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  周围安静极了,没有城市汽车的噪音,没有购货人流的喧嚣。下面就由我为大家带来关于安静的 英语 短语 集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于安静的相关短语   安静发情 still estrus;   安静期 silent period;   安静值 rest value;   安静状态 rest state   安静点 Be quiet ; shut up ; Quiet point ; Be quite   安静爱 Hush love ; Quiet love   有点安静 a little quieter ;   安静生活 Still Life   安静期 Quiet Period ; silent period   安静空间 Clearly Space ; CalmSpace   安静短信 QuietSMS   变得安静 Becomes quiet ; hush   绝对安静 Utterly silent   关于安静的相关单词   quiet;   peaceful   calm   hush   关于安静的相关短句或解释   Keep quiet!   保持安静。   The patient needs peace and quiet.   病人需要安静。   Wait until the children have settled down before you start your lesson.   等孩子安静下来你再开始上课。   Be absolutely quiet!   请绝对安静!   She soon quieted down and fell asleep.   她不久就安静下来睡着了。   关于安静的相关例句   你可得安静点儿了,要不然我没法计算了。   Do keep quiet or you"ll throw me out in my calculations.   她的卧室是这座嘈杂房屋中一个难得的安静之处。   Her bedroom is an oasis of calm in the noisy house.   务必要安静。   Do be quiet.   让汤姆保持安静。   Ask him to keep quiet.   她使婴儿安静入睡。   She hushed the baby to sleep.   她那么安静,几乎没有人注意到她在这里。   She was so quiet that her presence was hardly noticed.   他们学会了安静,而不让安静变得空虚。   They had learned to be silent together without the silence becoming empty.   安静地等候,远离机动车道。   Wait quietly and stay away from the roadway.   宾馆侍者安静伶俐高效地来回忙碌着。   The bellhops moved silently and instantly and efficiently.   关于安静的双语例句   1. The house seemed muted, hushed as if it had been deserted.   房子里似乎悄然无声,安静得好像已经没人在住一样。   2. The room was quiet; no one volunteered any further information.   房间很安静,无人主动提供更多的信息。   3. I remember her as a quiet, hard-working and well-spoken girl.   我记得她是个安静、勤奋并且谈吐优雅的女孩子。   4. Midge clapped her hands, calling them back to order.   米奇拍手示意他们安静下来。   5. We should go somewhere quiet, and talk it over.   我们应该找个安静的地方好好谈一谈。   6. The judge shook his head irritably and Juicks hushed.   法官生气地摇摇头,朱克斯安静下来。   7. We come here once a year expecting a quiet, relaxing holiday.   我们每年来这里一次,期待度过一个安静而放松的假期。   8. Calm down for a minute and listen to me.   你安静一会儿,听我说。   9. He"s quiet and a bit on the shy side.   他很安静,略有点害羞。   10. It might, at last, silence the small but noisy intellectual clique.   它可能最终会使这个聒噪的知识分子小圈子安静下来。   11. The ruling party"s veterans know how to calm their critics.   执政党的老牌政治家们知道怎样让批评他们的人安静下来。   12. Frannie shushed her with a forefinger to the lips.   弗兰妮把食指放在嘴唇上让她安静。   13. The audience are strangely subdued, clapping politely after each song.   观众们出奇地安静,只是在每首歌结束后报以礼貌性的掌声。   14. He was a quiet man who kept himself to himself.   他是个喜欢安静、不爱与人来往的人。   15. Try gradually to quiet them down as bedtime approaches.   临近就寝的时候,要尽量让他们渐渐安静下来。


feel happy 感到高兴; 例句:Every time I hear that song I feel happy. 我每次听到那首歌都感到很愉快。 扩展资料   Why do you feel happy?   你为什么会感到开心呢?   It made me feel happy, lively and warm.   它让我感到快乐、温暖而充满活力。   Nothing can make her feel happy and satisfied.   没有什么能使她感到快乐和满足。   Pop music can make people feel happy and comfortable.   流行音乐可以使人们感到快乐和舒适。


【 #英语资源# 导语】用着一颗感恩的心去看待你周围所有人,你会发现不管他们做了什么,对你来说都会有所收获。以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.2022年感恩节英语祝福语短语   warm wishes at thanksgiving.   在感恩节,衷心地祝福你们。   from all of us to all of you at thanksgiving.   我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。   thanksgiving wishes for you and your family.   给你们全家感恩节的祝福。   i wish you could be here on thanksgiving.   但愿你能来过感恩节。   thanksgiving just won"t be the same without you.   没有你,感恩节就不会一样了。   this will be our first thanksgiving apart.   这将是我们第一次不在一起过感恩节。   it will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together.   家人团聚的节日里,不能看到你,我会感到难过。   our first thanksgiving should be our best.   我们第一次共度的感恩节是我们最美好的时光。   i wouldn"t want to spend thanks-giving with anyone else.   我只愿和你共度感恩节。   what a wonderful time to be together.   在一起的时光多么快乐。   thanksgiving is a time when i tell you that i love you.   感恩节就是我告诉你我爱你的时候。   thanksgiving is a great time to tell you that we love you kids.   孩子们,感恩节这时刻,我们要说:我们都爱你们。   thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year.   感恩节是一年中的节日。   i love to eat, so i love thanksgiving.   我爱吃,所以我爱感恩节。   i hope you are feeling thankful after your supper.   希望你吃过晚饭后有感恩的心情。 2.2022年感恩节英语祝福语短语   1. From all of us to all of you at thanksgiving. 我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。   2.Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family.给你们全家感恩节的祝福。   3.Warm wishes at thanksgiving 。 在感恩节,衷心的祝福你们。   4.I wish you could be here on thanksgiving. 但愿你能来过感恩节。   5.It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together. 家人团聚的日子里,不能看到你,我会感到难过。   6.Our first thanksgiving should be our best.我们第一次共度的感恩节是我们美好的时光。   7.I wouldn"t want to spend thanksgiving with anyone else.   8.What a wonderful time to be together. 在一起的时光多么快乐。   9.Thanksgiving just wont be the same without you . 没有你,感恩节,就会不一样。   10.This will be our first thanksgiving apart. 这将是我们 第一次不在一起过感恩节。   11.Thanksgiving is a time when I tell you that I love you .感恩节就是我告诉你我爱你的时候。   12.Thanksgiving is a great time to tell you that we love you kids. 孩子们,感恩节这时刻,我们要说,我们都爱你们。   13.Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year. 感恩节是一年中的节日。   14.I love to eat, so I love thanksgiving .我爱吃,所以 我爱感恩节。 3.2022年感恩节英语祝福语短语   From all of us to all of you at thanksgiving.   我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。   Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family.   给你们全家感恩节的祝福。   Warm wishes at thanksgiving.   在感恩节,衷心地祝福你们。   I wish you could be here on thanksgiving.   但愿你能来过感恩节。   I wouldn"t want to spend thanks-giving with anyone else.   我只愿和你共度感恩节。   It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together.   家人团聚的节日里,不能看到你,我会感到难过。   Our first thanksgiving should be our best.   我们第一次共度的感恩节是我们最美好的时光。   What a wonderful time to be together.   在一起的时光多么快乐。 4.2022年感恩节英语祝福语短语   01、Though we are not with you but we miss you all on this Thanksgiving Day.   虽然感恩节你不能和我们在一起,但是我们会想念你的。   02、Love you all this Thanksgiving Day.   感恩节里更加爱你。   03、Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family.   给你们全家感恩节的祝福。   04、May your life be blessed with joy, love and miracles   希望你的生活里充满了欢乐、关爱和奇迹。   05、Thanksgiving just won"t be the same without you   没有你感恩节就不会一样了   06、God bless you and your family at Thanksgiving and always!   上帝会保佑你和你的家人   07、I wish you could be here on Thanksgiving.   但愿你能来陪我过感恩节   08、A card can say more than a thousand words. Happy Thanks giving day!   千言万语敌不过卡片的祝福   09、It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together.   没有你的节日我会感到难过   10、Have a FULL Thanksgiving day!   感恩节快乐!好好吃一顿吧 5.2022年感恩节英语祝福语短语   1、感恩是一种幸福,学会回报是一种美德!   Thanksgiving is a kind of happiness, learning to return is a virtue!   2、感谢你温暖的双手不曾离弃,愿你感恩节快乐!   Thank you for your warm hands never leave, wish you a happy Thanksgiving!   3、希望你们都幸福,在未来人生的路上平安顺利,幸福常伴!   I hope you are all happy, safe and smooth on the way of life in the future, and always with happiness!   4、感恩节,祝你学会感恩,享尽人生情趣。   Thanksgiving, I wish you learn to be grateful and enjoy your life.   5、在这个特殊的日子里,学会感恩吧,将你的谢意传递给身边的每一个人。   On this special day, learn to be grateful and pass on your gratitude to everyone around you.   6、感谢上帝让我遇上你,我以感恩的心给你送去感恩节的祝福。   Thank God for letting me meet you. I send you Thanksgiving blessings with gratitude.   7、愿你开心每一天,感恩节快乐!   Wish you happy every day, happy Thanksgiving!   8、感恩节,存感恩之心,好运福绵照耀,幸福快乐围绕!   Thanksgiving, keep the heart of Thanksgiving, good luck shine, happiness around!   9、感谢每时每刻,给我你的时刻,让我的生活更加充满希望。   Thank you all the time, give me your time, make my life more hopeful.   10、感恩节,传祝愿,愿感恩永存心间。   Thanksgiving, pass on the wishes, may Thanksgiving be with you forever.


【 #英语资源# 导语】感恩节虽然是西方的节日,但是我们也会在这一天感恩他人,以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.感恩节英语祝福短语   1.our first thanksgiving should be our best.   我们第一次共度的感恩节是我们最美好的时光。   2.i wouldn"t want to spend thanks-giving with anyone else.      我只愿和你共度感恩节。   3.what a wonderful time to be together.   在一起的时光多么快乐。   4. may your life be blessed with joy, love and miracles   希望你的生活里充满了欢乐、关爱和奇迹。   5. thanksgiving just won"t be the same without you   没有你感恩节就不会一样了   6. god bless you and your family at thanksgiving and always!   上帝会保佑你和你的家人   7. i wish you could be here on thanksgiving.   但愿你能来陪我过感恩节   8. a card can say more than a thousand words. happy thanks giving day!   千言万语敌不过卡片的祝福   9. it will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together.   没有你的节日我会感到难过   10. have a full thanksgiving day!   感恩节快乐!好好吃一顿吧 2.感恩节英语祝福短语   1. for all the times I needed a shoulder to lean on.      在我需要依靠之时,   2. Thanks for being there as a friend so true!      感谢有你,我真诚的朋友!   3. Just dig into the roast turkey.   好好享受美味的感恩节火鸡吧!   4. Happy Thanksgiving day!   感恩节快乐,我的朋友!   5. A card can say more than a thousand words.   一张卡片胜过千言万语。   6. Warm wishes at Thanksgiving.   在感恩节,衷心地祝福你们。   7. Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family.   给你们全家感恩节的祝福。   8. I wish you could be here on Thanksgiving.   但愿你能来过感恩节。   9. This will be our first Thanksgiving apart.   这将是我们第一次不在一起过感恩节。   10. Our first Thanksgiving should be our best.      我们第一次共度的感恩节是我们最美好的时光。 3.感恩节英语祝福短语   I am getting hungry just thinking about it.   一想到它我就饿了。   I will be home for Thanksgiving, so save a little turkey for me.   我会回家过感恩节,所以请留点儿火鸡给我。   Have a MID-FULL Thanksgiving!   感恩节请勿暴饮暴食!   Have a FULL Thanksgiving day!   感恩节快乐!好好吃一顿吧!   I wish you could be here on Thanksgiving.   但愿你能来过感恩节。   It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together.   家人团聚的节日里,不能看到你,我会感到难过。   Our first Thanksgiving should be our best.   我们第一次共度的感恩节是我们最美好的时光。   I wouldn"t want to spend Thanks-giving with anyone else.   我只愿和你共度感恩节。   What a wonderful time to be together.   在一起的时光多么快乐。   Thanksgiving just won"t be the same without you.   没有你,感恩节就不会一样了。   This will be our first Thanksgiving apart.   这将是我们第一次不在一起过感恩节。   Thanksgiving is a time when I tell you that I love you.   感恩节就是我告诉你我爱你的时候。   Thanksgiving is a great time to tell you that we love you kids.   孩子们,感恩节这时刻,我们要说:我们都爱你们。   Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year.   感恩节是一年中的节日。   I hope you are feeling thankful after your supper.   希望你吃过晚饭后有感恩的心情。   Warm wishes at Thanksgiving.   今天是感恩节,衷心祝福你!   From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving.   请接受我们诚挚的祝福:祝你们感恩节快乐!   I wish you could be here on Thanksgiving.   我真的希望你能来过感恩节。 4.感恩节英语祝福短语   1、愿你平安无疾,前程似锦。   May you be safe and have a bright future.   2、祝亲爱的妈妈永远年轻,永远美丽!   I wish my dear mother always young and beautiful!   3、祝感恩节快乐!永远快乐!   Happy Thanksgiving! Happy forever!   4、提前祝你感恩节吉祥,合家安康,美好日子万年长。   I wish you good luck on Thanksgiving, family health and a beautiful day in advance.   5、愿你的生活美满、如意。   May your life be happy and prosperous.   6、妈妈,虽然我老跟您发脾气,但我真的爱您!   Mom, although I always lose my temper with you, I really love you!   7、感恩节到了,送妈妈一个挎包,祝妈妈包揽快乐!   Thanksgiving is coming. Send your mother a satchel. I wish your mother a happy birthday!   8、感恩节马上就要到了,预祝感恩节愉快!   Thanksgiving is coming soon. I wish you a happy Thanksgiving!   9、感恩节快到了,愿你好事多,幸福多,心情快乐!   Thanksgiving is coming. May you have more good things, more happiness and a happy mood!   10、祝你感恩节愉快,快乐相伴!   I wish you a happy Thanksgiving!   11、祝你感恩节愉快,平安快乐!   I wish you a happy Thanksgiving, peace and happiness!   12、感谢母亲!感恩母爱!母亲,节日快乐!   Thank you, mother! Thanksgiving maternal love! Mother, happy holidays!   13、祝你美丽健康,平安幸福。   I wish you beauty, health, peace and happiness.   14、愿所有美好,都不负归期。   May all good things come true.   15、愿你夜里有灯,梦里有人。   May you have a lamp at night and someone in your dream. 5.感恩节英语祝福短语  1、感谢我身边每一位好友,为你祝福,为的敲起祈祷钟!伴你走过每一天。   Thank you for every good friend around me、Bless you and ring the prayer bell for you! Walk with you every day.   2、人生于天地之间,戴天地之大恩,时时保有一颗感恩的心最为可贵。   Life is born between heaven and earth、It is most precious to have a grateful heart when you wear the great grace of heaven and earth.   3、人世间最美丽的情景是出现在,当我们怀念到母亲的时候。   The most beautiful scene in the world is when we miss our mother.   4、会感恩的人,才懂得珍惜;会珍惜的人,才能够快乐。   Only those who are grateful know how to cherish, and those who are grateful can be happy.   5、老师,您的关怀充满我的学生时代,与您在一起的日子如坐春风,如沐春雨!   Teacher, your concern is full of my student days, and the days with you are like spring breeze, like spring rain!   6、继往开来迎新岁,举金杯春满万户,与时俱进贺丰年,传笑语喜盈千家。   Inheriting the past and ushering in the new year, we will raise our golden cup to fill every household in spring、We will keep pace with the times to celebrate the good year and spread jokes to thousands of households.   7、怀着感恩的心情去生活,让自己快乐,更让别人感到快乐!   Live with gratitude, make yourself happy, and make others happy!   8、感恩鸟语花香,感恩春和景明,感恩蔚蓝的苍穹。   Thanksgiving for the fragrance of flowers, the spring and the scenery, the blue sky.   9、拥有感恩的心,你会感谢善良的人们给予你的每一份善意,无论相识不相识。   With a grateful heart, you will be grateful to the kind people who give you every goodwill, whether you know each other or not.   10、没有什么华丽的语言,没有什么豪言话语,但是我对你的感谢不会减少一分。   There is no gorgeous language, no bold words, but my thanks to you will not be reduced by one point.


