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谁帮忙翻译下Coldplay的《viva la vida》 谢谢

Viva La Vida 是西班牙语,是Live the Life 的意思, 来自一位墨西哥艺术家Frida Kahlo给自己的一幅画的命名。我也超COLDPLAY和这首歌,听了很多遍,下面是我的翻译: I used to rule the world 我曾经统治这个世界 Seas would rise when I gave the word 海水涨潮当我发出号令 Now in the morning I sweep alone 现在清晨我独自清扫 Sweep the streets I used to own 清扫我曾经拥有的街道 I used to roll the dice 我曾经投掷骰子 Feel the fear in my enemy"s eyes 感觉到敌人眼中的恐惧 Listen as the crowd would sing: 也曾听到谣言中唱: "Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!" "现在老国王死了,国王万岁!" One minute I held the key 前一分钟我还持有钥匙 Next the walls were closed on me 下一分钟城墙就在我面前紧闭 And I discovered that my castles stand 我发现我那耸立的城堡 Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand 之上是用盐和沙砌成的柱子 I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing 我听到耶路撒冷的钟声响起 Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 罗马骑兵唱诗班传来歌声 Be my mirror my sword and shield 让它成为我的镜子,我的盾与剑 My missionaries in a foreign field 我的传教士门仍在异国的战场 For some reason I can"t explain 出于某种原因我无法解释 Once you go there was never, never an honest word 一但你走了,那里永远不会有一句诚实的话语 That was when I ruled the world 那就是我统治这个世界的时刻 It was the wicked and wild wind 这是一个邪恶且野性的狂风 Blew down the doors to let me in. 刮倒了大门让我进入 Shattered windows and the sound of drums 粉碎的窗户与击鼓的声音 People couldn"t believe what I"d become 人们不能相信我将成为什么 Revolutionaries wait 革命的等待 For my head on a silver plate 为了将我的头颅盛在银色的盘子上 Just a puppet on a lonely string 只是在寂寞绳索上的一个木偶 Oh who would ever want to be king? 啊谁真的愿意成为国王 I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing 我听到耶路撒冷的钟声响起 Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 罗马骑兵唱诗班传来歌声 Be my mirror my sword and shield 让它成为我的镜子,我的盾与剑 My missionaries in a foreign field 我的传教士门仍在异国的战场 For some reason I can"t explain 出于某种原因我无法解释 I know Saint Peter will call my name 我知道圣人比德将会呼唤我的名字 Never an honest word 永远没有诚实的话语 But that was when I ruled the world 但那就是当我通知这个世界的时刻 ooooo ooooo ooooo oooooo ooooo (repeat with chorus) I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing 我听到耶路撒冷的钟声响起 Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 罗马骑兵唱诗班传来歌声 Be my mirror my sword and shield 让它成为我的镜子,我的盾与剑 My missionaries in a foreign field 我的传教士门仍在异国的战场 For some reason I can"t explain 出于某种原因我无法解释 I know Saint Peter will call my name 我知道圣人比德将会呼唤我的名字 Never an honest word 永远没有诚实的话语 But that was when I ruled the world 但那就是当我通知这个世界的时刻 Oooooh Oooooh Oooooh


英文I used to rule the worldSeas would rise when I gave the wordNow in the morning I sleep aloneSweep the streets I used to ownI used to roll the diceFeel the fear in my enemy"s eyesListen as the crowd would sing:"Now the old king is deadLong live the king "One minute I held the keyNext the walls were closed on meAnd I discovered that my castles standUpon pillars of salt" pillars of sandI hear Jerusalem bells a ringingRoman Cavalry choirs are singingBe my mirror my sword and shieldMy missionaries in a foreign fieldFor some reason I can"t explainOnce you know there was never"Never an honest wordThat was when I ruled the worldIt was the wicked and wild windBlew down the doors to let me inShattered windows and the sound of drumsPeople couldn"t believe what I"d becomeRevolutionaries waitFor my head on a silver plateJust a puppet on a lonely stringOh who would ever wanna be kingI hear Jerusalem bells a ringingRoman Cavalry choirs are singingBe my mirror my sword and shieldMy missionaries in a foreign fieldFor some reason I can"t explainI know Saint Peter won"t call my nameNever an honest wordBut that was when I ruled the world(Ohhhhh Ohhh Ohhh)Hear Jerusalem bells a ringingRoman Cavalry choirs are singingBe my mirror my sword and shieldMy missionaries in a foreign fieldFor some reason I can"t explainI know Saint Peter won"t call my nameNever an honest wordBut that was when I ruled the world中文我曾是这世界的王海浪升起,只因我的旨意如今,我在清晨独自入眠清扫那曾属于我的康庄大道我曾掷骰裁决那人世的生生死死洞察死敌眼神里隐藏的恐惧听那人群高呼:“先王已逝,吾王万岁!”曾几何时,我权柄在握转瞬却身陷囹圄最终发现我那盖世的宏图伟业只是一座虚无缥缈的空中楼阁我听见耶路撒冷传来洪亮的钟声罗马骑兵的唱诗班正在吟诵作为我的明镜, 我的剑和盾我的布道者们远涉异邦他们的使命我无法言明自从你离开之后,就从未有过从未有过一丝真言那就是我统治这世界的年月是那邪恶而狂野的风掀翻那阻挡我进去的重重的门窗棂破碎,鼓声喧天我的下场无人能料革命者在等待银盘里乘着我的头颅我只是那命悬一线的傀儡唉,早知如此,何必为王?我听见耶路撒冷传来洪亮的钟声罗马骑兵的唱诗班正在吟诵作为我的明镜, 我的剑和盾我的布道者们远涉异邦他们的使命我无法言明我深知圣彼得不会再认我从未有过一丝真言但那正是我统治这世界的年月

couldplay 酷玩乐队《生命万岁》的中文歌词



Viva La Vida 生命万岁 I used to rule the world Seas would rise when I gave the word Now in the morning I sleep alone Sweep the streets I used to own 我曾经统治世界 我一开口,大海就为我升起 现在,在今天上午,我独自睡眠 打扫街道,我自己 I used to roll the dice Feel the fear in my enemy"s eyes Listen as the crowd would sing: “Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!” 我从前滚动骰子 在我的敌人的眼睛中十分恐惧 听到的人群会唱: “现在老国王死了!万岁国王” ! One minute I held the key Next the walls were closed on me And I discovered that my castles stand Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand 一分钟我曾掌管关键 下一秒墙壁对我封闭 我发现我的城堡矗立在 沙子和盐粒的支柱上 I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can"t explain Once you go there was never, never an honest word That was when I ruled the world (Ohhh) 我听到耶路撒冷的钟声响起 罗马骑兵合唱团在歌唱 成为我的镜子,我的剑和盾牌 我的传教士在国外 出于某种原因我无法解释 当你在那里没有一个诚实的字 这就是我统治世界的时候了 ( ohhh ) It was the wicked and wild wind Blew down the doors to let me in. Shattered windows and the sound of drums People couldn"t believe what I"d become 这是邪恶的而狂野的风 吹落大门,让我进去 打破了窗户和鼓声 人们不能相信我将成为什么 Revolutionaries wait For my head on a silver plate Just a puppet on a lonely string Oh who would ever want to be king? 革命家等待 将我的头颅放在银碟上 只是一个提线木偶 哦谁任何时候都希望成为国王? I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can"t explain I know Saint Peter won"t call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world (Ohhhhh Ohhh Ohhh) 我听到耶路撒冷的钟声响起 罗马骑兵合唱团在歌唱 成为我的镜子,我的剑和盾牌 我的传教士在国外 出于某种原因我无法解释 我知道圣彼得不会呼唤我的名字 当你在那里没有一个诚实的字 这就是我统治世界的时候了 ( ohhhhh ohhh ohhh ) I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can"t explain I know Saint Peter won"t call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world Oooooh Oooooh Oooooh 我听到耶路撒冷的钟声响起 罗马骑兵合唱团在歌唱 成为我的镜子,我的剑和盾牌 我的传教士在国外 出于某种原因我无法解释 我知道圣彼得不会呼唤我的名字 当你在那里没有一个诚实的字 这就是我统治世界的时候了

coldplay-viva la vida中文歌词

coldplay-viva la vida中文歌词 Viva La Vida   生命无上      I used to rule the world   Seas would rise when I gave the word   Now in the morning I sleep alone   Sweep the streets I used to own   我曾经主宰世界。   大海也愿为我咆哮。   如今我清晨独眠,   在我曾拥有的井巷中彷徨。      I used to roll the dice   Feel the fear in my enemy"s eyes   Listen as the crowd would sing:   "Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"   我经历过孤注一掷,   感受过敌人眼底的不可终日,   领教过愚民们高喊口号:   “先王亡矣!我王永世!”      One minute I held the key   Next the walls were closed on me   And I discovered that my castles stand   Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand   大权刚刚在手,   城墙即将我禁闭。   我这才发现我城堡的基石   竟如散沙盐粒般脆弱无力。      I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing   Roman Cavalry choirs are singing   Be my mirror my sword and shield   My missionaries in a foreign field   For some reason I can"t explain   Once you go there was never,   never an honest word   That was when I ruled the world   耶路撒冷传来一声钟响。   罗马骑兵唱诗班正在吟唱。   我异疆的传教士啊,   我的明镜,宝剑与盾牌由你们担当!   其中缘由我不能讲明,   自你走后,我从未,   从未听过之字真言。   那就是我主宰世界的年月。      It was the wicked and wild wind   Blew down the doors to let me in.   Shattered windows and the sound of drums   People couldn"t believe what I"d become   凶煞狂风袭来,   冲破重门将我押入,   狼藉一片,鼓声四起。   我的结局无人能料。      Revolutionaries wait   For my head on a silver plate   Just a puppet on a lonely string   Oh who would ever want to be king?   革命者期待看到   我的头颅被摆上银盘。   我不过一个孤家傀儡,   唉,谁愿做王?      I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing   Roman Cavalry choirs are singing   Be my mirror my sword and shield   My missionaries in a foreign field   For some reason I can"t explain   I know Saint Peter won"t call my name   Never an honest word   But that was when I ruled the world   耶路撒冷传来一声钟响。   罗马骑兵唱诗班正在吟唱。   我异疆的传教士啊,   我的明镜,宝剑与盾牌由你们担当!   其中缘由我不能讲明,   我深知圣彼得不会唤我姓名。   从未听过之字真言。   但那就是我主宰世界的年月。


