然后你下载下来安装就行了。不过那种需要装那种破解补丁。

after effect 的vegas在哪里?


after effect和premiere这两种后期软件有什么区别?ae可以做像premiere里的那种黑场或白场过度吗?


可以把after effect 放到其他电脑进行渲染吗


After Effect进去后,视频打开来,是“无法使用视频,找不到visd:XVID解压缩程序”怎么办?

网上下载visd视频编解码器 软件,安装后即可

after effect 中遮罩和蒙版一样吗??

after effect 中遮罩和蒙版不一样。遮罩与蒙版区别为:显示不同、效果图像不同、透明度不同。一、显示不同1、遮罩:通过遮罩图层中的图形对象,透出下面图层中区域内的内容。2、蒙版:通过蒙版图层中的图形对象,显示下面图层中区域外的内容。二、效果图像不同1、遮罩:可以将多个层组合放在一个遮罩层下,以创建出多样的效果。2、蒙版:只可以将单个层放在一个蒙版层下,以创建出蒙版效果图像。三、透明度不同1、遮罩:遮罩效果为不透明度,不能调整不同的透明度。2、蒙版:蒙版可以设置将不同灰度色值转化为不同的透明度。

after effects错误,正在发生崩溃!!?? 如图! 启动半天就弹出这个就退了。。我装的是大师版

after effects错误,正在发生崩溃,是设置错误造成的,解决方法如下:1、首先打开ae软件时,提示错误,“Adobe After Effects CC 2018 已停止工作”。2、这时在安装盘里找到“Adobe After Effects CC 2018”的文件夹。3、然后在“Adobe After Effects CC 2018”文件夹里找到“CRWindowsClientService.exe”应用程序。4、鼠标右键选择删除,然后在弹出的对话框中点击-是。5、最后到回收站里,右键再次删除,重新打开ae就可以使用了。

在AE(after effect)中。如何把连贯渲染的单帧图片合成为动画 。。谢谢!请详细讲述!




在AE(after effect)中。如何把连贯渲染的单帧图片合成为动画 。。谢谢!请详细讲述!

如果是连贯的话,双击素材窗口,然后找到你的序列帧。点选一帧,然后勾选窗口的序列 就OK了。。。。。

after effect错误:不支持源压缩类型(86::1)


After effect Premere分别是什么软件,做什么的?


put more effort in和put more effort on区别

put more effort in 和 put more effort on 都是表示“在...更加努力“在...上下功夫”,举例:1. put more effort inWhen we put effort in these four practices, we will develop wisdom. 在这四项下功夫,这就是智慧。People put more effort in action to obtain objects associated with angry faces. 人们把更多的努力用在了那些与愤怒面孔相关的物体上。2. put more effort on Chinese nationalism put more effort on the political level and the request to abrogate unequal treaties replaced the discussion on merits and demerits of foreign debt on railway. 中国民族主义的目标更加集中于政治层面,废除不平等条约的要求取代了关于铁路外债利弊的讨论。Parents should put greater effort on doing more activities together with their childas a way of building a closer bond. 和孩子相处的时候,尽可能地和孩子共同做一些事。两者的用法基本一样,只是put more effort in 的用法更为广泛。

poorly defined roles什么意思

  定义不好的角色  双语例句  For example, if roles are poorly defined, a boss might need to clarify who is responsible for what.  比如,如果角色没有明确定位,老板就需要辨别每个人负责什么。

—________ ! Somebody has left the lab door open.—Don’t look at me. A.Dear me B.Hi, there

A 试题分析:考查交际用语。A. dear me哎呀(表示惊讶);B. Hi, there嗨;C. Thank goodness谢天谢地;D. come on加油。句意:——哎呀!有人离开实验室门还开着。——不要看着我。故A正确。

含有in ,on , at , up ,down ,befor ,for ,to ,by ,about ,of ,with 的介词短语总结,带汉语意思的!