1、读书破万卷,下笔如有神。Having read more than ten thousand books, writing if there is god.2、泉水挑不干,知识学不完。Spring is not dry, knowledge can not finish.3、要知天下事,须读古人书。To know the world, to read the book of the ancients.4、凡事勤则易,凡事惰则难。Everything ground is easy, it is difficult.5、积累知识,胜过积蓄金银。To accumulate knowledge is better than to save gold and silver.6、读书需用心,一字值千金。The need to carefully read, the word is worth.7、不经历风雨。怎能见彩虹。Don"t experience wind and rain. How can you see the rainbow.8、学问是苦根上长出来的甜果。Knowledge is the root of long suffering from the sweet fruit.9、哪儿有勤奋,哪儿就有成功。Where there is diligence, there will be success.10、善学者,假人之长以补其短。Good learners, dummy long to make up the short.11、粮食补身体,书籍丰富智慧。Food supplement the body, books rich wisdom.12、倘能生存,我当然仍要学习。If I can survive, of course I still need to learn.13、知不足者好学,耻下问者自满。Lack of knowledge is good to learn, shame to ask the person to be complacent.14、只要心还在跳,就要努力学习。As long as the heart is still jumping, we must work hard to learn.15、智慧源于勤奋,伟大出自平凡。Wisdom comes from diligence, and greatness comes from the ordinary.16、勤奋是步入胜利之门的通行证。Diligence is the passport to the door of success.17、求学将以致用;读书先在虚心。Study will be used; reading first in an open mind.18、学者如禾如稻,不学者如蒿如草。Scholars such as grass, not scholars such as grass.19、只要愿意学习,就一定能够学会。As long as you are willing to learn, you will be able to learn.20、活着就要学习,学习不是为了活着。To live is to learn, to learn is not to live.21、宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。April showers bring May flowers。22、手懒的要受贫穷;手勤的得到富足。Lazy hands to be poor; diligent to get rich.23、树不修,长不直;人不学,没知识。The tree does not repair, long not straight; people do not learn, no knowledge.24、与有肝胆人共事,从无字句处读书。With hepatobiliary work, reading from the book without words.25、少年易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻。Young and old to learn hard, time is not an inch of light.26、劳动教养了身体,学习教养了心灵。Labor through the body, learning through the soul.27、蜂采百花酿甜蜜,人读群书明真理。Bee stuffed sweet flowers, group of people reading the book out the truth.28、千万不要做个只会成天抱怨的懒人。Don"t be lazy will only complain every day.29、我们愈是学习,愈觉得自己的贫乏。The more we learn, the more we feel that we are poor.30、宝剑不磨要生锈;人不学习要落后。Do not wear a sword to rust; people do not learn to lag behind.31、学习知识要善于思考,思考,再思考。Learn to be good at thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking.32、金钱宝贵,生命更宝贵,时间最宝贵。Money is valuable, life is more Pcious, time is the most Pcious.33、勤奋者废寝忘食,懒惰人总没有时间。Hard work and lazy people have no time.34、惜时专心苦读是做学问的一个好方法。Time to concentrate on studying is a good way of learning.35、天赋如同自然花木,要用学习来修剪。Talent like natural plants, need pruning by study.


  英文短语put on是穿上的意思,除此之外,穿上还有哪些英文表达呢?以下是我为大家带来穿上的英文翻译,以供大家参阅!   穿上的英文释义篇   1.get into   2.put on   3.on with   4.attire in   5.endue   6.fit on   穿上的英文句子篇   1、你最好穿上外套,天变冷了。   You"d better put on your coat, it"s getting colder.   2、睡觉前,她穿上丝质的睡衣。   She put on her silken gown before going to bed.   3、那人穿上罩衫,然后走了出去。   The man put on his *** ock and went out.   4、冬天的时候,我们不得 *** 上温暖的衣服。   We have to put on warm clothing in winter.   5、男孩穿上马裤,出去骑马了。   The boy put on his breeches and went out for a ride.   6、他穿上一件有毛皮衬里的外衣。   He put on a coat with a fur lining.   7、早晨很冷,他穿上了一件厚毛衣。   He put on a thick sweater since it was cold in the morning.   8、他急忙穿上衣服。   He put on his clothes in a hurry.   9、她一下子脱掉了外衣,然后穿上了罩衫。   She slipped her coat off and put on her blouse.   10、穿上救生衣。这样在你万一从船上跌到水里时,它会帮助你不沉到水下去。   Put on your lifejacket, which would help you to stay up if you fall out of the boat.   11、然后她们给我穿上了炸药带,就是那两个女孩。   Then they put the explosive belt on me, those two girls did.   12、穿上你的裤子。   Put your pants on.   穿上的英文例句篇   1、要给他人留下深刻的印象,您不是仅仅需要穿上华丽的衣服,同时还应该掌握一定的技巧和知识。   Wearing expensive clothes is not the only thing to be done as you should havesome skills and the knowledge to impress others.   2、我想一个男孩的父亲穿上一件围裙一定会让人感觉不习惯——即使是一件上面印有赛车的围裙——但我从未多想,直到有一天父亲打破了这个惯例。   I suppose it was strange for a boy"s father to wear an apron – even one with race cars – but I never thought much of it until the day that Dad broke with tradition.   3、如果我喜欢我就穿上我漂亮的运动夹克去市场。   I wear my good blazer to the market if I feel like it.   4、我的姊妹穿上他们的最好地穿着.   My sisters put on their best dresses.   5、这很荒诞但是很有趣,约翰尼做了这件衣服给我并且我输了我们打的赌,于是我不得不在这部影片里穿上它。   Johnny made this outfit for me and we had a bet which I lost. And I had to wearthe poo outfit on the set.   6、教练组的其他成员说现在我应该穿着这件毛衣,因为每次我穿上它,我们都能进四个球。   The other coaching staff said I should be wearing the sweater now because every time I wear it we score four goals.   7、孩子们穿上了一些暖和的衣服。   The children put on some warm clothes.   8、爸爸:对,现在穿上这件衬衫。   Dad:Right, now put on this shirt.   9、我倒觉得,作为外国人,我们要穿上自家压箱底的睡衣来支援上海人民,证明当局的看法有误。   I say we need to prove the authorities wrong and as foreigners, wear our own jimjams in support of the locals.   10、这个发现揭示了我们的祖先是在脱去他们类人猿的体毛很久以后才穿上的衣服。   The findings reveal that our ancestors started to wear clothing long after they lost their ape-like body hair.   11、但是那年轻的王子将从我们门前走过,这时节我要穿上我最好的衣裳。   But the young Prince will pass by our door, and I will put on my best for themoment.   12、那天我非常兴奋,天还没亮就醒了,我穿上运动鞋,带着蓝色蝴蝶来到后院,穿着睡衣沿着台阶往下走,到了河边。   I put on my gym shoes and took my Papilio ulysses and went into the backyardand down the steps to the river in my pajamas.   13、他说:“我们可能顾全不了所有的人,但凡是购买了亚历山大·阿莫苏产品的人就一定是想穿上世界上最好的服装的人。”   "We might not be catering to everyone, but the people who buy Alexander Amosuwant to wear the very best suits in the world," he said.   14、扣上衬衫的扣子,如此,当你穿上它们的时候,它们就会垂顺合身。   Button up shirts or blouses so that they fall properly when you wear them.   15、每天早上醒来之后,我都十分失望:还得穿上裤子,用两条腿走路。   I wake up every morning disappointed that I have to wear pants and walk.


inds that have ever lived. We hear what they said and did; we see the as if they were


no more,no longer ,not any more ,not any longer的区别及用法:no longer / no more / not any longer / not any more 不再, 再也不 no longer=not any longer no more=not any more no more 和 not any more 可以做宾语,no longer 不可以 --- no more / no longer 放在 be 动词、助动词、情态动词之后,行为动词之前. no more 多用来修饰具体动词;no longer多用来修饰某种具体状态动词.例如: He no longer lived here. He has no more trouble. Bruce works in a company. He is no more a student. --- 表示时间“一度,曾经”,强调以前的情况不再继续下去,once but not now。用no longer, not any longer, not any more.但no longer, not any longer多与持续性动词连用;not any more 多与终止性动词连用。 She used to study English, but she doesn"t study it any longer/any more. I am afraid she doesn"t live here any longer/any more. Does Tom live here? No he no longer lives here. He is no longer happy. He doesn"t come here any more. ( 不用any longer)有两个短语和no longer同义,即not…any longer和not…any more,但他们侧重的方面不同。前者侧重时间,比如: He no longer lives here. = He doesn"t live here any longer. 他不在这儿居住了。(一个时间以前他住在这儿,过了这个时间,他就离开了。) 后者侧重程度和数量,比如: You can drink no more. = You can"t drink any more. 你不能再喝了。(喝酒的量到了一定程度,不能再继续下去了。) 要注意的是:由于no longer本身就带有否定的含义,即表示“再也不”,所以不能在同一个句子中加入否定词,比如: I"ll come here no longer.我再也不来了。


  关于,介词,引进某种行为的关系者,组成介词结构做状语或定语。下面就由我为大家带来关于关于的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于关于的相关短语   关于我们 About Us   关于工作 About work   关于智力 About intelligence   关于友谊 About Friendship   关于未来 About Future   关于冬天 About Winter   关于考试 About Examinations   关于网站 About Website   关于关于的相关短句   regulations concerning the protection of forests;   关于保护森林的若干规定   international legislation on shipping;   关于航运的国际立法   Re. Situation in the Middle East 公文开头   关于中东局势   关于关于的相关例句   1. Well, so much for the producers. But what of the con-sumers?   好吧,关于生产商就讲这么多,那关于消费者呢?   2. She was in rather a bad film about the Mau Mau.   她出演了一部关于茅茅运动20世纪50年代肯亚基库尤人反抗英国殖民者的民族主义运动的烂片。   3. I learned a lot from him about how to run a band.   我从他那里学到了许多关于经营乐队方面的东西.   4. There has been some misunder-standing of our publishing aims.   关于我们的出版目的存在着某些误解。   5. The only thing that rankles me is what she says about Ireland.   唯一使我耿耿于怀的就是她那些关于爱尔兰的言论。   6. My object was to publish a scholarly work on Peter Mourne.   我的目标是出版一本关于彼得·莫恩的学术著作。   7. He has written a speculative biography of Christopher Marlowe.   他写了一篇关于克里斯托弗·马洛的推测性传记。   8. The memory of it all was locked deep in my subconscious.   关于它的一切记忆都深植于我的潜意识里。   9. There is even a flashback to the murder itself.   甚至有一段关于谋杀本身的闪回。   10. A full-scale debate is under way on what ails the industry.   关于工业为何陷入困境正在展开一场全面的讨论。   11. We don"t have good solid rmation on where the people are.   我们还没有得到关于大家现在所处位置的确切讯息。   12. He"s curiously innocent about what this means to other people.   关于这对其他人意味着什么,他一无所知,这一点颇不寻常。   13. The book is full of amusing sidelights on his family background.   书中有很多关于他家庭背景的趣闻。   14. There is a lengthy article on Spike Milligan in the Observer newspaper.   《观察家报》上有一篇关于斯派克·米利根的长篇文章。   15. Major questions remain to be answered about his work.   关于他工作的许多重要问题仍然悬而未决。   关于关于的双语例句   我喜欢读一些关于电子音乐的书。   I like to read books on electronic music.   她写了一本关于巴黎公社的书。   She wrote a book on the Paris mune.   关于此事,你能给我提供什么讯息吗?   Can you give me any rmation on this matter?   他们听他作关于人际关系的演讲。   They listened to his discourse on human relations.   关于这个题目我们收到了很多读者的来信。   We have received many letters on this subject from our readers.   这是关于什么的?   What is it about?   转形可以关于造梦中的优美,但也是关于掌握的。   Transfiguration can be about beauty in dreaming but is also about mastery.   其给出了一个粗略的关于一篇文字关于什么的指示。   It gives a rough indication of what a body of text is about.   有些日历是关于美食的,还有些是关于世界名胜的。   There are calendars about food and about beautiful places in the world.


翻译为:浪费时间词典:[经] lost time; daddle; footle; lollygag; mess around


take care of... ,care...,如需其它请追问

以c开头的 关注 英语短语

concern 关注,你可以去在线翻译找找


1) As for me,Iam on the latter part of the argument. The reasons are as follows.至于我,我支持争论的后半部分。原因如下∶,2) From my point of view,it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.在我看来,支持第—种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理。3) The following reasons can account for my inclination.如下的原因可解释我的倾向。4) To make myself as plain asI can,Ishould give my standards for ….为使我的观点更加清楚,我给出我关于…的标准。5) I disbelieve,and therefore strongly resent, the claim that …..我不相信,因此强烈反对,这一主张,即…6) My final and perhaps my best reason for not doing something is .我不做某事最终的,或许最好的理由是7) For the same reason, it matters to me that ….同样原因,我很在乎…8) For these reason,I recommend that出于这些原因,我推荐/建议. (recommend做建议讲时,接从句要用虚拟,即谓语用(should)+动词原形)9) My answer is that.…..I have several reasons,and theyre good ones. The first is the one that ...我的回答是.。我有几个理由而且它们是很充分的理由。第一个是….10) My view is that …. 我的观点是…11) Like almost everybody else,I believe that ….正如几乎所有人一样,我相信12)ljust donit get excited over the idea of ….. 我对….主张并不感到激动。13)I"m not entirely convinced of ... 我并不完全信服..14)I cannot entirely agree with the idea that …我无法完全同意这一观点…15) I"m not suggesting that …我并不是建议….(该句中suggest做建议讲要用虚拟,即(should)+动词原形)16)I do not choose to …..merely becauselfeel that ….我没有选择…知识因为我觉得17)T have nothing against something. But.…我并不反对某事,但...18)I think it"s time we put a stop to something.我认为是我们停止某事的时候了。(it"s time(that)后的从句要用虚拟,既(should)+动词原形)19)I find the statement of …to be too narrow.我觉得….的观点过于狭隘。20)I can tell you from experience that .凭我的经验可以告诉你21)Personally,Iam standing on the side of …..就个人而言,我站在..的—边。22) Although doing something might seem a wild idea,Ibelieve that ….虽然做某事似乎狂妄,但我相信23)At an individual level,Ifeel that…从我个人的角度出发,我觉得…,24)Isincerely believe that ….我真诚地相信…25)But for me,I would rather think of the matter in an (optimistic) way.至于我,我宁愿以乐观的态度来看待这一问题。26) ButIdo not think that this view can hold water.但我并不认为这一观点能站得住脚。27) It is not half so important to do something as it is to do something.和做某事相比,做某事的重要性连—半都不及。28) There are some people who hold that .…..And o


As far as I am concerned 在我看来; As far as I know 就我所知; As for me 至于我的观点; From where I stand 从我的立场看; From my point of view 依我看 扩展资料   In my view在我看来;   As I see it我认为;   To my knowledge 就我所知;   To my way of thinking 依我看;   To my mind 我觉得;   To be perfectly honest 老实说;   To be quite frank 坦率地说;   To tell you the truth 实说话;   For my part 对我来说


For my part对我来说; For my part, I dont care who wins. As for me至于我的观点; As for me, I agree with the latter. In my opinion我的看法是; In my opinion, he is innocent. 扩展资料   Personally 我个人的"观点是;;   I maintain(that) 我认为   I hold the opinion(that) 我认为;   Im of the opinion(that) 我的意见是;   Im convinced(that) 我深信;   I consider 我认为;   Id like to point out(that) 我想指出;   I feel I ought to say(that) 我觉得我应该说;   I feel 我认为;   Id like to say 我认为;   I would say 我认为;   I should say 我看来自;   I think that 在我看来



英语好的来 最常用的短语 句子里经常能用到的短语 请大家帮忙啊——————我要的是最常用的

Be going to ....I"d like to.....


