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KBS 2012 Dream Concert有哪些艺人参加

boyfriend、a pink、exo-k、davichi、teen top、secret、Ailee、4minute、2am、mblaq、beast、kara、B1A4、RaNia、ZE:A、T-ara、sistar、少女时代-TTS、Infinite、2pm、东方神起 我是按照演出顺序写的,如果想单独看哪个组合的话,可以以这个顺序为参考哦~

2012年Dream Concert 有哪些组合参加


2011韩国dream concert的表演曲目顺序~

2011梦想演唱会1.u-kiss----03302.5dolls----like tihs like that3.eru----俗气幼稚4.IU---好日子5.rainbow---to me6.k.will----心跳7.after school -----shampoo8.金秀炫----dreaming9.金秀炫&裴秀智----Maybe 原唱是先艺的..10.t-ara---为什么这样做11.sercet---shy boy12.beast---fiction13.kara---lupin14.kara---jumping15.shinee---lucifer16.jewelry ---pass17.sistar---how dare you18.sistar19---ma boy19.徐仁国---broken20.G.NA----Black &White21.F.T.Island---- Hello Hello22.miss a---breathe23.金泰宇---回声24.F(X)---danger25.Flower-----Tears26.金泰宇 徐仁国 Eru Flower -----眼泪 + 火红的晚霞 27.4minute---镜子啊镜子28.2PM----I"ll Be Back29.东方神起-----MAXIMUM30.东方神起-----WHY(Keep Your Head Down)2011庆州梦想演唱会1. ZE:A : HEART FOR 22. A PINK : ubab0ub77cuc694( I Don"t Know) 3. Gil Hak Mi : moving on 4. 徐仁国 : shake it up5. secret :星光月光6. miss a :goodbye baby7. 金宝京 :Sick8. 4 minute:魔镜呀 魔镜9. 4 minute:hot issue10. se7en : digital bounce11. se7en : better together12. GD&TOP: oh yeah13. GD&TOP:high high14. T-ara : roly-poly15. T-ara: why 这样16. IU : 好日子17. IU : uc788uc796uc544-Feat. ub9c8ub9acuc624 (不是吗-feat. Mario) 18. SISTAR: so cool19. BAEST : uc22820. BEAST : fiction21. MBLAQ: mona lisa22. MBLAQ: OH YEAH23. SHINee :ring ding dong24. SHINee :lucifer25. 少女时代:说出愿望吧(remix)26. 少女时代:hoot27. 2pm : put your hands up28. 2pm :满分10中的10分29. TVXQ : MAXIMUM30. TVXQ : WHY31. 金建模:32. 金建模 :33. 全体大合唱:阿里郎

2009-Dream Concert

转 铭记-昌珉15周年“Dream Concert”,10月10日上岩最终确定 今年迎来了15周年的“2009 Dream Concert”。 “2009 Dream Concert”的公演日确定为10月10日将在首尔上岩世界杯体育场拉开期许的帷幕。 被冠以“爱的大韩民国2009 Dream Concert”标题而举行的此次公演,将预计准备像现有10代偶像和以青少年为中心的家族式表演,让大家一同享受彼此相互感应和交流的盛典会场。 在此期间,Dream Concert是以青少年们承载梦想和希望为宗旨,每年由7万多青少年参加的大型音乐,赋予了这样的地位。 此外,通过每年为青少年们下达一定强度和增强自豪感的可采纳性条款,率先促进爱、梦想、自强、克服逆境等健全的青少年文化培养。 特别是在已过去的2008 Dream Concert上,东方神起、SJ、SS501、Epik High、少女时代、MC梦、Jewelry、Wonder Girls、Maya(玛雅)、Buga Kingz、Beachigi(hiphop男子二人组)、Typhoon台风、神话等国内最高顶级歌手20支队伍演出,显示出了国内最高公演的精髓。 此次的2009 Dream Concert也将再出动以东方神起、Bigbang等为首的全体国内最高明星们。

如何能够得到2011 dream concert的门票?

到时候会在网上进行预售的啊 那歌时候可以买的

Dream Concert有哪些韩国艺人参加?

少女时代由于做人态度有问题 嘲笑sj 说仙后是蟑螂 嘲笑彗星哥哥 对前辈不敬等等被很多团的饭鄙视 所以DC的时候饭们就用静默抗议 而少女的饭们则用撕海报发泄 米秀没有单独唱的tonight 但是米秀吧有发布对唱小合集 如果要的话加我q 357904831 注明仙后 从一个半仙半妖的亲那里转来的 韩国女子九人组合————少女时代 它们是韩国大名鼎鼎的整容时代 它们是唯一一个ANTI(ANTI事只在韩国专门讨厌某个艺人的群体)比FAN还多的组合 它们是怎样对待对它们照顾有加的师兄东方神起 SUPER JUNIOR的 是怎样对待奇迹般的前辈神话 SES的 是怎样对待同时期出道为人谦虚有礼的WONDER GIRLS的 是怎样对待身边其他艺人的 敬请耐心看下去!! [神话] ~神话~ 节目"奇胜史"中,在需诱导对方回答"垃圾"时泰妍竟问对手认为神话是什么,不顾当时DongWan就在一旁参与录影. ~JunJin~ 某集少女时代担任广播"天方地轴"嘉宾时,她们一边看著JunJin新歌表演视频一边称他为Junstin Jinberlake并发出夸大的阵阵讪笑(所谓Junstin Jinberlake是网民为丑化JunJin,认为其抄袭模仿贾斯汀而造出来恶意曲解Junjin的别名).明知道这别名的涵义却还是一直讪笑甚至模仿,全然没有对资深前辈应有的尊重.且蒂芬妮在其"少年少女歌谣白书"节目中亦多次用此一恶意的别名称呼JunJin. ~彗星~ 节目"少年少女歌谣白书"中,蒂芬妮说出"彗星Ssi的声音像山羊一样"的话,还一再笑闹地模仿他唱歌的声音. 在神话特集时说出"你看申彗星的头"的话,直呼出道十年的资深前辈名讳而未用敬语称呼. ~玟雨~ 某次巧遇少女时代时玟雨开玩笑的向少女时代鞠躬问好,其中孝渊却只是站著接受而没有回礼,甚至还阻止了洁西卡向玟雨鞠躬问好. [SuperJunior] ~SuperJunior~ 广播"调高音量吧"中,徐贤提到对1辑不满之处表示"对专辑平面拍摄的假发不满,因为是SuperJunior-T来过倒的假发"未尊称其为前辈. 节目"少年少女歌谣白书"中,洁西卡.徐贤.蒂芬妮演唱的"哥哥真坏"进入排行榜,为此蒂芬妮说了"这首歌不是我们三人作为企划团体的歌而是少女时代的歌,泰妍的"如果"也不是企划的歌而是少女时代的歌.虽然因为SuperJunior前辈的缘故而被人看成是企划团体,但我们不是,我们少女时代是一体的." ~李特~ 节目"明星金钟"中,秀英说出练习生时期李特对所有女性练习生都照顾有加的言论致使新闻大肆报导而塑造了李特风流的负面形象,逼使李特在自己主持的广播里澄清并无此事,但伤害已然造成. 广播"天方地轴"中,当晟敏说到"李特Ssi也是这样啊"时,Sunny竟说"怎能拿李特(跟人家)比啊"表现出明显贬低李特的意味. 节目"少年少女歌谣白书"中,蒂芬妮直呼李特名字而未用敬语称呼. ~晟敏~ 广播"天方地轴"中,秀英称晟敏用原子笔刺她. ~强仁~ 广播"亲密朋友"中,泰妍说出错误情报时强仁出声纠正,然而泰妍却板著脸说自己是对的,逼得强仁只能尴尬道歉说"抱歉,我哪知道些什么".但歌迷事后求证证实强仁所说才是正确的. 广播"亲密朋友"某次介绍四次成语"朋友有信"的状况剧中,泰妍发生不雅失言却由强仁代为解释道歉,且泰妍从头到尾只是在一旁笑著附和几声,态度上毫无反省之意. 广播"亲密朋友"中工作团队为泰妍制作独唱单元,某次强仁在单元中唱歌被其纠正说"为什么强仁Ssi忽然唱起歌来?这是泰妍的Live时间" 广播"亲密朋友"中对强仁说"喂,说点什么来听听吧"忽略身为MC与后辈应有的基本礼仪. ~用语盗用~ 特别特别的李特(teuki-teuki-eteuki)->芬妮芬妮蒂芬妮 如宝石般耀眼的银赫->比宝石更耀眼的蒂芬妮 (刚出道时银赫很常在广播中自称是"比宝石更耀眼的银赫") E.L.F来了->火树来了 李特开始圭贤结束->泰妍开始徐贤结束 直到全世界都被染为宝蓝那天为止->直到全世界都被染为粉红那天为止 ~歌迷恶行~ 广播"亲密朋友"中只要强仁不慎碰到泰妍,少女时代歌迷便会传简讯辱骂强仁性侵是变态等,并曾对强仁作出"偷看泰妍胸口"的污蔑. 出言污辱东海的父母,又笑称其为孤儿. [S.E.S.] ~S.E.S.~ 在TalkBox节目中,允儿对S.E.S不礼貌的言行如下: "从小时候就一直是S.E.S.的歌迷,看著她们可爱明亮的形象总希望自己也能像那样,可不知不觉间(S.E.S.)也快三十岁了" 以??为题作打油诗时说了"说到妖精大家不都会想到S.E.S.吗?可时代似乎真的已经变了,现在的妖精是少女时代了" ~Shoo~ 在TalkBox节目中,允儿对Shoo不礼貌的言行如下: "小时候很常学S.E.S前辈,可唯独Shoo让人学不下去,因为(Shoo的)一切都显得太不自然了" [东方神起] ~东方神起~ 将东方神起汽球代表色珠光红说成了"蟑螂们" 节目"朴京琳的华丽的外出"中,被问到喜欢的歌手时洁西卡回答"是东方神起",未称呼其为前辈. ~在中~ 节目"朴京琳的华丽的外出"中,被问到东方神起中最喜欢的成员洁西卡回答"是英雄在中"直呼其名讳而未用敬语称呼. ~俊秀~ 节目"少年少女歌谣白书"中,蒂芬妮称俊秀为俊秀君,而君字是年长者对年少者的称谓. ~歌迷恶行~ 只因东方神起与少女时代合拍广告,少女时代的歌迷便串联在Naver搜寻网站上搜寻"东方神起性暴行"使此一恶意抹黑登上搜寻排行榜. [SS501] ~政玟~ 节目"少年少女歌谣白书"中,蒂芬妮说看著政玟的脸就觉得"生出了十本存摺,远远看到很可笑" 节目"少年少女歌谣白书"中,当谈到SS501时蒂芬妮开口说了"朴政玟Ssi吗?啊,妈啊妈啊,那家伙..."称谓拿捏时全无身为MC与后辈的意识. [Wonder Girs] ~Wonder Girs~ 不管在哪都要问观众说"喜欢少女时代还是喜欢Wonder Girs" 在Wonder Girs彩排的时候测试麦克风. [其他] *节目"少年少女歌谣白书"中,蒂芬妮嘲笑BigBang成员太阳(董英裴)的本名说"那是什么名字啊,又不是什么动影像(董英与动影韩语发音相同)" *节目"少年少女歌谣白书"中,蒂芬妮笑说god成员Denny An(安信源)的本名是"因为不洗澡所以不乾净舒爽的安信源(取谐音意)" *广播"亲密朋友"中,泰妍说Epik High的Tablo爱打电脑简直就跟御宅族没两样. *出席节目"音乐之岛"时,歌手Tei向允儿鞠躬问好,而允儿却像大牌艺人无视后辈般只是点个头就就座了. *节目"请允许吧"中,蒂芬妮贸然指称金智硕演唱英文歌曲时的发音全都不对,还重新演唱一遍让金智硕大感难堪. *节目"一日Cafe"中,少女时代嘲笑歌手epro闪烁的表演服,许多嘻笑言行透漏对该歌手的轻视,洁西卡还用手挡住摄影机拍摄. *节目"奇胜史"中,秀英对跟泰妍进行对决的男性艺人说出"难道你不怕18万大军(意指少女时代歌迷)吗?"如此挑衅而警告意味十足的字眼. *广播"天方地轴"中,对於少女时代失言风波所造成的Anti攻击现象,Sunny"嘱咐"Anti不要攻击她们歌迷,以嘱咐口吻告诫而非请求. *广播"天方地轴"中,Sunny说"我们国家"一词时错用带自谦自降意味的"我们"二字. *广播"天方地轴"中,当晟敏说为崇礼门烧毁感到心痛时,Sunny却说崇礼门是晟敏家的什么大门不成?对国人心中珍贵的历史遗迹不以为然. 而它们也在6.9的Dream Concert上得到应有的报应 因为它们的恶行 韩国六大粉丝团的联合攻击 集体关荧光棒灯牌等应援物以示愤慨 其中大名鼎鼎的JESSICA在未出道前就已臭名昭著 它为于东方神起成员在中传绯闻与其男友现SJ成员东海分手