1.表示地点位置的介词1)at ,in, on, toat (1)表示在小地方; (2)表示“在……附近,旁边”in (1)表示 在大地方; (2)表示“在…范围之内”。on 表示毗邻,接壤to 表示在……范围外,不强调是否接壤He arrived at the station at ten.He is sitting at the desk.He arrived in Shanghai yesterday.Jiangsu lies in the east of China.Russia lies on the north of China.Fujian is to the south of Jiangsu Province.2)above, over, on 在……上above 指在……上方,不强调是否垂直,与 below相对; over指垂直的上方,与under相对,但over与物体有一定的空间,不直接接触。 on表示某物体上面并与之接触。The bird is flying above my head.There is a bridge over the river.He put his watch on the desk.3)below, under 在……下面under表示在…正下方below表示在……下,不一定在正下方There is a cat under the table.Please write your name below the line.2.表示时间的介词1)in , on,at 在……时in表示较长时间,如世纪、朝代、时代、年、季节、月及一般(非特指)的早、中、晚等。如 in the 20th century, in the 1950s, in 1989, in summer, in January, in the morning, in the night, in one"s life , in one"s thirties等。on表示具体某一天及其早、中、晚。如on May 1st, on Monday, on New Year"s Day, on a cold night in January, on a fine morning, on Sunday afternoon等。at表示某一时刻或较短暂的时间,或泛指圣诞节,复活节等。 如at 3:20, at this time of year, at the beginning of, at the end of …, at the age of …, at Christmas, at night, at noon, at this moment等。注意:在last, next, this, that, some, every 等词之前一律不用介词。如:We meet every day. 2)in, after 在……之后“in +段时间”表示将来的一段时间以后;“after+段时间”表示过去的一段时间以后;“after+将来点时间”表示将来的某一时刻以后。My mother will come back in three or four days.He arrived after five months. She will appear after five o"clock this afternoon. 3)from, since 自从……from仅说明什么时候开始,不说明某动作或情况持续多久;since表示某动作或情况持续至说话时刻,通常与完成时连用。 He studied the piano from the age of three.They have lived here since 1978.4)after, behind 在……之后after主要用于表示时间;behind主要用于表示位置。We shall leave after lunch.Lucy is hiding behind an old house.3.表运动方向的介词:across, through 通过,穿过across表示横过,即从物体表面通过,与on有关;through穿过,即从物体内部穿过,与in有关。She swam across the river.He walked through the forest.4.表示“在……之间”的介词:between, amongbetween指在两个人或两个事物之间;among指在三个或三个以上的人或事物之间。There is a football match between Class One and Class Two on the playground.The teacher is standing among the students.5.表示其他意义的介词1)on ,about 关于on 表示这本书,这篇文章或演说是严肃的,或学术性的,可供专门研究这一问题的人阅读;about表示内容较为普通,不那么正式。There will be a lecture on economics this afternoon.He is writing a book on cooking.He told me a lot about his life in the summer vocation.2)by, with, in 表示方法、手段、工具by 以……方法、手段或泛指某种交通工具;with 表示用 …工具、手段,一般接具体的工具和手段;in 表示用…方式,用…语言(语调、笔墨、颜色)等;He makes a living by selling newspapers. He broke the window with a stone. The foreigner spoke to us in English.3)except, besides 除了except 除……之外,不包括在内;besides 除……之外,包括在内。Except Mr. Wang, we went to see the film.(王先生没去)Besides Mr. Wang, we also went to see the film.(王先生也去了)



how does humanism reflected in sonnet 18?

