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set out; start off; start from; proceed from

举个例子说明英语短语"a self-fulfilling prophecy"的意思

解释如下a self-fulfilling prophecy自我实现的预言例句Fear of failure can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. 害怕失败可能会真的导致失败。


recall的用法:recall的用法1:recall的基本意思是“想起”,一般指通过有意识地努力去“回忆”“回想”,主语一般是人,有时也可以是物。引申可指“召回”“撤销”。recall的用法2:recall既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、动名词或that/wh-从句作宾语。recall的用法3:recall常接介词from表示“从?召回”; 接介词to表示“召回”“迫使(某人)恢复”。recall的常用短语:用作名词 (n.)。beyond〔past〕 recall。用作动词 (v.)。recall from (v.+prep.)。recall to (v.+prep.)。recall相关词汇辨析:memorize,remember,recall,recolect,remind。这些动词均有“记忆,记住,回忆”之意。memorize 指有意识的下功夫把某事的整个细节都记在脑子里。remember 含义较广,多指无意识地回忆起往事,也可指通过主观努力去记忆。recall 比remember文雅,指想方设法回忆已经遗忘之事。recolect 指在记忆中搜索,设法想起一时想不起的事情或人,强调过程。remind 指经某人或某事的提醒而回忆起某件已遗忘之事。


recall的用法:recall的用法1:recall的基本意思是“想起”,一般指通过有意识地努力去“回忆”“回想”,主语一般是人,有时也可以是物。引申可指“召回”“撤销”。recall的用法2:recall既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、动名词或that/wh-从句作宾语。recall的用法3:recall常接介词from表示“从…召回”; 接介词to表示“召回”“迫使(某人)恢复”。recall的常用短语:用作名词 (n.)。beyond〔past〕 recall。用作动词 (v.)。recall from (v.+prep.)。recall to (v.+prep.)。recall相关词汇辨析:memorize,remember,recall,recolect,remind。这些动词均有“记忆,记住,回忆”之意。memorize 指有意识的下功夫把某事的整个细节都记在脑子里。remember 含义较广,多指无意识地回忆起往事,也可指通过主观努力去记忆。recall 比remember文雅,指想方设法回忆已经遗忘之事。recolect 指在记忆中搜索,设法想起一时想不起的事情或人,强调过程。remind 指经某人或某事的提醒而回忆起某件已遗忘之事。


2.1 服饰 apparel and accessories 装饰人体的物品总称(包括服装、鞋帽、袜子、手套、围巾、领带、提包等)。 同义词:衣着 2.2 服装 garments , clothing , apparel 穿于人体起保护和装饰作用的制品。 同义词:衣服、衣裳 2.3 时装 fashion 在一定时间、空间内,为相当一部分人所接受的新颖入时的流行服装。 2.4 成衣 ready-to-wear 按照规定的尺寸,以批量生产方式制作的服装。 2.5 定制服装 customer made 根据个人量体尺寸,单件剪裁, 制作完成的服装。 2.6 毛呢服装 woolen garment 由纯毛、毛混纺织物为面料制成的服装。 2.7 棉布服装 cotton clothes 由全棉、棉混纺织物制成的服装。 2.8 丝绸服装 silk garment 由天然丝、人造丝、合成丝织物制成的服装。 2.9 化纤服装 chemical fiber garment 由各种化学纤维织物制成的服装。 2.10裘革服装 fur or leather garment 由裘皮或革皮制成的服装。 2.11羽绒服装 down garment 内充羽绒的服装。 2.12人造毛皮服装 artificial fur and leather garment 由天然或化学纤维仿各种毛皮的织物为面料制成的服装。 2.13男式服装 men"s wear 成年男子穿着的服装。 2.14女式服装 women"s wear 成年女子穿着的服装。 2.15儿童服装 children"s wear 适合儿童穿着的服装。 2.16婴儿服装 infant"s wear 适合周岁以内婴儿穿着的服装。 3.2 下装 3.2.1 西裤 trousers 裤管有侧缝,穿着分前后,注意与体型协调的裤。 3.2.2 西短裤 short pants 工艺上与西裤基本相同,裤长在膝盖以上的短裤。 3.2.3 中式裤 Chinese style slack 传统的大裤腰,无侧缝,无前后之分的裤。 3.2.4 背带裤 overalls 有背带的裤。 3.2.5 马裤 riding breeches 骑马时穿的裤腿收紧的裤。 3.2.6 灯笼裤 knickerbockers 裤管宽大、脚口收紧似灯笼状的裤。 3.2.7 裙裤 culotte 裤管展宽、外观似裙的裤。 3.2.8 牛仔裤 jeans 为美国拓荒时期,以帆布制成的坚牢工作裤所演变而来,现多用坚固呢制成的裤。 3.2.9 连衣裤 jumpsuit 上衣与裤子相连接的服装。 3.2.10 喇叭裤 bell-bottom trousers 裤腿呈喇叭状的西裤。 3.2.11 棉裤 cotton wadded trousers 内絮棉花、化纤棉、驼毛等保暖材料的御寒裤。 3.2.12 羽绒裤 down wadded trousers 内充羽绒的御寒裤。 3.2.13 连衣裙 dress 上衣下裙连成一件式的服装。 3.2.14 背心裙 jumper skirt 无领、无袖的背心状连裙装。 3.2.15 斜裙 A-line skirt 由腰部至下摆斜向展开呈"A"字形的裙。 3.2.16 喇叭裙 flare skirt 裙体上部与人体腰臀紧贴附,由臀线斜向下展开,形状如喇叭的裙。 3.2.17 超短裙 mini-skirts 一种下摆在大腿中部或以上的短裙。 同义词;迷你裙 3.2.18 褶裙 pleated-skirt 整个裙身由有规则的褶形组成的裙。 3.2.19 节裙 tiered skirt 裙体以多层次的横向多片剪接,外形如塔状的裙。 同义词;塔裙 3.2.20 简裙 straight skirt  从腰开始自然垂落的筒状或管状裙。 同义词:统裙、直裙、直统裙 3.2.21 旗袍裙 Qipao style skirt 左右侧缝开叉的裙。 3.2.22 西服裙 skirt 与西服上衣配套,通常采用收省、打褶等方法使裙体合身,长度在膝盖上下的裙子。 3.3 全身装 3.3.1 风雨衣 all-weather coat 防风防雨两用单、夹长外衣。 3.3.2 风衣 trench coat 防风单、夹长外衣。 3.3.3 披风 cape 无袖,披在肩上的防风外衣。 3.3.4 斗蓬 mantle 有帽的披风。 3.3.5 大衣 overcoat 为了防御风寒,穿在一般衣服外面的外衣,款式按流行时尚而变化。主要有毛呢大衣、棉大衣、羽绒大衣、裘皮大衣、革皮大衣、人造毛皮大衣等品种。 3.3.6 旗袍 Qipao 立领,右大襟,紧腰身,下摆开叉的中国传统女袍。 3.3.7 睡袍 night-gown 卧室中穿的宽松而较长的袍服。 3.3.8 睡衣裤 pyjamas 包含上衣和裤子的二件式睡衣。 3.3.9 套装 suits 上下装配套穿用的服装。由同色同料或造型格调一致的衣、裤、裙等相配而成。 3.4 礼服 3.4.1 新娘礼服 wedding gown  源于欧美地区,新娘行婚礼时穿的礼服。 3.4.2 燕尾服 swallowtailed coat 为男士在特定场合穿的礼服,前身短,后身如燕尾形呈二片开叉。 3.4.3 夜礼服 evening dress 在夜间社交场合中,妇女所穿的华丽裙服。 3.5 职业服 business suit 行业人员从业时按规定穿着的具有标识性的专用服装。有邮电服、铁路服、海关服、海运服、民航服、税务服、交通监督服、工商管理服等。 3.6 劳动保护服 working wear 特殊行业人员工作时提供便利和保护人体的服装。有矿工服、炼钢服、石油工人服、养路I作服等。


1.a lot of ,lots of,plenty of 等词组表示许多大量,既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词.比如:a lot of books ,plenty of water. 2.a great deal of ,a large amount of,a little ,little,只能修饰不可数名词.谓语动词用单数形式.例如:A large amount of medicine is needed in that area. 3.a great many ,a large number of ,a great number of,表示许多大量,可修饰可数名词复数.谓语动词用复数形式. 4.many a 可表示许多,但做主语时谓语动词只能用单数第三人称. 例如:Many a scientist has been trying to research into the SARS bacteria. 5.masses of 做主语时谓语动词用复数,a mass of 修饰主语时谓语动词用单数.例如:Masses of work are to be done to welcome the new year. 6.a quantity of ,(large )quantities (of ) 作主语,或其所修饰的名词作主语时,其谓语动词应根据quantity 的单复数形式而定.例如:Large quantities of money are needed to equip the school. A quantity of story books has been bought for the children.


加可数名词 many large numbers of不可数 much均可 a lot of lots of plenty of a mass of huge amounts of




1.Hazardous Waste 有害垃圾 involving risk or danger,...2.Recyclable Waste 可回收物 可回收物有纸类(Paper),塑料(...3.Household Food Waste 湿垃圾 湿垃圾主要指厨余(食物)垃圾4.Residual Waste 干垃圾 干垃圾可以理解成除上述几类之外的其他垃圾。


英语常用的短语八年级如下:1、Catch up: 追赶,赶上2、Break down: 故障,出故障3、Look forward to: 期待4、Give up: 放弃5、Hang out: 闲逛,出去玩6、Get along (with): 相处,和...相处融洽7、Take care of: 照顾,照料8、Settle down: 安定下来,安顿下来9、Figure out: 弄清楚,理解10、Turn off: 关掉,关闭11、Show up: 出现,露面12、Speak up: 大声说,发言13、Bring up: 提起,养育14、Stand out: 脱颖而出,显眼15、Hang up: 挂断电话,挂起16、Put off: 推迟,延期17、Pick up: 捡起,接人18、Give in: 让步,屈服19、Make up: 弥补,编造20、Set up: 建立,设置短语介绍短语是由句法、语义和语用三个层面上能够搭配的语言单位组合起来的没有句调的语言单位,又叫词组。它是大于词而又不成句的语法单位。简单的短语可以充当复杂短语的句法成分,短语加上句调可以成为句子。由语法上能够搭配的词组合起来的没有句调的语言单位。1、主谓短语由有陈述关系的两个成分组成,前面被陈述部分是主语,表示要说的是谁或什么;后面陈述的部分是谓语,说明主语怎么样或者是什么。陈述关系用语序而不用虚词表示。 例如:粮食//丰收 (名//动)(什么//怎么样)2、动宾短语由支配涉及关系的两个成分组成,前面起支配作用的部分是动语,表示动作行为;后面被支配的部分是宾语,表示做什么、是什么。支配关系用语序而不用虚词表示。例如:想/他 (动/代) (想/谁?)3、偏正短语由名词、动词或形容词与它们前头起修饰作用的词组合而成,其中名词、动词、形容词是中心语,名词前面的修饰部分是定语,动词、形容词前面的修饰部分是状语。


表示代表的英语短语:stand for 。 for:prep.(表示对象、用途等)给,对,供;以帮助;为了;关于; conj.因为;由于 扩展资料   People believe that two "nines" meeting together stand for a long life.   人们相信,两个"九"在一起代表着长寿。   However, production increasing does not stand for competitiveness upgraded.   但产量的增加不代表竞争力的提升。   If a company has simple letter abbreviations, what does it stand for?   如果公司有简单的缩写,缩写代表什么?


stand for. in the name of.


instead of hold on believe it or not play a part in the same as have fun in sth. pay attention to feel good to this day


use...in place of...


Instead of, as a replacement of ...


代替英语短语是substitute for. substitute for:v.取代;替代。 扩展资料   She is seeking a substitute for the very man whose departure made her cry.   那个男人的离去令她伤心痛哭,她正想找一个人填补内心的空缺。   Reduced-calorie cheese is a great substitute for cream cheese   低卡路里干酪是奶油干酪的极佳替代品。   Emotion should never be a substitute for sound policy.   感情不能代替政策。   If you cannot go yourself, try to find someone to substitute for you.   你要是自己不能去,可以找个人来代替。   The chef said you could substitute ketchup for the vinegar.   主厨说过可以用番茄酱代替醋。


