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The dream he had had for so many years ended there. 这里ended 前面为什么不加be呢

end 是动词,主语是The dream,表主动,不是被动

The dream he had had for so many years ended there. 这里ended 前面为什么不加be呢

end 是动词,主语是The dream,表主动,不是被动

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不是很明白,连接页面 用http://www.youqibing.com/guestbook/">连接名字</A>连接JS文件用

following a dream是什么意思

following a dream——追逐(随)梦想由dream catcher或者dreamer采取的为了理想或者幻想而前进的行动。following——跟随。例如,《The Following》(电影名翻译为:致命追踪) a dream——一个梦想。例如,I have a dream(马丁路德金:我有一个梦想)

谁能帮我写一篇my dream,关于律师的

My dream My dream is to become a lawyer. I think this is one you can make money in a good job, I can become rich. When I was rich I do many things, for example, I will buy my parents a big house with a garden, I will and my parents traveled around the world. In particular, I want to do something to help people in difficulty, and donate some money to charitable organizations. In addition, lawyers are a rich sense of justice career! To do a professional lawyer, it means that the rule of law in a long journey with the days of fighting, and ground fighting, with people fighting, fighting with the French, and were fighting, and fighting benefits. Specific:1, lawyers have a noble quality.2, lawyers have a profound knowledge.3, lawyers have a firm faith.4, lawyers have a positive frame of mind.5, lawyers have a wide range of contacts.6, lawyers have a strong physique.7, counsel must be diligent communication, good observation.8, lawyers should learn to dress and learn to dress up.9, a lawyer with a smile.These are my dream! I know want a lawyer, must have certain conditions: first, should be at least bachelor"s degree, participate in the national judicial exam, passed, received the certificate, and take regular practice law firm, after the enactment of a lawyer! So, I will try to work (learning) to achieve my dream.汉意:我的梦想是成为一名律师。我认为这是一个可以挣到钱的好工作,我可以变得富有。当我富有了我要做许多事情,例如,我将为我的父母买一个带花园的大房子,我将和我的父母一起周游全世界。我特别想做的一件事是帮助有困难的人们并且捐一些钱到慈善机构。除此之外,律师是个富有正义感的职业!做一名职业律师,就意味着要在漫长的法治征途中与天斗、与地斗、与人斗,与法斗、与名斗、与利斗。具体:1、律师要有高尚的品质。2、律师要有渊博的知识。3、律师要有坚定的信念。4、律师要有积极的心态。5、律师要有广泛的人脉。6、律师要有强健的体魄。7、律师要勤于沟通、善于观察。8、律师要学会穿衣、学会打扮。9、律师要面带微笑。这些就是我的梦想!我知道要想做律师,必须具备一定的条件:首先应该是至少本科学历,参加全国的司法考试,通过后,拿到证书,并且取正规的律师事务所实习,通过后才是律师!所以我会努力工作(学习)来实现我的梦想。

请问现在流行的Barefoot Dreams软绵绵卫衣使用的面料叫什么名字?成分78% POLYESTER 22% RAYON FROM BAMBO


have i achieved my dreams。

achieve的含义: to be successful in a particular kind of job or activity to successfully complete something or get a good result,especially by working hard 通常用于work job goal 之类的 而Dream come true, 1,此为固定搭配 2 be a dream come true if something is a dream come true,it happens after you have wanted it to happen for a long time 长时间的努力,才可梦想成真,so,you keep trying,表示了时间


dream be live achieve梦想能实现achieve英 [əˈtʃi:v] 美 [əˈtʃiv] vt.实现; 取得; 获得; 成功vi.达到预期的目的,实现预期的结果,如愿以偿网络到达; 完成; 成就第三人称单数: achieves 现在分词: achieving 过去式: achieved 过去分词: achieved

There is always a dream___________in his mind that he will fly into space。为什么空格填existing



歌曲名:The Dreamers 歌手:Chris Camozzi 专辑:Windows Of My Soul In This Moment - The Dream Lavender clouds Nothing matters here Flying above The ultraviolet sphere And I will not look down I am falling down the rabbit hole Come 。

Dreamweaver 中设置的Spry折叠式菜单如何不让它在加载页面的时候就打开来呢?谢谢

首先,选中在下面的标签选择器中选择<body>。然后,在行为里面做“显示—隐藏元素”选中spry标签(在未重命名的情况下为div "Accordion1")点击隐藏。之后你会发右侧的标签<body>属性出现了刚刚设置的效果。最后将行为改为“onload”(一般默认就是onload)。


