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please sit near the table怎么读

please sit near the table请坐在桌子旁生词table 英[u02c8teu026abl]美[u02c8tebu0259l]n. 桌子; 表,目录; 手术台,工作台,游戏台; 平地层;vt. 制表; 搁置; 嵌合; 搁置;adj. 桌子的;[例句]She was sitting at the kitchen table eating a currant bun.她正坐在餐桌旁,吃着葡萄干圆面包。

Release The Stars 歌词

歌曲名:Release The Stars歌手:Rufus Wainwright专辑:Release The StarsRufus Wainwright - Release the StarsAlbum:Release The StarsLRC Produced By william王子Why do you keep all your stars infrom your studio on Melrose Avenue?You"ve lost all your assets upin life-long contracts to youDidn"t you know that old Hollywood is over?Oh, can"t you see all the goodthat celebrity can do for those in the dark?Yes of course,I am speaking in metaphorsfor something more in your heartDidn"t you know that old Hollywood is over?So why not just release the gatesand let them all come out?Remember that without themthere would be no ParamountNo paramount need to hold on to what isn"t yoursRelease the starsRufus Wainwright - Release the StarsThe more that you fight,then the more they will scrutinizeand realize just your sizeAnd believe me,you are no match for the publicthat has seen the whites of your eyesDidn"t you know that old Hollywood is over?Old Hollywood is overSo why not just release the gatesand let them all come out?Remember that without themthere would be no ParamountNo paramount need to hold onto what isn"t yoursRelease the starsRelease the stars,release your love,release the starsRelease your love,"cause Hollywood is overWhy do you keep all your stars infrom your studio on Melrose Avenue?Album:Release The StarsLRC Produced By william王子http://music.baidu.com/song/2205765

“Will you please be quiet”用英语怎么读?

will [英] [wil,l,wu0259l,u0259l] [美] [wu026al] you 英音:[ju:]美音:[ju] please [pli:z] be 英音:[bi:]美音:[bi] quiet 英音:["kwaiu0259t]美音:["kwau026au0259t]


please pass me the rice 请把米饭递给我

can丨 have,fjsh,and,rice,p|ease,怎么读?

Can I have fish and rice, please ?我能吃鱼和米饭吗?下面划有连接号的要连读,加括号的是不完全爆破。谐音读作看耐寒v 费善(的)ruai (四),p 里日?



sarah,sam,come here,please.用中文怎么读

some come here please

请教一个国际结算的英文缩写 Please debit our a/c.其中的“a/c”是什么意思?


Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) 歌词

歌曲名:Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)歌手:Michael Bublé专辑:Christmas (Deluxe Special Edition)"Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)"Michael Buble(Christmas)The snow"s coming down(Christmas)I"m watching it fall(Christmas)Lots of people around(Christmas)Baby please come home(Christmas)The church bells in town(Christmas)All ringing in song(Christmas)Full of happy sounds(Christmas)Baby please come homeThey"re singing "Deck The Halls"But it"s not like Christmas at allI remember when you were hereAnd all the fun we had last year(Christmas)Pretty lights on the tree(Christmas)I"m watching them shine(Christmas)You should be here with me(Christmas)Baby please come homeThey"re singing "Deck The Halls"Not like Christmas at allI remember when you were hereAnd all the fun we had last year(Christmas)Oh if there was a way(Christmas)I"d hold back these tears(Christmas)Oh but it"s Christmas day(Please)Please(Please)Please(Please)Please(Please)Please(Please)Please(Please)PleaseOh comin" homeOh babeYou know I need youOh comin" home(Love, love, love, love)I gotta have you(Love, love, love, love)You know I need you(Love, love, love, love)Oh love, oh love(Christmas)Woohoo...(Love, love, love, love)I gotta have you(Love, love, love, love)I said nanananana...It"s Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas... yeahYeah... Lalalalala...http://music.baidu.com/song/31151511


I"m like some juice,Please,汉语是“我想喝一些果汁”怎么读可以上百度听一下相关的语音


您好,您可以根据下面音标进行精确拼读:英文原文:drinksome tea,please英式音标:[dru026au014bk] [su028cm; s(u0259)m] [tiu02d0] , [pliu02d0z] 美式音标:[dru026au014bk] [su028cm] [ti] , [pliz]

zeal一直please wait for


could you take our picture,please?sure.smile,怎么读

英文原文:could you take our picture,please?sure.smile,英式音标:[ku0259d; ku028ad] [juu02d0] [teu026ak] [au028au0259] [u02c8pu026aktu0283u0259] [pliu02d0z] [u0283u0254u02d0; u0283u028au0259] . [smau026al] 美式音标:yinbiao5.com[ku028ad] [ju] [tek] [u02c8au028au025c] [u02c8pu026aktu0283u0259] [pliz] [u0283u028ar] . [smau026al]

求英语达人 upgrade和increase 还有几个“增加”具体用法有什么区别啊?