  每个人都是独一无二的,没有人能够代替。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!   篇1   这两女孩由她们的爷爷奶奶代替照顾。   Instead, the girls are cared for by their grandparents.   为什么不用具有八个气缸同等排量的一个大气缸代替?   Why not have one big cylinder of the same displacement of the eight cylinders instead?   您只需输入这些符号来代替相应的引数。   You simply type the sigil in place of the argument.   代替每天执行您所有的自动化单元测试,而是执行为此特定的交付或迭代而需要通过的测试。   Instead of running all your automated unit tests every day, only run the ones that need to passfor this particular delivery or iteration.   因为你认为永远都没有什么能代替我?   Because you think you can never replace me?   用一个新的需求代替一个已有的需求。   Replace an existing requirement with the new one.   我们能用什么代替呢?   Encase what can we use instead?   这些资源应该还可用,但是如果您遇到任何问题,我建议您用您自己的凭证和测试资料代替示例资料。   These resources should remain available, but if you do encounter problems, I suggest that youreplace example data with your own credentials and test data.   代替跟踪被包括的与其他用例分离的用例,我们将这些用例组织到逻辑上包含他们的功能的包中。   Instead of tracking included use cases separately from the other use cases, we grouped themin whichever package logically included their function.   代替跟踪被包括的与其他用例分离的用例,我们将这些用例组织到逻辑上包含他们的功能的包中。   Instead of tracking included use cases separately from the other use cases, we grouped themin whichever package logically included their function.   篇2   And that"s pretty clear, too, and the question I want to pose to you is instead the third case here.   而且这也相当清楚了,我想给你们提出的问题,在代替了第三种情况。   But I realize that a lot of people just want to take the easy route and do that instead.   但我后来发现,很多人只想走捷径,以手术代替其他方式。   So, what we can do instead of talking about the ionization energy, z because that"s one of our known quantities, so that we can find z effective.   我们做的事可以代替讨论电离能,因为那是我们知道的量子数之一,那是我们可以解出有效的,如果我们重新排列这个方程。   Have we at least found something interesting,necessary, unique to death when we say,Nobody can die my death for me.   我们是否至少找到一些有趣,必要,独特的东西,当我们说“没有人能代替我死亡。   And then these things, these body parts, are then referred to with the pronoun "it"; "it," the hand, did this or that.   这些身体部分后来,都被“它“这个词代替了,都是写“它“做了这,做了那。   What does it mean, a new form es about only to replace an old form which has ceased to be aesthetically viable?   但是新的形式代替旧的形式,来换取审美的重生是什么意思?   And I think it"s impossible not to see that when Milton substitutes the virtue charity with the far more circumscribed ideal of chastity.   而我认为当弥尔顿把更加局限的贞操去代替局限的仁爱时,这不可能读不出来,虽然贞洁更加局限。   Now. You might look at that and say, well that"s just a lot like what we had over here Right? We had some additive constant plus a simpler version of the same problem reduced in size by 1.   现在你可能会看着这个说,这很像我们以前做过的,对不对?我们用一些附加的常量,加上问题的另外一个规模缩小了1的,简化版本来代替这个问题本身。   Take the fattest marking pen you have, scratch that out and replace it with atomic hydrogen.   用你最粗的笔把它划掉,再用氢原子代替它。   It replaces the nobility,the local nobles, it replaces the church, and it replaces the monarchy that most people in France did not want.   它代替了贵族阶级,地方贵族,代替了教会,代替了大多法国人所不想要的君主制   I"m just doing it with a series of switches instead of a fingerboard, which we obviously don"t have-- Okay. That"s fine. That"s great.   只是我用的是阀键,代替圆号上很明显没有的指板,好的,很棒   He didn"t sign into a hotel as Peter the Great or whatever, but he would go in with a name that wasn"t his.   他在酒店登记时不会签彼得大帝之类的名字,而是用一个假名来代替   That"s because it replaced central banks of the member countries of the European Union.   这是因为它代替了,欧盟成员国家的中央银行。   We"re more likely to we have other words for it now.   我们更倾向于,用其他的词来代替   So let"s instead do this.   让我们代替这个。   篇3   I think the President takes the role of both the, as we would have Prime Minister and the Queen.   我想总统代替了我们的首相和女王。   But also, switching out the trans fat in another kind of fat doesn"t change the calories at all.   同样地,用其它的脂肪来代替,反式脂肪酸不会改变食物的总热量   Numbers 35:31-34: "You may not accept a ransom for the life of a murderer who is guilty of a capital crime; he must be put to death.   根据《民数记》第35章31至34节的记录,杀人犯死罪的,你们不可收赎价代替他的命,他必被治死。   And this is, I think, an obvious example of Biomedical Engineering, building a machine that can replace the function of one of your organs even temporarily, for example, during an operation.   这种装置,以我之见,便是生物医学工程的一个典型的例子,即制造一台能代替人体器官功能的机器,哪怕仅仅只是暂时地代替,比如在手术中   For example, suppose you use vertical motion and you use y instead of x; and a would be g or -g; that"s a particle falling down under the affect of gravity.   例如,假设在竖直运动中,你用 y 来代替 x,那么 a 就是 g 或者 -g,这就是一个受重力作用下落的质点   I"m going to assume a little bit more and I"m going to assume that I haven"t spelled maximized right, max will do they want to max their share of the vote.   我们来再进一步假设,最大化怎么拼,就用max代替吧,假设他们想要最大化自己的得票数   you really can"t substitute for that.   这一点真的毫无代替。   Just like somebody could take my place in the string quartet, it seems that somebody could take my place at the guillotine.   就像别人代替我在弦乐四重奏团演出一样,看上去有人可以代替我上断头台。   They thought, for example, if you could do something with one element, if you looked at an element very close to it, it would be similar enough that you could maybe replace it with that.   他们认为,比如,用一种元素可以做的,用它邻近的元素,代替它的位置,也应该能做到。   It"s a very different kind of crafting, but yet it does replace reality in a similar way, or it makes demands on reality that push the real back.   是一种很不一样的工艺,却以同样的方式代替了现实,或者对现实提出要求。   D-A-V-I-D I"m not hardcoding in D-A-V-I-D anymore but I can still use a variable.   我不再把名字写死为,而是用一个变数来代替。   It"s looking at the problem that certain troubled institutions have that their assets can"t be sold and it"s just saying okay we"ll replace them with assets that can be sold.   它正专注于那些,特定的问题机构所面临的问题,那些机构的资产不能被卖出,然而机构仍在说,好的,我们将用可转卖的资产代替它们。   And so as the other man is being carted off to the guillotine to be killed, our hero takes his place.   所以当另一个人被装在车里押到断头台行刑时,我们的主角就代替了他。   And now in the past couple of weeks, I"ve been working on a *** all experiment, which is intended to show how we can be replaced by a puter.   在前几周内,我一直在做一个,小实验,打算,说明我们怎么样才能被计算机代替。


instead of sth / doing


  1、A new book is like a boat steering people from a narrow stream to a vast ocean of life.May you brave the wind and waves in the sea of knowledge.   一本新书像一艘船,带领着我们从狭隘的地方,驶向生活的无限广阔的海洋,愿你能在知识的海洋中乘风破浪。   2、Wishing you and yours a happy happy new year.   万事如意,合家平安。   3、Best of luck in the year to come.   愿你在未来的一年里,吉星高照。   4、Peace and love for you at New Year from all your students.   祝老师新年充满平安和爱。   5、May peace and love be your gift at Christmas and always!   献上祥和与爱心,在圣诞以至永远!   6、I want to wish you longevity and health!   祝财运亨通!   7、Let us embrace life,create life,seize today and wake up tomorrow with all fervor.   拥抱生活,创造生活,把握住每一个今天,让我们用全部的热忱,去唤醒明天。   8、May the glow of New Year candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your New Year bright.Have a love filled New Year!   愿新年的烛光带给你祥和与喜悦,祝你新年充满爱。   9、I"m glad to learn that you won first prize in the composition contest held at your school.I"d like to take this opportunity to offer my congratulations on your success.   非常高兴得知你在学校举办的作文比赛中荣获一等奖,我想借此机会对你的成功表示祝贺。   10、Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year.   衷心祝福来年快乐、幸运!   11、In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.   在这欢乐的时节给你我最真的祝福和亲切的思念,愿你今年的新年比往年更璀璨。   12、Wish all the best wishes for you.   献上最美好的祝愿。   13、Hope all your New Year dreams come true!   愿你所有的新年想都成真!   14、Wishing you many future successes.   请多保重!   15、I wish you a happy New Year. All affection and best wishes to you and yours.   以我所有的爱心与真诚祝你及全家圣诞快乐。   16、Happy new year!   新年快乐!   17、Warm hearted wishes for a happy New Year filled with all your favorite things.   传统佳节之际,献上殷殷祝福,祝新年万事如意!   18、May the bright and festive glow of New Year candle warm the days all the year through. Hoping you will have a wonderful time enjoying New Year that is happy in every way.   愿明亮喜庆的新年烛光温暖一年中的每个日日夜夜,祝你欢欢喜喜度新年!   19、New Year time is here. I hope you have a wonderful New Year. May every day hold happy hours for you.   新年来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!   20、May our golden youth radiate indelible light. Grasp today! Wish you success in the College Entrance Examination!   让我们黄金般的青春,放射出不可磨灭的光彩。把握现在吧!祝你高考成功!   21、A happy New Year to you.   祝节日快乐,新年幸福。   22、May happiness follow you wherever you go!   愿您幸福快乐,直到永远永远。   23、May the joy and warmth of Christmas fill your home with happiness.   愿圣诞的欢乐和温馨,带给你家无边的幸福。   24、Wishing you and your family a very happy new year.   祝福您及全家新年快乐。   25、Good luck and great success in the coming New Year.   祝来年好运,并取得更大的成就。   26、May the joy of New Year be with you throughout the year.   愿新年的快乐一年四季常在。   27、My warmest congratulations to you on receiving the scholarship to the university with all my best wishes for your further progress and continued success.   衷心祝贺你荣获大学奖学金,并祝你不断取得进步和成功。   28、It"s joy to know you,wishing the nicest things always for you, not only today,but all the year through because you are really a joy to know.   认识你是一种快慰,愿你永远拥有最美好的东西,不仅今天拥有,而且天天拥有,因为认识你真是一种慰藉。   29、When I think of you the miles between us disappear.   当我想起你,相隔千里,如在咫尺。   30、I am glad to hear that you have passed the examination with a good record.And wish you the best of everything in the future.   很高兴听说你以优异的成绩通过了这次考试,祝你在未来的日子里一切顺利。   31、May many fortunes find their way to you!   多福多寿!   32、May the New Year be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you. Best wishes.   愿新年不仅是你欢笑的时刻,更是你欢喜的日子。祝福你。   33、Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year.   致以最良好的祝福,原你新年快乐幸福。   34、We are very happy to learn that you have successfully passed the college entrance examination this year and have been admitted into Beijing University with honor.Allow us to offer our most sincere congratulations on this happy occasion and wish you greater achievement in your college education.   我们非常高兴得知你今年顺利通过了高考并光荣地被北京大学录取。请允许我们向你表示衷心的祝贺,并祝你在大学学习期间取得更大的成功。   35、Season"s greetings and sincere wishes for a bright and happy New Year!   献上节日的问候与祝福,愿你拥有一个充满生机和欢乐的新年。   36、During the years we study,you have sowed the seeds of friendship in my mind.I will take it with me,water and cultivate it carefully so that it may blossom in the future.   同窗几年,你在我的心中播下了友谊的种子。我将带着它,精心浇灌、培育,以使其日后开出芬芳的.花。   37、My best wishes for your success in the examination and look forward to hearing in due course that you have passed.   预祝你考试顺利,并盼望届时听到考试通过的消息。   38、We are extremely delighted to hear of your scholarship to Beijing University.You are worthy of success.Best wishes for your bright future.   听说你荣获北京大学的奖学金,你当之无愧。祝你前途无量!   39、Much joy to you in the upcoming year.   愿您在新的一年充满快乐。   40、Congratulations on your success in the national college entrance examination.I beg you to take this little gift as a souvenir.   恭贺高考旗开得胜,奉上这份小礼物以作纪念。   41、My arms are wide open for you this New Year.   我张开双臂,盼与你共度新春佳节。   42、May your New Year be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happiness, the joy of covered ones near, and wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a year of happiness.   愿你的新年充满温馨,祥和,与亲人团聚的快乐,祝乐陶陶,新年乐无限。   43、I only want you for New year!   我只要你作为我的新年礼物!   44、May joy and health be with you always.   祝您永远健康快乐。   45、We offer New year blessings to you.   我们向您献上新年的祝福!


originate from源于 ; 发自 ; 起源于 ; 发源于initiate originate创始originate infrom起源于 ; 起源 ; 首创译文:originate from重点词汇:from英 [fr?m; fr?m]释义:prep 从……起;从……开始;寄自,得自;来自;由……(制成);(两地的距离)离;从;从……(到);(使)免遭;由于;根据;与……(不同);防;不在;从……来看;妨碍n (From) (美)弗罗姆(人名)短语:come from 来自 ; 出生 ; 来自于


Take... Take STH


  教学改革是(主谓)短语;也可能是(偏正)短语,即:教学(的)改革。因此,教学改革是(多义)短语  多义短语形成原因:形成多义结构的主要原因是语言结构有限而意义无穷,用有限的结构表达无穷的意义不能产生一个语言结构表达多种意义的现象。


“代表”的英文短语有:representative、delegate、deputy词义辨析:n. (名词)representative, delegate, deputy这三个词都可作“代表”解。delegate指政府、党派等正式任命的代表; deputy指被委派正式代表他人具体办事或行使权力的人; representative则指推选出来的或权力机关正式任命的代表。重点词汇:representative词语分析:音标:英 [ˌreprɪ"zentətɪv]     美 [ˌreprɪ"zentətɪv]    n. 代表;众议员;典型adj. 代表的;典型的;代表制的短语:act as a representative 充任代表send one"s representative 派代表legal representative 法定代理人selling representative 代销人例句:That representative brought forth an amendment to the press law.那位代表提出了一项对新闻法的修正案。A senator takes precedence over a Representative.参议员的地位高于众议员。Are your opinions representative of the other students?你的意见是否代表其他学生的意见?The study was carried out in one small town,so we can"t be sure that the results are truly representative.这项研究在一个小镇里进行,因此我们也不确定研究结果是否真的具有典型性。


代替而不是的英文短语是instead of 。 instead: adv.代替;顶替;反而;却 扩展资料   Use a low-fat spread instead of butter.   不要抹黄油,抹点低脂肪的东西吧。   Instead of moping around the house all day, you should be out there looking for a job.   不要整天闷闷不乐地在家里晃悠,你应该出去找份工作。   He put a plus instead of a minus.   他填了个加号而不是减号。   She said nothing, preferring instead to save her comments till later.   她什么也没说,而是想稍后再作评论。


代替的英文短语词组: instead of take the place of/take ones place substitute for in place of 扩展资料   双语例句   1、In semiconductor receivers transistors take the place of vacuum tubes.   在半导体收音机中晶体管代替了真空管。   2、The city used smart water meters to take the place of traditional water meters.   这个城市用智能水表来代替传统的水表。   3、Nothing can ever take the place of real love and family togetherness.   什么都不能取代真爱与家庭和睦。   4、"Orchards would take the place of the jungle," he rhapsodized.   “要让这片丛林成为果园,”他无比兴奋地说。   5、Warm air is going up, heavy cool air moves in to take the place of it.   热空气上升时,大量的冷空气填充了它的位置。   6、The course teaches you the theory but there"s no substitute for practical experience.   这门课教的是理论,但没有任何东西能代替实践经验。   7、Would phone conversations substitute for cosy chats over lunch or in the pub after work?   打电话能代替午餐时或下班后在酒吧里的惬意闲谈吗?   8、Emotion should never be a substitute for sound policy.   Emotion should never be a substitute for sound policy.


代替的英文短语:substitute for. substitute :v. (以…)代替; 取代。 扩展资料   The course teaches you the theory but there"s no substitute for practical experience.   这门课教的"是理论,但没有任何东西能代替实践经验。   Would phone conversations substitute for cosy chats over lunch or in the pub after work?   打电话能代替午餐时或下班后在酒吧里的惬意闲谈吗?   Nothing can substitute for the advice your doctor is able to give you.   大夫所能给你的忠告是无可替代的。   There is no substitute for practical experience.   实践经验是无法替代的。   The printed word is no substitute for personal discussion with a great thinker   阅读印在纸上的内容远不如与伟大的思想家面对面探讨那般受益。


代替的英文: instead adv. 代替;反而;相反 replace v.代替抄;取代;(用…)替换;(以…)接替;更换;更新; 相似短语: if instead of 如果不是 instead of prep. 代替;作为...的替换 instead of doing 用...来取代... 扩展资料   例句:   Now I can walk to work instead of going by car.   现在我可以步行去上班,而不必开车了。   Instead, he appears determined to cling to power.   反而,他看来坚决要握紧权力不放。   I want grits with my eggs instead of hash browns.   The new laws will be just as oppressive as those they replace.   新法律将跟被它所取代的那些法律一样不公正。   I hope I never live to see the day when computers finally replace books.   我可不愿意活到那一天,看着计算机最终取代书籍。   Around 1910 motorized carriages were beginning to replace horse-drawn cabs.   大约一九一零年,装有发动机的四轮车开始取代马车。


代替的英文短语:instead of, substitute,in place of; Instead 副词:代替,一般放句尾; Instead of 介词短语:代替,后加名词/动名词doing/what引导的宾语从句 扩展资料   The islanders use a system of barter instead of money.   岛上的居民实行的是以物易物,而不是用货币。   Now I can walk to work instead of going by car.   现在我可以步行去上班,而不必开车了。   The authorities used quiet persuasion instead of the big stick.   当权者平心静气地劝说,而不是施加压力。   We just had soup instead of a full meal.   我们没有吃全餐,只喝了汤。