<div class="AccordionPanelTab" onmouseover="Accordion1.openPanel(this.parentNode);">添加 onmouseover="Accordion1.openPanel(this.parentNode);"这部分代码就可以了。注意js代码里 Accordion1 和上面的对应。<script type="text/javascript">var Accordion1 = new Spry.Widget.Accordion("Accordion1");</script>


可以但必须是accomplish one"s dream/ accomplish the dream 之类的 不能直接跟 三单前面需要跟冠词

teenage dream 歌词

《Teenage Dream》填    词:凯蒂·佩里,邦妮·麦琪谱    曲:本杰明·莱文,马克斯·马丁,Dr. Luke歌曲原唱:凯蒂·佩里You think I"m pretty without any make up on你认为我即使不化妆也很漂亮You think I"m funny when I tell the punchline wrong你认为我讲冷笑话时很好笑I know you get me我知道你打动了我So I let my walls come down, down所以我卸下了心防,卸下..Before you met me在你遇到我之前I was a wreck but things were kinda heavy我日子过得还算不错,只是有点乏味You brought me to life你让我恢复了生气Now every February现如今每逢二月You"ll be my Valentine,Valentine你就是我的情人节,情人节Let"s go all the way tonight今晚就让我们走遍任何地方No regrets, just love没有遗憾,就只有爱We can dance, until we die我们可以跳舞,跳到不行为止You and I, will be young forever你和我,都将永远年轻You make me feel like I"m livin" ateenage dream你让我感觉自己像是活在春梦之中I can"t sleep我无法入眠Let"s run away and让我们私奔吧,而且Don"t ever look back别再回首过往Don"t ever look back别再回首过往My heart stops when you look at me你看着我的时候,我的心都停止跳动了So take a chance and所以冒个险吧,而且Don"t ever look back别再回首过往Don"t ever look back别再回首过往We drove to Cali我们开车去卡利And got drunk on the beach在海滩上喝个烂醉Got a motel and找到了汽车旅馆Built a fort out of sheets用被单筑了一个城池I finally found you my missing puzzle piece我终于找到了你,我遗失的一块拼图I"m complete我完整无缺了We can dance, until we die我们可以跳舞,跳到不行为止You and I, will be young forever你和我,都将永远年轻You make me feel like I"m livin" ateenage dream你让我感觉自己就像是活在春梦之中I can"t sleep我无法入眠Let"s run away and让我们私奔吧,而且Don"t ever look back别再回首过往Don"t ever look back别再回首过往My heart stops when you look at me当你正看我的时候,我的心跳便停止Now baby I believe this is real现在,宝贝,我相信这是真的So take a chance and所以冒个险吧,而且Don"t ever look back别再回首过往Don"t ever look back别再回首过往I"mma get your heart racing in my skin tight jeans在我的牛仔裤里,藏着让你心跳加速的秘密Be your teenage dream tonight今晚便是你的春梦Let you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans让你的手在我的紧身牛仔裤上游走Be your teenage dream tonight今晚便是你的春梦Yoooouuu你~!You make me feel like I"m livin" ateenage dream你让我感觉自己就像是活在春梦之中I can"t sleep我无法入眠Let"s run away and让我们私奔吧,而且Don"t ever look back别再回首过往Don"t ever look back别再回首过往No不~!My heart stops when you look at me Just one touch当你正看我的时候,我的心跳便停止Now baby I believe this is real现在,宝贝,我相信这是真的So take a chance and所以冒个险吧,而且Don"t ever look back别再回首过往Don"t ever look back别再回首过往I"mma get your heart racing in my skin tight jeans在我的牛仔裤里,藏着让你心跳加速的秘密Be yourteenage dreamtonight今晚便是你的春梦Let you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans让你的手在我的紧身牛仔裤上游走Be yourteenage dreamtonight今晚便是你的春梦(Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight)(今晚,今晚,今晚,今晚,今晚,今晚)扩展资料《Teenage Dream》美国流行女歌手凯蒂·佩里演唱的一首流行歌曲,歌词、曲谱由凯蒂·佩里、邦妮·麦琪编写,本杰明·莱文、马克斯·马丁和Dr. Luke负责音乐出版 。该歌曲收录在凯蒂·佩里于2010年8月24日发行的第二张专辑《Teenage Dream》,并作为推广专辑的第二张单曲,于2010年7月23日通过国会唱片公司发布。《Teenage Dream》是凯蒂·佩里第三支登上美国公告牌百强单曲榜冠军的歌曲 ,于2010年9月18日拿下该榜第一名并连续夺得两周冠军。而在其他地区,该歌曲则拿下爱尔兰、新西兰、苏格兰、斯洛伐克这四个国家的音乐排行榜冠军。歌曲于2011年、2012年分别获得由美国版权协会流行奖授予的“最佳录唱歌曲”奖。《Teenage Dream》于2010年被《滚石》杂志评为“50大最佳歌曲”之一,位列第4名 。《Teenage Dream》是凯蒂·佩里标准的“花漾年华”式的经典单曲,如果说《Teenage Dream》和凯蒂·佩里上一张专辑中的整体乐风有什么改变或不同的话,那就是制作人在流行摇滚的框架中,更多的融入了Dance-Rock化的节奏和电气化的音色。在内容上,《Teenage Dream》和《California Gurls》一样把地点定在了美国的加洲。只不过,《Teenage Dream》的主题却是与《California Gurls》所不同的更“个人化”和“年龄化”,令人在音乐中无所顾忌、尽情享乐 。《Teenage Dream》的MV拍摄于2010年7月,地点选在凯蒂·佩里的家乡——美国加利福尼亚的圣芭芭拉,MV导演由雅安·莱莫恩担任,制作完成的完整版MV于2010年8月10日在MTV网首播。MV描绘了女主人公(由凯蒂·佩里扮演)与男朋友(由乔什·克劳斯扮演)开车前往圣巴巴拉,与朋友们在海边狂欢、开派对、与男朋友亲热的画面。同时,MV也穿插了凯蒂·佩里所扮演的女主人公,在拳击馆里偶遇男主角在打沙包的场景,两人亦是从这时候起便开始相恋。参考资料来源:百度百科-Teenage dream (凯蒂·佩里个人单曲)

