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2023-06-20 06:28:40
TAG: cars dpl planes

cars and planes意思是“汽车和飞机”。

注意: cars是car(小汽车)的复数形式,planes是plane(飞机)的复数形式。



英文错了,compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome
2023-06-20 01:46:494


2023-06-20 01:47:012


英 [kɑ:z] 美 [kɑ:rz]n. 汽车;车辆例句: We pay top prices for used cars.
2023-06-20 01:47:091


2023-06-20 01:47:172


2023-06-20 01:47:434


2023-06-20 01:47:516


2023-06-20 01:48:073

car 和 cars 有什么区别?希望英语流利的进来帮回答一下谢谢。

主要从事汽车零部件的生产 XX is specialized in production of auto parts. XX is mainly engaged in production of auto parts. 都可以! Mainly engaged in 的说法错误,前面必须得有 be 动词
2023-06-20 01:48:496


2023-06-20 01:49:054


2023-06-20 01:49:315


cars 在 <医学专业词典> 中的 解释:[=canadian arthritis and rheumatism society]加拿大关节炎与风湿病学会[=cancer aftercare and rehabilitation society]癌症术后医疗康复学会[=causative agent of rat sialoadenitis]大鼠涎腺炎病原体[=childhool autism rating scale]儿童孤癖评定量表[=children"s affective rating scale]儿童情感评定量表
2023-06-20 01:49:472