下了牛津英文当代大词典出现Emulator detected!Please deactivate virual drive and emulation software



链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1mhB8l4k 密码: z973

国外Lease车VS国内1成首付 差别在哪里

“10%首付买车”和“3000元买新车”,国内低首付买车正如火如荼地进行着,但很多人对低首付买车还不够了解,甚至还存在一些误解。实际上,国内“10%首付”业务沿袭了国外成熟的Lease汽车业务,即汽车融资租赁,这是一种金融购车方式。国内“10%首付”业务起步较晚,与国外Lease车在业务形式上存在一定差异。我们不妨对比一下国外Lease汽车业务和国内“10%首付”业务的区别,帮助大家消除对“10%首付”业务不必要的误解。 在北美学习或工作过的小伙伴都知道,登陆美国或加拿大第一件重要的事情就是先买车。与我国不同的是,公交、地铁、出租车和密集的高铁网络在同一个城市或不同的地方出行都非常方便。然而,美国和加拿大人口稀少,城市规划分散,公共交通不发达。在这种情况下,汽车是生活的必需品。 在北美有三种常见的买车方式。一种是全款买车,通常会获得更高的优惠,但对于没有存款习惯的北美人来说,并不是主流。二是贷款可以用来分期买车,一般从24个月到60个月不等。分期时间越长,利率越高。以上两种方式比较传统,购买后的车属于消费者。另一种买车方式也是北美最主流的方式,那就是Lease car,也就是汽车融资租赁。 谈完Lease车的概念,你不明白为什么我每个月都要交那么多钱,除非最后买断,否则车就不属于我了吗?岂不是不划算?事实上,这仍然是一个概念接受的问题。 如何租车,流程是怎样的?在回答这个问题之前,先抛出几个概念: 首付:Lease汽车首付相对较低,信用好的人甚至可以零首付,但首付越多,利率越低,从而减少了月供。 残值:残值是车在租期结束后的残值,会对月供产生很大影响。残值越高,月租金越低。 租期:租期是租车的时间。如果不想在到期时买断,2-3年的租期更为主流,有些人倾向于将租期延长到4-5年。长租期意味着在一辆不属于你的汽车上支付更多的维修费和其他费用。 月供:基本上就是车的总价值减去首付和残值,剩下的部分按照租期平分,就是月供。 我们举个例子:假设一辆新车售价5万美元,申请36个月的租期,那么4S店会先计算三年后的汽车残值,假设残值为2万美元,这2万美元就是汽车的尾款,首付款为5万美元-2万美元= 3万美元。这3万元将以首付加月供的形式收取。如果消费者信用好,可以零首付,那么月供差不多833美元。这相当于免费每月支付833美元,驾驶一辆价值5万美元的新车三年。 需要注意的是,还有其他因素会影响月供,比如 里程 ( 查成交价 | 车型详解 )。在国外,租赁汽车通常规定每年使用的里程,如果里程超过合同规定的里程,额外的里程将另行支付。租车三年后该怎么办?此时通常有三种选择: 下图更清晰地介绍了国外租赁汽车的流程: 国外Lease车的另一个特点是,如果你想中途结束租赁,那是可以的。首先,你可以把它还给经销商,但你必须支付一定的赔偿,而且价格相当低。第二,可以转租给他人。北美二手车市场活跃,很多人接受转租,所以转租方便,中间损失相对较小。 外国消费者倾向于选择租赁汽车,主要原因如下: 首先,你可以花一点预算上车。这部分消费者主要是年轻人。如果手里存款少,可以争取零首付提车; 第二,可以体验新车或者高配车型。消费者一般会选择新车型或者价格更高、配置更高的车型,用更少的钱就能满足驾驶体验,换车也更方便。 第三,省去了卖车的麻烦。如果你不想拥有一辆车,就把它还给经销商。你不用担心自己卖车,这样更方便。 谈完国外Lease汽车业务,我们不妨回头看看国内的汽车融资租赁,即“10%首付”购车业务。 首先,在市场参与者方面,国内融资租赁业务参与者与国外不同。在北美等成熟市场,原始设备制造商的融资租赁业务占主导地位,但在中国,市场相对更多元,互联网公司等机构的市场份额不容小觑。 不同机构的具体财务方案也不一样。基本上都会给出打包的理财方案供用户选择,比如一辆车首付10%-20%,36期,一年后过户,剩下的分期或者一次性付清。新款毛豆车可选择10%-30%首付,24 -48期分期付款。一年后可以选择结清尾款,办理转账。一般会提供一定的尾款折扣。平安车管主要推广0-10%首付,期限为12-48期。还款期限灵活,可根据客户需求自由配置。如果一年后提前结清,最后一次付款还将享受15%的折扣,租赁期满可以出租、退款或买断。 国内“10%首付”购车与国外Lease购车最大的区别是目前国内融资租赁机构普遍不支持或鼓励消费者退车。一般合同中规定消费者最终会购车,一般来说还是采用租购的模式。 下表以平安车管目前正在推广的 朗逸 2019款1.5L自动舒适型为例,对比了两种融资租赁方案与传统贷款购车方式。 一般来说,融资租赁的主要优势是首付低、模式灵活、分期周期长;缺点是成本还是略高于传统贷款买车。 国内“10%首付”购车与国外Lease购车的另一大区别也体现在消费需求上。部分国内消费者因为手中资金紧张,急于用车,但也有大量人出于其他原因选择“10%首付”购车。 最后:在美国,汽车融资租赁的渗透率在30%以上,但在中国,买一辆“10%首付”的车,也就是汽车融资租赁,还是一件新鲜事。正如开篇提到的,人们对这种模式还不是很了解,甚至有一些误解。与国外业务相比,我们可以更清晰地看到国内“10%首付”业务的特点,具有首付低、门槛低、月供压力小、省时省力等优点。也有一些缺点,比如成本略高,与国外相比退车不方便等。对于新模式,希望大家理性看待。毕竟每个消费者都有不同的需求和习惯。“10%首付”还是帮助很多人解决了买车的问题。随着消费升级,消费方式将越来越多样化。相信未来会有越来越多的人选择用这种方式买车。 1首付,轻松买新车 @2019