阿甘正传中唱Califorlia Dreaming这首歌的乐队具体资料?

乐队名称:PAPA&MAMA 成立时间:1964 美国 解散时间:1968 风格划分:流行/摇滚、民谣 大家对其最熟悉的California Dreaming,电影《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)中,阿甘在越南的雨中给Jenny写信时,响起的背景音乐就是这首加州梦想。在王家卫导演的电影《重庆森林》中王菲也摇头晃脑地哼唱着这美妙的旋律。   这首歌来自The Mamas & the Papas。可能不是有很多人听说过这个组合,不过看过《重庆森林》或者是《阿甘正传》的话就应该记得《California Dreamin"》这首歌曲。这个声音就是来自于The Mamas & the Papas。通俗的曲式,唯美的人声,这是the Mamas & the Papas乐队给你的一个率意的黎明,在那片走不出的重庆森林里,有一个姑娘也曾经和我们一起为梦中的加洲手舞足蹈。“All the leaves are brown, and the sky in gray。I"ve been for a walk, on a winter"s day。”灰冷暗淡的冬日风露中,一曲畅快的"California Dreamin" ,将我们带到温暖和煦的阳光海岸。   二十世纪六十年代中期,The Mamas & the Papas在正出现的反文化潮流和广阔的流行市场间搭起了一座桥梁。在他们热情奔放、和谐美妙的音乐中,以民谣摇滚为基音,伴随着他们独特的形象和生活方式,因而非常易于被推广接受。1964年,乐队在加州成立。当时的成员为John Phillips和妻子Michelle、Cass Elliott、Denny Doherty。1965年,乐队受雇于Dunhill唱片公司,负责给公司旗下艺人伴唱。有感於该乐队的努力工作和John Phillips超凡的作曲天赋——“California Dreamin‘”(加州之梦),公司和他们签了约。乐队在1966年推出了单曲“California Dreaming”,在排行榜排名第4,共售出了100万张。同年,“Monday, Monday”、“I Saw Her Again”都先后进入排行榜前5名。   尽管音乐在当时的西海岸反文化潮流的冲击下变得十分抽象,但The Mamas & the Papas却将大众流行化和严肃音乐的内涵在他们的作品中巧妙地结合起来。1967年,乐队因在“Monday, Monday”中的出色演绎获得了当年葛莱美最佳创作、年度最佳流行乐队两个奖项,6月,乐队参加了西海岸举办的蒙特利流行音乐节。