什么是CARS评估(儿童孤独症评估)?卡氏儿童孤独症评定量表(CARS)是由15项内容组成,由检者使用的评定量表。本量表每项按1~4级评分,由有经验的医师根据总分进行评估。一、人际关系1分,与年龄相当;与年龄相符的害羞、自卫及表示不同意。2分,轻度异常:缺乏一些眼光接触,不愿意,回避,过分害羞,对检查者反应有轻度缺陷。3分,中度异常:回避人,要使劲打扰他才能得到反应。4分,严重异常:强烈地回避,儿童对检查者很少反应,只有检查者强烈地干扰,才能产生反应。二、模仿(词和动作)1分,与年龄相当:与年龄相符的模仿。2分,轻度异常:大部分时间都模仿,有时激动,有时延缓。3分,中度异常:在检查者极大的要求下有时模仿。4分,重度异常:很少用语言或运动模仿他人。三、情感反应1分,与年龄相当:与年龄、情境相适应的情感反应--愉快不愉快,以及兴趣,通过面部表情姿势的变化来表达。2分,轻度异常:对不同的情感刺激有些缺乏相应的反应,情感可能受限或过份。3分,中度异常:不适当的情感的示意,反应相当受限或过份,或往往与刺激无关。4分,严重异常:极刻板的情感反应,对检查者坚持改变的情境很少产生适当的反应。四、躯体运用能力1分,与年龄相当:与年龄相适应的利用和意识。2分,轻度异常:躯体运用方面有点特殊--某些刻板运动,笨拙,缺乏协调性。3分,中度异常:有中度特殊的手指或身体姿势功能失调的征象,摇动旋转,手指摆动,脚尖走。4分,重度异常:如上述所描述的严重而广泛地发生。五、与非生命物体的关系1分,与年龄相当:适合年龄的兴趣运用和探索。2分,轻度异常:轻度的对东西缺乏或不适当地使用物体,象婴儿一样咬东西,猛敲东西,或者迷恋于物体发出的吱吱叫声或不停地开灯、关灯。3分,中度异常:对多数物体缺乏兴趣或表现有些特别,如重复转动某件物体,反复用手指尖捏起东西,旋转轮子或对某部分着迷。4分,严重异常:严重的对物体的不适当的兴趣,使用和探究,如上边发生的情况频繁的发生,很难使儿童分心。六、对环境变化的适应1分,与年龄相当:对改变产生与年龄相适应的反应。2分,轻度异常:对环境改变产生某些反应,倾向维持某一物体活动或坚持相同的反应形式。3分,中度异常:对环境改变出现烦躁、沮丧的征象,当干扰他时很难被吸引过来。4分,严重异常:对改变产生严重的反应,假如坚持把环境的变化强加给他,儿童可能逃跑。七、视觉反应1分,与年龄相当:适合年龄的视觉反应,与其他感觉系统是整合方式。2分,轻度异常:有时必须提醒儿童去注意物体,有时全神贯注于"镜象",有的回避眼光接触,有的凝视空间,有的着迷于灯光。3分,中度异常:经常要提醒他们正在干什么,喜欢观看光亮的物体,即使强迫他,也只有很少的眼光接触,盯着看人,或凝视空间。4分,重度异常:对物体和人的广泛严重的视觉回避,着迷于使用"余光"。八、听觉反应1分,与年龄相当:适合年龄的听觉反应。2分,轻度异常:对听觉刺激或某些特殊声音缺乏一些反应,反应可能延迟,有时必须重复声音刺激,有时对大的声音敏感,或对此声音分心。3分,中度异常:对听觉不构成反应,或必须重复数次刺激才产生反应,或对某些声音敏感(如很容易受惊,捂上耳朵等)。4分,重度异常:对声音全面回避,对声音类型不加注意或极度敏感。九、近处感觉反应1分,与年龄相当:对疼痛产生适当强度的反应,正常触觉和嗅觉。2分,轻度异常:对疼痛或轻度触碰,气味、味道等有点缺乏适当的反应,有时出现一些婴儿吸吮物体的表现。3分,中度异常:对疼痛或意外伤害缺乏反应,比较集中于触觉、嗅觉、味觉。4分,严重异常:过度的集中于触觉的探究感觉而不是功能的作用(吸吮、舔或磨擦),完全忽视疼痛或过分地作出反应。十、焦虑反应1分,与年龄相当:对情境产生与年龄相适应的反应,并且反应无延长。2分,轻度异常:轻度焦虑反应。3分,中度异常:中度焦虑反应。4分,严重异常:严重的焦虑反应,可能儿童在会见的一段时间内不能坐下,或很害怕,或退缩等。十一、语言交流1分,与年龄相当:适合年龄的语言。2分,轻度异常:语言迟钝,多数语言有意义,但有一点模仿语言。3分,中度异常:缺乏语言或有意义的语言与不适当的语言相混淆(模仿言语或莫名其妙的话)。4分,严重异常: 严重的不正常言语,实质上缺乏可理解的语言或运用特殊的离奇的语言。十二、非语言交流1分,与年龄相当:与年龄相符的非语言性交流。2分,轻度异常:非语言交流迟钝,交往仅为简单的或含糊的反应,如指出或去取他想要的东西。3分,中度异常:缺乏非语言交往,儿童不会利用或对非语言的交往作出反应。4分,严重异常:特别古怪的和不可理解的非语言的交往。十三、活动很大1分,与年龄相当:正常活动水平--不多动亦不少动。2分,轻度异常:轻度不安静或有轻度活动缓慢,但一般可控制。3分,中度异常:活动相当多,并且控制其活动量有困难,或者相当不活动或运动缓慢,检查者很频繁地控制或以极大努力才能得到反应。4分,严重异常:极不正常的活动水平,要么是不停,要么是冷淡的,很难得到儿童对任何事件的反应,差不多不断地需要大人控制。十四、智力功能1分,与年龄相当:正常智力功能--无迟钝的证据。2分,轻度异常:轻度智力低下--技能低下表现在各个领域。3分,中度异常:中度智力低下--某些技能明显迟钝,其他的接近年龄水平。4分,严重异常:智力功能严重障碍--某些技能表现迟钝,另外一些在年龄水平以上或不寻常。十五、总的印象1分,与年龄相当:不是孤独症。2分,轻度异常:轻微的或轻度孤独症。3分,中度异常:孤独症的中度征象。4分,严重异常:非常多的孤独症征象。用法指南:本测评表包含了15项内容,根据每项内容相关的行为表现来对孩子进行评估,选择最接近孩子的选项。每项内容对于正常孩子是1分,最严重的是4分(所以最低15分,最高60分),如果孩子的表现处于两个选项之间,可以用半分来表达,比如1.5、2.5或者3.5。根据最后相加得到的分数进行测评。15-30分:不是自闭症30-36分:轻微或中度自闭症36-60分:重度自闭症
2023-06-20 01:49:571