这个是要写作文吗?我很懒所以只能给点 dot points 啦。First note you might want to outline that Shakespeare lives in the Renaissance period and that humanism is a value of the Renaissance period. (This is optional but it backs up your argument to some extent)theme: note that in Shakespeare"s other sonnets there are overarching themes on 1. The brevity of life 2. The transcience of beauty 3. The trapping of desire. This could be your lead into arguing how Shakepeare is placing human behaviour on emphasis ....(leading to humanism ...etc)For particular argument look at the techniques that Shakespeare uses. One of the most obvious is the metaphors of comparing his love to summer. There could also be a line of argument that Shakespeare elevates human status through comparing his love to nature. An example would be "thou art more lovely and more temperate" ...etc There is also personification on nature running throughout the poem 希望这些有帮到你一点。

Linux编程中 #define _XOPEN_SOURCE的作用是什么

预定义一个常量吧 _XOPEN_SOURCE 是一个常量名 你也可以定义成其他容易识别的名字的

请问电影《Definitely, Maybe》中开头的音乐的名字。

everyday peopleby Sly&The Family Stone


We stayed there for five days.我们在那里呆了五天。

Five days are too long for the chief …为什么are改为is




ufeff《Lie to me》 的三大心理哲学

心理学家指出:“人是爱讲大话的动物,而且比自己所意识到的讲得更多。”人们会不自觉地向别人撒谎,有时连想也不想,甚至不承认自己在撒谎。在好友的强烈推荐之下,我如饥似渴地看完了一部心理学方面的美剧《lietome》,非常震撼,特拿出来和大家分享些感受! 《Lietome》的肢体哲学 全片让人记忆深刻的是那些丰富多样的脸部表情特写,剧中的男主人公CalLigan总是能够通过观察一个人的面部、身体、言谈及体貌特征而准确知晓对方是否说谎,从而发现事实的真相。看完之后,我真的感觉自己学到了不少知识,俨然也成了察言观色的高手,在实际生活中屡试不爽。 为什么当一个人无意中抓挠下巴、扳动手掌、触摸鼻子或者拚命吞咽口水,心理学专家都能马上就知道他内心所想呢?其实还真不是他瞎猜的。根据相关研究,一个人向外界传达完整的信息,单纯的语言成分只占7%,而55%的信息都需要由非语言的体态来传达。同时因为肢体语言通常是一个人下意识的举动,它也很少具有欺骗性,所以在想了解他人的心理状况时,肢体动作是一个很好的参考工具。 狭义言之,肢体语言只包括身体与四肢所表达的意义。肢体语言是情绪的一部分,投过它可以了解对方的潜在感受;由于某些举动是无意识的,所以它很少具有欺骗性。比如耸肩膀说明他处在惊恐之中;又比如如果一个人叉腿站着,说明他不自信,紧张而不自然。因此,当人们身处一个陌生而不舒适的场合时多半喜欢这样站着。但如果一个人是收紧脚踝站着,说明他在发火,在千方百计控制自己。  其他有意思的肢体动作透露心理活动的例子还有:用手指轻轻触摸脖子说明对方对你说的话持怀疑或者不同意的态度;而用手指敲击桌子则说明对方无聊或者不耐烦(用脚敲击地板同此理);轻轻抚摸下巴的动作说明对方在考虑做决定;手放在腰上表示对方怀有敌意,随时准备投入行动。 电视中的有成就的人都是偏执狂,都对某一方面的东西充满了兴趣,Ligan喜欢是因为作者就这样写的,你别指望有什么方法让你也喜欢这个东西。 他说的面部表情些都是真实的,为此我曾经专门记录下他在电视中的相关语句在书中求证,结果都是真的,但是我同时也发现了个奇妙的现象,就是电视中Ligan那些案例在心理学书中都是比较浅显的案例,很表面的东西,但是电视中却把那些渲染的很神秘。 《Lietome》的表情哲学 俗话说:“人逢喜事精神爽。”如果春风得意,必定是双眉舒展并面带笑容;如果内心悲哀,则必定是双眉紧锁、脸带愁云;如果是怒火中烧,一般来说会脸红脖子粗,面部肌肉抽搐不止,双眉竖立、作咬牙切齿状;如果是有愧于心,也许会脸热心跳,呼吸急促,两耳发热,脸上多半会出汗,这就是古人为什么用“汗颜”来形容羞愧的道理;如果是恐惧,通常会脸色苍白,体温尤其是皮肤温度下降,呼吸不畅,嘴唇颤抖……等等,不一而足。 我们之所以能区别这些情绪,是因为我们知道,某些脸部区域对辨认某些情绪特别重要。例如,以悲伤与恐惧而言,眉毛及额头就特别重要;而厌恶与喜悦的情绪则以嘴巴的表情最有意义。

Prefinished Wood Veneer 怎么翻译?