KBS Dream Concert是什么类型演唱会 具体的~~

韩国当红歌手演唱团体的大拼盘演唱会,SuperJunior、少女时代、2PM、李孝利、SHINee、KARA、Miss A、F(x)、Beast、T-ara、4minute、U-kiss、After School等。展示韩国文化生活的平台。

Dream concert是什么


River of Dreams 翻译


River Of Dreams 歌词

歌曲名:River Of Dreams歌手:Bryan Savage专辑:Soul TemptationWoo... Woo...Ah... Ah...Woo... Woo...Ah... Ah...In the middle of the nightI go walking in my sleepFrom the mountains of faithTo a river so deepI must be looking for somethingSomething sacred I lostBut the river is wideAnd it"s too hard to crossAnd even though I know the river is wideI walk down every evening and I stand on the shoreAnd try to cross to the opposite sideSo I can finally find out what I"ve been looking forIn the middle of the nightI go walking in my sleepThrough the valley of fearTo a river so deepAnd I"ve been searching for somethingTaken out of my soulSomething I would never loseSomething somebody stoleI don"t know why I go walking at nightBut now I"m tired and I don"t want to walk anymoreI hope it doesn"t take the rest of my lifeUntil I find what it is that I"ve been looking forIn the middle of the nightI go walking in my sleepThrough the jungle of doubtTo a river so deepI know I"m searching for somethingSomething so undefinedThat it can only be seenBy the eyes of the blindIn the middle of the nightWoo... Woo...I"m not sure about a life after thisGod knows I"ve never been a spiritual manBaptized by the fire, I wade into the riverIn the middle of the nightI go walking in my sleepThough the desert of truthTo the river so deepWe all end in the oceanWe all start in the streamsWe"re all carried alongBy the river of dreamsIn the middle of the night......http://music.baidu.com/song/2963043

River Of Dreams 歌词

歌曲名:River Of Dreams歌手:Claire Lynch专辑:New DayWoo... Woo...Ah... Ah...Woo... Woo...Ah... Ah...In the middle of the nightI go walking in my sleepFrom the mountains of faithTo a river so deepI must be looking for somethingSomething sacred I lostBut the river is wideAnd it"s too hard to crossAnd even though I know the river is wideI walk down every evening and I stand on the shoreAnd try to cross to the opposite sideSo I can finally find out what I"ve been looking forIn the middle of the nightI go walking in my sleepThrough the valley of fearTo a river so deepAnd I"ve been searching for somethingTaken out of my soulSomething I would never loseSomething somebody stoleI don"t know why I go walking at nightBut now I"m tired and I don"t want to walk anymoreI hope it doesn"t take the rest of my lifeUntil I find what it is that I"ve been looking forIn the middle of the nightI go walking in my sleepThrough the jungle of doubtTo a river so deepI know I"m searching for somethingSomething so undefinedThat it can only be seenBy the eyes of the blindIn the middle of the nightWoo... Woo...I"m not sure about a life after thisGod knows I"ve never been a spiritual manBaptized by the fire, I wade into the riverIn the middle of the nightI go walking in my sleepThough the desert of truthTo the river so deepWe all end in the oceanWe all start in the streamsWe"re all carried alongBy the river of dreamsIn the middle of the night......http://music.baidu.com/song/9413233

River Of Dreams 梦河 歌词

歌曲名:River Of Dreams 梦河歌手:Bandari专辑:MistylandWoo... Woo...Ah... Ah...Woo... Woo...Ah... Ah...In the middle of the nightI go walking in my sleepFrom the mountains of faithTo a river so deepI must be looking for somethingSomething sacred I lostBut the river is wideAnd it"s too hard to crossAnd even though I know the river is wideI walk down every evening and I stand on the shoreAnd try to cross to the opposite sideSo I can finally find out what I"ve been looking forIn the middle of the nightI go walking in my sleepThrough the valley of fearTo a river so deepAnd I"ve been searching for somethingTaken out of my soulSomething I would never loseSomething somebody stoleI don"t know why I go walking at nightBut now I"m tired and I don"t want to walk anymoreI hope it doesn"t take the rest of my lifeUntil I find what it is that I"ve been looking forIn the middle of the nightI go walking in my sleepThrough the jungle of doubtTo a river so deepI know I"m searching for somethingSomething so undefinedThat it can only be seenBy the eyes of the blindIn the middle of the nightWoo... Woo...I"m not sure about a life after thisGod knows I"ve never been a spiritual manBaptized by the fire, I wade into the riverIn the middle of the nightI go walking in my sleepThough the desert of truthTo the river so deepWe all end in the oceanWe all start in the streamsWe"re all carried alongBy the river of dreamsIn the middle of the night......http://music.baidu.com/song/1551303

dream river


中英文双语:《爱乐之城》之《做梦的愚人》La La Land - The Fools Who Dream

应女儿邀请,出差路过时和她在华盛顿一起看了一遍《爱乐之城》,回到上海又和儿子一起看了一遍。看完后,一家三口各有各的感动。 谢幕曲高潮奏起时那假想的片段让我热泪盈眶。我们的人生,有多少假设,多少失之交臂的情谊,多少梦想付诸流水。 我庆幸自己经过这么多年的沧桑磨难,依然有一颗感恩的心,依然可以像少女般纯真,依然可以固执地去爱,依然拥有值得追求的梦想。 依然可以为世间所有的真情感动,譬如这首歌。 敬请尽情欣赏,做梦的愚人! (这首歌是女主面试时演唱的,歌词内容与剧情无直接关系,倒是让我想起梅丽尔·斯特里普在金球奖时的获奖感言,表达出对艺术界人士的(付出和疯狂)的某种赞赏和敬仰。) 英文词: The Fools Who Dream My aunt used to live in Paris. I remember, she used to come home and tell us these stories about being abroad and I remember she told us that she jumped into the river once, barefoot.She smiled... Leapt, without looking And tumbled into the Seine The water was freezing She spent a month sneezing But said she would do it againHere"s to the ones who dream Foolish as they may seem Here"s to the hearts that ache Here"s to the mess we makeShe captured a feeling Sky with no ceiling The sunset inside a frameShe lived in her liquor And died with a flicker I"ll always remember the flameHere"s to the ones who dream Foolish as they may seem Here"s to the hearts that ache Here"s to the mess we makeShe told me: "A bit of madness is key To give us new colors to see Who knows where it will lead us? And that"s why they need us"So bring on the rebels The ripples from pebbles The painters, and poets, and playsAnd here"s to the fools who dream Crazy as they may seem Here"s to the hearts that break Here"s to the mess we makeI trace it all back to then Her, and the snow, and the Seine Smiling through it She said she"d do it again中文翻译: 做梦的愚人 我的姑姑曾经住在巴黎。我记得,她以前回家告诉我们这些关于住在国外的故事,我记得她告诉我们,有一次她跳进河里,赤着脚。她笑着... 往下一跳,不看左右 踉跄跌入,那塞纳河里 水是冰的 她花了一个月打喷嚏 但她说,(若重来)她会再做的在此祝福那些做梦的愚人尽管他们看起来也许疯 在此祝福那些疼痛的心 祝福我们造成的窘境她捕获了那感觉 没有天花板的天空和那画框里的日落她在她的酒精里生存在闪烁中灭亡 我将记得那火焰的永恒在此祝福那些做梦的愚人 尽管他们看起来也许疯 在此祝福那些疼痛的心 祝福我们造成的窘境她和我说: “有点疯狂是关键 给我们看到新的颜色 谁知道它会带我们去哪里? 正因如此,他们是需要我们的。”所以,让我们带上叛逆 那鹅卵石的波纹 画家,诗人和戏剧作品在此祝福那些做梦的愚人尽管他们看起来也许疯 在此祝福那些疼痛的心 祝福我们造成的窘境我追踪所有,回到那刻 她,和雪,和塞纳河 她一直微笑着,穿越 她说她会重来一遍。湘伟,翻译初稿,2017年2月26日(奥斯卡颁奖前夕),上海 英文歌词出自 AZ歌词网 AZLYRICS.COM 。



一篇英语作文,500词左右,主题:I and my dream 限时:2008-08-16

1.My Best Friend I have a lot of friends,and Tom is one of them.Tom is so conversable that any of my classmates want to make friends with him, myself included. Tom is good-looking.he has a short hair but long cilia,and he is a friendly student who never bicker with others,so he is very popular,too. In a word,Tom is a good student

