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season按照音标来读:英 ["siu02d0z(u0259)n] ,美 ["sizn]。season释义:n. 时期;季节;赛季vt. 给…调味;使适应vi. 变得成熟;变干燥关于season短语:in season 应时的;当令rainy season 雨季flood season 汛期,洪水期;洪水季节christmas season 圣诞节节日out of season 过时;不合时宜;失去时机growing season 生长期,生育期;生长季节dry season 枯水季节;干旱期regular season 常规赛;季赛扩展知识:season例句1、Autumn is the best season in Beijing.秋天是北京最好的季节。2、Jock had been dogged by injury all season.杰克在整个赛季一直被伤痛所折磨。3、Autumn is a lively season for the wool market.秋天是毛织品畅销的季节。4、But we are at the start of the season.但我们现在是在赛季开始的阶段。5、What are you doing to celebrate this season we are in?你将会做什么来庆祝我们所在的这个季节。

season什么意思 season是什么意思

1、season,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“时期;季节;赛季”,作及物动词时意为“给…调味;使适应”,作不及物动词时意为“变得成熟;变干燥”。 2、regular season 季赛 ; 常规赛季 ; 通例赛; 3、peak season [贸易] 旺季 ; 淡季 ; 某种事物兴盛的时期 ; 高峰期; 4、Four Season 四季酒店 ; 四季 ; 一棵苹果树的四季 ; 犬夜叉; 5、off season 淡季 ; 非生产季节 ; 正值淡季; 6、breeding season 繁殖季节 ; 繁殖期 ; 生育季节 ; 生殖季; 7、Harvest Season 收获的季节 ; 收获季节 ; 丰收的季节 ; 丰收季节; 8、Fashion Season 时尚季节 ; 时装季节 ; 电脑游戏时髦季候 ; 流行季节; 9、holiday season 节日季节 ; 节日季 ; 假日季节 ; 假日季。




season 英[ˈsi:zn]美[ˈsizən]n. 季节,季;时期;活动期,时令;暂时vt. 使适应,使适用;调味vt.& vi. 使变干燥




season中文意思是季节。短语搭配:1、growing season生长季节。2、rainy season雨季。3、dry season旱季;干季;枯水期。4、exam season考试季。5、four seasons四季。6、low season淡季。7、in season当令的,在旺季的。8、out of season过季,反季节,不合时令。9、seasons greetings圣诞快乐。10、holiday season休假旺季。11、season ticket季票;长期票。12、off season淡季。13、close season禁渔期;禁猎期;停赛期。14、summer season夏季时期。15、high season旺季。16、open season开放季。17、closed season禁渔期;禁猎期。18、the silly season无聊季节。19、shoulder season平季。20、compliments of the season谨致节日的祝贺。season的双语例句:1、First,clean it and season it with your choice of spices(调料).首先,清洗它并用你选择的香料调味。2、Whenever the exam season comes,stress(焦虑)may come along.每当考试季到来时,压力就会随之而来。3、There is always a very long rainy season(季节)in Thailand.泰国的雨季总是很长。4、The coldest season of the year is winter.一年中最冷的季节是冬天。5、Refraining from krill fishing throughout the breeding season.在整个繁殖季节不捕捞磷虾。6、Still,most of us volunteers breathe a sigh of relief when the season comes to a close.不过,当这个季节结束时,我们大多数志愿者还是松了一口气。7、Summer in Iceland is a golden season for tourists.对游客来说,冰岛的夏天是黄金旅游季节。




season的读音是:英 ["siu02d0zn],美 ["siu02d0zn]。n. 季节;赛季;旺季;时期v. 给 ... 调味;适应;风干例句:He will captain the basketball team next season.翻译:他将在下个赛季担任该篮球队的队长。短语:have a season 有个季节近义词flavor 英 ["fleu026avu0259]   美 ["fleu026avu0259]    n. 风味;特殊的滋味;风格;调味品vt. 加调料于...;给...添加情趣例句:I don"t like the flavor of onion.翻译:我不喜欢洋葱的味道。

Knight Rider 2008 Season 1的演职员表

Justin Bruening ... Mike TraceurDeanna Russo ... Sarah GraimanSydney Tamiia Poitier ... Carrie RivaiBruce Davison ... Charles GraimanDavid Hasselhoff ... Michael KnightGreg Ellis ... WeltherChris Mulkey ... Sheriff RamseyWayne Kasserman ... Dylan FassJonathan Chase ... KevinSusan Gibney ... JenniferMatthew J Cates ... Truck Driver 执行制片人:Gary Scott Thompson, Dave Bartis, Doug Liman以及Matt Pyken联合执行制片人:Rob Wright制片顾问:Phil Levens制片总监:David Andron以及Sean Ryerson联合制片人:Sara Fischer以及Julie Herlocker执行编剧:Monica Macer角色编剧:Teresa Huang 以及Rachel Mellon角色挑选总监:Cami Patton制片设计:Richard Toyon摄影总监:Jamie Barber音乐创作:Chris Tyng音乐总监:Jennifer Pyken


远く离れてるほどに近くに感じてる寂しさも强さへと変搎(かわ)ってく君を思ったなら街も人も梦も変えていく时间にただ逆らっていた言叶を重ねても理解(わか)り合えないことまだ知らなかったね君だけを抱きしめたくて失くした梦君は「謆メナイデ」と云った远く离れてるほどに近くに感じてる寂しさも强さへと変搎(かわ)ってく君を思ったなら切なく胸を刺すそれは梦の欠片ありのまま出逢えてたその奇踖 もう一度信じて君がいない日々にずっと立ち止まったでも歩き出してる君と分かち合ったどの偶然にも意味がそう必ずあったそれぞれの梦を叶えてまためぐり逢う时偶然は呙�摔胜?败れた约束さえも誓いに変えたならあの场所で出会うときあの顷の二人に戻(なれ)るかな?优しさに似ている懐かしい面影瞳(め)を闭じて见えるなら手を触れず在ることを知るから明日にはぐれて答えが何も见えなくても君に逢うそのために重ねてく"今日"という真実远く离れてるほどに近くに感じてる寂しさも强さへと変搎(かわ)ってく…君を思ったなら切なく胸を刺すそれは梦の欠片ありのまま出逢えてたその奇踖 もう一度信じて


http://hi.baidu.com/fujima7/blog/item/44fdcc2a7299be9b023bf61a.htmlSeason录入☆Kakyou迹部:なあ、覚えてるか?Do you....do you remember?俺达 始めて 出会ったあの春の日桜のピンクが 时の流れいろどり+芥川:全てが真新しい匂いに 満ちていたような芥川:见つめあう目に 照れたようなあいさつ目线外して 见上げた空飞行机云が 真っ直ぐ未来に宍戸:なあ、覚えてるか?Do you....do you remember?みんなで 本気で 戦ったのあの夏の日焼けつく太阳 深まる木々の绿+忍足:毎日限界を更新し お前と竞った忍足:つながるハート ひとつになるたましい笑颜を饰る 额の汗きらめく笑颜 まぶしいよ君が一同:色々あるね 生きるって 毎日が 昨日になるだけど 君と迎えよう 新しいあした大人になる 少しずつ 経験を 积み重ねて试练 乗り越えるたびに 强くになる绊今 お前に伝えたい言叶分かりきってる言叶それは...日吉:ねえ、覚えてる?Do you....do you remember?意见が 合わずに ぶつかったあの秋の日ほてった体を クールダウンさせる风+向日: 寂しくひとひら落ち叶が舞う セピアなフリーズ向日:険悪ムード いたたまれない空気ピュアすぎるから 仕方ないねケンカしようよ だって仲间だぜ凤:ねえ、覚えてる?Do you....do you remember?挫折を 感じて 落ちこんだあの冬の日冻てつく街并み 何も言わないず歩いた+桦地:隣りのお前の体温だけが かすかな温もり桦地:やりきれないね 泣くほどじゃないけどさこんな时には 黙ったままハート直结 それですべてオッケー一同:色々あるね 生きるって 毎日が 昨日になるだけど 君と迎えよう 新しいあした大人になる 少しずつ 経験を 积み重ねて试练 乗り越えるたびに 强くになる绊今 お前に伝えたい言叶分かりきってる言叶それは...そして 再び春 季节は巡る...Season翻译☆Kakyou迹部:呐 你还记得么?Do you...Do you remember?我们初遇的那个春日时光流逝中樱花染上粉红+芥川:全部都是崭新的 充满着芬芳芥川:凝视彼此的双眼 羞涩的寒暄移开视线仰望天空飞机直穿云霄飞向未来宍戸:呐 你还记得么?Do you...Do you remember?大家全力作战的那个夏日灼烧的太阳加深了树木的浓绿+忍足:每天刷新纪录 与你一争高低忍足:相连的心 合二为一的灵魂额头的汗水装点着笑容你的笑容是如此耀眼一同:很多事情发生滋长 每天都与昨天一样但我与你一起迎接新的明天稍微长大一点 积累多些经验跨越试炼后更强的牵绊现在想告诉你的话是很容易明了的话那就是……日吉:呐 你还记得么?Do you...Do you remember?意见不合而吵架的那个秋日发着烧的身体 在风中冷却+向日:一片落叶寂寞飘零 定格在枯黄向日:气氛尴尬到无法共存没有办法啊 只因我们太单纯偶尔吵吵嘴 才是朋友么凤:呐 你还记得么?Do you...Do you remember?遭遇挫折 坠入失落的那个冬日在寒冷的街上 无言的并肩前行+桦地:只有身旁你的体温 传递来微弱的温暖桦地:无法完成 但也没有哭泣这样的时候 沉默不语心是直接相连的 便全部OK了一同:很多事情发生滋长 每天都与昨天一样但我与你一起迎接新的明天稍微长大一点 积累多些经验跨越试炼后更强的牵绊现在想告诉你的话是很容易明了的话那就是……然后季节轮回 春天再次到来…Season罗马字☆尘尘+Kakyouabote:naa oboeterukado you do you rememberoretachi hajimete deattaanoharunohisakuranopinkuga tokinonagareirodori+jiro:subetegamaatarashii nioini michiteitayounajiro:mitsumearumeni teretayounaaisatsumesenhazushite miagetasorahikoukikumoga massugumirainishishido:naa oboeterukado you do you rememberminnade honkide tatakattanoanonatsunohiyakefukutaiyou fukamarukiginomidori+oshitari:mainichigenkaiwokoushinshi omaetokisottaoshitari:tsunagaruha-to hitotsuninarutamashiegaowokazaru nitainoasekiramekuegao mabushiiyokimigaall:iroiroarune ikirutte mainichigakinouninarudakedo kimitomukaeyou atarashiiashitaotonaninaru sukoshizutsu keikenwotsumitataneteshirennorikoerutabini tsuyokunarukizunaima omaenitsutaetaikotobawakarikitterukotobasoreha...hiyoshi:nee oboeterukado you do you rememberikenga awazuni butsukattaanoakinohihotettakarada ku-rudaunsaserukaze+gakuto:sabishikuhitohiraochihagamau sepianafuri-zugakuto:kennakumu-do itatakirenaikuukipyuasugirukara shikatanainekenkashiyouyo dattenakamadazeootori:nee oboeterukado you do you rememberzasetsuwokanjite ochikondaanofuyunohiitetsukumachinami nanimoiwanaizearuita+kabaji:tonarinoomaenotaiondakega kasukananukumorikabaji:yarikirenaine nakuhodojyanaikedosakounatokiniha damattamamaha-tocyokketsu soredesubeteokke-all:iroiroarune ikirutte mainichigakinouninarudakedo kimitomukaeyou atarashiiashitaotonaninaru sukoshizutsu keikenwotsumitataneteshirennorikoerutabini tsuyokunarukizunaima omaenitsutaetaikotobawakarikitterukotobasoreha...soshite futatabiharu kisetsuhameguru...=END=