2023-06-20 01:50:051


2023-06-20 01:50:141


car[英][kɑ:(r)][美][kɑr]n.汽车; 车厢; 轿车; 复数:cars易混淆单词:CARCaRCar例句:1.How many days do you rent this car? 这辆车你要租几天?2.May we leave our car here? 我们可以把车停在这儿吗?
2023-06-20 01:50:244


1. 要写一篇英语作文怎么写 Cars are ing into our life More and more people have cars now. The streets are busier and busier than before because more and more people drive cars to work. Life has bee easier and more colorful with the help of cars. People needn"t go to work or travel in the crowded buses. They can drive to work or to travel. People can even enjoy themselves in their cars, eating what they like or watch their favorite films while driving. People can reach as soon as possible. So it is a good way to have a car. With the cars" prices going down, a large number of families buy cars. So we can say cars are ing into our life. 我自己写的,看看合意吗 2. cars(英语作文100单词左右,根据提示写,谢谢 Nowadays, the issue of whether private cars should be allowed has been brought into public concern. I think, Chinese people should be allowed to have their own cars if necessary, for example, when they need one to go frequently from one place to a far another. If I were to have enough money at hand, I won"t buy my private car, and I would like to use public transportations, as they are both cheap and environmentally friendly. Owning a car of one"s own means adding more pollution to the environment, therefore , the government should encourage its people to use public transport instead of buying cars of their own. 3. 急 你好!找了一篇有关的文章,可以借鉴参考一下,希望对你有帮助! Both bicycles and cars are important to all transportation. They are similar to each other, but they do have many different parts. As we know, bicycles slowly while cars run quickly. Sometimes, speed is necessary, but it may also mean dangerous. Bikes need human power and cars driven by gasoline. Bikes can be put on most anywhere but cars need a garage. Most Chinese like bikes, especially when they don"t live far away from where they work. A bike doesn"t cost too much. It brings us so much convenience. What"s more, it doesn"t make any pollution. That"s why I like bikes. 4. 以private cars in China 为题,写一篇作文 private cars in China(这篇可以参考:)~~ In China, more and more people own private cars. It is said that in Guangzhou there are more than four hundred thousand cars. It"s because the economy is expanding rapidly and therefore the family ine goes up year by year. People want to enjoy a more fortable life and earn certain social status. Private cars are one of their choices. There is no doubt that private cars make us travel faster and farther, but they do have caused some problems. For example, they emit too much exhaust fumes and thus pollute the air. This causes further problems. The old people especially suffer a lot from it. Private cars also contribute greatly to the increase of traffic jams and accidents. If the speed of road construction can not keep up with the quickly growing numbers of the cars, the road will be crowded seriously as time goes on. How can we solve these problems? First, we can improve the qualities of the cars so that they produce less *** okes and noises when running. Second, we should plant more trees and grass all over the cities to freshen the air. Lastly, we can build rings roads around cities so that they will less pollute the downtown areas. In short, we will do what we can to solve the problems brought by private cars and protect our living environment. 5. 用英语写关于汽车好处与坏处的作文 Advantages and disadvantages of cars With the fantastic spur both in industry and in economy in China, the number of people who own private cars is on the rise. Some people have bought cars of their own, and others are planning to buy cars. But there have been o quite different views on this phenomenon.Some claim that there are many advantages brought about by cars. First, the automobile industry provides jobs for countless workers and strong support for other industries. Second, if conditions permit, owning a car can make us work more efficiently. Finally, life will bee more convenient. A car allows one to move freely and with a car there is no need to wait for the bus in the cold or under the burning sun. However, others strongly object to the increase in developing private cars. They hold that automobiles will give rise to a series of problems. In the first place, as more and more cars are produced and run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere and causing actual harm to the health of people. Next, private cars contribute to traffic congestion so greatly that the advantages gained in fort and freedom are often cancelled out by the frustration caused by traffic jams. The last problem is the increasing number of car accidents that have killed and will kill a lot of people in a friction of a second.In my opinion, although automobiles have been playing a vital part in the daily activities of our society, they also bring us numerous troubles such as more serious environmental pollution, more traffic accidents and more energy consumption. They drink up huge amounts of fuel and throw out huge amounts of pollutants. Traffic accidents kill thousands and thousands of people each year and cripple more. Jams waste our precious time. Therefore I am against developing private cars. 6. stop riding in cars写一篇八十字英语作文带翻译 城市居民燃烧煤炭等化学燃料产生的烟气,各类工矿企业排放的废气,汽车等机动车辆放出的尾气,都是大气污染物的主要来源。 