担心的英语短语1. A bit worried生活中有很多事情会让人感到担心,一些事情的影响可能是很小的,但我们还是会感到“a bit worried”(有点担心)。这种表达方式比较温和,可以用在不太重要的情况下。例如:“I"m a bit worried about the weather tomorrow. It looks like it might rain.”(明天的天气我有点担心。看起来可能会下雨。)2. Extremely anxious有些事情会让我们感到非常担心,这时可以使用“extremely anxious”(非常焦虑)来表达。这种表达方式比较强烈,可以用在重要的情况下。例如:“I"m extremely anxious about my exam tomorrow. I haven"t studied enough and I"m worried I"ll fail.”(我对明天的考试非常焦虑。我没有学习足够的内容,担心会不及格。)3. Worried sick在某些情况下,我们会因为担心而感到非常痛苦,这时可以用“worried sick”(忧心如焚)来表达。这种表达方式比较强烈,通常用在非常紧急或无法改变的情况下。例如:“I"m worried sick about my friend who hasn"t come home yet. It"s been hours and I can"t reach her on her phone.”(我为我的朋友感到忧心如焚,因为她还没有回家。已经过了好几个小时,我也打不通她的电话。)4. Concerned有时候我们会关心别人的情况,同时也有一些担心,这时可以用“concerned”(关注)来表达。这种表达方式比较客观,可以用在需要关注和了解情况的情况下。例如:“I"m concerned about my sister"s health. She"s been feeling tired and run down lately, and I think she needs to go to the doctor.”(我对我妹妹的身体状况感到关注。最近她感觉很疲惫,需要去看医生。)5. Uneasy当我们感到担心和不安时,可以使用“uneasy”(不安)来表达。这种表达方式比较抽象,可以用在感觉不对劲或不安全的情况下。例如:“I feel uneasy about going to that part of town at night. I"ve heard that it"s not safe after dark.”(我对夜晚去那个城镇有些不安。我听说天黑后不太安全。)6. Nervous wreck有些时候我们会因为非常担心和紧张而变得非常紧张和不安,这时可以用“nervous wreck”(紧张不安)来表达。这种表达方式非常强烈,通常用在非常重要或压力大的情况下。例如:“I"m a nervous wreck before my big interview. I really need this job and I"m worried I"ll mess it up.”(在我的重要面试之前,我变成了一个紧张不安的人。我非常需要这份工作,担心我会搞砸了。)7. Apprehensive有时候我们会感到担心和紧张,但同时也保持警觉和预计不良的情况,这时可以使用“apprehensive”(不安)来表达。这种表达方式比较正式,可以用在比较紧张的情况下。例如:“I"m apprehensive about taking the test, even though I"ve studied for weeks. I know it"s going to be difficult and I"m worried I won"t do well.”(即使我已经学了几周,我对考试仍然感到不安。我知道这将会很难,我担心我不会做得很好。)8. Distressed有时候我们会因为担心或者悲伤而感到痛苦,这时可以使用“distressed”(痛苦)来表达。这种表达方式比较强烈,通常用在严重或情感化的情况下。例如:“I"m distressed about the news that my friend has cancer. I"m worried about her and I don"t know what to do to help.”(听到我的朋友患有癌症的消息让我感到痛苦。我非常担心她,不知道如何帮助她。)总结:表达担心和不安的英语短语有很多种,每种表达方式都有不同的程度和情景用途。掌握这些短语可以帮助我们更好地表达自己的情感,与人沟通更加准确和清晰。


Listening Comprehension听力理解; come across被理解; mutual understanding相互理解; get across为人理解; make sense of理解弄懂; igure out了解 扩展资料   comprehension test理解测验;   Easy to understand易于理解;   Historical understanding历史理解;   make out理解


表示理解的英文短语有:expressing that you do not understand. 例句:民众对于警方需要更多的时间收集证据表示理解。 The police are understood to need more time to gather evidence. 扩展资料   她笑了笑,似乎想表示理解。   She smiled as if to say she understood.   一些大一新生对于这项禁令表示理解。   Some freshmen also understand the ban.   他表示理解。   He said understanding.   对于第二种阻力,首先要表示理解和感谢。   If the problem is concern, start by appreciating and valuing that concern.   乘客对安检表示理解。   Passengers understood the clampdown.


理解的英文短语:make sense of。 make: v.制造;做;组装;写;出产;制订;铺床; n.(机器、设备等的)品牌,型号; 第三人称单数: makes现在分词: making过去式: made过去分词: made 扩展资料   Children need to make sense of the world.   儿童需要了解这个世界。   Things that have helped them make sense of the world.   能让他们理解这个世界的东西。   I can never make sense of a word he says.   我从来没有理解过他说的.每一个字。   I don"t know what to make of the new manager.   这位新经理,我不知道怎么评价他才好。   There are so many different makes to choose from.   有很多不同的型号可供选择。


理解的英文短语:make sense of。make:v.制造;做;组装;写;出产;制订;铺床;n.(机器、设备等的)品牌,型号;第三人称单数: makes现在分词: making过去式: made过去分词: madeChildren need to make sense of the world.儿童需要了解这个世界。Things that have helped them make sense of the world.能让他们理解这个世界的东西。I can never make sense of a word he says.我从来没有理解过他说的.每一个字。I don"t know what to make of the new manager.这位新经理,我不知道怎么评价他才好。There are so many different makes to choose from.有很多不同的型号可供选择。


  人与人之间最需要的就是相互理解了。不论发生什么样的事,争吵也好,冷战也好,都要好好地沟通,彼此一定能理解对方,原谅对方的。现如今英语风靡全国,先后出现了许许多多的培训机构。孩子们从小开始接触英语,周末还要参加英语补习班。大家都能学好第二门语言的话,一定会非常高兴。下面就由我为大家带来英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于理解的相关短语   听力理解 Listening Comprehension   被理解 come across   相互理解 mutual understanding   为人理解 get across   理解弄懂 make sense of   理解测验 comprehension test   易于理解 Easy to understand   历史理解 Historical understanding   理解 make out   了解 igure out   关于理解的相关例句   1. Friendship means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting.It means the memories last, even if contact is lost.   友情是理解,不是妥协;是原谅,不是遗忘。即使不联系,感情依然在。   2. I don"t see the point in it really. It"s just stupid.   我真的不理解这到底有什么意义,简直是愚蠢透顶。   3. We are taught to construe these terms in a particular way.   我们被教导要以特定的方式理解这些词语。   4. Try to get a feeling for the people who live here.   试着去理解在这片土地上生息的人们。   5. I thought, "Here"ssomeone who"ll understand me." So I wrote to her.   我想:“这个人会理解我的。”于是开始给她写信。   6. They could interpret it that way if they"d a mind to.   如果他们愿意的话,可以那样理解。   7. "Please understand this," she began, a tremble in her voice.   “请理解这一点,”她开始说道,声音有些发颤。   8. "I can understand how you feel," Desmond said with great reasonableness.   “我能理解你的感受,”德斯蒙德很通情达理地说。   9. My understanding was that we"d meet at her place.   我的理解是我们在她那儿见面。   10. They have a stronger appreciation of the importance of economic incentives.   他们对经济激励的重要性有了更深的理解。   11. Nancy wasn"t sure what to make of Mick"s apology.   南希不知应该如何理解米克的道歉。   12. David said nothing, but simply nodded, as if understanding perfectly.   戴维什么都没说,只是点点头,好像完全理解了.   13. They have simply misunderstood what rock and roll is.   他们根本没有理解什么是摇滚乐。   14. He was sitting there saying, "Yes, the figures make sense."   他坐在那儿说:“是的,这些数字可以理解。”   15. Hopefully she"llunderstand and forgive you, if she really loves you.   如果她真的爱你的话,希望她会理解并原谅你。   关于理解的双语例句   她觉得很难理解他。   She found it difficult to understand him/found him difficult to understand.   他对他扮演的角色理解得细微之至。   He understands his part to a miracle.   她简化了指令以便于儿童理解。   She simplified the instructions so that the children could understand them.   为了我们理解,老师列举了很多事例。   The teacher enumerated many examples to us for understanding.   如果你不会做这件事的话,我可以理解。   If you can"t do it, I will understand.   他理解能力强。   He is quick to understand.   我将可以理解在这封信以后,你可能会不喜欢我了(或者这么理解:你可能会讨厌我)。   I would understand if you do not like me after this mail anymore.   你不能理解我的沉默就不能理解我的话。   If you do not understand my silence you will never understand my words.   理解能力是阅读能力的演化。这就是阅读与理解的辨证关系。   Today the deaf are t aught to understand othersby watching their lips.


理解的英文短语:catch on。 catch on:明白;懂得;认识到;时兴;流行; on: prep.(覆盖、附着)在…上(意指接触物体表面或构成物体表面的一部分);由…支撑着;在(运输工具)上; adv.表示持续性;向前(移动);穿在身上;穿着;戴着 扩展资料   ummer is the perfect time to catch up on the new books you meant to read   夏天是把想读却没读的新书恶补一下的最佳时机。   Just about anything could happen and we"ll be there to catch it on camera when it does.   几乎什么事情都可能发生,我们要赶去那里进行现场抓拍。   There is mounting evidence of serious effects on people"s health.   有越来越多的证据表明对人的健康有严重影响。   The media has a powerful influence on public opinion.   传媒对于舆论有很大的影响。

有succeed to do sth.吗 麻烦各位高手告诉我有关scucceed的一些短语

succeed to do sthsucceed in doing sth


corporation groupcampany cultureoperation strategyoperation philosophyvaluepartner


  话不多,但很有道理。下面是我给大家整理的的相关知识,供大家参阅!   篇1   我想所有这些观点都是有道理的。   Well, I think there all these point of views.   你说的有道理,我服了。   What you"ve said is reasonable. I"m convinced.   我准备和他理论,但是后来我意识到他的话有道理。   I was about to argue with him, but then I realized that he was right.   他们说的非常有道理。但在他们给我确切的解释前我一直不大理解为什么我应该这样做。   I never really understood why I should do this but when they gave me a valid answer, they didhave a point.   这是有道理的——如今存在一个不可避免的事实,即这颗行星的健康与其人民的健康联络在了一起。   With good reason — it is now an unavoidable truth that the health of the planet is linked to thehealth of its people.   “你说的有道理,老公,”她回答说,“但是还是让我们知道到底我们有多少钱,尽可能精确。   "You are in the right, hu *** and, " replied she, "but let us know, as nigh as possible, how much wehave.   这样就将主动权交给了共和党人,他们现在说,要是他们没有采取边缘政策,现在还没有开始控制债务,这似乎颇有道理。   This gave the initiative to the Republicans, who now say, plausibly, that without theirbrinkmanship there would still have been no start on bringing the debt under control.   真不凑巧,你的回答总是这样有道理,我又偏偏这样懂道理,会承认你这个回答!   How unlucky that you should have a reasonable answer to give, and that I should be soreasonable as to admit it!   考虑一下别人说的一些东西或者表达的一些东西是有道理的。   Consider if there might be a grain of truth in what was said or expressed.   是的,听起来很有道理。   Yes, it sounds all reasonable.   我认为双方观点都有道理。   I think both sides have a point.   人们责备我,说我不理会人;我也知道他们的责备是有道理的。   People blame me and call me heedless; I doubt not they are right in their blame.   篇2   不,因为他们只对厌食症患者是,什么时候出生的这个问题感兴趣,所以只研究这些物件是有道理的。   No, because they were only interested in the question of when are anorexics born, so it madesense to only study those.   如果上帝爱每一个人,他就会选择拯救每个人,这样的假设似乎有道理。   It seems reasonable to assume that if God loved everyone, He would have chosen everyoneunto salvation.   我觉得每个人应该按不同的比例储蓄很有道理。   It makes sense to me that not everyone should save the same amount.   我认为他的话是有道理的:宇宙的确是被建立起来,给生命提供家园,即便生命本身在无需外界干扰的情况下,经历了一个自然选择的过程。   I believe he was right: the universe was indeed set up to provide a home for life, even if itevolved through a process of natural selection, with no need for outside interference.   为什么不可取:听起来似乎很有道理:看着那些裤子,或者看到广告里时装模特们穿着那些裤子可能会激发你想减肥的欲望。   Why you should skip it: It seems to make sense: The sight of those pants or the ads with fashionmodels wearing them might motivate you to slim down.   它适合放在方案里,但所有还事还是依据价格这是有道理的。   It makes sense, it fits in there in the scheme of things, but it all depends on price.   如果你仔细想想会发现这是有道理的。   If you think about it, this make sense.   你可以看到为什么人们会上这种当,这很有道理?   And you can see why people can fall into this trap, right?   你可以看到为什么人们会上这种当,这很有道理?   And you can see why people can fall into this trap, right?   篇3   1. Some of the ideas are very intriguing and sound intuitively plausible.   有些想法非常吸引人,听起来觉得很有道理。   2. There is a strong element of truth to each of these explanations.   这些解释每一个都很有道理。   3. The concept of saturation marketing makes perfect sense.   饱和营销的概念是完全有道理的。   4. Mathematically, it made sense.   从数学的角度而言,这是有道理的。   5. It is arguable that giving too much detail may actually be confusing.   过分详细反而使人糊涂的说法是有道理的。   6. His fear turned out to be well founded.   他的恐惧证明是有道理的。   7. No, you really ought to stay in bed ; remember, Mother knows best!   不, 你真应当卧床 静养 .记住, 母亲说得最有道理!   8. Your requirement that she wait till next week is reasonable.   你要求她等到下周是有道理的.   9. There is a show of reason in his proposal.   他的建议看来似乎有道理.   10. There is a lot of sense in what he says.   他的话颇有道理.   11. Can you justify your rude behavior to me?   你能向我证明你的粗野行为是有道理的 吗 ?   12. Don"t try to justify his wickedness.   别想法证明他的邪恶行为有道理.   13. He is justly unpopular with all.   他不受大家的欢迎是有道理的.   14. What you"ve said is reasonable. I"m convinced.   你说的有道理,我服了.   15. That was a sensible buy.   那样东西买得有道理.    看过的相关知识的人还: 1. 2.有道理英语短语 3.哲理的英语短语 4.富有哲理的英语短语 5.带哲理的优美英文句子


for example,such as和like都可用来举例,但用法有所不同。 for example作“例如”讲时,一般只以同类事物或人中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。 For example,air is invisible. 例如,空气是看不见的。 He,for example,is a good student. 例如,他就是个好学生。 such as也作为“例如”讲,用来列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。 Some of the European languages come from Latin,such as French,Italian and Spanish. 有些欧洲语言来源于拉丁语,例如,法语、意大利语和西班牙语。 Boys such as John and James are very friendly.像约翰和詹姆斯这样的男孩都很友好。 like也常用来表示举例,可与such as互换。但such as用于举例可以分开使用,此时不可与like互换。 Some warm-blooded animals,like/such as the cat,the dog or the wolf,do not need to hibernate. 一些温血动物,像猫、狗和狼都不需要冬眠。 He has several such reference books as dictionaries and handbooks. 他有几本像字典、手册之类的参考书。 注 意 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 使用such as来举例子,只能举出其中的一部分,一般不能全部举出。若全部举出,要改用namely(意为“即”)。 He knows four languages,namely Chinese,English,Russian and French. 他精通四门语言,即汉语、英语、俄语和法语。 自我测试 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 根据句意,用for example,such as或like填空。 1.Noise, ,is a kind of pollution. 2.I like drinks tea and soda. 3. ,my full name is James Allen Green. Green is my family name. 4.You can buy fruit here—oranges and bananas, . 5.There are several people interested, Mr Jones and Mr Simpson. 答 案:1.for example 2.like/such as 3.For example 4.for example 5.like