season 的歌词

[00:11.46]abote:[00:26.02]naa oboeteruka[00:28.28]do you do you remember[00:31.60]oretachi hajimete deattaanoharunohi[00:37.57]sakuranopinkuga tokinonagareirodori[00:42.66]+jiro:[00:43.26]subetegamaatarashii nioini michiteitayouna[00:48.97]jiro:[00:49.21]mitsumearumeni teretayounaaisatsu[00:55.37]mesenhazushite miagetasora[01:00.99]hikoukikumoga massugumiraini[01:05.78]shishido:[01:06.02]naa oboeteruka[01:08.31]do you do you remember[01:11.91]minnade honkide tatakattanoanonatsunohi[01:17.59]yakefukutaiyou fukamarukiginomidori[01:22.10]+oshitari:[01:23.03]mainichigenkaiwokoushinshi omaetokisotta[01:29.02]oshitari:tsunagaruha-to hitotsuninarutamashi[01:35.50]egaowokazaru nitainoase[01:41.29]kiramekuegao mabushiiyokimiga[01:45.49]all:[01:46.00]iroiroarune ikirutte mainichigakinouninaru[01:51.61]dakedo kimitomukaeyou atarashiiashita[01:57.79]otonaninaru sukoshizutsu keikenwotsumitatanete[02:05.77]shirennorikoerutabini tsuyokunarukizuna[02:09.31]ima omaenitsutaetaikotoba[02:14.45]wakarikitterukotoba[02:18.04]soreha...[02:34.21]hiyoshi:[02:46.09]nee oboeteruka[02:49.07]do you do you remember[02:51.84]ikenga awazuni butsukattaanoakinohi[02:57.27]hotettakarada ku-rudaunsaserukaze[03:02.74]+gakuto:[03:03.06]sabishikuhitohiraochihagamau sepianafuri-zu[03:09.02]gakuto:[03:09.45]kennakumu-do itatakirenaikuuki[03:14.62]pyuasugirukara shikatanaine[03:21.15]kenkashiyouyo dattenakamadaze[03:25.66]ootori:[03:25.92]nee oboeteruka[03:28.21]do you do you remember[03:31.84]zasetsuwokanjite ochikondaanofuyunohi[03:38.75]itetsukumachinami nanimoiwanaizearuita[03:42.66]+kabaji:[03:43.08]tonarinoomaenotaiondakega kasukananukumori[03:48.92]kabaji:[03:49.14]yarikirenaine nakuhodojyanaikedosa[03:55.07]kounatokiniha damattamama[04:01.07]ha-tocyokketsu soredesubeteokke-[04:05.70]all:[04:06.03]iroiroarune ikirutte mainichigakinouninaru[04:14.26]dakedo kimitomukaeyou atarashiiashita[04:17.81]otonaninaru sukoshizutsu keikenwotsumitatanete[04:25.63]shirennorikoerutabini tsuyokunarukizuna[04:29.09]ima omaenitsutaetaikotoba[04:34.51]wakarikitterukotoba[04:38.08]soreha...[04:42.46]soshite futatabiharu kisetsuhameguru...

导致我自杀的13个原因 | 13 Reasons Why

最近我又看了一部很棒的美剧,改编自Jay Asher的同名小说《13 Reasons Why》。由Netflix出品,还有一众颜值高演技好的青年演员们参演,除了剧情有些拖沓以外,可以说质量上乘。 清晰的剧情穿插,回忆的暖色调和实时的冷色调对比,再加上悲恸而深刻的校园霸凌题材,很难让人不有所反思及感触。 《十三个原因》 13 Reasons Why 打开第一集的一开始,就感受到学校的氛围非常诡异。 老师们在课上不断的疏导学生们的心理问题;同学之间的见面也异常沉重,他们不断的询问着对方:你还好吗? 接着原因浮上水面: 学校里有人自杀了,她叫Hannah,是个漂亮女孩,性格活泼又开朗。 当我们开始疑惑这样一个阳光女孩为什么会自杀的时候,Hannah的声音响了起来。 她没有留下遗书,而是留下了十三盒磁带。 在自杀前分别寄给十三个同学,在录音中,她一一追诉往事,发出质询,控诉这些“杀人者”们。 录音在其死后邮寄到爱恋她的男主Clay手中,本剧正是通过Hannah的自述与Clay的追查来展开剧情还原自杀真相的。 one Justin,学校篮球队的主力,长得帅又爱笑,校草人设。 这样的男孩在学校里很难不被人喜欢,Hannah也不例外。 在Justin的追求下,Hannah和他约过一次会,以及接过一次吻。 Justin拍下了Hannah玩滑梯的照片,Hannah穿了短裙,因此照片中清晰可见的是她的内裤。 第二天,Justin为了炫耀自己追到Hannah就把照片拿给朋友看,并被朋友群发给全校学生。 闭着眼都能想到这张照片会被人们想歪成什么样子。 校园里开始有人对Hannah指指点点,有人说Justin睡了她,有人说贾斯汀“指交”了她。 然后,Hannah就成了大家口中的bitch Justin磨灭了Hannah对初恋及初吻一切美好想象。 two Alex,Hannah曾经的好朋友,是个自带艺术气质﹑有着丰富情感的感性boy Alex在和Jess恋爱期间,因为Jess不愿与他发生关系。 于是为了气Jess,Alex故意制作了在男生间流传的“辣妹”列表,并且让Hannah成为“最辣翘臀”。 让Jess误以为Hannah与自己上了床。 Alex用流言蜚语将Hannah置于了众矢之的的位置。 three Jess,拉拉队女孩,她曾是Hannah最好的朋友,她们一起上课、逛街,遇到烦心事时会默契的去到秘密基地“莫奈”咖啡馆,用一杯热巧克来安慰彼此。 可Jess恋爱后,就渐渐抛弃了Hannah,还一度因为“辣妹列表”事件怀疑Hannah抢了自己男朋友,于是就有了以下扇巴掌的这一幕。看到这里,我真的是困惑的不得了。 我不懂为什么谈恋爱就要疏远朋友,更不懂为什么原来那么好的交情,竟然抵不过几句毫无根据的流言蜚语。 Jess毁掉了Hannah对友情的依靠与期待。 现在,汉娜没有朋友了。 谣言在每个人的添油加醋下,越来越大,越来越恶劣。 男孩子们开始无所谓的伤害她了,因为她是众人口中“随便”的女孩。 Marcus,Tyler和Zack都想“追”Hannah,但他们却用羞辱Hannah自尊、偷窥Hannah以及摧毁Hannah精神依靠的方式直接伤害Hannah Courtney是个喜欢Hannah的女孩,因担忧自己的名声遭毁,于是编造有关Hannah的谣言将舆论矛头转向Hannah,再一次毁掉Hannah内心的舆论防线。 Bryce对于Hannah的强奸,更是一个男性对女性污蔑的高点,也是压垮Hannah的最后一根稻草。 Courtney是les并不可怕,她不承认也可以被理解。 因为毕竟她是有苦衷的: 她是被一对gay父领养的亚裔女儿。 她的父亲们给及社会生活给予她的压力,让她不敢在别人面前承认自己是同性恋。 因为这样会危及到她的父亲们,别人一定会指指点点: 这一定是由于她有一对gay父,所以她才会是同性恋。 虽说美国是相对来说比较开放的社会,但人们对于同性恋的包容度同样不高。 这一点也许也是很多美剧必定会有一个同性恋角色定位的原因,编者希望社会对于同性恋者们别再持以否定和孤立的态度。 但Courtney可怜又可恨的一点也是她为了保护自己而变本加利的去流传Hannah的谣言。 她自私的将Hannah当作自己的挡箭牌,肆无忌惮的用言语“杀”人。 直至最后她依然没有悔过,不但没有承认自己的作为,而且坚持说Hannah的磁带在说谎。 今天发现这个细心的剧组还给剧中的每个人物注册了ins账号,每天跟剧情一起更新ins的内容。 剧情穿插了Clay和Hannah的脑补: 他和Hannah在一起了,不顾旁人的眼光,勇敢的做自己。 那一刻,Clay和Hannah眼中只有对方,甜蜜感满屏溢出。 然而这一切的美好只是想象。 看到这一幕时,心情异常压抑。 纵然我们都知道挺过去未来一定会很好,但却因为现实中的过失,我们再也无法拥有未来。 Clay是整部剧可以叙述下去的关键人物,作为真心爱慕Hannah的男主,他其实一直没有勇气对Hannah表白。 他是青春期时大部分的我们,不懂得表达和接受爱,无数次忽略和误解Hannah的初衷本意,更体察不到Hannah作为女孩的细微心思。 在Hannah受到诋毁时,懦弱的他更没有站出来保护Hannah 很多时候最让人伤心的都不是敌人的攻击,而是来自朋友的沉默。 Hannah曾想过再给自己一次生的机会。她找到了心理老师,但沟通无果。 于是她寄好磁带,做好了死的准备。 整部剧最震撼我的也是Hannah坐在放满了水的浴缸里,决绝的割开自己动脉的那一刻。 我看过无数血腥的画面表现场面,唯独这次,半闭着眼睛流泪看完。 割脉这样的自杀方式,是得需要多么绝望的心理状态才可以做到。 接着父母推门而入,声嘶力竭地将惨烈氛围推至顶点。 在被同学无尽的谩骂,误解之后,她选择冷静的等待死亡;在被强暴之后,她的身心灵魂已经彻底地死去。 对于一个十几岁的女孩来说,这一切真的太残忍了。 从家庭,学校乃至身体上的巨大创伤都已经足以压垮她全部的意志。 而我们的弹幕上竟然还充斥着: “不就是被排挤被辱骂,至于自杀吗?” “女主是个bitch,见一个爱一个,不长记性。” “美国的高中生作业太少,闲的没事自己作。” ...... 真的被整个社交网络充斥着自觉理所当然的杀人犯这件事感到可怕。 白瞎了一个严肃论题的剧,反正看完观众们还是讨论少女是不是bitch,她是否小题大做。 讽刺的是,Hannah活着的时候有口难辩,死了反而把一切都说出来了。 但这13盒控诉罪行的磁带,最终有没有使“杀人者”们有所忏悔呢。 答案是: 善良的人才被真相所触动,而真正的恶人压根不会在乎。 Alex作为十三个理由中特别小的一部分,一直为自己没能继续成为Hannah的朋友帮助她活着而忏悔。 他看起来瘦瘦弱弱的,其实却是最有能量的人,他是很多次都想说出实话,也是用自己生命去悔过的人。 而Clay为了拿到Bryce强奸Hannah的证言,被Bryce打到半死。 他不断谴责着自己因为没勇气爱一个人害死了Hannah这件事,即使Hannah说过他不应该在磁带上。 Clay幻想着自己当时如果在Hannah需要的时候,换个方式留下来,告诉她自己爱她,是不是一切都会不一样? 每个人就好像容器,装不下太多,却又那么脆弱。 也许我们根本不应该让孩子们觉得学校是个单纯的地方,应该让他们早早意识到伤害无处不在,要尽量学会保护好自己。 今年新的法律规定,需要负刑事责任的犯罪年龄从16岁降低到14岁,就是因为青少年案件越来越多。 这对于限制霸凌,算是一种进步吧。 这个世界上还有许多像Hannah那样的女孩。 毕竟上学时,谁都经历过几次友情破碎,都不以为意的捉弄过别人,都爱听一些小道八卦。 可能我们暂时无法完全改变舆论传播的可怕,更无法改变那些霸凌者的思想。 那就保护好自己吧,做一个强大自信的人。 总有一天,我们再也不会害怕别人口中的无中生有,而是明智的反击,正确的保护自己。 谁都有过中二时期,以为自己一个眼神一个动作别人就会懂,就会给反应。 可是中二病时期的大家正是忙着只顾爱自己的时候啊,是没有功夫对你做阅读理解的。 所以请明示自己的想法,让别人清楚的知道你的喜恶。 很欣喜在结尾看到了Clay的改变,他主动叫住曾经的朋友Skye —— 一个酷酷的永远独来独往的女孩。 Skye很吃惊,但很乐意与他同行。 猜想Clay是因为Hannah的死决心改变自己: 一定要有所作为的照顾周遭的每个人。 也许他并未释然自己对Hannah的伤害,但选择了更好的方式尊重Hannah的遗愿 —— 改善人与人之间的交际。 这个连死去都希望给社会带来光明的女孩,静静的讲述了自己的十三个情绪,而对于这13个情绪的了然,将是给予感同身受的被害者们对抑郁情绪最好的安慰。 看似每个人的一个小小举动,却引发了一个花季少女自杀的悲剧。难道不足以警示我们善良的去对待每一个人吗?