有首歌,是女声唱的,基本都是音乐,挺DJ的,歌词很少,好想全是英文,最后一句是my dream


Dream A Little Dream 歌词

Dream A Little Dream Of Me "梦中有我" Stars shining bright above you 星星在你头顶明亮的闪烁 Night breezes seem to whisper 夜风似乎在轻柔的低语 "I love you" "我爱你" Birds singing in the sycamore tree 鸟儿在悬铃木上歌唱 "Dream A Little Dream Of Me" "梦中有我" Say "nightie-night" and kiss me 对我说晚安,然后再吻我 just hold me tight and tell me you miss me 紧紧的抱住我,告诉我你想我 While I"m alone and blue as can be 当我孤独忧伤的时候 Dream A Little Dream Of Me 梦中有我 Stars fading, but I linger on, dear 星星消逝,但亲爱的,我还在徘徊 Still craving your kiss 还是渴望你的吻 I"m longing to linger till dawn, my dear 我想徘徊到天黑,亲爱的 Just saying this 只是为了对你说这些 Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you 美美地做梦吧知道天亮 Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you美梦能让你抛弃所有烦恼 But in your dreams whatever they be 不管你的梦中有什么东西 Dream A Little Dream Of Me 梦中有我

have a sweet dreams 不用单数?

have a sweet dream 要用单数! 用复数的话,应该是这样:have sweet dreams

beyonce的sweet dreams的中文歌词 网上有一个中文版本 我觉得翻译得不是很好。。有哪位能翻译一下吗?


sweet dreams 是哪部电影的主题曲



碧昂丝sweet dreams歌词。

(打开灯)每晚我奔向我的床希望这也许我将会有机会见到你当我闭上我的眼睛我打算出的一个童话中我已经迷失可以你牵我的手,我的指南云充满星星包括你的天空我希望下雨你是完美的催眠曲什么那种的梦想是这是? 您可以是一个美梦或一个美丽的恶梦任何一种方式我,不要想从醒来你甜甜的梦或一个美丽的恶梦有人夹我,你的爱的太好要真实我不会不在哪里我有罪游乐只要你在这里的孩子我将会漂浮爱空气原因你是我您可以是一个美梦或一个美丽的恶梦任何一种方式我,不想叫醒你当我说我的祈祷,我提到了你我包装你周围所有我的想法男孩,你是我临时的高我希望当我醒来时你是有要为真正包装你身边的怀抱告诉我你会在身边云充满星星包括你的天空我希望下雨你是完美的催眠曲这是什么那种的梦您可以是一个美梦或一个美丽的恶梦任何一种方式我,不要想从醒来你甜甜的梦或一个美丽的恶梦有人夹我,你的爱的太好要真实我有罪欢乐,我不会没有的位置只要你在这里的孩子我将会浮空气原因你是我您可以是一个美梦或一个美丽的恶梦任何一种方式我,不要想从醒来你在我的心纹身你的名字因此将仍然保留不甚至死亡可以使我们部分这是梦的甚么?您可以是一个美梦或一个美丽的恶梦任何一种方式我,不要想从醒来你甜甜的梦或一个美丽的恶梦有人夹我,你的爱的太好要真实我不会不在哪里我有罪游乐只要你在这里的孩子我将会浮空气原因你是我,您可以是一个美梦或一个美丽的恶梦任何一种方式我,我,不想叫醒你

good night reira sweet dreams什么意思

good night sweet dreams晚安祝你做好梦!reira 有这个单词吗?

找一部电影,片头是一首歌叫做Sweet dreams.欧美电影


sweet dreams要表达什么啊


Sweet Dreams (Of You) 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Dreams (Of You)歌手:Patsy Cline专辑:Sweet Dreams: Her Complete Decca Masters (1960-1963)H.I.T-5Sweet Dream杨帆:I wanna a sweet dream with you now爱原来如此奇妙风轻轻拂过天 热闹的海边被大家围着的你 那么自然我却红了脸郭子渝:假装要躲很远 假装看不见忍不住偷偷看你 却说不出简单的喜欢合:每天都上演 同样的画面段黄巍:最喜欢坐着和你聊天肩并肩合:是否有交点 还是平行线高宇:是否该假装我们有明天合:everytime you come 只想跟你一起唱郭子渝:爱的和弦停在这幸福乐章合:everyday I want 牵着你手看夕阳段黄巍:爱就在 目光交汇的方向I wanna a sweet dream with you now董玉峰:香草味的阳光 洒在我身旁每次你靠近一点 都像给我最甜美的糖高宇:白天思念好忙 梦里也会欣赏就像在童话书上 你微笑的靠在我肩膀合:每天都上演 同样的情节段黄巍:听你的专属铃声就会笑出来合:不是平行线 一定有交点郭子渝:那就是我们存在的明天合:everytime you come 只想跟你一起唱高宇:爱的和弦停在这幸福乐章合:everyday I want 牵着你手看夕阳段黄巍:爱就在 目光交汇的方向I wanna a sweet dream with you now不知道 爱 原来像黑森林蛋糕 味道如此美妙我想藏起你的好 怕你转身走掉自私的 抓住你的每个转眼和微笑多分给我一点依赖好不好疼你的愿望就不会在夜里睡不着冬天的寂寞烦恼 夏天的无奈煎熬你在这里 一切都被涂上甜蜜的味道everytime you come 香草味的阳光只想跟你一起唱爱的和弦停在某个幸福乐章给我最甜美的蜜糖everyday I want 牵着你手看夕阳爱就在 目光交汇的方向I wanna a sweet dream with you noweverytime you come只想跟你一起唱爱的和弦停在这幸福乐章everyday I want (害羞~模样~)牵着你手看夕阳爱就在 目光交汇的方向I wanna a sweet dream with you nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/691451

Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)歌手:Marilyn Manson专辑:Lest We Forget (The Best Of)Sweet dreams are made of thisWho am I to disagree?Travel the world and the seven seasEverybody"s looking for somethingSome of them want to use youSome of them want to get used by youSome of them want to abuse youSome of them want to be abusedSweet dreams are made of thisWho am I to disagree?Travel the world and the seven seasEverybody"s looking for somethingSome of them want to use youSome of them want to get used by youSome of them want to abuse youSome of them want to be abusedI wanna use you and abuse youI wanna know what"s inside you(Whispering) Hold your head up, movin" onHold your head up, movin" onKeep your head up, movin" onHold your head up, movin" onMovin" on!Sweet dreams are made of thisWho am I to disagree?Travel the world and the seven seasEverybody"s looking for somethingSome of them want to use youSome of them want to get used by youSome of them want to abuse youSome of them want to be abusedI"m gonna use you and abuse youI"m gonna know what"s insideGonna use you and abuse youI"m gonna know what"s inside youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8269389

Sweet Dreams 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Dreams歌手:Jewel专辑:LullabyJewel - Sweet DreamsTitle: LullabyThe shadows are waltzingThe moon beams are callingLike a dream I am falling intoSilver threads lined with dewTwinkling stars seem to shine just for youBehind your eyesAre endless blue skiesYou travel places i want to come, tooEach breath that you breatheIs a brush stroke that leads me to youSo sleepFall into night"s indigo hueBelieve me, its trueTheres nothing that I would not doFor my dream is sweet dreams for youIt seems far awayBut there once was a dayIt was grey in a world without youTo this heart like a dove from aboveThe miracle of your love found meSo sleepFall into night"s indigo hueBelieve me, its trueThere"s nothing that I would not doFor my dream is sweet dreams for youSo hush you byeAnd don"t you crySweetly dream, little babyYes, sleepLose yourself in night"s indigo hueBelieve me, its trueThere is nothing that I would not doFor my dream is sweet dreamsYes, my dream is sweet dreams for youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2178506

sweet dreams 求这首歌的翻译,不要用软件直译的


Sweet Dreams 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Dreams歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: Nashville, Tn - November 12, 2007TORI AMOS"Sweet Dreams"by sississWho"s your daddyAha..Come along now"Lie, lie, lies everywhere," said the father to the sonYour peppermint breath gonna choke "em to death,Daddy watch your little black sheep runHe got a knives in his back ev"ry time he opens upYou say, "he got be strong if he wanna be a man"Mister i don"t know how you can haveSweet dreams, sweet dreamsWho"s your daddyLand, land of liberty We"re run by a constipated manWhen you live in the pastYou refuse to seewhen your Daughter come home nine months pregnantWith five billion points of lightGonna shine "em on the face of your friendsThey got the earth in a slingThey got world on her kneesThey even got your zipper between their teethSweet dreams, sweet dreamsYou say, you say, you say that you have "emI say that you"re a liarSweet dreams, sweet dreamsGo on, go on, go on and dreamYour house is on fireCome along nowAha..You say, you say, you say that you have "emI say that you"re a liarSweet dreams, sweet dreamsGo on, go on, go on and dreamYour house is on fireCome along nowWho"s your daddyWell, well, summer wind been catching up with me"elephant mind, missy you don"t haveYou forgettin" to fly,Darlin", when you sleep"I got a hazy, lazy susanTakin turns all over my dreamsI got lizards and snakes runnin" through my body.Funny how they all have my faceSweet dreams, sweet dreamshttp://music.baidu.com/song/7895325

Sweet Dreams 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Dreams歌手:Air Supply专辑:Love Songs(Original RecordingThis is the time when you need a friendYou just need someone nearI"m not looking forward to the night I"ll spendThinking of you when you"re not hereHow many times will I think about the thingsI"d like to doAlways denied the right to live my life the way I wantI want to share it with youClose your eyes I want to ride the skiesIn my sweet dreamsClose your eyes I want to see you tonightIn my sweet dreamsI"ll think of your kiss as the days roll byAnd I"ll write the words you loveAnd what I can"t say in a letterWill just have to wait till I get homeThere"s not much time to tell you half the things that I shouldOnly that I"m so glad I fell in love with youAnd I"d do it again if I couldClose your eyes I want to ride the skiesIn my sweet dreamsClose your eyes I want to see you tonightIn my sweet dreamsClose your eyes I want to ride the skiesIn my sweet dreamsClose your eyes I want to see you tonightIn my sweet dreamsSleep like a child resting deepYou don"t know what you give me I keepFor these moments aloneClose your eyes I want to ride the skiesIn my sweet dreamsClose your eyes I want to see you tonightIn my sweet dreamsClose your eyes I want to ride the skiesIn my sweet dreamsClose your eyes I want to see you tonightIn my sweet dreamsClose your eyes I want to ride the skiesIn my sweet dreamsClose your eyes I want to see you tonightIn my sweet dreamshttp://music.baidu.com/song/2145796

Sweet Dreams 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Dreams歌手:Air Supply专辑:Forever Love: 36 Greatest Hits 1980-2001This is the time when you need a friendYou just need someone nearI"m not looking forward to the night I"ll spendThinking of you when you"re not hereHow many times will I think about the thingsI"d like to doAlways denied the right to live my life the way I wantI want to share it with youClose your eyes I want to ride the skiesIn my sweet dreamsClose your eyes I want to see you tonightIn my sweet dreamsI"ll think of your kiss as the days roll byAnd I"ll write the words you loveAnd what I can"t say in a letterWill just have to wait till I get homeThere"s not much time to tell you half the things that I shouldOnly that I"m so glad I fell in love with youAnd I"d do it again if I couldClose your eyes I want to ride the skiesIn my sweet dreamsClose your eyes I want to see you tonightIn my sweet dreamsClose your eyes I want to ride the skiesIn my sweet dreamsClose your eyes I want to see you tonightIn my sweet dreamsSleep like a child resting deepYou don"t know what you give me I keepFor these moments aloneClose your eyes I want to ride the skiesIn my sweet dreamsClose your eyes I want to see you tonightIn my sweet dreamsClose your eyes I want to ride the skiesIn my sweet dreamsClose your eyes I want to see you tonightIn my sweet dreamsClose your eyes I want to ride the skiesIn my sweet dreamsClose your eyes I want to see you tonightIn my sweet dreamshttp://music.baidu.com/song/52889074

