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动词不用过去时的原因可能有以下几点:1. 句子中的动作在过去发生,但仍然与现在的情境相关。在英语中,有时我们使用现在时来描述过去的事件,以便让听者或读者感觉这个事件正在发生或与当前情况密切相关。例如,"They drug the watchman and rob the bank"可能暗示这个事件与当前的讨论或故事情节有关。2. 过去时态可能带有某种主观色彩,而使用现在时能够提供客观描述。在一些情况下,使用过去时态可能会赋予动作某种完成并过去的意味。然而,使用现在时态可以使描述更加客观,减少对事件的主观评价。3. 句子中的动作是习惯性的或经常性的。在某些情况下,无论动作何时发生,人们倾向于使用现在时来描述一种经常性的行为或习惯。例如,"They drug the watchman and rob the bank"可能表示这是他们的惯常行为。需要注意的是,语言是灵活的,使用过去时态或现在时态取决于交流的目的和语境。以上仅提供了一些可能的原因,但并不适用于所有情况。

whodrug drugcode必须是11位数字吗

AHFS是 American Society of Health-System 的缩写,AHFS Code就是美国社会和健康系统这个机构给出的代码。 ATC是 Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical 的缩写,ATC code即解剖学治疗学化学分类索引代码。

drugstore怎么读 英语drugstore怎么读

1、drugstore英[u02c8dru028cɡstu0254u02d0(r)]美[u02c8dru028cɡstu0254u02d0r],n.药店; (兼售化妆品等的)药房。 2、[例句]He went to the front of the drugstore.他走到了药店前面。





We Are All On Drugs 歌词

歌曲名:We Are All On Drugs歌手:Weezer专辑:We Are All On DrugsWe Are All On DrugsWeezerWhen your out with your friendsIn your new Mercedes Benz and you"reOn drugsAnd you show up late for school cuzYou think your really cool when you"reOn drugsAnd you put on your headphonesAnd you step into the zone when you"reOn drugsBut the world don"t careIf your not there cuz you"reOn drugsGive it to meWe are all on drugs yeahNever getting enough (Never get enough)We are all on drugs yeahGive me some of that stuff (Wooooh)And you twitch in your seat cuzYou wanna hit the street when you"reOn drugsAnd you cause such a fuss cuzThere"s no one you can trust when you"reOn drugsAnd the best of your daysWill all vanish into haze when you"reOn drugsAnd you wish you could quit cuzYou"re really sick of it but you"reOn drugsI want to confiscate your drugsI don"t think I can get enough (Uh)Give it to meWe are all on drugs yeahNever getting enoughWe are all on drugs yeahGive me some of that stuff (Wooooh)We are all on drugs (We are all on drugs)(Wooooh)http://music.baidu.com/song/1231633


drugstore上博朗耳温枪285/把 包邮

what do you do at drugstore的答句是什么?

itu2018s snows

pharmacy , drugstore, dispensary区别

XXX Pharmaceutical Chain Stores Ltd.

drugstore-mechanics school

drugstore-mechanics school药店技工学校drugstore-mechanics school药店技工学校

drugstore的《sober》 歌词

歌曲名:sober歌手:drugstore专辑:white magic for loversWell I抦So scared I might fall downI抦 feeling sober nowBut I still can抰 feel the groundTriedI tried to make demandsBut it抯 not that hard to senseThat things are different nowNow that I don抰 feel so lonesomeAnymoreDrugstoreFeel so lonesomeNow that I am not afraidAt allIf you put your arms around meI won抰 fallNow that I am not afraidAt allBut timeIt takes time to make amendsThough it抯 so hard to make sense扖os I抦 feeling sober nowBut I抦Too small to take defenceThat things are different nowNow that I don抰 feel so lonesomeAnymoreFeel so lonesomeNow that I am not afraidAt allIf you put your arms around meI won抰 fallNow that I am not afraidAt allAt allNa-na-naNa-na-na-na-naNa-na-naI抦 not afraidAt all...http://music.baidu.com/song/14298723


药房,Drugstore(药店小铺),1993于伦敦成军的团,团名从葛斯范桑(Gus Van Sant)的电影《药店牛仔追阳光的少年》(Drugstore Cowboy)而来,女主唱Isabel Monteiro是个巴西人,她的声音有种烟熏过的诡异甜美感,气音很重,好像不能平稳地一直唱一直线,不知道随时要飘像哪里去感觉,却也可以一直这样有气无力的飙高拉低,甚至有一首〈El President〉跟Thom Yorke互飙高音,真是苍凉沙哑与耽溺的怪异综合体。她的嗓音也因此成为Drugstore最吸引人的特质,所以走的也是有点迷茫梦幻甜美路线。







把“药王”翻译成drug king真的有那么奇葩吗?

drug king翻译得很对。drug本身是药物的意思,不一定特指毒品。国外还有家制药企业叫king drug呢。实际上,欧洲人一开始不认为鸦片、大麻等是有害的,才统称为drug。而且,drug一词更能体现神农尝百草的语境,毕竟鸦片在中医也是入药的。


drug药值得付费吗 答案是:这个还是要看你本人是否需要使用这款app。drug药是一款相亲交友软件,drug药所有用户都要经过实名验证,提交的资料都有专人审核,不能有任何的虚假。

drug substance和drug products的区别?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: drug substance和drug products的区别是什么?谢谢! 解析: Drug substance: The active ingredient intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease or affect the structure or function of the body, excluding other inactive substances used in the drug product. Drug Products: The finished dosage form (tablet, capsule, e) that contains a drug substance--generally, but not necessarily, in association with other active or inactive ingredients. 简言之,前者就是那些可以药用的物质,比如人参、枸杞或其它化学物质。。。而后者只是最终制成的你可以服用的药,它们可以含drug substance,但并非必须,也可能含有本身没有药用的物质。




pill 是指药片 片剂medicine 是指医药drug 除有医药的意思外,另有毒品和有毒药物的意思。


Medicine 和 drug都是药,不过drug也可以是毒品或滥用的药。用medicine就好了。

drug 谐音怎么读



Medication = Medicine,用法一样. Medication = 需要医生授权开的(prescription),不可自行购买. Medicine = 可以自己购买. Pill =一般来说小感冒,小病情可以说 "I"ll just take(have) some pills" Drug = 一般用于药品的总称,比如ABC药,this type of drug(指ABC的药).详情可参考FDA. Tablet = 一般形容药物的(数量),比如 2 tablets of XXX,5 tablets of YYY

do drug是什么意思

do drug的意思是在(酒、食物等中)渗(麻醉)药。drug,medicine,medication,remedy,cure,chemical这些名词都有“药”之意。drug普通用词,含义广泛,可指任何用于预防或治疗肉体上或精神上疾病的药品。用复数形式时,多指毒品。medicine普通用词,可指药物的总称,也指一切有利于健康的东西。medication指医生开给病人用的一切药物,从最简单的阿斯匹林到最复杂的药物。remedy侧重指对恢复健康有效的药品或治疗方法。cure比remedy更强调使身体恢复健康的疗法或良药。medicine一般为不可数名词,但作“各种各样的药”解时可用作可数名词,可以有复数形式。表示“吃药”通常说take〔have〕medicine,而不说eat〔drink〕medicine。表示“治某病的药”,常用a medicine for的结构。drug,作名词是药物,动词是使某某麻醉或吸毒,不及物动词是吸毒的意思。