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AllaboutdbskSeason3SAIPANSTORY 是指什么

ALL ABOUT 东方神起 Season3 塞班故事ALL ABOUT如题 是神起出的关于他们的事情的DVD之前有出过ALL ABOUT和ALL ABOUT2ALL ABOUT 3 是09年出的ALL ABOUT里面有6张DVD以下是DVD的内容---------------------------------------------------------品种:DVD*构成:[DVD 6张(件)+约60页分量的塞班未公开特别画报集(含封面)+海报]*观看等级:12岁以上可观看*画面比:NTSC 16:9(ANAMORPHIC WIDESCREEN),4:3*音频:DOLBY DIGITAL STEREO*时间:约839分*盘数:6 DISC (DUAL LAYER)*地域编码:1,3*字幕:韩语/英语收录塞班海外现场外景拍摄的variety show"冉冉升起,东方神起!"DVD首次独家公开在塞班摄拍摄的未公开MV"凝望..晚霞(Picture Of You)"!首次录咒文"和`Wrong Number`成员版本MV和舞蹈版本MV!再次回来的以直率的对话和用内容聚集了话题的Couple Talk part2!首次公开东方神起成员们在韩国和日本常去的好吃的店!(韩国-e-table,日本-podo-namu)成员们各自的爱犬们与东方神起一起东方演出! 爱犬神起! 首次公开正规4辑活动期间的未公开MAKING FILM!首次公开"金正恩的巧克力"No Cut Story!收录东方神起秋日Mini Concert新编辑版本影像!再次想观看的影像 - 收录了出演SBS人气歌谣,第一名的瞬间,SBS歌谣大战,LINE UP,奇迹的胜负师!DVD构成内容:DISC1. [TVXQ!`s Saipan Story]TVXQ!`s Special Holiday in SaipanDISC2. [Couple Talk PART2]英雄在中+瑜卤允浩(HERO+U-Know)细亚俊秀+英雄在中(Xiah+HERO)英雄在中+最强昌珉(HERO+MAX)英雄在中+秘奇有天(HERO+Micky)细亚俊秀+秘奇有天(Xiah+Micky)秘奇有天+瑜卤允浩(Micky+U-Know)秘奇有天+最强昌珉(Micky+MAX)细亚俊秀+最强昌珉(Xiah+MAX)瑜卤允浩+最强昌珉(U-Know+MAX)细亚俊秀+瑜卤允浩(Xiah+U-Know)DISC3. [Theme Talk : 食?味?爱 ]食 : e-table (Korea)味 : podo-namu (Japan)爱 : 爱犬 [HEROu2665VIK / MAXu2665马桶/ Xiahu2665XIAKY/ U-Knowu2665台风/ Mickyu2665哈郎]DISC4. [MUSIC]01. Music Video凝望..晚霞(Picture Of You)Purple Line咒文-MIROTIC` (Original Ver.)咒文-MIROTIC` (Dance Ver.)咒文-MIROTIC` (HERO Ver.)咒文-MIROTIC` (MAX Ver.)咒文-MIROTIC` (Xiah Ver.)咒文-MIROTIC` (U-Know Ver.)咒文-MIROTIC` (Micky Ver.)Wrong Number` (Original Ver.)Wrong Number` (Dance Ver.)Wrong Number` (HERO Ver.)Wrong Number` (MAX Ver.)Wrong Number` (Xiah Ver.)Wrong Number` (U-Know Ver.)Wrong Number` (Micky Ver.)02. SBS Music Program080224 人气歌谣 Special Stage `Purple Line`l080928 人气歌谣 Comeback Special[`咒文-MIROTIC`, `Love in the Ice`, `Hey!(Don`t Bring Me Down)`]081005 人气歌谣 `咒文-MIROTIC`081012 人气歌谣 `咒文-MIROTIC`&Mutizen Song受赏1081019 人气歌谣 `咒文MIROTIC`&Mutizen Song受赏2081026 人气歌谣 `咒文-MIROTIC`&Mutizen Song受赏3081130 人气歌谣 `Wrong Number`081207 人气歌谣 `Wrong Number`081230 歌谣大战 [`咒文-MIROTIC`, `Wrong Number`] DISC5. [MAKING FILM] Theater Drama `VACATION` : TVXQ! Story Theater Drama `VACATION`: U-Know Story Theater Drama `VACATION`: HERO Story Theater Drama `VACATION`: MAX & Xiah Story Theater Drama `VACATION`: Micky Story `Purple Line` M/V Sketch `Purple Line` Special Stage[SBS人气歌谣]Behind Story Special FanMeeting (1) “4862 Scandal” `咒文-MIROTIC` Jacket Sketch (A,B Ver.) `咒文-MIROTIC` M/V Sketch `给青少年的梦想和希望 - `东方神起秋天MINI CONCERT` Press Conference `咒文-MIROTIC` The 1st Stage[SBS人气歌谣] Behind Story `咒文-MIROTIC` Jacket Sketch (C Ver.) `Wrong Number` M/V Sketch Special FanMeeting (2) “You`re My Flower Lady” All about 东方神起 Season3 ? TVXQ!`s Special Holiday In Saipan Diary All about 东方神起 Season3 - Jacket Sketch All about 东方神起 Season3 - Exclusive M/V `遥望…彩霞 (Picture Of You)` Sketch All about 东方神起 Season3 - TVXQ!`s Saipan Coconut Secret Story The 3rd Asia Tour Concert - `O` Poster Photo Sketch YAMAHA Promotion: 2009 Bangkok Motor ShowDISC6. [SHOW : SBS-TV ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM Collection]080223“LINE UP”080302 奇迹的胜负师080921 给青少年的梦想和希望 东方神起秋天 mini concert[`Rising Sun`, `Hey!(Don`t Bring Me Down)`, `Love In The Ice`, `咒文-MIROTIC`] 081002 金正恩的巧克力 NO CUT STORY

The key to improve spoken english is to speak. The reason why foreigner speak english so well, b

The key to improve spoken english is to speak.提高英语口语的关键是说话。The reason why foreigner speak english so well, beause they speak english all day, like we speaking chinese. In such situation, how couldn"t they speak english well? the same way we can use in our daily study. We can speak english to each other in school. in the space time, we can speak english with ourself. pretenting a foreigner is talking with you. After a long time of praticing, i sure that, the spoken english will be improve very well.为什么外国人说英语很好,因为他们整天说英语,就像我们说汉语。在这种情况下,他们怎么不讲英语好吗?以同样的方式我们可以用在我们的日常学习。在学校我们可以相互说英语。在时空中,我们可以和自己说英语。pretenting一个外国人和你谈话。录象很长一段时间之后,我确信,将提高英语口语非常好。

the haze season is back how much do you know abou


《season in the sun》中“Goodbye Michelle my little one”中的“Michelle”的意思是?

Michelle 是女孩名,是歌中曾经爱过的一个女孩



the reason why 和 the reason that怎么用?有什么区别?


eason的浮夸和shall we talk怎样唱?


syran 和 season 哪个更适合作为思芸的英文名?本人女


网舞中seasonde 中文歌词

中文的哦~迹部: 呐 你还记得么? Do you...Do you remember? 我们初遇的那个春日 时光流逝中樱花染上粉红 +慈郎: 全部都是崭新的 充满着芬芳 慈郎: 凝视彼此的双眼 羞涩的寒暄 移开视线仰望天空 飞机直穿云霄飞向未来 宍戸: 呐 你还记得么? Do you...Do you remember? 大家全力作战的那个夏日 灼烧的太阳加深了树木的浓绿 +忍足: 每天刷新纪录 与你一争高低 忍足: 相连的心 合二为一的灵魂 额头的汗水装点着笑容 你的笑容是如此耀眼 冰帝: 很多事情发生滋长 每天都与昨天一样 但我与你一起迎接新的明天 稍微长大一点 积累多些经验 跨越试炼后更强的牵绊 现在想告诉你的话 是很容易明了的话 那就是…… 日吉: 呐 你还记得么? Do you...Do you remember? 意见不合而吵架的那个秋日 发着烧的身体 在风中冷却 +岳人:一片落叶寂寞飘零 定格在枯黄 岳人: 气氛尴尬到无法共存 没有办法啊 只因我们太单纯 偶尔吵吵嘴 才是朋友么 长太郎: 呐 你还记得么? Do you...Do you remember? 遭遇挫折 坠入失落的那个冬日 在寒冷的街上 无言的并肩前行 +桦地: 只有身旁你的体温 传递来微弱的温暖 桦地: 无法完成 但也没有哭泣 这样的时候 沉默不语 心是直接相连的 便全部OK了 冰帝: 很多事情发生滋长 每天都与昨天一样 但我与你一起迎接新的明天 稍微长大一点 积累多些经验 跨越试炼后更强的牵绊 现在想告诉你的话 是很容易明了的话 那就是…… 然后季节轮回 春天再次到来… 而且 歌名是SEASON哦、如果还有什么问题可以去网舞的贴吧哦~~亲们都是很好的~~