“例如”可以用英语表示为such as,for instance和for example。such as的意思是“例如;像;象…这样;诸如…之类”,其通常用来修饰主词,让主词的内容更丰富。for instance的意思是“例如,譬如”,instance通常是指某个特定情况的例子,当你想用英语对某些特定情况举例,就可以用这个短语来描述。for example的意思是“例如,比如“,当你想通过举例来解释、支持某一概括性观点或代表某个群体特点的具体的人、事物等,就可以用这个短语来表示”例如“。


for example


for example/instance 通常用做插入语,意思是“例如”;like意思是“像”;such as一般后边接两个以上例子。


  有关春节的英文短语有哪些是我们经常看过的?下面是我给大家整理的有关春节的英文短语,供大家参阅!   常用春节英语短语   祝你新的一年快乐幸福: Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year!   事业成功,家庭美满: Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family!   Food names:   年糕 Nian-gao; rise cake; New Year cake   团圆饭 family reunion dinner   年夜饭 the dinner on New Year"s Eve   饺子 Jiao-zi; Chinese meat ravioli   汤圆 Tang-yuan; dumplings made of sweet rice, rolled into balls and stuffed with either sweet or spicy fillings   八宝饭 eight treasures rice pudding   糖果盘 candy tray:   什锦糖 assorted candies - sweet and fortune   蜜冬瓜 candied winter melon - growth and good health   西瓜子 red melon seed - joy, happiness, truth and sincerity   金桔 cumquat - prosperity   糖莲子 candied lotus seed - many descendents to come   糖藕 candied lotus root - fulfilling love relationship   红枣 red dates - prosperity   花生糖 peanut candy - sweet   必备春节英语短语   红包 red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper, symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming year.)   舞狮 lion dance (The lion is believed to be able to dispel evil and bring good luck.)   舞龙 dragon dance (to expect good weather and good harvests)   戏曲 traditional opera   杂耍 variety show; vaudeville   灯谜 riddles written on lanterns   春节 The Spring Festival   农历 lunar calendar   正月 lunar January; the first month by lunar calendar   除夕 New Year"s Eve; eve of lunar New Year   初一 the beginning of New Year   元宵节 The Lantern Festival   Customs:   过年 Guo-nian; have the Spring Festival   对联 poetic couplet: two successive rhyming lines in poetry   春联 Spring Festival couplets   剪纸 paper-cuts   年画 New Year paintings   买年货 special purchases for the Spring Festival ; do Spring Festival shopping   敬酒 propose a toast   灯笼 lantern: a portable light   烟花 fireworks   爆竹 firecrackers (People scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud pop.)   经典春节英语短语   A happy New Year to you.   恭贺新年。   Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend to   you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.   恭贺新禧,祝身体健康、事业发达。   At such a wonderful moment, I send you a gentle and warm care and wish: May every day be brilliant for you!   Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year.   恭贺新禧,万事如意。   Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year.   恭祝健康、幸运,新年快乐。   Good luck and great success in the coming New Year.   祝来年好运,并取得更大的成就。   I give you endless brand-new good wishes. Please accept them as a new   remembrance of our lasting friendship.   给你我无尽的新的祝福,让它们成为我们永恒友谊的新的纪念。   I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.   谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。   I hope you have a most happy and prosperous(大吉大利) New Year.   May everything beautiful and best be condensed into this card. I sincerely   wish you happiness, cheerfulness and success.   愿一切最美好的祝福都能用这张贺卡表达,真诚地祝你幸福、快乐、成功!   May everything beautiful be condensed(融合) into this card. And I sincerely with you happiness, cheerfulness.   May fortune smile upon you and favor you with many blessings(祝福)!   May the coming New Year bring you joy, love and peace.   愿新年为你带来快乐,友爱和宁静。   May the joy and happiness around you today and always.   愿快乐幸福永伴你左右。   May the season"s joy fill you all the year round.   愿节日的愉快伴你一生。   May you come into a good fortune!   Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.   祝好运、健康、佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年。   On the occasion of the New Year, may my wife and I extend to you and yours   our warmest greetings, wishing you a happy New Year, your career greater   success and your family happiness.   在此新年之际,我同夫人向你及你的家人致以节日的问候,并祝你们新年快乐、事业有   成、家庭幸福。   Please accept my season"s greetings.   请接受我节日的祝贺。   Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year. I hope you will continue   to enjoy good health.   请接受我诚挚的新年祝福,顺祝身体健康。   


stimulate有刺激;激励;鼓舞等意思,那么你知道stimulate的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下stimulate的用法和 短语 例句,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 目录 stimulate的用法 stimulate的常用短语 stimulate的用法例句 stimulate的用法: stimulate的用法1:stimulate的基本意思是指类似刺状物“刺激”,用于人指从懒散、心灰意冷、迟钝或无动于衷中振作起来或使事物从潜伏、静止的状态中活跃起来。还可用于表示激发兴趣,尤指智力方面的兴趣。 stimulate的用法2:stimulate是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构,也常接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 <<< stimulate的常用短语: 用作动词 (v.) stimulate into〔to〕 (v.+prep.) 刺激(某人) <<< stimulate的用法例句: 1. Stimulate the site of greatest pain with a small negative current. 以微弱负电流刺激疼得最厉害的部位。 2. These businesses stimulate the creation of local jobs. 这些企业有助于为当地创造更多就业机会。 3. These proteins stimulate the production of blood cells. 这些蛋白质会刺激血细胞的产生。 4. America"s priority is rightly to stimulate its economy. 美国的首要任务自然是刺激经济。 5. They counted on foreign investment to stimulate their economy. 他们想依靠外国投资来刺激他们的经济. 6. Your encouragement will stimulate me to further efforts. 你的鼓励会激发我进一步努力. 7. Success will stimulate the people for fresh efforts. 成功能鼓舞人们去作新的努力. 8. She questioned whether it was feasible to stimulate investment in these regions. 她对在这些地区刺激投资是否可行表示怀疑。 9. Guitar"s experiments did not stimulate any practical study of the electrostatic - precipitation principle. 吉他的试验均未能激起任何关于电收尘原理的实用性研究. 10. An adverse economic forecast will stimulate action intended to falsify it. 不利的经济预报将会刺激人们作出使预报失灵的行动. 11. The government will do everything in its power to stimulate economic growth. 政府将竭尽全力去刺激经济发展. 12. This medicine will help stimulate the function of the patient"s organs. 这种药有助于促进病人的器官功能. 13. The EEC further stimulate the renaissance of Western Europe. 这一共同体进一步刺激了西欧的复兴. 14. It failed to stimulate a surge of investment in industry. 这没有能刺激工业投资的激增. 15. Exogenous applications of indoleacetic acid, kinetin or gibberellic acid stimulate photosynthesis. 吲哚乙酸, 激动素或赤霉酸的外源施用刺激了光合作用. <<< stimulate的用法和短语例句相关 文章 : ★ appearance的用法和短语例句 ★ climb的用法和短语例句 ★ stain的用法和短语例句 ★ succeed的用法和短语例句 ★ encourage的用法和短语例句 ★ steal的用法和短语例句 ★ devote的用法和短语例句 ★ maintain的用法和短语例句 ★ pain的用法和短语例句 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = "https://hm.baidu.com/hm.js?1fc3c5445c1ba79cfc8b2d8178c3c5dd"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();


理查德 哈丁 戴维斯,曾经赫然耸现在美国文学视野中。这里,loom 指隐约地出现 loom large指赫然耸现 on the horizon 可以有多种解释,可以指即将发生的,也指在地平线上,因为horizon本身有多重含义,包括地平线、视野、眼界等等。

英语 根据短文内容,从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、 通顺。

good body energy different should too much ,fat like exercise


阻止的英文短语搭配:有stop sb from doing sth 、prevent sb.from doing sth. 、keep sb.from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事。 扩展资料   You can"t stop people from saying what they think.   人们怎么想就会怎么说,你阻止不了。   You can"t stop people saying what they think.   人们怎么想就会怎么说,你阻止不了。   Nothing would prevent him from speaking out against injustice.   什么都不能阻止他鸣不平。   It was too late to prevent the story from appearing in the national newspapers.   要阻止全国性报纸刊登这件事情已为时太晚。   It is sometimes possible to arrest or reverse the disease.   有时可以阻止病情发展或使病情彻底好转。   They failed to arrest the company"s decline.   他们未能阻止公司的衰落。

什么的英语怎么读 什么的英语的短语搭配

1、什么的英语是what,读音:英[wu0252t];美[wɑu02d0t]。     2、what,英文单词,主要用作代词、形容词、副词、感叹词,作代词时意为“什么;多么;多少”,作形容词时意为“什么;多么;何等”,作副词时意为“到什么程度,在哪一方面”,作感叹词时意为“什么;多么”。 3、短语搭配: so what那又怎样;撒小乐团;那又如何;呛声 Says What说了什么;说什么;传播内容;传播什么

一些固定搭配的英文短语 作谓语时 宾语应该放在哪里?

pick him up正常是pick up sb.但是him是人称代词,代词要放中间



把……和……搭配的英文 这个短语的英文是什么意思?

这个短语是这样翻译的:A and B mix together.译为把A和B搭配到一起.


初中英语常考短语固定搭配涉及词汇搭配、动词短语、介词短语等方面。1、词汇搭配。初中英语中常考的词汇搭配包括动词+名词、形容词+名词等,如make a decision(做决定)、pay attention to(注意)等。在学习过程中,要注意词汇搭配的固定性和适用范围,以便在实际应用时更加得心应手。2、动词短语。初中英语中常考的动词短语有助于提高表达能力和准确度,如get along with(与某人相处融洽)、look up(查阅)等。要积累动词短语,并在语境中实践运用,增强语言运用能力。3、介词短语。初中英语中常考的介词短语主要包括介词+名词的固定搭配,如in front of(在…前面)、on behalf of(代表)等。熟练掌握这些介词短语,有助于提高句子的连贯性和表达效果。有效地记忆初中英语常考短语固定搭配的方法:1、制定学习计划。为掌握初中英语常考短语固定搭配,可制定分阶段的学习计划,有针对性地进行学习和积累。明确学习重点,如词汇搭配、动词短语和介词短语等,通过逐步学习,提高记忆效果。不仅如此,还需在实际应用中巩固所学知识,从而提升英语水平和应试能力。2、运用词汇手册。在学习过程中,可以整理一本自己的词汇手册,将学到的短语和固定搭配记录下来。有空时进行复习,加深对这些短语搭配的记忆。同时,随时补充新学到的短语搭配,使词汇手册更加完善。3、多做练习。通过做各种初中英语相关的练习题,可以检验自己对短语固定搭配的掌握程度。在实际应用中,发现自己的不足和错误,及时进行调整和改进。同时,多读英文文章和书籍,从实际语境中学习和积累这些短语固定搭配,提高英语水平。


1.With the help of 在~~帮助下 under the leadership / care of 在~~领导/关心下 2.be strict with sb. 对~人要求严格 be strict in sth. 对~事要求严格 3. at present=at the present time 目前 for the present 暂时 4. in the sun/sunshine 在阳光下 under the sun 在世界上 5. lie in 位于~~之内 lie on 同~~接壤 lie to 位于~~之外 6. at least 至少 in the least 丝毫,一点 7. by name 名叫 in the name of 以~~名义 8. in the air 空中,在流传 on the air 播出 9. in the way 挡路,障碍,用~~方法 in a way 在某点上,在某种程度上get one"s own way to do 随心所欲 give way 让步,屈服 lose one"s way 迷路 by the way 顺便说一下 on one"s way to 在去~~的路上 Come this way 这边走 10. at the corner 在拐角处(外角)in the corner 在角落里(内角)on the corner 在角落上(外角上) 11. judge by / from 根据~~来判断 judge for oneself 由某人自己来判断 12. at the end (of) 在~~结束时 at the beginning of 在~~开始时 at the back of 在~~背后,支持 at the age of ~~岁时 at the foot of 在~~脚下 at the bottom of 在~~底部 at the top of 在~~顶上 at/on the edge of 在~~边上 13. in the course of 在~~过程中 in the eyes of 从~~观点看来,在~~眼里 in the face of 面对~,尽管,纵使 in the middle of 在~中间 in the end =at last=finally 最后 14. on the eve of 在~~前夕 on the side of 在~~一边 15. after a time = after some time 过一段时间后 for a time = for some time 一时,有一段时间 16. behind time 迟到,过期 behind the times 落在时代后面 17. at no time 决不 in no time 立即,马上 18. at one time = once time 曾经 at a time = each time 每次 at times = sometimes 有时 at all times 经常,一直,始终 at the same time 同时 at the time 在~~的时候 by the time 到~~的时候 19. for a moment 一会儿 for the moment 暂时 at the moment 当时 the moment /minute /instance 正当~~一刹那 20. once or twice 一两次 more than once 不止一次 once more 重新,又 once upon a time 从前 once in a while 偶尔 1. 以break为中心的词组 break away from 脱离,逃离 break down 破坏,粉碎;瓦解;出故障,抛锚 break in 闯进,打断;使顺服 break into 闯入;强行进入;突然开始 break out 爆发,发生;准备使用;起锚 break the law 违反法律 break the record 破记录 break one"s promise 失言 break up 开垦,破碎;解散,分开,分解 2. 以catch为中心的词组 be caught doing 被发现做某事 be caught in the rain 淋雨 catch a bus/train 赶汽车/火车 catch a cold 伤风,感冒 catch one"s word 听懂某人的话 catch sight of 发现,瞥见 catch up with 赶上,追及,追上 3. 以come为中心的词组 come across 偶尔发现,想起;越过;偿付 come along 一道来,陪伴;进步,进展;出现 come at 达到,求得,得到;扑向,袭击 come back 回来;恢复,复原 come down 倒下;降落;跌落;病倒 come from 来自,起源于,从~~产生,生于 come in 进来,进入;流行起来;获名次 come into being 发生,产生,出现,形成 come into power 开始执政,当权,当选 come into use 开始使用,获得应用 come on 上演;开始;赶快;发展;登台;(问题)被提出 come to know 开始了解到 come out 出来,传出;出版;结果是;褪色;(秘密)泄露 come to 苏醒,复原;共计;达到;归结于 come to an end 终止,结束 come true 实现,成为现实;证实 come up 走近;上楼;长出,发芽4. 以do为中心的词组 be done in 精疲力竭 be done with 完全结束 do a good deed 做一件好事 do away with 去掉,废除;弄死;浪费 do good to (=do sb. good) 有益于 do harm to (=do sb. good) 有害于 do its work 有效,有作用 do much 极有用 do wrong to 做错 do one"s best 尽某人最大努力 do one"s homework 做作业 do one"s utmost 尽力而为 do proud 足以使~~骄傲 do sb. justice 公平对待某人 do some cleaning (V+ing,etc.) 搞卫生 do sb. a favor 帮助某人 do well in 学得不错,干得漂亮 do with 和~~相处,忍受,处理 do without 不需要,不用 do wonders 创造奇迹 have much to do with 和~~很有关系 have nothing to do with 与~~无关 have something to do with 和~~有关 in doing so=in so doing 这时,在这种情况下 That will do. 行了;够了 5. 以get为中心的词组 get about 徘徊,走动,旅行;流传 get above oneself 自视高傲 get accustomed to 习惯于,对~~习以为常 get across 度过,通过,横过;说服,使理解 get ahead of 胜过,超过 get along 前进,进步;同意;离去 get along with 与~~相处 get at 发现,了解;掌握;攻击 have got to do 不得不,必须 get away 离开,逃脱 get back 取回,回来;报复 get behind 落后;识破 get down 咽下;写下;使沮丧,使抑郁 get down to 认真对待,静下心来 get familiar with 熟悉 get hold of 获得,取得 get home 到家 get in 进入,陷入;牵涉 get off 送走;脱下(衣服);下车;动身 get on 上车;穿上;进步,使前进;成功;相处 get upon with 进步;在~~方面获得成功 get one"s hand in 熟悉;习惯 get out of 由~~出来,从~~得出;避免;退休 get over 越过;恢复,痊愈;克服;完成 get ready for 为~~作准备 get rid of 除去,去掉;免除,摆脱 get through 到达,完成,通过;及格 get together 积聚,积累;商谈,取得一致意见 get up 起床,起立;研究,钻研;致力于;安排,组织 get used to 习惯于 6. 以give为中心的词组 be given to 沉溺于,癖好 give about 分配;传播 give and take 相互迁就 give away 赠送;牺牲;泄露;颁发 give back 归还 give cause 给予~~的理由 give ear to 侧耳倾听 give forth 发出,放出;发表 give in 屈服,让步,投降 give in to 同意,接受;向~~让步 give off 发出(烟,气味) give oneself out to be/as 自称为 give oneself up to 专心于;向~~自首 give out 分发,公布 give place to 让位于,被~~所替代 give rise to 引起,导致;使~~发生 give sb. to understand 通知某人 give up 放弃;停止 give way to 让步,退却;屈服于 7. 以look为中心的词组 look about 四下环顾;查看 look after 照顾,看管 look around 东张西望 look at 注视,着眼于 look back 回顾 look for 寻找;期待,期望 look down on 俯视;轻视 look forward to 盼望,期待 look into 窥视;调查;浏览 look like 看起来象 look on 旁观;面向 look out 向外看;注意;当心,堤防 look over 从上面看过去;检查 look through 透过~~看去;看穿;浏览 look up to 仰望,尊敬8. 以make为中心的词组 be made from 由~~原料制成 be made of 由~~材料制成 be made up of 由~~组成 make a fool of 愚弄,欺骗 make a mistake 弄错 make a point of doing 强调;认为~~重要;决心,坚持 make advantages/use of 使用,利用 make after 追求,追赶 make believe 假装 make certain 确信,把~~弄清楚 make contact with 接通,与~~接触,与~~联系 make for 去向,向~~前进;有利于 make friends with 和~~交友 make into 把~~制成,使~~转变为 make much of 重视;理解;赏识 make one"s mind on sth. 决定某事 make one"s own 当作自己的看待 make oneself at home 随便,别拘束 make out 填写;开支票;理解;辨认 make the best of 尽量利用;极为重视 make up 弥补,修理;赔偿,补偿;起草;编造;化装 make up to 接近,巴结;向~~求爱 make way for 为~~让路,让路于 on the make 急求成功;增加 9. 以put为中心的词组 put aside 把~~放在一边;搁置;排除 put away 把~~放好,把~~收拾;储藏;吃喝,吃掉 put back 把~~放回原处;驳回 put down 放下;镇压;制止;记下;削减;降落 put forward 提出;拨快;建议,推荐;提倡,倡议 put ~~ into 把~~放入;插入;翻译成 put off 推迟,延期;消除;推脱,推辞 put on 上演;穿上,带上 put up with 忍受,容忍 put one"s heart into 全神贯注,专心致志 put up 举起,挂起;提名,推荐;陈列