电影预告片的 teaser 于 trailer 有什么不同?

电影里的两个常用单词teaser和trailer都是(电影预告片)的意思,但它们播放的时间不同,长短也不同的:)~ 讲下Teaser,Trailer, and TV spot的区别:trailer相对Teaser来说,更正式些,长度也长些。例如:一个电影(特别是比较大budget(预算/投资)的电影)一般在正式Trailer出来前会先有Teaser在电影上映前3-4个月----只是告诉大家有这么个电影,谁演的,谁导演的,是改编自什么小说或是续集.这样以吸引大家开始关注它.比如Harry Potter4-哈里波特4(以下简称HP4),在很久前就有个预告片,基本就是对HP成长的回顾,很多人应该记得吧?没有太多新的内容,但是当时刚出来时,很多人就很激动.从那时开始就一心盼着电影的更多东西出来.这就是teaser的作用,把胃口掉起来。然后是official Trailer(正式/官方的电影预告片),在电影上映前1-2个月比较长,一般2分钟.目的是要告诉大家这电影讲了个什么故事,就算不都告诉你,也要让你知道大概是关于什么的,什么类型的等.也好让你决定是否去看. 只在电影院放映,就是在正在上映的电影前边,一般一堆,trailer,前两天看Corpose Bride时看到了HP4目前在影院的trailer,估计在网上也能找到,但是有两个版,一个是只在网上但不是在影院的,叫Internet Trailer,在影院里的那个包括一些internet那个没有的,比如Harry看见张秋时就一激动把刚喝的水吐了一身!而且还跟朋友念到是否张秋会跟他约会I wonder if she could go on a date with me好象这么说的.不知道大家是否看到过这个Trailer(预告片).其实还有就是TV spot(电视预告),离上映更近的距离,有的比如Elizabethtown(伊丽莎白镇)离上映3周左右才在电视上播,也有的如HP4这样准备大战一场的大电影,很早就开始播了.Tv spot一般是很短的,只有30秒。



water和waters的区别 please

water n. 水,雨水,海水 v. 浇水,供水,注水 waters 水域

as to the election,please give your vote to___you think you can trust

whom you think you can trust (him/her) 是代替宾格用whom

grease the wheel 的引申意思是什么??

一句类似的话是这样的:The squeaky wheel gets the grease??? what is it means 直意就是"吱吱叫的轮子先上油." 意思是谁的嗓门大谁就厉害.反过来也可说"老实人总是被欺负"

餐厅服务员的工作职责是什么 In English please~thanks


What problems will appear in the process of the Urbanization? please list some valuable one.