如何开启windows thin pc的windows defender

功能扩展包位于Windows Embedded Standard 7 SP1 Runtime (IBW) x86 DVD的 DSPackagesFeaturePack 文件夹下;语言包(非英语)则位于 Windows Embedded Standard 7 SP1 Runtime (IBW) x86 DVD 的 DSPackagesLangPacks 文件夹下。以下是一些常用WINDOWS功能相关组件的具体信息:1. Windows Media Player 高级解码winemb-premiumcodecs-dolby-ac3-audioencoder.cabWinEmb-PremiumCodecs-MPEG2andDolbyDecoder.cabWinEmb-PremiumCodecs-MPEG2-Decoder.cabwinemb-premiumcodecs-mpeg2-encoder.cabWinEmb-PremiumCodecs-MPEG3.cabWinEmb-PremiumCodecs-MPEG4.cabwinemb-premiumcodecs-wmv.cab2. Windows搜索winemb-natural-language.cabwinemb-search.cab3. .NET Framework 3.5winemb-iis-was.cabwinemb-netfx30.cabwinemb-netfx30client.cabwinemb-netfx35 .cabwinemb-netfx35client.cab4. Windows DVD Maker :winemb-dvdburning.cabwinemb-imapiv2.cab5. Windows ISO Burnerwinemb-imapiv2.cab6. Windows 媒体中心:winemb-mediacenter.cab7. Windows 照片查看器:winemb-photos-viewer.cab8. Windows Defender:winemb-antimalware.cab将相关组件加入到 Thin pc 有两种方式:在线和离线这里只介绍在线:1. 在系统盘(一般为C盘)创建两个文件夹,分别命名为FeaturePack 和 LangPack2. 复制所需的功能扩展包文件到文件夹 C:FeaturePack3. 复制所需语言扩展包文件到文件夹 C:LangPack4. 以管理员权限打开命令提示符窗口并运行一下命令:Dism.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:FeaturePack /NoRestartDism.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:LangPack5. 当询问你是否重启时,选 ‘Y"到这一步就完成了!注:此文非本人原创。来自网络。个人经验:在安装 .net 3.0 和 3.5 时,要与 2.0 一起安装。.net 2.0 文件 为 winemb-netfx20.cab 和 winemb-netfx20client.cab另外,搜索功能仅仅安装 winemb-search.cab 时系统不稳定。但 winemb-natural-language.cab 我还没有找到。 例如:安装.Net Framework1、下载Windows thin pc的.net framework文件http://yunpan.cn/lk/sV6buuZxsgiIahttp://www.kuaipan.cn/file/id_11431368990923067.htm2、在系统盘(一般为C盘)创建文件夹,命名为FeaturePack3、复制所需的功能扩展包文件到文件夹 C:FeaturePack4、以管理员权限打开命令提示符窗口并运行一下命令:Dism.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:FeaturePack /NoRestart


一、表达意思不同1、film:n. 电影;薄膜;胶卷;轻烟 、vt. 在…上覆以薄膜;把…拍成电影 、vi. 摄制电影;生薄膜;变得朦胧2、movie:n. 电影;电影院;电影业 、adj. 电影的二、词性不同1、film:既可以作名词,也可作动词。2、movie:既可以作名字,也可以作形容词。

