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英语作文:我梦想中的房子(My Dream House)

my dream house is a villa which lies on the coast. there are two yards in the villa. the front yard is a garden with many beautiful flowers an plants for the four seasons. there is a swimming pool in the back yard, as my family are fond of swimming. on the first floor, there is a big hall when you enter the gate. on the right of the hall is a sitting room, there we can relax, have a rest, watch tv and enjoy entertainments. on the left there is a computer room and a study belonging to me. on the second floor, there are six bedrooms with bathrooms. the villa will be equipped with the modern equipment, such as security alarms controlled by computers, vision phones, lifts an automatic doors. well, that is my dream house.我梦想的房子是一座坐落在海岸上的别墅。别墅里有两家院子。院子是一个花园,有许多漂亮的花,有四个季节的植物。 后院有一个游泳池,我的家人都喜欢游泳。在一楼,当你进入大门的时候,有一个大礼堂。在大厅的右边是客厅,在那里我们可以放松,休息,看电视,享受娱乐。左边有一个电脑房,一个属于我的书房。在二楼,有六间卧室与浴室。 别墅将配备现代化的设备,如由计算机控制的安全警报,视觉电话,电梯自动门。哦,那是我的梦想之家。

dream house什么意思

理想的住宅 的意思

dream house是什么意思

dream house英[dri:m haus]美[drim hau028as]词典梦想中的房子网络梦想家; 梦宅; 梦宅诡影形近词:Dream House数据来源:金山词霸双语例句百度知道新1Who saw what a dream house it could be?是谁看中那栋梦想中的房子的?

急求歌词!!the dream唱的fast car 求这首歌的英文歌词,要是还有中文的歌词那就更好了。非常感谢-0-

(亲英文歌词)You got a fast car I want a ticket to anywhere Maybe we make a deal Maybe together we can get somewhere Anyplace is better Starting from zero got nothing to lose Maybe we"ll make something But me myself I got nothing to prove You got a fast car And I got a plan to get us out of here I been working at the convenience store Managed to save just a little bit of money We won"t have to drive too far Just "cross the border and into the city You and I can both get jobs And finally see what it means to be living You see my old man"s got a problem He live with the bottle that"s the way it is He says his body"s too old for working I say his body"s too young to look like his My mama went off and left him She wanted more from life than he could give I said somebody"s got to take care of him So I quit school and that"s what I did You got a fast car But is it fast enough so we can fly away We gotta make a decision We leave tonight or live and die this way I remember we were driving driving in your car The speed so fast I felt like I was drunk City lights lay out before us And your arm felt nice wrapped "round my shoulder And I had a feeling that I belonged And I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone You got a fast car And we go cruising to entertain ourselves You still ain"t got a job And I work in a market as a checkout girl I know things will get better You"ll find work and I"ll get promoted We"ll move out of the shelter Buy a big house and live in the suburbs You got a fast car And I got a job that pays all our bills You stay out drinking late at the bar See more of your friends than you do of your kids I"d always hoped for better Thought maybe together you and me would find it I got no plans I ain"t going nowhere So take your fast car and keep on driving You got a fast car But is it fast enough so you can fly away You gotta make a decision You leave tonight or live and die this way

帮我翻译一下tina turna 《steamy windows》这首歌


steam上面的cry of fear恐惧之泣启动不了。。是电脑配置问题吗


有个问题一直困扰着我,AKB48 Team K板野友美Tomochin的solo曲《Dear J》里面J的涵义到底是什么意思?

虎牙原来喜欢在中啊- -。。。在中我本命啊有木有!







Fangfang, a 15-year-old Chinese girl, likes eating snacks very much. She prefers cream biscuits...

小题1:C小题2:C小题3:D小题4:C小题5:D 试题分析:芳芳,一个15岁的中国女孩,非常喜欢吃零食。她喜欢奶油饼干,麦当劳食品,肯德基和北京烤鸭。有时候她一天吃两包饼干。因此,她变得超重。今天在中国,有很多孩子们喜欢芳芳。他们喜欢吃零食。他们不吃足够的健康的食物,比如蔬菜和水果。这是非常不利于他们的健康。不良的饮食习惯是一个严重的问题。卫生专家说,儿童应该有健康的饮食习惯。首先,他们必须吃饭,开始一个好的早餐。其次,他们应该有不同种类的食物,如水果、蔬菜、谷物、鸡蛋、牛奶和肉等等。第三,孩子们不应该吃太多的零食和油炸食品。他们都很好吃,但吃太多是不健康的。如果孩子做的专家说,他们不会变胖。他们会更健康。学生在学校不会变得很累,他们将有足够的精力去学习。小题1:细节理解题。问题:画线单词的汉语意思?联系短文第一段可知她非常喜欢吃零食。结合原文:As a result, she becomes overweight . 结果,她变得超重。故选:C小题2:细节理解题。问题:芳芳变和超重的原因是什么?原文:Fangfang, a 15-year-old Chinese girl, likes eating snacks very much.句意:芳芳,一个15岁的中国女孩,非常喜欢吃零食。原因就简单了她很喜欢吃零食。故选:C小题3:细节理解题。问题:下面哪种食物对你的健康有好处?分析原文:They don"t eat enough healthy foods like vegetables and fruit.句意:他们不吃足够的健康的食物,比如蔬菜和水果。同时结合生活常识也能做以选 择。故选:D小题4:细节理解题。问题:如果学生们按照专家所说,他们将会变得如何?结合最后一段的了解:If children do as the experts say, they won"t become fat. They will be healthier. Students won"t become tired at school, and they will have enough energy to study well.句意:如果孩子做的专家说,他们不会变胖。他们会更健康。学生在学校不会变得很累,他们将有足够的精力去学习。很明确:如果按照专家的建议去做,会更健康学习更好,故选:C小题5:细节理解题。问题:哪一句描述是正确的?在通读全文中了解到,从芳芳教训来看学生不应该吃太多油炸食物。故选:D