谁能翻译一下《头文字D -4》里的片尾曲《nobady reason》



salesperson吧 售货员的意思

战争之王插曲 是尼古拉斯到一个房间遇见两个性感的女孩时放的一首歌其中一句是:give a reason to love yo

Portishead----give me a reason to love youI"m so tired of playing, Playing with this bow and arrow,Gonna give my heart away,Leave it to the other girls to play,For I"ve been a temptress too long.Hmm just,Give me a reason to love you,Give me a reason to be, A woman,I just wanna be a woman.From this time, unchained,We"re all looking at a different picture,Through this new frame of mind,A thousand flowers could bloom,Move over, and give us some room.Yeah,Give me a reason to love you,Give me a reason to be,A woman,I just want to be a woman.So don"t you stop, being a man,Just take a little look from our side when you can,Sow a little tenderness,No matter if you cry.Give me a reason to love you,Give me a reason to be, A woman,It"s all I wanna be is all woman.For this is the beginning of forever and ever,It"s time to move over ,So I want to be.I"m so tired of playing, Playing with this bow and arrow,Gonna give my heart away,Leave it to the other girls to play.For I"ve been a temptress too long.Hmm just,Give me a reason to love you

找歌 歌词中有give me a reason to love u give me a reason to be a women 好像是个蓝调

名字是Give Me A Reason To Love You ,歌手是Portishead


《神盾局特工第一季》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1YlZAo_IMordFima41bI1uA 提取码:uj1f导演: 乔斯·韦登编剧: 杰克·科比 / 乔斯·韦登 / 斯坦·李 / 毛丽莎·谭查罗恩主演: 克拉克·格雷格 / 温明娜 / 布雷特·道顿 / 汪可盈 / 伊恩·德·卡斯泰克类型: 剧情 / 动作 / 科幻制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语 / 法语 / 西班牙语 / 马耳他语 / 瑞典语 / 俄语 / 粤语 / 奥塞梯语 / 意大利语首播: 2013-09-24(美国)季数: 1集数: 22单集片长: 45分钟又名: 神盾特工 / 神盾局 / Marvel"s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.该片讲述了复仇者联盟以及随后影响深远的纽约之战,让外星人和超能力者不再是坊间传说的秘密。纽约之战过后,世界格局即将重新洗牌,野心家们则蠢蠢欲动,神盾局面临前所未有的挑战。在此危急关头,一度传闻死于纽约的特工菲尔·科尔森探员(克拉克·格雷格 Clark Gregg 饰)“复活”,吸纳了身怀绝技的格兰特u2022沃德(布雷特·道顿 Brett Dalton 饰)、梅琳达·梅(温明娜 Ming-Na Wen 饰)、莱奥·菲兹(伊恩·德·卡兹泰克 Iain De Caestecker 饰)、盖玛·西蒙斯(伊丽莎白·亨斯屈奇 Elizabeth Henstridge 饰)以及来自黑客构成的民间团体涨潮组织的斯凯(科洛·本内特 Chloe Bennet 饰)加入进来。他们以一己凡人之力,投入到各种匪夷所思且疑云重重的危险事件的调查中去。

What are the reasons and process of the Gulf War?

(Personal opinion, only for reference)The Gulf War after World War II most belligerent, one-time to send troops to the largest investment in most weapons the most advanced and largest air strikes, fighting and an unprecedented intensity and the development of extraordinarily rapid loss of another great disparity in casualties on both sides of a modern high-tech Local war. While fighting lasted only 43 days, but it provides a number of local wars of modern fresh experiences and lessons. Especially since a large number of high-tech weapons systems for operational use and display the "military technical revolution" is more of concern to countries in the world of military theorists, it has triggered people with new ways of thinking to look at a modern local war theories, laws and operational guidance method. Gulf War and the future high-tech war in a peep-hole. First, the reasons for the outbreak of war and background The outbreak of any war has its specific causes and background. The main reason leading to the outbreak of the Gulf War and the background are: (A) Iraq invasion and occupation of Kuwait At 1 o"clock on August 2, 1990 (Kuwait time), the Air Force, Navy, amphibious forces and special operations forces in close support and cooperation of the Iraqi Republican Guard in three divisions across the Kuwaiti border to Kuwait, launched a sudden attack on . From a mechanized infantry division and an armored division compiled the main attack force along the Safwan - Abdali - Kuwait City, the implementation of the axis of attack, more than 350 tanks under the guidance of the first captured Jiahe December south Yamaguchi, and then folded towards the attack on Kuwait City. Matched by an armored division assists woven force, main attack troops attacked south west, in Jiahe December Yamaguchi joined forces with the main attack, the continued south, in the main thoroughfare leading to the Saudi border to establish blocking positions. 5:30, main attack forces and special operations forces in Kuwait City to join. After about 14 hours of urban combat, 7 pm, the Iraqi army completely occupied the capital of Kuwait. Followed by the continued development of attack, steady flow of follow-on force to enter Kuwait. August 3 at noon throughout the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait. From August 6 to enter the Iraqi army in Kuwait to reach about 20 million people, tanks and more than 2,000 vehicles. August 8, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein declared that the annexation of Kuwait, to classify it as Iraq"s "19th province" and said it "will always be an integral part of Iraq." Kuwait is too weak, coupled with the surprise attack on the Iraqi military was not prepared, only a weak resistance. KLA some 20,000 people, only more than 5,000 people evacuated to Saudi Arabia, the remaining troops collapsibility or surrender. Kuwaiti Emir Jaber Al-Sabah and some of the Saudi royal family to flee by helicopter. Iraq"s invasion and occupation of Kuwait"s main purpose: To seize Kuwait, write off the huge debt owed to Kuwait, and use the "treasury" to solve due to stretching eight-year Iran-Iraq war to the national economy of the serious crisis; seizing of Kuwait, can be 50 kilometers of its coastline from the extended to 213 kilometers, thereby greatly improving its naval activities in the area and oil exports and other foreign trade sea routes; through the annexation of Kuwait, to resolve their longstanding boundary dispute and the resulting problems the border region"s oil exploitation dispute; seizing Kuwait, could be "warning to others," shock and awe to play the Gulf countries and other Middle Eastern countries the role of leadership in the Arab world for its contention, clear the way to dominate the Middle East. Iraqi armed invasion and occupation of Kuwait, triggering the Gulf crisis as a direct trigger the Gulf War. (B) The United States and other countries in the Gulf region, the interests of The reason why the Gulf region affects the United States and many other countries of the nerves, mainly in the region has an extremely rich in oil and natural gas of resources. As of January 1990, the Gulf region has proven oil reserves of 6,517 billion barrels, the world"s total proven oil reserves (10,015 billion barrels) and 65%, natural gas, 24 trillion cubic meters of natural gas resources of the world"s combined 13.7%. Nissan is about 1,450 million barrels of oil, accounting for the world"s daily oil production (6,360 million barrels) of 23%; daily exports of about 1,200 million barrels of oil, accounting for the world"s daily oil exports (2,800 million barrels) of 43%. Five oil-producing countries in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran and the UAE) are in the Gulf region. The world"s 20 mega-fields, there are 11 in the Gulf region. The Gulf region"s oil production mainly for export. The United States, Western Europe, Japan imported oil, a substantial portion comes from the Gulf region. According to the U.S. Energy Information statistics, the United States on the first quarter of 1990, net oil imports amounted to 7.661 million barrels, of which 2.064 million barrels from the Gulf region, accounting for 26.9%; Western Europe 8.235 million barrels per day of imported oil, of which imports of 4.276 million from the Gulf region, barrels, accounting for 51.9%; Japan"s 5.48 million barrels of imported oil, of which imports from 3.54 million barrels in the Gulf region, accounting for 64.6%. Oil is the world"s economic development, "blood", but also the driving force of modern armies. If the Iraqi annexation of Kuwait and then occupation of Saudi Arabia, you can control more than half of the world"s oil resources, which is like stuck in the throat of the major Western industrial countries. Use the oil weapon in the hands of Saddam Hussein, you can manipulate the economic development of Western industrial countries, and can thus make indiscreet remarks on them. This is the United States and other major industrial countries is absolutely intolerable. In addition, Kuwait is the world"s few rich countries, its foreign assets of more than 1,000 billion U.S. dollars, another important industry in the West still hold up to several billions of dollars of the shares. If these capital and goods have been pulled out of Iraq, but also will result in huge losses in Western economies. (C) the US-Soviet detente, regional conflicts in the shadow of the US-Soviet confrontation disappeared After the war more than 40 years time, due to social systems and ideological confrontation, as well as the needs of their supremacy in almost all regions of conflicts, people can see the shadow of the US-Soviet rivalry and antagonism. Gorbachev came to power to implement reforms and new thinking, and actively move closer to the West in the political, military and diplomatic confrontation with the United States to abandon the position. Iraq"s move, imperceptibly to further promote contacts between the Soviet Union the United States wishes. While Iraq is the Soviet Union in the Middle East for years, one of the few close allies, but in order to avoid the United States and other Western countries in opposing Iran"s stance on the Soviet Union would rather sacrifice in Iraq this past allies. In Iraq, the attitude of the Soviet Union and the United States on the United States President George W. Bush was "very satisfied", saying it was "the US-Soviet conflict in the region for the first time the post-war alliance." The Soviet Union"s basic position on the Gulf crisis on the line, so that smooth the UN Security Council sanctions against Iraq through a series of resolutions. Although the Soviet Union to send troops did not directly participate in combat in Iraq, but it was a multinational force the United States sent troops to the Gulf of supportive attitude, so the U.S. can take a variety of military action with impunity. (D) The international community strongly opposed to aggression Of international relations has always been a kind of stake. On the first day of Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, U.S. President George W. Bush issued a statement condemning Iraq"s actions as "naked aggression" against the U.S. national interest "constitute a real threat," and announced a freeze on Iraq and Kuwait in the United States all the assets. At the same time made a strong military response, two aircraft carrier battle groups in Iraq, less than 1 hour after the invasion that the Division was ordered to sail the Gulf. The Soviet Union 40 years after the war a changed regional conflicts in the world hold the position with the United States opposing the norm. August 3 Soviet Union reached a consensus and issued a "Joint Statement", demanded that Iraq "unconditionally withdraw from Kuwait", "the full restoration of Kuwait"s sovereignty and territorial integrity of the legal regime." This is the U.S. policy objectives in Iraq is fully consistent. On the same day, the Soviet government stopped the supply of arms to Iraq with military assistance. Rest of the world the vast majority of countries or international organizations to the invasion of Iraq has made a rapid response, the general strongly resisted and condemned Iraq"s aggression. The UN Security Council and Member States on the Gulf crisis of unprecedented very rapidly and almost exactly the same response. August 2, the UN Security Council by 14 votes in favor, 0 votes against and 1 abstention, adopted a condemnation of the Iraqi violation of the Charter to require the withdrawal of the resolution No. 660. From August 2 to November 29, the UN Security Council has passed 12 resolutions of condemnation and sanctions against Iraq. These resolutions, so that Iraq"s political, economic, military and diplomatic so in an extremely isolated position. Resolution No. 678 which provides that Iraq must withdraw deadline for January 15, 1991, the deadline to withdraw its troops in Iraq, if not, the resolution authorizes the United Nations Member States could use "all necessary means" to implement the United Nations adopted by the resolutions, which for the US-led 38-nation coalition into the Gulf, using force to resolve the crisis provided a legal basis. In the "final period" before the arrival of the international community to defuse the crisis made a great effort. Leaders of many countries to mediate, to design a variety of mediation programs, the United Nations Secretary-General has arrived in Baghdad to do the pro-Iraq in the hope that Iraq withdraw its troops from the Division. However, all these efforts have failed to enable Iraq to change its position. War is inevitable

怎样解决无法定位程序输入点Shotdown BlockReason Destroy 于动态链接库USER32.dll上

一般是程序的输入表出问题用loadPE打开loadPE,点PE编辑器,找到那个出错的程序,点打开,再点“目录”找到“导入表”,点右侧的按钮(上面有一个“...”),在"DLLName"一栏找到USER32.DLL,在下面的apiName找到Shotdown BlockReason Destroy ,右键编辑,将ThunkValue,Hints,apiName三栏的内容全部清空,然后点确定,关掉这个对话框,点保存,然后点确定,点保存,点确定,关掉loadPE即可

Growth At A Reasonable Price (GARP) 是什么意思呢??