Coldplay 里的键盘手是 "CHRIS MARTIN"。他是乐队键盘手,主要负责钢琴。补充∶Postcards From Far Away 是钢琴曲。http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n205/Jewy_01/wp10_01.jpg本来是为 Coldplay 第4张专辑< Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends>而写的,不过最后没有收录,结果收录在 <Prospekt"s March EP>。

Coldplay的 Viva la vida 的歌词中文意思是?

viva la vida 是西班牙语vida 即生命viva la 是万岁的意思合起来就是 生命万岁 英文可翻译为 live the life另外 有时viva la 也可以与英语混用如 Greenday 的专集 21 century breaks down里有一首歌 叫做 viva la Gloria意即 Gloria(人名)万岁




When she was just a girl当她还是个女孩的时候She expected the world她对这个世界满怀期望But it flew away from her reach然而希望越来越遥不可及So she ran away in her sleep于是她在梦境中逃走了And dreamed of她逃躲到Para- para- paradisepara- para- paradisepara- para- paradise天堂 逃躲到遥远的天堂Every time she closed her eyes在每次双眼 闭上When she was just a girl当她还是个女孩的时候She expected the world她对这个世界满怀期望But it flew away from her reach然而希望越来越遥不可及And the bullets catch in her teeth子弹也不断地呼啸迎面而来Life goes on, it gets so heavy生命不停的走 越走步伐越沉重The wheel breaks the butterfly多么不堪一击Every tear a waterfall所以眼泪决堤In the night, the stormy night,she"ll close her eyes她在暴风雨侵袭的夜晚 闭上双眼In the night, the stormy night,away she"d fly她会在拨云见日的夜晚 展翅飞去And dreams of梦游者para- para- paradise天堂Para- para- paradise迷走在Para- para- paradise天堂Oh oh oh oh oh oh-oh-oh-oh噢She"d dream of她会梦中逃离于para- para- paradise天堂Para- para- paradise逃躲在Para- para- paradise天堂Oh oh oh oh oh oh-oh-oh-ohLalalalalalalalalalalaAnd so lying underneath those stormy skies她不畏惧的躺在暴风雨的天空底下She"d say: "Oh, ohohohoh,I know the sun must set to rise"嘶吼着 雨过不就是晴天吗This could be para- para- paradise这不就是Para- para- paradise天堂para- para- paradise天堂Para- para- paradise天堂Could be para- para- paradise渴望中的天堂Oh oh oh oh oh oh-oh-ohThis could be这不就是para- para- paradise天堂Para- para- paradise天堂Could be这不就是para- para- paradise我所期盼的天堂Oh oh oh oh oh oh-oh-oh噢

Coldplay的《Paradise》 歌词

歌曲名:Paradise歌手:Coldplay专辑:Now That"s What I Call ChillColdplay - ParadiseOo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-ooOo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-ooWhen she was just a girlShe expected the worldBut it flew away from her reachSo she ran away in her sleepAnd dreamed of para-para-paradisePara-para-paradisePara-para-paradiseEvery time she closed her eyesOo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-ooOo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-ooWhen she was just a girlShe expected the worldBut it flew away from her reachAnd the bullets catch in her teethLife goes on, it gets so heavyThe wheel breaks the butterflyEvery tear a waterfallIn the night, the stormy nightShe closed her eyesIn the night, the stormy nightAway she fliesDream of para-para-paradisePara-para-paradisePara-para-paradiseOh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohShe dreamt of para-para-paradisePara-para-paradisePara-para-paradiseOh oh oh oh oh oh ohLalalalala lalalalala lalalalala lalaSo lying underneath the stormy skiesShe"d say oh oh oh oh ohI know the sun"s set to riseThis could be para-para-paradisePara-para-paradiseCould be para-para-paradiseOh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohThis could be para-para-paradisePara-para-paradiseCould be para-para-paradiseOh oh oh oh oh oh ohOo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooThis could be para-para-paradisePara-para-paradiseCould be para-para-paradiseOh oh oh oh oh oh ohOo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo...http://music.baidu.com/song/59111994


when you try your best but you don"t succeed when you get what you want but not what you need when you feel so tired but you can"t sleep stuck in reverse and the tears come streaming down your face when you lose something you can"t replace when you love someone but it goes to waste could it be worse? lights will guide you home and ignite your bones and i will try to fix you and high up above or down below when you"re too in love to let it go but if you never try you"ll never know just what you"re worth lights will guide you home and ignite your bones and i will try to fix you music i see a stream down your face when you lose something you cannot replace i see a stream down your face and i i see a stream down your face i promise you i will learn from all my mistakes i see a stream down your face and i lights will guide you home and ignite your bones and i will try to fix you.coldplay《fix you》的中文歌词:)~~ 当你试尽全力,却还是得吞下败绩 当心想事成时,却发现这不是你想要的 当感觉身心疲惫,却怎么也无法入睡 绝望困住了你 泪水决堤的洒满了你的脸 失去了无法挽回的所有 那真的爱怜也付诸东流 一切都糟透了 留一盏灯指引你回家 点一道火光,燃其那希望 让我来……填满你的心 不是过了火,就是太软弱 你爱的太深,所以你放你手 成全了他们,你就永远不会懂 你……值得了什么 留一盏灯指引你回家 点一道火光,燃其那希望 让我来……填满你的心 泪水决堤的洒满了你的脸 失去了无法挽回的所有 泪水决堤的洒满了你的脸 你还有我 泪水决堤的洒满了你的脸 我发誓会尽力保护你 泪水决堤的洒满了你的脸 你还有我 留一盏灯指引你回家 点一道火光,燃其那希望 让我来……填满你的心


when you try your best but you don"t succeed when you get what you want but not what you need when you feel so tired but you can"t sleep stuck in reverse and the tears come streaming down your face when you lose something you can"t replace when you love someone but it goes to waste could it be worse? lights will guide you home and ignite your bones and i will try to fix you and high up above or down below when you"re too in love to let it go but if you never try you"ll never know just what you"re worth lights will guide you home and ignite your bones and i will try to fix you music i see a stream down your face when you lose something you cannot replace i see a stream down your face and i i see a stream down your face i promise you i will learn from all my mistakes i see a stream down your face and i lights will guide you home and ignite your bones and i will try to fix you.coldplay《fix you》的中文歌词:)~~ 当你试尽全力,却还是得吞下败绩 当心想事成时,却发现这不是你想要的 当感觉身心疲惫,却怎么也无法入睡 绝望困住了你 泪水决堤的洒满了你的脸 失去了无法挽回的所有 那真的爱怜也付诸东流 一切都糟透了 留一盏灯指引你回家 点一道火光,燃其那希望 让我来……填满你的心 不是过了火,就是太软弱 你爱的太深,所以你放你手 成全了他们,你就永远不会懂 你……值得了什么 留一盏灯指引你回家 点一道火光,燃其那希望 让我来……填满你的心 泪水决堤的洒满了你的脸 失去了无法挽回的所有 泪水决堤的洒满了你的脸 你还有我 泪水决堤的洒满了你的脸 我发誓会尽力保护你 泪水决堤的洒满了你的脸 你还有我 留一盏灯指引你回家 点一道火光,燃其那希望 让我来……填满你的心

Coldplay的《Fix You》 歌词

歌曲名:Fix You歌手:Coldplay专辑:X & YFix youColdplayWhen you try your best but you don"t succeedWhen you get what you want but not what you needWhen you feel so tired but you can"t sleepStuck in reverseAnd the tears come streaming down your faceWhen you lose something you can"t replaceWhen you love someone but it goes to wasteCould it be worseLights will guide you homeAnd ignite your bonesAnd I will try to fix youAnd high up above or down belowWhen you"re too in love to let it goBut if you never try you"ll never knowJust what you"re worthLights will guide you homeAnd ignite your bonesAnd I will try to fix youI see a stream down your facewhen you lose something you cannot replaceI see a stream down your faceAnd II see a stream down your faceI promise you I will learn from all my mistakesI see a stream down your faceAnd ILights will guide you homeAnd ignite your bonesAnd I will try to fix youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2967185

Coldplay的歌Fix You是什么意思?

代表一个密码啊 他们这张专辑名就叫密码

Coldplay的《Fix You》 歌词

歌曲名:Fix You歌手:Coldplay专辑:Hurricane Relief: Come Together NowFix youColdplayWhen you try your best but you don"t succeedWhen you get what you want but not what you needWhen you feel so tired but you can"t sleepStuck in reversewhen the tears come streaming down your faceall you lose something you can"t replaceWhen you love someone but it goes to wasteStuck in reverseLights will guide you homeAnd ignite your bonesAnd I will try to fix youAnd high up above or down belowWhen you"re too in love to let it goBut if you never try you"ll never knowJust what you"re worthLights will guide you homeAnd ignite your bonesAnd I will try to fix youI see a stream down your facewhen you lose something you cannot replaceI see a stream down your faceAnd II see a stream down your faceI promise you I will learn from all my mistakesI see a stream down your faceAnd ILights will guide you homeAnd ignite your bonesAnd I will try .well now it"s time for us to gothanks for happyness a our showsee you next time i hear throughthanks give it up for best job worldnext time i got to say 歌手独白http://music.baidu.com/song/7910982

Coldplay的《Fix You》 歌词

歌曲名:Fix You歌手:Coldplay专辑:Left Right Left Right-Capital Records, LLC Left EpFix you填满你的心When you try your best but you don"t succeedWhen you get what you want but not what you needWhen you feel so tired but you can"t sleepStuck in reverseAnd the tears come streaming down your faceWhen you lose something you can"t replaceWhen you love someone but it goes to wasteCould it be worse?Lights will guide you homeAnd ignite your bonesAnd I will try to fix youAnd high up above or down belowWhen you"re too in love to let it goBut if you never try you"ll never knowJust what you"re worthLights will guide you homeAnd ignite your bonesAnd I will try to fix youI see a stream down your facewhen you lose something you cannot replaceI see a stream down your faceAnd II see a stream down your faceI promise you I will learn from all my mistakesI see a stream down your faceAnd ILights will guide you homeAnd ignite your bonesAnd I will try to fix you.Fix you填满你的心http://music.baidu.com/song/2159367

coldplay主唱Chris Martin写给妻子格温妮丝的歌是fix you吗?