问题一:词组搭配 用英语怎么说?? 5分 您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。 原句:词组搭配 翻译:phrases & collocations 搭配是指常用的词组搭配到一起。 Collocations are groups of words that are monly used together 本文的研究结论为:词汇错误,特别是名词错误和词组搭配错误是高三学生写作中的主要错误,作为基本技能的单词拼写错误也相当严重; Analysis results show that in terms of ontological errors, vocabulary errors, especially errors of nouns and phrases, account for the major part of the errors in all 在我们开始之前,我们来谈下搭配。搭配是指常用的词组搭配到一起。当地人很习惯于用这些,他们知道什么的搭配听起来是对的,什么是错的。 collocations. Collocations are groups of words that are monly used together. Native speakers are so used to using them, they know what sounds right and what sounds wrong. 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。 问题二:英语单词搭配 一、动词词组 (包括短语动词)、介词词组和其他词组 (一) 由 be 构成的词组 1) be back/ in/ out 回来/在家/外出 2) be at home/ work 在家/上班 3) be good at 善于,擅长于 4) be careful of 当心,注意,仔细 5) be covered with 被……复盖 6) be ready for 为……作好准备 7) be surprised (at) 对……感到惊讶 8) be interested in 对……感到举 9) be born 出生 10) be on 在进行,在上演, (灯)亮着 11) be able to do sth. 能够做…… 12) be afraid of (to do sth. that …) 害怕……(不敢做……,恐怕……) 13) be angry with *** . 生(某人)的气 14) be pleased (with) 对……感到高兴(满意) 15) be famous for 以……而著名 16) be strict in (with) (对工作、对人)严格要求 17) be from 来自……,什么地方人 18) be hungry/thirsty/tired 饿了/渴了/累了 19) be worried 担忧 20) be (well) worth doing (非常)值得做…… 21) be covered with 被……所覆盖…… 22) be in (great) need of (很)需要 23) be in trouble 处于困境中 24) be glad to do sth. 很高兴做…… 25) be late for ……迟到 26) be made of (from) 由……制成 27) be satisfied with 对……感到满意 28) be free 空闲的,有空 29) be (ill) in bed 卧病在床 30) be busy doing (with) 忙于做……(忙于……) (二) 由 e, do, get, give, go, have, help, keep, make, looke, put, set, send, take, turn, play 等动词构成的词组 1) e back 回来 2) e down 下来 3) e in 进入,进来 4) e on 快,走吧,跟我来 5) e out出来 6) e out of 从……出来 7) e up 上来 8) e from 来自…… 9) do one"s lessons/ homework 做功课/回家作业 10) do more speaking/ reading 多做口头练习/朗读 11) do one"s best 尽力 12) do some shopping (cooking rea......>> 问题三:好么的英语短语怎么写 好么的短语:Are you OK? / Shall we? 问题四:对…有用英文词组怎么写 be benificial to ... 祝学习进步! 问题五:保罗亨特得的什么病? 癌症




Above 的直译是上面,之上,以上.只有在某些语境里 above 有 “超越” 的含义. Above 是最常用的英语单词之一,因此含有above 的短语和成语有很多,包括 Above all 尤其,最重要的 Above board 光明正大 Above and beyond 超越 Above-mentioned 上述的 Above and below 上面和下面,上下 Above reproach 无可指责,无可厚非 And above 并以上,并在上 High above 高在…之上 Listed above 上面列出的 Rise above 超越,越过,突破 比如 rise above pettiness 摒弃小气,大气以待 Up above 在上面,在天上


above all


in the field of

求编辑好的韩文短语 谢谢啦

1.uc548ub155ud788 uacc4uc2educ2dcuc624.(an nieng hi gie sip si o.) 再见。请留步2uc548ub155ud788 uacc4uc138uc694.(an nieng hi sieo yo)再见。请留步3(ub098uc624uc9c0 ub9c8uc138uc694.(na o ji ma sieo yo)=别送了。ub4e4uc5b4uac00uc2educ2dcuc624.=请进屋吧。)4uc548ub155ud788 uac00uc2educ2dcuc624.(an nieng hi ga sip si o.) 再见。请慢走5uc548ub155ud788 uac00uc138uc694.(an nieng hi ga sieo yo.)再见。请慢走6(uc798 ub2e4ub140 uac00uc2educ2dcuc624.(jar da nieo ga sip si o.)=祝你一路顺风uc798 uac00uc138uc694.=路上小心走)7.ub2e4uc74cuc5d0 ub9ccub0a9uc2dcub2e4.(da eo mie man nap si o.)下次见。再见。ub610 ub9ccub098uc694.//ub2e4uc74cuc5d0 ubd59uc2dcub2e4.8.ub9ccub098uc11c ubc18uac11uc2b5ub2c8ub2e4.(manna seo ban gap sem ni da.) 见到您很高兴9ub9ccub098uc11c ubc18uac00uc6ccuc694。(man na seo ban ga wo yo.)=》 见到你很高兴10.uc54cuac8c ub418uc5b4 ubc18uac11uc2b5ub2c8ub2e4(argieo due eo ban gap sem ni da.) 认识您很高兴11uc54cuac8c ub418uc5b4 ubc18uac00uc6ccuc694.(ar gieo due eo ban ga wo yo)=》认识你很高兴。12.uc798 uc790uc694.(zarza yo.)好好睡吧!晚安!13.uc548ub155ud788 uc8fcubb34uc138uc694.(an nienghi zu mu sieo yo)晚安!14..uc694uc998 uc5b4ub54cuc694?(yo zem eoddie yo)最近怎么样?15uc694uc998 uc798 uc9c0ub0b4uc694?(yo zem zar ji nae yo.)最近过得好吗?16.uad1cucc2euc2b5ub2c8ub2e4.(guen chan sem ni da) 没关系。没什么。17.uad1cucc2euc544uc694.(guen cha na yo.)没关系。没什么。18.uc77c uc5c6uc5b4uc694?(yir eop seo yo?)没事吗?uad1cucc2euc544uc694(guen cha na yo.)没事。没关系。19.ub300ub2e8ud788 uac10uc0acud569ub2c8ub2e4.(dae da ni gam sa ham ni da.)十分感谢20.ub3c4uc6c0 uc8fcuc154uc11c uac10uc0acud569ub2c8ub2e4.(do wum zu sieo seo gam sa ham nida)谢谢您的帮助。21.uc2e0uacbd uc4f0uc8fcuc154uc11c uac10uc0acud569ub2c8ub2e4.(sin gieng sseo zu sieo seo gamsa ham ni da)=> 谢谢您的关心22.uae30ub2e4ub824 uc8fcuc154uc11c uac10uc0acud569ub2c8ub2e4.(gi dalieo zu sieo seo gam sa ham ni da)=>谢谢您等我。23.ucc9cub9ccuc5d0uc694.(chen mmanie yo)//ubcc4 ub9d0uc500uc744uc694.(bier marsse mer yo)=>不客气。没关系。24.ucc9cub9ccuc5d0uc694(chen mmanie yo)//ubcc4 ub9d0uc500uc744uc694(bier marsse mer yo)=>哪里哪里。不客气25.uc120ubb3c uac10uc0acud569ub2c8ub2e4.(sen wur gam ham ni da)谢谢您的礼物。uc120ubb3c uac10uc2dcud569ub2c8ub2e4 26.ub124.uadf8ub807uc2b5ub2c8ub2e4.(nie ,geu leot sem ni da.)是,那样的。uc608.uadf8ub798uc694.(yieo,geu rae yo.)对,是那样的。ub124. ub9deuc544uc694(nie ,ma za yo)是,那样的。是,(对),正是那样27.uc544ub2c8uc624. uadf8ub807uc9c0 uc54auc2b5ub2c8ub2e4.(a ni o. geu leo qi an sem ni da.) 不,不是那样的ub9deuc9c0uc54auc544uc694//ud2c0ub838uc5b4uc694(ma jji a na yo)=>不,不对(不,你说的不正确)。28uc544ub2c8uc624.uadf8ub807uc9c0 uc54auc2b5ub2c8ub2e4。(a ni o.geu leo qi an sem ni da.)不,不对(不,你说的不正确)。29.ubabb uc54cuc544 ub4e4uc5c8uc2b5ub2c8uae4c?(mo da ra deo leo sem ni gga?)没听懂了吗?30.ub0b4 ub9d0 ub73buc744 uc54cuaca0uc2b5ub2c8uae4c?(nae mar deo ser ar giet sem nigga?)你明白我说的话了吗?31.ubb34uc2a8 ub9d0uc778uc9c0 uc774ud574ud560 uc218 uc5c6uc2b5ub2c8ub2e4.(mu sen ma lin ji yi hae har sueop sem ni da)=>我不明白你说的话是什么意思32.ud55c ubc88 ub354 ub9d0ud574 uc8fcuc138uc694.(han ban deo mar hae zu sieyo.)=>请再说一次。33.ubb50ub77cuace0uc694?// ubb50ub77cuace0 ub9d0ud588uc5b4uc694?(mwo ra go yo?//mwo ra go marhae sseo yo)=>你说什么?34.ubabb ub4e4uc5c8uc5b4uc694=>(mot deo leo sseo yo)没听见吗?ub4e4ub9acuc9c0 uc54auc544uc694?der li ji a na yo?听不清楚吗?35.uc880 ucc9cucc9cud788 ub9d0ud574 uc8fcuc138uc694.(zom chen che ni mar hae zu sieyo.) 请再慢一点儿说36uc815ub9d0uc694?(zeng mar yo?)真的吗?37..ubbf8uc548ud574uc694.(mi a nae yo.)//uc8c4uc1a1ud574uc694=>(jue soeng hae yo.)对不起。抱歉。38.ub2a6uc5b4uc11c ubbf8uc548ud574uc694.(neo zeo seo mi an hae yo.)=>来晚了,对不起。抱歉,迟到了。ub2a6uc5b4uc11c uc8c4uc1a1ud574uc694.(neo zeo seo jue soeng hae yo.)=>来晚了,对不起。抱歉,迟到了。39.uc2e0uacbd uc4f0uc9c0 ub9c8uc138uc694(sin gieng sseo ji ma sie yo.)=>别放在心上。40uc0c8ud574 ubcf5 ub9ceuc774 ubc1buc73cuc138uc694!(sae hae bok ma ni ba deo sie yo)=>新年快乐!41.uc0dduc77c ucd95ud558ud569ub2c8ub2e4.!(sieng yir chu ka hap ni da)=>生日快乐!42.uc5ecuae30uc11c ub2f4ubc30 ud53cuc6ccub3c4 uad1cucc2euc2b5ub2c8uae4c?(yeo gi seo dam bae pi wo do guen chan sem ni gga?)=>可以这儿抽烟吗43.uc5ecuae30uc5d0 uc549uc544ub3c4 uad1cucc2euc2b5ub2c8uae4c?(yeo gi ie an za do guen chan sem ni gga )=>可以坐在这儿吗44.ucc3dubb38uc744 uc5f4uc5b4ub3c4 uad1cucc2euc2b5ub2c8uae4c?(chang mu ner yeo reo do guen chan sem ni gga?)=>可以开窗户吗45.ubc29uc744 uad6cuacbdud574ub3c4 ub429ub2c8uae4c?(bang er gu gieng hae do dum ni gga?)=>可以看见房间吗?ubc29uc744 ubd10ub3c4 ub420uae4cuc694?46.ubb50 uc880 ubb3cuc5b4 ubd10ub3c4 uad1cucc2euc2b5ub2c8uae4c?(mo zom mu reo bua do guen chan sem ni gga?)=>可以问一个问题吗?47.uc774 uc804ud654ub97c uc368ub3c4 uc88buc2b5ub2c8uae4c?(yi zen hua rer sseo do zot sem ni gga?)=>可以用一下这个电话吗?48.ud604uae09uc73cub85c uc9c0ubd88ud574ub3c4 ub429ub2c8uae4c?(hien geo meo ro ji bur hae do duem ni gga?)=>我可以付现金吗?49.uc800 uc774uc81c uac00ub3c4 ub429ub2c8uae4c?(zeo yi jae ga do duem ni gga?)=>我可以走了吗?50.uc5ecuae30ub294 uc5b4ub514uc785ub2c8uae4c?(yeo gi nen eo di yim ni gga?)=》这里是哪儿?