Growth At A Reasonable Price (GARP)是什么意思?


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吸血鬼幸存者0.10新增的wicked season卡牌怎么获得?部分玩家可能还不清楚,下面一起来看看吸血鬼幸存者0.10新增卡牌获取方法吧。吸血鬼幸存者0.10新增卡牌获取方法wicked season获取方式:克里斯汀(cristine)到达99级效果:在成长、幸运、贪婪、诅咒四个状态中顺序切换,每种状态持续10s,在状态中对应属性总体翻倍。每2级+1%成长、幸运、贪婪、诅咒。

talking:faverite season

希望这个能帮上你~~My Favorite Season I have often been asked just which season of the year I like the best. And I honestly cannot answer that one is better than all others. In winter, after a fresh snow, somehow the world looks so clean and with a downy softness. With sunshine, one may see a million diamonds sparkling -- or see many kinds of snow crystals. Looking at a small mountain stream where several layers have frozen, is a fascinating picture of design. Snowshoeing in the mountains, the air is sharp and crisp, and the beauty of snow on the mountains and conifers, with perhaps the call of a chickadee or red-breasted nuthatch, a taste of a serviceberry raisin makes this such a special time. But I do not want winter to last all year -- I begin to yearn for the color green. And as snow melts and spring moves up the mountains, the lovely spring green of trees, the bright yellow of the dog-tooth violet (which has so many names -- spring lily, snow lily, avalanche lily, glacier lily, trout lily, mountain lily, fawn lily, adder"s tongue, and China hat, to name a few I have discovered). It blooms first in foothill areas, and then climbs up the mountains from spring in May to spring in July at higher elevations. Golden hills of balsamroot, orchid pink of lady slipper Astragalus in foothills and lower canyons, plus many others. As the snow melts further up the canyons, watching the plunging, rushing streams. Finding the tiny dusty pink-lavender steershead, violets, false lily of the valley, waterleaf, the vine of the large flowered, blue clematis -- each find a new treasure of spring. The marshes and their abundance of waterbirds another favorite place in spring. Then, as summer heats up the valley, we have planted our gardens to have vegetables and many flowers (usually mainly of exotic plants not suited to our hot summer weather without extensive watering)! To head for the higher mountains, though I think of it as summer, up in the lovely cooler weather it is spring there. As I hike, the special smell of fir, earth and sun (a favorite perfume!) permeates my senses. What a thrill to see our wonderful mountain wildflowers. Albion Basin with its glorious gardens is one of my "Hundred Million Miracles". The things I enjoy -- the song of birds (though sadly not as many as I once heard, as the forests they often spend the winter in are too often destroyed); the tiny miracle of hummingbirds as they sample the nectar of flowers; butterflies of so many different species; wild strawberries, tiny and so much sweeter than our commercial ones; seeing perhaps a daintily stepping doe with a tiny spotted fawn; a marmot sunning on rocks, after his long winter sleep; hearing the ventriloquist-like "yenk" of a pika, and trying to spot where it may be. Unlikely to be seen, it is probably making its haystacks to dry for its long winter food supply. Then comes autumn, the time of many berries -- blueberry, serviceberry, chokecherry, the baneberry (such a beautiful plant, with wax-like white or red berries, but which are poisonous). The poison ivy in lower areas has poisonous white berries, but foliage that turns beautiful red in the fall. A nephew of ours once walked into a ward hall decorated for an autumn festival dinner. On each table were beautiful poison ivy centerpieces!! The women had recognized the beauty, but did not realize what the plant was -- but did discover what picking them meant!!! "Leaves of three, let it be. Berries white, poisonous sight!" The glorious colors as maples turn red, aspens gold to orange-gold, maroons, bronzes, and Indian hemp (dogbane) shines like a yellow light against a hill. Geranium leaves touched by frost form such a delightful pattern. Once my parents went east on an Autumn Color Tour. They said they would send movies as they finished rolls so that we could see what they were seeing. The first one came showing hillsides of glorious color. We "oohed and aahed" at this beauty of autumn in eastern U.S. Until suddenly my little son in his cowboy hat was in the picture. It has been taken in our own canyons, before they got to the east. We laughed, realizing we had seen autumn beauty, not in the east, but in our own area! Then comes Halloween, with pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns, and luscious pumpkin pies for Thanksviging. We begin hoping for snow, especially the skiers! As Christmas nears, we find ourselves hoping for a White Christmas. That special feeling with family and friends that we show love to at this time of year. Somehow a fire makes a cozy feeling in our warm homes, as we watch snowflakes cover the lawn. In the morning, with a covering of fresh snow, the world somehow seems a quieter and more peaceful place. It is a time when many of us like to feed the birds. Last year I finally found the right heater for my bird bath. I recommend it, for it was such a delight to watch the birds which came to drink -- a circle of waxwings with their gentle twittering, winter robins, sometimes an evening grosbeak, many house finches and sparrows, an occasional towhee, and the downy woodpecker which comes to the suet cake. The starlings I"m afraid I do not welcome as much, or the magpies, both of which can eat more in five minutes than the others do in a day! A flock of quail which come running across the yard leaving snow prints on the snowy lawn. But I do enjoy whatever comes, even a skunk which tested the ground for leftover treats. We had a weasel in a woodpile one year, and to see that graceful lovely animal with its snowy fur with a black tip on the tail was a thrill. Once again to see the beauty of Alpenglow turning snowy mountains to pink-gold, against a sky turning turquoise and purple. Yes! I love all the seasons, and I am glad we don"t have just one season. Truly in every season we can find a "Hundred Million Miracles"! by Dorothy K. Platt

There are all kinds of sport in that season。哪错了?

all kinds of 后面一般加 可数名词的复数形式 应该sports

There are all kinds of sport in that season.哪错了?

答案: There are all kinds of 【 sports 】 in that season. all kinds of 各种各样的,后跟名词复数,所以将 sport 改为 sports 翻译:那个季节有各种各样的体育运动.

A) UnreasonablE.B) HorriblE.C) Frightening.D) Stupid and unbelievablE.



《巴比伦柏林第一季》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1YsF20jlRHVsMrjaYmEqp8A 提取码:buw6导演: 汤姆·提克威编剧: 汤姆·提克威主演: 拉斯·艾丁格 / 卡尔·马克维斯 / 弗雷德里克·劳 / 沃尔克·布鲁赫 / 丽芙·丽莎·弗赖斯 / 彼得·库尔特类型: 剧情 / 犯罪官方网站: babylon-berlin.com/en制片国家/地区: 德国语言: 德语首播: 2017-10-13(德国)季数: 1集数: 8单集片长: 45分钟又名: Berlin Babylon犯罪年代剧《巴比伦柏林》由汤姆·提克威自编自导,背景设置在上世纪二十年代的柏林,故事聚焦社会大环境下的生活百态。本剧目前正在拍摄中,将于年内播出。

13 reasons why讲的是什么?

故事讲述一个很害羞少言的加州高中生, 某天回到家发现门前有一个盒子, 里面装著七盒由Hanna Baker录制的录音带, Hanna是他在学校喜欢的一个女生, 她在自杀前录了这些录音带, 交给他去传给13个导致她自杀的人。十三个原因#1. Justin Foley: Hannah的初吻对象, 他其后对所有人说谎夸大了所发生的事, 让所有人认为他和Hannah发生了关系. 他的谎言让Hannah在新学校名声很差.#2. Alex Standall: 在大学一年级时给班上的女生排了"Who"s Hot Who"s Not"名单, 把Hannah排为"一年级Hottest Ass". 这行为让Hannah受到很多男生的注目, 导致她受到很多性骚扰. #3. Jessica Davis: Hannah其中一个相熟的朋友. 她嫉妒Hannah在hot list名单上而她自己却在not list. Jessica喜欢Alex, 又相信了Justin散播的谣言, 因而背叛了和Hannah的友情.#4. Tyler Down: 一个在Hannah窗外撒尿和偷拍她的男生. Hannah和另一个女生Courtney想要逮现行犯. 这让Hannah在自己最后一个感到安全的地方, 她自己家, 也感到没有安全感.#5. Courtney Crimsen: 一个大家都觉得很友善的女生, 可是有时也会无意中伤到别人. Hannah在她们一起试图逮Tyler现行犯后曾经以为两人是好朋友, 不过后来Hannah发现Courtney也有在背后诬造散播谣言.#6. Marcus Cooley: 在情人节和Hannah约会过. 那次约会是一个恶作剧, 不过他发现Hannah信以为真而且真的赴约了. 当他去餐厅找她后, 他试图强迫她和他发生关系.#7. Zach Dempsey: 目睹Hannah和Marcus之间的纷争的人, 试图帮助可是被Hannah拒绝. 可能由於自尊心作祟, 在朋辈关系课偷了Hannah的"称赞信", 而当时的她却是非常需要正面能量的.#8. Ryan Shaver: 校报编辑, 因为和Hannah一样喜欢诗词而成为朋友, 和她分享了一些自己的诗作, 而Hannah也与他分享了她的诗作. Ryan在校报刊登了他偷来的一首Hannah写的诗, 而这首诗让Hannah在学校被人奚落取笑.#9. Clay Jensen(旁白): Hannah喜欢的男生, 不过她的生活让她无法和任何人有太多情感上的联系. Clay不是让她想自杀的其中一个人, 不过她也送了一盒录音带给他因为她很后悔从来没有更了解他的机会. Clay也相对的很内疚, 因为他没有认真尝试去了解自己也喜欢的Hannah.#10. Justin Foley(第二次): 由著喝醉昏迷的Jessica Davis在一个派对的房间里, 让Bryce Walker有机会走进房间强奸她. 虽然没有人知道, 可是Hannah当时正躲在房间的衣橱里, 可她却也没有帮助Jessica. Hannah把Jessica被强奸的责任怪在自己和Justin身上.#11. Jenny Kurtz: 介绍Marcus和Hannah认识的啦啦队长. 有一天她送Hannah回家时, 在路上撞倒了一个停车路标. Jenny不肯报告, 更把Hannah赶下车. 那晚有一个人撞车身亡, 而她们学校一个学生也都因为那个不见了的停车路标而撞车受伤.#12. Bryce Walker: 在另一个派对后强迫Hannah和他发生关系, 尽管Hannah对他很冷淡. Hannah因为发生了这件事后更加确定自杀是正确的选择.#13. Mr. Porter: 学校社工, Hannah曾经向他提示自己有自杀的打算, 而他还让她离开他的办公室, 没有给予她适当的建议. 他的回应可能是Hannah的最后一根救命草.