我来简单举例 其中的解释和原因楼主自己努力哈。其实我们可以把工业革命拿出来做例子,工业革命的爆发加快了城市化的进程,让各大资本主义国家从中大为受益,但是也带来了无尽的问题,是举例:1.First of all that bump into our mind is "pollution", it has already threat our future development.2. urbanization attract millions of people go into citie,which cause deserting of farm lands and relatively redundancy of labours in big cities.3.competieion becomes severer, jobs are hard to find,4,the worship of money,for economic development is the direct benefit from urbanization,and the eagerness for money lead to demoralization5.causing traffic jam in main street, the transportation is getting worse,roads are blocked up , the living areas of inhabitants is getting bad from worse.如果还不够楼主自己加哦,如果是考试更要多点不防,这是多年考试的经验哈~


把前面的那两个都打上勾,将Main pad counte和Platen pad counter这两项都选上,最后点Initialization,就可以了!PLEASE SELECT PARTS的翻译过来的意思就是“请选择选项”,就是操作的对象

increase by与up by,increase to与up to 意思和用法有区别吗?


please read season see读音哪个不一样?

字母组合ea 在单词please,read 和season 中的读音相同,都是发长音[ iː],字母组合ee 在单词see 中的发音也是长音 [ iː];如果 read 作为过去式,字母组合ea 的发音就不同了,发短音[e];

please send us the formal quotation 是什么意思啊?

您好:这句话意思是:请发给我们正式的报价单。quotation 是报价单的意思。望采纳,谢谢您的支持!

please find enclosed the requested quotation... 为


will you please是什么意思 后面跟什么

你愿意。。。吗? 接动词原形

will you please和would you please的区别

will you please, would you please , could you please ,这三个意思都基本一样,只有细小的差别.后面都跟动词原形. would you please,比will you please更婉转一些,could you please则有一点点命令的意味.

negative/ two/please/of/can/prints/have/I/this

can i have two prints of this negative, please?

Loadrunner error code -82034 Rendezvous release failed 是什么错误?


would you mind 和could you please的区别


would you mind 和would you please 的区别

mind因为mind 后 doing please 后 do望采纳

would you please...和would you mind doing 的区别

注意用法搭配和使用语境的区别: Would you please【 do 】sth.请你做某事好吗? =Please do sth,will you? 正常情况下,主要用于口语和非正式文体,用来很客气的请求别人帮助.一般所求之事比较容易. 例如: Would you please give me a hand with the box? Would you mind 【doing】 sth?.你介意吗? =Could I trouble you to do sth 经常用于比较正式的场合、语气非常客气、委婉,或者提醒警告等.所涉及之事难度比较大或会给对方带来不便,或让对方不乐意.当用于表达让对方不乐意之事时,语气很重. 例如: Would you mind opening the door?It"s a little hot in the room. Would you mind stop smoking in the office? 不过,这两个很多情况下也可以互换,意思、功能基本一致. 祝你开心如意!

什么时候用yes,I do 什么时候用yes,please。

当然不可以互换。Yes, I do. 只是用于回答某个问题的肯定回答。而Yes, please. 多用于别人主动提出帮助你,你做出的肯定回答。 Yes, I do理论上可以用于第二句, 但是带上please更有礼貌, 而Yes, please是不能用于第一句的。希望能帮助到你 如果满意望采纳。

像at ease ;by no means这种词当什么词性用...是形容词么 位置一般放哪


像at ease ;by no means这种词当什么词性用...是形容词么 位置一般放哪

at ease有不拘束,安心(地),自在(地),也可以作形容词,做形容词就放在be动词之后。by no means可以作为形容词,也是放在be 动词之后。eg:She is by no means an ordinary girlDo you feel at ease in this seat?这里的at ease在实义动词之后做形容词

Please Mr postman 的歌词是啥来着?

《Please Mr. Postman》Sung By "Carpenters"(Stop)Oh yes, wait a minute Mister Postman(Wait)Wait Mister PostmanPlease Mister Postman, look and see(Oh yeah)If there"s a letter in your bag for me(Please, Please Mister Postman)Why"s it takin" such a long time(Oh yeah)For me to hear from that boy of mineThere must be some word todayFrom my boyfriend so far awayPleas Mister Postman, look and seeIf there"s a letter, a letter for meI"ve been standin" here waitin" Mister PostmanSo patientlyFor just a card, or just a letterSayin" he"s returnin" home to me(Mister Postman)Mister Postman, look and see(Oh yeah)If there"s a letter in your bag for me(Please, Please Mister Postman)Why"s it takin" such a long time(Oh yeah)For me to hear from that boy of mineSo many days you passed me bySee the tears standin" in my eyesYou didn"t stop to make me feel betterBy leavin" me a card or a letter(Mister Postman)Mister Postman, look and see(Oh yeah)If there"s a letter in your bag for me(Please, Please Mister Postman)Why"s it takin" such a long time(Why don"t you check it and see one more time for me, you gotta)Wait a minuteWait a minuteWait a minuteWait a minute(Mister Postman)Mister Postman, look and see(C"mon deliver the letter, the sooner the better)Mister PostmanThe End.The End.