大学英语作文:对理想的坚持 Stick to Your Dream

【 #英语资源# 导语】学习英语,阅读真的很重要,多阅读一些短篇英语文章也是提高英语阅读能力的一种。下面是 !  【篇一】对理想的坚持 Stick to Your DreamWe have read so many inspiring examples about how the successful people stick to their dreams. We see the power of persistence. But as I see different situations, sometimes the way to gain achievement is not favored by me. Different people have different ways to keep move on. 我们看过很多成功人士坚持自己的梦想的一些激励人心的案例。从中我们看到了坚持的力量。但是当我看到别的境况时,有时候,我不赞成有些获取得成功的途径。每个人有每个人努力的方式。 For those people whose family are not poor, they can chase their dreams without hesitation. The parents will give great support to them and no matter what their children do, they just want them to be happy. Without the economic burden, those people can focus all their attention and follow their dreams all the time. 对于那些家庭条件并不差的人来说,他们可以毫不犹豫地追逐自己的梦想。无论孩子做什么,父母都会大力支持,因为他们只是想让自己孩子开心。没有了经济的负担,这些人可以集中所有的精力去追寻自己的梦想。 But for the persons whose family are poor, especially the parents are waiting for the children"s economic support, they should make ends meet first and then follow their dreams. Life can"t be ideal all the time, only when they solve the basic needs, dreams will be supported. Some people make the things they like as a hobby, they keep studying it in their spared time, if insist, they will get the extra achievement. 但对于那些家庭贫困的人,尤其是父母还在等待孩子们的经济支持。这样的人群应该先维持生计,然后再去追逐自己的梦想。生活不可能是理想的,只有当他们解决了基本需求,梦想才会得到支持。有些人把他们喜欢的东西作为一种业余爱好,在业余时间不断研究,如果坚持下去,就会获得额外的成就。 Following dreams completes our life and make us live with meaning. The will of never giving up will bring us success someday. 追逐梦想使我们的生活变得完整,让我们活得有意义。永不放弃的意志总有一天会带给我们成功。  【篇二】大学教育 College EducationThe stage of college will be the most important period of our life. We need to learn knowledge, at the same time, we also need to learn some skills, which will be of great help when we come to the job market. The ability we gain in the college will be useful all the time. 大学阶段是我们生活中最重要的一个时期,我们需要学习知识,与此同时,我们也需要学习一些技能,这些技能对我们在就业市场上有很大的帮助。我们在大学获得的能力会一直有用。 In college education, we need to change our way of learning. In high school, we get use to learn what the teachers pass to us. Every thing they show us is correct. Teachers take the leader roles and students just follow them. But now students need to learn knowledge by themselves. As teachers will not show up much time, so they should improve their ability to learn. 在大学教育中,我们需要改变学习方式。在高中,我们习惯于老师传授知识的方式。他们教给我们的知识都是对的。教师处于主导地位,学生被动学习。但是现在,学生需要自学。因为老师出现的时间不会很多,所以他们应该提高自己的学习能力。 What"s more, as teachers are no longer the center role, they try to cultivate students" way of thinking. Critical thinking is what the college students most need. They are adults and should make their own decision. It is time for them to get rid of the out-date tradition, and creativity is what they need. 更重要的是,由于教师不再处于主导地位,所以他们试图培养学生的思维方式。批判性思维是大学生最需要的。他们是成年人,应该自己做决定。是时候让他们摆脱过时的传统观念,创造力才是他们所需要的。 The aim of college education is to broaden vision and master special skills. 大学教育的目的是拓宽视野、掌握特殊技能。  【篇三】每天穿一样的衣服 One Style Every dayFor most girls, they are so annoyed about what to wear before they get out of the house. They want to make themselves look stunning, as the choice is so hard to make, they will spend a lot of time, then they are always late for the date or the work time. In order to get rid of this problem, a girl chose only one style every day. 对于大多数女生来说,她们总是烦恼穿什么衣服出门。她们想让自己看起来漂亮,但是由于很难选择,所以她们会在这上面花很多时间,所以总是约会迟到或工作迟到。为了摆脱这个问题,有一个女孩选择每天穿一样的衣服。 The girl was from America, and she worked in a fashion company. Before she went to work in the morning, she had to struggle what to wear, which made her be late for company. Then she decided to wear the same clothes as her working style every day. Now she has done this for three years. 这个女孩来自美国,她在一家时装公司工作。她早上去上班之前,总是要纠结穿什么,这纠结总是让她上班迟到。所以她决定每天上班的时候都穿一样的衣服。现在她已经坚持了三年。 Actually, many successful people do the same things, such as Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, who kept the same style no matter where they showed up. They believed that it could save them more time to focus on job. Before students go to college, they dress school uniforms, so there will be no comparison. But in the private hours, we can choose many styles, which helps to keep us the different moods. 事实上,许多成功人士也是这样的,比如史蒂夫u2022乔布斯和马克·扎克伯格,他们无论出现在哪个场合都保持同样的风格。他们相信这可以节省更多的时间来专注于工作。学生上大学之前,他们穿着校服,所以不会有对比。但在个人时间里,我们却是可以选择各种风格,这让我们会有不一样的心情。

steam《For the king》为了国王,死了不能复活吗?

要看什么职业一个 级召唤两个 级剑魂两个 级机械两个 级气功以上的都够只要有好的操作

问下在steam上买过生化危机启示录2的玩家,游戏启动后主界面显示的是resident evil



steam搜游戏应该用该游戏的发售名,比如你生化危机系列应该是Resident evil,鬼泣系列是Devil may cry。当然,国产游戏或者某些有中文名行,你可以用中文来搜索,比如港诡实录。输入之后会自动联想,或者直接输入上述内容也行,会弹出与之相关的所有内容。


生化危机这款游戏在steam平台的英文是Resident Evil。玩家进入steam平台后,在steam平台的商店中输入Resident Evil进行搜索就可以看到所有关于生化危机这个系列的游戏和DLC。《生化危机》(日本名称:バイオハザード、Biohazard,欧美名称:Resident Evil),是由日本CAPCOM公司推出的电子系列单机游戏。该游戏于1996年首次推出。制作团队介绍《生化危机》系列游戏由Capcom(嘉富康:官方指定中文译名)股份有限公司出品,是一家日本电视游戏软件公司和发行公司,成立于1979年。成立时原名“I.R.M.”,是一家电器零售商。之后公司在1983年时更名为“CAPCOM”,并在同时将其业务方向转为软件销售。其公司名称“CAPCOM”是由英文Capsule(胶囊)和Computers(电脑)所合成。Capcom公司凭借其《街头霸王》、《街头霸王II》、《洛克人》、《生化危机》、《鬼武者》等系列作品使公司在游戏界占据重要的地位并发展到PS、PS2、GBA、XBox等多个版本和平台上。


plan1:买4+5+6+启示录+启示录2捆绑包(RESIDENT EVIL/BIOHAZARD COLLECTOR"S PACK),700多(这几款基本就是丧尸危机,无脑突突突即可,启示录两款微恐)plan1-1:买4+5+6捆绑包,300左右plan2:买生8+生7捆绑包 ,500多(洗手战神2个作品,生7附带恐怖元素,生8贝内文托关卡附带恐怖元素,不接受恐怖元素请慎买,可以淘宝找找cdk,单生8估计300内可以到手)plan3:买生2Re+生3Re捆绑包 ,500多(生2re划算,生3re贼贵,看吉尔份上还能忍,包里还有一个联机游戏,拉闸到无语,放在p3,慎买)因为你预算有限,但是Steam正版只能这么操作吧。根据难度划分的话,p1生6首选,画质优化以及剧情长度都是上上只选,剧情细节较多人诟病,某些剧情操作方式反人类,啊......雪梨yyds生4次选,首创老生化接受不了的第三人称越肩视角,剧情很好,可玩度高,挨打王支线直接起飞,启示录2,整体水准中上,剧情长度还行,分好坏结局,枪械玩法沿用启示录1,dlc比较有意思,毕竟萌妹子谁不爱呢启示录1,香肠嘴吉尔太丑,枪械玩法稍稍创新了一丢丢,微恐(瑞秋boss),容易迷路生5最后,整体一般,AI弱智,经常有人大喊“谢娃”然后重开,体术机制还可以,但是智障AI不懂什么双人连招,写死了威斯克,对我个人来说生5好感极低(有朋友双开,游戏体验中上,没有双开,体验拉闸)p2生8,对我个人而言,除了村庄->城堡区域,其他区域剧情都不是很行,贝内文托结束太突兀,巨婴水怪几乎没有剧情,就是找了回去村庄的路上杀了个娃娃鱼,万磁王剧情可以,但是缺少对抗人型万磁王,直接削弱99%?开场这么有逼格的一个boss,智商最高的一个boss,最后像个智障一样站桩,那个搅拌机boss都比万磁王难打。生7,个人比较喜欢的一代作品,从城市级的宏观角度缩小到一个别墅级别的生化危机,以往只知道城市爆发了生化危机,大人物正在拯救城市(毁灭城市),但没有角度描述普通人对面生化危机的窘境(真普通人:佐伊一家人,假普通人:克莱尔,伊森,佐伊叔叔),深入体会一个小家庭面对生化病毒这种绝望情况。dlc也非常好玩。p3生2re,卡普空换引擎之后第一个优化特别好的作品,细节不太行,克莱尔篇和里昂篇没有太多互动,甚至连启示录2那种场景互动都没有,表里篇也差别不大,军衣大哥抗音响出场=游戏正式开始,整体游戏长度还行,属于物有所值。生3re,爆炸亏的一作,卖得是真的贵,刚出的时候我直接下单,结果一个通宵给我整大结局了?就这?游玩市场很短,完全靠“美得出水”撑起票房,闪避机制很可,各种闪现撞追追怀里,闪现冲进丧尸群,这作你可以看到,吉尔被深喉,吉尔给追追打炮,真香,买!!!