I Can Dream 歌词

歌曲名:I Can Dream歌手:Ned Doheny专辑:Ned DohenySkunk Anansie - I Can DreamI"ll be your sailor girlI"ll tip my cap to your paradeLife won"t be dreary noI"ll be the waves inside your bedPain is your beautyIt hurts the vision in your eyesYour eyes are smiling nowThey watch me cry, they watch me die, watch me dieI can dream, I can dreamI can dream that I"m someone elseI can love, I can loveI can love - whoa - love someone elseMy saviour, my darlingYour eyes seep through meYou think you hate the way I minceI"m screwing yours dreams nowSo cynical at your expenseOh what a sacraficeAll of my dreams will melt awaySo who"s so special nowNo one"s more special, more than me, more than meMy saviour, my saviour, my darling, my darlingMy darling, my saviourhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8439628

If you want to ______ your goals and dreams, you have to be willing to pay the price. A.acco..

A 试题分析:A. accomplish完成,实现,B. attach附上,C. acquire获得,D. attempt试图,句意:如果你想实现目标和梦想,你得愿意付出代价。所以选A。

Dreams of an Absolution这首歌的中文歌词 谢谢了

(每一晚 我彻夜难眠 )(行驶在没有结局的旅程)(正因为每一晚 一切毫无改变)(而我渴望一个赎罪的机会)In the nightlight, do you seewhat you dream?在幽幽夜光中,你是否看见了自己的梦境?All your troubles, are they all what theyseem?所有你遭遇的纷争,真是它们原有的面貌吗?Look around you, then you may realize看一下你的四周,然后你便会发现All the preachers, all with their lies.身边的道士全都坚持着他们的谎言And I might know of our future而我也许知道我们的未来But then you still control the past但你仍试著想支配过去Only you know if you"ll be together只有你明白你们是否能再次会面Only you know if we shall last只有你知道我们的过去————————————————————In the night light, do you still feel your pain?幽幽夜光中,你依旧感触的到你深深的苦痛吗?For the valor you waited, it never came.你为了真实的勇气而等待,但它从未来到你身旁If you were able, would you go change thepast,要是你有足够的能力,会想改变过去的种种吗?To mend a faux pas with one last chance!用这最後一次机会,去纠正一个错误!And I might know of our future而我也许明瞭我们的未来But then you still control the past但你仍试著支配过去的种种Only you know if you"ll be together tonight只有你明白你们今晚是否能再次会面Cause every night I will saveyour life正因为在未来的每一夜,我会挽回你的性命And every night I will be with you所以在未来的每一夜,我将与你同在Cause every night I still lay awake而就在未来,我无法入眠的每一夜里And I dream of an absolution我仍渴望一个赎罪的机会Cause every night I will make it right正因为在未来的每一夜,我将做出正确的抉择And every night I will come to you所以在未来的每一夜,我会回到你的身边But every night it just stays the same而就在未来,在我赎罪梦境的每一夜里In Dream of an absolution一切也只是伫留於原点而已————————————————————In the nightlight, do you see what you dream?幽幽夜光中,你是否看见了自己的梦境?All your triumph, and all you"ll ever be所有你赢得的胜利,真是你永远的荣耀吗?Look around you, then you may realize环顾一下你的四周,或许便会发现Happiness lies trapped in misery幸福落入了深深的痛苦之中And who knows what of our future而谁又知道我们未来的遭遇We can all try to change the past我们可以尝试转变我们的过去Only you know if you"ll be together tonight只有你明白你们今晚是否能再次会面Cause every night I will saveyour life正因为在未来的每一夜,我会挽回你的性命And every night I will be with you所以在未来的每一夜,我将与你同在Cause every night I still layawake而就在未来,我无法入眠的每一夜里And I dream of an absolution我仍渴望一个赎罪的机会Cause every night I will makeit right正因为在未来的每一夜,我将做出正确的抉择And every night I will come to you所以在未来的每一夜,我会回到你的身边But every night it just stays the same而就在未来,在我赎罪梦境的每一夜里In my dream of an absolution一切也只是伫留於原点而已====== (Instrumental) ======Cause every night I will saveyour life正因为在未来的每一夜,我会挽回你的性命And every night I will be with you所以在未来的每一夜,我将与你同在Cause every night I still layawake而就在未来,我无法入眠的每一夜And I dream of an absolution我仍渴望一个赎罪的机会Cause every night I will makeit right正因为在未来的每一夜,我将做出正确的抉择And every night I will come to you所以在未来的每一夜,我会回到你的身边But every night it just stays the same而就在未来,在我赎罪梦境的每一夜里In my dream of an absolution一切也只是伫留於原点而已And you"ll see (and you"ll see)你将目睹(而你将目睹)What you"ll be (what you"ll be)真正的自己(真正的你)And you"ll see (and you"ll see)你将目睹(你将目睹)All you can be (all you canbe)无穷的自己(无穷的你)Cause every night (every night)正因为每一夜(每一夜)And every night (and every night)与每一夜(与每一夜)And every night (and every night)与每一夜(与每一夜)I will dream (I will dream)我会持续梦下去(梦下去)And you"ll see (and you"ll see)你将目睹(你将目睹)(yeah) That this is my dream (all you can be)Yeah,这就是我的梦(无穷的你)And you"ll see你将目睹Every night (all you can) (oh)每一夜(无穷的你)I will always dream (yeah)我会一直梦下去Cause every night (every night)正因为每一夜(每一夜)And every night (and every night)与每一夜(与每一夜)And every night (and every night)与每一夜(与每一夜)I will dream (I will dream)我会继续梦下去(梦下去)