windows xp 运行ucdos 报*** Error:Please run KNL.COM first ***错误

please take all your belongings


血液病的Blood Diseases

Open Journal of Blood Diseases is a peer reviewed international journal dedicated to the latest advancement of Blood Diseases. The goal of this journal is to keep a record of the state-of-the-art research and to promote study, research and improvement within its various specialties.血液病是一本开源评审的国际期刊,致力于血液病的最新进展,由美国科研出版社出版发行。这本杂志的目标是记录的一些国家的最先进的研究,并促进在其各类专业中的学习,研究和改进。包含以下领域:Acquired Clotting Disorders Anemias Animal Models Antiphospholipid Syndrome Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes and Biotechnology Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases Blood Disorders Chemotherapy Coagulopathies Endothelium/Inflammation Fibrinolysis Gene Therapy Haemophilia Hematological Malignancies Hematology and Blood Transfusion Hemoglobinopathies Immunologic Diseases Inherited Clotting Disorders Pediatric Blood & Cancer Platelets Disorders Thrombotic Disorders Vascular Biology

As I can see the dimensions of the polybag on picture, please do as explain.


Marvin Sease的《I Got You》 歌词

歌曲名:I Got You歌手:Marvin Sease专辑:The HousekeeperClaude Kelly - I Got YouOur Muzik - 欧美音乐主题论坛KonvictOh hoooo whooaaaI got you....ohhh hooo whoaaaaWhen your love is strong and it comes from the heartAint no man strong enoughAint no time long enough to tear it apartAnd thats what we have, believe it or notAnd so on the fighting dayI bear all the hurt and pain we"ll end up on topAnd so I won"t cry cause you"re growing up babeCasue the chemistry we got don"t fadeI won"t be wishing for better daysCasue deep inside I know our love stays the sameYou gotta knowNo matter where you are (You got me)Baby near or far (You got me)Our love will never fail (You got me)Now lemme hear you sayBaby I got you (I"ll be there I"ll be there)No matter what baby I got you (I"ll be there I"ll be there)And I"ll be there becasue I got youI never lie, casue you are the reasonThat my heart is beating and I am aliveBefore you go, baby look in my eyesSee you can"t be replacedSo I"m down to wait, the rest of my lifeHooooh! You better knowNo matter where you are (You got me)Baby near or far (You got me)Our love will never fail (You got me)Now lemme hear you sayBaby I got you (I"ll be there I"ll be there)No matter what baby I got you (I"ll be there I"ll be there)And I"ll be there becasue I got you (I"ll be there I"ll be there)No matter what baby I got you (I"ll be there I"ll be there)And I"ll be there becasue I got youAnd I"ll hold you up when you (When you just can"t stand)I"ll make you fly (When you think that you can"t)By my side forever (Baby thats the plan)I"ll be your everything your everythingOhhhhhhOh hoooo whooaaaOh hoooo whooaaaNo matter where you are (You got me)Baby near or far (You got me)Our love will never fail (You got me)So lemme hear you sayBaby I got you (I"ll be there I"ll be there)No matter what baby I got you (I"ll be there I"ll be there)And I"ll be there becasue I got you(You got me) You know itNo matter what baby I got you (You got me)No matter what baby I got you (I"ll be there I"ll be there)I got you (I"ll be there I"ll be there)I got you (You got me)No matter what baby I got youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9065088

有一首英文rap 有好几句please stand up的歌曲叫什么?谢谢


Your name please是什么意思?


Your name please是什么意思


“your name please”怎么读?