东方神起Summer Dream后的所有日本单曲

Forever LoveTogetherpurple lineBeautiful you为什么喜欢你



steam热血无赖正版的 汉化补丁教程 急急急 就是补丁下到哪里?目录在哪

这种游戏,随便打补丁,随便开修改器,STEAM不管。这游戏木有多人模式标题: Sleeping Dogs类型: 动作, 冒险开发商: United Front Games 出版商: SQUARE ENIX, Eidos Interactive 发行日期: 2012年8月17日语言: 英语*, 法语, 德语, 意大利语, 西班牙语, 俄语, 波兰语*具有完全音频支持的语言单人游戏Steam 成就部分支持控制器Steam 集换式卡牌

Steam商店的热血无赖sleeping dogs是盒装还是只有cd-key。卖88元人民币那个。


steam上sleeping dogs怎么设置中文

sleeping dogs=睡狗


u2022Group: two or more freely interactingindividuals who share collective norms, share collective goals,, and have a common identity – performing as individuals--Management-DirectedTeam: small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a commonpurpose, performance goals, and approach, or which they hold themselvesmutually accountable – essence is common commitment --Self-Directed


某天有人问这两个单词区别的时候才发现原来真的是不同有很多地方不一样,有人用沙堆和石来比喻:GROUP是沙堆,只是有多沙子堆积在一起,而TEAM是石,是众多的沙子紧紧地聚合在一起。听说过水滴石穿,我的理解是石需要长时间的敲击才能有裂痕,才可能把它们分解开来,但是我从来没有听说过对付沙子需要付出这么多的,要是真得这样得话,沙漠中得沙子就不会让风一吹就乱飘了,北方也就没有那么多得沙尘暴了。 原来TEAM是为了某一个目标共同齐心协力去达到这个目标的一个群体,它与GROUP的关系就是:TEAM一定是GROUP,而GROUP不一定是TEAM;要想成为TEAM就需要把GROUP的性质改变,不再是散沙,而是坚硬的石子;不敢说世界上什么东西都不可能被破坏,但是至少想破坏坚硬的石块,要不就水滴石穿,要不用小炸药把大石块炸成小的,再把小的变成沙子,当然需要费一点力。也就是说,化解GROUP比TEAM的难度小多了。 军训前很散漫,通过十几天的军训下来,虽然天天嘴上喊累,可是一听到最后要进行军练成果的比赛,个个都成了一只只小老虎,有种初次下山不怕任何困难的架势,又带点侵略性,这样的队伍就是具有了成为TEAM的潜力:有凝聚力、团结一致的GROUP是让对手可怕的。 成功的TEAM总能够让人非常的骄傲,经过军训后的每次提到谁谁,她们都会很自豪地说他/她以前是我们一组的,WHY?那是因为我们是一个TEAM出来的。上个星期还看到戴尔中国(亚洲)区又好几个高层领导跳槽到联想,让我把这些都像到一块去:把一个TEAM挖走,达到的效果一定会比挖GROUP要好,即使TEAM种的几个人,也是同样的效果,绝对胜于几十个人组成的GROUP,否则很多打公司怎么会把公司文化深入到公司每一个角落看的这么重呢?(好象越说越远了) 军训比赛的结果就是这个REAM没有得到第一,因为由于很多原因,只能让部队的领导认为第一,可是最后的权利不在于部队那里,所以她们留下了眼泪,这个时候很让我震惊,一群平时要吵要闹的年轻男女们在这个时刻体会到了团队的力量。

team and group的区别


group, team的区别是什么?

group 团队team 组






team:名词 n.1.队, 组 A team which is full of enthusiasm is more likely to win.情绪高涨的球队更可能获胜。Our team were wearing blue shorts.我们队员穿着蓝色短裤。不及物动词 vi.1.(与某人)一起工作, 合作 He teamed up with a friend and set up a trade business.他与一个朋友联合, 做起了买卖。2.合作;(与某人)结成一队 group:名词 n.1.组, 群, 团体, 类, 批, 簇 The research group is ready to start its work.这个研究小组已准备好随时开始工作。Swallows come by groups at the advent of spring.春天来临时燕子成群飞来。A large group of chimpanzees was feeding.一大群黑猩猩在吃东西。A group of us are going up to London for the day.我们有些人要去伦敦一天。2.小型流行音乐演奏组, (尤指流行音乐的)演奏组, 乐团, 乐队 She is a lead singer in a pop group.她是流行歌曲演唱团体的最重要的歌手。3.集团及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.使成群; 集合 Group together in three.每三人一组!Please group all those tall flowers here.请把所有高的花放在一起。Theatres and cinemas were grouped mainly on the two streets.剧院和电影院主要集中在那两条街上。及物动词 vt.1.分类; 归类; 将...分组 He grouped students according to ability.他按能力把学生们分类。

Jesse & Marvin的《Dream Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:Dream Girl歌手:Jesse & Marvin专辑:Specialty Profiles: Sam Cooke & The Soul StirrersThe Lonely Island - Dreamgirl (Feat. Norah Jones)(The following song is brought to you by Chex Mix)Some dude once said that love is a many funny thingsI know there"s a perfect girl out there for me,cuz I see her in my dreamsDream girl, you"re a fantasy, you"re the only oneOut there for meMy loveDream girl you amaze me all dressed in paisleyLove how not one but both eyes are lazyWhen I first saw you you were drivin" the busThick skin, strong nose like a rhinocerosDream girl so beautiful, lips all crumbySkin like asphalt, nose so runnyThick thighs, no waist, not a care in the worldYou not crazy girl, you just my baby girlIf you envision in sweats with the neon patchHalf eaten squirrel hangin" outta your mouthRainbow poncho, the female tontoHear a loud noise drop a bucket like a broncoDream girl, you"re a fantasy, you"re the only oneOut there for meMy loveYou got your cellphone ring set to Sex and the CityYou like a hot bowl of gritz only way more grittyStraight drippin" your turquoise my Santa Fe queenOne short leg you got the Santa Fe LeanIt"s music to my ears when you scream in your sleepAnd when you lift your skirt in public yo I can"t help but peekYou like Cleopatra with the eyes of a pigLove to watch you in the backer when you go out to digGirl how"d you get those mouse traps glued to your neckLittle rascal, how"d you get screwed to the deck?You put away slurpees like a trash canYour smiles all stainy and your not too brainy andI like that!Talking to your shoes lke it"s your friendI like that!Yellin" at the walls of make pretendI like that!Tellin" you to stop it then you don"tYou said you gonna stop it in my sleepBut you won"t!Last week thought I saw you on the straight turn that was a bag of trashJust a big ol" bag of trashI thought you look like a bag of trashDream girl I pitch a tent when you stomp in the roomLike a hellbound turkey mixed with a baboonYour sexy and your spicy like a bowl of Chex MixAnd I always feel safe when I"m in your flesh mittsYour teeth so clean coulda swore you were BritishNever take the Chex Mix cuz you always get skinnishOpen clamps with both feet cuz your ambidextrousNo point cuz we know you eat nothin" but Chex MixChex Mix number one food snack in the landIt"s the cereal taste that you eat with your handChex Mix at your local grocer buy your boxYour family will all sayCHEX MIX ROCKS!Chex Mix, your the snack for me, your the only oneI"ll ever eat or buyChex Mix your delicious, you got 60% less fat than potato chipsThe endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8186300