是的 这个歌应该是格温妮丝的父亲去世的时候马丁写给她的

如何评价coldplay的fix you

“作为当今世界一线大团,Coldplay在《Ghost Stories》中展现了他们与时俱进的气度,电音及舞曲元素的加入,以及部分曲目中所呈现的冷色调,都未触及他们的筋骨:流畅而唯美的旋律;口白化却又含蓄隽永的歌词;以及精致与磅礴熔于一炉的整体氛围。他们是流行乐坛中鲜有能称作艺术家的那一群人。《Ghost Stories》是流行音乐里鲜有的能把艺术感和流行性结合得如此完美的专辑。甚至可以武断地认为,这是2014年中最好的流行唱片,至少于我个人,是足以循环播放一百次的唱片。”踌躇再三,我选择了这样一个开头。通常这样总结性的话语会放在文章(微博)的末尾。可我觉得,对于Coldplay来说,通常的所谓“乐评”对他们来说没有太大的意义,评论家自然也不必画地为牢,作茧自缚。在过去的一个月里,我每天上下班的通勤音乐都是《Ghost Stories》,最终结果便是,里头每首歌我都能倒背如流,包括其中所用到的合成器弦乐,每一段的吉他Riff,我都能准确无误地哼唱出来。其实,这便是Coldplay的魔力。早年,他们做着酷似Radiohead《The Bends》的英伦吉他流行曲,《Yellow》《In My Place》绝不亚于《High And Dry》;此后,他们曾用《Viva La Vida》致敬The Beatles,乐队成员不仅全副武装,打扮成嬉皮士与英国皇家近卫军的混合体,和《Sgt.Pepper"s Lonly Hearts Club Band》所做的那样,音乐上也不忘用上披头士迷幻时期的标配乐器西塔琴,《Life In Technicolor》满满是披头的影子,《Lost!》甚至像是保罗·麦卡特尼爵士的曲子;再到后来,他们朝着U2靠拢,在《Mylo Xylot

谁有《Coldplay - Fix You 》无损音乐百度云下载

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Yl3VlIIWxnmKMkOQrW_ePw 提取码: 3wsj酷玩乐队(Coldplay),英国摇滚乐队,1996年成立于伦敦,由主唱克里斯·马汀、贝斯手盖伊·贝瑞曼、吉他手强尼·邦蓝以及鼓手威尔·查平组成。创意总监及前经纪人菲尔·哈维通常被视作乐队的第五个成员。

Coldplay的《Fix You》 歌词

歌曲名:Fix You歌手:Coldplay专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 25 YearsFix you填满你的心When you try your best but you don"t succeedWhen you get what you want but not what you needWhen you feel so tired but you can"t sleepStuck in reverseAnd the tears come streaming down your faceWhen you lose something you can"t replaceWhen you love someone but it goes to wasteCould it be worse?Lights will guide you homeAnd ignite your bonesAnd I will try to fix youAnd high up above or down belowWhen you"re too in love to let it goBut if you never try you"ll never knowJust what you"re worthLights will guide you homeAnd ignite your bonesAnd I will try to fix youI see a stream down your facewhen you lose something you cannot replaceI see a stream down your faceAnd II see a stream down your faceI promise you I will learn from all my mistakesI see a stream down your faceAnd ILights will guide you homeAnd ignite your bonesAnd I will try to fix you.Fix you填满你的心http://music.baidu.com/song/59362625

Coldplay的《fix you》 歌词

歌曲名:fix you歌手:Coldplay专辑:Now Thats What I Call LoveFix you填满你的心When you try your best but you don"t succeedWhen you get what you want but not what you needWhen you feel so tired but you can"t sleepStuck in reverseAnd the tears come streaming down your faceWhen you lose something you can"t replaceWhen you love someone but it goes to wasteCould it be worse?Lights will guide you homeAnd ignite your bonesAnd I will try to fix youAnd high up above or down belowWhen you"re too in love to let it goBut if you never try you"ll never knowJust what you"re worthLights will guide you homeAnd ignite your bonesAnd I will try to fix youI see a stream down your facewhen you lose something you cannot replaceI see a stream down your faceAnd II see a stream down your faceI promise you I will learn from all my mistakesI see a stream down your faceAnd ILights will guide you homeAnd ignite your bonesAnd I will try to fix you.Fix you填满你的心http://music.baidu.com/song/20917007

coldplay 的 magic 中文歌词 大神

Call it magic, call it true称之为魔术 称其为真实I call it magic when I"m with you和你相伴 就是魔术And I just got broken, broken into two而我浑身破裂 裂为两半Still I call it magic, when I"m next to you我依旧称其为魔术 当我靠近你And I don"t, and I don"t, and I don"t, and I don"t而我不要 我不要 我不要 我不要No I don"t, it"s true我不要 这一切都是现实I don"t, no, I don"t, no, I don"t, no, I don"t我不要 我不要 我不要 我不要Want anybody else but you除了你以外的人And I don"t, and I don"t, and I don"t, and I don"t而我不要 我不要 我不要 我不要No I don"t, it"s true我不要 这一切都是现实I don"t, no, I don"t, no, I don"t, no, I don"t我不要 我不要 我不要 我不要Want anybody else but you除了你以外的人Ooh ooh ooh噢噢噢Call it magic, cut me into two这场魔术 将我撕裂为两截And with all your magic, I disappear from view而伴随著你一切把戏 我自你视野中消逝And I can"t get over, can"t get over you我无法免疫 无法免疫你的魅力Still, I call it magic, such a precious truth一如既往 我称之为魔术 多珍贵的真相啊And I don"t, and I don"t, and I don"t, and I don"t而我不要 我不要 我不要 我不要No I don"t, it"s true我不要 这一切都是现实I don"t, no, I don"t, no, I don"t, no, I don"t我不要 我不要 我不要 我不要Want anybody else but you除了你以外的人And I don"t, and I don"t, and I don"t, and I don"t而我不要 我不要 我不要 我不要No I don"t, it"s true我不要 这一切都是现实I don"t, no, I don"t, no, I don"t, no, I don"t我不要 我不要 我不要 我不要Want anybody else but you除了你以外的人Wanna fall, I fall so far冀望沉沦 跌落至深I wanna fall, fall so hard渴望沦陷 无法自拔And I call it magic而我称其为魔术And I call it true称其为现实Call it magic这是魔术Ooh ooh ooh噢噢噢Ooh ooh ooh噢噢噢Ooh ooh ooh噢噢噢Ooh ooh ooh噢噢噢And if you were to ask me如果你问我After all that we"ve been through我们度过了那麼多之後"Still believe in magic?"还是相信魔法吗Well yes, I do恩 是的Oh yes, I do喔 我相信Oh yes, I do喔 我相信Oh yes, I do喔 我相信Of course I do我当然相信

Coldplay的《Trouble》 歌词





鲜艳人生?应该是玩酷人生吧,LZ说的是Viva La Vida么? 专辑的名字来自一位墨西哥艺术家Frida Kahlo给自己的一幅画的命名。 在这张专辑制作的早期,三名乐队成员各自把对新专辑的想法都写在一张白板上,每一个人的想法都很激进前卫,最后,Chris Martin收回了他的看法。他希望以后有机会再游说他们。"我听到波诺曾经说过一句话,"乐队不应该为钱而分裂,他们应该只为了歌曲名单而分裂,"”他说,在这一点上,没有什么比这更有针对性了。” 这张专辑唱片是Coldplay第一次同著名英国音乐制作布莱恩.伊诺(Brian Eno)合作,从而使专辑的风格同前三张有明显的不同,在保留Coldplay原有的舒缓、激情又略带伤感风格的同时,又增加了音乐的气势,更加粗犷和鲜明,并揉入了拉丁乐风格大多数听起来令人耳目一新, 完全不同于他们以往的热门歌曲“Clocks”和“Speed Of Sound”。主唱Chris Martin说,这是受了他们在拉美巡演的影响。 好几首歌相当粗糙靠近边缘,伴随着扭曲的吉他和更加突出的敲击。歌词是暗色调的,反复出现了死亡和孤独的主题。其中有几首歌,Martin延长他的声带调色板,其表现大大超出了人们对他以往运用假声的理解,其音色低沉,性感,给人的感觉更个人,更真实。"不管这样好还是不好,我们已经开始在音乐里融入更多的色彩。”Martin说。 "取悦每一个人是不可能做到的,我们经历了这么长时间才体会到这一点。这样说让人觉得自由——可能没有一个人喜欢我们做的这些东西,但我们此时此刻就是想这样做,而且要把它做完为止。” 在新专辑里,乐队探索了各种声波的方向,其中一些来自制作人呢Brain Eno的启发和鼓励。"他不主观臆断,做出来的东西令人耳目一新。”Matin说。Buckland补充说, "他不仅仅是带来声音或其他东西,他带来了对一切事情的想法,甚至具体到,怎样构筑我们渡过的这一天。他的建议让我们停下来,仔细考虑很多问题。” 英国最大的唱片连锁店HMV说,在Viva La Vida唱片发行前,他们收到了大量网上唱片预订单,数量之多创下了预订纪录。唱片商店HMV还预测,这张唱片将可能成为英国今年的最畅销专辑唱片。Viva La Vida的发行,似乎给英国低迷的唱片界注入了一针强心剂。 Viva La Vida这首歌的歌词里歌颂的生命万岁是指自由的意思,生命不是单纯活着,而是自由的有意义的活着。歌名是西班牙语,也是一句名句。 以下是这首歌的歌词翻译 viva la vida(西班牙语) 生命无上 coldplay(酷玩乐队) 来自专辑《viva la vida》 Viva La Vida 生命无上 I used to rule the world Seas would rise when I gave the word Now in the morning I sleep alone Sweep the streets I used to own 我曾经主宰世界。 大海也愿为我咆哮。 如今我清晨独眠, 在我曾拥有的井巷中彷徨。 I used to roll the dice Feel the fear in my enemy"s eyes Listen as the crowd would sing: "Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!" 策马扬鞭,冲锋陷阵, 享受我敌人眼底的恐惧, 我也曾倾听愚民们高颂: “先王已逝!我王永生!” (此语出自欧洲谚语) One minute I held the key Next the walls were closed on me And I discovered that my castles stand Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand 大权刚刚在手, 城墙却立刻将我囚禁。 我这才发现我城堡的基石 竟如散沙盐粒般脆弱无力。 I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror, my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can"t explain Once you"d gone there was never, never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world 耶路撒冷鸣钟响起。 罗马骑兵军歌嘹亮。 我异疆的传教士啊, 我的明镜,宝剑与盾牌由你们担当! 其中缘由我不能讲明, 自你走后,我从未, 从未听过只字真言。 那是在我主宰世界的年月里。 It was a wicked and wild wind Blew down the doors to let me in. Shattered windows and the sound of drums People couldn"t believe what I"d become 狂风怒吼 一路袭来, 冲破重重大门将我席卷, 狼藉一片,鼓声四起。 我的结局无人能料。 Revolutionaries wait For my head on a silver plate Just a puppet on a lonely string Oh who would ever want to be king? 英雄义士在等待着 将我的头颅摆上银盘。 我不过是一个孤家傀儡, 唉,谁愿做王? I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can"t explain I know Saint Peter won"t call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world 耶路撒冷鸣钟响起。 罗马骑兵军歌嘹亮。 我异疆的传教士啊, 我的明镜,宝剑与盾牌由你们担当! 其中缘由我不能讲明, 我深知圣彼得不会唤我姓名。 从未听过只字真言。 但那是在我主宰世界的年月里。 来源:百度百科 追问: 非常感谢,能不能再给我介绍一下该专辑中的《Life In Technicolor(鲜艳人生)》?