跪求 Pure bathing culture 的 Dream the dare 歌词!

Tell me golden ocean love为我讲述金色的海洋之爱吧Hopeless but adored多么绝望而令人向往Sea-slick symboled wants for more光滑平整的大海一望无际He draws the Raven"s card他抽取着乌鸦塔罗牌Give me forward motion love给我前方遥不可及的爱Seas of white unfold白色海面渐渐铺展开来Sky"s black servant divinate天空的黑暗使者留下预言Show us what you hold向我们展示你拥有的一切Window watcher I want ya come on窗台上的守望者啊 来吧Oh love are you mine亲爱的 你会属于我吗Those feathered lashes you"re hiding behind你把缀满羽毛的鞭梢藏在身后Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you find?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Don"t you know I think about it all of the time?你可知道这些问题一直盘绕在我心间Diamond islands in your eyes你眼眸里的钻石岛屿Blackest in the sun太阳最漆黑的一面Ancient watcher divinate古老的守望者留下预言You"re the only one告诉我你就是唯一Window watcher i want ya come on窗台上的守望者啊 来吧Oh love are you mine亲爱的 你会属于我吗Those feathered lashes you"re hiding behind你把缀满羽毛的鞭梢藏在身后Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you find?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Don"t you know I think about it all of the time?你可知道这些问题一直盘绕在我心间Window watcher I want ya come on窗台上的守望者啊 来吧Oh love are you kind爱人啊 你是否和善Those withered words that ring in your mind这些苍白的话语浮现在你脑海中Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you find?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Window watcher I want ya窗台上的守望者啊 我需要你To feel water来带我感受水的柔情To feel fire火的热烈To feel water水的柔情Window watcher I want ya come on窗台上的守望者啊 来吧Oh love are you mine亲爱的 你会属于我吗Those feathered lashes you"re hiding behind你把缀满羽毛的鞭梢藏在身后Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you find?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Window watcher I want ya, come down and be mine窗台上的守望者啊我需要你 来吧来跟我在一起Little watcher come closer I need ya守望者啊过来吧 我需要你Oh love are you kind爱人啊 你是否和善Those withered words that ring in your mind这些苍白的话语浮现在你脑海中Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you see?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Is it all what you want it, want it to be这就是你想要的一切吗Come down storm crow, from your window暴风雨中的乌鸦 从窗台上下来吧Come down storm crow, find your way home下来吧 去找寻你回家的路

to have a bridge is their dream同义句

their dream is to have a bridge

my dream is to have a bridge中为什么要用to do


his dream is to have a bridge为什么要用不定式?


It is their dream to have a bridge 为什么要用to


It is their dream to have a bridge 为什么要用to?

不定式to have a bridge作主语。所以有符号to.

it is their dream to have a bridge

这是it做形式主语,is是系动词,their dream做表语,后面的 to have a bridge是动词不定式做真正的主语的句型. 强调句的构成形式应该是it is/was + 被强调部分 +that/who +其他成分

busy sdreet dream哪个单词错误?