Dreams - Alysha DreamAs long as you knowIt"s not impossibleTo make it a reality Oh dreamsAre always there for youAnd always there for meTo reach as long as you and I believe I"m not just telling youAll of our dreams come trueAs long as you just remember that I believe Anything that I can doI know that you can tooDon"t you let anyone ever keep you from your dreams You can do whatever you wantDon"t ever turn away from your heartSo make a wish on heavenThe stars will send you in the right directionAs long as you believe DreamAs long as you knowIt"s not impossibleTo make it a reality Oh dreamsAre always there for youAnd always there for meTo reach as long as you and I believe Don"t ever think you can"tDon"t ever think you haveDon"t ever reach the future that you have left Don"t ever say there"s no hope for you tomorrowWhen you control the dreams that you"ve always known You can do whatever you wantDon"t ever turn away from your heart So make a wish on heavenThe stars will send you in the right directionAs long as you believe DreamAs long as you knowIt"s not impossibleTo make it a reality Oh dreamsAre always there for youAnd always there for meTo reach as long as you and I believe There"s no better place than where you areTo reach for the skyYou"ll have the starsWhatever you want is availableJust don"t be afraid to dream DreamAs long as you knowIt"s not impossibleTo make it a reality(You can make your dreams come true) Oh dreamsAre always there for youAnd always there for meTo reach as long as you and I believeOnly you can dream you knowEventually it will come to youAnything you want if you believeThat you can have the stars, the moon Only you can dream you knowEventually it will come to youAnything you want if you believeThat you can have the stars, the moon DreamAs long as you knowIt"s not impossibleTo make it a reality Oh dreamsAre always there for youAnd always there for meTo reach as long as you and I believe Dreams - Alysha DreamAs long as you knowIt"s not impossibleTo make it a reality


Dream As long as you knowIt"s not impossibleTo make it a realityOh DreamsAre always there for youAnd always there for meTo reach as long as you and I believeI"m not just telling youAll of our dreams come trueAs long as you just remember that I believeAnything that I can doI know that you can tooDon"t you let anyone ever keep you from your dreamsYou can do whatever you wantDon"t ever turn away from your heartSo make a wish on heavenA star will send you in the right directionAs long as you believeDreamAs long as you knowIt"s not impossibleTo make it a realityOh DreamsAre always there for youAnd always there for meTo reach as long as you and I believeDon"t ever think you can"tDon"t ever think that your handsWill never reach the future that you commandDon"t ever say there"s no hope for your tomorrowWhen you control the dreams that you"ve always knownYou can do whatever you wantDon"t ever turn away from your heartSo make a wish on heavenA star will send you in the right directionAs long as you believeDreamAs long as you knowIt"s not impossibleTo make it a realityOh DreamsAre always there for youAnd always there for meTo reach as long as you and I believeDreamAs long as you knowIt"s not impossibleTo make it a realityOh DreamsAre always there for youAnd always there for meTo reach as long as you and I believeThere"s no better place than where you areTo reach for the skyYou"ll touch the starsWhatever you want to beIt"s already yours,Just don"t be afraid to dreamDreamAs long as you knowIt"s not impossibleTo make it a reality(You can make your dreams come true)Oh DreamsAre always there for youAnd always there for meTo reach as long as you and I believeAnything that you"ve been dreaming ofEventually will come to youAnything you want if you believeThat you can have the stars, the moonAnything that you"ve been dreaming ofEventually will come to youAnything you want if you believeThat you can have the stars, the moonDreamAs long as you knowIt"s not impossibleTo make it a realityOh DreamsAre always there for youAnd always there for meTo reach as long as you and I believeDreamAs long as you knowIt"s not impossibleTo make it a reality——译文梦想只要你知道这不是不可能要使它成为现实哦梦想总是有你始终有我达到,只要你和我都相信我不是刚才告诉你我们所有的梦想成真只要你刚才还记得,我相信什么我可以做的我知道你也可以你不让任何人任何时候都让您从您的梦想您可以为所欲为,你想千万不要把远离你的心所以,想对天堂明星将会寄给您,在正确的方向只要你相信梦想只要你知道这不是不可能要使它成为现实哦梦想总是有你始终有我达到,只要你和我都相信千万不要认为你不能千万不要认为你的手永远达不到未来,你指挥不要说有没有希望为您的明天当你控制的梦想,你总是被称为您可以为所欲为,你想千万不要把远离你的心所以,想对天堂明星将会寄给您,在正确的方向只要你相信梦想只要你知道这不是不可能要使它成为现实哦梦想总是有你始终有我达到,只要你和我都相信梦想只要你知道这不是不可能要使它成为现实哦梦想总是有你始终有我达到,只要你和我都相信有没有更好的地方比你身在何处达到为天空您触摸星级无论你想成为它已经和你,只是不要害怕梦想梦想只要你知道这不是不可能要使它成为现实(您可以让您的梦想成真)哦梦想总是有你始终有我达到,只要你和我都相信凡是你已经梦想最终将到你们这里来您想要的任何如果你相信您可以有星星,月亮凡是你已经梦想最终将到你们这里来您想要的任何如果你相信您可以有星星,月亮梦想只要你知道这不是不可能要使它成为现实哦梦想总是有你始终有我达到,只要你和我都相信梦想只要你知道这不是不可能要使它成为现实

求几个不需要鼠标的独立pc游戏,steam上有的也可以,最好不要太大,想risk of rain那




有一首韩语歌,男声,歌词中有my dream,是星空卫视给《搞笑一家人》2配的片尾曲,挺抒情的。

<You are my girl> 金朝翰歌词:Cuzz you are my girl You are the one that I envisioned in my dreams And when you"re around I can"t express the way I feel inside Cuzz you are the one I didn"t know that you would mean so much to me Girl you"re in my heart I"m so thankful you were here for me You are my girl When you walked into my life girl Just one look and you took my heart I didn"t know that I could have these feelings for you There"s so much that I feel inside me I can"t believe how you make me feel Nothing in this world could change my feelings for you Cuzz you are my girl You are the one that I envisioned in my dreams And when you"re around I can"t express the way I feel inside Cuzz you are the one I didn"t know that you would mean so much to me Girl you"re in my heart I"m so thankful you were here for me You are my girl There"s so much that I feel inside me I can"t believe how you make me feel Nothing in this world could change my feelings for you Cuzz you are my girl You are the one that I envisioned in my dreams And when you"re around I can"t express the way I feel inside Cuzz you are the one I didn"t know that you would mean so much to me Girl you"re in my heart I"m so thankful you were here for me You are my girl