求玛丽莲曼森sweet dreams这首歌的中文意思

Sweet dreams are made of this 甜美的梦由这些组成Who am I to disagree? 谁的看法和我一致?Travel the world and the seven seas 环游世界Everybody"s looking for something 每个人都在寻找什么Some of them want to use you 有些人想利用你Some of them want to get used by you 有些人想被你利用Some of them want to abuse you 有些人想随意差遣你Some of them want to be abused 有些人想被你随意差遣*Sweet dreams are made of this 甜美的梦由这些组成Who am I to disagree? 谁的看法和我一致?ravel the world and the seven seas 环游世界Everybody"s looking for something 每个人都在寻找什么Some of them want to use you 有些人想利用你Some of them want to get used by you 有些人想被你利用Some of them want to abuse you 有些人想随意差遣你Some of them want to be abused 有些人想被你随意差遣I wanna use you and abuse you 我想利用你, 也想随意差遣你I wanna know what"s inside you 我想知道你心里一切(Whispering) Hold your head up, movin" on 把你捧在手中, 继续前进 *repeat*I"m gonna use you and abuse you 我想利用你, 也想随意差遣你I"m gonna know what"s inside 我就会知道那是怎么样的Gonna use you and abuse you 我会利用你, 也会随意差遣你I"m gonna know what"s inside you 我会了解你的心

Sweet Dreams 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Dreams歌手:Beyonce专辑:Ego/Sweet Dreams Singles & Dance MixesBeyoncé - Sweet Dreams(Turn The Lights On)Every night I rush to my bedwith hopes that maybe I"ll get a chance to see youwhen i close my eyesi"m goin outta my headlost in a fairytalecan you hold my hands and be my guideclouds filled with stars cover your skiesand i hope it rainsyou"re the perfect lullabywhat kinda dream am is thisyou can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmareeither way i, don"t wanna wake up from yousweet dream or a beautiful nightmaresomebody pinch me, your loves to good to be truemy guilty pleasure i ain"t goin no wherebaby long as you"re herei"ll be floating on air cause you"re myyou can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmareeither way i, don"t wanna wake up from youi mention you when i say my prayersi wrap you around around all of my thoughtsboy you my temporary highi wish that when i wake up you"re thereso wrap your arms around me for realand tell me you"ll stay by sideclouds filled with stars cover your skiesand i hope it rainsyou"re the perfect lullabywhat kinda dream am is thisyou can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmareeither way i, don"t wanna wake up from yousweet dream or a beautiful nightmaresomebody pinch me, your loves to good to be truemy guilty pleasure i ain"t goin no wherebaby long as you"re herei"ll be floating on air cause you"re myyou can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmareeither way i, don"t wanna wake up from youtattoo your name across my heartso it will remainnot even death can make us partwhat kind of dream is this?!you can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmareeither way i, don"t wanna wake up from yousweet dream or a beautiful nightmaresomebody pinch me, your loves to good to be truemy guilty pleasure i ain"t goin no wherebaby long as you"re herei"ll be floating on air cause you"re myyou can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmareeither way i, don"t wanna wake up from youeither way i, don"t wanna wake up from youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8696367

Sweet Dreams这首歌的歌词

Sweet dreams are made of this 这是甜蜜的梦 Who am I to disagree 我该否认谁 Travel the world and the seven seas 在世界和七大洋上旅行 Everybody"s looking for something 每个人都在寻找 Some of them want to use you 有些人想利用你 Some of them want to get used by you 有些人想被你利用 Some of them want to abuse you 有些人想骂你 Some of them want to be abused 有些人想被骂 Sweet dreams are made of this 这就是甜蜜的梦 Who am I to disagree? 我该否认谁 Travel the world and the seven seas 在世界和七大洋上旅行 Everybody"s looking for something 每个人都在寻找 Some of them want to use you 有些人想利用你 Some of them want to get used by you 有些人想被你利用 Some of them want to abuse you 有些人想虐待你 Some of them want to be abused 有些人想被虐待 I wanna use you and abuse you 我想虐待你 I wanna know what"s inside you 我想知道你的内心 (Whispering) Hold your head up, movin" on ( 喃喃)抬起你的头,往前 Hold your head up, movin" on 抬起你的头,往前 Keep your head up, movin" on 一直昂着你的头,往前 Keep your head up, movin" on 一直昂着你的头,往前 Hold your head up, movin" on 抬起你的头,往前 Movin" on! 往前 Keep your head up, movin" on 一直昂着你的头,往前 Sweet dreams are made of this (以下同上) Who am I to disagree? Travel the world and the seven seas Everybody"s looking for something Some of them want to use you Some of them want to get used by you Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused I"m gonna use you and abuse you Gonna use you and abuse you I"m gonna know what"s inside you

老外说sweet dreams,我回什么?转业答

nighty night

sweet dreams的音标

[swi:t dri:mθ] 顺便说明一下 这个词连读的时候 sweet的t 不发音 因为与后面的d 都为爆发音

Sweet Dreams乐队的资料

Sweet Dreams乐队 - 不在线 微笑 Sweet Dreams 终极乐曲 即将超越极限 2月18日 12:47 | 评论(0)| 心路历程 基本资料 昵  称: Sweet Dreams乐队 最近8天的礼物 0 0 0 0 0当前魅力值 0 当前同城排名 需要重新激活后才能进入排行 性  别: 男 故  乡: 广东省 深圳市 龙岗区 坪山街道 现居住地: 广东省 深圳市 龙岗区 坪山街道 自我介绍: Sweet Dreams乐队 将超越极限 加入的圈子: “嘲”流1"猪"90后的调调 个人信息 学  历 : 中 学 职  业 : 在校学生 - 在校学生 专长技能 : 摇滚音乐 血  型 : B 型 身  高 : 151-160 CM 体  重 : 51-60KG 相  貌 : 中等水平 体  型 : 匀称 日常打扮 : 时尚 是否吸烟 : 反感吸烟 是否饮酒 : 滴酒不沾 性格特点 : 内向, 乐天达观, 热心助人, 善解人意 兴趣爱好 : 音乐, 上网 喜欢的颜色: 红色, 白色 喜欢的季节: 夏天 喜欢的运动: 篮球, 溜冰 喜欢的菜式: 日本料理 喜欢的饮料: 牛奶, 可乐, 自己调制 喜欢的音乐: 流行音乐, 摇滚/重金属 喜欢的电影: 音乐片, 喜剧片 个人经历 联系方式

Marilyn Manson 的Sweet Dreams 歌词的中文翻译

甜的梦由这组成我是谁不同意? 旅行世界和这七海洋每个人找寻某事他们其中的一些想要使用你他们其中的一些想要拿二手的被你他们其中的一些想要虐待你他们其中的一些想要被虐待甜的梦由这组成我是谁不同意? 旅行世界和这七海洋每个人找寻某事他们其中的一些想要使用你他们其中的一些想要拿二手的被你他们其中的一些想要虐待你他们其中的一些想要被虐待我想要使用你而且虐待你我想要知道什么在里面你(耳语) 支撑你的头增加, movin" 在支撑你的头增加, movin" 在让你的头继续下去 , movin" 在支撑你的头增加, movin" 在Movin" 在!之上

帮忙翻译首歌曲...Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams 甜蜜的梦Sweet dreams are made of this 甜蜜的梦由这些组成Who am I to disagree? 那个和我争吵的是谁?Travel the world and the seven seas 行遍五湖四海Everybody"s looking for something 每个人都在寻找.Some of them want to use you 有的人想利用你Some of them want to get used by you 有的人想为你所用Some of them want to abuse you 有的人想虐待你Some of them want to be abused 有的人想被虐待I wanna use you and abuse you 我想利用你,虐待你I wanna know what"s inside you 我想了解你的内心(Whispering) Hold your head up, movin" on (细语)抬起头,继续前进Hold your head up, movin" on抬起头,继续前进Keep your head up, movin" on抬起头,继续前进Keep your head up, movin" on抬起头,继续前进Hold your head up, movin" on抬起头,继续前进Movin" on! 继续前进随便翻的,可能不是太准。感觉歌词很特别啊

谁知道Marilyn Manson的 sweet dreams(甜梦)的歌词写的是什么意思?急求?写了!


求Lisa Miskovsky唱的歌曲sweet dreams的中文歌词

Sweet dreams are made of this 甜美的梦是由这些制造 Who am I to disagree? 我不得不同意 Travel the world and the seven seas 扫视全世界 Everybody"s looking for something 每个人都在期待一些东西 Some of them want to use you 有些人想利用你 Some of them want to get used by you 有些人则被你利用 Some of them want to abuse you 有些人想伤害你 Some of them want to be abused 有些人则被你伤害 Sweet dreams are made of this 甜美的梦由这些制作 Who am I to disagree? 我不得不同意 Travel the world and the seven seas 扫视全世界 Everybody"s looking for something 每个人都在期待一些东西 Some of them want to use you 有些人想利用你 Some of them want to get used by you 有些人则被你利用 Some of them want to abuse you 有些人想伤害你 Some of them want to be abused 有些人则被你伤害 I wanna use you and abuse you 我想利用和伤害你 I wanna know what"s inside you 我想知道你的内心想法 (Whispering) Hold your head up, movin" on (低语)抬起你的头,继续前进 Keep your head up, movin" on 保持高昂的头,继续前进 Hold your head up, movin" on 抬起你的头,继续前进 Keep your head up, movin" on 保持高昂的头,继续前进 Hold your head up, movin" on 抬起你的头,继续前进 Keep your head up, movin" on 保持高昂的头,继续前进 Movin" on! 前进! Sweet dreams are made of this 甜美的梦由这些制造 Who am I to disagree? 我不得不同意 Travel the world and the seven seas 扫视全世界 Everybody"s looking for something 每个人都在期待一些东西 Some of them want to use you 有些人想利用你 Some of them want to get used by you 有些人则被你利用 Some of them want to abuse you 有些人想伤害你 Some of them want to be abused 有些人则被你伤害 I"m gonna use you and abuse you 我去利用和伤害你 I"m gonna know what"s inside 我去探求你的内心想法 Gonna use you and abuse you 我去利用和伤害你 I"m gonna know what"s inside you 我去探求你的内心想法

good night 与 sweet dreams 的区别?