点菜用英文短语的两种表达方式 taking orders order dishes 点菜的英文怎么说 order dishes 这个是英语短语,下面是一个点菜的英语对话情景 希望有帮助 麻烦给个采纳 谢谢啦 Situation: John orders his meal after he takes a minute to decide what he wants.情境: 约翰在考虑要吃什么之后点餐。 Waitress: Good evening, sir. Here"s your menu. 女服务生: 先生,晚安。这是菜单。 John: OK. Give me a minute to look it over, please. 约翰: 好。给我几分钟,让我看一下。 Waitress: Take your time. I"ll be with you in a moment. 女服务生: 您慢慢看。 我等会儿就过来。 Narrator: (a moment later) 讲述者: (过了一会儿) Waitress: May I take your order now, sir? 女服务生: 先生,现在可以帮您点菜了吗? John: Yes, please. I"d like to start with the chicken soup. 约翰: 可以了。我想先来一份鸡汤。 Waitress: What would you like for your main course? 女服务生: 主菜您想点什么? John: Filet mignon, please. 约翰: 菲力牛排。 Waitress: How would you like that done? 女服务生: 您要几分熟? John: Medium rare. 约翰: 四分熟的。 Waitress: Anything for dessert? 女服务生: 要点甜点吗? John: No. I"ll order dessert later. 约翰: 不。我过一会儿再点。 “点菜 ”用英语怎么说 customer: I"m ready to order. 我想点餐 waiter: May I take you order? 准备点餐了吗 英文点菜 在点菜之前,一般先要份菜单: May I have a menu, please? (请给我看下菜单。) 如果不急于点菜,可以在服务生问到: Can I take your order now? (你现在叫点什么吗?) 回答: Not quite. Could I have a few more minutes? (不,再等一会吧。) 需要叫菜时,可以说: Please take my order. (请点菜。) 如果对当地的菜肴不熟悉,可以问: What is the specialty of the restaurant? (你们店的招牌菜是什么?) Do you have any special meals today? (今天有什么特餐吗?) What would you remend? I prefer something light. (我想来点清淡些的,你能有什么推荐吗?) 也可以让同来的人替你作主,或是点重复的饭菜: I"ll leave it to you. (你来点吧。) I"ll have the same as that one. (我要一份和那个一样的。) 自己点菜可以更随意些,例如: Please give me this one. (请给我来这个。) We want two number eights, please. (我们要两份八号套餐。) 英语词组请某人点菜 Please order /please check the menu/Please order the dishes 英语口语中点菜时“在这吃”或者“带走”怎么说 For here or to go? 在这儿吃还是带走? Is that for here or to go? 您在这儿吃还是带走?


Do like 确实喜欢。 例句: You do like sushi, dont you? 你确实很喜欢吃寿司,不是吗? I do like Chinese food. 我确实喜欢中国菜。 I do like this campus. 我真喜欢这个校园。 扩展资料   "I do like a mother"s love," said Tootles, hitting Nibs with a pillow.   “我的确喜欢母爱。”图图说着,用枕头打了一下尼布斯。   Robots can do many of the same things as we humans do like driving cars.   机器人可以做很多和我们人类一样的.事情,比如开车。   When you reach your top height, do like activities rather than sleep too much.   当你达到你的最高高度时,确实会喜欢活动,而不是睡太多。   "Oh, I do like to hear you talk to the robin!" Mary said, laughing delightedly.   “哦,我真喜欢听你和知更鸟说话!”玛丽开心地笑着说道。


  用英文在西餐厅点餐的话,我们用的英文 短语 是什么呢?下面是我给大家整理的点餐英文短语,供大家参阅!   点餐的英文(短语篇)   take oneu2019s order   点餐的英文(句型篇)   1. I"d like to make a reservation. 在一些餐馆中,你需要事先订位。准备好告诉餐馆你们一共有多少人,你会到达的时间及你的名字。"Iu2019d like to make a reservation for four at 8 p.m. for Kristi." 前台接待可能会问你的联系电话或是你是否需要吸烟区,事先考虑好这些信息。   2. Could you repeat that, please? 这个短语并不仅仅用于在外用餐,但是却非常重要。餐厅可能很吵,服务生说话也可能很快。如果你没有听懂什么,就问他们,"Could you repeat that?"当然,简单说,"Excuse me?"也可以。别怕用的太多。   3. We need another minute. 如果服务生请你点菜而你还没有决定的话,就可以使用这句表达。你会听到,"Are you ready to order?" 用 "Not yet. We need another minute," 或是 "Can we have another minute?" 回答。注意"a minute"在一个繁忙的餐馆里通常意味着服务生会在五分钟后回来为你点菜。   4. I"d like/I"ll have ... 这是两句最重要的表达。在点菜或是点饮料的时候,使用"I"d likeu2026"或是"I"ll haveu2026" 例如,"I"d like the spaghetti and some tea," 或是 "I"ll have a sandwich and a soft drink." 手指着菜单也总是能让人明白的。   5. Could you bringu2026?/Do you haveu2026?如果你要更多的物品,就说 "Could you bring some extra napkins?" 如果你想要什么东西但是不确定餐馆是否有的话就试着说,"Do you haveu2026?" 例如,如果你想要橙汁但是菜单上没有的话,就可以问 "Do you have orange juice?"   6. This isn"t what I ordered. 如果服务生送错了菜,就说 "This isn"t what I ordered, I orderedu2026"接着说你点的菜。这并不常见,但是如果真的发生的话,注意要说些什么来纠正。   7. Check, please! 当你准备要走时,捕捉到服务生的注意同时说 "Check, please!" 作为你用餐短小而简单的结束语。   点餐的英文(例句篇)   1. She could ring for food and drink, laundry and sundry services.   她可以打电话点餐,叫人来取要洗的衣服以及叫其他各种服务。   2. Don"tbe afraid to ask for advice about ordering the meal.   点餐时可以大胆征求意见。   3. The waitress appeared. "Are you ready to order?"   女侍者走上前来,“您准备好点餐了吗?”   4. I"ll start with some hors d"oeuvre.   我开始先来点餐前小吃.   5. The stout barman in a bow tie presented himself to take their order. "Good morning, sir. The usual?"   那名打着领结的矮胖酒吧招待走上前来请他们点餐.“早上好,先生们.还是平常那些吗?”   6. Don"t be afraid to ask for advice about ordering the meal.   点餐时可以大胆征求意见。   7. I"ll come back later to take your order.   我马上回来为您点餐.   8. Are you interested in any dessert?   要不要来点餐后甜点?   9. As she sat down, a pregnant waitress came over to take her order.   当她坐下来, 一名怀孕的女服务生过来帮她点餐.   10. A: Welcome to Happy Burger! Can I take your order?   欢迎光临快乐汉堡店! 我能为您点餐 吗 ?   11. Are you ready to order now, madam?   您现在准备点餐吗, 女士?   12. They are ordering food in the restaurant.   他们正在餐厅点餐.   13. Clerk: May I take your order now?   店员: 我(现在)可以帮你点餐了 吗 ?   14. May I order, please ?   我可以点餐了 吗 ?   15. Would you care for some dessert, sir?   先生,你要来点餐后甜点 吗 ?   点餐的英语(对话篇)   Module 1   w: How may I help you with your order?I: Yes, I"d like to have some salad and a hamburger please.w: Sure. Anything to drink?I: Water please.w: Would you like some dessert after meal?I: Yes, an ice cream please.w: All right. Anything else?I: No, that"s all.w: OK. I"ll be right back with your order. I: Thank you!   Module 2   C; Waiter, come here, please.   W: Yes sir? Can I help you?   C; Can I have the menu, please?   W: Yes, sir. Here you are. Now then, what would you like to eat?   C: Let me see. OK, I"d like some beef, steak and some salad, please.   W: All right! What would you like to drink?   C: Cup of coffee. That"s it.   W: OK. Wait a moment.   .......a moment later   C: Can I have the bill, please?   W: Sure. Here it is.   C: So, how much is it?   W: $40 altogether.   C: Here is the money and your tip.

点菜短语英语take order

点菜短语英语take order,相关内容如下:点菜是在餐馆或饭店中,顾客根据自己的口味和需求,在菜单上选择自己喜欢的菜品,并向服务员下单的行为。1.点菜的含义与作用点菜是在就餐过程中的一种重要环节,顾客通过点菜可以选择自己喜欢的菜品,满足自己的口味和饮食需求。同时,点菜也是对服务员提供准确指示的方式,帮助餐馆进行菜品准备和调配,使得顾客能够尽快享用到所点菜品。2.点菜的流程与方法点菜的流程通常是顾客在入座后,由服务员提供菜单,顾客根据自己的喜好选择菜品,然后告知服务员所选的菜品和数量。服务员会将菜品名称和数量记录并转交后厨进行备餐。有些餐馆还提供点菜时的建议和推荐,以帮助顾客做出更好的选择。3.点菜的技巧与注意事项点菜时,顾客可以根据自己的偏好和饮食习惯进行选择。一般来说,应适量选择各类菜品,包括主食、荤菜、素菜、汤品等,以保证饮食的均衡和多样性。此外,如果有特殊饮食需求,如对某些食材过敏或有特殊膳食要求,应在点菜时提前告知服务员,以便餐厅能够提供相应的服务。4.点菜与中餐文化点菜在中国的餐饮文化中占据重要地位。中国菜系繁多,各地都有自己的特色菜品,而通过点菜可以让顾客根据自己的口味偏好享受到不同地方的美食。同时,点菜也是家庭聚餐和宴请宾客时重要的环节,人们通过点菜展示自己的厨艺和款待能力,以表达对客人的尊重和关心。总结:点菜是在餐馆或饭店就餐过程中,顾客根据自身喜好和需求从菜单中选择菜品,并向服务员下单的行为。点菜不仅满足了顾客的口味和饮食需求,还是餐饮文化中的一个重要环节。在点菜过程中,顾客需要注意选择菜品的均衡性和多样性,并提前告知服务员特殊的饮食需求。


  在和长辈去餐厅吃饭时,记得优先让长者点菜。下面是我给大家整理的点菜的英语短语,供大家参阅!   点菜的英语短语篇1   1. Before placing your order for a meal, study the menu.   点菜前先仔细看一下菜单。   2. You order the dishes and I"ll foot the bill.   你点菜,我来付账.   3. Please order for me.   请为我点菜.   4. A querulous male voice said, "Look, are you going to order, or what?"   一个男人不满地问:“喂,你到底要不要点菜?”   5. He capped the bottle after having some root beer.   他喝了点菜根汽水后把瓶子又盖好.   6. He could order a dinner almost as well as Mr. Luce.   他点菜的本领几乎可以与卢斯先生媲美.   7. It is time we ordered dinner.   我们该点菜了.   8. Can I take your order?   您要点菜 吗 ?   9. Are you ready to order?   你要点菜了 吗 ?   10. Server : May I take your order?   要点菜 吗 ?   11. Server : Are you ready to order?   可以点菜了 吗 ?   12. Waiter, we"d like to order dinner now.   服务员, 我们现在要点菜了.   13. Actually, you"ve ordered too much. We can"t finish it all.   实际上你点菜点得太多, 我们都吃不完.   14. Which do you prefer, the set meal or a carte?   吃什么,快餐还是点菜?   15. Here is the menu. I"ll return in a few minutes to take your order.   这是菜单. 我过几分钟再来为您点菜.   点菜的英语短语篇2   你要点菜了吗?   Are you ready to order?   我们还没点菜呢。   We haven"t ordered yet.   首先倒点菜油。   First pour some vegetable oil into the frying pan.   我现在可以点菜了吗?   Is it okay for me to order now?   请给出你点菜的理由。   Please give reasons for your menu.   点菜之前,你愿意来杯喝的吗?   Would you like anything to drink before you order?   您现在要点菜还是呆一会再点?   Are you ready to order or just a minute?   您是吃份饭还是点菜?   Would you like to have table dhote or book the dishes?   你想点菜吗?   Would you like to order the dinner?   您是否先喝些什么,然后再点菜?   Would you like to have a drink before you order?   点菜的英语短语篇3   请为我点菜。   Please order for me.   点菜时可以要求把沙拉调料和其他调味料放在边上,这样你就能控制加多加少。   Order salad dressings and other sauces on the side. This way, you have control over how much or how little you add.   要说明这一切最简单的例子就是通过在餐馆点菜的思考过程来体现。   The easiest example to illustrate all this is by seeing the thought process of ordering at arestaurant.   明显地,如果我们把这种做事的方法看作是和点菜一样的小事的话,它就会影响并改变我们处理生活中的大事的方法。   And obviously, if we feel this way about something as small as ordering at a restaurant, it caninfluence and carry over to the big things in our lives.   在英格兰,你点菜与另外一个人共同享用。   In England, you order food to share with another person.   想想有个男生可以用外语帮你在一些民族餐馆点菜该有多棒。   Picture the guy who could help you order in a foreign language in some ethnic restaurant.   像往常一样,他们坐在预定的桌前,点菜吃午饭。   As usual they sat at the table reserved for them and ordered their lunch.   作为该研究的一部分,汉里斯及其同事派遣购物者到数百家快餐店跟踪家长给孩子点菜时店方提供健康食品的频率。   As part of the study, Harris and her colleagues sent shoppers into a few hundred fast food restaurants to track how often healthy sides were offered when parents ordered kids" meals.   你准备好点菜了吗?   Are you ready to order?   你一定知道你的社交圈中有个人点菜总是很“可靠”,可靠是基于他们总点自己熟知的食物。   Iu2019m sure you know someone in your social circle who always orders “safe”; safe in the sense that they order what they already know.