物理题An electron of energy 20GeV is deflected through an angle of 5 degrees

用能量守恒和动量守恒设散射前电子总能量为E1,动量大小为P1,散射后总能量为E2,动量大小为P2;散射前质子总能量为E0,散射后总能量为E,动量大小为P;由动量守恒有:P1^2+P2^2-2*P1*P2cos5度=P^2 (1)由能量守恒有:E=E1+E0-E2,两边平方得E^2=E1^2+E0^2+2*E1*E0+E2^2-2*E1*E2-2*E0*E2代入E^2= E0^2+P^2*c^2,E1^2=P1^2*c^2,E2^2=P2^2*c^2整理得P^2=P1^2+2*P1*E0/c+P2^2-2*P1*P2-2*P2*E0/c (2)又E1^2=P1^2*c^2=(20GeV)^2,E0=0.938GeV (3)由(1)(2)(3)解得P2=18.499GeV/c,E2=18.499GeV,则q^2=(P1^2+P2^2-2*P1*P2cos5度)-(E2-E1)^2/c^2=2.816GeV


high 疯

do you havefun是什么意思


求left boy的time and again歌词

[Verse 1]AnnotateThey tell me what my name is, Left Boy, that"s rightThis girl thinks I"m famous, I"m infamous for the nightEvery joy"s a way as much as take yours tooPlease don"t be upset with me, that I used youLike, baby, what"s your name? - HazelI can only tell you what you already knowYou can be my girl for the rest of the nightBut I"ma be a stranger for the rest of your lifeCause[Hook]x2Itu2019s just a little bit of partying andIt is just cocaine, I had some percocetsTime and again[Verse 2]I"m burning purple bridges, fucking random bitchesI got doctors taking care of my daily fitnessGimme what I need, I know you got itCrush some adderall, I"ve had it all, it"s hard to stop itThe screen is so much bigger than an IMAXIt"s all going by in a time-lapseI thought I know it all, can"t get my facts straightShe"s asking me to stop but I can"t wait[Hook]x2


have fun意思是玩得高兴,过得快活;耍笑;玩耍。例句:1、You and I can have fun.你和我也可以来一下啊。2、That"s why I love nightlife; it"s where I can escape and have fun.这就是我喜欢夜生活的,它是一个我可以逃脱和拥有快乐的地方。3、I guess I like to have fun.我想我是个喜欢享受的人。4、He is a fun man, I have fun to be with him.他是个风趣的人,和他在一起我就有乐趣了。5、We have fun, Mom and me!我们玩的很开心,妈妈和我!6、Have Fun With Your Coworkers.和你的同事一起玩的开心。7、If you do these things, you will not only have fun and learn English.如果你做这些事情,你将不只会拥有乐趣和学习英语。8、If all else, I hope you have fun playing it.如果一切,我希望你享受其中的乐趣了。9、You have to have fun together.你和伴侣要有一些共同的乐趣。10、What I want is for you to have fun.我想要的是你能体会乐趣。

before he cheats的歌词

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 解析: <before he cheats> 歌词: Right now He"s probably slow dancing With a bleached-blond tramp And she"s probably getting frisky... Right now He"s probably buying her some Fruity little drink Cause she can"t shoot whiskey... Right now He"s probably up behind her With a pool-stick Showing her how to shoot a bo... And he don"t know... I dug my key into the side Of his pretty little suped up 4 wheel drive Carved my name into his leather seat... I Took a Louisville slugger To both head lights Slashed a hole in all 4 tires... And maybe next time He"ll think before he cheats Right now She"s probably up singing some White-trash version of Shania karoke... Right now She"s probably saying I"m drunk And he"s a thinking that he"s gonna lucky Right now He"s probably dabbing 3 dollars Worth of that bathroom Polo... Oh, and he don"t know... Oh, that I dug my key into the side Of his pretty little suped up 4 wheel drive Carved my name into his leather seat... I Took a Louisville slugger To both head lights Slashed a hole in all 4 tires... And maybe next time He"ll think before he cheats I might saved a little trouble for the next girl Cause the next time that he cheats... Oh, you know it won"t be on me Ohh... not on me... Cause I dug my key into the side Of his pretty little suped up 4 wheel drive Carved my name into his leather seat... I Took a Louisville slugger To both head lights Slashed a hole in all 4 tires... Maybe next time He"ll think before he cheats Ohh.. Maybe next time He"ll think before he cheats... Ohh... before he cheats... Ohh...