毒药皇帝由 BennyCheng 编辑你是对我一种毒药我从不曾经以别的方式想它而且我爱你已经告诉我的谎言当在我的眼睛中直接地看我的时候这不是狂喜,但是资讯科技是比古柯碱好的。 而且你知道,当你不见了的时候,我将会想念你但是我没被装备玩这一场游戏你知道你所说的话他们不对我意谓任何事他们只服侍在猎物上面养肥而且当资讯科技是该轮流他们到屠杀场的时候时候你切成薄片他们的咽喉, 在途中继续这不是危难而且资讯科技不是你的中学毕业舞会而且你知道,当你不见了的时候,我将会想念你但是我没准备做你的妈妈你是对我一种毒药我从不曾经以别的方式想它而且我爱你已经告诉我的谎言当在我的眼睛中直接地看我的时候

求沙皇乐队《drug》歌词 谢谢

Drug -- The CzarsYou are a drug to me于我而言你像毒品I never ever thought it otherwise我从来没有动摇过这个想法And I love the lies you"ve told to me我喜欢你的谎言While looking me directly in my eyes你深情凝望我的时候This is not ecstasy这不是迷恋but it"s better than cocaine.却比可卡因更有趣一些and you know that I will miss you when you"re gone你知道的,你离开后我会想念你but I"m not equipped to play this game但我没有准备参加这个游戏You know your words你清楚你所讲的话They don"t mean anything to me对我来说它们没有什么用处They only serve to fatten up the prey它们只是诱惑的肥料And when it"s time to take them to the slaughterhouse当你把它们送进屠宰场的时候you slice their throats, continue on your way你会细细地切开它们的咽喉,然后继续你的游戏This is not jeopardy这并不危险and it"s not your high school prom但已不是你高中时的舞会and you know that I will miss you when you"re gone你知道的,你离开后我会想念你But I"m not equipped to be your mom但我没准备做你的妈妈You are a drug to me于我而言你像毒品I never ever thought it otherwise我从来没有动摇过这个想法And I love the lies you"ve told to me喜欢你的谎言while looking me directly in my eyes在你深情凝望我的时候






drag男生什么意思 - 老外经常说的 draq 到底啥意思? Drag 你是不是只知道 “拖着”的意思 在口语当中 它的用法非常的灵活 。

文熙俊的《Drug》 歌词

歌曲名:Drug歌手:文熙俊专辑:Best∶ A Soaring For DreamDrugThe CzarsEdited By BennyChengYou are a drug to me于我而言你像毒品I never ever thought it otherwise我从来没有动摇过这个想法And I love the lies you"ve told to me我喜欢你的谎言While looking me directly in my eyes在你深情凝望我的时候This is not ecstasy,这不是迷恋but it"s better than cocaine.却比可卡因更有趣一些and you know that I will miss you when you"re gone你知道的,你离开后我会想念你but I"m not equipped to play this game但我没有准备参加这个游戏You know your words你清楚你所讲的话They don"t mean anything to me对我来说它们没有什么用处They only serve to fatten up the prey它们只是诱惑的肥料And when it"s time to take them to the slaughterhouse当你把它们送进屠宰场的时候you slice their throats, continue on your way你会细细地切开它们的咽喉,然后继续你的游戏This is not jeopardy这并不危险and it"s not your high school prom但已不是你高中时的舞会and you know that I will miss you when you"re gone你知道的,你离开后我会想念你But I"m not equipped to be your mom但我没准备做你的妈妈You are a drug to me于我而言你像毒品I never ever thought it otherwise我从来没有动摇过这个想法And I love the lies you"ve told to me我喜欢你的谎言while looking me directly in my eyes在你深情凝望我的时候http://music.baidu.com/song/1239155

drug medicine medication有什么区别

drug, medicine, medication, remedy, cure, chemical 这些名词都有药之意。 drug : 普通用词,含义广泛,可指任何用于预防或治疗肉体上或精神上疾病的药品。用复数形式,多指毒品。 The drug is to be taken in drops.(这种药要一点点地服用。) medicine drug, medicine, medication, remedy, cure, chemical 这些名词都有“药”之意。 drug : 普通用词,含义广泛,可指任何用于预防或治疗肉体上或精神上疾病的药品。用复数形式,多指毒品。 The drug is to be taken in drops.(这种药要一点点地服用。) medicine : 普通用词,可指药物的总称,也指一切有利于健康的东西。 Good medicines taste bitter.(良药苦口。) medication : 指医生开给病人用的一切药物,从最简单的阿斯匹林到最复杂的药物。 What is the best medication for this condition?(这种病用什么药最好?) remedy : 普通用词,侧重指对恢复健康有效的药品或治疗方法。 This doctor often uses herbal remedies.(这个医生常用草药治病。) cure比remedy更强调使身体恢复健康的疗法或良药。 The new treatment effected a miraculous cure.(这种新的疗法产生了奇迹般的疗效。) chemical : 多指工业或化学中的药品,有时也指医药中的药品。 The farmers shouldn"t use so heavy chemicals in their products.(农民们在庄稼上不应使用大量的化学药品。)


drug意思是:在(酒、食物等中)渗(麻醉)药一、读音:二、意思是:下(麻醉)药于;使服(麻醉)药低沉的;沮丧的药品;药物三、词汇搭配:vegetable drug 植物性药品;wonder drug 奇效药,神药strong drug 强效药;suitable drug 适当的药四、例句:They drug the watchman and rob the bank.他们用药麻醉看守人,然后抢劫银行。扩展资料词汇辨析:drug,medicine,medication,remedy,cure,chemical这些名词都有“药”之意。drug普通用词,含义广泛,可指任何用于预防或治疗肉体上或精神上疾病的药品。用复数形式时,多指毒品。medicine普通用词,可指药物的总称,也指一切有利于健康的东西。medication指医生开给病人用的一切药物,从最简单的阿斯匹林到最复杂的药物。remedy侧重指对恢复健康有效的药品或治疗方法。cure比remedy更强调使身体恢复健康的疗法或良药。


drug意思是:在(酒、食物等中)渗(麻醉)药一、读音:二、意思是:下(麻醉)药于;使服(麻醉)药低沉的;沮丧的药品;药物三、词汇搭配:vegetable drug 植物性药品;wonder drug 奇效药,神药strong drug 强效药;suitable drug 适当的药四、例句:They drug the watchman and rob the bank.他们用药麻醉看守人,然后抢劫银行。扩展资料词汇辨析:drug,medicine,medication,remedy,cure,chemical这些名词都有“药”之意。drug普通用词,含义广泛,可指任何用于预防或治疗肉体上或精神上疾病的药品。用复数形式时,多指毒品。


A drug is a substance which is taken into the body.