CSS就是一种叫做样式表(stylesheet)的技术。也有的人称之为层叠样式表(Cascading Stylesheet)。 在主页制作时采用CSS技术,可以有效地对页面的布局、字体、颜色、背景和其它效果实现更加精确的控制。只要对相应的代码做一些简单的修改,就可以改变同一页面的不同部分,或者页数不同的网页的外观和格式。 它的作用可以达到:(1)在几乎所有的浏览器上都可以使用。(2)以前一些非得通过图片转换实现的功能,现在只要用CSS就可以轻松实现,从而更快地下载页面。(3)使页面的字体变得更漂亮,更容易编排,使页面真正赏心悦目。(4)你可以轻松地控制页面的布局 。(5)你可以将许多网页的风格格式同时更新,不用再一页一页地更新了。你可以将站点上所有的网页风格都使用一个CSS文件进行控制,只要修改这个CSS文件中相应的行,那么整个站点的所有页面都会随之发生变动。

dreamweaver 怎样添加样式文件?

1.在css文件夹里新建test.css文件,插入如下代码:@charset "utf-8";body{ font:20px 黑体;}2.新建test.html文件,在<head></head>里插入<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/test.css" />该语句,注意html文件要和css文件夹放在同一路径下。

求No More Dream中韩歌词对照,最好是音乐播放器那样竖着一句一句的

Butterfly - G-Dragon & Jin JungIt About you a Butter fly这些都是关于你 一只蝴蝶Every time I come close to you每次我走近你(Every time I want that know you)每次我感受着你Fell like I gonna Dream every time每次都感觉我像在做梦(I get butterfly)我有了一只蝴蝶무심코 하늘을 봐 LikeMusimko haneureul bwa like无意望向天空 喜欢네 웃는 모습을 닮아Ne utneun moseubeul darma似是你微笑的模样유난히 눈부신걸 BabyYunanhi nunbusingeol baby格外刺眼 宝贝내 하루속 너랑만Nae harusok neorangman我一整天中로맨틱 한 dramaRomantic han drama只与你浪漫的 电视剧날 울고 웃게 하죠 no no noNal ulgo utge hajyo no no no让我哭泣让我傻笑 不 不 不잠들지 못하는데 네 이름을 불러보는데Jamdeulji motaneunde Ne ireumeul bulleoboneunde毫无睡意 试着喊出你的名字난 수줍은듯 고개를 돌리고Nan sujubeundeut gogaereul dolligo我害羞得转过头(no matter what)이렇게 좋아하는데Ireoke johahaneunde是这样得喜欢着你좀처럼 걸음을 뗄수가 없어Jomcheoreom georeummal ttelsuga eobseo像米虫一样一步都离不开你(You don"t know how much I love you)Every time I come close to you每次我走近你(Every time I want that know you)每次我感受着你Fell like I gonna Dream every time每次都感觉我像在做梦(I get butterfly)我有了一只蝴蝶beautiful girl 무심코 땅을 봐 likeBeautiful girl Musimko ttangeul bwa like美丽的女孩 无意看向地面 喜欢너의 이름 세글자 너무나 설레는걸 BabyNeoui ireum segeulja Neomuna seolleneungeol baby你名字那三个字让我如此澎湃 宝贝네 작은 상처 하나 내가 아물게 해줄게Ne jageun sangcheo hana Naega amulge haejulge你那小伤口让我来帮你愈合나의 사랑 그대Naui sarang geudae我的爱人Yo 넌 마치 나비처럼Yo neon machi nabicheoreom哟 你就如那蝴蝶꽃을 찾아 날아다니는 저 아이처럼Kkocheul chaja naradanineun jeo aicheoreom如追逐花朵的那孩子순수한 눈망울을 머금고Sunsuhan nunmangureul meogeumgo纯洁的眼球(no matter what하늘하늘 거리는 몸짓Haneulhaneul georineun momjit摆动摆动的身体아른아른한 니 눈빛Areunareunhan ni nunbit闪烁闪烁的你眼神나 어떻게 됐나봐Na eotteoke dwaennabwa我该怎么办(You are the only one girl, one love, one life, yeah)Every time I come close to you每次我走近你(Every time I want that know you)每次我感受着你Fell like I gonna Dream every time每次都感觉我像在做梦(I get butterfly)我有了一只蝴蝶내가 약속할게 약속한게Naega yaksokhalge yaksokhange 我向你承诺保证的어긋나더라 속타게Eogeutnadeora soktage可惜却事与愿违just to now the game 다 똑같애just to now the game Da ttokgatae只是现在 游戏 都一样뭐 이렇게 복잡해Mwo ireoke bokjaphae有什么复杂的넌 남자를 못믿는데 사랑도 영원할 수 있는데Neon namjareul motmitneunde Sarangdo yeongwonhal su inneunde你不信任男人 爱情也是可以永恒밀고 당기는건 왜 하는데 좀 더 솔직 하게 굴 순 없는데Milgo danggineungeon waehaneunde Jom deo soljik hage gul sun eomneunde为什么要欲擒故纵 更诚实一点 我酷不起来내 눈을 봐Nae nuneul bwa看着我的眼睛You See my eyes看着我的眼睛You See my lips看着我的嘴唇Listen to my heart听着我的心声들린다면 내 말에 답해줘Deullindamyeon daphaejwo听到请回答我내 볼에 키스해줘 내 추억아 Yes my heartNae bore kiss hae Nae chu yes my heart 请亲吻我的脸颊 亲吻和心跳 那是你的心Ye that be all I say耶 那就是我说的一切너와 내 설레임만 가득하다면은Neowa nae seolleimman gadeuk hadamyeoneun你我充满爱情的心跳우린 never ever not breakerUrin never ever a breaker我们 永远永远不分开trust me I make love to you相信我对你的爱Every time I come close to you每次我走近你(Every time I want that know you)每次我感受着你Fell like I gonna Dream every time每次都感觉我像在做梦(I get butterfly)我有了一只蝴蝶Ye yo special to me耶 你对我很特别your turn la la la la la la la Ye Butterfly轮到你了 啦 啦 啦 啦 啦 啦 啦 耶 蝴蝶