翻译歌词《Sweet Dreams》- Marilyn Manson

Who am I to disagree我该否认谁

good night 与 sweet dreams 的区别?


sweet dreams要表达什么啊


碧昂斯的Sweet Dreams的中文歌词

beyonce - sweet dreamslrc by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang(turn the lights on)every night i rush to my bedwith hopes that maybe i"ll get a chance to see youwhen i close my eyesi"m going out of my headlost in a fairytalecan you hold my hands and be my guideclouds filled with stars cover your skiesand i hope it rainsyou"re the perfect lullabywhat kinda dream am is this?you could be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmareeither way i, don"t wanna wake up from yousweet dream or a beautiful nightmaresomebody pinch me, your love"s too good to be truemy guilty pleasure i ain"t going no wherebaby long as you"re herei"ll be floating on air cause you"re myyou can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmareeither way i, don"t wanna wake up from youi mention you when i say my prayersi wrap you around around all of my thoughtsboy you"re my temporary highi wish that when i wake up you"re thereto wrap your arms around me for realand tell me you"ll stay by sideclouds filled with stars cover your skiesand i hope it rainsyou"re the perfect lullabywhat kinda dream is thisyou can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmareeither way i, don"t wanna wake up from yousweet dream or a beautiful nightmaresomebody pinch me, your love"s too good to be truemy guilty pleasure i ain"t going no where,baby long as you"re herei"ll be floating on air cause you"re myyou can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmareeither way i, don"t wanna wake up from youtattoo your name across my heartso it will remainnot even death can make us partwhat kind of dream is this?you can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmareeither way i, don"t wanna wake up from yousweet dream or a beautiful nightmaresomebody pinch me, your love"s too good to be truemy guilty pleasure i ain"t going no wherebaby long as you"re herei"ll be floating on air cause you"re my,you can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmareeither way i, don"t wanna wake up from you 打开灯)每晚我奔向我的床希望这也许我将会有机会见到你当我闭上我的眼睛我打算出的一个童话中我已经迷失可以你牵我的手,我的指南云充满星星包括你的天空我希望下雨你是完美的催眠曲什么那种的梦想是这是? 您可以是一个美梦或一个美丽的恶梦任何一种方式我,不要想从醒来你甜甜的梦或一个美丽的恶梦有人夹我,你的爱的太好要真实我不会不在哪里我有罪游乐只要你在这里的孩子我将会漂浮爱空气原因你是我您可以是一个美梦或一个美丽的恶梦任何一种方式我,不想叫醒你当我说我的祈祷,我提到了你我包装你周围所有我的想法男孩,你是我临时的高我希望当我醒来时你是有要为真正包装你身边的怀抱告诉我你会在身边云充满星星包括你的天空我希望下雨你是完美的催眠曲这是什么那种的梦您可以是一个美梦或一个美丽的恶梦任何一种方式我,不要想从醒来你甜甜的梦或一个美丽的恶梦有人夹我,你的爱的太好要真实我有罪欢乐,我不会没有的位置只要你在这里的孩子我将会浮空气原因你是我您可以是一个美梦或一个美丽的恶梦任何一种方式我,不要想从醒来你在我的心纹身你的名字因此将仍然保留不甚至死亡可以使我们部分这是梦的甚么?您可以是一个美梦或一个美丽的恶梦任何一种方式我,不要想从醒来你甜甜的梦或一个美丽的恶梦有人夹我,你的爱的太好要真实我不会不在哪里我有罪游乐只要你在这里的孩子我将会浮空气原因你是我,您可以是一个美梦或一个美丽的恶梦任何一种方式我,我,不想叫醒你

Sweet Dreams这首歌的中文歌词

Sweet dreams are made of this 这是甜蜜的梦 Who am I to disagree 我该否认谁 Travel the world and the seven seas 在世界和七大洋上旅行 Everybody"s looking for something 每个人都在寻找 Some of them want to use you 有些人想利用你 Some of them want to get used by you 有些人想被你利用 Some of them want to abuse you 有些人想骂你 Some of them want to be abused 有些人想被骂 Sweet dreams are made of this 这就是甜蜜的梦 Who am I to disagree? 我该否认谁 Travel the world and the seven seas 在世界和七大洋上旅行 Everybody"s looking for something 每个人都在寻找 Some of them want to use you 有些人想利用你 Some of them want to get used by you 有些人想被你利用 Some of them want to abuse you 有些人想虐待你 Some of them want to be abused 有些人想被虐待 I wanna use you and abuse you 我想虐待你I wanna know what"s inside you 我想知道你的内心 (Whispering) Hold your head up, movin" on ( 喃喃)抬起你的头,往前 Hold your head up, movin" on 抬起你的头,往前 Keep your head up, movin" on 一直昂着你的头,往前 Keep your head up, movin" on 一直昂着你的头,往前 Hold your head up, movin" on 抬起你的头,往前 Movin" on! 往前 Keep your head up, movin" on 一直昂着你的头,往前 Sweet dreams are made of this (以下同上) Who am I to disagree? Travel the world and the seven seas Everybody"s looking for something Some of them want to use you Some of them want to get used by you Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused I"m gonna use you and abuse you Gonna use you and abuse you I"m gonna know what"s inside you ...

西野加奈《sweet dreams》罗马音歌词,要完整的

Yes! I have a dream Yes! You have a dream Yes! We have a dream Yes! You have a dream 映画みたいなロマンスの予感 (eiga mi ta i na romansu no yokan)闻こえてくるウェディングベル(kikoete ku ru u e dinguberu) ちょうど7时に鸣ったアラーム (cyo u do shi chi ji ni natta araamu)ahまた朝が来た(ma ta asa ga ki ta)今日の运势 “ここをクリック” (kyou no unsei "kokowokurikku")ラッキーカラーは pink&mint (rakkiikaraa wa )正直なとこ良いことだけを (syoujiki na to no yo i ko to da ke wo)信じていたい so I wish (shinnji te i ta i)本当にあったら良いのに (hontou ni atta ra yo i no ni)未来を写す镜も (mirai wo utsushi kagami mo)まだ発明されないなら (mada hatsumei sa re na i na ra)今こそまさにチャンスの时 (ima koso ma sa ni cyansu no toki)だから Sweet Dreams (dakara)Don"t worry Be happy 空见上げたら (sora miage tara)Free yourself and Free your mind 届きそうで (todoki sou de)Fly to the sky! We can catch the stars! 私を描いてく (watashi wo agai te ku)So everybody! Yes! I have a dream Yes! You have a dream Yes! We have a dream 何でもありそうな (nani demo a ri so u na)こんな时代だから Ah (kon na jidai dakara)今日も梦见る (kyou mo yume miru)ドラマみたいにヤバい展开 (dorama mi tai ni yabai tenkai)史上最悪 恋の危机 (shijo saiaku koi no kiki)ボタン一つで届く“サヨナラ” (bo tan hitotsu de todoku "sayonara")信じたくない It is real (shinji ta ku nai)梦だったら良かったのに(yume dattara yokatta no ni) 受け止められない今を (uke tome ra re na i ima wo)リセットできないから (risetto de ki na i ka ra)今こそまさにチャンスの时 (ima koso masani cyansu no toki)だから Sweet Dreams (dakara)Free yourself and Free your mind 届きそうで (todoki sou de)So everybody! Yes! I have a dream Yes! You have a dream Yes! We have a dream 何でもできそうな (nani demo a ri so u na)Oh oh… 夜が来るのは星が (yoru ga kuru no wa hoshi ga)辉くためShine on me (kagayaku tame)夜がまた明けるのは (yoru ga mata akeru no wa)新しい自分のために (atarashii jibun no ta me ni)だからSweet Dreams (dakara)届きそうで (todoki sou de)So everybody! Yes! I have a dream Yes! You have a dream Yes! We have a dream 何でもアリみたい (nani de mo a ri mi tai )こんな时代だから Ah (kon na jidai da ka ra)今日も梦见る (kyou mo yume miru)Oh oh…

sweet dreams要表达什么啊


sweet dreams是什么意思

sweet dreams [词典] 祝你做个好梦!(别人临睡前的祝福语); [例句]Come on! We have to wake up from our sweet dreams.嘿!我们该从美梦中醒来了!

sweet dreams是什么意思


Good night!Sweet dreams什么意思


“Sweet Dreams”是什么意思?

sweet dreams 甜美的梦(曲名);做个好梦(别人临睡前的祝福语);欣欣向荣(电影名)双语例句:1."Sweet dreams are made of this," sang Annie Lennox during her stint in the Eurythmics in the 1980s. “甜蜜的梦境由此而生”是安妮.伦诺克斯在1980年的艺术体操运动会期间唱的歌。2.But it still remains to be seen why so many young, ostensibly healthy people aremissing out on their sweet dreams. 然而,为何这么多表面上健康的年轻人却无法进入甜美的梦乡,这一点还有待于进一步去了解。3.There is a superstition that claims eating sweets before bedtime doesn"t give yousweet dreams, it gives you nightmares. 有一种迷信的说法,在睡觉前吃甜食不会给你带来甜蜜的梦,相反,你会做噩梦。

dreams on fire翻译


Ice Cream Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Ice Cream Girl歌手:Sean Kingston专辑:TomorrowSean Kingston Ft. Wyclef Jean - Ice Cream GirlGive me an ice creamGirl for the weekendKind of girl she built for any seasonFor the winter...for the fallEven in the summer...time is no fallYou wanna a ice creamGirl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and clean...you know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice creamMy rum raisin...she drunk in the clubOf cause she would not...she always moved itShe got a man...he"s always cheatingN her daddy left her when she was 18You"re number four and see a pearl and jewelryRide here ride her...she the life of the partyShe in that of the limosine...look like someone from a magazineShe such a beauty queen...got me spending all my creamGive me an ice creamGirl for the weekendKind of girl she built for any seasonFor the winter...for the fallEven in the summer...time is no fallYou wanna a ice creamGirl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and clean...you know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice creamOnce upon a time...lets go back to the sceneShe was a prom queen...n you were the prom kingPinky swear that you would never separateCause you was drafted for the nbaI used to worry about your best friendI dont trust nobody named frosty the snowmanFrosty oh where u at?Now ice cream man...He reminisced of the limosineLooked like something from a magazineShe such a beauty queenHad him spending all his creamGive me an ice cream meant for the weekendBody toned up reaady for the beach andYoung fresh and clean...you know what i meanEverybody knows the feen that loves the ice creamYou wanna a ice creamGirl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and clean...you know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice cream(Wyclef Jean sings)He reminisced of the limosineLooked like something from a magazineShe such a beauty queenHad him spending all his creamGive me an ice creamManl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and clean...you know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice creamYou wanna a ice creamGirl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and clean...you know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice creamGive me an ice creamGirl for the weekendKind of girl she built for any seasonFor the winter...for the fallEven in the summer...time is no fallYou wanna a ice creamGirl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and clean...you know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice creamhttp://music.baidu.com/song/436179

ice cream 译文!!!!