可数名词. the drugs for children 儿童用药

一个女生说你是她的drug 是什么意思









这四个词, Drug就是平时说的药物, 上市销售确定了效用. 而从Hit - Lead -Candidate 就是越来越接近于药物的过程. Hit 是活性化合物, 通过实验Screening筛选出来的, 活性可能比较差, 作为苗头化合物用于继续研究. Hit一般是相对从大量分子中"发现"出有活性的潜在分子而言的.Lead(先导化合物)是已经通过多次实验验证, 的确具有一定生理药理活性, 可用作进一步深入研究的分子. 这个阶段一般从多个Hit中, 决策出活性最好的一个(或少数几个)用于继续深入研究, 是后面大量工作的一个起点. Lead optimization 就是指对这个先导化合物继续改进, 提高他的活性, 降低毒性, 改善ADME性质, 需要大量实验探索.Candidate就是上面Lead optimization后找到的已经很像药的分子, 性质已基本达到期待药物效果. 后续就要进行更多的动物实验和上临床. 临床上性质达到疗效的, 可以上市了, 就是Drug了. Lead优化可能会产生多个可以往后推进的Candidate, 但综合考虑各种因素, 一般推向后续临床研究的一般只会是一个, 因为临床的成本是新药研发整个过程中最高的...上面药学专业七年的同学的Hit的解释不对. Lead的理解也不太准确.






drug的音标是[dru028cɡ]。Drug是一个常见的英语单词,它通常被翻译成中文的“药物”。它的音标是[dru028cɡ],其中的[d]是有声辅音,发音时需要将舌头顶部贴在齿龈处然后突然释放,发出声音。[r]是卷舌音,发音时要将舌头卷起来,靠近上颚,然后发出喉咙深处发出的音。[u028c]是中央元音,需要将嘴唇张开,舌头放松,发出一种中间的元音音色。[ɡ]是清塞擦音,发音时先将舌头放在口腔的后部,然后快速释放,并进行短暂的重叠。这些音素的组合形成了一个富有韵律感的单词音节[dru028cɡ],通过良好的发音实践可以更好地掌握该单词的发音和用法。在真实的英语语境中,词汇的确切介绍和发音是相当重要的,尤其是对于那些需要频繁使用英语的人来说。drug组句:1、There was a suspicion that this runner attempted to avoid the procedures for drug testing.存在这名赛跑运动员试图逃避药检的怀疑。2、A Study on the System of Compulsory Abandonment of Drug Habits in China.我国现行强制戒毒制度研究。3、Unfortunately,these benefits disappear upon drug discontinuation.可惜的是,这些好处在药物停用后消失了。4、The drug was given intravenously in control group.对照组通过外周静脉滴注。5、Dr.Peter Kastl and his colleagues report that they can use tears to detect drug abuse.彼得·卡斯特尔博士和他的同事发现,他们可以用眼泪来检测药物滥用问题。

Love Is The Drug 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is The Drug歌手:Grace Jones专辑:The Collection『LOVE IS THE DRUG』作词∶Bryan Ferry/Andrew Mackay作曲∶Bryan Ferry/Andrew Mackay歌∶布袋寅泰T"aint no big t"ingTo wait for the bell to ringT"aint no big t"ingThe toll of the bellAggravated ― spare for daysI troll downtown the red light placeJump up bubble up ― what"s in storeLove is the drug and I need to scoreShowing out showing out, hit and runBoy meets girl where the beat goes onStitched up tight, can"t shake freeLove is the drug got a hook on meOh oh catch that buzzLove is the drug I"m thinking ofOh oh can"t you seeLove is the drug for meLate that night I park my carStake my place in the singles barFace to face, toe to toeHeart to heart as we hit the floorLumber up limbo downThe locked embrace, the stumble roundI say go, she say yesDim the lights, you can guess the restOh oh catch that buzzLove is the drug I"m thinking ofOh oh can"t you seeLove is the drug with a hook in meOh oh catch that buzzLove is the drug I"m thinking ofOh oh can"t you seeLove the drug for me【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/8567448

Love Is My Drug 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is My Drug歌手:John Me专辑:I Am JohnJohn Me — Love Is My DrugLove is my drug, is my medicine.Stay with me honey stay with me honey stay with meshe"s my heroinLove is my drug, is my medicineStay with me honey stay with me honey stay with meshe"s my heroinWhen you are feeling tiredI"ll lay there with youWhen you get up early in the morningI"ll get up with youIf you have a cravingI"ll get it for youIf you wanna take a ride all by yourselfI"ll be waiting for youLove is my drug, is my medicineStay with me honey stay with me honey stay with meLove is my drug, she"s my heroinStay with me honey stay with me honey stay with meStay with me honey stay with me honey stay with meStay with me honey stay with me honey stay with meWhen you feeling fired upI"ll fire with youIf you had to lie a littleI"ll let it be trueWhen you get low I"ll, get lower than youWhen you"ve had enough of had itmuch more than you knewLove is my drug, is my medicineStay with me honey, stay with me honey, stay with meLove is my drug, she"s my heroinStay with me honey, stay with me honey stay with meStay with me honey, stay with me honey stay with meStay with me honey, stay with me honey stay with meStay with me honey, stay with me honey stay with meStay with me honey, stay with me honey stay with meStay with me honey, stay with me honey stay with mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2177922