  英语学习中,有哪些短语可以用来收尾总结的?下面是我给大家整理的总结性英语短语,供大家参阅!   总结性英语短语   above all 最重要的是   accordingly 于是   as a consequence 因此   as a result 结果   as has been noted 如前所述   as I have said 如我所述   at last 最后   briefly 简单扼要地   by doing so 如此   certainly 当然地;无疑地   consequently 因此   eventually 最后   hence 因此   in a word 总之   in brief 简言之   in conclusion 总;最后   in short 简而言之   in summary 简要地说   in sum 总之;简而言之   obviously 显然   on the whole 总体来说;整个看来   to conclude 总而言之   to speak frankly 坦白地说   to sum up 总而言之   to summarize 总而言之   总结性英语短语sum up用法   合计,总计:   These ten books sum up this year"s production.   今年总计出版这10种图书。   Your marks sum up to 508.   你的分数总计为508分。   总结,归纳,概括:   He summed up the way of ours in a few words.   他用几句话就把我们的感受表达出来了。   Then he summed up our opinions.   然后,他总结了一下我们大家的意见。   判断,对u2026表示意见:   “A quiet fox,” I summed him up as I might have said.   就像我当初评价他时说的,他是“一个沉默寡言的狐狸”。   集中:   He wanted to sum up strength to deal a final blow.   他想集中力量作好最后一击。   【法律】(法官对诉讼案)加以扼要评述   [英国英语]对u2026进行估价;确定u2026的价值(或大小、重要性)   总结性英语短语sum up的英语例句   1. You have only 100 words in which to sum up his speech.   你只能用100字来概括他的讲话.   2. I can"t sum up his whole philosophy in one sentence.   我无法用一句话来概括他的全部人生观.   3. To sum up, the plan falls into seven categories.   该项计划综计有七个方面.   4. Will you please sum up the main ideas of this article?   请把这篇文章的大意归纳一下.   5. These ten books sum up this year"s production.   本年度共出版了十本书.   6. Well, to sum up, what is the message that you are trying to get across?   那么,概括来说,你想要传达的信息到底是什么?   7. We can sum up the main point of the lesson in three sentences.   我们可以用三句话来概括本课要点.   8. They always sum up their ( work ) experience whenever it is necessary, so they improve rapidly.   他们总是随时总结经验, 所以工作质量提高很快.   9. To sum up: We welcome the statement of the Government and appreciate its willingness and commitment to work cooperatively with us.   最后,我们欣然接受政府的声明,并感谢其愿同我们合作的意愿和承诺。   10. They want to sum up their past experience before going on.   他们想先总结一下过去的经验再继续干.   11. We have to sum up the costs of production.   我们得计算一下生产成本.   12. How would you sum up your interview with your father?   你是怎么看你跟你爸的会面?   13. They understood he was not merely trying to sum up the artist.   他们明白他不只是在说明艺术家的特性.   14. To sum up the opening wedge was what counted.   总而言之,打开缺口是顶要紧的.   15. Now sum up ( your views ) in a few words.   现在 ( 把你的观点 ) 用几句话来概括一下.   


1、Every milestone on the road of life is engraved with two words startingpoint . 2、Life is limited, waste it on something better. 3、Anyway, I m my own day. I can t say I ll fall! 4、最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。 5、个人能力当中所蕴藏的潜能,远超过自己想像以外。 6、A belief in the development of the strength of more than one only interestedin. 7、Every road is hard to walk, but once you choose, you must go on. 8、When someone says that you are a fool, you are not far away from success. 9、Loss of money can be recovered, once it loses credibility, it is difficult torecover. 10、Be fearless, stick to the end and never give up. 11、每条路都很难走,但是一旦选择了,就一定要走下去。 12、没有一种不通过蔑视忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。 13、The future is confused, so I have to take courage and courage to rush. 14、踏实一些,不要着急,你想要的,岁月都会给你。 15、The life that says in the mouth, is oneself later life. 16、To seize the opportunity to walk in front of people, nine out of ten will besuccessful. 17、The life significance lies in the struggle, because the world itself is anarena. 18、能把在面前行走的机会抓住的人,十有89都会成功。 19、The best way to predict the future is to create it. 20、All the efforts are due to their ambition and want too much. 21、谎言像一朵盛开的鲜花,外表美丽,生命短暂。 22、如果你很聪明,为什么不富有呢? 23、生命力的意义在于拚搏,因为世界本身就是一个竞技场。 24、To sell products to the customer s heart, not for the customer s head. 25、Only through all kinds of hardships in life, can we realize the value oflife. 26、人生要成沉淀,要有定力,一个人定力不够会浮躁。 27、The waterfall is extraordinarily magnificent when it crosses steep walls. 28、There is no end to struggle, and it is a starting point at all times. 29、Chi does not stand, the world can not be a matter of. 30、It is better to maintain self-esteem through patience and courage. 31、所做的一切努力都是因为自己的野心太大,想要的太多。 32、The lamp of life is ignited by passion, and the boat of life moves forward bystruggle. 33、My youth is still going on. No matter how many thorns I have, I have to runforward. 34、There are only people in the world who can t think, and there is no wayout. 35、Before departure, always dream; after the road is always a challenge. 36、As long as you face the sunshine, you will feel very happy. 37、Tomorrow is the fastest Value-added Land in the world, because it is full ofhope. 38、路在自己脚下,没有人可以决定我的方向。 39、The most clear footprints left on the most muddy road. 40、当有人说你是傻瓜时,证明你离成功不远了。 41、我的青春还在继续,再多荆棘也要向前奔跑。 42、Birth, death is also a male ghost. 43、贪婪是最真实的贫穷,满足是最真实的财富。 44、Before correcting others, reflect on whether you have made mistakes. 45、We can t control opportunities, but we can control ourselves. 46、Winners tend to be successful in the last five minutes of the time. 47、人生最困难的事情是认识自己。 48、The road is under my feet, no one can decide my direction. 49、All goals are dark, and only action can accompany light! 50、推销产品要针对顾客的心,不要针对顾客的头。 51、珍惜时间可以使生命变的更有价值。 52、在哪里跌倒,就在哪里爬起。 53、The best way to save is to cherish time, and the greatest waste is to wastetime. 54、Brave pursuit of happiness, this is the flower language of sunflower. 55、人生如天气,可预料,但往往出乎意料。 56、少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 57、去成为你想成为的人,什么时候都可以开始。 58、疯狂地被击碎,才发现我的梦住在坚强的堡垒。 59、胜利者往往是从坚持最后五分钟的时间中得来成功。 60、Greed is the real poverty, satisfaction is the most real wealth. 61、The ideal way is always ready for a person with confidence. 62、我不喜欢说梦想,但我有野心。 63、嘴里说的人生,就是自己以后的人生。 64、生命之灯因热情而点燃,生命之舟因拼搏而前行。 65、出发之前,永远是梦想;上路之后,永远是挑战。 66、阳光都能透过缝隙穿过房间,我相信不会一直是黑暗。 67、有一种成功,叫永不言弃;有一种成功,叫继续努力。 68、Suffering is the teacher of life. 69、There is not a kind of destiny which cannot be conquered by contempt andstruggle. 70、宁凭着耐性与骨气,维持自尊撑过去。 71、生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。 72、再怎么说我也是自己的天,总不能说倒就倒! 73、你不坚强,没人替你勇敢。 74、马行软地易失蹄,人贪安逸易失志。 75、此刻打盹你将做梦,而此刻学习你将圆梦! 76、我谁都不怕,就怕自己不够强大。 77、唯其尊重自己的人,才更勇于缩小自己。 78、金钱损失了还能挽回,一旦失去信誉就很难挽回。 79、Give up limited, win unlimited. 80、Seems to have no desire to start, always hit the end. 81、I m not afraid of anyone, I m afraid I m not strong enough. 82、Don t worry about the vague future, just strive for the clear present. 83、只要面朝阳光,就会觉得很快乐。 84、Don t wait for opportunities, but create them. 85、我们不能控制机遇,却可以掌握自己。 86、You are not strong, no one for you brave. 87、Any limitation starts from within. 88、I don t like to talk about dreams, but I have ambitions. 89、奋斗没有终点,任何时候都是一个起点。 90、Only their respect for their own people, to be more willing to narrow theirown. 91、The potential of a person s ability, far beyond their own imagination. 92、如果你想超越别人,就应该先打败自己。 93、Sunshine can penetrate through the cracks in the room, I believe it will notalways be dark. 94、If you feel disappointed and powerless now, how can you carry the future sofar? 95、懦夫把困难举在头顶,英雄把困难踩在脚下。 96、Value time can make life more valuable. 97、Learning is an extremely precious thing, and it is shameful to absorb it fromany source. 98、不要等待机会,而要创造机会。 99、Those who attack you will only envy your good, so all kinds of attacks. 100、勇敢的追求幸福,这就是向日葵的花语。 101、学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸收都不可耻。 102、Life, like the weather, can be expected, but often unexpected. 103、最好的节约是珍惜时间,最大的浪费是虚度年华。 104、Lies like a flower in full bloom, beautiful appearance, life is short. 105、最清晰的脚印留在最泥泞的路上。 106、Every kind of trauma, is a mature. 107、攻击你的人,只会羡慕你的好,所以各种打击。 108、不为模糊不清的未来担忧,只为清清楚楚的现在努力。 109、A coward lifts the difficulty above his head, and the hero is stepping on hisfeet. 110、未来一片迷茫,我只好带上坚强勇敢去闯。 111、Life to precipitation, have anyone, a person will force enough impetuous. 112、Life only come out of the beautiful, did not wait out of the brilliant. 113、预测未来的最好方法,就是创造未来。 114、There s a temper to yell, don t give up. 115、志不立,天下无可成之事。 116、若现在就觉得失望无力,未来那么远你该怎么扛。 117、似乎是没有欲求的开端,总是以备受打击而结束。 118、With their tears and regrets today, as with sweat hard today. 119、Dare to try, dare to lose face. 120、This moment will nap you will have a dream but this moment study, you willinterpret a dream! 121、Crazy to be smashed, only to find that my dream lives in a strongfortress. 122、Tenacious perseverance can conquer any one of the world s highest peak. 123、游手好闲会使人心智生锈。 124、I believe that as long as I walk steadily, I will walk out of my sky. 125、If you re smart, why aren t you rich? 126、人生只有走出来的美丽,没有等出来的辉煌。 127、If you want to surpass others, you should defeat yourself first. 128、God never complains about people s ignorance, but people complain about God sinjustice. 129、我相信只要踏踏实实的走,总会走出我的天。 130、瀑布跨过险峻陡壁时,才显得格外雄伟壮观。 131、每一种创伤,都是一种成熟。 132、只有经历人生的种种磨难,才能悟出人生的价值。 133、无所畏惧,坚持到底,决不放弃。 134、The horse soft easy to stumble, greedy easy demoralization. 135、理想的路总是为有信心的人预备着。 136、个有信念者所开发出的力量,大于个只有兴趣者。 137、Nothing will make the rust of the mind. 138、The worst enemy is the lack of strong faith. 139、与其用泪水悔恨今天,不如用汗水拼搏今天。 140、明天是世上增值最快的一块土地,因它充满了希望。 141、要纠正别人之前,先反省自己有没有犯错。 142、生命有限,请浪费在更美好的事物上。 143、人生道路上的每一个里程碑,都刻着两个字“起点”。 144、顽强的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座高山。 145、To be the person you want to be, you can start at any time. 146、所有目标都是黑暗的,只有行动才与光明相伴! 147、The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself. 148、Be down-to-earth. Don t worry. Years will give you what you want. 149、Energy-saving, Meng Chi solid in. 150、There is a success, a success that never give up; and continue to call.


Words and Expressions in Unit 1, Module I,BNUP 1. have been learning English 2. a pen friend 3. attitudes towards … 4. the more … the more 5. native speakers 6. as long as 7. get good marks 8. a Senior High 1 student 9. CCTV Channel 4 10. one"s favorite subject / actor 11. the role model 12. on Page 4 13. a business manager 14. have time for hobbies 15. sports programmes 16. TV series 17. game shows 18. talk shows 19. get the world at one"s feet 20. improve one"s lifestyle 21. a couch potato 22. a workaholic 23. at weekends 24. the main news at six o"clock 25. a good play on BBC2 26. the portable TV 27. the stone wall 28. the remote control 29. go off 30. the alarm clock 31. get changed 32. take up 33. be filled with 34. urgent matters 35. do one"s paperwork 36. have time for fun 37. make money for sb. 38. get bored 39. find painting very interesting 40. suffer from 41. lie on a beach 42. shop with a friend 43. take place 44. social situation 45. lose weight 46. can"t stand sth./doing sth. 47. hate doing sth. 48. prefer doing sth. 49. take turns to do sth. 50. win support from 51. as soon as possible 52. meet the challenge of 53. make his father proud 54. help with the cooking 55. welcome dinner 56. in the center of 57. on the tube 58. be crowded with 59. spend some time in doing sth./on sth. 60. at work 61. the same …that 62. the same…as 63. early in the morning 64. late at night 65. free of sickness 66. make sure 67. look after 68. play with sb. 69. distance learning 70. It is my dream to do sth. 71. call me a movie fan 72. get the chance to do sth. 73. a restaurant nearby 74. routine life 75. on the same course 76. over the years 77. not…anymore 78. write back 79. a love for fine tea 80. think of 81. as a result 82. result from 83. result in 84. come up with 85. join sb in sth/doing sth. 86. serve tea 87. wash down the food 88. in order to do sth. 89. play/have an important role/part in 90. as well as 91. do one"s business 92. cheer up 93. make a difference to 94. feel bored with 95. ask for 96. It has something/nothing to do with 97. reduce stress 98. have a good diet 99. make a decision 100. graduate from 101. graduate in 102. be prepared for 103. to tell the truth 1. 一直在学英语 2. 笔友 3. 对……的态度 4. 越 …… 越 …… 5. 当地人,本地人 6. 只要 7. 得高分 8. 高一年新生 9. 央视 第四频道 10. 最喜欢的科目 / 演员 11. 偶像,榜样人物 12. 第4页 13. 营销经理 14. 有培养业余兴趣的时间 15. 体育节目 16. 电视剧 17. 游戏秀 18. 脱口秀 19. 世界在脚下 20. 改善生活方式 21. 终日懒散在家看电视的人 22. 工作狂 23. 周末 24. 六点的重要新闻 25. 英国广播公司二频道好看的电视剧 26. 随身携带手提电视 27. 石墙 28. 手握遥控器 29. (闹钟)响 30. 闹钟 31. 换衣服 32. 占据,占时间、空间 33. 充满 34. 急待处理的事情 35. 写写东西 36. 有时间娱乐 37. 为人赚钱 38. 觉得无聊 39. 感觉画画很有趣 40. 因为……而感到身体不适、难受 41. 躺在长椅上 42. 和朋友购物 43. 发生 44. 社会形势 45. 减肥 46. 无法忍受(做)某事 47. 讨厌做某事 48. 喜欢做某事 49. 轮流做某事 50. 赢得某人支持 51. 尽快 52. 迎接挑战 53. 使他的父亲骄傲 54. 帮忙做饭 55. 欢迎宴会 56. 在……中心 57. 乘地铁 58. 挤满 59. 花时间做某事 60. 在工作 61. 和……一样(同一个) 62. 和……一样(不同一个) 63. 清晨 64. 深夜 65. 没有疾病 66. 确定 67. 照顾 68. 和某人一起玩 69. 远程学习 70. 我的梦想是做某事 71. 称我为影迷 72. 有机会做某事 73. 附近的饭店 74. 日常生活 75. 上同一门课 76. 这几年来 77. 不再…… 78. 回信 79. 对好茶的喜爱 80. 考虑 81. 结果是 82. (因……)发生;(随……)产生 83. 造成;导致 84. 想出 85. 加入某人做某事 86. 上茶 87. (用水)咽下食物 88. 为了…… 89. 在……方面起很大作用 90. 也,还 ;和 …… 一样好 91. 做生意 92. 兴奋起来 93. 改变 94. 对……感到厌倦 95. 要求 96. 和……有/没有关系 97. 减轻压力 98. 有良好饮食习惯 99. 作出决定 100.从某学校毕业 101.从某专业毕业 102.准备好(做某事) 103.坦白说;实话实说