Urban residents in bustion flue gas generated coal chemical fuel, exhaust gas of various industrial and mining enterprises emissions, exhaust gas released automobile and other motor vehicles, are a major source of atmospheric pollutants.大气污染物的种类很多,环境专家已经测出有害人体健康的挥发有机物就有260多种;其中5种污染物的影响范围最广,威胁最大,它们是悬浮颗粒物、硫氧化合物、一氧化碳、二氧化碳和氮氧化合物。Many kinds of air pollutants, environmental experts have detected volatile anic poundsharmful to human health will have 260 kinds of influence scope; among them 5 kinds of pollutants the most wide, the greatest threat, they are suspended particles, sulfur oxides,carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide pounds.大量排放污染物的结果,大气成分越来越复杂,尽管同大气的主要成分氮、氧相比污染物的浓度少得可怜,常在十万分之一以下,但是它们对环境造成的影响,特别是给人类健康和生物生长带来的危害,却是十分严重的。 A large number of emissions of pollutants results, the position of the atmosphere more and more plex, although the main ponents of the same atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen concentration of pollutants than less poor, often below 1/100000, but the impact they have on the environment, especially the growth brings harm to human health and biological,are very serious.根据全球大气污染监测系统最近提供的数据,占世界城市人口差不多一半的居民(约9亿人)不得不在二氧化硫的浓度只能勉强接受或难以接受的大气条件下生活;有约60%的城市人口(共10亿多),生活在烟雾和灰尘等悬浮颗粒物浓度超过规定标准的环境中;大多数国家城市空气中一氧化碳的含量,经常超过世界卫生组织规定的标准。According to the global atmospheric pollution monitoring system recently available data,accounting for almost half of the world population of urban residents (about 900000000 people) had in the concentration of sulfur dioxide only marginally acceptable or unacceptableunder atmospheric conditions of life; about 60% of the urban population (10 million), living in the *** oke and dust and other suspended particles concentration exceeds the environmental regulations standard; content of carbon monoxide in most cities in the air, often exceeds thestandards set by the world health anization.全世界每天有800人因呼吸受污染的空气而早亡,每年有300多万人死于主要由环境污染——包括大气污染引发的癌症。 The day the world has 800 people affected by pollution from air to breathe and early death,about 3000000 people died in the main by the environmental pollution -- including theatmospheric pollution caused by the cancer every year.大气污染也使农业大受其害:作物枯萎,粮食减产,家畜中毒,渔业衰落,土壤变质,森林死亡。Air pollution also make great harm: the blight of agriculture, food production, poisoning of livestock, fisheries decline, soil deterioration, the forest of death.大气污染还使人们在经济上付出高昂代价。 在美国,仅仅为了消除大气烟尘所造成的污染,一年中用于建筑物重新粉刷所需的费用就高达1亿美元,洗涤纤维品的费用为8亿美元,洗车费用2.4亿美元。想想看,这还是大气污染造成的间接损失,一个美国便这么多,全世界加在一起该有多少啊!Air pollution also makes people pay a high price in the economy. In the United States, only in order to eliminate the pollution caused by the atmospheric dust, for buildings requiredrepainting costs up to $100000000 a year, washing fiber product costs $800000000, car cost$240000000. Think about it, this is the indirect losses caused by air pollution, a USA is so much, the rest of the world put together how much ah!——大气已经变成了“废气垃圾箱”。 这个“废气垃圾箱”无异于打开了的“潘多拉的盒子”,不时窜出一只只杀人不见血的恶魔。-- the atmosphere has bee "waste bins". This "waste bins" would open up a "Pandora"s box", from time to time out only kill without spilling blood demon.。 7. 写一篇初三英语作文advantages and disadvantage of cars As technology is getting more and more advanced and people are living better and better, cars have been an important tool. It makes peopel living a more onvenient way. When they want to go some place, it"s easy for them. However, cars also bring problem to people.The gas from them pollute the air and is making people living in a polluted environment. 8. 以prooblems caused by private cars为写一篇80字作文 with increasing nubmer of private cars, not only the quality of our air bees worse, but also traffic jam and accidents have been increasing these days. More and more people bee ill due to air pollution and a variety of people lose their lives because of traffic accidents. Besides, drivers who don"t obey traffic rules often drive cars after drinking. Because of this, both drive"s family and victims family suffer a lot. By the way, not "prooblem", it should be "problem".。
2023-06-20 01:50:401