you love is my drug

Maybe I need some rehab, or maybe just need some sleep I"ve got a sick obsession, I"m seeing it in my dreams I"m looking down every alley, I"m making those desperate calls Im staying up all night hoping, Hit my head against the walls What you"ve got boy is hard to find Think about it all about it all the time I"m all strung up my heart is fried I just cant get you off my mind Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug Your love your love your love I said your love, your love, your love, is my drug Your love your love your love Won"t listen to any advice, mamma"s telling me to think twice But left to my own devices i"m addicted its a crisis! My friends think I"ve gone crazy, my judgment is getting kinda hazy My status is gonna be affected if I keep it up like a love sick crackhead What you"ve got boy is hard to find Think about it all about it all the time I"m all strung up my heart is friedKesha Your Love Is My Drug lyrics found on http://www.directlyrics.com.com/kesha-your-love-is-my-drug-lyrics.html I just cant get you off my mind Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug Your love your love your love I said your love, your love, your love, is my drug Your love your love your love I don"t care what people say The rush is worth the price I pay I get so high when you"re with me But crash and crave you when you are away So I got a question; Do you want to have a summer party in my basement? Do I make your heart beat like a native drum? Is my love, your drug? (huh) Your drug? (huh) your drug? (huh) your drug? Is my love, your drug? Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug Your love your love your love I said your love, your love, your love, is my drug Your love your love your love (x2) Heyyy heyyy you love, your love, (whispered) is my drug your love is my durg 中文歌词:也许我需要一些康复 或者,也许只是需要一些睡眠 我得到一个生病的困扰 我看到它在我的梦想 我期待下每条巷弄 我使我们绝望的"事业 我熬夜希望 撞墙,我的头 你有什么孩子很难找到 我想到这一切的时候 我所有的精神不振,我的心是油炸 我不能让你把我的心 因为你的爱你爱你的爱是我的药物 你爱你爱你的爱 我说你爱你爱你的爱是我的药物 你爱你爱你的爱 不会听任何意见 妈妈在告诉我,我应该三思 但是,爱我自己的设备 我上瘾,这是一个危机 我的朋友都认为我疯了 我的判断得到有点儿朦胧 我的自尊是gonna影响 如果我保持了像lovesick crackhead 你有什么孩子很难找到 我想到这一切的时候 我所有的精神不振,我的心是油炸 我不能让你把我的心 因为你的爱你爱你的爱是我的药物 你爱你爱你的爱 我说你爱你爱你的爱是我的药物 你爱你爱你的爱 我不在乎别人怎么说 这个仓促是值得我付出的代价 我得到这么高的时候你我一样 但是,崩溃和渴望,当你离开 嘿,我得问题 你想在我的地下室沉睡党? 我让你的心脏跳动像一个808鼓? 我的爱你的药? 您的药物,嗯您的药物 嗯你的药物是我的爱,你的药物 因为你的爱你爱你的爱是我的药物 你爱你爱你的爱 我说你爱你爱你的爱是我的药物 你爱你爱你的爱 嘿...嘿... 所以? 你爱你爱你的爱,是我的毒品 (口语)“我喜欢你的胡子”


maybe i need some rehabor maybe just need some sleepi got a sick obsessioni"m seeing it in my dreamsi"m looking down every alleyi"m making us desperate "causei"m staying up all night hopinghitting my head against the wallwhat you got boy is hard to findi think about it all the timei"m all strung out, my heart is friedi just can"t get you off my mindbecause your love your love your love is my drugyour love your love your lovei said your love your love your love is my drugwon"t listen to any advicemomma"s telling me i should think twicebut love to my own devicesi"m addicted, it"s a crisismy friends think i"ve gone crazymy judgements getting kinda hazymy esteem is gonna be affectedif i keep it up like a lovesick crack-headi don"t care what people saythe rush is worth the price i payi get so high when you"re with mebut crash and crave you when you leavehey, so i gotta questiondo you wanna have a slumber party in my basement?do i make your heart beat like an 808 drum?is my love, uh your drug?your drug, uh your druguh your drug is my love, your drughey...hey...so?your love your love your love, is my drug(spoken)"i like your beard"也许我需要一些康复或者只是需要睡眠我得到了一个生病的困扰我看到它就在我的梦想我想就各的拿手好戏我让我们不顾一切的原因我经常熬夜希望打我的头靠在墙上你所得到的男孩也很难找到我想谈论那件事了我都放些吧,我的心就被炒了我不能让你远离我的脑海里因为你的爱你爱你的爱是我药物你的爱你爱你的爱我说你爱你爱你的爱是我药物不听任何建议妈妈对我说我应该三思而行但是爱情,在我自己的设备我有,这是一场危机我的朋友觉得我很疯狂我的判断得到有点不明朗我敬重会受到影响如果我把它,就像一个思爱成病crack-head我不在意人们说什么高峰的价格与价值相符我付钱我是那么的高当你和我在一起但是撞车和渴望,当你离开嘿,我得问题你想有一个睡袍派对在我的地下室吗?我说的心跳像个808鼓?是我的爱,嗯你的药吗?你的毒药,嗯你的药物呃你的药物是我的爱,你的药物嘿…嘿…是这样吗?你的爱你爱你的爱,是我的药物(口语)“我喜欢你的胡子”

要your love is my drug歌词

Maybe I need some rehab, or maybe just need some sleep也许我需要一些康复 或者,也许只是需要一些睡眠 I"ve got a sick obsession, I"m seeing it in my dreams我得到一个生病的困扰 I"m looking down every alley, I"m making those desperate calls我看到它在我的梦想 Im staying up all night hoping, Hit my head against the walls我期待下每条巷弄 What you"ve got boy is hard to find我使我们绝望的"事业 Think about it all about it all the time我熬夜希望 I"m all strung up my heart is fried撞墙,我的头 I just cant get you off my mind我只是不能让你远离我的脑海里Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug因为你的爱你爱你的爱是我的药物 Your love your love your love你爱你爱你的爱 I said your love, your love, your love, is my drug我说你爱你爱你的爱是我的药物 Your love your love your love你爱你爱你的爱 Won"t listen to any advice, mamma"s telling me to think twice不会听任何意见 妈妈在告诉我,我应该三思 But left to my own devices i"m addicted its a crisis!但是,爱我自己的设备 我上瘾,这是一个危机 My friends think I"ve gone crazy, my judgment is getting kinda hazy我的朋友都认为我疯了 My status is gonna be affected if I keep it up like a love sick crackhead我的判断得到有点儿朦胧What you"ve got boy is hard to find你有什么孩子很难找到 Think about it all about it all the time我想到这一切的时候 I"m all strung up my heart is fried我所有的精神不振,我的心是油炸 Kesha Your Love Is My Drug lyrics found on 我不能让你把我的心 I just cant get you off my mind我只是不能让你远离我的脑海里Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug因为你的爱你爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love你爱你爱你的爱 I said your love, your love, your love, is my drug我说你爱你爱你的爱是我的药物 Your love your love your love你爱你爱你的爱 I don"t care what people say我不在乎别人怎么说 The rush is worth the price I pay这个仓促是值得我付出的代价 I get so high when you"re with me我得到这么高的时候你我一样 But crash and crave you when you are away但是,崩溃和渴望,当你离开So I got a question;嘿,我得问题 Do you want to have a summer party in my basement?你想在我的地下室沉睡党? Do I make your heart beat like a native drum?我让你的心脏跳动像一个808鼓? Is my love, your drug?我的爱你的药? (huh) Your drug? (huh) your drug? (huh) your drug?您的药物,嗯您的药物 Is my love, your drug?是我的爱,你的药物Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug因为你的爱你爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love你爱你爱你的爱 I said your love, your love, your love, is my drug我说你爱你爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love (x2)你爱你爱你的爱Heyyy heyyy you love, your love, (whispered) is my drug 你爱你爱你的爱,是我的毒品