it was one of the hottest days of the dry season 的阅读理解

The Water of Life It was one of the hottest days of the dry season.We had not seen rain in almost a month.The crops were dying.Cows had stopped giving milk.The creeks and streams were long gone back into the earth.It was a dry season that would bankrupt several farmers before it was through.Every day,my husband and his brothers would go about the arduous process of trying to get water to the fields.Lately this process had involved taking a truck to the local water rendering plant and filling it up with water.But severe rationing had cut everyone off.If we didn"t see some rain soon...we would lose everything. It was on this day that I learned the true lesson of sharing and witnessed the only miracle I have seen with my own eyes.I was in the kitchen making lunch for my husband and his brothers when I saw my six-year old son,Billy,walking toward the woods.He wasn"t walking with the usual carefree abandon of a youth but with a serious purpose.I could only see his back.He was obviously walking with a great effort...trying to be as still as possible.Minutes after he disappeared into the woods,he came running out again,toward the house.I went back to making sandwiches; thinking that whatever task he had been doing was completed. Moments later,however,he was once again walking in that slow purposeful stride toward the woods.This activity went on for over an hour:walking carefully to the woods,then running back to the house.Finally,my curiosity got the best of me.I crept out of the house and followed him on his journey (being very careful not to be seen...as he was obviously doing something important and didn"t need his Mommy checking-up on him). He was cupping both hands in front of him as he walked; being very careful not to spill the water he held in them...maybe two or three tablespoons were held in his tiny hands.I sneaked closer as he went into the woods.Branches and thorns slapped his little face but he did not try to avoid them.He had a much greater purpose.As I leaned in to spy on him,I saw the most amazing site. Several large deer loomed in front of him.Billy walked right up to them.I almost screamed for him to get away.A huge buck with elaborate antlers was dangerously close.But the buck did not threaten him...he didn"t even move as Billy knelt down.And I saw a tiny fawn laying on the ground,obviously suffering from dehydration and heat exhaustion,lift its head with great effort to lap up the water cupped in my beautiful boy"s hand. When the water was gone,Billy jumped up to run back to the house and I hid behind a tree.I followed him back to the house; to a spigot that we had shut off the water to.Billy opened it all the way up and a small trickle of water began to creep out.He knelt there,letting each drip of water slowly fill up his makeshift "cup," as the sun beat down on his little back.It was just last week he was punished for playing with the garden hose,and received a stern lecture on the importance of not wasting water.So,I"m sure that is why he didn"t ask me to help him. It took almost twenty minutes for the drops to fill his hands.When he stood up and began the trek back,I was there in front of him.His little eyes just filled with tears."I"m not wasting," was all he said.As he began his walk,I joined him...with a small pot of water from the kitchen.I let him tend to the fawn.I stayed away...it was his job. I stood on the edge of the woods watching the most beautiful heart I have ever known working so hard to save a life.As the tears that rolled down my face began to hit the ground,they were suddenly joined by other drops...and more drops...and more.I looked up at the sky.It was as if God,Himself,was weeping with pride. Some will probably say that this was all just a huge coincidence.That miracles don"t really happen.That it was bound to rain sometime.And I can"t argue with that...I"m not even going to try.All I can say is that the rain that came that day saved our farm...just like the actions of one little boy saved a life.

summer is ______ (hot) season in a year.

答案:D 根据in Tianjin可知,此处表示比较的范围是"在天津",要用形容词的最高级;形容词最高级的表达是:the+形容词最高级+in/of+比较的范围.形容词hot最高级形式是hottest,故选D.

the hottest season的中文是什么


汚れなきSEASON 歌词

歌曲名:汚れなきSEASON歌手:Glay专辑:GLAY (10th Album)「汚れなきSEASON」作词∶TAKURO作曲∶TAKURO歌∶GLAY何をするにしても いつも一绪だった仲间と悪い事もいい事も 人の目も気にせずに渋滞のまま长い间 动かない机材车(くるま)お前の好きなあの うるさい曲が鸣り响いてた汚れなき季节は短いから 「大切に生きろ」とお前の声许される月日は儚いから 今に溃されてしまいそう饮み明かしてた阿佐ヶ谷で 俺达は誓ったんだ世の中を変えて明日を 眩しくしてやるのさそして10年の时间は 俺达をどうした?きっとまだ何者にも なれずに一人ぼっち好きだった女の噂さえも 気にも留めないでがむしゃらに爱した仲间はきれぎれに 静かにギターを眺めているWait 追い越せないWait あの日の影Wait 鲜やかな痛みを弾かれたシャボンの泡のような かつて见た梦が萎んでいく新しい仕事は金にまみれ 情热は安く叩かれて汚れなき季节は短いから 「大切に生きて」と彼女の声许される月日は儚いから 今に溃されてしまいそう【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/20351063

英语,【Fall is my favorite season】【Autumn is my fav

一、绘本制作要求⑴绘本主题及内容:“My favourite season”,也可以根据本主题取一个自己喜欢的题目;⑵参赛对象:全体四年级学生;⑶绘本内容原创,积极向上,图文并茂,情节完整,有想象力;⑷绘本形式不限,手绘、撕贴、剪贴等均可,用纸规格大小不限,横竖不限;⑸装订美观、结实,有封面、封底,封面上注明故事名称,注明文作者和图作者,配画风格统一,页数不少于5张。二、评分标准⑴故事描述40分(内容和情节完整,书写端正)⑵绘画40分(较好地表现文字内容、色彩,构图合理)⑶绘本的样式和装订20分(设计有创意等)三、奖项设置本次绘本制作比赛班内进行初赛,推荐出优秀作品参加年级组内的比赛,比赛设最佳绘画奖、最佳故事奖、最佳创意奖若干名。截稿时间:2019年5月10日。

取个英文名是“黄鑫”的谐音,如陈易迅的英文名“Eason Chan”

Watson, 你觉得怎样?

cajun seasoning是什么意思

cajun seasoningCajun调味料双语对照例句:1.Top a small baked potato with 2 tablespoons fat-free plain yogurt andsprinkle with cajun seasoning. 在上面放上用2汤匙无脂纯酸奶淋过的小烤马铃薯,再撒上阿卡迪亚烹饪风格的调味料。.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

大家看看 Seven moths they spend up there killing themselves in the cane season怎么翻译




greeting season什么意思怎么译

greeting season 节日名;庆祝节日;常见春节习俗例句筛选1.Season"s greeting and sincere wishes for a bright and happy Spring Festival!献上节日的问候与祝福,愿你拥有一个充满生机和欢乐的春节!2.12, season"s greeting a warmest wishes for a bright and happy new year.谨对光辉灿烂、欢欣快乐的新年致以节日的问候与温馨的祝福。



Karma的《A Reason》 歌词

歌曲名:A Reason歌手:Karma专辑:Seven DaysShanice - A Reasonwu.....ho.....wu.....I gave my all to youAnd you made it easy to fall in loveI fell in love with someoneYou pretended to beWas too blind when I was with himNow I see, soDon"t you come back running?Now my heart is achingI can not find a reasonTo love you nowAnd don"t you come back cryingNow that love is dyingI can not find a reasonTo love you now, how can I love you now?I thought my life was overAnd I thought I"d never get over itAll the tears I criedWere filled with so much painTomorrow promises the painWill fade away, soDon"t you come back running?Now my heart is achingI can not find a reasonTo love you nowAnd don"t you come back cryingNow that love is dyingI can not find a reasonTo love you now, how can I love you now?Now it was just a game to youWhat you put me throughWill come right back to you somedayDon"t think I"m wishing bad on youNow that I knowYou were only here to playDon"t you ever think you have a chance again?Cause I deserve so much more, so don"tDon"t you come back running?Now my heart is achingI can not find a reasonTo love you nowAnd don"t you come back cryingNow that love is dyingI can not find a reasonTo love you now,Don"t you come back running?Now my heart is achingI can not find a reasonTo love you nowDon"t you come back running?Now my heart is achingI can not find a reasonTo love you nowShaGuar & MoyileShaGuar @ LK 歌词组http://music.baidu.com/song/1284039

Ayden的《A Reason》 歌词

歌曲名:A Reason歌手:Ayden专辑:Believe In YouShanice - A Reasonwu.....ho.....wu.....I gave my all to youAnd you made it easy to fall in loveI fell in love with someoneYou pretended to beWas too blind when I was with himNow I see, soDon"t you come back running?Now my heart is achingI can not find a reasonTo love you nowAnd don"t you come back cryingNow that love is dyingI can not find a reasonTo love you now, how can I love you now?I thought my life was overAnd I thought I"d never get over itAll the tears I criedWere filled with so much painTomorrow promises the painWill fade away, soDon"t you come back running?Now my heart is achingI can not find a reasonTo love you nowAnd don"t you come back cryingNow that love is dyingI can not find a reasonTo love you now, how can I love you now?Now it was just a game to youWhat you put me throughWill come right back to you somedayDon"t think I"m wishing bad on youNow that I knowYou were only here to playDon"t you ever think you have a chance again?Cause I deserve so much more, so don"tDon"t you come back running?Now my heart is achingI can not find a reasonTo love you nowAnd don"t you come back cryingNow that love is dyingI can not find a reasonTo love you now,Don"t you come back running?Now my heart is achingI can not find a reasonTo love you nowDon"t you come back running?Now my heart is achingI can not find a reasonTo love you nowShaGuar & MoyileShaGuar @ LK 歌词组http://music.baidu.com/song/2577926

reasonable grounds是什么意思

字面:理由。用法:on reasonable grounds,依据合理的判断(分析,推论)例句:The court held against the defendant based on reasonable grounds. 法院基于合理的分析判决被告败诉。仅供参考。


1. ground 做名词讲时:[COUNTABLE] [USUALLY PLURAL] a reason for what you say or do, or for being allowed to say or do something (可数名词,经常用做复数,指的原因是:允许你做或说的原因,也就是你做一件事的依据)如:The court overturned that decision on the grounds that the prosecution had withheld crucial evidence.法庭以起诉方拒绝出示关键证据为由推翻了那个判决。【即:法庭推翻判决的依据是....】2. reason 指: a fact, situation, or intention that explains why something happened, why someone did something,or why something is true 即:解释为什么发生了一些事情,为什么有人这样做,或为什么这个事情是正确的~如: There is a reason for every important thing that happens.发生的每一件重要事情都是有原因的。 【这里不可以用ground的】体会一下哦在很难辨析词语意思时,查英语词典可以很好的帮助你哦·希望帮到你,不懂欢迎追问

ground与 reason做"原因"讲的区别?

ground只有在复数的时候,才有“原因”的意思;而reason无论单复数,都有“原因”的意思. 另外,相比于reason“原因”的释义,grounds可能更侧重于“foundation(……的基础)”.当你能用“……的基础”翻译的时候,用grounds比较好;当你只能用“……的原因”翻译的时候,最好用grounds.

ground与 reason做"原因"讲的区别?

应该是reason 理由,原因,动机[C][U][(+for)][+(that)][+why][+to-v

grounds和reason作原因的区别 知道里其他的问题都看过了还不是很明白.

1.ground 做名词讲时:[COUNTABLE] [USUALLY PLURAL] a reason for what you say or do,or for being allowed to say or do something (可数名词,经常用做复数,指的原因是:允许你做或说的原因,也就是你做一件事的依据) 如: The court overturned that decision on the grounds that the prosecution had withheld crucial evidence. 法庭以起诉方拒绝出示关键证据为由推翻了那个判决.【即:法庭推翻判决的依据是.】 2.reason 指:a fact,situation,or intention that explains why something happened,why someone did something,or why something is true 即:解释为什么发生了一些事情,为什么有人这样做,或为什么这个事情是正确的~ 如: There is a reason for every important thing that happens. 发生的每一件重要事情都是有原因的.【这里不可以用ground的】体会一下哦 在很难辨析词语意思时,查英语词典可以很好的帮助你哦· 不懂欢迎追问

He ____ to understand for her reasons for leaving.A: Lay, B: remained, C: grew 选哪个亲?