Before He Cheats 歌词

歌曲名:Before He Cheats歌手:Carrie Underwood专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 25Right now he"s probably slow dancing with a bleached-blond tramp,and she"s probably getting frisky...right now, he"s probably buying her some fruity little drink cause she can"t shoot whiskey...Right now, he"s probably up behind her with a pool-stick, showing her how to shoot a combo...And he don"t know...That I dug my key into the side of his pretty little suped up 4 wheel drive,carved my name into his leather seat...I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights,slashed a hole in all 4 tires...And maybe next time he"ll think before he cheats.Right now, she"s probably up singing somewhite-trash version of Shania karoke..Right now, she"s probably saying "I"m drunk"and he"s a thinking that he"s gonna lucky,Right now, he"s probably dabbing 3 dollars worth of that bathroom Polo...And he don"t know...That I dug my key into the side of his pretty little suped up 4 wheel drive,carved my name into his leather seat,I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights,slashed a hole in all 4 tires...And maybe next time he"ll think before he cheats.I might saved a little trouble for the next girl,Cause the next time that he cheats...Oh, you know it won"t be on me!Ohh... not on me...Cause I dug my key into the side of his pretty little suped up 4 wheel drive,carved my name into his leather seat...I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights,slashed a hole in all 4 tires...Maybe next time he"ll think before he cheats.Ohh.. Maybe next time he"ll think before he cheats...Ohh... before he cheats...http://music.baidu.com/song/59429248


BYREF说明白点就是在过程中使用的数值和外面的数值相等了,并且一旦在过程中改变了这个数值,那么引用过程的数值也修改了。一般来说缺省就是BYREF。优点:节约一个内存地址的大小,并且实现数值的修改BYVAL指的是为这个变量在内存中重新开辟一个地址进行存储。在过程中修改这个数值不会影响这个数值。(1)ByRef例如SUB byr(byref a as integer)"BYREF不写也是对的a=10end SUB然后如果我们这样用Dim x as integerbyr xmsgbox x输出10(2)ByVal例如SUB byv(byval a as integer)a=10end SUB然后再Dim x as integerbyv xmsgbox x

be of great benefit还是benefits

be of great benefit是对的。发音:[bi u0252v ɡreu026at u02c8benu026afu026at tu]。释义:大有好处。语法:benefit用作名词的基本意思是“好处”,可指任何形式的“益处”,包括物质方面和精神方面的益处。benefit视其含义的具体或抽象,可用作可数名词或不可数名词。benefit既作及物动词,也作不及物动词。作及物动词时,解释为“得益于”,作不及物动词时,解释为“得益”。相关词组:benefit by 从中受益。benefit by the medicine 得益于药。benefit from从中得到好处。benefit from the university 受益于大学教育。benefit in every way 各方面受益。benefit through 通过受益。confer benefit on the people 造福于人民。get benefit 获得利益好处。



w.l.x ship chief衣服是什么牌子

也就是他适合170CM 高的人穿以下是具体介绍男装---号型 针织号型 155/80---XXS--特小号 160/85---XS---加小号 165/90---S----小号 170/95---M----中号 175/100--L----大号 180/105--XL---加大号 185/110--XXL---特大号 190/115--XXXL---超特大号 梭织号型 155/80---XXS 160/84---XS 165/88---S 170/92---M 175/96---L 180/100---XL 6