Your name,Please.意思是:请说出你的名字.(谐音: 油呃耐木 泼丽似)

your name,please什么意思



pleasure英 [u02c8pleu0292u0259(r)] 美 [u02c8plu025bu0292u025a] n.愉快;娱乐;令人高兴的事vt.使高兴;使满意vi.觉得高兴,享受;寻欢作乐第三人称单数: pleasures 复数: pleasures 现在分词: pleasuring 过去式: pleasured 过去分词: pleasured

please,pleased,pleasure,pleasant 怎么区别

please 一般用在交际用语中“请”英 [pli:z]美 [pliz]int.请vt.& vi.使高兴; 使满意; 讨人喜欢; 讨好过去式: pleased过去分词: pleased现在分词: pleasing第三人称单数: pleases派生词:pleasingly例句:1. "Please understand this," she began, a tremble in her voice. “请理解这一点,”她开始说道,声音有些发颤。pleased一般用作形容词“高兴的”英 [pli:zd]adj.高兴的; 自鸣得意; (用于初次见面握手时)很高兴认识您; 称心满意v.(使…)高兴( please的过去式); (使…)满意; 想要; 喜欢例句:1. I"m always pleased to try out a new variety. 我一直乐于尝试新产品。来自柯林斯例句pleasure一般用做名词“乐意。愉快”英 [u02c8pleu0292u0259(r)]美 [u02c8plu025bu0292u025a]n.愉快; 娱乐; 令人高兴的事vt.使高兴; 使满意vi.觉得高兴,享受; 寻欢作乐复数: pleasures过去式: pleasured过去分词: pleasured现在分词: pleasuring第三人称单数: pleasures例句:1. He mixed business and pleasure in a perfect and dynamic way. 他以互动的方式将工作和娱乐完美地结合起来。来自柯林斯例句词组:at someone"s pleasure1. 随便,听便,随意the landlord could terminate the agreement at his pleasure.房东可以随意终止协议。have the pleasure of something (或 of doing somethi1. [用于正式请求和描写]有幸,荣幸he asked if he might have the pleasure of taking her to lunch.他问他能否有幸请她吃午饭。my pleasure1. [用作对谢意的客气回答]愿意为您效劳pleasant只有形容词英 [u02c8pleznt]美 [u02c8plu025bzu0259nt]adj.可爱的; 令人愉快的; 有趣的; 晴朗的比较级: pleasanter最高级: pleasantest派生词:pleasantly pleasantness例句:1. Lloyd George was most anxious to be agreeable and pleasant. 劳埃德·乔治极力想表现得平易近人、和蔼亲切。

求《Please don’t let me go》的中文翻译

Where do I begin? 哪里是我的起点?Should I tell you我告诉你How bad I need you now 那太糟糕了,我现在就需要你!You"re underneath my skin 你躲在我外壳里My head is spinning all around 晕头转向I waited so long我等了这么久! I need to know, darling 我想知道,亲爱的What is on your mind 你的想法是什么Normally I try to run 通常我都选择逃跑And I might even want to hide 想藏起来Cause I never knew what I wanted 因为我从未得到我想要的Til I looked into your eyes 直到我看着你的眼睛So am I in this alone? 因此,我独自在这...What I"m looking for is a sign 我在等一个暗示That you feel how I feel for you 不知你对我的感觉如何Baby please don"t let me go 宝贝请不要让我走!Baby please don"t let me go宝贝请不要让我走!Baby please don"t let me go宝贝请不要让我走!No, please don"t let me go宝贝请不要让我走!Baby no, no, no, no 亲爱的不要,不要,不要BadabadeebabaWhat else can I say? (Can I say) 我还能说什么呢?My heart is beating double time, yeah 我的心,嘭嘭乱跳And do you feel the same? (Do you feel the same) 你是否有同样的感觉?Don"t leave me in the dark, no 不要留我在黑暗中But baby don"t put out this spark, no 不要熄灭这个火花,亲爱的I waited so long 我等了这么久!I need to know, darling 我需要知道,亲爱的What is on your mind 你的想法是什么Normally I try to run 通常我都选择逃跑And I might even want to hide 想藏起来Cause I never knew what I wanted 因为我从未得到我想要的Til I looked into your eyes 直到我看着你的眼睛So am I in this alone?因此,我独自在这....What I"m looking for is a sign 我在等一个暗示That you feel how I feel for you不知你对我的感觉如何Baby please don"t let me go宝贝请不要让我走!Baby please don"t let me go宝贝请不要让我走!Baby please don"t let me go宝贝请不要让我走!No, please don"t let me go宝贝请不要让我走!Baby no, no, no, no亲爱的不要,不要,不要Caught in the inquisition 在法庭上审问我吧Under these conditions 在这些状况下I need a definition 我需要一个解释Is it love that we"re sharing 我们正在恋爱吗?Show me that you"re caring告诉我你喜欢我!You see my fascination看看我的魅力Tell me I"m not mistaken 告诉我,我没有弄错Give me the information I need 我需要你给我答案1, 2, 3Normally I try to run 通常我都选择逃跑And I might even want to hide 想藏起来Cause I never knew what I wanted所以我从为得到我想要的Til I looked into your eyes 知道我看着你的眼睛So am I in this alone?因此,我独自在这?What I"m looking for is a sign我在等一个暗示That you feel how I feel for you不知你对我答感觉如何Baby please don"t let me go (Don"t let me go)宝贝请不要让我走!Baby please don"t let me go (Please don"t let me go)宝贝请不要让我走!Baby please don"t let me go (Don"t let me go)宝贝请不要让我走!No, please don"t let me go宝贝请不要让我走!Baby no, no, no, no亲爱的不要,不要,不要