   常用英语短语   1. face to face 面对面   2. far away 遥远   3. far behind 落后   4. far from 远离   5. fall asleep 入睡   6. fall down 倒下;跌倒;从u2026u2026落下   7. fall ill/sick 生病   8. fall in 在u2026u2026失败,(考试)不及格   9. fall on top of 掉到了u2026u2026上面   10. fall off 从u2026u2026掉下来/摔下来   11. fall oneu2019s exam 考试不及格   12. fall over 滑倒,摔倒   13. family name 姓   14. family tree 家谱   15. feel afraid 觉得害怕   16. feel at home 像在家里一样舒适   17. feel proud 感到自豪   18. feel lonely 感到寂寞   19. feel like doing sth 想要做某事   20. feel tired 感到疲劳   21. feel well 觉得舒服   22. feel worried 感到忧虑   23. field trip 野外旅游   24. fight against 为反对u2026u2026而斗争   25. fill with 装满   26. fill in the blanks 填空   27. finish doing sth. 完成/结束u2026u2026   28. find out 查出,查明,发现,了解   29. find it difficult to do sth 发现很难做某事   30. (sth)fit(sb)well 非常合身   31. fly a kite 好风筝   32. follow oneu2019s example 仿照u2026u2026的榜样   33. follow oneu2019s instruction 听从某人的指导   34. for a moment 一会儿   35. for a walk 散步   36. for ever 永远   37. for example 例如   38. for long 很长,很长时间   39. forget doing sth 忘记做过某事   40. four times asu2026asu2026是u2026u2026的四倍   41. form now on 从此以后,今后   42. from then on 从那时起   43. fromu2026tou2026 从u2026u2026到u2026u2026   44. full name 全名   45. full of 装满   46. get back 返回,取回   47. get down 下来,落下   48. get dressed 穿衣服   49. get home 到家   50. get in 收集,进入   51. get into 搭乘(出租车)   52. get lost 迷路,丢失   53. get long/short 变长/短   54. get off 下车,取下,离开   55. get on 上车   56. get onu2026with sb 与某人相处u2026u2026   57. get on well with sb与某人相处融洽   58. get married 结婚   59. get more exercise做更多运动   60. get out of 从u2026u2026出来,把u2026u2026拿出来, 从出租车(轿车)下来   61. get out of bed 起床   62. get ready for sth 为u2026u2026作准备   63. get ready to do sth 准备做某事   64. get up 起床,起立   65. get warm 变暖和   66. get well 痊愈   67. get together 团聚   68. get to 到达(某地)   69. get to know 逐渐认识到   70. get to work 开始工作(学习)   71. give advice to 给u2026u2026提建议   72. give sb .a call 给某人打电话   73. give back 归还,送回   74. give first aid 进行急救   75. give sb. a push 推某人一下   76. give sb. a talk 给某人做报告,发表讲话   77. giveu2026a big hug 热情拥抱u2026   78. giveu2026 a hand 给予u2026u2026帮助   79. give a warm welcome tou2026 热烈欢迎   80. give an operation 做手术   81. give up 放弃   82. give up doing sth. 放弃做某事   83. give up smoking 戒烟   84. given name 名字   85. go abroad 出国;在国外   86. go away 走开,离开   87. go extinct 灭绝   88. go back 回去   89. go past/by 走(路)过   90. go for a walk 去散步   91. go for walks去散步   92. go home 回家   93. go on 继续   94. go on doing sth.。 继续做某事   95. go on trips/a trip (去)旅行   96. go out for a walk去外散步   97. go over 复习go over 复习   98. go cycling/shopping 骑自行车/去买东西   99. go swimming/skating 去游泳/滑冰   100. go skiing/climbing 去滑雪   101. go through 穿过   102. go to bed 睡觉   103. go to hospital 去医院(看病)   104. go to school 上学   105. go to sleep 入睡,睡着   106. go to the cinema 去看电影   107. go to the movie 去看电影   108. go up 上升,增长   109. go wrong 走错路   110. good idea 好主意   111. good luck 好运   112. good manners 有礼貌   113. good night 晚安   114. grow vegetables 种菜   115. grow up 成长/长大   116. Happy New Year!新年快乐   117. Happy birthday!生日快乐   118. had better do(not) sth 最好(不)做某事   119. half an hour 半小时   120. hand in 交上,交进   121. hand out 发给,散发   122. hands up举手   123. harder and harder越来越难/硬/努力   124. hate doing sth.讨厌做某事   125. have a baby生孩子   126. have a class上课   127. have a cold感冒   128. have a cough (患)咳嗽   129. have a good/great/nice time 过得愉快,玩得高兴   130. have a good rest/talk好好休息/谈一谈   131. have a great/nice trip一次愉快的旅行   132. have a drink of喝一点   133. have a look(at)看一看   134. have a match/test进行比赛/测验   135. have/hold a meeting开会   136. have a picnic野餐   137. have a rest休息   138. have a seat坐下   139. have a swim游泳   140. have a talk谈话   141. have a walk散步   142. have a wash洗脸(手等)   143. have an exam考试   144. have an accident出事故   145. have an idea有一个主意   146. have breakfast/lunch/supper吃早餐/午餐/晚餐   147. have fun玩得愉快   148. have fun doing sth..做某事有乐趣   149. have gone to 已经去某地   150. have got有   151. have got a cough患咳嗽   152. have interest in对u2026u2026感兴趣   153. have lessons/classes上课   154. have no idea不知道,不了解   155. have sports进行体育运动   156. have some medicine吃(服)药   157. have success in在u2026u2026(方面)成功   158. have sb./sth. do sth. 让某人做某事   159. have sb./sth. doingsth. 让某人一直做某事   160. have sth. done 做某事;让某人做某事   161. have to不得不,必须   162. have trouble with在u2026u2026(方面)有麻烦   163. hear from sb.收到某人的来信   164. hear of听说   165. help sb. (to)do sth.帮助某人做某事   166. help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事   167. help oneself (to sth.)请随便吃/用   168. here and there到处   169. high school 中学   170. high jump 跳高   171. hold on等一等(别挂电话);坚持,继续   172. hold a world record保持一项世界记录   173. hot dog 热狗   174. hour after hour一小时又一小时地,持续地   175. how about怎么样   176. how far/deep/tall/wide多远/深/高/宽   177. how long(时间)多久,多长;(长度)多长   178. how many多少   179. how much多少;多少钱   180. how often多久,多长时间一次(用于询问频度)   181. how old几岁;多在岁数   182. hundreds of数百   183. hurry up赶快,快点   184. hurry off匆匆离去;赶快去   185. hurt oneself伤着自己


摔倒的英文短语是fall down。fall,音标英[f_:l]、美[f_l]。有跌倒;落下;减少;沦陷的意思。例句:Now will I fall down in a fit.现在我要发急病倒下;Dont fall down again today.今天别再跌倒了;The house will fall down.那屋子迟早要倒塌。




  但是,如果用英文来表示我们知道除了but还有however,它的相关短语有哪些?下面是我给大家带来表达,供大家参阅!   但是的英文句子篇   1、他们探索过各种途径,但是没有找到解决的办法。   They exploded every avenue but could not find a solution.   2、那把椅子原本是为你准备的,但是被她拿走了。   The chair was intended for you, but she took it away.   3、我喜欢他的写作风格,但是不喜欢他的内容。   I like the style of his writing but I don"t like the content.   4、向导离他们而去,但是他们毫不气馁,仍向森林进发。   Their guide deserted them, but, nothing daunted, they pressed on into the jungle.   5、商业信函必须是正式的,但是写信给朋友应写得自然一些。   Business letters must always be formal, but we should write in a natural way to friends.   6、我想把机器修理好,但是失败了。   I tried to fix the equipment but I failed.   7、更何况预报的日食时间我正在公交车上,根本没可能。但是,但是!!   We will be measuring the temperature falloff that results from the eclipse.   8、再融资使人们更加可以接受负资产,但是这并不能降低它。降低资本的账面价值可以解决这个问题,但是出借人不喜欢这样。   Refinancing makes negative equity more bearable but it does not reduce it.   9、但是对于某些人但是想象这一幕就会肾上腺素激增。   But for some people merely imagining this scene creates an adrenaline surge.   但是的英文例句篇   1、我在后面叫你,但是你没有听到。   I called after you, but you did not hear.   2、我在后面喊你,但是你没有听到。   I called after you, but you did not hear.   3、这是一个尴尬的局面,但是他们成功地应付过去了。   It was an embarrassing situation, but they carried it off well.   4、他们对那个地方进行了彻底搜查,但是没有发现那个小偷。   They turned the place inside out but did not find the thief.   5、我想用英语来谈话,但是力不从心。   I tried to carry on a conversation in English, but it far exceeded my ability.   6、但是,无论我们喜欢与否,我们已别无选择!   But whether we like it or not we have no choice.   7、但是你至少应该去一次。   But, you should go at least once.   8、但是,现在我应该对它做些什么呢?   But now, what do I do with that?   9、但是我们不应该哀悼。   But we should not mourn.   10、但是我们将来应该去。   But we should go sometime.   11、但是,你以为我喜欢那样吗?   But you think I like it?   12、但是我要告诉您一件事情。   But I have to tell you something.   13、但是问题在于:你为什么说谎?   Yeah, but why do you lie?   14、但是我没有选择。   But I have no choice.   15、但是,我拿不定主意去哪儿。   However, I have no idea where to go.   但是的英文短语篇   1. A few are dim-witted drones, but most are talented, frustrated, wasted people.   有几个是愚笨的寄生虫,但是大多数是有才能却不得志而自暴自弃的人。   2. We"re taking relatively benign medicines and we"re turning them into poisons.   我们服的药相对来说药性温和,但是我们却在把它们变成毒药。   3. I tried to reach the foot brakes but I couldn"t.   我试图去够脚刹,但是没能踩到。   4. This may sound trivial, but I assure you it is quite important!   这听上去也许微不足道,但是,相信我,它十分重要!   5. The ideas in the show"s presentation were good, but failed in execution.   那场展览陈述的想法很好,但是没能实现。   6. He won, but only by the skin of his teeth.   他赢了,但是赢得十分勉强。   7. John, I"m sorry for Steve, but I think you"ve made the right decisions.   约翰,我为史蒂夫感到难过,但是我认为你的决定是正确的。   8. Cheap goods are available, but not in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand.   有一些廉价的商品,但是数量不足以满足需求。   9. The film opened to healthy box office receipts before rapidly falling off.   这部影片的票房收入开始的时候持续上涨,但是后来急剧下降。   10. I actually knew her, but in overalls I passed unrecognised.   实际上我认识她,但是我身着工作服,与她擦身而过的时候却没被认出来。   11. Despite her status, the Duchess will not be given preferential treatment.   虽然地位显赫,但是公爵夫人并不会得到优待。   12. She was devoted to him, but she no longer loved him madly.   她一心一意地爱他,但是这份爱不再疯狂。   13. But by the year 2020 business puting will have changed beyond recognition.   但是到了2020年,商业计算会变得面目全非。   14. But will anyone have the bottle to go through with it?   但是谁会有胆量经受这件事?   15. He was epileptic and refused to take medication for his condition.   他患有癫痫,但是拒绝服药治疗。


英语方位表示法为数不少,但容易混淆。特别是几个介词的用法常常令自学者无所适从。有时 "一字之差" 就可能 "失之千里”。为此,我们拟用比较的方式以east为例介绍一些常见的方位表示法。 (一)in the east 与 on the east的区别 1.in the east表示我们生活中和地理位置上的绝对方向。如: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东边升起,从西边落下。 The Great Wall begins in the east from the Shanghaiguan Pass and ends at the Jiayuguan Pass in the west. 长城东起山海关,西至嘉峪关。 2. on the east表示某事物位于另一事物所朝的方向。这里的方向是相对而言的。如: China faces the Pacific on the east. 中国东临太平洋。 The United States faces the Atlantic on the east and the Pacific on the west. 美国东临大西洋,西濒太平洋。 (二) in (to,on,at) the east of 1.要表示A在B的东部,即:A在B的范围之内时就用"A is in the east of B",如: Japan is in the east of Asia. 日本在亚洲东部。 Italy is in the south of Europe. 意大利在欧洲南部。 2.如果A在B的东方,即:A在B的范围之外,且相隔有一定的距离,就用"A lies to the east of B".口语中有时可将to the省去。如: Japan lies (to the) east of China. 日本位于中国东方。 France lies (to the) east of England. 法国位于英国东方。 3.如果A在B的东边(侧),即:A与B相接邻。就用"A is on the east of B".如: Guangdong is on the south of Hunan. 广东在湖南南边。 Shangdong is on the north of Jiangsu. 山东在江苏北边。 4.如果把方位词当作一个整体看,或是看成一点,就用"A is at the east of B" 如: There was a big battle at the north of the Liaodong Peninsula. 在辽东半岛的北边有一场大战。 5.如果要表示“A位于B东面100公里处”时我们既可以说"A lies l00km to the east of B",也可以说"A lies 100km east of B". 后者在美国口语中更为常见。如: The plane crashed 30 miles south of the city. 飞机在离城南30英里处坠毁。 Suzhou lies 50 miles to the west of Shanghai. 苏州位于上海西面50英里处。 (三) 汉语里“东南西北”的先后顺序到英语里就变成了north,south,east,west;并由此有了下列中、英文表达上的差异。 东南方:southeast 西南方:southwest 西北方:northwest 东北方:northeast 如:十三陵位于北京西北50公里处。 The Ming Tombs are located about 50 km to the northwest of Beijing. 天津位于北京东南120公里处。 Tiajin is situated l20 km southeast of Beijing. (四)要表示方位的“偏向”时通常用by 正东偏北: east by north 正南偏西: south by west 正北偏东: north by east 正南偏东: south by east 如:We are sailing in the direction of east by north. 我们正朝着正东偏北方向航行。 The island lies south by east from here. 那个岛位于此地的正南偏东方向。 英语方位表示法为数不少,但容易混淆。特别是几个介词的用法常常令自学者无所适从。有时 "一字之差" 就可能 "失之千里”。为此,我们拟用比较的方式以east为例介绍一些常见的方位表示法。


  出去旅游的时候,你们需要用到哪些有关旅游的英语短语呢?下面是我给大家整理的有关旅游的英语短语,供大家参阅!   常用旅游英语短语   1. Where is my berth? 我的床铺在哪里?   2. Could you make up my berth? 可以整理一下我的床铺吗?   3. Could you make me up at 7 ou2019clock tomorrow morning? 明早7点能叫我起床吗?   4. I lost my ticket. What should I do? 我丢了我的票,我该怎么办?   5. Can I cancel this ticket? 我能取消这张票吗?   6. Iu2019d like to change this ticket to the first class. 我想换成头等票   7. I missed my station. 我找不到火车站拉   8. I missed my train. 我找不到火车拉   9. I left something on the train. 我忘了些东西在火车上   10. Please validate my pass 请确认我的通行证   11. Iu2019d like to start using this pass for 45 days from the day after tomorrow. 我开始用这张通行证在45天之间   12. Can I get on this train with this ticket? 我可以用这张票上车吗?   13. Where is ABC office? ABC 办公室在哪?   14. Do I need a reservation? 我需要预订吗?   15. I have an Apass 我有A票   16. Could you issue the supplement coupons 你们发行增刊的优待券吗?   17. Where is the bus depot for the ABC buses? ABC线路的巴士站在哪里?   18. Where is the ticket office? 卖票的地方在哪里?   19. To Melbourne, please 到墨尔本,谢谢   20. Can I get a ticket on the bus? 我能上车买票吗?   经典旅游英语短语   1. What time does the bus for Melbourne leave? 墨尔本出发的巴士是几点?   2. How long does it take to get to Melbourne? 去墨尔本多长时间?   3. Do I have to transfer? 我还得换车吗?   4. Where can I check my baggage? 在哪里可以检查我的行李   5. Could I keep this baggage? 我能带者这些行李吗?   6. Which gate does the bus for Melbourne leave from 从墨尔本出发的车在几号门?   7. Which bus goes to Melbourne? 哪辆车去墨尔本   8. What time does next bus leave? 下一辆车什么时候出发?   9. Is this seat taken? 这个座有人吗?   10. May I sit next to you? 我可以做你旁边吗?   11. Where should I put my baggage? 我的行李应该放在哪里?   12. What time does this bus leave? 巴士什么时候离开?   13. Where is the rest room? 洗手间在哪里?   14. How long does the bus stop here? 巴士在这挺多久?   15. Iu2019ll get off here 我在这里下车   16. Iu2019ll take the next bus. 我要坐下辆车   17. May I have a bus route map? 可以给我张巴士线路图吗?   18. May I see the time table? 我可以看一下时刻表吗?   19. Is there a bus to Melbourne? 有去墨尔本的巴士吗?   20. Where should I transfer? 我应该在哪转站?   必备旅游英语短语   1. Where can I buy a ticket? 我在哪能买着票?   2. How long does it take to get there on foot? 步行去那里需要多长时间?   3. Which bus goes to the airport? 哪辆车去飞机场?   4. Does this bus go to Melbourne? 这是去墨尔本的巴士吗?   5. How much is it to Melbourne? 去墨尔本多少钱?   6. Transfer ticket, please 换车票   7. How many stops to Melbourne? 去墨尔本要停多少站?   8. Iu2019d like to get off at Melbourne 我在墨尔本站下车   9. Could you tell me when to get off? 能告诉我什么时候下车吗?   10. How can I get the bus to stop? 我怎么能让巴士停下来?   11. Iu2019ll get off at the cathedral. 在教堂前我要下车   12. Iu2019ll get off here 我在这下车   13. May I have a subway map? 我可以看一下地铁线路图吗?   14. Which line should I change trains to go to Melbourne? 去墨尔本我应该换哪条线?   15. Which exit should I take for Melbourne central station? 我从哪个出口走在墨尔本中心火车站?   16. Is the next station Melbourne central station? 下一站是墨尔本中心火车站吗?   17. Where is the taxi stand? 哪有出租车站台?   18. Could you call a taxi for me? 你能为我叫辆出租车吗?   19. Where can I catch a taxi? 我在哪能赶上出租车?   20. Where to? 去哪里?   