Song title: Dreams LYRICS Artist: Dreams Performed by Cranberries Oh my life is changing everydayEvery possible wayThough my dreams, it"s never quite as it seemsNever quite as it seemsI know I felt like this beforeBut now I"m feeling it even moreBecause it came from youThen I open up and seeThe person fumbling here is meA different way to beI want more, impossible to ignoreImpossible to ignoreThey"ll come true, impossible not to doImpossible not to doNow I tell you openlyYou have my heart so don"t hurt meFor what I couldn"t findTalk to me amazing mindSo understanding and so kindYou"re everything to meOh my life is changing everydayEvery possible wayThough my dreams, it"s never quite as it seems"cause you"re a dream to meDream to me

nct dream毕业制度是什么意思?

就是满20岁了就不是nct dream的成员,就退出nct dream。简介:NCT DREAM是韩国男子演唱组合NCT的10代青少年联合队,由李马克、黄仁俊、李帝努、李东赫、罗渽民、钟辰乐、朴志晟七位成员组成。2016年8月24日,发行出道单曲《Chewing Gum》中韩双版MV;25日,NCT DREAM登ment音乐节目《M! Countdown》表演出道舞台,正式宣告出道;27日,正式发行出道单曲《Chewing Gum》。2017年2月15日,NCT DREAM(S.M.ENTERTAINMENT旗下)被正式委任为‘FIFA U-20 世界杯Korea 2017"组委会宣传大使。2018年9月3日,凭借迷你2辑《We Go Up》荣登synnararecord、HOTTRACKS等各唱片周榜1位;同年12月27日,发布单曲《谢谢我的爱(Candle Light)》。2020年5月10日,举办的付费演唱会“NCT DREAM – Beyond the DREAM SHOW”在NAVER V LIVE直播。2021年5月10日发行第一张正规专辑《ub9db (Hot Sauce)》。

C++中 ostream &operate


求助,在steam买了the room,不知道怎么汉化


英语问题 No dream 和 Not dream 有何区别?

一般来讲,前者比较常见,后者很少见,例如. I have no dream.我们也可以说 I don"t have a dream

 我们无法开始您的Adobe Dreamweaver cs5 subscription Edition订阅 是什么意思 在安装好Adobe

用2017的试试看,1、首先你将你的网络断开,可以用过两种手段,一是在电脑上操作禁用本地连接,第二个方法非常简单直接拔网线,这里为什么这么做呢原因是:安装这dreamweaver时需要登录Creative Cloud帐号,只要你断开网络安装软件时就会直接安装,非常的方便。2、把下载下来的安装包解压出来,让后运行“Set-up.exe”开始安装,由于你开始就断开了网络,所以安装过程全自动操作,默认安装到C盘。3、安装完成后不要急着运行程序,在桌面生成的快捷方式“Adobe Creative Cloud”也不要打开。4、打开dw cc 2017破解补丁,选择“adobe dreamweaver cc 2015”就行,绝对可用,再点击“Intel”即可。5、这里选择dw cc 2017安装目录下的“amtlib.dll”即可。软件默认安装目录(C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Dreamweaver CC 2017)成功破解,可以看到OK。6、现在就可以打开adobe dreamweaver cc 2017,可以无限使用哦。dreamweaver cc 2017:http://www.xue51.com/soft/868.html

用steamCMD下载rust服务端提示“no subscription”


求nct dream的Chewing Gum中文版歌词

C-c-c-c-c-c-Chewing Gum C-c-c-c-c-c C-c-c-c-c-c C-c-c-c-c-c-Chewing Gum [MARK] 是谁让地球咬住 我的帆布鞋 [渽民] 就是你 用力想跨出脚步 却黏在原点 [渽民] 快点现形 [JENO] 怎麼都甩脱不掉 没办法解决 [志晟] 黏太紧 原来是刚吐掉的 泡泡糖搞鬼 [志晟] 给我小心 [楷灿] 你被我视线抓住 吓得脸色变蓝 我边看边靠近你 吓得你想逃开 [辰乐] 我双眼追踪著你 一点也不困难 但为何生气的你 会这麼的可爱 泡泡 你和我 更大更大 但别吹破 不怕 你是 柔软的 Chewing Gum小心小心 靠近靠近 你的漩涡 快爆炸的我 极限的 Chewing Gum C-c-c-c-c-c-Chewing Gum C-c-c-c-c-c C-c-c-c-c-c C-c-c-c-c-c-Chewing Gum 我爱的 Chewing Gum [渽民] 为什麼我们总是神奇的遇见 [JENO] 我和你 不管是不是走在同样的路线 [JENO] 让我好奇 [志晟] 好想问你吃的糖是酸还是甜 [MARK] 靠近你 可是用这问题搭话也太丢脸 [MARK] 呆呆看你 [仁俊] 彷佛吹起了泡泡 吹更大 吹更大 我的脑袋被吹满 都是你 都是你 [辰乐] 呆呆地看它膨胀 越大就越透明 透明到没有办法 隐藏住我的心 泡泡 你和我 更大更大 但别吹破 不怕 你是 柔软的 Chewing Gum 小心小心 靠近靠近 你的漩涡别吹破 你是 甜蜜的 Chewing Gum C-c-c-c-c-c-Chewing Gum C-c-c-c-c-c C-c-c-c-c-c C-c-c-c-c-c-Chewing Gum [楷灿] 甜蜜的 Chewing Gum [MARK] 快黏在我心间 Chewing Gum Chewing Gum Chewing Gum Chew you like Chewing Gum 黏著我的口香糖 我上瘾啦 太想要被你黏著 吸引我的感觉 这样又那样 吹著爆炸在心里 Like Chewing Gum Chewing Gum You"re my Chewing Gum 不能也不想摆脱 Girl 泡泡 你和我 是我要你 或你要我 谁赢? 谁输? 可爱的 Chewing Gum 忽左忽右 靠近靠近 你的漩涡 喜欢这感觉 我爱你 Chewing Gum C-c-c-c-c-c-Chewing Gum C-c-c-c-c-c C-c-c-c-c-c C-c-c-c-c-c-Chewing Gum 我爱的 Chewing Gum C-c-c-c-c-c-Chewing Gum C-c-c-c-c-c C-c-c-c-c-c C-c-c-c-c-c-Chewing Gum 甜蜜的 Chewing Gum

nct dream的年龄排序,还有nct 127的年龄排序。分开的,不知道不要乱回答哦

NCT U+NCT 127 :文泰一940614-Johnny(徐英浩)950209-李泰容950701-yuta(中本悠太)951026-金道英960201-(ten960227)-郑在炫970214-winwin(董思成)971028-mark(李敏亨)990802-楷灿(李东赫)080606。NCT DREAM: mark李敏亨990802-黄仁俊000323-jeno帝努000423-楷灿(李东赫)000606-罗渽民000813-钟辰乐011122-朴志晟020205.



nct dream小条里面 竹马 天降 凤传 还有朝?cp都是什么意思啊


为什么NCT DREAM成员Jeno外号叫小橡子?