2023-06-20 01:50:481


2023-06-20 01:51:234


2023-06-20 01:51:311


2023-06-20 01:52:071


2023-06-20 01:52:141

vehicles 与cars的区别

vehicles 简单点说就是一类装备,极有可能有几个轮子或者滑动装置用于移动的箱体机械设备,较为泛指cars,一般默认为具有一定功能的运输车辆
2023-06-20 01:52:231


原则上只要不重复即可,没有固定的要求,以下示例,供参考:如2012年TS的第一次审核共开了3个不符合项:TSNS2012-01- CAR01、TSNS2012-01- CAR02、TSNS2012-01- CAR03、其中TSNS表示TS内审2012代表实施的年份、-01代表组织的第一次CAR代表不符合项,CAR后面的01、02、03 分别为流水码,代表在本次内审中开了的第一个、第二个、第三个不符合项
2023-06-20 01:52:311


2023-06-20 01:52:564


2023-06-20 01:53:065


cars和cakes发音不相同cars英 [kɑːz] 美 [kɑrz] n.小汽车cakes英 [keɪks] 美 [keɪks] n.糕饼;蛋糕;饼状食物;饼v.覆盖
2023-06-20 01:53:331

Cars have four wheels(这样表达对吗,还是a car?)

2023-06-20 01:53:406


2023-06-20 01:53:541


2023-06-20 01:54:011


2023-06-20 01:54:097

是five sports cars还是five sport cars详细点谢谢鸭

2023-06-20 01:54:231

英语作文about cars

Nowadays more and more families own private cars. Private cars, as the product of modem civilization, have been playing a vital role in people"s daily activities. First, private cars are a convenient means of transportation. You can go wherever you like. Secondly, there is no doubt that private cars will have a great impact on the economic growth. The rapid car industry growth will contribute much to keeping the country"s economy growing at a higher rate in the near futrue. But every coin has two sides. The development of the private cars will bring about a series of problems. For example, the polluted air given off by cars will do great harm to our health, too many private cars will lead to traffic jams and a great deal of energy will be wasted and so on. So I think we should take advantages of private cars and make them serve us better. Meantime we hope that satisfactory solutions to these negative problems will be found soon.
2023-06-20 01:54:321


test sports cars 测试跑车。
2023-06-20 01:54:391


汽车总动员Cars 双语对照 汽车总动员名沃尔特迪斯尼(Walt Disney)2006年出品的卡通大片,英文名Cars,主角是一辆名叫“闪电小子”(Levin)的超级改装赛车
2023-06-20 01:54:471


2023-06-20 01:54:541


cars abbr. cable relay stations 电缆继电器站; n. 车辆; 汽车( car的名词复数 ); (火车) 车厢; [英国方言]任何有轮的车(如运货马车、农用马车); [网络] 汽车总动员; 赛车总动员; 儿童孤独症评定量表;
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car的复数: cars; car n.小汽车;轿车;火车车厢;(某种类型的)火车车厢; 例句: Our cars are the equal of those produced anywhere in the world. 我们的汽车可与世界上任何地方生产的汽车媲美。 扩展资料   Cars have become an indispensable part of our lives.   汽车已成了我们生活中必不可少的"一部分。   There is room for no more than three cars.   这地方只能停放三辆车。   It is one of the safest cars in the world.   这是世界上最安全的车型之一。   The proportion of small cars on America"s roads is increasing.   美国公路上小汽车的比例在逐渐增加。   The road was so narrow that cars were unable to pass.   道路太窄,汽车无法通过。
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2023-06-20 01:56:022


