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sb be donated to


all his money has been donated to a charity organization for homeless by he,对吗?

正确的表达是:1)All his money have been donated to a charity organization for homeless by him.或者:2)He has donated all of his money to a charity organization for homeless.

People in poor areas were grateful to those who donated___ their kindness.

donate是及物动词,直接用donate their kindness就行,并且donate后面跟得通常都是钱财之类的东西,非选一个的话,就只能是out of了,这个句子很中文化。

All the books donated by the students from urban schools are said _______

首先你要知道the other day表示过去时间。其次,可以看到前面的donated是过去分词,过去分词表示被动和完成。最后,能够判断出来,书已经捐赠了,而且已经被送到农村的学生手中,用过去完成时态had been sent。be said to do 是被动,表示据说。 加上完成时态,那就是 be said to have been sent(不定式to后用动词原形)

donated blood什么意思

in addition 1000 netizens donated blood immediately 另外1000的网友捐献的血液立即 很高兴为您解答 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问

I wonder why she donated a large sum of money to the university as ...求划分英语成分?

主从复合句,主句I wonder,why引导宾语从句。

We should better use of the money donated by the banker有没有语法错误?