damnshitmother fucker! 回骂: do you eat in that mouth? 超级回骂, 不带脏字


  would rather 宁愿-   an expression used to indicate strong preference 宁愿   He would rather be poor than get money by dishonest methods.   他宁可穷也不愿意用不诚实的手段获取金钱。   Henry would rather that his girl friend worked in the same department as he does.   亨利希望他的女朋友和他在一个部门工作。   "I would rather cry in the back of a BMW than smile on the back of a bicycle, " said one woman to her suitor.   一位女嘉宾在面对她的追求者时,曾这样说“我宁愿坐在宝马里哭,也不愿坐在你的脚踏车上笑”。   If you are like millions of other people, Im sure you would rather eat those foods now than take medications when you are older.   如果你的想法和大多数人相同,那么我能肯定你会宁愿现在就吃那些食物,而不是年老的时候才去服药。   Many people have great ideas, but implementing them takes a lot of time and effort, so they would rather work at their own projects than join yours.   很多人有远大的想法,但是实现它们需要大量时间和努力,所以他们宁可从事自己的工作也不会加入你。   If it"s true that we would rather initiate change than have it thrust upon us, then why do we not do it more often?   确实如此,我们宁愿发起改变,而不喜欢强加的改变。 那么,我们为什么不更多地发起改变呢?   worthy of 值得-   deserving 值得;配得上   He is worthy of our trust and expectation.   他没有辜负我们的信任和期望。   The book is well worthy of his reputation.   这本书完全配得上他的`声望。   Men have to be careful what they cry at, because some subjects are more worthy of tears than others.   男人必须要谨慎他们是为了什么哭,因为有些东西是没有值得比眼泪更珍贵的了。   And then he can pledge to the voters that the last three weeks will feature a contest worthy of this moment in our history.   然后,他可以呼吁选民,在最后的三个星期将会描绘出一场我们历史上,让这个时刻值得的比赛特写。   How was it possible, I asked myself, to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note?   我独自一人,在林子里散步一小时之久而没有看到任何值得注意的东西,那怎么可能呢?   In truth, any news worthy of knowing will find its way to you through others.   事实上,任何值得被知道的事情都会通过其他的渠道传到你这里。   wrap up 穿暖和 -   1.dress warmly;put on warm clothes 穿暖和   Wrap up well today;its very cold.   今天很冷,穿暖和点。   2.bring to an end,esp.a successful conclusion 圆满结束;完成   They wrapped up the business deal in less than an hour.   不到一小时,他们那笔生意就成交了。   3.disguise;conceal 掩饰;掩盖   He wrapped up his meaning in a fancy speech.   他把自己的意图隐藏在精心设计的措词里。   4.be quiet;shut up 安静;别吵;住口   Wrap up,you boys,We are having a meeting in the next room.   安静点,孩子们,我们正在隔壁房间开会。   5.cover or roll up in;envelop;cover completely 包起来;包扎;裹紧   She wrapped up the little child in a thick blanket.   她用厚毛毯把孩子裹得严严的。   He wrapped up the parcel.他包好了包裹。   6.involve deeply;cause to be absorbed completely 深深卷入;使全神贯注;埋头于;深陷在…之中   He is wrapped up in his scientific studies.   他全神贯注地进行他的研究工作。   She is so wrapped up in him that she cant see his faults.   她痴情地爱他,看不到他身上的缺点。   write down 写下-   Write down when you want to achieve it.   当你想达到某个目标时就写下来。   Write down all the questions you have about what you want to do and then go answer them.   对于你想要做的事情,写下所有心中的疑问,然后作出回答。   Therefore, write down all the things that you are putting off, and keep this list in clear sight, so that you are reminded of it.   因此,把你要拖延的事情全部写下来,把它放在一个视野范围内的地方,这样你就可以随时得到提醒。   And you will have impact probably more than if you would write down right now how you would impact or change the world.   而且你们产生的影响很可能,比你现在能写下来的还要大,想想你们会怎样影响或改变世界。   Start journaling and write down your thoughts. Sometimes, getting your thoughts down on paper lets you analyze them more clearly, and   worry about them less.   开始些日记,并写下你的想法,有时候把你的思考写在纸上,可让你更清楚地分析它们,并更少的担心他们。


如下:1、Colorful neon lights were hung here and there during National Day.国庆节期间到处挂着彩灯。2、National Day falls on a Sunsay this year.今年国庆节是星期日。3、The National Day and the International Labor Day are great events in China.国庆节和国际劳动节在中国是重大的节日。4、On National Day, red flags are hung out of every window.国庆节那天,每个窗口都挂出红旗。5、It"s October 1 ( the first ) . It"s National Day.今天是十月一日,国庆节。6、Besides Spring Festival, National Day is another important holiday.除了春节之外,国庆节是另一个重要的节日。


关于国庆节的英语句子如下:1、国庆国庆举国欢庆,祝你在这温暖的大家庭里生活得幸福、安康、甜甜蜜蜜!National Day National Day, celebrating the country, I wish you in the warm family life happiness, peace, sweet!2、欢国庆祝国富民强,渡佳节愿家美人乐,祝愿您天天开心快乐,事事幸福如意!Joyfully celebrate prosperous country, crossing the festival let home beauty, wish you happy every day happy, everything is all the happiness!3、国好家好国家好家家都好国圆人圆国人圆人人皆圆,你好我好你我好你我都好。Countries good home countries: everybody good circle everyone circle circle person circle compatriots, how are you me you me you me.4、在这举国共庆的日子,愿你我的家庭与国家的日益繁荣相伴,祝福你我的朋友。In the whole country celebrate the day, I wish you my family and the country"s growing prosperity go hand in hand, bless you my friend.5、秋高气爽,天高云淡,香山俯瞰,看红叶遍野,闻见香气映蓝天,祖国山河风光无限!The air crisp, clear sky, fragrant hill overlooking, see red leaves everywhere, smell aroma reflects the blue sky, the broken pieces back together with limitless scenery.6、不管离多远,不管多少年,愿我的祝福化为繁星点点,闪在你生命的每一天!国庆快乐!No matter how far away, no matter how many years, let my blessing to the stars, dodges in your life every day! Happy National Day!7、没有国,哪有家;没有家,哪有你我。国庆来临,让我们共祝愿国圆家圆,家和万事兴!No country, which has a home; No home, which have you me. National Day approaching, let us wish of the family round the round, under one roof!8、国庆是一个很好的节日,合家团聚,愿你的国庆格外精彩,祝你全家都能在国庆收获幸福。National Day is a good holiday, family reunions, may your National Day, all can be in the National Day to harvest happiness to your family.9、国庆中秋相聚,亲朋好友相聚,情人恋人相聚,你我他相聚,大家一起为明天更好而相聚吧!National Day Mid-Autumn festival together, family and friends gather together, the lover lover together, you and I together he, everyone together for a better tomorrow together!10、祝福国庆佳节快乐,月圆人圆事事团圆。人顺心顺事事都顺。祝全家幸福、和气满堂、合家欢乐!Happy National Day holiday season, the month circle person circle everything together. People in almost every arranges everything. I wish the whole family happiness, and fertility and family happiness!


英语动词短语1. breakbreak down出毛病,拆开break off暂停,中断 break out爆发 2. call call up打电话 call out大喊,高叫 3. comecome down下跌,落,降,传下来 come in进来 come out出版,结果是come on来临/ 快点 come along一道来,赶快come over走过来 come up发芽,走近 come back回来 come from来自,源自4. cutcut down砍倒,削减 cut up连根拔除,切碎5. diedie of死于(疾病,饥饿,寒冷,情感原因)die from死于(外界原因) die out绝种6. fallfall behind落后 fall down掉下,跌倒 fall into 落入;陷入fall off 从。。。掉下 fall out与。。。争吵7. gogo along沿着。。。。走go through通过,经受 go over复习,检查 go up(价格)上涨,建造起来 go against违反 go away离开go by时间过去 go down降低,(日、月)西沉go on(with)继续进行 go out外出,熄灭 go off发出响声8. getget down下来,记下,使沮丧 get on进展,进步,穿上,上车 get off脱下,下车get away逃跑,逃脱,去休假get over克服,从疾病中恢复 get along with进展,相处get up起床 get into (trouble) 陷入困境中 get back取回,收回 get out 出去get to 到达。。。9. givegive away赠送,泄露,出卖 give out发出,疲劳,分发, give in (to sb.) 屈服give up放弃,让(座位)10. handhand in交上,提交hand out分发 11.holdhold on to…继续,坚持hold up举起,使停顿 hold on别挂电话,等,坚持 12. keep keep up with跟上keep out 不使。。。进入 keep from克制,阻止keep away from避开,不接近, keep on继续,坚持下来keep down 使。。。处于低水平 13.knockknock at/on敲knock into撞到某人身上 14. looklook up查找,向上看 look through翻阅,浏览 look after/ at / for 照顾/看/寻找look out(for)当心 look about / around/round四下查看look forward to盼望 15. makemake up编造,打扮,组成 make into / of / from 制成 16.pass pass by经过 pass down(on)…to传给 17. paypay back还钱,报复 pay for付钱,因…得到报应 18. pickpick up拾起,接人,站起,收听,pick out挑选,辨认,看出 19. putput up张贴,举起, put out伸出,扑灭 put off推迟 put into放进,翻译put away放好,存钱 put down记下,平息put on穿戴,上映, put aside放到一边 put back放回21. runrun after追逐,追捕 run away逃跑 run off跑掉,迅速离开 run out of用完22. setset up建立 set off 激起,引起 23. taketake after 与…相像take off脱掉,起飞 take away拿走 take up从事,占用(时间空间) take down记录,取下 take back收回take pride in以… ……为自豪, take the place of 代替24. thinkthink of想起,考虑,对…看法 think out(自然)想出办法 think up想出(设计出、发明、编造) think about考虑 think over仔细考虑 25. turnturn off / on打开 turn to翻到,转向,求助turn down调低,拒绝 turn back返回,转回去turn round转过身来 turn up向上翻,出现,音量调大 26. care care about 担心,关心;在乎,介意care for 关心,关怀,照顾27. cleanclean up 把…打扫干净,把…收拾整齐clean out 清除;把…打扫干净28.learnlearn about 获悉,得知,认识到learn from 从/向。。。学习29. fightfight for..争取获得…fight against 争取克服、战胜…fight with…与。。。搏斗/战斗30. dreamdream of梦想,想橡dream about 梦到。。。31. workwork for 为。。工作work out 产生结果;发展;成功32. argueargue with …与。。。争论argue about..争论。。。33. complaincomplain to 向。。抱怨complain about抱怨。。。34. hear hear of 听说,得知hear about听到。。。的事,听到。。的话hear from接到。。。的信35. talktalk about 讨论。。。talk with/to..和。。。讨论36. livelive in 住在。。。live on 以。。。为主食37. standstand out 突显,引人注目stand up 起立,站起来38.其它常用词组wake up 醒,唤醒,弄醒stay up 不睡觉;熬夜depend on依靠;取决于worry about为。。。担忧laugh at嘲笑。。。begin with以。。。开始mix up混合、搀和major in 主修grow up成长open up 打开,张开;开发end up到达或来到某处; 达到某状态throw away 丢弃。。。ask for要求。。。wait for等待。。。agree with同意。。。find out(经研究或询问)获知某事send out 发出,放出,射出search for 搜索,搜查chop down 砍到have.. on 穿着。。。step out of 跨步走出drop out of 从。。。掉出happen to 发生在。。。belong to属于arrive in /at到达。。。try on试穿。。。vote on对。。。进行投票strech out伸展。。。hang out闲逛leave for离开前往 sell out 卖完、售完show up 出席;露面

寻 牛津8AUnit5英语大课堂短语集中记 !急!!!!!