需要。什么是CARS评估(儿童孤独症评估)?卡氏儿童孤独症评定量表(CARS)是由15项内容组成,由检者使用的评定量表。本量表每项按1~4级评分,由有经验的医师根据总分进行评估。一、人际关系1分,与年龄相当;与年龄相符的害羞、自卫及表示不同意。2分,轻度异常:缺乏一些眼光接触,不愿意,回避,过分害羞,对检查者反应有轻度缺陷。3分,中度异常:回避人,要使劲打扰他才能得到反应。4分,严重异常:强烈地回避,儿童对检查者很少反应,只有检查者强烈地干扰,才能产生反应。二、模仿(词和动作)1分,与年龄相当:与年龄相符的模仿。2分,轻度异常:大部分时间都模仿,有时激动,有时延缓。3分,中度异常:在检查者极大的要求下有时模仿。4分,重度异常:很少用语言或运动模仿他人。三、情感反应1分,与年龄相当:与年龄、情境相适应的情感反应--愉快不愉快,以及兴趣,通过面部表情姿势的变化来表达。2分,轻度异常:对不同的情感刺激有些缺乏相应的反应,情感可能受限或过份。3分,中度异常:不适当的情感的示意,反应相当受限或过份,或往往与刺激无关。4分,严重异常:极刻板的情感反应,对检查者坚持改变的情境很少产生适当的反应。四、躯体运用能力1分,与年龄相当:与年龄相适应的利用和意识。2分,轻度异常:躯体运用方面有点特殊--某些刻板运动,笨拙,缺乏协调性。3分,中度异常:有中度特殊的手指或身体姿势功能失调的征象,摇动旋转,手指摆动,脚尖走。4分,重度异常:如上述所描述的严重而广泛地发生。五、与非生命物体的关系1分,与年龄相当:适合年龄的兴趣运用和探索。2分,轻度异常:轻度的对东西缺乏或不适当地使用物体,象婴儿一样咬东西,猛敲东西,或者迷恋于物体发出的吱吱叫声或不停地开灯、关灯。3分,中度异常:对多数物体缺乏兴趣或表现有些特别,如重复转动某件物体,反复用手指尖捏起东西,旋转轮子或对某部分着迷。4分,严重异常:严重的对物体的不适当的兴趣,使用和探究,如上边发生的情况频繁的发生,很难使儿童分心。六、对环境变化的适应1分,与年龄相当:对改变产生与年龄相适应的反应。2分,轻度异常:对环境改变产生某些反应,倾向维持某一物体活动或坚持相同的反应形式。3分,中度异常:对环境改变出现烦躁、沮丧的征象,当干扰他时很难被吸引过来。4分,严重异常:对改变产生严重的反应,假如坚持把环境的变化强加给他,儿童可能逃跑。七、视觉反应1分,与年龄相当:适合年龄的视觉反应,与其他感觉系统是整合方式。2分,轻度异常:有时必须提醒儿童去注意物体,有时全神贯注于"镜象",有的回避眼光接触,有的凝视空间,有的着迷于灯光。3分,中度异常:经常要提醒他们正在干什么,喜欢观看光亮的物体,即使强迫他,也只有很少的眼光接触,盯着看人,或凝视空间。4分,重度异常:对物体和人的广泛严重的视觉回避,着迷于使用"余光"。八、听觉反应1分,与年龄相当:适合年龄的听觉反应。2分,轻度异常:对听觉刺激或某些特殊声音缺乏一些反应,反应可能延迟,有时必须重复声音刺激,有时对大的声音敏感,或对此声音分心。3分,中度异常:对听觉不构成反应,或必须重复数次刺激才产生反应,或对某些声音敏感(如很容易受惊,捂上耳朵等)。4分,重度异常:对声音全面回避,对声音类型不加注意或极度敏感。九、近处感觉反应1分,与年龄相当:对疼痛产生适当强度的反应,正常触觉和嗅觉。2分,轻度异常:对疼痛或轻度触碰,气味、味道等有点缺乏适当的反应,有时出现一些婴儿吸吮物体的表现。3分,中度异常:对疼痛或意外伤害缺乏反应,比较集中于触觉、嗅觉、味觉。4分,严重异常:过度的集中于触觉的探究感觉而不是功能的作用(吸吮、舔或磨擦),完全忽视疼痛或过分地作出反应。十、焦虑反应1分,与年龄相当:对情境产生与年龄相适应的反应,并且反应无延长。2分,轻度异常:轻度焦虑反应。3分,中度异常:中度焦虑反应。4分,严重异常:严重的焦虑反应,可能儿童在会见的一段时间内不能坐下,或很害怕,或退缩等。十一、语言交流1分,与年龄相当:适合年龄的语言。2分,轻度异常:语言迟钝,多数语言有意义,但有一点模仿语言。3分,中度异常:缺乏语言或有意义的语言与不适当的语言相混淆(模仿言语或莫名其妙的话)。4分,严重异常: 严重的不正常言语,实质上缺乏可理解的语言或运用特殊的离奇的语言。十二、非语言交流1分,与年龄相当:与年龄相符的非语言性交流。2分,轻度异常:非语言交流迟钝,交往仅为简单的或含糊的反应,如指出或去取他想要的东西。3分,中度异常:缺乏非语言交往,儿童不会利用或对非语言的交往作出反应。