丰田车上出现please take a break是什么意思?




please enjoy it该怎么回答

可回答:OK,thanks. 例如: Heres a free carrot cake for you, please enjoy it. 这是送给您免费品尝的胡萝卜蛋糕,请慢用。 OK,thanks. 好的,谢谢。 扩展资料   双语例句:   ife is not a bed of roses, but please treasure it and enjoy it.   虽然生活不总是一帆风顺,但是请珍惜生活,享受生活。   Coming up is the tango, please enjoy it!   接下来是探戈的表演环节请大家鼓掌!   I have a replay to share for you, please enjoy it thank you.   我有一个分享您的重播,请享受它感谢你。   I have just found the song and thus put it back together with the article of my translation ( with some amendment). Please enjoy it.   刚刚找到这首歌,所以又把它与我翻译的歌词(做了些修改)一起放回来了。请好好欣赏。   I drew some pictures when I was in the class, please enjoy it. I really want to come back home and draw pictures with you!   妈妈上课的时候画了几幅画,给你欣赏一下吧。妈妈真想马上回家,和你一起画画玩儿呀!


方法一:如果有做代码混淆,在配置文件中加入下面语句-assumenosideeffects class android.util.Log { public static *** d(...); public static *** v(...); public static *** i(...);}方法二:对于没做代码混淆的,可以按照下面方法:在manifest文件中加入android:debuggable="@bool/build_log"<application android:name="MyApplication" android:icon="@drawable/gift" android:label="@string/app_name" android:debuggable="@bool/build_log">定义一个日志类public class Lol {public static final boolean ENABLE_LOG = true & MyApplication.sDebug;private static final boolean DEBUG = true & ENABLE_LOG;private static final boolean VERBOSE = true & ENABLE_LOG;private static final boolean TEMP = true & ENABLE_LOG;private static final boolean WARNING = true & ENABLE_LOG;private static final boolean INFO = true & ENABLE_LOG;private static final boolean ERROR = true & ENABLE_LOG;public static void obvious(String tag, String msg) { if (DEBUG) { msg = "********************************* " + msg + " *********************************"; Log.d(tag, msg); } }public static void d(String tag, String msg) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(tag, msg); }public static void d(boolean bool, String tag, String msg) { if (TEMP&bool) Log.d(tag, msg); }public static void i(String tag, String msg) { if (INFO) Log.i(tag, msg); }public static void e(String tag, String msg) { if (ERROR) Log.e(tag, msg); }public static void e(boolean bool, String tag, String msg) { if (TEMP&bool) Log.e(tag, msg); }public static void v(String tag, String msg) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(tag, msg); }public static void w(String tag, String msg) { if (WARNING) Log.w(tag, msg); }public static String getStackTraceString(Exception e) { return Log.getStackTraceString(e); }public static void w(String tag, String msg, Exception e) { if (WARNING) Log.w(tag, msg,e); }}



nice/glad/pleased to see/meet you的意

Glad to meet you和nice to meet you这两个句子表达的意思是一样的.看你喜欢说哪个句子就说哪一个,没有区别.但是在北美的话,nice to meet you用得比较多.但是你说nice to see you,这就不太正式了.好像一般初次见面没有这种说法,初次见面都是用meet you而不是see you.有一种说法是nice seeing you,是指两个认识的人重逢了之后,准备分别时,可以对对方这么说,nice seeing you,指的是很高兴见到了你.It is very nice to meet you, see you later.很高兴认识你们,再见。Pleased to meet you. I"m Geoff Snowdon. I haven"t seen you around before.很高兴认识你,我叫吉奥夫?斯诺登。我过去没有见过你呀。Oh, I"m pleased to see you back.啊!看到你们回来了,我真高兴。Bye Julia,Glad to meet you. See you Monday Karl.再见朱丽娅,很高兴见到你。星期一再见,卡尔。

the mongo class is deprecated,please use the mongoclient class 是什么意思

event returnvalue is deprecated please use the standard event preventde事件ReturnValue是过时的,请使用标准的事件preventde