【典故出处】:南朝 宋 刘义庆《世说新语 德行》:「对曰:" 丈人不悉恭,恭作人无长物。"」 【成语意思】:除自身外;再没什么别的东西。形容人东西极少。生活简朴或家境贫寒。 【成语注音】:ㄕㄣ ㄨˊ ㄓㄤˋ ㄨˋ 【通用拼音】:shēn wu chang wu 【拼音简写】:SWCC 【使用频率】:常用成语 【成语字数】:四字成语 【感 *** 彩】:贬义成语 【成语用法】:身无长物,主谓式;作谓语;形容贫寒。 【成语结构】:主谓式成语 【成语正音】:长,不能读作「zhǎnɡ」。 【成语辨形】:长,不能写作「藏」。 【英语翻译】:have no valuable things 【近义词】:别无长物、一无长物 【反义词】:绰有余裕、丰衣足食 【成语例句】:茅盾《归途杂拾 韩江船》:「这些逃难人虽则身无长物,因为一到惠阳就逢到数十年来从未有过的冷。」 【成语故事】: 东晋时期,王恭生活俭朴,他随父亲从会稽来到都城建康,朋友王忱去看望他,两人相谈甚欢,王忱觉得身下的竹席很好,王恭就转手相送,自己改用草席。王忱得知后过意不去,王恭说:「丈人不悉恭,恭作人无长物。」



求Jeff Bernat的Moonlight Chemistry完整歌词

Jeff Bernat Moonlight ChemistryYou had a couple of drinks tonightAdios Motherf-shhhhh and a glass of red wineHit me up at 2 AM and wanted me to swing byOhh ohh oo oo oo yeahThrew on a pair of sweats tonightHopped up in my whipStarted up the engine, 3 milesLater in your room with vanilla candles & moonlightGlowing through your curtainsDonu2019t rushWe can take it slowAinu2019t nobody nearAnd no place we have to goLets just slow it downItu2019s just you and meThere is nothing better than some Moonlight Chemistry,Said there is no rushWe can take it slowAinu2019t nobody nearAnd no place we have to goLets just slow it downItu2019s just you and meThere is nothing better than some Moonlight ChemistryLeft arms wrapped around ya, uhhReflections in the mirror, IWhisper in your ear and kiss your cheekMoving bangs to the side, Ohh ohh oo oo oo yeahSoft kisses on the lips whileWe"re underneath the covers wondering if thereu2019sanything that ICould sorta make you feel this comfortable as possible,Tell me what you want from meJust as long youu2019llDonu2019t rushWe can take it slowAinu2019t nobody nearAnd a place we have to goLet"s just slow it downItu2019s just you and meThere is nothing better than some Moonlight ChemistrySaid there is no rushWe can take it slowAinu2019t nobody nearAnd no place we have to goLets just slow it downItu2019s just you and meThere is nothing better than some Moonlight ChemistryFa laa, fa laa, fa laa, fa laa, fa laaOhhh ooo ohh ohh yeahOhhh ohhh ooooh yeahFa laa, fa laa, fa laa, fa laa, fa laaThereu2019s no need to rush if you can make it feel slowHeeeyy yeah yeahLady donu2019t rushWe can take it slowAinu2019t nobody nearAnd no place we have to goLets just slow it downItu2019s just you and meThere is nothing better than some Moonlight ChemistrySaid there is no rushWe can take it slowAinu2019t nobody nearAnd no place we have to goLets just slow it downItu2019s just you and meThere is nothing better than some Moonlight Chemistry