Love Is the Drug 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is the Drug歌手:Roxy Music专辑:Late Night Tales: Groove Armada『LOVE IS THE DRUG』作词∶Bryan Ferry/Andrew Mackay作曲∶Bryan Ferry/Andrew Mackay歌∶布袋寅泰T"aint no big t"ingTo wait for the bell to ringT"aint no big t"ingThe toll of the bellAggravated ― spare for daysI troll downtown the red light placeJump up bubble up ― what"s in storeLove is the drug and I need to scoreShowing out showing out, hit and runBoy meets girl where the beat goes onStitched up tight, can"t shake freeLove is the drug got a hook on meOh oh catch that buzzLove is the drug I"m thinking ofOh oh can"t you seeLove is the drug for meLate that night I park my carStake my place in the singles barFace to face, toe to toeHeart to heart as we hit the floorLumber up limbo downThe locked embrace, the stumble roundI say go, she say yesDim the lights, you can guess the restOh oh catch that buzzLove is the drug I"m thinking ofOh oh can"t you seeLove is the drug with a hook in meOh oh catch that buzzLove is the drug I"m thinking ofOh oh can"t you seeLove the drug for me【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/26040683

keha -your love is my drug歌曲链接,空间可以放的!!跪求~~

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求一首QQ飞车里面的说唱歌曲名字,女生唱的,欧美,(不是Your love is my drug)


your love is my drug什么意思


your love is my drug歌词翻译

我可能需要一些康复 或者只是需要一些睡眠 我有个恶心的想法 一直在我的梦里出现我期待每条巷弄不顾一切的拨打电话我每天晚上都不睡觉就为了等你的电话孩子,你拥有的东西,很难得一见 我日日夜夜的想著(你拥有的东西)我整个人是精神不振,我心被炸 我就是不停的想念你因为你的爱你爱你的爱是我的毒品你的爱你的爱你的爱 我说你爱你爱你的爱是我的毒品你的爱你的爱你的爱不听从任何意见 妈妈总告诉我,我应该三思 但每当我看到我自己的策略 我就像遇见危机似的,上瘾了 我的朋友都认为我疯了 我的判断变得有点朦胧 我的空间会被影响如果我继续保留了像一个想念爱情的白痴孩子,你拥有的东西,很难得一见 我日日夜夜的想著(你拥有的东西)我整个人是精神不振,我心被炸 我就是不停的想念你因为你的爱你爱你的爱是我的毒品你的爱你的爱你的爱 我说你爱你爱你的爱是我的毒品你的爱你的爱你的爱我不在乎别人怎么说 这个仓促是值得我付出的代价 你在我身边时我总是很兴奋 但崩溃和渴望出现正是你离开的时候 所以我有个问题 你想不想在我的地下室办个夏日派对我会让你的心跳像打鼓样吗?我的爱是你的毒品吗你的毒品,你的毒品我的爱是你的毒品吗因为你的爱你爱你的爱是我的毒品你的爱你的爱你的爱 我说你爱你爱你的爱是我的毒品你的爱你的爱你的爱

Ke$ha的歌《Your Love is My Drug》中英歌词

Maybe I need some rehab Or maybe just need some sleep I got a sick obsession I"m seeing it in my dreams I"m looking down every alley I"m making us desperate "cause I"m staying up all night hoping Hitting my head against the wall What you got boy is hard to find I think about it all the time I"m all strung out" my heart is fried I just can"t get you off my mind Because your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love I said your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love Won"t listen to any advice Momma"s telling me I should think twice But love to my own devices I"m addicted" it"s a crisis My friends think I"ve gone crazy My judgements getting kinda hazy My esteem is gonna be affected If I keep it up like a lovesick crack-head What you got boy is hard to find I think about it all the time I"m all strung out" my heart is fried I just can"t get you off my mind Because your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love I said your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love I don"t care what people say The rush is worth the price I pay I get so high when you"re with me But crash and crave you when you leave Hey" so I gotta question Do you wanna have a slumber party in my basement? Do I make your heart beat like an 808 drum? Is my love" uh your drug? Your drug" uh your drug Uh your drug is my love" your drug Because your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love I said your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love Because your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love I said your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love Hey...Hey... So? Your love your love your love" is my drug (spoken) "I like your beard"

Your Love Is My Drug 歌词

歌曲名:Your Love Is My Drug歌手:Ke$ha专辑:AnimalYour Love Is My DrugKe$haMaybe i need some rehabOr maybe just need some sleepI got a sick obsessionIm seein it in my dreamsIm lookin down every alleyIm makin those desperate callsIm stayin up all night hopen in my eyeWhat you got boy, is hard to findI think about it all the timeIm all strung out my heart is friedI just cant get you off my mind!Because your love your love your love is my drugYour love your love your loveYour love your love your love is my drugYour love your love your loveWont listen to any adviceMummas tellin me i should think twiceBut look into my own devices, im addicted its a crisisMy friends think ive gone crazyMy judgements gettin kinda hazyMyspace is gonna be affected if i keep it up like a love sick crack headWhat you got boy, is hard to findI think about it all the timeIm all strung out my heart is friedI just cant get you off my mind!Because your love your love your love is my drugYour love your love your loveYour love your love your love is my drugYour love your love your loveI dont care what people sayThe rush is worth the price i payI get so high when your with meBut crash and crave you when you leaveHey, so i got a questionDo you wanna have a slumber party in my basement?Do i make your heart beat like an 808 drumIs my love your drug? your drug?Hi, your drug?Hi, your drug?Is my love your drug?Because your love your love your love is my drugYour love your love your loveYour love your love your love is my drugYour love your love your loveBecause your love your love your love is my drugYour love your love your loveYour love your love your love is my drugYour love your love your loveHey, heyy, soooYou love, your love your love, is my drughttp://music.baidu.com/song/585887