选Cgrow to do sth逐渐开始... (双语剑桥词典),再如:I"ve grown to like her over the months.

Dragonforce的《Seasons》 歌词

歌曲名:Seasons歌手:Dragonforce专辑:The Power Within群66032164:木偶I"m searching through emptinessAnd try to forget us in vainThe light of the dark setting sunWill bring my sadness to an endVoices cry out through the fear and the darkAs we wait for our lives to be betterThe words are dying in the nightNo winter lasts foreverThe seasons pass and sunlight will shineOn my life againSo let the past now burn down in flamesLocked in prison, in a world of living fearOn the edge of my destruction, marching onStill suffering darkness in the dreams of life not meant to beAs I lie awake and curse the rising sunSadness in time for the truth that she hidesAnd this pain in my heart for no reasonThe words are dying in the nightNo winter lasts foreverThe seasons pass and sunlight will shineOn my life againSo let the past now burn down in flamesStare into my eyesI"m burning with lust and desireWon"t you come down andlet yourself go in the fireSo leave the past behindThe words are dying in the nightNo winter lasts foreverThe seasons pass and sunlight will shineOn my life againSo leave the past behindThe dark clouds fading from my mindNo pain will last foreverThe seasons pass and sunlight will shineOn my life againSo let the pastnow burn down in flames,now burn down in flamesOoooh Oh ohohwhoa珞珈山梦境联盟http://music.baidu.com/song/52406015

Adagio (Summer - The Four Seasons Op 8 No 2) 歌词

歌曲名:Adagio (Summer - The Four Seasons Op 8 No 2)歌手:Vanessa-Mae专辑:The Original Four Seasons And The Devil S Trill SonataI don"t konw where to find youI don"t know how to reach youI hear your voice in the windI feel you under my skinWithin my heart and my soulI wait for youAdagioAll of these nights without youAll of my dreams surround youI see and I touch your faceI fall into your embraceWhen the time is right I knowYou"ll be in my armsAdagioI close my eyes and I find a wayNo need for me to prayI"ve walked so farI"ve fought so hardNothing more to explainI know all that remainsIs a piano that playsIf you know where to find meIf you know how to reach meBefore this light fades awayBefore I run out of faithBe the only man to sayThat you"ll hear my heartThat you"ll give your lifeForever you"ll stayDon"t let this light fade awayDon"t let me run out of faithBe the only man to sayThat you believe,make me believeYou won"t let goAdagiohttp://music.baidu.com/song/3460028

amazon gtin exemption reason 什么意思

amazon gtin exemption reason亚马逊GTIN免税原因很高兴为您解答,如果满意,请采纳

just give me a reason翻译其中的一句英文,谢谢。


英汉互译:(1).The reason why he was late today for our

他今天上课迟到的原因就是他的闹钟坏了。There is companion come from afar, joy?

first season eighth episode,nana dies twice?Chandler is a gay???

[Scene: Chandler"s Office, Chandler is on a coffee break. Shelley enters.) Shelley: Hey gorgeous, how"s it going? Chandler: Dehydrated Japanese noodles under fluorescent lights... does it get better than this? Shelley: Question. You"re not dating anybody, are you, because I met somebody who would be perfect for you. Chandler: Ah, y"see, perfect might be a problem. Had you said "co-dependent", or "self-destructive"... Shelley: Do you want a date Saturday? Chandler: Yes please. Shelley: Okay. He"s cute, he"s funny, he"s- Chandler: He"s a he? Shelley: Well yeah! ...Oh God. I- just- I thought- Good, Shelley. I"m just gonna go flush myself down the toilet now...(backs out of the room) Okay, goodbye... Opening Credits [Scene: Monica and Rachel"s, everyone is there.) Chandler: ...Couldn"t enjoy a cup of noodles after that. I mean, is that ridiculous? Can you believe she actually thought that? Rachel: Um... yeah. Well, I mean, when I first met you, y"know, I thought maybe, possibly, you might be... Chandler: You did? Rachel: Yeah, but then you spent Phoebe"s entire birthday party talking to my breasts, so then I figured maybe not. Chandler: Huh. Did, uh... any of the rest of you guys think that when you first met me? Monica: I did. Phoebe: Yeah, I think so, yeah. Joey: Not me. Ross: Nono, me neither. Although, uh, y"know, back in college, Susan Sallidor did. Chandler: You"re kidding! Did you tell her I wasn"t? Ross: No. No, it"s just "cause, uh, I kinda wanted to go out with her too, so I told her, actually, you were seeing Bernie Spellman... who also liked her, so... (Joey congratulates Ross, sees Chandler"s look and abruptly stops.) Chandler: Well, this is fascinating. So, uh, what is it about me? Phoebe: I dunno, "cause you"re smart, you"re funny... Chandler: Ross is smart and funny, d"you ever think that about him? All: Yeah! Right! Chandler: WHAT IS IT?! Monica: Okay, I-I d"know, you-you just- you have a quality. All: Yes. Absolutely. A quality. Chandler: Oh, oh, a quality, good, because I was worried you guys were gonna be vague about this. (Phone rings; Monica gets it) Monica: Hello? Hello? Oh! Rachel, it"s Paolo calling from Rome. Rachel: Oh my God! Calling from Rome! (Takes phone) Bon giorno, caro mio. Ross: (to Joey) So he"s calling from Rome. I could do that. Just gotta go to Rome. Rachel: Monica, your dad just beeped in, but can you make it quick? Talking to Rome. (Showing off to Phoebe and Chandler) I"m talking to Rome. Monica: Hey dad, what"s up? (Listens) Oh God. Ross, it"s Nana. [Scene: The Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Geller are there, along with Aunt Lillian. Ross and Monica enter and everyone says hi and kisses.) Ross: So, uh, how"s she doing? Aunt Lillian: The doctor says it"s a matter of hours. Monica: How-how are you, Mom? Mrs. Geller: Me? I"m fine, fine. I"m glad you"re here. ...What"s with your hair? Monica: What? Mrs. Geller: What"s different? Monica: Nothing. Mrs. Geller: Oh, maybe that"s it. (Monica strides over to Ross, who is making coffee, and talks to him aside.) Monica: She is unbelievable, our mother is... Ross: Okay, relax, relax. We are gonna be here for a while, it looks like, and we still have boyfriends and your career to cover. Monica: Oh God! (They hug.) [Cut to the hospital, later. Everyone is talking about Nana.] Monica: The fuzzy little mints at the bottom of her purse. Ross: Oh! ...Yeah, they were gross. Oh, you know what I loved? Her Sweet "n" Los. How she was always stealing them from- from restaurants. Mr. Geller: Not just restaurants, from our house. (The nurse comes out of Nana"s room.) Nurse: Mrs. Geller? (Everyone stands up. Cut to Ross and Monica in Nana"s room.) Ross: She looks so small. Monica: I know. Ross: Well, at least she"s with Pop-Pop and Aunt Phyllis now. Monica: G"bye, Nana. (She kisses her on the forehead.) Ross: Bye, Nana. (He goes to kiss her but she moves. Monica screams. Ross shouts and stares in disbelief. Monica runs out of the room.) Monica: Ross! (Ross runs out too.) Mrs. Geller: What is going on?! Ross: Y"know how-how the nurse said that-that Nana had passed? Well, she"s not, quite.. Mrs. Geller: What? Ross: She"s not- past, she"s present, she"s back. Aunt Lillian: (reentering) What"s going on? Mr. Geller: She may have died. Aunt Lillian: She may have died? Mr. Geller: We"re looking into it. (Monica returns with the nurse and they go into Nana"s room.) Ross: I, uh, I"ll go see. (He goes in) Nurse: This almost never happens! (Nana passes for the second time and the nurse pulls the blanket over her. Ross and Monica go to tell the family) Ross:**** Now she"s passed. [Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Phoebe, Joey, and Rachel are there.] Chandler: I just have to know, okay. Is it my hair? Rachel: (exasperated) Yes, Chandler, that"s exactly what it is. It"s your hair. Phoebe: Yeah, you have homosexual hair. (Monica and Ross enter.) Rachel: So, um, did she... Ross: Twice. Joey: Twice? Phoebe: Oh, that sucks! Joey: You guys okay? Ross: I dunno, it"s weird. I mean, I know she"s gone, but I just don"t feel, uh... Phoebe: Maybe that"s "cause she"s not really gone. Ross: Nono, she"s gone. Monica: We checked. A lot. Phoebe: Hm, I mean maybe no-one ever really goes. Ever since my mom died, every now and then, I get the feeling that she"s like right here, y"know? (She circles her hand around her right shoulder. Chandler, sitting on her right, draws back nervously) Oh! And Debbie, my best friend from junior high- got struck by lightning on a miniature golf course- I always get this really strong Debbie vibe whenever I use one of those little yellow pencils, y"know? ...I miss her. Rachel: Aw. Hey, Pheebs, want this? (Gives her a pencil) Phoebe: Thanks! Rachel: Sure. I just sharpened her this morning. Joey: Now, see, I don"t believe any of that. I think once you"re dead, you"re dead! You"re gone! You"re worm food! (realises his tactlessness) ...So Chandler looks gay, huh? Phoebe: Y"know, I dunno who this is, but it"s not Debbie. (Hands back the pencil) [Scene: Nana"s house, Ross, Mrs. Geller and Aunt Lillian are going through clothes.] Ross: I thought it was gonna be a closed casket. Mrs. Geller: Well, that doesn"t mean she can"t look nice! (They open a cupboard which, amongst other things, contains a chest of drawers) Mrs. Geller: Sweetie, you think you can get in there? Ross: (sarcastic) I don"t see why not. (He tries pushing against the chest of drawers. Then he opens one of the drawers and climbs into the closet using that; he falls behind the chest of drawers with a shout.) Ross: Here"s my retainer! [Scene: Monica and Rachel"s, Monica is talking to her father.] Mr. Geller: I was just thinking. When my time comes- Monica: Dad! Mr. Geller: Listen to me! When my time comes, I wanna be buried at sea. Monica: You what? Mr. Geller: I wanna be buried at sea, it looks like fun. Monica: Define fun. Mr. Geller: C"mon, you"ll make a day of it! You"ll rent a boat, pack a lunch... Monica: ...And then we throw your body in the water... Gee, that does sound fun. Mr. Geller: Everyone thinks they know me. Everyone says "Jack Geller, so predictable". Maybe after I"m gone, they"ll say "Buried at sea! Huh!". Monica: That"s probably what they"ll say. Mr. Geller: I"d like that. [Scene: Chandler"s Office, Shelley is drinking coffee; Chandler enters.] Chandler: Hey, gorgeous. Shelley: (sheepish) Hey. Look, I"m sorry about yesterday, I, um- Chandler: No, nono, don"t- don"t worry about it. Believe me, apparently other people have made the same mistake. Shelley: Oh! Okay! Phew! Chandler: So, uh... what do you think it is about me? Shelley: I dunno, uh... you just have a-a... Chandler: ...Quality, right, great. Shelley: Y"know, it"s a shame, because you and Lowell would"ve made a great couple. Chandler: Lowell? Financial Services" Lowell, that"s who you saw me with? Shelley: What? He"s cute! Chandler: Well, yeah... "s"no Brian in Payroll. Shelley: Is Brian...? Chandler: No! Uh, I d"know! The point is, if you were gonna set me up with someone, I"d like to think you"d set me up with someone like him. Shelley: Well, I think Brian"s a little out of your league. Chandler: Excuse me? You don"t think I could get a Brian? Because I could get a Brian. Believe you me. ...I"m really not. [Scene: Nana"s Bedroom, Ross is holding a dress out from inside the closet.] Ross: (holding a dress out from inside the closet) This one? Aunt Lillian: No. Ross: I have shown you everything we have. Unless you want your mother to spend eternity in a lemon yellow pant-suit, go with the burgundy. Aunt Lillian: You know, whatever we pick, she would"ve told us it"s the wrong one. Mrs. Geller: You"re right. We"ll go with the burgundy. Ross: Oh! A fine choice. I"m coming out. (Starts to climb over the furniture) Aunt Lillian: Wait! We need shoes! (Ross falls back inside) Ross: Okay. Um, how about these? (Holds out a pair) Mrs. Geller: That"s really a day shoe. Ross: And where she"s going everyone else"ll be dressier? Aunt Lillian: Could we see something in a slimmer heel? Ross: (forages around) Okay, I have nothing in an evening shoe in the burgundy. I can show you something in a silver that may work. Aunt Lillian: No, it really should be burgundy. Mrs. Geller: Mm. Unless we go with a different dress? Ross: No! Nonono, wait a sec. I may have something in the back. (He finds a shoebox (out of shot), pulls it down and opens it. It is full of Sweet "n" Lo "s.) Ross: Oh my God.. Mrs. Geller: Is everything all right, dear? Ross: Yeah, just... just Nana stuff. (He reaches up higher and knocks down another shoebox lid. Sweet "n" Lo "s rain down on him) Commercial Break [Scene: Monica and Rachel"s, Monica and Rachel are preparing to leave for the funeral.] Ross: (entering) How we doing, you guys ready? Monica: Mom already called this morning to remind me not to wear my hair up. Did you know my ears are not my best feature? Ross: Some days it"s all I can think about.