1去观鸟 go birdwatching 2在市场 at the market 3烤鸡 roast chickens 4飞往北方国家 fly to northern countries5自然保护区 nature reserves6在中国东北 in north-east China / in the north-east of China7去那作短暂停留 go there for a short stay 8捕鱼为食 catch fish for food9稀有的丹顶鹤 the rare red-crowned cranes 10为……占更多的空间 take /make more space for …11中国政府 the Chinese government 12数鸟 count birds/ do a bird count13……的理想家园 the ideal home for…14越来越少的生存空间 less and less space to live15世界上最重要的湿地之一one of the world"s most important wetlands16濒临灭绝的动物 endangered animals 17研究在数字上的变化 study the changes in the numbers18为……提供食物和住所 provide food and shelter for …19采取措施做…… take actions to do …20一年一次 once a year21懂得保护湿地的重要性understand the importance (n.) of the wetlands22许多 a lot of / a large number of 23处于危险当中 be in danger24开店 keep shops 25在世界的其他地方 in other areas of the world26走很长的路 walk a long way 27一双皮鞋 a pair of leather shoes28乱扔垃圾 leave/drop litter carelessly 29 毕业 finish school30住得舒服 ive comfortably31在入口处 at the entrance32使他们积极地采取措施 make them actively take action33安静下来 be quiet34出生日期 date of birth 35发出很多噪音,吵闹 make a lot of noise36在观鸟期间 during the birdwatching 37关于扎龙的报告 a report on Zhalong38 唱的动听 sing nicely39防止某人做某事 prevent/stop/keep sb from doing sth40例如 for example 41有……的面积 have an area of ……42阳光灿烂 shine brightly 43对别人讲礼貌 show good manners to others 44申请表 an application form 45兴趣和爱好 interests and hobbies46成为……成员 become a member of47等不及…… can"t wait for… 等不及做某事 can"t wait to do sth48终年 all year round49彩色羽毛 colourful feathers50有长尖形翅膀的燕子 a swallow with long pointed wings51返回…… return to…= go/come back to…52.轻声说话 speak softly53.大声讨论 talk loudly 激动地讨论 talk excitedly 54.告诉某人(不)要做某事 tell sb (not) to do sth55.近距离观鸟 watch the birds closely56.来参加俱乐部的活动 come to club activities57.给某人发电子邮件,地址是…… e-mail sb at…58.给某人打电话,号码是……call sb on …59.参加观鸟俱乐部的申请 application to join the Birdwatching Club


  poison有毒害;摧毁;中毒等意思,那么你知道poison的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    poison的用法:   poison的用法1:poison用作名词时是“毒药”的意思,转化为动词作“毒死”解,用作及物动词,宾语一般是有生命的人或动物。   poison的用法2:poison引申可作“污染,对u2026有不良影响”解,用作及物动词,接空气、水或思想意识等名词作宾语。   poison的常用短语:   用作动词 (v.)   poison against (v.+prep.)   poison with (v.+prep.)   poison的用法例句:   1. Markov died after being struck by a poison dart.   马尔科夫身中毒镖而亡。   2. Poison from the weaver fish causes paralysis, swelling, and nausea.   龙的毒素会引起瘫痪、肿胀和恶心。   3. If I was your wife I would poison your coffee.   如果我是你老婆,我会在你的咖啡里下毒。   4. Suspicion and jealousy, however ill-founded, can poison a marriage.   怀疑和忌妒,不管多么站不住脚,都可能毒害婚姻。   5. "Poison" took first prize at the 1991 Sundance Film Festival.   《毒药》在1991年的圣丹斯电影节上获得一等奖。   6. Toxic waste could endanger lives and poison fish.   有毒废物可能危及生命,毒死鱼类。   7. Mercury is a known poison.   水银是一种已知的有毒物质。   8. There is no known antidote to the poison.   这种毒的解药尚未发现。   9. a snake"s poison glands   蛇的毒腺   10. infinitesimal traces of poison   微量毒素   11. a lethal dose of poison   毒药的致死剂量   12. Some mushrooms contain a deadly poison.   有些蘑菇含有致命毒素。   13. The snake can squirt poison from a distance of a metre.   这种蛇能把毒液喷射到一米处远。   14. Some people exterminate garden insects by spraying poison on the plants.   有些人在植物上喷撒毒剂以杀死花园内的昆虫.   15. Don"t trust the words which poison the friendship of ours.   不要相信那些破坏我们友谊的话.

英语倒装句 介词短语放句首完全倒装还是部分倒装

是要完全倒装的. 当句首状语为表示地点的介词词组时,句子须倒装.例如:  1 Round the corner walked a large policeman.  2Under the table was lying a half-conscious young man.


很久以前: 1.langsyne 2.time out of mind 3.long time ago 4.way back 5.a long time ago


尽快的英语短语:as quickly as possible。 quickly:adv.迅速地;很快地;不久;立即; possible:adj.可能;能做到(或取得);可能存在(或发生)的;合理的;可接受的; n.合适的人(或物);恰当人选(或事项) 扩展资料   With 1. 8 million jobs lost in the last three months, there is urgent desire to boost the economy as quickly as possible.   过去三个月中有180万人失业,人们迫切希望尽快提振经济。   He realized he should do something else as quickly as possible, or the sea water could be pouring over the whole village.   他意识到他应该尽快想个方法,否则海水可能会淹没整个村子。   I"ll get her to you as quickly as possible.   我会尽快派她到你那的。




缺少的英语短语是be short of。 short: adj.短的;个子矮的; adv.缺少;不足;未达到; n.少量烈酒; vi.故意少给…的零头; 第三人称单数: short复数: shorts现在分词: shorting过去式: shorted过去分词: shorted比较级: shorter最高级: shortest 扩展资料   If you are versatile, then you"ll never be short of conversational topics.   如果你有多种学问,那么你谈话时就赛尔号盖亚那个印好不会缺少话题了。   But I never ran into any trouble because my friends had done their utmost to make sure that I would be short of nothing.   但是我不曾遇到一点困难,朋友们给我准备好了一切,使我不会缺少甚么。   All candidates will be required to take a short test.   所有候选者都要参加一次小测验。   I"d never let you go short of anything.   我什么都不会让你缺的。   Money was short at that time.   那时候,钱紧缺。

我们的言行应该一致,用短语be coherent with怎么说?

我们的言行应该一句。 What we say should be coherent our behavior.

和…一样 英语短语是什么?

和什么一样的英文是lab y。


高一英语短语归纳   刚上高一有哪些英语短语需要背诵呢?下面是我整理的高一英语短语归纳,希望能帮助到你。   高一英语短语归纳【1】   1.keep one"s word 守信用,遵守诺言   2.word for word 逐字地;一字不变地   3.work at 从事于,致力于   4.work out 算出;设计出;制定出   5.and yet 而,然而   6.as yet 到目前为止   7.by yourself 你独自地,你独立地   8.access to 接近;通向u2026的入口   9.be addicted to 沉溺于;使吸毒成瘾   10.for all that 尽管,虽然   11.make an appeal to sb 向某人提出呼吁;上诉   12.apply to 向u2026申请或要求   13.approach to 接近;约等于   14.on the average 平均起来,一般说来   15.on the basis of 在u2026的基础上   16.be beneficial to 有利于,有益于   17.be better off 境况富裕;更富有   18.be to blame for 对u2026应负责任   19.be blind to 不了解,对u2026是盲目的   20.turn a blind eye to 对u2026装作不见   21.hold one"s breath (由于激动等原因)屏息   22.lose one"s breath 喘不过气来,呼吸困难   23.bring on 引导,导致;使发展   24.burn down 把u2026夷为平地   25.burn oneself out (因过劳而)筋疲力尽   26.burst into 闯入;突然发作   27.burst up 爆炸;失败;突然发怒   28.stand a good chance 很有可能,大有希望   29.in charge 主管;在u2026掌管之下   30.in full charge 负全责;勇猛向前   31.cheer on 向u2026欢呼;鼓励;声援   32.chew over 深思,细想;仔细商量   33.around the clock 昼夜不断地,全天地   34.combine with 使结合;使联合起来   35.come to one"s mind 忽然想起   36.when it comes to 一谈到;就u2026而论   37.be comparable to 比得上u2026   38.complain of 抱怨;诉苦;抗议   高一英语短语归纳【2】   1.wander about 漫游;闲逛   2.watch out for 密切注意;戒备,提防   3.by the way 顺便提一下,另外   4.by way of 通过u2026方法;经由   5.give way 让路,让步;撤退   6.in a way 在某种程度上   7.in every way 在各方面,以各种方式   8.in no way 决不,一点也不   9.in the way 挡道的",妨碍人的   10.in the way of 妨碍;在u2026方面,关于   11.lead the way 引路,带路;示范   12.make way 让路;开路;进展   13.make one"s way 前进,前往,行进   14.under way 在进行中,前进着   15.wear off 逐渐消失;磨掉;耗损   16.wear out 穿破,用坏;耗尽   17.weep away 在哭泣中度过   18.weep out 边哭边说出   19.What if...? 倘使u2026将会怎么?   20.once in a while 偶尔,有时   21.as a whole 总体上   22.on the whole 总的来说,大体上   23.wind up 结束,停止;卷紧   24.wipe out 把u2026的里面擦洗干净   25.wish for 盼望,希望,想要   26.No wonder... 难怪u2026,怪不得u2026   27.in other words 换句话说,也就是说 ;


similar可以用作形容词或名词,短语包括be similar to/with与...相似。 扩展资料 similar可以用作形容词或名词,形容词的意思是类似的`,同类的,相似的,同样的。名词的意思是类似物,相像的人。similar短语包括be similar to/with与...相似,similar in sth等。


call on


similar in在…方面相似的; similar to与…相似的; in a similar way按同样的方式 扩展资料   例句:   The twin brothers are similar in every respect.   这对孪生兄弟在各方面都很像。   The two houses are similar in size.   两座房子大小差不多。   This is similar to waiting for a bus that never turns up.   这就跟等待一辆永远等不到的公共汽车差不多。   The Ukrainians speak a Slavonic language similar to Russian.   乌克兰人所说的那种斯拉夫语系的`语言类似于俄语。   In a similar way you have to find out what?   我不想一遍又一遍地重复同样的东西。


similar可以用作形容词或名词,形容词的意思是类似的,同类的,相似的,同样的。名词的意思是类似物,相像的人。短语:be similar to/with与...相似;similar in sth等。比较级: more similar 最高级: most similar 扩展资料   The two houses are similar in size.   两座房子大小差不多。   The two pictures are similar, although not identical.   这两幅画很相似,虽然不完全相同。   All our patients have broadly similar problems.   我们所有的`病人问题大致相似。   Their house is very similar to ours, but ours is bigger.   他们的房子和我们的十分相像,但我们的要大些。   Others have met similar problems.   其他人遇到过同样的问题。


这里 outside toilet 的前面用冠词 an, 因为outside 是元音开头的,就像 一个苹果 要说成 an apple 一样




  环境保护历来是我国的工作重点之一,关注环保,关注我们生活的环境是每个人应尽的责任与义务。下面,为大家整理了一些环保与污染的英语词汇短语,希望对大家有用。   Pollution:环境污染相关英语词汇集锦  污染物   aerosols 气溶胶 / 气雾剂   agricultural wastes 农业废物   asbestos 石棉   commercial noise 商业噪音   composite pollution 混合污染   dioxins 二恶英   hazardous substances 危险物质   hazardous wastes 危险废物   heavy metals 重金属   hospital wastes 医院废物   industrial effluents 工业废水   industrial emissions 工业排放物   industrial fumes 工业烟尘   industrial noise 工业噪声   inorganic pollutants 无机污染物   lead contamination 铅污染   liquid wastes 液体废物   litter 丢弃物 / 废气物   mercury contamination 汞污染   micropollutants 微污染物   mining wastes 采矿废物   motor vehicle emissions 机动车辆排放物   municipal waste 城市废物   nitrogen oxides 氮氧化物   noise pollution 噪声污染   odour nuisance 恶臭公害   organic pollutants 有机物污染   persistent organic pollutants 难降解有机污染物   pharmaceutical wastes 医药废物   plastic wastes 塑料废物   radioactive substances 放射性物质   rubber waste 橡胶废物   sewage 污水   solid wastes 固体废物   thermal pollution 热污染   toxic substances 有毒物质   toxic waste 有毒废物   toxins 毒素   traffic noise 交通噪音   trash 废物 / 垃圾   wood waste 木材废料  污染源   biological weapons 生物武器   cement industry 水泥工业   chemical weapons 化学武器   chimneys 烟囱   motor vehicles 机动车辆   motorcycles 摩托车   nuclear weapons 核武器   ocean dumping 海洋倾倒   oil spills 石油泄漏   scrap metals 废金属   excavation heaps 挖掘堆积  污染治理   acoustic insulation 隔音   chemical decontamination 化学污染清除   desulphurization of fuels 燃料脱硫   filters 过滤器   noise abatement 噪音治理   pollution abatement equipment 污染治理设备   pollution control technology 污染控制技术   radiation protection 辐射防护   scrubbers 洗涤器   separators 分离器   smoke prevention 防烟   waste minimization 废物最少化  废物   battery disposal 电池处理   chemical treatment of waste 废物的化学处理   disposal sites 处置场所   incineration of waste 废物焚烧   mine filling 矿山回填   oil residue recuperation 残油回收   radioactive waste management 放射性废物管理   recycled materials 回收的材料   recycling 回收   reuse of materials 材料再利用   sanitary landfills 卫生填埋   sea outfall 海洋排泄口   septic tanks 化粪池   sewage disposal 污水处置   sewage treatment systems 污水处理系统   solid waste disposal 固体废物处置   waste assimilation capacities 废物同化处置   waste conversion techniques 废物转化技术   waste disposal 废物处置   waste disposal in the ground 废物土地处置   waste recovery 废物回收   waste use 废物利用   water reuse 水的再利用   拓展:环保的英语句子   1、But save square inch ground, stay with descendant Geng.   但存方寸地,留与子孙耕。   2、Protection of the environment is everyone"s responsibility.   保护环境,人人有责。   3、Rescue the Earth is to rescue future.   拯救地球就是拯救未来。   4、The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less.   水的量是适宜的饮料是越来越少了。   5、But some people don"t care about it.   但有些人不关心它。   6、How to pretect our enviroment has been one of the most difficult problem in the world.   如何保护环境已经成为世界最大难题之一。   7、We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future.   我们应该种更多的树,为了生活得更好,更健康的未来。   8、Keep the enviroment clean and tidy.We have only one earth.We should try our best to pretect it,make our home more and more beautiful.   保持环境干净和整洁,我们只有一个地球,应该保护它,使我们的家园更加美丽。   9、Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.   许多河流和湖泊受到严重污染。   10、The rubbish will pullute the enviroment .It is bed for our health.So please don"t throw about the rubbish.   垃圾污染环境,损害健康,不要到处扔垃圾   11、It"s our duty to protect our environment。   保护我们生存的环境是我们的责任和义务。   12、The waste water will pour into rivers,lakes and fields.It will harm the crops ,kill a large number of fish.   废水流到河里,湖里和田野里,污染农作物,杀死大量的"鱼。   13、It"s everyone"s duty to love and protect the environment.   这是每个人的责任,爱护和保护环境。   14、Cherish the source of nature, totally make a living a life green.   珍惜自然之源,共营生命绿色。   15、It is very important to take care of our environment.   这是非常重要,我们要保护我们的环境。   16、Something must be done to stop the pollution.   必须采取某种措施来制止污染。   17、We should not spit in a public place/ cut down the trees.   我们不应该在公共场所吐痰/砍伐的树木。   18、We should plant more flowers and trees.   我们应该种更多的花和树。   19、If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.   如果人人都为保护环境作出贡献,世界将变得更加美丽。   20、We must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin.   我们必须拿起一些垃圾,扔到垃圾桶它。   21、As we know , water is very important to man.   我们知道,水是非常重要的人。   22、We can"t live without water.   我们的生活离不开水。   23、We should not throw litter onto the ground.   我们不应该往地上扔垃圾。   24、Treat kindly the Earth is to treat kindly oneself.   善待地球就是善待自己。   25、Trees are very helpful and important for us.   树是非常有益的,对我们很重要。   26、构建和谐社会大环境,倡导文明环保新气象。   We should build a harmonious social environment and advocate a new atmosphere of civilized environmental protection.   27、水清自然甜,水浑人人厌。   The water is clear and sweet, but the water is muddy and people are tired of it.   28、保护环境山河美,持续发展事业兴。   We should protect the environment, keep on developing and prospering.   29、树立节水意识,反对浪费水源。   Establish the consciousness of water saving and oppose the waste of water resources.   30、碧水蓝天,笑容自然!   Blue water and blue sky, natu