Ice Cream Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Ice Cream Girl歌手:Nature Insight专辑:Summer EquinoxSean Kingston Ft. Wyclef Jean - Ice Cream GirlGive me an ice creamGirl for the weekendKind of girl she built for any seasonFor the winter...for the fallEven in the summer...time is no fallYou wanna a ice creamGirl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and clean...you know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice creamMy rum raisin...she drunk in the clubOf cause she would not...she always moved itShe got a man...he"s always cheatingN her daddy left her when she was 18You"re number four and see a pearl and jewelryRide here ride her...she the life of the partyShe in that of the limosine...look like someone from a magazineShe such a beauty queen...got me spending all my creamGive me an ice creamGirl for the weekendKind of girl she built for any seasonFor the winter...for the fallEven in the summer...time is no fallYou wanna a ice creamGirl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and clean...you know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice creamOnce upon a time...lets go back to the sceneShe was a prom queen...n you were the prom kingPinky swear that you would never separateCause you was drafted for the nbaI used to worry about your best friendI dont trust nobody named frosty the snowmanFrosty oh where u at?Now ice cream man...He reminisced of the limosineLooked like something from a magazineShe such a beauty queenHad him spending all his creamGive me an ice cream meant for the weekendBody toned up reaady for the beach andYoung fresh and clean...you know what i meanEverybody knows the feen that loves the ice creamYou wanna a ice creamGirl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and clean...you know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice cream(Wyclef Jean sings)He reminisced of the limosineLooked like something from a magazineShe such a beauty queenHad him spending all his creamGive me an ice creamManl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and clean...you know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice creamYou wanna a ice creamGirl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and clean...you know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice creamGive me an ice creamGirl for the weekendKind of girl she built for any seasonFor the winter...for the fallEven in the summer...time is no fallYou wanna a ice creamGirl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and clean...you know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice creamhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15132249

...i know it ice-cream巧克力 ,一片片棉花糖女生唱的韩文歌曲的歌名是什么??

oh my pretty girl 屁股扭一扭要把你占有 国王就是我oh my party boy 屁股扭一扭记得要温柔 拱我当皇后国王皇后 各过各的生活国王皇后 各有各的tempo国王皇后 各玩各的花火国王皇后 今天终于碰头pretty girl pretty girl pretty girluh oh举起手party boy party boy party boyuh oh跟我走闪过一眼 陌生的甜 瞬间 让我失眠身体语言 让我倾斜 但愿 停格不变oh my pretty girl 屁股扭一扭要把你占有 国王就是我oh my party boy 屁股扭一扭记得要温柔 拱我当皇后K I N G 下达命令 黑桃红心 不要分心别怀疑 谁占便宜 我想要 创造双赢亲爱的queen 赶快靠近不要犹豫 it s u n me太偏心 你要小心 别担心 会很有趣国王皇后 总算碰到对手国王皇后 现在开始交手国王皇后 绕了一圈地球国王皇后 爱到无药可救pretty girl pretty girl pretty girluh oh牵我手party boy party boy party boyuh oh带我走爱的音符 正在起舞 oh love 升空幸福四个脚步 用心纪录 oh yeah 把你征服oh my pretty girl 屁股扭一扭要把你占有 国王就是我oh my party boy 屁股扭一扭记得要温柔 拱我当皇后

如何理解Dream It Possible中的这一句歌词

Dream It Possible-DelaceyI will run, I will climb, I will soarI"m undefeatedJumpiing out of my skin, pull the chordYeah I believe itThe past, is everything we were don"t make us who we areSo I"ll dream, until I make it real, and all I see is starsIts not until you fall that you flyWhen your dreams come alive you"re unstoppableTake a shot, chase the sun, find the beautifulWe will glow in the dark turning dust to goldAnd we"ll dream it possible possibleAnd we"ll dream it possibleI will chase, I will reach, I will flyUntil I"m breaking, until I"m breakingOut of my cage, like a bird in the nightI know I"m changing, I know I"m changingIn, into something big, better than beforeAnd if it takes, takes a thousand livesThen it"s worth fighting forIts not until you fall that you flyWhen your dreams come alive you"re unstoppableTake a shot, chase the sun, find the beautifulWe will glow in the dark turning dust to goldAnd we"ll dream it possibleit possibleFrom the bottom to the topWe"re sparking wild fire"sNever quit and never stopThe rest of our livesFrom the bottom to the topWe"re sparking wild fire"sNever quit and never stopIts not until you fall that you flyWhen your dreams come alive you"re unstoppableTake a shot, chase the sun, find the beautifulWe will glow in the dark turning dust to goldAnd we"ll dream it possiblepossibleAnd we"ll dream it possible

dream it possible中文歌名是什么?

Dream It Possible(梦想成为可能) (华为mate8发布会主题曲) - DelaceyI will run I will climb I will soar.我奔跑,我攀爬 我要飞翔。I"m undefeated我所向披靡Jumping out of my skin pull the chord跳出我的桎梏 拨弄琴弦Yeah I believe it是啊 我坚信。The past is everything we were don"t make us who we are历史决定曾经 但并不能决定现在的你和我so I"ll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars所以我会不懈梦想直到梦变成真 直到窥见漫天星光It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun, find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真I will chase I will reach I will fly我追随 我向前 我会展翅翱翔Until I"m breaking until I"m breaking直到跌倒 直到毁灭的那一刻Out of my cage like a bird in the night走出自我的牢笼 像黑夜中自由高飞的鸟儿般I know I"m changing I know I"m changing我知道我在蜕变,在蜕变In into something big better than before变成未曾有过的强大And if it takes takes a thousand lives崇高理想的实现Then it"s worth fighting for总是需要付出无数鲜血It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真It possible梦想成真From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩The rest of our lives穷尽余生 不懈奋斗From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随阳光 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真

如何理解Dream It Possible中的这一句歌词

Dream It Possible-DelaceyI will run, I will climb, I will soarI"m undefeatedJumpiing out of my skin, pull the chordYeah I believe itThe past, is everything we were don"t make us who we areSo I"ll dream, until I make it real, and all I see is starsIts not until you fall that you flyWhen your dreams come alive you"re unstoppableTake a shot, chase the sun, find the beautifulWe will glow in the dark turning dust to goldAnd we"ll dream it possible possibleAnd we"ll dream it possibleI will chase, I will reach, I will flyUntil I"m breaking, until I"m breakingOut of my cage, like a bird in the nightI know I"m changing, I know I"m changingIn, into something big, better than beforeAnd if it takes, takes a thousand livesThen it"s worth fighting forIts not until you fall that you flyWhen your dreams come alive you"re unstoppableTake a shot, chase the sun, find the beautifulWe will glow in the dark turning dust to goldAnd we"ll dream it possibleit possibleFrom the bottom to the topWe"re sparking wild fire"sNever quit and never stopThe rest of our livesFrom the bottom to the topWe"re sparking wild fire"sNever quit and never stopIts not until you fall that you flyWhen your dreams come alive you"re unstoppableTake a shot, chase the sun, find the beautifulWe will glow in the dark turning dust to goldAnd we"ll dream it possiblepossibleAnd we"ll dream it possible

dream it possible是什么歌?

《Dream It Possible》作曲 : Andy Love作词 : Andy LoveI will run, I will climb, I will soar我奔跑,我攀爬,我会飞翔,I"m undefeated永不言败,Jumping out of my skin, pull the chord欣喜若狂,拉动琴弦,Yeah I believe it哦,我相信,The past, is everything we were don"t make us who we are往昔,逝去的光阴不会决定现在,So I"ll dream, until I make it real, and all I see is stars所以我们梦想,直到变成真,看到满天星光,Its not until you fall that you fly不怕跌倒,所以飞翔,When your dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当你的梦想成真,你是不可阻挡,Take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful挥着翅膀,追逐太阳,寻找美丽,We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold在黑暗中闪耀点石成金,And we"ll dream it possible我们会梦想成真,I will chase, I will reach, I will fly我追逐,我奔驰,我要飞翔,Until I"m breaking, until I"m breaking直到坠落,直到崩溃,Out of my cage, like a bird in the night走出我的囚笼,像在黑夜里的莺,I know I"m changing, I know I"m changing我知道我在变化,在蜕变,In, into something big, better than before变成无比强大,从未有过,And if it takes, takes a thousand lives如果需要牺牲,需要无数的生命,Then It"s worth fighting for那值得去奋斗,Its not until you fall that you fly不怕跌倒,所以飞翔,When your dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当你的梦想成真,你是不可阻挡,Take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful挥着翅膀,追逐太阳,寻找美丽,We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold在黑暗中闪耀点石成金,And we"ll dream it possible我们会梦想成真,From the bottom to the top从山谷到巅峰,We"re sparking wild fire"s我们正在迸发野火,Never quit and never stop永不放弃,永不停止。扩展资料《Dream It Possible》是由国际著名音乐人Andy Love作曲,来自洛杉矶的歌手Delacey(有小Adele之称)演唱的歌曲 。这首歌是华为Mate8发布会主题曲。华为与好莱坞影视制作公司Wondros共同打造了名为《Dream It Possible》的海外宣传短片,背景音乐即华为消费者业务品牌曲《Dream It Possible》。

dream it possible是什么歌的歌词?

Dream It Possible(梦想成为可能) (华为mate8发布会主题曲) - DelaceyI will run I will climb I will soar.我奔跑,我攀爬 我要飞翔。I"m undefeated我所向披靡Jumping out of my skin pull the chord跳出我的桎梏 拨弄琴弦Yeah I believe it是啊 我坚信。The past is everything we were don"t make us who we are历史决定曾经 但并不能决定现在的你和我so I"ll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars所以我会不懈梦想直到梦变成真 直到窥见漫天星光It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun, find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真I will chase I will reach I will fly我追随 我向前 我会展翅翱翔Until I"m breaking until I"m breaking直到跌倒 直到毁灭的那一刻Out of my cage like a bird in the night走出自我的牢笼 像黑夜中自由高飞的鸟儿般I know I"m changing I know I"m changing我知道我在蜕变,在蜕变In into something big better than before变成未曾有过的强大And if it takes takes a thousand lives崇高理想的实现Then it"s worth fighting for总是需要付出无数鲜血It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真It possible梦想成真From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩The rest of our lives穷尽余生 不懈奋斗From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随阳光 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真QQ音乐一个字一个字敲上去的,望好评