Splash Dream歌词什么意思

浪花的游戏 拍打不同旋律 满满飞扬的感情  就像水汪汪的眼睛 满天的星星 串成爱情的Messge  限时挂号我的心 储存能量永无止尽 生命充满著奇迹 坚持对爱的相信 Splash Dream  祈祷像箭一样的飞行 跨越海洋也超越陆地  将我们的爱慢慢变成透明   Splash Dream 眼眸透著那片 Splash Dream   不想再错过我和你  坚定不移地 存粹的爱情 Splash Dream 约好在天堂乐园相遇  把浪花踢成一条心型 让天为我们见证   坚定的心 Splash Dream   微笑是我的热情Big Wave 想为你唱一首歌曲  关与爱和你守护的歌曲 Splash Dream  祈祷像箭一样的飞行  跨越海洋也超越陆地  将我们的爱慢慢变成透明  Splash Dream 眼眸里透著那片  Splash Dream  不想再错过我对你 坚定不移地 纯粹的爱情

My Dream Job初二英语作文,要关于artist的,100字左右

题目:My Dream Job I have a dream when I was a little child.I wanted to be an artist which is my dream job.The reason why I wanted to be an artist is that I wanted to have freedom.I also wanted to decide working time and place by myself.I can do painting any time and anywhere if I bee an artist when I grow up.To be an artist,I have to be very creative and hard working.Now,I have to do my homework seriously and make sure that I get most questions correct.At weekends,I can join some painting classes.I will also join some training programmes to improve my creativity.(114字)




steam中的部分游戏会掉落集换式卡牌,但每个游戏的卡牌只会掉落一半,下面给大家推荐一个利用ASF挂卡的图文教程,一起来看看吧。steam使用ASF挂卡图文教程看到网上许多小伙伴利用ASF挂卡的教程,有些由于版本的更新,导致界面和流程已经落伍,而有些并非十分详细,晦涩难懂,不由萌生了想自己详细聊聊新手如何让ASF搭载steam账号挂卡的想法。什么是挂卡?在Steam里面有部分游戏,可以掉落集换式卡牌,但每个游戏的卡牌只会掉落一半。有集换式卡牌会在此说明如果你想升级,你可以交换或者购买别人的卡,凑齐你的卡牌来获得经验完成升级。做一个仓鼠王也是Steam一大的快乐当然如果你不想升级,可以将卡牌卖了换钱。简单来说就是这样。于是我就选了一款最多人使用, 更新也最为持久的挂卡工具, ASF, 来给大家讲下。ASF算是比较热门的挂卡软件 不过页面emmmm这个工具呢,目前,就是我写文章的这一天,已经更新到4.2.2.0版本。首先到官方网站下载ASF,ASF下载由于咱是PC端所以选择下载Win-x64如果不能够在github下载,那咱还有另一招百度网盘:下载之后解压,得到如下文件。会得到以下文件这个时候先不用管,先下载机器人配置文件。打开这个网页: 操作方式如图下载之后回到"ASF-win-x64" 文件夹,找到"config" 文件夹,把下载的配置文件拖进去。拖进去之后,在启动之前小伙伴们,先确定能够打开Steam社区首页,用加速器加速Steam或者使用Steamcommunity 302(大佬作品),再打开"ArchiSteamFarm.exe"。打开"ArchiSteamFarm.exe"如果小伙们有手机令牌那么在第一次登入的时候会提示输入验证码。如图所示验证码确认后,接下来便到了愉快的挂卡时间了。ASF教程到此结束最后说一个题外话:为何选择ASF?1.工具更新超积极的呢。 2.可以支持多账号同时挂卡。3.自己需要玩游戏的时候,ASF自动停止挂卡,如果不玩了会自动重新挂卡。


挂卡是什么、为什么要给steam挂卡这类问题,想必不用再给点进来的朋友多废话了。 本教程之所以选择ASF而不是IdleMaster,是因为后者不知道为什么登陆不进steam,即使登进去了也读取不成功徽章页面。除了挂梯子,浏览器F12开发者模式、IE浏览器、调英文语言等方法都试过了,无一奏效(自卑),太可惜了,明明我很喜欢它的About的。。 ASF有很多高级、详细用法在此不表,只是记录自己走的小步子,有心人请移步 官方教程 。本教程的环境为Win 7。 打开config文件夹看生成的.json文件中是否已包含自己所填信息。是的话就可以双击打开 ArchiSteamFarm.exe 了。 第一次用可能需要填邮箱验证码,按要求来就是了。 如果一直重复“正在连接…已从steam断开连接!…重新连接中…”则表示有错误,我当时是出现问题才挂上的 steamcommunity 302 和装上 .NET Core ,问题得以解决。 u2003u2003还有很多 高级功能 在此没有用上,比如 同时挂多个账户 、 修改在线状态为“挂卡中” 、 使用UI界面 等等。

我想说Martin.Luther.king的Speech,(I have a dream)要怎么说呢?

马丁路德金的个人介绍: Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American clergyman, activist and prominent leader in the African American civil rights movement. His main legacy was to secure progress on civil rights in the United States, and he has become a human rights icon: King is recognized as a martyr by two Christian churches.A Baptist minister, King became a civil rights activist early in his career.He led the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott and helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957, serving as its first president. King"s efforts led to the 1963 March on Washington, where King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech. There, he raised public consciousness of the civil rights movement and established himself as one of the greatest orators in U.S. history. In 1964, King became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end racial segregation and racial discrimination through civil disobedience and other non-violent means. By the time of his death in 1968, he had refocused his efforts on ending poverty and the Vietnam War, both from a religious perspective. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. He was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977 and Congressional Gold Medal in 2004; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was established as a U.S. national holiday in 1986.I Have a Dream的基本介绍: "I Have a Dream" is the famous name given to the sixteen minute public speech by Martin Luther King, Jr., in which he called for racial equality and an end to discrimination. King"s delivery of the speech on August 28, 1963, from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, was a defining moment of the American Civil Rights Movement. Delivered to over 200,000 civil rights supporters,the speech is often considered to be one of the greatest and most notable speeches in human history and was ranked the top American speech of the 20th century by a 1999 poll of scholars of public address.According to U.S. Representative John Lewis, who also spoke that day as the President of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, "Dr. King had the power, the ability, and the capacity to transform those steps on the Lincoln Memorial into a monumental area that will forever be recognized. By speaking the way he did, he educated, he inspired, he informed not just the people there, but people throughout America and unborn generations." At the end of the speech, King departed from his prepared text for a partly improvised peroration on the theme of "I have a dream", possibly prompted by Mahalia Jackson"s cry, "Tell them about the dream, Martin!"He had delivered a speech incorporating some of the same sections in Detroit in June 1963, when he marched on Woodward Avenue with Walter Reuther and the Reverend C. L. Franklin, and had rehearsed other parts.你综合一下,然后说点原文的内容就可以啦