大学英语六级短语搭配1. 随着经济的繁荣 with the booming of the economy2. 随着人民生活水平的显著提高 with the remarkable improvement of people"s livingstandard3. 先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology4. 为我们日常生活增添了情趣 add much spice / flavor to our daily life5. 人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed thatu20266. 我同意前者(后者)观点 I give my vote to the former / latter opinion.7. 引起了广泛的公众关注 Sth. has aroused wide public concern. / Sth has drawn greatpublic attention.8. 不可否认 It is undeniable thatu20269. 热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion / debate10. 有争议性的问题 a controversial issue11. 就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally,12. 有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons13. 双方的论点 argument on both sides14. 发挥日益重要作用 play an increasingly important role inu202615. 对u2026必不可少 be indispensable to u202616. 正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes:17. 对u2026产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive / negative effects onu202618. 利远远大于弊 The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.19. 导致,引起 lead to / give rise to / contribute to / result in大学英语六级短语搭配20. 复杂的社会现象 a complicated social phenomenon21. 责任感 / 成就感 sense of responsibility / achievement22. 竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation23. 开阔眼界 widen one"s horizon / broaden one"s vision24. 学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills25. 经济/心理负担 financial burden / psychological burden26. 考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into consideration27. 从另一个角度 from another perspective28. 做出共同努力 make joint efforts29. 对u2026有益 be beneficial to / be conducive tou202630. 为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society31. 打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation foru202632. 综合素质 comprehensive quality33. 致力于/ 投身于 be committed / devoted tou202634. 应当承认 Admittedly,35. 不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty36. 满足需求 satisfy / meet the needs ofu202637. 可靠的信息源 a reliable source of information38. 宝贵的自然资源 valuable natural resources39. 因特网 the Internet (一定要由冠词,字母I 大写)大学英语六级短语搭配40. 方便快捷 convenient and efficient41. 在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life42. 环保的材料 environmentally friendly materials43. 社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progress44. 大大方便了人们的生活 Sth has greatly facilitated people"s lives.45. 对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue46. 在一定程度上 to some extent47. 理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice48. u2026必然趋势 an irresistible trend ofu202649. 日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly keen social competition50. 眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest51. 长远利益 long-tem interest52. u2026有其自身的优缺点 u2026 has its own merits and demerits / pros and cons53. 对u2026有害 do harm to / be harmful to / be detrimental to54. 交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas / emotions / information55. 跟上u2026的最新发展 keep pace with / keep abreast with the latest developmentofu202656. u2026的健康发展 the healthy development ofu202657. 重视 attach great importance tou202658. 社会地位 social status59. 把时间和精力放在u2026上 focus one"s time and energy onu2026大学英语六级短语搭配60. 扩大知识面 expand one"s scope of knowledge61. 身心两方面 both physically and mentally62. 有直接/间接关系 be directly / indirectly related tou202663. 导致很多问题 give rise to / lead to / spell various problems64. 可以替代think的词 believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion /belief / view that65. 缓解压力/ 减轻负担 relieve stress / burden66. 优先考虑/发展u2026 give (top) priority to sth.67. 与u2026比较 compared withu2026/ in comparison with68. 可降解的/可分解的材料 degradable / decomposable material69. 代替 replace / substitute / take the place of70. 提供就业机会 offer job opportunities71. 反映了社会进步的 mirror the social progress/advance72. 增进相互了解 enhance / promote mutual understanding73. 充分利用 make full use of / take advantage of74. 承受更大的工作压力 suffer from heavier work pressure75. 保障社会稳定和繁荣 guarantee the stability and prosperity of our society76. 更多地强调 put more emphasis onu202677. 适应社会发展 adapt oneself to the social development78. 实现梦想 realize one"s dream79. 主要理由列举如下 The main / leading reasons are listed as follows:大学英语六级短语搭配80. 我们还有很长的路要走 We still have a long way to go.更多关于大学英语六级考试的备考技巧,备考干货,新闻资讯等内容,小编会持续更新。


垃圾分类的英文短语:refuse classification;waste sorting;garbage sorting. 扩展资料   短语词组:   waste paper sorting 废纸分选   urban waste sorting 城市垃圾分类   waste sorting method 垃圾分类措施   Garbage sorting system 垃圾分选系统   垃圾有多种说法,除了garbage外,还有rubbish,waste,refuse以及trash都可以用来表示垃圾。   Rubbish具体指明为干废料,如报纸、木料、罐头等。   Garbage通常指湿的或有机物质,如剩余食物、腐肉杂物。   Refuse、trash、waste是指上面两种废品,加上工业废品、建造废料、街道垃圾。   Refuse亦指所有固体废料、阴沟残余,甚至于遗弃的车辆、冰箱。   随手丢弃的纸屑、果皮等杂物则可以用litter来表示。   debris着重指分解、分裂或破坏后剩下的`碎片,也指零散的普通废品。   junk指回收的旧汽车或大型机器,也指毫无实用价值,或破烂物体,但不指垃圾。

rubbish sorting 短语结构解释?



【 #英语资源# 导语】英语是当今世界上主要的国际通用语言这一,也是世界上最广泛使用的语言。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.有关打电话的英语短语   Calls a number which will never get through.   打一个从未接通的电话。   I couldn"t get through to you yesterday.   昨天我无法接通你的电话。   The operator will put you through   接线员会为你接通电话。   I will put the call through for you now.   我马上为您接通电话。 2.有关打电话的英语短语   A: Daisy 在吗?   Is Daisy there?   B: 我就是。   1. Speaking.   2. This is she/he.   3. You"re speaking/talking to her/him.   4. This is Daisy。   5. That"s me. 我就是。   (二) 打电话的人要找的人不在   A: May I speak to Mr. Gates? (请问 Gates 先生在吗?)   B: 1.He"s not here right now. 他现在不在这里。   2. He"s out. 他出去了。   3. He"s in a meeting right now. 他现在正在开会。   4. You"ve just missed him. 你刚好错过他了。   5. He"s just stepped out. 他刚好出去了。   (三) 打电话的人要找的人不在, 问对方是否要留言   A: Can I talk to Mark? (Mark在吗?)   B:1. He"s out on his lunch break right now. Would you like to leave a message? 他出去吃午饭了, 你要留言吗?   2. He"s not available right now. Can I take a message? 他不在, 我可以帮你传话吗?   (四) 打电话的人问他要找的人何时回来   A: Do you know when he will be back? 你知道他什么时候会回来吗?   B: 1. I"m sorry. I don"t know. 抱歉, 我不知道。   2. He should be back in 20 minutes. 他应该二十分钟内会回来。   (五)打电话的人要找的人不在, 愿意接受对方的留言   A: Can I leave a message? 我可以留个话?   B: 1. Yes. Go ahead, please. 可以, 请继续。   2. Of course. Hold on for just a second so I can grab a pen and paper. 当然, 稍等一下让我拿个纸笔。   3. Sure, if you can excuse me for just a second. Let me find a piece of paper to write it down. 当然, 如果你可以等我一下, 让我找张纸写下来。   (六) 接受对方留言时听不清楚, 希望对方重复   A: When he comes back, can you have him call me at (206) 5551212? B: 1. Can you repeat again, please? 能不能请你再重复一次?   2. (Say) again, please? 再说一次好吗?   3. Pardon? 抱歉。(请再说一次)   4. I"m sorry? 抱歉。(请再说一次)   (七) 对方希望留话, 怕听错了, 不想接受对方的留言   A: May I leave a message? 我能否留个话?   B: 1. You know what? My English is not that great, and I don"t want to miss anything. Would you mind calling back later? I"m sorry.   我的英文不是非常好, 我不想听错话。你介意稍后再打来吗? 我很抱歉。   2. If you don"t mind, could you please call back and leave a message on the answering machine? My English is not very good.   如果你不介意的话, 能否请你再打一次, 然后在录音机上留言? 我的英文不是很好。 3.有关打电话的英语短语   一.打错电话:   1. I"m sorry I have the wrong number. 抱歉我打错电话了。 (打错电话通常用:have the wrong number 表示)   2. Is this 02-2718-5398? 这里是02-2718-5398吗?   3. Sorry to have bothered you. 很抱歉打扰你了。   4. I"m sorry. I think I must have dialed the wrong number. 很抱歉。我想我一定是打错电话了。   5. Could I check the number? Is it 2211-3344 我可以核对一下电话号码吗?是不是2211-3344?   解析:1. 区域号码是 area code 2. 电话号码的念法: 02-2211-3224念成:area code zero-two, two-two-one-one-three-two-two-four.* 0 可念成 oh 或 zero* 22 可念成 two-two 或 double two   二. 抱歉这么晚打来的说法:   1. I"m sorry to call you so late. 对不起这么晚打电话来。   2. I hope I didn"t catch you at a bad time. 抱歉这种时候找你。(含有希望没有打扰到你的意思)   3. I hope I didn"t wake you up so early. 我希望这么早没有吵到你。   4. I"m sorry to call you so early. 对不起这么早打电话来。   5. I"m sorry to bother you at this hour. 很抱歉在这时打扰你。   三. 有急事时的表达方法:   1. It"s urgent. Could I have her mobile phone number? 我有急事,可不可以告诉我她的手机号码?   2. Could you tell me where I can reach her? 能不能告诉我在哪里可以找到她?   3. This is an emergency. I need to get in contact with him right now. 能不能告诉我在哪里可以找到他。   四. 若对方不在的说法:   1. It"s nothing important. 没什么重要事。   2. It"s nothing urgent. Thank you, good-bye. 没什么要紧事,谢谢您,再见。   3. I"ll call her again. 我会再打给她。   4. I"ll call back later. 我稍后会再打来。   5. Please ask Miss Chen to call me back. 请陈小姐给我回电话。   6. Could you tell her to call Carol as soon as possible? 能不能请她尽快打电话给卡洛?   7. Ask her to call Carol at home after seven, please. 麻烦她在七点后打电话到卡洛家。   8. Can I leave a message? 我可以留言吗?   9. Please have her return my call.请她回电话给我。   10. Could you ask him to call me back? 可以请他给我回电话吗?   11. Please tell her Carol called. 请告诉她卡洛找她。   12. Let me call back later again. Thank you. 我稍后再打电话来。谢谢你。   13. Please tell him to phone 2233-4455. 请他给2233-4455回电话。 4.有关打电话的英语短语   1. Sorry, I didn"t catch you.对不起,我听不懂你说的。   2. Sorry, I didn"t understand. 抱歉,我听不懂。   3. Sorry, I didn"t get what you said. 对不起,我没听懂你说的话。   4. I can"t hear you very well. 我听不太清楚。   5. I can barely hear you. 我几乎听不到你说的。   6. I"m having trouble hearing you. 我听不清楚。   7. We have a bad connection. 信号不太好。   8. I can"t catch what you are saying. 我听不太清楚你说的话。   发生上面的情况,你可以请对方在重复一遍,你可以说:   1. Pardon?请再说一遍好吗?   2. Excuse me? 请再说一遍?上列两句都是对不起之意,但用在会话上,如果后面没有接说明,并且语尾上扬,就是要对方再说一次。听到这句话时就要知道对方要自己再说一遍。   3. I beg your pardon? 能请你再说一遍吗?(此句有请求对方原谅及再说一次的意思)   4. Could you repeat that, please? 能请你再说一遍吗?   5. Would you say that again? 你能再说一遍吗? 5.有关打电话的英语短语   1. Thank you for the present. It"s just what I wanted. 谢谢你的礼物,这正是我想要   的。   2. Thank you so much for the homemade cake. 非常谢谢你作的蛋糕。   3. I don"t know how to thank you for such a beautiful flower. 真不知道要如何谢谢你,这么漂亮的花。   4. I received your gift. Thank you for the lovely bracelet. 我收到你的礼物了。谢谢你可爱的手镯。


  掌握打电话英文短语,可以更加方便与英语国家的客户通话。下面是我给大家整理的打电话英文短语的相关知识,供大家参阅!   打电话英文短语1   (一) 对方打错电话   A: Can I speak to Alexander Walker? 我可以和 Alexander Walker 说话吗?   B: 1. Alexander Walker? I"m sorry, but there"s nobody here by this name. Alexander Walker? 抱歉, 这里没这个人。   2. I"m sorry. I"m afraid you"ve got the wrong number. 抱歉, 恐怕你打错电话了。   3. What number did you dial? 你打几号?   (二) 跟对方要求跟(打电话的人)刚刚已经通过话的人再讲话   A:Can you put Daisy back on? I forgot to tell her something.   你能否请Daisy再来听电话呢? 我忘了跟她讲一件事。   B: Sure. I"ll go get her. 当然! 我这就去叫她。   (三)电话没人接(或录音机)   A: Is he there? 他在吗?   B: 1. No one is there. 没人在。   2. Nobody answered. 没人接。   3. No. I got the (answering) machine. 没有! 是录音机。   (四) 电话打不通   A:(旁人) Did it go through? (电话)打通了吗?   B: 1. The line was busy. 电话忙线。   2. I got the busy signals.. 电话忙线。   (五) 接到无人电话(就是打来了却不说话的那种)   A:(旁人) Who called? 谁打来的?   B: 1. No one. He hung up on me. 没人。他把电话挂了。   2. Wrong number, I guess. He hung up without saying a word. 估计是打错了。他一句话也没说就把电话挂了。   打电话英文短语2   1.对不起,你所拨打的号码已关机!   英文:Sorry!The subscriber you dialed is power off. 用户   scri是词根写的意思.de向下,写下来,即是描述pre先,前。把规则预先下来。就是规定。sub在下面+scribeu2192在下面写上名字u2192签订单) subscriber n 订户;捐助人 inscribe v铭刻(in进入+scribeu2192刻写进去u2192铭刻)transcribe v 抄写,誊写(trans横+scribeu2192写过去u2192誊写)   2.对不起,你所拨打的号码是空号,请查证后再拨!   英文:Sorry!The number you dialed does not exist,please check it and redial later .   3.对不起,你所拨打的号码正在通话中,请稍候再拨!   英文:Sorry!The subscriber you dialed is busy now,please redial later.   4.对不起,你所拨打的号码暂时无法接通,请稍候再拨!   英文:Sorry!The subscriber you dialed can not be connected for the moment, please redial later.   5.对不起!您拨打的电话已停机。   英文:Sorry!The number you dialed is out of service.   打电话英文短语3   1.Who is that speaking? who is calling, please? Hello!Is Sue there?喂!是休吗?请问您是谁?   2.This is Mike/speaking.Mike speaking。Yes,speaking.   我是迈克。是的,我就是。Yes.Go ahead,please.是的,请讲。   3. Who are you trying to reach? Who do you wish to talk to? 您要找谁呀?   4. Iu2019d like to speak/talk to Mr. Wang. Is he available?我要找王先生,他能接电话吗?   5.Hold the line, please. Just a moment,pleaseu2026请稍候。   6. I"m sorry.She is tied up at the moment. but he is in a meeting now. Mr. Wang is out right now.对不起,王先生现在不在。   She is on her way.I"m sorry,but he"s on another line now. 对不起,他在接另一个电话。   7.May I know/do you have any idea when he"ll be back?您能告诉我他什么时候回来吗?I have no idea(when he"ll be back.)我不知道(他何时回来)。   8. Can I take a message for him?要我转告吗?No.I really need to talk to him personally.不,我真的需要亲自跟他说。It"s urgent.有急事。May I have your name,please?请问您是谁?   9.Could you possibly ask him to call me back?你可以叫他给我回个电话吗?I"ll 1et him know,Mr.Brown.我会转告他的,布朗先生。   10.Country code 81,area code 138,and the number is 864-8972.   国码是81,区域号码是138,电话号码是864-8972。   11.You must have the wrong number.   你一定是弄错号码了。   12.I wonder if I could make a long distance call?   我能打个长途吗?   13.The number is busy now.itu2019s engaged.电话占线。   14.The connection was bad.There was no signal. the signal is very weak.通话情况很糟。In the blind area.   15. 你能帮我找个地方充电吗?我手机没电了。i forgot to recharge my cellphone battry last night.昨晚忘了给受机充电了。my cell phone is out of power. My cell phone is dead./power off/ turned off.   16.Nice talking to you.很高兴跟你通话。   Same here,bye-bye.我也是,再见。   