问 这英语 reasonable; daring、 darling ;prevent 怎么读??

Daring--裴紫绮daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 就是喜欢你的陪伴 不管风有多大 雨再怎么下 是我唯一的牵挂 啊 daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 为何不快一点表达 呆呆站在那里像个傻瓜 我会耐心的等 那句... 我的心一直怦怦乱跳 就是因为你在对我微笑 噢 我可以偷偷吻你吗 告诉我你的想法 喔 空气中全是你的味道 这种感觉真的好奇妙 属于我的爱情 已在这里悄悄停靠 喜欢对你撒娇 看着月亮迟到 再靠近一些 我会对你说... daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 就是喜欢你的陪伴 不管风有多大 雨再怎么下 是我唯一的牵挂 啊 daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 为何不快一点表达 呆呆站在那里像个傻瓜 我会耐心的等 那句... 我的心一直怦怦乱跳 就是因为你在对我微笑 噢 我可以偷偷吻你吗 告诉我你的想法 喔 空气中全是你的味道 这种感觉真的好奇妙 属于我的爱情 已在这里悄悄停靠 喜欢对你撒娇 看着月亮迟到 再靠近一些 我会对你说... daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 就是喜欢你的陪伴 不管风有多大 雨再怎么下 是我唯一的牵挂 啊 daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 为何不快一点表达 呆呆站在那里像个傻瓜 我会耐心的等 那句...   daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 为何不快一点表达 呆呆站在那里像个傻瓜 我会耐心的等 那句...

and you are my reason for chasing.似乎是有语病,chase有名词



播出时期:2011年4月24日 - 7月3日首播:毎周日 18:00 - 18:30重播:每周五 25:00 - 25:30毎周六 14:00 - 14:30出演者&节目表 期数 播出日期 企划名称 本期参加成员 其他出演人员 1 110424 宫泽佐江迈向职业保龄球手之路 宫泽佐江   2 110501 挑战鲁宾u30fb戈德堡装置! 岩佐美咲、大家志津香、片山阳加秋元才加、仁藤萌乃、横山由依   3 110508   4 110515 AKB48新人培训 宫泽佐江、北原里英、小森美果佐藤亚美菜、佐藤すみれ、宫崎美穂   5 110522   6 110529 成为巴士导游! 大岛优子、峰岸みなみ柏木由纪、佐藤すみれ   7 110605   8 110612 学习护士心得 看护学校! 仓持明日香、高城亚树北原里英、宫崎美穂   9 110619   10 110628 ネ申战队AKBINGER 多田爱佳、大家志津香、仓持明日香仲谷明香、田名部生来、横山由依   11 110703(最终回) 片山阳加柏木由纪

Reason (1981 Version) (Feat. Frankie Beverly) 歌词

歌曲名:Reason (1981 Version) (Feat. Frankie Beverly)歌手:Maze&Frankie Beverly专辑:Greatest Slow Jams爱是让我前进的reason爱是让我专心的reason做你的男人让你能托付一生爱是让我拼命的reason爱是让我坚定的reason短暂 分开 难免是无奈并非 故意 让你苦等待我的爱 你明白 不需要去猜我的爱 都还在 不许心情坏爱是让我前进的reason你知道我多认真爱是让我专心的reason做你的男人 让你能托付一生爱是让我拼命的reason我要你当我的女人爱是让我坚定的reason一切为将来的我们给你 所有 只要你开怀下半 辈子 交给我安排请相信 那未未 爱会更精采请放心 把生命 交给我主宰爱是让我前进的reason你知道我多认真爱是让我专心的reason做你的男人 让你能托付一生爱是让我拼命的reason我要你当我的女人爱是让我坚定的reason做你的男人 让你能托付一生我是你的男人 你是我的责任你是我活的reason就算是要我住穷区丢掉明星的身份也可以 只要我们在一起别人把我爱你挂在嘴边我让你不可思议我的表现让你幸福 孩子的名字给你取这辈子 就这个样子走下去我是为你活爱是让我前进的reason你知道我多认真爱是让我专心的reason做你的男人 让你能托付一生爱是让我拼命的reason我要你当我的女人爱是让我坚定的reason一切为将来的我们爱是让我前进的reason你知道我多认真爱是让我专心的reason爱是让我拼命的reason我要你当我的女人爱是让我坚定的reasonhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2590707

陈奕迅英文名是Eason Chan ,我叫陈义坤,英文名应该叫什么?

Edkon Chan

什么英语单词中有“lie”这个单词 如:“season”这个单词中有“sea”(大海)这个单词


scholars,policemakers have debated the reason of this phenomenon.麻烦改写成定语从句,可以润色一下啊

scholars,policemakers have debated the reason that causing this phenomenon.

《The Final Season》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Final Season》(Stanton, Tom)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1WvYByx4h3AOOSbg5N0d2kQ 提取码: uery书名:The Final Season作者:Stanton, Tom出版社:St Martins Pr出版年份:2002-5页数:256内容简介:Maybe your dad took you to ball games at Fenway, Wrigley, or Ebbets. Maybe the two of you watched broadcasts from Yankee Stadium or Candlestick Park, or listened as Red Barber or Vin Scully called the plays on radio. Or maybe he coached your team or just played catch with you in the yard. Chances are good that if you"re a baseball fan, your dad had something to do with it--and your thoughts of the sport evoke thoughts of him. If so, you will treasure The Final Season , a poignant true story about baseball and heroes, family and forgiveness, doubts and dreams, and a place that brings them all together.Growing up in the 60s and 70s, Tom Stanton lived for his Detroit Tigers. When Tiger Stadium began its 88th and final season, he vowed to attend all 81 home games in order to explore his attachment to the place where four generations of his family have shared baseball. Join him as he encounters idols, conjures decades past, and discovers the mysteries of a park where Cobb and Ruth played. Come along and sit beside Al Kaline on the dugout bench, eat popcorn with Elmore Leonard, hear Alice Cooper"s confessions, soak up the warmth of Ernie Harwell, see McGwire and Ripken up close, and meet Chicken Legs Rau, Bleacher Pete, Al the Usher, and a parade of fans who are anything but ordinary. By the autumn of his odyssey, Stanton comes to realize that his anguish isn"t just about the loss of a beloved ballpark but about his dad"s mortality, for at the heart of this story is the love between fathers and sons--a theme that resonates with baseball fans of all ages.



be reason to do 有这用法吗


blooming season是什么意思


blooming season是什么意思





2008-06-14 陈奕迅Eason"s Moving On Stage 9吉隆坡演唱会2008-04-26 陈奕迅Eason"s Moving On Stage 8上海演唱会2008-04-19 陈奕迅Eason"s Moving On Stage 7广州演唱会2008-03-22 陈奕迅Eason"s Moving On Stage 6墨尔本演唱会2008-03-20 陈奕迅Eason"s Moving On Stage 5悉尼演唱会2008-02-12 陈奕迅Eason"s Moving On Stage 4加拿大演唱会 2008-02-10 陈奕迅Eason"s Moving On Stage 3美国演唱会 2008-02-02 陈奕迅Eason"s Moving On Stage 2台北演唱会 2007-10-24~11-6, 11-09~10 陈奕迅Eason"s Moving On Stage 1香港演唱会 2007-01-06 陈奕迅新加坡演唱会 2006-11-24 陈奕迅上海演唱会 2006-09-30 新城唱好Eason对唱音乐会 2006-08-26 陈奕迅Get A Life大马演唱会 2006-08-04 拉阔黄金十年音乐会 2006-04-15 Lam & Eason Crossover Concert in Las Vegas 2006-02-11 ~ 19 Get A Life演唱会 2005-11-01 拉阔压轴音乐会 2005-08-18&19 网上行Love Music第二击《人神斗》概念音乐会 2005-07-30 陈奕迅05出击广州演唱会 2005-04-30 NCM向Eason狂呼音乐会 2005-03-27 新城唱好陈奕迅05出击音乐会2003-12-10 Sally x Eason拉阔演唱会2003-02-16 ~ 22 3rd Encounter 陈奕迅演唱会2002-12-21 陈奕迅精选金中金歌迷聚会 2002-10-26 新城唱好Eason & Girlfriends音乐会 2002-08-27 豁达Eason祟拜音乐会 2002-07-06 OK150将快乐传开去Eason & Friends音乐会 2002-03-01 新城主力唱好音乐会 2001-12-14 Lam & Eason 01拉阔压轴音乐会 2001-11-09 ~ 17 The Easy Ride 陈奕迅演唱会 2001-05-12 903 One2Free 陈奕迅音乐自由Live 2000-12-26 OK便利店Eason & Friends好OK音乐会2000-05-27 Eason & Friends拉阔音乐会 2000-04-23 饥馑30演唱会 1999-12-19 叱咤903狂热份子六神合体音乐会1999-10-07 ~ 10 Big Live陈奕迅大个唱99 1999-07 Extra醒字派演唱会1999-06-15 加州红红人馆903狂热份子演唱会1998-12-29 新生活音乐会1998-07-31 叱咤903乐人谷 - 祝你Eason快乐音乐会 1998-03-06 ~ 08 我的快乐时代演唱会
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