Heritage Dreams家族是什么样的家族

Heritage Dreams家族是一个网络家族 以空间技术起家,为了成为网络QQ空间的潮流不断的努力,不断的壮大,现在希望与各路人合作,建设一个真正强大的网络家族。。Heritage Dreams 中文意思是 遗梦 简称 遗家 也可以简称HD家族。。和其他家族截然不同的是 家族需要的是实力还有梦想。。。 家族宣言: 不要遗落而放弃,更要为了梦想而前进

ice cream 的 talk TO ME 的歌词

ice cream - talk to me talk to me speak with me don"t sink before you rise baby don"t fade away you hesitate you seem to wait for all the time we had feels like a world away who"s to say we"ll be ok we"re gonna make it through the night don"t wanna wake up in this state i just want us both to smile cause we"re the same and i know that we"ll never change look i bought your favourite ice cream i don"t wanna see it melt away if you walk out now i don"t know if we"re gonna be the same baby just talk with me because i want you to stay here with me the memories the things will deal i love them beside my heart will i know i want forget but now who"s to say we"ll be ok we"re gonna make it through the night don"t wanna wake up in this state i just want us both to smile cause we"re the same and i know that we"ll never change look i bought your favourite ice cream i don"t wanna see it melt away if you walk out now i don"t know if we"re gonna be the same baby just talk with me because i want you to stay here with me i want you to stay here with me

歌词中有love the team

歌名:The a Team歌手:Ed Sheeran作词:Ed Sheeran作曲:Ed Sheeran时长:3分42秒歌词:White lips, pale faceBreathing in snowflakesBurnt lungs, sour tasteLight"s gone, day"s endStruggling to pay rentLong nights, strange menAnd they sayShe"s in the Class A TeamStuck in her daydreamBeen this way since 18But lately her face seemsSlowly sinking, wastingCrumbling like pastriesAnd they screamThe worst things in life come free to usCos we"re just under the upperhandAnd go mad for a couple of gramsAnd she don"t want to go outside tonightAnd in a pipe she flies to the MotherlandOr sells love to another manIt"s too cold outsideFor angels to flyRipped gloves, raincoatTried to swim and stay afloatDry house, wet clothesLoose change, bank notesWeary-eyed, dry throatCall girl, no phoneAnd they sayShe"s in the Class A TeamStuck in her daydreamBeen this way since 18But lately her face seemsSlowly sinking, wastingCrumbling like pastriesAnd they screamThe worst things in life come free to usCos we"re just under the upperhandAnd go mad for a couple of gramsBut she don"t want to go outside tonightAnd in a pipe she flies to the MotherlandOr sells love to another manIt"s too cold outsideFor angels to flyAn angel will dieCovered in whiteClosed eyeAnd hoping for a better lifeThis time, we"ll fade out tonightStraight down the lineAnd we"re all under the upperhandGo mad for a couple of gramsAnd we don"t want to go outside tonightAnd in a pipe we fly to the MotherlandOr sell love to another manIt"s too cold outsideFor angels to flyAngels to flyTo fly, flyAngels to fly, to fly, to flyAngels to die

Ed Sheeran的《The a Team》 歌词

歌曲名:The a Team歌手:Ed Sheeran专辑:2013 Grammy NomineesThe a TeamEd SheeranWhite lips, pale faceBreathing in snowflakesBurnt lungs, sour tasteLight"s gone, day"s endStruggling to pay rentLong nights, strange menAnd they sayShe"s in the Class A TeamStuck in her daydreamBeen this way since 18But lately her face seemsSlowly sinking, wastingCrumbling like pastriesAnd they screamThe worst things in life come free to usCos we"re just under the upperhandAnd go mad for a couple of gramsAnd she don"t want to go outside tonightAnd in a pipe she flies to the MotherlandOr sells love to another manIt"s too cold outsideFor angels to flyRipped gloves, raincoatTried to swim and stay afloatDry house, wet clothesLoose change, bank notesWeary-eyed, dry throatCall girl, no phoneAnd they sayShe"s in the Class A TeamStuck in her daydreamBeen this way since 18But lately her face seemsSlowly sinking, wastingCrumbling like pastriesAnd they screamThe worst things in life come free to usCos we"re just under the upperhandAnd go mad for a couple of gramsBut she don"t want to go outside tonightAnd in a pipe she flies to the MotherlandOr sells love to another manIt"s too cold outsideFor angels to flyAn angel will dieCovered in whiteClosed eyeAnd hoping for a better lifeThis time, we"ll fade out tonightStraight down the lineAnd we"re all under the upperhandGo mad for a couple of gramsAnd we don"t want to go outside tonightAnd in a pipe we fly to the MotherlandOr sell love to another manIt"s too cold outsideFor angels to flyAngels to flyTo fly, flyAngels to fly, to fly, to flyAngels to diehttp://music.baidu.com/song/33950940

求Love The Way You Lie & Teenage Dream& Dynamite及歌词额,谢谢哦.361170926@qq.com


THE A TEAM 歌词 翻译

天亮前的太阳 我不知道我怎么不知道为什么 我觉得在我手中的彩虹 我在你的眼睛看到的彩虹 蓝色和绿色,粉红色和白色 我知道周围是黄色波 我们要分享这个惊人之旅 我们该怎么办不害怕整天 和你在一起 你看到了大大树 美丽的彩虹在自己手中 在我们的眼中看到的彩虹 蓝色和绿色,粉红色和白色 我知道周围是黄色波 我们要分享

Any Dream Will Do 歌词

歌曲名:Any Dream Will Do歌手:The Blue Mountain Panpipe Ensemble专辑:Haunting Pan Pipe FavouritesSarah brightmanAny dream will dolinglingi close my eyesdrew back the curtainto see for certainwhat i thought i knewfar far awaysomeone was weepingbut the world was sleepingany dream will doi wore my coatwith golden lightningbright colors shiningwonderful and newand in the eastthe dawn was breakingand the world was wakingany dream will doa crash of drumsa flash of lightmy golden coatflew out of sightthe color"s fading into darknessi was left alonemay i returnto the beginingthe light is dearingand the dream is toothe world and iwe are still waitingstill hesitatingany dream will doa crash of drumsa flash of lightmy golden coatflew out of sightthe color"s fading into darknessi was left alonemay i returnto the beginingthe light is dearingand the dream is toothe world and iwe are still waitingstill hesitatingany dream will doany dream will doany dream will dohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2769304

谁能帮我有英语的一句话解释 dream!就像beautiful可以写成A person who is pretty..

a thing or aim that you desire or you want to reach


dream a dream 做...的梦dream of 梦想...