Wake Me Up Before You Go Go 歌词

歌曲名:Wake Me Up Before You Go Go歌手:Wham!专辑:Simply The Best Of The 80"sJitterbugJitterbugJitterbugJitterbugYou put the boom-boom into my heartYou send my soul sky high when your lovin startsJitterbug into my brainGoes a bang-bang-bang til my feet do the sameBut somethings bugging youSomething aint rightMy best friend told me what you did last nightLeft me sleepin in my bedI was dreaming, but I should have been with you instead.Wake me up before you go-goDont leave me hanging on like a yo-yoWake me up before you go-goI dont want to miss it when you hit that highWake me up before you go-goCause Im not plannin on going soloWake me up before you go-goTake me dancing tonightI wanna hit that high (yeah, yeah)You take the grey skies out of my wayYou make the sun shine brighter than Doris DayTurned a bright spark into a flameMy beats per minute never been the sameCause youre my lady, Im your foolIt makes me crazy when you act so cruelCome on, baby, lets not fightWell go dancing, everything will be all rightWake me up before you go-goDont leave me hanging on like a yo-yoWake me up before you go-goI dont want to miss it when you hit that highWake me up before you go-goCause Im not plannin on going soloWake me up before you go-goTake me dancing tonightI wanna hit that high (yeah, yeah, baby)(Jitterbug)(Jitterbug)Cuddle up, baby, move in tightWell go dancing tomorrow nightIts cold out there, but its warm in bedThey can dance, well stay home instead(Jitterbug)Wake me up before you go-goDont leave me hanging on like a yo-yoWake me up before you go-goI dont want to miss it when you hit that highWake me up before you go-goCause Im not plannin on going soloWake me up before you go-goTake me dancing tonightWake me up before you go-go,dont you dare to leave me hanging on like a yo-yoTake me dancing(Boom-boom-boom)http://music.baidu.com/song/59540709




You look like my ex-girlfriend可以用former girlfriend.before和0ld 是中文的说法英语里没有这样的说法


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befour的all i ever wanted的歌词

The moment you make me an empty to my heart Was moment that I have此刻你使我心中一片空白这是我曾忘却了的时刻么?我看着那使你比星辰还要

{left: 50%; top:50%;position:fixed;}的作用是什么 请教。。


chief conductor是什么意思

chief conductor首席指挥网络释义1. 列车长-男例句:1.In july, its chief conductor, alexander vedernikov, quit over the renovations, complaining that "the theater is putting bureaucratic interests above artistic ones." 7月间,该首席指挥亚历山大威德尼科夫放弃了修复工作,他抱怨“官僚们把自己的利益放在剧场的艺术之上”。

29._______the road,be careful.?

选A. 解析:这个是祈使句,暗含的主语是you,You 和cross the road 是主谓关系,不能用被动,排除C、D.A正确,这是 while you are crossing the road,be careful.的省略,选B的话把cross改为crossing就可以了. 祝开心~!,1,A 当穿过马路的时候,要小心。考的是独立主格结构。,2,A 当过马路的时候要小心 b应该改为when crossing,1,还是A看着顺眼。。,0,29._______the road,be careful. A.While crossing B.When cross C.Crossed D. Being crossed

Now they’re gonna refuel us in midair.是哪个电影

这个来自1997年的电影空军一号剧情对白I tried. I dumped some fuel. Now they"re gonna refuel us in midair.我泄过油 他们要在空中加油A refueling tanker? Jesus! Sir?加油,天哪,长官There may be a way to get people off. What do you mean?也许我们有办法逃走,怎么说



makefile c——flags问题

1、这条语句的意思是:在编译C文件时,传入编译日期和编译时间,分别用__VERDATA__和__VERTIME__表示,实际上是date命令的执行结果。用来表示版本的生成日期和时间。2、既然是作为编译宏传入C文件的,当然可以在C文件里直接使用,要问为什么,那是因为一些C编译器是这么规定的。3、在C文件里调用的方法:把它们当作字符串常量使用,比如在打印版本日期时,可以这么调用:printf("Version date:%s", __VERDATA__);


CPPFLAGS 应当是 编译选项,同你用的编译器有关。makefile中的 $(CPPFLAGS) 是 宏 的值, 前面 应已 写了 CPPFLAGS 等于什么什么。通常:CFLAGS 只用于 C 预编处理,CXXFLAGS 只用于 C++ 预编处理CPPFLAGS 可以 用于 C 和 C++ 两者。
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