【打电话的英文短语】 英语短语大全

  在美剧中,看到那些主演打电话时,你是否有听过哪些颇为熟悉的英文短语呢?下面是我给大家带来打电话常用的英文短语,供大家参阅!   打电话常用英文短语   一、打电话   Give sb.a ring   Give sb.a call   Phone sb.   Ring sb.up   Call sb.   例句   1、 Iu2019ll give him a ring.我会给他打个电话。 Ring up the airport and find out when the plane leaves.给机场打个电话,问清楚什么时候起飞。   2、 Please call him ten minutes later.10分钟后请给他打个电话。   二、接电话   Put sb.through to   Connectu2026with/to   This isu2026   Hold on   Putu2026on   例句   1、 Could you put me through to extension 1221,please?请帮   我转1221分机,好吗?   2、 This is tom speaking.我是汤姆。 He will put her on.他让她接电话。 Mr.zhang will connect me with Miss Wang.张先生会帮我接通王小姐。   三、挂电话   Get off the phone   Get going   Hang up   例句   1、 You had better get off the phone.你最好挂上电话。 He got off the phone five minutes ago.5分钟之前他挂断了电话。   3、 I have to get going.我不得不挂电话了。 Donu2019t hang up the phone until I come back.在我回来之前不要挂断电话。   四、线路不通   Be bad   Be crossed   Cut off   Go dead   Be busy   例句   1、The lines are very bad.线路很槽糕。 That connection is very bad.那条线路很糟糕。 I was cut off during the telephone .电话讲一半断线了。 The line was disconnected because Tom forgot to pay the telephone bill.由于汤姆忘了较电话费,电话打不通了。   五、留言   Leave a message   Take a message   Call back   例句   1、He would like to leave a message.他要留言。 Could I take a message?您要给他留言吗? May I leave her a message?我可以给她留个口信吗? Would you call me back in one hour if possible?你能不能一个小时以后再打来?   打电话必背英文短语   1、空号:   中文:您好!您所拨打的号码是空号,请核对后再拨。   英文:Sorry! The number you dialed does not exist, please check it and dial later.   2、被叫用户关机:   中文:您好!您所拨打的电话已关机。   英文:Sorry! The subscriber you dialed is power off.   3、被叫不在服务区:   中文:对不起!您拨打的用户暂时无法接通,请稍后再拨。   英文:Sorry!The subscriber you dialed can not be connected for the moment, please redial later.   4、主叫欠费停机/单向停机   中文:对不起!您的电话已欠费,请您续交话费,谢谢!   英文:Sorry, your telephone charge is overdue, please renew it, thank you!   5、用户申请临时停机/其他原因暂时停机:   中文:对不起!您的电话已停机。详情请垂询“1860”。   英文:Sorry! Your telephone service is suspended, for more information, please dial “1860”.   6、被叫停机:   中文:对不起!您拨打的电话已停机。   英文:Sorry! The number you dialed is out of service.   7、被叫忙:   (1)被叫用户登记了呼叫等待功能   中文:您好!请不要挂机,您拨打的电话正在通话中。   英文:Sorry! Please hold on,the subscriber you dialed is busy now,.   (2)被叫用户未登记呼叫等待功能   中文:您好!您拨打的电话正在通话中,请稍后再拨。   英文:Sorry! The subscriber you dialed is busy now, please redial later.   8、中继忙/网络忙:   中文:对不起!您拨打的用户暂时无法接通,请稍后再拨。   英文:Sorry!The subscriber you dialed can not be connected for the moment, please redial later.   9、被叫用户设置了呼入限制:   中文:对不起!您拨打的用户已设置呼入限制.   英文:Sorry! The subscriber you dialed has set barring of incoming calls.   10、 国际长权限制:   中文:您好!您的电话尚未登记国际长途业务,请办理登记手续。详情请垂询“1860”。 英文:Sorry! You have not applied for IDD service, please make registrations. For more information, please dial “1860”.   11、GSM手机拨GSM手机加“0”:   中文: 请直接拨打对方手机号码,无需加“0”。   英文:Sorry! Please dial mobile phone number directly, no need to dial “0”.   12、 固定网拨本地GSM手机加“0”:   中文:请直接拨打对方手机号码,无需加“0”。   英文:Sorry! Please dial mobile phone number directly, no need to dial “0”.   打电话重点英文短语   1. 打电话 接电话   1.Hello,is this 4474716?   喂,是4474716号吗?   2.I"d like to speak to Mr.Wang.   我想和王先生讲话。   3.I"m sorry.Mr.Wang is out right now.   对不起,王先生现在不在。   4.May I know when he"ll be back?   您能告诉我他什么时候回来吗?   5.This is his wife speaking.   我是他的妻子。   6.Can I take a message for him?   要我转告吗?   7.May I have your name,please?   请问您是谁?   8.Is he available?   他能接电话吗?   9.I"ll just find out for you.   我给您看看他在不在?   10.Hello,are you still there?   喂,您没挂断吧?   11.Who is that speaking?   请问您是谁?   12.I"m so sorry that I made such an early phone call.   对不起我这么早打电话。   13.Who do you wish to talk to?   您要找谁呀?   14.Is Sue James in?   休.詹姆斯在吗?   15.Hello!Is Sue there?   喂!是休吗?   16.Yes,speaking.   是的,我就是。   2. 没找到人   17.Beijing Trading Campany.May I help you?   北京贸易公司。请问有何贵干?   18.We have two Zhongs.   我们这里有两位先生姓钟。   19.Is that Bob Zhong,or John Zhong?   你要接Bob钟,还是John钟?   20.I"m sorry,he"s not in the office now.   很抱歉,他现在不在办公室。   21.Do you have any idea when he"ll be back?   你知道他何时回来吗?   看过打电话的英文短语的相关知识的人还看了:   1.打电话常用英语短句   2.接电话的英文短语精选合集   3.电话必备英文短语   4.在电话上英文短语   5.接电话时常用的英语短句

打电话英语短语怎么说 打电话英文短语怎么写

1、phone sb。 2、call sb。 3、ring sb up。 4、make a phone call。 5、telephone for。 6、give sb a ring。 7、词义辨析:telephone,telegram,videophone。这组词的意思并不相同,其区别在于:telegram的意思是“电报”,指用电信号传递文字、图表等的通信方式。telephone的意思是“电话,电话机”,常简缩为phone,为可数名词,指利用电流使两地的人互相交谈的装置。

打电话英语短语怎么说 打电话英文短语怎么写

1、phone sb。 2、call sb。 3、ring sb up。 4、make a phone call。 5、telephone for。 6、give sb a ring。 7、词义辨析:telephone,telegram,videophone。这组词的意思并不相同,其区别在于:telegram的意思是“电报”,指用电信号传递文字、图表等的通信方式。telephone的意思是“电话,电话机”,常简缩为phone,为可数名词,指利用电流使两地的人互相交谈的装置。


push oneself 给自己施加压力


一直的英文短语: all the time; always ad; all along; all the while; all through 扩展资料   get the two of them mixed up all the time, they"re so similar.   我一直把他们俩弄混,他俩太像了。   All the time I was blind to your suffering.   一直以来,我都没有意识到你遭受的.痛苦。   I realized it was in my pocket all along.   我发觉它一直就在我口袋里。   He spoiled my enjoyment of the game by talking all through it.   他一直在讲话,破坏了我看比赛的兴致。   All through his life he has shown a quiet determination to get thingsdone.   他一生都在默默而坚定地做事。


一直英文短语为:straight forward. 与之相关短语 straight forward system 直通制 straight-forward circuit 直通线路 straight-forward man 爽快 straight forward house 百家好 扩展资料   例句   Just go straight forward and you"ll find the post office.   邮局就在前边。   He kept making ambiguous remarks instead of straight forward yes-or-no replies.   他连续地讲些模棱两可的话,而不是作出明确的肯定或否定的回答。   The import process itself is simple and straight forward.   导入过程本身非常简单。


一直的英文短语:all the while。 while: conj.在…期间;当…的时候;与…同时;(对比两件事物)…而,…然而; n.一段时间;一会儿; v.消磨;轻松地度过; 第三人称单数: whiles复数: whiles现在分词: whiling过去式: whiled过去分词: whiled 扩展资料   All the while, study for stability is a hot difficult point in engineering.   长期以来,边坡的稳定性研究一直是工程界和学术界的"热点和难点问题之一。   All the while they were left in the dark about the case.   这事他们一直被蒙在鼓里。   You"ll water the plants while I"m away, won"t you?   我外出的时候请你给花草浇浇水,行不行?   Her parents died while she was still at school.   她还在读书时父母就去世了。   He"ll do the job if you make it worth his while.   你要是给他的报酬丰厚,他会做这份工作的。




te that guard the entrances to the professions, to science, art, literature, agriculture



给我20个关于动物的短语或成语 (英语)



make a schedule 如何?

初中英语 易混淆的短语

1:forget to do forget doing forget to do忘记去干...事(还没干) forget doing忘记干了...事(已经干了)2:stop to dostop doing stop to do停下来去干 ...事(两个动作) stop doing停止干...事(一个动作)3:fewa fewlittlea little few a few 修饰可数名词 littlea little修饰不可数名词 a fewa little表肯定,意思是“有几个” fewlittle表否定,意思是“没几个”4:turn on urn off urn up urn down turn on打开 turn off关闭 turn up开大 turn down关小5:either or either noroth and either or或者...或者... neither nor既不...也不... both and两个都6:no one one no one没一个 后只跟人 none没一个 后既可跟人 又可跟物7:see...do...see...doing... see...do...看见...人干了...事 see...doing...看见...人正在干...事8:put onput upput offput out put on穿...(指穿的动作) put up建造... put off张贴... put ou熄灭...9:alsoeither oo 三个单词都是“也”的意思 also用于句中 either用于否定句末 too用于肯定句末


Could you please find another phrasebook for me?


Could you please find another phrasebook for me?


短语手册的英文:Phrase book; book n. 书;书籍;印刷(或电子)出版物;著作;本子;簿子; v. 向旅馆、饭店、戏院等)预约,预订;给(某人)预订飞机等座位;和(歌手等)预约演出日期 扩展资料   Can you find this word in the phrasebook?   你在常用语手册里找到这个字了吗?   A multilingual dictionary, phrasebook, edition, etc   多语词典、短语集、版本等   He carries a French phrasebook everywhere.   他到处都带着一本法语常用语手册。   An affectionate handshake can be very long, and may even last throughout an entire conversation. ( From the South Pacific phrasebook.)   一次充满深情的握手可以持续很久,甚至整个对话。


咳嗽的英文短语是:have a cough. 例句: I have a cough and a running nose. 我咳嗽,又流鼻涕。 Do you have a cough, too? 你也有咳嗽吗? My fever is gone, but I have a cough. 我不发烧了,但是还有点咳嗽。 扩展资料   I have a cough so I cook pear stewed with rock sugar for myself.   我咳嗽了,所以我给自己做冰糖梨吃。   I have a cough and running nose. Do you have anything I can take?   我咳嗽,又流鼻水。你们有没有我可以吃的药?   All patients will feel headache, body uncomfortable and have a cough.   所有患者会感觉头痛、身体不舒服以及咳嗽。   If you have a cough, put a humidifier near your bed, or wherever you"re resting, to help you breath easier.   如果咳嗽,就在床边,或者休息的任何地方放一台加湿器,以帮助你呼吸更轻松。


你好!举行的英语短语是:take place 举行、发生


首先先给你一个搜到的答案:这个长句子的意思很简单,主谓宾Researchers【主语】have developed【谓语,现在完成时】model schemes【宾语(及前面作修饰的定语短语)】of +宾语从句 作为 后置定语。意思就是“什么样的model schemes”你说:这种of的用法我感到非常陌生,其实是你想多了,这种用法很常见,就是“什么什么的”of引导的后置定语看下面简单例句:I need a pen of yours.也是of引导的后置定语这句话断句就是这样:Nevertheless, researchers (of the Pleistocene) epoch have developed (all sorts of more or less fanciful) model schemes (of how they would have arranged the Ice Age had they been in charge of events)。什么样的模型方案?of how they would have arranged the Ice Age had they been in charge of eventsIf they had been in charge of events, how they would have arranged the Ice Age的模型计划假如那些研究员能掌控这些(地质)事件,他们会怎样安排冰川纪的模型方案 。Researchers【主语】of the Pleistocene epoch【修饰主语的介词短语(定语)】have developed【谓语,现在完成时】all sorts of more or less fanciful model schemes【宾语(及前面作修饰的定语短语)】of【介词引导介词短语作宾语的定语,后面跟的从句作of的宾语】how【引导词引导宾语从句】they【宾语从句的主语】would have arranged【宾语从句的谓语,虚拟语气,完成时】the Ice Age【宾语从句的宾语】had they been in charge of events【倒装的条件状语从句,过去完成时】. 这句最难懂的是最后一个条件状语从句 had they been in charge of events 这句省略了引导词if。这种j省略必须通过倒置才许可,即把助动词had搬到句首。还原的句子是 if they had been in charge of events (如果他们决定发生的事件)。当然这个条件不可能发生,没有研究者能回到远古时代去决定那时的事件。所以这句是虚拟语气。而这类虚拟语气的条件状语从句,通常省略if而把had放到句首。


look in 看望,成功的机会 look over 检查 look about 四处观看 look after 照看,照顾 look ahead 计划未来 look around 随便看看 look at 看,考虑 look away 把脸转过去 look back 回顾过去 look black 怒目而视 look blue 神情沮丧 look down 看不起 look like 看..像 look on 旁观 look out 当心


  occupy有占用;占领;从事等意思,那么你知道occupy的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    occupy的用法   occupy的用法1:occupy的基本意思是指时间、空间、地点方面的占有,引申可用于指某人占据某个职位或发挥某种作用。   occupy的用法2:occupy只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。occupy常用于occupy oneself in/with v -ing句型中表示“从事于”“忙于”,可用于被动结构。    occupy的常用 短语   用作动词 (v.)   occupy in〔with〕 (v.+prep.)   从事于; 忙于    occupy的用法例句   1. U.S. forces now occupy a part of the country.   美国军队现在占领了该国的一部分。   2. This challenge will occupy Europe for a generation or more.   这将是欧洲在未来二三十年或者更长的时间里所要面临的挑战。   3. I had other matters to occupy me, during the day at least.   至少白天我还有别的事情要做。   4. We occupy a quality position in the market place.   我们在市场上居于高端地位。   5. Frances invited them to occupy the upstairs of her home.   弗朗西丝邀请他们住在她家的楼上。   6. I would deserve to be pitied if I couldn"t occupy myself.   如果我都不能让自己忙碌起来,那真是太可怜了。   7. I desperately needed something to occupy me during those long, lonely nights.   在那一个个漫长、孤单的夜晚,我极需找点事做。   8. Land is, in most instances, purchased by those who occupy it.   在大多数情况下,土地都是由其使用者购得。   9. Even quite small aircraft occupy a lot of space.   哪怕很小的飞机也要占很大的空间。   10. Men still occupy more positions of power than women.   担任要职的男性仍然比女性多。   11. You can"t occupy yourself with dismal thoughts all the time.   不要终日陷在阴郁的思绪中。   12. The bed seemed to occupy most of the room.   床似乎占去了大半个屋子。   13. They thought they should occupy their leisure more profitably.   他们觉得应当更好地利用空闲时间.   14. The repairs needed before we can occupy the house will be considerable.   那幢房子在我们搬进之前需要大大修整一番.   15. It will not occupy much space.   它不会占很多地方.   occupy过去式occupied的英语例句   1. They occupied the first two floors of the tower.   他们占用了塔楼的头两层。   2. The soldiers commandeered vehicles in the capital and occupied the television station.   士兵们征用首都的车辆,并且占领了电视台。   3. The company rented the building, occupied part and sublet the rest.   该公司租下了这栋大楼,占用了一部分并转租了其余的部分。   4. They just want to return to their families in the occupied territories.   他们只是想回到在占领区的家人身边。   5. The newly-occupied Italian colony of Libya rose in revolt in 1914.   意大利新占领的殖民地利比亚于1914年发生叛乱。   6. The hospital bed is no longer occupied by his wife.   他的妻子不在这张病床上了。   7. Her parliamentary career has occupied all of her time.   她整日忙于议会的工作。   8. I saw three camp beds, two of which were occupied.   我看见了3张折叠床,其中两张已有人占了。   9. Although it was off-season, the hotel was fully occupied.   虽然处于淡季,这家饭店却客满了。   10. Keep the brain occupied.   保持大脑全神贯注。   11. Bookshelves occupied most of the living room walls.   这些书架占了起居室的大部分墙面。   12. Only half of the rooms are occupied at the moment.   目前只有半数的房间有人居住。   13. The statesman is much occupied with affairs of state.   那个政治家忙于国事.   14. The young couple are always occupied with endless whispers of love.   那对年轻夫妇总是情话喁喁.   15. Who occupied this house before it was let to us?