Your Love Is My Drug 歌词

歌曲名:Your Love Is My Drug歌手:Kesha专辑:Absolute Dance Summer 2010Kesha - Your Love Is My DrugMaybe I need some rehabOr maybe just need some sleepI got a sick obsessionI"m seeing it in my dreamsI"m looking down every alleyI"m making us desperate "causeI"m staying up all night hopingHitting my head against the wallWhat you got boy is hard to findI think about it all the timeI"m all strung out, my heart is friedI just can"t get you off my mindBecause your love your love your love is my drugYour love your love your loveI said your love your love your love is my drugWon"t listen to any adviceMomma"s telling me I should think twiceBut love to my own devicesI"m addicted, it"s a crisisMy friends think I"ve gone crazyMy judgements getting kinda hazyMy esteem is gonna be affectedIf I keep it up like a lovesick crack-headI don"t care what people sayThe rush is worth the price I payI get so high when you"re with meBut crash and crave you when you leaveHey, so I gotta questionDo you wanna have a slumber party in my basement?Do I make your heart beat like an 808 drum?Is my love, uh your drug?Your drug, uh your drugUh your drug is my love, your drugHey...Hey...So?Your love your love your love, is my drug(spoken) "I like your beard"http://music.baidu.com/song/59836497

kesha 的your love is my drug 歌词

Maybe I need some rehab也许我需要一些康复or maybe just need some sleep或者,也许只是需要一些睡眠 I"ve got a sick obsession,我得到一个生病的困扰I"m seeing it in my dreams我看到它在我的梦想I"m looking down every alley, 我期待每条巷弄I"m making those desperate calls我使我们绝望的"事业Im staying up all night hoping,我熬夜希望 Hit my head against the walls我的头撞着墙What you"ve got boy is hard to find孩子你得到的东西很难找到Think about it all about it all the time我想到这一切的时候I"m all strung up my heart is fried我所有的精神不振,我的心煎熬着I just cant get you off my mind我无法把你从我心中抹去Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug因为你的爱你的爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love你的爱你的爱你的爱……I said your love, your love, your love, is my drug我说你的爱你的爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love你的爱你的爱你的爱……Won"t listen to any advice, 不会听任何意见mamma"s telling me to think twice妈妈在告诉我,我应该三思But left to my own devices但在我自己的头脑中i"m addicted its a crisis我上瘾,这是一个危机My friends think I"ve gone crazy, 我的朋友都认为我疯了my judgment is getting kinda hazy我的判断是越来越有点朦胧My status is gonna be affected if I keep it up like a love sick crackhead我的自尊会受影响 ,如果我仍像一个生病的瘾君子What you"ve got boy is hard to find孩子你得到的东西很难找到Think about it all about it all the time我想到这一切的时候I"m all strung up my heart is fried我所有的精神不振,我的心煎熬着I just cant get you off my mind我无法把你从我心中抹去Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug因为你的爱你的爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love你的爱你的爱你的爱……I said your love, your love, your love, is my drug我说你的爱你爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love你的爱你的爱你的爱……I don"t care what people say我不在乎别人说什么The rush is worth the price I pay这个仓促是值得我付出的代价I get so high when you"re with me当你和我在一起时我变得很兴奋But crash and crave you when you are away当你离开,我很崩溃但渴望和你在一起,So I got a question因此,我有个问题Do you want to have a summer party in my basement?你想在我的地下室来个聚会吗?Do I make your heart beat like a native drum?我是不是让你太紧张了?Is my love, your drug?我的爱是你的药物吗?(huh) Your drug? (huh) your drug? (huh) your drug?你的药物?你的药物?你的药物?Is my love, your drug?我的爱是你的药物吗?Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug因为你的爱你的爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love你的爱你的爱你的爱……I said your love, your love, your love, is my drug我说你爱你爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love你的爱你的爱你的爱……Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug因为你的爱你爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love你的爱你的爱你的爱……I said your love, your love, your love, is my drug我说你的爱你爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love你的爱你的爱你的爱……Hey hey so you love, your love, is my drug嘿 嘿 因此你的爱你爱你的爱是我的药物

Your Love Is My Drug中文翻译


your love is my drug 什么意思


you are like a drug 是哪首歌的歌词

不知道是不是这个?Need You Like A Drug 歌词 歌手/乐队: ZeromancerInject, need you like a drugShoot it upYou"ve got a halo hanging over your headNothing can touch youNothing can hurt youYou take the world out of my eyesYou suck the words out of my mouthWhen we kissNeed you like a drugNeed you like a drugCan"t make it stopKeep fucking it upNeed you like a drugNeed you like a drugCan"t make it stopKeep fucking it upNeed you like a drugDon"t ever want to be like youYou have your friends calling you to sayThat nothing can touch youNothing can hurt youNothing can take your fantasy awayNothing can touch youNothing can hurt youWhen we kissNeed you like a drugNeed you like a drugCan"t make it stopKeep fucking it upNeed you like a drugNeed you like a drugCan"t make it stopKeep fucking it upNeed you like a drugYou keep fucking it upIt stings like a needle in meYou keep fucking it upNeed you like a drugNeed you like a drugCan"t make it stopKeep fucking it upNeed you like a drugNeed you like a drugCan"t make it stopKeep fucking it upNeed you like a drugNeed you like a drugCan"t make it stopKeep fucking it upNeed you like a drugNeed you like a drugCan"t make it stopKeep fucking it upNeed you like a drug

药物的相互作用(drug interaction)



lyilyl ki

《Love and Other Drugs》哪里可以下载?