我的华硕笔记本开机出现system has error,please restart your computer 是啥原因


decline by与decease by 有区别吗



decrease (渐渐地)减少reduce (人为的)减少decline (多用于经济方面,如:经济形势、股息的)下降

Please enter the verify code!什么意思


何为overall survival?disease free survival

The dust, no longer want to read, review, just know,


release 是释出,任何形式的emit 也是释出,但主要是放射出来的。。。

be released from quarantine是什么意思?

be released from quarantine从检疫期释放


release [re·lease || ru026a"lu026au02d0s]n. 释放, 解放; 赦免; 豁免; 发行, 发表v. 释放, 解放; 发射, 投掷; 放松, 松开; 豁免deliver [de·liv·er || du026a"lu026avu0259]v. 递送; 释放; 陈述; 投递; 传送; 送货; 履行, 实现

帮我看下这个句子:The hijackers refuse to yield to demands (to release the passengers)

不是这样写有啥好处...是必须这样写...因为句子到demands这里已经结束了. 后面括号里的就是个名词性质的补充解释说明.如果要用of的话,就把括号去掉就行了,release本身就可以是名词了.

Kiss me goodbye(最终幻想XII)的歌词?跪求~~please~

You say my love is all you need to see you through你曾说只要有我的爱你便别无所求But I konw these words are not quite true我却明白那并非是你真心的话语Here is the path you"re looking for这里有你一直找寻的道路An open door门扉轻启Leading the worlds you long to explore引领你去到你所向往的世界Go, If you must move on alone去吧倘若你必须独自流浪I"m gonna make it on my own我的旅程也将从此漫漫无际Kiss me good-bye, love"s memery与我轻吻道别,爱的记忆Follow your heart and find your destiny循着心的足迹找寻你的命运Don"t shed a tear, for love"s mortallty别再为爱的逝去滑落泪滴For you put the dream in my reallty我的生命中满是你梦想的痕迹As times goes by I know you"ll see this of me时光流去你将看清关于我的点点滴滴I loved enough to let you go free让你奔向自由正因为我如此深爱着你Go, I will give you wings to fly去吧,我将赋予你展翅高飞的羽翼Cast all your feare into the sky将恐惧丢弃于苍茫天际Kiss me good-bye, love is mystery与我轻吻道别,爱的神秘All of my life, I"ll hold you close to me我穷尽一生将你紧紧拥在怀里Don"t shed a tear, for love"s mortallty别再为爱的逝去滑落泪滴For you put the dream in my reallty我的生命中满是你梦想的痕迹Kiss me good"bye, love"s memory与我轻吻道别,爱的记忆You put the dream in my reallty你将梦想埋藏在我的真实岁月里

Please give me [ ] third chance Aa B the C a 和the都可以


I want to try again .Please give me ____ third chance again. A.a B.an C.the D./


祈使句please hands up 为什么hand加s 这里 hands 的词性是名词吗??是否有名词开头的祈使句??



increase的音标:英[u026anu02c8kriu02d0s , u02c8u026au014bkriu02d0s];美[u026anu02c8kriu02d0s , u02c8u026au014bkriu02d0s]。increase是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“增加;增多;增长”,作动词时意思是“增加;增大;提高;增强”。increase的基本意思是“增加,扩大”,可指由于自然繁殖导致数目的增加,也可指人为地增大体积,增加财富、工资、数量、力量、强度、速度、尺寸或权力、影响。increase既可用作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语;后接介词by时表示增加的具体数量;后接介词in时表示在某方面的增加;后接介词to时表示“增加到”;后接介词with时表示“随着什么增长”。increase的双语例句1、This year,we should have 10% increase.今年,我们应该会有10%的增长。2、Performance in many jobs depends on how much you know and how well you know it, both of which increase well into your 60s.你在许多工作中的表现都依赖于你对它了解的多少与深浅,这两者在你60多岁之前都会随你的年纪不断地增长。3、What if we increase price by 10%?如果我们增加价格10%,怎么办?

Please -----the chair red A.make B.buy C.paint D.take


Now that has changed as Mandiant, an American cyber-security firm, released a detailed 。。。。

这句话的上文应该说了一个现象或者事实, 这句话的now that has changed as,是一个转折,后面是说,美国网络安全公司Mandiant,二月19日公布了黑客活动的详细的报告。~~~~如若满意,望采纳~~~~~

Please ask me和ask me please 哪个更常用呀?

ask me ,please,更常用


please go to hell,明白了吧?让你去死的意思
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