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2011年08月08日 07时16分,《英语网:自考英语(二)阅读辅导:Work,Labor,andPlay(1)[1]》由liuxue86.com英语我整理. Work, Labor, and Play So far as I know, Miss Hannah Arendt was the first person to define the essential difference between work and labor. To be happy, a man must feel, firstly, free and, secondly, important. He cannot be really happy if he is compelled by society to do what he does not enjoy doing, or if what he enjoys doing is ignored by society as of no value or importance. In a society where slavery in the strict sense has been abolished, the sign that what a man does is of social value is that he is paid money to do it, but a laborer today can rightly be called a wage slave. A man is a laborer if the job society offers him is of no interest to himself but he is compelled to take it by the necessity of earning a living and supporting his family. The antithesis to labor is play. When we play a game, we enjoy what we are doing, otherwise we should not play it, but it is a purely private activity; society could not care less whether we play it or not. Between labor and play stands work. A man is a worker if he is personally interested in the job which society pays him to do; what from the point of view of society is necessary labor is from his own point of view voluntary play. Whether a job is to be classified as labor or work depends, not on the job itself, but on the tastes of the individual who undertakes it. The difference does not, for example, coincide with the difference between a manual and a mental job; a gardener or a cobbler may be a worker, a bank clerk a laborer. Which a man is can be seen from his attitude toward leisure. To a worker, leisure means simply the hours he needs to relax and rest in order to work efficiently. He is therefore more likely to take too little leisure than too much; workers die of coronaries and forget their wives" birthdays. To the laborer, on the other hand, leisure means freedom from compulsion, so that it is natural for him to imagine that the fewer hours he has to spend laboring, and the more hours he is free to play, the better. What percentage of the population in a modern technological society are, like myself, in the fortunate position of being workers? At a guess I would say sixteen per cent, and I do not think that figure is likely to get bigger in the future. Technology and the division of labor have done two things: by eliminating in many fields the need for special strength or skill, they have made a very large number of paid occupations which formerly were enjoyable work into boring labor, and by increasing productivity they have reduced the number of necessary laboring hours. It is already possible to imagine a society in which the majority of the population, that is to say, its laborers, will have almost as much leisure as in ear5lier times was enjoyed by the aristocracy. When one recalls how aristocracies in the past actually behaved, the prospect is not cheerful. Indeed, the problem of dealing with boredom may be even more difficult for such a future mass soci 2011年自考一次过关秘诀!点击查看>>



coldplay 演讲稿 英文

Hello again. We begin with the news that, since we were last in touch, we"ve launched a new discography on Coldplay.com. It features all of the band"s singles and albums, with their UK release date, artwork and a 60-second clip of each and every song. The discography also contains all of the single"s videos, plus the official lyrics for every Coldplay track, as approved by the band themselves. We"re quite proud of it. Click here to check it out. WILL TALKS OZ, ENO AND THE SAINTSFor the latest in our exclusive chats with the band, Coldplay.com caught up with Will earlier this week for a chat about the band"s current Australian tour, their recent recording stint with Brian Eno and Will"s beloved Southampton FC. Click here to read it. While you"re on the site, check out an interview with Life In Technicolor ii video director Dougal Wilson; a bunch of cracking blogs from Roadie #42; and The Oracle putting the world to rights by means of some wise answers to fans" questions. We"ve even had pictures of Coldplay-shaped puppets in odd places. Coming up soon, we"ve got an interview with Jonathan from Mercury Rev. We"d like to think we"re worthy of a bookmark. MORE N.AMERICAN DATES ANNOUNCEDThis morning, Coldplay.com announced another bunch of Coldplay shows, which will see the band heading back to North America in May and June. Here are the shows, with their on sale dates (all times are local). Tickets will be available from here. MAY15 West Palm Beach, FL - Cruzan Amphitheatre (on sale 10am, 23rd March)17 Atlanta, GA - Lakewood Amphitheatre (on sale 12noon, 21st March)18 Birmingham, AL - Verizon Wireless Center (on sale 10am, 16th March)20 Virginia Beach, VA - Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre (on sale 11am, 20th March)21 Washington, DC - Nissan Pavilion (on sale 12noon, 20th March)23 Hartford, CT - Meadows (on sale 11am, 20th March)24 Hershey, PA - Hershey Stadium (on sale 11am, 20th March)26 Philadelphia, PA - Susquhana Center (on sale 11am, 20th March)27 Saratoga Springs, NY - SPAC (on sale 10am, 23rd March)29 Scranton, PA - Toyota Pavilion (on sale 11am, 20th March) 30Pittsburgh, PA - Post Gazette Pavilion (on sale 12noon, 21st March)JUNE1 Buffalo, NY - Darien Lakes (on sale 10am, 23rd March)2 Detroit, MI - DTE Energy Music Theatre (on sale 10am, 23rd March)4 Cincinnati, OH - Riverbend Music Center (on sale 10am, 20th March)5 Indianapolis, IN - Verizon Wireless Music Center (on sale 10am, 23rd March)6 Nashville, TN - Sommet Center (on sale 10am, 21st March)9 New Orleans, LA - New Orleans Arena (onsale 10am, 21st March) 10 San Antonio, TX - AT& T Center (on sale 10am, 21st March)12 Des Moines, IA - Wells Fargo Arena (on sale 10am, 21st March)13 Omaha, NE - Qwest Center (on sale 11am, 21st March)15 Winnipeg, MB - MTS Centre (on sale 10am, 14th March)17 Calgary, AB - Pengrowth Saddledone (on sale 10am, 14th March)18 Edmonton, AB - Northlands (on sale 10am, 14th March) 20 Vancouver, BC - GM Place (on sale 10am, 14th March) To see the full list of Coldplay"s upcoming shows across the UK, Europe, Australasia, Asia and North America click here. WEB EXCLUSIVE T-SHIRTSIf you fancy owning a Coldplay T-shirt, might we point you in the direction of some much-nicer-than-most-band-merch T-shirts which are available exclusively from the Coldplay online shop? There"s this gents" #42 one. And this ladies" butterfly one. If you like the look of them (or want to see the full range), head over to your local branch of the Coldplay online shop by clicking here. WIN A SIGNED GRAMMY TICKETYou might remember that we gave away a signed Grammys envelope last month, via the Messenger (it was won by Lynn from Mobile, Alabama). Well, it turns out that we"ve got another Grammys gift to offer you. This time, it"s one of the band"s tickets for the 2009 Grammys, signed by all four members. If you"d like to win it, simply email your name and address to competitions@coldplay.com before Thursday 26th March. One entry per person and t"ing. Cheerio. The Coldplay Messenger

Coldplay的Charlie Brown的歌词及翻译

  Oooh, ohohoooh  I stole a key  我窃取钥匙  Took a car downtown where the lost boys meet  驱车进城  遇见迷失的男孩们  Took a car downtown and took what they offered me  驱车进城  倾我所有  To set me free  去寻我的自由  I saw the lights go down at the end of the scene  在故事结局时,灯光渐暗  I saw the lights go down  and they"re standing in front of me  他们也在我面前耸立  Ohohoooh  In my scarecrow dreams  在梦里我成为稻草人  When they smash my heart into smithereens  也许我的心被撕扯成碎片  I"ll be a bright red rose combusting the concrete  但也要像混凝土上燃烧绽放的极炫灿烂之玫瑰  Be a cartoon heart  童真永驻(意译)  And light a fire, light a spark  接着  点亮火把,燃起火花  Light a fire, a flame in my heart  燃起篝火,火焰驻心  We"ll run wild  我们将疯野着奔跑  We"ll be glowing in the dark  在黑暗中发光  Ohohoooh  We"ll be glowing in the dark  Ohohoooh, ahahaaah  All the boys, all the girls  所有的孩女孩  All that matters in the world  世间万物  All the boys, all the girls  所有的孩子  All the madness that occurs  所有的癫狂此刻重现  All the highs, all the lows  所有的高潮与低谷  As the room spinning goes  转瞬即逝若空间更迭  We"ll run riot  我们恣肆而不羁  We"ll be glowing in the dark  在黑暗中发光  Oooh, ohohoooh  So we"ll soar  我们将腾空  luminous and wired  眩目而迷醉  We"ll be glowing in the dark  在黑暗中发光