药品注册(drug registration)

【答案】:药品注册(drug registration):根据药品注册申请人的申请,国家药品食品监督管理局依据法定程序,对拟上市销售的药品的安全性、有效性、质量可控性等进行审查,并决定是否同意其申请的审批过程。

跪求一篇以THE DANGER OF DRUGS为题的英语作文。

Today we look at what is being done to fight counterfeit drugs.Several companies are developing ways to make counterfeits easier to identify. And there are existing methods, like a machine that can quickly identify chemicals in pills to confirm if the pills are real.Other ideas include things like special tracking codes for drug packages. People could send a text message with the code and get a message back confirming that what they bought is listed in a database.Some drug makers and other companies put three-dimensional images called holograms on their products as a security device.Other anti-counterfeit efforts include the use of radio frequency identification tags. Many companies use these electronic tags to follow products through the supply chain from the manufacturer. The American Food and Drug Administration says R.F.I.D. tags act like an electronic safety net to make it easier to catch counterfeits.Last July, the Food and Drug Administration advised manufacturers to add what are called physical chemical identifiers to their medicines. These are special chemicals, colorings or tastes that counterfeiters could not easily copy.Bryan Liang is with the Partnership for Safe Medicines, an organization in the United States. He says the Internet is not only a place where people can get tricked into buying counterfeit drugs. It is also a place where counterfeiters can find all the materials they need to make them.BRYAN LIANG: "The Internet is the Wild, Wild West. Anybody can sell drugs. Anybody can buy active ingredients."He says the most important members of the "counterfeit detection team" are the patients themselves. He says raids on counterfeiters are often the result of information from people who bought fake medicines.BRYAN LIANG: "The best approach is to know your drug. Know what they feel like. Know what they taste like. Know what your traditional reactions are. A person that knows their drugs and the effects of their drugs are in fact the best security against fakes."

enhanced drug development为什么不用enhancing


bulk drug

分类: 医疗健康 问题描述: bulk在医药类的英文中经常出现, 作何理解,是代表原料药么? 解析: bulk 作名词时意为:大容积,大体积;大块;大批;大量;大部分,大多数;一种柔软的大体积物质(不为肠所吸收,但可促进肠蠕动)。

biological drug

分类: 医疗/疾病 问题描述: 谁能举一种biologicaldrug(生物制品药物)的名称 解析: 很多都是阿,你要把生物药物的概念理解清楚 生物制品是指以生物为原料的医药用品,是用来预防、治疗和某些疾病的。如将某些能够致病的细菌、病毒、立克次氏体及产物,经过培养、化学及物理方法的减毒处理,使之能够成为治疗疾病的保健药物(如三株口服液)及预防疾病的疫苗(如卡价苗、乙型肝炎疫苗)等。或是用人及动物的血清、组织等经过特殊加工、制造后而成的能够治疗疾病,诊断疾病的生物制品。 血清制品是指那些专门用人或动物的血清经过精制、提纯加工处理后,使之能够成为预防、治疗和诊断疾病的医药用品,如血清白蛋白、免疫球蛋白、抗狂犬病血清、破伤风抗毒血清等 。 生物制品包括的内容广泛,而且用途也较为广泛,有些能预防疾病,有些是治疗疾病的,还有的是诊断疾病用的,生物制品有注射液,也有口服剂 。血清制品只是生物制品的一部分,而血清制品多数都为输液用的注射剂

medicine drug remedy 的区别


英语作文 money ismy drug of anxiety for anxiety

An addictive personality refers to a particular set of personality traits that make an individual predisposed to developing addictions.[1] This hypothesis states that there are common elements among people with varying addictions that relates to personality traits.[2] People who are substance dependent are characterized by: a physical or psychological dependency that negatively affects their quality of life.[1] They are frequently connected with substance abuse; however, people with addictive personalities are also highly at risk of becoming addicted togambling, food, pornography, exercise, work, and codependency.[1] Scientists have been better able to understand addictive personalities as researchers delve further into understanding the chemistry of addiction.[1] Alan R. Lang of Florida State University, author of an addiction study prepared for the United States National Academy of Sciences, said, "If we can better identify the personality factors, they can help us devise better treatment and can open up new strategies to intervene and break the patterns of addictio

If a drug addict wants to keep clean and sober, what should he do?

【答案】:D If th ctxt has chagd, th rcall suffrd mst.

摇头丸, 英语怎么说? high drug?

摇头丸 yáo tóu wán 1. [Drug] dancing outreach; Ecstasy; MDMA (a popular name of an addictive stimulant drug containing ice as its major ingredient, which makes the addict feel very active and can cause him/her to hallucinate) 以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供


一、详细释义: , n. , 药,药物 [C] , 例句: ,The drug will lose its potency when exposed to moisture.,这药一受潮就会失效。, 例句: ,There"s also a bank across from the drug store.,药店的对面还有家银行。, 毒品, *** [C] , 例句: ,The o nations made a pact to control drug traffic.,两国达成协议控制毒品走私。, 例句: ,The policeman was known as a drug buster.,这位警察被称作毒贩克星。, v. , 使服用 *** ,用药麻醉,使服用兴奋剂 [T] , 例句: ,They drug the watchman and rob the bank.,他们用药麻醉看守人,然后抢劫银行。, 例句: ,She was drugged against the pain.,她服 *** 止痛。, (在食物或饮料中)投放 *** [T] , 例句: ,His wine has been drugged.,他的酒里被人掺了 *** 。, 例句: ,You shouldn"t have drunk the wine, it may have been drugged.,你不应喝这酒,这里面可能放了毒品。, 二、词义辨析: , drug,medicine,medication,remedy,cure,chemical ,这些名词都有“药”之意。drug普通用词,含义广泛,可指任何用于预防或治疗肉体上或精神上疾病的药品。用复数形式,多指毒品。medicine普通用词,可指药物的总称,也指一切有利于健康的东西。medication指医生开给病人用的一切药物,从最简单的阿斯匹林到最复杂的药物。remedy普通用词,侧重指对恢复健康有效的药品或治疗方法。cure比remedy更强调使身体恢复健康的疗法或良药。chemical多指工业或化学中的药品,有时也指医药中的药品。, 三、相关短语: ,hard drug,毒品,soft drug,(被认为不会使人上瘾的)"软"毒品(如大麻、墨斯卡灵、安非他明等),sulfa drug,磺胺类药,antineoplastic drug,抗肿瘤药,cytotoxic drug,细胞毒类药物,drug abuse,药物滥用,滥用药物,drug addiction,药瘾,fertility drug,生育药,psychoactive drug,精神药物,antiviral drug,抗病毒药,drug addict,n. 吸毒成瘾者,药瘾者,prescription drug,n. 须医师处方才可买的药品, 四、参考例句: ,Drug addicts often hallucinate.,吸毒成瘾的人常常产生幻觉。,How are prescription drug and blame prescription drug divisional?,处方药与非处方药怎么区分的?,The drug buffered her pain.,这药物减轻了她的痛苦。,Say no to drug abuse.,对滥用药物说不。,The drug relieved my toothache,,那药使我的牙痛减轻了。,He is a drug peddler.,他是个毒品贩子。,The drug blurs my vision.,这种药模糊了我的视力。,Police *** ashed the drug ring.,警方粉碎了贩毒团伙。,They were arrested for drug offences.,他们因贩卖毒品罪而被逮捕。,This drug will sharpen your vision.,这药会提高你的视力。

drug addict有什么语法知识

语法点如下:1、名词修饰名词。drug 药物,此处指“毒品”,addict 对某物上瘾的人,或痴迷于某物的人。2、词组意思是指“瘾君子”即吸食毒品的人,或严重依赖毒品或药品的人。