励志歌曲:Dream It Possible双语歌词

《梦想成真》(演唱:德拉西)I will run, I will climb, I will soar 我奔跑, 我登攀, 我要展翅翱翔 I""m undefeated 我所向披靡 Jumping out of my skin, pull the chord 挣脱自我的桎梏, 拨动琴弦 Yeah, I believe it 哦, 我坚信 The past, is everything we were don""t make us who we are 历史决定曾经, 但并不能决定现在的你我 So I""ll dream, until I make it real, and all I see its stars 所以我会不懈梦想,直到梦想成真, 直到窥见漫天星光 It""s not until you fall that you fly 不再畏惧跌倒, 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻 When your dreams come alive, you""re unstoppable 当梦想成真, 你便无可阻挡 Take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful 挥舞双翅, 追随阳光, 找寻美好 We will glow in the dark, turning dust to gold 我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒, 点石成金 And we""ll dream it possible 我们期盼梦想成真 Possible 梦想成真 And we""ll dream it possible 我们期盼梦想成真I will chase, I will reach, I will fly 我追随 我向前 我会展翅翱翔 Until I""m breaking,until I""m breaking 直到跌倒 直到毁灭的那一刻 Out of my cage, like a bird in the night 走出自我的牢笼 ,像黑夜中自由高飞的鸟儿般 I know I""m changing, I know I""m changing 我知道我在蜕变, 在蜕变 In, into something big, better than before 变得未曾有过的强大 And if it takes, takes a thousand lives 如果需要牺牲成千上万条性命 Then it""s worth fighting for 那这更值得去不懈奋斗 It""s not until you fall that you fly 不再畏惧跌倒, 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻 When your dreams come alive, you""re unstoppable 当梦想成真, 你便无可阻挡 Take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful 挥舞双翅, 追随阳光, 寻找美好 We will glow in the dark, turning dust to gold 我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒, 点石成金 And we""ll dream it possible 我们期盼梦想成真 it possible 梦想成真From the bottom to the top 从低谷到巅峰 We""re sparking wild fire""s 我们犹如燎燃的野火 Never quit and never stop 决不放弃, 永不退缩 The rest of our lives 穷尽余生, 不懈奋斗 From the bottom to the top 从低谷到巅峰 We""re sparking wild fire""s 我们犹如燎燃的野火 Never quit and never stop 决不放弃, 永不退缩 It""s not until you fall that you fly 不再畏惧跌倒, 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻 When your dreams come alive you""re unstoppable 当梦想成真, 你便无可阻挡 Take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful 挥舞双翅, 追随阳光, 寻找美好 We will glow in the dark, turning dust to gold 我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒, 点石成金 And we""ll dream it possible 我们期盼梦想成真 Possible 梦想成真 And we""ll dream it possible 我们会梦想成真

dream it possible的中文意义

Dream It Possible(梦想成为可能) (华为mate8发布会主题曲) - DelaceyI will run I will climb I will soar.我奔跑,我攀爬 我要飞翔。I"m undefeated我所向披靡Jumping out of my skin pull the chord跳出我的桎梏 拨弄琴弦Yeah I believe it是啊 我坚信。The past is everything we were don"t make us who we are历史决定曾经 但并不能决定现在的你和我so I"ll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars所以我会不懈梦想直到梦变成真 直到窥见漫天星光It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun, find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真I will chase I will reach I will fly我追随 我向前 我会展翅翱翔Until I"m breaking until I"m breaking直到跌倒 直到毁灭的那一刻Out of my cage like a bird in the night走出自我的牢笼 像黑夜中自由高飞的鸟儿般I know I"m changing I know I"m changing我知道我在蜕变,在蜕变In into something big better than before变成未曾有过的强大And if it takes takes a thousand lives崇高理想的实现Then it"s worth fighting for总是需要付出无数鲜血It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真It possible梦想成真From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩The rest of our lives穷尽余生 不懈奋斗From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随阳光 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真

dream it possible什么意思

Dream It Possible(梦想成为可能) (华为mate8发布会主题曲) - DelaceyI will run I will climb I will soar.我奔跑,我攀爬 我要飞翔。I"m undefeated我所向披靡Jumping out of my skin pull the chord跳出我的桎梏 拨弄琴弦Yeah I believe it是啊 我坚信。The past is everything we were don"t make us who we are历史决定曾经 但并不能决定现在的你和我so I"ll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars所以我会不懈梦想直到梦变成真 直到窥见漫天星光It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun, find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真I will chase I will reach I will fly我追随 我向前 我会展翅翱翔Until I"m breaking until I"m breaking直到跌倒 直到毁灭的那一刻Out of my cage like a bird in the night走出自我的牢笼 像黑夜中自由高飞的鸟儿般I know I"m changing I know I"m changing我知道我在蜕变,在蜕变In into something big better than before变成未曾有过的强大And if it takes takes a thousand lives崇高理想的实现Then it"s worth fighting for总是需要付出无数鲜血It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真It possible梦想成真From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩The rest of our lives穷尽余生 不懈奋斗From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随阳光 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真QQ音乐一个字一个字敲上去的,望好评

dreamit possible什么歌曲?

我的梦《Dream It Possible》是一首由崔迪编曲,Andy Love谱曲填词,授权给世界各地歌手演唱唱的歌曲,是华为消费者业务品牌主题曲。歌曲中文版本为《我的梦》由张靓颖演唱。

dream it possible什么意思

Dream It Possible(梦想成为可能) (华为mate8发布会主题曲) - DelaceyI will run I will climb I will soar.我奔跑,我攀爬 我要飞翔。I"m undefeated我所向披靡Jumping out of my skin pull the chord跳出我的桎梏 拨弄琴弦Yeah I believe it是啊 我坚信。The past is everything we were don"t make us who we are历史决定曾经 但并不能决定现在的你和我so I"ll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars所以我会不懈梦想直到梦变成真 直到窥见漫天星光It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun, find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真I will chase I will reach I will fly我追随 我向前 我会展翅翱翔Until I"m breaking until I"m breaking直到跌倒 直到毁灭的那一刻Out of my cage like a bird in the night走出自我的牢笼 像黑夜中自由高飞的鸟儿般I know I"m changing I know I"m changing我知道我在蜕变,在蜕变In into something big better than before变成未曾有过的强大And if it takes takes a thousand lives崇高理想的实现Then it"s worth fighting for总是需要付出无数鲜血It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真It possible梦想成真From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩The rest of our lives穷尽余生 不懈奋斗From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随阳光 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真

dream it possible是什么意思?

Dream It Possible(梦想成为可能) (华为mate8发布会主题曲) - DelaceyI will run I will climb I will soar.我奔跑,我攀爬 我要飞翔。I"m undefeated我所向披靡Jumping out of my skin pull the chord跳出我的桎梏 拨弄琴弦Yeah I believe it是啊 我坚信。The past is everything we were don"t make us who we are历史决定曾经 但并不能决定现在的你和我so I"ll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars所以我会不懈梦想直到梦变成真 直到窥见漫天星光It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun, find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真I will chase I will reach I will fly我追随 我向前 我会展翅翱翔Until I"m breaking until I"m breaking直到跌倒 直到毁灭的那一刻Out of my cage like a bird in the night走出自我的牢笼 像黑夜中自由高飞的鸟儿般I know I"m changing I know I"m changing我知道我在蜕变,在蜕变In into something big better than before变成未曾有过的强大And if it takes takes a thousand lives崇高理想的实现Then it"s worth fighting for总是需要付出无数鲜血It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真It possible梦想成真From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩The rest of our lives穷尽余生 不懈奋斗From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随阳光 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真

dream it possible歌词是什么?

dream it possible歌词如下:歌手:张靓颖I will run, I will climb, I will soar我奔跑,我攀爬,我会飞翔I"m undefeated永不言败Jumping out of my skin, pull the chord欣喜若狂,拉动琴弦Yeah I believe it哦,我相信。The past, is everything we were don"t make us who we are往昔,逝去的光阴不会决定现在So I"ll dream, until I make it real, and all I see is stars所以我们梦想,直到变成真,看到满天星光Its not until you fall that you fly不怕跌倒,所以飞翔When your dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当你的梦想成真,你是不可阻挡Take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful挥着翅膀,追逐太阳,寻找美丽We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold在黑暗中闪耀点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们会梦想成真I will chase, I will reach, I will fly我追逐,我奔驰,我要飞翔Until I"m breaking, until I"m breaking直到坠落,直到崩溃Out of my cage, like a bird in the night走出我的囚笼,像在黑夜里的莺I know I"m changing, I know I"m changing我知道我在变化,在蜕变In, into something big, better than before变成无比强大,从未有过And if it takes, takes a thousand lives如果需要牺牲,需要无数的生命Then It"s worth fighting for那值得去奋斗Its not until you fall that you fly不怕跌倒,所以飞翔When your dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当你的梦想成真,你是不可阻挡Take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful挥着翅膀,追逐太阳,寻找美丽We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold在黑暗中闪耀点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们会梦想成真From the bottom to the top从山谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们正在迸发野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃,永不停止The rest of our lives点燃未来From the bottom to the top从山谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们正在迸发野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃,永不停止Its not until you fall that you fly不怕跌倒,所以飞翔When your dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当你的梦想成真,你是不可阻挡Take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful挥着翅膀,追逐太阳,寻找美We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold在黑暗中闪耀点石成金And we"ll dream it possible possible我们会梦想成真

dream it possible的中文名是什么

Dream It Possible(梦想成为可能)谱曲:Andy Love编曲:Andy Love、崔迪演唱:DelaceyI will run I will climb I will soar.我奔跑,我攀爬,我要飞翔。I"m undefeated.我所向披靡。Jumping out of my skin pull the chord.跳出我的桎梏,拨弄琴弦。Yeah I believe it.是啊 我坚信。The past is everything we were don"t make us who we are.历史决定曾经,但并不能决定现在的你和我。so I"ll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars.所以我会不懈梦想直到梦变成真,直到窥见漫天星光。It"s not until you fall that you fly.不再畏惧跌倒,直到你展翅高飞的那一刻。When your dreams come alive you"re unstoppable.当梦想成真,你便无可阻挡。take a shot chase the sun, find the beautiful.挥着双翅,追随太阳,寻找美好。We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold.我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒,点石成金。And we"ll dream it possible.我们期盼梦想成真。Possible.梦想成真。扩展资料创作背景——华为为了扩大国际市场影响力,与好莱坞影视制作公司打造了国际版推广宣传片,背景音乐来自华为手机品牌音乐《Dream it Possible》。整个宣传片的拍摄使用电影的制作手法,讲述了一个名叫安娜的小女孩为了追求对于钢琴梦想15年的成长故事。短片虽短,但是每个故事点的发生都像是我们生活的一个个缩影。从安娜在家里和祖父一起弹钢琴,到外出求学,经历成长、学习、工作、恋爱。每个时间段都在接受着不同的考验,对于远在他乡的安娜,成熟坚毅逐渐取代了懵懂青涩成为一个独立自强的女孩。最后安娜在自己的努力和家人的陪伴坚持下,登上了维也纳音乐演奏大厅的舞台,实现了自己的人生梦想。

华为主题曲《dream it possible》是谁唱的?