Coldplay的Viva La Vida中的前奏是什么乐器演奏的

电子琴(coldplay的主唱Chris Martin弹的)

Coldplay 《every teardrop is a waterfall》的中英文歌词

I turn the music up 我打开了音乐  I got my recordson 我放上了唱片  I shut the worldoutside until the lights come on 拒世界于门外,直到光驱走黑暗  Maybe the streetsalight 或许街道烧燃  maybe the treesare gone 或许树林消散   I feel my heartstart beating to my favorite song 心脏开始跳动,随最爱的和旋   And all the kidsthey dance 所有神的孩子   all the kids allnight 整夜舞蹈狂欢   Until Mondaymorning feels another life 度过了礼拜日,有不一样的天   I turn the music up 我调高了音量  I"m on a roll this time 尽情呼喊狂癫   And heaven is in sight 天堂在眼前  I turn the music up 我打开了音乐  I got my records on 我放上了唱片  From underneaththe rubble sing a rebel song 在那废墟之下,发出叛逆呼喊  Don"t want to seeanother generation drop 不想那新生命,坠入万丈深渊   I"d rather be acomma than a full stop 我要传递希望,而非终结笑脸  Maybe I"m in the black 或许身处黑暗  Maybe I"m on myknees 或许过得惨淡  Maybe I"m in thegap between the two trapezes 或许这个夹缝,我就卡在中间 But my heart is beating and my pulses start 但我心在燃烧,脉搏跳动如前cathedrals in my heart 看着我的双眼  And we saw oh this light 我看见,那光线  I swear you 刹那间  emerge blinking into to tell me it"s alright 照亮那心中神殿,告诉我不抱怨  As we soar walls 我们越过,重重的围栏  every siren is asymphony 汽笛奏出交响的——诗篇  And every tear"s awaterfall 每滴泪落都如瀑如泉  Is a waterfall 都如瀑如泉  Oh 哦  Is waterfall 都如瀑如泉  Oh oh oh 喔  Is a ,is a waterfall 都如瀑如泉,哦  Every tear is awaterfall Oh oh oh 都如瀑如泉,喔  So you can hurt,hurt me bad 你可以让我,遍体鳞伤  But still I raise the flag 但我仍会举起——我的——旗帜  Oh 哦  It was a wa wa wawa wa-terfall 每滴泪落——都如瀑如泉  A wa wa wa wawa-terfall 都——如瀑如泉  Every tear 每滴泪落  Every tear 每滴泪落  Every teardrop isa waterfall 每滴泪落都如瀑如泉  Every tear 每滴泪落  Every tear 每滴泪落  Every teardrop isa waterfall 每滴泪落都如瀑如泉   Every tear 每滴泪落  Every tear 每滴泪落  Every teardrop isa waterfall 每滴泪落都如瀑如泉

有首歌里面有一段 "her hair her hair……” 想不起来是谁的了,感觉有点想coldplay的风格

歌名:Five Colours In Her Hair歌手:McFlyMcFDo do do do do doo She"s got a lip ring and 5 colours in her hair" Not into fashion but I love the clothes she wears" Her tattoo"s always hidden by her underwear. She don"t care. Everybody wants to know her name" I threw a house party and she came Everyone asked me Who the hell is she? That weirdo with 5 colours in her hair. She"s just a loner with a sexy attitude" I"d like to phone her if she puts me in the mood. The rumours spreading now that she cooks in the nude. But she don"t care" but she don"t care. Everybody wants to know her name" How does she cope with her new found fame? Everyone asks me" Who the hell is she? That weirdo with 5 colours in her hair. She was all I thought about" The girl I couldn"t live without. But then she went insane" She couldn"t take the fame She said I was to blame She"d had enough And shaved five colours off And now she"s just a weirdo with no name. Everybody wants to know her name. How does she cope with her new found fame? Everyone asks me" Who the hell is she" That weirdo with 5 colours in her hair. 1 2 3 4 Do do do do do doo应该是这个~不是的话我就不知道了~

Coldplay的《Rainy Day》 歌词

歌曲名:Rainy Day歌手:Coldplay专辑:Prospekt S March EpColdplay - Rainy DayThen there was rainThe sky wore a veil of gold and greenAt night it was the bright of the moon with meTime is just floating awayThen there was rainThe sound foundations are crumblingThrough the ground comes a bit of a-tumblingAnd time was just floating awayOh rainy day, come "roundSometimes i just want it to slow downAnd we"re separated now, i"m downBut i love when you come over to the houseI love it when you come "round to my househttp://music.baidu.com/song/2928727




Baby,It"s been a long time coming,漫漫征程,终于来临Such a long, long time,如此长的时间And I can"t stop running,我无法控制,一直在奔跑Such a long, long time.如此长的时间Can you hear my heart beating?你能听到我的心跳吗?Can you hear that sound?你能听到那个声音吗?"Cause I can"t help thinking因为我禁不住要思考And I won"t stop now.我现在不会停止And then I looked up at the sun and I could see然后,我抬头看到天上的太阳,我能够看到Oh, the way that gravity pulls on you and me,哦,看到那条压在你我身上的地心引力And then I looked up at the sky and saw the sun,然后,我抬头看天空,我看到了太阳And the way that gravity pushes on everyone,和压在每个人身上的地心引力On everyone.在每个人身上Baby,宝贝When your wheels stop turning,当你的腿停止奔跑And you feel let down,你会感到失望And it seems like troubles就好像碰到很多麻烦Have come from all around.来自于周围很多地方I can hear your heart beating,我能够听到你的心跳I can hear that sound,我能够听到那个声音But I can"t help thinking但是我无法停止思考And I won"t look now.现在我不会再看了And then I looked up at the sun and I could see(下同上)Oh, the way that gravity pulls on you and me,And then I looked up at the sky and saw the sun,And the way that gravity pushes on everyone,On everyone.On everyone.



请教coldplay的 yellow的真正含义到底指的是什么?

前几天在百度有关COLDPLAY的新闻的时候,搜到一条这么说的,CP在开过演唱会后接受记者采访,记者问关于YELLOW这首歌的意思(我也想问),马丁当时回答说:我到现在也没弄清这首歌到底在唱啥,不过既然歌迷们掏钱来听演唱会,我们就唱呗!不知马丁这么说是什么意思,他难道真不知道?还是表现一贯对记者访问的态度?但无论如何他没有给我们YELLLOW明确的含义,下面这段是从CP的中文BLOG复制来的“在马萨诸塞州的一次演唱会期间,Coldplay的主唱Chris Martin谈了一些有关”Yellow”这首歌的情况:关于它是如何帮助乐队进军美国,以及很高兴能获得如此多的赞扬,然后他说“有许多人在讨论关于歌名的含义……但实际上,我只是写歌时碰巧看到了电话簿黄页,然后那颜色就挥之不去了!”在接受VH1 Storytellers的采访时,Martin再次确认了这一说法。尽管在这个老大难问题上,这名猥琐的歌手向歌迷们作出了一系列模棱两可的暗示,但人们还是禁不住要问:你丫到底是什么意思?尽管Martin自己在有关浪漫的主题、一个毫无意义的词、电话簿黄页之间摇摆不定,但Coldplay的铁杆粉丝们可有自己的想法。看起来 “Your skin, Oh yeah, your skin and bones. Turn into something beautiful. You know, you know I love you so” 这几句是争论的焦点,最流行的说法是这首歌是有关于黄疸病的。“这首歌是献给他母亲的,她死于这种肝脏方面的疾病。染上这种病,皮肤会变黄,肝脏功能持续衰竭。这首歌承载了他看见她被死神带走的痛苦,是一首非常悲伤的歌曲。”I wrote a song, I wrote a song for you and it was called yellow”他说他宁肯流感自己的血(bleed himself dry)因为他为了救他母亲愿意做任何事,尽管这样做也无法挽回她的生命。”这是在Lyric Interpretations上最流行的说法之一。(注:当时应该是Will的母亲患病吧)另一些人认为这首歌是写给Martin的教女的,那时她饱受肾病的折磨,而Martin是如此心疼她。“这首歌让我想起了亚斯伯格,我不知道为什么但我就是想起了亚斯伯格综合症。”不知道这几种说法的可信度有多高,但是算是给了几种新鲜的解释,不过YELLOW的MV拍摄期间赶上WILL母亲的葬礼倒是真的,而且MV得格调很黑暗(囧暂且这么说吧),不过YELLOW的含义从爱情到亲情的转变我还是很喜欢的,很深情的歌曲啊,不知道大家对这些有什么看法(认为YELLOW怎么理解都可以的可以无视)

coldplay 英文简介

Coldplay never intended to become England"s favorite rock & roll sons when their signature rock melodies ruled the charts throughout 2000. The Brit-rock quartet -- composed of Chris Martin (vocals/piano), Jon Buckland (guitar), Will Champion (drums), and Guy Berryman (bass) -- yearned to mess around a bit, plucking their own acoustics for fun while attending the University College of London. All had been playing instruments since their early teens and had been influenced by the likes of Bob Dylan, the Stone Roses, Neil Young, and My Bloody Valentine. The CD/DVD package Live 2003 was issued in fall of that year. This concert album captured the band"s show at the Horden Pavilion in Sydney, Australia, and highlighted Coldplay"s monumental success worldwide with A Rush of Blood to the Head. They were bonafide pop stars. Martin, specifically, earned a higher notch on the celebrity scale by marrying actress Gwyneth Paltrow in December 2003. Paltrow gave birth to the couple"s first daughter, Apple Blythe Alison Martin, the following April. Fatherhood didn"t stop Martin from working, for Coldplay began recording material for a third album within weeks. Previously recorded material with long-time producer Ken Nelson was scrapped early on while Danton Supple (Morrissey, the Cure) joined Coldplay to complete the recording of X&Y. "Speed of Sound" marked the band"s first single from their long-awaited third effort in spring 2005; the album followed in June. ~ MacKenzie Wilson, All Music Guide



Coldplay 乐队的歌曲名 Yellow 是什么意思?