列提示及要求,以“ my dream job”为题素材积累短文,谈一谈你的理想职业,如何

When i was young i"ve always dreamed to be a great teacher. i"ve always wanted to teach because passing on my knowledge to others and allowing the students the access to liberal and free thoughts gives me happiness. so my dream job would be a teacher where i could help children with school work while guiding them to take their gradual steps into the society, and teach and inspire them. i would shield them from the sophisticated and judgemental society and tell them that they are the best, and to let their talent take them somewhere far in their life. this is my dream and i hope it would come true.

求the dream Falsetto歌词

oh ohh ohhh oh ohh ohhh spotted out talkin right here puttin it down lk a mo****in mack sellin candy all up in my ear she wanna be down lk the ds on the llac slow dancin in the club the diamonds look lk rainbows shes grinding on my dick she lookin for ? we hop up in that amg and d we in the westin she put the moves on me I couldve sworn shawtys a wrestler talkin all that shit soon as I hit now I got her talkin lk this in a falsetto she lk ohh ohh baby ah ah ah ohhh in a falsetto she lk ohh ohh baby ah ah ah ah in a falsetto she lk ohh ohh baby ah ah ah ohhh in a falsetto she lk ohh ohh baby ah ah ah ah in a falsetto shes tellin all her homies im the real.....deal everytime she leave the crib shawty be comin right back she talkin dirty all up in my ear and im feelin put this dog right on the kitty cat I wasnt gon show u up but damn u got tht looka in you callin last night ? actin lk she didnt remember I hopped up out ? imma put ur ass to be tell me which way would u lk it talkin all that shit as soon as I hit now I got her talkin lk this oh oh oh oh ohh in a falsetto she lk ohh ohh baby ah ah ah ohhh in a falsetto she lk ohh ohh baby ah ah ah ah in a falsetto she lk ohh ohh baby ah ah ah ohhh in a falsetto she lk ohh ohh baby ah ah ah ah now play tht shit oh! oh! oh! oh! oh! oh! oh! oha! oha! oooahhhhhhhh! aahhhhhhh! in a falsetto she lk ohh ohh baby ah ah ah ohhh in a falsetto she lk ohh ohh baby ah ah ah ah in a falsetto she said it feels lk her very first time she said it feels lk her very first time in a falsetto grind it grind it grind it baby grind it grind it make me crazy grind it grind it do it do it oh! oh! oh! oh! grind it grind it grind it baby grind it grind it grind it hunnie grind it grind it now say oh! oh! ohhh! ohhaa! ahhhh! its all over now u can come back down we can talk in this key right here but ne time u want me to take u up baby heres ur bonus elevator promise there aint nothin greater take a shower (eyy) lets take a shower (eyy) (eyy) lets take a shower (eyy) lets take a shower (eyy) (eyy) ill meet chu right back here in a half an hour (eyy) (eyy) (eyy) ella ella ella ella
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