4分,严重异常:特别古怪的和不可理解的非语言的交往。十三、活动很大1分,与年龄相当:正常活动水平--不多动亦不少动。2分,轻度异常:轻度不安静或有轻度活动缓慢,但一般可控制。3分,中度异常:活动相当多,并且控制其活动量有困难,或者相当不活动或运动缓慢,检查者很频繁地控制或以极大努力才能得到反应。4分,严重异常:极不正常的活动水平,要么是不停,要么是冷淡的,很难得到儿童对任何事件的反应,差不多不断地需要大人控制。十四、智力功能1分,与年龄相当:正常智力功能--无迟钝的证据。2分,轻度异常:轻度智力低下--技能低下表现在各个领域。3分,中度异常:中度智力低下--某些技能明显迟钝,其他的接近年龄水平。4分,严重异常:智力功能严重障碍--某些技能表现迟钝,另外一些在年龄水平以上或不寻常。十五、总的印象1分,与年龄相当:不是孤独症。2分,轻度异常:轻微的或轻度孤独症。3分,中度异常:孤独症的中度征象。4分,严重异常:非常多的孤独症征象。用法指南:本测评表包含了15项内容,根据每项内容相关的行为表现来对孩子进行评估,选择最接近孩子的选项。每项内容对于正常孩子是1分,最严重的是4分(所以最低15分,最高60分),如果孩子的表现处于两个选项之间,可以用半分来表达,比如1.5、2.5或者3.5。根据最后相加得到的分数进行测评。15-30分:不是自闭症30-36分:轻微或中度自闭症36-60分:重度自闭症
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2023-06-20 01:57:244

take a car 和take cars意义上有区别吗?

2023-06-20 01:57:341

Gary Numan的《Cars》 歌词

歌曲名:Cars歌手:Gary Numan专辑:The Skin MechanicCarsfear factoryHere in my carI feel safest of allI can lock all my doorsIt"s the only way to liveIn carsHere in my carI can only receiveI can listen to youIt keeps me stable for daysIn carsHere in my carThe image breaks downWill you visit me pleaseIf I open my doorIn carsHere in my carI know I"ve started to thinkAbout leaving tonightAlthough nothing seems rightIn carsI know I"ve started to thinkI know I"ve started to think
2023-06-20 01:57:411

Cars (Remix) (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Cars (Remix) (Album Version)歌手:Fear Factory专辑:The Best Of Fear FactoryCarsfear factoryHere in my carI feel safest of allI can lock all my doorsIt"s the only way to liveIn carsHere in my carI can only receiveI can listen to youIt keeps me stable for daysIn carsHere in my carThe image breaks downWill you visit me pleaseIf I open my doorIn carsHere in my carI know I"ve started to thinkAbout leaving tonightAlthough nothing seems rightIn carsI know I"ve started to thinkI know I"ve started to think
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