医学翻译sternal/lateral recumbency和drug exposure是什么意思


求Adam Tyler 的like a Drug的中文歌词

Boy, ya, You got it got it(男孩, 耶, 就是你是你)You got Me feelin" crazy "bout my body(你让我为我的身体感到疯狂)I, I cannot cannot stop it(我, 我无法无法停止它)You got Me movin", got Me rockin" rockin"(你让我摇摆, 让我摇滚摇滚)Make Me feel like I can make it real(让我感到像是我能够让它变成真的那样)You got Me hooked, gettin" Me on the floor(你让我上了瘾, 让我站在这舞池上)If I"m a tease and You"re the one to please, I want more(如果我是挑逗者, 而你是被愉悦的对象, 那我要更多)Make Me feel like I can make it real(让我感到像是我能够让它成真)You got Me hooked, gettin" Me on the floor(你让我上钩, 让我站在舞台上)If I"m a tease and You"re the one to please, I want more(如果我是挑逗者, 而你是被愉悦的对象, 那我要更多)Dance like I"m the only, only(就像我是唯一唯一的舞者那样的跳著舞)Like I"m the only lady, like You want Me(就像我是唯一的女性, 像你要我那样)Damn right, I have My radar on You(没错, 我的雷达已经锁定住你)So let"s get physical, I want to, want to(所以咱们舞动吧, 我就是要, 就是要)Make Me feel like I can make it real(让我感到像是我能够让它成真)You got Me hooked, gettin" Me on the floor(你让我上钩, 让我站在舞台上)If I"m a tease and You"re the one to please, I want more(如果我是挑逗者, 而你是被愉悦的对象, 那我要更多)I never had a ride, as delicate and fine(我从未曾那样的疯狂, 如此的精致和完美)You really blow My mind(你真的让我感到意外的惊喜)When we rock, when we rock(当我们摇滚, 当我们摇滚)I really wanna do, everything with you(我真的想要, 跟你一起做所有的事情)The things you make Me do, like a drug(那些你要我做的事, 如同吃了迷药)Like a drug, like a drug(如同吃了迷药, 如同吃了迷药)Like a drug, like a drug(如同吃了迷药, 如同吃了迷药)Make Me feel like I can make it real(让我感到像是我能够让它成真)You got Me hooked, gettin" Me on the floor(你让我上钩, 让我站在舞台上)If I"m a tease and You"re the one to please, I want more(如果我是挑逗者, 而你是被愉悦的对象, 那我要更多)Make Me feel like I can make it real(让我感到像是我能够让它成真)You got Me hooked, gettin" Me on the floor(你让我上钩, 让我站在舞台上)If I"m a tease and You"re the one to please, I want more(如果我是挑逗者, 而你是被愉悦的对象, 那我要更多)

创新药,是不是翻译brand-name drug

breakthrough drug;

like a drug歌词中文翻译

"就像一个毒药" 男孩,耶,你得到它,得到它了.让我感觉到我的身体很狂热.我,我无法自拔.你明白我不能停住,让我摇滚摇滚吧~让我觉得我可以觉得它是真实的您使我迷惑了, 使我在地板上我想要更多,如果我是花心的人而你是唯一愿意接受的。舞蹈就像我一样是唯一的,就像我是唯一的女人,就像你要我。老娘的权利,我在你身上装了我的雷达那么让我们做爱,我要。我要!我一直都不会去旅行,因为身体娇弱无力。你真的打击了我的心。当我们摇滚,当我们摇滚。我真的不想做和你做任何东西。因为那东西你让我做起来,就像一个毒药。就像一个毒药,就像一个毒药。就像一个毒药,就像一个毒药。就像一个毒药,就像一个毒药。"Like A Drug" by Kylie Minogue Boy, ya, You got it got it You got Me feelin" crazy "bout my body I, I cannot cannot stop it You got Me movin", got Me rockin" rockin" Make Me feel like I can make it real You got Me hooked, gettin" Me on the floor If I"m a tease and You"re the one to please, I want more Make Me feel like I can make it real You got Me hooked, gettin" Me on the floor If I"m a tease and You"re the one to please, I want more Dance like I"m the only, only Like I"m the only lady, like You want Me Damn right, I have My radar on You So let"s get physical, I want to, want to Make Me feel like I can make it real You got Me hooked, gettin" Me on the floor If I"m a tease and You"re the one to please, I want more I never had a ride, as delicate and fine You really blow My mind When we rock, when we rock I really wanna do, everything with you The things you make Me do, like a drug Like a drug, like a drug Like a drug, like a drug Like a drug, like a drug Make Me feel like I can make it real You got Me hooked, gettin" Me on the floor If I"m a tease and You"re the one to please, I want more Make Me feel like I can make it real You got Me hooked, gettin" Me on the floor If I"m a tease and You"re the one to please, I want more I never had a ride, as delicate and fine You really blow my mind I really wanna do, everything with you The things you make me do, Like a drug, like a drug Like a drug, like a drug Like a drug, like a drug Like a drug, like a drug

like a drug歌词中文翻译


leighton meester的 your love s a drug歌词~

I like itI want itThe way you make my body moveI think Im addictedIm high off everything you doIm going to call you babyDonu2019t you worry about a thingcause youu2019re all I needIll become a slave to my habitFeigning for your loveGotta happen nowYouu2019re all I needYour loves drugCanu2019t get enoughyour loves a drugAnd I canu2019t sleepCanu2019t get enoughyour loves a drugyour loves a drugyour loves a drugI hate it that feelingrushing through my veins againwhenever you leavingI feel withdrawal kicking inIm going to tell you how I feelHow I couldnt breathe When youre not with meIll become a slave to my habitFeigning for your loveGotta happen nowYoure all I needYour loves drugCant get enoughyour loves a drugAnd I cant sleepCant get enoughyour loves a drug,your loves a drug,your loves a drugCos I miss you when youre goneSo right what feels so wrongThat I need to have you all the timeYoure all I needYour loves drugCant get enoughyour loves a drugAnd I cant sleepCanu2032t get enough your loves a drug,your loves a drugYouu2019re all I needYour loves drugCanu2019t get enoughyour loves a drugAnd I canu2019t sleepCanu2019t get enoughyour loves a drug,your loves a drug,your loves a drug
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