可不可以帮我找一找“dogs and cats”之类的短语



1、感谢你真诚地携手送给我更多的温柔,往事无须频频回首,爱神在向我俩点头。 Thank you for your sincere hand in hand to give me more tenderness, the past does not need to look back frequently, love is nodding to us. 2、放弃该放弃的是无奈,放弃不该放弃的是无能;不放弃该放弃的是无知,不放弃不该放弃的是执著。 It is helplessness to give up what should be given up, inpetence to give up what should not be given up, ignorance to give up what should not be given up, persistence to give up what should not be given up. 3、岁末甫至,福气东来,鸿运通天。否极泰来时重申鲲鹏之志,惜时勤业中,展军无限风采。祝新年吉祥! At the end of the year, fortune es to the East and good fortune runs through the sky. Whether extremely Tailai reiterates Kuan Peng"s ambition, cherishes the time diligently, unfolds the army infinite elegance. Good luck in the New Year! 4、如果把我内心的愧疚真说出来,怕你觉得我没出息,可是不说出来,自己又觉得自己没出息。 If you tell me my guilt, I"m afraid you think I"m not promising, but if you don"t say it, you"ll feel like you"re not promising. 5、蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营的道谢。浮夸的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向他道谢的。 Bees sip honey from flowers and give thanks when they leave. The exaggerated butterfly believed that the flower should thank him. 6、百年轮回千年等,他世不做陌路人。物事人非性已改,依旧不泯养鱼恩。 Centennial reincarnation for thousands of years and so on, he is no stranger in the world. Things and people have changed their non-sexual nature, and they still keep fish grace. 7、独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻。今得与君同窗,如切如磋,如琢如磨,其乐无穷。 Learning alone without friends is crude and unknown. Today, I have to talk with my clas *** ates and enjoy them as much as I can, and as much as I can. 8、借此机会,让我们对您过去珍贵的支持表示感谢,对您今后的订单,我们将保证继续格外关照。 Let us take this opportunity to express our gratitude for your valuable support in the past and to assure you that we will continue to give special attention to your future orders. 9、你酣畅淋漓地泼洒出自己的形象,没有丝毫粉饰和雕琢,惟留下质朴的美,自然的美。 You sprinkle your own image freely and vividly, without any whitewash and carving, leaving only simple beauty and natural beauty. 10、在我眼里你并不是一个完美的人,但你是一个比完人还能让我快乐的人,有了你我的生活变得有趣味。 In my eyes, you are not a perfect person, but you are a person who can make me happier than others. With you, my life bees interesting. 11、谢谢您一直以来对我们的关心,愿所有的幸福都追随着您,祝你身体健康,万事如意。 Thank you for your concern for us all the time. May all happiness follow you. I wish you good health and good luck in everything. 12、如果我有神灯,我将有三个许愿的机会,但我只要一个就够了!我将许下这个愿望:我要你一生幸福平安! If I had a magic lamp, I would have three chances to make a wish, but I only need one! I will make this wish: I want you to be happy and safe all your life! 13、岁月流逝,真情依在;百里之隔,隔却不断;长夜漫漫,星光闪闪;真心祈祷,左右陪伴。 Years go by, true feelings are there; miles apart, but not ceaseless; long nights, stars shining; sincere prayer, left and right pany. 14、我将用一颗感恩的心去面对生命中的坎坷困苦,无论多大的风雨,都可以勇敢地面对,永不放弃。 I will use a grateful heart to face the ups and downs of life, no matter how big the storm, you can face bravely, never give up. 15、感谢您坚强的笑容,为我照亮一角别愁的雨空,此后的多少天里,我将因为这笑容而盼望着相遇的美丽。 Thank you for your strong *** ile, to light up a corner of the rain sky for me, and for the next few days, I will look forward to the beauty of meeting because of this *** ile. 16、风吹不散的关怀,雨冲不走的问候,都化作对你永远不变的问候,在感恩节里真心地希望你快乐到永远。 The care of the wind and the greetings of the rain turn into the eternal greetings to you. I sincerely hope you will be happy forever on Thanksgiving Day. 17、你给我的最珍贵的礼品-真诚的友情,在我生活的银河中,犹如一颗明亮的星星。 The most precious gift you have given me - sincere friendship, like a bright star in the galaxy of my life. 18、你的引领,使我从小插上理想的翅膀。不管明天会怎样,还是从心底说声:谢谢你! Your guidance makes me insert ideal wings from my childhood. No matter what happens tomorrow, say it from the bottom of my heart: Thank you! 19、感恩不一定要感谢大恩大德,感恩可以是一种生活态度,一种善于发现美并欣赏美的道德情操。 Gratitude does not necessarily mean gratitude for generosity. Gratitude can be an attitude towards life, a moral sentiment that is good at discovering and appreciating beauty. 20、继往开来迎新岁,举金杯春满万户,与时俱进贺丰年,传笑语喜盈千家。 Inheriting the past and ushering in the new year, we will raise our golden cup to fill every household in spring. We will keep pace with the times to celebrate the good year and spread jokes to thousands of households. 21、感谢你的关怀,感谢你的帮助,感谢你对我做的一切。任何时间,请接受我最真心的祝愿! Thank you for your care, for your help, for everything you have done to me. At any time, please accept my sincere wishes! 22、感恩是一种文化素养,是一种思想境界,是一种生活态度,更是一种社会责任。 Gratitude is a kind of cultural acplishment, an ideological realm, an attitude towards life, and also a kind of social responsibility. 23、活在世上,我们应该学会感恩。学会了感恩,你才会体会到幸福,你才会体会到快乐。 To live in the world, we should learn to be grateful. Learn to be grateful, you will experience happiness, you will experience happiness. 24、很感激你,正式因为你一直以来的容忍和提拔,才有我今天在公司的成绩!谢谢你! Thank you very much. Because of your tolerance and promotion all the time, I have achieved great success in the pany today. Thank you! 25、谢谢你!总是在我最失落的时候出现,有你这样的好朋友在我身边,我真的感到很幸福。 Thank you! Always appear when I am most lost. I really feel very happy to have a good friend like you around me. 26、非常高兴与你一起度过的每一分钟,希望能使你每时每刻都开心,想起你的名字感觉很甜蜜,期望着与你再见。 I"m very glad to spend every minute with you. I hope I can make you happy all the time. It"s sweet to think of your name. I look forward to seeing you again. 27、在未来的日子里,希望您能继续支持和帮助我,也愿我们携手共进,共同进步! In the future, I hope you can continue to support and help me, and I hope we can work together to make progress together! 28、若不得不分离,也要好好地说声再见,也要在心里存着感谢,感谢你给了我一份记忆。 If you have to be separated, you should say goodbye well, and you should be grateful in your heart. Thank you for giving me a memory. 29、感谢你在过去的一年对傅志成的包容和帮助,新的一年,希望你一帆风顺,心想事成,还有开心快乐每一天! Thank you for your tolerance and help to Fu Zhicheng in the past year. In the new year, I hope you have a *** ooth sailing, successful thinking, and happy every day! 30、心若在,梦就在,天地之间还有真爱,看成败,人生豪迈,只不过是从头再来,愿你能走出人生的低谷。 If the heart is there, the dream is there, there is true love beeen heaven and earth, see success or failure, life is heroic, but from the beginning again, I hope you can get out of the low ebb of life. 31、您多像那默默无闻的树根,使小树茁壮成长,又使树枝上挂满丰硕的果实,却并不要求任何报酬。 You are much like the unknown roots, which make the *** all trees grow strong and full of fruits on the branches, without requiring any reward. 32、我常常觉得她在安慰我,但静下心来细想,人只能活一次,一辈子的长短其实是件很玄的东西。 I often feel that she is forting me, but calm down to think, people can only live once, the length of life is actually a very mysterious thing. 33、青山依旧在!几度夕阳红!与你共度的朝朝暮暮永留心底,谢谢你的爱!你的疼!你对我的好! The green hills are still there! How many sunsets! Thank you for your love. Your pain! You are good to me! 34、感恩是如同一颗透明的水晶,让人倍感珍惜。用心体会每一次感动,你会收获美丽与欣喜。 Gratitude is like a transparent crystal, which makes people cherish it. Experience every touch with your heart, and you will reap beauty and joy. 35、你愿意走进我的生命,扮演朋友的角色,或许你不是唯一最好的,但却是我生命中最精彩的! You are willing to enter my life and play the role of a friend. Maybe you are not the only best, but the most wonderful in my life! 36、其实天很蓝,阴云总要散;其实海不宽,此岸连彼岸;其实泪也甜,当你心如愿。其实我要你快乐每一天! In fact, the sky is blue, clouds will always disperse; in fact, the sea is not wide, this shore is even the other shore; in fact, tears are sweet, when you wish. In fact, I want you to be happy every day! 37、让我们怀着感恩的心情面对生活,为所有关心我们的人,展开我们的笑容! Let"s face life with gratitude and laugh for all those who care about us! 38、我也许不是您最出色的员工,而您却是我最崇敬的领导!感谢您对我的帮助,培育。 I may not be your best employee, but you are my most respected leader! Thank you for your help and cultivation. 39、一年又一年,风风雨雨。您为了我们呕心沥血,请接受我们对您深深的感谢和炽热的爱。 Year after year, wind and rain. For our sake, please accept our deep thanks and ardent love for you. 40、无论是助人还是助己,无论是大事还是小事,只要用心付出,一定会有所收获的。 Whether it"s helping others or helping oneself, whether it"s big or *** all, as long as you pay hard, you will get something. 41、你在向后弯曲的我。请让我报答你,如果只注意告诉你我是多么感激你们的爱和支持。 You"re bending me backwards. Let me reward you if I only pay attention to telling you how much I appreciate your love and support.


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smile passed over the cobbler"s lfe. If she and her baby could hide there, no one in the world would be able to separate th


做某事有困难的英文短语:have difficulties in doing sth. difficulties:n.困难;难题;难事;困境;艰难;费劲;辛苦;困难程度;难度。 doing:n.所做的事;发生的事;所作所为。 扩展资料   His increasing financial difficulties forced him to take desperate measures.   不断增加的经济困难迫使他采取了铤而走险的办法。   I"ve had some difficulties, but they were nothing compared to yours.   我遇到了一些困难,但与你的.困难比起来就算不上什么了。   You soon get used to the little difficulties.   你很快就会习惯这些小小的不便了。   What in the world did they think they were doing?   他们到底认为自己在做什么?   I don"t see the point of doing it all again.   我就不明白,再做一次有什么意义。   I"m doing some research on the subject.   我正就这一课题进行研究。


athematics, if he had given his spare moments to idleness, had the little Scotch lad


  在英语之中,表示做某事有困难的话,有几种表达方式?下面是我给大家整理的做某事有困难英文短语,供大家参阅!   做某事有困难英文短语   1.have difficulty (in) doing sth   have difficulty (in) doing sth   意为“做某事有困难”.   2.habe trouble (in) doing sth   have difficulty(in) doing sth做   某事有困难...habe trouble (in)   doing sth做某事有困难...have   bother(in) doing sth做某事费   劲   3.have a problem(in) doing   sth   have bother(in) doing sth做某   事费劲...have a problem(in)   doing sth做某事有困难...have   a good time(in) doing sth做某   事很开心   4.have difficulty(in) doing sth   have luck(in) doing sth做某事   时有运气(走运)...have   difficulty(in) doing sth做某事   有困难...habe trouble (in)   doing sth做某事有困难   做某事有困难have difficulty doing 英文短语   Once you figure out the characters of the compound sentences the teacher explained to us youwill have no difficulty doing your homework.   一旦你弄清楚老师向我们解释的复合句的特点,做作业就不会有问题。   If you have any difficulty doing this, support the back of the head and neck on a folded blanket.   如果你做这个有难度,用毛毯来支持头和颈部的后侧。   I have too much difficulty in doing the work.   我做这项工作有太多的困难。   B have difficulty(in)doing sth.   “做u2026u2026有困难”,固定用法。   Some students have a lot of difficulty (in) doing math problems.   一些学生做数学题有很大困难。   Under enormous strain and under enormous sacrifice, through controversy and difficulty andpolitics, you have kept your eyes focused on just doing your job, " he said.   你们面临巨大的压力,也做出了巨大的牺牲。你们经历了各种争议、困难以及政治上的变化,但是你们集中精力作好自己的事情。   Creation difficulty is bigger for the stationmaster of painterly to doing not have after allfoundation.   毕竟对于没有绘画基础的站长来说创作难度是比较大的。   It is best to read the page aloud or in a whisper if possible while doing the test so you can hearthe places where you have difficulty.   如果可能,在做这个小测试的时候最好是大声朗读或轻声地读出这一页上的内容。这样你就可以听出自己读得比较困难的地方。   But for women who have difficulty having orgasms in man-on-top intercourse, the CAT mayprovide a technique for doing so. Happy experimentation.   而对于那些难于在男上位达到高潮的女性,CAT提供了一种可能使之实现的技巧。   Advance learning allows you to adapt the difficulty of lessons ahead and deepen understanding,and even you can also have wider ideas when doing some of the problems.   超前学习可以让你提早适应课业的难度,加深理解,甚至是在做到一些难题时,也可以有更宽的思路。   做某事有困难have difficulty doing 英文短语2   What do you have difficulty doing?   做什么事让你觉得困难?   I believe you have difficulty in doing these.   我相信你做这些是没有困难的。   Content "In our Song Village, which would have difficulty doing, the surrounding neighbors will be proposed:" Proterozoic to find Songguan hymns !   在我们宋家村,哪家哪户有困难,周围的邻居就会提议道:“找宋冠宙去呗!”   Did you have any difficulty doing your homework.   你做作业有困难吗?   When I have difficulty in doing anything, I will ask my father for advice.   每当我做事遇到困难时,我往往向我父亲求教。   A girl has written as, "after doing housework for a week, I have totally understood the parents"hardships and difficulty, and all of those I have never thought about before."   一名女同学在体验心得中写道:“一周的家务劳动,让我了解了父母的艰辛和不易。这一切都是我以前没有想过的。   While it"s true that you sometimes have difficulty saying "no" to those you love, at the same time,you"re not doing a service to anyone when you bite off more than you can chew.   当你确实有时很难说“不”,尤其是对那些与你爱的人,在同一时间,你就不用做一个服务任何人当你自不量力。   The difficulty here is finding a host that has mod_mono installed on apache, or doing it yourselfif you have shell access to your host.   这儿的问题是找到一个在Apache上装有mod_mono的主机,或者自己去做,如果你有访问主机的权限。   The difficulty here is finding a host that has mod_mono installed on apache, or doing it yourselfif you have shell access to your host.   这儿的问题是找到一个在Apache上装有mod_mono的主机,或者自己去做,如果你有访问主机的权限。   
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