dream of同义词

dream about


介绍解梦字典.不知是否有用.Q. What exactly are dreams?A. Dreams are expressions of thoughts, feelings, and awarenesses—that are represented through the creation of sensory environments in our minds. The creation of the dreamscape is caused by stimulation of the sensory cortex, that occurs naturally during REM sleep. Q. Are dreams in any way related to every day life?A. Yes! Dreams are representations of thoughts, feelings, and awarenesses that have been occupying our mind—usually for the day or two prior to the dream. If you want to know what a dream is about, think about how it relates to recent events in your life—like what happened yesterday or the day before! Q. Is there a certain time in the sleep cycle when people dream?A. Yes. People dream during REM sleep, which occurs about every 90 minutes throughout the night, for progressively longer periods. For example, we may only dream 5 or 10 minutes in our first REM period, but by morning we all dream for about 30-40 minutes—right before we wake up! Q. Does everyone dream?A. Everyone dreams about 100 minutes per night; we just have difficulty remembering our dreams. One hundred minutes is over an hour and a half per night of dreams—longer than most movies we see at the theater, or on TV! Q. Why do people dream?A. Dreaming helps our brains grow, by exciting our neurons. Did you know that newborn babies dream about 8 hours per day? All warm-blooded creatures have REM sleep—cats dogs, horses—even birds and dolphins! Q. Can a person affect what they dream about by food, drugs, or alcohol? Or by any other method?A. Some people say pineapple pizza and chocolate gives them wild dreams, but no one has really been able to prove this! Most drugs—sleeping pills, marijuana, alcohol—decrease our dream recall. If you want to influence what you dream about, write down a question or goal for your dream in a dream journal—just before you go to bed. You will usually dream about your question or goal within a week. Q. Do dreams serve a purpose in the brain"s function? Or are they part of the brain"s nighttime functions?A. In addition to helping our brains grow when we are young, researchers believe dreaming plays a role in memory—by strengthening connections between certain areas of our brains, and by allowing other connections (less useful information) to be released and forgotten. REM sleep also plays a role in releasing certain hormones in the brain. Did you know that all anti-depressant drugs are effective because they dramatically reduce REM sleep? Scientists aren"t sure exactly why reduced REM relieves depression—but it does! Q. How can a person remember more of their dreams?A. The trick is to learn to wake up slowly. When you first wake up, you need to concentrate on what you were just dreaming about. Try to lie still, and don"t move around very much or get out of bed—not yet. Just concentrate on your dream, or the feeling that your dream caused you. It also helps if you keep a dream diary, and if you remind yourself—before you fall asleep—that you want to remember your dreams in the morning. Q. Why do some dreams cause a physical response? Like after a bad dream—waking up with the heart racing?A. Even though our bodies are paralyzed during dreams, our involuntary body responses—including breathing and heart rate—still respond. When something happens in a dream, we think it"s real, and so we can get scared and nervous—just like we do in real life. Q. Why do people sometimes repeat certain dreams over and over?A. Recurring dreams reflect feelings and awarenesses that have not been successfully resolved in our waking lives. Unresolved feelings often include the sudden loss of a loved one, or an abrupt end to a romantic relationship! We wish the situation could have ended differently, so we tend to replay it in our minds. Q. How come on some nights people feel they have dreamt more than others?A. Some dreams are more emotional than others. We tend to remember our emotional dreams—because they are vivid and intense—and because we often wake up directly from them! http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary/http://www.dreamdoctor.com/faq.shtml



a pipe dream是什么意思?


pipe dreams是什么意思

pipe dreams n. 白日梦,幻想( pipe dream的名词复数 ); [医] 幻想,白日梦;


用Dreamweaver插入网页背景音乐的方法本文以mid格式文件和mp3格式文件为例,教你如何在网页中插入背景音乐。 1、MID 是用来插入背景音乐,但只适用于IE,其参数设定不多。如下: <bgsound src="your.mid" autostart=true loop=infinite> src="your.mid" :设定 midi 档案及路径,可以是相对或绝对。 autostart=true :是否在音乐档下载完之后就自动播放。true 是,false 否 (内定值)。 loop=infinite :是否自动反复播放。LOOP=2 表示重复两次,Infinite 表示重复多次。 这种方法就是直接把标记放于网页文件的...之间,设置好mid文件的路径就OK了 2、mp3 <EMBED src="1.mp3" autostart="true" loop="2" width=300 height=100> src:音乐文件的路径及文件名; autostart:true为音乐文件上传完后自动开始播放,默认为false(否) loop:true为无限次重播,false为不重播,某一具体值(整数)为重播多少次 volume:取值范围为"0-100",设置音量,默认为系统本身的音量 starttime:"分:秒",设置歌曲开始播放的时间,如,starttime="00:10",从第10开始播放 endtime: "分:秒",设置歌曲结束播放的时间 width:控制面板的宽 height:控制面板的高 controls:控制面板的外观 controls="console/smallconsole/ playbutton/pausebutton/stopbutton/volumelever" ·console:正常大小的面板 ·smallconsole:较小的面板 ·playbutton:显示播放按钮 ·pausebutton:显示暂停按钮 ·stopbutton:显示停止按钮 ·volumelever:显示音量调节按钮 hidden:为true时可以隐藏面板 其它的用播放器播放音乐的代码请看录录网其它技术文章!


基本语法<marquee> ... </marquee> <marquee>啦啦啦,我会移动耶!</marquee> 啦啦啦,我会移动耶!文字移动属性的设置方向<direction=#> #=left, right <marquee direction=left>啦啦啦,我从右向左移!</marquee> <P> <marquee direction=right>啦啦啦,我从左向右移!</marquee> 啦啦啦,我从右向左移!啦啦啦,我从左向右移!方式<bihavior=#> #=scroll, slide, alternate <marquee behavior=scroll>啦啦啦,我一圈一圈绕着走!</marquee> <P> <marquee behavior=slide>啦啦啦,我只走一次就歇了!</marquee> <P> <marquee behavior=alternate>啦啦啦,我来回走耶!</marquee> 啦啦啦,我一圈一圈绕着走!啦啦啦,我只走一次就歇了!啦啦啦,我来回走耶!循环<loop=#> #=次数;若未指定则循环不止(infinite) <marquee loop=3 width=50% behavior=scroll>啦啦啦,我只走3 趟哟!</marquee> <P> <marquee loop=3 width=50% behavior=slide>啦啦啦,我只走3 趟哟!</marquee> <P> <marquee loop=3 width=50% behavior=alternate>啦啦啦,我只走3 趟哟!</marquee> 啦啦啦,我只走3 趟哟!啦啦啦,我只走3 趟哟!啦啦啦,我只走3 趟哟!速度<scrollamount=#>


下个插件放歌的 具体我也不知道叫什么自己找去





求 加藤ミリヤ 的 Dreaming under the moon 歌词+平假名!!!Thanks!

加藤ミリヤ的最新歌曲Dreaming under the moon是专辑Lonely Girl(日本版)中收录的歌曲,本站提供加藤ミリヤDreaming under the moon wma格试的MP3试听



let go of dreams and troubles.and set you free!

Let go of dreams and troubles, and set you free!放弃梦想,舍弃烦恼,放你自由!let go of 放弃,舍弃(感情,态度,控制权),松开,放开

I set you free, you go for your dream, enjoy your future 什么意思






my dream 英语作文 用一般将来时


英语作文my dream

I know my dream about to become an excellent soldier is quite different from the other people"s dreams. Such as become a lawyer, a manager or a teacher. And my parents didn"t agree me to be a soldier because they know there are so many latent rules in the society that I can"t understand now. they told me if I don"t go up to be a officer in battalion, I"ll become a ex-soldier after two years when finish my army"s life. And then I will become a simple college student and maybe I won"t have route of retreat about my work even my life. The most important reason is I will two years older than the others who are also the first time to get a job. The managers will choose the younger students but not me.In fact. I"m a simplex girl. I only hope I will become an excellent soldier in the future. Because I"m looking forward to wearing regimental. Hearing bugle. Saluting to national flag. I"m proud of militarism and blest duty of soldiers.When I have problems, I try my best to face to them because I believe an excellent soldier not only has a strong body but also need doughty soul.From now on, I will continue studying more hard and doing a good job for my beautiful dream. Maybe it won"t come true one day but I also have a fantastic recollection by militarism.
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