yellow确实有胆怯的意思,但是我觉得翻译成害羞更恰当,因为这首歌就是表达的青春羞涩的爱慕之情,是一个害羞男孩示爱的情歌 歌词很清纯腼腆。《Yellow》是英国摇滚乐队酷玩乐队演唱的歌曲,由乐队四位成员克里斯·马汀、盖·贝瑞曼、强尼·邦蓝、威尔·查平共同填词,肯·尼尔森和乐队四位成员共同制作。这首歌被收录于乐队的首张专辑《Parachutes》里,并于2000年6月26日作为专辑的第二支单曲发布。创作背景:2000年的一个晚上,酷玩乐队录制完专辑《Parachutes》中的歌曲《Shiver》后,一起出门休息。当时天上的星星在漆黑夜空中显得特别耀眼。坐在一旁胡乱弹着吉他的主唱克里斯·马汀抬起头凝望着夜空,即兴哼出了《Yellow》的旋律,灵感迅速地冲进了马汀的大脑里。马汀在构思歌名的时候遇到了瓶颈,他想用一个特定的词来贴合这首歌。他无意间看见当时录音室里的斯蒂芬妮(马汀碰巧在录音室的朋友)的黄色皮肤,斯蒂芬妮皮肤洋溢的黄色光芒让马汀立即将这首歌被命名为《Yellow》。



哈哈 楼上的都复制完了 除了前面的四张专辑,还有些beside,里面有gravity等歌曲 也很不错,当然也有单曲辑 比如去年的chrismas light 还有前年的now my feet won"t touch the ground和life in technicolor II,总之很多歌很经典 比如yellow in my place trouble 等等,fix you 也好,慢慢一首首听吧 如果喜欢英伦 会发现不少惊喜






歌名:Yellow歌手:Coldplay作曲/作词:Christopher Anthony John Martin, Zheng Jun, Guy Rupert Berryman, William Champion, Jonathan Mark Buckland专辑:Parachutes发行日期:2000年7月10日歌词:Look at the stars,Look how they shine for you,And everything you do,Yeah, they were all yellow.I came along,I wrote a song for you,And all the things you do,And it was called "Yellow".So then I took my turn,Oh what a thing to have done,And it was all yellow.Your skin,Oh yeah your skin and bones,Turn intoSomething beautiful,Do you know,You know I love you so,You know I love you so.I swam across,I jumped across for you,Oh what a thing to do."Cause you were all yellow,I drew a line,I drew a line for you,Oh what a thing to do,And it was all yellow.Your skin,Oh yeah your skin and bones,Turn intoSomething beautiful,Do you know,For you I"d bleed myself dry,For you I"d bleed myself dry.It"s true,Look how they shine for you,Look how they shine for you,Look how they shine for,Look how they shine for you,Look how they shine for you,Look how they shine.Look at the stars,Look how they shine for you,And all the things that you do.


以下各种类专辑都分别按照年代顺序排列~录音室专辑:ParachutesA Rush of Blood to the HeadX&YViva la Vida and Death and All His Friends现场专辑:Live 2003LeftRightLeftRightLeft单曲合辑:The Singles 1999-2006EP:Safety EPThe Blue Room EPAcousticTrouble - Norwegian Live EPProspekt"s March至于乐评,上豆瓣上看去,给你网站:http://www.douban.com/music/search/Coldplay

Coldplay的《Dont Panic》 歌词

歌曲名:Dont Panic歌手:Coldplay专辑:A Rush Of B-Sides To Your HeadColdplayDon"t PanicParachutesi"m sinking like stonesall that we"ve fought forhomes, places we"ve grownall of us are done forwe live in a beautiful worldyeah we doyeah we dowe live in a beautiful worldi"m sinking like stonesall that we"ve fought forhomes, places we"ve grownall of us are done forwe live in a beautiful worldyeah we doyeah we dowe live in a beautiful worldwe live in a beautiful worldyeah we doyeah we dowe live in a beautiful worldoh all that i knowthere"s nothing here to run fromcos here, everybody here"s got somebody to lean onhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1733934






如果想找某首歌的歌词 只要在google上搜索 歌手名+歌曲名+lyrics就行 比如Coldplay Parachutes Lyricshidden track 一般日版CD才有某首歌结束时有一段空白 然后又开始另一曲 但在唱片封底却没有标明 Parachutes这张唱片常见的都是10首 但是日版CD算上这个hidden track是13首封底照片:http://www.discogs.com/image/R-822256-1162339472.jpeg


一、首先,让我们找到dplayer开发的H5视频播放页面,如下所示。二查看如何对网站进行故障排除。您可以直接从Google浏览器中使用以下参考。基于IE浏览器,可以直接按F12进入故障排除界面。进入如下所示的故障排除界面,界面布局已更改。请点击输入图片描述单击下图中红色框中的区域,然后进入当前显示的HTML界面。请点击输入图片描述五、拖放页面并找到合适的URL进行复制。六、如下所示,使用下载工具直接下载复制的URL。.请点击输入图片描述七、下载后,恭喜您学习了DPlay下载功能。八、自己开发的播放核心:基于DirecShow和Show Direction的渲染核心具有资源消耗少,效率高,可伸缩性高,速度快,性能优越,支持格式广泛等优点,并与RealPlayer,QuickTime Player等核心集成在一起。播放。九、强大的P2P网络功能:我们开发的按需点播P2P协议(DVOD://)在播放时执行下载和繁重的解决方案,即按需提供超越传统的点播支持磁石链接的直接游戏,BT种子,强大的P2P网络共享能力,支持全球DHT查询和本地网络请求。十、超级解码功能:硬件加速模式,即HD Hard Solution回放功能,从根本上解决了高清电影的CPU占用问题,支持当今市场上的大多数图形书籍,支持最新CPU指令集的多核解码,从而最大限度地提高了性能。发挥柔和,使游戏更流畅。十一、万能播放器:它具有超多格式支持和解码功能,并完全支持RealPlayer,WindowMediaplaner,QuickTimeplayer,XviD,DivX和Flash Player支持的音频和视频格式(提供最受欢迎的视频和音频格式)。




dplayer有投屏功能,但只能投屏到手机。Dplayer提供高清电影及电视剧的免费在线点播,支持网络电视、在线电影点播、免费电影下载、在线网络电视、边下边看。呆呆播放器采用全球最先进的P2P点播技术,即点即看,高速流畅,高清晰度,上万部免费电影、网络电视、动漫综艺,每日更新dplayer播放器功能解析教程(来自浪浪下载网)自主开发的点播P2P协议(dvod://)实现了下载过程中的下载,同时播放硬解,即点播播放超越了传统。通用播放工具;具有超格式媒体和解码功能,完全接受RealPlayer、Windows media Player、QuickTime Player、XviD、Divx和Flash Player(最流行的视频和音频格式)接受的音频和视频格式。支持直接磁链、BT种子、强大的P2P网络共享能力,支持全局DHT查询、LAN查询。超级拖放;在静音播放器中观看音频和视频文件,根据需要拖动进度,即按需准确定位,无论是在线还是本地文件。超解码功能;硬件加速模块e,即高清硬件解码回放功能,从根本上解决了处理器的高清电影回放问题,支持目前市场上大多数显卡。六、多核解码,接受最新的一组处理器指令,最大化恢复软解决方案的性能,渲染更容易。七、完美的色彩调节功能,无论是客户回放还是网页回放控制,都可以任意调节,亮度、对比度、明暗度、色彩饱和度,适合不同人的视觉效果。八、基于DirectShow和DirectSound开发的回放核心具有资源利用率低、运行效率高、可扩展性强、速度快、性能高、格式支持广泛等优点。九、集成多个回放核心,如RealPlayer和QuickTime Player,文件打开速度非常迅速




Coldplay ( 1996 - ? )风格:Britpop/Alternative Rock乐团成员: 主 唱:Chris Martin 吉他手:Jon Buckland 贝司手:Guy Berryman 鼓 手:Will Champion 主唱Chris Martin在乐队中司职原声吉他,钢琴和键盘,他出生在多文市,他从15岁开始玩吉他,至今参加过三只乐队The Rockin" Honkies, The Red Rooster Boogie Band 和 Pectoralz,他最喜欢的乐队/歌手是Sparklehorse, The Flaming Lips, Tom Waits, Bob Dylan, Neil Young,现在在学校主修远古历史。如果问他为什么作起音乐,他肯定会坚决地告诉你,“摇滚就是我想要得一切东西,但是它他XX的根本和那些被吹嘘的一塌糊涂的花花绿绿的药丸,那跟摇滚没他XX的一点关系,也没必要把自己搞的神神叨叨,更没必要关心别人怎么看你,酷不酷和我的音乐没关系,摇滚乐的意义在于告诉你如何寻找最终的快乐。至于我们就喜欢一起四处闲逛和作音乐,我们不管别人怎么说,我们感到愉快而心安理得。有时候,我们看起来有些过于坦率,而且不关心我们到底该怎么做,但是,我确认我们热爱生活而且异常勤奋,我们只是不希望把时间浪费在那些陈词滥调的规矩上,我们不想为陈腐的人活着。 贝斯手GUY出生在苏格兰的费弗,但12岁的时候搬到了肯特市,13岁他开始弹BASS,以前只参加过一只乐队TIME OUT,他喜欢James Brown, Kool & The Gang, funk and soul。开始再学校主修工程学,但在去年辍学。GUY性格很倔强。 吉他手JON他出生在威尔士北部的摩德,当问及他的家乡他说,“那儿和音乐似乎没什么关联,但是Rhys Ifans 是在哪儿成长起来的。”JON11岁就开始玩吉他,COLDPLAY是他参加的第一只乐队,能得到他推崇的乐队只有The Stone Roses和Ride。他是个让人吃惊的家伙,除了作音乐,他还获得了数学和天文学的双学位。 鼓手WILL出生在南安普顿,现在在学校修生物。很小的时候就开始摆弄各种乐器,他进过一之叫做“肥老鼠”的乐队,至于喜欢什么乐队,他自己也说不清楚,但他说他最喜欢的是爱尔兰民谣。WILL的爸爸是考古学家,马丁总喜欢四处宣扬WILL的爸爸简直就是考古界的的迈克尔·杰克逊!WILL在乐队中最小而且巨捣蛋,他总是给你讲他在学校的趣事,比如“我的生物学教授总是在课上唠叨‘我用六个星期也说不完的证据说明,大猩猩的确有手淫的习惯",哈哈那简直逗极了。乐队的每个人都喜欢他,马丁和WILL总有说不完的话,“天啊,你可不知道,WILL这家伙简直就是一个人体点唱机,他会的个比任何人都多,以前我们经常坐在寓所的楼梯上唱歌,你只要说出一个歌的名字,他立刻就能给你弹出来。他更适合作一个吉他手……”这时GUY回在旁边说;“WILL在事情上总是表现的坚强,而且他异常幽默……哦……他对迈克尔·欧文的印象出奇的好……世界上还有什么样的人比WILL更值得信赖?”