《dream it possible》是Delacey唱的。《dream it possible》原唱:Delacey填词:Andy Love谱曲:Andy Love歌词:I will run I will climb I will soar.我奔跑,我攀爬 我要飞翔。I"m undefeated我所向披靡Jumping out of my skin pull the chord跳出我的桎梏 拨弄琴弦Yeah I believe it是啊 我坚信。The past is everything we were don"t make us who we are历史决定曾经 但并不能决定现在的你和我so I"ll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars所以我会不懈梦想直到梦变成真 直到窥见漫天星光It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When your dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun, find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真I will chase I will reach I will fly我追随 我向前 我会展翅翱翔Until I"m breaking until I"m breaking直到跌倒 直到毁灭的那一刻Out of my cage like a bird in the night走出自我的牢笼 像黑夜中自由高飞的鸟儿般I know I"m changing I know I"m changing我知道我在蜕变,在蜕变In into something big better than before变成未曾有过的强大And if it takes takes a thousand lives崇高理想的实现Then it"s worth fighting for总是需要付出无数鲜血It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When your dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真It possible梦想成真From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩The rest of our lives穷尽余生 不懈奋斗From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When your dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随阳光 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真扩展资料:华为与好莱坞影视制作公司Wondros共同打造了名为 Dream It Possible 的海外宣传短片,背景音乐即华为消费者业务品牌曲Dream It Possible。短片生动讲述了一个名叫安娜的女孩追求钢琴梦想15年的成长历程,通过不懈的坚持与努力,最终登上了维也纳音乐厅的舞台,实现了自己的人生梦想,动人演绎了对梦想的执着追求。此宣传短片和背景音乐都备受称赞。中文版是张靓颖演唱的《我的梦》,亦是华为消费者业务品牌主题曲,由王海涛和张靓颖作词,Andy Love作曲。

dream it possible什么意思

Dream It Possible(梦想成为可能) (华为mate8发布会主题曲) - DelaceyI will run I will climb I will soar.我奔跑,我攀爬 我要飞翔。I"m undefeated我所向披靡Jumping out of my skin pull the chord跳出我的桎梏 拨弄琴弦Yeah I believe it是啊 我坚信。The past is everything we were don"t make us who we are历史决定曾经 但并不能决定现在的你和我so I"ll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars所以我会不懈梦想直到梦变成真 直到窥见漫天星光It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun, find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真I will chase I will reach I will fly我追随 我向前 我会展翅翱翔Until I"m breaking until I"m breaking直到跌倒 直到毁灭的那一刻Out of my cage like a bird in the night走出自我的牢笼 像黑夜中自由高飞的鸟儿般I know I"m changing I know I"m changing我知道我在蜕变,在蜕变In into something big better than before变成未曾有过的强大And if it takes takes a thousand lives崇高理想的实现Then it"s worth fighting for总是需要付出无数鲜血It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真It possible梦想成真From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩The rest of our lives穷尽余生 不懈奋斗From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随阳光 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真

dream it possible什么意思

Dream It Possible(梦想成为可能) (华为mate8发布会主题曲) - DelaceyI will run I will climb I will soar.我奔跑,我攀爬 我要飞翔。I"m undefeated我所向披靡Jumping out of my skin pull the chord跳出我的桎梏 拨弄琴弦Yeah I believe it是啊 我坚信。The past is everything we were don"t make us who we are历史决定曾经 但并不能决定现在的你和我so I"ll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars所以我会不懈梦想直到梦变成真 直到窥见漫天星光It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun, find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真I will chase I will reach I will fly我追随 我向前 我会展翅翱翔Until I"m breaking until I"m breaking直到跌倒 直到毁灭的那一刻Out of my cage like a bird in the night走出自我的牢笼 像黑夜中自由高飞的鸟儿般I know I"m changing I know I"m changing我知道我在蜕变,在蜕变In into something big better than before变成未曾有过的强大And if it takes takes a thousand lives崇高理想的实现Then it"s worth fighting for总是需要付出无数鲜血It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真It possible梦想成真From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩The rest of our lives穷尽余生 不懈奋斗From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随阳光 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真

华为海外宣传曲 Dream it possible 译文

2021元旦,献给大家,祝有梦能成!"Dream It Possible" 有梦能成 译by 知合时候 I will run, I will climb, I will soar 疾行登高释呼吼 I"m undefeated 永不言败 Jumping out of my skin, pull the chord 挣扎撕扯放新生 Yeah I"d believe it 坚信常态 The past, is everything we were, don"t make us who we are 过去即曾经,曾经非现在 So I"ll dream, until I make it real, and all I see is stars 有梦皆能,星熠繁尘 It"s not until you fall that you fly 落飞冲天,涅槃重来When your dreams come alive you"re unstoppable 有梦可成,阻障不能 Take the shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful 立行逐日,觅美寻正 We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold 暗黑处闪耀,凡尘炼金生 And we"ll dream it possible 有梦可成,万般皆可能 Possible 皆可能I will chase, I will reach, I will fly 追逐探索竞翱翔 Until I"m breaking, until I"m breaking 无以为碍死方休 Out of my cage, like a bird in the night 如鸟破笼夜阔辽 I know I"m changing, I know I"m changing In, into something big, better than before 似茧成蝶心明要 And if it takes, takes a thousand lives Then it"s worth fighting for 千般命成,须战得值 It"s not until you fall that you fly 落飞冲天,涅槃重宵When your dreams come alive you"re unstoppable Take the shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold And we"ll dream it possible Possible 有梦可成,阻障不能; 立行逐日,觅美寻正。 暗黑处闪耀,凡尘炼金生。 有梦可成,万般皆可能! 皆可能!From the bottom to the top 由下至上 We"re sparking wild fire"s 星火燎原 Never quit and never stop 勿停无驻 The rest of our lives 不负此生From the bottom to the top We"re sparking wild fire"s Never quit and never stop It"s not until you fall that you fly 由下至上,星火燎原 勿停无跓,不负此生 落飞冲天,一气呵成When your dreams come alive you"re unstoppable Take the shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold And we"ll dream it possible We"ll dream it possible 有梦可成,障碍不能; 立行逐日,觅美寻正。 暗黑处闪耀,凡尘炼金生 有梦可成,万般皆可能! 万般皆可能!

dream it possible什么意思?

Dream It Possible(梦想成为可能) (华为mate8发布会主题曲) - DelaceyI will run I will climb I will soar.我奔跑,我攀爬 我要飞翔。I"m undefeated我所向披靡Jumping out of my skin pull the chord跳出我的桎梏 拨弄琴弦Yeah I believe it是啊 我坚信。The past is everything we were don"t make us who we are历史决定曾经 但并不能决定现在的你和我so I"ll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars所以我会不懈梦想直到梦变成真 直到窥见漫天星光It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun, find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真I will chase I will reach I will fly我追随 我向前 我会展翅翱翔Until I"m breaking until I"m breaking直到跌倒 直到毁灭的那一刻Out of my cage like a bird in the night走出自我的牢笼 像黑夜中自由高飞的鸟儿般I know I"m changing I know I"m changing我知道我在蜕变,在蜕变In into something big better than before变成未曾有过的强大And if it takes takes a thousand lives崇高理想的实现Then it"s worth fighting for总是需要付出无数鲜血It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真It possible梦想成真From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩The rest of our lives穷尽余生 不懈奋斗From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随阳光 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真

dream it possible歌词

歌曲《Dream It Possible》的歌词如下:Dream It Possible(梦想成为可能)(华为mate8发布会主题曲)-DelaceyI will run I will climb I will soar.我奔跑,我攀爬,我要飞翔。I"m undefeated我所向披靡Jumping out of my skin pull the chord跳出我的桎梏,拨弄琴弦Yeah I believe it是啊,我坚信。The past is everything we were don"t make us who we are历史决定曾经,但并不能决定现在的你和我so I"ll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars所以我会不懈梦想直到梦变成真,直到窥见漫天星光It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒,直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When your dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真,你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun, find the beautiful挥着双翅,追随太阳,寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒,点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真I will chase I will reach I will fly我追随,我向前,我会展翅翱翔Until I"m breaking until I"m breaking直到跌倒,直到毁灭的那一刻Out of my cage like a bird in the night走出自我的牢笼,像黑夜中自由高飞的鸟儿般I know I"m changing I know I"m changing我知道我在蜕变,在蜕变In into something big better than before变成未曾有过的强大And if it takes takes a thousand lives崇高理想的实现Then it"s worth fighting for总是需要付出无数鲜血It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒,直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When your dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真,你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅,追随太阳,寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒,点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真It possible梦想成真From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃,永不退缩The rest of our lives穷尽余生,不懈奋斗From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃,永不退缩It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒,直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When your dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真,你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅,追随阳光,寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒,点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真歌曲《Dream It Possible》的简介《Dream It Possible》是由国际著名音乐人Andy Love作曲,来自洛杉矶的歌手Delacey(有小阿黛尔·阿德金斯之称)演唱的歌曲。这首歌是华为Mate8发布会主题曲。华为技术有限公司与好莱坞影视制作公司Wondros共同打造了名为Dream It Possible的海外宣传短片,背景音乐即华为消费者业务品牌曲Dream It Possible。短片生动讲述了一个名叫安娜的女孩追求钢琴梦想15年的成长历程,通过不懈的坚持与努力,最终登上了维也纳音乐厅的舞台,实现了自己的人生梦想,动人演绎了对梦想的执着追求。此宣传短片和背景音乐都备受称赞。

dream it possible是什么歌?

Dream It Possible(梦想成为可能)谱曲:Andy Love编曲:Andy Love、崔迪演唱:DelaceyI will run I will climb I will soar.我奔跑,我攀爬,我要飞翔。I"m undefeated.我所向披靡。Jumping out of my skin pull the chord.跳出我的桎梏,拨弄琴弦。Yeah I believe it.是啊 我坚信。The past is everything we were don"t make us who we are.历史决定曾经,但并不能决定现在的你和我。so I"ll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars.所以我会不懈梦想直到梦变成真,直到窥见漫天星光。It"s not until you fall that you fly.不再畏惧跌倒,直到你展翅高飞的那一刻。When your dreams come alive you"re unstoppable.当梦想成真,你便无可阻挡。take a shot chase the sun, find the beautiful.挥着双翅,追随太阳,寻找美好。We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold.我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒,点石成金。And we"ll dream it possible.我们期盼梦想成真。Possible.梦想成真。扩展资料创作背景——华为为了扩大国际市场影响力,与好莱坞影视制作公司打造了国际版推广宣传片,背景音乐来自华为手机品牌音乐《Dream it Possible》。整个宣传片的拍摄使用电影的制作手法,讲述了一个名叫安娜的小女孩为了追求对于钢琴梦想15年的成长故事。短片虽短,但是每个故事点的发生都像是我们生活的一个个缩影。从安娜在家里和祖父一起弹钢琴,到外出求学,经历成长、学习、工作、恋爱。每个时间段都在接受着不同的考验,对于远在他乡的安娜,成熟坚毅逐渐取代了懵懂青涩成为一个独立自强的女孩。最后安娜在自己的努力和家人的陪伴坚持下,登上了维也纳音乐演奏大厅的舞台,实现了自己的人生梦想。
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