occupy表占领; 使用的意思,那么你知道occupy的短语有哪些吗?接下来小编为大家整理了occupy的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!  occupy的短语:  ~+名词  occupy an apartment 住进住所  occupy sb"s attention 引起某人的注意  occupy a country 占领一个国家  occupy the front row of seats 占据了前排位置  ~+副词  occupy busily 忙着做  occupy deeply 深深地占据着  occupy densely 忙着做  occupy extensively 广泛地从事  ~+介词  occupy about 忙于,从事于  occupy by troops 军队占领  occupy in 忙于,从事于  occupy oneself in sth 从事〔忙于〕某事


  英语单词短语词典及例句1   would rather   an expression used to indicate strong preference 宁愿   He would rather be poor than get money by dishonest methods.   他宁可穷也不愿意用不诚实的手段获取金钱。   Henry would rather that his girl friend worked in the same department as he does.   亨利希望他的女朋友和他在一个部门工作。   "I would rather cry in the back of a BMW than smile on the back of a bicycle, " said one woman to her suitor.   一位女嘉宾在面对她的追求者时,曾这样说“我宁愿坐在宝马里哭,也不愿坐在你的脚踏车上笑”。   If you are like millions of other people, I"m sure you would rather eat those foods now than take medications when you are older.   如果你的想法和大多数人相同,那么我能肯定你会宁愿现在就吃那些食物,而不是年老的时候才去服药。   Many people have great ideas, but implementing them takes a lot of time and effort, so they would rather work at their own projects than join yours.   很多人有远大的想法,但是实现它们需要大量时间和努力,所以他们宁可从事自己的工作也不会加入你。   If it"s true that we would rather initiate change than have it thrust upon us, then why do we not do it more often?   确实如此,我们宁愿发起改变,而不喜欢强加的改变。 那么,我们为什么不更多地发起改变呢?   worthy of   deserving 值得;配得上   He is worthy of our trust and expectation.   他没有辜负我们的信任和期望。   The book is well worthy of his reputation.   这本书完全配得上他的声望。   Men have to be careful what they cry at, because some subjects are more worthy of tears than others.   男人必须要谨慎他们是为了什么哭,因为有些东西是没有值得比眼泪更珍贵的了。   And then he can pledge to the voters that the last three weeks will feature a contest worthy of this moment in our history.   然后,他可以呼吁选民,在最后的三个星期将会描绘出一场我们历史上,让这个时刻值得的"比赛特写。   How was it possible, I asked myself, to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note?   我独自一人,在林子里散步一小时之久而没有看到任何值得注意的东西,那怎么可能呢?   In truth, any news worthy of knowing will find its way to you through others.   事实上,任何值得被知道的事情都会通过其他的渠道传到你这里。   wrap up   1.dress warmly;put on warm clothes 穿暖和   Wrap up well today;it"s very cold.   今天很冷,穿暖和点。   2.bring to an end,esp.a successful conclusion 圆满结束;完成   They wrapped up the business deal in less than an hour.   不到一小时,他们那笔生意就成交了。   3.disguise;conceal 掩饰;掩盖   He wrapped up his meaning in a fancy speech.   他把自己的意图隐藏在精心设计的措词里。   4.be quiet;shut up 安静;别吵;住口   Wrap up,you boys,We are having a meeting in the next room.   安静点,孩子们,我们正在隔壁房间开会。   5.cover or roll up in;envelop;cover completely 包起来;包扎;裹紧   She wrapped up the little child in a thick blanket.   她用厚毛毯把孩子裹得严严的。   He wrapped up the parcel.他包好了包裹。   6.involve deeply;cause to be absorbed completely 深深卷入;使全神贯注;埋头于;深陷在…之中   He is wrapped up in his scientific studies.   他全神贯注地进行他的研究工作。   She is so wrapped up in him that she can"t see his faults.   她痴情地爱他,看不到他身上的缺点。   英语单词短语词典及例句2   1. face to face 面对面   2. far away 遥远   3. far behind 落后   4. far from 远离   5. fall asleep 入睡   6. fall down 倒下;跌倒;从……落下   7. fall ill/sick 生病   8. fall in 在……失败,(考试)不及格   9. fall on top of 掉到了……上面   10. fall off 从……掉下来/摔下来   11. fall one"s exam 考试不及格   12. fall over 滑倒,摔倒   13. family name 姓   14. family tree 家谱   15. feel afraid 觉得害怕   16. feel at home 像在家里一样舒适   17. feel proud 感到自豪   18. feel lonely 感到寂寞   19. feel like doing sth 想要做某事   20. feel tired 感到疲劳   21. feel well 觉得舒服   22. feel worried 感到忧虑   23. field trip 野外旅游   24. fight against 为反对……而斗争   25. fill with 装满   26. fill in the blanks 填空   27. finish doing sth. 完成/结束……   28. find out 查出,查明,发现,了解   29. find it difficult to do sth 发现很难做某事   30. (sth)fit(sb)well 非常合身   31. fly a kite 好风筝   32. follow one"s example 仿照……的榜样   33. follow one"s instruction 听从某人的指导   34. for a moment 一会儿   35. for a walk 散步   36. for ever 永远   37. for example 例如   38. for long 很长,很长时间   39. forget doing sth 忘记做过某事   40. four times as…as…是……的四倍   41. form now on 从此以后,今后


retreat按照英文习惯,做不及物动词,单独使用,一般不进行固定搭配。We retreated half a mile. 我们后推了半英里。They retreated before the advance of the enemy. 他们在敌人进军的威逼下撤退。

salute 致敬短语

military salute 军礼 ; 行军礼After salute 礼毕Presidential Salute 也代表向总统致敬Police salute 警察敬礼salute heartily 热烈欢迎salute cordially 衷心欢迎salute with 以向表示敬意SALUTE,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“致敬,欢迎;敬礼”,作及物动词时意为“行礼致敬,欢迎”,作不及物动词时意为“致意,打招呼;行礼”。


哪里不舒服的英文短语: 使不舒服 upset ; offend ; irritate ; disagree with sb 感到不舒服 feel very bad ; feel sick ; feel under the weather ; feel uncomfortable 扩展资料   我感觉不舒服 I"m not feeling well ; I feel uncomfortable ; I feel bad   我的胃不舒服 My stomach is upset ; My upset stomach ; My stomach upset   不舒服眩光 discomfort glare   我觉得不舒服 I"m feeling under the weather ; I feel sick ; I"m not feeling very well ; I don"t feel well   感觉不舒服 feel terrible ; feel uncomfortable ; feel sick ; feel ill   有些不舒服 be wrong with ; under the weather


  随着智能手机的普及,用手机拍照记录生活的点滴变得更加流行。下面就由我为大家带来关于拍照的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于拍照的相关短语   不拍照 No pictures   夜间拍照 Night Shot-Handheld   拍照功能 photographed function   为别人拍照take a picture of sb.;   请别人为自己拍照have oneself photographed;   拍照 take pictures   拍照 take photos   关于拍照的相关例句   1. If the weather"s no good then I won"t take any pictures.   如果天气不好,我就不拍照了。   2. The tourists have nothing to do but take pictures of each other.   游客无事可做,只能互相拍照。   3. Today at the crossing there were swarms of tourists taking photographs.   今天在十字路口有大群的游客在拍照。   4. The two leaders emerged for a photo session.   两位领导现身接受记者拍照。   5. Jean detested being photographed.   琼非常讨厌拍照。   6. The cameras clicked away.   照相机咔嚓咔嚓地不停拍照。   7. The president joined the team for a photocall.   总统加入到团队中接受媒体拍照。   8. I went on a photo shoot to Rio with him.   我和他一起去里约拍照了。   9. The players strutted and posed for the cameras.   运动员昂首阔步,摆好姿势让记者拍照。   10. Don"t look away while I am taking your photograph.   我替你拍照时,不要看别的地方.   11. Try to look natural for your photograph.   拍照时要自然一点.   12. You can"t take pictures here without special permit.   未经特许,你不能在这里拍照.   13. I need a viewfinder to take a photo.   我需要取景器拍照.   14. He was the first ever non-British photographer to be invited to snap a royal.   他是有史以来第一个应邀为王室成员拍照的非英籍摄影师。   15. There"llbe a huge ruck with the cops as they try to take photographs.   他们试图拍照时将会和警察发生大规模的肢体冲突。   关于拍照的双语例句   我给你拍照的那一刹那,你不要动。   Hold yourself still for a moment while I take your photograph.   我从侧面给他拍照。   I photographed him in profile.   来城堡参观者不得拍照。   Visitors to the castle are asked not to take photographs.   你能帮我拍照吗?   Could you take a picture for me?   参观城堡的人不许拍照。   Visitors to the castle are not allowed to take photographs.   拍照要尽量显得自然一些。   Try to look natural for your photograph.   在音乐会期间不许拍照。   No photos can be taken during the concert.   运动员们昂首阔步,摆好姿势让记者们拍照。   The players strutted and posed for the cameras.   他和记者们打趣,并摆姿势让他们拍照。   He bantered with reporters and posed for photographers.   全家人在屋子外面摆好姿势准备拍照。   The family posed outside the house.



英语短语 保持记录

keep the record

记录会议记录 短语 英语怎么翻译?

记录=record会议=meeting会议记录=meeting minutes.Example, please record the meeting minutes


1. because, since, for(1)because是从属连词,意为“因为”,表示造成某种情况的直接原因,语气最强,常用来回答why的提问。-Why didn"t you come to my birthday party? 你为什么没来参加我的生日聚会?-because I was too busy.因为我太忙了。 (2)since, as往往表示众所周知的原因,常译为“既然,由于”。since从句通常位于主句之前,其语气比as稍强;as 引导的从句位于主句前后均可。Since you come, wait for more times please.既然来了,就多等一会吧。As he has no car, he can"t there easily.由于他没车,所以不能顺利到达那里。 (3)for 是并列连词,语气最弱,只对前面的分句加以解释或表示推断的原因,并多用于书面语中。for所连接的分句只能用于句尾,前面用逗号与另一分句隔开。The days is very short, for it is now December.白天很短,因为已经十二月了。 2.whether, if用作从属连词时,whether和if都意为“是否”,一般情况下,它们都可以互换,口语中常用if,但在以下情况下,只能用whether.(1)引导主语从句置于句首时Whether it is true remains a question.它是真是假还是个问题。 (2)引导表语从句时The question is whether it will rain.问题是会不会下雨。 (3)引导同位语从句时There is a doubt he is fit for the job.他是否胜任这个工作还是个疑问。 (4)与or not 连用时Let me know whether or not you can come.请让我知道你是否能来。 (5)与动词不定式连用时I couldn"t decide whether to do or not.我不能决定是否做那事。 (6)引导介词的宾语从句时There has been no news about whether they have finished their work.仍然没有他们是否完工的消息。 3.when,while ,aswhen ,while, as作从属连词,都引导时间状语从句,表示主句动作与从句动作同时发生(1)when引导的从句可以用延续性动词,但也可以用短暂性动词,而while, as引导的从句只能用延续性动词。When you knocked at the door, I was having a bath.你敲门时我正在洗澡。It began to rain while we were walking in the park.我们在公园散步时,天开始下雨了。The students took notes as they listened.学生们边听课边做笔记。 (2)while 和as引导的从句的谓语动作经常与主句谓语动作同时发生,而when引导的从句的谓语动作可以发生在主句的动作之前,之后,也可以同时发生When/While/As we were dancing, a stranger came in.我们正跳舞时,一个陌生人走进来了。When I got to the station, the train had left.我赶到车站时,火车已经开走了。When he had finished his homework, he took a short rest.写完作业后,他休息了一会。 (3)强调主,从句动作同时进行时,从句的时间概念淡化,而主要表示主句动作发生的背景或条件时只能用as。As years go by, China is getting stronger and richer.随着时间一年年过去,中国变得越来越富强。As the sun rose, the fog disappeared.太阳一出来,雾随之消散。 考试热点——考查连词的用法1. Tom was about to close the window _____his attention was caught by a bird.(2010.全国)A.when B.if C.and D.till 2.-I wonder how much you charge for your services. -The first two are free____the thirs costs $30.(2009.安徽)A.while B.until C.when D.before 3.John thinks it won"t be long ____he is ready for his new job.(2010.安徽)A.when B.after C.before D.since KEYS1.A【解】be about to do sth when..."正要做某事时……”,为固定结构,when在此用作并列连词。if“如果”引导条件状语从句;and 连接顺接关系的并列句;till“直到”引导时间状语从句。 2.A【解】while 在此表示对比意义,符合题意。until“直到”;when“当……时候”;before“在……之前”。 3.A【解】"It will not be +时间段+before..."表示 “用不了多长时间就……”,是固定句式。when“当……时候”;after“在……之后”;since“自从……”,常用于“It is /has been+时间段+since...”句式。 1.看中文写英文暂时的_____ 当代的_______ 体贴________ 合同________ 2.翻译句子初来乍到,应该学会适应环境。One should ____________________ when he moves to a new place.她太挑剔了,总是找别人毛病。She is picky and always ___________ everyone.</p>


  1、亲戚:relative 2、爸爸:father 3、妈妈:mother 4、爷爷:grandpa 5、奶奶:grandma 6、叔叔:uncle 7、阿姨:aunt 8、哥哥:brother 9、弟弟:brother 10、姐姐:sister 11、儿子:son 12、女儿:daughter 13、妻子:femme 14、丈夫:husband 15、妹妹:sister 16、表兄:cousin 17、侄儿:nephew 18、孙子:grandson 19、孙女:granddaughter
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