Coldplay的Fix You歌词

When you try your best but you don"t succeed 当努力没有回报 When you get what you want but not what you need 当得到并非所需 When you feel so tired but you can"t sleep 当困倦无法安眠 Stuck in reverse 陷入被动(逆水行舟) And the tears come streaming down your face 当眼泪滑落脸庞 When you lose something you cannot replace 当失去不可替代的珍物 When you love someone but it goes to waste 当爱上却无法相守至死 COULD IT BE WORSE? 一切还会比现在更糟吗 Lights will guide you home 那一片光会照亮你的归程 And ignite your bones 点燃你的灵魂 And I will try to fix you 然而我将全力携扶你 And high up above or down below 无论在你辉煌或失落时 When you"re too in love to let it go 或在你爱到无法自拔时 But if you never try you"ll never know 如果你永远都不明白 Just what you"re worth 这都是你所值得的付出 Lights will guide you home 那么那一片光会照亮你的归程 And ignite your bones 点燃你的灵魂 And I will try to fix you 而我将全力携扶你 Tears stream down your face 眼泪滑落你的脸庞 When you lose something you cannot replace 当失去不可替代的珍物 Tears stream down your face 眼泪滑落你的脸庞 And I 我也伤心哭泣 Tears stream down your face 眼泪滑落你的脸庞 I promise you I will learn from my mistakes 我向你允诺我将吸取教训 Tears stream down your face 眼泪滑落你的脸庞 And I 我也伤心哭泣 Lights will guide you home 那一片光会照亮你的归程 And ignite your bones 点燃你的灵魂 And I will try to fix you 我将会全力携扶你




madplay大多数是用来解码工作,而mplayer是一款开源多媒体播放器,以GNU通用公共许可证发布。此款软件可在各主流操作系统使用,例如Linux和其他类Unix系统、Windows及Mac OS X系统。MPlayer建基于命令行界面,在各操作系统也可选择安装不同的图形界面。mplayer的另一个大的特色是广泛的输出设备支持。它可以在X11、Xv、DGA、OpenGL、SVGAlib、fbdev、AAlib、DirectFB下工作,且能使用GGI和SDL和一些低级的硬件相关的驱动模式(比如Matrox、3Dfx和Radeon、Mach64、Permedia3)。MPlayer还支持通过硬件MPEG解码卡显示,如DVB 和DXR3与Hollywood+。MPlayer的开发始于2000年。最初的作者是 Arpad Gereoffy。MPlayer最初的名字叫"MPlayer - The Movie Player for Linux",不过后来开发者们简称其为"MPlayer - The Movie Player",原因是MPlayer已经不仅可以用于Linux而可以在所有平台上运行。

Coldplay的《Amsterdam》 歌词

歌曲名:Amsterdam歌手:Coldplay专辑:Live 2003 CD1AmsterdamColdplayCome on oh my star is fadingAnd I swerve out of controlIf I"d only waitedI"d not be stuck here in this holeCome here, oh my star is fadingAnd I swerve out of controlAnd I swear I waited and waitedI"ve got to get out of this holeBut time is on your sideIt"s on your side nowNot pushing you downAnd all aroundIt"s no cause for concernCome on oh my star is fadingAnd I see no chance of releaseI know I"m dead on the surfaceBut I am screaming underneathAnd time is on your sideIt"s on your side nowNot pushing you downAnd all aroundOh it"s no cause for concernStuck on the endOf this ball and chainAnd I"m on my way back down againStood on the edgeTied to the nooseSick to the stomachYou can say what you meanBut it won"t change a thingI"m sick of the secretsStood on the edgeTied to the nooseBut you came along and you cut me looseYou came along and you cut me looseYou came along and you cut me loosehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15977025

Coldplay的《Amsterdam》 歌词

歌曲名:Amsterdam歌手:Coldplay专辑:A Rush Of Blood To The HeadAmsterdamColdplayCome on oh my star is fadingAnd I swerve out of controlIf I"d only waitedI"d not be stuck here in this holeCome here, oh my star is fadingAnd I swerve out of controlAnd I swear I waited and waitedI"ve got to get out of this holeBut time is on your sideIt"s on your side nowNot pushing you downAnd all aroundIt"s no cause for concernCome on oh my star is fadingAnd I see no chance of releaseI know I"m dead on the surfaceBut I am screaming underneathAnd time is on your sideIt"s on your side nowNot pushing you downAnd all aroundOh it"s no cause for concernStuck on the endOf this ball and chainAnd I"m on my way back down againStood on the edgeTied to the nooseSick to the stomachYou can say what you meanBut it won"t change a thingI"m sick of the secretsStood on the edgeTied to the nooseBut you came along and you cut me looseYou came along and you cut me looseYou came along and you cut me loosehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7367661

关于coldplay主唱 Chris Martin



Coldplay是属于英伦摇滚,那我给你大致介绍一些英伦摇滚吧~ blur《Country house》,《Charmless man》,《Song 2》,《Parklife》,《Girls and boys》,《On your own》,《For tomorrow》,《To the end》,《This is a low》,《Tender》,《Ambulance》,《Crazy beat》...九十年代初的英伦代表乐队之一,曲风比较欢快~Gorillaz《Re-Hash》,《5/4 (Five four)》,《Tomorrow comes today》,《M1 A1》,《PUNK》,《Rock the house》,《Clint Eastwood》,《19-2000》,《Feel good inc》,《Dare》,《Dirty Harry》,《Demon days》,《Hong Kong》...blur主唱组建的虚拟乐队,曲风十分多变,近几年比较红的一支乐队,特别推荐那首《香港》,古筝伴奏的可是中国女孩噢~Heaven《Change direction》,《Have no fear》,《The first time》,《Don"t say a word》,《Getaway》...在酷玩掀起一阵新的英伦潮里出现的一支乐队,感觉风格比较清新,十分不错~I Am Kloot《No direction home》,《Gods and monsters》,《An ordinary girl》,《The stars look familiar 》,《Stand and give》,《Avenue of hope》,《I believe》...比较年轻的英伦乐队,也比较冷门,比较小众,但歌曲很有味道!Oasis《Rock N" Roll star》,《Live forever》,《Cigarettes & alcohol》,《Wonderwall》,《Talk tonight》,《Supersonic》,《Don"t look back in anger》,《D"You know what I mean?》,《Be here now》,《Let there be love》,《Stop crying your heart out》,《Don"t go away》,《Stand by me》...九十年代英伦代表乐队,至今活跃,当年同blur的骂战也是一大话题!PULP《Mis - Shapes》,《Common people》,《I spy》,《This is hardcore》,《F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E》,《Something changed》...果酱乐队绝对是一支很性格的乐队,其主唱本身就是一个性情中人!Radiohead《Creep》,《Let down》,《Fake plastic trees》,《No surprises》,《Paranoid android》,《Just》,《The tourist》,《Airbag》,《There there》...九十年代英伦大潮绝对领军乐队!同样歌也是最另类的,至少我是这么觉得的,他们的CD十分难找,所以对他们并不十分了解......《Creep》这首歌被翻唱过无数次,他们的《OK Computer》专辑则是最经典的!Stereophonics《Vegas two times》,《Step on my old size nines》,《Have a nice day》,《Everyday I think of money》,《Caravan holiday》,《Rooftop》,《Superman》,《Doorman》,《Brother》,《Dakota》,《Girl》,《Deadhead》...同样是一支英伦乐队,来自威尔士,大多数歌曲风格都是比较火爆的!Suede《Beautiful ones》,《Metal mickey》,《So young》,《Obsessions》,《Filmstar》,《Stay together》,《Lazy》,《She"s in fashion》,《Attitude》,《We are the pigs》,《Positivity》,《The wild ones》,《New generation》,《The 2 of us》,《Still life》...英伦摇滚大潮的代表乐队之一,主唱Brett Anderson的妖娆让人印像深刻!Supergrass《Caught by the fuzz》,《Pumping on your stereo》,《Alright》,《Richard III》,《Grace》,《Late in the day》,《Mansize rooster》,《Lenny》,《It"s not me》,《Wait for the sun》...劲草,同样是九十年代初英伦大潮的涌现出来的大批乐队之一,虽然风头不及那些超大牌,但还是非常有自身特色的,歌曲比较热闹!The Good, The Bad & The Queen《History song》,《80"s life》,《Kingdom of doom》,《Herculean》,《The bunting song》,《Nature springs》,《Green fields》,《The good, the bad & the queen》...blur主唱Damon Albran所在的另一支乐队,风格同blur,Gorillaz有些区别,也比较冷门,但歌确实不错!The Verve《Bitter sweet symphony》,《Sonnet》,《The rolling people》,《The Drugs don"t walk》,《Weeping willow》,《Lucky man》,《One day》,《Velvet morning》,《Come on》,《Blue》...同样是九十年代英伦大潮中的一支乐队,虽然风头没几支超级大牌强,但这支乐队的强悍是毋庸置疑的!都是一些英伦摇滚乐队,比较具有代表性,希望喜欢!

求hymn for the weekend-Coldplay MP3百度云下载链接


如何评价Coldplay 的Hymn for the weekend


求coldplay的一首歌的资源,名字是Hymn for the weekend. 以及


如何评价Coldplay 的Hymn for the weekend

开场是经典Viva La Vida!到了后面表演了新单金坷垃Aderventure of the Lifetime唱了一半火星强行插入,紧接着就是Bee姐大象腿带来的甩臀舞,好像有那么一小下没站牢!最后三人大合唱之后舞台还给我山芋u263aufe0f然后就开始一段回顾了很多明星的表演(怎么说?)yellow也唱了两句真是激动的要死.....但是公正的角度来说,的确没去年好。1、首先中场秀选在了白天,舞台效果一般。上次这么干的是迈克杰克逊......总之不太清楚美国佬中场秀时间的选择2、酷玩风头被抢我很伤心,这也不能怪B姐和火星,美帝总不能让一个英国乐队占据这15分钟吧?中间毕竟有天后Bee和火星撑场。3、视觉效果和编排没有上一届好,可能因为我是狸屎的原因吧,习惯了狸的花里花哨的装扮和排舞,这三人比较两男一女也不会搞出什么high的花样....4、山芋一直弯着腰,这是他的习惯 但是这样站在火星 火星旁边真的shame on me now23333335、唱跳技术活,山芋连续这样唱下来到了paradise开始声音发虚。毕竟快逼近四十的人了,看着心也特疼。6、最后一个大大大大遗憾,Bee姐都在干嘛不合唱周末赞歌Hymn for the Weekend!最后想了一下可能是编排的原因这首歌不行吧 他俩合唱了火星咋办!总之不管火星和Bee姐姐抢了我玩多少风头,只要我玩回春就好超级碗中场秀是多少明星抢破头皮才能上啊!都是0报酬 包括去年的水果姐,仿佛free perform已经成了公约了超级碗效应Itunes和Spotify暴涨所有经典歌曲全部诈尸


Paradise when she was just a girl she expected the world but it flew away from her reach so she ran away in her sleep dreamed of paradise

求coldplay(酷玩乐队) - A Rush Of Blood To The Head 歌词翻译

分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: A Rush Of Blood To The HeadI said I′m gonna buy this place and burn it downyeah, I′m gonna put it six feet undergroundI′m gonna buy this place and see it burndo back the things it did to you in returnI′m gonna buy this place and start a fireyeah, I′m gonna fulfill all of your hearts desireI′m gonna buy this place if you stick aroundyeah, I′m gonna buy this place and burn it downcause honeyall the movements are starting to makesee them crumble before my faceand I know the mistakes that I madesee it all disappear without a traceand they call as they beckon you on[they say start if you need to go on]so I′m gonna buy this place and watch it gooh stand here beside me baby, watch the orange growoh I′m gonna buy this place and stick aroundoh sit here and watch as each wall es downI′m gonna buy a gun and start a waroh if you can tell me something worth fighting foroh I′m gonna buy this place if you stick aroundyeah I′m gonna buy this place and burn it downburn it downcause honeyall the movements are starting to makesee them crumble before my faceand I know the mistakes that I madesee it all disappear without a traceand they call as they beckon you on[they say start as you need to go on]so meet me by the bridgemeet me by the lanewhen am I gonna see your pretty face againoh meet me on the roadoh meet me on the groundscause we′re gonna buy this place and we′re gonna burn it down 解析: 哈哈coldplay,我最喜欢的那首yellow要翻译么? 这首歌也不错,帮你翻译一下,有没有追加分数阿,呵呵 萧饮寒A Rush Of Blood To The Head 涌上头来的鲜血 萧饮寒译 I said I′m gonna buy this place and burn it down 我说过 我要买下这里烧了它 yeah, I′m gonna put it six feet underground 是的,我要把它埋到六英尺地下 I′m gonna buy this place and see it burn 我要买下这里,看着它焚烧 do back the things it did to you in return 我要做这些事情回报你 I′m gonna buy this place and start a fire 我要买下这里,点起一把火 yeah, I′m gonna fulfill all of your hearts desire 是的,我要实现你所有心中的愿望 I′m gonna buy this place if you stick around 我要买下这里,如果你还在此逗留 yeah, I′m gonna buy this place and burn it down 是的,我要买下这里烧了它 cause honey 因为亲爱的 all the movements are starting to make 所有的变化已经开始 see them crumble before my face 就在我面前看着他们崩溃 and I know the mistakes that I made 我知道我曾犯下的错误 see it all disappear without a trace 我要看着它们无声无息地消失 and they call as they beckon you on 它们在呼唤你 召唤你 [they say start if you need to go on] 你需要继续前进 它们就说开始 so I′m gonna buy this place and watch it go 所以我要买下这里 看着它消失 oh stand here beside me baby, watch the orange grow 亲爱的站在我身边 看看这橙色的火焰 oh I′m gonna buy this place and stick around 哦 我要买下这里 在此逗留 oh sit here and watch as each wall es down 坐在这里 看着每一堵墙崩塌 I′m gonna buy a gun and start a war 我要买一把枪开始战争 oh if you can tell me something worth fighting for 如果你能告诉我什么事情值得争取 oh I′m gonna buy this place if you stick around 我要买下这里如果你还在逗留 yeah I′m gonna buy this place and burn it down 是的我要买下这里烧了它 burn it down 烧了它 cause honey 因为亲爱的 all the movements are starting to make 所有的变化已经开始 see them crumble before my face 就在我面前看着他们崩溃 and I know the mistakes that I made 我知道我曾犯下的错误 see it all disappear without a trace 我要看着它们无声无息地消失 and they call as they beckon you on 它们在呼唤你 召唤你 [they say start if you need to go on] 你需要继续前进 它们就说开始 so meet me by the bridge 在桥边等我 meet me by the lane 在路边等我 when am I gonna see your pretty face again 我想在见到你那美丽的脸 oh meet me on the road 哦在路上等我 oh meet me on the grounds 哦在地上等我 cause we′re gonna buy this place and we′re gonna burn it down 因为我们要买下这里我们要烧了它


cars and planes意思是“汽车和飞机”。注意: cars是car(小汽车)的复数形式,planes是plane(飞机)的复数形式。



coldplay -------------up in flames中文歌词


我的世界flans modplus是什么mod

Flan mod plus是一个修改了大量flan原本的bug的一个修复性flan,并增加了大量的特性,如增加了与Mcheil的兼容性,两个mod之间的载具能够互相攻击,增加了击中标记,并且为载具增加了手刹的功能(终于不用蛋疼的按后退来刹车了),飞机与方块相撞时,不会再破坏地形而是直接飞机爆炸,等等 ----摘自mcbbs详细内容请看mcbbs原贴链接:ht tp://www.mc bbs.net/thread-496411-1-1.html(空格手动删除~)望采纳~

Coldplay的《Daylight》 歌词

歌曲名:Daylight歌手:Coldplay专辑:A Rush Of Blood To The HeadColdplay - DaylightTo my surpriseOn my daylightI saw sunriseI saw sunlightI am nothingIn the darkAnd the clouds burstTo show the daylightOoh in the sunshineYeah on a starry nightOoh when I realiseOoh couldn"t live withoutOoh could i part withoutYeahOn a hilltopOn a sky riseLike a firstbornChildOn the full dayOn the full flightTo feel darknessIn the daylightDaylightSlowly breaking through the daylight... (x22)~~END~~http://music.baidu.com/song/7367651


look good play good we are deuce看起来很好,发挥好我们平手【百度翻译机翻译 】


这首歌曲是《slumber party》演唱:Ashnikko/Princess Nokia歌词:She looks like the type to break itMe and your girlfriend playing dress up at my houseI gave your girlfriend cunnilingus on my couchShe cute kawaii hentai boobies that excites meI think she really likes me ask politely can I


ENC格式是使用“Encore”软件制作的文件。可以使用Adobe Encore打开。Adobe Encore 过去曾作为一款完全独立的软件存在,但从 CS3 开始,Adobe 将其划归 Premiere Pro 的附属组件,因为取消了 Premiere Pro 2.0 时代的 DVD 编码、设计与刻录集成,Encore 已成为 Premiere 必不可少的一个输出组件,但其更为专业与完善的设计功能,相对更独立的架构,又使其仍可以单独运行。Encore 更像一款为了 Premiere Pro 最终出版视频产品的打包终端,其支持硬件刻录的功能有着明显的物理意义特性。这也是目前为止,它与 Media Encoder 的一个很明显的区别。enc的文件又叫“重演文件”说白了就是midi类的 或者DVD等编译的媒体文件好像很多乐谱文件就是.enc的打开的话可以用“Adobe Encore”这类软件 或者用乐谱播放软件 甚至插件齐全的Winamp试试 大概可以直接播放好像个别病毒文件也用这类扩展名 打开前最好杀毒试试。搜索中输入SecSeal,在搜索结果中找到下载链接。下载后双击安装包,进入安装程序。选择安装路径后进入安装,等待自动安装完毕。然后打开SecSeal安全阅览器,点击左上角的“打开”按钮。点击选择edc文件即可打开。


当然是真正的“国六”国家标准。见以下国家标准简介及中华人民共和国环境保护部标准发布的公告。GB 18352.6-2016《轻型汽车污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第六阶段)》本标准规定了装用点燃式发动机的轻型汽车,在常温和低温下排气污染物、实际行驶排放(RDE)排气污染物、曲轴箱污染物、蒸发污染物、加油过程污染物的排放限值及测量方法,污染控制装置耐久性、车载诊断(OBD)系统的技术要求及测量方法。 本标准规定了装用压燃式发动机的轻型汽车,在常温和低温下排气污染物、实际行驶排放(RDE)排气污染物、曲轴箱污染物的排放限值及测量方法,污染控制装置耐久性、车载诊断(OBD)系统的技术要求及测量方法。 本标准规定了轻型汽气型式检验的要求和确认,生产一致性和在用符合性的检查与判定方法。 本标准也规定了燃用液化石油气(LPG)或天然气(NG)轻型汽车的特殊要求。 本标准也规定了作为独立技术总成、拟安装在轻型汽车上的替代用污染控制装置,在污染物排放方面的的型式检验规程。 本标准也规定了排气后处理系统使用反应剂的汽车的技术要求,以及装用周期性再生系统汽车的排放试验规程。 本标准适用于以点燃式发动机或压燃式发动机为动力、最大设计车速大于或等于50km/h的轻型汽车(包括混合动力电动汽车)。 在生产企业的要求下,最大设计总质量超过3500kgR M1、M2、N1和N2类汽车可按本标准进行型式检验。


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